march 2017 frt page - · he also edited “the scientific american book of...

__________ T A newsletter for Vo ___________________ Edited by T From Your Editor Welcome to a new volum very quickly. Soon, I will The winter here has bee keep warm. I am very m us a few more blasts of I've been able to spend backlog of work. My frien helping me in the lab. I w Edison, NJ next month. stop by and say hello. M Spring is not long off and adding to my backlog of The Paleontograph was cre of The New Jersey Paleonto reviews, personal accounts Feel free to submit both tec range of people interested i fossil preparation, shows or welcome. This newsletter is meant to there is enough content to f interesting, informative and contributors want it to be, so The Paleontograph_ r those interested in all aspects of Pale olume 6 Issue 1 March, 2017 __________________________________ Tom Caggiano and distributed at no ch [email protected] me of The Paleontograph , Volume 6. Tim l be a fossil! en mild with many days that don't require much OK with that, although I am sure tha cold and snow. a good amount of time in my prep lab wo nd, Henry Mendosa has been hanging ar will be selling at both the MAPS show and If you are in the area and at one of the sh My business name is Lost World Fossils. d I am looking forward to getting out in th f stuff to prep. eated in 2012 to continue what was origin ological Society. The Paleontograph publ s, and anything else that relates to Paleon chnical and non-technical work. We try to in fossils. Articles about localities, specific r events, museum displays, field trips, we be one by and for the readers. Issues wi fill an issue. I encourage all to submit con fun to read. It can become whatever the o it will be a work in progress. TC, Janu ________ eontology ______________ harge me and life flies by many layers to at winter will give orking on my round and d the big show in hows, please he field and nally the newsletter lishes articles, book ntology and fossils. appeal to a wide c types of fossils, ebsites are all ll come out when ntributions. It will be readers and ary 2012

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Page 1: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

__________The Paleontograph

A newsletter for those interested in all aspects of PaleontologyVolume


Edited by Tom Caggiano and distributed at no charge

From Your Editor

Welcome to a new volume ofvery quickly. Soon, I will be a fossil!

The winter here has been mild with many days that don't require many layers tokeep warm. I am very much OK with that, although I am sure that winter will giveus a few more blasts of cold and snow.

I've been able to spend a good amount of time in my prep lab wobacklog of work. My friend, Henry Mendosa has been hanging around andhelping me in the lab. I will be selling at both the MAPS show and the big show inEdison, NJ next month. If you are in the area and at one of the shows, pleasestop by and say hello. My business name is Lost World Fossils.

Spring is not long off and I am looking forward to getting out in the field andadding to my backlog of stuff to prep.

The Paleontograph was created in 2012 to continue what was originally the newsletterof The New Jersey Paleontological Society. The Paleontograph publishes articles, bookreviews, personal accounts, and anything else that relates toFeel free to submit both technical and nonrange of people interested in fossils. Articles about localities, specific types of fossils,fossil preparation, shows or events, museum displaywelcome.

This newsletter is meant to be one by and for the readers. Issues will come out whenthere is enough content to fill an issue. I encourage all to submit contributions. It will beinteresting, informative and fun tcontributors want it to be, so it will be a work in progress. TC, January 2012

The Paleontograph________

A newsletter for those interested in all aspects of PaleontologyVolume 6 Issue 1 March, 2017


Edited by Tom Caggiano and distributed at no charge

[email protected]

Welcome to a new volume of The Paleontograph, Volume 6. Time and life flies byvery quickly. Soon, I will be a fossil!

ter here has been mild with many days that don't require many layers tokeep warm. I am very much OK with that, although I am sure that winter will giveus a few more blasts of cold and snow.

I've been able to spend a good amount of time in my prep lab wobacklog of work. My friend, Henry Mendosa has been hanging around andhelping me in the lab. I will be selling at both the MAPS show and the big show inEdison, NJ next month. If you are in the area and at one of the shows, please

ay hello. My business name is Lost World Fossils.

Spring is not long off and I am looking forward to getting out in the field andadding to my backlog of stuff to prep.

The Paleontograph was created in 2012 to continue what was originally the newsletterof The New Jersey Paleontological Society. The Paleontograph publishes articles, bookreviews, personal accounts, and anything else that relates to Paleontology and fossils.Feel free to submit both technical and non-technical work. We try to appeal to a widerange of people interested in fossils. Articles about localities, specific types of fossils,fossil preparation, shows or events, museum displays, field trips, websites are all

This newsletter is meant to be one by and for the readers. Issues will come out whenthere is enough content to fill an issue. I encourage all to submit contributions. It will beinteresting, informative and fun to read. It can become whatever the readers andcontributors want it to be, so it will be a work in progress. TC, January 2012


A newsletter for those interested in all aspects of Paleontology


Edited by Tom Caggiano and distributed at no charge

, Volume 6. Time and life flies by

ter here has been mild with many days that don't require many layers tokeep warm. I am very much OK with that, although I am sure that winter will give

I've been able to spend a good amount of time in my prep lab working on mybacklog of work. My friend, Henry Mendosa has been hanging around andhelping me in the lab. I will be selling at both the MAPS show and the big show inEdison, NJ next month. If you are in the area and at one of the shows, please

Spring is not long off and I am looking forward to getting out in the field and

The Paleontograph was created in 2012 to continue what was originally the newsletterof The New Jersey Paleontological Society. The Paleontograph publishes articles, book

Paleontology and fossils.technical work. We try to appeal to a wide

range of people interested in fossils. Articles about localities, specific types of fossils,s, field trips, websites are all

This newsletter is meant to be one by and for the readers. Issues will come out whenthere is enough content to fill an issue. I encourage all to submit contributions. It will be

o read. It can become whatever the readers andcontributors want it to be, so it will be a work in progress. TC, January 2012

Page 2: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

PALEONTOGRAPH Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2017 Page 2

The Princeton Field Guide toDinosaurs 2nd Edition--A Review

Bob Sheridan October 23, 2016

In 2010 I reviewed “The Princeton Field Guide toDinosaurs.” This book is now in its second edition. Atthe time I noted that compilations of dinosaurinformation like this outdate quickly, but at $35, thisfield guide would be affordable to buy every fewyears. I’m sure you won’t mind if I repeat most of myearlier review, because the book is basically thesame as the first edition. There are about 20 morepages and a few dozen or so new dinosaur speciescompared to the first edition. The information seemscurrent as of the middle of 2015, for example themore complete Deinocheirus, the revisedSpinosaurus, and the resurrection of Brontosaurusas a genus.

The author Greg Paul is a well-known illustrator ofdinosaurs. While he does not have formal training asa paleontologist, he has a very deep and broadgrasp of the subject of dinosaurs. I own three otherof his books. “Predatory Dinosaurs of the World”(1988) is a classic. “Dinosaurs of the Air” (2002) is acomprehensive review of the dinosaur origin ofbirds. He also edited “The Scientific American Bookof Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “specialtopics.” Paul is the originator of the “white skeletonembedded in a black silhouette” style of drawingprehistoric animals, which has caught on in a bigway.

The “Field Guide” seems to be aimed at seriousamateurs or professionals. It has a 60-pageintroductory section on various aspects: What is aDinosaur?; Dating Dinosaurs; Skin, Feathers, andColor; Disease and Pathologies; Growth; etc. Onethe one hand, I admire Paul for putting so muchinformation into so few pages. On the other hand, Ihave to say that he has a “review article” style ofwriting which is more suited to professional journalsthan a semi-popular work, so it can be tough goingfor a popular audience.

The meat of the book is a series of short (many perpage) summaries of each dinosaur species:estimated length and possible weight, FossilRemains (how much of the skeleton is known),Anatomical Characteristics (special features relativeto similar dinosaurs), Age (e.g. Late Jurassic),Distribution and Formation (e.g. Central China,Shanghaximiao), Habitat (e.g. “forests and lakes”),and Notes (any other info, e.g. “Thought to be thebiggest dromaeosaur”). The genera are arranged

cladistically, e.g. a section on theropods has asubsection on avepods, which has a subsection onAllosaurus-like genera. This is in contrast to theusual arrangement by alphabetical order in mostencyclopedia-format books. But not to worry, there isa very good index. A large fraction of the entrieshave a “skeleton in silhouette” drawing which allowsthe reader to tell at a glance which parts of theskeleton are known. There is sometimes also adetailed drawing of the skull. Sprinkled around thebook are color restorations of a single species or“action scenes” with two or more dinosaurs.

There are ~1500 dinosaur species named in theliterature, but probably only about half are valid (i.e.there is enough material to tell they are truly distinct,and not juveniles, females, geographic variations,etc. of some other type of dinosaur). The “FieldGuide” covers ~750 species. I consider myself apretty knowledgeable amateur, but I have not heardof the vast majority of the dinosaur genera in thisbook--which is a good thing. Also, I had no ideathere were so many species assigned to eachgenera. For example, there are 9 species ofPsittacosaurus and 11 species of Centrosaurus. Iknow of a lot of cases where genera could belumped together, for example, Tarbosaurus isprobably an Asian variety of Tyrannosaurus, andDracorex is probably a juvenilePachycephalosaurus. It surprised me a little thatPaul equates Styracosaurus, Einosaurus,Achelousaurus, and Pachyrhinosaurus withCentrosaurus. These are all ceratopsids with a nosehorn, and horns on the frill, but no brow horns; butthe shape and number of horns is quite diverse. Inthe previous edition, Corythosaurus, Lambeosaurus,and Hypacrosaurus were also lumped together.These are all hadrosaurs with tallish crests on theirheads, but of different shapes. However in thisedition, they are treated separately.

For those dinosaur enthusiasts who like to “read theencyclopedia” as I do, this is a very valuable book ata very good price. A similar book “The PrincetonGuide to Prehistoric Mammals” (by Donald Prothero)is going to be released in the next few weeks, and Iplan to review it for the Paleontograph.Sources:

Paul, G.S.“The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs 2ndEdition.”Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford,

2016, 360 pages, $35.

Page 3: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

PALEONTOGRAPH Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2017 Page 3

More Controversy AroundTetrapodophis

Bob Sheridan November 5, 2016

Snakes have a number of unique features relative tomost reptiles: a very large number of vertebrae(>150), no limbs, no external ears, and a jaw (withhooked teeth) that is essentially unhinged from therest of the skull. It is very likely that the ancestor ofmodern snakes was a lizard, but which lizard is notclear. The most suggested candidate have beenvaranid lizards (modern monitor lizards areexamples). It should also be noted that long-bodiedlegless lizards, which are distinct from snakes inhaving eyelids and hinged jaws, evolved severaltimes. Many fossils snakes have been identified, theoldest of which is from the Middle Cretaceous. Somehave vestigial hindlimbs.

One classical idea about the origin of snakes(specifically about how they ended up limbless) isthat their ancestors were marine reptiles, similar tomosasaurs, if not mosasaurs themselves. Theysupposedly lost their limbs to become betterswimmers. Another idea is that snakes are limblessbecause their ancestors were borrowing land-dwelling lizards, and it is better not to have limbswhen crawling through tunnels. Fossil snakes withvestigial hindlimbs have been found in both marineand lake deposits, so we cannot use the "primitive"characteristic of having partial limbs as a way ofguessing snake origins.

If the ancestors of snakes are lizards, we wouldexpect to eventually find a snake with all four limbs.Martill et al. (2015) described such an animal in themiddle of 2015. The species Tetrapodophisamplectus ("four-footed snake") was based on asingle, very well preserved specimen presumablyfrom the Crato Formation in Brazil, which is EarlyCretaceous in age. The matrix in which is is found islimestone, probably from a lake bottom since itcontains the coprolites of a specific fish. Thisspecimen would have been less than a foot long inlife.

Tetrapodophis very snake-like in many respects.First it is extremely elongated with 250+ vertebrae.The authors described it has caving a curved lowerjaw with small hooked teeth, and an intramandibularjoint, allowing each side of the jaw to moveindependently as in a modern snake Tetrapodophishas features expected for borrowing (as opposed to

swimming snakes), including a long head but a shortface, plus a cylindrical (as opposed to a flat) tail. Thekey feature of Tetrapodophis is that it has four limbsthat are very tiny compared to the length of thebody. One can distinguish the cervical, dorsal, andcaudal vertebrae, based on the presence and lengthof ribs, whereas those regions are hard to tell apartin modern snakes. The positions of the fore andhindlimbs in Tetrapodophis are consistent withwhere those regions begin and end, as we wouldexpect.

At the time the Tetrapodophis specimen was amatter of controversy. The specimen wassupposedly on permanent loan to the Burgermeister-Muller Museum in Solnhopfen, Germany, but beforethat it was in a private collection for severaldecades. There were no records about where orwhen it was collected. The authors assign it to theCrato Formation in Brazil based on the characters ofthe rock in which it was found, but this could bewrong. Also, it has been illegal to export fossil orarchaeological material from Brazil since 1942, so itis possible that Tetrapodophis was exported illegally.

Tetrapodophis has again become a focus ofcontroversy, as indicated by a recent short article inScience (Gramling, 2016). Relevant to the followingdiscussion is how the Tetrapodophis specimen isdivided into part and counterpart. The part containsalmost all of the specimen, but the counterpartcontains the skull and a few ribs. Recently, a groupat the University of Alberta has reexamined thedetails of the skull in the counterpart and disputethat the skull is especially snakelike. Instead theyfeel Tetrapodophis more closely resembles adolichosaur, which is a type of Cretaceous marinereptile that can have a very elongated body. If that isthe case, the matrix around it cannot be a lakedeposit. They presented their conclusions at arecent meeting of the Society of VertebratePaleontology in Salt Lake City. Cont'd

Page 4: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

PALEONTOGRAPH Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2017 Page 4

Snake? Cont'd

It is not particularly surprising that paleontologistswould disagree about the interpretation of aspecimen. In my mind the fact that Tetrapodophisdoes not have a skull like a modern snake does notnecessarily exclude it from being a snake ancestor,and it is not clear whether dolichosaurs are relatedto snakes or just unrelated lizards converged onto asnake-like form. That type of “controversy” is verymuch like the arguments over whetherArchaeopteryx is a true bird or a feathered dinosaurvery close to the ancestor of birds. It may not bepossible to distinguish between those possibilitiesgiven the data we have, nor might it matter.

Paleontologists are more perturbed over the fact isthat the specimen is no longer available at theBergermeister-Miller Museum to people who want tostudy it. The exact reason was not specified in theScience article, but it may be because the privateowner has restricted access. There is a general rulethat any specimen that is described in the literaturewill be available for further examination indefinitely,and this seems to be violated for Tetrapodophis.There is a great deal of indignation about this, oneperson saying that “Tetrapodophis is no longerscience” and “It’s horrifying... I don’t want to mentionthe name Tetrapodophis ever again.”

Sources:Gramling, C.“‘Four-legged snake’ may be ancient lizard instead.”Science 2016, 354, 536-537.

Martill, D.M.; Tischlinger, H.; Longrich, N.R."A four-legged snake from the Early Cretaceous of

Gondwana."Science 2015, 349, 416-419.

The Princeton Field Guide toPrehistoric Mammals--A Review

Bob Sheridan November 20, 2016

Prehistoric mammals are not as fascinating to thepublic as dinosaurs, and we see many fewer popularbooks covering the topic. Two earlier attempts byprofessional paleontologists to cover the whole classthat stick in my mind are “The Rise of the Mammals”by Michael Benton (1991) and “National GeographicPrehistoric Mammals” by Alan Turner (2004). Thelatter is memorable because it is illustrated byMauricio Anton, whose work I greatly admire. In thistradition, but obviously much more up to date, is anew book “The Princeton Field Guide to PrehistoricMammals” by Donald Prothero. Prothero works atthe Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.He has published a few dozen books on a diversityof biological topics (crytozoology, global warming,the fossil evidence for evolution, etc.), and I havereviewed several for the Paleontograph.

Just a few weeks ago I reviewed “The PrincetonField Guide to Dinosaurs (Second Edition)”. This isan illustrated encyclopedia of individual dinosaurspecies, organized by phylogeny, plus someintroductory material. I expected “The PrincetonField Guide to Prehistoric Mammals” to have asimilar format. However, as the author explains inthe Preface, while there are only several hundredvalid dinosaur species, there are several thousandspecies of living mammals at least a few thousandextinct ones. So TPFGTPM is organized to highlight15 mammal families, each in its separate chapter,with some of the more important generaemphasized. Aside from the details specific families,there are introductory chapters that include thesynapsids (often called “mammal-like reptiles”) andmesozoic mammals (who were neither marsupialsnor placental mammals). There is a closing chapteron mammal evolution and extinction.

As mentioned above, the organization of themammal families in this book is donephylogenetically. Some phylogenetic information isgotten by comparing the skeletal anatomy of themammals (much as is done with dinosaurs), butsince relatives of some extinct mammals are stillalive, we can also compare DNA sequences. Insome cases the anatomic and genetic informationlead to different conclusions.


Page 5: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

PALEONTOGRAPH Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2017 Page 5

Review Cont'd

Two interesting examples: There is a group ofmammals called the Afrotheria, which have acommon genetic signature, but do not resembleeach other in any significant way: elephants,manatees, hyraxes, and elephant shrews. There is agenetic link between whales and hippos that showsthey are more closely related to each other than toother artiodactyls (even-toed hoofed mammals). Oneconsequence is that other artiodactyls once thoughtto be ancestral to whales, e.g. the wolf-likemesonychids, acquired some of their whale-likeanatomical features through convergence.

On that topic, many examples in TPFGTPM showthat convergent evolution among mammal groups isextremely common, and the overall body form ofmammals is dictated more by their “job” than by theirancestry. For example, there are many versions ofthe “wolf” (by which we mean a mid-sized pursuitpredator) besides the canine version we have today.Most of us know about the “thalacyine (marsupial)wolf” which has been extinct only for decades. Nottoo many people are aware of the above-mentionedmesonychids (Paleocene through Eocene), whichare artiodactyls. They strike us as very strangebecause there are no extant hoofed predators.

There are also the “bear dogs” (Oligocene toMiocene) and creodonts (Eocene to Miocene).

The same thing could be said about “lions”, “cows”,and “flying squirrels.”

One of the most interesting discussions inTPFGTPM is about extinct families that are poorlyorganized even now. One example is theuintatheres, the rhino- to elephant-sized herbivorousmammals with large tusks and large knobs on theirheads. Much of the confusion in this group wasbrought about circa 1872 by the 19th Century rivalpaleontologists Edward Drinker Cope and O. C.Marsh. Each of these men named a large number ofspecies in this group, sometimes naming the sameanimal twice, sometimes giving the different animalsthe same name, and always ignoring the namescreated by his rival. While dozens of names wereproposed, a hundred years later only a handful arerecognized as valid. Even now, though, it is not clearthat all animals assigned to the uintatheres areactually related.

TPFGTPM is very heavily illustrated, averaging oneillustration per page. There are photographs offossils, clear diagrams (most of which showphylogenetic relationships), and life restorations.The signature type of illustration for this book is thesilhouette of a man surrounded by restorations ofone to a dozen species in the specific family underdiscussion. Most of the life restorations are by MaryPersis Williams, who is a well-known scientificillustrator and blogger.

In most book reviews I usually make a commentabout the “sweet spot” for popular books onpaleontology (or science in general). I hope a bookwill present enough technical material to make itinteresting for a knowledgable amateur like myself,but not assume I am already aware of fiddlyanatomical terms. Also, the more unfamiliar materialthe better. In TPFGTPM I encountered manyfamilies of fossil mammals I had never heard ofbefore. TPFGTPM shows that prehistoric mammalsare just as weird and fascinating as dinosaurs, andyou should have it in your library.


Prothero, D.“The Princeton Field Guide to Prehistoric Mammals”(Illustrations by Mary Persis Williams) PrincetonUniversity Press, Princeton, 2017, 240 pages, $35(hardcover).

Page 6: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

PALEONTOGRAPH Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2017 Page 6

Middle Jurassic Sauropod Tracksfrom Scotland

Bob Sheridan November 27, 2016

The Middle Jurassic is a period for which there is notan abundance of fossils. Interestingly, Scotland isone place that does have dinosaur bones remainsfrom that time. These are generally isolated bones,enough to identify what group of dinosaurs werepresent. However, as with other times and locationswhere body fossils are rare, trace fossils can fill thegap. A report from 2015 (Brusatte et al.) details themost extensive known dinosaur trackway site inScotland.

This trackway site is on the northern most tip of theIsle of Skye. It is an outcrop of the DuntulmFormation. The age of this formation is MiddleJurassic (~166-168Myr) and probably represents ashallow lagoon; the matrix includes bivalve andalgae fossils, as well as shark teeth. At this site thereare two exposed time horizons called 9b and 34-35,several meters different in elevation.

Bed 9b preserves some isolated sauropod printsand one tridactyl print (probably an ornithopod giventhat it is wider than long). Beds 34-35 preserves

entire trackways, consisting of sauropod hindfoot(pes) and forefoot (manus) prints. The prints areclose to the midline of the trackways, indicating a“narrow-gauge” type of sauropod. Some of the printsare “concave epirelief”, i.e. actual depressions in therock, as is common with most dinosaur footprints.Some are “convex hyporelief”, i.e. the casts ofinfilled tracks that are exposed when the rockaround the casts erodes away. Interestingly, in thissite it is the convex tracks that show the most detail,for instance the presence of four individual toes anda claw on the first toe. The concave prints are hardto distinguish from natural potholes, except for thefact that they are arranged in trackways. The pestracks are approximately circular and 70cm indiameter. The manus prints are smaller and oval inoutline, and these also show the presence of fourtoes.

It is possible to assign the sauropod tracks at afamily level. We can probably eliminate titanosaursentirely because most of these have wide-gaugetrackways. Advanced neosauropods have narrow-gauge tracks and a large toe claw. However, theyalso have horseshoe shaped manus prints ratherthan the elliptical prints seen in the Skye trackways.So we are probably looking at the tracks of a basaladvanced sauropod like Cetiosaurus.

Combining the information from the Skye trackwayswith Middle Jurassic trackways in England, Morocco,and the United States, we know that both wide-gauge and narrow-gauge large sauropods lived bythat time in Northern Europe, and that the narrow-gauged sauropods already had some advancedcharacteristics. This is more than can be surmisedfrom fossil bones.

The authors point out that the Skye tracks areevidence that sauropods lived for many millennia ina lagoon environment and suggest this is somewhatsurprising, since we now think of sauropods assuitable for dry land. In retrospect, though, the ideaof sauropods living in a brackish or tidal environmentshould be familiar, because we have known since2001 about Paralititan, aLate Cretaceous Egyptiantitanosaur that lived in coastal mangrove swamps.

Sources:Brusatte, S.L.; Challands, T.J.; Ross, D.A.;Wilkinson, M.“Sauropod dinosaur tackways in Middle Jurassic

lagoon on the Isle of Skye, Scotland.”Scottish J. Geology, 2015, doi:10.1144/sjg2015-005

Page 7: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

PALEONTOGRAPH Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2017 Page 7

Lucy’s Arm Strength

Bob Sheridan December 21, 2016

For a fossil that was described almost 40 years ago“Lucy” is the subject of many very recent studies. Toremind you, “Lucy” (actual designation AL 288-1) isthe first, and most complete specimen ofAustralopithecus afarensis discovered (although,surprisingly she is not the type specimen). She isapproximately 3.2 Myr, about 3 ft. tall, andrepresents an early small-brained human ancestor.The key point of her anatomy is that her pelvis andlegs are very close to being modern in that theyallow for fully upright walking. However, her armsare proportionately longer compared to modernhuman arms, and her fingers have a pronouncedcurve. This has been interpreted as Australopithecushaving some ability to climb trees like modern apes.On the other hand, the longer arms could be a left-over from Lucy’s ancestry and not imply anythingabout how she got around.

Ruff et al. (2016) examine the structural propertiesof the humerus and femur of modern humans,modern apes (chimps, gorillas, orangutan), Lucy,other Australopithecus, and other early humanancestors (e.g. Homo erectus, Paranthropus boisei,etc.) to determine if the relative strength of thosebones is in line with their supposed use inlocomotion. Long bones are basically hollow, withcortical bone on the outside walls giving the bone itsstrength. Most of the study is based on the thicknessof the cortical bone in the diaphysis (long cylindricalportion) of the humerus and femur. These authorsalso measure the properties of the femoral “neck”(the part that connects the shaft to the ball-like“head”). The assumption here is that the walls oflong bones that bear more weight will be thickerrelative to the width of the joints, which is being usedas a proxy for overall size of the bone. All measuresare done by a CT-scan of both modern and fossilbone; where possible, several virtual cross-sectionswere done along the length of the bones. Not allmeasurements can be done with all fossil specimensbecause the humerus and femur may be incompleteor missing.

The thickness of the walls of both humerus andfemurs as a function of overall size appears to begreater in chimps than in modern humans, notsurprisingly given the muscular strength of chimps.However, more telling is the relative thickness ofhumerus vs. femur. Chimps have thicker humerithan femurs, and modern humans have theopposite. Also, humans have a larger femoral headand shorter femoral neck relative to overall size. Thisis pretty much as expected: In humans, the legsbear all the weight. In contrast, chimps hang fromtheir arms and also knuckle-walk with most of theirweight on their arms. This confirms that thethickness of the bones is meaningful in terms oflocomotion for living hominins. The authors point outthat in modern humans that bone thickness reflectsusage and not just ancestry. For instance the armbones of gymnasts tend to have thicker walls,presumably because more than normal stress isbeing applied to the arms.

Where do the fossil species fit? Lucy and otheraustralopithecines fall midway between modernhumans and chimps in terms of humeral vs. femurthickness, while early members of the genus Homoare close to modern humans. On the other handLucy has a smaller femoral head relative to thelength of the femur than expected in modernhumans, while having a knee joint width about thesame size as expected for a modern human. Alsothe absolute thickness of Lucy’s humerus and femurrelative to their size indicates an overall musclestrength similar to chimps.

Previously we knew from anatomy of the bones thatAustralopithecus was a mosaic between chimps andmodern humans, having human-like legs and moreape-like arms, suggesting they had two modes oflocomotion, spending at least some time in the trees.This study, which looks at the strength of the bones,supports this. Interestingly, the very recent idea thatLucy died by falling out of a tree, would beconsistent.

Sources:Ruff, C.B; Burgess, M.L.; Ketcham, R.A.;Kappelman, J.“Limb Bone Structural Proportions and LocomotorBehavior in A.L. 288-1 (‘Lucy’)”PLoS ONE, 2016, 11, e0166095

Page 8: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

PALEONTOGRAPH Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2017 Page 8

Feathered Bits in Amber

Bob Sheridan December 20, 2016

It is unusual to find feathers in amber. It is evenmore unusual to have enough parts attached to theamber to tell where the feather came from. Mostinteresting would be amber from the Mesozoic whenbirds and feathered dinosaurs were common. Whilethere are many specimens of feathered dinosaurswith feathers preserved as flattened films orimpressions in limestone, amber is capable ofpreserving feathers in three dimensions. In 2016,two papers from the same research collaboratorswere published that describe feather specimens inmid-Cretaceous Burmese amber.

It would help to have a short refresher on modernfeather structure. For flight feathers, there is acentral hollow shaft called a rachis. Branching off therachis are narrow shafts called barbs. Barbs areusually in the same plane. Branching off the barbsare barbules. The barbules have small hooklets thatlatch onto adjacent barbules, much like velcro.Feathers attached to a bird’s wing tip and pointingbackward are the “primaries”, feathers further backon the wing are the “secondaries.” Smaller feathersat the upper part of the arm are called “coverlets.”

The classical way of studying amber inclusions is tocut and/or polish a flat surface onto the amber sothat the inclusions can be studied using an opticalmicroscope. This works well with amber that istransparent and does not have a lot of non-interesting inclusions like bubbles or plant matter.Nowadays, it is also common to CT scan thespecimen as well, and for that the transparency isnot such an issue.

Xing et al. (2016A) describe two specimens DIP-V-15100 and DIP-V-15101 from a single piece ofamber from the Anbamo site in Kachin Province ofMyanmar. This site is dated to ~99Myr. Thespecimens are tiny (a little longer than 1cm) partialwings. Only the outer parts of the wings arepreserved: the forearm and three nearly separatefingers with claws, with some skin and musclepresent. The bony finger anatomy is like that of thatenantiornithines, a class of birds that went extinctafter the Cretaceous; however, one cannot assignthe specimen to a specific genus.

DIP-V-15100 has 9 primary and 5 secondaryfeathers attached, although only the base of them ispreserved. The microscopic anatomy of the feathersis visible and they appear to be very much likemodern flight feathers. The color of the feathers isgenerally dark brown, getting whiter toward thethumb. The authors note “claw marks” in the resin,which might imply the bird was still alive when itswing was engulfed.

Some images from the article


Page 9: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

PALEONTOGRAPH Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2017 Page 9

Amber feathers Cont'd

DIP-V-15101 is harder to see because it is in aportion of the amber that is less transparent and thefeathers overlap each other more. Attached are 9primaries, 5 secondaries, and 5 secondaries, and amass of coverlets. The feathers are darker than inDIP-V-15100. It seems likely to the authors that thewing was no longer attached to the bird whenengulfed by resin since the specimen is far from thesurface of the amber.

Because these specimens are tiny and yet havemature-appearing flight feathers, the authorspresume they represent “precocious birds”, i.e. birdsthat would be able to fly shortly after hatching.

The second paper (Xing et al. 2016B) describesanother amber specimen from the same formation.This specimen, called DIP-V-15103 is a gentlycurved cylindrical elongated structure 3.6 cm longand about 0.2 cm wide with a dense covering offeathers. CT-scanning shows it contains 8-9elongated vertebrae. According the the authors,most likely it is the tail of a juvenile feathereddinosaur, although the genus cannot be identified.(Some have argued that it is very hard to exclude along-tailed bird.) The feathers appear to form twoplanar “keels”, much like a frond. Each feather islong and pennaceous with a rachis, barbs andbarbules. The feathers appear flexible since they aregently curved in random directions; in life the tailwould have appeared soft and fluffy. Hooklets arenot seen, which is not surprising since there is noneed to keep the feather together the way it wouldbe necessary in flight feathers.

The Dino Tail

Melanosomes, which give feathers their colorbecause of the pigment melanin, are not observed inthis specimen. However, there is color: the dorsalsurface appears dark and the ventral surfaceappears white. Heat can degrade melanosomes, butif there were that much heat, the amber wouldcertainly degrade also. So that lack of melanosomesis something of a mystery.

Two aspects of these tail feathers that are not seenin modern pennaceous feathers: The rachis andbarbs are similar in diameter, whereas in modernfeathers the rachis is usually much wider. Also, notonly are there barbules coming from the the barbs,but also from the rachis.

The authors suggest this type of feather ispreviously unobserved in feathered dinosaurs, andthat it does not exactly resemble any suggestedevolutionary stage of feather development.However, the authors suggest it might be anintermediate between state 3a (rachis with nakedbarbs) and state 3b (barbs with barbules radiatingfrom a central base). Both stages mentioned lackhooklets.


Xing, L.; McKellar, R.C.; Wang, M.; Bai, M.;O’Conner, J.K.; Benton, M.J.; Zhang, J.; Wang, Y.;Tseng, K.; Lockley, M.G.; Li, G.; Zhang, W.; Xu, X.“Mummified precocial bird wings in mid-CretaceousBurmese amber.”Nature Comm. 2016, 17: 12089

Xing, L.; McKellar, R.C.; Xu, X.; Li, G.; Bai, M.;Persons, W.S. IV; Miyashita, T.; Benton, M.J.;Zhang, J.; Wolfe, A.P.; Yi, Q.; Tseng, K.; Ran, H.;Currie, P.J.“A feathered dinosaur tail with primitive plumagetrapped in mid-Cretaceous amber.”Current Biol. 2016, 26, 3352-3360.

Page 10: March 2017 frt page - · He also edited “The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs” (2000), which is a collection of “special topics.” Paul is the originator

PALEONTOGRAPH Volume 6 Issue 1 March 2017 Page 10

Laser Fluorescence andConfusciusornis

Bob Sheridan January 3, 2017

First, what is laser fluorescence? The phenomenonof fluorescence is observed when an object isilluminated with short-wavelength light (sayultraviolet or x-rays) and the object emits visiblelight. This technique has been applied to fossils inthe past, the idea being that any organic materialremaining on the fossil will fluoresce brighter thanthe matrix, such that one can discern the “soft parts”of the fossil animal. In practice, one places thespecimen in a dark room with a camera aimed at it.The specimen is then illuminated with, say, a strongUV light, and the camera shutter is left open for along time. It is necessary to have a filter on thecamera that blocks the UV, so the camera detectsonly the weaker visible light. The short-wavelengthlight needs to be very intense for this to work withreasonable exposure times, so one uses a laser (forUV) or a synchrotron (for x-rays).

Now a quick review of Confusciusornis, which is thesubject of our story. This is a pigeon-size bird fromthe Early Cretaceous of China. Many hundreds ofspecimens are preserved with impressions ofmodern-looking flight feathers. Some specimenshave two very long ribbon-like tail feathers.Presumably these are the “males.” Confusciusornishas an interesting mixture of derived and primitivebird characteristics. The derived: It is the oldest birdwith toothless beak. It also has a very short bonytail. The primitive: It has a rigid dinosaur-like skull,lacks a keel on the sternum, and retains handclaws.

Falk et al. (2016) apply laser fluorescence to twospecimens of Confusciusornis: IVPP V13156 andIVPP V13168. These authors pay particular attentionto two fleshy features that are not visible except forby fluorescence:

1. The propatagium and postpatagium of thewing. These are the folds of skin in front ofand behind the arm bones, respectively. Inthese specimens the wings are extended, sothese should be visible.

2. The pads and scales on the feet.

The propatagium and postpatagium are clearlyvisible and resemble those of modern birds. Thismakes the fleshy part of the wings broader than

previously thought, similar to the ratio seen inmodern forest-dwelling birds. It is thought that inliving birds the postpatagium provides some of thelift (in addition to the lift from the feathers), much likean airplane wing.

Reticulate (non-overlapping) scales are clearly seenon the feet, as would be expected in modern birds.The feet appear to have pads on individual toebones without much padding at the joints. Theauthors feel this is consistent with Confusciusornisperching on tree branches. Since only the undersideof the feet are visible in these specimens we cannotsay whether there are scutate (overlapping) scalesat the top of the feet.

These observations seem to support the idea ofConfusciusornis being a strong flier despite nothaving a keeled sternum.


Falk, A.R.; Kaye, T.G.; Zhou, Z.; Burnham, D.A.“Laser Fluorescence Illuminates the Soft Tissue andLife Habits of the Early Cretaceous BirdConfuciusornis”PLoS ONE 2016DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0167284