market brochures - international development assistance

International development assistance

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Aurecon International development assistance market brochure. Globally, we are moving beyond aid and working towards a world where effective partnerships between government, the private sector and civil society mean that aid is no longer needed. At Aurecon, we believe in empowering people, communities, organisations and governments to take charge of their own development. We take an entrepreneurial approach to problem solving, seeking innovative solutions to social problems and, wherever possible, engaging the private sector in driving sustainable and scalable outcomes. These solutions enable developing countries to create and develop the capacity to overcome the challenges they face without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. We work with clients and communities to deliver technical, social and environmental outcomes that are tailored, practical and effective.


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The Government of Malawi’s Poverty Alleviation Programme Malawi

Globally, we are moving beyond aid and working towards a world where effective partnerships between government, the private sector and civil society mean that aid is no longer needed.

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Our expertise

At Aurecon, we believe in empowering people,

communities, organisations and governments

to take charge of their own development.

We take an entrepreneurial approach to

problem solving, seeking innovative solutions

to social problems and, wherever possible,

engaging the private sector in driving

sustainable and scalable outcomes.

These solutions enable developing countries

to create and develop the capacity to

overcome the challenges they face without

compromising the ability of future generations

to meet their needs. We work with clients and

communities to deliver technical, social and

environmental outcomes that are tailored,

practical and effective.

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Health and Safety

Health & Safety comes first in everything we

do and is a core value for Aurecon. We foster

this by appointing experienced teams who

combine a deep understanding of the

management of Health & Safety with that

of our clients.

We integrate and align our teams with our

clients to deliver best practice project

outcomes across safety, risk, quality, budget

and schedule.

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Key areas of expertise

Governance and civil society For 30 years, Aurecon’s specialist international development

consultancy has been providing support and technical

assistance to national, provincial and local government to

improve planning, budgeting and the delivery of better public

services through effective community engagement.

We work at the policy, institutional and service delivery levels

to improve public sector management and to support fair

access to efficient public services. We support the design and

development of improved local infrastructure and the growth

of a healthy civil society able to effectively advocate the

needs of communities and play a full role in meeting them as

part of a balanced approach to service delivery.

Aurecon is recognised as a leader in civil society

strengthening and the delivery of community grant schemes

that encourage effective capacity development.

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Key areas of expertise

Economic growth Whether through combining practical approaches to

improved food security with the development of improved

access of rural people to markets, supporting enterprise

development and promoting inclusive economic growth or

reducing the impacts of climate change on livelihoods,

Aurecon’s approach engages the private sector in the

development of sustainable and scalable outcomes.

We believe that meeting global development targets and

moving towards a world without aid depends on harnessing

the power of markets to deliver shared value for all

stakeholders. This belief is evidenced by Aurecon’s

corporate community investment programme and our

support to the leadership of the Principles for Social

Investment Secretariat, established by the United Nations

Global Compact to support the implementation of effective

and principled social investment practices by the global

business community.

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Key areas of expertise

Climate change Understanding and managing the challenges associated

with climate change and the environment can help support

poverty reduction. The aim of keeping global temperature

rise to two degrees Celsius or below requires specific action

that Aurecon is wholly engaged in, both from a development

and infrastructure perspective. Aurecon is at the forefront of

identifying risks and effective solutions in the adaption of

low carbon development technologies.

Integrating our diverse expertise and practical knowledge,

Aurecon creates innovative solutions for low emission

development in a variety of energy related sectors including

renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste, transport, land

use, agriculture and forestry. This specialist knowledge

allows our engineers to use markets and technology to

‘leapfrog’ energy pathways to clean energy and energy

efficient systems.

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Key areas of expertise

Resilience and recovery Aurecon has extensive experience in supporting

governments both prepare for and respond to natural

disasters. In recent natural disasters – including major

floods in Australia, earthquakes in New Zealand and the

tsunami in Japan – Aurecon engineers and technical

specialists were at the forefront of disaster response,

supporting government organisations in urban search and

rescue, coordinating response activities and designing

effective technical solutions for immediate critical situations.

Aurecon collaborates with government clients to integrate

sustainable thinking and disaster preparedness into all

planning activities. By defining the risks associated with

potential extreme events and translating those risks into

planning and design solutions, we can increase an area’s

resilience to major change events such as natural disasters.

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Key areas of expertise

Urban development While the challenges facing cities, towns and regions around

the world are as varied as their people and places, one major

challenge common to all areas is rapid urbanisation, with

more people than ever moving to urban centres. This growing

trend is impacting directly on governments’ abilities to fund,

develop and maintain adequate health, education, road,

transport and utility infrastructure and services.

Aurecon works closely with government bodies to address

these challenges, providing high quality, cost-effective and

sustainable services that add value, are flexible in their

delivery and consider policy objectives. We partner with

governments to optimise their available resources toward

sound infrastructure investment decisions, improving

economic growth and job creation, positioning assets to

meet service delivery and priorities and accommodate

long-term growth.

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Key areas of expertise

Transport Aurecon is a leader in investment grade forecasting for

infrastructure projects and has experience across road, rail,

air and maritime development. We offer advice on

operational infrastructure including engineering of traffic

solutions, corridors and signalling plans through to

development impact assessments, strategic modelling,

master planning, interchange operational design, macro

modelling and road safety audits.

Our work in developing countries is increasingly focused

on providing innovative and integrated solutions to the

challenges of developing sustainable and smart transport

systems, climate change, energy depletion, mobility

and accessibility.

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Key areas of expertise

Water and sanitation Aurecon’s services encompass all phases of a water

project’s life cycle, from conception and design through to

final implementation, operation and asset management.

Our specialist team have worked with bilateral and

multilateral donors, water authorities, governments and

local councils, providing expertise across water resource

planning, design, construct and asset management.

From our global learnings, we appreciate the need for

innovative, integrated, multidisciplinary solutions that

address rural and urban water supply, sanitation and water

resource management challenges. We specialise in

facilitating strong interaction between communities,

government and sector partners to achieve improved

services and implement accountable, large scale

grant agreements through community based organisations

and private sector subcontracting mechanisms.

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Key areas of expertise

Training and development Aurecon’s work is not only about services such as the

provision of clean water or immunising a child. We also

focus on building knowledge, skills and relationships so that

communities, civil society and governments can develop

their own expertise for the future.

Drawing on our own experience, and that of our NGO,

academic and consultant networks, we offer training

through our highly regarded and unique Professional

Development Programme. Aurecon is an Australian

Registered Training Organisation (RTO), delivering custom

designed web-based e-learning courses to individuals and

organisations around the world. The Aurecon Training

Academy (ATA) is a specialised unit offering a complete

training service in infrastructure related development and

management, incorporating key programmes including the

Wedge Project and SAVE.

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Key areas of expertise

Outsourced facilities Offering industry leading capabilities in managing standing

offer panels and framework agreements, Aurecon has

managed over 3 700 projects in more than 80 countries. In

this time, we have deployed over 2 000 development

personnel on behalf of bilateral, multilateral and

private clients.

With 72 permanent offices extending across 24 countries,

Aurecon employs around 7 500 people across 11 specialist

service groups. We have close relationships with an

additional 6 000 external consultants, as well as domestic

and international alliances, consultant networks and

memberships of third party databases, providing access

to over 400 000 development professionals worldwide.

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Key areas of expertise

Energy Aurecon provides a broad range of engineering and

specialist technical services to energy financiers, public and

private sector utilities and independent energy producers

and distributors on strategic, operational, infrastructure and

asset management issues. Our extensive experience in

electrical power generation, transmission and distribution

helps us to offer solutions that significantly improve

efficiency and our clients’ ability to meet, for example,

fluctuating demand cycles.

Energy use and conservation are at the forefront of the

sustainability challenge, with renewable energies gaining

increasing credibility as markets around the globe begin to

invest in viable industries in this space. Aurecon is working

with clients to provide innovative, high value technical and

advisory services to harness alternative sources of power

such as wind, solar and hydro energy.

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Australian Community Development and Civil Strengthening Scheme (ACCESS)

Phases 1 and 2 Australia

Client AusAID

ACCESS is a community driven development programme

that identifies opportunities for engagement to improve

participation, transparency and accountability, social

justice and pro poor service delivery. The programme

operates in 20 districts in Indonesia.

Run over 11 years, Aurecon’s role is to oversee the

strengthening of engagement between Government and

civil society organisations (CSOs) and manage grants.

This includes: recruiting, mobilising and managing 18

international and 80 local personnel, resourcing and

administering the programme including managing a grants

system, assessing and engaging with partner CSOs

develop and implement their capacity building plans and

activities, access grant funding and engagement with

citizens and government. Aurecon also monitors CSO

activities and outputs, evaluating impacts and facilitating

periodic lesson learning, reflection and adaptation of the

programme in response to lessons learnt.

Our global success stories

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Income Generating Public Works Programme (IGPWP) Malawi

Client The National Authorising Officer of the European Development Fund – Ministry of Finance

The objective of the IGPWP is to contribute to the Malawi

Government’s aim to reduce poverty in line with the Malawi

Growth and Development Strategy whilst enhancing the

socio economic situation of the rural and peri urban poor,

assisting them to promote sustainable livelihoods.

The project sought to achieve this through improving

accessibility, infrastructure and promotion of productive

activities by creating linkages to other economic activities.

The Programme uses labour intensive approaches to

implement interventions in roads, forestry and irrigation.

Aurecon provided programme, project and contractual

management and technical assistance, while an

associated partner provided financial management

assistance. The implementation of interventions under

the IGPWP builds on the lessons and achievement of

predecessor programmes that had also been managed

by Aurecon.

Our global success stories

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Indonesian Australian Forest Carbon Partnership (IAFCP) Facility Indonesia

Client AusAID

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest

Degradation (REDD) promotes the reduction of emissions

from deforestation and forest degradation and sustainable

management of forests in developing countries. The

purpose of the IAFCP facility is to support REDD activities

in Indonesia through a partnership office, delivering policy

and technical solutions and the development of Indonesian

and Australian Government positions on REDD.

As managing contractors, Aurecon undertakes all

administrative, logistical, financial and procurement

services including designing, implementing, managing and

reporting on high quality REDD demonstration and

accounting activities.

The facility has so far conducted extensive socialisation of

REDD within targeted communities, trialled work packages

and developed a clear strategy for the development and

implementation of a series of income generating activities.

Our global success stories

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Urban search and rescue Japan

Client New Zealand Fire Service - Urban Search and Rescue Task Force

After working in Christchurch on recovery efforts following

the 2011 earthquakes, members of our team assisted in

the enormous search and rescue efforts in Japan

following an earthquake and tsunami.

Working in challenging conditions, with overnight

temperatures reaching -17degrees Celsius, Aurecon staff

provided vital ground engineering expertise in the location

and extrication of victims trapped after the earthquake

and tsunami. They also provided specialised advice on

structural collapse of buildings, roads, bridges and

railway lines.

In addition to these general urban search and rescue

engineering activities, the team also monitored the

environmental conditions from nearby nuclear power

plants. This involved plotting background radiation data

and assessing information on how the radioactive dust

plume was spreading from the damaged power

plants and its possible effect on the local community.

Our global success stories

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Comprehensive Infrastructure Plan (CIP) for the Department of Provincial

and Local Government (DPLG) South Africa

Client Development Bank of South Africa

The CIP focuses on developing sustainable human

settlements and accelerating access to water, sanitation

and electricity for households. It also integrates

infrastructure plans across different sectors,

combining regional and national plans to ensure

integrated development.

Aurecon provided programme management expertise for

the national roll-out out of the high level CIP across four

phases. The first determined the status quo and created a

common reference framework for stakeholders. Phase two

compiled high level CIPs as first indications of capacity

constraints, funding and financing needs, prioritisation and

sustainability. Phase three established institutionalised

infrastructure planning processes, best practices and a

shared services model for sustainable infrastructure

delivery. The final phase of the programme launched

comprehensive support programmes based on detailed

investigations that considered the optimal institutionalised

arrangements for service delivery per municipality.

Our global success stories

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Consulting services for a restructured power market Sierra Leone

Client National Power Authority

The Government of Sierra Leone received a credit from

the World Bank for a Study on the Restructuring of the

country’s Power Sector to develop a time-bound action

plan for implementation of a private sector participation

(PSP) strategy in the power sector.

Aurecon was appointed to provide consulting services in

support of the development of the desired strategy. The

project entailed an overall review of the power sector,

including organisation and the legal framework for the

sector and operations, infrastructure and operations

review and developing investment scenarios and

alternative strategies for NPA divestiture.

Services included analysis of the current status of

institutional reform and recommendations for structural

change, analysis of the utility’s positioning and option for

restructuring, financial modelling, partial privatisation and

strategic partnering processes, and project management.

Our global success stories

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IDSS Professional Development Programme (PDP) Australia

Client Various

The PDP builds on the effectiveness and practical skills

of development professionals and others working

internationally. Drawing on our own experience, and that

of our NGO, academic and consultant networks,

Aurecon offers training through our highly regarded and

unique PDP.

The PDP’s focus is to create an environment for dialogue

and learning amongst development practitioners to

discuss the issues, challenges and innovation in their

development practices. It aims to promote understanding

and commitment to a people-centred approach in

development practice, facilitate the development and

promotion of quality standards for programme

development and management.

The PDP also encourages innovation by facilitating the

sharing of skills, experience and expertise amongst

development practitioners.

Our global success stories

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Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (RWSSP) Phase 1 East Timor

Client AusAID

As part of a five-year engagement, the AusAID-funded

RWSSP improved health in rural areas by increasing

access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene. The

programme supported the Ministries of Infrastructure

and Health in expanding government service delivery

and contracted local NGOs, private suppliers and training

institutions to develop courses and mobilise communities

to sustainably manage their local water supply systems.

As managing contractor, Aurecon liaised with AusAID

and stakeholders to set programme direction, provide

specialist technical advice and mentoring, manage

and support over 60 personnel and manage grants

and contracts.

As a result over 67 000 people (7% of the rural

population) gained access to basic sanitation and 222 000

rural people to improved water supply.

An estimated 380 000 people now have increased

knowledge of hygiene practices.

Our global success stories

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Registered office, Singapore

152 Beach Road #22-02

Gateway East

Singapore 189721

T +65 6256 6188

E [email protected]

Registered office

Australia, Melbourne

Aurecon Centre

Level 8, 850 Collins Street

Docklands VIC 3008


T +61 3 9975 3000

E [email protected]

Registered office, South Africa


Aurecon Centre

Lynnwood Bridge Office Park

4 Daventry Street

Lynnwood Manor 0081

South Africa

T +27 12 427 2000

E [email protected]