mar issue 11

Coming up in the next issue Basketball — Mens 11th March - West Thames College (League Game) 18th March- NewVic Sixth Form College (League Game) Cricket 4th March— George Monoux 11th March— Barking and Dagenham Female Basketball 25th March- NewVic Sixth Form College Female Football 25th March - Inter-college tournament Volleyball (Mixed) 26th March - South Thames College To keep up to date with what's happening check us out on Facebook and Twier FACEBOOK hps:// hc_locaon=stream TWITTER hps:// BSix_Sport Stay tuned for March’s sport happenings. Next Issue out April. Female Football — 4th March 2015 Inter college tournament Aſter their previous oung, the girls were determined to put on a much beer showing against opposion much more evenly matched in terms of their abilies and skill levels. How- ever having turned up in fighng mood, the girls were disap- pointed to learn that the other teams had failed to show up and that the remaining three teams, the others being from Wal- tham Forest college and Leyton sixth form college were to be split up and mixed accordingly. The girls having been paired up into different teams put on a great showing, passing with accuracy and displaying a flu- ency rarely seen before. Notable menons must go out to Leila Balde and Aisha Khalif for showing dazzling skills and playing with great enthusiasm for their respecve mixed teams. Each girl also received a medal for their combined efforts and an invitaon to play in the Olympic park at the Coppebox arena later this month, so stayed tuned for further updates on the progress of your female football team. Football Team: Aisha Khalif, Marise Basta da Silva, Dulce Uare, Nadia Carvalho, Catarina Saiembe, Leila Pereira Balde, Latoya McGann, Umo Aua Camara Police and Student 5-a-side football tournament— 23rd March 2015 In order to improve relaons between student sand local police, Mohamed X organised for the police to come in and play a friendly 5-a-side football tournament. This was an excellent opportunity for the police to lose the uniforms and become “humanised” through the most common form of social integraon –sport. They were well received by the Bsix students, and it was made even beer through mixing the teams, allowing everyone to work with each other, unifying age and race. The feedback was to hold another such tournament, perhaps on a larger scale and with even more players form both sides.

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Page 1: Mar issue 11

Coming up in the next


Basketball — Mens

11th March -

West Thames College

(League Game)

18th March-

NewVic Sixth Form College

(League Game)


4th March—

George Monoux

11th March—

Barking and Dagenham

Female Basketball

25th March-

NewVic Sixth Form College

Female Football

25th March -

Inter-college tournament

Volleyball (Mixed)

26th March -

South Thames College

To keep up to date with

what's happening check us

out on Facebook and Twitter





Stay tuned for March’s sport

happenings. Next Issue out


Female Football — 4th March 2015

Inter college tournament After their previous outing, the girls were determined to put on a much better showing against opposition much more evenly matched in terms of their abilities and skill levels. How-ever having turned up in fighting mood, the girls were disap-pointed to learn that the other teams had failed to show up and that the remaining three teams, the others being from Wal-tham Forest college and Leyton sixth form college were to be split up and mixed accordingly.

The girls having been paired up into different teams put on a great showing, passing with accuracy and displaying a flu-ency rarely seen before. Notable mentions must go out to Leila Balde and Aisha Khalif for showing dazzling skills and playing with great enthusiasm for their respective mixed teams.

Each girl also received a medal for their combined efforts and an invitation to play in the Olympic park at the Coppebox arena later this month, so stayed tuned for further updates on the progress of your female football team.

Football Team: Aisha Khalif, Marise Batista da Silva, Dulce Uare, Nadia Carvalho, Catarina Saiembe, Leila Pereira Balde, Latoya McGann, Umo Aua Camara

Police and Student 5-a-side football tournament— 23rd March 2015

In order to improve relations between student sand local police, Mohamed X organised for the police to come in

and play a friendly 5-a-side football tournament. This was an excellent opportunity for the police to lose the uniforms

and become “humanised” through the most common form of social integration –sport.

They were well received by the Bsix students, and it was made even better through mixing the teams, allowing

everyone to work with each other, unifying age and race. The feedback was to hold another such tournament,

perhaps on a larger scale and with even more players form both sides.

Page 2: Mar issue 11

Volleyball Team: Kamil Nowak, Justyna Nowak, Keenan Cassell, Klaudia Kakolewska, Alie Sheriff, Paulina Milewska and Alexandra Pitas

Basketball Team: Hasib Fazli, Dainius Rauba, Mo Hamlat, Mo Ali, Leonidas Kousta, Akol Tiit and Chan Thiep

Basketball — 11th March 2015 Bsix vs West Thames After a massive hiatus from basketball training and matches, Bsix were raring to go for this match up against West Thames College. The two teams seems evenly matched with the absence of John Canceran and Aliunho Fernandez. The first two quarters saw both teams battling it out with Bsix taking a brief lead. West Thames were not going to take this lying down whilst at their home ground. By the end of the second half, the point difference between the two teams was a measly 3 points. This gave Bsix a taste of victory in the air. The third quarter started and West Thames had seemed to put nitrous oxide into their engine, because they came out at a different level switching gears at a speed that Bsix were unable to compete with. Mo Ali, was doing his best to maintain calm and cohesion within the team, but West Thames had a destructive force that was shaking the foundations of the Bsix team. After a timeout and some team recalibration, the defensive play was changed from zone defence to man marking, this was an attempt to get the player back into an aggressive mode of play. The team went back out onto the court, playing a game that they’d already deemed lost, so as they flagged, West Thames saw this moment of weakness and capitalised, making a quick 15 point lead in an already tiring game. Leonidas Kousta, who was playing a terrific game, got himself fouled out due to an amateur move that was made in the key giving away a free throw to the opposition. This meant that Bsix went from having 2 subs to one, and it was nearing the time for Hasib Fazli to make his debut appearance. The third quarter played out and Hasib Fazli stepped onto the court, first game jitters were apparent, but he had the hunger that the team needed. He intercepted passes, set screens and pounced on any loose ball on the court. His vigour seemed to give the team a new lease of life as their energy was waning and Dainius Rauba picked up the pace of his game and began to defend to the very last second. The game ended with West Thames having a solid lead that almost doubled the score of Bsix. Final Score 80 – 43. One of Bsix’s lowest scoring games.

Volleyball—March 26th

Bsix vs South Thames College

This had been a long awaited game as there had been a lot of

disappointing cancellations and lack of competition in the London region for

volleyball. However Bsix had finally got what they’d been asking for. The first

set was played but the team was not in unison, and so were struggling to get

any rallies going and South Thames were taking advantage of this.

Nevertheless Bsix won their first set 25—21, too close for their liking. Set

two went to South Thames as they were communicating well with each other

so outplayed Bsix. The Bsix team managed to talk it out at the end of the

second set and regained team dynamic, with everyone knowing and

understanding their positions. Straight into the third set feeling powerful,

Paulina Milewska was on top form with her super duper serves, she managed

to steal a few aces as well as challenge the South Thames team defence for a

return on her serves, this gave Bsix a strong advantage enabling them to take

a 10 point lead. This was Bsix’s strongest set, with Alexandra Pitas position

solidified as our no.1 setter, Alie Sheriff and Klaudia Kakolewska were able to

execute a number of well timed and placed smashes.

By the fourth set the was a beautifully synchronised rhythm working

between the sibling pair Kamil Nowak and Justyna Nowak, swapping out at

crucial points in the game to utilise their individual skills. Justyna working

excellently at the back as an outside hitter managed to save the team from a number of easily lost points from some of the fantastic serves they were dishing

out. Justyna double teamed extremely well with Alexandra, taking the sting out of the first touch of the ball so that Alexandra could be second touch and set

up her middle blocker and front hitter. Keenan Cassel was up to his usual standard, producing some demolishing smashes and fantastic blocks, partnered

with Klaudia throughout the entire match. Keenan throughout the fourth set teamed up with Alexandra to set Kamil up for some excellent volleys and

smashes, he then stepped aside towards the end of the game to allow Alie Sheriff to finish off the game with 2 powerful and devastating smashes to the

opposition. Final Score 3 sets to 1 Bsix.

Page 3: Mar issue 11

BasketballTeam: Hassan Mallin, Dainius Rauba, John Canceran, Mo Hamlat, Mo Ali, Jeff Nadi, Chan Thiep, Akol Tiit, Hasib Fazli and Aliunho Fernandez

Basketball—18th March 2015

Bsix vs NewVic Sixth Form As the last game of the season, with not enough wins under the belt. The team knew that they would have to muster every last ounce of pride and drive to finish the season on a high note win or lose. NewVic Sixth Form College are at the top of the AoC league and have been undefeated this academic year, so we knew that the challenge was going to be massive. Less looking for a win and more damge control as this team were scoring over 100 points on average per game and Bsix had scored a maximum of 61. As this was the very last game and many of the players moving on to greener pastures, the ethos for the game was to “have fun.” Make it memorable and enjoy. Starting five were Aliunho Fernandez, Akol Tiit, Dainius Rauba Mo Hamlat and Mo Ali - The furious five. The first quarter started and the game went from 0-100 in less than 10 seconds, and did not fall below that work rate. Bsix were not phased and battled back as hard as they were getting from the goliath team of NewVic. The furious five held their position strong, the defence was sufficient against the majority of the opposition but it wasn’t enough to stop their 6’8” monster who lumbered through slam dunking any loose balls that NewVic had shot at our basket. Aliunho tried to fight back by launching a number of 3 pointers but they missed the mark, he was clearly off his game, but the rest of the team were able to pick up his slack. Leonidas played a ferocious game, landing a number of layups and setting up his team for synchronized attacks on NewVic. The Bsix Bench were hungry, everyone wanted a piece, however there just wasn’t enough time in the game for everyone to shine. This had to be one of the best games the team had played across the year and it would have been fantastic if they had brought this same attitude and ability to all their other games as they would have easily contested some of the tougher teams they had faced as well as thrashed some that they’d allow to win due to demoralisation. Overall a fantastic game and an exciting way to end the season.

Trampoline RETURNS to Bsix on 17th April 2015

Yes you’ve heard correct. After an immensely long hiatus, trampoline is back for the final 4 weeks

of the sporting term, so there’s no time to waste, get involved right away. Join in with some

acrobatic extravagance and try something new. We have an excellent coach who taught trampoline

at UEL for more than three years and has taught at Bsix for two. This exciting session is mixed for

both males and females, so anyone can get involved even if you’ve never done anything like this

before. This will be an excellent introduction into the world of gymnastics. If you have any

questions, speak to Dean or one of the other Sports Staff or Sports Ambassadors. Sessions will be

every Friday at 1:30pm in the sports hall. Remember to bring your sports kit. Also, this is a

barefooted/socked event… So no smelly feet allowed!!!

Page 4: Mar issue 11

Female Basketball—26th March 2015

Bsix vs NewVic

On Wednesday the 25th of February, the game was set for Bsix to face NewVic, the arrangement was for them to face off with players of an equal level,

from the outset we knew this was going to be difficult as the reputation of NewVic being anything but superb athletes in all their sporting endeavours has

spread far and wide across the London region. Nevertheless, the Bsix Amazons had not had a game since Tower Hamlets. The same Amazonian team was not

present, however there was a unity and an appetite for competition the same as before.

Our Point Guard Geneva Bahsoon wasn’t 100% on the day so Angela Nwandu had to take the position and direct the team, which was done

fantastically. Bsix Amazons were short of the necessary aggression needed which is brought by Zhaleh Bahraini, who was unable to attend.

Bsix played a game of 10 minute quarters, and a running clock so they were tested from the outset, against a taller, more athletic and experienced team,

they battled to hold it together. All that had been practiced was being put into action. They were setting up their 2, 3 zone defence, with Theresa Larbi

posting up at the back, protecting the rim, Angela and Saima Ghani holding down the front.

Offensively, Annette Asiimwe was working double time to steal the ball and made a few impressive attempts to score buckets. Angela, playing her

heart out was there to pick up any loose balls for a second attempt with layups and shots. Saima and Jessica succeeded in running interference with screens

and cutting manoeuvres pulling apart the NewVic defence.

By the fourth quarter after having NewVic attacking Bsix from all sides relentlessly, the team became more aggressive and confident with their abilities

and took it to the opposition. This gear change in game speed brought a change that was accompanied by injuries a plenty, with Jessica Afonso becoming a

casualty, she had to be subbed out for Geneva Bahsoon who was struggling to play at even 50% of her normal level. She managed to do an admirable job as

point guard and set Angela and Theresa up for some beautiful shots, earning Angela a foul and a 2 shot free throw.

Frustration was obviously setting in as the ferociousness of the Bsix team was growing rapidly, the sheer competiveness and drive that they wanted to do

their best was overwhelming, however both teams showed immense sportsmanship even after a rugby type tackle and a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu grip that Theresa

pulled twice on the opposition as they made a play to score. She claimed she didn’t realise what she had done, and it seemed all on the court –Bsix and

NewVic– believed her to be genuine. Everyone took it in good sport, laughed it off and continued to play to the bitter end.

The long awaited final whistle came with the team looking battered and bruised, yet a smile of pride beaming from all their faces. It was all over, for

some it was a debut game and others it was their second. As team they gave it their all and there was not more to be done.

Win to NewVic and Bsix bursting with pride. We Live. We Learn. We Overcome.

BasketballTeam: Theresa Larbi, Annette Asiimwe, Angela Nwandu, Geneva Bahsoon, Saima Ghani and Jessica Afonso