marketing strategies and 4 p's of bokaro steel

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  • 7/22/2019 Marketing Strategies and 4 P's of Bokaro Steel



  • 7/22/2019 Marketing Strategies and 4 P's of Bokaro Steel




    India is the eighth largest producer of crude steel in the world, accounting for 3.37%of the

    global steel production in2005. Indias finished carbon steel production grew to reach an

    estimated 42.63mmtin 2005-06; primary producers alone contributed about 38%whereas

    secondary producers contributed the rest. With

    reference in changes in economy Indian steel

    industry is poised for massive expansion. Dramatic

    consumption growth over the last few years has

    stimulated enormous expansion plans ,facilitated by

    a relatively unexploited iron ore raw material base.

    India is now being hailed as the new China, where

    crude steel production soared from less than 100m

    tonnes in1995 to over 400mtonnes in2006.This report focuses on detailed study about the

    Indian Steel Industry. Steel became an integral part of development. It discusses basic

    steel manufacturing processes like Blast Furnace and, Electric arc Furnace, industry value

    chain with a special reference to major raw material trends and price trends of steel

    products. Demand supply dynamics has been discussed along with key growth drivers

    and Export-Import scenario. It also talks about Issues & challenges of the steel industry,

    mergers and acquisitions, government policies and regulations. Top 10 Leading Players in

    steel Industry have been profiled namely Steel Authority of India (SAIL), Tata Steel,

    ESSAR Steel and JSW Steel in this report and analyzed on the basis of financial and

    operational performance and compares their Competitive Positioning along with future

    outlook in the light of increasing trend in investments in the domestic industry .Steel

    Industry in India is on an upswing because of the strong global and domestic demand.

    India's rapid economic growth and soaring demand by sectors like infrastructure, real

    estate and automobiles ,at home and abroad, has put Indian steel industry on the global

    map. According to the latest report by International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI), India is

    the seventh largest steel producer in the world.

    With reference to development which revised Indian infrastructure, the origin of the

    modern Indian steel industry can be traced back to 1953 when a contract for the

    construction of an integrated steelworks in Rourkela, Orissa was signed between the Indian

    government and the German companies Fried Krupp und Demag AG. The initial plan was

    an annual capacity of 500,000tonnes, but this was subsequently raised to 1 million tonnes.

    The capacity of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), which belongs to the SAIL (Steel Authority

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    of India Ltd.) group, is presently about 2million tonnes. At a very early stage the former

    USSR and a British consortium also showed an interest in establishing a modern steel

    industry in India. This resulted in the Soviet-aided building of a steel mill with a capacity

    of 1 million tonnes in Bhilai and the British-backed construction in Durgapur of a

    foundry which also has a million tonne capacity.The Indian steel industry is organized in

    three categories i.e., main producers, other major producers and the secondary producers.

    The main producers and other major producers have integrated steel making facility with

    plant capacities over 0.5 mTand utilize iron ore and coal/gas for production of steel. The

    main producers are Tata Steel, SAIL, and RINL, while the other major producers are

    ESSAR, BSLAT and JVSL. The secondary sector is dBSLersed and consists of: (1)

    Backward linkage from about 120sponge iron producers that use iron ore and non-coking

    coal, providing feedstock for steel producers; (2) Approximately 650 mini blast furnaces,

    electric arc furnaces, induction furnaces and energy optimizing furnaces that use iron ore,

    sponge iron and melting scrap to produce steel; and (3) Forward linkage with about 1,200

    re-rollers that roll out semis into finished steel products for consumer use.

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    Structural Weaknesses of Indian Steel Industry

    Although India has modernized its steelmaking considerably, however, nearly 6% of its

    crude steel is still produced using the outdated open-hearth process. Labour productivity in

    India is still very low. According to an estimate crude steel output at the biggest Indian

    steelmaker is roughly 144 tonnes per worker per year, whereas in Western Europe the

    figure is around 600tonnes.

    India is deficient in raw materials required by the steel industry. Iron ore deposits are finite

    and there are problems in mining sufficient amounts of it. India's hard coal deposits are of

    low quality. Insufficient freight capacity and transport infrastructure impediments too

    hamper the growth of Indian steel industry.

    Strengths of Indian Steel Industry

    Low labour wage rates

    Abundance of quality manpower

    Mature production base

    Positive stimuli from construction industry

    Booming automobile industry

    Outlook The outlook for Indian steel industry is very bright. India's lower wages and

    favourable energy prices will continue to promise substantial cost advantages compared to

    production facilities in (Western) Europe or the US. It since industry players are engaged

    in an unfettered rush for scale. This is evident from the recent acquisition of Corus by Tata.

    The deployment of modern production systems is also enabling Indian steel companies to

    improve the quality of their steel products and thus enhance their export prospects.

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    Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is the leading steel-making company in India. It is

    a fully integrated iron and steel maker, producing both basic and special steels for domestic

    construction, engineering, power, railway, Auto motive and defense industries and for sale

    in export markets.

    During struggle for independence, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime Minister, had a

    very clear vision about the role of Steel in the development of our country. Although

    TATA Iron &Steel Company (TISCO) has been establishment in 1907 marking the

    beginning of Indian Steel Industry followed by Indian Steel Co. (1918), they were too

    small to meet the development requirements of a big country like ours. Therefore, in the

    1st Industrial Policy Resolution of the Govt., soon after independence, Govt. decided to

    establish Steel Plants in Public Sector. However, work could be started at fast pace only in

    1954, when Hindustan Steel Ltd., was formed and three Steel Plants of 1 MT capacity

    each, were established with provision of further expansion at Bokaro, Rourkela and

    Durgapur with assistance from USSR, West Germany and U.K. respectively.

    To improve the functioning of Steel Industry, Govt. decided to form a holding company

    during 1972, which was named as Steel Authority of India Ltd., (SAIL) and the same was

    incorporated on January 24, 1973, with an authorized capital of Rs.2000 crores.

    SAILwas formed by registration of a company under the companies Act and not by the

    Act of Parliament. Govt., decided to abandon the holding company concept in1978and a

    bill was presented to the LokSabha. Accordingly, SAIL was again recognized in the

    following manner.

    Hindustan Steel Ltd., Bokaro Steel Ltd., Salem Steel Ltd., SAIL International Ltd.,

    BhilaiBSLat Ltd., Rourkela BSLat Ltd., DurgapurBSLat Ltd., wholly owned

    subsidiaries ofSAILmerged into it and started functioning as Units of SAIL.

    MECON, HSCL and NMDCbecome independent Companies and started under Ministry

    of Steel. However, Kiriburu and Meghatuburu Iron Ore Mines were attached with BSLas

    their Captive Mines.

    Bharat Refectories Ltd. also became independent under the Ministry of Steel and refractory

    units also came under them.

    Thus, SAIL, at present, is having capacity of 12 MT of crude steel through its fourintegrated Steel Plants, at Bokaro, Bhilai, Durgapur and Rourkela. Two special steel

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    plants at Durgapur and Salem produce a wide range of alloy and special steels. Marketing

    of the products from these plants is done through a country wide distribution network

    consisting of a chain of Stock Yards and

    distribution network.

    SAIL today is one of the largest industrial entities in India. Its strength has been the

    diversified range of quality steel products catering to the domestic as well as the Export

    markets and a large pool of technical and professional expertise.

    Ranked amongst the top ten public sector companies in India in terms of turnover, SAIL

    manufactures and sells a broad range of steel products, including hot and cold rolled sheets

    and coils, galvanized sheets, electrical sheets, structural, railway products, plates, bars and

    rods, stainless steel and other alloy steels. SAILproduces iron and steel at four integrated

    plants and three special steel plants, located principally in the eastern and central regions

    of India and situated close to domestic sources of raw materials, including the Companys

    iron ore, limestone and dolomite mines.

    SAILs wide range of long and flat steel products are much in demand in the domestic as

    well as the international market. This vital responsibility is carried out by SAILs ownCentral Marketing Organization (CMO) and the International Trade Division. CMO

    encompasses a wide network of 38branch offices and47 stockyards located in major cities

    and towns throughout India. With technical and managerial expertise and know-how in

    steel making gained over four decades, SAILsConsultancy Division (SAILCON) at New

    Delhi offers services and consultancy to clients world-wide. SAIL has a well-equipped

    Research and Development Centre for Iron and Steel (RDCIS) at Ranchi which helps to

    produce quality steel and develop new technologies for the steel industry. Besides, SAIL

    has its own in-house Centre for Engineering and Technology (CET), Management

    Training Institute (MTI) and Safety Organization at Ranchi. SAILs captive mines are

    under the control of the Raw Materials Division in Calcutta. The Environment

    Management Division and Growth Division of SAIL operate from their headquarters in

    Calcutta. Almost all SAILsplants and major units are ISO Certified.

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    Bokaro Steel Plant - the fourth integrated plant in the Public Sector - started taking shape

    in 1965 in collaboration with the Soviet Union. It was originally incorporated as a limited

    company on 29th January 1964, and was later merged with SAIL, first as a subsidiary and

    then as a unit, through the Public Sector Iron & Steel Companies (Restructuring

    &Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1978. The construction work started on 6th April 1968.

    The Plant is hailed as the countrys first Swadeshi steel plant, built with maximum

    indigenous content in terms of equipment, material and know-how. Its first Blast Furnace

    started on 2nd October 1972 and the first phase of 1.7 MT ingot steel was completed on

    26th February 1978 with the commissioning of the third Blast Furnace. All units of 4 MT

    stage have already been commissioned and the 90s' modernization has further upgradedthis to 4.5 MTofliquid steel. The new features added in modernization of SMS-II include

    two twin-strand slab casters along with a Steel Refining Unit. The Steel Refining Unit was

    inaugurated on 19th September, 1997 and the Continuous Casting Machine on 25th April,

    1998. The modernization of the Hot Strip Mill saw addition of new features like high

    pressure de-scalars, work roll bending, hydraulic automatic gauge control, quick work roll

    change, laminar cooling etc. New walking beam reheating furnaces are replacing the less

    efficient pusher type furnaces.

    Bokaro Steel Plant - the fourth integrated plant in the Public Sector - started taking shape

    in 1965 in collaboration with the Soviet Union. It was originally incorporated as a limited

    company on 29th January 1964, and was later merged with SAIL, first as a subsidiary and

    then as a unit, through the Public Sector Iron & Steel Companies (Restructuring &

    Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1978. The construction work started on 6thApril 1968.The

    Plant is hailed as the countrys first Swadeshi steel plant, built with maximum indigenous

    content in terms of equipment, material and know-how. Its first Blast Furnace started on

    2nd October 1972 and the first phase of 1.7 MT ingot steel was completed on 26th

    February 1978 with the commissioning of the third Blast Furnace. All units of 4 MT stage

    have already been commissioned and the 90s' modernization has further upgraded this to

    4.5MT of liquid steel.The new features added in modernization of SMS-II include two

    twin-strand slab casters along with a Steel Refining Unit. The Steel Refining Unit was

    inaugurated on 19th September, 1997 and the Continuous Casting Machine on 25th April,

    1998. The modernization of the Hot Strip Mill saw addition of new features like high

    pressure de-scalars, work roll bending, hydraulic automatic gauge control, quick work roll

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    change, laminar cooling etc. New walking beam reheating furnaces are replacing the less

    efficient pusher type furnaces. A new hydraulic coiler has been added and two of the

    existing ones revamped. With the completion of Hot Strip Mill modernization, Bokaro is

    producing top quality hot rolled products that are well accepted in the global

    market.Bokaro is designed to produce flat products like Hot Rolled Coils, Hot Rolled

    Plates, Hot Rolled Sheets, Cold Rolled Coils, Cold Rolled Sheets, Tin Mill Black Plates

    (TMBP) and Galvanized Plain and Corrugated (GP/GC) Sheets. Bokaro has provided a

    strong raw material base for a variety of modern engineering industries including

    automobile, pipe and tube, LPG cylinder, barrel and drum producing industries.


    To be a respected worldclass corporation and the leader in Indian Steel business in

    quality, productivity, profitability and customer satisfaction.


    Consistent with the corporate vision and core values, Bokaro steel plantstrives to create

    sustainable long term competitive advantages bymanaging, mobilizing, inspiring and

    motivating its employeesforcontinuous growth in productivity, quality and profitability

    leading tototal customer satisfaction.

    Bokaro steel plant recognizes that through the process of competencesbuilding, people

    involvement, unleashing and leveraging the creativeenergies of our people, we can

    create value for organization and exceedthe needs and expectation of our stakeholders.

    Bokaro steel plant committed to safety, health and environment friendlyoperation and

    practices for its people as well as personal touch in allpeople initiative and interaction to

    bring since of togetherness and pridewe believes people create value when they feel

    valued.TOTAL SALEABLE STEEL-3780 000 TONNES.

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    Company's Objective

    To acquire, operate and maintain the existing captive power and steam generating station

    of SAIL at Bokaro Steel Plant in the state of Hharkhand along with switchyard connected

    therewith and such other facilities and activivties incidental thereto.

    To supply power and steam to BSL from the existing captive power and steam generating

    station at Bokaro and associated units / facilities of SAIL so as to maintain its

    captive status for the Bokaro Steel Plant.

    Function of Company

    SAIL has the following Credo:

    We build lasting relationships with customers based on trust and mutual benefit.

    We uphold highest ethical standards in conduct of our business.

    We create and nurture a culture that supports flexibility, learning and is proactiveto


    We chart a challenging career for employees with opportunities for advancementand


    We value the opportunity and responsibility to make a meaningful difference

    inpeoples lives.

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    Ownership And Management

    The Government of India owns about 86% of SAIL'sequity and retains voting control of

    the Company. However, SAIL, by virtue of its "Navratna" status, enjoys significant

    operational and financial autonomy.


    1. Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) in Jharkhand

    2. Durgapur Steel Plant (DSP) in West Bengal

    3. Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) in Orissa

    4. Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) in Chhattisgarh


    1. Alloy Steel Plant (ASP) in West Bengal

    2. Salem Steel Plant (SSP) in Tamil Nadu

    3. Visvesvaraya Iron & Steel Plant (VISL) in Karnataka


    1. Indian Iron & Steel Company Limited (BOKARO) in West Bengal.

    2. Maharashtra Electrosmelt Limited (MEL) in Maharashtra


    1. Raw Material Division (RMD) at Kolkata, West Bengal

    2. Central Marketing Organization (CMO) at Kolkata, West Bengal

    3. SAIL Consultancy Division (SAILCON) at New Delhi4. Research & Development Centre for Iron & Steel (RDCIS) at Ranchi Jharkhand

    5. Centre for Engineering & Technology (CET) at Ranchi, Jharkhand

    6. Management Training Institute (MTI) at Ranchi, Jharkhand

    7. Central Power Training Institute (CPTI) at Rourkela, Orissa

    8. SAIL Safety Organization (SSO) at Ranchi, Jharkhand

    9. Environment Management Division (EMD) at Kolkata, West Bengal

    10. Growth Division (GD) at Kolkata, West Bengal

    11. Central Coal Supply Organization (CCSO) at Dhanbad

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    Figure showing organisational chart of SAIL.











    EXE. DIR. (IA)



    EXE. DIR.


    EXE. DIR


    EXE. DIR. (CIG)













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    Customer satisfaction.

    Concern of people.

    Consistent profitability.

    Commitment of excellence.

    Competitive Price

    Complaint Settlement


    1. Force to recruit Local People

    2. At a time when political leaders, displaced people and local residents have unitedagainst Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL) and Bokaro Power Supply Company Limited

    (BPSCL) for non-development of the area, the companies have taken up a confidence-

    building measure in the area

    3. Development of the peripheral area of the plant is one of the main demands of

    displaced people here. The residents felt cheated and blamed BSL for showing apathy

    even after acquiring their land.

    2005-06 2011-12

    Hot Metal 14.60 22.5

    Crude Steel 13.47 21.6

    Saleable Steel 12.05 20

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    Joint Venture

    SAIL has promoted joint ventures in different areas ranging from power plants to e-commerce.


    NTPC SAIL Power Company Pvt. Ltd

    Set up in March 2001, this 50:50 joint venture between SAIL and the

    1.National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) operates and manages the Captive Power

    Plants-II of the Durgapur and Rourkela Steel Plants which have a combined capacity of

    240 MW.

    Bokaro Power Supply Company Pvt. Limited

    This 50:50joint venture between SAIL and the Damodar Valley Corporation formed in

    January 2002is managing the302-MWpower generation and 1880tons per hour steam

    generation facilities at Bokaro Steel Plant.

    Bokaro Electric Supply Company Pvt. Limited

    150Another SAIL-NTPCjoint venture on 50:50basis formed in March 2002manages

    the 74 MW Power Plant-II of Bokaro Steel Plant which has additional capacity of

    producing tones of steam per hour.

    UEC SAIL Information Technology Limited

    This 40:60joint venture between SAILand USXEngineers & Consultants, a subsidiary

    of the USSteel Corporation, promotes information technology in the steel sector. Private Limited

    A joint venture between SAIL and Tata Steel on 50:50bases, this company promotes

    e-commerce activities in steel and related areas.

    SAIL-Bansal Service CenterPvt. Ltd.

    SAILhas formed a joint venture with BMW industries Ltd. on 40:60bases to promote

    a service centre at Bokaro with the objective of adding value to steel.

    North Bengal dolomite limited

    A joint venture between SAIL and West Bengal Mineral Development Corporation ltd

    on 50:50basis was formed for development of Jayanti Dolomite Deposit, Jalpaiguri forsupply of Dolomite to DSP and other plants.

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    Romelt -SAIL (India) Ltd

    Romelt Technology developed by Russia for reducing of iron bearing materials, which

    is carried out with carbon in single A joint venture between SAIL, National Mineral

    Development Corporation (NMDC) and Russian promoters for marketing stage reactor

    with the use of oxygen.

    Bhilai JP Cement Ltd

    SAIL has also incorporated a joint venture company with M/s Jai prakash Associates

    Ltd to set up a 2.2 MT cement plant at Bhilai. Likely to commence operations by


    Major customers

    1. Ma Durga Ispat Udyog, Bokaro.

    2. Bokaro Devlopement Area.

    3. KartikeIspatPvt. Ltd, Kanpur.

    4. Amit Steel Corporation, Howrah.

    5. Diwan Steel, New Delhi.

    6. Nenu Mal & sons, Kanpur.

    7. Bhawani Metals, Bokaro.

    8. Pandey Metals, Bokaro.9. Chinar Steel Segment, Bokaro.

    10.MangalPvt. Ltd., Bokaro.

    11.United IroCoporation, Dhanbad

    12.Bharat Supply Company, Kolkatta

    13.Anup Steels, Delhi

    14.Hanuman & rise Pvt. Ltd, BIADA

    15.AmitMetcumPvt. Ltd. Etc

    16.Veer kanwarsingh steel Pvt. Ltd.

    17.Maatara steel

    18.S M S Enterprises

    19.Basuki steel Pvt. Ltd

    20.Shalimar steel Udoyog


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    Global crude steel production reached 1527 MT in 2011 showing a 6.8 % growth over

    2010. India has emerged as a leading player in global steel industry contributing to about

    4.7 % of global crude steel production in 2011. Large scale infrastructure expansion plans

    for twelfth five year plan (FYP: 2012-17) and raising per capita steel consumption in India

    promises unprecedented growth potential of Indian steel Industry during next 10 years.

    World crude steel production: 2007-11, country-wise contribution (%) to world

    crude steel production in 2011


    India ranked as the third largest contributor (5.65%) to global GDP in 2011 in terms of

    PPP ranking, only behind US and China. Indias economic growth has slacked during past

    three years due to worldwide economic slowdown however during next five years its GDP

    is expected to grow in 6-8 % range. The sectors with high growth potential like

    manufacturing and construction sectors which account for about one fourth(FY 12) of

    Indias GDP will be the key growth drivers for the Indian Steel Industry

    GDP (trillion $) of leading global economies in terms of PPP- 201

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    Human Resource

    SAILs total manpower at the end of 30 April, 2012 stood at around 26,288. The

    companys labor productivity 244.02 tones/man/yearas on 30.04.12.

    Bokaro Steel Plant to fill up 1700 vacanciesTNN Jun 21, 2012, 05.05AM IST

    BOKARO: Faced with manpower shortage, the Bokaro Steel Plant (BSL), a unit of

    theSteel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), is coming up with 1,700 job vacancies this


    Chief executive officer (CEO) AnutoshMaitra on Wednesday said the company had got the

    approval from the SAIL board for recruitment of 1,700 people for which the process would

    begin this year.


    India &The Leading Steel Producers In The World

    India is the largest producer of sponge iron and fourth largest producer of crude steel in the

    world. India registered a 5.7 % growth in crude steel production in 2011 against 2010.

    Japan was the only nation among top ten crude steel producers in the world posting

    negative growth of minus 1.8 % for crude steel production in 2011 against 2010. Indian

    steel industry which is not technologically as mature as steel industry of developed

    economies is implementing latest technology, adapting backward integration and

    improving efficiency in steel production to reduce cost, increase production and become

    competitive globally.

    Top ten crude steel producers in the world and their steel production in: 2010 and

    2011 (MT)

    Country China Japan United


    India Russia South


    Germany Ukraine Brazil Turkey

    2011 695.5 107.6 86.2 72.2 68.7 68.5 44.3 35.3 35.2 34.1

    2010 638.7 109.6 80.5 68.3 66.9 58.9 43.8 33.4 32.9 29.1
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    Indias per capita steel consumption is only 57 kg against global average of 215 kg. This

    shows a broad scope for increase in per capita steel consumption in India and potential

    unprecedented expansion of steel industry in India. Global crude steel consumption for

    2011 reached about 1373 MT

    Global ranking

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    Competitors Information

    1) TISCO

    Sales Turn over -3791 Crores,increase of over 13 % over last year

    Sales Volume2052 MT,increase of over 10 % over last year.

    ExportsRs.700 Crore

    Market Shareincreased from 2 to 12 %

    Expandingproduct mix.

    2) RINL

    Sales TurnoverRs.1900 Crore,increased by 52 %

    Sales Volume 2.36 MT, increased by 67 %

    Exports Rs. 600 crore

    Market Shareincreased from 5 % to 21 %

    3) ISPAT

    Sales TurnoverRs.600 crore

    Capacity4.2 MT

    Exports60 % of total sales.


    Essar Steel

    Jindal Steel


    Lanco Industries limited

    Saeas Goa.

    Nippon DenroIspat.

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    SAIL is the largest steel company in India with a 26% share in total crude steel production.

    Captive iron ore mines, skilled manpower base, and existing infrastructure for brown-field

    expansion provide it the strength to retain its leadership position in the Indian steelindustry. Its Captive power plants provide it with more than 60% of its total power

    requirement, a proportion that is likely to increase after expansion in capacity of power

    plants in its Joint Venture Companies. SAIL has the largest distribution network in India

    comprising 37 branches, 64 warehouses and 24 customer contact offices. It has a presence

    in all districts in India through a dealers' network. Its wide range of product-mix enables it

    to meet the entire range of a customers' requirement. The Company has a strong Research

    and Development Centre enabling it to develop superior products matching customized

    needs. As a top profit earner in India SAIL has a healthy balance sheet and is virtually debt

    free as its short term deposits are much higher than its total loans.

    Bokaro Steel Plant has huge pool of skilled and experienced personnel.

    Principle of hierarchy is given due respect in BSL enabling management to ensure

    proper planning and its implementation.

    Flawless corporate image of SAIL enhances the confidence of managers and customers


    Record of harmonious customer relation boots the revenue gap towards north.

    Huge infrastructure, which provides a strong base for better production and marketing

    since it has country network of stockyards, dockyards and sales branch offices.

    The By Product of BSL is coal based and of best quality against the petroleum based By

    Products of its competitors giving the company edge.

    A strong R&D cell of the company keeps on working over enriching the quality of the

    products and to reduce the cost of whole process.

    It has countrywide network of stockyards and dockyards/ branches/ customer can take

    material from any location.

    Customer perception of SAIL is fair and of reliable supplier > SAIL product has

    International standard.

    SAIL has a customer friendly approach and improved customer orientation.

    SAIL is in the market from long time having long term relation from the customers.

    SAIL, BSL never compromises regarding QUALITY so it has superior quality.

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    The current weaknesses of the Company stem from dependence on purchased coal from

    domestic and overseas suppliers. Some technologically obsolete processes such as ingot

    casting and the twin hearth furnaces continue to operate and will be eliminated only after

    implementation of the modernization cum expansion plan. As the integrated steel plants of

    SAIL are located primarily in the eastern states, it increases the transportation cost to the

    fast growing markets of the west and south. Due to historical legacy the manpower cost in

    the Company is higher than its competitors. Also, being a public sector company

    adherence to a number of rules and procedures slows down the business.

    Lack of team work inhibits proper implementation of companys policy. Word I is

    very much rampant in the workforce of BSL, phrase like I am not responsible for the

    undersigned responsibility

    Complex pre and post sale activities repel the probable customers.

    Due to its large organizational structure involving numerous policies and officials,

    prompt decision making a real problem.

    No one wants to take initiative as he/she does not want to be reason for blame if the

    trick doesnt click.

    The hard working marketing officials are not given due recognition and appropriate

    reward that hurts their motivation and interest. Due to its large organizational structure, which involves numerous policies and

    officials, it becomes difficult to take decision quickly and as result final decision

    making becomes very slow.

    Secondary product marketing depends on the primary product demand i.e. the demand

    for primary product is less the production will have to be slowed down thus even if the

    demand for secondary product is mounting up still the production wont be increased, so

    the secondary product is directly linked to primary product demand.

    Quality of the product which is slightly inferior as compared to competitors who are

    having latest technology.

    Sometimes products are not supplied as per requirement of customer.

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    Steel consumption in India is growing at a rate of more than 10%, a trend that is likely to

    persist as the nation enters into a steel intensive phase of development. The 11th Five Year

    Plan has given a major thrust on the infrastructure sector with the total spending planned at

    around US $ 500 billion by 2012. Mega projects in the power, energy, ports, railways and

    surface transportation sectors, plans for rural infrastructure like Bharat Nirman, allocation

    for which was raised to Rs. 31,280 crore and building over 2 lakh kilometers of National

    Highways by 2010, present an unprecedented opportunity for SAIL which is implementing

    expansion cum modernization plan to cater to the emerging demand. The size range and

    quality makes SAIL's long products a preferred choice for project customers. In case of flat

    products, SAIL remains a major supplier of HR Coils to the tube making sector and is

    slowly increasing its presence in cold reducing segment. Plates from SAIL are rated

    amongst the best and are in good demand from project customers. The water supply and oil

    & gas sectors are the other segments where there is a large growth potential. The

    modernized ERW Pipe Mill at Rourkela Steel Plant is able to cater to the requirement of

    these sectors. Bokaro Steel Plant and Bhilai Steel Plant are also producing small quantities

    of API grade HR Coil and Plates for servicing these sectors. The per capita consumption in

    India at around 46 kg remains very low compared to the world average of around 200 kg.

    One of the reasons for low steel consumption is low availability of steel in the rural area.

    SAIL in recent years has developed a dealers' network which covers all the districts in

    India. This will facilitate availability of quality steel in the interiors and promote market

    development and growth. At a macro level, steel consuming segments such as

    construction, auto, capital goods etc. are growing rapidly registering a double digit growth

    in recent years and would continue to be the growth drivers given the structure of the

    economy. The auto sector in India has experienced rapid growth for a number of years.

    Improved road, growing middle class and globally competitive auto ancillary industry have

    been the facilitators of good growth for the sector. Technological breakthrough and global

    competitiveness in two wheeler and small car segments are likely to make India a global

    hub for these products boosting demand for steel in the country.

    The world market is showing the sign of revival from the spiral of recession in which it

    remained engulfed for one year.

    State government has plans for revocation of small scale industries in & around Bokaro,

    which will fuel the demand of secondary & by product.

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    Cock oven batteries 1 & 2 are rebuilt which will ultimately increase the efficiency of

    Coke Oven By product plant.

    Since SAIL has a wide network of stockyards/branch offices, it can supply its products

    directly to customers without any difficulty.

    SAIL has a very strong base it can diversify itself into the production of different goods

    as per market requirements.

    There is growing demand for secondary product in both domestic and international



    Customs duty on steel imports has been made nil in India and products such as TMT are

    also exempt from CVD. Sluggish market conditions in developing economies may make

    India destination for large scale imports adversely affecting domestic players. Government

    of India has imposed export levy on steel products. India is a net exporter of galvanized

    products as its total capacity is in excess of domestic demand. Adverse impact on exports

    of galvanized products will have a cascading impact on domestic market for cold rolled

    and hot rolled coils and sheets. China's production of crude steel at 489 million tonne in

    2007 was around 36% of the global production. As Chinese economy matures and its steel

    consumption stabilizes, a part of the capacity will be serving only the export markets. Theproximity and growing domestic steel consumption will make India a preferred destination

    for Chinese steel, significantly intensifying the competition.

    Globalized economies have erased the geographical boundaries and have brought stiff


    Execution &dBSLatch of order include lot of paper works & formalities, which

    makes it a cumbersome task. This has led to drifting of customers towards competitor.

    By products are not the main products of BSL, neither BSL is the market leader of

    these product.BSL fixes the price of the By Products on the basis of price set by its

    market leaders i.e. Petroleum refineries & this pricing is known as going rate pricing.

    Acquisition of Corus by Tata Steel will led to integration of their technology & this is

    the place where Tata is going to gain a lot. Technology in India is two to three

    generation behind. Exposure to latest technology will help Tata to improve quality &

    reduce cost. So SAIL should be cautious in this respect

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    Research Methodology:

    Research methodology is considered as the nerve of the project. Without a proper well-

    organized research plan, it is impossible to complete the project and reach to any

    conclusion. The project was based on the survey plan. The main objective of

    survey was to collect appropriate data, which work as a base for drawing conclusion and

    getting result.

    Therefore, research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem.

    Research methodology not only talks of the methods but also logic behind the methods

    used in the context of a research study and it explains why a particular method has been

    used in the preference of the other methods.

    Statement Of Research Problem

    The objective was to find out the marketing mix of BSL-SAIL, and to find out the

    marketing procedures followed in marketing of secondary products within BSL-SAIL.


    Primary objective

    The main objective of field survey during the project was to find out the market mix of


    Find out the different methods by which the marketing of secondary products are

    carried out.

    The main objective of research was to identify the strategy which is being used in


    Secondary objective

    While purchasing the BSL-SAIL products which parameter is most important for the


    To make a comparative data analytical report for the production of various steel

    products within BSL-SAIL.

    To enhance the knowledge of Iron and Steel products market.

    To enhance the knowledge about the marketing set up of a Public Sector.

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    Types of research used

    Primary Research - Here the data is collected directly from the respondentsusing

    various data collecting techniques. In this method although the rate of getting

    responses and feedback is slower, then also it is much more accurate as direct

    conversation with the population is being conducted here.

    Secondary ResearchIt is being done generally with the data already existingwhich

    is been collected by some other person or organization.


    Research design is important primarily because of the increased complexity in themarket

    as well as marketing approaches available to the researchers. In fact, it is thekey to the

    evolution of successful marketing strategies and programmers. Itis an important tool to to

    study buyersbehavior, consumption pattern, brandloyalty, and focus market changes. A

    research design specifies the methods andprocedures for conducting a particular study.

    According to Kerlinger, Research Design is a plan, conceptual structure, and strategy of

    investigation conceived asto obtain answers to research questions and to control variance.


    Primary data:

    For primary data collection, I have used different data collecting methods such as

    conducting survey interviews, distributing questionnaires, direct observation, and

    telephonic interviews with mainly executive officers, dealers, employers, etc.

    Secondary Data:

    It is being collected from different Journals at BSL-SAIL, financial data from Finance

    Department, Production and DBSLatch data from PPC department at BSL-SAIL, Burnpur.

    Data analysis and interpretation:

    Questionnaires (Two sets of it.)

    Bar chart

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    ISP-SAIL is a huge organisation and so it was not possible to cover the entireorganisation.

    Time factor for the staff is a big problem.

    To get certain official and technical data is a real problem as they are highlyconfidential.

    The marketing policies of ISP-SAIL change from time to time and from product toproduct.

    The product range of ISP is numerous and so it is not possible to cover each andevery product.

    Lack of proper guidance during specific situations.

    Preparation of report:

    The report was based on the analysis and presented with the findings and suggestions. The

    sample of the questionnaires is attached with the report itself.

    Sampling Methodology:

    Details of the sampling methodology, I have made 2 sets of questionnaires, one for the

    Executive and Non-Executive staff at BSL-SAIL; and the other for the personswho are apotential customer with the organization.

    Non-Excutive staff members are : 40


    -SAIL product: 03



    Sample unit

    Professionals, Business man, Employees and finally customers.

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    Marketing Department Overview OfBokaro Steel Plant

    Marketing Department is one of the Departments under Materials

    ManagementDivision of Bokaro Steel Plant. Marketing Department is entrusted with

    theresponsibilities to sell BSLs Secondary Products, By-Products/Waste Products,and Idle

    Assets etc.

    The Marketing Departments sales procedures are covered by the guidelinesgiven by SAIL

    Corporate office DELHI, and is given by CMMG(CORPORATE MATERIAL

    MANAGEMENT GROUP), the objective ofwhich is To sell the materials in a fa ir and

    transparent manner to achievemaximum possible revenue to the company

    (a) Marketing of prime products of SAILs plant including BSL is done byCMO (Central

    Marketing Organization) which is a unit of SAIL.

    (b) Marketing of secondary products and coal chemicals are done directly byMarketing

    Department of BSL. As a matter of fact, the Secondary & By-Products are marketed by the

    individual Plants only.

    Marketing of these products are conducted by various sections by marketingdepartment of

    Bokaro Steel plants. It is engaged, with marketing of PrimaryProducts for home sale or

    export throughCMO. The 4.0 Million tones sectionknown as plate mill section dealing with

    plates. Now this section has got ISO -9002 certificate.The secondary section deals with the

    secondary Products, it includes scraps ofiron and steel slag, coal and coke fractions, coal

    chemicals .The Marketing development section deals with the MIS and strategic

    Planningactivity come under this section.The Export section deals with the activities of the

    exports in respect of Iron andSteel items produced by Bokaro steel plant.

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    Sr. Mgr. (Mktg.) Sr. Mgr.


    GM (Marketing)

    Jr. Mgr. (Co-ordn.)/Mktg.Cord, HK, Admn.& Est.TrainingOfficer

    DGM (Mktg.)Audit, Vigilance, RTI, &

    other queriesreply, Contract Cell(MM),Sec. Sales

    AGM(Mktg.)Sec. Steel Ad &Est, QC,ISO,DCA, Contract Cell(MM)

    Slag, Waste,Iron,Smug.Scheme

    Sr. Mgr.(Mktg.)Coal& Chem.,ZincDross,

    Manager(Mktg.)Reports, PriceMonitoring, MIS

    Jr. Mgr.(Mktg.)SecondarySteel, SafetyOfficer

    Jr. Mgr.(Mktg.)

    Idle Assets, U&S,Surplus

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    Function Of Marketing Department

    To monitor the orders issued by CMO, So that these orders can fulfilled intime.

    Put pressure on CMO, to get orders for an underutilized mill.

    To sell all the secondary products directly i.e. directly by BSL and by CMO.

    On day to day basis it takes care of the dBSLatches i.e. daily dBSLatcharechecked.

    Policies Of Marketing

    Marketing Planning has responsible function in the working of marketingdepartment. All

    the risky developments, taking out solution to cripple`situations, this section carries out

    product pricing and related activities, someof the programmes, policies and procedures are

    as follows:-

    Positioning the product a value based place in customer mind.

    Finalize annual sales plan and quantity, monthly, weekly, and daily rollingprogramme

    of Rolling mills in consultation with CMO and mills. This plans based on the sales

    forecast receive from JPU SPL/ Iron and steelcontroller.

    Optimizing the product-mix by proper utilization of available stocks.

    Receiving Enquiries and complaints, cancellation of orders etc.

    Coordinating the works of mills and traffic department so as to maximizedBSLatches.

    Co-ordinations with CMO from stages of enquiry, forexports,development of new

    Profiles, sections, modification of product schedulingtill the orders are completed.

    Periodical market surveys of products to analyze the market position.

    Implementation of suggestions received from the customers feedback.

    Ensure customer satisfaction by meeting customers regularly; provideredress to their

    problems and fulfillment of demand.

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    The main function of sales and co-ordination department is to co-ordinate all the concerned

    activities right from the purchase of items, production of items, to the distribution of items

    to its concerned customers.

    This department concerns with

    Knowing the availability of raw materials.

    Matching the availability with the demand registered.

    Makes flow of this information to the concerned department for meeting the demand.

    Co-ordination of concerned activities is done.

    Dispatching of materials to the concerned customers.

    Its flow of information is through




    After successful co-ordination, the final dispatching of materials is done in two ways.

    1) DIRECT DISPATCH: -Materials directly sent to the customers, no intermediary is

    entertained, e.g. major customers (railways, NTPC, Indian oil)

    2) STOCK-YARD DISPATCH :-It follows inventory management concept, distribution of

    products from the inventory, through several intermediary, e.g. minor customers (


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    Products of Bokaro steel plant

    The products are divided according to there sizes and shapes.The long product include:-


    Crane Rails.

    Bars,Rods and Rebars.

    Wire Rods.













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    Apart from the primary and main steel products there are some other products which are

    obtained during the steel making process. These products are termed as secondary and by

    products. Some of the products are used within the Plant while rests are sold in the market.


    Secondary products are the defective and rejected steel products. During the manufacturing

    process due to improper mixing of material or some other manufacturing defect some of

    the products are not produced according to the desired quality and do not match with the

    customers demand. Hence these are rejected and termed as Secondary products. Some of

    these products are used within the Plant for re-melting purpose and rests are sold to the

    secondary buyers. Scraps generated inside the Plant are also termed as Secondary products.

    A list of Secondary products is as follows.

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    PCM Shot Plate Scrap/CI Skull

    Mixed CI Scrap/CI Fdry. Rejects

    Fine Iron Chips/CI Boring


    HR Coils

    DDHR Pickled Coils

    CRUAC/Def CR Coil/CRCE

    Defective CR Sheet/CR Sheet ctg.

    AMG HR Plate/Sheet/Ctg

    Def.GP/GC Coil/Sheet

    MCRC/Maint. scrap-ASP

    MS Turning & Boring


    BF Granulated Slag


    Defective Slabs

    Slab End Cutting

    MS Thick Plate Cuttings

    Cobble Plate


    Used rejected rolls

    Used rejected stores items

    Capital Idle Assets


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    By-Products are mainly coal chemicals which come out during the coke making process.

    Coke making process consists of the destructive distillation of coal in absence of air. A list

    of By Products which are sold by BSL is as follows:




    A. Benzyl



    Railway tank

    wagons, road tankers

    in loose condition

    It is used as an important raw material for various

    drugs and dyes. Benzene hexa chloride is used as a

    pesticide. It is also used in the manufacturing of

    phenol, DDT, nylon etc.

    B. Toluene


    Railway tank wagons It is used as a solvent in chemical reactions, Paint

    industries, rubber industries, making of adhesives,making of printing ink etc.

    C. Xylene Railway tank wagons It is used in making of Paints, thinners & varnish,

    printing ink and in rubber industry.

    D. Light Solvent


    Railway tank wagons It is used as solvent, making of dyes and printing


    E. Still Bottom


    Railway tank wagons

    and road tankers

    It is mixed with other materials and used for various

    purposes like water- proofing, making of roofs of

    building. It is also used as industrial oil and in

    making of rubber paints for vehicles.

    F. Extra Hard


    Gunny bags in loose


    In aluminum industries as a binding material for


    G. Soft Pitch Gunny bags in loose


    It is used in the production of pitch fiber pipes, roof

    binders, in preparation of road tar, building

    materials, sheeting, tilling etc. It is also used as

    refractory bricks.

    H. Hot Pressed


    Gunny bags in loose


    It is used as Dye intermediate, as an insecticide,

    dBSLersing agent etc.

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    Hot Rolled Coils, Sheets and Skelp

    Hot rolled coils, sheets and skelp (narrow coil), are the largest

    product category of the company in terms of both sales volume

    and revenue. Hot rolled coils are primarily used for making

    pipes and have many direct industrial and manufacturing

    applications, including the construction of tanks, railway cars,

    bicycle frames, ships, engineering and military equip-ment and

    automobile and truck wheels, frames and body parts. Hot

    rolled coils are also used as feedstock for cold rolling mills where they undergo further

    process-ing. Hot rolled coils are also delivered to the company's own cold rolling mills andsilicon sheet mill and pipe plant in a wide range of widths and thicknesses as the feedstock

    for higher value-added steel products. The company is the largest producer of hot rolled

    coils, sheets and skelp in India.

    Semi-Finished Products

    The company produces semi-finished products,

    including blooms, billets and slabs, which are

    converted into finished products in the company's

    processing plant and, to a lesser extent, sold to

    rerollers for conversion to finished products.

    Steel plates are used mainly for the manufacture of

    bridges, steel structures, ships, large diameter pipes,

    storage tanks, boilers, railway wagons and pressurevessels.


    The company also produces weatherproof steel plates for

    the construction of railcars. The company is currently the

    largest producer of steel plates in India with a domestic

    market share of more than 80 per cent for these products.

    The company is the only producer of wide and heavy plate

    products in India.

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    Cold Rolled Products

    Cold rolling of hot rolled products produces a superior

    surface finish, improves the physical properties of the

    steel, such as tensile strength, and reduces its thickness

    to precise gauges. As a result, cold rolled productsgenerally command higher prices thanhot rolled

    products. The products of the cold rolling mill include

    cold rolled sheets and coils, which are used primarily for

    precision tubes, containers, bicycles, furniture and for

    use by the automobile industry to produce car body

    panels. Cold rolled products are also used for further processing, including for colour

    coating, galvanising and tinning. The company also produces further processed cold rolled

    products, including galvanised sheets and tin plates.


    Structural steel product are produced through a process of hot rolling

    in the section or structural mills. They are long steel product with

    cross sections of various shapes. I-beams, Channels and angle steel

    are used in mining the construction of tunnels factory structure,

    transmission towers, bridge, ships railways and other infrastructure


    Bars and Rods

    The company produced steel bars and rods through a process of hot

    rolling billets in the finishing mills. Reinforcement steels and wire

    rods are primarily used by the construction industry. The company is

    one of the largest producers of reinforcement bars in India which are

    primarily sold to the construction industry.

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    Fixing the price of a product is the most vital function in the whole process ofthe

    marketing and it should be done after proper market study and requires decision makingability. If price is too low the company will lose revenue and if the price is too high it will

    lose customers resulting in loss of revenue valuable customers. Coal chemicals are the

    main product which is to be marketed by the Marketing Department of Bokaro Steel Plant.

    Almost all the products are sold on the fixed price basis. This is due to the fact that the

    company does not enjoy monopoly in the said market and the price is totally market


    The policy adopted by the marketing department for pricing of materials is largely guided

    by the price offered by the bidders during the auction. The various factors taken into

    consideration while pricing the re-rollable items can be enumerated as follows: -

    Prices offered in the auction sales.

    Quantity of material to be lifted.

    Managing director's approval.

    The average of the prices offered by the bidder during auction is taken as thebasis to fix the

    prices of materials to be sold through marketing department.Further the techniques of

    break-up-pricing are adopted i.e. the larger thequantity purchased lower will be the prices.

    This technique encourages thebuyers to purchase larger quantity. Finally the managing

    director approves theprices set by the pricing committee. On this basis, a price list is

    prepared for allthe potential buyers. Price list also indicates the sales tax and Excise duty to

    belevied. Thus the interested parties place their orders with the marketingdepartment on

    the basis of price list reviewed every month. Every customer isrequired to have a security

    deposit amount of Rs.1 lakh. The payment for thematerial required is to be in advance. The

    material is supposed to be lifted on the specified date on account of delay the party has to

    pay the difference in theprices, if there is any increase in subsequent month.

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    Standing Pricing Committee:

    The committee reviews the price of various products and takes decision in favour of

    maximizing the profit. It holds meeting at least once in a month. But the volatility of the

    market and pool of different products lead to a number of meeting of the committee in

    quick succession.

    The committee consists of:

    GM (Utility), Chairman

    GM (Marketing), Convener DGM (Finance), member

    DGM (Sales Coordination), member

    DGM (Stores), member

    DGM (BPP), member

    For Scrap goods the DGM (SSD) replaces the DGM (BPP). Rests of all the members are

    always present in all the meetings.

    While deciding the price following points are kept in mind:

    DBSLatch of the last month.

    Material in stock.

    Forecast of next month.

    General market condition.

    Availability of transport facility.

    GM (Marketing), as per the need, decides the frequency and time of meetings to be held.

    Minute report of all the meetings is prepared and it contains the existing price and the

    proposed price. The final price is moved to the MD through the official channel including

    GM (Marketing), Executive Director(MM), GM (Finance and Accounts), and ED (Works).

    After the MDs approvalthe price becomes applicable and the circular indicating the

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    revised price BSLrinted, issued and distribution to the customers and all the



    Marketing department of BSL sales homogeneous steel scrap at fixed price. For this

    purpose the procedure for registration of demand and offers is as below:

    1. Preference for sale of material given to local parties and those, which are actual

    customer. Material is not sold for trade.

    2. Sale of material made to re-rolling mills and scrap processing units and the lots of sale

    between them maintained at 67:33.

    3. Based on the above consideration offer letter issued to the party offering a quantity,

    which has been lifted by them during the last preceding year or allocated by the state

    industries, Department. In the offer letter party is advised to complete commercialformalities e.g. submission of Die Registration Certificate etc.


    Selling Of Secondary Product

    This involves a direct marketing process. The management of BSL in consultation with the

    official of the market development and customer service department work as group for the

    sale of these items.

    Mode Of Sale

    1.E-Auction Sale.

    2.Fixed Price Sale.

    3. Tender.

    4. Interplant Transfer.

    5. Transfer to PSU.

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    For the purpose of distribution of steel policy in fashion, customer are categories into

    A.B.C.D Priority sector customer ex-Defence. Railways etc are under category A andabout 60% of product allotted to them.The balance 40% is kept for the category B,C,D.On

    the other hand for sale of scraps there is no such policy adopted by Bokaro steel plant

    customer are served on first served basis.

    Bokaro Steel Plant deals with its customer directly. There are liaising persons in the

    marketing department who always remain in contact with the customers and extract

    information about the current market demand on the basis of their interaction with them.

    The products are directly marketed from Bokaro Steel Plant to the customers there are noother intermediaries .This is the business to Business marketing (B2B).


    Bokaro steel plant has zero level channels as it directly sells to the customer. There is no

    intermediate among producer and consumer. Marketing department always remains in

    constant with consumer extract information about the current market situation on the basis

    of interactions between them.


    Packing and modes of delivery of the by-product is mainly by three ways. These are as


    1. Railway tanks (wagon)

    2. Roadways (tanker)

    3. Piggy back (rail and truck)

    In the above surveys shows roadways do that 70% transportation of By-product reason

    consumer are local. They are mainly traders they are buying and selling the By-product to

    the market.

    Railway is also important to the transportation of By-product but its more costly because

    less number of the buyer involvement in the outside of the country. The distribution

    channel the Bokaro Steel Plant has for its chemical product is designed keeping in the

    mind the hazardous nature and difficulty in storing these products. so this distribution

    channel cannot be changed but for Ammonium Sulphate the distribution channel can be

    more flexible by:-

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    Appointment of authorized agents :- It will help in increasing the sale and awareness

    about the product in the regions other than Bihar,Orissa,Jharkhand and west Bengal.

    Such arrangement will minimize the problem that the customers are facing .

    Appointment of authorized dealers;- appointment of the authorized dealers in Uttar

    Pradesh from where a few enquiries have come for the product. Such enquiries show

    that there is a presence of the potential customer base in that area and need to be


    Buying and using vehicles off its own can change the mode of the transportation for the

    chemical products.this will decrease customers problem of arranging for the vehicles

    from the transporters and the handling and security problem of the plant. The customer will

    be changed the transportation cost.

    The pricing policy adopted by the plant is the best policy followed by this plant but

    this policy can be made more compatible including a few big customers in the pricing

    committee which will bring the prices of the product competitive to the market trend

    and thus will decrease the chances of marketing strategy failure and surplus inventory.

    As the product quality is not taken care of some method should be divided to take care

    of product quality without affecting the quality of its prime product.

    the internal environment of the marketing department should be more customer

    friendly and customer oriented.

    though computerization of the marketing department has been done but to get full

    advantage of computerization, sales co-ordination ,scrap and salvage department and

    by-product plant should be brought into account so that party wise and dBSLatches

    wise a order can be fulfill.

    In future sales and excise section of the finance and account department also be

    brought under same roof :-

    The Market segment should be more clearly defined on the basis of geographical

    location, nature buying unit, loyalty status of buying unit ,customer demand etc.

    Market Research for knowing about the potential customer as well getting the

    feedback from the customer should be frequently done. Feedback can be easily

    available through questionnaire and ask them to fill and back to organization and


    My studies have been done from a management students point of view .the above

    mentioned recommendation are in any based upon informal and formal feedback obtained

    from the managers .The Management of SAIL(BOKARO STEEL OLANT) honestly

    concerns for the future growth of the organization at the time of increased competitors

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    ,should take care on the recommendation given above. The macro and micro planning is

    definitely varied but their enforcement will ensure SAIL in regaining and building its glory

    on top.



    Statement Of Sale Of By Products (Values In Lakhs)

    PERIOD 2009-10 2010-11


    1STQTR 850 1224 1278

    2NDQTR 945 815 55

    3RDQTR 916 1222 844

    4THQTR 1022 1577 1572













    ITEM price

    AMONIUM SULPHATE 7500-8000/T

    BENZENE 39000-40500/T

    ANTHEACENE OIL 35000-40000/T

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    PERIOD 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12


    QTR 2556 9293 18896


    QTR 9223 16205 17141


    QTR 2242 16237 11740


    QTR 1232 23639 17495

    TOTAL 10322 65427 65272













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    2008-09 1324

    2009-10 1628

    2010-11 1367

    2011-12 2830










    1ST 2nd 3rd 4th TOTAL











    2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Category 4



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    Advertisement/posting of dates and types of materials to be auctioned in SAIL website and

    various news papers (Local & National) every 15thto 20thof the month for the next month,

    1. Posting of details of lots to be auctioned one week prior to the date of auction, on the

    website of SAIL and metal

    2. Inspection of lots to be auctioned by customers.

    3. Auction is held on www. Metal

    4. Report of auction conducted is give by Metal

    5. Meeting of reserve price opening committee and their recommendation.

    6. Approval for sale of lots recommended by RP opening committee.

    7. Issue of offer to the customers, based on approval of chief Executives.

    8. In this method the defective materials from all the mills is arranged in heaps of 100-

    150 tones to be sold by auction. Generally auction sale takes place ones in a month.

    Representative from all the re-rolling mills turn up during auction and they bid for the

    available material. The raw material need of this mill is being made by the plant and

    the availability of the re-reliable has increased the re-rolling mill to develop very fast.

    The plant extends all types of facilities and assistance to these small scale units, which

    to turn give scope for more employment, and then the material is lifted on the terms

    and conditions as mentioned in the tenders.

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    Advertisement of dates/type of

    materials on SAIL


    Posting of lot details to be

    auctioned on SAIL / MetalJunction website

    Inspection of lots by customers

    Auction conducted on

    Report of Auction by

    Reserve Price Opening

    Committee meetin

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    Companies in the present scenario of globalization and liberalization needs to do more than

    making good product or competitively pricing its product-they need to inform consumers

    about product and carefully position product in consumers mind.

    Advertisement is the best form of non-personal communication. It is good way to inform

    and persuade. Advertising serves the dual purpose of informing the product benefit and

    positioning the product in consumers mind. Bokaro Steel Plant, products (i.e. products)

    is used mainly of industrial use. Its product is the raw material for most of its consumers.

    The customer base of BSL Plant is knowledgeable and knows about the products and its

    benefit so on special effort is needed inform them about the product.

    In BSL Plant, the main form of advertising is Tender Notice and notice other form of

    advertising is also used but rarely. Information is provided to various persons through

    advertising, which are directly or indirectly related with company. There are:-



    General Public or neutral persons.

    People who are related with the economic progress of the company.

    Public relation Department of Bokaro Steel Plant looks after the advertising policy of

    Bokaro Steel Plant. All decisions related with advertising are taken by both Marketing and

    Public Relation Department jointly supported by sales co-ordination.


    Approval for Sale

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    All advertisement of SAIL mainly contains factual date related to the products and its

    comparative advantage over other similar products sometimes it also contains information

    related to sales of a particular kind of product.

    Main media used for advertising these products are newspapers and business magazines.

    News papers and business magazines are selected based on the following criterions:-

    1. Kind of product to be advertised and its used.

    2. Are where the product is in demand.

    3. Circulation of a particular newspaper and business magazines in the area.

    4. Cost of advertising.


    Mainly six advertising agency are used by bokaro steel plant

    Continental advertising agency , Kolkata

    The international advertising agency , Kolkata

    Kavya communication pvt ltd , new Delhi

    Message advertising and designing , Patna

    Ranchi data system , Ranchi

    Ridge advertising , Ranchi

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    Students Work Profile (Role And Responsibilities)

    Role: I was given the role of observer by SAIL BSL. My role was to collect

    information about the strategies used by BSL to market its secondary products and

    also to understand the Marketing Mix of SAILBSL, as a Management Trainee.

    Responsibilities: During the period of this project my company (BSL) has given me

    so many responsibilities. They are as follows-


    Collection of data by preparing questionnaires,

    Analysis of the situation and Marketing procedures

    Reporting to the officer


    From this project, I have got an amazing live experience. As I am a fresh Graduate, so I do

    not have any type of experience in a corporate work field. So, when I went to different

    types of departments in BSL for asking about their way of conducting their process, I was

    enjoying. I was quite surprised because of their friendly behavior. Moreover during my

    plant visit programme, I was really thrilled to see the different methodologies that are used

    to produce the material which is a necessary product in every bodies life and also for a

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    growing nation, i:eSTEEL.

    I am also really greatful to work with many officers in the Marketing department, where I

    got my first practical knowledge in the field of marketing. I was really excited to apply my

    theoretical knowledge in practicality.


    Gathering the product knowledge of SAIL for its knowledge bank.

    Collect the data of actual monthly production and sale of BSL products and by

    products in every trading.

    Help to promote the catalog of BSL as a small part of sales promotion.

    Find out the problems that the dealer are facing while selling the BSL product. Find out the consumer response for the BSL product by asking the dealers of the

    relevant product.

    Presenting a detailed report on marketing strategies and marketing mix in BSL-SAIL.

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    Questionnaire for Understanding Marketing Strategiesat BOKARO Steel

    Plant- SAIL


    1. What is the market opportunity? What is the market size? Market size with respect to

    geography and to industry.

    2. How can the market be segmented into logical customer groupings?

    3. What are the industry trends that are fueling our success? And what are the trends that

    are inhibiting our success?

    4. According to you, what is the economic climate now and how will it be in the

    upcoming two years?

    5. How the economic climate does affect our business?

    6. Is the market or our business is affected by seasons and climate? If so, then how?

    Target audience:

    1. What marketing segments are we targeting? What segments we are not targeting?

    2. What is our customers primary reason

    3. Why would someone prefer our products and offerings versus that offers by the


    4. Are there any issues or concerns that the target audience might have regarding thistype of product or offering?

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    1. What categories of competition threaten our success? Prioritize the categories?

    2. Which are the companies which poses greatest threat to us? And how do they

    differentiate themselves?

    3. What tactical elements do they use to that threaten our success?

    4. Which competitors have the largest market share within our target market segments?

    5. What are the barriers which we are creating for ourselves to entry into the market



    1. What need is our offering or product designed to fill? Identify the need for each target


    2. What features and associated benefits does our offering provide?

    3. How do we deliver the offerings identified above?

    4. Of all these features, which one is of that extra value that differentiates us from our

    competitors?5. What improvements can we make to our offering to better meet customer needs?

    6. What new offerings would our customers most like us to develop?

    Sales and Buying Process:

    1. What is the process for selling our products? Do we use any of the following


    >Direct Personal Sale >Direct Online Sale >Indirect through channels

    2. Who is involved, both from our company and from our sales channel partners, in each

    step of the sales process?

    3. What criteria are used in selecting a vendor or a customer?

    4. How do our customers buy our type of products?

    5. What purchase process steps do we follow with our customers? Does the process vary

    with respect to different vendors? If yes, then how?

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    1. What are the main criteria which are followed in setting the price of the products?

    2. What is the current price structure? Including discounts, rebates and so on. Do our

    customers understand it?

    3. Which of the competitors is considered the Price Leader? What is their offering?

    4. What can be done to reduce costs without affecting any quality?

    6. What is the perceived value of our offering as compared to the price

    7. What service(s) do we currently include in the price of our product?

    8. What industry trends are going to drive prices down? And what are the trends which

    are going to drive prices up?


    1. What are the primary forms of communication your competition use to promote and

    communicate to your target audience?

    2. Is a product catalogue used to promote products and services?

    3. What other forms of media have you used in the past to promote products and services

    and what has been the success/response rate experienced?4. Do you currently market over the Internet or have marketing links with other sites?

    5. Do you attend trade shows or other industry events to promote your business?

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    1.Aug 28, 2013, TOI, Several important development projects - including the construction

    of new Ganga bridge, fire station in Chas, link road to Chandrapura-Bokaro bridge,

    VikasBhavan and Chas Water Supply Project - in the district which have been delayed due

    to funds crunch and other dispute.

    2.Aug 24, 2013 BMW Industries gets showcause notice for project delay- BIADA

    Bokaro Industrial Area Development Authority had showcaused BMW earlier in 2012, for

    delay. Besides, the company has not paid Rs 3.36 crore as cost of land and maintenance

    charges, added Toppo. However, P Thomas, director-BMW, sent a letter to BIADA

    managing director AarvaRajkamal seeking more time to recast the project plan.

    3.It has been 46 years since the plant was set up, but the majority of the residents have not

    received compensation, alternate land or jobs. They are still fighting


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    Figures in bracket indicate capacity after implementation of ongoing phase of

    modernisation and expansion to be completed by 2012-2013

    Order for over Rs. 57,012 crore have already been placed for various Modernisation &

    Expansion Projects / Sustenance Schemes

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  • 7/22/2019 Marketing Strategies and 4 P's of Bokaro Steel




    Q1. Use of I ron and steel in your li fe -----------

    a. Extremely Important

    b. Very Important

    c. Somewhat important

    d. Not very Important

    e. Not at all Important.

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    Q2. Business with BSL -----------

    a. Extremely Important

    b. Very Important

    c. Somewhat important

    d. Not very Important

    e. Not at all Important

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    3. Product quali ty of BSL -SAI L -----------

    a. Excellent

    b. Very good

    c. Good

    d. Fair

    e. Poor

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    Q4. Process of buying products of BSL -SAIL -----------

    a. Excellent

    b. Very good

    c. Good

    d. Fair

    e. Poor

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    Q5. Price of the products are same as market price ----- ------

    a. Strongly disagree

    b. Disagree

    c. Neither agree nor Disagree

    d. Agree

    e. Strongly Agree

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    Q6. BSL-SAI L satisfy your needs and demands ------

    a. Strongly disagree

    b. Disagree

    c. Neither agree nor Disagree

    d. Agree

    e. Strongly Agree

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    Q7. BSL-SAI L gives better service than other steel plant ---

    a. Strongly disagree

    b. Disagree

    c. Neither agree nor Disagree

    d. Agree

    e. Strongly Agree

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    Q8. You wil l continue buying products of BSL -SAI L for next five years ----

    a. Strongly Disagree

    b. Disagree

    c. Neither agree nor Disagree

    d. Agree

    e. Strongly Agree

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    Q9. What is your opinion about BSL -SAI L?

    Q10.What is the fi rst word that comes to your mind when you hear the foll owing?

    Steel Industry

    BOKARO. Steel Plant


    30% of customer gives importance to price. So it shows that Indian consumers

    are very price sensitive. They give more importance to price over the brand.

    26% give importance to brand. So price and Brand matter a lots for the

    costumers. And they are also want best brand in best price.

    19% to product feature Service 16% and durability 9% Service is also a big

    factor for the customer they are less interested in the durability.

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    During my Eight weeks training in marketing department of BSL. I have observed

    certain problems in it these problems are findings of my studies.

    All marketing procedure of prime products are decided by SAIL and carried out by

    the Central Marketing Organization (CMO).

    As the organization is concerned with a large number of productions activities and

    the departmental work are done mostly manually from placement of orders to

    documentation, which ultimately frustrates the employees.

    The organization is more concerned with larger orders of steel products by ignoring

    the smaller orders. The local customers with business of by-products are sometimes made to wait for

    days to get their papers Cleared by the department.

    Most of the existing yards suffers from improper stocking space and siding facility

    often they are not well developed due to this the material stored there are rusted and

    other defects are caused and later they are dBSLosed of by offering some concession

    or at low rate which result in loss.

    Due to improper packing, the materials reach the stockyard often in damaged

    condition, which is attracting criticism from the customers and these damaged

    materials are sold with loss.

    Export considered Secondary to domestic selling as BSL is a govt. undertaking and

    its First priority is given to domestic marketing.

    Secondary product CRUAC/Def CR Coil/CREC, this is industrial scrap and they

    generate maximum revenue from this product.

    Sale of By- Products shows lots of up & down in different quarters in the year &

    maximum sale in last quarter.

    Production of By-products shows lots of fluctuation because its production is

    depending on Coke oven plant.

    BSLatch of By-product shows continuous growth.

    By-Product N.G.BENZENE they produce maximum revenue because its cost is so


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    The main issue attached with Bokaro Steel Plant is about its product.products is

    that most of the customers finds its price higher than the other brands of

    secondary and by-products available in the market. Since, customers are now

    conscious about cost cutting measures so they other brands over BSL.

    Local market is one of the most important advantages than BSLisenjoying over a

    period of time but, due to set up of new steel plants in nearby places few years

    from now it will no longer be an advantage for BSL. So, BSL should have to

    work on decreasing the price of its secondary and by-products and also increase

    its quality.

    Since, from the survey it was found that most of the customers arepurchasing

    secondary steel and by-products from BSL. So, BSLshould have to work on the

    increase of p