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Using noun phrases instead of clausesIn academic writing, subject and object nouns (theheadwords) are often 'loaded' with information. Writers do this by adding one or moremodifiersto the headword.Hide exampleIn this example, the headword'inscriptions'has two modifying phrases:'several'and'on the oracle bones':Several inscriptions on the oracle bonesmention sacrifices.Sometimes a very long noun phrase is used. Can you identify the headword in this sentence?The average distance travelled to their 'main' store by the 276 respondents who switched to the new store, fell by 2.25 kms in the pre-intervention period to 0.98 kms in the post-intervention period.Hide answerThe headword is'distance'. Everything else modifies this word, including the additional clause'by the 276 respondents who switched to the new store'.These activities provide practice in using noun phrases instead of clauses, to give your academic writing a more concise and formal style.Activity 1: Rewriting relative clauses as noun phrasesYou are going to practise using noun phrases instead of relative clauses .Writers often use a noun phrase instead of a relative clause, particularly instead of a definingrelative clause.Look at these examples. What different ways of forming a noun phrase do they show?peoplewho are infected with HIV and TB--> people infected with HIV and TB

peoplewho use computers--> computer users

treatmentsthat are based on antibodies--> antibody-based treatments

a part of the coursethat must be completed--> a mandatory part of the course

datathat has been released recently--> newly released data

Show commentChange the following noun + relative clause fragments into noun phrases.1.people who create web pages

Hide answerweb page creators2.research that has been done recently

Hide answerrecent research(N.B.recently-done researchwould be grammatically correct here, but the use of 'done' here would not suit an academic style)3.plants that are grown in this way

Hide answerplants grown in this way4.the fossils that have been newly unearthed

Hide answernewly unearthed fossils5.some of the radio stations that broadcast on shortwave

Hide answersome of the shortwave radio stations6.researchers who know a lot about the subjectHide hintWhat adjective describes someone who knows a lot?

Hide answerknowledgeable researchers7.children who speak two languagesHide hintWhat adjective means 'able to speak two languages'?

Hide answerbilingual children8. a company that is run by the state

Hide answera state-run company9. women who do not have enough iron in their bloodHide hintWhat adjective means'not having enough of something essential'?

Hide answeriron-deficient women10.the research that has been reported here

Hide answerthe research reported hereHide commentOf course, you don't have to change every relative clause into a noun phrase - you need variety in your writing as well. Depending on your current writing style, however, you may be able to make more use of noun phrases from now on.

Activity 2: Rewriting clauses as noun phrasesNoun phrases can replace other types of clause. You are now going to practise transforming sentences so that they contain a noun phrase instead of a clause.Look at the examples in the table below. Compare the two versions of each sentence that is shown: one with a clause and one with a noun phrase.What do you notice about how theword classchanges in the two different versions?Contrasting sentences with clauses and sentences with noun phrases

Sentence with clauseSentence with noun phrase

Researchers have to judgehow valid and reliable the web sites are.Researchers have to judgethe validity and reliability of the web sites.

How the babies moved their limbswas tracked by sensors.The movement of the babies' limbswas tracked by sensors.

Results suggestthat students use the WWW widely.Results suggestwidespread use of the WWW by students.

It is now possibleto mass produce pure human antibodies.The mass production of pure human antibodiesis now possible.

Women have a weaker immune response to allergenswith each successive pregnancy.Women's immune response to allergensweakens with each successive pregnancy.

Hide commentIn many cases a verb, adjective etc in the clause is replaced by its equivalent noun form in the noun phrase. For example:valid, reliable (adj) -->validity, reliability(n)
how ... moved (v)-->the movement(n)
use (v) ... widely (adv) -->widespread(adj)use(n)
mass produce (v) -->the mass production(n)Rewrite the following sentences using noun phrases instead of clauses. Part of each sentence has been given to help you.1. The test aimed to prove how playable the game was.

Hide answerThe test aimed to provethe playability of the game.2. There was a clear pattern to how participants self-assessed their performance.

Hide answerParticipants' self-assessment of their performanceshowed a clear pattern.3. The blades were extremely sharp and this made them highly effective weapons.

Hide answerThe extreme sharpness of the bladesmade them highly effective weapons.4. The map shows where the new areas of forestry are.

Hide hintUse the word'location'in your answer.Hide answerThe map showsthe location of the new areas of forestry.5. This study clearly demonstrates that diet greatly influences toddlers' behaviour.

Hide answerThis study clearly demonstratesthe influence of diet on toddler behaviour.Hide commentAs with relative clauses, you should not try to avoid subordinate clauses altogether - they are a very important part of formal writing - but try to increase your use of noun phrases where possible.

B1 inglese -la parte scritta risulta cos composta:

A:10 frasi da tradurre dallitaliano all inglese (vedi sotto)

B:l lettera o e-mail da 100 a 150 parole

Nb:il tempo a disposizione rimane 1 ora. Non permesso luso di dizionari


1.Vai daccordo con il tuo fratello o litigate spesso?

2.Sono in dieta da un mese e ho gi perso 4 chili.

3.In agosto andr in Grecia. Ho prenotato il volo e lalbergo ieri.

4.Non ti preoccupare. Ti dar una mano, se vuoi.

5.Detesto le persone che non spengono i cellulari quando vanno al cinema.

6.Se mi amassi, mi aiuteresti.

7.A: Sei molto pallido. E successo qualcosa? B: Ho un forte mal di testa.

8.A: Hai letto il nuovo romanzo di Dan Brown? B: Si, lho letto il mese scorso ma mi ha deluso un po.

9.Non devo dimenticare di chiamare Peter domani. E il suo compleanno.

10.Non ho nessun idea dove Susan abbia parcheggiato la macchina ieri sera.

Alice studia il russo da due anni.
Non permesso portare un vocabolario alla prova dinglese.
Domani festa, allora non devo lavorare.
La prossima settimana compro una macchina nuova.
I miei genitori vorrebbero unaltra casa, ma non se la possono permettere.
Andrei, il quale padre un famoso scrittore, dice di saper parlare correttamente cinque lingue.
Ho bisogno di dormire almeno otto ore ogni notte.
Non sei venuto alla lezione ieri, vero?
Nessuno degli studenti ha letto il libro.
Non lo so, pu darsi che vada al cinema stasera.

A2 Cloze 1Read the following text and then choose the best word to put in the space.Choose from the words below but you will not need all the words.findlovelyseenwentwhilevisitonemostdontagoallexpensivebetweentherespentThe best shopping citiesWhich are the best cities to shop in? Writer, Ellie Clare, has been to five cities around the world to find out. This week, she writes about Paris.I 1)to Paris in June. Its a 2) city for sightseeing at that time of year, but its also a great place to 3) high-quality fashion. I started in the boutiques and visited 4) the top names, including Cartier, Chanel, Christian Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent. Ive never 5) such beautiful things, but they are, ofcourse, 6). .I bought some perfume and moved on to the huge department stores of Paris. Two of the 7) famous are Printemps and Galeries Lafayette and they are definitely good places to 8). . One place I found disappointing was The Champs-Elyses. In the old days, it was a great place for fashion, but now 9) are too many fast-food restaurants, banks, airline offices, shopping centres, and cinemas aimed at tourists. 10) waste your time there!After the shops, I tried the markets. 11) of the most famous places to find treasures in Paris is the flea market. There are three main flea markets and they are situated around the old gates of the city. I 12) hours walking around these fascinating places and 13) I was there, I discovered the meaning of the name flea market. Hundreds of years 14), the royal family gave away their old clothes, but they were full of little insects fleas, of course! One stallholder told me that the best time to find treasures at the market is before the crowds arrive, usually 15) 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. But that was a bit early for me. I was enjoying Paris nightlife too much! There are also open-air markets all around the city where you can buy flowers, clothes, pets, food, and many other things. And if you want to buy a book, visit the rows of bookstalls along the River Seine. You can find some great bargains there, or you can spend hours just looking.If you want to buy half of Paris or if you just want to walk around and look, youll love the experience. Paris is a great place to shop!

A2 Cloze 2Read the following text and then choose the best word to put in the space.Choose from the words below but you will not need all the words.dontintopersoncanpopulationforsomeofanswertheydidwhonoclimborseethisrideothersDo you have a phobia?Are you terrified at the thought 1). getting on an aeroplane? Do you worry about spiders every time you go 2). the bathroom? Would you rather walk up 100 steps than get into a lift? If the 3). is yes to any of these or similar questions, you may have a phobia!If you have a phobia, 4). worry. Youre not alone. Its estimated that about 10% of the worlds 5). have a phobia about something. The fear of flying, the fear of heights, the fear of being in closed spaces or being in open spaces are 6). of the most common phobias people have. However, there are hundreds of other unusual phobias too, which are just as bad. 7). you know that some people have a fear of clowns? Can you believe that some people are afraid of fish and that 8). are scared of garlic? Then theres the fear of falling in love, the fear of rain, the fear of the moon, and the fear of the stars! The list is endless.For most people, 9). dont have phobias, these ideas are difficult to understand. Even people with phobias usually know that theres 10). no real danger. However, they cannot control their fears. When some people think about the object of their phobia, their heart starts beating very quickly and 11). find it difficult to breathe. This is a natural reaction to fear, but it can make life difficult if it happens all the time.So if you have a phobia, what 12). you do about it? In some cases, you can simply avoid the situation. If you have a fear of heights, dont 13). a mountain! However, in other cases, its not so easy. What can you do if youre terrified of vegetables? Some people try relaxation techniques such as yoga 14). meditation. Some find that physical exercise can help. Others change their diet and stop having alcohol, coffee, and other unhealthy things. Many people find writing about their phobia helps them understand what is happening to them. But if none of these ideas helps you, go and 15). your doctor. He or she may suggest psychotherapy, or even hypnosis.

A2 Cloze 3Read the following text and then choose the best word to put in the space.Choose from the words below but you will not need all the words.stopwithwritingshetheirisdoruntallhavelargestthanlotveryofaremakeprotectingMountain GorillasAlison Hammond is 1). a series of articles about animals in danger forNature Magazine. This week, 2) tells us about mountain gorillas.What would you 3) if you saw a mountain gorilla? Most people would probably be very afraid and 4) away! Thats because gorillas 5) a very frightening appearance. Firstly, gorillas 6) huge. They can grow up to two metres 7) and can weigh more 8) 200 kilograms. Secondly, gorillas can make a 9) of noise. They can roar, bang their chests, and show their teeth. In fact, these aggressive displays are very rare and male gorillas only do it when they are 10) their families.The truth is, gorillas are 11) intelligent, gentle, and social animals that stay together in small family groups. The leader is the 12) male, called the silverback. Thats because of the beautiful silver fur on its back. They spend almost all of 13) time on the forest floor, eating and sleeping. They are mainly vegetarian, although they eat some insects. Young gorillas often play together. They run about and climb trees. At night, the animals 14) a nest to sleep in. The lighter gorillas nest in trees. The heavier gorillas make nests on the ground and the babies sleep 15) their mothers. Gorillas rarely attack humans. They only fight when something or someone attacks them or their young. In that situation, they will fight to the death. Hunters looking for baby gorillas may have to kill a whole family to get what they want.

A2 Cloze 4Read the following text and then choose the best word to put in the space.Choose from the words below but you will not need all the words.sendcalledwhattosomefromwhotheirlotforhardhefirstoldergolikefavouritestheyEleven year old Doris tells us what it's like growing up in Ghana.My name is Doris and I live in a small village 1) calledBonfain Ghana.Like most adults in the village, my parents are cocoa farmers* 2) sell their cocoa toKuapaKokoo.They get a fair wage for 3).. work and have some money left over to 4). their children to school.At my school it's very important 5). speak English and we spend a 6). of time learning it.My day starts at 5 am. My 7).job of the day is to 8). to the village and get water for my family to wash.I have to collect water 9) my parents, my two brothers and my sister.School starts at 7am and out of the nine subjects I study, Maths and English are my 10)... I try to work very 11). , because I want to be a doctor when I'm 12)., so that I can help the people in my community to be healthy.During the harvest period I spend 13) time helping my parents collect the cocoa beans*. My Mum and Dad put the cocoa beans** onto banana leaves and then leave them there to ferment for a week.After that 15). move them onto mats in the sun, where the beans dry out and start to taste 13). chocolate.* coltivatori di cacao** cicchi

A2 Cloze Answers1.1.went2. lovely3 find4 all5 seen6 expensive7 most8 visit9 there10 dont11 one12 spent13 while14 ago15 between2.1. of2.into3.answer4. dont5. population6. some7. did8. others9.who10. no11. they12. can13. climb14. or15. see3.1. writing2. she3. do4. run5. have6. are7. tall8. than9. lot10. protecting11. very12.largest13. their14. make15. with41 called2 who 3 their4 send5 to6 lot7 first8 go 9 for10 favourites11 hard12 older13 some14 they15 like

Reading Comprehension 1Read the text below and then choose the correct answers.Looking for loveLooking for Loveis an agency that finds partners for single people of any age. Read about Lisa.My names Lisa. Im 25 years old and Im from Manchester. Im single and Im looking for love.Im a journalist on a local newspaper, which means I write stories about local issues and sometimes I interview politicians. I like my job, but Id like to work on a national newspaper one day. Thats because I want to have the opportunity to work abroad.I have a small group of friends who Ive known for years. I even went to school with some of them! Im not really extrovert but I do like going out and having fun. We usually go out to parties, nightclubs, and restaurants. I also like cooking and I make great pasta! My ideal night in is a good meal, a glass of wine, and a DVD. I like thrillers much more than I like romantic comedies!Im not very sporty, but I like to keep fit. I stopped smoking last year and now I go running twice a week and I sometimes go to the gym at weekends. I eat lots of fruit and vegetables and I try not to have red meat or too much coffee. At work, I drink water or tea.I prefer men who are interested in serious issues because I like talking about politics and whats happening in the world. However, I also like men with a good sense of humour. These characteristics are more important to me than physical appearance.Please contactLooking for Loveif you think youre the kind of person Im looking for!Example:Lisa is _____.AmarriedBdivorcedCsingle1In her job, Lisa has to _____.Atravel to other countriesBwrite about politics
Cinterview politicians abroad2Lisa met all her friends _____.Aat schoolBat workCa long time ago3Lisa goes out _____.Aevery nightBto quiet placesCwith her friends4Lisa doesnt like _____.ApoliticsBlove storiesCItalian food5Lisa does exercise _____.Aevery weekendBmore than once a weekCrarely6Lisa doesnt often have _____.AvegetablesBred meatCtea7Lisa prefers _____ men.Agood-lookingBhard-workingCfunny

Reading Comprehension 2Read the text below and then choose the correct answers.We spoke to three people who do very different things.Sarah May, 34, terminal duty managerI started on the information desk and I did that for two years. Most of the time people were friendly, but occasionally I had to deal with some difficult questions and some very angry people. Last year, I became a terminal duty manager. Now I deal with all kinds of things, including passenger complaints, visits by the rich and famous, heating failures, cleaning contracts, and health issues. In fact, I spend a lot of time walking around and talking to people on my mobile.John Hammond, 23, baggage handlerDoing this job means Im very fit, because I have to carry heavy bags and suitcases and put them onto the baggage trucks. The best thing about my job is the people I work with. We have a lot of fun at work. The worst thing is the shift work. I hate working at night and very early in the morning. I dont think Im going to do this job for ever, but Ill probably look for something else in the airport because I think its a really exciting place to work.Tessa Reed, 28, airport engineerI studied engineering at university and worked in an office for a few years. I was quite bored, so when I saw an advert for an engineer at Heathrow airport, I decided to apply. There are all kinds of things to deal with here ventilation, heating, escalators, lifts my job can be very busy sometimes. So many things can go wrong! Im usually very tired when I get home, but I enjoy doing different things each day.Example:Sarah enjoyed her work on the information desk _____.Aall the timeBmost of the timeCnone of the time1Sarah started working at the airport _____.Alast yearBtwo years agoCmore than two years ago2Sarah doesnt talk about _____.AsecurityBdealing with passengers problems
Cwell-known passengers3In his job, John has to _____.AdriveBput bags onto trucksCride on the trucks4John likes _____.Aworking at different times of the dayBcarrying heavy things
Cthe people that he works with5Tessas job at the airport is her _____.Afirst jobBsecond jobCthird job6Tessa enjoys her job because _____.Athere is always something different to doBshe always has a lot to do
Cshe likes working in a big place

Reading Comprehension 3Read the text below and then choose the correct answers.How many ways are there to learn a language?Do you want to learn a language? We interviewed three people who learned a language in very different ways.June is 36 and a mother of two. She went to evening classes.I gave up working when I had my first child, but a year ago I joined a French evening class. At first, it was quite difficult. We had to speak French all the time in the classroom and I didnt understand anything. Also, when you only have one lesson a week, you have to do a lot at home. I studied when the children were in bed and I listened to French tapes in the car. At the end of the year I could speak French quite well.Tim is 23. He went to Italy to learn Italian.When I finished university, I wanted to travel and learn a language. I already knew a bit of Italian, so I decided to go there. I didnt want to do formal lessons, so I bought some tapes and listened to them before I went. I travelled around the country for six months. Its the only way to learn! I didnt have much money, so I worked in bars. That meant I met a lot of people and learned a lot of Italian. I also had a great time. Id definitely recommend it.Sashais 29. She did an intensive course in London.I studied French and Spanish at university and got a job with computers. I missed learning a language, so I asked my boss for a months holiday and enrolled on an intensive German course in London. We did six hours of lessons every day, so it was quite hard work. We all communicated in German. The problem was when I went home, I spoke English again. The course was fun and I learned a lot, but Id like to do a course in Germany next time.Example:When Junes first child was born, she _____.Aworked in the eveningsBcontinued working
Cstopped working1June found learning a language _____.AeasyBboringChard2She did a French class _____.Aonce a weekBevery eveningCduring the day3She did extra studying when she was _____.Alooking after the childrenBdrivingCin bed4Tim went to Italy because he _____.Acould speak Italian very wellBknew some Italian
Cstudied Italian at university5Before he went, he _____.Atook some lessonsBpractised at homeCbought a home-study book6When he was travelling, he _____.Amet a lot of English peopleBspent a lot of money
Cspoke a lot of Italian7Sashalearned German _____.Aat workBin GermanyCat a language school8When she was in class,Sashaspoke _____.Aalot of EnglishBGerman all the timeCin different languages

A2 Reading Comprehension Answers11B2C3C4B5B6B7C21C2A3B4C5B6A31C2A3B4B5B6C7C8B41C2A3B4C5B6C7C8C9B10C

B1 Cloze 1Read the following text and then choose the best word or phrase to put in the space.Choose from the words below, but you will not need all the words.landedloweradvisedwantchoseatoffthemsetalthoughasknowwaitedabouteverytotheymeantChristopher Columbus and the New WorldOn August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus 1) . sail from Spain 2) . find a new route to India, China and Japan.3) . this time, most people thought you would fall 4) . the edge of the world if you sailed too far. Yet sailors such 5) . Columbus had seen how a ship appearedto get 6) . on the horizon as it sailed away. For Columbus this 7) . that the world was round. He lied to his men 8) . the distance they travelled 9) . day.He did not want 10) . to think that he did not know exactly where 11) . were.Finally, on October 12, 1492, Columbus and his men landed on a small island he named San Salvador. Columbus believed he was in Asia, 12) . he was actually in the Caribbean.

B1 Cloze 2Read the following text and then choose the best word or phrase to put in the space.Choose from the words below, but you will not need all the words.muchagotothematwhichdiedespiteofnearesttoofarbutinforbrightonthanlikemorenearerThe StarsThere are millions 1) . stars in the sky.If you look up 2) . the sky 3) . a clear night, it is possible 4) . see about 300 stars.They look small, 5) . they are really very big hot balls of burning gas. Some of6) . are huge, but others are much smaller, 7) . our planet Earth.The biggest stars are very 8) ., but they only live 9) . a short time. Every day, new stars are born and old stars 10) .. All the stars are very 11). away. The light from the 12) . star takes more 13) . four years to reach Earth. Hundreds of years 14) ., people used stars like the North Star to know 15) . direction to travel in.Today you can still see that star.B1 Cloze 3Read the following text and then choose the best word or phrase to put in the space.Choose from the words below, but you will not need all the words.grownfrombettermustusewherebestsogrowthbegunhadchosenofthatbegancarryusingforThe best public transport system in the world.Curitibain Brazil is no ordinary city; it has the 1.. public transport system in the world. The mayor, Jaime Lerner, along with the council, 2.. developing the world-famous system in 1971.Mr Lerner had 3..up inCuritibaand knew that the street was an important part of city life for the residents. He made many of the streets into pedestrian areas, with no access for cars. The council put in flowers, lights, and kiosks 4..people could sell food and other products. To encourage shoppers to use the new areas, the mayor gave away free paper 5..that local children could paint pictures in the street. Cyclists also benefit 6..150km of cycle lanes, which follow old river valleys and railway tracks around the city.Mr Lerner realized that to increase the development and 7.. of the city in the future, the public transport system also 8.. to improve. Buses were 9.. as the main transport because it was the cheapest.Curitibastransport system now consists 10.. over 300 routes that use around 1,900 buses to 11.. approximately 1.9 million passengers every day. Approximately 60km of the roads are for buses only, so traffic jams are unusual. Bus travel is faster and more convenient than 12.. private cars. The city now uses 30% less fuel than other large cities in Brazil and people spend only about 10% of their yearly salaries on transport costs.

B1 Cloze AnswersCloze 11. set2. to3. at4. off5. as6. lower7. meant8. about9. every10 them11 they12 althoughCloze 21. of2. at3 on4 to5 but6 them7 like8 bright9 for10 die11. far12 nearest13 than14 ago15 whichCloze 31. best2. began3. grown4. where5. so6. from7. growth8.had9. chosen10. of11. carry12.usingUniversit degli Studi di Verona. CLAProva Scritta:Inglese B1Maggio 2007VERSION APart One:Translate the following sentences into English:1)A tutti piace leggere nel tempo libero.2)Pensiamo di andare in Grecia questestate. Vieni anche tu?3)Domenica non devo alzarmi presto. Posso dormire fino a tardi se voglio.4)Devo proprio fare la spesa! Non ho pi niente da mangiare.5)Abito in questa citt da tre mesi ed ho gi conosciuto della gente interessante.6)E stata la giornata pi bella della mia vita.7)A: Hai visto il nuovo film di Harry Potter? B: No, ma ci vado venerd.8)Mi piacerebbe vivere in campagna. E molto pi tranquilla della citt.9)Non riesco a trovare Marco. Ho cercato dovunque.10)A: Sei stato a lezione? B: No. Sono andato in biblioteca a cercare un articolo.Part twoRead the information below and then write an e-mail (approx. 150 words)A new Canadian pen friend, Jonathan, has written to you a letter in which he talks about his family. In his letter he writes:Can you tell me something about your own family? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you get on with them and your parents? What do they do? Are you more like your mom or dad? I have my grandmother living with us, which is a big help for my mom. How about you, do you have an older relative living with you?Now write back.

Universit degli Studi di Verona. CLAProva Scritta:Inglese B1Maggio 2008VERSION APart One:Translate the following sentences into English:1.E allergica al latte, cos non devemangiare neanche il formaggio.2.Quanto lontano lufficio postale?Devessere molto vicino.3.Il film stato girato nella bellissima isola di Phi Phi Leh durante la primavera.4.Chene dici di andare in citt oggi pomeriggio?Credo che il tempo sar bello, anche se potrebbe piovere pi tardi.5.Quella la ragazza alla quale si sono rotti gli occhiali.6.Se andassimo allagenzia di viaggio,ci darebbero dei consigli per le vacanze.7.Non verr al matrimonio a meno che non mi mandi un invito scritto.8.Credi che gli inglesi guidino meglio degli italiani o peggio?Non lo so. Tu che ne dici?9.Hanno chiesto al cameriere di non portare lacqua fredda.10.Se prendiamo la macchina, arriveremo prima.Il treno non affidabile.Part twoRead the information below and then write an e-mail (approx. 150 words)An uncle or aunt you havent seen for the last 10 years came to stay with your family recently and told you all about his/her life over the last 10 years.It was a really interesting story so you decided to write to your friend and tell him/her all about it.Write the email to your friend.1.Vai daccordo con tuo fratello o litigate spesso?2.Sono in dieta da un mese e ho gi perso 4 chili.3.In agosto andr in Grecia. Ho prenotato il volo e lalbergo ieri.4.Non ti preoccupare. Ti dar una mano se vuoi.5.Detesto le persone che non spengono i cellulari quando vanno al cinema6.Se mi amassi, mi aiuteresti.7.A: Sei molto pallido. E successo qualcosa? B: Ho un forte mal di testa.8.A: Hai letto il nuovo romanzo di Dan Brown?B:Si, lho letto il mese scorso ma mi ha deluso un po.9.Non devo dimenticare di chiamare Peter domani.E il suo compleanno.10.Non ho nessun idea dove Susan abbia parcheggiato la macchina ieri sera.11.Alice studia il russo da due anni.12.Non permesso portare un vocabulario dinglese alla prova dinglese.13.Domani festa, allora non devo lavorare.14.La prossima settimana compro una macchina nuova.15.I miei genitori vorrebbero unaltra casa, ma non se la possono permettere.16.Andrei, il quale padre un famoso autore, dice di saper parlare correttamente cinque lingue.17.Ho bisogno di dormire almeno otto ore ogni notte.18.Nono sei venuto alla lezione ieri, vero?19.Nessuno degli studenti ha letto il libro.20.Non lo so, pu darsi che vada al cinema stasera.21.Se scarichi queste pagine, potrai scoprire tutte le informazioni che ti servono.22.Lavoro dalle 6.00 di questa mattina e sono assolutamente esausta.23.La signora che indossava la giacca di seta era la moglie dellavvocato.24.Non erano abituati a vivere in una casa cos piccola.25.Se volessi imparare il cinese, cercherei un insegnante di madre lingua.26.Si sono innamorati non appena si sono conosciuti.27.Sto cercando qualcosa ma non so come si chiami in inglese.28.Mi disse di non aspettare fino alla fine.29.Non vedo pi mia zia da agosto.30.Non dovresti mai usare il telefono mentre guidi.31.E di gran lunga il ristorante pi caro della citt.32.Studio in questa universit da due anni.33.Mi dispiace, sono in ritardo perch ho perso lautobus stamattina.34.Va bene, vado al supermercato stasera, quando esco dal lavoro... ricordami che cosa devo prendere.35.Dove sei stato? Sono tre ore che ti aspetto qui al peggior bar della citt.36.Di solito, il cibo del gatto si trova nella scatola grande, sopra il frigo.37.Cera tanta gente ieri sera! Avevano dei dolci in offerta, quasi non si entrava dalla porta.38.Aveva soltanto pochissime cose di valore. La maggior parte delle cose erano prodotte in Cina.39.I due gatti si guardavano ma non sembravano voler fare amicizia.40.La settimana scorsa ho fatto un esercizio molto interessante.41.A.: Mi pu dire lora per favore?B: Mi dispiace, non ho lorologio.42.Digli di venire un po pi tardi per favore.Adesso ho da fare.43.Non, non esco. Piove e fa troppo freddo. Guardo la televisone. C un buon programma.44.A: Posso fare una prenotazione per una stanza doppia, con vista sul mare, nel mese di agosto? B: Mi dispiace, ma siamo al completo.45.Sono tre anni che vado in ufficio in autobus, ma questa la prima volta che sono in ritardo.46.A: Hai fatto la traduzione in inglese? B: Non ancora, e tu?47.Io lho finita proprio in questo momento.Era molto difficile.48.Luca molto pi vecchio di quanto sembri. Ha la stessa et di mio padre.49.Luca non va daccordo con il padre perch sono troppo diversi. Invece ha preso molto dal nonno.50.Lui non sta ancora bene. Ci vuole tempo per riprendersi da un intervento cos grave.51.Lultima volta che i genitori di Sandra sono stati in vacanza era tre anni fa.52.E da molto tempo che non vado allestero.53.La casa di Giulietta a Verona viene visitata da migliaia di persone ogni anno.54.La mamma dice che Silvia non abbastanza grande per comprare i propri vestiti.55.Mi dispiace ma sono troppo occupato per pensare a tenere pulita la casa.56.Secondo me non dovresti cambiare linsegnante a met corso.57.Di solito le persone senza una laurea non hanno tante opportunit quante coloro che hanno finito luniversit.58.Sono fortunati perch abitano abbastanza vicino al posto di lavoro.59.Bench fosse molto caldo ho dovuto spegnere laria condizionata per risparmiare energia.60.Se fossi in te non inviterei il capo a cena.61.Linsegnante lha fatto aspettare pi di un ora.62.Andiamo al ristorante stasera?Non ho molta fame. Mangiamo una pizza invece.63.Cosa intendi dare a John per il suo compleanno?Penso che gli dar un libro.64.Da quanto tempo aspettavi quando arrivato il medico?65.Dovresti lavare i piatti prima di uscire di casa.66.Comera il tempo ieri?Non lo so, non sono uscito, sono rimasto a letto tutto il giorno.67.Se avessi tempo, porterei i bambini in piscina.68.Se fossi in te, comprerei dei vestiti pi pesanti.69.Mentre stava viaggiando nel sud della Francia, le stata rubata la borsa.70.Ti far vedere larticolo che ho scritto quando ci incontreremo la settimana prossima.71.Mio padre non mi lascia usare la macchina quando piove.72.Perch non andiamo in discoteca domani sera?Non mi piace ballare. Che ne dici di andare al cinema invece?73.Dove intendi andare in vacanza questanno?Penso che andr in montagna.74.Quando arrivata la barca, aspettavamo gi da tre ore.75.Comera il cibo nellalbergo?Era ottimo, in particolare mi piaciuto il pollo con i funghi.76.Farei la torta se avessi tutti gli ingredienti.77.Andrei dal parrucchiere se fossi in te.78.Gli stato rubato il portafoglio mentre stava aspettando la cameriera.79.Non dovresti mangiare tante caramelle-ti rovinerai i denti.80.Se ci sar brutto tempo domani, potr finire il romanzo che ho cominciato.81.Presto-il film appena iniziato-altrimenti perderemo la prima parte.82.Non abbiamo mai visitato una citt cos interessante, era veramente bella.83.Da quanto tempo sei qui?Sono appena arrivato.84.Cosa fai domani?Rimango a casa perch devo studiare per gli esami.85.Lautobus dovrebbe essere qui fra pochi minuti. Hai gi preso i biglietti?86.Sono due mesi che abito a Verona, ma non conosco nessuno.87.Se tu mi avessi mandato il tuo indirizzo, ti avrei mandato una cartolina.88.Non molto probabile che il governo risolva il problema.89.Sono anni che abbiamo questa macchina. No ci ha dato mai alcun problema.90.Da quanto tempo studi a Verona?Sono appena arrivato.91.Il treno dovrebbe essere qui fra un quarto dora. Ma penso che sar in ritardo.92.Sbrigati-la partita appena iniziata-altrimenti perderemo la prima parte.93.Non ho mai conosciuto una persona cos intelligente, era veramente un genio.94.Non molto probabile che io ci sia quando arrivi.95.Cosa fai stasera?Finisco il libro che sto leggendo, poi esco.96.Non ho visto il film perch mi hanno detto che non era abbastanza bello.97.Sono tre anni che abito a Venezia, ma non conosco nessuno.98.Se avessi letto la mia lettera, avresti capito il motivo.99.Tom ed io ci siamo conosciuti alluniversit. Ormai ci conosciamo da oltre ventanni.100.Fammelo sapere se vuoi che ci andiamo insieme.101.Cosa fai dopo cena?Guardo il telegiornale e poi vado a letto.102.Non ho mai lavorato cos tanto, sono stanchissima.103.Quando finiranno le vacanze, dovranno tornare a scuola e ricominciare a studiare.104.Laereo dovrebbe arrivare fra dieci minuti, ma in ritardo.105.Sono tre mesi che lavoro alla Glaxo, ma non ho ancora imparato bene linglese.106.Se il tempo fosse meno nuvoloso, potremo fare delle belle fotografie.107.Non ascoltare la musica con il volume cos alto! Potrebbe venirti il mal di testa.108.Sarebbe andato al cinema se sua moglie fosse rientrata prima di cena.109.Non devo dimenticare di pagare quella multa oggi.110.Ho appena finito di disfare le valigie. Adesso far un bagno rilassante.

Here are some translations but remember that there can be many different alternatives. If you would like some advice about your translation, please ask your teacher.Vai daccordo con tuo fratello o litigate spesso?

Do you get on with your brother or do you often quarrel/ argue?Sono in dieta da un mese e ho gi perso 4 chili.

I have been on a diet for a month and I have already lost 4 kilos.In agosto andr in Grecia. Ho prenotato il volo e lalbergo ieri.

Next August Im going to Greece. I booked the flight and the hotel yesterday.Non ti preoccupare. Ti dar una mano se vuoi.

Dont worry. Ill give you a hand if you want.Detesto le persone che non spengono i cellulari quando vanno al cinema

I hate / detest people who dont turn off their mobiles when they go to the cinema.Semi amassi, mi aiuteresti.

If you loved me, you would help me.A:Sei molto pallido. E successo qualcosa? B: Ho un forte mal di testa.

A: Youre very pale. Has something happened? B: I have a bad headache.A: Hai letto il nuovo romanzo di Dan Brown?B:Si, lho letto il mese scorso ma mi ha deluso un po.

A: Have you read the new novel by Dan Brown? B: Yes, I read it last month but I found it a bit disappointing.Non devo dimenticare di chiamare Peter domani.E il suo compleanno.

I mustnt forget to call Peter tomorrow. Its his birthday.Non honessunidea dove Susan abbia parcheggiato la macchina ieri sera.

I have no idea where Susan parked the car last night.Alice studia il russo da due anni.

Alice has been studying Russian for two years.Non permesso portare un vocabulario dinglese alla prova dinglese.

Were not allowed to take an English dictionary into the English test.Domani festa, allora non devolavorare.

Tomorrow is a holiday, so I dont have to work.La prossima settimana comprouna macchina nuova.

Next week Im going to buy a new car.I miei genitori vorrebbero unaltra casa, ma non se lapossonopermettere.

My parents would like to have a new house, but they cant afford one.Andrei, il quale padre un famoso autore,dicedi saper parlare correttamente cinque lingue.

Andrei, whose father is a famous author, says he can speak five languages correctly.Ho bisogno di dormire almeno otto ore ogni notte.

I need to sleep at least eight hours every night.Nono sei venutoalla lezione ieri, vero?

You didnt come to the lesson yesterday, did you?Nessuno degli studenti ha letto il libro.

None of the students has read the book.Non lo so, pu darsi chevadaal cinema stasera.

I dont know, perhaps Ill go to the cinema this evening.21.Sescarichi queste pagine, potrai scoprire tutte le informazioni che ti servono.If you download these pages, you will be able to find out all the information you need.22. Lavoro dalle 6.00 di questa mattina e sono assolutamente esausta.I have been working since six oclock this morning and I am absolutely exhausted.23. La signora che indossava la giacca disetaera la moglie dellavvocato.The lady who was wearing the silk jacket was the lawyers wife.24. Non erano abituati a vivere in una casa cos piccola.They were not used to living in such a small house.25.Sevolessi imparare il cinese, cercherei un insegnante di madre lingua.If I wanted to learn Chinese, I would look for a mother-tongue teacher.26. Si sono innamorati non appena si sono conosciuti.They fell in love (with each other) as soon as they met.27. Sto cercando qualcosa ma non so come si chiami in inglese.I am looking for something but I dont know what it is called in English.28. Mi disse di non aspettare fino alla fine.He told me not to wait until the end.29. Non vedo pi mia zia da agosto.I havent seen my aunt since August.30. Non dovresti mai usare il telefono mentre guidi.You should never use the telephone while youre driving.Edi gran lungail ristorante pi caro della citt.

Its by far the most expensive restaurant in town.Studio inquestauniversit da due anni.

I have been studying in this university for two years.Mi dispiace, sono in ritardo perch ho perso lautobus stamattina.

Im sorry, I am late because I missed the bus this morning.Va bene, vado al supermercato stasera, quando esco dal lavoro...ricordamiche cosa devo prendere.

OK; Ill go to the supermarket this evening, when I come out of work remind me what I have to get.Dove sei stato? Sono tre ore che ti aspetto qui al peggior bar della citt.

Where have you been? I have been waiting for you for three hours here in the worst bar in town.Di solito, il cibo del gatto si trova nella scatola grande, sopra il frigo.

The cat food is usually in the big box, on the fridge.Cera tanta gente ieri sera! Avevano dei dolci in offerta, quasi non si entrava dalla porta.

There were a lot of people last night! They had some sweets on sale, you could hardly get through the door.Aveva soltanto pochissime cose di valore. La maggior parte delle coseeranoprodotte in Cina.

He had only very few valuable things. Most of the things were produced in China.I due gatti si guardavano ma non sembravano voler fare amicizia.

The two cats were looking at each other but they did not look as though they wanted to make friends.La settimana scorsa ho fatto un esercizio molto interessante.

Last week I did a very interesting exercise.A.: Mi pu dire lora per favore?B: Mi dispiace, non ho lorologio.

A: Can you tell me what time it is, please? B: Im sorry, I dont have a watch.Digli di venire un po pi tardiper favore.Adesso ho da fare.

Tell him to come a bit later please. Im busy now.No, non esco. Piove e fa troppo freddo. Guardo la televisone. C un buon programma.

No, Im not going out. Its raining and its too cold. Im going to watch television. Theres a good programme on.A: Posso fare una prenotazione per una stanza doppia, con vista sul mare, nel mesediagosto? B: Mi dispiace, ma siamo al completo.

A: Can I book a double-room, with a sea view, in the month of August? B: I am sorry, but were full.Sono tre anni che vado in ufficio in autobus, ma questa la prima volta che sono in ritardo.

I have been going to the office by bus for three years, but this is the first time I have been late.A: Hai fatto la traduzione in inglese? B: Non ancora, e tu?

A: Have you done the translation into English? B: Not yet, and you?Io lho finita proprio in questo momento.Era molto difficile.

I have just finished it now. It was very difficult.Luca molto pi vecchio di quanto sembri. Ha la stessa et di mio padre.

Luke is much older than he looks. He is the same age as my father.Luca non va daccordo con il padre perch sono troppo diversi.Inveceha preso molto dal nonno.

Luke doesnt get on with his father because they are too different. But he takes after his grandfather(hes very like his grandfather).Lui non sta ancora bene. Ci vuole tempo per riprendersi da un intervento cos grave.

He is not better yet. It takes time to get over such a serious operation.Lultima volta che i genitori di Sandra sono stati in vacanzaera treanni fa.

The last time Sandras parents went on holiday was three years ago.E da molto tempo che non vado allestero.

I havent been abroad for a very long time.La casa di Giulietta a Veronavienevisitata da migliaia di persone ogni anno.

Juliets house in Verona is visited by thousands of people every year.La mamma dice che Silvia non abbastanza grandepercomprare i propri vestiti.

Mum says Silvia is not old enough to buy her own clothes.Mi dispiace ma sono troppo occupatoper pensarea tenere pulita la casa.

Im sorry but I am too busy to think about keeping the house clean.Secondomenon dovresti cambiare linsegnante a met corso.

According to me/ I dont think you should change teachers halfway through the course.57.Di solito le persone senza una laurea non hanno tante opportunit quantecoloroche hanno finito luniversit.People without a university degree dont usually have as many opportunities as those who have finished the university.58.Sono fortunati perch abitano abbastanza vicino al posto di lavoro.They are lucky because they live quite close to the place where they work.59.Benchfosse molto caldo ho dovuto spegnere laria condizionata per risparmiare energia.Although it was very hot I had to turn off the air conditioning to save energy.60.Se fossiinte non inviterei il capo a cena.If I were you I wouldnt invite the boss to dinner.61.Linsegnante lha fatto aspettare pi di unora.The teacher kept him waiting for more than an hour.62.Andiamo al ristorante stasera?Non ho molta fame.Mangiamo una pizza invece.Shall we go to the restaurant this evening? Im not very hungry. Lets have a pizza instead.63.Cosa intendidare a John per il suo compleanno?Penso che gli dar un libro.What are you going to give John for his birthday? I think Ill give him a book.64.Da quanto tempo aspettavi quando arrivato il medico?How long had you been waiting when the doctor arrived?65.Dovresti lavarei piatti primadi uscire di casa.You should wash up before leaving home.66.Comera il tempo ieri?Non lo so, non sono uscito, sono rimasto a letto tutto il giorno.What was the weather like yesterday? I dont know, I didnt go out, I stayed in bed all day.67.Seavessi tempo, porterei i bambini in piscina.If I had time, I would take the children to the swimming pool.68.Sefossi in te, comprerei dei vestiti pi pesanti.If I were you, I would buy some warmer clothes.69.Mentre stava viaggiando nel suddella Francia, le stata rubata la borsa.While she was travelling in the south of France, her bag was stolen from her.70.Ti far vedere larticolo che ho scritto quandociincontreremo la settimana prossima.Ill let you see / Ill show you the article I wrote when we meet next week.71.Mio padre non mi lascia usare la macchina quando piove.My father doesnt let me use the car when its raining / rains.72.Perchnon andiamo in discoteca domani sera?Non mi piace ballare.Che ne dici di andare al cinema invece?Why dont we go to the disco tomorrow evening? I dont like dancing. What about going to the cinema instead?73.Dove intendi andare in vacanza questanno?Penso che andr in montagna.Where are you going on holiday / Where are you going/planning to go on holiday this year?I think Im going to the mountains.74.Quando arrivata la barca,aspettavamogi da tre ore.When the boat arrived, we had already been waiting for three hours.75.Comera il cibo nellalbergo?Era ottimo, in particolare mi piaciuto il pollo con i funghi.What was the food like in the hotel? It was excellent, I particularly liked the chicken with mushrooms.76.Farei una torta se avessi tutti gli ingredienti.I would make a cake if I had all the ingredients.77.Andrei dal parrucchiere se fossi in te.I would go to the hairdressers if I were you.78.Gli stato rubato il portafoglio mentre stava aspettando la cameriera.His wallet was stolen from him / He had his wallet stolen while he was waiting for the waitress.79.Nondovresti mangiare tante caramelle-ti rovineraii denti.You shouldnt eat many sweets you will spoil your teeth.80.Seci sar brutto tempo domani, potr finire il romanzo che ho cominciato.If the weather is bad tomorrow, Ill be able to finish the novel I have started.81.Presto-il film appena iniziato-altrimenti perderemo la prima parte.Quick the film has just started otherwise well miss the first part.82.Nonabbiamo mai visitato una citt cos interessante, eraveramente bella.We have never visited such an interesting town, it was really beautiful.83.Da quanto tempo sei qui?Sono appena arrivato.How long have you been here? I have just arrived.84.Cosa faidomani?Rimango a casa perch devo studiare per gli esami.What are you doing tomorrow? Im staying at home because I have to study for the exams.85.Lautobus dovrebbe essere qui fra pochi minuti. Hai gi preso i biglietti?The bus should be here in a few minutes. Have you got the tickets yet?86.Sono due mesi che abitoaVerona, ma non conosco nessuno.I have been living/I have lived in Verona for two months, but I dont know anyone / anybody.87.Se tu miavessimandato il tuo indirizzo, ti avrei mandato una cartolina.If you had sent me your address, I would have sent you a postcard.88.Non molto probabile che il governo risolva il problema.Its not very likely (that) the government will solve the problem./The government is unlikely to solve the problem.89.Sono anni che abbiamo questa macchina. Non ci ha dato mai alcun problema.Weve had this car for years. It has never caused us any problems.90.Da quanto tempo studi a Verona?Sono appena arrivato.How long have you been studying in Verona?I have just arrived.91.Il treno dovrebbe essere qui fra un quarto dora.Mapenso che sar in ritardo.The train should be here in a quarter of an hour. But I think it will be late.92.Sbrigati-la partita appena iniziata-altrimenti perderemo la prima parte.Hurry up the match has just started otherwise well miss the first part.93.Nonho mai conosciuto una persona cos intelligente, eraveramente un genio.I have never known such a clever person, he was really a genius.94.Non molto probabile che io ci sia quando arrivi.Its not very likely that Ill be there when you arrive/ I probably wont be there when you arrive.95.Cosa faistasera?Finisco il libro che sto leggendo, poi esco.What are you doing this evening? I going to finish the book Im reading, then Im going out.96.Non ho visto il film perch mi hanno detto che non era abbastanza bello.I didnt see the film because they told me it wasnt good enough.97.Sono tre anni che abito a Venezia, ma non conosco nessuno.I have lived in Venice for three years, but I dont know anyone.98.Seavessi letto la mia lettera, avresti capito il motivo.If you had read my letter, you would have understood the reason.99.Tom ed io cisiamoconosciuti alluniversit. Ormai ci conosciamo da oltre ventanni.Tom and I met at university. Weve known each other for more than twenty years now.100.Fammelo sapere se vuoi che ci andiamo insieme.Let me know if you want us to go there together.101.Cosa faidopo cena?Guardo il telegiornale e poi vado a letto.What do you do after dinner? I watch the news and then I go to bed. / What are you doing after dinner? Im going to watch the news and then Im going to bed.102.Nonho mai lavorato cos tanto, sonostanchissima.I have never worked so hard, Im very tired.103.Quandofiniranno le vacanze, dovranno tornare a scuola e ricominciare a studiare.When the holidays finish, they will have to go back to school and to start to study / to start studying again.104.Laereo dovrebbe arrivare fra dieci minuti, main ritardo.The plane should arrive in ten minutes, but its late.105.Sono tre mesi che lavoro alla Glaxo, ma non ho ancora imparato bene linglese.Ive been working at Glaxo for three months, but I havent learnt English well yet.106.Se il tempofossemeno nuvoloso, potremo fare delle belle fotografie.If the weather was / were less cloudy, we could take some beautiful photos.107.Non ascoltare la musica con il volume cos alto! Potrebbe venirti il mal di testa.Dont listen to music with the volume so high! It might give you a headache.108.Sarebbe andato al cinema se sua moglie fosse rientrata prima di cena.He would have gone to the cinema if his wife had got back before dinner.109.Non devo dimenticare di pagare quella multa oggi.I must not forget to pay that fine today.110.Ho appena finito didisfarele valigie. Adesso far un bagno rilassante.I have just finished unpacking. Now Im going to have a relaxing bath.

Dicte B1
Josphine poussa la porte de la salle o avait lieu la runion.Elle tait en retard.
Quarante personnes taient assises devant des documents poss sur la tablette de leurs siges.Elle alla sasseoir au fond de la salle, cot dun homme au visage rond qui portait une veste verte et des pantalons noirs.

-Bonjour, dit Josphine, je suis Madame Corts et jhabite au cinquime tage.
-Et moi Monsieur Merson, le pre de Paul et le mari de Madame Merson.
Le regard de Josphine fit le tour de la pice. Au premier rang, elle reconnut Herb Pignel, assis cot de Monsieur Van Den Brock.
Le syndic, un homme en costume gris, au sourire doux et conciliant dclara que la runion allait commencer.
Lordre du jour comportait vingt-six articles et Josphine se demanda combien de temps durerait lassemble gnrale.Tous les points devaient tre vots et il tait dj 21h30
Katerine Pankol, Les yeux jaunes des crocodiles

Le vieil homme est debout la poupe du bateau. Il tient dans ses bras une valise lgre et un bb, plus lger encore que la valise. Ce vieil homme sappelle Monsieur Linh.Il voit son pays qui sloigne, devient trs petit et disparat.
Le voyage dure des jours et des jours.
Quand on veut faire entrer le vieil homme dans la cabine, il se laisse conduire et ne dit rien, mais on le retrouve un peu plus tard, sur le pont. Sa valise contient des vtements usags, une photographie et un sac avec un peu de terre.
Lenfant est sage. Cest une fille. Elle a douze semaines. Parfois le vieil homme chante une chanson la petite.
Il voit les paysages, les matins lumineux, la brume bleue qui descend des montagnes.Un soir de novembre, le bateau parvient sa destination, mais le vieil homme ne veut pas descendre.Il fait froid. Le ciel est nuageux. Monsieur Linh respire lodeur du pays nouveau.Il ne sent rien. Cest un pays sans odeur. Il serre lenfant contre lui, chante la chanson son oreille. En vrit, cest aussi pour lui quil la chante, pour entendre sa propre voix et la musique de sa langue.

Daprs Philippe Claudel, La petite fille de Monsieur Linh

Je mappelle La et je suis une jeune fille de 20 ans.
Cette anne, je me suis inscrite la facult des Langues trangres de luniversit de Vrone.Jhabite loin dici et je ne peux pas rentrer tous les soirs chez moi. Je partage donc un appartement ,situ dans le centre ville, avec trois autres filles de mon ge. Nous avons chacune une chambre et la cuisine est en commun; cest nous qui tour de rle prparons le repas, surtout le soir car midi nous allons djeuner au restaurant universitaire .
Cet appartement se trouve au cinquime tage dun immeuble ancien qui na pas dascenseur mais pour nous, ce nest pas un problme, au contraire cela nous permet de faire un peu dactivit physique !
Il est spatieux, trs ensoleill ; chaque chambre est peinte dune couleur diffrente; la mienne est verte et les meubles sont en bois couleur marron clair
Jai une grande porte fentre qui souvre sur un balcon : de l la vue est magnifique, je peux admirer les collines qui entourent la ville.
Ce que japprcie aussi beaucoup de cet appartement, cest quil est trs silencieux
Je suis heureuse de mon choix et je pense que dans un cadre aussi merveilleux, tudier est un vritable plaisir

En quittant le bureau, je me suis mise courir.Midi sonnait la tour Saint Jacques, jai travers la pelouse interdite aux passants qui est au centre de la place.
Je suis descendue dans le mtro. Le train est arriv, je me suis assise en parlant toute seule, en chantonnant pour me donner du courage, pour ne pas trembler.Tout dfilait dans ma tte, de plus en plus vite: aller la teinturerie, remplir les valises, aller chez le pharmacien. Je me souviens quautrefois nous ne partions pas sans avoir expdi les malles, ou plutt la malle, un objet magnifique. Pourquoi avoir accept cette invitation ?.
Jai lev les yeux, il y avait un couple en face de moi. Ils ne me voyaient pas. Ils taient trs vieux. Lui, minuscule avec des lunettes rondes, dimmenses oreilles, un gros nez, une jolie bouche bien dessine, un menton fossettes et un gilet en velours. Il tenait une canne et ses deux mains taient bien appuyes lune sur lautre. Elle avait un manteau en fourrure dours.
Elle a fouill dans son immense sac et en a sorti deux bonbons aciduls, un orange et un jaune . Elle en a donn un son amoureux. Comme je les regardais, elle men a tendu un en me disant quelques mots en russe . je ne sais pas refuser ce genre de choses.
Genevive BRISSAC, Week-end de chasse la mre

Ernestine tait la meilleure amie de Mlanie Bros. Ne dans les dernires annes du XIXe dix-neuvime sicle, fille dun couple de paysans qui avaient engendr treize enfants dont neuf avaient atteint lge adulte, elle tait, en 1936 une des rares femmes de la campagne qui avait obtenu son certificat dtudes.Avec ce prcieux diplme, Ernestine tait charge de porter leurs destinataires les avis dappels tlphoniques qui arrivaient de temps en temps au bureau de poste.Un travail qui lui convenait bien car elle tait une intrpide marcheuse. Elle avait une autre singularit : elle sintressait la lecture. Elle empruntait des livres linstituteur. Elle en possdait mme un certain nombre quelle avait achets la foire du jeudi gras de Maurs, o venait un marchand de livres neufs et doccasion.
Chose plus merveilleuse encore : son got pour la posie lavait amene crire elle-mme des vers ; loccasion dun baptme, dun mariage, dun enterrement, dun anniversaire, de noces dor ou dargent, elle tait en mesure de composer un pome dallgresse ou de douleur. Elle lcrivait sur du beau papier, lencadrait, le rcitait elle-mme au moment de la crmonie, le remettait en mains propres. Pour chacun de ces produits elle avait tabli un tarif en fonction du sujet et de la longueur. Ainsi, elle stait fait un renom dans la contre ; on venait de loin pour lui passer commande car ctait remarquable que dassocier dans la mme clbration la foi, lamour, la posie et la bonne cuisine.

Jean ANGLADE, Un souper de neige

Hector avait son cabinet dans une grande ville avec de grandes avenues bordes de beaux immeubles anciens. Cette vile tait diffrente de la plupart des grandes villes du monde : ses habitants mangeaient leur faim ; ils pouvaient se faire soigner gratuitement sils tombaient malades ; les enfants allaient lcole ; la plupart des gens avaient un travail : on pouvait aller au cinma en ne payant pas cher ; il y avait des muses, des piscines et mme quelques endroits o faire du vlo sans se faire craser. Les gens pouvaient aussi regarder des chanes de tlvision diffrentes, ils pouvaient lire toutes sortes de journaux, et les journalistes avaient le droit dcrire tout ce quils voulaient. Les gens avaient beaucoup de vacances mme si a posait parfois un problme ceux qui navaient pas assez dargent pour partir. Parce que mme si tout allait mieux que dans la plupart des grandes villes du monde, il y avait quand mme des gens qui avaient tout juste assez dargent pour vivre, des enfants qui ne supportaient pas dtre lcole et qui faisaient de grosses btises ou mmequi navaient plus de parents pour soccuper deux. Il y avait aussi des grandes personnes qui navaient pas de travail et des gens qui essayaient de se soigner eux-mmes en buvant nimporte quoi. Hector savait quils existaient parce quil en avait beaucoup soign quand il travaillait lhpital.

Franois LELORD, le voyage dHector ou la recherche du bonheur

Vers six heures elle ma tap sur lpaule et jai senti lodeur du caf.Elle sest affaire dans la cuisine et sur lcran de tlvision, des clips senchainaient et tout se ressemblait.Jai pris ma douche et je me suis habill, jai bu un caf debout dans le salon et jai dit au revoir comme si de rien ntait. A ce moment-l jai su que je ne reverrais plus cette baraque et elle non plus et cela ne ma pas attrist. Ctait encore la nuit. Jai dmarr et jai roul vers Paris. Jai laiss la voiture sur un parking souterrain avec les cls sur le volant. Dans un supermarch, jai achet plusieurs bouteilles de whisky ; la gare grouillait de monde ; jai regard les horaires de destinations et pris le premier train pour le Portugal. Quand je suis arriv, jai lou une chambre et je lai paye pour deux semaines. La patronne avait lair gentille, elle portait une robe bleu clair et un tablier quelle ne quittait probablement jamais. Elle ma demand si javais faim ; je lui ai dit que oui et nous avons mang tous les deux dans le salon de lappartement dont les murs taient couverts de photos de la Vierge . Aprs le repas nous sommes sortis de la maison et nous avons fum devant la porte. Nous sommes rests l regarder la rue, les gamins qui passaient et se chamaillaient, le soleil qui se couchait.Entre les immeubles, on voyait le Tage et les rues troites.

Daprs Olivier ADAM, Passer lhiver

1Avoir le sang bleu : cette expression voque une origine noble.
2Une utopie : une socit idale, parfaite, malheureusement imaginaire.
3Plier : ici, faiblir, cder.
4Avoir des mille et des cents : tre trs riche.
5Un titan : un personnage mythologique caractristique par sa taille et sa force, qui dpassent celles de l'homme.
6Un den : un paradis. Dans la Bible, ctait l que vivaient Adam et Eve, avant leur dchance.
7Des moins que rien : des personnes en dessous du niveau habituel, qui ne valent rien socialement.
8En guenille : us, dchir.
9Des brindilles : Branche courte, trs fine et lgre.Ici, voque la fragilit.

Vous avez obtenu un score de 0/80.Votre coefficient de nogrammaticalit est trs faible.Votre instinct est dsormais trs sr, et puisque vous ne faites plus d'erreurs en crivant, vous n'avez pas feuillet une grammaire -- ancienne ou nouvelle -- depuis longtemps.Vous avez doncun peu oubli le lexique grammatical et toutes les subtilits de l'analyse. C'est le moment propice pour revoir tous ces concepts et d'autres encore, puisque le domaine de la grammaire s'est beaucoup largi depuis votre passage sur les bancs de l'cole.De fascinantes dcouvertes vous attendent!

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1.Qu'est-ce qu'une phrase?

a)Ce qui se trouve entre une majuscule et un point

b)Une unit de sens complte

c)Un sujet, un prdicat et, facultativement, un ou plusieurs complments de phrase

d)Un verbe conjugu et ce qui l'entoure

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La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.D'ailleurs, le modle de la phrase de base est le suivant: P = Sujet + Prdicat (+ Complment de phrase). Cependant, la rponseb)n'est pas sans un fondement de vrit.En effet, une phrase est une unit syntaxique autonome; cependant, en nouvelle grammaire, on tentera de recourir aussi peu que possible au point de vue smantique dans ses dfinitions opratoires.Il est donc certain qu'une dfinition de la phrase ne pourra s'appuyer sur des critres smantiques. La rponsea), qui tait celle de la grammaire traditionnelle, correspond dsormais la notion de phrase graphique (qui peut contenir plus d'une phrase syntaxique correspondant au modle de la phrase P). Quant la rponsed), elle est difficilement applicable aux phrases matrices.

2.La didactique nous apprend que, lorsque l'on enseigne la grammaire, il est prfrable de commencer par...

a)le mot

b)le mot et ses interactions dans la phrase

c)la phrase

d)le texte

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La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.Dans le systme qu'est la langue, les mots constituent les matriaux de base des phrases et obissent donc aux grands principes qui structurent la phrase. Pour bien comprendre le systme langagier, il importe donc de connatre les grandes rgularits du fonctionnement de la syntaxe. De plus, nous nous exprimons naturellement par des groupements de mots, par des phrases, et non par des mots dtachs; il est donc normal que ce soit l notre objet d'observation premier. Il est ensuite possible d'approfondir notre comprhension du langage en analysant les liens entre les phrases (grammaire du texte), ou entre les groupes et leurs constituants qui forment les lments des phrases.

3.Laquelle de ces oprations n'est pas une manipulation syntaxique?


b)la conjugaison

c)le remplacement


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La rponse estb).
Votre score : 0/4.Plutt qu'une manipulation syntaxique visant dterminer les groupes qui forment la phrase et leur fonction, la conjugaison est lie la morphologie du verbe.

4.Quelle affirmation est fausse propos d'un groupe?

a)Il s'agit d'une unit syntaxique forme d'un noyau et, facultativement, d'une expansion

b)Il s'agit d'une unit syntaxique autonome

c)Il remplit une fonction syntaxique

d)Il peut tre totalement remplac par un pronom, effac ou dplac

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La rponse estb).
Votre score : 0/4.Il est vrai que le groupe (par exemple, le groupe nominal ou le groupe verbal) est une unit syntaxique forme d'un noyau et, facultativement, d'une expansion; qu'il remplit une fonction syntaxique, et que, selon cette fonction, il pourra tre pronominalis, effac ou dplac -- ces manipulations serviront d'ailleurs circonscrire le groupe. Cependant, le groupe n'est pas autonome: il doit s'unir d'autres groupes pour former la phrase (qui est, elle, une unit autonome sur le plan syntaxique).

5.Laquelle de ces classes de mots peut fournir le noyau d'un groupe?

a)la prposition

b)la conjonction

c)le pronom

d)le dterminant

Vous n'avez pas rpondu cette question.
La rponse esta).
Votre score : 0/4.La prposition est le noyau du groupe prpositionnel, et est presque toujours suivie d'une expansion. La conjonction sert joindre des units syntaxiques (des groupes, des subordonnes, des P).Le pronom, lui, remplace un groupe -- il est donc analys comme le substitut d'un groupe et non comme un groupe en lui-mme. Quant au dterminant, il accompagne presque toujours le nom dans le groupe nominal. Il est alors un lment indispensable du groupe, mais il n'en est pas le noyau (qui est le nom) ni une expansion.

6.Lorsqu'on aborde en classe une nouvelle rgle de grammaire, par quoi commencera-t-on si l'on veut suivre l'esprit de la nouvelle grammaire?

a)Par l'observation de phrases qui illustrent le fait grammatical que l'on s'apprte expliquer

b)Par un petit exercice choix de rponses qui porte sur la matire expliquer

c)Par un tableau synthse, trs schmatique, qui rsume la matire que l'on veut expliquer

d)Par la thorie complte autour de la matire que l'on veut enseigner, y compris les exceptions et cas difficiles que l'lve peut avoir rsoudre

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La rponse esta).
Votre score : 0/4.La nouvelle grammaire applique l'tude des faits grammaticaux la dmarche scientifique canonique: observation, formulation d'une hypothse, exprimentation, analyse des rsultats et formulation d'une loi.Consquemment, au lieu de prsenter d'abord les connaissances matriser, puis de les appliquer dans des exercices cibls, il est prfrable de procder par une dmarche inductive. Il faut ainsi observer des faits langagiers et tenter d'en dgager des constantes. Il faut ensuite permettre aux tudiants de trouver eux-mmes les rgles orthographiques ou syntaxiques qu'elles mettent en vidence. Pour plus de renseignements ce sujet, on lira avec intrt l'article d'ric Genevay intitul S'il vous plat... invente-moi une grammaire!, tir dePour un nouvel enseignement de la grammaire, collectif sous le direction de Suzanne-G.Chartrand, aux ditions Logiques.

7.Choisissez l'lment qui ne relve pas du domaine de la nouvelle grammaire.

a)la disposition d'un texte en paragraphes

b)le vocabulaire connotatif

c)les prfixes

d)aucune de ces rponses

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La rponse estd).
Votre score : 0/4.Le champ d'application de la grammaire s'est beaucoup largi.En effet, si l'analyse syntaxique de la phrase est toujours une part importante du cours de franais, d'autres grammaires viennent la complter et l'enrichir. En grammaire du texte, on tente de rflchir sur l'organisation des phrases qui forment des textes, en tenant compte de la situation dans laquelle a lieu l'nonciation de ces textes; les modalisations d'nonciation peuvent ainsi tre mises en vidence.En grammaire lexicale, on s'attarde aux mots, leur sens, leur origine, leur morphologie.

8.Quelle phrase parmi les suivantes correspond au modle de la phrase de base, sans transformations?

a)Je ne crois pas cette histoire.

b)La maison s'est vendue en deux semaines.

c)C'est toi qui le dis.

d)Je pense que tu devrais venir demain.

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La rponse estd).
Votre score : 0/4.Mme si la phrased)possde une subordonne, elle est conforme au modle de la phrase de base.En effet, on peut la dcomposer en sujet(Je) et prdicat (pense que tu devrais venir demain).Il est cependant noter que ce prdicat est form lui aussi d'une P, qui se dcompose en sujet (tu), prdicat (devrais venir) et complment de phrase (demain).Les autres phrases ont subi des transformations par rapport au modle de la phrase de base:a)est de forme ngative,b)est de forme passive etc)est de forme emphatique.

9.Une multitude de tches nous attendent.Dans cette phrase,une multitude deest...

a)un groupe du nom (GN)

b)un modificateur

c)un dterminant simple

d)un dterminant complexe

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La rponse estd).
Votre score : 0/4.La substitution est une manipulation qui aide dterminer quelle classe un mot appartient. Puisqu'il est ici possible de remplacerune multitude deparplusieurs,certainesoudes, qui sont tous des dterminants, on peut donc conclure queune multitude deen est un lui aussi.Puisqu'il est form de plusieurs mots, on l'appellera dterminant complexe. On peut cependant analyser les constructions de ce type de deux faons: comme des dterminants complexes ou comme un groupe nominal suivi d'un groupe prpositionnel (dans les cas o le verbe s'accorde avec le noyau du groupe nominal).

10.Lequel de ces lments n'est pas un receveur d'accord?

a)le dterminant

b)l'adjectif qualificatif

c)le pronom

d)le verbe

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La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.Le pronom, puisqu'il peut se substituer un groupe nominal, est, comme le noyau de ce groupe, un donneur d'accord.

11.Je regarde la ville.Dans cette phrase, la fonction syntaxique dela villeest...

a)complment de phrase

b)complment d'objet direct du verberegarde

c)complment direct du verberegarde

d)groupe nominal

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La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.La notion de complment d'objet, qui renvoyait une analyse smantique de la phrase, a t abandonne dans le lexique de la nouvelle grammaire, o l'on parle plutt de complment direct ou indirect du verbe. Ici, puisquela villene peut tre dplac ou supprim, il n'est pas complment de phrase. Certes,la villeest un groupe nominal, mais il ne s'agit pas l de sa fonction syntaxique, qui est plutt d'tre complment direct du verberegarde.

12.Je vais l'cole.Dans cette phrase, la fonction syntaxique de l'coleest...

a)complment de phrase

b)complment circonstanciel de lieu du verbevais

c)complment indirect du verbevais

d)groupe prpositionnel

Vous n'avez pas rpondu cette question.
La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.La notion de complment circonstanciel a disparu dans le lexique de la nouvelle grammaire.Les complments qui, dans la grammaire traditionnelle, appartenaient cette catgorie se classent dsormais dans les complments directs ou indirects du verbe et les complments de phrase.Dans la phrase qui nous intresse, l'colene peut tre un complment de phrase puisqu'on ne peut ni le supprimer ni le dplacer.Il est li au verbe par une prposition, on dira donc qu'il est complment indirect devais.Et il est vrai qu'il s'agit d'un groupe prpositionnel, dont le noyau est(mais cela ne constitue pas sa fonction syntaxique pour autant).

13.L'une de ces phrases ne peut pas se comparer au modle de la phrase de base et est donc une phrase construction particulire. Laquelle?

a)C'est lundi que nous connatrons ses plans.

b)Mange tout ton repas.

c)C'est l'homme le plus heureux du monde.

d)Il est mort!

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La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.Les phrasesa),b)etd)peuvent tre compares au modle de la phrase de base. Les phrasesa)etb)ont seulement t transformes, soit dans leur type, soit dans leur forme. La phrasea)a subi une modification de forme, elle est emphatique. La phraseb)est de type impratif (au lieu d'tre de type dclaratif).La phrased)est, elle, une phrase tout fait conforme au modle de la phrase de base, puisque, malgr sa ponctuation exclamative, elle ne possde pas de marqueur exclamatif (Comme il est mort!). Seule la phrasec)ne peut se comparer au modle de la phrase de base, puisqu'il s'agit d'une phrase prsentatif. Outre le prsentatifc'est, on compte aussivoici,voiletil y a.

14.Suzanne ne rpondit pas tout de suite, tonne de la brusquerie de l'interrogation.Dans cette phrase, par quelle manipulation syntaxique peut-on dterminer sitonne de la brusquerie de l'interrogationappartient au groupe sujet ou est complment de phrase?

a)par pronominalisation du sujet

b)par effacement

c)par ddoublement

d)par dplacement

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La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.La pronominalisation du sujet, ici, ne sert rien, puisqu'elle ne lve pas l'ambigut qui pse surtonne de la brusquerie de l'interrogation. En effet, si l'on considre ce groupe adjectival comme un complment de la phrase, alors on pronominalisera le sujet de la faon suivante:Elle ne rpondit pas tout de suite, tonne de la brusquerie de l'interrogation. Et, en effet, le fait quetonne de la brusquerie de l'interrogationsoit dplaable, par exemple, en tte de phrase (tonne de la brusquerie de l'interrogation, Suzanne ne rpondit pas tout de suite.) et supprimable (Suzanne ne rpondit pas tout de suite) semble l'apparenter un complment de phrase. Cependant, si l'on ddouble le sujet et le prdicat, l'on verra bien que cette hypothse ne peut tre retenue:Suzanne ne rpondit pas tout de suite, et cela se passe tonne de la brusquerie de l'interrogation.ouSuzanne ne rpondit pas tout de suite, et elle fait cela tonne de la brusquerie de l'interrogation.sont asyntaxiques.

15.Le mari de la coiffeuse est un homme qui n'a pas froid aux yeux.Dans le nouveau programme de franais, quelle fonction syntaxique attribue-t-on de la coiffeuseetqui n'a pas froid aux yeuxdans cette phrase?

a)complment attributif

b)complment du nom


d)aucune fonction syntaxique prcise

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La rponse estb).
Votre score : 0/4.Afin d'uniformiser le lexique, les termes d'apposition, d'pithte, de complment dterminatif ont t remplacs par la fonction de complment du nom, qui s'applique toutes les expansions du groupe nominal. Ce complment du nom peut tre form par un groupe adjectival, un groupe prpositionnel, une subordonne relative, un groupe participial ou un autre groupe nominal.

16.Quelle phrase possde un lment complment direct du verbe?

a)Je marche sur la pointe des pieds.

b)Cet article cote 100 dollars.

c)Ce spectacle semble peu pertinent.

d)Je me rends au thtre toutes les semaines.

Vous n'avez pas rpondu cette question.
La rponse estb).
Votre score : 0/4.Les groupes qu'en grammaire traditionnelle on appelait complments circonstanciels se classent dsormais dans les complments directs ou indirects du verbe, et les complments de phrase. Ici, puisque100 dollarsest li cotesans prposition, il s'agit d'un complment direct du verbe. Dans la phrasea), le groupe prpositionnelsur la pointe des piedsest modificateur du verbemarche. Dans la phrasec)le groupe adjectivalpeu pertinentest attribut. Finalement, dans la phrased), le groupe prpositionnelau thtreest complment indirect du verbe (il ne peut tre supprim ou dplac) et le groupe nominaltoutes les semainesest complment de phrase (il peut tre supprim et dplac).

17.Lequel de ces adjectifs ne qualifie pas un type de phrase?





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La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.Les phrases de tous les types ont diffrentes formes, qui peuvent s'additionner.Par contre, les phrases ne peuvent appartenir qu' un type la fois.Les quatre types possibles de phrases sont le type dclaratif, le type impratif, le type exclamatif et le type interrogatif. Les formes -- qui peuvent, elles, se coordonner -- sont les formes positive ou ngative, les formes neutre ou emphatique, et les formes active ou passive.

18.Tu marches vite.Dans cette phrase,viteest...

a)un groupe adverbial, complment de la phrase

b)un adverbe, complment de la phrase

c)un groupe adverbial, modificateur du verbemarches

d)un groupe adverbial, complment circonstanciel du verbemarches

Vous n'avez pas rpondu cette question.
La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.Viteest un groupe adverbial rduit sa plus simple expression, c'est--dire seulement le noyau du groupe, l'adverbe. Dans cette phrase, il fait partie du prdicat et ne peut tre dplac hors de celui-ci (on ne peut, en effet, accepter des constructions commeVite tu marches.ouTu vite marches.) Cependant, il peut tre supprim:Tu marches.Il n'est donc pas un complment de phrase, mais un modificateur du verbe.

19.Quels sont les deux points de vue les plus discriminants pour dterminer quelle classe un mot appartient?

a)smantique et morphologique

b)smantique et syntaxique

c)morphologique et syntaxique

d)logique et syntaxique

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La rponse estc).
Votre score : 0/4.Prenons, par exemple, la phraseJ'aime regarder la course.Afin que les tudiants soient capables de trouver quelle classe de mots appartientcourse, le critre smantique est peu pertinent, car ils penseront sans doute que, puisque le motcoursedsigne une action, il est un verbe. Au contraire, si on leur montre quecoursea un genre et peut varier en nombre, ou qu'il est prcd d'un dterminant et qu'il constitue le noyau d'un groupe que l'on peut remplacer par le pronomla, alors ils arriveront plus srement la conclusion qu'il s'agit ici d'un nom.

20.Lequel de ces principes n'est pas un principe de base de la grammaire du texte?

a)la progression de l'information

b)la reprise de l'information

c)l'absence de contradiction

d)la justesse de l'information

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La rponse estd).
Votre score : 0/4.Il ne s'agit pas, dans la grammaire du texte, de dbattre de la validit du contenu d'un texte, mais bien d'analyser comment les informations s'articulent dans un texte, comment elles sont hirarchises, rparties et assembles en vue de rpondre des critres gnriques et communicationnels prcis.

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