manual de referencia vba excel

Application Workbooks Sheets WorkSheets Range Windows Cells Columns Rows Collections Comments Workbooks WorkSheets Ranges Sheets Objects Application Workbook Sheets WorkSheet Range Areas Comment Aplicaciones y Objetos

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Guía o manual de referencia de VBA para aplicaciones, colecciones y objetos en macros de Excel

























Aplicaciones y Objetos


The Application object contains:

Application-wide settings and options.

Methods that return top-level objects, such as ActiveCell, ActiveSheet,

and so on.


Use the Application property to return the Application object. The following

example applies the Windows property to the Application object.


The following example creates a Microsoft Excel workbook object in another

application and then opens a workbook in Microsoft Excel.

Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")

xl.Application.Workbooks.Open "newbook.xls"

Many of the properties and methods that return the most common user-

interface objects, such as the active cell (ActiveCell property), can be used

without the Application object qualifier. For example, instead of writing

Application.ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True

You can write

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True

Represents the entire Microsoft Excel application.

Application Objeto


Name Description

AfterCalculate The AfterCalculate event occurs when

all pending refresh activity (both

synchronous and asynchronous) and all

of the resultant calculation activities

have been completed.

NewWorkbook Occurs when a new workbook is


ProtectedViewWindowActivate Occurs when a Protected View window

is activated.

ProtectedViewWindowBeforeClose Occurs immediately before a Protected

View window or a workbook in

aProtected View window closes.

ProtectedViewWindowBeforeEdit Occurs immediately before editing is

enabled on the workbook in the

specifiedProtected View window.

ProtectedViewWindowDeactivate Occurs when a Protected View window

is deactivated.

ProtectedViewWindowOpen Occurs when a workbook is opened in

a Protected View window.

ProtectedViewWindowResize Occurs when any Protected

View window is resized.

SheetActivate Occurs when any sheet is activated.


SheetBeforeDoubleClick Occurs when any worksheet is double-

clicked, before the default double-click


SheetBeforeRightClick Occurs when any worksheet is right-

clicked, before the default right-click


SheetCalculate Occurs after any worksheet is

recalculated or after any changed data

is plotted on a chart.

SheetChange Occurs when cells in any worksheet are

changed by the user or by an external


SheetDeactivate Occurs when any sheet is deactivated.

SheetFollowHyperlink Occurs when you click any hyperlink in

Microsoft Excel. For worksheet-level

events, see the Help topic for

the FollowHyperlink event.

SheetLensGalleryRenderComplete Occurs after a callout gallery’s icons

(dynamic & static) have finished


SheetPivotTableAfterValueChange Occurs after a cell or range of cells inside

a PivotTable are edited or recalculated

(for cells that contain formulas).

SheetPivotTableBeforeAllocateChanges Occurs before changes are applied to a


SheetPivotTableBeforeCommitChanges Occurs before changes are committed

against the OLAP data source for a


SheetPivotTableBeforeDiscardChanges Occurs before changes to a PivotTable

are discarded.

SheetPivotTableUpdate Occurs after the sheet of the PivotTable

report has been updated.

SheetSelectionChange Occurs when the selection changes on

any worksheet (doesn't occur if the

selection is on a chart sheet).

SheetTableUpdate Occurs when a table on a worksheet is


WindowActivate Occurs when any workbook window is


WindowDeactivate Occurs when any workbook window is


WindowResize Occurs when any workbook window is


WorkbookActivate Occurs when any workbook is activated.

WorkbookAddinInstall Occurs when a workbook is installed as

an add-in.

WorkbookAddinUninstall Occurs when any add-in workbook is


WorkbookAfterSave Occurs after the workbook is saved.

WorkbookAfterXmlExport Occurs after Microsoft Excel saves or

exports XML data from the specified


WorkbookAfterXmlImport Occurs after an existing XML data

connection is refreshed, or new XML

data is imported into any open

Microsoft Excel workbook.

WorkbookBeforeClose Occurs immediately before any open

workbook closes.

WorkbookBeforePrint Occurs before any open workbook is


WorkbookBeforeSave Occurs before any open workbook is


WorkbookBeforeXmlExport Occurs before Microsoft Excel saves or

exports XML data from the specified


WorkbookBeforeXmlImport Occurs before an existing XML data

connection is refreshed, or new XML

data is imported into any open

Microsoft Excel workbook.

WorkbookDeactivate Occurs when any open workbook is


WorkbookModelChange Occurs when the data model is updated.

WorkbookNewChart Occurs when a new chart is created in

any open workbook.

WorkbookNewSheet Occurs when a new sheet is created in

any open workbook.

WorkbookOpen Occurs when a workbook is opened.

WorkbookPivotTableCloseConnection Occurs after a PivotTable report

connection has been closed.

WorkbookPivotTableOpenConnection Occurs after a PivotTable report

connection has been opened.


Name Description

ActivateMicrosoftApp Activates a Microsoft application. If the

application is already running, this method

activates the running application. If the

application isn't running, this method

starts a new instance of the application.

AddCustomList Adds a custom list for custom autofill

and/or custom sort.

Calculate Calculates all open workbooks, a specific

worksheet in a workbook, or a specified

range of cells on a worksheet, as shown in

the following table.

CalculateFull Forces a full calculation of the data in all

open workbooks.

CalculateFullRebuild For all open workbooks, forces a full

calculation of the data and rebuilds the


CentimetersToPoints Converts a measurement from centimeters

to points (one point equals 0.035


CheckAbort Stops recalculation in a Microsoft Excel


ConvertFormula Converts cell references in a formula

between the A1 and R1C1 reference styles,

between relative and absolute references,

or both. Variant.

DeleteCustomList Deletes a custom list.

DisplayXMLSourcePane Opens the XML Source task pane and

displays the XML map specified by

theXmlMap argument.

DoubleClick Equivalent to double-clicking the active


Evaluate Converts a Microsoft Excel name to an

object or a value.

FindFile Displays the Open dialog box.

GetCustomListContents Returns a custom list (an array of strings).

GetCustomListNum Returns the custom list number for an

array of strings. You can use this method

to match both built-in lists and custom-

defined lists.

GetOpenFilename Displays the standard Open dialog box

and gets a file name from the user without

actually opening any files.

GetSaveAsFilename Displays the standard Save As dialog box

and gets a file name from the user without

actually saving any files.

Goto Selects any range or Visual Basic

procedure in any workbook, and activates

that workbook if it’s not already active.

Help Displays a Help topic.

InchesToPoints Converts a measurement from inches to


InputBox Displays a dialog box for user input.

Returns the information entered in the

dialog box.

Intersect Returns a Range object that represents the

rectangular intersection of two or more


MacroOptions Corresponds to options in the Macro

Options dialog box. You can also use this

method to display a user defined function

(UDF) in a built-in or new category within

the Insert Function dialog box.

OnKey Runs a specified procedure when a

particular key or key combination is


OnRepeat Sets the Repeat item and the name of the

procedure that will run if you choose

theRepeat command after running the

procedure that sets this property.

OnTime Schedules a procedure to be run at a

specified time in the future (either at a

specific time of day or after a specific

amount of time has passed).

OnUndo Sets the text of the Undo command and

the name of the procedure that’s run if you

choose the Undo command after running

the procedure that sets this property.

Quit Quits Microsoft Excel.

RecordMacro Records code if the macro recorder is on.

Repeat Repeats the last user-interface action.

Run Runs a macro or calls a function. This can

be used to run a macro written in Visual

Basic or the Microsoft Excel macro

language, or to run a function in a DLL or


SendKeys Sends keystrokes to the active application.

Undo Cancels the last user-interface action.

Union Returns the union of two or more ranges.

Volatile Marks a user-defined function as volatile. A

volatile function must be recalculated

whenever calculation occurs in any cells on

the worksheet. A nonvolatile function is

recalculated only when the input variables

change. This method has no effect if it's

not inside a user-defined function used to

calculate a worksheet cell.

Wait Pauses a running macro until a specified

time. Returns True if the specified time has



Name Description

ActiveCell Returns a Range object that represents the

active cell in the active window (the window

on top) or in the specified window. If the

window isn't displaying a worksheet, this

property fails. Read-only.

ActiveChart Returns a Chart object that represents the

active chart (either an embedded chart or a

chart sheet). An embedded chart is considered

active when it's either selected or activated.

When no chart is active, this property


ActiveEncryptionSession Returns a Long that represents the encryption

session associated with the active document.


ActivePrinter Returns or sets the name of the active printer.

Read/write String.

ActiveProtectedViewWindow Returns a ProtectedViewWindow object that

represents the activeProtected View window

(the window on top). Read-only.

Returns Nothingif there are no Protected

View windows open. Read-only

ActiveSheet Returns an object that represents the active

sheet (the sheet on top) in the active

workbook or in the specified window or

workbook. Returns Nothing if no sheet is


ActiveWindow Returns a Window object that represents the

active window (the window on top). Read-

only. Returns Nothing if there are no windows


ActiveWorkbook Returns a Workbook object that represents

the workbook in the active window (the

window on top). Read-only.

Returns Nothing if there are no windows

open or if either the Info window or the

Clipboard window is the active window.

AddIns Returns an AddIns collection that represents

all the add-ins listed in theAdd-Ins dialog box

(Add-Ins command on the Developer tab).


AddIns2 Returns an AddIns2 collection that represents

all the add-ins that are currently available or

open in Microsoft Excel, regardless of whether

they are installed. Read-only

AlertBeforeOverwriting True if Microsoft Excel displays a message

before overwriting nonblank cells during a

drag-and-drop editing operation.

Read/write Boolean.

AltStartupPath Returns or sets the name of the alternate

startup folder. Read/write String.

AlwaysUseClearType Returns or sets a Boolean that represents

whether to use ClearType to display fonts in

the menu, ribbon, and dialog box text.

Read/write Boolean.

Application When used without an object qualifier, this

property returns an Applicationobject that

represents the Microsoft Excel application.

When used with an object qualifier, this

property returns an Application object that

represents the creator of the specified object

(you can use this property with an OLE

Automation object to return the application of

that object). Read-only.

ArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable Returns a Boolean value that indicates

whether the XML features in Microsoft Excel

are available. Read-only.

AskToUpdateLinks True if Microsoft Excel asks the user to update

links when opening files with links. False if

links are automatically updated with no dialog

box. Read/writeBoolean.

AutoCorrect Returns an AutoCorrect object that

represents the Microsoft Excel AutoCorrect

attributes. Read-only.

AutomationSecurity Returns or sets

an MsoAutomationSecurity constant that

represents the security mode Microsoft Excel

uses when programmatically opening files.


AutoPercentEntry True if entries in cells formatted as

percentages aren’t automatically multiplied by

100 as soon as they are entered.

Read/write Boolean.

AutoRecover Returns an AutoRecover object, which backs

up all file formats on a timed interval.

CalculateBeforeSave True if workbooks are calculated before

they're saved to disk (if

theCalculation property is set to xlManual).

This property is preserved even if you change

the Calculation property. Read/write Boolean.

Calculation Returns or sets a XlCalculation value that

represents the calculation mode.

Caption Returns or sets a String value that represents

the name that appears in the title bar of the

main Microsoft Excel window.

CellDragAndDrop True if dragging and dropping cells is

enabled. Read/write Boolean.

Cells Returns a Range object that represents all the

cells on the active worksheet. If the active

document is not a worksheet, this property


ChartDataPointTrack True will cause all charts in newly created

documents to use the cell reference tracking


Charts Returns a Sheets collection that represents all

the chart sheets in the active workbook.

Columns Returns a Range object that represents all the

columns on the active worksheet. If the active

document isn't a worksheet,

the Columns property fails.

COMAddIns Returns the COMAddIns collection for

Microsoft Excel, which represents the currently

installed COM add-ins. Read-only.

CommandBars Returns a CommandBars object that

represents the Microsoft Excel command bars.


ConstrainNumeric True if handwriting recognition is limited to

numbers and punctuation only.

Read/write Boolean.

ControlCharacters True if Microsoft Excel displays control

characters for right-to-left languages.

Read/write Boolean.

CopyObjectsWithCells True if objects are cut, copied, extracted, and

sorted with cells. Read/writeBoolean.

Cursor Returns or sets the appearance of the mouse

pointer in Microsoft Excel.

Read/write XlMousePointer.

CustomListCount Returns the number of defined custom lists

(including built-in lists). Read-only Long.

CutCopyMode Returns or sets the status of Cut or Copy

mode. Can be True, False, or

anXLCutCopyMode constant, as shown in the

following tables. Read/writeLong.

DataEntryMode Returns or sets Data Entry mode, as shown in

the following table. When in Data Entry mode,

you can enter data only in the unlocked cells

in the currently selected range.

Read/write Long.

DecimalSeparator Sets or returns the character used for the

decimal separator as a String. Read/write.

DefaultFilePath Returns or sets the default path that Microsoft

Excel uses when it opens files.

Read/write String.

DefaultSaveFormat Returns or sets the default format for saving

files. For a list of valid constants, see

the FileFormat property. Read/write Long.

DisplayAlerts True if Microsoft Excel displays certain alerts

and messages while a macro is running.

Read/write Boolean.

DisplayClipboardWindow Returns True if the Microsoft Office Clipboard

can be displayed. Read/writeBoolean.

DisplayCommentIndicator Returns or sets the way cells display

comments and indicators. Can be one of

the XlCommentDisplayMode constants.

DisplayDocumentActionTaskPane Set to True to display the Document

Actions task pane; set to False to hide

the Document Actions task pane.

Read/write Boolean.

DisplayDocumentInformationPanel Returns or sets a Boolean that represents

whether the document properties panel is

displayed. Read/write Boolean.

DisplayFormulaAutoComplete Gets or sets whether to show a list of relevant

functions and defined names when building

cell formulas. Read/write Boolean.

DisplayFormulaBar True if the formula bar is displayed.

Read/write Boolean.

DisplayFullScreen True if Microsoft Excel is in full-screen mode.

Read/write Boolean.

DisplayFunctionToolTips True if function ToolTips can be displayed.

Read/write Boolean.

DisplayInsertOptions True if the Insert Options button should be

displayed. Read/write Boolean.

DisplayNoteIndicator True if cells containing notes display cell tips

and contain note indicators (small dots in their

upper-right corners). Read/write Boolean.

DisplayPasteOptions True if the Paste Options button can be

displayed. Read/write Boolean.

DisplayRecentFiles True if the list of recently used files is

displayed in the UI. Read/writeBoolean.

DisplayScrollBars True if scroll bars are visible for all workbooks.

Read/write Boolean.

DisplayStatusBar True if the status bar is displayed.

Read/write Boolean.

EditDirectlyInCell True if Microsoft Excel allows editing in cells.

Read/write Boolean.

EnableAutoComplete True if the AutoComplete feature is enabled.

Read/write Boolean.

EnableCancelKey Controls how Microsoft Excel handles


user interruptions to the running procedure.

Read/write XlEnableCancelKey.


EnableEvents True if events are enabled for the specified

object. Read/write Boolean.

ErrorCheckingOptions Returns an ErrorCheckingOptions object,

which represents the error checking options

for an application.

ExtendList True if Microsoft Excel automatically extends

formatting and formulas to new data that is

added to a list. Read/write Boolean.

FileConverters Returns information about installed file

converters. Returns null if there are no

converters installed. Read-only Variant.

FileDialog Returns a FileDialog object representing an

instance of the file dialog.

FileExportConverters Returns a FileExportConverters collection

that represents all the file converters for

saving files available to Microsoft Excel. Read-


FileValidation Returns or sets how Excel will validate files

before opening them. Read/write

FileValidationPivot Returns or sets how Excel will validate the

contents of the data caches for PivotTable

reports. Read/write

FindFormat Sets or returns the search criteria for the type

of cell formats to find.

FixedDecimal All data entered after this property is set

to True will be formatted with the number of

fixed decimal places set by

the FixedDecimalPlaces property.

Read/write Boolean.

FixedDecimalPlaces Returns or sets the number of fixed decimal

places used when theFixedDecimal property

is set to True. Read/write Long.

FormulaBarHeight Allows the user to specify the height of the

formula bar in lines. Read/writeLong.

GenerateGetPivotData Returns True when Microsoft Excel can get

PivotTable report data. Read/write Boolean.

GenerateTableRefs The GenerateTableRefs property determines

whether the traditional notation method or

the new structured referencing notation

method is used for referencing tables in

formulas. Read/write.

Height Returns or sets a Double value that represents

tThe height, in points, of the main application


Interactive True if Microsoft Excel is in interactive mode;

this property is usually True. If you set the this

property to False, Microsoft Excel will block all

input from the keyboard and mouse (except

input to dialog boxes that are displayed by

your code). Read/write Boolean.

International Returns information about the current

country/region and international settings.

Read-only Variant.

IsSandboxed Returns True if the specified workbook is

open in a Protected Viewwindow. Read-only

Iteration True if Microsoft Excel will use iteration to

resolve circular references.

Read/write Boolean.

Left Returns or sets a Double value that represents

the distance, in points, from the left edge of

the screen to the left edge of the main

Microsoft Excel window.

LibraryPath Returns the path to the Library folder, but

without the final separator. Read-only String.

MapPaperSize True if documents formatted for the standard

paper size of another country/region (for

example, A4) are automatically adjusted so

that they're printed correctly on the standard

paper size (for example, Letter) of your

country/region. Read/write Boolean.

MaxChange Returns or sets the maximum amount of

change between each iteration as Microsoft

Excel resolves circular references.

Read/write Double.

MaxIterations Returns or sets the maximum number of

iterations that Microsoft Excel can use to

resolve a circular reference. Read/write Long.

MeasurementUnit Specifies the measurement unit used in the

application. Read/writexlMeasurementUnit.


MouseAvailable True if a mouse is available. Read-

only Boolean.

MoveAfterReturn True if the active cell will be moved as soon as

the ENTER (RETURN) key is pressed.

Read/write Boolean.

MoveAfterReturnDirection Returns or sets the direction in which the

active cell is moved when the user presses

ENTER. Read/write XlDirection.

MultiThreadedCalculation Returns a MultiThreadedCalculation object

that controls the multi-threaded recalculation

settings. Read-only.

Name Returns a String value that represents the

name of the object.

Names Returns a Names collection that represents all

the names in the active workbook. Read-

only Names object.

NewWorkbook Returns a NewFile object.

OnWindow Returns or sets the name of the procedure

that’s run whenever you activate a window.

Read/write String.

Parent Returns the parent object for the specified

object. Read-only.

Path Returns a String value that represents the

complete path to the application, excluding

the final separator and name of the


PathSeparator Returns the path separator character ("\").

Read-only String.

PivotTableSelection True if PivotTable reports use structured

selection. Read/write Boolean.

PreviousSelections Returns an array of the last four ranges or

names selected. Each element in the array is

a Range object. Read-only Variant.

PrintCommunication Specifies whether communication with the

printer is turned on. BooleanRead/write

PromptForSummaryInfo True if Microsoft Excel asks for summary

information when files are first saved.

Read/write Boolean.

ProtectedViewWindows Returns a ProtectedViewWindows collection

that represents all theProtected

View windows that are open in the

application. Read-only

QuickAnalysis Returns a QuickAnalysis object that

represents the Quick Analysis options of the


Range Returns a Range object that represents a cell

or a range of cells.

Ready Returns True when the Microsoft Excel

application is ready; False when the Excel

application is not ready. Read-only Boolean.

RecentFiles Returns a RecentFiles collection that

represents the list of recently used files.

RecordRelative True if macros are recorded using relative

references; False if recording is absolute.

Read-only Boolean.

ReferenceStyle Returns or sets how Microsoft Excel displays

cell references and row and column headings

in either A1 or R1C1 reference style.


RegisteredFunctions Returns information about functions in either

dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) or code resources

that were registered with the REGISTER or

REGISTER.ID macro functions. Read-

only Variant.

ReplaceFormat Sets the replacement criteria to use in

replacing cell formats. The replacement criteria

is then used in a subsequent call to the

Replace method of the Range object.

RollZoom True if the IntelliMouse zooms instead of

scrolling. Read/write Boolean.

Rows Returns a Range object that represents all the

rows on the active worksheet. If the active

document isn’t a worksheet,

the Rows property fails. Read-

onlyRange object.

ScreenUpdating True if screen updating is turned on.

Read/write Boolean.

Selection Returns the selected object in the active

window for an Application object.

Sheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all

the sheets in the active workbook. Read-

only Sheets object.

SheetsInNewWorkbook Returns or sets the number of sheets that

Microsoft Excel automatically inserts into new

workbooks. Read/write Long.

ShowChartTipNames True if charts show chart tip names. The

default value is True. Read/writeBoolean.

ShowChartTipValues True if charts show chart tip values. The

default value is True. Read/writeBoolean.

ShowDevTools Returns or sets a Boolean that represents

whether the Developer tab is displayed in the

ribbon. Read/write Boolean.

ShowMenuFloaties Returns or sets a Boolean that represents

whether to display Mini toolbarswhen the

user right-clicks in the workbook

window. False if Mini toolbarsare displayed.

Read/write Boolean.

ShowQuickAnalysis Controls whether the Quick Analysis

contextual user interface is displayed on

selection. TRUE means the Quick Analysis

button will show. Corresponds to the Show

Quick Analysis options on

selection checkbox located in

theFile menu, Options, Excel Options, and

then General tab. Read/Write.Boolean.

ShowSelectionFloaties Returns or sets a Boolean that represents

whether Mini toolbars displays when a user

selects text. False if Mini toolbars are

displayed. Read/writeBoolean.

ShowStartupDialog Returns True (default is False) when the New

Workbook task pane appears for a Microsoft

Excel application. Read/write Boolean.

ShowToolTips True if ToolTips are turned on.

Read/write Boolean.

SmartArtColors Returns the set of color styles that are

currently loaded in the application. Read-only

SmartArtLayouts Returns the set of SmartArt layouts that are

currently loaded in the application. Read-only

SmartArtQuickStyles Returns the set of SmartArt quick styles which

are currently loaded in the application. Read-


StandardFont Returns or sets the name of the standard font.

Read/write String.

StandardFontSize Returns or sets the standard font size, in

points. Read/write Long.

StartupPath Returns the complete path of the startup

folder, excluding the final separator. Read-

only String.

StatusBar Returns or sets the text in the status bar.

Read/write String.

TemplatesPath Returns the local path where templates are

stored. Read-only String.

ThisCell Returns the cell in which the user-defined

function is being called from as

aRange object.

ThisWorkbook Returns a Workbook object that represents

the workbook where the current macro code is

running. Read-only.

ThousandsSeparator Sets or returns the character used for the

thousands separator as a String. Read/write.

Top Returns or sets a Double value that represents

the distance, in points, from the top edge of

the screen to the top edge of the main

Microsoft Excel window.

TransitionMenuKey Returns or sets the Microsoft Excel menu or

help key, which is usually "/".

Read/write String.

TransitionNavigKeys True if transition navigation keys are active.

Read/write Boolean.

UsableHeight Returns the maximum height of the space that

a window can occupy in the application

window area, in points. Read-only Double.

UsableWidth Returns the maximum width of the space that

a window can occupy in the application

window area, in points. Read-only Double.

UsedObjects Returns a UsedObjects object representing

objects allocated in a workbook. Read-only

UserControl True if the application is visible or if it was

created or started by the user.False if you

created or started the application

programmatically by using

theCreateObject or GetObject functions, and

the application is hidden. Read/write Boolean.

UserLibraryPath Returns the path to the location on the user’s

computer where the COM add-ins are

installed. Read-only String.

UserName Returns or sets the name of the current user.

Read/write String.

UseSystemSeparators True (default) if the system separators of

Microsoft Excel are enabled.

Read/write Boolean.

Value Returns a String value that represents the

name of the application.

Visible Returns or sets a Boolean value that

determines whether the object is visible.


WarnOnFunctionNameConflict The WarnOnFunctionNameConflict property

, when set to True, raises an alert if a

developer tries to create a new function using

an existing function name.

Read/write Boolean.

Watches Returns a Watches object representing a

range which is tracked when the worksheet is


Width Returns or sets a Double value that represents

the distance, in points, from the left edge of

the application window to its right edge.

Windows Returns a Windows collection that represents

all the windows in all the workbooks. Read-

only Windows object.

WindowState Returns or sets the state of the window.

Read/write XlWindowState.

Workbooks Returns a Workbooks collection that

represents all the open workbooks. Read-only.

WorksheetFunction Returns the WorksheetFunction object.


Worksheets For an Application object, returns

a Sheets collection that represents all the

worksheets in the active workbook. For

a Workbook object, returns

aSheets collection that represents all the

worksheets in the specified workbook. Read-

only Sheets object.


expression .Workbooks

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Using this property without an object qualifier is equivalent to

using Application.Workbooks .

The collection returned by the Workbooks property doesn’t include open add-

ins, which are a special kind of hidden workbook. You can, however, return a

single open add-in if you know the file name. For example,

Workbooks("Oscar.xla") will return the open add-in named "Oscar.xla" as

a Workbook object.

A workbook displayed in a protected view window is not a member of

the Workbooks collection. Instead, use theWorkbook property of

the ProtectedViewWindow object to access a workbook that is

displayed in a protected view window.


This example activates the workbook Book1.xls.


This example opens the workbook Large.xls.

Workbooks.Open filename:="LARGE.XLS"


his example saves changes to and closes all workbooks except the one that’s

running the example.

For Each w In Workbooks

If w.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then

w.Close savechanges:=True

End If

Next w

Returns a Workbooks collection that represents

all the open workbooks. Read-only.

Application. Workbooks

Use the Workbooks property to return the Workbooks collection. The

following example closes all open workbooks.


Use the Add method to create a new, empty workbook and add it to the

collection. The following example adds a new, empty workbook to Microsoft



Use the Open method to open a file. This creates a new workbook for the

opened file. The following example opens the file Array.xls as a read-only


Workbooks.Open FileName:="Array.xls", ReadOnly:=True


Name Description

Add Creates a new workbook. The new workbook

becomes the active workbook.

CanCheckOut True if Microsoft Excel can check out a specified

workbook from a server. Read/write Boolean.

CheckOut Returns a String representing a specified workbook

from a server to a local computer for editing.

Close Closes the object.

Open Opens a workbook.

OpenDatabase Returns a Workbook object representing a


OpenText Loads and parses a text file as a new workbook

with a single sheet that contains the parsed text-file


OpenXML Opens an XML data file. Returns

a Workbook object.


Name Description

Application When used without an object qualifier, this

property returns an Application object that

represents the Microsoft Excel application. When

used with an object qualifier, this property returns

an Applicationobject that represents the creator of

the specified object (you can use this property with

an OLE Automation object to return the application

of that object). Read-only.

Count Returns a Long value that represents the number

of objects in the collection.

Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the

application in which this object was created. Read-

only Long.

Item Returns a single object from a collection.

Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.



For more information about using a single Workbook object, see

the Workbook object.


Use the Workbooks property to return the Workbooks collection. The

following example closes all open workbooks.


Use the Add method to create a new, empty workbook and add it to the

collection. The following example adds a new, empty workbook to Microsoft



Use the Open method to open a file. This creates a new workbook for the

opened file. The following example opens the file Array.xls as a read-only


Workbooks.Open FileName:="Array.xls", ReadOnly:=True

A collection of all the Workbook objects that are

currently open in the Microsoft Excel application.

Workbooks Object


Name Description

Add Creates a new workbook. The new workbook

becomes the active workbook.

CanCheckOut True if Microsoft Excel can check out a specified

workbook from a server. Read/write Boolean.

CheckOut Returns a String representing a specified workbook

from a server to a local computer for editing.

Close Closes the object.

Open Opens a workbook.

OpenDatabase Returns a Workbook object representing a


OpenText Loads and parses a text file as a new workbook

with a single sheet that contains the parsed text-file


OpenXML Opens an XML data file. Returns

a Workbook object.


Name Description

Application When used without an object qualifier, this property returns

an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel

application. When used with an object qualifier, this

property returns an Applicationobject that represents the

creator of the specified object (you can use this property

with an OLE Automation object to return the application of

that object). Read-only.

Count Returns a Long value that represents the number of objects

in the collection.

Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in

which this object was created. Read-only Long.

Item Returns a single object from a collection.

Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object. Read-



The Workbook object is a member of the Workbooks collection.

The Workbooks collection contains all the Workbook objects currently open

in Microsoft Excel.

ThisWorkbook Property The ThisWorkbook property returns the workbook where the Visual Basic code

is running. In most cases, this is the same as the active workbook. However, if

the Visual Basic code is part of an add-in, the ThisWorkbookproperty won’t

return the active workbook. In this case, the active workbook is the workbook

calling the add-in, whereas the ThisWorkbook property returns the add-in


If you’ll be creating an add-in from your Visual Basic code, you should use

the ThisWorkbook property to qualify any statement that must be run on the

workbook you compile into the add-in.

Example Use Workbooks(index), where index is the workbook name or index number,

to return a single Workbook object. The following example activates workbook



The index number denotes the order in which the workbooks were opened or

created. Workbooks(1) is the first workbook created,

and Workbooks(Workbooks.Count) is the last one created. Activating a

workbook doesn’t change its index number. All workbooks are included in the

index count, even if they’re hidden.

Represents a Microsoft Excel workbook.

Workbook Object

The Name property returns the workbook name. You cannot set the name by

using this property; if you need to change the name, use the SaveAs method

to save the workbook under a different name. The following example activates

Sheet1 in the workbook named Cogs.xls (the workbook must already be open

in Microsoft Excel).


The ActiveWorkbook property returns the workbook that’s currently active.

The following example sets the name of the author for the active workbook.

ActiveWorkbook.Author = "Jean Selva"


Name Description

Activate Occurs when a workbook, worksheet,

chart sheet, or embedded chart is


AddinInstall Occurs when the workbook is installed

as an add-in

AddinUninstall Occurs when the workbook is

uninstalled as an add-in.

AfterSave Occurs after the workbook is saved.

AfterXmlExport Occurs after Microsoft Excel saves or

exports XML data from the specified


AfterXmlImport Occurs after an existing XML data

connection is refreshed or after new

XML data is imported into the specified

Microsoft Excel workbook.

BeforeClose Occurs before the workbook closes. If

the workbook has been changed, this

event occurs before the user is asked

to save changes.

BeforePrint Occurs before the workbook (or

anything in it) is printed.

BeforeSave Occurs before the workbook is saved.

BeforeXmlExport Occurs before Microsoft Excel saves or

exports XML data from the specified


BeforeXmlImport Occurs before an existing XML data

connection is refreshed or before new

XML data is imported into a Microsoft

Excel workbook.

Deactivate Occurs when the chart, worksheet, or

workbook is deactivated.

ModelChange Occurs after the Excel data model is


NewChart Occurs when a new chart is created in

the workbook.

NewSheet Occurs when a new sheet is created in

the workbook.

Open Occurs when the workbook is opened.

PivotTableCloseConnection Occurs after a PivotTable report closes

the connection to its data source.

PivotTableOpenConnection Occurs after a PivotTable report opens

the connection to its data source.

RowsetComplete The event is raised when the user either

drills through the recordset or invokes

the rowset action on an OLAP


SheetActivate Occurs when any sheet is activated.


SheetBeforeDoubleClick Occurs when any worksheet is double-

clicked, before the default double-click


SheetBeforeRightClick Occurs when any worksheet is right-

clicked, before the default right-click


SheetCalculate Occurs after any worksheet is

recalculated or after any changed data

is plotted on a chart.

SheetChange Occurs when cells in any worksheet are

changed by the user or by an external


SheetDeactivate Occurs when any sheet is deactivated.

SheetFollowHyperlink Occurs when you click any hyperlink in

Microsoft Excel. For worksheet-level

events, see the Help topic for

the FollowHyperlink event.

SheetLensGalleryRenderComplete Occurs when a callout gallery’s icons

(dynamic & static) have completed

rendering for a worksheet.

SheetPivotTableAfterValueChange Occurs after a cell or range of cells

inside a PivotTable are edited or

recalculated (for cells that contain


SheetPivotTableBeforeAllocateChanges Occurs before changes are applied to a


SheetPivotTableBeforeCommitChanges Occurs before changes are committed

against the OLAP data source for a


SheetPivotTableBeforeDiscardChanges Occurs before changes to a PivotTable

are discarded.

SheetPivotTableChangeSync Occurs after changes to a PivotTable.

SheetPivotTableUpdate Occurs after the sheet of the PivotTable

report has been updated.

SheetSelectionChange Occurs when the selection changes on

any worksheet (doesn't occur if the

selection is on a chart sheet).

SheetTableUpdate Occurs after the sheet table has been


Sync This object or member has been

deprecated, but it remains part of the

object model for backward

compatibility. You should not use it in

new applications.

WindowActivate Occurs when any workbook window is


WindowDeactivate Occurs when any workbook window is


WindowResize Occurs when any workbook window is



Name Description

AcceptAllChanges Accepts all changes in the specified shared


Activate Activates the first window associated with

the workbook.

AddToFavorites Adds a shortcut to the workbook or

hyperlink to the Favorites folder.

ApplyTheme Applies the specified theme to the current


BreakLink Converts formulas linked to other

Microsoft Excel sources or OLE sources to


CanCheckIn True if Microsoft Excel can check in a

specified workbook to a server.


ChangeFileAccess Changes the access permissions for the

workbook. This may require an updated

version to be loaded from the disk.

ChangeLink Changes a link from one document to


CheckIn Returns a workbook from a local computer

to a server, and sets the local workbook to

read-only so that it cannot be edited

locally. Calling this method will also close

the workbook.

CheckInWithVersion Saves a workbook to a server from a local

computer, and sets the local workbook to

read-only so that it cannot be edited


Close Closes the object.

DeleteNumberFormat Deletes a custom number format from the


EnableConnections The EnableConnections method allows

developers to programmatically enable

data connections within the workbook for

the user.

EndReview Terminates a review of a file that has been

sent for review using

the SendForReviewmethod.

ExclusiveAccess Assigns the current user exclusive access to

the workbook that's open as a shared list.

ExportAsFixedFormat The ExportAsFixedFormat method is

used to publish a workbook to either the

PDF or XPS format.

FollowHyperlink Displays a cached document, if it’s already

been downloaded. Otherwise, this method

resolves the hyperlink, downloads the

target document, and displays the

document in the appropriate application.

ForwardMailer You have requested Help for a Visual Basic

keyword used only on the Macintosh. For

information about this keyword, consult

the language reference Help included with

Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.

GetWorkflowTasks Returns the collection

of WorkflowTask objects for the specified


GetWorkflowTemplates Returns the collection

of WorkflowTemplate objects for the

specified workbook.

HighlightChangesOptions Controls how changes are shown in a

shared workbook.

LinkInfo Returns the link date and update status.

LinkSources Returns an array of links in the workbook.

The names in the array are the names of

the linked documents, editions, or DDE or

OLE servers. Returns Empty if there are no


LockServerFile Locks the workbook on the server to

prevent modification.

MergeWorkbook Merges changes from one workbook into

an open workbook.

NewWindow Creates a new window or a copy of the

specified window.

OpenLinks Opens the supporting documents for a link

or links.

PivotCaches Returns a PivotCaches collection that

represents all the PivotTable caches in the

specified workbook. Read-only.

Post Posts the specified workbook to a public

folder. This method works only with a

Microsoft Exchange client connected to a

Microsoft Exchange server.

PrintOut Prints the object.

PrintPreview Shows a preview of the object as it would

look when printed.

Protect Protects a workbook so that it cannot be


ProtectSharing Saves the workbook and protects it for


PurgeChangeHistoryNow Removes entries from the change log for

the specified workbook.

RefreshAll Refreshes all external data ranges and

PivotTable reports in the specified


RejectAllChanges Rejects all changes in the specified shared


RemoveDocumentInformation Removes all information of the specified

type from the workbook.

RemoveUser Disconnects the specified user from the

shared workbook.

Reply You have requested Help for a Visual Basic

keyword used only on the Macintosh. For

information about this keyword, consult

the language reference Help included with

Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.

ReplyAll You have requested Help for a Visual Basic

keyword used only on the Macintosh. For

information about this keyword, consult

the language reference Help included with

Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.

ReplyWithChanges Sends an e-mail message to the author of

a workbook that has been sent out for

review, notifying them that a reviewer has

completed review of the workbook.

ResetColors Resets the color palette to the default


RunAutoMacros Runs the Auto_Open, Auto_Close,

Auto_Activate, or Auto_Deactivate macro

attached to the workbook. This method is

included for backward compatibility. For

new Visual Basic code, you should use the

Open, Close, Activate and Deactivate

events instead of these macros.

Save Saves changes to the specified workbook.

SaveAs Saves changes to the workbook in a

different file.

SaveAsXMLData Exports the data that has been mapped to

the specified XML schema map to an XML

data file.

SaveCopyAs Saves a copy of the workbook to a file but

doesn't modify the open workbook in


SendFaxOverInternet Sends a worksheet as a fax to the specfied


SendForReview Sends a workbook in an e-mail message

for review to the specified recipients.

SendMail Sends the workbook by using the installed

mail system.

SendMailer You have requested Help for a Visual Basic

keyword used only on the Macintosh. For

information about this keyword, consult

the language reference Help included with

Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.

SetPasswordEncryptionOptions Sets the options for encrypting workbooks

using passwords.

ToggleFormsDesign The ToggleFormsDesign method is used

to toggle Excel into Design Mode when

using forms controls.

Unprotect Removes protection from a sheet or

workbook. This method has no effect if the

sheet or workbook isn't protected.

UnprotectSharing Turns off protection for sharing and saves

the workbook.

UpdateFromFile Updates a read-only workbook from the

saved disk version of the workbook if the

disk version is more recent than the copy

of the workbook that is loaded in memory.

If the disk copy hasn't changed since the

workbook was loaded, the in-memory

copy of the workbook isn't reloaded.

UpdateLink Updates a Microsoft Excel, DDE, or OLE link

(or links).

XmlImport Imports an XML data file into the current


XmlImportXml Imports an XML data stream that has been

previously loaded into memory. Excel uses

the first qualifying map found or if the

destination range is specified, Excel will

automatically list the data.


Name Description

AccuracyVersion Specifies whether certain worksheet functions

use the latest accuracy algorithms to calculate

their results. Read/write

ActiveChart Returns a Chart object that represents the

active chart (either an embedded chart or a

chart sheet). An embedded chart is considered

active when it's either selected or activated.

When no chart is active, this property

returns Nothing.

ActiveSheet Returns an object that represents the active

sheet (the sheet on top) in the active

workbook or in the specified window or

workbook. Returns Nothing if no sheet is


ActiveSlicer Returns an object that represents the active

slicer in the active workbook or in the

specified workbook. Returns Nothing if no

slicer is active. Read-only.

Application When used without an object qualifier, this

property returns an Application object that

represents the Microsoft Excel application.

When used with an object qualifier, this

property returns an Application object that

represents the creator of the specified object

(you can use this property with an OLE

Automation object to return the application of

that object). Read-only.

AutoUpdateFrequency Returns or sets the number of minutes

between automatic updates to the shared

workbook. Read/write Long.

AutoUpdateSaveChanges True if current changes to the shared

workbook are posted to other users whenever

the workbook is automatically

updated. False if changes aren’t posted (this

workbook is still synchronized with changes

made by other users). The default value

is True. Read/write Boolean.

BuiltinDocumentProperties Returns a DocumentProperties collection

that represents all the built-in document

properties for the specified workbook. Read-


CalculationVersion Returns the information about the version of

Excel that the workbook was last fully

recalculated by. Read-only Long.

CaseSensitive True if the workbook distinguishes between

upper and lower case when comparing

content. Read-only Boolean

ChangeHistoryDuration Returns or sets the number of days shown in

the shared workbook's change history.

Read/write Long.

ChartDataPointTrack True will cause all charts in the current

document to track the actual data point to

which it’s attached. False will revert back to

tracking the index of the data

point.Boolean Read/Write

Charts Returns a Sheets collection that represents all

the chart sheets in the specified workbook.

CheckCompatibility Controls whether or not the compatibility

checker is run automatically when the

workbook is saved. Read/write Boolean.

CodeName Returns the code name for the object. Read-

only String.

Colors Returns or sets colors in the palette for the

workbook. The palette has 56 entries, each

represented by an RGB value.

Read/write Variant.

CommandBars Returns a CommandBars object that

represents the Microsoft Excel command bars.


ConflictResolution Returns or sets the way conflicts are to be

resolved whenever a shared workbook is


Read/write XlSaveConflictResolution.

Connections The Connections property establishes a

connection between the workbook and an

ODBC or an OLEDB data source and refreshes

the data without prompting the user. Read-


ConnectionsDisabled Disables the external connections or links in

the workbook. Read-only

Container Returns the object that represents the

container application for the specified OLE

object. Read-only Object.

ContentTypeProperties Returns a MetaProperties collection that

describes the metadata stored in the

workbook. Read-only.

CreateBackup True if a backup file is created when this file is

saved. Read-only Boolean.

Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the

application in which this object was created.

Read-only Long.

CustomDocumentProperties Returns or sets

a DocumentProperties collection that

represents all the custom document

properties for the specified workbook.

CustomViews Returns a CustomViews collection that

represents all the custom views for the


CustomXMLParts Returns a CustomXMLParts collection that

represents the custom XML in the XML data

store. Read-only.

Date1904 True if the workbook uses the 1904 date

system. Read/write Boolean.

DefaultPivotTableStyle Specifies the table style from

the TableStyles collection that is used as the

default style for PivotTables. Read/write.

DefaultSlicerStyle Specifies the style from the TableStyles object

that is used as the default style for slicers.


DefaultTableStyle Specifies the table style from

the TableStyles collection that is used as the

default TableStyle. Read/write Variant.

DefaultTimelineStyle The name of the default slicer style of the

workbook. Variant. Read/Write

DisplayDrawingObjects Returns or sets how shapes are displayed.

Read/write Long.

DisplayInkComments A Boolean value that determines whether ink

comments are displayed in the workbook.

Read/write Boolean.

DocumentInspectors Returns a DocumentInspectors collection

that represents the Document Inspector

modules for the specified workbook. Read-


DocumentLibraryVersions Returns

a DocumentLibraryVersions collection that

represents the collection of versions of a

shared workbook that has versioning enabled

and that is stored in a document library on a


DoNotPromptForConvert Returns or sets if the user should be prompted

to convert the workbook if the workbook

contains features that are not supported by

versions of Excel earlier than Excel 2007.

Read/write Boolean.

EnableAutoRecover Saves changed files, of all formats, on a timed

interval. Read/write Boolean.

EncryptionProvider Returns a String specifying the name of the

algorithm encryption provider that Microsoft

Office Excel 2007 uses when encrypting

documents. Read/write.

EnvelopeVisible True if the e-mail composition header and the

envelope toolbar are both visible.

Read/write Boolean.

Excel4IntlMacroSheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all

the Microsoft Excel 4.0 international macro

sheets in the specified workbook. Read-only.

Excel4MacroSheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all

the Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro sheets in the

specified workbook. Read-only.

Excel8CompatibilityMode The Excel8CompatibilityMode property

provides developers with a way to check if the

workbook is in compatibility mode. Read-

only Boolean.

FileFormat Returns the file format and/or type of the

workbook. Read-only XlFileFormat.

Final Returns or sets a Boolean that indicates

whether a workbook is final.


ForceFullCalculation Returns or sets the specified workbook to

forced calculation mode. Read/write.

FullName Returns the name of the object, including its

path on disk, as a string. Read-onlyString.

FullNameURLEncoded Returns a String indicating the name of the

object, including its path on disk, as a string.


HasPassword True if the workbook has a protection

password. Read-only Boolean.

HasVBProject Returns a Boolean that represents whether a

workbook has an attached Microsoft Visual

Basic for Applications project. Read-

only Boolean.

HighlightChangesOnScreen True if changes to the shared workbook are

highlighted on-screen. Read/writeBoolean.

IconSets This property is used to filter data in a

workbook based on a cell icon from

theIconSet collection. Read-only.

InactiveListBorderVisible A Boolean value that specifies whether list

borders are visible when a list is not active.

Returns True if the border is visible.

Read/write Boolean.

IsAddin True if the workbook is running as an add-in.

Read/write Boolean.

IsInplace True if the specified workbook is being edited

in place. False if the workbook has been

opened in Microsoft Excel for editing. Read-

only Boolean.

KeepChangeHistory True if change tracking is enabled for the

shared workbook. Read/write Boolean.

ListChangesOnNewSheet True if changes to the shared workbook are

shown on a separate worksheet.

Read/write Boolean.

Mailer You have requested Help for a Visual Basic

keyword used only on the Macintosh. For

information about this keyword, consult the

language reference Help included with

Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.

Model Returns the top level Model object which is

the one Data Model for the workbook. Read-


MultiUserEditing True if the workbook is open as a shared list.

Read-only Boolean.

Name Returns a String value that represents the

name of the object.

Names Returns a Names collection that represents all

the names in the specified workbook

(including all worksheet-specific names).

Read-only Names object.

Parent Returns the parent object for the specified

object. Read-only.

Password Returns or sets the password that must be

supplied to open the specified workbook.

Read/write String.

PasswordEncryptionAlgorithm Returns a String indicating the algorithm

Microsoft Excel uses to encrypt passwords for

the specified workbook. Read-only.

PasswordEncryptionFileProperties True if Microsoft Excel encrypts file properties

for the specified password-protected

workbook. Read-only Boolean.

PasswordEncryptionKeyLength Returns a Long indicating the key length of

the algorithm Microsoft Excel uses when

encrypting passwords for the specified

workbook. Read-only.

PasswordEncryptionProvider Returns a String specifying the name of the

algorithm encryption provider that Microsoft

Excel uses when encrypting passwords for the

specified workbook. Read-only.

Path Returns a String that represents the complete

path to the workbook/file that this workbook

object respresents.

Permission Returns a Permission object that represents

the permission settings in the specified


PersonalViewListSettings True if filter and sort settings for lists are

included in the user's personal view of the

shared workbook. Read/write Boolean.

PersonalViewPrintSettings True if print settings are included in the user's

personal view of the shared workbook. Read-

write Boolean.

PivotTables Returns an object that represents a collection

of all the PivotTable reports on a worksheet.


PrecisionAsDisplayed True if calculations in this workbook will be

done using only the precision of the numbers

as they’re displayed. Read/write Boolean.

ProtectStructure True if the order of the sheets in the

workbook is protected. Read-only Boolean.

ProtectWindows True if the windows of the workbook are

protected. Read-only Boolean.

PublishObjects Returns the PublishObjects collection. Read-


ReadOnly Returns True if the object has been opened as

read-only. Read-only Boolean.

ReadOnlyRecommended True if the workbook was saved as read-only

recommended. Read-only Boolean.

RemovePersonalInformation True if personal information can be removed

from the specified workbook. The default

value is False. Read/write Boolean.

Research Returns a Research object that represents the

research service for a workbook. Read-only.

RevisionNumber Returns the number of times the workbook

has been saved while open as a shared list. If

the workbook is open in exclusive mode, this

property returns 0 (zero). Read-only Long.

Saved True if no changes have been made to the

specified workbook since it was last saved.

Read/write Boolean.

SaveLinkValues True if Microsoft Excel saves external link

values with the workbook. Read/writeBoolean.

ServerPolicy Returns a ServerPolicy object that represents

a policy specified for a workbook stored on a

server running SharePoint Server 2007 or later.


ServerViewableItems Allows a developer to interact with the list of

published objects in the workbook that are

shown on the server. Read-only.

SharedWorkspace This object or member has been deprecated,

but it remains part of the object model for

backward compatibility. You should not use it

in new applications.

Sheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all

the sheets in the specified workbook. Read-

only Sheets object.

ShowConflictHistory True if the Conflict History worksheet is visible

in the workbook that's open as a shared list.

Read/write Boolean.

ShowPivotChartActiveFields This property controls the visibility of the

PivotChart Filter Pane. Read/writeBoolean.

ShowPivotTableFieldList True (default) if the PivotTable field list can be

shown. Read/write Boolean.

Signatures Returns the digital signatures for a workbook.


SlicerCaches Returns the SlicerCaches object associated

with the workbook. Read-only.

SmartDocument Returns a SmartDocument object that

represents the settings for a smart document

solution. Read-only.

Styles Returns a Styles collection that represents all

the styles in the specified workbook. Read-


Sync This object or member has been deprecated,

but it remains part of the object model for

backward compatibility. You should not use it

in new applications.

TableStyles Returns a TableStyles collection object for the

current workbook that refers to the styles used

in the current workbook. Read-only.

TemplateRemoveExtData True if external data references are removed

when the workbook is saved as a template.

Read/write Boolean.

Theme Returns the theme applied to the current

workbook. Read-only.

UpdateLinks Returns or sets an XlUpdateLink constant

indicating a workbook's setting for updating

embedded OLE links. Read/write.

UpdateRemoteReferences True if Microsoft Excel updates remote

references in the workbook.


UserStatus Returns a 1-based, two-dimensional array that

provides information about each user who has

the workbook open as a shared list. Read-

only Variant.

UseWholeCellCriteria True if the workbook uses search patterns that

match the entire content of a cell. Read-

only Boolean.

UseWildcards True if the workbook enables wildcards for

character string comparisons and searching.

Read-only Boolean

VBASigned True if the Visual Basic for Applications project

for the specified workbook has been digitally

signed. Read-only Boolean.

VBProject Returns a VBProject object that represents

the Visual Basic project in the specified

workbook. Read-only.

WebOptions Returns the WebOptions collection, which

contains workbook-level attributes used by

Microsoft Excel when you save a document as

a Web page or open a Web page. Read-only.

Windows Returns a Windows collection that represents

all the windows in the specified workbook.

Read-only Windows object.

Worksheets Returns a Sheets collection that represents all

the worksheets in the specified workbook.

Read-only Sheets object.

WritePassword Returns or sets a String for the write password

of a workbook. Read/write.

WriteReserved True if the workbook is write-reserved. Read-

only Boolean.

WriteReservedBy Returns the name of the user who currently

has write permission for the workbook. Read-

only String.

XmlMaps Returns an XmlMaps collection that

represents the schema maps that have been

added to the specified workbook. Read-only.

XmlNamespaces Returns an XmlNamespaces collection that

represents the XML namespaces contained in

the specified workbook. Read-only.


expression .Application

expression A variable that represents a Sheets object.

Example This example displays a message about the application that created myObject. Set myObject = ActiveWorkbook

If myObject.Application.Value = "Microsoft Excel" Then

MsgBox "This is an Excel Application object."


MsgBox "This is not an Excel Application object."

End If

When used without an object qualifier, this

property returns an Application object that

represents the Microsoft Excel application..

Application. Sheets


The Sheets collection can contain Chart or Worksheet objects.

The Sheets collection is useful when you want to return sheets of any type. If you

need to work with sheets of only one type, see the object topic for that sheet


Example Use the Sheets property to return the Sheets collection. The following example

prints all sheets in the active workbook.


Use the Add method to create a new sheet and add it to the collection. The

following example adds two chart sheets to the active workbook, placing them

after sheet two in the workbook.

Sheets.Add type:=xlChart, count:=2, after:=Sheets(2)

Use Sheets(index), where index is the sheet name or index number, to return a

single Chart or Worksheet object. The following example activates the sheet

named "sheet1."


Use Sheets(array) to specify more than one sheet. The following example moves

the sheets named "Sheet4" and "Sheet5" to the beginning of the workbook.

Sheets(Array("Sheet4", "Sheet5")).Move before:=Sheets(1)

A collection of all the sheets in the specified or

active workbook.

Sheets Collection


Name Description


Creates a new worksheet, chart, or macro sheet. The new

worksheet becomes the active sheet.


This method is only implemented for the Charts collection

object and will produce a run time error if used on the

Sheets and Worksheets objects.

Copy Copies the sheet to another location in the workbook.

Delete Deletes the object.


Copies a range to the same area on all other worksheets in

a collection.

Move Moves the sheet to another location in the workbook.

PrintOut Prints the object.


Shows a preview of the object as it would look when


Select Selects the object.

A collection of all the sheets in the specified or

active workbook.

Sheets Object


Name Description


When used without an object qualifier, this property

returns an Application object that represents the

Microsoft Excel application. When used with an object

qualifier, this property returns an Application object that

represents the creator of the specified object (you can

use this property with an OLE Automation object to

return the application of that object). Read-only.


Returns a Long value that represents the number of

objects in the collection.


Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in

which this object was created. Read-only Long.


Returns an HPageBreaks collection that represents the

horizontal page breaks on the sheet. Read-only.

Item Returns a single object from a collection.


Returns the parent object for the specified object. Read-



Returns or sets a Variant value that determines whether

the object is visible.


Returns a VPageBreaks collection that represents the

vertical page breaks on the sheet. Read-only.


expression .Worksheets

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Using this property without an object qualifier returns all the worksheets in the

active workbook. This property doesn’t return macro sheets; use

the Excel4MacroSheets property or the Excel4IntlMacroSheets property to

return those sheets.

Example This example displays the value in cell A1 on Sheet1 in the active workbook.

MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value

This example displays the name of each worksheet in the active workbook.

For Each ws In Worksheets

MsgBox ws.Name

Next ws

This example adds a new worksheet to the active workbook and then sets the

name of the worksheet.

Set newSheet = Worksheets.Add

newSheet.Name = "current Budget"

For an Application object, returns

a Sheets collection that represents all the

worksheets in the active workbook. For

a Workbook object, returns a Sheets collection

that represents all the worksheets in the specified

workbook. Read-only Sheets object.

Application. WorkSheets


The Worksheet object is also a member of the Sheets collection.

The Sheets collection contains all the sheets in the workbook (both chart sheets

and worksheets).


Use the Worksheets property to return the Worksheets collection.The following

example moves all the worksheets to the end of the workbook.

Worksheets.Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)

Use the Add method to create a new worksheet and add it to the collection. The

following example adds two new worksheets before sheet one of the active


Worksheets.Add Count:=2, Before:=Sheets(1)

Use Worksheets(index), where index is the worksheet index number or name, to

return a single Worksheet object. The following example hides worksheet one

in the active workbook.

Worksheets(1).Visible = False

A collection of all the Worksheet objects in the

specified or active workbook. Each Worksheet

object represents a worksheet.

WorkSheets Object


Name Description

Add Creates a new worksheet, chart, or macro sheet.

The new worksheet becomes the active sheet.

Add2 This method is only implemented for

the Charts collection object and will produce a run

time error if used on

the Sheets and Worksheets objects.

Copy Copies the sheet to another location in the


Delete Deletes the object.

FillAcrossSheets Copies a range to the same area on all other

worksheets in a collection.

Move Moves the sheet to another location in the


PrintOut Prints the object.

PrintPreview Shows a preview of the object as it would look

when printed.

Select Selects the object.


Name Description

Application When used without an object qualifier, this property

returns an Application object that represents the

Microsoft Excel application. When used with an object

qualifier, this property returns an Applicationobject that

represents the creator of the specified object (you can use

this property with an OLE Automation object to return the

application of that object). Read-only.

Count Returns a Long value that represents the number of

objects in the collection.

Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in

which this object was created. Read-only Long.

HPageBreaks Returns an HPageBreaks collection that represents the

horizontal page breaks on the sheet. Read-only.

Item Returns a single object from a collection.

Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object. Read-


Visible Returns or sets a Variant value that determines whether

the object is visible.

VPageBreaks Returns a VPageBreaks collection that represents the

vertical page breaks on the sheet. Read-only.


The Worksheet object is a member of the Worksheets collection.

The Worksheets collection contains all the Worksheet objects in a workbook.

The Worksheet object is also a member of the Sheets collection.

The Sheets collection contains all the sheets in the workbook (both chart

sheets and worksheets).


Use Worksheets(index), where index is the worksheet index number or name, to

return a single Worksheet object. The following example hides worksheet one

in the active workbook.

Worksheets(1).Visible = False

The worksheet index number denotes the position of the worksheet on the

workbook’s tab bar. Worksheets(1) is the first (leftmost) worksheet in the

workbook, and Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) is the last one. All worksheets

are included in the index count, even if they’re hidden.

The worksheet name is shown on the tab for the worksheet. Use

the Name property to set or return the worksheet name. The following example

protects the scenarios on Sheet1.

Dim strPassword As String

strPassword = InputBox ("Enter the password for the worksheet")

Worksheets("Sheet1").Protect password:=strPassword,


Represents a worksheet.

WorkSheet Object

When a worksheet is the active sheet, you can use the ActiveSheet property to

refer to it. The following example uses the Activate method to activate Sheet1,

sets the page orientation to landscape mode, and then prints the worksheet.


ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape



Name Description

Activate Occurs when a workbook, worksheet, chart

sheet, or embedded chart is activated.


BeforeDoubleClick Occurs when a worksheet is double-clicked,

before the default double-click action.

BeforeRightClick Occurs when a worksheet is right-clicked,

before the default right-click action.

Calculate Occurs after the worksheet is recalculated, for

the Worksheet object.

Change Occurs when cells on the worksheet are

changed by the user or by an external link.

Deactivate Occurs when the chart, worksheet, or

workbook is deactivated.

FollowHyperlink Occurs when you click any hyperlink on a

worksheet. For application- and workbook-

level events, see

the SheetFollowHyperlink event

andSheetFollowHyperlink event.

LensGalleryRenderComplete Occurs when a callout gallery’s icons (dynamic

& static) have completed rendering.

PivotTableAfterValueChange Occurs after a cell or range of cells inside a

PivotTable are edited or recalculated (for cells

that contain formulas).

PivotTableBeforeAllocateChanges Occurs before changes are applied to a


PivotTableBeforeCommitChanges Occurs before changes are committed against

the OLAP data source for a PivotTable.

PivotTableBeforeDiscardChanges Occurs before changes to a PivotTable are


PivotTableChangeSync Occurs after changes to a PivotTable.

PivotTableUpdate Occurs after a PivotTable report is updated on

a worksheet.

SelectionChange Occurs when the selection changes on a


TableUpdate Occurs after a Query table connected to the

Data Model is updated on a worksheet.


Name Description

Activate Makes the current sheet the active sheet.

Calculate Calculates all open workbooks, a specific worksheet in a

workbook, or a specified range of cells on a worksheet,

as shown in the following table.

ChartObjects Returns an object that represents either a single

embedded chart (a ChartObject object) or a collection of

all the embedded charts (a ChartObjects object) on the


CheckSpelling Checks the spelling of an object.

CircleInvalid Circles invalid entries on the worksheet.

ClearArrows Clears the tracer arrows from the worksheet. Tracer

arrows are added by using the auditing feature.

ClearCircles Clears circles from invalid entries on the worksheet.

Copy Copies the sheet to another location in the workbook.

Delete Deletes the object.

Evaluate Converts a Microsoft Excel name to an object or a value.

ExportAsFixedFormat Exports to a file of the specified format.

Move Moves the sheet to another location in the workbook.

OLEObjects Returns an object that represents either a single OLE

object (an OLEObject ) or a collection of all OLE objects

(an OLEObjects collection) on the chart or sheet. Read-


Paste Pastes the contents of the Clipboard onto the sheet.

PasteSpecial Pastes the contents of the Clipboard onto the sheet,

using a specified format. Use this method to paste data

from other applications or to paste data in a specific


PivotTables Returns an object that represents either a single

PivotTable report (a PivotTable object) or a collection of

all the PivotTable reports (a PivotTables object) on a

worksheet. Read-only.

PivotTableWizard Creates a new PivotTable report. This method doesn’t

display the PivotTable Wizard. This method isn’t available

for OLE DB data sources. Use the Add method to add a

PivotTable cache, and then create a PivotTable report

based on the cache.

PrintOut Prints the object.

PrintPreview Shows a preview of the object as it would look when


Protect Protects a worksheet so that it cannot be modified.

ResetAllPageBreaks Resets all page breaks on the specified worksheet.

SaveAs Saves changes to the chart or worksheet in a different


Scenarios Returns an object that represents either a single scenario

(a Scenario object) or a collection of scenarios

(a Scenarios object) on the worksheet.

Select Selects the object.

SetBackgroundPicture Sets the background graphic for a worksheet.

ShowAllData Makes all rows of the currently filtered list visible. If

AutoFilter is in use, this method changes the arrows to


ShowDataForm Displays the data form associated with the worksheet.

Unprotect Removes protection from a sheet or workbook. This

method has no effect if the sheet or workbook isn't


XmlDataQuery Returns a Range object that represents the cells mapped

to a particular XPath. Returns Nothingif the specified

XPath has not been mapped to the worksheet, or if the

mapped range is empty.

XmlMapQuery Returns a Range object that represents the cells mapped

to a particular XPath. Returns Nothingif the specified

XPath has not been mapped to the worksheet.


Name Description

Application When used without an object qualifier, this

property returns an Application object

that represents the Microsoft Excel

application. When used with an object

qualifier, this property returns

an Application object that represents the

creator of the specified object (you can use

this property with an OLE Automation

object to return the application of that

object). Read-only.

AutoFilter Returns an AutoFilter object if filtering is

on. Read-only.

AutoFilterMode True if the AutoFilter drop-down arrows

are currently displayed on the sheet. This

property is independent of

the FilterMode property.

Read/write Boolean.

Cells Returns a Range object that represents all

the cells on the worksheet (not just the

cells that are currently in use).

CircularReference Returns a Range object that represents the

range containing the first circular reference

on the sheet, or returns Nothing if there's

no circular reference on the sheet. The

circular reference must be removed before

calculation can proceed.

CodeName Returns the code name for the object.

Read-only String.

Columns Returns a Range object that represents all

the columns on the active worksheet. If the

active document isn't a worksheet,

the Columns property fails.

Comments Returns a Comments collection that

represents all the comments for the

specified worksheet. Read-only.

ConsolidationFunction Returns the function code used for the

current consolidation. Can be one of the

constants of XlConsolidationFunction.

Read-only Long.

ConsolidationOptions Returns a three-element array of

consolidation options, as shown in the

following table. If the element is True, that

option is set. Read-only Variant.

ConsolidationSources Returns an array of string values that name

the source sheets for the worksheet's

current consolidation. Returns Empty if

there's no consolidation on the sheet.

Read-only Variant.

Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the

application in which this object was

created. Read-only Long.

CustomProperties Returns a CustomProperties object

representing the identifier information

associated with a worksheet.

DisplayPageBreaks True if page breaks (both automatic and

manual) on the specified worksheet are

displayed. Read/write Boolean.

DisplayRightToLeft True if the specified worksheet is displayed

from right to left instead of from left to

right. False if the object is displayed from

left to right. Read-only Boolean.

EnableAutoFilter True if AutoFilter arrows are enabled when

user-interface-only protection is turned on.

Read/write Boolean.

EnableCalculation True if Microsoft Excel automatically

recalculates the worksheet when

necessary.False if Excel doesn't recalculate

the sheet. Read/write Boolean.

EnableFormatConditionsCalculation Returms or sets if conditional formats will

will occur automatically as needed.

Read/write Boolean.

EnableOutlining True if outlining symbols are enabled

when user-interface-only protection is

turned on. Read/write Boolean.

EnablePivotTable True if PivotTable controls and actions are

enabled when user-interface-only

protection is turned on.

Read/write Boolean.

EnableSelection Returns or sets what can be selected on

the sheet. Read/write XlEnableSelection.

FilterMode True if the worksheet is in the filter mode.

Read-only Boolean.

HPageBreaks Returns an HPageBreaks collection that

represents the horizontal page breaks on

the sheet. Read-only.

Hyperlinks Returns a Hyperlinks collection that

represents the hyperlinks for the


Index Returns a Long value that represents the

index number of the object within the

collection of similar objects.

ListObjects Returns a collection of ListObject objects

in the worksheet. Read-

only ListObjectscollection.

MailEnvelope Rrepresents an e-mail header for a


Name Returns or sets a String value that

represents the object name.

Names Returns a Names collection that

represents all the worksheet-specific

names (names defined with the

"WorksheetName!" prefix). Read-

only Names object.

Next Returns a Worksheet object that

represents the next sheet.

Outline Returns an Outline object that represents

the outline for the specified worksheet.


PageSetup Returns a PageSetup object that contains

all the page setup settings for the specified

object. Read-only.

Parent Returns the parent object for the specified

object. Read-only.

Previous Returns a Worksheet object that

represents the next sheet.

PrintedCommentPages Returns the number of comment pages

that will be printed for the current

worksheet. Read-only

ProtectContents True if the contents of the sheet are

protected. This protects the individual

cells. To turn on content protection, use

the Protect method with

the Contentsargument set to True. Read-

only Boolean.

ProtectDrawingObjects True if shapes are protected. To turn on

shape protection, use the Protectmethod

with the DrawingObjects argument set

to True. Read-only Boolean.

Protection Returns a Protection object that

represents the protection options of the


ProtectionMode True if user-interface-only protection is

turned on. To turn on user interface

protection, use the Protect method with

the UserInterfaceOnly argument set

toTrue. Read-only Boolean.

ProtectScenarios True if the worksheet scenarios are

protected. Read-only Boolean.

QueryTables Returns the QueryTables collection that

represents all the query tables on the

specified worksheet. Read-only.

Range Returns a Range object that represents a

cell or a range of cells.

Rows Returns a Range object that represents all

the rows on the specified worksheet. Read-

only Range object.

ScrollArea Returns or sets the range where scrolling is

allowed, as an A1-style range reference.

Cells outside the scroll area cannot be

selected. Read/write String.

Shapes Returns a Shapes collection that

represents all the shapes on the worksheet.


Sort Returns a Sort object. Read-only.

StandardHeight Returns the standard (default) height of all

the rows in the worksheet, in points. Read-

only Double.

StandardWidth Returns or sets the standard (default)

width of all the columns in the worksheet.

Read/write Double.

Tab Returns a Tab object for a worksheet.

TransitionExpEval True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3

expression evaluation rules for the

worksheet. Read/write Boolean.

TransitionFormEntry True if Microsoft Excel uses Lotus 1-2-3

formula entry rules for the worksheet.

Read/write Boolean.

Type Returns an XlSheetType value that

represents the worksheet type.

UsedRange Returns a Range object that represents the

used range on the specified worksheet.


Visible Returns or sets an XlSheetVisibility value

that determines whether the object is


VPageBreaks Returns a VPageBreaks collection that

represents the vertical page breaks on the

sheet. Read-only.

Propiedad Worksheet.Cells (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Range que representa todas las celdas de la hoja de cálculo

(no solo las celdas que están actualmente en uso).

Sintaxis expresión .Cells

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.


Dado que la propiedad Item es la propiedad predeterminada del objeto Range ,

puede especificar el índice de fila y columna inmediatamente después de la

palabra clave de las celdas . Para obtener más información, vea la

propiedad Item y los ejemplos de este tema.

Si se usa esta propiedad sin un calificador de objeto, se devuelve un

objeto Range que representa todas las celdas de la hoja activa.

Ejemplo En este ejemplo se establece el tamaño de fuente para la celda C5 de Sheet1

en 14 puntos.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(5, 3).Font.Size = 14

En este ejemplo se borra la fórmula de la celda uno de Sheet1.


En este ejemplo se establece en Arial de 8 puntos la fuente y el tamaño de

fuente de todas las celdas de Sheet1.

With Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells.Font

.Name = "Arial"

.Size = 8

End With

Propiedad Worksheet.Columns Devuelve un objeto Range que representa todas las columnas de la hoja de

cálculo activa. Si el documento activo no es una hoja de cálculo, la

propiedad Columns devuelve un error.

Sintaxis expresión .Columns

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.


El uso de esta propiedad sin un calificador de objeto equivale a

usar ActiveSheet.Columns.

Si se aplica a un objeto Range que es una selección de varias áreas, la propiedad

únicamente devuelve las columnas de la primera área del rango.

Por ejemplo, si el objeto Range tiene dos áreas, A1:B2 y C3:D4,

Selection.Columns.Count devuelve 2, no 4. Si desea utilizar esta propiedad

en un rango que puede contener una selección de varias áreas,

compruebe Areas.Count para determinar si el rango contiene más de un

área. En ese caso, ejecute un bucle sobre cada área del rango.


En este ejemplo se da formato de negrita a la fuente de la columna uno (columna

A) de Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns(1).Font.Bold = True

Propiedad Worksheet.Comments (Excel) Devuelve una colección de Comments que representa todos los comentarios de

la hoja de cálculo especificada. Solo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .Comments

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.

Ejemplo Este ejemplo elimina todos los comentarios agregados por Jean Selva a la hoja


For Each c in ActiveSheet.Comments

If c.Author = "Jean Selva" Then c.Delete


Propiedad Worksheet.EnableAutoFilter True si están habilitadas las flechas de filtro automático cuando se activa la

protección de solo interfaz de usuario. Boolean de lectura y escritura.

Sintaxis expresión .EnableAutoFilter

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.


Este ejemplo activa las flechas de Autofiltro en una hoja de cálculo protegida.

ActiveSheet.EnableAutoFilter = True

ActiveSheet.Protect contents:=True, userInterfaceOnly:=True

Propiedad Worksheet.Name (Excel) Devuelve o establece un valor de tipo String que representa el nombre del


Sintaxis expresión .Name

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se establece el nombre de la hoja de cálculo

activa de igual a la fecha actual.


' This macro sets today's date as the name for the current


Sub NameWorksheetByDate()


Selection.Formula = "=text(now(),""mmm dd yyyy"")"


Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues

Application.CutCopyMode = False


ActiveSheet.Name = Range("D5").Value

Range("D5").Value = ""

End Sub

Propiedad Worksheet.Next (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Worksheet que representa la hoja siguiente.

Sintaxis expresión .Next

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.


Si el objeto es un rango, esta propiedad emula a la tecla TAB, aunque la

propiedad devuelve la celda siguiente sin seleccionarla.

En una hoja protegida, esta propiedad devuelve la siguiente celda

desbloqueada. En una hoja desprotegida, siempre devuelve la celda situada

inmediatamente a la derecha de la celda especificada.


En este ejemplo se selecciona la siguiente celda desbloqueada de Sheet1. Si

Sheet1 no está protegida, ésta será la celda situada inmediatamente a la derecha

de la celda activa.



Propiedad Worksheet.Previous (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Worksheet que representa la hoja anterior.

Sintaxis expresión .Previous

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.


Si el objeto es un rango, esta propiedad emula la acción de presionar las teclas

MAYÚS+TAB; no obstante, a diferencia de la combinación de teclas, la propiedad

devuelve la celda anterior sin seleccionarla.

En una hoja protegida, esta propiedad devuelve la celda anterior no

bloqueada. En una hoja desprotegida, la propiedad siempre devuelve la celda

situada inmediatamente a la izquierda de la celda especificada.

Ejemplo En este ejemplo se selecciona la celda anterior no bloqueada de Sheet1. Si

Sheet1 no está protegida, será la celda situada inmediatamente a la izquierda

de la celda activa.



Propiedad Worksheet.Protection Devuelve un objeto Protection que representa las opciones de protección de la

hoja de cálculo.

Sintaxis expresión .Protection

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.


Este ejemplo protege la hoja de cálculo activa; a continuación, determina si se

pueden insertar columnas en la hoja de cálculo y comunica al usuario este


Sub CheckProtection()


' Check the ability to insert columns on a protected sheet.

'Notify the user of this status.

If ActiveSheet.Protection.AllowInsertingColumns = True Then

MsgBox "The insertion of columns is allowed on this _

protected worksheet."


MsgBox "The insertion of columns is not allowed on _

this protected worksheet."

End If

End Sub

Propiedad Worksheet.Range (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Range que representa una celda o un rango de celdas.

Sintaxis expresión .Range(Cell1, Cell2)

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.


Nombre Descripción

Cell1 Obligatorio Nombre del rango. Debe ser una

referencia de estilo A1 en el lenguaje

de la macro. Puede incluir un operador

de rango (dos puntos), de intersección

(espacio) o de unión (coma). Admite

signos de dólar, pero no se tendrán en

cuenta. Se puede usar un nombre

local definido en cualquier parte del

rango. Si se usa un nombre, se supone

que está en el lenguaje de la macro.

Cell2 Opcional Celda de las esquinas superior

izquierda e inferior derecha del

rango. Puede ser un objeto Range que

contiene una sola celda, una columna

completa o una fila completa; o bien

una cadena que hace referencia a una

sola celda en el lenguaje de la macro.


Si no hace referencia a ningún objeto, esta propiedad es una abreviatura

de ActiveSheet.Range (devuelve un rango de la hoja activa; si la hoja activa

no es una hoja de cálculo, la propiedad no funciona).

Cuando se aplica a un objeto Range, los valores de la propiedad son relativos al

objeto Range. Por ejemplo, si la celda C3 está selecciona-

da, Selection.Range("B1") devuelve la celda D3 porque es el valor relativo

al objeto Range devuelto por la propiedad Selection. Por otro lado, el

código ActiveSheet.Range("B1") siempre devuelve la celda B1.

Ejemplo En este ejemplo se establece el valor de la celda A1 de Sheet1 como 3.14159.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = 3.14159

En este ejemplo se crea una fórmula en la celda A1 de Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "=10*RAND()"

En este ejemplo se ejecuta un bucle sobre las celdas A1:D10 de Sheet1.Si una de

las celdas tiene un valor menor que 0.001, el código sustituye el valor por 0


For Each c in Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D10")

If c.Value < .001 Then

c.Value = 0

End If

Next c

En este ejemplo se ejecuta un bucle en el rango denominado "TestRange" y se

muestra el número de celdas vacías del rango.

numBlanks = 0

For Each c In Range("TestRange")

If c.Value = "" Then

numBlanks = numBlanks + 1

End If

Next c

MsgBox "There are " & numBlanks & " empty cells in this range"

En este ejemplo se establece en cursiva el estilo de fuente de las celdas A1:C5

de Sheet1.El ejemplo usa la sintaxis 2 de la propiedad Range.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 3))._

Font.Italic = True

Propiedad Worksheet.Rows (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Range que representa todas las filas de la hoja de cálculo

especificada. Objeto Range de solo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .Rows

expresión Variable que representa un objeto WorkSheet.


El uso de esta propiedad sin un calificador de objeto equivale a

usar ActiveSheet.Rows.

Si se aplica a un objeto Range que es una selección de varias áreas, la propiedad

únicamente devuelve las filas de la primera área del rango. Por ejemplo, si el

objeto Range tiene dos áreas, A1:B2 y C3:D4,Selection.Rows.Count devuelve

2, no 4.

Si desea utilizar esta propiedad en un rango que puede contener una selección

múltiple, compruebe Areas.Count para determinar si el rango es una selección

múltiple. En ese caso, ejecute un bucle sobre cada área del rango, tal como se

muestra en el tercer ejemplo.


En este ejemplo se elimina la fila tres de Sheet1.


En este ejemplo se eliminan las filas de la región actual de la hoja de cálculo

uno en las que el valor de la celda uno de la fila es el mismo que el valor de la

celda uno de la fila anterior.

For Each rw In Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows

this = rw.Cells(1, 1).Value

If this = last Then rw.Delete

last = this


En este ejemplo se muestra el número de filas de la selección de Sheet1.Si se

ha seleccionado más de un área, el ejemplo ejecuta un bucle en cada área.


areaCount = Selection.Areas.Count

If areaCount <= 1 Then

MsgBox "The selection contains " & _

Selection.Rows.Count & " rows."


i = 1

For Each a In Selection.Areas

MsgBox "Area " & i & " of the selection contains " & _

a.Rows.Count & " rows."

i = i + 1

Next a

End If


expression .Range(Cell1, Cell2)

expression .[Cell1, Cell2]

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Name Required/Optional

Cell1 Required

Cell2 Optional


When used without an object qualifier, this property is a shortcut

for ActiveSheet.Range (it returns a range from the active sheet; if the active

sheet isn’t a worksheet, the property fails).

When applied to a Range object, the property is relative to the Range object.

For example, if the selection is cell C3, then Selection.Range("B1") returns

cell D3 because it’s relative to the Range object returned by

the Selection property. On the other hand, the

code ActiveSheet.Range("B1") always returns cell B1.


This example sets the value of cell A1 on Sheet1 to 3.14159.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = 3.14159

This example creates a formula in cell A1 on Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "=10*RAND()"

Returns a Range object that represents a cell or

a range of cells.

Application. Range

This example loops on cells A1:D10 on Sheet1. If one of the cells has a value

less than 0.001, the code replaces that value with 0 (zero).

For Each c in Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D10")

If c.Value < .001 Then

c.Value = 0

End If

Next c

This example loops on the range named "TestRange" and displays the number

of empty cells in the range.

numBlanks = 0

For Each c In Range("TestRange")

If c.Value = "" Then

numBlanks = numBlanks + 1

End If

Next c

MsgBox "There are " & numBlanks & " empty cells in this range"

This example sets the font style in cells A1:C5 on Sheet1 to italic. The example

uses Syntax 2 of the Range property.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 3)). _

Font.Italic = True


Name Description

Application When used without an object qualifier, this property

returns an Application object that represents the

Microsoft Excel application. When used with an object

qualifier, this property returns an Applicationobject that

represents the creator of the specified object. Read-only.

Count Returns the number of objects in the collection. Read-

only Long.

Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in

which this object was created. Read-only Long.

Item Returns a Range object that represents a range of items

in a workbook. Read-only.

Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object. Read-


A collection of Range objects.

Ranges Object


The following properties and methods for returning a Range object are

described in the examples section:

Range property

Cells property

Range and Cells

Offset property

Union method


Use Range(arg), where arg names the range, to return a Range object that

represents a single cell or a range of cells. The following example places the

value of cell A1 in cell A5.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A5").Value = _


The following example fills the range A1:H8 with random numbers by setting

the formula for each cell in the range. When it’s used without an object

qualifier (an object to the left of the period), the Range property returns a

range on the active sheet. If the active sheet isn’t a worksheet, the method fails.

Use the Activate method to activate a worksheet before you use

the Range property without an explicit object qualifier.


Range("A1:H8").Formula = "=Rand()" 'Range is on the active


Represents a cell, a row, a column, a selection of

cells containing one or more contiguous blocks

of cells, or a 3-D range.

Range Object

The following example clears the contents of the range named Criteria.

If you use a text argument for the range address, you must specify the

address in A1-style notation (you cannot use R1C1-style notation).


Use Cells(row, column) where row is the row index and column is the column

index, to return a single cell. The following example sets the value of cell A1 to


Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value = 24

The following example sets the formula for cell A2.

ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).Formula = "=Sum(B1:B5)"

Although you can also use Range("A1") to return cell A1, there may be times

when the Cells property is more convenient because you can use a variable for

the row or column. The following example creates column and row headings

on Sheet1. Be aware that after the worksheet has been activated,

the Cells property can be used without an explicit sheet declaration (it returns

a cell on the active sheet).

Although you could use Visual Basic string functions to alter

A1-style references, it is easier (and better programming

practice) to use the Cells(1, 1) notation.

Sub SetUpTable()


For TheYear = 1 To 5

Cells(1, TheYear + 1).Value = 1990 + TheYear

Next TheYear

For TheQuarter = 1 To 4

Cells(TheQuarter + 1, 1).Value = "Q" & TheQuarter

Next TheQuarter

End Sub

Use expression.Cells(row, column), where expression is an expression that

returns a Range object, and row and column are relative to the upper-left

corner of the range, to return part of a range. The following example sets the

formula for cell C5.

Worksheets(1).Range("C5:C10").Cells(1, 1).Formula = "=Rand()"

Use Range(cell1, cell2), where cell1 and cell2 are Range objects that specify the

start and end cells, to return a Range object. The following example sets the

border line style for cells A1:J10.

Be aware that the period in front of each occurrence of

the Cells property. The period is required if the result of the

preceding With statement is to be applied to

the Cells property—in this case, to indicate that the cells are on

worksheet one (without the period, the Cells property would

return cells on the active sheet).

With Worksheets(1)

.Range(.Cells(1, 1), _

.Cells(10, 10)).Borders.LineStyle = xlThick

End With

Use Offset(row, column), where row and column are the row and column

offsets, to return a range at a specified offset to another range. The following

example selects the cell three rows down from and one column to the right of

the cell in the upper-left corner of the current selection. You cannot select a

cell that is not on the active sheet, so you must first activate the worksheet.



'Can't select unless the sheet is active

Selection.Offset(3, 1).Range("A1").Select

Use Union(range1, range2, ...) to return multiple-area ranges—that is, ranges

composed of two or more contiguous blocks of cells. The following example

creates an object defined as the union of ranges A1:B2 and C3:D4, and then

selects the defined range.

Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, myMultiAreaRange As Range


Set r1 = Range("A1:B2")

Set r2 = Range("C3:D4")

Set myMultiAreaRange = Union(r1, r2)


If you work with selections that contain more than one area, the Areas

property is useful. It divides a multiple-area selection into individual Range

objects and then returns the objects as a collection. You can use the Count

property on the returned collection to verify a selection that contains more than

one area, as shown in the following example.

Sub NoMultiAreaSelection()

NumberOfSelectedAreas = Selection.Areas.Count

If NumberOfSelectedAreas > 1 Then

MsgBox "You cannot carry out this command " & _

"on multi-area selections"

End If

End Sub


Name Description

Activate Activates a single cell, which must be inside the

current selection. To select a range of cells, use

the Select method.

AddComment Adds a comment to the range.

AdvancedFilter Filters or copies data from a list based on a criteria

range. If the initial selection is a single cell, that

cell's current region is used.

AllocateChanges Performs a writeback operation for all edited cells

in a range based on an OLAP data source.

ApplyNames Applies names to the cells in the specified range.

ApplyOutlineStyles Applies outlining styles to the specified range.

AutoComplete Returns an AutoComplete match from the list. If

there’s no AutoComplete match or if more than

one entry in the list matches the string to complete,

this method returns an empty string.

AutoFill Performs an autofill on the cells in the specified


AutoFilter Filters a list using the AutoFilter.

AutoFit Changes the width of the columns in the range or

the height of the rows in the range to achieve the

best fit.

AutoOutline Automatically creates an outline for the specified

range. If the range is a single cell, Microsoft Excel

creates an outline for the entire sheet. The new

outline replaces any existing outline.

BorderAround Adds a border to a range and sets

the Color, LineStyle, and Weight properties for the

new border. Variant.

Calculate Calculates all open workbooks, a specific worksheet

in a workbook, or a specified range of cells on a

worksheet, as shown in the following table.

CalculateRowMajorOrder Calculates a specfied range of cells.

CheckSpelling Checks the spelling of an object.

Clear Clears the entire object.

ClearComments Clears all cell comments from the specified range.

ClearContents Clears the formulas from the range.

ClearFormats Clears the formatting of the object.

ClearHyperlinks Removes all hyperlinks from the specified range.

ClearNotes Clears notes and sound notes from all the cells in

the specified range.

ClearOutline Clears the outline for the specified range.

ColumnDifferences Returns a Range object that represents all the cells

whose contents are different from the comparison

cell in each column.

Consolidate Consolidates data from multiple ranges on multiple

worksheets into a single range on a single

worksheet. Variant.

Copy Copies the range to the specified range or to the


CopyFromRecordset Copies the contents of an ADO or

DAO Recordset object onto a worksheet,

beginning at the upper-left corner of the specified

range. If the Recordset object contains fields with

OLE objects in them, this method fails.

CopyPicture Copies the selected object to the Clipboard as a

picture. Variant.

CreateNames Creates names in the specified range, based on text

labels in the sheet.

Cut Cuts the object to the Clipboard or pastes it into a

specified destination.

DataSeries Creates a data series in the specified

range. Variant.

Delete Deletes the object.

DialogBox Displays a dialog box defined by a dialog box

definition table on a Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro

sheet. Returns the number of the chosen control, or

returns False if the user clicks theCancel button.

Dirty Designates a range to be recalculated when the

next recalculation occurs.

DiscardChanges Discards all changes in the edited cells of the range.

EditionOptions You have requested Help for a Visual Basic keyword

used only on the Macintosh. For information about

this keyword, consult the language reference Help

included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.

ExportAsFixedFormat Exports to a file of the specified format.

FillDown Fills down from the top cell or cells in the specified

range to the bottom of the range. The contents and

formatting of the cell or cells in the top row of a

range are copied into the rest of the rows in the


FillLeft Fills left from the rightmost cell or cells in the

specified range. The contents and formatting of the

cell or cells in the rightmost column of a range are

copied into the rest of the columns in the range.

FillRight Fills right from the leftmost cell or cells in the

specified range. The contents and formatting of the

cell or cells in the leftmost column of a range are

copied into the rest of the columns in the range.

FillUp Fills up from the bottom cell or cells in the specified

range to the top of the range. The contents and

formatting of the cell or cells in the bottom row of

a range are copied into the rest of the rows in the


Find Finds specific information in a range.

FindNext Continues a search that was begun with

the Find method. Finds the next cell that matches

those same conditions and returns a Range object

that represents that cell. This does not affect the

selection or the active cell.

FindPrevious Continues a search that was begun with

the Find method. Finds the previous cell that

matches those same conditions and returns

a Range object that represents that cell. Doesn’t

affect the selection or the active cell.

FlashFill TRUE indicates that the Excel Flash Fill feature has

been enabled and active.

FunctionWizard Starts the Function Wizard for the upper-left cell of

the range.

Group When the Range object represents a single cell in a

PivotTable field’s data range, the Groupmethod

performs numeric or date-based grouping in that


Insert Inserts a cell or a range of cells into the worksheet

or macro sheet and shifts other cells away to make


InsertIndent Adds an indent to the specified range.

Justify Rearranges the text in a range so that it fills the

range evenly.

ListNames Pastes a list of all nonhidden names onto the

worksheet, beginning with the first cell in the range.

Merge Creates a merged cell from the

specified Range object.

NavigateArrow Navigates a tracer arrow for the specified range to

the precedent, dependent, or error-causing cell or

cells. Selects the precedent, dependent, or error

cells and returns a Rangeobject that represents the

new selection. This method causes an error if it's

applied to a cell without visible tracer arrows.

NoteText Returns or sets the cell note associated with the cell

in the upper-left corner of the range.

Read/write String. Cell notes have been replaced

by range comments. For more information, see

the Comment object.

Parse Parses a range of data and breaks it into multiple

cells. Distributes the contents of the range to fill

several adjacent columns; the range can be no

more than one column wide.

PasteSpecial Pastes a Range from the Clipboard into the

specified range.

PrintOut Prints the object.

PrintPreview Shows a preview of the object as it would look

when printed.

RemoveDuplicates Removes duplicate values from a range of values.

RemoveSubtotal Removes subtotals from a list.

Replace Returns a Boolean indicating characters in cells

within the specified range. Using this method

doesn’t change either the selection or the active


RowDifferences Returns a Range object that represents all the cells

whose contents are different from those of the

comparison cell in each row.

Run Runs the Microsoft Excel macro at this location. The

range must be on a macro sheet.

Select Selects the object.

SetPhonetic Creates Phonetic objects for all the cells in the

specified range.

Show Scrolls through the contents of the active window

to move the range into view. The range must

consist of a single cell in the active document.

ShowDependents Draws tracer arrows to the direct dependents of the


ShowErrors Draws tracer arrows through the precedents tree to

the cell that’s the source of the error, and returns

the range that contains that cell.

ShowPrecedents Draws tracer arrows to the direct precedents of the


Sort Sorts a range of values.

SortSpecial Uses East Asian sorting methods to sort the range,

a PivotTable report, or uses the method for the

active region if the range contains only one cell. For

example, Japanese sorts in the order of the Kana


Speak Causes the cells of the range to be spoken in row

order or column order.

SpecialCells Returns a Range object that represents all the cells

that match the specified type and value.

SubscribeTo You have requested Help for a Visual Basic keyword

used only on the Macintosh. For information about

this keyword, consult the language reference Help

included with Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition.

Subtotal Creates subtotals for the range (or the current

region, if the range is a single cell).

Table Creates a data table based on input values and

formulas that you define on a worksheet.

TextToColumns Parses a column of cells that contain text into

several columns.

Ungroup Promotes a range in an outline (that is, decreases

its outline level). The specified range must be a row

or column, or a range of rows or columns. If the

range is in a PivotTable report, this method

ungroups the items contained in the range.

UnMerge Separates a merged area into individual cells.


Name Description

AddIndent Returns or sets a Variant value that indicates if text is

automatically indented when the text alignment in a cell is set

to equal distribution (either horizontally or vertically.)

Address Returns a String value that represents the range reference in

the language of the macro.

AddressLocal Returns the range reference for the specified range in the

language of the user. Read-only String.

AllowEdit Returns a Boolean value that indicates if the range can be

edited on a protected worksheet.

Application When used without an object qualifier, this property returns

an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel

application. When used with an object qualifier, this property

returns an Application object that represents the creator of

the specified object (you can use this property with an OLE

Automation object to return the application of that object).


Areas Returns an Areas collection that represents all the ranges in a

multiple-area selection. Read-only.

Borders Returns a Borders collection that represents the borders of a

style or a range of cells (including a range defined as part of a

conditional format).

Cells Returns a Range object that represents the cells in the

specified range.

Characters Returns a Characters object that represents a range of

characters within the object text. You can use

the Characters object to format characters within a text string.

Column Returns the number of the first column in the first area in the

specified range. Read-only Long.

Columns Returns a Range object that represents the columns in the

specified range.

ColumnWidth Returns or sets the width of all columns in the specified range.

Read/write Variant.

Comment Returns a Comment object that represents the comment

associated with the cell in the upper-left corner of the range.

Count Returns a Long value that represents the number of objects in

the collection.

CountLarge Returns a value that represents the number of objects in the

collection. Read-only Variant.

CurrentArray If the specified cell is part of an array, returns a Range object

that represents the entire array. Read-only.

CurrentRegion Returns a Range object that represents the current region. The

current region is a range bounded by any combination of

blank rows and blank columns. Read-only.

Dependents Returns a Range object that represents the range containing

all the dependents of a cell. This can be a multiple selection (a

union of Range objects) if there’s more than one dependent.

Read-onlyRange object.



Returns a Range object that represents the range containing

all the direct dependents of a cell. This can be a multiple

selection (a union of Range objects) if there’s more than one

dependent. Read-only Range object.



Returns a Range object that represents the range containing

all the direct precedents of a cell. This can be a multiple

selection (a union of Range objects) if there’s more than one

precedent. Read-only Range object.

DisplayFormat Returns a DisplayFormat object that represents the display

settings for the specified range. Read-only

End Returns a Range object that represents the cell at the end of

the region that contains the source range. Equivalent to


ARROW, or END+RIGHT ARROW. Read-only Range object.

EntireColumn Returns a Range object that represents the entire column (or

columns) that contains the specified range. Read-only.

EntireRow Returns a Range object that represents the entire row (or rows)

that contains the specified range. Read-only.

Errors Allows the user to to access error checking options.

Font Returns a Font object that represents the font of the specified




Returns a FormatConditions collection that represents all the

conditional formats for the specified range. Read-only.

Formula Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the object's

formula in A1-style notation and in the macro language.

FormulaArray Returns or sets the array formula of a range. Returns (or can be

set to) a single formula or a Visual Basic array. If the specified

range doesn't contain an array formula, this property

returnsnull. Read/write Variant.

FormulaHidden Returns or sets a Variant value that indicates if the formula will

be hidden when the worksheet is protected.

FormulaLocal Returns or sets the formula for the object, using A1-style

references in the language of the user. Read/write Variant.

FormulaR1C1 Returns or sets the formula for the object, using R1C1-style

notation in the language of the macro. Read/write Variant.



Returns or sets the formula for the object, using R1C1-style

notation in the language of the user. Read/write Variant.

HasArray True if the specified cell is part of an array formula. Read-

only Variant.

HasFormula True if all cells in the range contain formulas; False if none of

the cells in the range contains a formula; null otherwise. Read-

only Variant.

Height Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the height, in

points, of the range.

Hidden Returns or sets a Variant value that indicates if the rows or

columns are hidden.



Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the horizontal

alignment for the specified object.

Hyperlinks Returns a Hyperlinks collection that represents the hyperlinks

for the range.

ID Returns or sets a String value that represents the identifying

label for the specified cell when the page is saved as a Web


IndentLevel Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the indent level

for the cell or range. Can be an integer from 0 to 15.

Interior Returns an Interior object that represents the interior of the

specified object.

Item Returns a Range object that represents a range at an offset to

the specified range.

Left Returns a Variant value that represents the distance, in points,

from the left edge of column A to the left edge of the range.

ListHeaderRows Returns the number of header rows for the specified range.

Read-only Long.

ListObject Returns a ListObject object for the Range object. Read-

only ListObject object.

LocationInTable Returns a constant that describes the part of

the PivotTable report that contains the upper-left corner of

the specified range. Can be one of the

following XlLocationInTable. constants. Read-only Long.

Locked Returns or sets a Variant value that indicates if the object is


MergeArea Returns a Range object that represents the merged range

containing the specified cell. If the specified cell isn’t in a

merged range, this property returns the specified cell. Read-

only Variant.

MergeCells True if the range contains merged cells. Read/write Variant.

Name Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the name of the


Next Returns a Range object that represents the next cell.

NumberFormat Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the format code

for the object.



Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the format code

for the object as a string in the language of the user.

Offset Returns a Range object that represents a range that’s offset

from the specified range.

Orientation Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the text


OutlineLevel Returns or sets the current outline level of the specified row or

column. Read/write Variant.

PageBreak Returns or sets the location of a page break. Can be one of the

following XlPageBreak constants:xlPageBreakAutomatic, xlP

ageBreakManual, or xlPageBreakNone. Read/write Long.

Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object. Read-only.

Phonetic Returns the Phonetic object, which contains information about

a specific phonetic text string in a cell.

PivotCell Returns a PivotCell object that represents a cell in a PivotTable


PivotField Returns a PivotField object that represents the PivotTable field

containing the upper-left corner of the specified range.

PivotItem Returns a PivotItem object that represents the PivotTable item

containing the upper-left corner of the specified range.

PivotTable Returns a PivotTable object that represents the PivotTable

report containing the upper-left corner of the specified range.

Precedents Returns a Range object that represents all the precedents of a

cell. This can be a multiple selection (a union of Range objects)

if there's more than one precedent. Read-only.

PrefixCharacter Returns the prefix character for the cell. Read-only Variant.

Previous Returns a Range object that represents the next cell.

QueryTable Returns a QueryTable object that represents the query table

that intersects the specified Rangeobject.

Range Returns a Range object that represents a cell or a range of


ReadingOrder Returns or sets the reading order for the specified object. Can

be one of the following constants:xlRTL (right-to-

left), xlLTR (left-to-right), or xlContext. Read/write Long.

Resize Resizes the specified range. Returns a Range object that

represents the resized range.

Row Returns the number of the first row of the first area in the

range. Read-only Long.

RowHeight Returns or sets the height of the first row in the range

specified, measured in points. Read/writeVariant.

Rows Returns a Range object that represents the rows in the

specified range. Read-only Range object.

ServerActions Specifies the actions that can be performed on the SharePoint

server for a Range object.

ShowDetail True if the outline is expanded for the specified range (so that

the detail of the column or row is visible). The specified range

must be a single summary column or row in an outline.

Read/writeVariant. For the PivotItem object (or

the Range object if the range is in a PivotTable report), this

property is set to True if the item is showing detail.

ShrinkToFit Returns or sets a Variant value that indicates if text

automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width.

SparklineGroups Returns a SparklineGroups object that represents an existing

group of sparklines from the specified range. Read-only

Style Returns or sets a Variant value, containing a Style object, that

represents the style of the specified range.

Summary True if the range is an outlining summary row or column. The

range should be a row or a column. Read-only Variant.

Text Returns or sets the text for the specified object. Read-

only String.

Top Returns a Variant value that represents the distance, in points,

from the top edge of row 1 to the top edge of the range.

UseStandardHeight True if the row height of the Range object equals the standard

height of the sheet. Returns Nullif the range contains more

than one row and the rows aren’t all the same height.


UseStandardWidth True if the column width of the Range object equals the

standard width of the sheet. Returnsnull if the range contains

more than one column and the columns aren’t all the same

width. Read/write Variant.

Validation Returns the Validation object that represents data validation

for the specified range. Read-only.

Value Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the value of the

specified range.

Value2 Returns or sets the cell value. Read/write Variant.



Returns or sets a Variant value that represents the vertical

alignment of the specified object.

Width Returns a Variant value that represents the width, in units, of

the range.

Worksheet Returns a Worksheet object that represents the worksheet

containing the specified range. Read-only.

WrapText Returns or sets a Variant value that indicates if Microsoft Excel

wraps the text in the object.

Cómo seleccionar celdas y rangos mediante :

Método Argumentos Activate ninguno Cells rowIndex, columnIndex Application.Goto reference, scroll Offset rowOffset, columnOffset Range cell1 cell1, cell2 Resize rowSize, columnSize Select ninguno Sheets index (o sheetName) Workbooks index (o bookName) End direction CurrentRegion ninguno

Propiedad Uso ActiveSheet especificar la hoja activa ActiveWorkbook especificar el libro activo Columns.Count número de columnas en la selección Rows.Count número de filas en la selección Selection referirse al rango seleccionado

Cómo seleccionar una celda en la hoja activa

a. ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 4).Select

b. ActiveSheet.Range("D5").Select

Cómo seleccionar una celda en otra hoja del mismo


a. Application.Goto ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(6, 5)

b. Application.Goto (ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("E6"))

c. Sheets("Sheet2").Activate

ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 5).Select

Cómo seleccionar una celda en una hoja de un libro


Para seleccionar la celda F7 en una hoja de un libro diferente:

a. Application.Goto Workbooks("BOOK2.XLS").Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(7,


b. Application.Goto _


c. Workbooks("BOOK2.XLS").Sheets("Sheet1").Activate

ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 6).Select

Cómo seleccionar un rango de celdas en la hoja activa

Para seleccionar el rango C2:D10 en la hoja activa:

a. ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(2, 3), Cells(10, 4)).Select

b. ActiveSheet.Range("C2:D10").Select

c. ActiveSheet.Range("C2", "D10").Select

Cómo seleccionar un rango de celdas en otra hoja del

mismo libro

Para seleccionar el rango D3:E11 en otra hoja del mismo libro:

a. Application.Goto ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet3").Range("D3:E11")

b. Application.Goto ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet3").Range("D3",


c. Sheets("Sheet3").Activate

ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(3, 4), Cells(11, 5)).Select

Cómo seleccionar un rango de celdas en una hoja de

un libro diferente

Para seleccionar el rango E4:F12 en una hoja de otro libro:

a. Application.Goto _


b. Application.Goto _

Workbooks("BOOK2.XLS").Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E4", "F12")

c. Workbooks("BOOK2.XLS").Sheets("Sheet1").Activate

ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(4, 5), Cells(12, 6)).Select

Cómo seleccionar un rango con nombre en la hoja


Para seleccionar el rango con nombre "Test" de la hoja activa:

a. Range("Test").Select

b. Application.Goto "Test"

Si se asigna el nombre a una variable:

c. Dim MyVar as String

MyVar = “Test”


Application.Goto MyVar

Cómo seleccionar un rango con nombre en otra hoja

del mismo libro

Para seleccionar el rango con nombre "Test" en otra hoja del mismo libro:

a. Application.Goto Sheets("Sheet1").Range("Test")

b. Sheets("Sheet1").Activate


Cómo seleccionar un rango con nombre en una hoja

de un libro diferente

Para seleccionar el rango con nombre "Test" en una hoja de otro libro:

a. Application.Goto _


b. Workbooks("BOOK2.XLS").Sheets("Sheet2").Activate


Cómo seleccionar una celda relativa a la celda activa

Para seleccionar una celda que se encuentra cinco filas más abajo y cuatro

columnas a la izquierda de la celda activa:

a. ActiveCell.Offset(5, -4).Select

Para seleccionar una celda que se encuentra dos filas más arriba y tres

columnas a la derecha de la celda activa:

b. ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 3).Select

Cómo seleccionar una celda relativa a otra celda (que

no sea la celda activa)

Para seleccionar una celda que se encuentra cinco filas más abajo y cuatro

columnas a la derecha de la celda C7:

a. ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 3).Offset(5, 4).Select

b. ActiveSheet.Range("C7").Offset(5, 4).Select

Cómo seleccionar un rango de celdas separadas por un

rango específico

Para seleccionar un rango de celdas que sea del mismo tamaño que el

rango con nombre "Test" pero que estén desplazadas cuatro filas más abajo

y tres columnas a la derecha:

a. ActiveSheet.Range("Test").Offset(4, 3).Select

Si el rango con nombre está en otra hoja (que no sea la activa), active

primero esa hoja y, a continuación, seleccione el rango:

b. Sheets("Sheet3").Activate

ActiveSheet.Range("Test").Offset(4, 3).Select

Cómo seleccionar un rango especificado y cambiar el

tamaño de la selección

Para seleccionar el rango con nombre "Database" y, a continuación,

extender la selección cinco filas:

a. Range("Database").Select

Selection.Resize(Selection.Rows.Count + 5, _


Cómo seleccionar un rango especificado, desplazarlo y

cambiar su tamaño

Para seleccionar un rango cuatro filas más abajo y tres columnas a la

derecha del rango con nombre "Database" e incluir dos filas y una columna

más que el rango con nombre:

a. Range("Database").Select

Selection.Offset(4, 3).Resize(Selection.Rows.Count + 2, _

Selection.Columns.Count + 1).Select

Cómo seleccionar la unión de dos o más rangos


Para seleccionar la unión (es decir, el área combinada) de los dos rangos

con nombre "Test" y "Sample":

a. Application.Union(Range("Test"), Range("Sample")).Select

Tenga en cuenta que ambos rangos deben estar en la misma hoja para que

este ejemplo funcione. Observe también que el método Union no funciona

entre diferentes hojas. Por ejemplo, esta línea funciona correctamente:

b. Set y = Application.Union(Range("Sheet1!A1:B2"), _


pero esta línea devuelve un mensaje de error

c. Set y = Application.Union(Range("Sheet1!A1:B2"), _


Cómo seleccionar la intersección de dos o más rangos


Para seleccionar la intersección de los dos rangos con nombre "Test" y

"Sample", puede utilizar el ejemplo siguiente, Tenga en cuenta que ambos

rangos deben estar en la misma hoja para que este ejemplo funcione:

a. Application.Intersect(Range("Test"), Range("Sample")).Select

Cómo seleccionar la última celda de una columna de

datos contiguos

Para seleccionar la última celda de una columna contigua, utilice el

ejemplo siguiente:

a. ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlDown).Select

Cómo seleccionar la celda en blanco en la parte

inferior de una columna de datos contiguos

Para seleccionar la celda situada debajo de un rango de celdas contiguas,

utilice el ejemplo siguiente:

a. ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlDown).Offset(1,0).Select

Cómo seleccionar un rango completo de celdas

contiguas en una columna

Para seleccionar un rango de celdas contiguas en una columna, utilice uno

de los ejemplos siguientes:

a. ActiveSheet.Range("a1",


b. ActiveSheet.Range("a1:" & ActiveSheet.Range("a1"). _


Cómo seleccionar un rango completo de celdas que no

sean contiguas en una columna

Para seleccionar un rango de celdas que no sean contiguas en una

columna, utilice uno de los ejemplos siguientes:

a. ActiveSheet.Range("a1",ActiveSheet.Range("a65536"). _


b. ActiveSheet.Range("a1:" & ActiveSheet.Range("a65536"). _


Cómo seleccionar un rango rectangular de celdas

Para seleccionar un rango de celdas rectangular alrededor de una celda,

utilice el método CurrentRegion. El rango seleccionado mediante el método

CurrentRegion es un área limitada por cualquier combinación de filas en

blanco y columnas vacías. A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de cómo

utilizar el método CurrentRegion:

a. ActiveSheet.Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Select

Este código seleccionará las celdas entre A1 y C4.

Otros ejemplos para seleccionar el mismo rango de celdas son los siguientes:

b. ActiveSheet.Range("a1", _


c. ActiveSheet.Range("a1:" & _


En algunos casos, es posible que desee seleccionar las celdas entre A1 y C6.

En este ejemplo, el método CurrentRegion no funcionará porque hay una

línea en blanco en la fila 5. Los ejemplos siguientes seleccionarán todas las


a. lastCol = ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlToRight).Column

lastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(65536, lastCol).End(xlUp).Row

ActiveSheet.Range("a1", ActiveSheet.Cells(lastRow, lastCol)).Select

b. lastCol = ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlToRight).Column

lastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(65536, lastCol).End(xlUp).Row

ActiveSheet.Range("a1:" & _

ActiveSheet.Cells(lastRow, lastCol).Address).Select

Cómo seleccionar varias columnas no contiguas de

longitud variable

Queremos seleccionar las celdas con información de las columnas A y C.

StartRange = "A1"

EndRange = "C1"

Set a = Range(StartRange, Range(StartRange).End(xlDown))

Set b = Range(EndRange, Range(EndRange).End(xlDown))


Cuando este código se utilice con la tabla de ejemplo, se seleccionarán las

celdas A1:A3 y C1:C6.

Propiedad Range.End

Sintaxis expresión .End(Direction)

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Nombre Descripción

xlDown Hacia abajo.

xlToLeft Hacia la izquierda.

xlToRight Hacia la derecha.

xlUp Hacia arriba.

Ejemplo Este ejemplo selecciona la celda del principio de la columna B en la región

que contiene la celda B4.


Este ejemplo selecciona la celda del final de la fila 4 en la región que

contiene la celda B4.


Este ejemplo amplía la selección desde la celda B4 hasta la última celda de

la fila cuatro que contenga datos.


Range("B4", Range("B4").End(xlToRight)).Select

Propiedad Range.Areas Devuelve una colección de Areas que representa todos los intervalos de una

selección de varias áreas.

Sintaxis expresión .Areas

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Este ejemplo muestra un mensaje si el usuario intenta ejecutar un comando

cuando están seleccionadas varias áreas. El ejemplo debe ejecutarse desde una

hoja de cálculo.

If Selection.Areas.Count > 1 Then

MsgBox "Cannot do this to a multi-area selection."

End If

Propiedad Range.Borders Devuelve una colección Borders que representa los bordes de un estilo o de un

rango de celdas.

Sintaxis expresión .Borders

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.

Ejemplo Borde fino de color rojo para el borde inferior de la celda B2 de Sheet1.

Sub SetRangeBorder()

With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B2").Borders(xlEdgeBottom)

.LineStyle = xlContinuous

.Weight = xlThin

.ColorIndex = 3

End With

End Sub

Propiedad Range.Cells Devuelve un objeto Range que representa las celdas del rango especificado.

Sintaxis expresión .Cells

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Puesto que la propiedad Item es la propiedad predeterminada del

objeto Range, puede especificar el índice de fila y columna inmediatamente

después de la palabra clave Cells. Para obtener más información, vea la

propiedad Item y los ejemplos de dicho tema.

Si se usa esta propiedad sin un calificador de objeto, se devuelve un

objeto Range que representa todas las celdas de la hoja activa.

Ejemplo En este ejemplo se establece el estilo de fuente de las celdas A1:C5 de Sheet1

como cursiva.


Range.Item(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 3)).Font.Italic = True

En este ejemplo se examina una columna de datos denominados "myRange".Si

una celda tiene el mismo valor que la celda situada inmediatamente sobre él, en

el ejemplo se muestra la dirección de la celda que contiene los datos duplicados.

Set r = Range("myRange")

For n = 1 To r.Rows.Count

If r.Cells(n, 1) = r.Cells(n + 1, 1) Then

MsgBox "Duplicate data in " & _

r.Cells(n + 1, 1).Address

End If

Next n

Propiedad Range.Characters Devuelve un objeto Characters que representa un rango de caracteres de texto

del objeto. Puede usar el objeto Characters a formato de caracteres dentro de

una cadena de texto.

Sintaxis expresión .Characters(Start, Length)

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Nombre Necesario/Opcional Descripción

Start Opcional Primer carácter que se debe

devolver. Si el argumento es 1 o no

se especifica, la propiedad devuelve

un rango de caracteres que empieza

con el primer carácter.

Length Opcional Número de caracteres que se deben

devolver. Si no se especifica este

argumento, la propiedad devuelve

el resto de la cadena (todo lo que

esté después del carácter Start).


El objeto Characters no es una colección.

Ejemplo En este ejemplo se da formato de negrita al tercer carácter de la celda A1 de


With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")

.Value = "abcdefg"

.Characters(3, 1).Font.Bold = True

End With

Propiedad Range.Column Devuelve el número de la primera columna del primer área del rango

especificado. Long de sólo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .Column

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Column A devuelve 1, column B devuelve 2, y así sucesivamente. Para devolver

el número de la última columna del rango, use la expresión siguiente:



Este ejemplo establece en 4 puntos el ancho de las columnas alternas de


For Each col In Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns

If col.Column Mod 2 = 0 Then

col.ColumnWidth = 4

End If

Next col

Propiedad Range.Columns Devuelve un objeto Range que representa las columnas del rango especificado.

Sintaxis expresión .Columns

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


El uso de esta propiedad sin un calificador de objeto equivale a

usar ActiveSheet.Columns.

Si se aplica a un objeto Range que es una selección de varias áreas, la propiedad

únicamente devuelve las columnas de la primera área del rango.

Por ejemplo, si el objeto Range tiene dos áreas, A1:B2 y C3:D4,

Selection.Columns.Count devuelve 2, no 4.

Si desea utilizar esta propiedad en un rango que puede contener una selección

de varias áreas, compruebe Areas.Count para determinar si el rango contiene

más de un área. En ese caso, ejecute un bucle sobre cada área del rango.


En este ejemplo se establece como 0 (cero) el valor de todas las celdas de la

columna uno del rango denominado "myRange".

Range("myRange").Columns(1).Value = 0

En este ejemplo se muestra el número de columnas de la selección de Sheet1.Si

se ha seleccionado más de un área, el ejemplo ejecuta un bucle en cada área.


areaCount = Selection.Areas.Count

If areaCount <= 1 Then

MsgBox "The selection contains " & _

Selection.Columns.Count & " columns."


For i = 1 To areaCount

MsgBox "Area " & i & " of the selection contains " & _

Selection.Areas(i).Columns.Count & " columns."

Next i

End If

Propiedad Range.ColumnWidth Devuelve o establece el ancho de las columnas del rango especi-

ficado. Variant de lectura y escritura.

Sintaxis expresión .ColumnWidth

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Una unidad de ancho de columna equivale al ancho de un carácter con el estilo

Normal. En las fuentes proporcionales se utiliza el ancho del carácter 0 (cero).

Utilice la propiedad Width para devolver el ancho de una columna en puntos. Si

todas las columnas en el rango tienen el mismo ancho, lo devolverá la

propiedad ColumnWidth. Si las columnas del rango tienen anchos diferentes,

la propiedad devolverá Null.


Este ejemplo dobla el ancho de la columna A de Sheet1.

With Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("A")

.ColumnWidth = .ColumnWidth * 2

End With

Propiedad Range.Comment

Devuelve un objeto Comment que representa el comentario asociado a la celda

de la esquina superior izquierda del rango.

Sintaxis expresión .Comment

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.

Propiedad Range.Count Devuelve un valor Long que representa el número de objetos de la colección.

Sintaxis expresión .Count

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


La propiedad Count es funcionalmente la misma que la propiedad CountLarge ,

excepto en que la propiedad Count generará un error de desbordamiento si el

rango especificado no tiene más de 2,147,483,647 celdas (uno menos de 2048

columnas). Sin embargo, la propiedad CountLarge , puede controlar rangos

hasta el tamaño máximo para una hoja de cálculo, que es 17,179,869,184 celdas.


En este ejemplo se muestra el número de columnas de la selección de Sheet1. El

código comprueba también de una selección de varias áreas; Si lo hay, el código

se repite en las áreas de la selección de varias áreas.

Sub DisplayColumnCount()

Dim iAreaCount As Integer

Dim i As Integer


iAreaCount = Selection.Areas.Count

If iAreaCount <= 1 Then

MsgBox "The selection contains " & _

Selection.Columns.Count & " columns."


For i = 1 To iAreaCount

MsgBox "Area " & i & _

"of the selection contains " & _

Selection.Areas(i).Columns.Count _

& " columns."

Next i

End If

End Sub

Propiedad Range.CurrentArray Si la celda especificada es parte de una matriz, devuelve un objeto Range que

representa la matriz completa. Solo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .CurrentArray

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


En este ejemplo se supone que la celda activa es la A1 de Sheet1 y que forma

parte de una matriz que incluye las celdas A1:A10. El ejemplo selecciona las

celdas A1:A10 de Sheet1.


Propiedad Range.CurrentRegion Devuelve un objeto Range que representa la región actual. La región actual es

un rango delimitado por cualquier combinación de filas y columnas en

blanco. Solo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .CurrentRegion

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Esta propiedad es útil para muchas operaciones que amplían automáticamente

la selección para incluir toda la región actual, por ejemplo, el

método AutoFormat . Esta propiedad no se puede utilizar en hojas de cálculo



Este ejemplo selecciona la región actual de Sheet1.



En este ejemplo se supone que Sheet1 contiene una tabla con una fila de

encabezado.El ejemplo selecciona la tabla sin seleccionar la fila de

encabezado.Para poder ejecutar el ejemplo, la celda activa debe estar en la tabla.

Set tbl = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion

tbl.Offset(1, 0).Resize(tbl.Rows.Count - 1, _


Propiedad Range.EntireColumn

Devuelve una opción de objeto de Range que representa la columna completa

(o columnas) que contiene el rango especificado

Sintaxis expresión .EntireColumn

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Este ejemplo establece el valor de la primera celda de la columna que contiene

la celda activa. El ejemplo debe ejecutarse desde una hoja de cálculo.

ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Cells(1, 1).Value = 5

Propiedad Range.EntireRow Devuelve una opción de objeto de Range que representa el toda la fila (o filas)

que contiene el rango especificado.

Sintaxis expresión .EntireRow

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Este ejemplo establece el valor de la primera celda de la fila que contiene la

celda activa.

ActiveCell.EntireRow.Cells(1, 1).Value = 5

Propiedad Range.FormulaArray Devuelve o establece la fórmula de matriz de un rango. Devuelve una sola

fórmula o una matriz de Visual Basic (o puede establecerse como ellas). Si el

rango especificado no contiene una fórmula de matriz, esta propiedad

devolverá null. Variant de lectura y escritura.

Sintaxis expresión .FormulaArray

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Si usa esta propiedad para escribir una fórmula de matriz, la fórmula deberá

estar en el estilo F1C1, no en el estilo de referencia A1 (vea el segundo ejemplo).

La propiedad FormulaArray también tiene un límite de 255 caracteres.


Este ejemplo escribe el número 3 como una constante matricial en las celdas

A1:C5 de Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:C5").FormulaArray = "=3"

Este ejemplo escribe la fórmula de matriz =SUM(R1C1:R3C3) en las celdas

E1:E3 de Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("E1:E3").FormulaArray = _


Propiedad Range.FormulaHidden Devuelve o establece un valor de tipo Variant que indica si la fórmula se ocultará

cuando la hoja de cálculo esté protegida.

Sintaxis expresión .FormulaHidden

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Esta propiedad devuelve True si la fórmula va a estar oculta cuando el libro esté

protegido, Null si el rango especificado contiene algunas celdas

con FormulaHidden igual a True y algunas celdas conFormulaHidden igual

a False.

Es importante no confundir esta propiedad con la propiedad Hidden . La fórmula

no se ocultará si el libro está protegido y la hoja de cálculo no es, pero sólo si la

hoja de cálculo está protegida.


En este ejemplo se ocultan las fórmulas de las celdas A1 y B1 de Sheet1 cuando

la hoja de cálculo está protegida.

Sub HideFormulas()

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:B1").FormulaHidden = True

End Sub

Propiedad Range.FormulaR1C1 Devuelve o establece la fórmula del objeto mediante la notación de estilo R1C1

en el lenguaje de la macro. Valor Variant de lectura y escritura.

Sintaxis expresión .FormulaR1C1

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Si la celda contiene una constante, esta propiedad la devolverá. Si está vacía,

devolverá una cadena vacía. Si la celda contiene una fórmula, la propiedad

devolverá la fórmula en forma de cadena, con el mismo formato en que se

presentaría en la barra de fórmulas (incluido el signo igual).

Si se define el valor o la fórmula de una celda como una fecha, Microsoft Excel

comprueba si dicha celda ya tiene uno de los formatos numéricos de fecha u

hora. De lo contrario, cambia el formato numérico al formato numérico de fecha

corto predeterminado.

Si el rango tiene una o dos dimensiones, se puede definir la fórmula conforme a

una matriz de Visual Basic de las mismas dimensiones. Asimismo, es posible

escribir la fórmula en una matriz de Visual Basic.

Si se define la fórmula de un rango de varias celdas, se llenan todas las celdas

del rango con la fórmula.


En este ejemplo se establece una fórmula para la celda B1 de Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1").FormulaR1C1 = "=SQRT(R1C1)"

Propiedad Range.FormulaR1C1Local Devuelve o establece la fórmula del objeto mediante la notación de estilo R1C1

en el idioma del usuario. Valor Variant de lectura y escritura.

Sintaxis expresión .FormulaR1C1Local

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Si la celda contiene una constante, esta propiedad la devolverá. Si está vacía,

devolverá una cadena vacía. Si la celda contiene una fórmula, la propiedad

devolverá la fórmula en forma de cadena, con el mismo formato en que se

presentaría en la barra de fórmulas (incluido el signo igual).

Si se define el valor o la fórmula de una celda como una fecha, Microsoft Excel

comprueba si dicha celda ya tiene uno de los formatos numéricos de fecha u

hora. De lo contrario, cambia el formato numérico al formato numérico de fecha

corto predeterminado.

Si el rango tiene una o dos dimensiones, se puede definir la fórmula conforme a

una matriz de Visual Basic de las mismas dimensiones. Asimismo, es posible

escribir la fórmula en una matriz de Visual Basic.

Si se define la fórmula de un rango de varias celdas, se llenan todas las celdas

del rango con la fórmula.

Ejemplo Supongamos que escribe la formula =SUM(A1:A10) en la celda A11 de la hoja

de cálculo uno, con la versión en inglés de EE.UU. de Microsoft Excel. Si abre el

libro en un equipo en el que se usa la versión en alemán y ejecuta el ejemplo

siguiente, éste mostrará la fórmula =SUMME(Z1S1:Z10S1) en un cuadro de


MsgBox Worksheets(1).Range("A11").FormulaR1C1Local

Propiedad Range.HasFormula True si todas las celdas del rango contienen fórmulas; False si ninguna de las

celdas del rango contiene una fórmula; null en los demás casos. Variant de sólo


Sintaxis expresión .HasFormula

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Este ejemplo solicita al usuario que seleccione un rango de Sheet1. Si todas las

celdas del rango seleccionado contienen una fórmula, el ejemplo mostrará un



Set rr = Application.InputBox( _

prompt:="Select a range on this worksheet", _


If rr.HasFormula = True Then

MsgBox "Every cell in the selection contains a formula"

End If

Propiedad Range.Height

Devuelve o establece un valor de tipo Variant que representa el alto, en puntos,

del rango.

Sintaxis expresión .Height

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.

Propiedad Range.Hidden Devuelve o establece un valor de tipo Variant que indica si las filas o columnas

están ocultas.

Sintaxis expresión .Hidden

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Establezca esta propiedad en True para ocultar una fila o columna. El rango

especificado debe abarcar la totalidad de una columna o una fila.

Es importante no confundir esta propiedad con la propiedad FormulaHidden .


En este ejemplo se oculta la columna C de Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("C").Hidden = True

Propiedad Range.HorizontalAlignment

Devuelve o establece un valor de tipo Variant que representa la alineación

horizontal del objeto especificado.

Sintaxis expresión .HorizontalAlignment

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


El valor de esta propiedad se puede establecer en una de las siguientes


xlCenter xlJustify xlDistributed xlLeft xlRight

Propiedad Range.Item Devuelve un objeto Range que representa un rango desplazado con respecto al

rango especificado.

Sintaxis expresión .Item(RowIndex, ColumnIndex)

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Nombre Necesario/Opcional Descripción

RowIndex Obligatorio Número de índice de la

celda a la que se desea

obtener acceso, por orden

de izquierda a derecha y

después hacia abajo.


devuelve la celda superior

izquierda del rango;


devuelve la celda

inmediatamente a la

derecha de la celda

superior izquierda.

ColumnIndex Opcional Número o una cadena

que indica el número de

columna de la celda a la

que se desea obtener

acceso, empezando por 1

o "A" para la primera

columna del rango.


La sintaxis 1 usa como argumentos de índice un número o letra de columna. Para

obtener más información sobre la sintaxis, vea el objeto Range. Los

argumentos RowIndex y ColumnIndex son desplazamientos relativos. Es decir,

si especifica el valor 1 para RowIndex se devuelven las celdas de la primera fila

del rango, no de la primera fila de la hoja de datos. Por ejemplo, si la selección

es la celda C3, Selection.Cells(2, 2) devuelve la celda D4 (puede usar la

propiedad Item para indizar fuera del rango original).


En este ejemplo se rellena el rango A1:A10 de Sheet1 en función del contenido

de la celda A1.


Propiedad Range.Left Devuelve un valor de tipo Variant que representa la distancia, en puntos, desde

el borde izquierdo de la columna A hasta el borde izquierdo del rango.

Sintaxis expresión .Left

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Si el rango no es continuo, se usa la primera área. Si el rango tiene más de una

columna de ancho, se usa la columna del extremo izquierdo del rango.

Propiedad Range.ListHeaderRows Devuelve el número de filas de encabezado para el rango especificado. Long de

sólo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .ListHeaderRows

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Antes de usar esta propiedad, utilice la propiedad CurrentRegion para localizar

los límites del rango.


Este ejemplo establece la variable rTbl como el rango representado por la

región actual de la celda activa, sin incluir filas de encabezado.

Set rTbl = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion

' remove the headers from the range

iHdrRows = rTbl.ListHeaderRows

If iHdrRows > 0 Then

' resize the range minus n rows

Set rTbl = rTbl.Resize(rTbl.Rows.Count - iHdrRows)

' and then move the resized range down to

' get to the first non-header row

Set rTbl = rTbl.Offset(iHdrRows)

End If

Propiedad Range.LocationInTable Devuelve una constante que describe la parte del informe PivotTable que

contiene la esquina superior izquierda del rango especificado. Puede ser una de

las siguientes XlLocationInTable. constantes. Read-only largo.

Sintaxis expresión .LocationInTable

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


XlLocationInTable puede ser

una de estas

constantes XlLocationInTable.











Este ejemplo muestra un cuadro de texto que describe la ubicación de la celda

activa en el informe de tabla dinámica.


Select Case ActiveCell.LocationInTable

Case Is = xlRowHeader

MsgBox "Active cell is part of a row header"

Case Is = xlColumnHeader

MsgBox "Active cell is part of a column header"

Case Is = xlPageHeader

MsgBox "Active cell is part of a page header"

Case Is = xlDataHeader

MsgBox "Active cell is part of a data header"

Case Is = xlRowItem

MsgBox "Active cell is part of a row item"

Case Is = xlColumnItem

MsgBox "Active cell is part of a column item"

Case Is = xlPageItem

MsgBox "Active cell is part of a page item"

Case Is = xlDataItem

MsgBox "Active cell is part of a data item"

Case Is = xlTableBody

MsgBox "Active cell is part of the table body"

End Select

Propiedad Range.Locked (Excel) Devuelve o establece un valor de tipo Variant que indica si el objeto está


Sintaxis expresión .Locked

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Esta propiedad devuelve True si el objeto está bloqueado, False si el objeto se

puede modificar cuando la hoja esté protegida o Null si el rango especificado

contiene celdas bloqueadas y desbloqueadas.


En este ejemplo se desbloquean las celdas A1:G37 de Sheet1 para que puedan

modificarse si la hoja está protegida.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:G37").Locked = False


Propiedad Range.Name Devuelve o establece un valor de tipo Variant que representa el nombre del


Sintaxis expresión .Name

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


El nombre de un objeto Range es un objeto Name.


Crea un nombre a Sheet2!$A$1:$F$50

Sub MakeName()

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="PTable", _


End Sub

Crea un nombre empleando la selección activa como referencia.

Sub MakeName_Selection()



ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="PTable", _


End Sub

Propiedad Range.Next (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Range que representa la celda siguiente.

Sintaxis expresión .Next

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.

Observaciones Si el objeto es un rango, esta propiedad emula a la tecla TAB, aunque la

propiedad devuelve la celda siguiente sin seleccionarla.

En una hoja protegida, esta propiedad devuelve la siguiente celda

desbloqueada. En una hoja desprotegida, siempre devuelve la celda situada

inmediatamente a la derecha de la celda especificada.

Propiedad Range.Offset Devuelve un objeto Range que representa un rango desplazado con respecto al

rango especificado.

Sintaxis expresión .Offset(RowOffset, ColumnOffset)

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Nombre Necesario/Opcional Descripción

RowOffset Opcional Número de filas (positivo,

negativo o cero) que se va a

desplazar el rango. Los

valores positivos desplazan

hacia abajo y los negativos,

hacia arriba. El valor

predeterminado es 0.

ColumnOffset Opcional Número de columnas

(positivo, negativo o cero)

que se va a desplazar el

rango. Los valores positivos

desplazan hacia la derecha y

los negativos, hacia la

izquierda. El valor

predeterminado es 0.


En este ejemplo se activa la celda situada tres columnas a la derecha y tres

columnas más abajo que la celda actual de Sheet1.


ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=3, columnOffset:=3).Activate

En este ejemplo se supone que Sheet1 contiene una tabla con una fila de

encabezado. El ejemplo selecciona la tabla sin seleccionar la fila de encabezado.

Debe haber una celda activada en algún lugar de la tabla antes de ejecutar el


Set tbl = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion

tbl.Offset(1, 0).Resize(tbl.Rows.Count - 1, _


Propiedad Range.PageBreak Devuelve o establece la ubicación de un salto de página. Puede ser una de las

siguientes constantes XlPageBreak:

xlPageBreakAutomatic, xlPageBreakManual o xlPageBreakNone.

Sintaxis expresión .PageBreak

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Esta propiedad puede devolver la ubicación de un salto de página manual o

automático, pero sólo puede asignar la ubicación de los saltos de página

manuales (sólo puede establecerse como xlPageBreakManual o

como xlPageBreakNone). Para eliminar todos los saltos de página manuales de

una hoja de cálculo, defina Cells.PageBreak en xlPageBreakNone.

Ejemplo Este ejemplo establece un salto de página manual encima de la fila 25 de Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(25).PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual

Este ejemplo establece un salto de página manual a la izquierda de la columna

J de Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("J").PageBreak = _


Este ejemplo elimina los dos saltos de página establecidos en los ejemplos


Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(25).PageBreak = xlPageBreakNone

Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("J").PageBreak = xlNone

Propiedad Range.Parent (Excel) Devuelve el objeto primario del objeto especificado. Sólo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .Parent

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.

Ejemplo En este ejemplo se muestra el nombre del objeto primario de una propiedad de

documento. Debe pasar un objeto DocumentProperty válido al procedimiento.

Sub DisplayParent(dp as DocumentProperty)

MsgBox dp.Parent.Name

End Sub

Propiedad Range.PivotCell (Excel) Devuelve un objeto PivotCell que representa una celda de un informe de tabla


Sintaxis expresión .PivotCell

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Este ejemplo determina el nombre de la tabla dinámica en la que se encuentra

el objeto PivotCell y se lo comunica al usuario. Este ejemplo supone que existe

una tabla dinámica en la hoja de cálculo activa, y que la celda A3 se encuentra

en la tabla dinámica.

Sub CheckPivotCell()


End Sub

Propiedad Range.PivotField Devuelve un objeto PivotField que representa el campo de tabla dinámica que

contiene la esquina superior izquierda del rango especificado.

Sintaxis expresión .PivotField

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.

Ejemplo En este ejemplo se muestra el nombre del campo de tabla dinámica que

contiene la celda activa.


MsgBox "The active cell is in the field " & _


Propiedad Range.PivotItem Devuelve un objeto PivotItem que representa el elemento de tabla dinámica

que contiene la esquina superior izquierda del rango especificado.

Sintaxis expresión .PivotItem

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


En este ejemplo se muestra el nombre del elemento de tabla dinámica que

contiene la celda activa de Sheet1.


MsgBox "The active cell is in the item " & _


Propiedad Range.PivotTable (Excel) Devuelve un objeto PivotTable que representa el informe de tabla dinámica que

contiene la esquina superior izquierda del rango especificado.

Sintaxis expresión .PivotTable

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.

Ejemplo En este ejemplo se establece la página actual del informe de tabla dinámica de

Sheet1 como la página denominada "Canada".

Set pvtTable = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A3").PivotTable

pvtTable.PivotFields("Country").CurrentPage = "Canada"

En este ejemplo se determina el informe de tabla dinámica asociado con el

gráfico Sales de la hoja de cálculo activa y, a continuación, se establece la página

denominada "Oregon" como página actual del informe de tabla dinámica.

Set objPT = _


objPT.PivotFields("State").CurrentPageName = "Oregon"

Propiedad Range.Previous (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Range que representa la celda siguiente.

Sintaxis expresión .Previous

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Si el objeto es un rango, esta propiedad emula la acción de presionar las teclas

MAYÚS+TAB; no obstante, a diferencia de la combinación de teclas, la propiedad

devuelve la celda anterior sin seleccionarla.

En una hoja protegida, esta propiedad devuelve la celda anterior no

bloqueada. En una hoja desprotegida, la propiedad siempre devuelve la celda

situada inmediatamente a la izquierda de la celda especificada.


En este ejemplo se selecciona la celda anterior no bloqueada de Sheet1. Si

Sheet1 no está protegida, será la celda situada inmediatamente a la izquierda

de la celda activa.



Propiedad Range.Range Devuelve un objeto Range que representa una celda o un rango de celdas.

Sintaxis expresión .Range(Cell1, Cell2)

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Nombre Descripción

Cell1 Obligatorio Nombre del rango. Debe ser una

referencia de estilo A1 en el

lenguaje de la macro. Puede

incluir un operador de rango

(dos puntos), de intersección

(espacio) o de unión

(coma). Admite signos de dólar,

pero no se tendrán en cuenta. Se

puede usar un nombre local

definido en cualquier parte del

rango. Si se usa un nombre, se

supone que está en el lenguaje

de la macro.

Cell2 Opcional Celda de las esquinas superior

izquierda e inferior derecha del

rango. Puede ser un

objeto Range que contiene una

sola celda, una columna

completa o una fila completa; o

bien una cadena que hace

referencia a una sola celda en el

lenguaje de la macro.


Si no hace referencia a ningún objeto, esta propiedad es una abreviatura

de ActiveSheet.Range (devuelve un rango de la hoja activa; si la hoja activa

no es una hoja de cálculo, la propiedad no funciona).

Cuando se aplica a un objeto Range, los valores de la propiedad son relativos al

objeto Range. Por ejemplo, si la celda C3 está seleccio-

nada, Selection.Range("B1") devuelve la celda D3 porque es el valor relativo

al objeto Range devuelto por la propiedad Selection. Por otro lado, el

código ActiveSheet.Range("B1") siempre devuelve la celda B1.


En este ejemplo se establece el valor de la celda A1 de Sheet1 como 3.14159.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = 3.14159

En este ejemplo se crea una fórmula en la celda A1 de Sheet1.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "=10*RAND()"

En este ejemplo se ejecuta un bucle sobre las celdas A1:D10 de Sheet1. Si una

de las celdas tiene un valor menor que 0.001, el código sustituye el valor por 0.

For Each c in Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D10")

If c.Value < .001 Then

c.Value = 0

End If

Next c

En este ejemplo se ejecuta un bucle en el rango denominado "TestRange" y se

muestra el número de celdas vacías del rango.

numBlanks = 0

For Each c In Range("TestRange")

If c.Value = "" Then

numBlanks = numBlanks + 1

End If

Next c

MsgBox "There are " & numBlanks & " empty cells in this range"

En este ejemplo se establece en cursiva el estilo de fuente de las celdas A1:C5

de Sheet1.El ejemplo usa la sintaxis 2 de la propiedad Range.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 3))._

Font.Italic = True

Propiedad Range.Resize (Excel) Cambia el tamaño del rango especificado. Devuelve un objeto Range que

representa el rango al que se ha cambiado de tamaño.

Sintaxis expresión .Resize(RowSize, ColumnSize)

expresión Expresión que devuelve un objeto Range.


Nombre Descripción

RowSize Opcional Número de filas en el nuevo rango. Si

este argumento se omite, el número

de filas del rango no cambiará.

ColumnSize Opcional Número de columnas del nuevo

rango. Si este argumento se omite, el

número de columnas del rango no



Este ejemplo cambia el tamaño de la selección de Sheet1 para ampliarla una fila

y una columna.


numRows = Selection.Rows.Count

numColumns = Selection.Columns.Count

Selection.Resize(numRows + 1, numColumns + 1).Select

En este ejemplo se supone que Sheet1 contiene una tabla con una fila de

encabezado.El ejemplo selecciona la tabla sin seleccionar la fila de

encabezado.Para poder ejecutar el ejemplo, la celda activa debe estar en la


Set tbl = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion

tbl.Offset(1, 0).Resize(tbl.Rows.Count - 1, _


Propiedad Range.Row Devuelve el número de la primera fila de la primera área del rango. Long de

solo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .Row

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Este ejemplo establece en 4 puntos el alto de las filas alternativas de Sheet1.

For Each rw In Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows

If rw.Row Mod 2 = 0 Then

rw.RowHeight = 4

End If

Next rw

Propiedad Range.Rows (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Range que representa las filas del rango especi-

ficado. Objeto Range de solo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .Rows

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


El uso de esta propiedad sin un calificador de objeto equivale a

usar ActiveSheet.Rows.

Si se aplica a un objeto Range que es una selección de varias áreas, la propiedad

únicamente devuelve las filas de la primera área del rango. Por ejemplo, si el

objeto Range tiene dos áreas, A1:B2 y C3:D4,Selection.Rows.Count devuelve

2, no 4. Si desea utilizar esta propiedad en un rango que puede contener una

selección múltiple, compruebe Areas.Count para determinar si el rango es una

selección múltiple. En ese caso, ejecute un bucle sobre cada área del rango, tal

como se muestra en el tercer ejemplo.


En este ejemplo se elimina la fila tres de Sheet1.


En este ejemplo se eliminan las filas de la región actual de la hoja de cálculo uno

en las que el valor de la celda uno de la fila es el mismo que el valor de la celda

uno de la fila anterior.

For Each rw In Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows

this = rw.Cells(1, 1).Value

If this = last Then rw.Delete

last = this


En este ejemplo se muestra el número de filas de la selección de Sheet1.Si se ha

seleccionado más de un área, el ejemplo ejecuta un bucle en cada área.


areaCount = Selection.Areas.Count

If areaCount <= 1 Then

MsgBox "The selection contains " & _

Selection.Rows.Count & " rows."


i = 1

For Each a In Selection.Areas

MsgBox "Area " & i & " of the selection contains " & _

a.Rows.Count & " rows."

i = i + 1

Next a

End If

Propiedad Range.Value Devuelve o establece un valor de tipo Variant que representa el valor del rango


Sintaxis expresión .Value(RangeValueDataType)

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Nombre Descripción

RangeValueDataType Opcional Tipo de datos del valor

del rango. Puede ser una




Al definir un rango de celdas con el contenido de un archivo de hoja de cálculo

XML, sólo se usan los valores de la primera hoja del libro. No se puede definir

un rango de celdas no contiguas en formato de hoja de cálculo XML.


En este ejemplo se establece el valor de la celda A1 de Sheet1 como 3.14159.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = 3.14159

En este ejemplo se ejecuta un bucle sobre las celdas A1:D10 de Sheet1.Si una

de las celdas tiene un valor menor que 0.001 el código sustituye el valor por 0.

For Each c in Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D10")

If c.Value < .001 Then

c.Value = 0

End If

Next c

Propiedad Range.Value2 (Excel) Devuelve o establece el valor de la celda. Variant de lectura y escritura.

Sintaxis expresión .Value2

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


La única diferencia que hay entre esta propiedad y la propiedad Value es

que Value2 no utiliza los tipos de datos Currency y Date. Puede devolver

valores que tengan el formato de estos tipos de datos como números de punto

flotante usando el tipo de datos Double.


En este ejemplo se utiliza la propiedad Value2 para sumar los valores de dos


Range("a1").Value2 = Range("b1").Value2 + Range("c1").Value2

Propiedad Range.Width (Excel) Devuelve un valor de tipo Variant que representa el ancho, en unidades, del


Sintaxis expresión .Width

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.

Ejemplo Sub CentrarImagen()

Dim Fotos As Object

Dim celda As Range

Set celda = Cells(5, "F")

Set Fotos = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("1 Picture"))

'asignamos un Ancho a la columna de la celda F5,

proporcianada al ancho de la Imagen

celda.ColumnWidth = Fotos.Width / 10.67111364

With Fotos

.Top = celda.Top

'reducimos el alto y ancho de la foto

.Width = .Width / 1.5

.Height = .Height / 1.5

'se centra horizontalmente en la celda indicada

.Left = celda.Left + (celda.Width - Fotos.Width) / 2

'damos altura a la fila igual al alto final de la imagen

celda.EntireRow.RowHeight = .Height

End With

End Sub

Propiedad Range.Worksheet (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Worksheet que representa la hoja de cálculo que contiene

el rango especificado. Solo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .Worksheet

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Range.


Este ejemplo muestra el nombre de la hoja de cálculo que contiene la celda

activa. El ejemplo debe ejecutarse desde una hoja de cálculo.

MsgBox ActiveCell.Worksheet.Name

Este ejemplo muestra el nombre de la hoja de cálculo que contiene el rango

denominado "testRange".

MsgBox Range("testRange").Worksheet.Name


The Windows collection for the Application object contains all the windows in

the application, whereas the Windowscollection for the Workbook object

contains only the windows in the specified workbook.


Use the Windows property to return the Windows collection. The following

example cascades all the windows that are currently displayed in Microsoft Excel.

Windows.Arrange arrangeStyle:=xlCascade

Use the NewWindow method to create a new window and add it to the

collection. The following example creates a new window for the active workbook.


Use Windows(index), where index is the window name or index number, to

return a single Window object. The following example maximizes the active

window. Note that the active window is always Windows(1).

Windows(1).WindowState = xlMaximized

A collection of all the Window objects in

Microsoft Excel.



Name Description

Arrange Arranges the windows on the screen.

BreakSideBySide Ends side-by-side mode if two windows are in side-by-side mode. Returns a Boolean value that

represents whether the method was successful.

CompareSideBySideWith Opens two windows in side-by-side mode. Returns a Boolean value.

ResetPositionsSideBySide Resets the position of two worksheet windows that are being compared side by side.


Name Description

Application When used without an object qualifier, this property

returns an Application object that represents the

Microsoft Excel application. When used with an object

qualifier, this property returns an Application object

that represents the creator of the specified object

(you can use this property with an OLE Automation

object to return the application of that object). Read-


Count Returns a Long value that represents the number of

objects in the collection.

Creator Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the application

in which this object was created. Read-only Long.

Item Returns a single object from a collection.

Parent Returns the parent object for the specified object.


SyncScrollingSideBySide True enables scrolling the contents of windows at the

same time when documents are being compared side

by side. False disables scrolling the windows at the

same time.

Propiedad Window.ActiveCell (Excel) Devuelve un objeto Range que representa la celda activa de la ventana activa (la

ventana superior) o de la ventana especificada. Si la ventana no contiene una

hoja de cálculo, esta propiedad devuelve un error. Sólo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .ActiveCell

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Window.


Si no se especifica un calificador de objeto, esta propiedad devuelve la celda

activa de la ventana activa.

Celda activa no es lo mismo que selección. La celda activa es una sola celda de

la selección actual. La selección puede contener más de una celda, pero sólo una

es la celda activa.

Todas las expresiones siguientes devuelven la celda activa y son equivalentes:






En este ejemplo se usa un cuadro de mensaje para mostrar el valor de la celda

activa. Puesto que la propiedad ActiveCell produce un error si la hoja activa no

es una hoja de cálculo, el ejemplo activa Sheet1 antes de usar la

propiedad ActiveCell.


MsgBox ActiveCell.Value

En este ejemplo se cambia el formato de fuente de la celda activa.


With ActiveCell.Font

.Bold = True

.Italic = True

End With

Propiedad Window.Caption (Excel) Devuelve o establece un valor Variant que representa el nombre que aparece

en la barra de título de la ventana del documento.

Sintaxis expresión .Caption

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Window.


Cuando establece el nombre, puede usarlo como índice para la

colección Windows (como se muestra en el ejemplo).


En este ejemplo se establece "Consolidate Balance Sheet" como nombre de la

primera ventana del libro activo. Después, dicho nombre se usa como índice de

esa ventana en la colección Windows.

ActiveWorkbook.Windows(1).Caption = "Consolidated Balance


ActiveWorkbook.Windows("Consolidated Balance Sheet") _


Propiedad Window.Selection (Excel) Devuelve la ventana correspondiente a un objeto Windows.

Sintaxis expresión .Selection

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Window.


El tipo de objeto que se devuelve depende de la selección actual (por ejemplo,

si está seleccionada una celda, la propiedad devuelve un objeto Range). Si no

hay nada seleccionado, la propiedad Selectiondevuelve Nothing.

El uso de esta propiedad sin un calificador de objeto equivale a

usar Application.Selection.

Ejemplo En este ejemplo se borra la selección de Sheet1 (siempre que la selección sea un

rango de celdas).



En este ejemplo se muestra el tipo de objeto de Visual Basic de la selección.


MsgBox "The selection object type is " & TypeName(Selection)

Propiedad Window.RangeSelection Devuelve un objeto Range que representa las celdas seleccionadas en la hoja de

cálculo en la ventana especificada incluso si un objeto gráfico está activa o

seleccionada en la hoja de cálculo. Solo lectura.

Sintaxis expresión .RangeSelection

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Window.


Si un objeto gráfico está seleccionado en una hoja de cálculo, la

propiedad Selection devuelve el objeto gráfico en lugar de un objeto Range, y

la propiedad RangeSelection devolverá el rango de celdas que estaba

seleccionado antes de seleccionar el objeto.

Esta propiedad y la propiedad Selection devuelven valores idénticos cuando se

selecciona un rango (no un objeto gráfico) en la hoja de cálculo.

Si la hoja activa de la ventana especificada no es una hoja de cálculo, esta

propiedad devolverá un error.


Este ejemplo muestra la dirección de las celdas seleccionadas en la hoja de

cálculo de la ventana activa.

MsgBox ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address

Propiedad Window.ActiveSheet Devuelve un objeto que representa la hoja activa (la hoja en primer plano) del

libro activo o de la ventana o el libro especificado. Devuelve Nothing si no hay

ninguna hoja activa.


expresión .ActiveSheet

expresión Variable que representa un objeto Window.


Si no se especifica un calificador de objeto, la propiedad devuelve la hoja activa

del libro activo.

Si un libro aparece en más de una ventana, es posible que la

propiedad ActiveSheet tenga un valor diferente en cada ventana.


En este ejemplo se muestra el nombre de la hoja activa.

MsgBox "The name of the active sheet is " & ActiveSheet.Name


There’s no singular Area object; individual members of the Areas collection

are Range objects. The Areas collection contains one Range object for each

discrete, contiguous range of cells within the selection. If the selection contains

only one area, the Areas collection contains a single Range object that

corresponds to that selection.


Use the Areas property to return the Areas collection. The following example

clears the current selection if it contains more than one area.

If Selection.Areas.Count <> 1 Then Selection.Clear

Use Areas(index), where index is the area index number, to return a

single Range object from the collection. The index numbers correspond to the

order in which the areas were selected. The following example clears the first

area in the current selection if the selection contains more than one area.

If Selection.Areas.Count <> 1 Then


End If

Some operations cannot be performed on more than one area in a selection at

the same time; you must loop through the individual areas in the selection and

perform the operations on each area separately. The following example performs

the operation named "myOperation" on the selected range if the selection

contains only one area; if the selection contains multiple areas, the example

performs myOperation on each individual area in the selection.

Set rangeToUse = Selection

If rangeToUse.Areas.Count = 1 Then

myOperation rangeToUse


For Each singleArea in rangeToUse.Areas

myOperation singleArea


End If

Colección de áreas, o bloques de celdas

contiguas, de una selección.

Areas Objeto


Nombre Descripción


Cuando se usa sin un calificador de objeto, esta

propiedad devuelve un objeto Application que

representa la aplicación de Microsoft

Excel. Cuando se usa con un calificador de objeto,

esta propiedad devuelve un objeto Application que

representa al creador del objeto especificado (puede

usar esta propiedad con un objeto de

automatización OLE para devolver la aplicación de

dicho objeto). Solo lectura.


Devuelve un valor Long que representa el número

de objetos de la colección.


Devuelve un entero de 32 bits que indica la

aplicación en el que se creó el objeto. Read-

only largo.


Devuelve un solo objeto de una colección.


Devuelve el objeto primario del objeto

especificado. Solo lectura.


expression .Rows

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Using this property without an object qualifier is equivalent to

using ActiveSheet.Rows.

When applied to a Range object that’s a multiple selection, this property returns

rows from only the first area of the range. For example, if the Range object has

two areas — A1:B2 and C3:D4 —

Selection.Rows.Count returns 2, not 4.

To use this property on a range that may contain a multiple selection,

test Areas.Count to determine whether the range is a multiple selection. If it is,

loop over each area in the range, as shown in the third example.

Example This example deletes row three on Sheet1.


This example deletes rows in the current region on worksheet one where the

value of cell one in the row is the same as the value in cell one in the previous


For Each rw In Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows

this = rw.Cells(1, 1).Value

If this = last Then rw.Delete

last = this


Returns a Range object that represents all the

rows on the active worksheet. If the active

document isn’t a worksheet, the Rows property

fails. Read-only Range object.

Returns a Range object that represents all the

columns on the active worksheet. If the active

document isn't a worksheet, the Columns

property fails.

Application.Rows y


This example displays the number of rows in the selection on Sheet1. If more

than one area is selected, the example loops through each area.


areaCount = Selection.Areas.Count

If areaCount <= 1 Then

MsgBox "The selection contains " & _

Selection.Rows.Count & " rows."


i = 1

For Each a In Selection.Areas

MsgBox "Area " & i & " of the selection contains " & _

a.Rows.Count & " rows."

i = i + 1

Next a

End If


expression .Columns

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Using this property without an object qualifier is equivalent to

using ActiveSheet.Columns.

When applied to a Range object that's a multiple-area selection, this property

returns columns from only the first area of the range. For example, if

the Range object has two areas — A1:B2 and C3:D4 —

Selection.Columns.Count returns 2, not 4.

To use this property on a range that may contain a multiple-area selection,

test Areas.Count to determine whether the range contains more than one area.

If it does, loop over each area in the range.

How to: Refer to Rows and Columns

Use the Rows property or the Columns property to work with entire rows or

columns. These properties return a Range object that represents a range of cells.

In the following example, Rows(1) returns row one on Sheet1. The Bold property

of the Font object for the range is then set to True. Sub RowBold()

Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(1).Font.Bold = True

End Sub

The following table illustrates some row and column references using the Rows

and Columns properties.

Reference Meaning

Rows(1) Row one

Rows All the rows on the worksheet

Columns(1) Column one

Columns("A") Column one

Columns All the columns on the worksheet

To work with several rows or columns at the same time, create an object

variable and use the Union method, combining multiple calls to the Rows or

Columns property. The following example changes the format of rows one,

three, and five on worksheet one in the active workbook to bold. Sub SeveralRows()


Dim myUnion As Range

Set myUnion = Union(Rows(1), Rows(3), Rows(5))

myUnion.Font.Bold = True

End Sub

This example deletes the empty rows from a selected range. Sub Delete_Empty_Rows()

'The range from which to delete the rows.

Dim rnSelection As Range

'Row and count variables used in the deletion process.

Dim lnLastRow As Long

Dim lnRowCount As Long

Dim lnDeletedRows As Long

'Initialize the number of deleted rows.

lnDeletedRows = 0

'Confirm that a range is selected, and that the range is


If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then

If Selection.Areas.Count = 1 Then

'Initialize the range to what the user has selected, and

initialize the count for the upcoming FOR loop.

Set rnSelection = Application.Selection

lnLastRow = rnSelection.Rows.Count

'Start at the bottom row and work up: if the row is empty


'delete the row and increment the deleted row count.

For lnRowCount = lnLastRow To 1 Step -1

If Application.CountA(rnSelection.Rows(lnRowCount))

= 0 Then


lnDeletedRows = lnDeletedRows + 1

End If

Next lnRowCount

rnSelection.Resize(lnLastRow - lnDeletedRows).Select


MsgBox "Please select only one area.", vbInformation

End If


MsgBox "Please select a range.", vbInformation

End If

'Turn screen updating back on.

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

This example deletes the empty columns from a selected range. Sub Delete_Empty_Columns()

'The range from which to delete the columns.

Dim rnSelection As Range

'Column and count variables used in the deletion process.

Dim lnLastColumn As Long

Dim lnColumnCount As Long

Dim lnDeletedColumns As Long

lnDeletedColumns = 0

'Confirm that a range is selected, and that the range is


If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then

If Selection.Areas.Count = 1 Then

'Initialize the range to what the user has selected, and

initialize the count for the upcoming FOR loop.

Set rnSelection = Application.Selection

lnLastColumn = rnSelection.Columns.Count

'Start at the far-right column and work left: if the

column is empty then

'delete the column and increment the deleted column


For lnColumnCount = lnLastColumn To 1 Step -1


Application.CountA(rnSelection.Columns(lnColumnCount)) = 0 Then


lnDeletedColumns = lnDeletedColumns + 1

End If

Next lnColumnCount

rnSelection.Resize(lnLastColumn -



MsgBox "Please select only one area.", vbInformation

End If


MsgBox "Please select a range.", vbInformation

End If

'Turn screen updating back on.

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub


expression .Cells

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Because the Item property is the default property for the Range object, you can

specify the row and column index immediately after the Cells keyword. For more

information, see the Item property and the examples for this topic.

Using this property without an object qualifier returns a Range object that

represents all the cells on the active worksheet.

Example This example looks at data in each row and inserts a blank row each time the

value in column A changes.

Sub ChangeInsertRows()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim xRow As Long

For xRow = Application.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

To 3 Step -1

If Application.Cells(xRow, 1).Value <>

Application.Cells(xRow - 1, 1).Value Then


Next xRow

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

How to: Refer to All the Cells on the Worksheet Sub ClearSheet()


End Sub

Returns a Range object that represents all the

cells on the active worksheet. If the active

document is not a worksheet, this property fails.


Looping Through a Range of Cells

One way to loop through a range is to use the For...Next loop with the Cells

property. You can substitute the loop counter (or other variables or expressions)

for the cell index numbers. In the following example, the variable counter is

substituted for the row index. The procedure loops through the range C1:C20,

setting to 0 (zero) any number whose absolute value is less than 0.01. Sub RoundToZero1()

For Counter = 1 To 20

Set curCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Counter, 3)

If Abs(curCell.Value) < 0.01 Then curCell.Value = 0

Next Counter

End Sub

Another easy way to loop through a range is to use a For Each...Next loop with

the collection of cells specified in the Range property. Visual Basic automatically

sets an object variable for the next cell each time the loop runs. The following

procedure loops through the range A1:D10, setting to 0 (zero) any number

whose absolute value is less than 0.01. Sub RoundToZero2()

For Each c In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:D10").Cells

If Abs(c.Value) < 0.01 Then c.Value = 0


End Sub

If you do not know the boundaries of the range you want to loop through, you

can use the CurrentRegion property to return the range that surrounds the active

cell. For example, the following procedure, when run from a worksheet, loops

through the range that surrounds the active cell, setting to 0 (zero) any number

whose absolute value is less than 0.01. Sub RoundToZero3()

For Each c In ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Cells

If Abs(c.Value) < 0.01 Then c.Value = 0


End Sub


Name Description


Returns a single object from a collection.


Name Description


When used without an object qualifier, this

property returns an Application object that

represents the Microsoft Excel application.

When used with an object qualifier, this

property returns an Applicationobject that

represents the creator of the specified object

(you can use this property with an OLE

Automation object to return the application of

that object). Read-only.


Returns a Long value that represents the

number of objects in the collection.


Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the

application in which this object was created.

Read-only Long.


Returns the parent object for the specified

object. Read-only.

A collection of cell comments.

Comments Collection


Each comment is represented by a Comment object.


Use the Comments property to return the Comments collection. The following

example hides all the comments on worksheet one.

Set cmt = Worksheets(1).Comments

For Each c In cmt

c.Visible = False


Use the AddComment method to add a comment to a range. The following

example adds a comment to cell E5 on worksheet one.

With Worksheets(1).Range("e5").AddComment

.Visible = False

.Text "reviewed on " & Date

End With

Use Comments(index), where index is the comment number, to return a single

comment from the Comments collection. The following example hides

comment two on worksheet one.

Worksheets(1).Comments(2).Visible = False

Comment Object


The Comment object is a member of the Comments collection.


Use the Comment property to return a Comment object. The following

example changes the text in the comment in cell E5.

Worksheets(1).Range("E5").Comment.Text "reviewed on " & Date

Use Comments(index), where index is the comment number, to return a single

comment from the Comments collection. The following example hides

comment two on worksheet one.

Worksheets(1).Comments(2).Visible = False

Use the AddComment method to add a comment to a range. The following

example adds a comment to cell E5 on worksheet one.

With Worksheets(1).Range("e5").AddComment

.Visible = False

.Text "reviewed on " & Date

End With

Represents a cell comment.

Comment Object


Name Description

Delete Deletes the object.

Next Returns a Comment object that represents the next


Previous Returns a Comment object that represents the previous


Text Sets comment text.


Name Description


When used without an object qualifier, this

property returns an Application object that

represents the Microsoft Excel application.

When used with an object qualifier, this

property returns an Application object that

represents the creator of the specified

object (you can use this property with an

OLE Automation object to return the

application of that object). Read-only.


Returns or sets the author of the comment.

Read-only String.


Returns a 32-bit integer that indicates the

application in which this object was created.

Read-only Long.


Returns the parent object for the specified

object. Read-only.


Returns a Shape object that represents the

shape attached to the specified comment.


Returns or sets a Boolean value that

determines whether the object is visible.
