manual unigraphics nx 8.5 solidtools

Using Solid Tools in NX8.5 By Brian Brown, Application Engineer, Swoosh Technologies

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Manual Unigraphics NX 8.5 Solidtools


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Using Solid Tools in NX8.5By Brian Brown, Application Engineer, Swoosh TechnologiesUsing Solid Tools in NX8.5Start NX8.5

Open the Assembly model of your tool.

Navigate to the Operations Navigator

Create a New Tool

Enter your Tools TypeEnter your Tools NameSelect OK

Enter the data on your Tool Definition dialog box as required for defining any other new tool to create a solid tool.

Check the Export Tool Part File

Note: When Specify the Mounting Junction the Centerline of the Tool MUST be on the X-axis of the coordinate system.

When Specify the Tool Tip the Centerline of the Tool MUST be on the X-axis of the coordinate system.

When selecting the Export Tool Part File the Junctions area becomes active. You must specify both the Mounting Junction and the Tool Tip Junction.

Specify the Mounting Junctions when the Gage Line of the tool is taken from on the holder.

Specify the Tip of the tool on the tip.

When specifying the cutting area of the tool, it will be dependent on how the part is Modeling/Assembled.

If the cutting tool is modeled as a single body, select the single body.

If the cutting tool is created in an assembly as a series of bodies, only select the actual cutting area.

Export the body to the library.

Select OK. Your tool should now be entered into the library.

This Image is defining the mounting junction on the solid tool.

Notice the Xaxis on the Dynamic CSYS

This image displays the tool tip junction.

Notice the Xaxis on the Dynamic CSYS

9Modeling ToolsCreate your Tools With the Centerline of the Tool on the Z Axis to aide in assembly

We can create Assemblies and import them as solid Tools

When Creating Tool Assemblies, Keep the Z Axis as the Centerline of the tool.

One Caveat of doing that, If the Holder is modeled in the assembly, It will be considered as part of the Tool and not a separate holder.

Gouge Checking and Collision Checking will read the holder

If You Desire to See your Tool SpinningWe recommend changing a single flute color so you can actually the tool spinning.Set the Environment Variable UGII_ENABLE_CUTTER_SPIN=1

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