master data management and master data liquidity

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  • 8/9/2019 Master Data Management and Master Data Liquidity



    Master Data Liquidity


    Riversand MDMCenterTM

    Version 6.0

    A Riversand Technologies Whitepaper

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    Improving Master Data Liquidity with MDMCenter Version 6.0

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    Copyright 2001-2009 Riversand Technologies, Inc.

    All rights reserved.

    Any technical documentation that is made available by Riversand Technologies, Inc is the copyright

    work of Riversand Technologies, Inc and is owned by Riversand Technologies, Inc.


    Riversand, the Riversand logo, and Riversand MDMCenter are U.S. trademarks or registered

    trademarks of Riversand Technologies, Inc. Other brands and product names mentioned in this guide are

    trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and hereby acknowledged.


    For more information on Riversand Technologies, Inc.,
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    Table of Contents

    1. DEFINING MASTER DATA LIQUIDITY ..................................................................................... 4

    2. THE BENEFITS OF MASTER DATA LIQUIDITY....................................................................... 6

    3. MDMCENTER V6.0 & MASTER DATA LIQUIDITY ................................................................ 8

    4. QUANTIFYING THE VALUE OF MASTER DATA LIQUIDITY ................................................. 26

    5. CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS ....................................................................................... 27

    6. APPENDIX: RIVERSAND REFERENCES ............................................................................... 28

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    1. Defining Master Data Liquidity

    In todays information-driven business environment, effective data management is a corporate

    imperative. Understanding comprehensive data about various corporate entities such as

    customers, products, vendors, employees, etc. is critical to

    business success. Unfortunately, many companies struggle to

    manage and monetize all of their data assets. Companies

    continually fail to realize data-driven strategic insights and

    operational efficiencies. These companies are forfeiting

    significant business benefits. And they will be at a competitive disadvantage against more

    sophisticated competitors.

    Often the problem lies with the systems, processes and personnel involved in managing and

    maintaining corporate data. Separate systems, organizations and processes create separate

    pools of datafor instance a spreadsheet sitting unshared on a users desktop. Furthermore,

    data can be held in huge reservoirs, locked away in vast databases which are inaccessible to

    business users or systems that need it. As a result, critical business data does not flow

    throughout the organization. Organizations need to eliminate these pools of data.

    To be sure, the continuity of complete data throughout the supply chain is critically important.

    The ability to manage the flow of rich, accurate and high-qualitydata is called Data Liquidity. Much like the flow of water, data

    liquidity is a measurement of the ease in which data flows

    throughout an organization. Taken in its broadest

    interpretation, it can describe the characteristics of the flow of

    data as well for instance, is it of high-quality, accurate,

    normalized, complete, timely, and relevant? Finally, from a more financial perspective, data

    liquidity can describe how well data assets are being turned into top and bottom line business

    benefits. These concepts are not new - the data liquidity concept has been used in Data

    Management since 2003. However, data liquidity has taken on new importance in theburgeoning field of Master Data Management (MDM).

    The management of master data involves the practice of acquiring, improving, maintaining and

    sharing a single version of the truth for various corporate data entities such as Products,

    Customers, Vendors, Employees, Materials, etc. Having a holistic record of multiple corporate

    entities populated with high-quality data ensures subscribing systems and stakeholders have

    Unfortunately, many

    companies struggle to

    manage and monetize all of

    their data assets.

    Much like the flow of water,

    data liquidity is a

    measurement of the ease in

    which data flows throughout

    an organization.

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    consistent and correct information. The application of Master Data throughout an organization

    has been proven to significantly improve business results across a variety of industries. It can

    be a single use case solution or a major global initiative positively affecting almost every area ofa business.

    Unfortunately, many companies do not fully understand

    MDMs potential ability to improve their business. Nor do most

    achieve master data liquidity the free flow of master data

    throughout a company. Master Data Liquidity is primarily

    achieved by deploying a Master Data Management Solution

    that can automate the management and distribution of master

    data. In order to realize the promises of MDM and Master

    Data Liquidity, an MDM system must be robust, fully-

    integrated and flexible in order to address all organizational data, systems, people and


    This Riversand Technologies whitepaper will further discuss the concept of Master Data

    Liquidity, its benefits and how it may be achieved through Master Data Management Solutions

    such as Riversands industry-leading MDM Solution, MDMCenter Version 6.0.

    Master Data Liquidity is

    primarily achieved by

    deploying a Master Data

    Management Solution that

    can automate the

    management and

    distribution of master data.

    The Three Aspects of Master Data Liquidity

    1) Master Data Flow

    2) Quality of Master Data

    3) Financial Return on Master Data

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    2. The Benefits of Master Data Liquidity

    Imagine if each of your employees could have the right information, at the right time, in the

    right format, language, unit of measure, etc. This ideal is achievable today by increasing

    Master Data Liquidity. Companies who have implemented advanced MDM Solutions as part

    of an overall Data Governance and MDM initiative have been able to achieve a higher level of

    Master Data Liquidity (see Section 6 - Appendix: Riversand References). An integrated MDM

    Solution works in harmony to ensure master records of high-quality data automatically or

    manually flow to downstream systems or other stakeholders in an organizations global supply

    chain (including vendors and customers). This orchestration drastically increases operational

    efficiencies and opportunities for a broad set of business benefits. Below is a list of just some

    of the benefits that companies deploying MDM Solutions have realized:

    Benefits of MDM and Master Data Liquidity

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    It should be clear to all that users need a system which transverses pools of data and provides

    a robust set of functionality and tools to manage and syndicate master data where and when

    it is needed. An example of such a powerful MDM Solution is MDMCenter from Riversand


    To achieve master data liquidity in large, complex global organizations, MDMCenter offers

    advanced, integrated capabilities in the areas of:

    Data Visibility

    Data Management and Editing

    Catalog/Taxonomy Management with Data Inheritance

    Entity Relationship Management

    Customized Data Views and Security/Access Rights

    Data Globalization

    Data Enrichment and Refinement

    Data Aggregation/Syndication

    Data Quality

    Data Governance

    Workflow/Business Process Management

    Data Publishing

    Digital Asset Management

    The following sections will discuss Riversands MDMCenters capabilities, associated benefits

    and how master data liquidity is enabled.

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    3. MDMCenter V6.0 & Master Data Liquidity

    Riversands flagship MDM product, Riversand MDMCenter, is built on a functionally-rich,

    extensible MDM platform and allows the modeling and management of multiple corporate

    entities including Products, Vendors, Customers, Employees, etc. Among other benefits, the

    Solution is designed to help companies improve Master Data Liquidity. The sections below

    outline the Solutions features and benefits and how they improve Master Data Liquidity.

    3.1. Data Visibility

    3.1.1. Consolidated, Web-based User Dashboard

    MDMCenter includes an intuitive web-based User Dashboard which facilitates user access to all

    data, tasks, application modules and functionality. Efficient access to corporate master data

    ensures the right data is being used by an organization throughout its supply chain.

    MDMCenters Dashboard provides a single interface and easy one-click access to Tasks, Reports,

    Application Modules, Data, Search queries, Quicklinks, Documents, Productivity Tools and

    more. The task list provides users with a view of each task awaiting his/her attention with a global

    view of the workflow that routed the task to their Dashboard. This ensures that data and

    business processes flow smoothly throughout the organization. Here is an example of

    MDMCenters User Dashboard:

    Easy one-click access to

    Tasks, Reports,

    Application Modules,Data, Search Queries,


    Documents, Productivity

    Tools and more from the

    User Dashboard

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    3.1.2.Entity Explorer

    Within MDMCenter, an entity can be any corporate data asset products, customers, vendors,

    employees, etc. MDMCenters Entity Explorer gives users the ability to navigate to, search on,

    and filter out any entity defined within the system, as well as perform necessary actions on

    discovered entities. This improves overall data quality and data visibility.

    The Entity Explorer consists of three main sections - main search criteria, stage criteria and

    category criteria - to fulfill its Search functionality. MDMCenter will combine all three criteria into

    a complex query to find the appropriate search results.

    MDMCenters Entity Explorer page looks like following:

    Result GridStage and Category criteria

    Main Search criteria

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    This single search interface represents a powerful tool to search through an organizations entire

    repository of master data to find the right record. This improves internal efficiency, data access

    and data quality (due to reduced duplicate record generation). The Entity Explorer is another way

    MDMCenter manages to ensure the proper flow of quality data throughout an organization.

    3.1.3. Entity Editor

    An entity has associated data like the category it belongs to, the container/catalog to which it is

    mapped, the various attributes that comprise the entity etc. Within MDMCenter, the user has

    many mechanisms to fetch these critical details. Furthermore, the Entity Editor gives the user the

    capability to populate details that are missing in an Entity. In other words, users can perform tasks

    to ensure a particular entity is complete and understand any remaining gaps.

    The Entity Editor allows users to create and modify entities, attributes, and relationships; view

    catalog or container information connected with an Entity. It also allows user to edit multiple

    entities. User can see the status of an entity (for instance, staged or production) and it allows

    them to navigate to the screens to complete record editing. The Entity Editor thereby provides a

    single interface to ensure Entity completion.

    Entity Editor features include:

    Create a short-cut to your frequently accessed attributes

    Create attribute-based views attributes of an entity in a single window

    View the containers impacted by the modification of an entity

    Assign entities from parent catalog or container to the sub container or slave containers

    View the SKU details for a particular entity

    View attribute based on their groups

    The Entity Editor has a host of options to edit the entity values. You can view the details of the

    complex attributes, view the taxonomy and category details and view the version details about

    the entity being edited. An example of the Entity Editor is provided below:

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    3.1.4. Data Views

    MDMCenter provides the capability to define, manage and use multiple views into and

    organizations data. For instance, data can be defined and presented by category, sales region or

    industry vertical (to name just a few).

    Different Views for Product, Vendor, Partner, Customer and

    other data types can be presented to users in a variety of

    ways. Some of the key view types available are: Hierarchy

    View, Dynamic Hierarchy View (DHV), Table View, Dynamic

    Table View (DTV)

    My ViewsPane

    State Views



    Views Pane






    Variants Pane

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    3.2. Enterprise Systems Integration

    To ensure Data Liquidity, MDM Solutions need to be easily integrated into a clients enterprise

    architecture. Riversand MDMCenter provides a unique Plug and Play Formatter concept allows

    for easy creation and use of data formatters to syndicate and provide data in formats required by

    external systems. For example, Riversands SAP formatter is used currently at one of our

    customers to provide data in an XML format that is required by SAP. MDMCenter is currently

    using this methodology to integrate with SAP for a customer with over 1 million items in the

    database. Other Formatters have been developed for ERP systems, BI tools, CRM packages and

    Print Publishing applications.

    Once a system is integrated using MDMCenter Formatters, MDMCenter provides user interfaces

    to aggregate and syndicate data to subscribing systems. These easy-to-use interfaces facilitates

    the flow of data to enterprise systems. Both the Data Aggregation and Data Syndication modules

    include the concept of Integration Profiles which define the data, delta, filters, triggers, and file

    format of each point of integration. Subscribing systems can have multiple profiles defined

    depending on the use case and data requirements. Along with our delta based synchronization

    and configurable delivery and request methods (file system, messaging queues, web services), the

    advanced syndication modules and profiles allow for easy integration with external systems and a

    higher level of Master Data Liquidity.

    3.2.1. Data Aggregation

    MDMCenters Aggregation module enables clients to load entity information from

    external/internal systems such as ERP, PDM and CRM. These imports could be either for one-time

    data conversions or to manage ongoing near real-time data exchange interfaces to ensure Master

    Data Liquidity. Key features include:

    Aggregation capabilities for any data entity type

    Aggregation capabilities for metadata such as Classifications and Taxonomy Attribute


    Delta functionality at an attribute level allows for incremental updates

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    Support for multiple standards & protocols (XML, Excel, text files, DB sources)

    Scheduled or manual import capabilities

    Support for file-based, Native API or Web Services based integration

    Data Quality validation rules and data staging capabilities

    Integration with MDMCenters Data Quality Management module (see below) for further

    quality processes

    3.2.2. Data Syndication

    Like the Aggregation module, MDMCenters Syndication module allows automatic syndication

    profiles to be set up to filter and publish entity information to downstream systems like web

    content management, e-commerce applications, portals, CRM systems and customer e-

    procurement systems. This module is one of the key capabilities of MDMCenter enabling Data

    Liquidity. Like the Data Aggregation module, these exports can be either for one-time data

    conversions or to manage ongoing near real-time data exchange interfaces to ensure on-going

    Master Data Liquidity. Key features include:

    Ability to extract content from MDMCenter in any required format (XML, Excel, Text files,

    Word and PDF)

    Out-of-the-box for industry standards formats

    Ability to filter data based on organizations,

    catalogs, categories, items and attributes

    Unlimited syndication templates

    Delta update capability with the ability to

    track every change published to every channel

    Ability to track every change published to every channel at the attribute level

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    3.3. Advanced Workflow ManagementRiversand has recognized and met the need of organizations to collaborate across a global supply

    chain to implement business, data governance and master data management processes.

    Riversands Advanced Workflow module transforms people intensive, high cost operations into

    highly flexible automated processes that can be benchmarked

    and easily optimized. Riversands Advanced Workflow

    module has delivered breakthrough improvements in

    workforce productivity, data quality, management control and

    Master Data Liquidity. Some of the key benefits of

    Riversands Advanced Workflow module are:

    Improved processes for greater efficiency

    Advanced Workflow allows you to rapidly create an automated BPM environment and

    realize efficiencies from optimized processes.

    Keener competitive edge

    Advanced Workflow provides a reliable, scalable and flexible process management platform

    that allows you to build and sustain your competitive edge.

    Higher productivity

    Fully integrated workflow for Riversand MDM

    Solutions. Advanced Workflow automates routine

    tasks, eliminates redundancies and helps your

    employees perform their tasks better.

    Lower costs

    Advanced Workflow not only reduces process cycle

    times but also lowers the cost of completion of each

    activity in a process.

    Effective collaboration and communication

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    Advanced Workflow facilitates collaboration and communication within the enterprise and

    with business partners.

    Better resource utilization

    Human Workflow Services features in Advanced Workflow enable you to optimize task

    allocation and resource utilization.

    Uninterrupted operations

    Advanced Workflow provides your resources anytime, anywhere access to business

    processes, documents and other artifacts to ensure uninterrupted operations.

    Increased ROI from technology investments

    Advanced Workflow allows you to derive greater returns from your existing investments in


    Greater accountability and traceability

    Advanced Workflow immediately brings transparency, traceability and accountability to

    business processes.

    3.4. Data Modelling

    Riversands Data Modelling capabilities are unmatched in the industry. The flexibility and

    extensibility of Riversands underlying data model represent one of our Solutions main

    competitive advantages. Data modelling is supported by sophisticated capabilities that help

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    manage complex data models. Complex attributes, flexible attribute definition, multiple types of

    data inheritance, relationships and multi-data domain support make up some of MDMCenters

    advanced data modelling functionality. To maximize benefits and support multiple use cases of

    Master Data Liquidity, it is imperative that an MDM Solution model any corporate information.

    MDMCenters sophisticated data modelling capability ensures that all corporate data can be

    modelled and managed within the system.

    3.4.1. Attribute Management

    MDMCenter has a global Attribute Master that serves as the data dictionary to map and reuse

    common attributes across taxonomies, organization and catalogs. Key features include:

    Ability to create data and system level attributes. Data attributes

    are associated with an entity and stores entity level information.

    System attributes are attributes that are associated with Objects or

    Entities such as Taxonomies, Catalogs, and Organizations etc. For

    example, GLN can be modeled as a system level attribute against

    the Organization object.

    Data attributes are of 2 types: Common Attributes and Category specific attributes.

    Common Attributes are attributes that are common across all products, i.e., these are

    category independent attributes. For example, Product Description, Price etc.

    Define properties for attributes to enable Auto-Display, Auto-Validation & context-sensitive


    Ability to define data types and detailed constraints

    Ability to create attribute groups, complex attributes and collections.

    The following screenshots illustrate the Riversand Attribute Master interface with Customer Data


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    3.4.2. Taxonomy Management

    Taxonomies Management enables enterprises to create data models that can serve as product

    templates for content authoring and exchanging. Multiple taxonomy management helps

    companies quickly develop data models across their organization. Key features include:

    Classify products into hierarchies and categories.

    Create 'many-to-many relationships between suppliers, internal business units and


    Create multiple taxonomies to meet each individual business unit requirements

    Out-of-the-box support for industry standard taxonomies

    Custom taxonomies can be created using a simple user

    interface. The user interface enables creation of categories,

    sub-categories and category attribute mappings. Attributes

    can be customized at the category level. Similar categories can

    be easily created using a copy/paste capability. In addition, an

    attribute can be mapped to multiple categories. The

    screenshot above right illustrates the taxonomy management module.

    3.4.3. Catalog Management

    MDMCenters Catalog Management module enables users to introduce new items and update

    item attributes into multiple catalogs. Key features include:

    Group products by region, product line or customer using multi-classification

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    Associate attributes to items as well as categories

    Support product relationships such as Cross-sell, Up-sell, Bill-of-Material, and others

    Search using keyword, parametric search, Boolean and product comparisons

    Multi-language support for product content for global markets

    Re-use product attribute values across catalogs and languages using data inheritance

    3.4.4. Organization Management

    Organization Management module enables an enterprise to model its multiple internal divisions

    and external trading partners. Key features include:

    Create Organizations to logically separate data and activities

    Model internal business units such as Research & Development Product Management,

    Marketing, Sales Channels etc.

    Model trading partners such as Suppliers, OEM Manufacturers, Distributors and Customers

    Enables internal collaboration on Product Information Management through sharing and re-

    use of product information across business units.

    3.4.5. Relationships/BOM Management

    MDMCenter allows organizations to define almost any relationship

    between data entities. This capability is very powerful in defining

    and managing such concepts as families, substitute products, cross-

    sells/up-sells, spares, kits, Bills of Material (BOMs), etc.

    One aspect of Riversands relationship modelling capability is that

    the relationship itself can have attributes defined. For instance,

    prices for a product can differ if that product is being packaged as a

    set or the quantity of a product can be defined for a kit.

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    Riversands ability to model BOMs is very sophisticated. Nested BOMs can be shown graphically

    within the MDMCenter interface and subassemblies can be exploded graphically. Furthermore,

    users can view images of an assembly and then click on subassemblies to drill down into the parts.

    3.5. Data Quality Management (DQM)A key differentiator for MDMCenter is its integrated Data Quality Management (DQM) module

    which offers data cleansing, normalization, enrichment, classification, data review and quality

    checking capabilities. The DQM module ensures that data flowing in and out of MDMCenter is

    accurate, normalized, complete and of high-quality. DQM capability is pervasive throughout the

    MDMCenter Solution, helping user migrate and maintain clean data.

    The DQM module allows for one or

    many administrator roles to assign

    and manage work across a team of

    users, including Riversands Data

    Quality Solutions Content Experts (or

    other 3rd party stakeholders).

    MDMCenters Data Quality

    Management module automates and

    streamlines workflow processes to

    substantially decrease the effort and time involved to review, approve and stage content in a

    format simple for publishing to Master Catalogs or enterprise systems. Riversand clients are able

    to quickly and easily implement their Data Governance strategies using this module as part of

    their overall MDM strategy.

    The MDMCenter Data Quality Management module enables automated data cleansing, content

    review and quality checking. Riversands tool allows for one or many administrator roles to assign

    and manage work across a team of users. The power of MDMCenters Data Quality Management

    module automates and streamlines workflow processes to substantially decrease the effort and

    time involved in implementing Governance policies throughout an organization. The product

    integrates seamlessly into the MDMCenter interface to enables effective review, approval and

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    staging of content in a format simple for syndication to Riversands data master repository or

    other enterprise systems.

    In addition to our technology, Riversand provides a comprehensive range of Data Quality Services

    that encompasses the content creation process. Riversand has experienced resources to augment

    customer teams to support this process. Our teams consist of domain experts in a number areas

    such as Content Analysts, Classification Experts, Compliance Specialists, Quality Analysts, and

    Chemicals Domain Experts. These resources are either onshore or offshore to ensure a cost

    effective, efficient team for our clients. In addition to Riversands Content services, Riversand has

    extensive experience integrating its Solutions with additional 3rd

    party content providers for data


    Riversands DQM modules capabilities include the following:

    Multiple Taxonomy/Schema Definition and Management


    Attribute Extraction and population to schema

    Data Enrichment


    Description Auto-generation

    Duplicate Identification & Advanced Matching

    Data Staging

    Organization modeling and Workflow Management

    3.6. Security and Data Access

    To ensure that the flow of data within an organization is appropriate and controlled, MDMCenter

    uses a complex security model that controls access down to the attribute level. Users are

    associated to roles and security can be specified at the role or user level for granular control.

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    Access is granted based on the Organization(s) that the user/role belongs to and they can access

    only the data that belongs to their organizations. The security

    model in incorporated into the workflow process allowing for

    controlled access to specific data in different stages of the

    workflow. The security model can be integrated with 3rd

    party systems including Microosft Active Domain.

    3.7. Data Globalization

    MDMCenter also allows for the global flow of corporate data. For both data and GUI,

    MDMCenter supports most major languages and even

    differentiates among dialects (for instance, Brazilian

    Portuguese versus native Portuguese or Canadian

    French versus native French) and is able to work with

    Unicode character set. Administrators set GUI and data

    locales for individual users via a one-click process on the user profile.

    3.8. Reporting and Data Measurement capabilities

    To measure the flow of data within an organization, Riversands MDMCenter includes

    comprehensive reporting capability on data management and data quality metrics. Companies

    can use pre-built reports such as Change Reports, Monthly Update Frequency, New Item

    Introductions, Items by Type, Attributes, Users, User Activity, Item Status, Error Reporting, Data

    Richness, Productivity, Workflows In-Progress, Workflow Status, etc. In addition to pre-built

    reports, ad hoc reports can be developed and configured to meet the specific needs of each


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    In addition to the systems own reports, data can be exported to BI systems for inclusion in

    company-wide reports.

    3.9. Dynamic Publishing Module (Optional)

    Riversand offers an integarted Dynamic Publishing module. The solution is OEMed fromInBetween, a world leader in dynamic publishing solutions. Integrated dynamic publishing will

    enable clients to more quickly and efficiently develop catalogs, market/customer specific catalogs,

    price sheets, sales flyers, inserts, web pages and other sales collateral. MDMCenters dynamic

    publishing module will enable more up-to-date information to be delivered later in the publishing

    process, ensuring accuracy and timeliness.

    MDMCenters dynamic publishing module includes the following capabilitities:

    Fully automated, rule-based setting of documents or manual placement with manual page-


    Possibility to mix datasources into one page layout

    Unique and powerful graphical user-interface

    Data definition

    WYSIWYG template editing

    Visual master page editing

    Page planning and page redaction

    Remote control of DTP-programs

    More than DTP: growing and moving of frames, dynamic tables, rules & conditions

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    A server based publishing application with SOAP API, complete Integration into publication

    processes and 3rd party tools for preview and publication

    MDMCenters publishing solution enables output of product infomation and templates to a

    number of 3rd party publishing solutions (Quark Xpress, Adobe InDesign) and file formats (HTML,

    .pdf, Word and Powerpoint). Please see below for some sample files generated with

    MDMCenters Publishing module:

    Dynamic Publishing Module Output Samples

    Sample Output: Adobe InDesign

    Sample Output: Quark Express

    Sample Output: HTML Sample Output: .pdf

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    Out-of-Box Catalog of data refinement rules

    Business user friendly Rules Engine to create and maintain domain/category specific

    refinement rules

    Supplier Portal Specialized, Private, and Secure interface for suppliers

    Quick and Easy methods of integrating to existing data sources such as Merchandising

    Systems, e-Commerce Catalogs, Data Warehouses etc.

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    4. Quantifying the Value of Master Data Liquidity

    In order to assist clients in quantifying the value or potential value of MDM and improved Master

    Data Liquidity within their organization, Riversand has developed the ValuestreamTM


    A Riversand ValuestreamTM

    assessment is a consultative, pre- or post-implementation analysis of

    the value of MDM to an organization in order to help build project support, justify investment

    and/or quantify impact

    Valuestream projects consist of a 2-3 week comprehensive engagement between Riversand

    Professional Services and key client stakeholders. Riversands

    experts work closely with clients to identify high-value use cases,

    analyze ROI and recommend best practices. Deliverables,

    including analysis, findings and recommendations, are

    customized to the needs of each client.

    Valuestream Program Benefits:

    Fully customized program designed to meet the needs of individual clients

    Identifies highest value use cases/applications

    Identifies and defines key performance metrics Quantifies total cost of ownership of MDM

    Quantifies potential benefits of MDM and Master Data Liquidity

    Quantifies potential ROI of MDM and Master Data Liquidity for an entire organization

    Justifies investment in MDM

    Provides industry benchmarks

    Identifies key stakeholders

    Develops organizational support and stakeholder buy-in

    Helps IT start to gather requirements from the business

    Jumpstarts MDM implementation

    Provides recommendations for implementation best practices

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    Improving Master Data Liquidity with MDMCenter Version 6.0

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    5. Conclusions and Next Steps

    Effective Master Data Management and improved Master Data

    Liquidity are initiatives which are currently being undertaken

    by leading organizations throughout the world. The

    companies are poised to improve their business performance

    in a number of areas throughout their global operations.

    The potential for success of an MDM initiative focused on

    improving Master Data Liquidity and/or other benefits of MDM

    will be drastically increased with the deployment of a robust

    MDM Solution such as Riversands MDMCenter Version 6.0.

    Benefits of this latest version of MDMCenter include improved data visibility; improved data

    liquidity; increased efficiencies due to data inheritance; improved data quality & business rule

    functionality; improved management of unstructured data; and improved dynamic, multi-channel

    data publishing. These capabilities will provide Riversand clients with improved ability to model,

    aggregate, cleanse, manage and syndicate complex multi-entity master data across global


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    6. Appendix: Riversand References

    Riversand has unmatched technology, a world-class team of consultants and a

    proven methodology to ensure our clients success. Riversand has extensive

    experience deploying global implementations of Master Data Management, Data

    Quality and Business Process Management Solutions throughout the world.

    Riversands customer base includes many Global1000 companies as well as

    smaller, innovative companies who are looking to grow their business through

    data-driven competitive advantage. Our organization includes multi-national

    teams that are available at offices throughout the world. In addition, Riversand

    works with an extensive network of global delivery partners and is open to

    partner with any company at our clients request.

    Currently, Riversand is providing implementation and support services to

    companies across five continents and is being considered for more global

    projects each day. Most importantly, our global implementations are supported

    by knowledgeable experts and the most advanced, flexible MDM Solutions on

    the market. The following is a brief summary of a few of our successes:

    VF Corporation, the worlds largest Apparel Manufacturer and

    Retailer, has selected Riversand as its strategic supplier of MDM

    Solutions and Services. Riversand plans to deploy MDMCenter

    across all 38 VF Brands on a global basis for Product, Customer

    and Vendor data. As part of this relationship, Riversand

    conducted an extensive analysis of the impact and ROI potential of

    deploying MDM throughout the organization.

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    Improving Master Data Liquidity with MDMCenter Version 6.0

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    Weatherford implemented Riversand MDM solution to centralize all

    product information. Riversand MDMCenter links Weatherfords

    suppliers, internal business units and customers to streamline the

    management of content aggregation, enrichment and syndication.

    The central repository of product & pricing information will be

    used to generate customer-specific catalogs, feed quoting tools,

    and create and update print catalogs and technical datasheets on

    an ongoing basis

    ConocoPhillips is currently undergoing through a material standardization

    effort to create a single unified material master for SAP MM. Riversand

    is currently providing material cleansing services for supplier material

    master classification, attribute extraction, cleansing & normalization.

    Riversand is leveraging Data Quality Solutions cleansing capabilities

    provide the necessary toolset to meet ConocoPhillips needs

    Riversand implemented a commercial workflow project to provide a

    view into Halliburtons business processes to its customers and

    partners using the SeeBeyond Suite of EAI products. The effort

    involved integrating with systems like SAP to extract information

    such as Proposals, Job Scheduling, Invoice, Invoice Status, Debit /

    Credit Memos, Customer Master, Material Master, Price/Contracts,

    Sales Orders and Field Tickets

    Cytec, one of the worlds largest Chemical and Engineered Materials

    companies, is currently undertaking a multi-domain

    implementation of master data management. Riversands

    MDMCenter will be used to manage Customer, Vendor and

    Product data across all of Cytecs global divisions.

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    Improving Master Data Liquidity with MDMCenter Version 6.0

    Implemented Riversand MDM Solution to aggregate, manage &

    syndicate product and pricing information to their international

    field estimation tools to manage their building projects. This will

    enable the international field offices to generate project quotes

    with the latest, most up-to-date and accurate product and pricing

    information. Accurate & up-to-date product and pricing

    information will enable Siemens sales force across the globe to be

    more responsive to their customers through faster and quicker

    proposal generation

    HX is the world largest marketplace for healthcare products. The

    Riversand MDM solution supports a product dataset of 2 million items

    on-boarded from approximately 500 healthcare suppliers and published

    to 3000 hospitals. The solution has about 300-500 users actively using

    the solution at any given moment.

    luestem Brands is one of the U.S.s oldest and best know Direct

    Marketers. Riversand is fully managing the supplier data on-boarding,

    enrichment and syndication process for Bluestem. We have integrated

    into over 20 Enterprise systems while maintaining the single version of

    the truth for Product and Vendor data throughout the organization.