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Toefl Preparation Course 1 Toefl-preparation course

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Toefl-preparation course

Center for Foreign Language TrainingDian Nuswantoro University




You should first use the chart to determine your converted score for each section. Suppose that you got 30 correct in the first section, 28 correct in the second section, and 43 correct in the third section. The 30 correct in the first section means a converted score of 51. The 28 correct in the second section means a converted score of 52. The 43 correct in the third section means a converted score of 58. (see the chart below.)SECTION 1SECTION 2SECTION 3



Next, you should determine your overall score in the following way :1. Add the three converted scores together. 51+ 52 + 58 = 1612. Divide the sum by 3.161 / 3 = 53.73. The multiple by 10.53.7 x 10 = 537

The overall TOEFL score in this example is 537


The following language skills will help you to implement these strategies and procedures with the sort dialogues on both the paper TOEFL test and the computer TOEFL test.STRATEGIES ____________________________________________________SKILL 1 : FOCUS ON THE LAST LINEThe short dialogues involve conversations between two people, each followed by ques-tion. It is important to understand that the answer to this type of question is most often (but not always!) found in the last line of the conversation.Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL Test

On the recording, you hear:(man)Billy really made a big mistake this time.(woman)Yes, he forgot to turn in his research paper.(narator)What does the woman say about Billy?

In your test book or on the computer screen, you read:(A) It was the first time he made a mistake.(B) He forgot to write his paper.(C) He turned in the paper in the wrong place.(D) He didnt remember to submit his assignment.

The last line of this dialogue indicates that Billy forgot to turn in his research paper, and this means that he didnt remember to submit it. The best answer is therefore answer (D).The following chart outlines the most important strategy for the short dialogues:


1. The last line of the dialogue probably contains the answer to the question.2. Listen to the first line of the dialogue. If you understand it, thats good. If you dont understand it, dont worry because it probably does not contain the answer.3. Be ready to focus on the last line of the dialogue because it probably contains the answer. Repeat the last line in your mind as you read through the answer in the text.

EXERCISE 1 : In this exercise, you should focus on the last line of the dialogue, read the question, and then choose the best answer to that question. Remember that you can probably answer the question easily with only the last line.Toefl Preparation Course 1

Toefl Preparation Course 2

Toefl Preparation Course 5

1. (man)can you tell me if todaysmatinee is a comedy, romance,or western?(woman)i have no idea(narrator)What does the woman mean?

(A) She has strong ideas about movies.(B) She prefers comedies over western and romances.(C) She doesnt like todays matinee.(D) She does not know.

2.(woman)Was anyone at home at Barbs house when you went there to deliver the package?(man)I rang the bell, but no one answered.(narrator)What does the man imply?

(A) Barb answer the bell.(B) The house was probably empty(C) The bell wasnt in the house(D) The house doesnt have a bell.

3. (woman)You just got back from interview for the internship.How do you think it went.(man)I think its highly unlikely that I got the job.(narrator)What does the man suggest?(A) Its unlikely that hell go to the interview(B) He thinks hell be recomended for a high-level job.(C)The interview was apparently quite unsuccesful.(D)He had an excellent interview.

TOEFL EXERCISE 1: In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording and then choose the best answer to the question. You should focus carefully on the last line.

Now begin the recording at toefl exercise 1.

1. 2. (A)He is leaving now.(B)He has to go out this way.(C)He will not be leaving soon.(D)He will do it his own way.

3. (A)He locked the door.(B)He tried unsuccesfully to get into the house.(C)He was able to open the door.(D)He left the house without locking the door.

4. (A) She doesnt like to listen to turkeys.(B)She thinks the dinner sounds special.(C)She especially likes the roast turkey(D)Shed prefer a different dinner.

5. (A)Hell be busy with her homework tonight.(B)He cant help her tonight.(C)Hes sorry he cant ever help her.(D)Hell help her with her physics.6. (A)Her eyes hurt.(B)She thought the lecture was great.(C)The class was boring.(D)She didnt want to watch Professor Martin.

7. (A)Not all the bills have been paid.(B)They dont have enough credit to pay the bills.(C)What she said on the phone was not credible.(D)He used a credit card to pay some of the bills.

8. (A)Shell call back quickly.(B)Shell definetely be back by 4:00(C)Shell give it back by 4:00(D)Shell try to return fast.

9. (A)She hasnt seen Tim(B)Tim was there only for a moment.(C)Tim was around a short time ago.(D)Tim will return in a minute.

10. (A) She doesnt like the place he close.(B)She doesnt want to get into the car.(C) Shes glad the spot is reserved.(D) They cant park the car there.11. (A) Theres plenty to eat.(B) The refrigators broken.(C) The food isnt in the refrigator.(D) Hes not sure if theres enough.


Often the correct answer ina short dialogue is an answer that contains synonyms (words with similiar meanings but different sounds) for key words in the conversation.

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL Test

On the recording, you hear:(woman)Why is Barbara feelings so happy?(man)She just started working in a real estate agency.(narator)What does the man say about Barbara?

In your test book or on the computer screen, you read:(A) She always liked her work in real estate.(B) She began a new job.(C) She just bought some real estate.(D) She bought a real estate agency.

In this dialogue, the key word started means began, and the key word working refers to job. The best answer to this question is therefore answer (B).The following chart outlines a very important strategy for short dialogues:


1. As you listen to the last line of the dialogue, focus on key words in that line.2. If you see any synonyms for key words in a particular answer, then you have probably found the correct answer.

EXERCISE 2: In this exercise, underline key words in the last line of each short dialogue. Then underline synonyms for these key words in the answer, and choose the best answer to each question. Remember that the best answer is probably the answer that contains synonyms for key words in the last line of the dialogue.

1. 1. (woman)Did you see the manager about the job in the bookstore?(man)Yes, and I also had to fill out an application.(narrator)What does the man means?

(A) He got a job as bookstore manager.(B) The bookstore was not accepting applications.(C) He saw a book about how to apply for jobs.(D) It was necessary to complete a form.

2. (man)Were planning to leave for the trip at about 2:00.(woman)Couldnt we leave before noon?(narrator)What does the woman ask?(A) If they could leave at noon(B) If it is possible to go by 12:00(C) Why they cant leave at noonToefl Preparation Course 8

(D) If they could leave the room

3. 3. (man)Was the concert well received?(woman)The audience applauded for a long time after the performance.(narrator)What does the woman say about the concert?

(A) The performance went on for a long time.(B) There was applause throughout the performance.(C) The people clapped on and on after the concert.(D) The audience waited for a long time for the concert to beginTOEFL EXERCISE 2: In this exercise,listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. You should look for synonyms for key words in the last line.

Now begin the recording at toefl exercise 2.

1. 2. (A)The final exam was harder than the others.(B)There were two exams rather than one.(C)He thought the exam would be easier.(D)The exam was not very difficult.

3. (A)Hes not feeling very well.(B)Hes rather sick of working.(C)Hes feeling better today than yesterday.(D)Hed really rather not answer the question.

4. (A)The company was founded about a year ago.(B)It was just established that he could go into business.(C)The family is well-established.(D)The business only lasted a year.

5. (A)He did not look at the right schedule.(B)The plane landed in the right place.(C)The plane arrived on time.(D)He had to wait for the plane to land.

6. (A)Shed rather go running.(B)She doesnt want to go into the pool.(C)Shell change clothes quickly and go swimming.(D)She needs a sweatsuit to go running.

7. (A)The firefighters saved the homes for last.(B)A firefighter saved the hillside last night.(C)The homes on the hillside were burned.(D)The houses werent destroyed.

8. (A)Theres enough soup.(B)The spices are adequate.(C)She thinks the soups too salty.(D)The man should add more salt and pepper.

9. (A)He was lucky to receive a grant for his studies.(B)He used his fortune to pay his fees.(C)He is a scholar at a collage with low fees.(D)He paid to get a scholarship.

10. (A)It profited from previous mistakes.(B)It errned a lot of money.(C)This was the last year that it would make a profit.(D)It was not so succesful.

11. (A)Chucks bank account has too much money in it.(B)He thinks Chuck has the wrong kind of bank account.(C)He thinks that Chuck is on his way home from the bank.(D)There isnt enough money in Chucks account.


Often the incoreect answers in the short dialogues are answer that contain words with similiar sounds but very different meanings from what you hear on the recording. You should definitely avoid these answer.

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL Test

On the recording, you hear:(man)Why couldnt Mark come with us?(woman)He was searching for a new apartment.(narator)What does the woman say about Mark?

In your test book or on the computer screen, you read:(A) He was in the department office.(B) He was looking for a place to live.(C) He was working on his research project.(D) He had an appointment at church.

The key words in the last line of the dialogue are searching and apartment. In answer (C) and (D), the words research and church sound like search, so these answers are incorrect. In answers (A) and (D), the words department and appointment sound like appartment, so these answers are incorrect. The best answer is therefore answer (B).The following chart outlines a very important strategy for the short dialogues:


1. Identify key words in the last line of the dialogue.2. Identify words in the answers that contain similiar sounds, and do not choose these answers.

NOTE : In Appendix A there are drills to practice distinguishing similiar sounds. You may want to complete these practise drills before trying the following exercises.

EXERCISE 3: In this exercise, underline key words in the last line of each short dialogue. Then underline words with sounds similiar to these key words in the answers, and choose the best answer to each question. Remember that the best answer is probably the answer that does not contain words with sounds that similiar to the sounds of the key words in the last line of the dialogue.

Toefl Preparation Course 9

1. 2. (woman)I heard that Sally just moved into a new, big house near the beach.(man)But Sally doesnt have a cent!(narrator)What does the man mean?(A) Sally has no sense of responsibility.(B) Sally sent her friend to the house.(C) Sally has no money.(D) Sally is on the set with her.

3. 4. (woman)Did they get the near car they wanted?(man)No, they lacked the money.(narrator)What does the man mean?

(A) They locked the map in a car.(B) They looked many times in the car.(C) It cost a lot of money when the car leaked oil.Toefl Preparation Course 10

(D) They didnt have enough money to buy another car.

5. 3. (man)Have you finished packing yet?(woman)You should call the porter to get the suitcases.(narrator)What does the woman mean?(A) Its important to pack the suitcases.(B) They need help carrying their bags.(C) The man should pack his suit in case he needs it.(D) The suitcases are quite portable.

TOEFL EXERCISE 3: In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question. You should be careful to avoid answer with similiar sounds.

Now begin the recording at Toefl Exercise 3.

1. 2. (A)She has to wait for some cash.(B)The waiter is bringing a glass of water.(C)The lawn is too dry.(D)She needs to watch out for a crash.

3. (A)The sweaters the wrong size.(B)The mans feet arent sweating.(C)The answer makes the man seem fat.(D)The sweet girl doesnt feel right.

4. (A)He has been regularly using a computer.(B)He communicates with a Boston company.(C)He regularly goes to communities around Boston.(D)He has been traveling back and forth to Boston.

5. (A)He thought the lesson didnt matter.(B)He couldnt learn the lesson.(C)He didnt like most of the lesson.(D)He didnt like most of the lesson.

6. (A)Some animals started the first fire.(B)Animals are killed by forest fires.(C)In the first frost, animals die.(D)Frost can kill animals.

7. (A)Twenty pairs of shoes are on sale.(B)The shoe salesclerk spent twenty dollars on pears.(C)The shoes cost twenty dollars.(D)The shoes could be repaired for twenty dollars.

8. (A)Tom tended to dislike biology lab.(B)Attendance wasnt necessary at biology lab.(C)Tom went to biology lab.(D)There was a tendency to require biology lab.

9. (A)The meal will be served at noon.(B)The males should be driven there by noon.(C)Hes expencting the ice to melt before noon.(D)The letters ought to be delivered at 12:00.

10. (A)The weather will probably get worse later.(B)The newspaper headlines descriped a bad storm.(C)There was news about a headstrong man.(D)He had a new bed.11. (A)If she could do the grocery shopping.(B)If she prefers cooked vegetables or salad(C)If she could help prepare the salad.(D) If she minds shopping for vegetables.TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 1-3): In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then choose the best answer to the question.Now begin the recording at toefl exercise (skills 1-3)

Toefl Preparation Course 11

1. 2. (A)He would like some iced coffee.(B)He wants to stop drinking coffee.(C)A drink seems like a good idea.(D)He needs to drink something to stop his coughing.

3. (A)She would prefer a sunny day.(B)The park is too crowded.(C)She would like a place that is not so loud.(D)She cannot walk because shes too old.

4. (A)He should open an account.(B)He should take a ride on a ship.(C)He should try to keep the cost cheap.(D)He should try something monotonous to get to sleep.

5. (A)The deparment is not changing the requirements.(B)He hasnt heard anything about the change.(C)The changes are believable.(D)What has happened is incredible to him.

6. (A)The wait has taken close to an hour.(B)They were stranded in their car.(C)Most of the people have been in line for hours.(D)They made a line in the sand.

7. (A)The instructur is selecting several passages.(B)The conductor is fair to the passengers.(C)The stamp collector is conducting his business.(D)The riders are paying for the train trip.

8. (A)The managers will take the train to the program.(B)A program to develop new managers will commence soon.(C)The new management program is very weak.(D)The program will be maintained to the letter.

9. (A)The fire started to attack the building.(B)The firefighter stared at the attacker.(C)The fire probably began at the top of the building.(D)The firefighter started to attack the fire.

10. (A)He assured the woman that he knew the truth.(B)He is sure that it isnt new.(C)He thought that the woman was aware of what happened.(D)He soon will know the truth.

11. (A)The art professor is not one of his fans.(B)His drawings were amazing.(C)The catches that he made were fantastic.(D)His sketches showerd a fantasy world.

The following skills will help you to implement these procedures in the long conversations on the paper TOFL test.

BEFORE LISTENING______________________________________________________________


It is very helpful to you for overall comprehension if you know what topics to expect in the long conversations. You should therefore try to anticipate the topics you will be hearing. For examples, are the conversations about some aspect of school life, or some type of social issue, or a trip someone is planning? A helpful strategy is therefore to look briefly at the answers in the test book, before you actually hear the conversations on the recording, and try to determine the topics of the conversations that you will hear.

EXERCISE 18: Look at the answers to the five quetions together, and try to anticipate the topic of the conversation for those five questions. (Of course, you cannot always determine exactly what the topics is, but you often can get a general idea.) questions I through 5 have been answered for you.

Toefl Preparation Course 12

1. 2. (A)Find work on campus(B)Work in the employment office(C)Help students find jobs(D)Ask the woman questions

3. (A)In the library(B)In a classroom(C)In a campus office(D)In an apartment

4. (A)No more than ten(B)At least twenty(C)Not more than twenty(D)Up to ten

5. (A)Every morning(B)Afternoons and weekends(C)When hes in class(D)Weekdays

6. (A)Fill out a form(B)Give her some additional information(C)Tell her some news(D)Phone her

What is the topic of the conversation for questions 1 through 5?

Looking for a a job on campus

You can guess this because of the following clues: Work on campus Employment office Students Jobs

7. (A)Just before a vacation(B)Just after the end of a school semester(C)At the end of the summer(D)Jut after a break from school

8. (A)A trip to visit the Eskimos(B)A trip the woman is planning to take(C)A trip the man has already taken(D)A camping trip the man and woman took

9. (A)Three hours(B)Three complete days(C)Three classes(D)Three weeks

10. (A)Sleeping outside on the ground(B)Spending time in a sauna or hot tub(C)Relaxing at the lodge(D)Enjoying excellent food

11. (A)Shed be scared, but shed like to try(B)She cant wait(C)It would be quite exciting for her(D)Shed prefer not to try

Toefl Preparation Course 13

What is the topic of the conversation for questions 6 through 10?

a vacation trip / a caping trip at the end of the school year

12. 13. (A)All kinds of pollution(B)How acid rain has harmed the earth(C)Pollution form cars and factories(D)the causes and possible effects of acid rain

14. (A)Nuclear power(B)Electricity(C)Burning coal and oil(D)Solar power

15. (A)From sulfur dioxide and water vapor(B)From sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide(C)From nitric acid and sulfur dioxide(D)From water vapor and nitric acid

16. (A)Only in North America(B)At the North and Sourth Poles(C)In parts of several northern continents(D)In equatorial areas

17. (A)She should protect herself from the rain(B)She should clean up the water supply(C)She should read a novel(D)She should get more information about acid rain

What is the topic of the conversation for questions 11 through 15?

how acid rain was formed? / acid rain as the result of air pollution


There are two possible methods to use while you listen to a long conversation:

You can just listen to the conversation (and ignore the answer). You can follow along with the answer while you listen.

Some students prefer to just listen to the conversation while it is being spoken, and if that method works well for you, then that is what you should do. Other students find that they can answer more questions correctly if they read along with the answers while the conversation is being spoken. Because the detail questions are answered in order, it is possible to read along while you listen to the conversation on the recording.

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL Test

Toefl Preparation Course 14

On the recording, you hear:(man)Can I help you?(woman)Im interested in opening an account.(man)Well, we have several different types of acounts: checking accounts, savings accounts, time deposit accounts.(woman)Its a checking account that I am interested in(man)I can help you with that. First, you have to fill out a form, and then I need to see some identfication.(woman)That sounds easy enough. Thanks for your help.

On the recording, you hear:(narrator) 1. What type of account does the woman want? 2. What does the man need for her to show him?

In your test book, you read (same time):1. (A)A checking account(B)A savings account(C)A money market account(D)A time deposit account

2. (A)A form(B)An account(C)A piece of identification(D)A check

When you read the answer to the first question, you can anticipate that the first question is: What type of account? As you listen, you determine that the woman wants a checking account. Therefore, you can anticipate that the best answer to the first question is (A).When you read the answers to the second quesions, you can anticipate that the question is going to ask What thing . . .? In the conversation, the man asks her to fill out a form and show identification, so as you are listening you can anticipate that the correct answer to the second question is either (A) or (C). When you hear the question, you can determine that the best answer is answer (C).

TOEFL EXERCISE 5: Listen to each complete and answer the questions that follow.

Toefl Preparation Course 15

1. 2. (A)Find work on campus(B)Work in the employment office(C)Help students find jobs(D)Ask the woman quetions

3. (A)In the library(B)In a classroom(C)In a campus office(D)In a apartment

4. (A)No more than ten(B)At least twenty(C)Not more than twenty(D)Up to ten

5. (A)Every morning(B)Afternoons and weekends(C)When hes in class(D)Weekdays

6. (A)Fill out a form(B)Give her some additional information(C)Tell her some news(D)Phone her

7. (A)Just before a vacation(B)Just after the end of a school semester(C)At the end of the summer(D)Just after a break from school

8. (A)A trip to visit the Eskimos(B)A trip the woman is planning to take(C)A trip the man has already taken(D)A camping trip the man and woman took

9. (A)Three hours(B)Three complete days(C)Three classes(D)Three weeks

10. (A)Sleeping outside on the ground(B)Spending time in a hot tub(C)Relaxing at the lodge(D)Enjoying excellent food

11. (A)Shed be scared, but shed like to try(B)She cant wait(C)it would be quite exciting for her(D)Shed prefer not to try

12. (A)All kinds of pollution(B)How acid rain has harmed the earth(C)Pollution from cars and factories(D)The causes and possible effects of acid rain

13. (A)Nuclear power(B)Electricity(C)Burning coal and oil(D)Solar power

14. (A)From sulfur dioxide and water vapor(B)From sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide(C)From nitric acid and sulfur dioxide(D)From water vapor and nitric acid

15. (A)Only in North America(B)At the North and South Poles(C)In parts of several northern continents(D)In equatorial areas

16. (A) She should protect herselffrom the rain(B)She should clean up the water supply(C)She should read a novel(D)She should get more information about acid rain

Toefl Preparation Course 16

The following skills will help you to implement these procedures in the long talks on the paper TOEFL test.


It is very helpful to you understand overall comprehension if you know what topics to expect in the long talks. You should therefore try to anticipate the topics you will be hearing (as you did with the long conversations). For examples, are the talks about American history, or literature, or some aspect of school life. A helpful strategy is therefore to look briefly at the answers in the test book, before you actually hear the talks on the recording, and try to determine the topics of the talks that you will hear.

EXERCISE 6: Look at the answers to the five quetions together, and try to anticipate the topic of the talk for those five questions. (Of course, you cannot always determine exactly what the topics is, but you often can get a general idea.) questions I through 5 have been answered for you.

1. 2. (A)During a biology laboratory session(B)In a biology study group(C)On the first day of class(D)Just before the final exam

3. (A)Once a week(B)Two times a week(C)Three times a week(D)For fifteen hours

4. (A)To do the first laboratory assignment(B)To take the first exam(C)To study the laboratory manual(D)TO read one chapter of the text

5. (A)Room assignments(B)Exam topics(C)Reading assignment(D)The first lecture

6. (A)Exams and lab work(B)Reading and writing assignments(C)Class participantion and grades on examinations(D)Lecture and laboratory attendance

What is the topic of the talk for questions 1 through 5?The requirements of a biology class

You can guess this because of the following clues: biology first day of class reading assignments exam(s) lab work

7. (A)What caused the Ring of Fire(B)The volcanoes of the Ring of Fire(C)Hawaiian volcanoes(D)Different types of volcanoes

8. (A)The Ring of Fire(B)The characteristics of volcanoes in the Ring of Fire(C)The volcanoes if Hawaii(D)Mauna Loa

9. (A)In Hawaii(B)In the United States(C)Along the Ring of Fire(D)Within the Ring of Fire

10. (A)They are not so violent(B)They are locates along the Ring Fire(C)They contain a llot of gas(D)They contain thick lava

11. (A)A volcano on the Ring of Fire(B)An island in Hawaii(C)A long, low volcanic mountain(D)An explosive volcano

Toefl Preparation Course 17

What is the topic of the talk for questions 6 through 10? the type of volcanoes in the ring of fire

12. 13. (A)An artist(B)A tour guide(C)An Indian(D)Orville Wright

14. (A)Several(B)Sixty thousand(C)Sixteen million(D)Millions and millions

15. (A)The National Air and Space Museum(B)The Museum of Natural History(C)The American History Museum(D)The Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building

16. (A)The American History Museum(B)The Smithsonian Arts and Indrusties Building(C)The Washington Musuem(D)The National Air and Space Museum

17. (A)To the White House(B)To the Smithsonian(C)To the mall(D)To various other museums

What is the topic of the talk for questions 11 through 15?


These are two possible methods to use while you listen to the talks. You can just listen to the talk (and ignore the answer) You can follow along with the answers while you listen

Some students prefer to just listen to the talk while it is being spoken, and if that method works well for you, then that is what you should do. Other students find that they can answer more questions correctly if they read along with the answer while the talk is being given. Because the detail questions are answered in order, it is possible to read along while you listen to the talk on the recording.

Example from the Paper and Computer TOEFL Test

Toefl Preparation Course 24

On the recording, you hear:(woman)The Great Chicago Fire began on October 8, 1871, and according to legend began when a cow knocked over a lantern in Mrs. OLearys barn. No mather how it began, it was a disastrous fire. The preceding summer had been exceedingly dry in the Chicago area, and the eztreme dryness winds created an inferno that destroyed 18.000 buildings and killed more that 300 people before it was extinguished the following day.

On the recording, you hear:(narrator) 1. According to legend, where did the Great Chicago Fire begin?2. Which of the following is not true about the Great Chicago Fire?

In your test book, you read (same time):1. (A)In a barn(B)In Mrs. OLearys home(C)In a cow pasture(D)In a lantern factory

2. (A)The dry weather prior to the fire made it worse.(B)It happened during thesummer.(C)Chicagos winds made it worse.(D)It killed many people.

When you read the answers to the question, you can anticipate that the first question is: where did something happen? As you listen, you determine that the fire began in Mrs. OLearys barn. Therefore, you can anticipate that the best answer to the first question is (A).If you read the answers to the second question while you listen to the talk, you can determine that answers (A), (C), and (D) are true. Answer (B) is not true: the fire did not begin in summer, it began in October, which is in autumn. Therefore, answer (B) is the best answer to the question Which of the following is not true about the Great Chicago Fire?

TOEFL EXERCISE 7: Listen to each complete talk and answer the questions that follow.

Toefl Preparation Course 231. 2. (A)During a biology laboratory session(B)In biology study group(C)On the first day of class(D)Just before the final exam

3. (A)Once a week(B)Two times a week(C)Three times a week(D)For fifteen hours

4. (A)To do the first laboratory assignment(B)To take the fisrt exam(C)TO study the laboratory manual(D)To read one chapter of the text

5. (A)Room assignment(B)Exam topics(C)Reading assignment(D)The first lecture

6. (A)Exams and lab work(B)Reading and writing assignments(C)Class participation and grades on examinations(D)Lecture and laboratory attendance

7. (A)What caused the Ring of Fire(B)The volcanoes of the Ring of Fire(C)Hawaiian volcanoes(D)Different types of volcanoes

8. (A)The Ring of Fire(B)The characteristics of volcanoes on the Ring of Fire(C)The volcanoes of Hawaii(D)Mauna Loa

9. (A)In Hawaii(B)In the United States(C)Along the Ring of Fire(D)Within the Ring of Fire

10. (A)They are not so violent.(B)They are located along the Ring of Fire.(C)They contain a lot of gas.(D)They contain thick lava.

11. (A)A volcano on the Ring of Fire(B)An island in Hawaii(C)A long, low volcanic mountain(D)An explosive volcano

12. (A)An artist(B)A tour guide(C)An Indian(D)Orville Wright

13. (A)Several(B)Sixty thousand(C)Sixteen million(D)Millions and millions

14. (A)The National Air and Space Museum(B)The Museum of Natural History(C)The American History Museum(D)The Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building

15. (A)The American History Museum(B)The Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building(C)The Washington Museum(D)The National Air and Space Museum

16. (A)To the White House(B)To the Smithsonian(C)To the mall(D)To various other museums


I. PAIR OF WORDS1. EITHER.....OR.....NEITHER.....NOR.....Either the taxi or the truck passes through the Madison street.He is not a student and neither is she.

Either the bank or the supermarket opens daily in the city.He didnt see it and neither did she.Neither Indonesia nor Malaysia requires skilled manpower.He works hard, and so does she.Neither the man nor the woman is permitted to enter the area.He is excited, and so is she.

2. ..... and .....

From 1977 to 1800, the population of the US continued to rise in the cities.Between 1963 and 1949 Fred Allen was the most poppular comedian.Chemical bond between atoms of oxygen and those of gold is weak.

3. BOTH ....... AND ....... / BOTH OF + PL. NOUNAmphibians living on both land and water have developed special apparatus.The villagers in he rural areas develop both clothing and meat for survival.Natural gas may be used for both homes and automobile.Both of them flew to New York through the airport in Surabaya.Both parents send their son to the overseas univesity.

4. THE SAME AS >< BE DIFFERENT FROMThis coat is the same as that one.This house is different from mine.My briefcase is exactly the same as yours.Your book differs from this one.That car is almost the same as mine.This picture is the same as the one on your desk.


The projects develop engines that minimize harmful emission such as CO2 and NO.Sources of air pollution such as motor vehicles seem relatively mobile.A catalytic agent such as platinum may be used in the chemical reaction.The construction of such public facilities as hospital and library building is immediately required.The economic recovery covers the development of such small-scale economy as home industry.

6. NOT ONLY ... BUT ALSO .../NOT ONLY ... BUT ....... AS WELL

Not only is fermentation useful in dairy product but also it is used for agricultural one.Not only was she a professional politician, but she was also a scientist.Not only did he work on the gonverment office, but he took graduate course as well.


Sustainable development calls for improving quality of life among the people.

PREPOSITIONSLike the art of photography, Drawing is an art of reproducing a picture on paper.

ON,IN,AT,BY,FOR,OF A stronomers gather data by carefully observing and analyzing the heavens.

FROM, WITH, WITHOUTModern architects insist without using the building materials native to local areas.

8. TO + VERB IIBM works with government agencies in the world to implement Linux system.Motorola failed to anticipate the worldwide shift to digital call phones.General Motors had also found other ways to select the representative dealers.Voice over internet Protocol has the capacity to expand the wordwide services.

9. USED TO & BE USED TOYou used to visit Bandung last year.He is used to having lunch at the campus cafetaria.You used to read the newspaper before going to campus.He is used to eating a bowl of cereal for health.

10. HAD BETTER & WOULD RATHERYou had better reserveyour seats today if you wont to go by rain.You had better start getting up early so that go to get top clean on line.You would rather live with your husband again next year.You would rather not cook for the family together before going out.

11. Noun + of + NounIt was the invention of the electronic calculator providing smell computer-generation.Each of the four typesof human teeth are suited for a specific purpose.Several different varieties of these may grow in a single acre.Nokia has develop a suite of mobile devices to support enterprise communication.


Calligraphy is a greater art form than painting in Arabic countries and China.Springs with higher temperature than their surroundings are called thermal springs.The brains is the largest mass of nerve tissue in the human body.The decimal system is the worlds most useful ways of expressing numbers.He Africa and Arabic countries are the worlds driest desert areas.The United State is the worlds biggest democratic country.The larger the water source, the greater the electric water-based power.The bigger the market you build, the more shoppers you may hope.The citizens in the densely populated bities consume meat twice as much as they did in 1950.The research result shows that the number of vehicles are three times as many as those in the cities.


There are really more beneficial insects than pest insects in many Asian and African countries.

There are no important pieces of American fiction published in America before 1819.

On the moon there is no air because the moons gravitational field is too weak to retain an atmosphere.

During the early period of ocean navigation, there was hardly any need for sophisticated instrument.


Not onlyNever beforewas the bridge completely finished last year.Never againdid the project manager cancel the work.Seldomare the animals reglected to leave home.Only rarelydoes the man drive the car himself.Only afterhas he visited his home town for the last ten years.Not oncedid she smoke cigarettes.

II. ADJECTIVE WORDS + PLURAL NOUN1. Other + Plural NounOther population densities are relatively concentrated in the cities.Other important export items were agricultural based products.

2. Any Other + Plural NounThe cabdriver didnt take any other passengers due to the floods. The pilot would rather not to fly any other renewable Aircrafts.

3. All + Plural NounAll scientific books are available in this book store.All developing countries propose the sustainable development.

4. Some of + Plural NounSome of stroke victims are hospitalized in the emergency room. Some of Asian countries extend network information technology.

5. One of + Plural NounOne of the densely populated cities is Surabaya. One of the seriously damaged areas is located in the forest.

6. Various + Plural NounVarious non-gonvermental organizations criticize the projects. Various monetary policies have been proposed recently.7. A number of + Plural NounA number of food prices have already risen since last June. A number of Pasific Island countries have industrial sectors.

8. A swarm of + Plural NounA swarm of bees attacked the farmers working in the garden. She observed a swarm of wild, blue whales in the Atlantic Ocean.

9. Many + Plural Noun There are too many advertisement during TV shows. Many developed countries provided technical aids.

10. Among + Plural NounAmong the winners are such profit machines as General Electric. Among the essential export products are textile items.

11. Half of all + Plural NounHalf of all items in the supermarkets are sold out. Half of all tax holiday have already been paid.

12. Almost all + Plural NounAlmost all agricultural products are cultivated in rural areas. Almost all medical programs are well implemented in this city.

13. Lost of + Plural NounLost of Chinese relaxants are available in cities. Lost of government universities offer scholarships.


1. A little + Uncountable NounHe just drank a little water before going out.He put a little sugar in the cup of tea.

2. Much + Uncountable NounHe doesnt have much money.He drinks much milk every morning.

3. Amount + Uncountable NounHe must access a great amount of information.He finds a small amount of water on the ground.

IV. PREPOSITION AND CONJUNCTION1. In spite of/despiteDespite his handicap, he has become a successful businessman.In spite of his handicap, he has become a successful businessman.

2. Because/Because ofHe couldnt attend the meeting last night because he was sick.He couldnt attend the meeting last night because of his sickness.

3.Beside/BesidesBesides English language, I also learn French and Korean.Besides Singapore, we visited some other ASEAN countries.The man sits beside the woman wearing a yellow dress.

4. But/ExceptAll students but the seniors took a trip to Jakarta.All students except the seniors took a trip to Jakarta.

5. Instead of/InsteadHe purchased a computer instead of a TV set.He purchased a computer instead.

V. VERB1. S + Verb* + to infinitiveThe team failed to reach its third tear goal of scoring point last year.The man with grey hair wants to deliver the package based on the address.* expecthopemeanpreparepersuewant failintendneedpretendtendcontinueforget learnofferpromisethreatenpreferhesitatemanageplanrefusewaitagreeappeararrangeaskclaimdecideconsent

2. S + Verb* + GerundHe enjoys speaking English on campus.He finished reading a newspaper at home.*finishpostponerecommendsuggestkeeppracticeregrettoleratemention quitfinishunderstandmissrecallstopmindadmitconsiderdenydiscussappreciateenjoy

3. Verb sense + AdjectiveIt sounds different to repeat.He feels cold in the AC-room.It tastes delicious for meThe room smells fresh.

4. Modal + + Verb IYou shoud see a doctor when you feel unwell.You can drive your own car to arrivw at the hotel on time.The students could attentively listen the lecture.You should unavoidably see a doctor when ou feel unwell.You might immediately suggest that all student study hard before the test.You could directly call her from here after dinner.

5. SUBJUNCTIVE VERB + that + Verb word

arrivestopbe calledbe informendbe selectedaskdemanddesireinsistprefer*)a. Wethat sheon time.smoking.soon.on the the best actress.

*) propose, recommend, require, suggest, urge.

workattendbe placedbe invitedimportantimperativeessentialnecessaryb. It isthat hein the management.the next the front desk.the opening ceremony.

VI. ADJECTIVE CLAUSE1. ADJECTIVE CLAUSEThe flight which is scheduled for Wednesday is suddenly canceled.The woman who works in the company looks beautiful.

2. ACTIVE/PASSIVE PARTICIPLE PHRASEThe woman working in the ceremony looks beautiful.

The students studying English in the library feel excited.The flight scheduled for Wednesday is suddenly canceled.The books commonly published by Gramedia are expensive.

VII. SENTENCE1. SVO/C/AThe Alaskan highway, (that is) the main artery between Alaska and the Continental US, runs more than 400 miles along the west coast of North America.Architecture is the oldest art form, combining beauty and functionality into one.

2. PRESENT PERFECT TENSEFor the last ten years solar power has become important in satisfying the energy needs.Recently the researchers have concluded that air pollution is a serious problem.

3. SVO/C, Verb-IngElectrical resistance is a common property of all materials, differing in degree.They expanded their travel advisory, improving the strategy of marketing.

4. CONDITIONALIF you study hard, you will pass the English language test.IF you studied hard, you would pass the English language test.IF you had studied hard you would have passed the English language test.

5. PASSIVEThe blue whale in the sea the largest creature in the sea.Many issues in mass mediaby the organizing commite.Some aspirinfor the babys health recovery.A child in urban areato see the rural country.

6. SIMPLE PAST TENSEThe doctor spent a great amount of money researching the tropical diseases in the developing countries.Three years ago the health workers in India tried to assess the effects on cognition of radiotheraphy.


1. SO + ADJECTIVE + THAT + SOV/CSUCH + A + ADJ. + N + THAT + SVO/CThe house is so small that it needs enlarging.This plant is so big that it should be moved outside.This is such a tall plant that it should be cut down.These are such comfortable houses that they are expensive.

2. ADJECTIVE + ENOUGHThe weather in this country is comfortable enough for a tour.The house near the river bank is large enough to dwell in.

3. Adverb-ly + Adjective + (noun)It is a refreshingly unconventional point of view on the developed country.Katharine left behind a remarkably diverse network of friends worldwide.

4. Adjective, Adjective + NounSurabaya is an industrial, business city.Airlangga University is a smart, comfortable campus.

5. THE + ADV.LY + VERB III + NOUNThe densely populated cities in Indonesia have faced the clean water shortage.The illegally deforested areas have caused soil degradation.

IX. PARALELLISM AND REDUNDANCY1. PARALELLISMDemand for raw materials caused soil degradation, water shortage, and deforestation.Air travel which is safe, fast, and convenient is comfortable required for world business.2. COMPOUND SENTENCEThe man wearing a blue tie went shopping yesterday and purchased a pair of shoes.The marketing manager introduced a new product and advertised it on a local newspaper.3. REDUNDANCYInsulin it is commonly used to treat diabetes.The factory it was built on the new industrial area outside the city in 1999.

X. PRONOUN1. POSSESSIVE PRONOUN + NOUNThe cat under the table has injured its own foot.The girl taking a rest under the tree forgot her homework this morning.2. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNThe woman herself drove the car in the rain last night.He himself set out to break the long distance flying record.3. SUBSTITUTE THAT / THOSEThe rainfall in the north is less than that in the south.The houses in the west is larger than those in the east.

XI. NOUN1. WORD FORMATIONChemical bond between atoms of oxygen and those of gold is weak.Organization is the key to efficiency.

2. GERUND AS SUBJECTSmoking cigarettes in public areas is also dangerous for public health.Reading newspaper every morning is advantageous for daily activities.

3. MOST + PLURAL NOU AS SUBJECTMost university students in Indonesia understand English as a second language.Most books available in university libraries are written in English language.

XII. PHRASAL VERBSIt depends on the gonverment policy on economy.Teachers are more concerned with bilingualism today.

*) composed ofcapable ofdepend onresponsible for

1. PAIRS OF WORDSThe students raise the TOEFL scores gradually.Indonesia lies between Asia and Australia.The food price rises more than 3 percent this month.The man lays the book on the library shelf.

2. ADVERB CLAUSEHe went to the drug stone because he purchased some aspirin.He left for the campus although he was somewhat sick.

3. NOUN CLAUSEThat you get score 550 in th TOEFL test is completely amazing.That you stop smoking cigars makes your body healthy and fresh.

4. MODIFIERa. MODIFIER, SOV/CAAfter graduating from the collage, he wants to work in the city.When treating a patient, the doctor finds the lung cancer caused by the air contamination.To prepare the English proficiency test, he studies five hours every day for two months.

b. SUBJECT, APPOSITIVE, VO/CThe Toyota Prius, a second generation hybrid car, has an electric motor.Omron, a manufacturer of a wide range of high-tech equipment, is focused on value added.Lenovo, Chinas leading computer maker, agreed to purchase IBM for end users.

c. SUBJECT + TO INFINITIVE PHRASE + PREDICATEThe preparation to take the TOEFL test has been done for a week.The journey to survey the location needs more than three hours.The diverse architecture to be found in ASEAN areas is living window into the regions history.

d. SUBJECT + PREPOSITION + WHICH + ADJ. CLAUSE + VO/CThe library from which you borrow the book look new.The house with which you are concerned is repaired.

5. IT CLAUSEIt was recommended that the peoples middle-scale economy was supported by the soft loan.It was promptly after the natural disaster in Aceh thata international aids were seriously sent.

6. AGREEMENTThe facilities at the research center of university are among the best.The guest, along with his have and two sons, is seated at the front.

7. CONJUNCTIONa. CONJUNCTION + ADVERB-LY + VERB IIIAs observed in Surabaya in 1999, atherosderosis was the most common complication.When appointed as president, he was recognized for his diplomacy.If academically viewed from the business aspect, it is profitable.While slightly interviewed, the pilot said that the order to fly was issued.

b. CONJUNCTION + VERB-INGWhen treating a patient, the doctor examines the throat to eradicate.While interviewing the applicants, the employer offer the salary expected.

c. CONJUNCTION + ADJ. PHRASE, SVO/CWhen necessary to investigate, the case can be reported to the police.If essential to investigate, the police will do it soon.


SECTION 1LISTENING COMPREHENSIONTimeapproximately 35 minutes(including the reading of the directions for each part)

In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand conversations and talks in English. There are three parts to this section, with special directions for each part. Answer all the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers you hear. Do not take notes or write in your test book at any time. Do not turn the pages until you are told to do so.

Part A

Directions: In Part A you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Listen to an example.

On the recording, you will hear :(man)That exam was just awful.(woman)Oh, it could have been worse.(narrator)What does the woman mean?

In your test book, you will read: (A) The exam was really awful. (B) It was the worst exam she had ever seen. (C) It couldnt have been more difficult. (D) It wasnt that hard.

You learn from conversation that the man thought the exam was very difficult and that the woman disagreed with the man. The best answer to the question, What does the woman mean? is (D), It wasnt that hard. Therefore, the correct choice is (D).

1. A. Carla does not live very far away. B. What Carla said was unjust. C. He does not fear what anyone says. D. Carla is fairly rude to others. 2. A. She thinks its an improvement. B. The fir trees in it are better. C. It resembles the last one. D. It is the best the man has ever done.

3. A. He graduated last in his class. B. He is the last person in his family to graduate. C. He doesnt believe he can improve gradually. D. He has finally finished his studies. 4. A. He thought the dress was so chic. B. He was surprised the dress was not expensive. C. He would like to know what color dress it was. D. The dress was not cheap.

5. A. Leave the car somewhere else. B. Ignore the parking tickets. C. Add more money to the meter. D. Pay the parking attendant. 6. A. He does not like to hold too many books at one time. B. There is no bookstore in his neighborhood. C. Its not possible to obtain the book yet. D.He needs to talk to someone at the bookstore.

7. A. It was incomplete. B. It finished on time. C. It was about honor. D. It was too long.

8. A. She needs to use the mans notes. B. Yesterdays physics class was quite boring.C. She took some very good notes in physics class. D. She would like to lend the man her notes. 9. A. Its her birthday today. B. She;s looking for a birthday gift. C. She wants to go shopping with her dad. D. She wants a new wallet for herself.

10. A. He took a quick trip. B. The big boat was towed through the water. C. There was coal in the water. D. He didnt go for a swim.

11. A. She just left her sisters house. B. Her sister left the sweater behind. C. She believes her sweater was left at her sisters house. D. She doesnt know where her sister lives. 12. A. She doesnt have time tocomplete additional reports. B. She cannot finish the reports that she is already working on. C. She is scared of having responsibility for the reports. D. It is not time for the accounting reports to be compiled. 13. A. Hes had enough exercise. B. Hes going to give himself a reward for the hard work. C. Hes going to stay on for quite some time. D. He would like to give the woman an exercise machine as a gift. 14. A. He cannot see the huge waves. B. The waves are not coming in. C. He would like the woman to repeat what she said. D. He agrees with the woman.

15. A. The exam was postponed. B. The man should have studied harder. C. Night is the best time to study for exams. D. She is completely prepared for the exam.

16. A. Students who want to change schedules should form a line. B. It is only possible to make four changes in the schedule. C. Its is necessary to submit the form quickly. D. Problems occur when people dont wait their turn.

17. A. In a mine. B. In a jewerly store. C. In a clothing store. D. In a bank.18. A. A visit to the womans family.B. The telephone bill.C. The cost of a new trelephone. D. How far away the womans family lives

19. A. She hasnt met her new boss yet. B. She has a good opinion of her boss. C. Her boss has asked her about her impressions of the company. D. Her boss has been putting a lot of pressure on her.

20. A. The racital starts in three hours. B. He intends to recite three different poems. C. He received a citation on the third of the month. D. He thinks the performance begins at three.

21. A. Choose a new dentist. B. Cure the pain himself. C. Make an appointment with his dentist. D. Ask his dentist about the right way to brush.

22. A. It is almost five oclock. B. The man doesnt really need the stamps. C. It is a long way to the post office. D. It would be better to go after five oclock.

23. A. The article was placed on reserve. B. The woman must ask the professor for a copy. C. The woman should look through a number journals in the library. D. He has reservations about the information in the article.

24. A. He needs to take a nap. B. He hopes the woman will help him to calm down. C. The woman just woke him up. D. He is extremely relaxed.

25. A. She doesnt think the news report is false. B. She has never before reported on the news. C. She never watches the news on television. D. She shares the mansopinion about the report.26. A. Management will offer pay raises on Friday. B. The policy has not yet been decided. C. The manager is full of hot air. D. The plane has not yet landed.

27. A. He doesnt believe that it is really snowing. B. The snow had been predicted. C. The exact amount of snow is unclear. D. He expected the woman to go out in the snow. 28. A. Shes going to take the test over again. B. She thinks she did a good job on the exam. C. She has not yet taken the literature exam. D. Shesunhappywith how she did.

29. A. The door was unlocked. B. It was better to wait outside. C. He could notopen the door. D. He needed to take a walk.

30. A. He nailed the doorshut. B. He is heading home. C. He hit himselfin the head. D. He is absolutely correct.

Part B

DIRECTIONS: In this part of the test, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will hear several questions. The conversations ad questions will not be repeated.After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and select the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter for the answer you have chosen. Remember, you are not allowed to take notes or write in your test book.

31. A. The haircut is unusually short. B. This is Bobs first haircut. C. Bob doesnt knowwho gave him thehaircut. D. After the haircut. Bobs hair still touches the floor.

32. A. It is just what he wanted. B. He enjoys having the latest style. C. He dislikes it immensely. D. he thinks it will be cool in the summer.

33. A. A broken mirror. B. The hairstylist. C. The scissors usedtoc ut his hair. D. Piles of his hair.

34. A. You should become a hairstylist. B. Please put it back on. C. Itll grow back. D. It wont grow fast enough.

35. A. Every evening. B. Every week. C. Every Sunday. D. Every month.

36. A. That she was eighty-five years old. B. That a storm was coming. C. That she was under a great deal of pressure. D. That she wanted to become a weather forecaster.

37. A. In her bones. B. In her ears. C. In her legs. D. In her head.

38. A. Callhis great-grandmother less often. B. Watch the weather forecasts with his great- grandmother. C. Help his great-grandmother relieve some of her pressures. D. Believe his great-grandmothers predictions about the weather.

Part C

DIRECTIONS: In this part of the test, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will hear some questions. The talks and questions will not be repeated.

After you hear a question, you will read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Here is an example.

On the recording, you will hear:

(narrator)Listen to an instructor talk to his class about painting.(man)Artist Grant Wood was a gilding force in the school of painting known as American regionalist, a style reflecting the distinctive characteristics of art from rural areas of the United States. Wood began drawing animals on the family farm at the age of three, and when he was thirty-eight one of his paintings received a remarkable amount of public notice and acclaim. This painting, called American Gothic, is a starkly simple depiction of serious couple staring directly out at the viewer.

Now listen to a sample question.

(narrator) What style of painting is known as American regionalist?

In your test book, you will read:A. Art from Americas inner cities.B. Art from the central region of the United States.C. Art from various urban areas in the United States.D. Art from rural section of America.

The best answer to the question What style of painting is known as American regionalist? is (D), Art from rural section of America. Therefore, the correct choice is (D).

Now listen to another sample question.(narrator)What is the name of Woods most successful painting?

In your test book, you will read:A. American Regionalist.B. The Family Farm in Iowa.C. American Gothic.D. A serious Couple.

The best answer to the question What is the name of Woods most successful painting? is (C), American Gothic. Therefore, the correct choice is (C).

Remember, you arenot allowed to take notes or write in your test book.

39. A. In a car. B. On a hike. C. On a tram. D. In a lecture hall.

40. A. It means they have big tears. B. It means they like swim. C. It means they look like crocodiles. D. It means they are pretending to be sad.

41. A. They are sad. B. They are warming themselves. C. They are getting rid of salt. D. They regret their actions.

42. A. Taking photographs. B. Getting closer to the crocodiles. C. Exploring the waters edge. D. getting off the tram.

43. A. Water Sports. B. Physics. C. American History. D. Psychology.

44. A. To cut. B. To move fast. C. To steer a boat. D. To build a ship.

45. A. To bring tea from China. B. To transport gold to California. C. To trade with the British. D. To sail the American river system.

46. A. A reading assignment. B. A quiz on Friday. C. A research paper for the end of the semester. D. Some written homework.

47. A. Writers. B. Actors. C. Athletes. D. Musicians.

48. A. He or she would see butterflies. B. He or she would break a leg. C. He or she would have shaky knees. D. He or she would stop breathing.

49. A. By staring at the audience. B. By breathing shallowly. C. By thinking about possible negative outcomes. D. By focusing on what needs to be done.

50. A. At two oclock. B. At four oclock. C. At six oclock. D.At eight oclock.


This is the end of Section 1.

Read the directions for Section 2.Do not read or work on any other section of the test.Look at the time now before you begin work on Section 2.Use exactly 25 minutes to work on Section 2.

SECTION 2STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSIONPART ADirections: Questions 1-10 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1. _____ range in color from pale yellow to bright orange.(A) Canaries(B) Canaries which(C) That canaries(D) Canaries that are

2. Carnivorous plants _____ insects to obtain nitrogen.(A) are generally trapped(B) trap generally(C) are trapped generally(D) generally trap

3. A federal type of government result in ______.(A) a vertical distribution of power(B) power is distributed vertically(C) vertically ditributed(D) the distribution of power is vertical

4. February normally has twenty-eight days, but every fourth year, _____ has twenty-nine.(A) there(B) its(C) is a leap year(D) a leap year, it

5. Evidence suggests that one-quarter of operations ____ bypass surgery may be unnecessary.(A) they involve(B) involve(C) involving(D) which they involve

6. _____ a tornado spins in a counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere, it spins in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere.(A) However(B) Because of(C) Although(D) That

7. The Caldecott Medal, _____ for the best childrens picture book, is awarded each January.(A) is a prize which(B) which prize(C) which is a prize(D) is a prize

8. Sports medicine is a medical specialty that deals with the identification and treatment of injuries to persons ____.(A) sports are involved(B) involved in sports(C) they are involved in sports(D) sports involve them

9. The Wilmington Oil Field, in Long Beach California, is one of _____ oil fields in the continental United States.(A) productive(B) the most productive(C) most are productive(D) productivity

10. Thunder occurs as ____ through air, causing the heated air to expand and collide with layers of cooler air.(A) an electrical charge(B) passes an electrical charge(C) the passing of an electrical charge(D) an electrical charge passes

11. The population of Houston wass ravaged by yellow fever in 1839 ____ in 1867.(A) it happened again(B) and again(C) was ravaged again(D) again once more

12. Researchers have long debated ____ Saturns moon Titan contains hydrocarbon oceans and lakes.(A) over it(B) whether the(C) whether over(D) whether

13. According to Bernoullis principle, the higher the speed of a fluid gas, ____ the pressure.(A) it will be lower(B) lower than the(C) the lower(D) lower it is

14. The flight instructor, ____ at the air base, said that orders not to fight had been issued.(A) when interviewed(B) when he interviewed(C) when to interview(D) when interviewing

15. In the northern and central parts of the state of Idaho _____ and churning rivers.(A) majestic mountains are found(B) are majestic mountains found(C) are found majestic mountains(D) finding majestic mountains

16. Light can travels from the Sun to the Earth in eight minutes and twenty seconds. A BC D17. Every human typically have twenty-three pairs of chromosomes in most cells. A B CD18. In the sport of fencing, three type of swords are used: the foil, the epee, and the sabre. A B C D19. The Internal Revenue Service uses computers to check tax return computations, to determine the ABreasonableness of deductions, and for verifying the accuracy of reported income. C D20. There was four group of twenty rats each involved in the test. A B C D21. The type of jazz known as swing was introduced by Duke Ellington when he wrote and records A B C DIt Dont Mean a Thing Iof It Aint Got That Swing.

22. The bones of mammals, not alike those of other vertebrates, show a high degree of differentiation. A BC D23. The United States receives a large amount of revenue from taxation of a tobacco products. A BCD24. Much fats are composed of one moleculeof glycerin combined with three molecules of fatty acids. A B C D25. The capital of the Confederacy was originally in Mobile, but they were moved to Richmond. A B C D26. A pearls develops when a tiny grain of sand or some another irritant accidentally enters into the shell A B CDof a pearl oyster.27. The English horn is an alto oboe with a pitch one fifth lower as that of the soprano oboe. A B C D28. In the Milky Way galaxy, the most recent observed supernova appeared in 1604.AB C D29. Although the name suggests otherwise, the ship known as Old Ironsides was built of oak and cedar A B Crather than it was built of iron. D30. Never in the history of humanity there have been more people living on this relatively small planet. A B C D31. Because of the mobile of Americans today, it is difficult for them to put down real roots ABC D32. For five years after the Civil War, Robert E. Lee served to president of Washington College, which A B Dlater was called Washington and Lee. D33. Doctors successfully used hypnosis during World War II to treat fatigue battle. AB CD34. The lobster, like many crustaceans, can cast off a damaging appendage and regenerate a new appendage A B Cto nearly normal size.D35. The main cause of the oceanstides is the gravitation pull of the Moon. A B C D36. The curricula of American public schools are set in individual states; they do not determine by the A B C Dfederal government.37. The fact that the sophisticated technology has become part of revolution in travel delivery systems has A B Cnot made travel schedules less hectic. D38. Balanchines plotless ballets, such Jewels and The Four Temperaments, present dance purely as a A B C Dcelebration of the movement of the human body.39. In a solar battery, a photosensitive semiconducting substance such as silicon crystal is the source of A B Celectrician. D40. In early days hydrochloric acid was done by heating a mixture of sodium chloride with iron sulfate. AB C D


This is the end of Section 2.

Read the directions for Section 3.Do not read or work on any other section of the test.Look at the time now before you begin work on Section 3.Use exactly 55 minutes to work on Section 3.



50 QUESTIONS 55 MINUTESDirections : In this section you will read several passages. Eachone is followed by a number of questions bout it. For question 1-50, you are to choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), and (D), to each question. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Question 1-10

(10)(5)Precipitation, commonly referred to as rainfall, is a measure of the quantity of water in the form of either rain, hail, or snow which reaches the ground. The average annual precipitation over the whole of the United States is thirty-six inches. It should be understood however, that a foot of snow is not equal to a foot of precipitation. A general formula for computing the precipitation of snowfall is that ten inches of snow is equal to one inch of precipitation. In New York States, for example, twenty inches of snow in one year would be recorded as only two inches of precipitation. Forty inches of rain would be recorded as forty inches of precipitation. The total annual precipitation would be recorded as forty-two inches.

(20)(15)The amount of precipitation is a combined result of several factors, including location, altitude, proximity to the sea, and the direction of prevailinng winds. Most of the precipitation in the United States is brought originally by prevailing winds from the Pasific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Great Lakes. Because these prevailing winds generally come from the west, the pasific coast receives more annual precipitation than the Atlantic Coast. Along the Pasific Coat itself, however, altitude causes some diversity in rainfall. The mountain ranges of the United States, especially the Rocky Mountains Range and the Appalachian Mountain Range, influence the amount ofprecipitation in their areas. East of the Rocky Mountains, the annual precipitation decreases substantially from that west of the Rocky Mountains. The precipitation north of the Appalachian Mountains is about 40 percent less than that south of the Appalachian Mountains.

Toefl Preparation Course 40Toefl Preparation Course 411. 2. What does this passage mainly discuss?(A) Precipitation(B) Snowfall(C) New York State(D) A general formula

3. Which of the following is another word that is often used in place of precipitation?(A) Humidity(B) Wetness(C) Rainfall(D) Rain-snow

4. The term precipitation includes(A) Only rainfall(B) Rain, hail and snow(C) Rain, snow and humidity(D) Rain, hail and humidity.

5. What is the average annual rainfall in inches in the United States?(A) Thirty-six inches(B) Thirty-eight inches(C) Forty inches(D) Forty-two inches

6. 7. If a state has 40 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation?(A) By two feet(B) By four inches(C) By four feet(D) By 40 inches

8. The phrase proximity to in line 11 is closest in meaning to?(A) Communication with(B) Dependence on(C) Nearness to(D) Similarly to

9. Where is the annual precipitation highest?(A) The Atlantic Ocean(B) The Great Lakes(C) The Gulf of Mexico(D) The Pasific Ocean

10. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a factor in determining the amount of precipitation that an area will receive?(A) Mountains(B) Latitude(C) The sea(D) Wind

11. The word substantially in line 19 could best be replaced by(A) Fundamentally(B) Slightly(C) Completely(D) Apparently

12. The word that in line 21 refers to(A) Decreases(B) Precipitation(C) Areas(D) Mountain range

Question 11-20

(10)(5)Course numbers are an indication of which courses are open to various categories of students at the university. Undergraduate courses with the number 100 or 200 are generally introductory courses appropriate for freshmen or sophomores, whereas courses with the number 300 or 400 often have prerequisites and are open tojuniors and seniors only. Courses with the numbers 800 above are open only to graduate students. Certain graduate courses, generally those devoted to introductory material, are numbered 400 for undergraduates students who qualify to take them and 600 for graduate students. Courses designed for students seeking a professional degree carry a 500 number for undergraduare students and a 700 number for graduate students. Courses numbered 99 or below are special interest courses that do not carry academic credit. If students elect to take a special interest course, it will not count toward the number ofhours needed tocomplete graduation requirements.

(15)A full-time undergraduates student is expected to take courses that total twelve to eighteen credit hours. A full time graduate student is expected to take courses that total ten to sixteen credit hours. Students holding assisyantships are expected to enroll for proportionately fewer hours, a part time graduate student may register for a minimum of three credit hours. An overload, this is, more than maximum number of hours, may be taken with the approval of an academic advisor. To register for an overload, student must submit the appropriate approval form when registering. Overloads above 24 hours willnot be approved underany circumstances.

13. 14. Where would this passage most likely be found?(A) In a syllabus(B) In a college catalog(C) In an undergraduate course(D) In an graduate course

15. What is the purpose of the passage?(A) To inform(B) To persuade(C) To criticize(D) To apologize

16. The word prerequisites in line 4 is closest in meaning to(A) Courses required before enrolling(B) Course needed for graduation(C) Courses that include additional charges(D) Courses that do not carry academic credit

17. The word those in line 6 refers to(A) Graduate students(B) Graduate courses(C) Introductory courses(D) Courses numbers

18. Which classification of students would be eligible to enroll in mechanical Engineering 850?(A) A graduate student(B) A part time student(C) A full time student(D) An undergraduate student

19. If an undergraduate student uses the number 520 to register for an accounting course, what number would a graduate student probably use to register for the same course?(A) Accounting 520(B) Accounting 620(C) Accounting 720(D) Accounting 820

20. How is a student who resgiters for eight credit hours classified?(A) Full time student(B) Graduate student(C) Part time student(D) Non degree student

21. Which of the following courses would not be included in the list of courses for graduation?(A) English 90(B) English 100(C) English 300(D) English 400

22. A graduate students may NOT(A) Enroll in a course numbered 610(B) Register for only one one-hour course(C) Register for courses if he has an assistanship(D) Enroll inan introductory course

23. The phrase under any circumtances in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A) Without cause(B) Without permission(C) Without exception(D) Without a good reason

Question 21-30

(5)The temperature of the Sun is over 5,000 degree fahrenheit at the surface, but it rises to perhaps more than 16 million degrees at the center. The sun is so much hotter than the earth that matter can exist only as a gas, except at the core. In the core of the Sun, the pressures are so great against the gases that, despite the high temperature, there may be a small solid core. However, no one really knows, since the center of the Sun can never be directly observed.

(10)Solar astronomers doknowthat the Sun is divided into five layers orzones. Starting at the outside and goinng down into the Sun, the zones are the corona, chromospheres, photosphere,convection zone, and finally the core. The first three zones are regarded as the Suns Atmosphere. But since the Sun has no solid surface, it is hard to tell where the atmosphere ends and the main body of the Sun begins.

(15)The Suns outermost layer begins about 10,000 miles above the visible surface and goes ouward for millions of miles. This is the only part of the Sun that can be seen during an eclipse such as the one in February 1979. At any other time,the corona can be seen only when special instruments are used on cameras and telescopes to shut out the glare of the Suns rays.The corona is a brilliant, pearly white, filmy light, about as bright as the full moon. Its beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse. The coronas rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spike like rays near the Suns north and south poles. The corona is thickest at the Suns equator.

(20)The corona rays are made up of gases streaming outward at tremendous speeds and reaching a temperature of more than 2 million degree Fahrenheit. The rays of gas thin out as they reach the spacearound the planets. By the time the Sunss corona rays reach the Earth, they are weak and invisible.

24. 25. The word great in line 4 is closest in meaninng to(A) Dangerous(B) Unknown(C) Variable(D) Strong

26. With what topic is the second paragraph mainly concerned?(A) How the Sun evolved(B) The structure of the Sun(C) Why scientists study the Sun(D) The distance of the Sun from the planets

27. All of following are parts of the Suns atmosphere EXCEPT the(A) Corona(B) Chromospheres(C) Photosphere(D) Core

28. The word one in line 14 refers to(A) The Sun(B) The corona(C) An eclipse(D) The surface

29. The purpose of the special instruments mentioned in line 15 is to(A) Magnify the image of the Sun(B) Block out the Suns intense light(C) Measure the amount of energy emitted by the Sun(D) Photograph the Sun

30. It can be inferred from the passage that a clear view of the Suns outer layer is usually prevented by(A) The Suns rays(B) An eclipse(C) Lack of light(D) The great distance

31. The word sensational in lina 18 is closest in meaning to(A) Spectacular(B) Predictable(C) Bizarre(D) Constant

32. According to the passage as the corona rays reach the planets, they become(A) Hotter(B) Clearer(C) Thinner(D) Stronger

33. The paragraph following the passage most likely discuss which of the following?(A) The remaining layers of the Sun(B) The evolution of the Sun to its presents form(C) The eclipse of February 1979(D) The scientists who study astronomy

34. Where in the passage does the author compare the light of the Suns outermost layer to that of another astronomical body?(A) Lines 2 3(B) Lines 9 10(C) Line 17 18(D) Lines 22 - 23

Question 31-40

(10)(5)The acacia is a genus of trees and shrubs of the Mimosa family. Although nearly five hundred species of Acacia have been identified, only about a dozen of the three hundred Australian varieties grow well in the southern United States, and these, only three are flowering. The Bailey Acacia has fernlike silver leaves and small, fragrant flowers arranged in rounded clusters. The Silver Wattle, although very similar to the Bailey Acacia, grows twice as high. The Sydney Golden Wattle is squat and bushy with broad, flat leaves and sharp spine twigs. Named for its bright, yellow flowers, the Golden Wattle is the most showy and fragrant of the Acacia. Another variety, the Black Acacia or Blackwood, has dark green leaves and obtrusive blossoms. Besides being a popular tree for ornamental purposes, the Black Acacia is valuable for its dark wood, which is used in making cabinets and furniture, including highly prized pianos.

(15)The Acacias unusual custom of blossoming in February has been commonly attributed to its Australian origins. In the Southern Hemisphere, of course, the seasons are reversed, and February, which is wintertime in the United States, is summertoomei Australia. Actually, however, the pale, yellow blossoms appear in August in Australia. Wheather growing in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, the Acacia will bloom in n winter.35. 36. With which of the following topics is the passage primarily concerned?(A) The Black Acacia(B) Characteristics and varieties of the acacia(C) Australian varieties of the acacia(D) The use of acacia wood in ornamental furniture

37. How many Ausralian varieties of Acacia grow well in the southern United States?(A) Five hundred(B) Three hundred(C) Twelve(D) Three

38. The word these in line 3 refers to(A) United States(B) Australian varieties(C) Acacia species(D) Trees and shrubs

39. According to this passage, the Silver Wattle(A) Is squat and bushy(B) Has unobtrusive blossoms(C) Is taller than the Bailey Acacia(D) Is used for making furniture

40. In line 7, the word flat the most nearly means(A) Smooth(B) Pretty(C) Pointed(D) Short

41. The word showy in line 8 could best be replaced by(A) Strange(B) Elaborate(C) Huge(D) Fragile

42. Which of the following Acacia has the least colorful blossoms?(A) Bailey Acacia(B) Sydney Golden Wattle(C) Silver Wattle(D) Black Acacia

43. Which of the following would most probaly be made from a Black Acacia tree?(A) A flower arrangement(B) A table(C) A pie(D) Paper

44. The phrase highly prized in lines 11 is closest meaning to(A) Valuable(B) Unique(C) Stylish(D) Attractive

45. When do Acacia trees bloom in Australia?(A) February(B) Winter(C) Before August(D) Spring

Question 41-50

(5)In 1626, Peter Minuit. Governor of dutch settlements in North America known as New Amsterdam, negotiated with Canaries Indian chiefs for the purchase of Manhattan Island for merchandise valued at sixty guilders or about $24.12. He purchased the island for the Dutch West India Company.

(10)The next year, Fort Amsterdam was built by the company at the extreme southern tip of the island. Because attempts to encourage Dutch immigration were not immediately successful, offers, generous by the standars of the area, were extended throughout Europe. Consequently, the settlement became the most heterogeneous of the North American colonies. By 1637, the fort had expanded into the village of New Amsterdam, and other small communities had grown up around it, including New Harlem and Stuyvesants Bourwery, and New Amsterdam began to prosper, developing characteristics of religious and linguistic tolerance unusual for the times. By 1643, it was reported that eighteen different language were heard in New Amsterdam alone.

(15)Among the multilingual settlers was a large group of English colonies from Connecticut and Massachusetts who supported the English Kings claim to all of New Netherlands set out charter that gave territory to his brother James, the Duke of York. In 1664, when the English sent a formidable fleet of warship into the New Amsterdam harbor, Dutch governor Peter Stuyvesant surrended without resistance.

(20)When the English acquired the island, the village of New Amsterdam was renamed New York in honor of Duke. By the onset of the revolution, New York City was already a bustling commercial center. After the war, it was selected as the first capital of the United states. Although the government was eventually moved, first to Philadelphia and then to Washington D.C., New Yorl City has remained the unofficial commercial capital.During the 1690s, New Yorl became a heaven for pirates who conspired with leading merchants to exchange many agricultural products for English manufactured goods. In addition, trade with the West Indies prospered. Three centuries afterhis initial trade with the indians, Minuits tiny investment was worth more than than seven billion dollars.

46. 47. Which of following would be the best title for this passage?(A) A history of New York City(B) An account of Dutch Colonies(C) A biography of Peter Minuit(D) The first Capital of the United States

48. What did the Indians receive in exchange for their island?(A) Sixty Dutch guilders(B) $ 24.12 U.S.(C) Goods and supplies(D) Land in New Amsterdam

49. Where was New Amsterdam located?(A) In Holland(B) In North America(C) On the island of Manhattan(D) In India

50. The word heterogeneous in line 8 could best be replaced by(A) Liberal(B) Renowned(C) Diverse(D) Prosperous

51. Why were so many languages spoken in New Amsterdam?(A) Because the Dutch West India Company was owned by England(B) Because the Dutch West India Company allowed freedom of speech(C) Because the Dutch West India Company recruited settlers from many different countries in Europe(D) Because the Indians who lived there before the Dutch West India Company purchase spoke many language

52. The word formidable in line 18 is closest in meaning to(A) Powerful(B) Modern(C) Expensive(D) Unexpected

53. The name of New Amsterdam was changed?(A) To avoid a war with England(B) To honor the Duke of York(C) To attract more English colonies from Connecticut and Massachusetts(D) To encourage trade during the 1690s

54. The word it in line 22 refers to (A) Revolution(B) New York City(C) The island(D) The first capital

55. Which city was the first capital of the new United States?(A) New Amsterdam(B) New York(C) Philadelphia(D) Washington

56. On what date was Manhattan valued at $7 billion?(A) 1626(B) 1726(C) 1656(D) 1926