marist college...lnd1vldu!!lat hie · o\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . i...


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Page 1: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

Page 2: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe




'I I


·. ·. . I-ff .•

- --,. Ji·:·: . If .. ____ ., ;

. . -- .... /•

r~ ~il~~

"" I / Dear, Hankel I

·. I read the oompoal tlone ot JQiJI' •tu~ntl

use or tha Engllah lnngungpj, . .



and I th lnk t~JA)' did vet-)' ' '&ll wl th, the

· Thny !Ire t•1ght~ I . th 1ntt, ln teetlrwJ 'hi.' .... · ; PM of the great queat10f\8 t~ the tu~, h a bettflf• undor•1iand1~ betweon the · r aoes nn~ 8. l'llllrlfo;neu ~ aooept t~ \ lnd1vldu!!L a t hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't . thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveu t 1on of war elnoe that woulc! 1ncl10Rte t hnt we fll"e aarchlne rathel' rapidly towar~ annhll1at1on,

·· Many thanks tor leetin~ me • ~e th,ee compos! t1ons,

Yer7 llnoerel,J youra,

I •

Page 3: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

1 •

..... -·· ......... . ••• ... ..a, ••ze • ..... .., • ........ ..... .... ' .. ..,, .. , ............... ...._ .... . ---· " - - ---- ,. ... IAI\1··- ..... ··~··• •r ..... , ., ........ e• - au '"'• c. •••• , ... w .......... , .............. , • ... . , ..... ) ., ....... ,urea are .u .. e .. u,_ ... , ..

- , .. re el• - •- ...., u- &a • • ~- u ueu MUwe ,..... n., •• ....... ..... &a....-,,.,, ....... l&lr-.•••• ... •• ~ .. ,. ,,.lla. .. ... ,, ..... a...w••*'•• I _, are , .. ._, liM ~ c.a• •- ..U -•'* ..... &ann•• r••• rleaM ••- wew aU •e-­... , ....... ·-... -- ...... _ .... , ...... e ...........

d a.,.' ••• n• • __ ...._._,.. .. .. ···-- ....,.. ....................... ,.. ... .. , .... ,..,, ' - _, rill ..... .., ...... .. ... ........ .... ... -.. .---- ...... ....

ta ••••• • .,., ,.... ,. .. , •• •-• •• .... .

1 ..... I MWe ... -· ... -· .. ·- \Yeo ..... , ..... , .•.. .... e...,,. ••.

,., .. , ........... , ~~~ ~~

Page 4: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

'1\fea\y en• Dl \1•~ have .ut.1te4 t e ••lYe 'n•

;>rebla_. or tho Worl4' a Peace llll4 a UU c,.1 he ...

n. ~ r.a.m t4w. an.,.. r ' • l t.

?er eeaturiea ~•A41~haa aa~ • eanaol•ua •t­

f • rt• t• CI.Ver wa r aa.1 ,_. a t aia p.eoe . ~fa! a pre bl.,.

11 n. t •nly at IU:V1At;: a ft wMr, buc. elae at di l oa- •

v• ring gnd r&~&ev las t r» oau1e1 ar war.

I bavo tll ollt;~t or qui to a t o" aug~at1ou a .... loh

I ahl<ll atoto t o r 'bo buotH ot ••k1n( 1t tho;r l<l ll

•nly ~iva 1.12 l a \ .lleM.

lir •" at al l we aw t aet or1 ':1z.1ce e t~r :>• • ,1•

a r eC.n.r JJ.I ti• tU. Wi pJ;U.l d.110riJI1aa\1e>.t a f cal e r

•M race. UAJ. •"ral. Bre \.he rtla ed aheu l i r ala aYar \ Ue

lfa rl..d . Lal u a l a a l( \ a a th ara 11 aur bra t b.a .ra n•' wl &h

n• tr-<t , a. t ul th onv1, .. \ wHh grood b1.1\ l<itll 1.10dor-

a~Q ndina;, l ev a »nd av a-o. a ll Qtapep t1aa.

Thi a p.aoa 111t ara l beul(] 'be a.abrw c eJ wl~h a l ra••'

ave r y da 'Y le a t'ar t••• tUa1asf• oa .

Page 5: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

~De"-IUA ...... 1 t.U- tlla\ - Sa tllia wor.\4 tM -

...ab aa ..,r.\4 -· w1U ..UU. - •­

- pat. .., - w - ....a - \o - ,rlftlrJ

bo- - c!Ut-t. -~ ot - WOI'.I4. I

J:aab -ti'J ~~a ... & dltr- w... -

- ·-· -~~a .. r llbt.lac opll'lt.- aU t.bU

11 • -·· "' tM - ot - ... u . Btt•~• all tile otlwr- ot tlla war ..

1 b&Yo all r.d;1 -t.loc .. - - tor our..U

th• t eaab do.J - W&T or !lib~ • war 11 bolt tel'

aDd 110r. cianpl"'UUI tor thw c1YllloaUca.

'!'1M rec.1t. diaco••riDc of tbe atoala boW)

ia the aore teart"ul WMpoD apiaat. tbe ~ ot

tho world oYOO todo.7 tho7 aro>tiA& oYer tile

rill>t or b&YiA& - ot.ollic boa!>. 1c th1o 1'00011\

war tb.e aci&U..t twYe to\M 8UJ •<A1• of !aproY­

Jin& tbe ••poe• \&H 1D tbe war. It .._ • • the

h win war nth t.bU kJD4 oC - t.b&\

will noYWr bo lot &lcao oo t.b&t t.b& world

would b&ft poaco that. lo q 1 lillii1IW. thoro wlU,....., bo pooco botw- the -t.rlo•.

Page 6: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

p m apycw

...... Bat · - tllla ........t ...... lbe - - ~ 1lo ••-­

"""ie - ottka tln'c-ta at 1-at ~ ~ .,tillllr apart. foro~, r opubU- ....... •-•••• llloonl.e .,....,.,

thazoe wtll bo a.l.ap war.

~· oont:rolllDC -.Jo ..a - ... waa not .u- IICIIU,... to all

tllo oouafto!ae ... IUftle ao ozpoot to 1lo - lall4•. llo:U.C "" ._..

la .,'1'7an4 sreo4 ri.,- aau .... ( .. tiiGro ~ ie),-.­rill .... _.. u ..... -,.

I- tcun4 -t I ..sDk to 1lo tiD -t ~'t 1.1' wo will._

butrUll:r wi lll<>lltll 1Qpoaoe7 -• 1e ..not t:lul -' 110sa- JOOUeo

aa tlloasJR 117 oar - to • __.._. "" :roar...U ""' to 4o

onto otllal" aa ""' would baYo .,,. lo to ,...,, tbat -a _, .....,

bU u t-. e:ro ~,. ooatrteo wilD GIIN DR hmm"' at'• Jl'luetJ14

tiDII ao 081m0\ pat lt u ,...nt .. -· will - '~~~~*"""-­

la'l'011\ool "'- -· - -· ......

Page 7: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

1:1'•1 ,.._. \ •he ::ua t1l1 • •• U. AA• 1'' ..._ liMll u 11 ,.. • ••

e .. t. ••at• U.t. 4l'IMA .... ..PIIJD .. :JWI.. th11 h .. llr t et ···t1rl•

Page 8: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

' t .. .-» -lllal.l RIDI •D WWAI

.. ' Jroq- ""hi • thlo -tiiMI lh- lMa11 u lo _ ..

• kt, Moll \blo - Ml ••otq ulli-f tlllo u a • oalllM

wlootllor n•o wlU Ml a 1-er -

l'o •l11 Ml nq 11101Qr 11 •• .ba•o a 1-•• -·· ••• U ll -.

,. .. nlo h 117 •~lo ll *Ill nl ot all aro • \bo He~•• .. ol aa ...­


••• - ..... , ., ................... ,. ...... 1 .... , .. .

uo we ooavloo tlaJ>tUI t• _q, -· Will ...... "" -"'

N' 1- U ... MUUJ --· tho a•alo - al aat\ber Wl• to Ia-

.,..t • _.. ,...rt~, , .. u .. un ._pen er t rtea te 1at"•t a •• -....

t-1n ~ aa&J.aot tho &toaio )IU, 'IOU Will al-o •- &1-~·

!io h aa o ot tho Ollitol lltaho &I -ola1o £MlUa fer luU,

.bl&h • U -l1otlo opllPU, t11at •• •Jat -· .. _to 11&11*• n.,

llln't uo t.boir -· tbq 1.8powol thou...,... t•- • woq ..U•

.u .. tbq OO&ll O ... &Or OUllJo ft ...... I.Dfat•tol Wltb tho \bM&bt

tbl.t t h., ••• tbe Mat ... , 1D tile ••lt&.. U. ... t ,.._,a1 at ta.

J. '-th .,.. -• •- to t.booo toollo.b Hlloto.

1....-... J t•ltt: "'l'J --.,, Uere elll41 N a Wert• O•-*• t~

wUI •• hw ••••111111& wwl41 tn'-•• .raw •tv1a11, ·~•t• .... wt .. u .. eeantrtea ete. kt: u.., tnUle •• -. .6. ••Wa.I'IJI'••tu.' ll-•• Wltll - lao-•• low, aatt.bor ll --• ... tala ....-

••taat1 '-1Huat_., u·v••••• U'l••• all tvu tote a .... c--~

1a tb1o ..., a l'or11 Covt - aot Ml n,t ..

Dl~ all tllo ~-1oo 1a tho .. r ll, - 1llllllll .-to ••• a


Page 9: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

· - ...... ~- 4411·--·"- .._ _ _...wtUMWlUIIII

U te - Mt, wtU IMIIa, ...,_., ............ , ....... .,u, ... hlJW

..... ' "" tl•l ·-1-- ..... I • Will, l ... l"

• • •

... .. . •

• • •


• •


. ., •

. ..

Page 10: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

.... !lara are -w .. &e1'1'illla1 .._ ... ...u .. u, .,,., -Ill .. ... ,,. ,_ "' ,,... .. , ·-· Arter &Ill eorlll lu 1, tbe .. tt.ou, a...U .. llllt'oN till

borr1blt I OUir')' Ot d .. \b Ud dMtfttUOI \bit OMVred dar!.. 4

:r-r• or ar, \rUd &o ro... a 1•.,.., a ~ or .. uou .,...,,

priaoipal aad oA17 o..,at1oa ... t o preYeD\ aao\ber war. "' lMCU•• • woadertl&l 14M, tailed ,

! A 11139, u ot ller war HclU i n &lU'Ope, a ..,., \errlbll .... t._ .. til• eoz:l4 wu 1. !lOW, tbare are ..,, 4 Twar• ~ or 4ee­

trllcUon UQ IXtU .S.AU i OA, ~n IYU 'f lll&lOD \Dolt a pan ill a . AI ill tlla t1u/ ao1eue ~ad ... 118110l'tact part. Sol.eaUe\1 4J.aoowered ..... aad perr .. .-...., ltU4• ot - poaa, I X)lloa1Y ..

aad .....,. ot truepor\aU OA , blUer ••boll• ot o .. ri .. d._ ... , IDd

veat1oc 1nteot1ooa .

" t ile Lllpt or tlat1oa h to.-..4, ...., Mil 114 •• .., -

OOOCX' .... hd to pre we at Uotb8l' war . WUI liD' t be prefto\ed,

t lle re will al-'f• Ill wara. IAI'fbe oot tbh 'fill' 01' ia a 100 , 11>11\ ..... w11l ooae all4 will b1 1101t terrible ••• &be oAM we baTe

• e•"· u • • • b1oloc1111 law aia•• utv. ai••• ,.. ,._ •lllUIPl• ia t be lite or aata wbiob are •oa•14o &ted \o b&we tbl IIIIa uu ..... ti&bU .. ud Mki .. allna or o\IMr

tiM • W7 "' ....... , ......

Page 11: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

0 ~ "' • ~ ~

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~ .. !'.


• 0

) .,

a. urto\6 IliA

ther. I.H ...,., 1A wb1eh enr-laauae: PM•• eoa be MA. • n ... IUt ot

a.l1 oooplro.\ion frorl Ill oountriaa. .. ... eo\ID'l'J Uou.a MDI U.a repre .. tatlw

'o a &ot1t;nah4. pl.aee an4 tor.a a league ot natlone. 'fhi• u-.bly woult tlawu

lowe arc mode~ control worl4 trodo, raw natertala oto. -- Tbo obU4re •~><!~ •

ld!IAMII &Dt. a-.oft all

not 'tO tb'i'l"lc t Lnt 1040 1 ar'; au:porior to t.n other ra.oe. •

would b o o rdo-r ad by t ho loo.euo "n.d U 110uld ho pro 1b1tc4 t or an:J ooUDti"J" to • -

nutcoturo wooJIOn•. Anrtbtn.s t . nt w-itb dutruoth !l)t ot bomca en• ll• o•

choul4 bo obandonod . so tcntt•t• woUld aleo bo prout bitot ~o invent GnJ &oatrue-

tin wccpon. J.nY 1c1oa ro£4H1ne auob ehoult bo ilm04.1a.iol.y tor£0t'l.en. V111H.rr

trotntne abould coo_ao a.ho . The toaobtng ot t h h parthu..lnr U"81.n1ns

no1£bbort n.s countries 4nd f'riendo,boll) t h<a ln an7 ••:r poactble, ant tan a goo&

will to~rda thon .

tr t ho 1r0r!d ahould roell~o t he u.ount ot oonoy , ltYCI& ant bom•• that are

loat in A"'"' r 1t woul d. Uy to t o t:nY'hlne to pro• ont q ,r.. Tioo, bM.uUtul a.rta,

uo.naport.ctlon a.nd oo-nunle.cttoD eyatew~ aro o.ll doetroJ04l beeauee ... probl•

coul 4 not bo ~l.,o4 by a eountry. l!lob eountr .. ahoult tcko tboir problem w t:blt

c.Q.n bo ho.4 it wo o.ll do our 'O .. t t o ko•p it eo. cooperation ant UD4ar nut.t.Dc

ot all eountr1•• by coana ot a l•f\l• or naUon• -.r help \o keep poaao.

Page 12: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe



!here h &AJ'thl .. 111 tile WOI'll tllat - Pftftll' -I' fOP a lOllS

tlaa . ror eo•• J'MI'a tile olll.r pNftaUoa le •• 'lla114 a ••·...- ., •

Natlooe• ani a eeourttr paot bat .. ea all tbe ooaa•l'laa of \be worll

epeotallJ' \he etronaee\ ODea.

!he League of lattoae auet etate pi'Oh1blt1on to .., ooaati'J' •o

uae agre .. 1 ... •eapoae tbet oan etal'\ the -•· !be aau ... net 'lie

reeponalble of their dolnl• befOI'e \he Lea~De of latlooe.

An ln\ernatlonal la• aa7 alao be aele. !hie tatel'lleU-..1 law

hao to be obeJ'e4 •e!'7 t11'111J' , othei'Wlee, thle law hae to liiPlaat llh

foroe 1n the League of lattoae.

Tllere h aDJ'th1DI aore efteoU,.. to preYent war thaD a real and

good eduoatlon to the J'OIIth etnoe their earl7 daTa. Ohurohae aa7 be

open in ne!'7 oorner of the world teaoh1n1 pfople to lo•e God ani eaoh

other. L1brar1ee auet haYe I OOd boote wbioh wil l aate 70UDI• ani olle

to underetand deeplJ' the aean1111 and effeote of the great wol'4 •peaoe. •

Peopl e wot fe./. theaeelYee the ... e ae otllere. Good propaganda• 1a

benet1t to f-Ople oa.n be aade. -rbe •upenontr u4 lnt•M?E'!' ••

plex auat be ext1nte4 b7 the tea0h8ra 1n aoboola, PT''' ['1M''

eto. to all the peraone who feel that etohneee of the eoul. - Here 1o a great preYentlon of .. r: "!ha b11 reeolutloo to \blat

in Ood and tbe good will! •

Page 13: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

!bare •llll8• 'lie • wrau ,. •• ••.- ••:r. will uwra 'lie a rs.~a•,

• riftlrJ •-• •Juo laauac •ewa•r1ea et tba -u.

1'ba:r. Will •1-J• 'lie a raoa rer raw ••rlal.e, r• aea•r•UU. '"••

r autoa a11il tbia raoe Wil l alwaye all& 1D a .ar. ~. Will 'lie tba relllll.t

'lloeauao a l aDS eauat r y ... . , alwya 'lie aall1eat W1 th t!w farelp lJullla

aM trate r outes abe eaatrale ant w111 • ry te 111&1.,.• tile aeua•re1a

W1tb t be1 r aalan1oai they •111 try t a •r-• tile wra IIIJ' wll1D tbaJ' ••

ce t ... r .. ealan1oe •• cet r iebar •bil e at!Mra "'' ltlllot,

I.t tbo baa ta lie -tb 1DC allleut t b1a tlla anl7 tblJIC JDDD1lllla

t a lie 1a ta eilucato t bo lla7a , tbe 7autb te l aft aaeb atllar, ta tarpt

war, ta rocacn1aa 'Mil F•JD•Dta t r• , ... ••• "war U oaurt oaanat 'lie ae wu arsanuot •• te rtc1lata aftrJ'

-11 _....,.,.., at t bo •cauntr1•• i t!My -•' 'lie ae wU arpa1 ... te

.1m .. allaut •crot l ea., t:r.atra, ae t b1a at a .. ru Hurt _., pw

seat reeulu.

Page 14: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

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..., ~~. ••• til' , ....

Page 15: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe
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oo• llti.Jjl J.~~~ j t IIIU ?" IOUIL WlCJ A UAIID

J!rs, Eleanor Roosevelt u.s .•.

J.:.O.dame -

·•·HertOQenbooch, 30 April

Hearly two year s utter the end or the seoontl world- war, which afflicted oleo our country so heavily, it appears that, even ~he n our people exert themselves to ;he utmost, our Government ts hardl y able to relieve the i~e­diote want s with sufficient speed. ol1tb a view t o this the Lutoh schoolgirl s will try to contribute their part towards the nat i onttl exertion to overooma the oonsequenoes o1' the 11ur and in doing so 11inning and consol1daU ng peace.

For this reason they have oonoetved the plen t o r.anuraot ure fahey and plain needlework end t o exchange th i s Vlith foreign countries tor timber , wbioh our country is badly in want ot for the construc tion ot window-tremes, thr ough which the sun osn come in again into our rebuilt b\>usas.

3et1mat1ng our national stock or houses ot about 2 . 000 , 000, wa now huve e deficit ot 500,000 houses, const itut ing nearly 25~ ot the totol number .

194 7.

They now mak e an appesl to you to support them in th1e work bi j bringing them into contact with those \/omen­organisations in)Our country whiCh among other th i ngs are v.ill ing to tsko over the fo llowing taak:

la, to deliver th1 s fsncy end plain needlework to the trode in your country;

2e, for the prooeods of thi s needlework to hove t1mber ship­pod to t he tlet berlands , 1f poasible 12000 etendaros,l.bioh 1s suff1oieot tor tho window- frames or 10,000 houses .

Tbe only appeal to cher1ty in thi s mstter i s t.he appeal to your reatJ.1neas a·nd t bat. ot the women-orgon1an­t 1on• t o help ue.

.lo uo not. wan t to receive more tor our work than the rool value or it for your country.

Hot onl y ths ocbool g irls went to take this mat­t er in hand, but ulso our l ady-teachers , our mothers, our ol­der l ady - friends , even our sick people .

- OUr youth ful women a r e -

Page 20: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe


. ..... 1/fi'J'o: ~.·~· i .. ,, ........... IGIAL u;NC• A I IAtW

& nel<ulool: OnhUn51Jaol 41

s·Herrogenbosch. 30 April 194 7.

- 2 -

Our youthful women are convinced of it that ~uny wise and oxporionood men will Slllila u this oaring plan , port­l y form traditional soeptie1om, portly from the conviction that only men can contr i bute to the reoon~truotion of our ~e­vostoted country.

Uoro, ho• ever then the material er rect of their aot1on, this youtb will ma nifest tor the whole worl u, that the 1nternot 1onol solide r1ty,c•rta1nl y in tho fema le youth is not a me re alegan, just good enough tor con~resses and pe ­titions, but that thin is on incontestable reali ty, which of ­for s possibilities tor o better mutuel appreoiotion end unuor­s t endins or the nat i ons in future.

Have the unchristian-like government s triad to solve tho proble~s or our t1mes .bij lotting man o t eoppoar onu leavo the ditftculties as they were. our youth is convinced Of it that it i s bet ter to give 0!80 a toir Cb&DOO tor 4- tiooent living by fuoin.s tho ~ 1tfiouH1os in mutual sympathy ~;nu by~ coupl ing oll energ ies .

In oraer to maKe o buaines~-liko ond quiok succeso ot t h is aotion 1 we o.dd some sampl es or finished needlework , .fe s ha l l opprec16te very much to heor tbe wmericon opinion obout t he useful ness of these articles . i~a a mat tel' ot course , •ae sh•l t g ladly rece ive counte r-proposals,

•l'houoh wo know tba t you are rcore then overburdened \J it h Ju ties .::tn beholt or the seored testamen t Df your uapurteU hush&n<l . we think that the very knowled~o 6bout the seriouens s e wi th wh i oh t hi s t\Jstttt~ ent \.us r.Hlde up Juutit"l es our appec. l· to yvu.

.Je shall t hank you very much tor s ome \IOrtls . Go d. bl ess you.

In the name ot the cool.nli ttee

"Girl lenu o hund~ Me i s je hel p j e mae? )

Page 21: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe


. -

~-. 11, 11n

I I f • .. f '61 .... ... Jalbao ,.__, .... ,_

loU ..... I .... u •• 111M .. •• , .... ., ......... aat ..... ,, a.- ,,.., • - ... "' 10 ..... ' un •• •-•'"•' ~. ,., -•er, P!_., ,_., 0 • n : ... -· •

f ~ ' • I I ' s

a • ~ • E .. l .~ • • !;

r~ 0 &

, .. ' .

Page 22: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

-- - - - -- .-e.•£ • .......,.._,......., _ __, _ _

Richard Nathan c/o.M.Schloss 1. W. Alpine Str. Newark, N.J.


Mrs . Eleanor Roosevelt Hyde Park, New York.

Dear !Irs. Roosevelt :

Memphis- 'l'P.nn, June 14. 194?.

I received you.r letter of June 6th. and thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to meet you.

I would a,preciate very much if you could give me an appointment on the 25th . or 26th . of June for the reason that I am booked for my return trip to Holland. on June 27th.

' Please notify me if it •Nill be oossible for

you to give me an a~pointment on one of these days ,

Thankin~ you for this information , I beg to remain ,- -Very sincerely yours


Page 23: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

::J .. ... ~ .. ,. : .. ~

0 ..


J: .- . I

_,. ....... . . .

I arr1 nd here h'o-. l{oll~ncl a fa'ff rll\JI aa

H~Jid• orpn1IJI'Uop of 1JollaD4 -aaked • to ·-and a letter f rll!l tbea, ftley all4 aU

nry ~nx1oi.t a to belp tbi~J.! e~ou~~ry to

••" r~t llvl-1•114 ut

toratr pof.Ptf1tT. ~ dota~ '·

I bope tb&t I III&Y baT& tb '!lonquao an4 plaawre to liT& 1ou ~e

present and letter pereonally. pa you would 'be Jt1~4 apoup . f

to let me know when 1 t 11 co or yoq tci apan lilt .. t•• m1 ru tea. I am leaT1111 lfew Yor

at the above addreee.

week of J'uly and pel"ttap, ' I

Beet whhee . •


fo• Kampblt aa4 wlll t~

111 lftw Yqrk ~~~ tht tirt~

....... all l"\trYiiW 1rt t~ you thiAo



• l J

l J 1 I




Page 24: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe


!hot MaJoritr •pon prepo .. a tile ,.uuoa o1 hlMtiM ta\a tw s...

daPQdut atataa tollovi.Jic a lraaitioa por1o4 ol tw ,...,... !lie lllaarUr ..,. ...

pHpoaaa oa ~at t .Ural atata ot ~1M -UM ol • ...,_. hat& -

rt4a tor tile t ara1Aat1oa ot tile Jr1Uall llaallaw of NeatiM at tile aar11aat

pooail>la 4ata.

!hot proapoota tor av.oceaa ot tile alaori tr ·- are aot aaar~ aa

!a..,>la aa ia t ile -.loritr aclleM. r.ural.laaUoa ol tile '"" atawa wlUa

aapoci~ t..tvaUoa. i a l>Dpal aaa at Ul1a twa. !hot UU. are aMol•wlr

~t 1-tara\ioa all4 tlla Jaw are aq'CIIIJ.~ uwrau.t t o haw tatcraUoa.

On tllia aoora alou aoae lr:Ud ot c-oal aa _, 'M raali&Hoal.b -&\at. alnorttr propoaal Mturao Arab -.lorltr ea4 doa1aat1ol0 on all 11&,1or la-.

!hot 11aJor1 tr Report not o..1r 1a tile _, raali aUc. nt it 1a a fair

prcpoaal vitb raapaot to 'llc'aa4ariaa an4 with ra~ot to pHOI4111'aa tor NOftOUbc

-.lor laauaa. llra17 at! on ah<nll4 l>a - to ...,......._ oa4 .. ...,... ...,.ratioa

between .A.raM 8114 Jaw . ~ 1n4apn4ant atawa which v1ll 'M ••o- -

all4 will vorl< toptbar 1noraaa1Dclr to tba 'Mnatlt ot all 1nll.abitoata of Pale ...

tiu and the M1441a laat.

' lole ot thf un1 t t4 I Satta

!be 11n1ta4 1\ataa ab011l.d ._.-\ tile llaJor l tr ~' actin~ an4 wi\ll.­

out quallticaUoa. !b1a 1a oa la.- *1ch - llelp tba atat...a of tile Ulaite4

I•Uou. I\ la oa 1ao• 1a which tile Ulaite4 ltatM - olNrlr npport t ile s.t.­

paadont report ot tile 11n1te4 I•U..a a-tUM wi\lloat ..-u .. af pl•iac

politic.o or uoiJIC ita ar••• powr to 1atl- nch a report , !lie o-lUM Ilea

wl'bd ia4apan4al0t~ 1n the beat -oraUo tn8tloa. bra 1a ao •1-t ol -

wr14 or tw wrl4a or thrM ..,..14a,

Page 25: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

- 2-

fbo lla,Jorltr lepert rill lloln &be _,.. .t &be .,..., -,jorltr .t Morl-

31'ttfr7. with the •~loa of a-u ..-r of eat .... s..t e , .-4 ot a.-J.w-. ..,.

inu ... tM Ia fbo VlaltM t&atoo __ , - -~ ..S.o la aol

at.U.ptbc t-o Wl'l»aoe tM o..iUM, ._, ..., ..._, t-M aan er b wp tor tta .. .s .• a t tM OjlOD MO .. )~ 1M !llllt04 1\aloO -J"t Of ,.,. lla,JorU~ .porl , elob la

OD\lro~ oo .. ioiODI with lbe - propooolo Of Prool ... t ""-• ohoal4 )o 0-11104

Yie<>roDa~ 0114 OJIO~.

l!pl ... ptaUoa o·t tb! NW latlw l!!s11la

lf t ho !lllHo4 lraUou otopu lhl lla,Jorltr ~rl. ollll ._rt liJ' \bt vaitM

St aloo will&'> a 1- wq t...ard aoour1Jic ,hio, I WJ>O -· 'bo ·-~~ to

t.aplolDODt t hio 41ololoa. fbo halt of t...,.porUac 1~ .000 Jow rr.. tho DP O.po

ot lurope, C'J'prua, u4 froa artN vbt" pre"at ooo41Uou tor J.,. ..... PoaiDa'bll .

1s a lll1c- ou aa4 u u;peulw. OM. !hia b a tuk *ieb Vil.l nqaift ~ udeU&Cllll

ars4 eooperatloD of \hi tft:llted. lt&-tee, tbe uo. worl4 fU..Oial orpal .. tto., aa4

t he Un.1 ted kUoaa . ~t&lle eaoaot be lef\ t o \U l u\ a1Jmt1. ft,e Qat \44 hat••

npreee:ntaUne OD \ U ktiou haYe a reepouilt111V 1a preeebc tor c-..

elderaUo:o eo4 e.ctiOA vit.hin C.he UD.1te4 hUou u4 hi rela\d ore-,1aat1_.

on the .. aatt.en . h 11\\at &la o work vl\h ,,_, thl.\U4 lta\11 GoTel'IIMa\ 1a

out t he pollibl• r ole • of the catted Sta\11 1D thell act1Yitillo

J'urther \here h h probl .. ot adaiDle\raUoa of hl.eeUu 4u.ri1lC \ M

t r&DOl tioDol J>Or1o4. Por~ &l>o lrlUala o.,.,.,.,._, rill pro- &bat tho vaih4

Staue cooptn.\e 1a \hie lllllai.D.te traUc:a. nta .. u •r vUl. 11D4odt.e4l¥ tile cUe_. ....

b. t .bt e4 la.Uou . lt. v111 be - •• .tortaau 11 tbl .. uer Na..e laTolYH.

with confl l o·U ... iD.teNUe ot t.hit a,aJor pown. !bl 1a.,.• are clear wuh re.,_'\

t o 1'8JAotl.oo u4 lobo "''-' problu. tho l o .. o oboal4 M taol& wll.h oloar~ 0114

lhl 41c1oloo rolato4 to thloo lo"'"' · fbo lkUM llaloo 411opUoa 1D tbe -­

l atlOD.O e&D pl• a .. , , "-"•• roll I.Jt. lr:Mplac &be -uar OD a hlp pl- _. la

holplac 4otol'lll.M 'hi par\ odrloh tho !kUM llalol rill Jlor la t be -ltt...l



Page 26: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

.. 71 ..



..., ..... J, 1,., -IDhanCII the po111b·1li\1 .. of a.n1.Ylac a\ & ,fut u4 wofta\l e HlaU• I f

the c.o.,lex azul ~ pro'Dl• of hleeUu. OM ...a •• tla'NI'Me ea

all \lat ._. tlt-\t lDolTM 1a \U ... u .-a ~,. .... ncURMU•

tf 11ft la tU X. CAlli• ur • u.. 1a...-. u4 titnau Uh 1a ~.u ..

to qpnclat t t iM l~rtaaee of .. M.rlJ' .... ~S..C ttUl ... t, 1M p~

craat1aa~1oa aa4 "Uetnai.a\7 &D4. coatllott ot ,.. ... , ,,.,.. la hletUu,

lt' COD\iaud., will IIM"t .. a tore l pO\ aa4 IOU'oll of trov.blt Qioh Oaal4

Oil lcd.epe:ru!.t a \ 1.7 aDd obJecU.-.17• ~ thL1M4 1\a&et _... ao \o

~ or coJ.4• W eo-1U-M 1 t wotk. !t all b \ea"\a M4 ~"'• \11.1 1

i t ~eo tro.e of ..... la M4 of the OahM n.p.a.. therefore, \he

proc.aure vbtrtb7 the prOpoetd tolatloa bae \eea arr1Te4 at refleett ~••

faTorabl y on \be Uaitecl Watioat. fbt ncoe11tal baa411ztc of thil 11 ...

o! \.ht Ul o.-lt\" fa..on tU ,.,..lU• ttl h.ltt\lM la\o \W ,.,.,,,.,

atat... ! h \ts.. aot\ l oeloal o•olul• ...._.. lt tabt Mrpl._..

of a dWaU• Wbich-. woi'I....S. onr tU ~.,.,, ~.u . .....,. then..,..~

co .. .a ht.ttna\t Mt .. ta J ... M4 An.M la hlt .. l•. u.. fte!U.U• u4

procraaUaaUOb WA.lo!a --..un ... \M 84.8lalt,raU• of u. -..a••·

Page 27: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe


- 2-

haft wt4ou4 tbe \nach Mtw• .,..,, aa4 Jna M4 ba.,. ttft'M •• d~

eoa.fii~\lac 1attneu aa4 to ...:&a ._. blonote. CMpr..S••• ~

eolutloD• ot:he.r thea putl\loa. ..,.. WU'MlloUo M-.. t.Mre 11 _. -Jor

polnt OD vhicb co-.pr081 .. appeart to M 1Ltttrl7 Upelell u4 ''-' 11 l..S.­


!'be Jovo of Pal.oo\U. .. tw .. lT Npft u.-t. .. u .._ P'-" or torerwmen of a t hta\b M4 ooaU-' 1-.lcraUoa of Ina t'roa ~

em otMr parh of tht vorl4 vMre••r coadJ. U ODt t or aoraal Ute are wa­

hu.'Olo for J rn. !he Pal .. tWaa 1 .. • loelt ..,. I1IIC.!l ~\loa .. aa

abtOlQ.'O DI C.III1t7• !be7 will M?Or hale- \heMOl•oo \ 0 \U kl.a4 of

rtttrioUoDt •• 1..S.crat10A vhlch ban Mu. tnroho4 tor tbt pat\ aenral

yeart. f'h.07 look 'b&ok vita a~HD.O.I 00 \he CJ'OW't.b of 1-s.paU• ~lore

1-D Pa.lostlu b w late )0' • • , \hi preclM u- .... 41-p .... ,.. of

.Tevt wre enorainat~ for l.ack ot p'l.&Mt to• tr• 0.~ ud

ot~r I OODOI Of OODCID,rtlioa 0.-pt .

On \llo other llaD4 \he An.)o ..,.. _, 1a \l>oir ••- ....U•• sau Jevieh ~U= lteeauo tho7 wiah ael\ber to 'Moo• a --.ru7

nor to ba?o the oOUAt.l'7. file7 look .apon lewith 1.-ipaUoa .... \U kll7 \ o

a Jewilh •Jorl t7 1111 all Palt~ii• aad. v1ll ao\ acJ"H h lar .. e -.l.e a4.-

as. .. loa of Jeve 1a\o all af Pale1tlM. 0. o\ber 1 ..... \here ~ M oo•r~

111•• Ad ~ooperatlon ba.t DO\ oa \be all ~r,u\ •U•r of l.:ip-aUoa.

In tlh of tho "PJ>AND\l.T 1rnooadl&\lo anu,.u ot , ... J...,

u4 .ualHI oa •'-'•r of lud...-.uoa c.bere .u\ 'be •- pi'O'Yld• *-roe­

the Ud.toa oa tb1• te ... h arrtYe4 a\ lad.epH4.ea\l.J' lirl' ... cfflf9 or

b7 10M 0\1\alde Cl'O'Qpo \'ben OM be ao l.uUDC eol'CLUOD 1D l•aYl&C \M

•tt•r tit U.S.c:ra•1• \o M MUl ed. tiT oa.&e1Un. hlt 4eMNilu·U• le

Page 28: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

_, _ oQe ot t.h4 -.Jor o\Ject1••• ot worl4 peaoe aa4 .._.«r&a7• !ba ....., 1111

1n the parUUn ot ihe coaDh7.

n. aillori\J Nt>O-' ot "'" uanet ••"- -"" lo ......tloUo lo it a propol&l tor aa 1~\ t.Ural ••au o.-pr1ae4 ot aa .Ara'b ltate

&Ad a /ewiah State. It ju.t woe't work ...S. \be oOiliUo'\ will •nl.7 'M

prolooced. If J owloh aa4 .&rab o-raUca lo h be toa\on4 u4 oU.alale4

then \b.e deepen IM\ed. NLd .,.et 41nrpa' iaHreeh M eoeehow ,.._

.eYed troa the acene ot coetlCGO~ Decotlatloa &D4 4l eaa.eloa. ~ltlOD

wi ll Mt111 thlt bade uM u4 t he wq will H ope• tOtr lacnaalac

coop•ra.UOD betweea tbe J .,.,. M4 AraM b Palee\lae •• w ll u with oll:ler

countrh• la the Middle Saa\.

I\ cu be o:<poc\od \he\ \hera will be obJocUoao \o panlUca

bJ - .&rabo a.o4 bJ ~.all o:n .. llio\ J-oh ,..... ~· be raalloUc. -CAA '\. CODeeln of A IIUl a•nt lO wblch all CJ'O'GPI will ctn t.l-1 COIILIIA\.

!berefore, tbe aa\ter ~•t be reeol ••d with fUll fairueee t o all ~lee

and pro.cta for l uUnc .nee .. , b .S.:a4. ParUUoa _.,, Uwee o'bJMUne.

%h.t Pro) l eg Perteh\y tq Part1Uga . !he ••t. lllporl&Dt •1acl• decl don vi th retpeot t o pe.rt1 U oa rel&Ue to 'bOUD4ar·t.e. Obrlnd7 the

tep&r&Uon ot the cftD\ r,. into two parte ••• 'bMr I OM rel&UoallUJI • •

the o'bJee,th•l ot IIC&\U~ \ WO ~t etat11 vbioh U'·l rta'Ol e aa4

with tho boot pcool\111\J of each taac\laolac ao oa l&dopoa4ea\ eDtl\J•

Population , exitt1DC retourc.t, J1ro.,.ct1YI 4•••l~~t. aa4 1a.1cratloa ... , all be eolltUAH4.. Iuotu u \M Jewe ar1 o-.oei'M( 'M7 t.adet , ...

properlJ l Ot \ha\ MOftA\ ... 'bl , ... ot \Aoll who wtU ........ t.o CO

to P&l.eaUae a1 w ll u tho11 Wo 11.1"1 there aw.

'l'ho dhioloa of • •nhlra PaleoU.M ao proop- _. \ha -,jarl\7

ropo n of t ho till Co..tuao. h ol1141DC \loa J-oh reoitah et J•~ ao

Page 29: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

---eHiano of l owtoll lta\41 , wUl pNriu a ,..._,, ~UF of lwo ... ,

.ua'M 1a tl>o l - oll ltau, u - ,..,.. h , .. lat. _, •••lt• ot

TOtinc ..,. , tba •Jorltt of .r ... vRlil M ""' ftk\-\lal ._._.. t.M ratlo

of od.ulh \o popula U010 h - blcber - l"" tbu - .l.ft'M, l-­

jp"&Uon will """l T 1DCI'e&M lllllo41a"11 aftor W Ul 4Mhl• W '07 tba

eDA of i be tnadUoa periol, \U lewi.M -.Jeri\J' will 'be .. ,., ooaet.Ura,l e ,

Ia IOiilthen. Paleetlu . .. tleh 11 oall M \M lep•, U.. .u.• ,.,._ l &UOD Ia op&rM f'll'l lD nht•Ual ........ ·-·· .&ft. ,_au. 1o

t ar p-eater \211M J nllk poJU.•U- 1a U..l nc1-. thle \ errUor,- le

prlaarU7 4ooort aD4 lar .. lT ,.... .. 1opo4. !bo -•s.a. of t b1o - t.

tl>o l .... 1o tllll7 JuUf1o4 oa oooao.lo arou4o. lt l ot\ to \ bo Uo'H lt

will reaaia UA4eYel ope4 &D4 vaete4. ~ leve ~ plaAe t or larC• ·•~•

lrrip.Uon "' 4nolo~n\. "'-7 M 91 alf'M47 et\ UU.W. ... nru M\\le­

• nt e t M re aa4 &in en~ 1.a41caU oa of &e•elop.bc t lLie an...

•'* a r' ' rl . , .. ,. h n·.-, 't ' d bt '• 1 r • Ui w Wid ..

h t ' n' 0 ... *be ....... sf Cb z a-ftt ........ Uh

... ... , 1 •• n'.

WUb Ht~ct t o eooaoaic ...,.oh ot pa rUU•, \ Mre wlll M ~

l11p0rtut h iVe t o M eeU le4 1a tblt tlaal ...,..._,, hr lae\aaoe .oe\

ot the eoaroee o.t water ....t IQ'VMl"\rio powr w111 U e wU.JU.a \U lwt.Q

St a t e . .Un.raac•• of accenl,LUtr .. a f &lr Mere o:l \heM ... ...,... .... t

be P"• h Ar&bo. lf..o1Uarl7, \bo JOO"O llo wUllla tile l -oll . .. , ,

u.4 t bert II'Ut 'M pi'*T1•1• IUl"UtH1., \ e \M Ara'be .oc.eee ' • \UN

1~ortu.t r •••· fbn wlll N lllpW\eat pro•l._ n l aU ... to .....,..., •

ao4 \orltto wbi~ will roqmtre l a\olllco-t oo\tl .... t . Aloo ~ •llpOoltloa

of llrlU oll roooorooo la ~ _,.,. , •-lallT fll \lie - -.u .. PalooUao

Page 30: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

- $-

_,......,, >b1a .... l arpl7 p&14 f N "' \llo nou-•o of \llo o_,.,.,

ahCNld , . iato acooaat U. real oqw.Uloo ta \M d t•U-oa. •• of lMH

proble• &ro llo" U¥ .... , lU'anllftata 'Dle. loot 1.-.n., 11 M kiM» la

•11•4 •ho objto,ho of arrirtJoc •• fal. r 4talo for Mtl> - ··

Dt fty!l\loa P!rlt4. ktla \be -.Jorl\y ad al .. ritt nporto

ot tlot ar Coaai.Uoo propooo \lot oarl7 .. -...u. of .... .nuu lloalau.

Groat 'Br1\a1a pro'M:b17 will oltJeot. o\roiiC'}T \o U.. MJori\7 repon ....

oTe t o • • *laoritT ,..-port. I f 1\ aoqalo ... o 1\ ~ ao\ Yl.!a to CU'77

•~>• rupou1b1U t 7 of a4Jd.>o.lo\raUoa , ... lr .. ol Uaa porio4, Ia l ha

intorut e ot w.coooth.llt :rtt olrlac \ hit \boftT pro'blea, t_n. V..1h4 ""'"

ohoal4 otfor to cooperate la ~aittratloa a.rt&c ~ traaol\loa ,.,.,~

!'hh vill h.&•• to 'be worDcl DR\ a\ \he VI l Hol. Jnrr offor\ eat M M4e

to b ep \bio au or f'roa 1Mtcea1tae a f oot b&l.l la -.a:r n.rllal. coa\ ron r tJ

l:tetweon tho 'btc po ... r.. ~ probl ta of PalotUae Uoul.4. 'M ooUl .._ • \M

•r1tt of t ho h.utt &a4 aot MCOM b.ol•e4 la -.I"M!Ur ND ca••rlac•

AD obJoou .. appral.oal of lha role of or-• Jrilal.a 1a lha

adlliahtraUoa of Palootiu onr \bo )0 ,..,., elearl7 lo&d.t \o \he

c.onclueioa that tho pollol oo and praoUcoo of t he Maad.ate pyez•.-en\ b.a•e

eert ainl.7 aot aerncl to M l p Unlop PaleaUae. llace aa 1111pN'taa\ upeet

of the truatUoa period. h the 1~aUoa of ljO,OOO 3ewa late PaleeU.u ,

t.h8re m..~t be a d.aftl...,, m..4.e4 tra.Un. !!de 11 ot flnt ~

portOJ>co, - .. 1t M baalt for \hal or-• Jrilal.a will ndo4oal.T

chaftce her tacUot aa4 her po.lloiee wUlt nlpM\ to W e •Ue r . •• 1 •

tdl¥ • o• jo1at .U1D.htrat1oa 11 eztn .. l)- 4ae1ra'ele . I t the NM peliotee

are o4l>tro4 l o at 1a \lot pao\, ll>a ron.llo , .. ,...,.. rroe ..., will M ol>aoo

aD4 irotL\b b eiea4 of t M klad. ot proc r11e ti'AI'( t wo Mel\q • ••••• Wh1U.

e0Ql4 M MOOII!Plltl>o4 4larUc ll>o · - JOVO•

Page 31: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

- 6-

I•l tw,taUy. All4a hoa w..t pelio7 41oh1ou rela' \o

~tUioa t.ber. u e IIAIQ" OOIII>les r.4Jdale\ratln, t1AM01al u4 gpenU.oMl

lo ..... vhloh rill oall f or earl, uolol .. aa4 ... lo-. - · , ... _.,.,...

of l.SO,OOO •- tr.a II' -o la llllnpe . f ... o,ru. - r... o\loer

·-••to• t o Palootlae cb&rlac , .. JMn lo a Me ~. l\ lo a \&ok

\llal .,.., 1le w ll :plaaH - w ll orpaloM. l\ ..UO for UJ.•• - f ­

aa4 ..,-. ...... 1. I\ ..Uo for flaaaol ... - Jowtola JCfM/'7 1a PaloUlae

..., - •JOI" ooatri'IM•l- b. tlla -.,uc .,., of tlolo \&ok a\ l\ rill

DM4 Mlietu.ce, "'- r11 .. of \be VaUH. k Uou, t.U 110, tbe vo~.U

tiat.D.olal lnathu.Uoae , the Ualte4 ltatel u 4 other pnn.a.h 1D \bit t aak

mot bo o:pollo4 ""' · !'U allooaUoa of no:poull>U it:r rill prollal>l, fall

to tho 11aHo4 latloao a• tlao part ldlioh \loe Oal\14 Statu aot :pla:r rill

11e nr:r lllportaa\. 'I'M\ -• oarl, u oh 1- aa4 aoUou 'IT \loe Nh4

Stahl COTU:..,at u4 \he aoUn 11,..,.a1 of .uh ....awe '17 V.S.\M lta\11

deleptee to the O. tile Ja.ea; of Ut.aU.H •"'" .aa...l.4 ao\ w.U

u\11 hCh aa4 •••f7 pollq h -.. 11 NtUM. Work oa \heat •U•r• ekftl4

be 'tl.cwa now D4 the cr....S. won. laJ.4. for ~ acU-. late r oa .

tla1St4 It&t,•• utuw •\ Vt11e4 '*\&• 'ed'U· hdlepe \be

4t oieioa ot t he United State• t o ~ .. , ,,, .... ,, aa4 take ao etaa4 t.ziac

tbe work of the tJJli\e4 SaUoat COM.U\M .,.,. a wilt .... !ben ou M ao

olai• of thliHd. Stahl pntnH or pre,Ja41oe vpoa the o-i.U... loWYer,

aov ohat tl>a coomUoo hu ropor\o4 u4 \loe 11- h \o loa 41anaoo4 opoal:r

• • \lao OaHo4 lathaa uooa-l;r, \u poo1Uoa of \loe N- 1\atoo _, loa

OlCproooo4 f ortlori.p t l,. - Oa Uo4 ltaooo ~ -- tile -Jorlt:r

report rlth rlcor azwl YiUl .. aoer\ala\7• I • 4-.M \here will M 41-..uet•

of - 4otallo aa4 o4aor ~·-•• - 1>1 aooooaar;r at \loe -nl

Page 32: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

- 7 -

a\U~ ot \be 11ai"i 1\a\oo .-J4 M - of _.n fll \Ito -,jori\F


'lho •J•n•:r report 1o fllll.;r o-h\oo\ wUit pu' pnpoaalo of

P:.dd.on\ T'r"UN. !Uretor. t he 1Ja1tM. lta\11 aNd. ..a .. apolecl•• ea4

...,. bouoUT oat ol.aconl.;r- "'I 'be -,jortiT report. fl>o proM)llUT

of lrlUolt oppoolUoa -· it rl\ all.;r aoaoooar;r for lbo 11ai"i 1\a .. o

aUl\Vt to 'M ..S.t kao'W'a earl.7 aa4 ollal'}z. U will M\ 'M .. UtiU\tii'J'

\0 oapport :trUlolt oppooUloa. !loa VII repori la U o ~1loaUau 1o MMl:r

c-l!Ma\ar;r lo \be :trtUolt oa4 \ltol.r aUl~ 1o oario.ial7 pia& .. M

o,u which \ he vauect etatet oaaao\ toll.., M4 nppon.

Iatofar aa tht thdu4 Jau .. , 11 otaatne4 Uw H laUoa of 'b.l

Paloat1Ao pro'bloe iD accord&Dce vi~k \be aJtrUr repen rill M a

AOCI II~ tolutloa. b \-hat "11&7 U vi.U ltr1Jac a44e4 )'ftt\t.p '' \he

Ua1h4 Jattou. fbo ncoeu tul hu411ac of \ bll pnU.. will la41oa\t

tu c..,aoit7 ot ib.e tJAltM kUoat '' 4Ml willa. bponaa\ worl4 •\Hn.

l.ntofu u ih8 OD1 \e4 8\aUt t 1aterul coaelUnUou an ooa­

ctn"-. ttwre h OY"Of'¥ HaMA for coat1Unct tha\ tb.e 'f'&li -.sor1t7 of

.U.rloM J"twt t.Dd of ua.-Jna b. \b.e 1ha1\o4 1\a\et will npJor\ \ho

-Jorit7 propotal. Oert&iB\t will take uoeptloa 'Mit \he7 will.

N •-11 ia J~Uber. !bit i t M opponul\7 tor \ J:Lo Ualt ... 1\a\ot cenn­

.-nc. \o c.a:rr'T OIQ.\ \be wilhe• ol • • ' of 1h people .-4 \o aoUft17 UteJWlu

ao4 lop1o•al a Jul aa4 luUq ooUl-a\ of a pnU• ftlclt boo ._,o_

poaoo oat vblolt boo pooot 1104• ltartoltip oa .nu- o' pooplo.

• • 0


Page 33: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

• •

lepto .. llor 2, 1947

Bonor~blo Iober\ .&.. ~U Ul1dor lo...,taqo of 1\~h VaahiJiclol1, D.O.

Dur Jo)a

! bo ~tt- ---..__._ -t ..,.. Ml!-eQloa&'-17• left7 1 U4a!t• ... ·-'-l aat welt. p

... iM!..- a.,.. 1 ..... •• _ ....... r • ~uiu t .,.oralllT 1aproooo4 vUh lobo JuUoo 0114 1a­t.el l1p • oe ot the ft Ooaa1U••' •c.&loet.6U. I" It 11 reulT tliSU & ' .... '" 0114 1 fMl Jbit - •Hot. Statu obftll. - ;.H Q .. .._.

n ..... &ea•t fwpi: • Mn·~e.r .. ... ot u eht..a..

~. · ... lobort ..... ,_

• < ...



Page 34: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

Kr. Loy Ben.derao"'. Director Otfiet ot J:uhrn N4 Atricem Mfain u. s. De~tatnt ot State Waoh~on 25. D. C.

I>o ar Mr. Rend.ertou:

lleptoal>or 2, 1947

The a t te.ehed ~Nmor.OO,um ebouJ.d ~"'' been .. nt to yol.l on 7:1.44' but at t he 1 .. t ci.nute there vera eo.. typographical ebeDett \0 be .... tmd our tttD.Oc;r&pb.ere ~ lett . I 011 aaD4iDC it to you N co.plet•4 on l'rid.$i' d.eephe t he develo~ate OT•r th8 wek-and. On t ho vbol t the ceneral tenor or .:y =-•oriiD4\JD atill preveile.

I have on.l.y had a ~01 to read eoM ot t he 1\iilalllarit l Vi t b re­epoct to t he propotAl ot the ~ co-Htet. On the vholo I thi.nk tbe p r oposal 11 qu.itt a t •i,r one. It variea pr1Dcipe.ll7 f ro• _, 1~1t1ona

in tbe.t the Upper G$l.U a e h eplit v i tb • tube tctial portion to t ho Ar•b•. B:OWOTtr . thie d.oee leaw a rather aiat ablt aountainOUI area t o the J evt bot h in ttw Upper Gal1loo &O.d bebiDd )(t . C&~'~Ml. .lbo U pvoe the Sout hern eoutol repon to the .Arab. . !hi rtti d\l&l pJ"'blea 11 pr-iaari l,y one of the t wo Statoe at two 41ft•rent point. . !ho pointl ot contact will be ••ell «Uld. tha~ "111 miti&ate tk'.e problea ot oorridore. on t ho Ybol e I t h ink l t 1e & m.o• t jud.lcioua and t&lr decia1on.

I t 1 CbD be ot further help, pl e,.e do not heel tate t o 0*11 upon mo.

Ve ry truly 7oura,

Page 35: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

Aucwot 29, 1947

TO : Loy Bea4erton

FROM: Robert R. lle.thp

SVU!'C'!': General CoJQDintt on Character of Pe.rt1Uon of Peleati.De

.Purauant to ou.r recent convene.Uon 1 mo tulai ttina herewith

eol'!'e of -cy obeerTation.e Yith reapect to the maJor hauee. npechlly

economic , conc.ernina ~ho partition or Palu t ine . 'l'be• o an 10' ow. Yievt;

they are ~ntirely ~no~. Hpretent no orc~isation, tu"O preeent ed ror

your person.el eoll.lliderat1on. ~to t hey laclc tOZDe dear•• ot pr ecieion.

prilztnrily beeaue I tbould want to rerlev e,cain tome of the 'bade ru.teriala

which 't.'8re oaae~bltd. 1Jl tho preper4'tion o! O\U" report on P&leatlne end would

Also wish to study more 1ntena1Toly toce of t be current information if ~

ve ry preeho r eport were t o bo let, it il rr:y hope t hat \bl ..

general eommen tt will 'be b.d})tul too you,_.

Q:ene rcll Ob.eTTationt. l.f pa.rtitioo 11 to be the aoluti on 1n

P&J.eetina . and I believe that i t 18 '-hi lllOit locical. one , one muat ap­

pr ofl.C-h the problem with AD un.dentan41uc o! the tact that no one of t-he

major partie• i n 1ntertat. !rltitb. Jew or .lrebe, lflll be,y

happy wU:h the t Dd r .. w.t . !be c:ont1D'Ub4 Y&e1llat1on on politi cal u ..

eia iona , t he deepeninc ot •ettl4 iDte retta. the acitetion ariting out ot

oceuionel or frequent con:tl iett SD4 the 1aj)actt ot .•xtorual f ore•• •uoh

u th.l llu1 t xtonatnetion ot aUliou of Jen cl•erl7 reveal .a uncler-

~ -

Page 36: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe


otanding ot tho wpou1b111tT of arr1Tbc at " oolution which would

taUtlY e•eryo_ne .

!hough tho .lrab pool tion and tha Jowhh pooi tion 1D ..n ol>ooll>to ,

if not extre .. ••nee. cannot be tull1 ~onised throu,h partition, a

workable co.,....11e c.O\ll.d be acbin·ed throuch the 4ev1te or partition.

But the m&gnHude of the gi'f'in& aDd the tllkiua: tttential to a re .. onable

end workable pert it ion 1a ao lerce .. to q,ke the d.ecition one not

wholly accept able to ~1 P31'tiU. fbi a co~ that the detailt of partiUon

mutt. be vorkad. out vith care ~ n.~t be relat.ed. to tbl u~ aDd po­

tent ia.U tiet of the eountry and tho people concerned .•

The pertition ot Paleatine III'IUt hka of tho fact that

on tho Jewiah dd.l the i.Durotte of the JeYa iD Palett1-ne onlJr part o~

t he pict . M-ore importantly o tho eonl14erat iona o£ the dbpla oed per aont

who are JeWI , ot other Jeq in Surope who vent 'o ao to Palett1Ae. end o!

J eva oltewhere. eapecialJ.y 1n the Middle l:ut who with to co to Paltttb.e.

abould influence the deciaion. If ~be interattt of ouly the Jel~ 1n

Paleeti.t\e wre tekon l.Dto $.C:Count. tho neoda for •xpanlion 'M'Ou.ld be eon­

aidert~.bly 11111ted. Oo tho other haad., p&:rti t1on vill only vork 1t it

malcea poaaible auba tantiol iml:aicration into Paleet.ine ov-er the ~n fev

yetu'a NJ.d ptrait.a th• 1•1granh to be abtorbed 1.n the economic d•1'elo~

~ent of the co.-unity. I n short , t~ Jowt outtide of Pala et ine vho vieh

&nd noed t.o go there lll'U.It be counted e.lon« w'itb t.boee 1:o PeJ.eetine in eny

plU"t1t1on that will be conttruet1Te troa am econo•ic point ot rtev.

Another generel f a ctot' Wich 11'U.8t be telcen e.ccount r.laUt

t o the uao lfhich vill be .-. of •c.onoaic retouro .. , U...t a, rea.lhatioA

Page 37: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

r~ v

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.'l u \: ~ .. -:'> ~ • w •. ~ ~ ~

" • ~

·' .. ..


of t ho potontalitieo. Olrrio\1.117 tbio ....,ot be cou14en4 .. oa 1oola\o4

and oolo factor becauoo .&,.be oortaiA17 - t be protect ed aD4 Ciftll a

reaoonable obaro of tbo rooOW'oo o OYOII tboucb thl-tr rat o of ec-io pro­

cr••• will .... olowr t~ t hat of tbo Jew . llo ...... r. tbo rolatloubip

betveon vorl!! uedo tor a ba'ron for Jew on tho ou ~ N>i!. tbo Wld.oYolopod

and potential reoourceo of Paleo t i u on tho otbor , 4oeo o!for a t r - of ro-

to~onco in deciding tho dotallo o! parti tion •

.Ano t her conoral fact or 1o that <1 tho rolaUonohip of tho

Paleot!nion-.&.rab population t o tho Tro.noJori!on end tho root of tbo .&.rab

world. Soce tho"&ht ohoulc1 be ciYon to poniblo at!1Uation of tho Arab

ooct i on of Palon!no with 'rranojordan on4 freer ioconoaic relatlonobipo 'be-

tween t ho .Arab oe-nt of P&lonine and other .Arab countrloo. .Aloo tho

lonpr rwt iapaet of a prooporoua 1n4uatl"ial1se4 .Toviob c-it)' 1n h.loo-

tine upon .&.rabic dnelopoent and .&.reb ot&Diludo of 11Yinc !noido aJI4 out­

o! do of Paloot!ne oboul4 be ciTOD w1£ht •

.Anyone faalliar with Pa1oot1no nalhoo that thon cen be no

part! tion without haT in< a oitoable n11111>er of J ewo or .&.rabe 1n tho int er­

national ooet or, a oisoablo number of .&.robe !n t he J owiob oootor, anc1 D.ID.J

Jawo ill the .&.reb area. Ninor1t7 uoupo !n oocb ooctor .,.t be ,...,.antood

full pl'ot.ecUon end full indopoD4onco anc1 equality of opportunity. !lwro

ohou.J.d be 110 rooicDaUon to uq idea of oocolld claoo cithenobip nor of

root r1cto4 a!nor!tleo. 7111• 1o a TOI'7 iaportant !actor, beoauoe otborwioe

t he partiUon of Paloot1no woul.4 rooult 1n a bodp podp of lar,. aJI4 oaall

1olan4o end corr14ol"l on4 opU ~- which woulcl be 9ttorlr bopoleoo .

Page 38: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

~ .. .. l1 • ~ • ... • ,, '0 •

' .. I ~ "



Tbt ~tl PropottL About tea 1•an ap tt. ,.,1 Co•ile too aDd.

r<llatod bodloo ._ue4 a port1Uoa of Palooilao whleb would h&Yo chu

to tho Jow Uppor OalUoo. JoNal1 Tallo)' a~o .. tho lloilaa recloa , tho

hole or TallOT ot :hdraolon, aad tho eoaotal plain to e. polat ol l cMlT

llort h o! Cion. 'l'bo 'bo\ID4ar7 lioo oloac Oho coaotol pl alo wo.o oUchtlT

Ve t t of ~.,.. &n4 of luleh. It wu propoted that the Ara'be t boul.4 M eD arid <Ltur-t oecu.pU4 b7 Je4ovJ.nt. ft.e poaai'blt tcou.1c u­

Yelopoent of t ht lltseb wu not taken ltrlou l.y at t~t t iae.

!)' e.ocl lo.rp the moat 100derato Mel C-01Dprom.h 1n& Jew now at•tt

that they art wil,l 1n& to acctpt, it t hoy oen'' do better , the parttttoa of

Paleatlut to t,.a, place alon& t he 11n11 of PMl eo-tadon propotal

plv tl-.a Stce'b.

Popglat1oe Qu!aUoaa. !od.q tl-.e ratio of JtV'I to .&.ra'M b

P~eatint 11 r o-ucblT ona to t'IIO. with about 6SO.OOO Jen , about 1,)00,000

J.rab4 . and. perh&p J.S.OOO ot r.ers. A ~tiUon coa.tiatla.t w-Uh the Attcl.a

o! dltplactd pertont and ot her Jev1 who w1tb to go to Peleatint, which would

e.a•ur• a .Jtvith majority u of t ho tiM ot tl:w partition , 11 no\ & eiapll

=e.t ter. lD a t hort t 1M the Qt ter would. 'be a ol••4 'b;y S...i&r&t1ou. .Ueo

•1~ a l.arpr proportion o~ Jewa t.ha:l ot J..raba are a4ulte. the relaUo:o-

ship of •ot.e:re 41tten tro.z the relatioubip of SDJNl-aUon. !M data

1n41catoo that 725.000 .lro.'oo lncll>lle oa!T al>out tto o- aUII'oor of aduJ.u

u d.oee SOO,OOO Jeve.

Page 39: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

" t :: .. i


If t he Jen in Jeruaalea, approrl.aattl¥ 100,000, .-re to be n ..

garded u tull citheu of the Jeviab State &D.d the: A.raba of Jel'UIIalea ..

cith.ene of t he Arab Ste.te, encl. 11 tbe Ua'be of the tJ.l .. a.rabic otQ ot

J affe.. approxicatd.y 80 ,000 wro to be gi·nn fUll c1t1atAib1Jt. ricbh of

the Arabic Sta te then t he peu-Ution tu.c,&etttd a'bOTI (Peel Comaiaaio.D plu.a

Jegeb) vould insure =aJoritiee of t he r .. peotift ~ in their r eepectiTe

atat .. . In th4 Jtrlth Stato , the J en would couUtu.\e o,..r 50 percent of

t.ha popu.l.tion end e.bout 65 pereea.t O! tho 1'0UH. ..!'bit device _, be

desirable but more 1cportantl1 1 feel t~t t here ebould be a realiatic

facing up to the fac t t hat t he withee of t hoat who want to £0 and need to

co to P(L!oatine ahould. be included in arriTiDC at a j.u.t ee ttltMDt.

l'u.rther, it eho\lld be po1ut8d out tbat Yith perth ion there will

Ulldoubted.l;y be ~ dzu.ble in!l ux of Jen into P&l .. ttne alaoU "-d.iaUl.T.

Some 1.nteruat1o·11oJ. or IWld«Lte or tru. te.e •uthority wUl be ucat•&!7 tor

e tr~aition ~rio4 and by t he end of that i8riod t he population ratio will

I baTe atudi ed. the ~ incl uded in ~he report of t he £Dclo­

.l:e riean Pales Une l nqui:cy CoiUlitteo , vhieh iD41catea JewUb aDd. Arab

populat1on 1n f our geographic ar·e .. of PeleaUu. file11 poqaphic bound.-

aries coincide with the edainh t r&t1Te d.ietr 1ete rathtr- than vith the pr-o-

pond bounderiOa of the Peel Coll!llieeion. J'u.rther, the tirurte ue not up

to d&te . 7o:r inetence , in the paat oou])le ot yean about twnty nev Jey.

i ah aettl emtntl haTe been eetabliebed 1D t he ~egion South and Weet of

Beer eheba..

Page 40: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

l\ ~ :. e

It ~ ' 0:.

~ • ~ ;.

•• ~ ·' ~ 0 1:

\ " ~ ~ ~ .. ..



!'laere art tenr al po .. 1bU1Utt with rttpect- to the pl"obl ...

con14or e.ncl tMr. are M1Q" r tMODt tor h a 1Dclu.aloa. 1a tht J'twith terrU•1'7•

u will N 1nd1utt4 . l.f tbl eo .. t-.1 r tclon 'betwea x.Jdal u4 tO.

IQ'lltiaA border wr• t«> bt ct•en to the Arabi -.1 tNt Htt of the ••'b to the J'twe . t hb woulci alto r aq,ui.H • corr14or. It ,, ... t o M th&t t he

tpecial c lthenablp treat .. a.t to t bt Jtw 1n JtNialta &Dd perhape the .Arabi

1n Je!! a.

UDder no eir-evatte.aoet thould t here M a:q co•pul.ttoa pe1'111\.tt4

or ewo e.Dticl~Ucl for thilt.e tn popalatlon. IIOWTtr. if ou 11 to M

rt&lhtlo ont IN.It co~ol\ldt t hat the" proba'blJ' wlll M tOM acw ... at of

populaUon. tt 11 11;1 au•• tb&t tome .U&bt will •oYt out of tht J t wh b

State Mcaue of the lrtlcll htcber prictt tMy cao rece1n for l ucl

r tlat1Yt to tht land they will be able to pur~• in tht Arab 8tatt or

ohovbora. l'Qrtt.r, I tlt.IJ>k that tbo J ove U YIA& IJ> rural .,.. .. IJ> tho

Arab State will be 1nel1nt4 to atuatt to the J• w1.•h •~•"· !'ht. 1e =• o! thooo probabilit i oo that ~t to bo kept 1• •1D4 but it ohoul4 bo

oaphaohocl -"" OJ>4 -"" that !or..-4 ohllh o! pop.llatloo w1ll aot bo

1'h! 2e1Utt.

to Gal!loo. !h!o 11 tbo oDJ.¥ 110wt alo Nctoa llhloh could bo 1Dclu4414 IJ>

\he J•w1th Stat! c4 etUl pot ct t bt c~ex Pl"'bl•• &rhlac n.\ •t

Page 41: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

oorridort. l'ro• • u4 tooaoaio u4 kM.lth poiD.t of riw I fM1

ttiroD.Cl7 that thott who UYt a.r,ud in f&Tor of 1-.olw.Uac ._, aoaWa

a.r .... in the J•vilh State ha"Yt • ?e.J"7 i~naat point. U it n.aoetaaJ7

that there be eo.. racion tor retoree\at1on aa4 for aouatain reaor\t aal fer

aahi.-rin« to.e 'balance in acrieul\Wt thro'QC!l the 44We~t of oroM.rb.

!'be l cwlud.e of P&leetlllt art "YeJ'7 hot 1n the ... u4 tlwre llbowl4

but !or health. ltrhape there ooul.4 ~ eoae 41T141'DC up of \hie ar .. 'trd

-cain l..,.ee the u.Utr of corr14.on. !here it ...aeh to fpor the

inelu.aioa of t bit recion in tht J witb art&.

!be lou\hw,.\ W thf IMJ'b. Iuote.r N the ,..._.oD&'b}¥ hdt'il.T

uttled. e.rt~ -.lo~ the cO&It between the u4 tb.t ~t&in bo!'4.r,

there h couiderable },opo iD keeplDC t hat "CloD ia u ~lt ltate. It;

h p~oainant~ J.rab IIZLd hat been rather vell 4'"e1ope4 ac:rlnUunllt

b;y t he A.rabt. On the olher haod. it ae•t to at that \ben le l1Ule loclc

in denyinc the l'.,;eb to the Jewe. A.t oDe t~tlt thro1JCb Southern Palee-

tin. i t becoiDtl verr cltar that the l..&Dd eoutb of a 11M I"UDlliD.r rolJChl.T

"ot\wtn lltbron aD4 O&sa.. uctpt for the Southern oout, it litUe d.nelope4.

It 11 ltJ>d uoo4 oporodioollT bT Jo4oui'4a. I tool ••rt o\rooc1T '~' if

this terrUoey h lett ia tht baDdt of the .Araba U jut voD1 t H 4..-eloptd...

On t he othe r hand. if «i"YD to the Jfitlt there h • «<od poadb1Ut7 \ hat U

v1ll be 1rrlcate4 aM. vill b.eoat • eipticant factor in th• dn'elOJIMil\

of .Pal,.tiae' &Dd the Middle •• at; .

lfhe ao.bin•entt of the J.we ia the OON\al pl&ia h&a U4 a f&Yora'tlle

in.fl u.a:nct ttpoD .l.rabic U.e of aviaul\'CII"&l. l.u4. u4. will OODti .... \0 U.0W \bt

Page 42: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

E I • 1 i 1 0

" ·.,



'""T to tho .l.robo tovart 1at-11'0 - pnoporou .,...1ftltvo. ~~'

of tho llec<ob ri ll llltwho -· • fo,yoft\lt ~· ao\ oalT oa hlooUala

Ara'be but 1a the other K1441• ••tem oo•trtee u well.

Ia n ow of tho '"'""""'1m"' ooo-11 ....,...h 1a f .. or of clriac

tho • ocob to tho J owo, I boUon that tlao Wllolo lo•tlaaY& -al plma

ohoul4 bo 1..,11:14o4 1a tho Jorilllt. 1\ah oo •• to an14 oorri4tro . !luo .l.ft\ o

:lOY located 1a tlaet r ocioa coul4 ot~ tlaon - p ro\a\1, prooper 1a tilt

J ovioh Stah booa!10o tlao7 4o -o o- 1-trlal aoUTi\7 tlatra - \latr

6!'1 encace4 1a •o•• inhnei'YI acrtoultve, for wb.iah COo4 Mrkl\ 1 voul4

e.d et in t he Jewl~ ltate. tt t bt 4.ee1eioa VP'I _., to kMp tbe oeutal

plain 1 n t bt Arab r·ecion an4 t o oouec·t t Mt ..,. .. vU .. ~~ An'b It a-te

'PbTdca.ll..J thea eitbtr t.b.era voul4 haTe to M a coi'Tl&or or \be ••'b voulcl haTI t o \ e de-a1t4 t he .1f1tlt . ~ l&Uer ct.ohtoa h to\all7 ..teelr-

&"ole in app1"ahl.Dc t be enUre rtsiou 1&4 n'II'J cou\1"110\i'W'e H0-1o tao'\or.

'ftltre are t vo other qu.eeUon1 vUb re.,.ot to tiM Wee-\. 0..

relates to the ettabll •Z.•t ot Jr1t1t-" a111tt.r7 ~.... !'hie pn\1•

or 4oehlon 1o l&rcol7 political rather t han ooo,..1 o Nl4 I laa.o ao J...,.. act on the .. uer except t o .., that the etUlltc .. 14. of ~ tenUof'7

1n. the t u South of tbe 1-ceb tor euoh p11l'l'OIII vo1ll.4 net ~tr1ou17 ia\er­

tere with tht econot!lto poeti'biU of the recioD. !be briDCi'AC of wat er

froa the :Jortb 'b7 the z.,, wo1114 Mite \ hie ana aore Yal•'ble co Nil' oa-

11d.e r tor defeat or other J"U'PO'"· Bow..,er, couicl.tratioa of \hle •1--\

v lll co-pUcah • eeUl• at 'b7 or lD the h1\e4 kUne.

!htrt ie al t o the ct'aottUoa ot ADM w1U.ob ""''' u a ft\er

o~tlot to tho 11:141., Oc•aa Nl4 tho far •••· It 1t "-nut for ,_

Page 43: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe


ponaUoa parpoooo u4 u • fhll111C onter. liT oalT ._.ln h ._

lh oooiiOJde 4nol os-•t , .,.14 _..,..1411 'Ill =n·ot 11 U _... ,.t

of lho .Twhh lta lo. lfew«or thoro aro poUUoal oout ...... u- l••l ..UC

t ho rolollol>lhlp of thlo port aad tho lloUh •-' ritll otJ&onl .u.-. oo-rl.oo.

Probabl;r poUUoal f aohra •• ....,..,.. lbo oo-o ol -at.

!bert h alto t he M U tr ot \he De.~&. 1M.. !la.eH it loclc \ o a

propooal which ooao P• "l'l• ba?o aado of lalonaUo..Uo1ac tbo Doa4 • •

aloD« with .To,.,..aln aa4 ••sarot h aa4 hthlll>•• fhh wo'Old ~oo -

114era'ble eco~aio r e11p0ae:lMUUee 'IPO• the cw•n.lac aahorltt \Maw•

the Pot aab votke a re rather illpenu\ \.o Pal-eaUae U4 t here are otMr

chalo.l potenU&lt 1n t he 'Dried ... r epoa.. !h111 a111t1 baTt llic peii1"1Ut1ee

an4 international control would open the pot .a• t ale to botb ~b &D4 l ewtah

1DYeet.aeat pd. ef'tort. Bov"t-r, the laclul.oa of thie ueet 1a ' "' .Are.\

Stat e a1cJlt be coaa14.ered aa an offett to tOM e t hr coDCteti ... t o t:U

l ewt, t8pec1al~7 la Galilee or the louthera coaet&l recioa.

Gsert.l leenomic )!aU•fl· h le 'A'1 droD.« ooJIYiotioa. \ hat in

rolot~ to coocraphi<> boU!ld&rloo. .lll offorto ll>oald 'ba -. to npodlah

4oYol os-onl. tho old colonlal ooaooph of oxploUaUoa ahoald 'ba toooot

out po ol huh. Proopor11T for -.oth .r .. o aa4 .lrabo rill 'bo 'batter a11vot

lf tbe rel atloaebiJ• f aTor 4 .. ,1.,-ta\ f or bo\ h ~tber ~ azploltatloa

of oithor 117 t h o otbor.

l'er tut uoe there 1• the uU•r of vat;er. If t1w1 l .. a are ciTeD

tbe Opper Jord&n Yt.llq th17 will y.,, oont.rol OYer J.arportut. wa\•r r•eovo•• ·

Aoceut't1Ut7 t o t)t.t e water for trrlpUon aa4 ,..v.r J"UPP••• II'Mt u• M

Page 44: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

• r • I

i ~

I 10,

4oa1o4 to tho J.ra\ o, J.ikwioo, tho ... \or oom., ....,. froa Uo -'11 a

t~o illl.aa4 ooaotal }>lola ollo'Gl4 aloo bo ollani. l'rertoloa .. , \o -.

Ia tho oottl•oat for tho protoctloa 1a tho iohreoh of botll Uo J.rabo -

tho 1.-o. !hh "1'1'1100 aloo to llltro-olootrio pwor. Jo\h crnpo will ...

IO&Xirao \o11oflt oolT If both oaa ...... 1a t hooo Yi\al rooov.... Llbwho

the ••~cbra. lla.tit t.._ tl1n1 •Ual r••••oe• cea M aah.lft'e4 oal.f U

th.tro 1t fUll cooperaUoa on ricb\1 of QT a4 on ooa11"at loa ..,.'Ql'lt.

~cte aut 'be ar.4.e with rtepeet to e,.t-. .ad ftri"UCl7

eo • • to taot l1 t a te ecoDcaie 4119'tt.,Mat t.a H4b 1\att u4 aleo to .... ..,.

t ra4t 'beitWHD the etahe. .l ~• crutoae aioa aa4. a oo.oa cnii'I"'Bq

hao a'Cich aorit, llawoYor, U ello'Gl4 bo 110tM thot tlt.o lorloll ftah will

noo4 ooao prohotloD for infet ID4utri oo ohloh aro }>artl011lar~ odo!p\oblo

Ia tho l...toh ltato, !lao Arab ltoh aq bo _,.., .-b out•o. C.rtola

lo.-q aut llo ollowo4 .lnd b7 aD4 larso thoro ello-.14 \o -- froo t ....

"between the two ltahe. Goode i a tru.eU req.ulrea t.'beolute fre.e.oa.

J.coeni"Dilit7 t o port fao1Ut1ta .ut 'be .. ,.,..a, t o tU ~'be.

Jret port ~tate aboulA 'bt allowed. wbttber in Jaffa or la laifa tor

..lra'oe . )l)th CTOliPI ••t pN" c.ooperat1Ytl7 la free pori a4aWd~

U ou u4 in tariff or cro.atoa a acUrlUee.

!he porUUon ~o-t oho'Gl4 alwqo ll:oop Ia aiD4 tho pal of

au:1.alc d ..,.•los-eat oa 'bot h etatee. !b.e7 abo.U look terwart.

to ao4ern1 .. Uon, 1B4utr1allsaUon aa4 Pl"'CH .. l Te 4..,.•lopaent. la the

Arab Sh.te u v •.U N \he Jwhh State. I 'belltTe that the Uait K I '•'"•

tlul Oni to4 •atiOilo , tho 11orl4 - u4 az:r other orpnhaUoao or la­

etlt uUono oho-.14 bo 4o41ooto4 toward. tho 4nol~OD' of both ota'" ao woll

•• tho rut of tho IU44lo - • · Oonol4oralllo oxhraal ioYoo-t 'rill bo

Page 45: Marist College...lnd1vldu!!Lat hie · O\\n worth1 rottg&l'dle .. of rnoe ar croecl, . I't. thRt eo many of tl-unzi anP.III to be hopele.. about the preveut 1on of war elnoe

0 .. r i tr


noeclecl, .. peoiallT 1D tlao 1ettl-t of Jwtall t.~.cnate. ~ for W1

p11rpo .. IIUIIi 'be 1ub1haUal, Louut for Arab 6«o~t llhoul4 al1o 'be

aub1taaUal. Aid 11114 adTiao will bo -OeuJ' ill •-'Uac 11p iahnal •-•&1'7 aad fhaal 171t•• daeipn \ o faoillta\o o..-1-.

DarlJI& till tra.u1Uon period \Ill cnonia& aalaori\7 IIUIIt 'h l«elop­

aot ailldld aDd till poliein llho'Uld 'be pe.re4 tOWU"t WUaUac eaOIIGid.o

progTeu proaptl:y. .t.a TOU launr it h WiT oollrioUOil tlaat till Jr1Uall pollahl

have not hlldecl to facilitate tho 4•nlopMat of Paleetiu. th a'Ghorit7

ehou14 be relate4 1oaehov to eco-ic 6«1l~.t 11114 oao~c ab1orpUoa

vUh perbapl UJdtatioDI on illlisn>tion c-reel h uiiUJIC ua.-plOJUDi or

aoa1 other aoaaure.

Copclulipp. !he abcwe ooeeeah u;r bo 110ro uefu1 in ngoetilQC

&oaeral pr inoiplea alld criteria rather tla8a epooifio deciaioae, l~Qt I th1Dk

t he detaile vill han t o be vorltod out vith TlrJ &roat care and. vith IB1!Ch

thousbt. !heae aan be ao1Yo4 to the bODefit of all partieo coaoerDod if \lao

baoic concept. are clear. !he role of the United Stat11 i n final 11ttl•eat

vill be of firot U.,.rtuce alld that h vbT I bollft'o we IIUIIt bo ol-.r ill

our OVJI aillde aa to wlalt abould 'be 4ono,