map examiner training homebound teachers march, 2008

MAP Examiner Training Homebound Teachers March, 2008

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Page 1: MAP Examiner Training Homebound Teachers March, 2008

MAP ExaminerTraining

Homebound Teachers March, 2008

Page 2: MAP Examiner Training Homebound Teachers March, 2008


Missouri Assessment Program is one of several educational initiatives mandated by the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993

The state Board of Education mandated the DESE to identify the knowledge, skills and competencies that Missouri students should acquire

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DESE Guidelines: Homebound Students

Must take the MAP if they are receiving homebound services

Must have the test administered by a trained examiner who guarantees the security of testing materials

May be tested either at home or at school

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Test Security “Shall Nots”

Testing material shall not be photocopied, duplicated or made accessible to non-testing personnel

Testing materials shall not be viewed by examiners before testing

Testing materials shall not be left in an unsecured area at any time, for any reason

Testing materials shall not be discussed between examiners

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Administration Time

Each assessment could require a total of three to five hours of test administration time

Each session should be completed in one “sitting” (unless an identified IEP accommodation)

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Types of Test Items

Selected Response Constructed Response Performance Events

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Examiner’s Manuals

Grade Level Specific Updated annually Familiarize yourself with it early! Strictly follow the directions

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Examiner’s Manuals

Steps 1 – 4: same information in all content areas

Step 5: Test administration directions specific to Communication Arts, Mathematics and Science

Steps 6 – 8: Contain the same information in all content areas

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Preparing for Testing Testing schedules = page 1 for all content areas Review the test directions in the Examiner’s Manual in

advance Testing materials shall not be viewed by the examiner

before testing Some sessions are strictly times. Other sessions allow

students who are making adequate progress, to complete the test

Each test session must be completed in one sitting Accommodations are discussed in Step 7 in the

Examiner’s Manual

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Use Standardized Testing Procedures

Read test directions exactly as written Observe time allowances for strictly-timed

sessions Verify that students understand the directions

and how to mark answers Test directions in the manual can be

paraphrased Test items and their directions cannot be


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“Do’s” for Examiners

Do eliminate noise distractions Do remove all information that might cue

the student about test content or process

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“Don’ts” for Examiners

Don’t correct answers that are wrong Don’t return books to students who have

completed their test Don’t ask students to finish incomplete

answers after time has expired in any of the sessions

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Test Booklets

Use only #2 pencils (not mechanical) on all portions of the test, including the cover

No highlighters, colored pencils No underlining on MC question stems No stray marks in coding tracks (answer


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2008 Changes

Grades 3 – 8: 2008 MAP includes all required tests, bound together in one book: Comm. Arts, Math, Science (organized in this order)

High school test booklets are still individual content areas: Math (gr. 10), Comm. Arts (gr. 11), Science (gr. 11)

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Ancillary Materials for Math

Students will be provided with a standard set of manipulatives . No other sets of manipulatives are allowed.

Grades 8 – 10 will be provided with a reference sheet that contains formulas and conversions

Calculators:• Grades 3-5 = not allowed

• Grades 6 – 10 will not be allowed to use calculators during session 2 part 1

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Ancillary Materials for Communication Arts

Grade 3: a standard dictionary and extra paper for writing first drafts may be used only during Session 2

Grades 7 & 11: a standard dictionary, thesaurus, grammar handbook and extra paper for first drafts may be used during Session 2

Grades 4,5,6,8: NO tools may be used for any sessions

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Ancillary Materials for Science

Reference Sheets:• Grades 5 & 11 will not be provided a

reference sheet

• Grade 8 will be provided with a reference sheet

Calculators: will not be allowed during any session of the test (grades 5,8 & 11)

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Invalidation Categories

Student cheating Examiner has paraphrased test questions Examiner reads any part of the Comm. Arts

test to the student other than students who are Blind/Visually Impaired & do not read Braille

Neither a student’s behavior nor judgment of effort can invalidate

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Test Administration

Help students relax & be positive Explain the purpose of the test Point out that some of the items may be

more difficult or new to the students – they are not expected to know all the answers, just to do their best

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Specific Instructions Sample questions are illustrated and printed in

the Examiner’s Manual for each content A starting/stopping time graphic is printed for

examiners to follow Sessions cannot be split over 2 days or lunch

periods Break times are printed in the Examiner’s

manual Notice the wording about not paraphrasing test

questions and pronouncing only one word per sentence

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Testing Schedule

For Sessions 1 & 2 of Comm. Arts and Session 1 of Math , if a student is making adequate progress, should allow to finish

Portions of Session 3 of Comm. Arts & Session 2 of Math are strictly timed.

Schedules (in min.) on page 1 of Examiner’s Manual

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Prior to Testing

Review the Examiner’s Manual in advance

Be sure student understands directions & how to mark answers

Do not paraphrase directions Do not assist with any questions Encourage to answer every question Eliminate distractions

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Make sure you have the appropriate manipulatives

Check Step 3 in the Examiner’s manual and the gray sidebars for specific tools

No charts, word banks, written or verbal prompts etc.

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Test Administration

Can paraphrase test directions only (where it says SAY in the examiner’s manual)

Cannot paraphrase directions relating to a question!

Pronouncing a word should be restricted to ONE word per sentence

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IEP accommodation or physical limitation Do not scribe because the student has

poor handwritting, poor spelling or attention problems

Scribe on draft copy without grammatical markings

Let student edit

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Level Not Determined (LND)

Valid Attempt Oral reading on any part of the Comm.

Arts test will invalidate Paraphrasing on any MAP test will


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Prepare Students

Help them approach in a relaxed positive way

Explain the purpose Point out that some items will be more

difficult & new to them They are not expected to know all the

answers, but they are expected to do their best