mariam bootees

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  • 8/13/2019 Mariam Bootees


    Copyright Zuzana Kunckova, 20092010. All rights reserved.

    Feel free to knit up to keep or as gifts / charity fundraising but please do not use for commercial

    purposes or reproduce the pattern without seeking permission first.

  • 8/13/2019 Mariam Bootees


    DK worsted or aran weight yarn, whatever gives 5.5 stitches on 4mm needles


    : 5.5 stch/inch in stockinette stitch measured over the finished bootee

    : 0-3 months (3.5 inches from heel to toe)

    3-6 months (4 inches from heel to toe)

    For every extra inch cast on extra 6 stitches (3 stitches on each side) so that the first row would

    read: K1(2), KFB, K11(14, 17, 23,...), PM, K1, PM, K11 (14, 17, 23,...), KFB, K1(2).


    Kknit Ppurl SSKslip, slip, knit (left-slanting decrease) K2togknit 2 together (right-slanting decrease on the RS) P2togpurl 2 together (right-slanting decrease on the WS) Kfbknit front and back of the stitch (increase) PMPlace marker SMSlip marker

  • 8/13/2019 Mariam Bootees


    Cast on 27 (33) stitches using a long-tail method. Leave tail long enough to sew the bottom of the

    shoe later on (about 15cm/4inch)

    Distribute stitches on 3 needles as follows:

    Needle #1: 10 (13) stitches Needle #2: 7 stitches Needle #3: 10 (13) stitches

    Row 1 K1,KFB,K11 (14),PM,K1,PM,K11 (14),KFB,K1 (total 29(35)stitches)

    Row 2 P

    Row 3 K1,KFB,K11 (14),KFB,SM,K1,SM,KFB,K11 (14),KFB,K1 (total 33(39) stitches)

    Row 4 P

    Row 5 K1,KFB,K11 (14),KFB,K1,KFB,SM,K1,SM,KFB,K1,KFB,K11 (14),KFB,K1 (total 39 (45)


    Row 6 P

    Row 7 K1,KFB,K12 (15),KFB,K1,KFB,K1,KFB,SM,K1,SM,KFB,K1,KFB,K1,KFB,K12 (15),KFB,K1

    (total 47 (53) stitches)

    Row 8 P (remove markers as you come to them)Row 9 K

    Row 10 P

    Row 11 K

    Row 12 P

    Row 13 K

    Row 14 K

    Row 15 K

    Row 16 K

    Row 17 K15 (18),SSK,K1,SSK,K1,SSK,K1,K2TOG,K1,K2TOG,K1,K2TOG,K15 (18) (total 41 (47)


    Row 18 K

    Row 19 K15 (18),SSK,K1,SSK,K1,K2TOG,K1,K2TOG,K15 (18) (total 37 (43) stitches)

    Row 20 K1 (YO,K2TOG)*

    Row 21 K

    Row 22 Bind off loosely in knit stitch

    * repeat for the rest of the row

  • 8/13/2019 Mariam Bootees


    Sew up the bottom of the shoe:

    Put the right sides of the shoe together and sew up just the outside bars of the first row of stitches.

  • 8/13/2019 Mariam Bootees


    Cast on 29 (35) stitches* using a long-tail method.

    (* 2 more stitches than for the knit in the round version as 1 stitch on each end will be used up while

    sewing the piece together to form the shoe)

    Row 1 K2,KFB,K11 (14),PM,K1,PM,K11 (14),KFB,K2 (total 31 (37) stitches)

    Row 2 K

    Row 3 K2,KFB,K11 (14),KFB,SM,K1,SM,KFB,K11 (14),KFB,K2 (total 35 (41) stitches)Row 4 K

    Row 5 K2,KFB,K11 (14),KFB,K1,KFB,SM,K1,SM,KFB,K1,KFB,K11 (14),KFB,K2 (total 41 (47)


    Row 6 K

    Row 7 K2,KFB,K12 (15),KFB,K1,KFB,K1,KFB,SM,K1,SM,KFB,K1,KFB,K1,KFB,K12 (15),KFB,K2

    (total 49 (55) stitches)

    Row 8 K (remove markers as you come to them)

    Row 9 K

    Row 10 K

    Row 11 K

    Row 12 K

    Row 13 K

    Row 14 P

    Row 15 K

    Row 16 P

    Row 17 K16 (19),SSK,K1,SSK,K1,SSK,K1,K2TOG,K1,K2TOG,K1,K2TOG,K16 (19) (total 43 (49)


    Row 18 P

    Row 19 K16 (19),SSK,K1,SSK,K1,K2TOG,K1,K2TOG,K16 (19) (total 39 (45) stitches)

    Row 20 P1 (YO,P2TOG)*

    Row 21 K

    Row 22 Bind off loosely in purl stitch

    * repeat for the rest of the row

  • 8/13/2019 Mariam Bootees


    Sew up the seams with mattress stitch, weave in ends.

    To make the shoe laces:

    Crochet 2 chains of 40 stitches each to make 2 shoe laces Crochet 1 chain of 80 stitches to make 1 shoe lace that will be threaded through the whole


    Use a ribbon instead of crocheted chain

  • 8/13/2019 Mariam Bootees
