material design & development week 1 course intro, syllabus & life map mini lesson

Material Design & Material Design & Development Development Week 1 Course Intro, Syllabus & Life Map Mini Lesson

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Post on 11-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Material Design & Development Week 1 Course Intro, Syllabus & Life Map Mini Lesson

Material Design & Material Design & DevelopmentDevelopment

Week 1Course Intro, Syllabus &

Life Map Mini Lesson

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Needs Analysis & Personal Needs Analysis & Personal ExpectationsExpectations

• In this course, I expect the teacher to…

• In this course, I expect…

• To learn about student learning objectives • To learn about writing lesson plans• To learn strategies to make planning lessons and

classes easier• To adapt textbooks to fit my students needs• To learn about fun and interesting language activities

• In terms of using English materials in either my teaching or learning, the biggest challenge or difficulty for me is/has been…

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What do you want to know about What do you want to know about me?me?

• I’ll give you several minutes to ask me some personal questions.

• Although one of my hobbies is lying, I promise not to lie…today

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Syllabus & Assessment Syllabus & Assessment

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Attendance [10%] & Participation [20%] (30%)

Attendance is mandatory. Participants who arrive to class 10 minutes or

more after the start of class will be considered late. Participants who are

late 3 times will receive 1 absence. Any participant who misses ¼ or more

of all class meetings WILL receive an F in the course. More important

than attendance is participation. I expect participants to be active in class

discussions and to complete all oral and written assignments BY THE DUE

DATE. If assignments are handed in late without prior permission from the

instructor, 10% for each late day will be deducted from the grade. Finally,

participants in this course will have several opportunities to apply the skills

learned in lectures, discussions and workshops by engaging in various “in-

class” activities and projects.

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Homework on readings (20%)

It is essential to be prepared for each class by completing the

required readings. This will provide you with the background

knowledge on the topic and allow you to participate actively

in the class discussion. In order to ensure that you have read

the required readings for class, you will be expected to do a

short homework assignment for the reading. This homework

assignment involves answering the guiding reading questions

presented at the beginning of each reading. These homework

assignments are to be submitted at the beginning of class.

Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

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Lesson Plan & Material 1 & 2 (25% each)

These two assignments are critical to success in this course. Participants

will be expected to write a student learning objective (SLO), design a

lesson plan to achieve the SLO, and select, adapt, and/or supplement the

materials that the Ss will need to complete the lesson successfully.

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Lesson Plan & Material 1

1. Create a student learning objective (SLO) for a productive skill lesson (speaking lesson).

2. Create a lesson plan following the E-I-F (encounter, enternalize, fluency) framework using the given template

3. Label the stages in the lesson E-I-F

4. Include interaction for each step in the lesson (T-S, S, Ss-Ss, etc.)

5. Provide a purpose or a rationale for each step in the lesson

6. Select, adapt and/or supplement the necessary materials to be used in the lesson

7. Label your materials so that they match the steps in your lesson plan

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Read and answer the questions to Fadil’s “Defining Learning Objectives for ELT”• Questions on page 163 • Skim pages 166-170

• Additional comic strip (p165) + handouts on the lesson planning process (p171-173)

Homework for Next WeekHomework for Next Week

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Icebreaker & Mini-LessonIcebreaker & Mini-Lesson

• Role playing prep If this class were designed for upper elementary Ss, then:

• How old would you be? • What kind of Ss would you be? Hardworking? Quiet? Shy? Studious?• Would you have taken an English class before or is it your first time in

an English class?• What would be your strongest skill; your weakest skill? (listening,

speaking, reading, writing)• What kind of errors would you make?

• This mini-lesson; however, is designed for low level freshman university Ss. Why would it be inappropriate for elementary Ss?

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Something to think aboutSomething to think about

• What materials did I use in this mini-lesson?• What made them relevant?

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Wow, I finally finished elementary


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to moveto move

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be bornbe born

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go to/attendgo to/attend

I think I’m more scared than he is!

Good luck, son.

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learn to…learn to…

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date/go out withdate/go out with

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break upbreak up

I never want to see him again!

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• move

• learn to

• date

• attend

• graduate

• contest

• break up

• be born

I won the ___ . I got a prize.

I will begin _____ middle school next year.

I will ______ from high school before going to university.

I _______ ride a bike from my father.

I was _______ in August in the year of the monkey.

I ________ with my boyfriend last week.

There’s a girl I want to ______ , but she keeps saying no.

My family and I _____ to a new apartment last month.

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Life MapLife Map

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Step OneStep One

• Make a list of events from your life:• important• interesting• sad• scary• fun• embarrassing• exciting

Examples:• went camping • broke leg• born August 15• moved & changed

schools• learned to ride bike• attend kindergarten

Share list with partner.Add ideas.

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Step TwoStep Two

• Count the number of your events (at least 6 no more than 12)

• Make a column of numbers

• Put events in order: First, second, next, and then…

1. born August 152. learned to ride bike3. attend kindergarten4. broke leg5. moved and changed

school6. camping @ beach

•camping @ the beach•broke leg•born August 15•moved & changed schools•learned to ride bike•attend kindergarten

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Step ThreeStep Three

• One a sheet of blank paper draw a single, wavy line

• Make dots on the wavy line for each event in your life.

• Then write the name of the event next to each dot (1-4 words)

• Draw a picture for each event

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Life MapLife Map

Draw Pictures

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Get to know your Get to know your classmates:classmates:

A: What was your most _____ experience?

B: My most _______ experience was ____.

A: What happened?B: ________________.

What was your most _____ experience?

A: My most _______ experience was ____.

B: What happened?A: _________________.

A: ….important….

B: …..camping at the beach.

B: I met my current boy/girl friend….scary…

A: …… getting stuck on top of a rollercoaster.

A: …………….

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You Try!You Try!Share with a PartnerShare with a Partner

A: What was your most _____ experience?

B: My most _______ experience was ____.

A: What happened?B: ________________.

What was your most _____ experience?

A: My most _______ experience was ____.

B: What happened?A: _________________.







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Life Map Processing QsLife Map Processing Qs

• What are the receptive skills (listening and reading)? What are the productive skills (speaking and writing)?

• What were the “language learning materials” used in the mini-lesson?

• What were the characteristics of those materials?• What skill did the icebreaker focus on?• Could you use this activity in your own class? • What changes might you need to make? • Why would you need to make them?• How could you adapt this activity to other skills?

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Read and answer the questions to Fadil’s “Defining Learning Objectives for ELT”• Questions on page 163 • Skim pages 166-170

Don’t Forget! Homework:Don’t Forget! Homework: