master thesis - · pem proton exchange membrane res renewable energy source scv submerged...

Chair of Electric Power Networks and Renewable Energy Sources Master Thesis Analyzation of the gas sector as an option for sector coupling in the electric power system submitted on 11.09.2017 Master Thesis Maciej Sobczak First examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. M. Wolter Second examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Lindemann Supervisor: M.Sc. André Richter

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Page 1: Master Thesis - · PEM Proton Exchange Membrane RES Renewable Energy Source SCV Submerged Combustion Vaporizer SNG Substitute/Synthetic Natural Gas SOE Solid Oxide Electrolyzer

Chair of Electric Power Networks

and Renewable Energy Sources

Master Thesis

Analyzation of the gas sector as an option for sector

coupling in the electric power system

submitted on 11.09.2017 Master Thesis

Maciej Sobczak

First examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. M. Wolter

Second examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Lindemann

Supervisor: M.Sc. André Richter

Page 2: Master Thesis - · PEM Proton Exchange Membrane RES Renewable Energy Source SCV Submerged Combustion Vaporizer SNG Substitute/Synthetic Natural Gas SOE Solid Oxide Electrolyzer

Master's thesis

for Mr. Maciej Sobczak

Topic: Analyzation of the gas sector as an option for sector coupling in the

electric power system


Sector coupling can be a solution for congestions in the electric power system. Especially volatile

renewable energy sources demand increasing flexibilities, which cannot always be covered by grid

extensions. This requires the analyzation of different sectors like heat, water and gas and the

according technologies.

This Thesis has the aim to identify typical physical and economical characteristics of the gas sector.

Therefore, a literature research is required. Based on this information an appraisal concerning the

coupling between gas and electrical sector have to be done. Furthermore, a small gas model shell

be developed in a fitting software environment. Additionally, a possible coupling between gas

model and electric network have to be implemented. All results have to be documented in written


The study has to cover the following points:

Literature research on gas market

Literature research on physical characteristics of the gas network

Research on typical business strategies in the gas sector

Development of a Matlab/Simulink model of a gas network

Implementation of a coupling interface to the electric power network

Documentation of the results

Magdeburg, xx.xx.2017

Date of edition: xx.xx.2017

Date of submission: xx.xx.2017

Supervisor: M.Sc. A. Richter

1st examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. M. Wolter

2nd examiner: Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Lindemann


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. M. Wolter Task tutor


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. C. Hoeschen Chairman examination board

Page 3: Master Thesis - · PEM Proton Exchange Membrane RES Renewable Energy Source SCV Submerged Combustion Vaporizer SNG Substitute/Synthetic Natural Gas SOE Solid Oxide Electrolyzer


I assure that I have written this non-technical project independently without external help and

used only the given sources and aids. Literally or meaning points, which were obtained from

other works are labelled with their source.

08. September 2017


Date Signature

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I Abstract

With the development of technology and industry, in Europe and in the world, engineers and

businessmen are wondering how to maximize profits and minimize losses associated with the

production of different products. Energy, like any other product is subject to this process.

Energy production requires large amounts of money, and even a slight reduction of losses

associated with its production, can generate considerable profits. Another important factor is

dealing with renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, whose energy output can

vary over time.

As Renewable Energy Sources (RES) get more popular and widespread, there could be noticed

increased interest in power storage technologies, caused by the desire to solve the problem of

variable output of renewables. Energy for useful purposes does not need be stored only in

electrochemical form. Each of the energy storage technologies has features that characterize it,

on the basis of which it finds the right practical application. From a technical point of view,

the development of RES does not have to generate significant problems that negatively affect

the state of the system. Technology, whose implementation and development alleviate the

negative aspects of RES, is available right now. While the battery technology might be the most

obvious, developments in Power-to-Gas technologies completely surpass them in available

power capacity and scope. Such technology allows to store TWh of power over long periods of

time. Storage system will make it possible to store excess energy produced by renewables

during good weather conditions and alleviate problems with overloading of the power grid. In

case, where there is a power shortage, additional power can be supplied to the power grid from

the storage. Power-to-gas technologies, combined with the injection of hydrogen or synthetic

natural gas into the gas network, make it possible to use existing gas infrastructure to store large

amounts of power from renewable sources in the form of chemical energy of the

aforementioned fuels injected into the gas network. Implementation of successful Power-to-

Gas solution on a large scale, requires creation of a coupling interface between gas and power


In order to make it possible to comprehend problems connected with coupling of the power and

gas systems, following thesis sets out to explain topics such as functioning of the gas market,

structure and technologies of the gas networks, business strategies of the gas sector and creation

of the simulation of a simple gas system. As inner workings of the gas markets can vary from

region to region, thesis describes general idea behind gas market in Europe. Similarly, when it

comes to describing the gas network, thesis will focus on European region. What should be

noted, is that even though main focus is put on Europe, many technologies and mechanisms

behind gas systems and markets can be similar around the world.

Each topic presented in chapters of the thesis deserves a paper on its own, therefore only the

most crucial information will be brought up, in order to create general image of a gas market

and a gas system for people that might not be familiar with the matter at hand. Purpose of this

is to enable any reader to understand the concepts and ideas behind the sector coupling, as well

as to serve as general introduction to the gas sector of industry.

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II Table of contents I. Abstract........................................................................................................................... I

II. Table of contents........................................................................................................... . II

III. List of figures.................................................................................................................. V

IV. List of tables.................................................................................................................. VI

V. List of symbols............................................................................................................. VII

VI. List of abbreviations.................................................................................................. VIII

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................1

1.1 Motivation and goal .....................................................................................................1

1.2 Structure of the work ...................................................................................................1

2. Description of gas market .............................................................................................2

2.1 Defining the gas market ...............................................................................................2

2.2 Gas market in Europe ...................................................................................................5

2.3 Concept of a gas trading hub ........................................................................................6

2.4 Gas trade mechanisms in Europe ..................................................................................8

2.4.1 OTC trade in Virtual Point ......................................................................................8

2.4.2 Trading through the exchange .................................................................................9

2.5 Problems with liberalization of European gas markets................................................ 10

3. Physical characteristics of gas network...................................................................... 13

3.1 Characterizing gas transmission system ..................................................................... 13

3.2 Characterizing gas pumping system ........................................................................... 15

3.3 Characterizing Liquefied Natural Gas technology ...................................................... 17

3.3.1 Liquefaction technology ........................................................................................ 18

3.3.2 Gas transport technology ....................................................................................... 18

3.3.3 Regasification technology ..................................................................................... 19

3.4 Characterizing gas storage technology ....................................................................... 21

3.5 Characterizing gas distribution technology ................................................................. 23

3.5.1 Evolution of distribution network technology ........................................................ 23

3.5.2 Role of gas stations ............................................................................................... 24

3.5.3 Measurement devices used for transmission and distribution of gas ....................... 25

4. Typical business strategies in the gas sector .............................................................. 27

4.1 The SWOT analysis ................................................................................................... 27

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4.2 Porter’s five forces analysis ....................................................................................... 29

4.2.1 Competition between organizations in the sector ................................................... 30

4.2.2 Threat of new entrants ........................................................................................... 30

4.2.3 Threat of substitutes appearing .............................................................................. 30

4.2.4 The bargaining power of suppliers and buyers ....................................................... 31

4.3 Boston Consulting Group analysis ............................................................................. 31

4.4 Building a business strategy for gas trade ................................................................... 32

4.5 Choosing a purchasing portfolio................................................................................. 35

4.5.1 Basic portfolio ...................................................................................................... 36

4.5.2 Pre-hedging and speculative portfolios .................................................................. 36

4.5.3 Closing portfolio ................................................................................................... 36

5. Simulink model of a gas network ............................................................................... 37

5.1 Configuring and using new gas system blocks............................................................ 37

5.1.1 Gas Properties block ............................................................................................. 37

5.1.2 Gas Reservoir block .............................................................................................. 39

5.1.3 Mass Flow Rate and Pressure Source blocks ......................................................... 40

5.1.4 Pipe block ............................................................................................................. 41

5.1.5 Measurement blocks.............................................................................................. 43

5.1.6 Other blocks .......................................................................................................... 44

5.2 Simulation of a simple gas system.............................................................................. 45

5.2.1 Measurement subsystem........................................................................................ 46

5.2.2 Thermal control system ......................................................................................... 47

5.2.3 Results of simulation ............................................................................................. 48

6. Sector coupling between gas and power systems ....................................................... 51

6.1 Comparison of gas and power systems ....................................................................... 51

6.2 Concept of gas smart grid........................................................................................... 52

6.3 Characteristics of gas smart grid ................................................................................ 53

6.3.1 Acceptance of new types of gas ............................................................................. 53

6.3.2 Flexibility ............................................................................................................. 54

6.3.3 New ways to use gaseous fuels .............................................................................. 54

6.4 Overview of options for energy storage ...................................................................... 55

6.5 Power-to-gas technology ............................................................................................ 58

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6.6 Interface for coupling gas and power systems ............................................................ 61

7. Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 64

8. List of references ......................................................................................................... 65

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III List of figures

Figure 1 Consumption of natural gas in Europe and the world ...................................4

Figure 2 Consumption of natural gas in Europe per sector of the market ...................4

Figure 3 Major gas trading hubs and exchanges in Western Europe ...........................7

Figure 4 Diagram of possible routes to market ..........................................................8

Figure 5 Relations between commodity exchange and other institutions .................. 10

Figure 6 Natural gas pipelines and storage caverns in Europe .................................. 14

Figure 7 Technological process associated with LNG transport ............................... 17

Figure 8 The SWOT matrix ..................................................................................... 28

Figure 9 Graphical representation of Porter’s five forces ......................................... 29

Figure 10 Boston Consulting Group matrix ............................................................... 31

Figure 11 Solver block for Simscape libraries ........................................................... 37

Figure 12 The Gas Properties block ........................................................................... 37

Figure 13 Settings of the Gas Properties block .......................................................... 38

Figure 14 Parameters tab of the Gas Properties block ................................................ 39

Figure 15 Controlled and uncontrolled Gas Reservoir blocks .................................... 39

Figure 16 Settings of the Gas Reservoir block ........................................................... 40

Figure 17 Controlled and uncontrolled Source blocks ................................................ 40

Figure 18 Settings of the Pressure Source block ........................................................ 41

Figure 19 The Pipe block .......................................................................................... 41

Figure 20 Geometry settings of the Pipe block .......................................................... 42

Figure 21 Friction and heat transfer settings of the Pipe block ................................... 43

Figure 22 Measurement blocks .................................................................................. 43

Figure 23 Local Restriction blocks ............................................................................ 44

Figure 24 Constant Volume Chamber block .............................................................. 44

Figure 25 Absolute Reference and Cap blocks........................................................... 44

Figure 26 Overview of the model of gas storage connected with the main pipeline .... 45

Figure 27 External view of measurement subsystem.................................................. 46

Figure 28 Internal view of measurement subsystem ................................................... 46

Figure 29 Perfect Insulator block ............................................................................... 47

Figure 30 Ideal Temperature Source block with necessary components ..................... 47

Figure 31 Measurements at the inlet of gas storage tank ............................................ 48

Figure 32 Measurements at the outlet of Reduction Station ....................................... 49

Figure 33 Measurements at the inlet of Reduction Station ......................................... 50

Figure 34 Value range for different energy storage technologies ............................... 56

Figure 35 Biomethane plants per country in Europe .................................................. 57

Figure 36 Methanisation of hydrogen in Power-to-Gas technology ............................ 60

Figure 37 Coupling interface for Gas, Power and Heat Systems ................................ 62

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IV List of tables

Table 1 LNG Supplies in EU-28, 2014 ........................................................... 6

Table 2 Weighted average net retail prices of gas and their change in EU .....11

Table 3 Difference between various purchasing portfolios ............................35

Table 4 Physical properties of methane .........................................................38

Table 5 Comparison between key aspects of gas and power systems .............52

Table 6 Comparison between different electrolyzer technologies ..................59

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V List of symbols

Q Gas flow rate

R Specific gas constant

Z Compressibility factor

T Temperature

h Enthalpy

c specific heat

k Thermal conductivity

Re Reynolds number

P Power

Greek symbols

𝜇 Dynamic Viscosity


max Maximal

ref Reference

n Nominal

e, el Electrical

p Pressure

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VI List of abbreviations

AAV Ambient Air Vaporizer

BGC Boston Consulting Group

CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage

CHP Combined Heat and Power

CNG Compressed Natural Gas

EFET European Federation of Energy Traders

HTF Heat Transfer Fluid

IDM Intra-Day Market

IoT Internet of Things

IP Internet Protocol

ISDA International Swaps and Derivatives Association

kPa Kilopascal

kWel Kilowatt of electrical energy

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

MPa Megapascal

ORV Open Rack Vaporizer

OTC Over-The-Counter

PEM Proton Exchange Membrane

RES Renewable Energy Source

SCV Submerged Combustion Vaporizer

SNG Substitute/Synthetic Natural Gas

SOE Solid Oxide Electrolyzer

STV Shell and Tube Vaporizer

SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

TPA Third Party Access

TWh Terawatt hour

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1. Introduction

1.1 Motivation and goal

The main motivation behind following thesis is to find solution to problems posed by

the variable work of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power plants, whose

output can change depending on the weather and time of the day. I found the topic very

interesting, as it looks for answers outside of the field of electrical engineering. As

Electrical Engineer myself, working on this topic allows me to learn about new aspects

of engineering, as well as to find multidisciplinary solutions to particular engineering

problems. Working on this topic allowed me to learn a lot of new information about gas

sector and showed me that it is possible to find solutions to problems outside of my area

of expertise.

The goal of the thesis is to create general image of a gas market and a gas system for

people that might not be familiar with the matter at hand. Purpose of this is to enable

any reader to understand the concepts and ideas behind the sector coupling, as well as

to serve as general introduction to the gas sector of industry. Sector coupling and Gas-

to-Power technologies are currently one of the most viable solutions to the problem of

volatility of renewable energy sources. Thesis aims to familiarize the reader with

technology like methanization of hydrogen and scheme of a coupling between gas and

power systems.

1.2 Structure of the work

The works is divided into seven chapters, five of which serve as a main content of the

thesis, while first and last act as introduction to and conclusions on the thesis,

respectively. Second chapter describes inner workings of the gas market, with focus on

its main mechanisms and functions. Third chapter goes in depth into technologies used

to transfer, store and distribute natural gas. Fourth chapter is an introduction to building

purchasing strategy in the gas sector and presents all basic analysis methods needed to

construct such strategy. Fifth chapter serves as a guide to building simulation of a gas

system in Matlab/Simulink software. Simulation presented here is detailed in its

description, but not very large in scope. In sixth and final chapter of main content, most

important part of thesis, that previous chapters build up to, is contained. This chapter

describes technologies and possibilities for sector coupling between power and gas

systems, as well as a coupling interface to achieve so. Sixth chapter is then followed by

conclusions on the thesis and list of references.

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2. Description of gas market

Natural gas is a valuable resource that is broadly used in European industry. It is used

in technological processes of industrial customers, gas power plants generating power

and by individual residential customers to heat their homes or in gas stoves. With such

broad range of applications it is easy to see that demand for natural gas is a high one.

2.1 Defining the gas market

In many aspects gas market is similar to electrical power market, however there are few

key differences. Firstly natural gas is a strategic resource, which can be only obtained

by extracting it from underground deposits. This immediately causes natural gas to

become also become political matter, as not every country has access to such deposits

and is forced to import it from abroad. Therefore, when considering natural gas one has

to remember to not only analyze economic, but also political aspects. Another key factor

for a country wanting to participate in the gas market is infrastructure. Natural gas can

be extracted from deposit and used in nearby industrial complex, it can be transferred

over large distances, or it can be stored for later use. Here one can observe another major

difference, when comparing with electricity. Electrical power in large quantities, at least

with current technology and infrastructure, has to be consumed the moment it is

generated and cannot be stored for later use.

While buying natural gas might be similar with trading electrical power on the wholesale

market, one has to take into consideration unique features that characterize gas market.

First of all, natural gas market can be interpreted at three different levels [1]:

Global market,

Regional market,

Hub (local market) and national market.

Additionally, gas fuel can be further divided into two categories [1]:

Suitable for storage,

Suitable for transport over large distances.

Natural gas can be transported from anywhere in the world. Only the costs of transport

are included in the profit and loss calculations. In a global system gas fuel prices

are affected by the macroeconomic situation and the general political situation. In recent

years the gas market has been a seller's market. Very large quantities of gas were

exported by manufacturers to Asia (China, Japan) and Europe. In 2007, as a result of

the collapse of financial markets and the deterioration in business conditions, there was

a sharp drop in gas consumption in Europe. As a consequence, the collapse of prices on

hubs in Europe has translated into price declines in other regions of the globe.

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The hub can be defined as an infrastructure delivery area. Hub can be one country

(Netherlands, Belgium) or part of country (Germany, France). In addition, the shale

revolution in the US and the termination of imports have led to price cuts in the largest

US gas hub - Henry Hub [1].

It is possible to enumerate four major regional markets of natural gas in the world [2]:

USA - currently the market is sustainable, i.e. production covers demand,

Europe - short market, i.e. demand surpasses local supply, therefore imports

from other regions are necessary,

Asia - a very large customer of gaseous fuel, with the highest prices in the


Middle East - the largest exporter of natural gas.

The "long" market occurs when supply is significantly higher than demand and the

region or country becomes a natural exporter. The term "short" is used when demand

exceeds supply. When supply and demand are in equilibrium, one is dealing with a

sustainable market.

It is predicted that in the current century, on a global scale, gas will become the primary

energy carrier. In the European Union, natural gas has already become the second (after

crude oil) primary energy carrier. Significant for this state of affairs was the increasing

availability of natural gas, which resulted from exploration work. Documented world

natural gas reserves amount to about 150 trillion m3, which at today's level of production

is sufficient for over 65 years [3]. There also exists possibility of potential gas reserves

in the place of its greatest abundance, i.e. in Siberia. It is theorized that deposits located

there could be five times the size of the resources currently documented.

As mentioned earlier, considerable quantities of gaseous fuel are being received by Asia,

where gas is transferred from the Middle East and Australia. Europe is also an importer,

for which the largest supplier is Russia. Some European countries have also built LNG

re-gasification installations, but it is currently more profitable to import natural gas from

the East. It should be pointed out that the Europe also has its own sources of production,

mainly located in the North Sea, the Netherlands and the Norwegian Shelf.

Natural gas is by far the most commonly used and consumed gas fuel in the world. It is

not only utilized for production of electrical energy but also largely by industrial,

transportation and building sector of the market. On the figure 1 one can see total

consumption of natural gas in Europe in comparison with that of the whole world. Figure

consists of present data as well as future forecast, and is based on data from U.S. Energy

Information Administration.

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Figure 1 Consumption of natural gas in Europe and the world [4]

By looking at figure 1 it is possible to observe, that demand for natural gas will increase

in Europe over time, however that increase will be miniscule when compared to the

increase in overall world demand. Figure 2 presents consumption of natural gas of each

major sector of the market in Europe. For now natural gas spent to generate electrical

power represents the smallest of the three major sectors, but it will increase over time

and by year 2035 will overtake industrial consumption for this resource. Another

interesting detail to note, is that industrial consumption is projected to not increase very

sharply over the years and will remain almost constant. Finally consumption for

buildings and transportation sector is also projected to increase with time, but growth

for electrical power sector will be much more rapid.

Figure 2 Consumption of natural gas in Europe per sector of the market [4]

2012 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

World 3,393 3,772 4,222 4,719 5,245 5,756

Europe 0,504 0,543 0,582 0,632 0,670 0,718









Consumption /

trillion m3

2012 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

Electric Power 0,119 0,122 0,139 0,168 0,196 0,245

Buildings and transportation 0,205 0,242 0,259 0,276 0,284 0,282

Industrial 0,179 0,179 0,184 0,188 0,190 0,190








Consumption /

trillion m3

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2.2 Gas market in Europe

The European Union natural gas market has been modeled basing on the experiences

that the United States, which has for long years been one of the major players on the

global natural gas market. The basis for creating rules for gaseous fuel trade were mutual

economic interests of EU countries and countries supplying gas to European market.

Initially, the gas market was developed in the Great Britain, where nationalization of the

gas industry created foundations for the later gas market in Europe. At the end the 1980s

state-owned gas company has undergone privatization, which gave incentive to other

EU countries to develop new industry structures. This in turn allowed

national monopolies to expand beyond the borders of their countries of origin and

ultimately opened the gas market in August of 2000 [5].

At the same time, the European Union has introduced several directives that have

influenced the development of the gas market. The most important are: First European

Gas Directive 98/30/EC (in 1988), Second European Electricity and Gas Directive

55/2003/EC (in 2003) and Internal Gas Market Directive 2009/73/EC (in 2009), which

gave the guidelines for the development of gas trade in the EU. These documents have

obliged the Member States to separate transport operations, i.e. to separate transmission

and distribution, so that the transmission system operator is independent. The current

structure of the gas market in the EU has been organized in such a way that enables

operators to compete, which translates into more market users. As a result, the gas

market has become transparent, and now there are separate transmission, distribution,

storage and marketing operators.

At present, a trading operator acquires natural gas from a supplier and then sells it to its

final customer using the services of transmission and/or distribution operators, under

the rules of TPA (Third Party Access), that is, with equal treatment for all market

participants. Operators are making their resources available on the basis of inter-

operator agreements to provide clear billing rules between them. As long as the network

infrastructure allows, this makes possible to send gas between EU countries. In this

market model, the storage operator plays the role of an operator that provides a

nationwide gas balancing service, complements shortages and consumes surplus fuel in

the clearing cycle.

European Union countries are currently trying to diversify their supply of natural gas by

seeking to obtain it from different parts of the world, both through the gas pipeline

network and through the construction of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) terminals. LNG

is popular in EU despite higher purchase prices. For now Europe imports LNG mainly

from Qatar, however in spring of 2017 new administration of United States decided to

greatly expand mining and extraction operations of shale gas and allow sale to non-US

customers. This quickly resulted in contracts for LNG delivery between United States

and European countries. With current policy and vast reserves of shale gas, US might

soon become biggest global supplier of gas. Major customers for liquefied natural gas

are France, Spain and United Kingdom, as can be seen in table 1.

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Table 1 LNG Supplies in EU-28, 2014 [6]

Country LNG net



% change


Belgium 13.3 -26.2 %

France 69.3 -26.6 %

Greece 7.4 4.0 %

Italy 48.4 -19.5 %

Netherlands 11.6 26.2 %

Portugal 13.9 -29.4 %

Spain 119.9 -31.1 %

United Kingdom 123.9 20.7 %

Still however, Europe's largest supplier of natural gas is Russia, which owns LNG

terminals and a well-established gas pipeline network. The share of Russian gas in

consumption of EU countries varies from a few to several tens of percent.

2.3 Concept of a gas trading hub

Gas hubs are critical points of gas network, they are the locations where gas can be

extracted or injected into the network. This property also makes them perfect location

for gas trading. In order for a gas trading hub to be successful it has to fulfil two

requirements [7]. Firstly, the hub has to be located in such a place, that gas can be

effortlessly transferred into and out of the market. Market in this particular case

represents single point or an area (virtual hub) of the gas network. The second

requirement is that there must be a purpose for the gas flowing though the hub. This

purpose can be interpreted as a substantial customer base at a given location or ability

to access new markets thanks to the placement of the hub.

Market players that will be accessing the gas trading hub have to manage volume risk

at competitive cost. Volume risk can be defined as variations in demand (consumer

demand, export) compared to available supply (production, import). In order to alleviate

the volume risk, gas marketer can either use gas storage or have a customer base that

will exactly match the supply characteristics. Consumers of gaseous fuels also have to

manage their volume risk. They can do that by having their own storage facilities or by

buying flexibility services from the gas supplier. Therefore it is a good idea for a gas

trading hub to have supporting storage infrastructure.

In order for the gas trading hubs to function as a marketplace, they require suitable legal

and financial framework. In Europe existing markets operate under many trading

agreements that have developed over the time. Most important of them are the

following [7]: EFET (European Federation of Energy Traders) contract for physical gas

trading and numerous annexes to the ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives

Association) contract. Framework provided by these two documents serves as a base for

negotiations of all the future contracts. Another thing to keep in mind is that negotiation

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of especially credit terms can be very time-demanding. One can of course go through

the process of bilateral trading and slowly negotiate all the details, but if the time is of

the essence, it is possible to have all trading cleared by a central body. Such organization

working closely with particular trading hub can increase frequency of trades by speeding

up the process of reaching agreement between two parties and simplifying it to a single

contract. Also worth mentioning is the fact that forward and future markets serve as

crucial risk management options within this framework.

Finally, when considering installation of a new gas trading hub, one must analyze the

liquidity of new potential market. Concept of liquidity is tied to four characteristics of

the market [7]: depth, breadth, immediacy and resilience. When a large volume of gas

can be bought or sold without affecting its price too much, market can be called deep.

Breadth or range of the market depends on the amount of different bids and offers that

exist within the market. Immediacy is the capacity to trade large volumes in a short

period of time. Lastly, resilience is characteristic that describes capability of a market

to return to supply / demand equilibrium after it has been affected by a shock. If players

of the market are confident in its fairness, it will expand and perform better over time,

leading to development of liquidity.

To sum up, in order to have a successful new gas trading hub, following are required [7]:

Access to gas sources and a customer base,

Possibility of managing volume risk for all market participants at competitive


Low barriers to entry for new players, known contractual setup and possible

clearing services, with low transaction costs,

Managing price risk through the market (existence of a forward / future market),

Fairness and transparency, leading to confidence and liquidity.

Figure 3 Major gas trading hubs and exchanges in Western Europe [8]

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2.4 Gas trade mechanisms in Europe

Exact construction of gas market in Europe can vary from country to county, however

most of them either already adopted liberalized market model or are in process of

implementing it. Traditional way of purchasing gaseous fuel is to go through the process

of negotiations directly between interested parties in order to settle on a contract. Thanks

to the liberalization of the market, new trading mechanisms are possible. First one is the

Over-The-Counter (OTC) trade in Virtual Trading Points and the second one is trading

through the energy exchange. All the possible options to reach the market have been

depicted in figure 4.

Figure 4 Diagram of possible routes to market [9]

2.4.1 OTC trade in Virtual Point

Any trading company that wants to perform Over-The-Counter trade has to fulfil two

requirements [1]: company has to obtain license for trading gaseous fuels and a contract

with a gas transmission company. After satisfying those two requirements, it is possible

to start trading. Most of the transactions are settled on the basis of gas contracts

following the EFET framework, i.e. a contract template prepared by the European

Federation of Energy Traders, based in Amsterdam. In contrast to the exchange, virtual

trading point allows for non-standard transactions based on formulas or other clauses.

The contract can be concluded for any time horizon, as desired by the participating

parties. A potential risk is the loss of creditworthiness of the counterparty.

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From a selling party perspective, the threat lies in the payments for gas fuel delivered.

In the case of the buyer, the risk relates to loss of continuity of raw material supply in

the event of bankruptcy of the seller. In order to limit these risks, financial collateral is

used to execute the contract.

2.4.2 Trading through the exchange

For many reasons, trading at the Energy Exchange is one of the most cost effective

possibilities to buy gaseous fuel. First of all, there is no counterparty credit risk. All

transactions are secured by the Commodity Clearing House. There is no risk of default,

i.e. absence of delivery by the contractor. Purchase of gaseous fuel on the exchange is

not subject to such regulation as, for example, the obligation to maintain minimum

reserves of natural gas. Secondly, the stock price is considered by the participants as a

benchmark to which they refer when dealing with the OTC contracts. Thirdly,

transactions can be concluded for very small amounts of gaseous fuel. On the Intra-Day

Market (IDM), the minimum quotation step is equal to 1 MWh, or about 91 m3 of natural

gas. Transactions can be concluded with option for delivery for up to two years ahead.

Exchange allows for purchase of products depending on different time heads-up [1]:

monthly products (up to 3 months in advance), quarterly (up to 3 months in advance),

seasons (up to 3 seasons in advance) and annual products (calendar years, up to 2 years).

The disadvantage is the lack of possibility to negotiate delivery terms. Transactions are

only settled on for standard products, without the ability to make such clauses as make-

up or carry-forward. It is also important to note that, in order to enter into gas market

transactions one does not need to be a direct member of the exchange. This is

particularly important for small power companies. Trade can be carried out by the trade

brokerage, which is a direct member of the exchange. Detailed explanation of trading

through the exchange is also shown in the figure 5.

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Figure 5 Relations between commodity exchange and other institutions [31]

2.5 Problems with liberalization of European gas markets

Entering competition on network markets is an extremely difficult task, with primary

problem being natural monopolies in these markets, which are most often associated

with infrastructure. In countries that are on the path to liberalization as well as those

which have already completed the liberalization of the gas market, the development of

competition encounters many barriers, including [10]:

Lack of supply diversification and dependence on one supplier - resulting in lack

of liquidity and transparency of wholesale markets,

Ownership fragmentation of transmission and distribution networks - in

Germany, there are several transmission operators and over 100 separate

distribution regions. This situation forces dealers to negotiate distribution

agreements separately with each operator,

Competitive advantage of incumbent companies - this problem can occur even

in markets where competition has already developed. Ofgem, a UK energy

regulator, reviewed the electricity and gas retail markets in 2011, demonstrating

that most of the changes in the gas supplier are currently between alternative

operators and no more than 20% of actually active consumers are willing to

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change the gas supplier at all. For the most part, they are consumers who have

made such a change in the past. The remaining 80% of consumers can be

considered attached to the incumbent operator. This gives the incumbent a

significant advantage, reflected in the fact that it implements more than double

the margins on basic services than alternative operators, who must actively

compete for recipients. The difficult situation of alternative operators is also

illustrated by the example of Hungary, where at the end of 2010 the largest

alternative gas supplier went bankrupt and its customers were mostly taken over

by emergency suppliers.

The issue that comes to the forefront when discussing the potential effects of

deregulation of the gas market is the impact of regulatory changes on the level of gas

prices for end users. This effect is extremely difficult to quantify because of the fact that

the level of gas prices is influenced by many factors, whose evolution and response to

regulatory changes are difficult to predict. The level of retail prices is primarily affected

by the weighted average cost of gas acquisition, which consists of import prices, the cost

of extraction, and the ratio between domestic production and gas imports. The price

formation also has a significant impact on the incumbent supplier's behavior, the pace

of development and intensity of competition, and the activity of regulatory bodies.

In table 2 one can see comparison between EU countries with liberalized gas market and

other countries, with special consideration for Poland.

Table 2 Weighted average net retail prices of gas and their change in EU [10]

Average price in 2011


Average price change










Countries with liberalized gas market 7.58 11.09 40.5% 45.7%

Other countries (including Poland) 7.89 11.04 61.4% 47.9%

Poland 9.11 10.46 71.7% 69.0%

By analyzing pricing data, it one has to keep in mind that, unlike tariffs for industrial

customers, household tariffs are regulated or subsidized in almost all EU countries.

Weighted average prices do not differ significantly between the group of countries with

functioning competition and countries where competition has not been permitted or is

at an early stage of development. Competitive countries are characterized by slightly

lower prices for industrial customers. Clearer differences are seen in price increases.

While the average increase in household prices over the years 2005-2011 was similar in

both groups of countries, industrial customers were better protected against price

increases in countries with competitive gas market - prices for this group of customers

increased on average only by 40.5 %, while in other countries by 61.4%.

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Gas prices in Poland are characterized by a slight difference between tariffs for

household consumers and tariffs for industrial customers. The price at which Polish

households buy gas is only 15% higher than the price for industrial customers, while in

Europe the average difference is over 40% and reaches 75% in Denmark. Smaller

difference between tariffs is maintained only in Lithuania (thanks to rigid tariff

regulation), in Romania (high share of domestic production and lowest retail prices in

Europe) and in Germany (where prices for both groups are higher than in Poland). It can

be expected that after the liberalization of tariffs in Poland there will be pressure to

increase the difference between prices for industrial customers and household prices.

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3. Physical characteristics of gas network

According to the International Energy Agency, the coming decades will be dominated

by gas, as a most common type of fuel. The integration of the European gas market and

infrastructure investments will help to ensure acceptable prices for raw materials to

consumers. This chapter will focus on technologies connected with transmission,

storage and distribution of natural gas.

3.1 Characterizing gas transmission system

From the place of extraction to the place of storage or consumption, natural gas is most

often sent by pipeline. This way of transport is considered to be the most economical.

In addition to the pipes used to arrange the gas pipeline, supplementary components are

required for the pipeline to function. Gas pipelines carry high pressure gas, for long

range transmission pipelines, the pressure usually exceeds 8.0 MPa [11]. However,

depending on type of pipeline, its diameter or country it can vary. For example,

according to the Polish norms pipeline pressure ranges from 1.6 MPa to 10.0 MPa [12].

Transmission of gas occurs also, albeit much less frequently, by pipelines of elevated

mean pressure, at pressures from 0.5 MPa to 1.6 MPa [12].

The most important pipeline systems that are currently in place, are those that transport

large volumes of gas from the extracting site to the largest recipients, in Europe they are

the following:

North Sea gas pipeline system, which enables the supply of gas from drilling

rigs and central Norway to Western Europe;

pipeline transmission system from Northwestern Siberia to Western Europe; It

is a system of several dozen pipes up to 1400 mm in diameter, running through

the territories of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic

and the Baltic Sea.

Among the longest gas pipelines are the following [12]:

Nord Stream (North Transgas, North European Gas Pipeline) - between Vyborg

in Russia and Greifswald in Germany. The length of the underwater part is

1189 km (for a total length of 1222 km), the inside diameter is 1220 mm,

and a maximum working pressure can reach up to 22.0 MPa. The first time gas

flew through the stream in November 2011. Another stream, parallel to currently

working one, is in plans. According to project data, the annual transmission

capacity will reach 55 billion m3. Originally, it was planned that the gas from

the Shtokman field in the Barents Sea would be sent through the gas pipeline.

Currently Nord Stream transports raw material from the West Siberian basin to

Western Europe (Germany, France, UK, Denmark and others);

Langeled (BritPipe) - a gas pipeline between Nyhamna in Norway via the

Sleipner Riser drilling rig in North Sea to Easington in the UK. It was put into

use in September 2007 after 3 years of construction. The length of the pipeline

is 1166 km, the inner diameter of the tube is 1067 mm in the northern section,

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and in the southern section diameter is 1118 mm, the maximum working

pressure is 25.0 MPa. BritPipe provides deliveries from Ormen Lange to Great

Britain and, with interconnector in Gassled, from the Sleipner platform to

Continental Europe, a total of around 25.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

Figure 6 Natural gas pipelines and storage caverns in Europe [13]

In the figure 6, one can see the main transmission routes from the north-east of Europe

and northwestern Asia (Siberia) to the west and south-west. Origin points of pipelines

are areas where there are very large deposits of natural gas (some of them have not yet

started operation). Recipients are highly developed countries in Western Europe, where

the share of natural gas as a primary source of energy is considerable. There is also a

spider web of pipelines in the North Sea area and the states situated there, as well as

several gas pipelines supplying gas from northern Africa to Italy and Spain.

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3.2 Characterizing gas pumping system

The gas flow inside the pipeline is possible thanks to the differential pressure, which is

generated for this purpose. This pressure can be affected by linear losses and has to be

adequately adjusted. Linear pressure losses are caused by, but not limited to, friction

between the inner side of the pipe wall and the flowing gas particles. In addition to these,

there are also local losses [12]:

Losses related to changing the flow direction of the gas in the arcs and knees;

Formed in the armature (valves, latches) installed along the gas pipeline;

When the gas flows through the measuring apparatus, and even due to slight

unevenness in the welding points of the pipes.

In order to raise the gas pressure to a level that allows it to be sent to the required

distance, it is compressed in a pumping station. It would be important to mention here

that the compression ratio is determined by the quotient of the discharge pressure (at the

outlet of the compressor) to the suction pressure (at the compressor input). For

operational reasons, gas pumps are divided into three types [12]:

Deposit pump - used in boreholes where the pressure is insufficient for the raw

material to be injected into the transmission system (often one pumping station

pumps gas from several wells);

Transmission (linear) pump - operating within the transmission system. Its

function is to raise the pressure of a large amount of flowing gas at low values

of the compression ratio (less than 2);

At the gas storage - distinguished as a separate group due to its specific character

and complex technological layout. Its work must be possible in two directions

(though not always used). For these pumping stations a much larger range of

variations in pressure (suction and discharge) and a higher compression ratio (up

to 4) are required.

For the transport of gas, two basic groups of compressors are used: piston (displacement)

and flow compressors. In piston compressors, the compression process is cyclical and

takes place in the compressor’s cylinder. The gas is sucked through the inlet valve into

the cylinder, and then the volume is reduced by the piston. Due to the fact that the

amount of gas has not changed, reducing the volume has increased its pressure. An

adverse side effect is the simultaneous rise in temperature which lowers the efficiency

of the compression process. This is countered by cooling the compressor and

compressed gas. If a high degree of compression is required, multi-stage compression

with simultaneous inter-stage gas cooling is used. The second type of compressors used

for gas transmission are centrifugal compressors where the pressure difference is

dynamically generated and the inlet and outlet of the compressor is not so clearly

separated from one another. Centrifugal compressors are usually built as multi-stage.

On one axis there are several rotor sections, each is corresponding to one compression

stage. The moving part is a rotor whose rotation and centrifugal force (at constant

angular velocity) increase the velocity of the gas particles (and the static pressure).

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While the compressor is the most important part of the pumping station, it is not the

only one. There exists a whole range of support and auxiliary systems that are necessary

for pumping station to work, most important of those are [12]:

The barrier-discharge system - is a valve assembly that allows the supply to

and discharge of gas from the pumping station, moreover it electrically isolates

the gas pipeline from equipment and armature in the station. It also ensures that

the gas does not enter the piping of the gas station when it is not necessary (e.g.

in the case of repairs or when the gas pressure is high enough that there is no

need to compress it). Due to the considerable pressures prevailing in the system,

it consists of, among others, the main valve, bypass pipes of much smaller

diameter and smaller valves, which serve to equalize the pressure in front of the

main valve;

The filter-separator system - the filter-separator is a two-part machine

designed to clean the gas entering the compressor station. In the first part, this is

due to the influence of the centrifugal force and the difference in the density of

natural gas and the larger impurities. Condensate particles and larger particle

fragments are removed here. In the second part, which is equipped with a very

fine mesh fabric filter, minor fine impurities are removed;

Measurement systems - measure the volume of fuel entering and exiting the

pumping station. Due to the fact that large quantities of gas flow through the

station, two gas meters with different operating principles are mounted on one

line. Piping of measurement field can be used to switch gas streams to different

nominal flow rates. In addition to gas meters, measuring systems include

additional devices: temperature and pressure sensors, conversion systems,

industrial chromatographs that analyze the composition of the gas, as well as

equipment necessary for recording, gathering and transmitting data to the gas


Suction manifold - it is created by a pipe with a larger diameter than the other

supplying gas for compression. The gas entering the compressor from different

directions, after passing through the previous components of the compressor

station, is "combined" in this tube. Suction manifolds are connected to all

compressors in the pumping station through suitable shutoff valves. Thanks to

this arrangement, compressors can work with the same suction pressure


Gas compressors with drives – in order to work compressors have to be driven

by electric or gas motors. In the first case, they use asynchronous motors, while

in the second case - gas piston engines or gas turbines;

The discharge manifold - plays a similar role as the suction manifold in front

of the compressors. Compressors pressurize the gas under high pressure, and

then through the valve and pipe system it is distributed to the various directions

of the supply. In the case of a simple pumping station (for example, on a transit

gas pipeline), it will only be one collector. In a more complex compression

station connected to the gas node, there can be several such collectors;

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Gas coolers – they are located behind compressors. Their task is to lower the

gas temperature after compression. These are mostly air cooled pipe coolers.

Fans can be used to increase the intensity of the air flow through the cooler. In

the case of multi-stage compression, inter-stage cooling is used to increase

efficiency of the compression process;

3.3 Characterizing Liquefied Natural Gas technology

An alternative to natural gas transported by the pipeline in the gaseous form, is to supply

the gas fuel in liquid form. Liquefied gas transport is most often carried out over long

distances, especially where pipeline construction is unprofitable. This form of transport

is economically justified because of the physicochemical properties of natural gas, as its

condensation results in decrease of its volume by approximately 630 times.

By looking at figure 7 one can observe, that the LNG transport scheme consists of three

essential parts:

Natural gas purification and liquefaction installation at the supplier;

Methane/gas carriers, i.e. ships carrying gas;

Regasification installation at the recipient terminal.

Figure 7 Technological process associated with LNG transport [12]

In recent years, the volume of gas delivered in liquefied form has increased steadily. In

2011 330 billion cubic meters of gas were transported in this form. For comparison, the

gas pipeline transfer was twice as large and amounted to 695 billion m3 of gas [12].

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3.3.1 Liquefaction technology

Before proceeding to liquefy natural gas, it must be cleaned. For this purpose, it is first

dried and then purified from hydrocarbon condensates, carbon dioxide and hydrogen

sulphide and mercury. This is done in order to prevent the condensation and freezing of

components on the surfaces of the tanks and fittings, as this causes difficulties in

operation. Three basic liquefied natural gas technologies are currently in use in the

world [12]:

The classic cascade cycle - involves cooling of the gas in three cooling cycles,

in which the cooling agents are propane, ethane and methane. Their boiling

points are 42.1 °C, -88.0 °C and -161.5 °C, respectively. The characteristic

feature of this technology is the multi-part heat exchanger, in which several

changes of state occur at the same time. The gas intended for liquefaction is

supplied at a pressure of approximately 3.5 MPa. In addition to cooling in its

individual phases, further refrigerants are liquefied. Propane from the first cycle

is used to liquefy ethane, which is then used to liquefy methane. Thus, in the

initial phase simultaneous cooling of natural gas, ethane liquefaction and

propane evaporation is taking place. In the next one, the gas is cooled down with

the simultaneous condensation of methane and evaporation of ethane. At the end,

the cooling of natural gas and the evaporation of methane occurs;

Auto-cooling cascade cycle - coolant used here is a small stream of

hydrocarbons separated from liquefied gas. In this method, which is a

modification of the classical cascade cycle, only one compressor is required. The

heat exchanger is also divided into three sections, but the coolant flows through

them in turn. Between the sections the liquefied gas is collected and the

remainder is directed to the next cooling stage;

Depressurization cycle with use of turboexpander - due to its low efficiency

and high energy consumption, this method is usually used in small installations

that are activated to meet the peak demand for gas. The most important element

of this method is a turboexpander, which expands 85% of the gas, which causes

its temperature to drop to about -90 °C. This gas is then used to liquefy the

remaining 15% in the heat exchanger, but only 10% of the gas directed to the

installation is actually liquefied.

The cheapest of the listed methods is the classic cascade cycle, where 1 m3 of natural

gas can be liquefied with use of approximately 0.5 kWh of electrical power.

3.3.2 Gas transport technology

The transport of liquefied gas is carried out by sea in ships dedicated for this purpose

(tankers / gas carriers). The loading procedure is very complicated due to the high risk

of explosion of methane-air mixture. Consequently, the vessel's tanks must initially be

filled with inert gas (CO2 or N2) and then gradually filled with methane. When the

temperature of the tanks drops low enough, the gas is poured to about 98-99% of their

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capacity. This leaves a reserve for increasing the volume of gas in the event of a slight

increase in temperature.

There are five types of ships transporting gas. Each of them has a different type of tanks

installed [12]:

Moss - Five or six spherical tanks are supported by a frame that allows them to

expand and shrink freely (up to 0.5 m). The outer insulation is kept in inert gas

(nitrogen) with simultaneous control of the presence of methane;

TGZ Mark III - equipped with membrane tanks of unique design: on the inside

there is a proper wall (changing its dimensions due to thermal effects), on it there

are two layers - insulation and shielding, between which inert gas is kept. Tank

is then protected by the second insulation layer, and on the outside by the hull of

the ship;

GT96 - tank walls are consist of two thin layers of invar (iron alloy containing

nickel, silicon and manganese), which is characterized by practically no

expansion due to temperature increase. Insulation is made in the form of layers

filled with perlite (a component of high strength iron alloys) and surrounded with

nitrogen. In newer solutions, argon is used, which has much better insulating


CS1 - is a combination of TGZ Mark III and GT96, but the wall of the tank is

made of invar, and the insulation is made of polyurethane foam;

IHI - prismatic self-supporting tanks, very rare technology, currently there are

only two ships using this design.

The carrying volume of gas tankers produced today is about 135 thousand m3 of LNG,

which makes it possible to transport about 80 million m3 of gas.

3.3.3 Regasification technology

Similar types of tanks that are used on ships, most often multilayer, are also built for

both condensation and regasification terminals. The inner layer is made of nickel-plated

steel, resistant to expansion under elevated temperature. The next layer consists of the

insulation and the outer concrete layer, providing a protective function (e.g. in the case

of failure of the internal steel tank). The liquid gas transported to the recipient is

subjected to regasification usually in the immediate vicinity of the receiving terminal.

In the further part of the gas supply chain, the gas is flowing through pipelines. Only a

small percentage of liquefied gas is transported by trucks.

The last stage of liquefied gas delivery is the regasification, i.e. the evaporation of gas

from the liquid to gas form. Two types of installation are most commonly used for this

purpose [12]:

ORV (Open Rack Vaporizers) - these are heat exchangers heated with

seawater, provided that it has temperature of at least +5 °C. This works in such

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a way that the water temperature leaving the heat exchanger is about 10 °C lower

than the supply water. The construction of the exchanger is similar to a plate

radiator, washed from the outside by the sea water that flows from the upper

tank. LNG is fed from the bottom of the exchanger and the top of the gaseous

natural gas is collected;

SCV (Submerged Combustion Vaporizers) - the LNG is warmed up and

evaporated by water, which is heated by flue gases. Pipes with LNG are

submerged in a tank with this warm water.

There are also other types of installations that are in use, but are not as common as ORV

and SCV systems [12]:

STV (Shell and Tube Vaporizers) - sometimes also called IFV (Intermediate

Fluid Vaporizers) – they use the heat from exhaust of gas turbines. Heat is drawn

through an intermediate medium (e.g. ammonia or glycol), circulating inside the

shell and between tubes of LNG;

CHP-SCV (Combined Heat and Power SCV) - is the combination of

evaporative installations with cogeneration plants producing energy. It is

characterized by the possibility of achieving high efficiency of regasification


AAV (Ambient Air Vaporizers) - in installations of this type the heat is

extracted from the air. Heat exchangers are in the form of tall columns with an

extended surface heated by air. Additionally, airflow is forced from top to

bottom. They can be built in a warm and dry climate. These requirements are

important for providing adequate heat and reducing frosting of the surface of the

heat exchanger;

AAV-HTF (AAV - Heat Transfer Fluid) - the units of this type are a

combination of AAV and STV exchangers, with the exhaust gas from the gas

turbine being replaced by hot air.

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3.4 Characterizing gas storage technology

Gas is primarily stored to be available in times of increased demand. Due to

technological reasons, the supply of gas, both from domestic sources and from imports,

is practically unchanged throughout the year (although subject to slight fluctuations).

Consumption of gas, however is not so stable, even though industrial consumers are

generally getting a fixed amount of gas (or at least very predictable or even precisely

defined by the contract). The most influential factors on changes in consumption are the

seasons (heating season in winter), fluctuations associated with the day cycle (day and

night), as well as individual days of the week and holidays.

Depending on how large gas shortages are to be balanced, appropriate volumes should

be used. Those volumes of gas can be stored in different ways e.g. [12]:

In high pressure pipelines - by exploiting pressure changes in the gas pipeline

and properties of natural gas. This method makes it possible to store small

amounts of fuel and use it to cover daily gas consumption. However the

downside of this solution is that it involves higher operating costs as a result of

the flow of higher volume of gas;

In surface tanks - only small quantities of gas (also LNG) are involved.

Nowadays, these type tanks are used less and less frequently, they were popular

during the period when coal gas was produced;

In underground tanks - they can hold large amounts of gas, which can balance

seasonal fluctuations in consumption.

Natural gas stored in tanks serves as a strategic reserve to ensure continuity of supply

for industry and households. Large volumes of gas are now stored in underground tanks.

Used for this purpose are the following [12]:

Exploited deposits of natural gas and crude oil - this is the most common type

of natural gas storage (About 82% of available storage capacity). This method

exploits deposits that are in the final stage of operation. The decision that the

deposit will be an underground storage should be taken much earlier, so the

remaining deposit can be properly operated. The advantage of this type of

storage is their infrastructure is already there at the time of the allocation

decision. Wells are already constructed and surface infrastructure, including

pipeline connections with the transmission system, are in operation. The

geological structure of a particular deposit is well known, and since it is a

geological trap, the risk of leakage is negligible. However, it may be necessary

to build a gas injection system for the storage and/or to the transmission system

(compressor station). Within one year, only one filling- emptying cycle can be


Aquifers – this solution is not as popular as storage in exploited deposits, but is

still significant (about 13% of available storage capacity). The storage is located

between two aquifers (which provide a very good sealing) or between the bottom

aquifer and the top impermeable rock layer. Unfortunately, this method is costly,

as it requires to carry out a large number of observation and control bores in

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addition to wells. Furthermore, gas from the storage may require extra drying,

which results in additional costs;

Salt caverns - (about 5% of available storage capacity) - caverns of this type are

formed after salt is washed out from an underground deposit. The cost of creating

such a storage is high and the volume of a single cavity is relatively small (up to

tens of millions of cubic meters). On the other hand, the valuable advantage of

salt caverns is the high efficiency of the stream received from the gas tank, as

well as the possibility of long-term storage (without changing the properties of

the medium) and several filling and emptying cycles during the year;

Rock caverns - these caverns are natural or specially designed for this purpose.

Very often storage of this type is not connected to the gas system and has only

local importance. In Europe there are only two rock cavern storages: in the Czech

Republic (Haje, with a capacity of 60 million m3) and in Sweden (Skallen, with

a capacity of 9 million m3);

Abandoned mines - such storages are also built without connection to the gas

system. Large operating difficulties are caused by proper sealing of the

excavation (cement, metal or plastic). There is currently only one tank of this

type and is located in Burggraf-Bernsdorf, in Germany, with a capacity of

3.4 million m3.

It is important to note that there are the two "types" of gas volumes that are present in

the underground storage. For technological reasons it is necessary to maintain a buffer

volume, which is supposed to provide adequate pressure to prevent damage to the

storage. The volume that is available for use is called the active volume of the storage.

It expresses how much gas can be pumped underground without risk of exceeding the

maximum pressure and unsealing of the storage, as well as how much gas can be

collected so as not to exceed the minimum pressure.

The first three types of tanks are the most common. Works on the last two (where the

cost of gas storage is high) are conducted in countries with no suitable geological

formation to create a storage, for example in the aquifer. The filling time of the

underground storage in the exploited deposits and aquifers ranges from about 200 to 250

days, while for the salt caverns it is significantly shorter and takes from 20 to 40 days.

Emptying the storage is however much faster. For exploited deposits and aquifers it

takes from 100 to 150 days, and for salt caverns only 10 to 20 days.

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3.5 Characterizing gas distribution technology

The next step in the route of natural gas from the source to the customer is transporting

the fuel by the distribution network, using medium (10-500 kPa) or low pressure (below

10 kPa). In this case the distances are much smaller than in the transmission network.

The amount of gas flowing is also considerably smaller and is directly related to the

amount of gas demanded by different groups of consumers.

It is difficult to precisely define the demand for gas by small groups of consumers,

especially for private households. This problem appears twice: for the first time in the

design phase of the distribution network, due to the need for selection of the internal

diameter of the pipes, which is necessary to provide a minimum pressure at each point

of the network and to optimize material costs. For the second time, the problem occurs

during the operation, at the moment of contracting the gas stream by the distribution


3.5.1 Evolution of distribution network technology

A few dozen years ago, distribution networks were built of steel pipes. In order to

facilitate their assembly, special fittings were created to allow the diameter, direction or

attachment of the branch to be changed. A serious problem was the protection of gas

pipes against corrosion, caused by so-called stray currents from urban electric traction

or from inadequate realization of passive protection layers (applied to pipes at the

construction site, immediately prior to laying in the excavation), as well as complex

power grid systems.

Nowadays the distribution network, unlike the transmission grid, is built of polyethylene

pipes that have several advantages, which steel pipes lack. The main advantage is

resistance to corrosion, in addition, polyethylene pipes have comparable to steel pipe’s

tensile strength, significantly lower internal roughness (which lowers gas flow

resistance and reduces pressure loss), much greater linear elongation (important in areas

threatened with mining damage) and a much simpler way to connect individual sections.

Polyethylene pipes are joined by welding, which is made with use of two

technologies [12]:

Butt welding - after initial preparation of the pipe edge (milling to obtain a plane

perpendicular to the pipe axis), the heating surfaces heat up the front faces and

then press them against each other;

Electrofusion welding - special pipe fittings with a resistance wire are used to

connect the pipes. During the current flow wire heats up causing the pipe and

fitting material to become plastic and connect the two elements.

Welding is very easy as manufacturers fully automate the procedure by storing all

process parameters in the bar code of a material. The operator's job is to clean the heating

elements, place them in the coupler and connect the welding electrodes.

New distribution networks are built for medium pressure (above 10 kPa), because of the

ability to deliver more gas at the same internal diameters of the pipe. What distinguishes

modern distribution networks from the construction point of view is also a different

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topology compared to transmission networks. Very often they are ring circuit systems,

which significantly improves the reliability of gas supply to the recipient. This is due to

the possibility of gas flow from two directions of such a ring. Such systems also have a

positive effect on the pressure distribution in the network, and thus allow for the

connection of more consumers.

Modernization of distribution networks with polyethylene pipes (forced by deteriorating

technical state of old pipes) has allowed for a significant increase in the maximum

pressure and, therefore, to increase their throughput. This has often led to a transition of

the network from low to medium pressure range. In some cases, the rejuvenation of the

network took place using new technologies (e.g. relining or swage-lining). They involve

inserting the polyethylene pipe into the old gas pipeline. This results in a slight reduction

in cross section, but the pressure boost compensates for this loss and increases the

throughput. The undoubted advantage of polyethylene gas pipelines is also the ability

to carry out various tasks, such as maintenance or connection, without shutting down

parts of the installation. By replacing arc welded joints with heat welding, there is no

need to remove gas from the section where the work is carried out, and it is also possible

to make a hole in the main pipe without interrupting the gas supply.

3.5.2 Role of gas stations

Gas stations are part of the distribution network and together with the gas pipeline

system they serve as local supply for smaller areas. They are designed for specific

throughput, inlet and outlet pressure and the total power of the equipment being

supplied. They are divided into several groups according to their functions [12]:

Reduction stations - designed to reduce gas pressure, equipped with at least two

reduction lines with automatic regulation, each with a throughput of the station,

one of which should be a backup line with installed over- and under-pressure

protection devices;

Measuring stations - for measuring the volume, mass or energy of the gas


Reduction-measurement stations - acting as reducing and measuring stations;

Gas reduction stations on the connection - their inlet is a connection with

suitable parameters. In case of supply pressure in the range of 10 kPa to 500 kPa

and gas flow rate Qmax 60 m3/h - the installation is referred to as the reduction

point or reduction-measurement point when measuring device is installed.

Due to the reduction of gas pressure, the reduction stations are divided into [12]:

First stage reduction stations - high pressure stations supplying medium

pressure gas pipelines;

Secondary reduction stations - medium pressure stations supplying low

pressure gas networks.

Gas stations are usually located outside the buildings. In case, where the maximum

working pressure at the entrance to the station does not exceed 500 kPa (i.e. medium

pressure installation) and the gas stream does not exceed 200 m3/h, they may be located

in boiler rooms or technical rooms of buildings.

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The main purpose of the reduction and measurement station is to maintain the preset gas

pressure at the outlet from the station by reducing and compensating for any increase in

pressure in the gas network, and - by using telemetric measuring devices - remote

monitoring of gas flow values.

A typical secondary reduction-measuring station is equipped with [12]:

Pressure reducers with built-in quick-release and relief valves, reducing the gas

pressure from 500 kPa to 10 kPa;

Pressure gauges in front of the gas flow rate gauge and after the pressure


Temperature sensor installed in front of the gas flow rate measuring device;

Measuring device recording the volume flow of the gas stream with the

possibility of transmitting the state of the meter via GSM;

Automatic gas shutoff valve (solenoid valve);

Blowout pressure relief valves protecting the system from the pressure increase

that can trigger the safety valve and shut off gas supply in case of temperature

increase, with no gas flow;

Dust filter for gas filtration, protecting gas meters, regulators and gas receivers

from damage;

Optionally a steam trap for precipitating condensate from gaseous fuel installed

at the gas station entrance together with a gas filter.

3.5.3 Measurement devices used for transmission and distribution of


Household gas meters count the number of cubic meters of gas that the consumer

collected. Industrial meters count [12]:

Gas flow in measured conditions [m3];

Gas pressure [kPa];

Gas temperature [°C];

Gas flow converted to normal conditions [m3];

Sometimes the ambient temperature is also measured.

Methods based on measurement of the volume and velocity do not provide accurate

information about the amount of gas, since this parameter is strongly dependent on

pressure and temperature. In general, the value of gas flow converted to normal

conditions is used for financial settlements in the transmission and distribution of gas.

Various measuring systems are used in the stations. The one-meter system has only one

measurement-billing gas meter. Thus there is no problem determining the amount of gas

flowing. In the two-meter measurement system there are two working gas meters, one

of which is usually designed to measure smaller gas flows occurring during the summer

season, while the other is for larger gas flows during the winter season. It is also possible

to set up the meters in such a way that one meter is used to control the measurements of

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the other device. Three-meter systems can also be encountered, albeit much more rarely.

Located by the gas meters are the converters. They read the indication and, based on

pressure and temperature, convert the volume from the measurement conditions into

normal conditions. Only such value is used for subsequent financial settlements. Such

measurements make it possible to control the gas transmission in the gas network.

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4. Typical business strategies in the gas sector

Whether an entity within the gas sector is a company looking to optimize its supply

chain and technological process or an individual looking to make profit in trading gas,

one of the most important decisions on the gas market is when one should buy gas fuel.

Business strategies used in gas market were built over the years and have their beginning

in strategies used in crude oil market. As the time has passed and natural gas became

more and more popular fuel, strategies developed for the oil sector were applied to gas

sector, sometimes with various modifications.

Building a gas fuel purchase strategy can be divided into two aspects. First one is

analyzing the overall market including gas purchase paths, while the second one focuses

on managing a purchasing portfolio. First aspect requires an analysis of an energy

company against the background of the wholesale gas market. The possibilities of

purchasing natural gas and regulatory restrictions are also examined. This analysis

usually follows simple algorithm [1]:

1) Determining possible purchase paths,

2) Formal and legal analysis of obligations related to the individual places of

purchase of natural gas,

3) Analysis of the most profitable places to obtain gas from.

In the past, the trade of natural gas was linked to crude oil, which directly affected the

purchase of gaseous fuel on the wholesale market. The price of gaseous fuel was based

on price formulas in long-term contracts of up to 30 years. At present, natural gas can

be acquired by concluding transactions on the gas exchange.

4.1 The SWOT analysis

When faced with the task of analyzing the overall gas market, one of the most popular

methods an individual or company can use is SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The SWOT method is built upon a

market-based analysis of the company and factors affecting its market position. It can

be observed that all factors affecting a company can be external or have internal

characteristics, furthermore they can have a negative or positive effect on the company.

Those factors can now be grouped into four subcategories, as seen on the figure 8.

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Figure 8 The SWOT matrix [14]

The analysis should be done in several steps. Firstly, it is necessary to answer the basic

questions about the company's business profile and identify the needs of its customers.

In this regard, it is essential to describe the strategy of selling natural gas on the retail

market. Secondly, one should identify the external environment and evaluate the

opportunities and threats. This concerns both the purchase of gas and its further sale.

Last two steps are based on defining the company's current situation in terms of

opportunities and threats as well as outlining the company's strengths and weaknesses.

Finally, one has to evaluate scenarios that may take place, as a result of SWOT factors.

The SWOT analysis is designed around finding out how a company fits into the

environment and how the environment can affect it. It is crucial to identify four groups

of factors and determine their impact on the position of a company. An energy company,

by creating a strategy for the purchase of gas on the wholesale market, should assess

what are the main risks and how it can use its strengths.

SWOT analysis can produce four assessments of the situation [1]:

Very good strategic position - resulting from the superiority of opportunities

over threats. The above situation results from a strong developmental position

and is a combination of external and internal situation. It can also be called

aggressive (maxi-maxi) strategy,

Very bad strategic situation - the predominance of threats to opportunities.

Both external and internal situation are not favorable. It is imperative to quickly

change the style of management in the company. This is a reflection of the mini-

mini defensive strategy,

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Mixed situation - external conditions create opportunities but internal trends are

negative. It signifies the change and restructuring of the company while

preserving its strategy on the market. Such strategy is called competitive (mini-


Mixed situation - not favorable external environment, but high internal

potential. In this situation, one should consider entering new markets or

changing market strategy. This approach is called conservative (maxi-mini).

It should be noted that the SWOT analysis is usually done "from the inside to the

outside", but it is possible to use a reverse approach to create an "outside to inside"

analysis. This approach is then referred to as TOWS analysis.

4.2 Porter’s five forces analysis

As the name implies, Porter's five forces analysis was created by Michael E. Porter. The

name comes from five factors that are subject to analysis in the sector survey. The

starting point of the analysis is the product and geographical separation of the sector.

Porter's five forces analysis method is used to assess the sector's attractiveness (potential

profitability) and to identify opportunities and threats, thus allowing forecasting of

changes in the sector.

Porter's Porter 5 analysis should be used before attempting to enter the market because

it serves to assess the attractiveness of the sector and is based on five different factors

that are relevant to the business environment [15]:

Threat of new entrants,

The threat of substitutes appearing,

The bargaining power of suppliers,

The bargaining power of buyers,

Competition between organizations in the sector.

Figure 9 Graphical representation of Porter’s five forces [16]

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Each of these five forces represents a mutual relationship between the managers of the

organization and the people in other organizations, while the combined forces determine

the structure of the sector. Porter's underlying message is that the sectors in which these

forces are large, are not attractive enough to act in them, because competition is so

overwhelming that it is impossible to achieve the expected returns. The reverse situation

occurs when these forces are weak. The sector is then seen as attractive and providing

adequate profitability.

M.E. Porter proposed a structured analysis of each of the five forces by decomposing

them into a number of economic and technical variables. Intensity of a given variable is

also very important, as its low or high value causes a strengthening or weakening of a

given force.

4.2.1 Competition between organizations in the sector

In the beginning, one should start by defining the competition and assessing the current

rivals in the gas industry. It is best to check which the main players in the sector are, and

to analyze their market shares. Information on this subject can be searched on the

Internet, obtained by watching the results of companies and by observing sales

dynamics [17].

After all relevant data has been gathered, it is time to determine the level of competition

between the participants of the market. At this point, attention should be paid to the

marketing activities undertaken by individual companies and whether their actions are

open competition, comparative promotion or rather they focus on advertising their own


4.2.2 Threat of new entrants

The next important force is the threat of new competitors, i.e. all companies that can

enter the market. Companies that are still in the process of creation should also be

included in this analysis. The easier it is for new entrants to enter the market, the more

often they are competing. Therefore, one should investigate potential competition by

analyzing entry barriers [17]. The higher they are, the lower the risk of new entrances.

4.2.3 Threat of substitutes appearing

Another force that needs to be analyzed during the market assessment is the threat posed

by the introduction of substitute products or services. When considering substitutes, it

is useful to reach out to the industry press where information on new technologies and

potential substitutes is often presented [17].

When assessing substitutes as a market threat, account should be taken of the degree to

which they meet consumer needs and the prices at which they are offered. In addition,

consideration should also be given to the factors that are normally taken into account in

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the case of directly competitive products, such as the cost of switching to the substitute

from the customer's point of view. For traditional natural gas market, the biggest

substitute that has be considered is shale gas.

4.2.4 The bargaining power of suppliers and buyers

Finally, one should analyze the last two forces - suppliers and buyers. For these two

components, Porter's Analysis is exactly the same. In the beginning, one takes into

account the groups and organizations that his company pays for delivering the product

or service. Then one determines their impact on his business (how strongly each supplier

dictates terms of cooperation). It is best to do this using a scale from 0 to 5 [17].

One should do the same with the buyers. Here, attention should be paid not only to

private individuals, but also to various distribution channels. In this case, the influence

of the buyers on the company should also be determined.

4.3 Boston Consulting Group analysis

Boston Consulting Group (BGC) analysis, also known as BGC Matrix is the oldest and

simplest way to present a portfolio for managing a purchase. It is based on two variables

- market growth rate and relative market share of the examined product or group of

products. In addition, it is necessary to determine which products are the most

interesting for the surveyed company.

Figure 10 Boston Consulting Group matrix

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Figure 10 pictures simple example of BCG matrix, its four sectors represent

combinations of product and market conditions. Those sectors can be further explained

as [1]:

Stars - are products that bring significant revenue, but require funding. This

sector represents all new offers for customers that are characterized by an

increase in market size,

Cash cows - are a high-margin products that do not require a financial

investment. The market is not growing too fast, but the company is still

benefiting. Usually these are products put on sale some time ago, but still


Question marks - are characterized by low profitability and high financial costs.

At present, they have a low market share, while the dynamics of the development

of the area are noticeable. In the future such product might develop into a star or

become too uncertain to excuse further investment,

Dogs – products in this sector are characterized by low profitability and low

financial needs. In addition, there is no noticeable dynamic of the significance

of this area.

On the one hand, BCG analysis can be performed for the area of gaseous fuel sales. On

the other hand, it is also viable for the management of the purchase strategy, where the

greatest potential for building competencies and experience lies. BCG matrix has many

advantages and disadvantages. Its strength is the diversification of the production

portfolio and the creation of a stable source of revenue. On the other hand, by using the

BCG matrix, one might not notice a slowly growing market, that offers big gains. High

market share does not always guarantee revenue. An example of such situation is sale

of the large volumes of gas to end users that comes with high cost of maintenance

(invoicing, customer service).

4.4 Building a business strategy for gas trade

In the first step, real possibilities of physical purchase of natural gas for end customers

and introduction into the transmission network are analyzed. In fact, however, the

minimum purchase volume may exclude the direction of purchase (e.g. overseas LNG

transport). At the end, it is necessary to carry out a formal and legal analysis of the

obligations linked to the chosen purchase direction and whether it is feasible for energy

companies to fulfil them.

The second step of strategy building is the timing of the purchase of gas and the

products, by which purchase will be realized. Products should be understood as stock

exchange listed on the power exchange and the physical balancing market organized by

the Transmission Network Operator. Simplified methodology for managing one’s

shopping portfolio is as follows [1]:

1) Deciding on where to buy natural gas,

2) Determining the time and products purchased for gaseous fuel,

3) Defining shopping portfolios.

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Managing the gas purchase portfolio is done by answering the question of what should

be the time interval between the signing of a sales and purchasing contracts from the

point of view of an energy company, that is to say what should be done first. Should a

sales contract be signed first and only then the purchase contract or vice versa. In both

cases there are risks involved.

The third step is to describe the main players of the gas market. This step should be done

simultaneously with the second one. In this step following questions should be

answered [1]: Who can influence the wholesale price of gas? Which countries will have

a decisive impact on the transaction? What will be the behavior of the Transmission

Network Operator? To answer those questions one should implement Porter’s Five

Forces analysis.

The fourth step is largely the extension of the first. It requires to describe the main trends

in global, regional and national markets. The energy company will be a player in these

markets without much influence on the possibilities of creating them. This step requires

use of Boston Consulting Group analysis.

The next task is to write out and quantify the main threats, risks and problems.

Identifying and describing major uncertainties will allow to quickly respond to issues in

the future. To complete this step SWOT analysis should be performed. Awareness of

business risks should allow an energy company to prepare ahead for them. Most

important at this stage is analysis of the law and the proposed changes that might be

relevant in the future.

In the final phase, potential gas purchase scenarios should be built, verified and

described. The number of scenarios should not exceed 5-7 [1]. It is also important to set

priorities and the people responsible for the tasks set out in the scenario.

Finally, conclusions should be drawn from the analysis of potential purchasing

scenarios. These conclusions should, among others, address the following two issues

[1]: How does an energy company contract gas fuel? Should it conduct business more

or less aggressively? Analysis of scenarios can also allow company to base on it its

management strategy of individual purchasing portfolios.

After the completion of a strategy company should analyze its competitive position in

the market. The competitive position of the company is the sum of its strengths and

weaknesses [18]. At this point SWOT analysis is useful once again. It depends on how

well one masters key success factors, including the competencies, resources, and assets

company needs to succeed in a chosen field. In the case of companies trading gas, these

factors include [1]:

Credibility on the market,

Size of equity or access to finance and credit,

Opportunities to enter foreign markets,

Access to highly qualified human resources.

If company does not have a competitive advantage in a particular business sector, it is

not advisable to take aggressive action, which might be seen by the competitors as trying

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to gain a significant market share. Energy companies, especially in the initial stage of

their activity in the natural gas market, may not be able to acquire gas fuel in the context

of complicated operational activities. Gas market companies can be divided in terms of

their experience and activity in the markets. It does seems sensible to, for example, start

own extraction business when the energy company is just starting to trade gas on the

domestic market.

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4.5 Choosing a purchasing portfolio

The purchasing portfolio that company chooses it a part of its business strategy. The

risk that the company can accept determines the models of strategy building. As part of

the preparation of gas purchase strategies, the purchase portfolios should be defined [1].

An energy company can adopt several approaches to secure its position on the wholesale

market, hence it is necessary to create separate purchasing portfolios to measure

managerial effectiveness. Depending on the characteristics of the portfolio, the company

should determine what its acceptable level of financial loss is. In addition, it is necessary

to determine how the purchase will take place - on the futures market or spot market.

The decision-making process in this area determines the type of portfolio.

When purchase of gaseous fuel is done with goal of future sales contracts, there is a risk

of price fluctuations on the energy exchange. If a power company makes a pre-emptive

decision to execute a sales contract with the intention of securing its position at a later

date, there is a risk of price fluctuations on the stock market [1]. The energy company

must decide whether the purchase will be made on the futures or spot market and

whether the contract will be hedged (protected against loss) simultaneously with the

sales contract.

Table 3 Difference between various purchasing portfolios [1]



Time of purchase of natural gas Purchase





on spot



signing a



After having

a contract

with the end



signing a sales

contract and

buying gas

Basic portfolio - X - X -

Closing portfolio - X X X -

Pre-hedging portfolio X - - X -

Speculative portfolio X X - X X

In terms of potential losses, the closing portfolio is the safest one. At the time of selling

gaseous fuel at a specified price, the first-stage margin is immediately secured. By

calculating the offer for the end customer, the portfolio manager measures the "purchase

price" according to the current quotations - on the gas exchange or the over-the-counter

market at the price index [1]. Offer validity period usually ranges from a few minutes

to several days. This implies a degree of risk, but it is not too big.

Another on the risk scale is the basic portfolio. It is based on volumetric forecasts for

sales plans for the following years. An energy company may have analyzes indicating

the probability of having a certain volume. One can then secure his position and make

a purchase. The failure to achieve sales at the expected level is the risk involved with

this type of portfolio.

The most risky are pre-hedging and speculative portfolios. In order to ensure a certain

level of margin it is necessary to conclude with two opposing parties in the

transaction [1]. One has to secure the purchase of gaseous fuel on the wholesale market

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and the sale to the final customer. In case one of the parties is not closed (for example,

the purchase of natural gas but no sales contract), the company has an open position.

The open position is associated with potential losses caused by price volatility.

4.5.1 Basic portfolio

A basic portfolio is created when a company already has a customer base with a volume

that can be expected to be realized with high probability. Typically, a company already

operates for a number of years and is able to anticipate that their portfolio is likely to

perform without any problems. A basic portfolio is created when an energy company

has a large purchasing volume, which is impossible to execute in a single transaction.

Assuming that the seller has to make a purchase of high volume of the natural gas (e.g.

2000 MW) within a given year, knowing that the average daily trading volume for a

given product is 50 MW, placing the entire purchase order would introduce a big

confusion to the market [1]. Hence, strategies are created to break down the total volume

of purchases into smaller parts. The purpose of this portfolio is to achieve so-called

weighted average price for the product.

4.5.2 Pre-hedging and speculative portfolios

Pre-hedge portfolio operates on the principle of market uptake or purchasing of goods

before sale. Let us imagine a situation where the energy company has not yet signed a

sales contract, but based on price forecasts, it is predicted that there will be a sharp rise

in raw material prices soon. Then it can act ahead of the market and complete the

purchase transaction. The risk with this portfolio is the lack of sales and the drop in

natural gas prices on the wholesale market. If the purchase is finalized and sales contract

is not signed and the price of gas on the wholesale market will fall, then the company

will make a big loss.

The speculative portfolio is largely similar to a pre-hedging portfolio, but with its use

reversed. In this case, the sale of natural gas to the final customer is signed and the

moment of raw material purchase on the wholesale market is delayed. For example, at

the time of signing the sales contract, the price of gaseous fuel on the wholesale market

was 60 €/MWh. The energy company predicts that in the period in 2 months the price

will fall by another 6 €/MWh. At that time, a decision is made to delay the purchase of

gaseous fuel until more favorable price conditions are met on the wholesale market [1].

As with the pre-hedge portfolio, there is a risk of inaccuracy of the forecast.

4.5.3 Closing portfolio

The closing portfolio created in tandem with the basic portfolio. For example, the power

company set up sales of 15 TWh in the following year. The basic portfolio assumed

10 TWh. The remaining part was the uncertainty of forecast accuracy. With the passage

of time and securing the contracts, the company can raise its forecast to 17 TWh. Then

the company should perform securing of its assets on the basis of immediate closure.

This means that each new contract signed with the final customer should be hedged on

the stock market or the OTC market [1].

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5. Simulink model of a gas network

Along with 2016b release of Matlab/Simulink software, Mathworks – the company

behind it, included updated Simscape libraries. Simscape along with other libraries form

a large database of blocks that are used for simulations in Simulink. The new, updated

software included blocs for creating and running simulations of gas systems and

networks. Following chapter of the thesis will present how to use those new blocks, how

to set up a simulation and finally include simulation of simple gas network.

5.1 Configuring and using new gas system blocks

As a result of expansion of libraries and updates to software, now it is possible to

perform simulations exclusively in Simulink, without necessity to input simulation

parameters in Matlab and then to reload those parameters into Simulink. With newest

version of software it is possible to have all parameters directly inputted into the

simulation, because of new simulation blocks.

Before starting simulations, it is important to include solver block, so the calculations

can be performed. For Simscape blocks, solver can be found in the following library

directory: Simscape/Utilities. For visual reference, solver block is presented in

figure 11.

Figure 11 Solver block for Simscape libraries

5.1.1 Gas Properties block

As mentioned above, it is now possible to input parameters directly into simulation. For

gas systems and network this is achieved by using Gas Properties block. Any gas circuit

connected to this block will adopt its parameters. It is also possible to have multiple

circuits in simulation that use different gasses, but each of them will require its own Gas

Properties block. The block can be found in the following directory:

Simscape/Foundation Library/Gas/Utilities. For visual reference, Gas Properties block

is presented in figure 12.

Figure 12 The Gas Properties block

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It is worth mentioning, that as default the block uses parameters for dry air. If simulation

requires different kind of gas, it is necessary to look up parameters in tables and

professional literature. The Gas Properties block can work in one of three modes:

perfect gas, semi-perfect gas and real gas. Working mode of the block should be selected

basing on available data, as for example perfect gas mode requires input of a single

number per parameter, while real gas mode requires for some parameters input of whole

vectors of data. With default settings for dry air, those vectors have more than 200

numbers in each of them. While real gas mode provides best accuracy of simulation,

with more complex systems or networks it will take longer time to run calculations.

Because of complexity of information required to run simulation in semi-perfect and

real gas modes, any model presented in this thesis will be using perfect gas mode.

Network natural gas is in 98 % composed of methane, for the purposes of simulation, it

can be approximated as pure methane, parameters of which are listed in the table below:

Table 4 Physical properties of methane [32]

Parameter Symbol Unit Value

Specific gas constant 𝑅 𝑘𝐽

𝑘𝑔 ∗ 𝐾 0.518

Compressibility factor 𝑍 1 0.99814

Reference temperature 𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝐾 293.15

Specific enthalpy at reference temperature ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑓 𝑘𝐽

𝑘𝑔 627.58

Specific heat at constant pressure 𝑐𝑝 𝑘𝐽

𝑘𝑔 ∗ 𝐾 2.2

Dynamic viscosity 𝜇 𝜇𝑃𝑎 ∗ 𝑠 11

Thermal conductivity 𝑘 𝑚𝑊

𝑚 ∗ 𝐾 33.3

Figure 13 presents values inputted into the Gas Properties block with units used in Table

4, however it is possible to choose different units from roll-down list next to the


Figure 13 Settings of the Gas Properties block

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It is also possible to access “Parameters” tab of the block to input minimum and

maximum temperature and pressure of given gas network. If at any point of simulation

those values are exceeded, error message will appear and simulation will be stopped.

One can also define here values of atmospheric pressure and threshold at which flow

reversal occurs (in reference to Mach number). This tab can be seen in Figure 14.

Figure 14 Parameters tab of the Gas Properties block

5.1.2 Gas Reservoir block

Another important element used in simulations of gas network is Gas Reservoir block.

This block acts as an infinite volume reservoir under constant pressure and temperature.

The Gas Reservoir block can be found in the following directory: Simscape/Foundation

Library/Gas/Elements. There are two versions of this block, controlled and

uncontrolled. For visual reference, Reservoir blocks are presented in Figure 15.

Figure 15 Controlled and uncontrolled Gas Reservoir blocks

Controlled Reservoir block allows for temperature and pressure parameters to vary in

time in accordance with an input control signal. In uncontrolled Reservoir block,

pressure and temperature are constant and assume the value of parameters set in block

configuration. In both cases it is necessary to specify cross-sectional area of the port at

the entrance to the reservoir. In Figure 16 one can observe settings of the Reservoir

block. It is worth noting, that it is possible to specify reservoir’s pressure by inputting a

value or by choosing for it to remain at atmospheric pressure. In the second case, the

block will assume atmospheric pressure, as defined by the Gas Properties block

connected to the network.

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Figure 16 Settings of the Gas Reservoir block

Depending on the pressure of the reservoir and outside network, gas will either flow

from or into the reservoir. In the first case, gas will have the parameters as set in reservoir

settings and reservoir will act as a heat source. In the second case, temperature of the

gas will be determined by the gas network and reservoir will act as a heat sink.

The Gas Reservoir block can be used to represent connection of local gas network to

gas transmission system. Another use for this block might be to represent industrial or

household consumers, if simulation requires a constant levels of consumption over time.

5.1.3 Mass Flow Rate and Pressure Source blocks

Both Mass Flow Rate and Pressure Sources act as an ideal mechanical energy source.

Mass Flow Rate Source will provide a constant mass flow rate regardless of the pressure

differential, while Pressure Source will provide a constant pressure differential

regardless of the mass flow rate. Sources are represented as ideal elements, therefore

they will not cause any flow resistance or heat exchange with the environment. Source

blocks can be found in the following directory: Simscape/Foundation Library/

Gas/Sources. There are two versions of those block, controlled and uncontrolled. For

visual reference, Source blocks are presented in Figure 17.

Figure 17 Controlled and uncontrolled Source blocks

Controlled blocks allow for mass flow rate or pressure of a source to vary over time in

accordance with an input control signal. In uncontrolled source blocks those parameters

are set during the block configuration and stay constant over time. It is also possible to

define whether a source will perform work on a gas flow. A source can either add no

power or add isentropic power to the gas stream. In the first case block will be used to

just change parameters of a gas flow, while in the second one it will more truthfully

resemble for example a gas pumping station. Source block settings also allow for

determining cross-sectional areas of inlet and outlet ports. All settings of Pressure

Source block can be seen in Figure 18, and are identical to those of a Mass Flow Rate

Source, with only difference being mass flow rate and pressure differential parameters.

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Figure 18 Settings of the Pressure Source block

Pressure Source block can be used to represent compression or decompression station.

This effect is obtained by setting pressure differential parameter to either positive

(compression) or negative (decompression) value. For example setting this parameter to

-5 as seen in Figure 18, will cause gas stream entering the source to be decompressed

and drop its pressure by 5 MPa.

On the other hand Mass Flow Rate Source can be used in combination with Gas

Reservoir block to model a gas extraction source (e.g. mine, drilling well) that supplies

network with gas at constant pressure and constant or varied mass flow rate. Sources

always assume flow from port A to B, therefore inputting negative value will cause a

flow reversal.

5.1.4 Pipe block

In order to model a gas pipeline one has to use a Pipe block. Because block models

convective heat transfer with the pipe wall and viscous friction losses, it is able to

simulate pipe flow dynamics. Additionally, volume of gas will remain constant within

the pipe and temperature and pressure will evolve based on the compressibility and

thermal capacity of this gas volume [19].

It is possible for the gas flow through this block to choke, this event occurs when gas

flow on the outlet reaches sonic speeds. As supersonic gas flow is not modeled in current

iteration of the software, this will cause gas stream to not further increase its flow rate

and might result in simulation errors.

Pipe block is equipped with inlet and outlet port, as well as thermal conserving port that

determines temperature of the pipe wall. Pipe block can be found in the following

directory: Simscape/Foundation Library/Gas/Elements. For visual reference, Pipe block

is presented in Figure 19.

Figure 19 The Pipe block

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Settings of the Pipe block are more complex than those of previous blocks and are

divided into two categories. First one is geometry and the second one is friction and heat

transfer. Geometry configuration allows to specify length of the pipe, its cross-sectional

area and hydraulic diameter. Hydraulic diameter is the internal diameter of a pipe,

understood as a diameter of an area through which a fluid or a gas can flow through.

Geometry settings can be seen in Figure 20.

Figure 20 Geometry settings of the Pipe block

Friction and heat transfer settings should be kept at default values if simulated network

uses standard circular pipes that are laid in straight lines without any bends. However if

network at hand is more complex, parameters have to be modified.

Aggregate equivalent length of local resistances is a parameter that describes combined

length of all bends, fittings, armatures and pipe inlets and outlets [19]. All of those form

local resistances, which increase effective length of a pipe, and have to be taken into

consideration during friction calculations. Volume of gas that is present in a pipe

depends only on its geometrical length.

Internal surface absolute roughness is used to describe average depth of all surface

defects on the internal surface of the pipe [19]. Those defects have an effect on pressure

loss, if the flow of a gas stream becomes turbulent.

Upper Reynolds Number limit for laminar flow describes boundary above which flow

of a gas stream starts to transition from laminar to turbulent. Fully developed laminar

flow, at the border of entering transition state, is described by this number. Lower

Reynolds Number limit for turbulent flow describes opposite situation. It refers to a

boundary, at which fully developed turbulent flow starts to transition into a laminar one.

For circular pipes, in engineering practice, following boundaries for Reynolds number

are assumed [20]:

Re < 2100 – laminar flow

2100 < Re < 3000 – transitional flow

Re > 3000 – turbulent flow

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Shape factor for laminar flow viscous friction describes how pipe geometry influences

viscous friction losses. This parameter usually takes following values: 64 for a circular

cross section, 57 for a square cross section, 62 for a rectangular cross section with an

aspect ratio of 2, and 96 for a thin annular cross section [19].

Nusselt number for laminar flow heat transfer is a ratio of convective to conductive heat

transfer. Value of this parameter depends on the pipe cross-sectional geometry and the

thermal boundary conditions of pipe wall. If the pipe is circular and temperature is

constant over time, this parameter usually takes value of 3.66 [19].

All the settings for friction and heat transfer section can be seen in Figure 21.

Figure 21 Friction and heat transfer settings of the Pipe block

5.1.5 Measurement blocks

In order to analyze result of a simulation, it is necessary for simulated gas network to

contain measurement blocks. There exist three kinds of measurement blocks: Mass and

Energy Flow Rate Sensor, Pressure and Temperature Sensor, and Thermodynamic

Properties Sensor. Measurement blocks can be found in the following directory:

Simscape/Foundation Library/Gas/Sensors. For visual reference, measurement blocks

are presented in Figure 22.

Figure 22 Measurement blocks

Out of those three blocks only first two are necessary to analyze flow in a gas network.

Thermodynamic Properties Sensor is used for more detailed analysis of gas behavior in

a system. Both Mass & Energy Flow Rate and Pressure & Temperature Sensors have

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inlet and outlet ports (A and B respectively), as well as two ports that can be connected

to Scope block in order to read measured data. Sensors also act as ideal elements and

there is no temperature or pressure loss in gas stream flowing through them. It is also

important to note, that because of the parameter it measures, Flow Rate Sensor has to

always be connected in series with other elements of gas network.

5.1.6 Other blocks

Besides already described blocks, Simscape libraries also contain few others, which

does not require such detailed description. All of them can be found in the following

directory: Simscape/Foundation Library/Gas/Elements.

Firstly let us introduce Local Restriction block. This block allows to model a brief flow

area restriction in a gas network. Settings of the block allow to specify restriction area,

cross-sectional area of inlet and outlet ports, as well as discharge coefficient and laminar

flow pressure ratio. It should also be mentioned that there exists controlled version of

the block, which makes it possible for restriction area to vary in time, in accordance

with input control signal. For visual reference, Local Restriction blocks are presented in

Figure 23.

Figure 23 Local Restriction blocks

Constant Volume Chamber is a block used to model storage capabilities of a gas system.

This block has two ports, one that connects with gas network and second one that is a

thermal conserving port, which specifies temperature inside of the chamber. Constant

Volume Chamber’s settings allow to specify volume of the chamber and cross-sectional

area of the port that will connect it to the gas network. For visual reference, Constant

Volume Chamber block is presented in Figure 24.

Figure 24 Constant Volume Chamber block

Finally two block that should be mentioned are Absolute Reference and Cap blocks.

First one of them is used to represent the absolute reference point for a gas system.

Pressure and temperature in such point are equal to zero. Second one represents where

the gas network is terminated, as it is not possible for mass and energy to flow through

this block. Both blocks are represented in Figure 25.

Figure 25 Absolute Reference and Cap blocks

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5.2 Simulation of a simple gas system

The purpose of this simulation is to present how construct a simple model out of the

blocks presented in chapter 5.1. The model represents filling of a gas storage that is

connected to the main pipeline through a 5 km long pipe and a pressure reduction

station. All detailed parameters of elements used in simulation can be seen in chapter

5.1 in the Figures 13, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 21. Complete model can be seen in Figure 26.

Figure 26 Overview of the model of gas storage connected with the main pipeline

Process of constructing this model went as follows. Firstly Reservoir block was picked

to represent connection point to the main pipeline, as it can provide infinite source of

gas at set pressure and temperature. Pressure of 7 MPa and default temperature of

293.15 K were chosen. Also at this point it was decided that whole simulated system

will be using circular pipes with diameter of 0.5 m which corresponds to ca. 0.785 m2

cross-sectional area. After that Reservoir was connected with Solver Configuration

block, as it is required to run simulation, and Gas Properties block. Second of whom

was used to define gas used in the network. After configuring the block in accordance

with data presented in Table 4, Reservoir was connected to a Pressure Source block. Its

purpose is to represent reduction station, which will reduce 7 MPa pressure of gas

stream flowing from the port of main pipeline to 2 MPa pressure at which gas will be

stored in a gas storage tank. After pressure reduction gas is then sent over the 5 km pipe,

which is configured exactly as shown in chapter 5.1.4. Pipe is then connected to the gas

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port of Constant Volume Chamber, which represents gas storage tank. Volume of the

gas storage tank was chosen to be 30 000 m3.

As seen in Figure 26, there are three measurement points in the simulated network. First

point is located before the reduction station in order to monitor parameters of the gas

stream entering the station from main pipeline. Second measurement point is located

after the reduction station to check on the parameters of the gas after decompression.

Final measurement point was placed at the inlet port to the gas store tank, so it will

possible to observe parameters of the gas stream entering it. In each point three

parameters are measured – mass flow, pressure and temperature. All values are then

displayed in one Scope block for each measurement point.

In order to keep simulation simple, both temperature of the pipe wall and inside of gas

storage tank are kept at the same value, as the temperature of the gas stream coming

from the main pipeline.

5.2.1 Measurement subsystem

As can be seen in Figure 26, in order to visually simplify model of a gas network,

measurement blocks at each measurement point were condensed into one subsystem.

Furthermore, all parameters measured in one measurement point are displayed using

single scope block. External view of measurement subsystem can be seen on Figure 27,

while its internal components are presented in Figure 28.

Figure 27 External view of measurement subsystem

As can be seen on Figure above, measurement subsystem is equipped with two ports (A

and B) through which it is connected with the gas network, as well as three measurement

data ports connected to a Scope block.

Figure 28 Internal view of measurement subsystem

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Inside the subsystem, there are two measurement blocks – Mass & Energy Flow Rate

Sensor and Pressure & Temperature Sensor. First of them is connected in series with

the rest of the network through the ports A and B. This is required, as the block measures

flow rate. Pressure & Temperature Sensor measures difference in those parameters

between measurement point and chosen reference point. If one wants to obtain

measurement in a single point, instead of difference in values between two points, it is

necessary to use Absolute Reference block, as a reference point. Results of measurement

are outputted as physical signals, therefore if they are to be displayed using Scope block,

they have to be converted into Simulink output signal. This can be done using PS-

Simulink Converter block. After conversion, data can be inputted into the Scope block.

5.2.2 Thermal control system

By observing Figure 26 one can notice, that both Pipe and Constant Volume Chamber

blocks have thermal conserving points, which are connected to a thermal system. Blocks

used here can be found in the following directory: Simscape/Foundation Library/

Thermal/Elements and …/Thermal/Sources.

Thermal control system can be realized in two ways. First of them operates under

assumption that element of a gas network has ideal adiabatic heat insulation. As a result

of this, there is no heat exchange with outside environment. It is possible to obtain such

result by connecting Perfect Insulator block, to a thermal conserving point of the gas

network element in question. This block is displayed in Figure 29 for visual reference.

Figure 29 Perfect Insulator block

Second way to approach this problem to specify temperature at thermal conserving port.

This can be done by using Ideal Temperature Source block. Such setup can be seen in

Figure 30.

Figure 30 Ideal Temperature Source block with necessary components

In order for this block to work, it requires two input signals. One of them will be

reference signal, which here is represented by Thermal Reference block, and the other

is control signal. It should be noted that control signal, should be a physical signal,

therefore any value that is set in Constant block, needs to be converted using Simulink-

PS Converter block. Such set up can be connected to a one thermal conserving port, or

several if the same temperature should be present at numerous ports.

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5.2.3 Results of simulation

The run time of simulation was chosen to be 2400 s (40 minutes), as it will allow gas storage

tank to be completely filled, and all parameters to settle. It is also assumed, that gas starts

flowing through the network at the beginning of simulation. Figure 31 represents

measurements taken at first measurement point, which is located at the inlet of gas storage


Figure 31 Measurements at the inlet of gas storage tank

By observing mass flow parameter it is possible to say that it took around 1660 s (27

minutes 40 seconds) to completely fill the gas storage. This process was however far

from linear. In the first moments of simulation, as the gas storage is empty, gas flow

rate goes quickly from zero to its peak value at 367.5 kg/s. After reaching the peak,

storage tank becomes more and more pressurized over time, so the mass flow rate also

slowly drops over time. During the initial inrush of gas stream into empty storage, its

temperature sharply drops from 293 K to 276.3 K. This is caused by the rapid

decompression of gas stream, which before entering the gas storage, was kept at the

pressure of 2 MPa. After reaching its minimal value, and as the tank becomes more

pressurized over time, temperature also rises over time until it stabilizes at the ambient

temperature of 293 K. Friction of the gas stream flowing through the pipe also has an

effect on its overall temperature. At the beginning of simulation storage begins with

internal pressure of 0.101325 MPa (default conditions) and slowly over time, as gas

stream flows into it, pressure rises until it reaches 2 MPa, which is pressure of network

supplying the storage tank.

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Figure 32 represents measurements taken at second measurement point, which is located

at the outlet of Reduction Station.

Figure 32 Measurements at the outlet of Reduction Station

By observing mass flow curve at this measurement point it is again easy to state how

long it took for the storage tank to be completely filled, as mass flow reaches zero at

that time. What is different than in last measurement point is that peak mass flow value

is higher here and reaches 403.2 kg/s. Peak value at the inlet of the storage tank is lower

because of heat and friction losses. Shape of the mass flow curve remains the same, as

in the last case. As this measurement point is located at the outlet of the Reduction

Station, where gas stream is decompressed down to 2 MPa, pressure here should be

constant, which can be seen by looking at the pressure curve. However, as gas is

constantly decompressed here, temperature will noticeably drop. This is confirmed by

the temperature curve, which drops down as low as 219.2 K. Nevertheless, as time

advances and gas storage becomes filled, pressure in the tank increases and mass flow

rate decreases. This allows temperature to recover and stabilize at ambient temperature

level, which is 293 K.

Figure 33 represents measurements taken at third measurement point, which is located

at the inlet of Reduction Station.

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Figure 33 Measurements at the inlet of Reduction Station

Mass flow curve here is exactly the same as at the outlet of the reduction station and

reaches the same peak value. This is the case, because Pressure Source block used to

represent Reduction Station is assumed to be an ideal element, therefore it causes no

losses. Pressure curve is constant over time, with value at 7 MPa, as it is constantly

supplied with gas stream at that pressure from the main pipeline. Temperature curve

here has an interesting behavior, as it seems to mirror mass flow curve. Firstly it quickly

rises and reaches peak value and then it slowly drops over time, similarly to mass flow

curve. Temperature reaches its lowest value at 274.8 K, and then as mass flow becomes

low enough, it starts to recover and stabilizes at ambient temperature of 293 K, when

the gas storage becomes full.

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6. Sector coupling between gas and power systems

As new technologies develop and energy demand constantly increases over time, gas

will undoubtedly play a growing role in the broader energy sector. The ecological

factors and the EU policy will definitely favor the development of this area of industry.

For the average consumer, it is important that the energy supply is reliable and at the

lowest possible price, allowing them to meet essential needs such as heating and lighting

their home or powering their household appliances. As renewable energy offers energy

independence for countries and reduces the need for import of natural resources, it will

be increasingly important.

It seems that in the future there will be an ever greater convergence of energy systems,

i.e. between electrical power and gas. Despite the fundamental differences in these

systems, the ultimate goal is always to provide the end users with the energy they

require. Today's advanced information technology, new grid capabilities, increased

participation of renewable energies, but also increased and additional capabilities that

modern gas systems can provide, are the basis for concrete and practical proposals for

interoperability between the gas and power systems.

6.1 Comparison of gas and power systems

The difference between the two systems does not mean that they cannot work together.

Furthermore, as a result of the difference, there is room for complementary or

collaborative work of the systems. It is advantageous to treat both sectors not as market

competitors but also as partners who can complement their competencies / services. It

is important to note that gas transport is more reliable and involves less losses than the

transport of electricity. In situation where country or region faces threat of electricity

deficit, the gas sector may be a salvation for the power sector.

The main inconvenience and problem of the power system is the lack of practical storage

of electricity. Increasingly widely used renewable energy sources due to their periodic

work characteristic (power output dependent on weather conditions, time of day, etc.)

cause additional and large imbalances in power systems. Often there is an excess of

energy in times when the demand naturally diminishes, for example during the night.

Although intensive work is put into solving this problem (high capacity battery energy

storage, use of energy for compressing air, etc.), it is difficult to talk in the near future

about a satisfactory, i.e. economical and rational solution to this problem. In this

situation, the gas network can capture a portion of the excess (and therefore very cheap)

energy and use it in a rational way.

Direct comparison between different aspects of gas and power systems can be seen in

Table 5:

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Table 5 Comparison between key aspects of gas and power systems [21]

Parameter Gas System Power System

Type of energy Primary energy Processed energy

Possibility of large-scale energy carrier storage Present Absent

The effect of switching off (adequate number of)

receivers on the system in the short time horizon Absent Present

Transfer and distribution losses Low Significant

Reliability of transfer and distribution Very high High

Number and variety of devices using a given

energy carrier Low High

The possibility of introducing variable, dynamic

tariffs on a wide scale Low High

Diversification of consumption among different groups of individual consumers

High Low/medium

Impact of independent factors on consumption

(weather, etc.) High Low/medium

Possibility to remotely turn off/on reception (with appropriate meter equipment)

Problematic Present

Possibility for the individual recipient to act as a

local source Absent Present

The ability to create smart networks based on

individual recipients Absent Present

It is important to note, that reliability of transfer and distribution for power system is

high under normal conditions, it might diminish because of extreme weather conditions.

It should be also noted that while it is technically possible to remotely turn on and off

reception of gas during modern meter equipment, in everyday practice service team is

usually dispatched on site to perform those duties.

6.2 Concept of gas smart grid

The concept of smart grid have been well settled among the terms of the new

technologies in the power industry. Smart grid - regardless of many definitions or

explanations - is understood as a power grid that meets specific conditions and allows

for certain functionality. However, gas smart grid is a relatively new concept. This is

the response of the gas sector to the new approach of the energy sector to the question

of perceiving the network system and treating the prosumer as an active part of this

system. A more important cause of concern is the need for a new look at the gas system,

resulting from new challenges and needs, including in the broader energy sector. Also,

the availability of new tools and information technology enables realization many new

ideas whose strategic goal is to better manage available energy.

In current gas networks, new materials, complex telemetry systems, monitoring and

diagnostics are used, but the functionality and principles of the system as a whole have

not changed substantially. However, it is certain that there will be additional conditions

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in which the future gas system will have to work. The most important new factors are

outlined below [21]:

The possibility for gas networks to utilize more diversified gas compositions

(biogas, biomethane, natural gas with hydrogen);

Greater variability in the connecting and disconnecting of new gas sources from

the network (e.g. shale gas, biogas and biomethane);

Greater variability in operating parameters (e.g. pressures) for greater use of the

accumulation capacity of the gas system;

The possibility of using very cheap electricity (smart grids);

The need to use two-way gas flow in networks on a larger scale.

This means that the new gas smart grid will have to be more dynamic, including the

ability to adapt to changing working conditions and the environment. By combining all

those requirements, it is possible to create a working definition of a gas smart grid,

which can be described as follows [21]:

Gas Smart Grid - is a dynamic subsystem (gas network) with variable topology,

equipped with metering and control systems, integrated with teleinformatic systems that

optimize its work in real time and performs additional functions alongside more basic

ones, including easy connection/disconnection of gas sources. Such grid should allow

for use of non-standard natural gas, bi-directional gas flow and gas/energy storage for

later use.

6.3 Characteristics of gas smart grid

The following is a more detailed concept of the intelligent gas network. The new

features of the intelligent gas network include [21]:

Acceptance of new types of gas, previously not used,


New ways to use gaseous fuels.

6.3.1 Acceptance of new types of gas

It is likely that gas from new/other sources will be present in the gas network, in

particular: biomethane, biogas, hydrogen (as admixture) and decompressed LNG. There

also exists a real possibility for unconventional gases (e.g. shale gas) to be present in the

network. Greater diversity of gases will introduce greater variability in gaseous fuel

composition (and its calorific value). This imposes new demands on gas smart grids, as

following features will be required [21]:

Real-time monitoring of gas composition,

Improved tools for simulation and optimization analysis,

Possibility for contract settlements based on units of energy,

Intelligent self-diagnosis systems for gas pipelines and fittings.

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6.3.2 Flexibility

Gas smart grids should be much more flexible than current networks. In different places,

new sources of gas may emerge, such as the construction of a biogas plant producing

biogas/biomethane not used in cogeneration but sold to the gas system. Another

possibility is discovery and exploitation of shale gas deposits. The characteristics of

these sources will be atypical and unfavorable (from the gas grid point of view), because

in most cases they will be sources whose unit yield will be relatively small (biogas) and

variable over time (shale gas).

For example, medium-sized biogas plants produce no more than several hundred cubic

meters of biogas per hour [21]. In turn, the characteristics of unconventional gas deposits

indicate high efficiency in the first period and strongly decreasing - in the subsequent

ones. After several years, the unconventional gas source is usually considered to have

been completely exploited. The areas of concentration of these sources may be

accidental, i.e. there will be areas where the deposits will be very numerous and where

they may overwhelm the capacity of the local distribution network. This will require a

new approach, including the creation of an easy and economically acceptable gas

transport option between two selected gas network points.

The introduction of hydrogen into the gas network is already a viable option. This type

of mixture was named: Hythane (hydrogen + methane) [22]. There are already several

test and pilot installations in Europe and around the world. When hydrogen is introduced

into the natural gas network, the energy value of such gas is increased. In the more

distant future, natural gas can also be used as a "means of transporter" for hydrogen and,

using membrane separation, to obtain pure hydrogen from household gas network to

power a private-owned fuel cell.

Of course, the physical topology of the gas network is always and will be fixed.

However, much higher possibility for switching, metering and network monitoring will

be required for and expected of this topology. Measurement devices will need to work

properly for a greater range of parameter variability. The new measurement

technologies, such as ultrasonic measurements, are likely to be of further importance.

6.3.3 New ways to use gaseous fuels

Many of the following examples of gas use have already been applied in practice. Some

are not yet commercially available. The new approach will involve a much greater

intensification of such activities and widespread commercialization of these

technologies. Examples of the use of gas within the gas smart grids include [21]:

Gas heat pumps,

Cogeneration (including μCHP), trigeneration,

Fuel cells,

Dual fuel (gas/electricity) equipment,

Natural Gas Vehicles.

In the examples given above, the gas network allows the use of gas for distributed

generation of electricity.

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For gas heat pumps where the compressor is driven by a gas engine, operating savings

of up to 30% and significantly lower CO2 emissions can be achieved. Cogeneration

systems are relatively well-recognized and successfully implemented in industry.

An interesting alternative are the fuel cells. These devices could also be defined as a

kind of cogeneration systems, however it was decided to keep them as a separate group,

because of their high potential and growing prospects. Fuel cells are not a new concept,

as they have been successfully used for generations as electricity generators in situations

where economic considerations are not decisive (space, military, etc.). Fuel cell

technology is considered to be one of the real alternatives to distributed energy in the

future - it is low-emission and environmentally friendly device. During operation, the

cells emit relatively small amounts of impurities, while being low-noise equipment.

Hydrogen is the fuel used for operation of fuel cells (excluding special types of cells).

So far, the simplest and most economical method of obtaining hydrogen is the process

of reforming natural gas, although the production of hydrogen using electrolysis and

renewable energy is another viable option. Many home appliances will be able to use

both electricity and gas (interchangeably) in their future. Examples are heat pumps,

condensing furnaces with hot water tanks, etc. Depending on the price signals and the

demand profile for electricity from the power system, one could have the option of

automatic switching to gas fuel, resulting in both an individual economic effect (cheaper

energy in the apartment), as well as in relieving the power system (reducing the risk of

extensive power failure).

What seems to be the most attractive and innovative possibility of gas smart grids is to

allow the transfer of energy between the power and gas networks. The gas network can

be seen as an optional energy storage for the power system.

6.4 Overview of options for energy storage

Energy storage technologies, because of their technical specification and possibilities

they offer, can be categorized into one of two categories [23]:

a) Long-term storage – can store high amounts of energy, but it takes at least few

hours to discharge them. This category includes technologies such as:

Pumped Hydro Power Plants

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)

H2 integration in natural gas

Substitute Natural Gas (SNG)

b) Short-term storage – can store small to medium amounts of energy, however they

are able to quickly discharge all their stored energy. This category includes

technologies such as:



Fly Wheels

Heat storage

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It should be noted that battery technology is very versatile, and they are able to either

release all of the stored energy very quickly or over longer periods of time. Figure 34

depicts typical value range for different energy storage technologies.

Figure 34 Value range for different energy storage technologies [24]

Even though battery storage offers great advantages, one of the main problems at the

moment is high cost of large capacity storages. Other energy storage methods such as

pumped hydro storage or Compressed Air Energy Storage allow for much larger

amounts of energy to be stored. The idea is in both cases is to use cheap electricity in

order to either pump the water or compress air or other gas. Because electricity prices

are subject to strong seasonal and even daily fluctuations, stored energy of water or

compressed air can be used to generate electricity in times when it is most cost effective

and needed. Both of these methods are technologically complex and require significant

financial inputs and the end result has relatively low system efficiency. For pumped

hydro there is a direct dependence on favorable environmental factors, relevant

geological structures, dams on rivers, etc. In the case of CAES, it is difficult to talk

about developed technology, as they are still more of a developmental and research

activity. The well-known example of commercial use of CAES is the compressed air

storage plant in Huntorf, in Germany, where a cavern of exploited natural gas was used

for storage.

New, long-term prospects for energy storage are achieved by manufacturing hydrogen

or Synthetic Natural Gas with a possibility to pump them into gas systems. In both

situations, the gas sector is directly involved in the implementation of these solutions.

Hydrogen can be produced using the standard electrolysis method, using the temporary

excess of electricity normally found in renewable energy (wind, solar). The cost of

energy in this situation is very low, and its reception is often a rescue for the power

system, for which excess energy is a significant problem. There are situations where it

is more rational for power generation companies to pay for energy to be consumed than

to switch off conventional power plants. The situation of "negative prices" of energy

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has already occurred in Germany and Scandinavia, where the reception of renewable

energy, e.g. from wind farms, is the priority. In this situation, hydrogen production can

be economically viable even in an energy-intensive method such as electrolysis. The

term "green hydrogen" or "wind hydrogen" can be already found in professional press,

as they describe the hydrogen produced by electricity produced by wind farms.

Pure hydrogen is a gas that is extremely troublesome in storage (gas migration through

typical construction materials). The gas network in this situation is a perfect solution.

Research shows that up to 15-17 % hydrogen admixture can be used in standard

networks and no change in network fittings is required [21]. These sizes should be

treated as upper limits. Simulations made in Germany (E.ON Ruhrgas "GasCalc") [23]

indicate that an admixture of 15 % hydrogen may be equivalent to 60 TWh/year of

stored energy. In another words, basing on this study, by adding the admixture of only

4 % of hydrogen to the German gas system would allow to store 15 TWh/year, which

translates to ca. 20 % of wind energy produced in Germany in 2016 (77.8 TWh [25]).

Another option for the use of hydrogen is the methanisation process in which methane

is produced by the synthesis of a mixture of hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Replacement

natural gas produced from biomass and biogas after purification and treatment can be

introduced into the gas network. The volume of gas production depends on the specific

national circumstances and the methods of co-financing (e.g. systems of so-called color

certificates). Eight European countries already include biomethane, i.e. cleaned biogas,

into the gas network. The German market is the leader when it comes to biogas, as it

plans to acquire and introduce 6 billion m3 of biomethane into the gas network by

2020 [21]. While Germany is definitely the leader when it comes to biomethane plans,

there are 367 facilities of this type around Europe. Figure 35 shows total number of

operational biomethane plants in European countries, as of 2015.

Figure 35 Biomethane plants per country in Europe [26]

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Gas systems themselves can be considered as powerful energy storages. It is estimated

that the medium-sized gas system of the European country has a projected capacity of

several dozen or more TWh. For example, the German system, a very extensive network

of gas pipelines, has a possibility for an annual accumulation of about 220 TWh [21]. It

is also important to remember about underground gas storage facilities which, thanks to

their specifics of work, meet the actual storage functions. In energy storage terms,

capacities that are possible with gas storage are far larger than what standard energy

storage methods are able to offer right now.

6.5 Power-to-gas technology

Commonly used energy carriers in gas power systems are hydrocarbon mixtures whose

main component is methane. In recent years attempts have been made to use hydrogen

as the energy carrier. Hydrogen is not present in nature in a free state, however there is

practically unlimited supply of it, as it can be extracted from water. Currently, the

cheapest and most popular method of producing hydrogen is steam reforming of natural

gas. This method utilizes reaction between high temperature steam and fossil fuel, in

this case natural gas. The process requires temperature between 700 °C and 1000 °C,

pressure of 3-25 bar and metal-based catalyst (e.g. nickel) [27]. As result of the reaction

yields pure hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Chemical reaction occurring in reformer

can be seen in the equation 6.1:

CH4+ H2O→ CO2+H2 (6.1)

In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in hydrogen production in the

process of electrolysis of water using renewable electricity. Power-to-gas technology is

a promising solution for balancing the electricity system as excess electricity from

renewable sources could be used to produce hydrogen that could then be pumped into

the gas network to store the chemical energy thus obtained. It should be emphasized that

medium- and long-term storage of energy for balancing of the power system requires

the capacity of the TWh of energy. This storage capacity scale is only available with

underground storage of chemical energy, in the form of underground gas storage in

depleted deposits, aquifers and salt caverns.

Power-to-gas installations can include alkaline, polymeric proton exchange membranes

(PEM), and solid oxide (SOE) electrolyzers. Alkaline electrolyzer typically operates at

approximately a temperature of 80 °C and a working pressure of 30 bar. Typically they

achieve efficiency between 60-70 % [28]. Commercial available modules have nominal

power of up to 2.5 MW. In terms of degree of development, this technology is the most

advanced and the cheapest. Among the dozens of projects on the laboratory scale, as

well as among the planned and implemented demonstration projects, 67 % of

installations use alkaline electrolysis, while the rest are based on proton exchange

membrane (PEM) electrolyzers [28]. The advantage of PEM cells is simple construction

and high efficiency of 65-83 % [28]. They are also adapted for rapid load changes.

However, their exploitation period is shorter due to the durability of the electrolyte in

the form of a proton exchange membrane, and the small capacity of up to 30 m3/h. They

are also characterized by higher costs due to the platinum used as a catalyst.

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Solid Oxide (SOE) electrolyzers are still in the research and development phase and are

not used in commercial installations at the moment. The main problem associated with

them, in the context of applications in Power-to-Gas installations, may be the sensitivity

to thermal stresses of ceramics due to the requirement of flexible working mode and

frequent breaks in the work cycle of the electrolyzer.

These technologies are currently at different stages of development, and their brief

characteristics are given in Table 6.

Table 6 Comparison between different electrolyzer technologies [28]

Parameter Unit Alkaline PEM SOE

Stage of technological development - Advanced Demonstrative R&D

Typical operating temperature °C 60-80 50-80 700-1000

Working pressure bar < 30 < 100 < 30

Current density A/cm2 0.2-0.4 0.6-2.0 0.3-1.0

Cell voltage V 1.8-2.4 1.8-2.2 0.95-1.30

Power density W/cm2 < 1 < 4.4 -

Electrical efficiency % 60-71 65-83 81-86

Energy demand kWh/m3 4.5-7.0 4.5-7.5 2.5-3.5

Production rate of hydrogen m3/h < 760 < 30 -

Work at partial load % > 20 > 5 -

Rate of load change % of Pn /s < 10 %/s < 25 %/s -

Lifetime of the cells h < 75 000 < 30 000 < 40 000

Lifetime of the installation years 20-30 10-20 -

Purity of hydrogen % > 99.8 > 99.999 -

Time to start minutes 15 < 15 > 60

Estimated cost €/kWel 1000 2000 -

In most demonstration projects, the hydrogen produced in the electrolyzers is then stored

in pressure vessels. The working pressure range of the tanks is very wide and ranges

from 4 bar to 400 bar [28]. For example, for hydrogen refueling stations, a high

operating pressure of 300 bar is required. High pressure saves space for storage tanks,

but increases installation costs due to the need for a hydrogen compressor. As with

compressed natural gas refueling stations, buffer tanks are used to reduce the cost of

compression and the refueling process takes place only after they are filled. Another

way to reduce the cost of compression is to use a pressure electrolyzer. Such

electrolyzers are available with a working pressure range of 12-30 bar. The overall

efficiency of the pressure electrolysis installation is about 5% higher than that of low-

pressure electrolysis plants, but due to higher investment and maintenance costs, it is

recommended to use low-pressure electrolytic cells that work with hydrogen

compressors [28]. The power-to-gas plant currently having the highest hydrogen

production capacity is the Audi plant in Werlte, Lower Saxony, Germany. Opened in

2013, the plant has a capacity of 6.3 MW and an average efficiency of 54 % [28]. The

produced hydrogen is then used to produce methane, which is used as a fuel for cars

powered by Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).

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After resolving problems with generation of hydrogen, it is possible to construct Power-

to-Gas installation, which general scheme can be seen in Figure 36.

Figure 36 Methanisation of hydrogen in Power-to-Gas technology [28]

In order to store excess energy from solar and wind renewable energy sources, generated

power can be used in an electrolyzer to generate hydrogen. This hydrogen can be then

directly pumped into gas network to increase overall calorific value of gas present in the

system, or used to produce Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). SNG can be produced in

Sabatier Reaction, which was discovered in 1910s by Paul Sabatier. The process

requires temperature between 250-400 °C and nickel, ruthenium or rhodium

catalyst [29]. Chemical reaction occurring in production of SNG can be seen in the

equation 6.2:

CO2+4H2→ CH4+ 2H2O (6.2)

Synthetic Natural Gas produced in this process can be pumped into gas network and

transferred for immediate use or stored for later. During power imbalance in power

system, stored gas can be transferred to gas power plant and converted back into power

to balance the system. Using Combined Power and Heat (CHP) technology can further

increase overall efficiency of the process.

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6.6 Interface for coupling gas and power systems

Coupling interface between gas and power systems will be a key part of future power

macro-system. The scheme of such an energetic and ecologic macro-system can be

visualized as follows: a renewable source provides energy (solar, water, biogas

combustion) to smart grid and biogas directly to the gas smart grid. The excess of cheap

energy from the smart grid can be used to produce hydrogen (for example, in an energy-

intensive electrolysis process), liquefy natural gas, or garage refueling of electrical


In turn, hydrogen can be directly introduced into the gas network or it can be a raw

material for methane production in methanization. Energy is therefore transferred from

one type of power (electricity) to another (gas), where it can be easily stored and used

at a later time or used to increase available gas resources. In this situation, electricity is

effectively transferred and used. A reverse process might also occur, i.e. the use of

gaseous fuels for the production of electricity, both in large stationary systems (gas

power plants) and in distributed systems. Produced distributed electricity (from gas)

reduces the burden on both the transmission and distribution systems as well as the

demand (especially peak), increasing reliability and reducing the risk of large blackout

failures [21]. This can be compared to the function of peak power plants operating in a

distributed system.

When it comes to hydrogen introduced into gas network, it is important to remember

about additional stress that might be inflicted upon existing infrastructure, which was

built with pure natural gas in mind. In addition to gas turbines, the components in which

the increased share of hydrogen in the mixture with natural gas carries the greatest risks

are: underground gas storage facilities (especially in the structures partially filled with

water, due to the potential hydrogen impact on the geological structure), measuring

equipment (process chromatographs not adapted to the new composition of hydrocarbon

mixtures and volume conversions) and CNG vehicles (operational problems of CNG

steel tanks) [28]. In general, the amount of hydrogen that can be safely added to natural

gas depends to a great extent on the composition of the gas at the pumping point and on

the type of terminal equipment (gas receivers) installed at the exit points of the system.

In the case of the risk of exceeding the allowable share of hydrogen in the mixture with

natural gas, hydrogen may be subjected to methane production by producing synthetic

natural gas (SNG), which can be supplied to the gas network in unlimited quantities,

assuming existence of a network of sufficient capacity and storage possibilities.

Coupling interface of the future power macro-system will allow for energy transfer

between electrical power grid and gas network. To make this process as easy and

effortless as possible, one should aim to create a smart macro-grid. Such construction

will include smart grid, gas smart grid, coupling interface between them and a control

system. Scheme for this macro-system, with emphasis on coupling interface, can be seen

in Figure 37.

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Figure 37 Coupling interface for Gas, Power and Heat Systems

Structure like that will require for all of its elements to communicate with each other,

which will cause enormous amounts of data to be send and received. In order to cope

with such demands on data transfer and number of connected devices, advanced

networking technologies and concepts should be used. One concept that will be very

helpful in this case is the Internet of Things (IoT), which is a name for a network that

connects all different types of devices (computers, sensors, actuators, etc.) and allows

them to collect and share data. This concept makes full use of IPv6 technology that

allows for 2128 (ca. 3.4*1038) IP addresses, which is more than enough to accommodate

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both all current and future websites, servers and still have enough addresses for physical

devices functioning under IoT doctrine.

With implementation of IoT, control system for smart macro-grid should be possible to

construct. Such control system will first of all monitor working parameters of power and

gas systems, especially watching for imbalances in electrical power system (shortages

and excess in power). By monitoring gas network, the control system will know,

whether it is possible to use stored volumes of gas to create electrical power in gas power

plants or CHP plants in case of power shortage. In reverse case, the excess of electrical

power, control system will also be able to tell whether additional hydrogen or natural

gas can be introduced into gas network. While CHP plants are not essential for overall

scheme of smart macro-grid, they allow for increased efficiency of energy conversion,

as well as for coupling with heat system, which allows for further expansion of the

concept to encompass all utilities.

Generation and receiving structures can be integrated into larger units from the point of

view of the power system and can to some extent be subject to external control. This

integrated unit is the so-called Virtual Power Plant. An interesting solution in high

saturation conditions with RES units is the creation of local semi-self-balancing

structures, covering areas of municipalities, settlements or larger buildings. These

structures, in addition to integrating reception, should have their own power sources and

energy storage systems. This purpose serves the idea of creating energy clusters. It is

worth emphasizing that the concept of teleinformatically managed energy clusters, as a

form of regional aggregation of energy sources, actually fulfills the idea of the Virtual

Power Plant [30].

Even though main role of the control system is to balance the power system, with the

input of data from gas and power markets, it can also optimize the profit. This possibility

is especially viable in countries with large amounts of biogas power plants, like

Germany. Biogas power plants can output two products: either power to the electrical

power system or biomethane to the gas system. Thanks to the market data, control

system can monitor local prices and decide what individual biogas units should produce.

Sufficiently complex control algorithm should be able to perfectly balance power output

of biogas power plants to the power grid and biomethane to the gas network, so that

systems will be kept stable and maximal profit can be achieved.

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7. Conclusions

To understand problems connected with coupling of the power and gas systems, the

presented thesis set out to explain topics such as functioning of the gas market, structure

and technologies of the gas networks, business strategies of the gas sector and creation

of the simulation of a simple gas system. Each topic deserves a paper on its own,

therefore only the most crucial information was brought up, in order to create general

image of a gas market and a gas system for people that might not be familiar with the

matter at hand. Purpose of this was to enable any reader to understand the concepts and

ideas contained in the final chapter of the thesis, on the sector coupling, as well as to

serve as general introduction to the gas sector of industry.

Changing the paradigm of the functioning of the power and gas systems, through the

popularization of individual generation sources, leads to distributed generation, which

requires the application of new technical and organizational solutions. The idea of local

manufacturing, cooperatives and energy clusters and virtual power plants is part of the

development of the public sector energy sector. The problem of balancing energy in the

network with the production instability of RES-based units can be mitigated on the one

hand, thanks to energy storage systems and, on the other, through appropriate

aggregation of entities. Aggregation of different units can be made to average the profile

and create conditions for regulating the load and using market opportunities, managing

and balancing resources and deriving profits. This is the mission of the virtual power

plant. Such aggregations can however be a part of a much larger macro-system that will

encompass power system, gas system and possibly even heat system. Key factor in

achieving this idea is construction of an appropriate coupling interface and a control

system. Both hydrogen and methane in all its forms (Natural Gas, CNG, LNG, and SNG)

play a very important role in this concept, however using new technologies will put

additional stress on existing gas infrastructure. While it does not pose a problem now,

in the future, if use of technologies such as injection of hydrogen into gas network is

intensified, infrastructure will require modifications, modernization or perhaps even

partial or complete replacement.

Elements such as energy storage systems, Power-to-Gas installations, distributed

generation and virtual power plants will be an inherent part of modern power systems,

and due to the importance of stabilizing the power system, they should gain a prominent

position within the regulated energy market, adequately remunerated. However,

cybersecurity considerations are a matter of particular concern for the development of

control and information infrastructures.

Biogas power plants create interesting opportunity for the future, if gas and power

systems continue to integrate. Those installations can decide which system to supply,

and depending on energy balance and financial factors, can decide which action to take.

On a larger scale (country or private company owning multiple plants) it would be wise

to have a control system that would take care of power balancing and maximization of


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