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Global Content Solutions MarTech Conference Debriefing Steve Walker

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Global Content SolutionsMarTech Conference Debriefing

Steve Walker

Experis GCS | 2April 18, 2023


[email protected]

LinkedIn: SteveWalker

Experis Global Content Solutions

We strive to make complex content problems simple.

Experis GCS | 3April 18, 2023

Experis Briefing

Audience: Content practitioners and anyone who touches the Content Supply Chain

Logistics: 20- to 30-minute review with time for questionsPPT is availableIndividual follow-up is availableFeel free to ask questions at any time

Goal: Provide 3 to 5 key concepts you’ll experience in your day-to-day work

Why: We are content practitioners. We are all better if we move in the same direction.

Experis GCS | 4April 18, 2023

• Two-day conference attracting marketers, technologists, and consultants

• Speakers included marketing technology leaders from Aetna, Coke, Grey Advertising, Netflix, LinkedIn, and more

• Approx. 1,000 attendees

• Exhibit hall featured authoring, DAM, CMS, data management, and marketing automation platform vendors


Experis GCS | 5April 18, 2023

MarTech – Why we should care

“MarTech is a vendor-agnostic forum for understanding the breadth of marketing technologies and how organizations can

effectively integrate them into their marketing strategy and operations.”

The technology is irrelevant if WE aren’t properly managing the content and optimizing the processes.

Experis GCS | 6April 18, 2023

Experis GCS | 7April 18, 2023

MarTech Conference Themes and Takeaways

1. Growth in the marketing technology landscape has created an important services/skills void.

2. Organizations will start to work along a Marketing Technology stack.

3. We should all be starting with the customer journey map. 

Experis GCS | 8April 18, 2023

#1. Growth of the Marketing Technology has created an important services/skills void.

Scott Brinker – Opening remarks

Experis GCS | 9April 18, 2023

#1. Growth in the marketing technology landscape has created an important services/skills void.

Scott Brinker – Opening remarks

Experis GCS | 10April 18, 2023

#1. Growth in the marketing technology landscape has created an important services/skills void.

Scott Brinker – Opening remarks

Experis GCS | 11April 18, 2023

#1. Growth in the marketing technology landscape has created an important services/skills void.

• Marketers still treating digital like it's a line item in marketing plan• Can't bolt digital on and expect it to be successful

• Forrester:• Innovation happening at breakneck speed in next 12 months.

• Many orgs ill-equipped for digital success

• 39% marketing team has skills to succeed in digital marketing

• Digital still seems like an experiment

• 43% can find the skills they need to do digital marketing

• Finding the right talent is key• Talent + Agile Initiatives = Success(squared)

Experis GCS | 12April 18, 2023

#1. Growth in the marketing technology landscape has created an important services/skills void.

• Growing need to understand how these technologies fit and are best leveraged

• Organizations need to develop skills or leverage niche expertise to close the skill gap

• Heavy future emphasis on complete automation

Experis GCS | 13April 18, 2023

#2. Organizations will start to work along a Marketing Technology stack.

Experis GCS | 14April 18, 2023

#2. Organizations will start to work along a Marketing Technology stack.

Scott Brinker – Opening remarks

Experis GCS | 15April 18, 2023

#2. Organizations will start to work along a marketing technology stack.

• Organizations will have gaps based on their maturity. Advanced organizations will have most boxes filled.

• Each component in the stack will:• Have different content needs (tagging, IA, content production,


• Potentially leverage a different technology

• Adjustments we must make:• Understand how technologies fit and learn

• Understand how content is produced/managed across these stacks

Experis GCS | 16April 18, 2023

#3. We should all be starting with the customer journey map. 

iSite Design – Jeff Cram

Experis GCS | 17April 18, 2023

#3. We should all be starting with the customer journey map. 

Dell – Corey Craig

Experis GCS | 18April 18, 2023

#3. We should all be starting with the customer journey map. 

iSite Design – Jeff Cram

• Customer journey map drives content and technology requirements.

• Applies to all content professionals.

• Companies that put the customer first see significantly increased engagement and sales.

• Customer engagement and data delivers the best competitive advantage to companies today.

Experis GCS | 19April 18, 2023 iSite Design – Jeff Cram

• Compelling stories are required at every stage of the customer journey and technology exists everywhere

• Important to think about Big Learning and not just Big Data

• Analytics are only as good as your ability to react

• Let marketers be marketers

Heard around the conference…

Experis GCS | 20April 18, 2023

• #Martech

•• Scott Brinker – How the Marketing Technology Landscape is Blooming

(#Technology, #MartechGrowth)

• (Video) Mayur Gupta – Let’s Find the Human within Martech (#ContentChange, #Vision)

• David Raab – How Customer Data Platforms Solve Enough to be Interesting (#ContentPlatforms, #ContentStack)

• Corey Craig – Designing & Operating an “Always On” Marketing Program at Scale (#ContentProcessEnginnering, #ContentStack)

• (Video) John Maeda - Keynote - Data, Design & Decisions (#Design, #Customer Experience)

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