maple ridge times may 3 2011

The Conservative MP for Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge-Mission was re- elected Monday for his fourth term. by Maria Rantanen [email protected] The crowd at Randy Kamp’s campaign office was jubilant as the results came in showing their candidate leading in the Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge-Mission riding and a majority government for the federal Conservative Party. As the incumbent MP for Pitt Meadows- Maple Ridge-Mission, Kamp told the TIMES he was “excited” about being part of a majority government. If the Conservatives hadn’t won a majority, the alternative would have been something “pretty chaotic,” – “either an unstable minority or a coalition,” he said. “People just wanted some stability,” Kamp added. With a majority of the polls counted late Monday night, it appeared Kamp had a larger majority than he received in 2008. With 245 out of 258 polls in at press deadline, Kamp had 27,549 votes, NDP candidate Craig Speirs had 17,964 votes, Liberal candidate Mandeep Bhuller had 2,616 votes, and Green candidate Peter Tam had 2,503 votes. On doorsteps while campaigning, Kamp said he heard from many people. While some weren’t necessarily Conservatives, they gave the Tories credit for managing the economy well. Serving his riding and his constituents is a high priority for him, Kamp said. “We really take seriously our respon- sibility to provide services,” Kamp said. “We put a lot of effort into the constitu- ency end of it...we don’t just do it to get elected.” Kamp wouldn’t speculate on what role he might have in the new Conservative majority government, and he said he’ll do whatever he’s asked to do. But having a majority government will make it easier “to move things through,” Kamp said. He cited abolishing the long- gun registry within a hundred days and getting the proposed crime bills through the house as two of the priorities the Conservative government will have. While Kamp said there were posi- tive signs during the election for the Conservative Party, “campaigns are always stressful.” Kamp said he expected the Liberals and Bloc Quebecois to retain more seats, and he said the NDP opposition will contain a lot of “rookies,” “When you get to election create all these scenarios how you could lose,” Kamp told his party faithful. Randy Kamp ran first in 2004, and was re-elected in 2006 and 2008. As an MP, Kamp served as official opposition critic for Fisheries and Oceans on the Pacific Coast, and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. In the last election, he got just over 50 per cent of the votes from electors in Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, and Mission. Kamp grew up in Maple Ridge, graduat- ing from Maple Ridge Secondary in 1971. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in theology but later studied linguistics. He worked as a department store man- ager, an assistant pastor at Maple Ridge Baptist Church, and as the constituency assistant to Grant McNally. Kamp has been married to his wife Ruth for 35 years, and they have three adult children and seven grandchildren. • More election night coverage, page A4 Don’t miss important information from School District #42 on Page A10 • YOUR SOURCE FOR LOCAL SPORTS, NEWS, WEATHER AND ENTERTAINMENT! 604-463-2281 • 28 PAGES Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A few TIMES readers rank their mothers as heroes. Page A13 Online, all the time... Ruth and Randy Kamp were beaming Monday night, when the Conservative representative accepted his fourth term as MP for Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge- Mission riding. Maria Rantanen/TIMES Federal election 2011 Kamp revels in Tory majority Stay tuned to the online and future print editions of The TIMES for more about the local election results, and the people involved. 04056642 Homes Starting At $499,000 +HST

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Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011


Page 1: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

The Conservative MP for PittMeadows-Maple Ridge-Mission was re-elected Monday for his fourth Maria [email protected]

The crowd at Randy Kamp’s campaignoffice was jubilant as the results came inshowing their candidate leading in thePitt Meadows-Maple Ridge-Mission ridingand a majority government for the federalConservative Party.

As the incumbent MP for Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge-Mission, Kamp told theTIMES he was “excited” about being partof a majority government.

If the Conservatives hadn’t won amajority, the alternative would have beensomething “pretty chaotic,” – “either anunstable minority or a coalition,” he said.

“People just wanted some stability,”Kamp added.

With a majority of the polls counted lateMonday night, it appeared Kamp had alarger majority than he received in 2008.

With 245 out of 258 polls in at pressdeadline, Kamp had 27,549 votes, NDPcandidate Craig Speirs had 17,964 votes,Liberal candidate Mandeep Bhuller had2,616 votes, and Green candidate PeterTam had 2,503 votes.

On doorsteps while campaigning, Kampsaid he heard from many people. Whilesome weren’t necessarily Conservatives,they gave the Tories credit for managingthe economy well.

Serving his riding and his constituents isa high priority for him, Kamp said.

“We really take seriously our respon-sibility to provide services,” Kamp said.“We put a lot of effort into the constitu-ency end of it...we don’t just do it to getelected.”

Kamp wouldn’t speculate on what rolehe might have in the new Conservativemajority government, and he said he’ll dowhatever he’s asked to do.

But having a majority government willmake it easier “to move things through,”Kamp said. He cited abolishing the long-gun registry within a hundred days andgetting the proposed crime bills throughthe house as two of the priorities theConservative government will have.

While Kamp said there were posi-tive signs during the election for theConservative Party, “campaigns arealways stressful.”

Kamp said he expected the Liberals andBloc Quebecois to retain more seats, andhe said the NDP opposition will contain alot of “rookies,”

“When you get to election day...youcreate all these scenarios how you couldlose,” Kamp told his party faithful.

Randy Kamp ran first in 2004, and wasre-elected in 2006 and 2008.

As an MP, Kamp served as officialopposition critic for Fisheries and Oceanson the Pacific Coast, and ParliamentarySecretary to the Minister of Fisheries andOceans.

In the last election, he got just over 50per cent of the votes from electors in PittMeadows, Maple Ridge, and Mission.

Kamp grew up in Maple Ridge, graduat-ing from Maple Ridge Secondary in 1971.He holds a Bachelor’s degree in theologybut later studied linguistics.

He worked as a department store man-ager, an assistant pastor at Maple RidgeBaptist Church, and as the constituencyassistant to Grant McNally.

Kamp has been married to his wife Ruthfor 35 years, and they have three adultchildren and seven grandchildren.

• More election night coverage, page A4

Don’t miss important information from School District #42 on Page A10


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A few TIMES readers ranktheir mothers as heroes.

Page A13

Online, all the time...

Ruth and Randy Kamp werebeaming Monday night, whenthe Conservative representativeaccepted his fourth term as MPfor Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge-Mission riding.

Maria Rantanen/TIMES

Federal election 2011

Kamp revels in TorymajorityStay tuned to the online and future print

editions of The TIMES for more about the localelection results, and the people involved.





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Page 2: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A2 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Page 3: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

UpfrontMaple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A3

What’s OnLine

Flyers• Fuller Watson*• Vaseline Elixir

• Clancy’s Meats

Nomore burningA property owner was burning garden

waste on Saturday afternoon, when theflames got away from him and started asmall grass fire.

Rob Chatton, Pitt Meadows assistantfire chief, said luckily the fire wasn’t toobad, but residents must remember thatburning season in the City is now over.

“Burning season is March and April,”he said.

The fire department attended to thefire at about 12:30 p.m. and had wrappedup everything in about 45 minutes. Butwith the sunnier weather coming soon,Chatton warned the situation would beworse if the ground were drier so thatthe fire could spread more quickly.

• More online at,click on “News”

Lench leaves RidgeInsp. Derren

Lench will beleaving theRidge MeadowsRCMP for moreresponsibility inBurnaby.

Lench hasbeen promotedto the rank ofSuperintendentin charge ofBurnaby RCMPoperations,and the RidgeMeadows detachment will gain Insp.Dave Fleugel, who will transfer from theBurnaby detachment.

“Although we are very sad to loseInspector Lench,” said Supt. Dave Walsh,“his promotion and transfer provide himwith new challenges in Burnaby.”

• More online at,click on “News”

Snowmobiler deadA 52-year-old Maple Ridge man was

killed Thursday, April 28, in a snow-mobile accident near Haines Junction inthe Yukon. Police said the snowmobilerwas thrown into a deep crevasse and res-cuers had difficulty recovering the body.No name has been released.

• More online at,click on “News”

• La Trattoria Restaurant* Full delivery to area homes; others partial delivery

A 34-year-old man is recovering inhospital after an apparent unprovokedassault on Sunday Amy [email protected]

A man suffered a stab wound after hewas attacked as he was out walking with a

female friend on May 1.The 34-year-old was walking in the area

of Rosewood Street and Cook Avenue, closeto Dewdney Trunk Road and 210th Street atabout 10:50 p.m., when an unknown manattacked and stabbed him, before runningaway.

The injured man was taken to hospital bymembers of the B.C. Ambulance Service,and as of Monday was listed in stable con-dition with what is believed to be non-life

threatening injuries.The incident is being investigated by the

serious crimes unit, and police are askingfor anyone who heard or saw the incidentto call Ridge Meadows RCMP at 604-463-6251. Those wishing to remain anonymouscan call CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477or leave a TIP online at CrimeStoppers will pay a rewardof up to $2,000 for information that leads toan arrest and conviction.


Man attacked in westMaple Ridge

Pete Ryan, a woodcarver from Hope, wasat the home show thisweekend, along withJenna (below left) andEmma Davison, whoattended to promotetheir family business,Cheeseworks, whichopens in July.

Maria Rantanen/TIMES

Outdoor show fit well withthe rest of the event, saysorganizer Cass Maria [email protected]

The weather was less thancooperative during the setup ofthe Ridge Meadows Home Show,but when the doors opened tothe public, the sun was out.

The Ridge Meadows HomeShow, featuring its first outdoorshow in conjunction with the

indoor exhibitors, a midway,and a psychic fair, welcomedabout 20,000 visitors from Fridayto Sunday.

“We had to go head-to-headwith mother nature,” CassWinder, organizer of the homeshow, said about the set-up.

With 18 hours straight of rainbefore the show, the groundswhere the Outdoor Lifestyle andLeisure Show was situated need-ed some sand to keep it frombeing too mucky.

“There’s no mud problem thatsand can’t solve,” Winder said.

The District of Maple Ridge

stepped up to problem-solve atthe home show, Winder said,for example, with the sand andother access issues.

“This show is so reliant on thesupport that we receive from somany people,” she elaborated.

Winder has been overseeingthe home show since 1995, andsaid every year she learns some-thing new.

This was the first year whenthe home show held the OutdoorLifestyle and Leisure Show.

Winder said feedback regard-ing the outdoor show indicatedit fits well with the overall show.

About 200 community mem-bers volunteered at this year’sshow, including 100 students.

• More online at,click on “News”


Sun shines for2011 home show

Insp. Dave FleugelNew operations manager







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Page 4: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A4 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Police blotter

Man attacked,hospitalizedby Amy [email protected]

A man was laying unconsciouson the ground when Mountiesarrived at a gas station onDewdney Trunk Road and 207thStreet at about 2:10 a.m. onSunday.

The police were called becausea fight had broken out at the gasstation, but when they arrivedthey found a 45-year-old mandown with two friends helping.

Police were able to find andarrest a 34-year-old man believedresponsible. He was held in cus-tody overnight, in anticipation ofa court appearance on Monday.

The older man was taken tohospital by members of the B.C.Ambulance Service, and policereported Monday he was still inserious condition.

Ridge Meadows RCMP’s seriouscrimes unit and general duties areinvestigating the assault, and ask-ing for anyone who witnessed thealtercation to call Ridge MeadowsRCMP at 604-463-6251.

To remain anonymous, peoplecan call CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or leave a TIP online

CrimeStoppers will pay areward of up to $2,000 for infor-mation that leads to an arrest andconviction.

• More online at,click on “News”

Local candidates Craig Speirs, MandeepBhuller, and Peter Tam lost toConservative member Randy Amy [email protected]

The mood was simultaneously jubli-ant and downcast at the NDP office onMonday night, but federal candidate CraigSpeirs had everyone chanting “Craig, Craig,Craig” over and over by the end of his con-cession speech.

“We had such a great time here,” saidSpeirs of his campaign. “We’ve got some-thing to build on here.”

He noted that Conservative candidateRandy Kamp is a “long-standing MP” andreceived a laugh from the crowd when heput his arm around his wife Diane and said“the riding’s not quite ready yet.”

He expressed his congratulations toKamp, who will now be entering his fourthterm as MP for Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge-Mission.

Speirs, who is also a Maple Ridge coun-cillor, said he has not decided anythingabout his future yet. Right now he’s justlooking forward to getting out in the gar-den, planting some seeds, and enjoying thesummer. He said it was too early for himto decide on a further political course, butdescribed this NDP campaign as one thatwas “incredibly positive.”

“We taught a lot of people what cam-paigning is all about,” he said. “We’vereally got a base for our future.”

“At the beginning of our campaign I said‘what’s the worse that could happen?’and this is not it.” The crowd clapped andcheered in response.

At Peter Tam’s house, the atmospherewas also very supportive, and Tam saidthat for him, this is just the beginning.

“Overall, I’m pretty happy with the cam-paign,” he told The TIMES.

“We’re going to be taking on a lot ofGreen initiatives,” he said. “We want to getinvolved with a lot of things locally, so wecan be a bit more prominent.”

It was a learning experience for him, headded, noting that the campaign needs tostart earlier. “We need to get our fundrais-ing going. The thing with the Green is thatwe’re very limited in our funding.”

Liberal candidate Mandeep Bhuller saidit was a “troubling loss” as his supporterswatched the Conservatives and NDP grabseat after seat across the country.

“Waking up this morning, I had no ideawhat this evening would bring,” Bhullersaid.

• More online:, click on “News”

Federal election 2011

Federal contenders numbed by race

Maria Rantanen/TIMES

NDP candidate Craig Speirs conceded to current MP Randy Kamp on Monday night after Kamp won a fourth term.









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Page 5: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A5

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Page 6: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A6 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Page 7: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

Council in committee discussed theadoption of a bylaw last Tuesdaythat would see secondary and gardensuites regulated in the community.

by Amy [email protected]

Some members of Pitt Meadows councilexpressed concern that the city does nothave the staff to regulate another bylaw,but Kim Grout, the director of operationsand development services, said shebelieves they canhandle it.

Council is look-ing at passing azoning bylaw thatwould includeregulations for sec-ondary and gardensuites in the com-munity.

In order toaccommodategrowth in PittMeadows, and toprovide greater housing options, the citywould support the inclusion of attachedsecondary suites in single family homes,and small detached secondary units onsingle family lots, depending on issuessuch as parking standards and maximumunit size.

“They must comply with B.C. buildingcode,” said Grout, and be subject to zon-ing regulations.

“Perhaps they require owners to receivea business licence,” she added, “and wewill amend the land-use contract bylaw ifapplicable.”

Councillor John Becker said this deci-sion is likely to “elicit both enthusiasmand concern,” and wondered about apublic consultation process.

Grout said there will be an open houseon the zoning bylaw in general, hopefullysometime in May.

Secondary suites are not currentlypermitted in Pitt Meadows, but a reportfrom consulting company AECOM in 2009estimated that about eight per cent of all

single-family dwell-ings in the Cityhave a suite.

The 2006 censussuggested that therecould be as manyas 300 to 550 suitesin Pitt Meadows,and the city said itwants to recognizethe role suites playin providing rentalaccommodation,while avoiding a

culture of non-compliance.The city would take both a reactive

and proactive approach to legalizing thesuites, but Mayor Don MacLean warnedabout taking on too much work.

“If you’re not going to succeed, don’taggravate people by bringing forward abylaw we can’t enforce,” he said.

“Legally it’s better to legalize the pro-cess rather than not,” said Grout.

Pitt Meadows

City considers new bylawlegalizing secondary suites

“If you’re notgoing to succeed,don’t aggravatepeople by bringingforward a bylaw wecan’t enforce.”Pitt Meadows MayorDon MacLean

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A7



Page 8: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

OpinionOur View

TIMES changeto Thursday

Last weekend, you saw your lastFriday edition of the Maple Ridge-PittMeadows TIMES.

We’re moving forward.We all know that standing still is not

an option in today’s business climate.As marketplace and consumer trendsevolve, staying ahead of the curve iskey to success and growth.

At the TIMES, we are committed toleading the way on this front, just aswe are committed to ensuring that weremain relevant to our audiences.

With consumers and advertisers hav-ing more media choices today than everbefore, the TIMES strives to understandour readers and advertisers more deeplyand engage them in new and meaning-ful ways.

In addition to keeping you informedof local news, issues, and events, westrive to provide our advertisers notonly with the best in readership reachand customer service, but also withstrategic and effective ways of deliver-ing their advertising messages to theright people at the right time.

And now we are going to deliver itall to you one day earlier.

We are excited to inform you that, asof May 5, 2011, the TIMES will changepublishing days from Tuesday andFriday to Tuesday and Thursday.

We believe this strategic move toThursday distribution will be of greatbenefit to our advertisers, in terms ofreaching their weekend audience in atimely manner.

This move will also give you, ourreaders, the chance to plan your week-end buying decisions, and will allowyou to take a look ahead at weekendevents in the community.

With every issue we publish, andwith every event we organize or attend,we become a stronger voice in the com-munities we serve. And with everynew idea and every new initiative, wecontinue to prove to our readers andadvertisers that the TIMES is innovativeand unique.

We thank you for your continuedsupport, and look forward to continuingto provide you with news and informa-tion that is relevant and timely.

As I’m sitting here writing this,there are not yet any electionresults.

We got special permission fromthe press to hold our front pagelong past our usual deadline,to get you the latest local – andnational – election results pos-sible, as quickly as possible.

And when that extended dead-line finally hit us, we kept plug-ging away, using our website to keep writ-ing election updates, to keep our readers and ourcommunity fully informed about what’s comingout of the ballot boxes here, and across Canada.

But alas, right now I’m writing blind.The generous folks at the press wouldn’t

extend their magnanimity to my delightful andthoughtful expressions of wisdom.

The day after the election, I’m still stuck withyesterday’s predictions.

So I will stick only to the predictions that I canconjure with reasonable certainty.

First, I’ll predict that, whatever the outcome ofyesterday’s general federal election, the sun rosetoday and will tomorrow – maybe behind clouds,but it will rise. An asteroid strike could blowthat prediction to smithereens, but ones that bigonly hit the earth about every 500,000 years, andscientists have their eye on one that could bea danger to us in about 800 years… so I’m notlosing sleep over it until at least next week.

Next, I’ll predict that, however the electionended, Canada, like the sunshine, will survive.

As I’m writing this, the most likely end resultseems to be another couple of years of whatwe’ve had for the last couple of years: a reason-ably successful minority government headed byStephen Harper… except Jack Layton will prob-ably take Michael Ignatieff’s place at the head ofthe opposition benches.

The politicians may have been dissatisfied withthe hard work and compromise that minoritygoverning requires.

But who cares what the polit-icians think? It’s been workingjust fine, and I predict that it willcontinue to work just fine.

Don’t expect the oppositionparties to gang up on Harperand take over the reins of gov-ernment by forming a majoritycoalition.

There would be nothing wrongwith that… but what are thechances that Layton will get thatlevel of support from Ignatieff or

Gilles Duceppe? Would you happily lend yoursupport to the guy who just put the boots toyou? Nope. Not likely.

Less likely, but definitely a possibility, Laytoncame out of last night with the most seats, and ashot at being the guy who gets to form a minor-ity government.

Maybe he will be prime minister for a while,or maybe (more likely) the right wing partieswill form one of those coalitions they claim todespise – to keep the socialists from destroyingCanada, of course.

But whether they do or don’t, the countrywon’t be destroyed. Canada will survive.

Maybe Harper came through last night witha majority government. He’ll do his ultra-right-wing stuff, a lot of people will probably get upsetwith him, maybe the voters will move a littlecloser to the centre of the political spectrum nexttime, and… Canada will survive.

There’s a remote possibility that it was Laytonwho finished the night with a majority of seats– in which case he’ll do his ultra-left-wing stuff,a lot of people will probably get upset with him,maybe the voters will move a little closer to thecentre of the political spectrum next time, and…Canada will survive.

And my final prediction – the one of which Iam more certain than any other: we got the gov-ernment we deserved.

That’s democracy, folks, and the beauty of itoften leaves me in awe.


■ Your ViewLast week’s question

Do you think the weather on the WestCoast will ever warm up?

This week’s questionElection over, Royal couple wed, bored yet?






This Week’s Question

A8 Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Who we are

Ryan McAdamsPublisher

EditorialMaria Rantanen

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Sales Manager

The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows TIMESnewspaper is a division of Postmedia Network

Inc. We’re located at 22345 North Avenue,Maple Ridge, B.C. The TIMES has aCCAB audited circulation of 29,001.

Bob [email protected]


Roxanne [email protected]

Assistant Editor

Odd Thoughtsby Bob Groeneveld

Canada survives… awesome!

Page 9: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A9Mailbag

LETTERS POLICY: Copyright in letters and other materials submitted voluntarily to the Publisher and accepted for publicationremains with the author, but the Publisher and its licensees may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms. Letters arealso subject to editing for content and length. The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows TIMES is a division of Postmedia Network Inc.

Dear Editor,I’ve been living in the St. Anne area (for-

mally the ghetto) for about a year now.I’m one of the persons – along with a few

others – who initiated the cleaning up ofdrugs, prostitutes, and homeless in the area.

We have done quite the job in the area,and life is a lot better.

You don’t worry as much about vagrantswhen you walk your dogs, and you don’tsee hookers at night or people walking upthe street with stolen goods.

You see parents with their children dur-ing the day, going for walks. It’s peacefulat night – no gun shots or sirens blaring atthree o’clock in the morning.

The reason I’m writing this is, with all thecity code violations in this area, the bylawofficer here has nothing better to do buthassle a hard-working person whose car is a

foot and a half on city property.The vehicle has no radiator and needs

repairs, and he comes to the door andthreatens to give me a ticket,

I’m talking a foot and a half.I’m sure glad the district appreciates all

the walks at night, and moving the home-less out of the bush at the end of the street,and all the lights I put up in the alleys tolight them up at night.

Then [the bylaw officer] has the nerve tostart getting belligerent with me and down-right rude, trying to show his authoritytowards me.

He knows who I am. We’ve seen eachother at the meetings for the area. I’m notasking for special treatment. I’m asking fora foot and a half.

You’re welcome, Maple Ridge.Jim Foulds, Maple Ridge


Just want a foot and a half

Dear Editor,How many people do all

of us know who regularlydrive to the U.S.A. to fillup their gas tanks withcheap American gas madefrom Canadian oil.

We have a prime min-ister who is not only theminority prime minister ofCanada, but his real job isthe covert Grand PoPa ofAlberta, and he can hardlywait for oil to be $200 dol-lars a barrel or more.

And still, in Canada – anoil-exporting nation – cit-izens pay more for our gas

than the people who weexport it to.

I, for one, am fed upwith the constant mis-management, environ-mental recklessness, andoutright gouging of theCanadian consumer.

The federal and prov-incial governments haveabsolutely no interest inlower gasoline prices asthey both receive windfalltax grabs when gasolineprices rise; 40 per cent ofthe price of gas is taxes.

Do oil companies pay alot of taxes?

I seriously doubt it, theypay none in the U.S.A.

Do these multi-nationalcompanies really have avested interest in protect-ing Canada’s environment?

The people of Canadashould be the major bene-ficiary of this nationaltreasure. But all I see asa Canadian is $1.35 fora litre gasoline, shoddy,haphazard environmentalcontrols, and a proposedsupertanker route 98-158miles inland up the fourthmost dangerous waterwayin the world to Kitimat.That can only lead to aworld-class disaster.

If any political party inthe federal election wantsmy vote, all they wouldhave to do is nationalizethe Canadian oil and gasindustry, which after allbelongs to every Canadianin the first place.

I have to question what– other than environ-mental nightmares – dothe people of Canada getout of the exploitation ofthis valuable nonrenewableCanadian natural resource?

Time for a do-over.Wayne Clark, Maple Ridge

Canada’s natural resources

Give back oil and gas industry


Toowet to build water parkDear Editor,

Mr. Moedt suggests a “water park” to attract tour-ists [Water park will draw in tourists, April 26 Letters,TIMES].

I suggest he give his wet head a shake.Have you looked outside lately? We hardly have the ideal

climate to make a water park a viable business venture.Who wants to patronize a water park in a rain forest?

Such endeavors have seen dismal failure in areas suchas Pitt Meadows, which isn’t that far away from Ruskin. Isuggest Mission council re-think its idea that the park willattract anything but mosquitoes.

Best to come up with a more inventive suggestion beforewasting more taxpayer dollars on a losing proposition.

John Turner, Maple Ridge

Dear Editor,We did it to ourselves. Democracy as we

know it is declining.Our MLAs tell us they are there to repre-

sent their constituents when up for election.When they are elected and get into parlia-

ment, they suddenly follow the party line,regardless of the views of the constituentsthey courted to get in power.

The party line should not be rigid.I am told that, in caucus, everyone has a

voice. I wonder how many of those elected“to represent us” voted the way of theirconstituents, given the animosity to theHST. The MLAs feel they should be able tospend our tax money on their expenses, andwe should not know what the expenses are.

This government has run the provincelike a corporation.

Any company would demand an expensestatement of its employees. Do we, thepeople of B.C., deserve anything less?

People vote for different reasons. No mat-ter for whom they vote, it is a sad, sad daywhen they realize they were deliberatelylied to by the very people they helped putin power.

Twenty-five per cent of eligible voters putthis government in power. The other 75 percent either voted for the other parties or didnot vote, and let apathy win the day.

Nobody will convince me that 25 per centof the voting public gives this government amandate to do what they did last year.

I just read an interesting speech byStephen Harper, Dec. 10, 1996: “This har-monization of the GST, this tax collusionbetween provincial and federal Liberalgovernments is not the way to reverse theeconomic decline of this country.”

Don’t let apathy win the day. Vote. I willvote to extinguish the HST, one of the mostunfair taxes ever put on a population.

Stan Hutchison, Maple Ridge


Votemust extinguish unfair HST

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Page 10: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A10 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

As the landscape of the downtowncore changes, driving habits may haveto change with it.

by Amy [email protected]

Business owners on Lougheed Highway,between 222nd and 224th Streets sayaccidents have increased on that stretchsince constructionwas completed atthe beginning of thisyear.

Paul Kvammen,who owns the CDShack, said that, onsome days, there canbe as many as oneaccident every fewhours.

He is not just talk-ing about collisions,but incidents likepeople getting theirmirrors ripped off bypassing cars.

“The outside laneis not wide enoughto accommodate anyvehicle outside of amid-size truck,” hesaid.

Kvammen said hehas almost been hitby a mirror a couple of times when he hasbeen standing outside his shop.

“I’m sure everything is built to code,”he said, “but for Yaletown. This is trucktown.”

He said he is concerned becauseLougheed Highway is the main road, anddrivers can go up to 80 km/hour on it..

“We have a huge problem here,” hesaid, “and it’s only going to get worse.”

On March 22, a woman was getting outof her car that was parked on Lougheedbetween 223rd and 224th Streets, andanother car came along, struck her car,and ripped off her door.

However, the fire department said it hasonly attended to two vehicle accidents inthat stretch of road since Jan. 1, with onebeing the incident on March 22.

According to RCMP Cpl. Dale Somerville

from the Ridge Meadows Traffic Section,accidents on the Lougheed Highwaybetween 222 Street and 225 Street havedecreased since the same period the yearbefore.

He looked at the period from March 1,2009 to Feb. 28, 2010 and found therewere 41 crashes recorded, while fromMarch 1, 2010, to Feb. 28, 2011, therewere only 32.

ICBC recorded only three crashes inthat stretch of highway up until the end

of 2010, but does nothave any figures yetfor 2011.

Kvammen said thatis understandable, asmost of the incidentsare small enough driv-ers wouldn’t contactICBC. He just knowswhat he has seen out-side his storefront.

Fred Armstrong andAndrew Wood fromthe District of MapleRidge said the fact thatbusiness owners arenoticing more incidentson that stretch of roadis a good sign thatpeople are taking pridein their surroundings.

“There’s a senseof ownership,” saidWood, a municipalengineer. “Civic owner-

ship is really great.”Armstrong, the manager of corporate

communications, said the development ofthe downtown core has changed people’ssense of place, and it is the same feelingone might have when purchasing a newcar – keep it pristine for as long as pos-sible, and notice immediately when some-thing seems out of joint.

Wood explained that the road designitself is one reason Kvammen and otherbusiness owners are noticing more thingsgoing on.

He said drivers travelling east, forexample, are coming from a wide stretchof Lougheed Highway into an area wherethe lanes are not narrower, but they feelthat way, and drivers have to slow downto accommodate.

More online at, click on “News”

Maple Ridge

‘Truck town’ traffic tough

Amy Judd/TIMES

Paul Kvammen has owned the CD Shack for sixyears.

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May 7-8



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Downtown Maple Ridge

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Cycling Stage Race

Page 11: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011


A dysfunctional familyencounters a bloody tragedyin Rick Miller’s Amy [email protected]

At first glance, the words ofWilliam Shakespeare’s Macbethcould not be further away fromthe comedy of Matt Groening’sThe Simpsons.

How could “out, damn’dspot” ever blend seamlesslywith Homer Simpson’s famouscatchphrase “doh!”?

But Canadian comedian RickMiller has found a way, and willbe bringing his award-winningplay MacHomer to The ACT thisFriday.

Miller describes his one-man show as “brutally editedMacbeth, but still Shakespeare’swords.”

“Eight-five per cent of the words out of my mouth areShakespeare,” he said, “and a bunch of jokes thrown inwhich Shakespeare never intended.”

Chances are, however, Shakespeare may have beenquite impressed with Miller’s retelling of his famous taleof revenge and murder.

“Shakespeare was pop culture 400 years ago,” saidMiller. “He was writing in a very satirical way to com-ment on his society.”

“They are a lot more similar than you would firstthink,” he added.

In much the same way Shakespeare wrote for themasses, The Simpsons has long been known as a humor-ous look at the average American family, lovable foiblesand all.

“They both appeal to very different cross sections ofsociety,” said Miller. “In Shakespeare, there’s slapstickand then there’s politics.”

MacHomer was the brainchild of Miller about 16 yearsago when he was playing “murderer number two” in aproduction of Macbeth. Now he has toured the show toabout 175 cities, and more than half a million peoplehave seen it.

Miller performs other works aswell, but MacHomer is his mostfamous. It is also used in schoolsas a teaching tool, and a way forstudents to become interestedin learning more about one ofShakespeare’s most famous plays.

“If you can break your waythrough the language barrier, youwill see there are some great wordsthere,” he said.

Every few years he gives theplay a bit of an overhaul to makesure it’s still relevant, and his 50Simpsons’ characters voices arestill up to scratch.

“If you look at an episode [ofThe Simpsons],” said Miller, “yesthese characters are pathetic andkind of depressing, but you find aconnection with [them].”

MacHomer will be at The ACT onFriday, May 6, at 7:30 p.m. Ticketsare $35 for adults, $28.50 for sen-iors, and $20 for students.

For more information or to pur-chase tickets go to

Shakespearemeets The Simpsons

Rick Miller will be performing MacHomer at The ACT thisFriday.

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A11

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Page 12: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A12 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


After releasing a CD, Ron Kalmakoffreleased his first video last weekpaying tribute to all mothers.

by Roxanne [email protected]

It’s been one hell of a ride this pastyear for a Maple Ridge shop ownerwho has dared to relaunch a singingcareer at the age of 48.

It started recently with the release ofLittle Cricket Gift Gallery owner RonKalmakoff’s newest CD, Turn Around,and now the release last week of his firstvideo.

My Mother’s Son, one of the songson his new CD, has been released asa video on YouTube.

The timing, Kalmakoff admitted,is no coincidence. It’s very inten-tional that he released it just ahead ofMother’s Day.

“I’ve known many wonderfulmother figures over the years andhave seen the terrific life long bondbetween mothers and their children,”he said.

He’s particularly excited about thenew project, because it’s another first.

“I am very proud of this video not onlybecause of my own personal history withthe song but I also played a big part inthe concept and creation of the video,” hesaid. “Along with my good friend, ShawnSoucy of Spirit Media, I had a chance tohelp put the pieces together and made thisa reality.”

The video can be viewed at


“My wish is that if thevideo moves you, or youthink it will move others

who you know, please pass it on,”Kalmakoff said.

“To all mothers who inspire their chil-dren everyday. Happy Mother’s Day.”

This artist spent the past dozen months(or so) rekindling his life-long love ofmusic – a passion first ignited at a talentshow during his teens that sparked a pro-fessional music career that spanned thebetter part of two decades.

“My inner spark is back,” Kalmakoff

said, a twinkle in his green eyes.More than a decade ago, Kalmakoff was

drawing applause for his sixth album,Journey of the Heart, when life took aharsh turn with a series of family-relatedevents.

“Life changes, revolves, and moves inmany different directions,” he mused.

And as he tells it, 2010 brought evenmore changes. That’s when he went backto work with co-producer Michael Creber,a Grammy nominated and Juno Awardwinning composer and musician whoKalmakoff calls his “musical brother” andrekindled his music career.

“This is the third recording project we

have worked on together. He also acts asmy music director and key-

board player on stage. I hadcalled Michael early lastyear asking if he would beinterested in doing someco-writing with me,”Kalmakoff recounted.“After being away from

my music for more than 10years – performing and song-

writing – I decided in advance that after acouple sessions in the studio, if this wasnot meant to be, I would know it anddecide to put my music behind me,” hetold the TIMES.

“After a month of writing on my own, Itook some of my material to him. Michaelthought what I brought him was terrificand the songs were solid with just mywriting alone, so we started the process oflaying tracks on a few of the tunes.”

Kalmakoff claimed he knew as soon ashe walked into the recording studio thatit was time for him to get back into hismusic career again.

“There was a comfort level for me thatI forgot about being away from the busi-ness. My writing skills had come back andmy voice was the strongest ever,” said theSaskatchewan-born singer.

“I seemed to feel that it was time for meto get back into my career again and littledid I know of the great response I wouldlater receive from fans who used to followmy music in the past.”

The CD is available through both of hisstores. It can also be ordered though hiswebsite at, aswell as on PayPal, iTunes, and CDBaby.

• More online at,click on “Entertainment”

Gift shop owner launches video for mothers

Ron Kalmakoff, owner of Little Cricket Gift Gallery, has rekindled his music career.








“There was a comfort level forme that I forgot about beingaway from the business.”RON KALMAKOFF

Page 13: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

Thanks Mom!A few TIMES readers joined reporter Amy Judd(below) in thanking their mothers for everythingthey do. Like Judd’s mother Jeniffer, thesetwo other women have always been in theirchildren’s corner and are felt to be heroes.Above is Kelly Ablett, with her daughtersShelby, Tiffany, and Marina. Right is MapleRidge’s Keilah Gauley with her mother Leesa.“My mom is my hero because every Monday,Thursday, and most weekends she drivesme and my sister to baseball – no matterwhat,” Keilah said. “We are always on time,and she’s always cheering us on.”

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A13

Join us inCelebratingM M

224th & Lougheed


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Page 14: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A14 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A15

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Page 15: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A16 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


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Page 16: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

SPECC-tacular Productions willshowcase spring fashions, set toBroadway music.

by Amy [email protected]

This is not your typical fashionshow.

There will be models, beautifulclothes, and glitz and glamour.

But there will also be a lot more.SPECC-tacular Productions is put-

ting on a show to raise money forits upcoming theatre season, witha preview of its Christmas show, AChristmas Carol.

“The only way we can put on ashow is if we make money in ourlast show or get money elsewhere,”

said fashion show coordinatorChristine Olorenshaw.

Combining fashion with SPECC-tacular, singers will sing songs fromBroadway musicals, as well.

“It’s a little different from astraightforward fashion show,” saidOlorenshaw.

The show includes all local talent,with models and singers from thecommunity, dancers from the MapleRidge Dance Circle, and fashionsfrom local stores including CrystalBlu, Mico’s Swimwear, Winners,and Creekside Fashions in PortCoquitlam.

Models will wear never-before-seen pieces from Joseph Ripkoff’sfashion line at Crystal Blu – he isthe official designer for the MissAmerica pageants.

There will be door prizes and a

traditional English cream tea.Along with new clothes and a

snippet from A Christmas Carol, theshow will also preview SPECC-tacu-lar’s 2012 season. The dramatists arehoping to stage the musical favouriteOliver! next year.

“We just want to do musicals,”laughed Olorenshaw.

Tickets for the May 7 show,including tea and entertainment, are$20. The show runs from 1 to 4 St. Andrews Church Hall, 22165Dewdney Trunk Rd. Tickets can bebrought through any of the fashionstores in the show, at the door, orby calling 604-465-1694.

“It gives a chance for the localstores to promote themselves aswell,” said Olorenshaw. “It’s what’sin the future for theatre, and what’sin the future for fashion.”


Fashions shownwith a difference

Models tried onclothes at Crystal Blu

in Maple Ridge aheadof the SPECC-tacular

fashion show onMay 7.

Christine Olorenshaw photo

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A17

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Page 17: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A18 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

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Page 18: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

May 3

❚ Ridge Meadows RecyclingSociety’s Annual GeneralMeeting will be held atthe Hammond CommunityCentre at 20601 WestfieldAve. at 7 p.m., followed by awine and cheese social.

May 3

❚ Volunteer Maple Ridge-PittMeadows is hosting an infor-mation session open to thepublic from 7 to 8 p.m. inthe seniors’ lounge of the PittMeadows Rec Centre. Findout about volunteer oppor-tunities with more than 60organizations. Contact AshleySingh [email protected] or 604-467-6911 ext.230 to register.

May 4

❚ Kanaka open mic/stage,features singer/songwriterWayne Silver from 5:30 to7.30 p.m. at Kanaka CreekCoffee, #101-24155 102ndAve. Info: 604-463-6727.

May 5

❚ The Maple Ridge BetterBreathers Club will holdits monthly meeting in theFraser Room of the MapleRidge Library from 12 to 2p.m. This club is a supportgroup for people with chron-ic lung conditions such asasthma, chronic bronchitis,COPD. Family and caretakersare welcome. Timo Juurakko,assistant fire chief will betheir guest. Info: Heidi at604-466-1633 or Jean at 604-467-1320.

May 5

❚ The Maple Ridge Libraryis hosting Personal PlanningLaw at 7:30 p.m. Local law-yer Raj Singh will bring youup to date on the three docu-ments that cover all personalmatters regarding propertyand health, including casesof absence or diminishedmental or physical capacity.Info: call the Maple RidgeLibrary at 604-467-7417.

May 5

❚ A support group for care-givers, family, and friends ofpeople with Parkinson’s dis-ease meets from 10 a.m. to12 p.m. Info: Elinor Verkerk604-467-2768 or [email protected].

May 5

❚ A Seniors Connect meetingwill be held at 9 a.m. in thelibrary of the Ridge MeadowsSeniors Activity Centre at12150 224th St.

May 6

❚ Alouette Elementary PACis holding a spring carnivalfrom 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. rainor shine. Family and friendsof the school are invited.Games, prizes, cake walks,dunk tanks, cotton candyraffle, silent auction, andfood. The carnival is a fund-raiser for the school to buycomputers, Smartboards,and sports equipment. Info:Alouette Elementary at 604-463-8730.

May 6

❚ Laity View Elementaryschool hosts “The Midway inMay” Carnival from 4 to 7:30p.m. Games, prizes, a pettingzoo, dunk tank, cake walk,silent auction, watermeloneating contest, basket raffles,food and more. Free admis-sion. Info:

May 6

❚ The Maple Ridge Adopt-A-Block Society will hosta community cleanup at 1p.m. Meet at the bandstandin Memorial Peace Park on224th Street. All Maple Ridgeresidents are invited to comeout and help make MapleRidge the cleanest commun-ity in B.C. Info: 604-463-9699or [email protected].

May 7

❚ Meadowridge Knights foot-ball evaluation and registra-tion day will be held from10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at BlueMountain Elementary School,12153 248th St. Atom: 10a.m, Peewee: 11:30, Juniorbantam: 1 p.m. All playersexcept midget and bantamneed to register.

May 7

❚ The Fraternal Order ofEagles #2831 Ladies Auxiliarywill host a Mother’s Daystrawberry tea, lunch, andfashion show at 11:30 a.m.There will be door prizes,raffles, and a 50/50 draw.The Eagles Hall is at 23461Fern Cres. The cost is $10.Info: Gloria at 604-467-6420.

May 7

❚ Pitt Meadows Garden Clubholds its annual plant andbake sale from 10 a.m. to2 p.m. at the Pitt MeadowsCommunity Hall adjacent tothe community church at thecorner Harris and Ford roads.

May 8❚ The Alouette FieldNaturalists travel to theOthello tunnels east of Hopeto see spring flowers. Meetat 9 a.m. on 228th Streetbetween Dewdney andLougheed to carpool. Info:Duanne at 604-463-8743.

A complete listing is onlineat,click on ‘Community’

WHAT’S ONPost events to

www.mrtimes.comand email them to

[email protected]

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A19

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Page 20: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

On Deck

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Race coming upRace the Ridge is a two-day

vent taking place this Saturdaynd Sunday.Cyclists from all over B.C. will

oll into Maple Ridge this weekendor Race the Ridge 2011.

A time trial will take place inGolden Ears Park, on Saturday,May 7, from 8 to 11 a.m., followed

y the Town Core Criterium fromto 8 p.m.The event is run and organized

y the Local Ride Bike Shop inMaple Ridge.

• More online:,click on “Sports”

New record setThe SFU men’s lacrosse team

beat Montana 26-9 in late April.Meadowridge student Max

Weselowski once again provedhis worth on the lacrosse field,as the SFU men’s team took onMontana. Despite a halftime defi-cit of 7 to 5, the Clan managed tocome back in the second half andend with a final score of 26-9.

Weselowski picked up 15ground balls and improved uponhis own record for best face-offpercentage in a game going90% on 26 wins in 29 attempts.Weselowski broke the previousrecord of 71% earlier this year.• More online:,

click on “Sports”

Tied for thirdTwo local residents competed

in a golf tournament this pastweekend.

Keanna Mason from MapleRidge ended up with a sec-ond-place result in the golfOptimist International JuniorChampionship Qualifier, while PittMeadows resident Muni He tiedfor third place.

Mason had a score of 77-78, tomake a final of 155.• More online:,

click on “Sports”

Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A21

In the last competition beforethe Regional Championships, theRock Wall climb-ing team fromMaple Ridge, cer-tainly gave them-selves somethingto cheer about.

After winningthe North FaceChallenge Cup inBanff last month,the Maple Ridgeteam seemed tobe “climbing withconfidence,” saidhead coach TerrySpurrell.

“It showed againthis weekend asthey were a dom-inate force,” hesaid.

The White Knuckle BoulderCompetition in Saanicton onVancouver Island was an on-sightboulder competition, where eachclimber had five problems tosolve, in a maximum time limitof four minutes. A partial pointwas received for reaching thekey bonus hold throughout eachclimb, and one full point wasreceived for topping out the prob-lem. Ties were broken by count-ing the number of attempts oneach problem.

Spurrell said the big successstory of the day was the RockWall’s 11-and-under girls, led bySara Hopkins, who swept theircategory.

“Hopkins clinched first placeby solving a tricky heel hooksequence on the final problem,”said Spurrell, “the only 11-and-under girl to top all five.”

He added that it was a veryclose race between second andthird place, where Alex Gibsonand Kari Jurick had both toppedthree problems and reached the

bonus hold on the fifth, butGibson did it with one fewer

attempt edging outJurick.

“The whole teamwas thrilled withthe 11-and -underpodium sweep,”said Spurrell.

He remarked hisdaughter Christyhad one of her bestperformances at theevent, easily beat-ing out her long-time opponent fromNorth Vancouverwho had edged herout of a World’sTeam spot in twoof the past fouryears.

“In the sixcompetitions since January, theRock Wall has seen its climbersplace in every competition,” saidSpurrell.

“While impressiveas that is, NicoleHopkins, mother ofone of the climbersstates that what ismore impressive iswhat the gym andits coaches are pro-viding these youngpeople,” he added.“They encouragethem, build up theirself-esteem, makethem feel import-ant, and help themexperience suc-cess.”

He said he cred-its the Rock Wallteam’s success part-ly with his athletesand the passionthey have for climbing and partlywith his coaching program.

The Rock Wall has had mem-

bers on the Canadian NationalClimbing Team and competedat every Continental, Pan-Am

and WorldChampionshipcompetition since2006. Spurrellhas more than 30years experienceclimbing, andnine years coach-ing. His daughterChristy is anassistant coachand still competeswith the team.She has competedfor eight yearsand competedfor Canada since2007.

Assistant coach-es Sammy Belland Jaylene Pratthave both com-peted for Canada

for three years before aging out.Pratt is now in her second yearof kinesiology at Simon Fraser

University, which has added tothe program.

Assistant coach Nikki Blais isthe team’s fitness trainer andhas been instrumental in makingthe team stronger this year, saidSpurrell.

Since 2009, at least 10 per centof the National Team has comefrom the Rock Wall in MapleRidge. “Considering there aremore than 60 climbing centresacross Canada, that’s an impres-sive number,” said Spurrell.

In this competition, SaraHopkins came first, Alex Gibsonplaced second, and Kari Jurickcame third in girls ages 11 andunder.

In the same category for boys,Jakob Plamondon came first.

For girls ages 12 to 13, GabbyGibson placed second, in the girlsages 16 to 17, Carly Turner camethird, Jarred Plamondon camethird for boys 16 to 17, and inthe girls ages 18 to 19, ChristySpurrell placed second and JulieHuff came fourth.


rock islandThe local Rock Wall climbing team competed in

Saanichton on Vancouver Island in April.

Christy Spurrell came second in her category.

Jarred Plamondon was one of theonly boys competing for the RockWall climbing team on VancouverIsland.

Sara Hopkins impressed coachTerry Spurrell at the April event.


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Page 21: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A22 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows TimesSports

The Haney SeahorseSwim Club had its mostsuccessful event ever atthe provincial AAA short-course meet in Victoria.

Led by Dane Simmons,the Haney Seahorse SwimClub won two bronzemedals in late April on theIsland.

Other team membersReeghan and KaelenOsmond, and JordanMorford, added ninemore top-eight finishes,one Western qualifyingtime, and eight age groupnational qualifying timesat the provincial AAAshort-course meet.

This group will now betravelling to Montreal inJuly for the national cham-pionships.

The provincial AA teamof Kylie Morford, VictoriaGood, Julia Cielecka, JuliaRosec, Amanda Hollyday,and Zak Osmond capturedone silver medal, fromGood, 14 top-eight finish-es, and Rosec earned herAAA qualifying time.

Good and Osmondalso won medals at theLower Mainland RegionalSwimming Championshipsin Delta, and have quali-fied for the Kelowna AAmeet in June.

New additions to thecompetitive team, KennedyBadminton, Cole Tomson,and Missy Williams haverecently qualified for theregional meets as well.

Head coach MikeKirkness and assistantcoach Kiely Cunninghamsaid they expect big thingsfrom the swimmers in theupcoming meets.

This past weekend, theclub attended the SurreyMeet.

In addition to the recentcompetition, the swimmersalso held a swim-a-thon toraise money. All proceedswent to Covenant House,and they managed to raise$2,534.

The Haney Seahorseswim club is a local clubthat offers a comprehen-sive competitive swimprogram as well as fitnessfor children and mastersswimmers. All ages andlevels of ability are wel-come to join the club.

All coaches are membersof the Canadian SwimCoaches Association, andas this is a year-roundclub, members are wel-come to join throughoutthe year.



Gerry Kahrmann/Postmedia Network Inc.

Victory in game sevenVancouver Canucks fans Mariah Mund, left, and Katrina Gorrie, right, from Maple Ridge, hammed it upoutside Rogers Arena prior to the Canucks playing the Chicago Blackhawks in Game seven of the WesternConference Quarterfinals during the 2011 NHL Stanley Cup last Tuesday’s game.

A Ridge Meadows minor baseballteam travelled to the interior for atough weekend of competition.

The Ridge Meadows AAA MidgetRoyals beat the South OkanaganTigers twice on Saturday in Penticton,before splitting a pair of games with theKamloops Riverdogs on Sunday.

Nor Ljunggren, the team’s general man-ager, said this trip is “annually one of thetoughest weekends of the season.”

The boys won both games on Saturday,and won one game and lost one on

Sunday.In the first game of the weekend,

Keanen Buckley took the hill, saidLjunggren, and allowed only two hits andan unearned run in a five-inning 16-1mercy victory.

“Offensively, several Royals had hugegames at the plate,” he said.

Cole Ross hit his first home run of theseason and added a two-run double,which contributed to a six-RBI game,(runs batted in records).

Brandon Sound also went 3-3 with anRBI and a run scored.

• More online at,click on “Sports”


Royals go 3-1 on trip





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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A23

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Page 23: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

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1310 Trades/Technical1310



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C O N C R E T E F I N I S H E R S .Edmonton-based company seeksexperienced concrete finishers forwork in Edmonton and NorthernAlber ta . Subsis tence andaccommodations provided for outof town work;[email protected] e l l 7 8 0 - 6 6 0 - 8 1 3 0 . F a x780-444-7103.

DAR-CAR TRUCKING LTD. isnow hiring log & gravel truckdrivers & buncher, skidder &processor operators. Please faxresume 403-638-4378 or call4 0 3 - 6 3 8 - 3 6 4 5 o r e m a i l :[email protected].

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A24 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times

Celebrate allyour


in the

Mike & Erica Browneare thrilled to announce the

arrival of their beautiful baby boyNathan JohnBrowneborn June 20th, 2006

at 9:44 p.m. weighing 8 lbs. 9 oz.

We would like to send a special

thank you to Dr. O'Hare, Hannah,

Susan and the wonderful nurses

at Ridge Meadows Hospital for all

their help and support.

Happy Birthday!Bobby Erickson

wants all his friends to

know he made it to the

September 19, 1947 –

September 19, 2007


The families ofMegan White& Daniel HunterAre pleased to announcetheir engagement whichtook place May 20, 2007while in Hawaii.CongratulationsMegan & Daniel

Wedding to take placeMarch 9, 2008

CongratulationsNaomiRobinsonU.B.C. Graduate,Bachelors ofScience, Dean’sList, attendingLaw School U.B.C.Fall 2007.Love from allyour family.We are so proudof you!

Mom & Dad

(Grandma & Grandpa)

All our Love,

Rick, Susan,

Kate & Brian



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Page 24: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

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1. Distress signal4. Number, in base two7. Automobile10. Test12. Expression of sorrow14. Flower petals15. Schenectady hospital17. He fiddled18. Macaws19. 13th President22. Plural of pons23. Ninth month (abbr.)

24. No longer are25. Type genus of theGliridae26. Public promotion27. Actor __ Harris28. Observe secretly29. Of she31. Indicates position32. Aluminum33. 8405735. Enlarge hole38. Incentive payment

40. Of the lower back42. Incandescentalternative46. A young girl47. Hang glide48. About Sun49. Goddess of blind folly50. Not crazy51. Gambling town52. A layer of rock53. Golf score54. Popular average

1. Appear2. Primula elatior3. Unhealthy looking4. Rubber rings5. A musical notation6. ____ng: venturesome7. Artery8. Warning signals9. Tear down11. Winnie the Poohauthor13. Spanish suns16. Ancient Persiagovernor18. More abundant20. Tall & thin like a twig

21. Support appendage28. They take dictation29. _____gue:a tirade30. Selects by votes31. Awakened33. Pumpkin-shaped34. S.E. Austrianriver36. Supports climbingplants37. Sledgehammered39. As____: evaluate40. More dried-up41. S.A. grassy plain42. Loose body fat

43. Cleansing agent44. Site of Jesus’ 1stmiracle45. Ridge over the eyes

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2095 Lumber/BuildingSupplies2095

BUILDING SALE... CanadianManufacturer Direct. 25x40$6320. 30x40 $7370. 35x50$9980. 40x80 $18,900. 47x100$31,600. Ends optional. Manyothers. Pioneer Steel Manufactur-ers since 1980, 1-800-668-5422.

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3505 Boarding3505HORSE self board 2 acre pas-ture, secure fencing, barn with 2stalls complete w/water electri-city. Storage for hay/tack. Agassizarea. Available now. Gord604-796-9623

3507 Cats3507BORN MARCH 14 healthy happyfamily raised , litter trained.$40.00 Lve msg 604-538-2980

PB RAGDOLL kittens, vet ✔ 1stshots, dewormed, heath guar.,$450 & up Cel # 604-771-4452

RAGDOLL KITTENS, males, 1stshot, worming, raised underfoot,post trained. $450. 604-581-2772




3508 Dogs3508BLACK LAB, P/B, 3 male pups, 8weeks, vet chk, shots, dewormed,$550, fam. raised, 604-794-0164

BOSTON TERRIER Pups, CKCreg, vet chk’d, reputable breeder& exc pedigree. 1-604-794-3786

3508 Dogs3508

B O R D E R C O L L I andoriginal markings. 6 Females, 1male asking $650. Please callSheri @ (604)312-2693 oremail@ [email protected]

Fila/Mastiff Guard Dog Pupsowners closest friend. Thieves

worst nightmare. All shots. Readynow! 604-817-5957

Foster homes urgently req’d forrescued, abandoned & neglecteddogs. Many breeds.www.

LAB PUPS yellow & black, male/female, vet checked. $550.Phone 604-701-1587

LABRADOODLES READY [email protected]$1100 / 250-395-4323

SHEPHERD/BORDER COLLIEcross. 7 weeks old. Had firstshots. Cute and playful. Ready togo, $225.- 604-796-9885

3545 Pets - Other3545

YORKIE 10 wk PB Reg, Girl, 1stshots, micro chip, $1200.00


Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A25

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1. Distress signal4. Number, in base two7. Automobile10. Test12. Expression of sorrow14. Flower petals15. Schenectady hospital17. He fiddled18. Macaws19. 13th President22. Plural of pons23. Ninth month (abbr.)

24. No longer are25. Type genus of theGliridae26. Public promotion27. Actor __ Harris28. Observe secretly29. Of she31. Indicates position32. Aluminum33. 8405735. Enlarge hole38. Incentive payment

40. Of the lower back42. Incandescentalternative46. A young girl47. Hang glide48. About Sun49. Goddess of blind folly50. Not crazy51. Gambling town52. A layer of rock53. Golf score54. Popular average

1. Appear2. Primula elatior3. Unhealthy looking4. Rubber rings5. A musical notation6. ____ng: venturesome7. Artery8. Warning signals9. Tear down11. Winnie the Poohauthor13. Spanish suns16. Ancient Persiagovernor18. More abundant20. Tall & thin like a twig

21. Support appendage28. They take dictation29. _____gue:a tirade30. Selects by votes31. Awakened33. Pumpkin-shaped34. S.E. Austrianriver36. Supports climbingplants37. Sledgehammered39. As____: evaluate40. More dried-up41. S.A. grassy plain42. Loose body fat

43. Cleansing agent44. Site of Jesus’ 1stmiracle45. Ridge over the eyes

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4530 TravelDestinations4530

OSOYOOS WATERFRONThouse avail June, July, Aug &Sept. 3 br, 2 full bath, large living& dinning rm, linens, fully equip’dkitchen, huge deck, fp, canoes,priv. dock. $1,500/wk (1 family).604-922-6101 or 604-788-6944.

7010 Personals7010DATING SERVICE. Long-Term/Short-Term Relationships, CALLN O W . 1 - 8 7 7 - 2 9 7 - 9 8 8 3 .Exchange voice messages, voicemailboxes. 1-888-534-6984. Liveadult casual conversations-1on1,1-866-311-9640, Meet on chat-lines. Local Single Ladies.1-877-804-5381. (18+).

6508 Apt/Condos65081 BR, M.R., Fully Reno’d Suites,May 15, All new Appl, np, ns,Alarm, refs, $545/$575 476-9372

1 BR. N. West. by Moody Park,$775 incl prkg, heat, storage, ns,np, refs. June 1, 604-786-3488

2232 McAllisterPort Coquitlam

1 BR & 2 BRApartments Available

* Newly reno’d, quiet securebldg, walk to all amenities.

* Near WC Express.* Rent incls heat, hot water,

fridge, stove, priv balcony &window coverings

* Laundry & Storage ea floor* No pets

✔ Wheel Chair Access604 - 941 - 7721

AMBER ROCHESTOR545 Rochester Ave, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall,S.F.U. & Transportation.

office:604- 936-3907

AMBER (W)401 Westview St, Coq

Large Units.Near Lougheed Mall.

Transportation & S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-2136cell: 604- 805-9490

ARBOUR GREENE552 Dansey Ave, Coq

Extra Large 2 Bedrooms.Close to Lougheed Mall &S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-4903cell: 778- 229-1358

6508 Apt/Condos6508

CALYPSO COURT1030 - 5th Ave, New West

Near Transportation &Douglas College.

Well Managed Building.

office: 604- 524-8174cell: 604- 813-8789

COQ. 2 BR $900, Avail Nowo r J u n 1 , h e a t , p a r k i n g .778-990-7079 or 604-521-8249

COTTONWOOD PLAZA555 Cottonwood Ave, Coq

Large units some with2nd bathroom or den.

On bus routes, close toS.F.U. & Lougheed Mall.

office: 604- 936-1225

JUNIPER COURT415 Westview St, Coq

Close to Lougheed Mall, allTransportation Connections,

Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604- 939-8905cell: 604- 916-0261

KING ALBERT COURT1300 King Albert, Coq

Close to Transportation,Schools & S.F.U.

office: 604-937-7343cell: 778-848-5993

M/R CENT, 11735-225th St, Adultbldg, 2 Br heat/h/w incl’d, no dogs604-467-9420, 604-720-5502

NEW WEST nr RCH/Skytrain,1 BR apt, $755/mo, No Pets, quietcomplex, Call 604 299-8288

6508 Apt/Condos6508

NEW WEST. Quiet 1 BR, g/lvl. NrMoody Park. $700/mo + utils.604-591-3628 or 604-517-5593


22588 Royal Crescent Ave,Maple Ridge

Large units. Close to GoldenEars Bridge. Great view of River

office: 604- 463-0857cell: 604- 375-1768

6540 Houses - Rent6540AVAIL MAY 1, 5 BR hse 2 bath 4appl or legal Business front. 2653James St, Abby. $1600/mo. N/P.604-583-6844 or 604 809-7796

COQ NEW HORIZONS, brandnew architect-designed, high ceil-ing, sunny home. 2000 sf w/3 BR,2.5 baths,1 Den, 2 lvls, gorgeousgarden , quiet cul-de-sac. $2200.Avail immed. 604-760-6372

MAIN FLOOR 2 bdrm, g/l office orden, 203 st. ns, refs, $1200 + 2/3utils, avail now. 604-625-2555

N WEST free utils/full/cbl /netfurnished/unfurn, 4 br heritagehome, quiet, w/d. N/s, n/p. May15/Jun1. $2500. 604-805-6763

6540 Houses - Rent6540

POCO 3 BR Rancher, 2 f/bath,w/d, big f/yard. $1350. By bus. AvMay 15 Pet ok. 604-522-3100

6565 Office/Retail -Rent6565

POCO RETAIL 1236sf, $3200,2569 Shaughnessy St. Air cond,exc loc acreoss from City Hall.Jun 1. Bill Evans 604-836-2494

MASTER BDRM newer 2bdrmBsmnt ste. 240/LGHEED inc util,cab le , w i re less , $500/mo778-229-7445 PHIL

6595-35 Maple Ridge/Pitt Mead.6595-35


LARGE unfurn bdrm/ldry/cable incl, nr Hospital,

ns. np, $450/mth604-992-6003

6602 Suites/PartialHouses6602

BBY, HIGHGATE. Spacious 1BR + den. F/bath, sh’d w/d, f/yard.Nice area! Suits 1. Ns/np. $700incl hydro. May 1. 604-522-6525

BBY, NORTH. 1 BR, f/bath, privw/d. Cat ok. $900 for 1 person,incl utils. June 1. 778-898-5159

COQ. 2 BR, grd/lvl. Private w/d &entry. Full bath. N/s, n/p. $975/moincls utils. Immed. 604-931-3677

COQ CTR. Very clean, big 1 BR.Shared laundry. Ns/np. $750/moincl utils/internet. Avail June 1st.Near bus route. 604-464-1085

NEW WEST, Queens Park, 4thSt, 1 BR, priv entry, sh’d w/d.Character home/modernized.Suits 1 person. $635/mo inclsutils. May 1. Ns/np. 604-521-3025

POCO BRIGHT private 1 BR g/l,lrg fenced yard, freshly painted,new bath, inste w/d. Small pet ok.avail now, $750 incls utils. Suitsmature n/s. 604-299-5435

POCO, NORTHSIDE. 2 BR, g/lvl.Gas f/p, garage, priv entry. $800.Ns/np. May 15th. 604-942-9725

6605 Townhouses -Rent6605

MAPLE RIDGEBrookside Gardens

3 BR newly renovated,carport, 5 appl, fenced yard,

Avail June 1★Pets Welcome ★

*deposit required


POCO 2 BR T/H $785/mo. Quiet-family complex, No Pets! AvailNow. Call 604-464-0034

PORT COQUITLAM 2 BR town-house, $830, quiet-family com-plex, no pets call 604-464-0034.

6615 Wanted To Rent6615CLEAN Non sm, middle agedcouple with a clean small dog,looking for 2 bdr house, on thegas main, opening windows, inMaple Ridge, Pitt Meadows, Pocoarea. up to 1250 per mo, refs. byMay 31/11 604-467-9639

6620 Warehouse/Commercial6620

LANGLEY. 2780 sq. ft. main floorwarehouse plus 600 sf mezzan-ine. Front office and rear gradeloading with 90’ turning radius!$7.25/sf. Ben Gauer, RoyalLePage Ben Gauer & Associates,604-644-0273 or 604-581-3838

REAL ESTATE6005 Real Estate


Renee DuboisMobile Mortgage Specialist

TD Canada Trust. [email protected]

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-02 Abbotsford6008-02MOUNTAINVIEW VILLAGE inquiet end location. Familyoriented complex in East Abby.Has outdoor pool, club house,playground, pets allowed. ThisUPDATED 3 BR, 3 bath feels likea home. Spacious mn flr offeringeating area/computer space offthe remodeled kitchen w/newmodern cab ine t f ron ts &hardware, counters, tile floor &appls. Nice dining rm w/slider toprivate yard & patio. Good sizeliving rm w/gas fireplace w/lamflrs. 3 BR up master has ensuite &walk in closet. Double side by sidegarage. Painted in trendy colours& close to visitor parking. Greatplace to call home! Easy accessto Hwy 1, shopping, parks, and alllevels of schools. $284,900. CallPamela Stadnik, Remax TreelandRealty, 604-533-3491

6008 Condos/Townhouses6008

6008-30 Surrey6008-30

WHY RENT? $159,900 2BRground floor condo in the Newtonarea. New carpet, ceramic tile,freshly painted , s/s appls, 2 undercover parkng. 778-865-0284

6020 Houses - Sale6020

6020-01 Real Estate6020-01

uSELLaHOME.comSell your home, only $99. 604-574-5243Delta Price Reduced studio condo, 19+complex, pool, park, $94,900 597-8361 id4714Langley Open House Sat/Sun 1-4, 20827-43Aave. immaculate 2872sf 5br 2.5ba home, quietcul-de-sac $669K 534-0852 id5318Sry Bear Creek Park beauty 1440sf rancher,gated 45+ $275,900 306-931-3939 id5234


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6020-22 NewWestminster6020-22

Sunday, 2 - 4pm at 1202 - 7 Ave.5 BR (3 BR upper + 2 BR legalsuite. $1000/mo rent). 2313 sq ft.$640,000. Karim Juma, Royal LePage City Centre, 604-678-9143

6035 Mobile Homes6035


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NEW SRI homes single, dbl &modular on display, 604-830-1960

NEW SRI single wides inLangley and Maple Ridge parks.Call 604-830-1960

Repossessed mobile homes tobe moved, 1974-2008, Chuck 604-830-1960.

SRY, 7850 King George Blvd.Looking for a beautiful dbl wideunder $80,000? 55+ adult park.Pet ok. Lorraine Cauley, RoyalLepage North Star, 604-889-4874



9125 Domestic9125

2009 FORD Mustang V6 Coupe;25000 km; Black; Pony packagew/45th Anniversary side badges& white tape strip; many aftermarket extras incl leather seats;racing 18' black/silver 5 spokerims and new tires; GPS & bluetooth system & much more. CallDave 604-819-0213.

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Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times Tuesday, May 3, 2011 A27

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Cash for junk cars! $100 to $1000Ask about our $500 Credit!

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9155 Sport Utilities/4x4’s/Trucks9155

1986 CHEV Gruman. Propane.Step van style. $4,995 obo.604-607-7711 or 604-809-3847

9160 Sports &Imports9160

1991 MAZDA Miata 5 spd, 210K,new time belt, air cared, $3500,D9921 Abbty. 1-877-855-6522

9173 Vans91732002 MAZDA MPV LX, 3.6 V6,177K, beige, new front brakes,exc shape $5100. 604-556-9434

9522 RV’s/Trailers9522

2003 ADVENTURER 22ft RV,85,000kms, sleeps 6. ExcellentCond $27,500. 604-819-6130

2004 JAYCO 10ft Tent Trailer,fully loaded, sleeps 8, good cond.Asking $6500 obo. 604-524-4778

2006 FLEETWOOD BAYSIDE,sleeps 8-10, fully loaded, verylarge, $9500. 604-591-1452

8.3 CUMMINS Diesel pusher,36ft, 80,000 mi, loaded. $32,900.Take trade + cash. 604-539-0506



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Stevie’s Handyman ServicesBig or Small, we do it ALL!

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Page 27: Maple Ridge Times May 3 2011

A28 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Times


Monday to Thursday 9am - 5:30pm, Friday 9am - 9pm, Saturday 9am - 5:30pm, Sunday Noon - 5pm.

22390 Lougheed Hwy., Maple Ridge


BUY 2 or




G.E. King SizeFront LoadWasher

• 3.8 cu.ft. King size CapacityFront Load Washer

• 1000 Rpm means lessdrying time

• 10 Wash Cycles• Stainless Steel Wash


• 7.0 cu.ft. Super CapacityElectric Front Dryer

• Sensor Dry Plus• Dry Cycles/4 Heat

Selections• Interior Light

G.E. King SizeFront LoadDryer

Starting at


G.E. Top Load CommercialQuality Washer and Dryer

• 6.0 cu.ft. CapacityElectric Dryer

• 3 cycles• 3 temperatures• Cotton Cycles

Top LoadWasher

Top LoadDryer

• 3.4 cu.ft. Capacity TopLoad Washer

• Flexcare agitator• 9 Wash Cycles• 3 wash/rinse


Starting at


Washer• 3.2 cu. ft. capacity• 14 wash cycles• Auto balance

suspension system

Dryer• 7.0 cu. ft.• Interior light• 8 cycles

$699after rebate

limited quantities







a pair

a pair

a pair