mass media and society 1

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  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Mass Media and society

    Master program

    Communication and



  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Communication tools

    Nicoleta Corbu

    Email: [email protected]

    Yahoogroup: [email protected]

    Platform: - MMS -guest (to find out the key, send me an email)

    (Board: Communication and Advertising)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Main topics

    Public opinion

    Mass media theories

    New media

    Media effects

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1



    Textbook (in Romanian)

    Dobrescu, Paul, Bargaoanu, Alina,Mass media si societatea,,


    Readings for each class

    Kvale, Steinar, Doing Interviews,

    London: Sage Publications, 2009/2007.

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Class Format


    - ask questions at ANY time Discussions

    - do readings in advance

    Class project- interviews (groups of 5)

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    Final exam 50%

    Project reports 25%

    Class activities 25%Requirements:

    - Be in class (at least 50%)

    - Do the readings

    - Get involved in discussions

    - Do the projectImportant! Forgreat project and constant class activity you get

    an A (10) without having to take the exam!

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Steps in research

    Select a problem

    Review existing research and theory

    Develop a hypothesis / research question

    Determine an appropriate methodology or design

    Collect data

    Analyze data Present results

    Replicate the findings

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Class project

    Chose topic

    Identify problem

    Literature review Chose research questions / hypotheses

    Chose target

    Elaborate interview guide

    Do the interviews (4 each student)

    Transcribe interviews Analyze data

    Report findings


  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Schedule of class discussions

    October 19 Introduction

    October 26 Public Opinion. Measuring Public Opinion. ElectionsPolls

    November 2 Doing Interviews in Media Research November 9 Public Opinion and the Media. Walter Lippmann and

    John Dewey

    November 16 A History of Media. New Media

    November 23 Founders of Mass Communication Research. Theparadigms of Mass Communication Theories. The Magic Bullet Theory

    November 30 Persuasion and the Media December 7 Two-Step Flow of Communication

    December 14 Uses and Gratifications Theory. Agenda Setting

    January 4 Spiral of silence

    January 11 Final Presentations

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Schedule of class project

    by October 19 Forming groups by the end of class

    by October 26 Chose topic and potential interviewees

    by November 2 Learning interview technique. Discuss bibliography

    by November 9 Literature review in the making by November 16 Literature review finished

    by November 23 Propose research questions; working on interview guide

    by November 30 Contact potential interviewees (email, directly, telephone)

    Interview guide ready

    by December 7Interviews in progress

    by December 14 Interviews finished

    Working transcripts

    by January 4 Transcripts ready

    Work on final paper

    by January 11 Final Presentations

    Hand in final papers

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1



    October 19 ***

    October 26 Mass media si societatea Ch. 1

    November 2

    Doing interviews

    Ch. 4 + 5 November 9Lippmann Ch.1, 6-7 & Dewey Ch. 4

    November 16 Mass media si societatea Ch. 3 + 4

    November 23 Mass media si societatea Ch. 5 + 6

    November 30 Mass media si societatea Ch. 7

    December 7Lazarsfeld Ch. 8, 9, 10

    December 14 Mass media si societatea Ch. 9

    McCombs & Show, article

    January 4Neumann, Ch. 1

    January 11 Final Presentations

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Present yourself

    Your BA program (major/minor)

    Your academic interests Why you have chosen this master program

    What do you expect from this course

    Prior knowledge of the topics (if any)? Something personal

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    How to do a Literature Review

    Search for significant references- Library (Povernei, BCU)

    - Online databases (BCU)

    - Google it! (see Google scholar)

    - Oh well ask me!

    Organize the material on themes (topics)

    - Identify common issues

    - Identify specific issues

    - Write quotations, ideas do tables! Start writing

    - Argumentation (have research questions in mind)

    - Write following key points scheme

    - Write clearly, correctly, structured

  • 7/27/2019 Mass Media and Society 1


    Any question?

    On the readings? On the schedules?

    On the class project?

    On the literature review? Meaning of life?