map basics geog 370 christine erlien, instructor

Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

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Page 1: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Map Basics

GEOG 370

Christine Erlien, Instructor

Page 2: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Map Basics Maps as a language

– Symbolization

– Scale

– Simplification/generalization

– Grid systems

– Projections

Page 3: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Value of Maps

Way to record & store information

Way to analyze locational distributions & spatial patterns

Method of presenting information & communicating findings

Page 4: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Value of Maps


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Page 5: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor
Page 6: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Graphicacy Understanding graphic devices of

communication– Maps– Charts– Diagrams

Why? – Understanding usage of graphic devices

increases our abilities• Describing spatial phenomena • Making decisions

Page 7: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Maps Model of reality, not a miniature version

Media for delivering geographic information

Target audience determines level of abstraction, map scale, symbology

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Maps as Models: A paradigm shift in cartography

Communication paradigm -> analytical paradigm

Communication paradigm– Traditional approach to mapping– Map itself was a final product

• Communication tool

– Limits access to original (raw) data

Page 9: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Maps as Models: A paradigm shift in cartography

Analytical paradigm– Maintains raw data in computer

– Display is based on user’s needs

– Transition ~ early ’60s

– Advantage:

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Cartographic abstraction & generalization

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Selection Decisions about

– Area to be mapped

– Map scale

– Map projection

– Data variables

– Data gathering/sampling

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Organizes mapped information

Qualitative or quantitative– Qualitative: Spatial distribution of nominal

or ordinal data

– Quantitative: Spatial aspects of numerical data

Page 13: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Classification of interval/ratio data

Dividing data into categories– Natural breaks

– Quantile breaks

– Equal intervals

– Standard deviation

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Natural breaks– Imposed

• Fractions/multiples of mean income levels• Rainfall thresholds that support different

vegetation types (e.g., arid, temperate)

– Calculated by software

Classification of interval/ratio data

Page 15: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Quantile breaks– Predetermined number of classes– Equal # observations in each class– 5 classes: good for uniform distributions

– Limitation: Potentially misleading• Numeric size of each class rigid

– Numerically similar values may be in different classes

– Wide-ranging values may be in same class

Classification of interval/ratio data

Page 16: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Classification of interval/ratio data

Equal intervals – Range between lowest & highest values

divided equally among the number of classes

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Classification of interval/ratio data Standard deviation

– Distance of observation from mean

– GIS calculates mean value & generates class breaks in s.d. measures above & below

– Using 2-color ramp helps emphasize values

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From Longley et al. Geographic Information Systems and Science

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Generalizing features

From How To Lie with Maps, M. Monmonier

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Page 21: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Map Types Reference maps

– Require conformity to standards

– Examples: USGS topographic maps, navigation charts

Thematic maps– Cartographer has control over map design

– Ex: Spatial distribution of variable

Page 22: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Thematic map types: Dot distribution

Dot distribution– Dots, other small point symbols

– Dot will represent a set number of a particular feature

– If nominal symbols are used, will not vary in size. Why?

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Page 24: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Page 25: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Dot distribution: nominal point symbols

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Thematic Map Types: Prop. symbol

Proportional Symbol– Graduated point, ordinal line symbol

• Size of symbol proportional to size of data value

– For areas color, pattern

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Thematic map types: Proportional dot

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Thematic map types: Ordinal line

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Thematic map types: Ordinal area

Page 30: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Thematic Map Types: Choropleth Choropleth

– Subdivisions are preexisting units • Example: Census tracts; county, state, national


– Average value for areal unit is calculated & symbolized

– Generally ratio values• Example: Population density, yield/acre,

average income

Page 31: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Page 32: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Principles of map design

Visual variables

– Jacques Bertin, 1967

– System for representing information based on the visual properties & arrangement of graphic symbols

Page 33: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Bertin’s visual variables

Hue: Colors perceived

Value: Lightness/darkness

Saturation: Intensity/purity

Page 34: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Major Map Elements

Necessary components of a typical map– Title

– Legend: Interpretive key to symbols • Symbols: Used to describe features

– Scale bar

– North arrow

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Major Map Elements

Necessary components of a typical map– Projection

– Cartographer

– Date of production

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Map Elements Some elements are used to selectively assist

effective communication– Neatlines: Used to frame map

– Inset maps: Close-up view

– Charts

– Additional text

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North ArrowPlace nameInset



Neat lineBorder


Map Elements

Page 38: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Map Scale

Map scale: Ratio between map distance & ground distance

–large scale map vs. small scale map•1:250,000 > 1:1,000,000

•Large scale map more details

Scale-dependent map display in GIS–Minimum vs. Maximum map scale

Page 39: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Methods of illustrating map scale

Verbal scale– Example: 1 inch equals 63,360 inches– Easily understood

Representative fraction scale– Example: 1:250,000– No units necessary map & ground

distance in same units as fraction

Page 40: Map Basics GEOG 370 Christine Erlien, Instructor

Methods of illustrating map scale

Graphic scale– Measured ground distances appear on

map– Change with changes in scale of output

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Map scale vs. scale generally Large scale study vs. small scale study

– Large scale study • Extensive in scope or scale

– Small scale study• Small area or limited scope

– In which study scenario will data be collected in more detail?

– In the sense it is being used here opposite the meaning of scale in map scale