maritime news 26 feb 14

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  • 8/12/2019 Maritime News 26 Feb 14


    MARITIME NEWSWednesday, February 26, 2014

    International maritime news for seafarers

    China will use coal plant to power Jamaica


    A Chinese company wants to build its own coalfired plant in southern !amaica to"enerate the power needed for a hopedfor #$% 1&' billion port that the Caribbeanisland en(isions as helpin" transform its chronically slu""ish economy&

    %urin" an update to )arliament, *ransport and Wor+s inister -mar %a(ies said thatChina .arbour /n"ineerin" Co aims to power the transshipment port with coal topro(ide lower cost electricity for the proect& !amaicans pay 42 cents per +ilowatthour&

    *he Chinese company aims to de(elop a transshipment port in a swath of southern!amaica that would lure the deepdraftin" ships epected to tra(el throu"h the)anama Canal when its epansion is completed&

    It is a +ey part of a de(elopment strate"y !amaica hopes would transform the islandinto a "lobal lo"istical hub in comin" years& 3lueprints also call for an epansion of!amaicas eistin" container terminal, airports and roads while the "o(ernmentcreates special economic 5ones to lure companies and usher the island into the "lobalsupply chain&

    *he Chinese company has already applied for a license with !amaicas en(ironmentala"ency to be"in "eotechnical wor+ in the )ortland 3i"ht area in southern !amaica&

    An en(ironmental impact assessment still needs to be done to "reenli"ht the portproect in coastal )ortland 3i"ht, home to the islands bi""est protected area& %a(iessaid ta incenti(es, a re(iew of citi5enship laws for in(estors, land acuisition andauthorisation for the coalfired plant also had to be addressed before any a"reementcould be si"ned& 7A)8



    A hi"hspeed ferry encountered lar"e wa(es durin" a re"ular sailin", sustainin"se(ere indentations in the bow area and inuries to some of its passen"ers&

  • 8/12/2019 Maritime News 26 Feb 14



    %urin" a re"ular, scheduled crossin", a lar"e hi"hspeed craft hit a series of wa(eswhile tra(ellin" at a speed of 99 +nots to 9' +nots& *he slammin" caused se(ereindentations in the bow area of the ship& Followin" the slammin", the speed wasimmediatelyreduced to about 21 +nots to 29 +nots& At this speed, the (oya"e to its portof destination was continued without further incident&

    $i passen"ers and one crew member were inured when the (essel hit the wa(espon arri(al, two of the si inured passen"ers had to be treated at the local hospital&*he most se(ere inury was a bro+en hip&


    *he speed reduction from 4142 +nots to 999' +nots was insufficient to ensure a safecrossin" "i(en the actual weather and wa(e conditions&

    When choosin" the speed he considered safe, the master did not pay sufficientattention to the weather, the sea state and the possibilities for obser(in" the wa(esand the "eo"raphic conditions in the area&

    *he %AI3 reported that the operations manual for the hi"h speed ferry did notpro(ide the (essels master with sufficient information re"ardin" safe speed in hea(yweather&


    All the inured passen"ers were inured when they were thrown out of the fied chairsin which they were sittin" or lyin"& It is recommended that the ship owner consider theappropriate means which will pre(ent passen"ers from bein" inured in similarincidents in the future&

    *he eistin" ser(ice restrictions for the (essel stated in the appro(ed Craft-perational anual is considered insufficient as a tool for decidin" a safe speed in a"i(en condition in the actual "eo"raphic area&

    It is recommended that the ship owner de(elop a decisionsupport system forassistance when decidin" on a safe speed in a "i(en condition& $uch a supportsystem should consider local as well as actual conditions and, in this way, assist inensurin" the safety of passen"ers and crew as well as in pre(entin" structuraldama"es to the (essel& It is recommended that this support system be inte"rated inthe eistin" I$:$$ system for the (essel& $ource; %anish AI3

    M! hosts E%pert Wor&shop on

    #n'erwater Noise

  • 8/12/2019 Maritime News 26 Feb 14


    I- is hostin" an /pert Wor+shop on #nderwater rosseto earlier on *uesday accepted areuest from his defence that he be allowed to ta+e part in an inspection of the ship bya "roup of eperts from the court on *hursday&

    Contacted by AF), his lawyer %omenico )epe was not able to say what $chettinowould be doin" on Wednesday before boardin" the ship& *he islands ayor $er"io-rtelli said he +new nothin" about $chettinos (isit&

    )epe said his return would be a "reat emotion for $chettino and could helpestablish the facts&

    !ud"e >io(anni )uliatti on *uesday said $chettino would be allowed onto the ship asa defendant, not a consultant and would therefore ha(e permission only to bepresent durin" the wor+ but not to inter(ene& 7AF)8

    $in+apore plans to ,uil' -n' "NG terminal

  • 8/12/2019 Maritime News 26 Feb 14


    $in"apore is plannin" to build a second ?iuefied as 7?8 recei(in"terminal, followin" its lon"term strate"y to become Asias ? tradin" hub& )rimeinister ?ee .sien ?oon", who inau"urated $in"apores first terminal on *uesday,said that the citystate had already started a feasible study to find out suitablelocations on the eastern part of the country to construct a new facility&

    $in"apores "eo"raphical ad(anta"es and its stature as Asias oiltradin" centre willsupport it to become an ? leader&

    *he International /ner"y A"ency un(eiled that Asia, with 46@ of "lobal trade, hasalready o(erta+en /urope as the worlds bi""est "as importer& *he a"ency has alsorated $in"apore as the best place to be the hub for ?&


    Piraeus li&el( to ,ecome one o* top .

    container/shippin+ hu,s*he port of )iraeus is li+ely to become one of the top fi(e containershippin" hubs asthe "o(ernment spurs lo"istics acti(ities in a bid to +ic+start economic "rowth,%e(elopment inister of >reece Costis .at5ida+is said in an inter(iew with 3loomber"news a"ency in 3russels on *uesday&

    )iraeus could become one of the fi(e bi""est ports in /urope (ery soon& *he"eostrate"ic position of >reece is such that we can ha(e de(elopment in the area oflo"istics, .at5ida+is said, addin" that what the state can do is to "i(e incenti(es&

    .at5ida+is said ta+in" full ad(anta"e of )iraeus potential to become a bi""er trade"ateway will reuire further de(elopment of the >ree+ railway networ+ and "reatereploitation of port and rail lin+s in the country& .e also cited the need to impro(ehi"hways and re"ional airports&

    In that contet, he said le"islation is in the wor+s to encoura"e in(estment in thelo"istics industry& It will ma+e life easier for in(estors in lo"istics, .at5ida+is told

    Aree+ ?o"istics Association, a non

    profit or"anisation that promotes the industrys de(elopment, told 3loomber" that thelo"istics industry, includin" transportation, contributes around 10@ to 12@ to >ree+"ross domestic product and can help re(i(e economic "rowth&


  • 8/12/2019 Maritime News 26 Feb 14


    0un'in+ ,oost *or Cana'a)s sur1eillance o*

    ship pollution

    *he "o(ernment of Canada has announced a fundin" boost for marine pollutionsur(eillance& *he new fundin" for the

  • 8/12/2019 Maritime News 26 Feb 14


    And we +now that theres no way that "o(ernments are "oin" to tac+le this enormouschallen"e, fran+ly, without si"nificant impetus from the pri(ate sector, the -community, academia, media and others&

    A note struc+ time and a"ain at the meetin", which continues throu"h Wednesday,was the need to translate the destruction of seas and marine life into economic (aluesthat e(eryone, from world leaders to fishermen, can ta+e to heart&

    /(ery human on /arth depends on the oceans for the food we eat and the air webreathe, Eerry said& 7AF)8


    Technolo+( a use*ul component in *i+ht

    a+ainst pirac(4 NYA

    /perts on piracy related issues ha(e su""ested that the lon"term solution to piracyoff the /ast and West Africa coasts may not be military inter(ention or armed security"uards alone, but it could be economic and political support as well&

    Alec+ 3urrell,

  • 8/12/2019 Maritime News 26 Feb 14


    )e* ork ,T'e C-s.

    /n C'rreny &D in /n

    in &D C'rreny

    Britain ,#o'nd. 1!!77 099!

    Canada ,Do--ar. 09024 110"2

    China ,'an. 01!33 !1247

    5'ro 13743 07277

    India ,6'pee. 001!1 !19"0

    Indonesia ,6'piah. 00000"! 11!!00

    apan ,en. 00097"" 1021!00

    )or*ay ,8rone. 01!! !03"9

    #hi-ippines ,#eso. 00224 44!100

    #o-and ,-oty. 03309 30200

    6'ssia ,6'-e. 002"0 3720

    &inapore ,Do--ar. 07917 12!30

    kraine ,(ry;nia. 01030 9700