marco polo grant scheme, last call! - hudson financial incentives

Hudson Financial Incentives Horizon 2020 Joost.holleman@hudson. comEdwin.aelberts@huds on.comTel +31(0)20 471 11 11 Marco Polo II Programme Call 2013 [email protected] [email protected] Tel +31(0)20 471 11 11

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Marco Polo 2013: This European grant scheme could be profitable for organizations with any future projects that reduce road transport by eg. switching to greener transport modes for European freight traffic. The European Commission has 66 mio EUR available to support Modal Shift actions or other investments related to road traffic reduction. This is the final call for such activities, since the grant program will be closed in the next EU budget period 2014-2020. For more information, please contact Monique van der Voort or Edwin Aelberts: +31204711111.


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Hudson Financial Incentives

Horizon 2020

[email protected]@hudson.comTel +31(0)20 471 11 11

Marco Polo II Programme

Call 2013

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Tel +31(0)20 471 11 11

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The Marco Polo II programme

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeAims

Reduction of road transport

Reduction of freight traffic pollution

Reduction of congestion

Shift freight from roads

Using alternative forms of transport:

o Greener

o Cleaner

o Cheaper

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeHow?

Shift freight traffic off the road

Make use of transport by:

o Rail

o Rivers

o Sea

Avoide unneccessary transport

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeFive actions

1. Modal shifts from road to rail and waterborne systems. Most applications are for direct modal-shift projects. You do not have to shift all your traffic off the road to obtain a grant. Inter-modal projects, combining the different transport modes - road, rail and waterborne transport - are eligible.

2. Catalyst actions which promote modal shift. These must be breakthrough, technology-driven projects, providing supporting services for modal shift like management systems, integrated cargo control via GPS, or common IT platforms for inter-operability between modes.

3. Motorways of the sea between major ports. Motorways of the sea actions offer an effective way of getting big volumes of freight off the roads and onto ships. They must be innovative and inter-modal, and operate between category A European ports fully equipped to handle this traffic. Category A ports are defined in an official EU decision.

4. Traffic avoidance. The cleanest journey is the one that does not take place. Marco Polo therefore promotes traffic avoidance by funding projects which introduce new ways of avoiding or reducing road traffic, such as avoiding empty runs or improving supply chain logistics.

5. Common learning actions. Projects related to enhanced knowledge and cooperation in inter-modal transport and logistics are a regular feature among funded projects. Different award conditions apply for this category.

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeModal shift

Shift transport off the road to rail, waterborne systems / inland waterways (e.g. rivers, lakes) and short-sea shipping. Combination of road, rail, water is possible. This is called: Inter-modal shift

Focus on shifting as much freight from road to short sea shipping, rail and inland waterways.

Projects may either propose start-up of new services or significantly enhance existing services.

The envisaged route, from which transport is shifted by the action, must involve the territory of at least two EU Member States/other fully participating countries or the territory of at least one EU Member State/fully participating country and a close third country.

Modal shift shall take place on the territory of at least one EU Member State or a fully participating country.

Actions shall not lead to distortions of competition in the relevant markets

Duration: minimum of 24 months and a maximum of 36 months.

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeCatalyst Actions

Development of innovative systems that make modal shift possible

Overcoming structural market barriers in European freight transport by means of highly innovative concepts causing a real break-through. 3-step process: first the barrier must be clearly defined, then a highly innovative solution presented, and finally a modal shift service of great growth potential for freight transport is proposed for timely implementation.

The envisaged route, from which transport is shifted by the action, must involve the territory of at least two EU Member States/other fully participating countries or the territory of at least one EU Member State/fully participating country and a close third country.

Modal shift shall take place on the territory of at least one EU Member State or a fully participating country.

Actions shall not lead to distortions of competition in the relevant markets

Duration: minimum of 36 months and a maximum of 60 months.

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeMotorways of the sea

Shifting large volumes of freight from road to ships. Only ship transports between category A seaports (1.5 million tons of freight and/or 200,000 passengers per year).

Shift freight from long road distances to a combination of short sea shipping and other modes of transport.

The envisaged route, from which transport is shifted by the action, must involve the territory of at least two EU Member States/other fully participating countries or the territory of at least one EU Member State/fully participating country and a close third country.

Modal shift shall take place on the territory of at least one EU Member State or a fully participating country.

Actions shall not lead to distortions of competition in the relevant markets

Duration: minimum of 36 months and a maximum of 60 months.

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeTraffic avoidance

Reducing road transport by means of:o new ways of avoiding freight traffic (no traffic at all)o new ways of reducing freight traffico integrating transport into production processo making the whole supply chain more efficient

The envisaged route, from which transport is shifted by the action, must involve the territory of at least two EU Member States/other fully participating countries or the territory of at least one EU Member State/fully participating country and a close third country.

Modal shift shall take place on the territory of at least one EU Member State or a fully participating country.

Actions shall not lead to distortions of competition in the relevant markets

Duration: minimum of 36 months and a maximum of 60 months.

No support for activities which bear no direct relation to transport or distribution and activities which adversely affect production output or the workforce.

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeCommon learning

Actions related to:o Getting and sharing more knowledgeo Co-operate with other partners in inter- modal transport o sharing know-howo many projects awarded involved a training component

Enhancing knowledge in the freight logistics sector and fostering advanced methods and procedures of co-operation in the freight market, with an overall objective of promoting intermodal solutions.

Improvement of co-operation and sharing of know-how is encouraged: training on how to cope efficiently and in a sustainable manner with increasingly complex transport and logistics solutions.

Dissemination of results must be ensured.

The minimum grant threshold per action is €250,000.

Actions shall not lead to distortions of competition in the relevant markets

Duration: minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 24 months.

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeMinimum quantities shifted or avoided

A proposal must pass the minimum threshold per year for each action*:

1. Modal Shift: > 60 million t/km shiftedPure inland waterways: > 13 million t/km shiftedSingle Wagon Load Traffic > 30 million t/km shifted

2. Catalyst actions: > 30 million t/km shifted

3. Motorways of the sea: > 200 million t/km shifted

4. Traffic avoidance: > 80 million t/km avoided

* These averages are measured over the entire duration of the project

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeGeneral eligibility criteria

E1: Uniqueness: The type of action must be clearly specified. No mixing of action types is allowed.

E2: Transport Services: The action must concern transport or logistics services and not an infrastructure-, research- or a study project.

E3: European Dimension – Undertakings: an action can be submitted by either a single undertaking or by a consortium of undertakings established in any EU Member State or fully participating country.

E4: European Dimension – Costs: the budget will only finance costs arising on the territories of the European Union or fully participating countries (see ‘Fully participating third countries’ in the FAQ on the Marco Polo website).

E5: Type of Legal Entity: all project participants must be legal persons. They must be privately or publicly owned commercial undertakings. Public law entities engaged in economic activities in accordance with their national laws are entitled to participate. Natural persons are not eligible.

E6: Start-up of action: the action must start the proposed service or activity between 1st October 2012 and 1st October 2014.

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeSelection criteria (I)

S.1. Financial Capacity of Applicants

The financial capacity shall be demonstrated on the basis of five financial ratios: liquidity (current ratio), dependency, profitability, solvency and financial autonomy. There are two joint conditions to be satisfied in order to show the financial capacity:

1. At least one of the project partners should show the minimum values for the following two ratios:a. Liquidity ratio (current ratio): Current assets/Current liabilities ≥ 0.50;b. Dependency ratio: Share of EU grant/Equity ≤ 1.

2. The total score obtained by each of the project partners for all five ratios should be equal to 4 or higher. The grid for the attribution of points is presented on the next slide.

S.2. Technical Capacity of Applicants

This capacity shall be supported with evidence of at least a 5-year experience by the applicants in the commercial and business area where the project will be implemented or with evidence of at least 5-year experience of their directly involved employees in the commercial and business area where the project will be implemented. Documentary evidence of this requirement shall be provided with company records and CVs.

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeSelection criteria (II)

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeAward criteria

1. Quantity of freight shifted This criterion requires a clear definition and presentation of both the old “road” route and the new “modally shifted” route for Modal shift, Catalyst and Motorways of the sea actions. For Traffic avoidance actions a clear definition and presentation of the old and new transport service are obligatory.

2. Environmental benefits and external costs savingsEnvironmental benefits and external costs savings have quantitative and qualitative elements and they must be thoroughly described and justified.

3. Credibility of the actionThe market research or feasibility study results and a business plan coherent with the action described, are vital elements to judge the credibility of the proposal as well as the likely utilization of the service in terms of potential customers (supported by letters of intent, or even better, letters of commitment), presentation of business objectives etc.

4. Viability of the actionAll actions should be sustainable beyond the project duration. This should be clearly demonstrated in a solid business plan, including clear profit and loss projections.

5. Innovative approach

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeFunding Conditions

For Modal Shift, Catalyst Actions, Motorways of the Seas and Traffic Avoidance the grant will be the lowest out of:

1. The grant will be limited to 35% of the total eligible costs necessary, and actually incurred. Ancillary infrastructure costs are eligible up to 20% of the total eligible costs.

2. The grant will not amount to more than €2 for each shift or avoidance actually realized of 500 tonne-kilometres or 2000 cubic or 25 vehicle kilometres in case of traffic avoidance (SSS and IWT €3).

3. The maximum operational loss. The grant shall under no circumstances have the purpose or the effect of producing a profit for the beneficiary. The action may not produce an overall profit during the entire duration of the grant.

For Common learning actions it will be limited to 50% of the total eligible costs necessary and actually incurred.

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Marco Polo II ProgrammeCall 2013 – key dates

Budget call 2013: € 66,7 million

Publication of call: 26 March 2013

Deadline for applications: 23 August 2013

Estimated date of notification of applications & start of contract

negotiations: December 2013

Signature of contracts: First half of 2014

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