massdot p3 project overview. massdot project mobility

MassDOT P3 Project Overview

Upload: elizabeth-russell

Post on 26-Dec-2015




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P3 Project Overview

MassDOT Project Mobility

MassDOT Project Mobility

Environmental Review Documentation• FHWA will identify type of documentation necessary to comply with the

National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). The project could require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or Environmental Assessment (EA) depending on Right-of-Way, wetland impacts and controversy

• For the Mass. Environmental Protection Act (MEPA), the process begins with the filing of an Environmental Notification Form (ENF), followed by the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which will be combined with the NEPA document.

Public involvement will be a large component of the environmental process

MassDOT Project Mobility

ANTICIPATED PERMIT APPROVALS Federal:• US Coast Guard Bridge Permit for Route 3 over the North River (may be

exempt)• Section 404 Permit from US Army Corps for 10+ acres of wetland impacts• Coastal Zone Management Consistency Determination• Section 106 compliance and Section 4(f) documentation if needed for

historic resource impacts, yet to be determinedState:• Section 401 Water Quality Certificate• Public Waterfront Act (Chapter 91 Waterways License)• MassDEP Variance from the Wetlands Protection Act

MassDOT Project Span

MassDOT Project Span

NEPA/MEPA Documentation• NEPA Class of Action Determination is required from FHWA,

the lead federal agency. Project is expected to require preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

• For MEPA, project will require preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which will be combined with the NEPA document. The MEPA process begins with the filing of an Environmental Notification Form (ENF)

• The environmental process will involve interested stakeholders and the public

MassDOT Project Span

MAJOR PERMIT APPROVALS EXPECTED• Potential Individual Section 4(f) Evaluation for use of US Army Corps recreational

land along the canal (Mid-Canal Option) and other historic impacts• Section 106 • Land Disposition from US Army Corps of Engineers• US Coast Guard Bridge Permit • Section 10 and 404 Permits from US Army Corps of Engineers• Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act coordination with National Marine

Fisheries• Coastal Zone Consistency Determination• Section 401 Water Quality Certificate• Chapter 91 Waterways License• MassDEP Variance from the Wetlands Protection Act

Aggressive Schedule Duration   14   15   16   17   18   19   20Planning Study 16 months                            Procurement for Env/25%/Permits 9 months                            NEPA Scoping Session (1) 3 months                            EIS/EIR/ROD (2) 3 years                            25% design (3) 6 months                            Permitting & ROW (4) 12 months                            RFP preparation and issuance 6 months                            

 Standard Optimistic Schedule Duration   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25Planning Study 24 months                                                Procurement for Env/25%/Permits 12 months                                                NEPA Scoping Session 3 months                                                EIS/EIR including ROD 4 years                                                25% design 2 years                                                Permitting & ROW (4) 2 years                                                RFP preparation and issuance 1 year