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Page 2: Master Degree Antonio Montesanto

Higher Education Achievement Report(incorporating European Diploma Supplement)

Student: 2225027 Page 1 of 7 Date of HEAR: 07/12/2016

1 Personal InformationFamily Name(s) Montesanto

Given Name(s) Antonio

Date of Birth 26/07/1992

Student ID 2225027

HESA ID 1511682754967

2 Qualification AchievedName of Qualification Master of Science

Date of Completion 22/09/2016The date of eligibility for the award (e.g, the date at which a Board of Examiners confirms the result)

Award Date 01/12/2016The date on which the award is conferred (usually the graduation date)

Classification With Merit

Endorsements None

Main Fields of Study Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Awarding Institution University of Glasgow

Language of Institution English

Language of Instruction and Assessment English

3 Qualification LevelLevel of Qualification PGT Masters

National Qualification Framework Level Level 11

Length of Programme (normally) 12 Months

Access Requirements The University's prospectus provides an indication of current entry requirements for this degree or award, see: on entry requirements for previous awards is available from the Recruitment & International Office, for contact details see:

4 Mode of study, Programme requirements and results gained

4a Mode and location of studyAcademic Year 2015-16 Full-Time – University of Glasgow

4b/c Programme Requirements/SpecificationDetails of Programme requirements and specifications can be found at the following link: specifications are published annually, please refer to the document published in the final session of study – see 4a above.Programme Specifications are not available for research degrees

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Higher Education Achievement Report(incorporating European Diploma Supplement)

Student: 2225027 Page 2 of 7 Date of HEAR: 07/12/2016

4d Record of Learning and Achievement

Academic Year 2015-16Programme Master of ScienceMain Field(s) of Study Electronics and Electrical EngineeringCourse Description Level Credits ECTS

CreditsGrade Grade

PointsENG 5021 Computer Communications M 11 20 10 A5 18ENG 5022 Control M 11 20 10 B3 15ENG 5027 Digital Signal Processing 11 20 10 B2 16ENG 5055 Micro & Nano Technology 11 20 10 C3 12ENG 5059P MSc Project 11 60 30 A5 18ENG 5092 VLSI Design M 11 20 10 A4 19ENG 5220 Real Time Embedded Programming 11 20 10 B2 16

Final Award of Master of Science, With Merit

Awarded on 01 December 2016

5 Qualification – Function and Access to Further StudyThis qualification may allow access to further study (at SCQF Level 11 or 12) subject to the individual requirements of the institution concerned.

The following professional bodies or institutions have accredited this qualification:

MSc Electronics and Electrical EngineeringNo accreditation

6 Additional AchievementsStudents at the University of Glasgow have the opportunity to engage in extra-curricular activities which may contribute to the life of the University and the wider community as well as to their own personal and professional development. The achievements reported here have been verified by the University of Glasgow.

Formal verified records of additional achievements were first collected for academic session 2011-12. Achievements prior to this will not show here.

None Verified

7 CertificationDate of Transcript 07/12/2016


Capacity Head of the Registry

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A1 A 1 ExcellentA2 A 2 ExcellentA3 A 3 ExcellentA4 A 4 ExcellentA5 A 5 ExcellentB1 B 1 Very GoodB2 B 2 Very GoodB3 B 3 Very GoodC1 C 1 GoodC2 C 2 GoodC3 C 3 GoodD1 D 1 SatisfactoryD2 D 2 SatisfactoryD3 D 3 SatisfactoryE1 E 1 WeakE2 E 2 WeakE3 E 3 WeakF1 F 1 PoorF2 F 2 PoorF3 F 3 PoorG1 G 1 Very PoorG2 G 2 Very PoorH H

In the case of non-honours courses where schools do not hold records both of primary andsecondary bands results may appear in the form A, B, C etc.


Some courses in the subjects of Education, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine areassessed in terms of Professional Practice Competencies under Schedule B.

¹University Calendar, University Fees and General Information for Students, Section 16

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Student: 2225027 Page 4 of 7 Date of HEAR: 07/12/2016

Non Honours Final Results (including Masters Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas andCertificates, and Ordinary Degrees)

QD Qualified with Distinction (Postgraduate) UD Qualified with Distinction (Undergraduate)QM Qualified with Merit (Postgraduate) UM Qualified with Merit (Undergraduate)Q Qualified (Postgraduate) UQ Qualified (Undergraduate)

Honours Degree Final Results

1 First Class Honours 3 Third Class HonoursU Upper Second Class Honours 4 Unclassified HonoursL Lower Second Class Honours 8 No Award

B.D.S.; B.V.M.S.; M.B.,Ch.B Finals Results

HH HonoursCC CommendationQQ PassP8 No Award

OTHER CODES DESCRIPTIONMV Approved compassionate or certified medical

absence7 Deferred result AU Audit only FC Foreign Credit* (students studying abroad for

whom GU equivalent result not availableCR Credit refused CW Credit withheldDD DistinctionP PassFN Fail – no resitFR Fail – resit permitted

*From session 2011-12 onwards all grades gained from courses studied overseas shall be converted intogrades set out in the University's own assessment schedules: A and B. The courses, the credit awarded and theconverted grades will be displayed in section 4d – Record of Learning and Achievement.

David BennionDirector of Registry March 2016

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

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Student: 2225027 Page 5 of 7 Date of HEAR: 07/12/2016

The University of Glasgow was founded in 1451 by Pope Nicholas V. It is Scotland'ssecond oldest and the United Kingdom's fourth oldest university and one of the mostprestigious, with an international reputation for its research and teaching. With over18,000 students studying for first degrees and over 7,000 postgraduates in 2015-2016,Glasgow is also one of the largest universities in the UK.

The four Colleges of the University embrace the main academic disciplines in the arts,humanities, sciences and biomedical fields in 19 Schools and six Research Institutes. TheColleges are:

Arts Medical, Veterinary & Life SciencesScience & Engineering Social Sciences

The University is autonomous and self-governing. Its power to confer its academic awardsdates from the Papal Bull of 1451. Its modern constitutional framework derives from theUniversities (Scotland) Acts 1858 – 1966. These Acts make provision for the mainstatutory bodies, including the Senate, which is the supreme academic body, withresponsibility for academic standards, the Court, which is the overall governing body, andthe General Council, which is formed by the graduates and other members of theUniversity.

First Degrees – Bologna First Cycle awardsMost undergraduate students take Honours degrees after four years of study. Honoursdegrees are classified according to student performance: first (the highest), upper second,lower second, or third; exceptionally, they may be awarded as unclassified Honoursdegrees. Honours degrees in modern languages, which require students to spend a yearabroad, take five years. In the tradition of the Scottish ancient universities, many firstdegrees in arts disciplines have the designation Master of Arts; other first degrees havethe designation Bachelor. A number of students graduate after three years with aDesignated or General degree. The BDS, BVMS and MB ChB are five-year, non-Honoursdegrees. Students undertaking the latter degrees may additionally study for anintercalated Bachelor's degree.

Higher Degrees – Bologna Second Cycle awardsPostgraduate students undertake a wide range of taught and research Master's degrees,which typically involve one or two years of study. Postgraduate Certificates and Diplomasare also available in a number of disciplines. The MEng and MSci are degrees that takestudents to a postgraduate level of study in five years, without their having initiallyobtained a Bachelor's degree.

Higher Degrees – Bologna Third Cycle awardsMost doctoral students undertake the PhD. A number of doctorate awards in designatedprofessional areas are also available. The University also awards higher doctorates in arange of disciplines.

The University of Glasgow additionally validates degrees for which students study at anumber of associated or accredited institutions that do not have the power to awarddegrees in their own right. A number of degrees are also awarded jointly with otheruniversities.

Detailed information on the requirements of each degree programme and a full list ofdegrees awarded are published each year in the University Calendar which is available Assessment for each award iscarried out in accordance with the University's Code of Assessment in force at the timeand published in the relevant edition of the University Calendar. Further programmeinformation is published in programme specifications which are currently available

Further information about the University of Glasgow is available at:

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

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Description of Higher Education in Scotland¹

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Scotland has a distinctive higher education system and alsooperates under a devolved government, which includesdevolved responsibility for higher education. There is aseparate Description of Higher Education in England, Walesand Northern Ireland where the system is different to that ofScotland.

Scotland's distinctive higher education system has 19 highereducation institutions (HEIs). The 15 universities, the OpenUniversity in Scotland, a college of higher education, an artschool, and a conservatoire all receive funding for researchand for learning and teaching through the Scottish FundingCouncil (see; funding is also received fromother sources.

The HEIs are independent, self-governing bodies, active inteaching, research and scholarship. Where HEIs are degreeawarding bodies they design the curriculum for the degreesthey award, set the conditions on which they are awardedand the admissions arrangements. Degrees and otherhigher education qualifications are legally owned by theawarding institution, not by the state.

The HEIs offer qualifications at undergraduate (Bologna firstcycle) and postgraduate (Bologna second and third cycle)levels. In Scotland, the law distinguishes the power to awarddegrees on the basis of completion of taught programmes(bachelors and most masters degrees) from the power toaward Research (doctoral) Degrees. Most universities havepowers to award taught and research Degrees. Some otherHEIs have powers to award taught Degrees while othersoffer programmes leading to Degrees awarded by HEIs withDegree awarding powers.

Lists of institutions with powers to award degrees andinstitutions recognised by authorities in Scotland as beingable to offer courses leading to a Degree of another HEImay be found at

A small number of taught Degrees are available in tertiarycolleges by the authority of a duly empowered HEI.


The types of qualifications awarded at undergraduate (firstcycle) and postgraduate level (second and third cycles) inScotland are described in "The Framework for qualificationsof higher education institutions in Scotland" which includesqualifications descriptors, developed with the universitysector and published by the Quality Assurance Agency(QAA) ( The Framework was self-certifiedas compatible with the Framework for Qualifications of theEuropean Higher Education Area, the qualificationsframework adopted as part of the Bologna Process, inOctober 2006. The Framework is also an integral part of awider national framework: the Scottish Credit andQualifications Framework (SCQF) that covers all forms ofprogrammes and qualifications from school to doctorates(see Table 1 and

Institutions use SCQF levels and credit points for studentsentering or transferring between programmes or institutions,and use ECTS for transfers within the European area.


Admissions requirements for particular programmes are setby the HEIs which offer a range of routes for entry and/orcredit transfer into their programmes, and admit studentswhom they believe have the potential to complete theirprogrammes successfully. The Open University is an openentry institution.

The most common qualification for entry to higher educationis the Higher and, for a small number of high tariff courses,the Advanced Higher or, for entrants from the rest of the UK,the General Certificate of Education at "Advanced" level or

comparable qualifications. Pupils seeking to enter a HEIwould normally take a number of Highers at an appropriatestage in the Senior Phase (4th, 5th and 6th year) ofsecondary school, according to the requirements of theirown learning journey, or at a tertiary college. HEIs usuallyrequire 4–6 Highers for entry, but this may vary with subject.Highers are studied in considerable depth, involvingcoursework and final examinations. Advanced Highers havehistorically been taken by some pupils in S6 as a means ofextending their specialisation, normally following successfulcompletion of a Higher in that subject. They are alsoavailable in some tertiary colleges. Pupils may also take aScottish Baccalaureate in Sciences, Languages, ExpressiveArts, or Social Sciences and these consist of related Highersand Advanced Highers and an interdisciplinary project.Another major route into Degrees, often with full transfer ofcredit, is from Higher National Qualifications¹ offered intertiary colleges.

Quality Assurance

The academic standards of qualifications are secured andthe quality of the student learning experience enhanced bythe HEIs using a range of processes including extensive useof external examiners and suitably qualified independentexternal individuals. In some subject areas, Professional,Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) have a role toensure that programmes meet the needs and standards of aparticular profession; PSRBs do not set or regulate theacademic standards of awards, which is the responsibility ofthe Degree awarding body.

HEIs in Scotland demonstrate their public accountability forquality and standards through a national QualityEnhancement Framework which assures academicstandards and the quality of learning experiences. It has astrong focus on enhancement as follows:

HEIs take account of the UK Quality Code for HigherEducation, which is published by the QAA. The Quality Codeis a UK-wide code of practice for quality assurance andenhancement, which includes qualifications frameworks andUK subject level "benchmark statements" as well asextensive guidance on the quality of the student learningexperience and provision of public information ( Higher Education providers use the QualityCode to design their respective policies for maintainingacademic standards and to enhance quality. Reviewers useit as a key reference point for the external review and qualityassurance of HEIs.

Subject level quality reviews are conducted by HEIs inaccordance with guidance issued by the Scottish FundingCouncil (see and in light of the Quality Code.

External reviews of HEIs are conducted by the QualityAssurance Agency for Higher Education in Scotland (QAAScotland). QAA Scotland is an independent body and charityestablished to provide public confidence in the quality andstandards of higher education. The method of externalreview in Scotland involves teams of peer reviewers,including student and international reviewers. QAA Scotlandpublishes reports on the outcome of reviews and makesjudgements about the effectiveness of the HEIs'arrangements for assuring academic standards andenhancing the quality of the learning experiences offered(see QAA Scotland also manages aprogramme of national Enhancement Themes (

A national development service supports students in theirrole as active participants in assuring standards andenhancing quality (see

¹Awarded by the Scottish Qualifications Authority

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TABLE 1The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)

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The SCQF covers all the major qualifications in Scotland from school to Doctorate and including work-based ScottishVocational Qualifications (SVQs)

SCQF Level Qualifications of Higher Education Institutions

SQA Higher National and National Units, Courses and Group Awards


12 Doctoral Degrees(Minimum 540 SCQF credits)

Professional Apprenticeship

11 Masters Degrees(Minimum 180 SCQF credits)Integrated Masters Degrees(Minimum 600 SCQF Credits)Postgraduate Diploma(Minimum 120 SCQF credits)Postgraduate Certificate(Minimum 60 SCQF credits)

Professional ApprenticeshipSVQ 5

10 Bachelors Degree with Honours(Minimum 480 SCQF credits)Graduate Diplomas and Certificates

Professional Apprenticeship

9 Bachelors Degree(Minimum 360 SCQF credits)Graduate Diplomas and Certificates

Professional Development Award

Technical ApprenticeshipSVQ 4

8 Diploma of Higher Education(Minimum 240 SCQF credits)

Higher National Diploma Technical ApprenticeshipSVQ 4

7 Certificate of Higher Education(Minimum 120 SCQF credits)

Advanced HigherScottish BaccalaureateHigher National Certificate

6 Higher Modern ApprenticeshipSVQ 3

5 National 5Intermediate 2

Modern ApprenticeshipSVQ 2

4 National 4Intermediate 1


3 National 3Access 3National 2

2 Access 2

1 National 1Access 1


1. SCQF levels represent increasing complexity and demand in learning outcome.

2. One credit represents the outcomes achievable by the average student though 10 notional hours of learner effort. Ingeneral terms, one full-time undergraduate year is considered to be 120 credits worth of learning. A postgraduate yearis 180 credits. 1 ECTS credit is deemed equivalent to 2 SCQF credits. Research degrees – Master of Philosophy(MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are not credit rated.

3. Graduate Certificates (minimum of 60 SCQF credits) and Graduate Diplomas (minimum of 120 credits) are offered atlevels 9 and 10 within the SCQF framework. They are offered for programmes that are for graduates but do not haveoutcomes that are at postgraduate level.

4. The Bachelors Degree (level 9) leads to employment and in some instances can give access to postgraduate studyparticularly when accompanied by relevant work or professional experience.

5. At postgraduate levels, the framework and the higher education qualifications are the same as those for the rest of theUK. The Honours Degree levels of the two frameworks are considered to be in broad alignment (the Honours Degreein Scotland normally takes 4 years and that in the rest of the UK takes 3 years). Below Honours level the frameworksreflect the different educational structures of Scotland and the rest of the UK).