martha mcmahon department of sociology, university of victoria margo matwychuk department of...

“Food Sovereignty versus Global Philanthropy” Martha McMahon Department of Sociology, University of Victoria Margo Matwychuk Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria

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Page 1: Martha McMahon Department of Sociology, University of Victoria Margo Matwychuk Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria

“Food Sovereignty versus Global Philanthropy”

Martha McMahonDepartment of Sociology, University of Victoria

Margo MatwychukDepartment of Anthropology, University of Victoria

Page 2: Martha McMahon Department of Sociology, University of Victoria Margo Matwychuk Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria


Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness Report on Housing 2011

Page 3: Martha McMahon Department of Sociology, University of Victoria Margo Matwychuk Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria

Page 4: Martha McMahon Department of Sociology, University of Victoria Margo Matwychuk Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria

Page 5: Martha McMahon Department of Sociology, University of Victoria Margo Matwychuk Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria

So then what do we need to do to solve the problem of hunger locally, nationally, and internationally?To begin to answer this question, we argue

that it is necessary to reframe our thinking about the nature of the problem in 2 fundamental ways:

We need to reframe the problem as one of the rights to food or food sovereignty as opposed to or in conjunction with notions of food security

We need to reframe the problem as one of hunger and inequality, rather than hunger and poverty

Page 6: Martha McMahon Department of Sociology, University of Victoria Margo Matwychuk Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria

What do we need to do to solve the problem of hunger locally, nationally, and internationally?Possible Solutions?