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Manifestation Masterkey

Bonus Chapter 1

How to Get Inspiration and Answers in a Deep Sleep

by Glenn Bolton

© 2018 Copyright

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Introduction to Dreaming ................................................................................................................. 4

Contemporary Dream Questioning Technique ............................................................................. 7

Ancient Dream Questioning Technique ......................................................................................... 9

Meditative Dream Questioning Technique .................................................................................. 11

How to Induce Lucid Dreaming ..................................................................................................... 19

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Introduction to Dreaming

One of the misconceptions about sleep is that as we sleep, our bodies just "turn off" for several hours which then followed by "turning back on" as we wake up in the morning. In short, most of us take sleep as a passive and relatively constant, unchanging process. In fact, sleep is a very active state. Our bodies move frequently, as we roll around and according to psychologists and scientists, our brain activity is even more intense than in the normal waking state. Modern science also recognizes lucid dreaming, a state in which the dreamer is aware of dreaming. During lucid dreaming, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment. The term 'lucid dream' was coined by Dutch author and psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden in his 1913 article A Study of Dreams, though descriptions of dreamers being aware that they are dreaming predates the actual term. Early references to the phenomenon are found in ancient Greek writing. In Eastern thought, cultivating the dreamer's ability to be aware that he or she is dreaming is central to both the Tibetan Buddhist practice of dream Yoga, and the ancient Indian Hindu practice of Yoga nidra. The cultivation of such awareness was common practice among early Buddhists.

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Another phenomenon, not confirmed by science is the Astral Projection or out-of-body-experience (O.B.E.) that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe. Old sacred texts tell us that when person sleeps, his mind and soul travel into higher worlds to receive instruction and answers. Unfortunately, we are not able to evaluate that instruction since we do not remember it and logically, if we don’t remember something we’re not able to make any conclusions from those experiences. In Numbers 12:6, we can find following statement: There are variety of ways how Divine Beings communicate with humans such as through visions, signs and wonders, angels, people or ‘shadows’. In Book of Genesis alone there are 33 references to the word ‘dreams’ or its singular form. In general, scriptures refer to either dreams or night visions. These two ways of communication may refer to two different states of consciousness that we now refer to as the theta or delta state. As you may already know, scientists are able to measure gross brain activity using EEC (electroencephalogram). Using this device, scientists have identified various frequencies that accompany different states of consciousness.

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Beta frequencies are present during your normal waking consciousness. In hypnosis or self-hypnosis, person slides into alpha state that is considered as bridge between sleep and waking consciousness. Then follows the theta state, which is ascribed to deep meditative states, relaxation and is accompanied with rich mental imagery. Finally, the delta state is characterized by minimum brain activity and sleep. In holy scriptures, there are many instances where the ancient sages received inspiration and answers to their questions in dreams. Yet only a handful of people knew what techniques they used. I am going to list three different methods in this book. Out of those three, I have been frequently using the first one, especially for business decisions such as:

• Selecting new employee after a bunch of interviews • Decide which business direction I should take among

various options • Whether particular business idea is going to be profitable

or not

Answers, I have been receiving were straightforward and accurate. Some of my students use these very same techniques to obtain answers on love and health related questions. If you can precisely formulate your question, there is simply no limit on what you can ask. You also need to practice on daily basis before you see first results. Time to first results varies from person to person but the average time is two weeks.

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Contemporary Dream Questioning Technique

This is one of the simplest ways to perform the so-called Dream

Questioning. Similar techniques are being used in scientific and

experimenting circles to induce lucid dreaming to this day.

1. As you go to bed at night, spend a minute calming down. Then,

repeat your question seven times loudly or silently in your

mind, counting with your fingers.

2. When you are done with that, say three times: “I search for

answer from the depths of the Infinite Mind, please grant me

the correct answer.”

3. Then, lay on your back, with arms along your body and palms

up. Breath normally, but slowly. Focus on each locale of your

body telling it to ‘relax’ three times. Use following progression:

Focus on your ankles, shins, thighs, buttocks, midsection,

lower back, chest, upper back, neck and head. Then focus on

your left and right arm and finally, palms.

Spend about 15 to 30 seconds mentally focusing on each area

of your body mentally commanding it to ‘relax’ three times.

4. Then, imagine an Infinite Point somewhere outside you and

imagine golden stream of light connecting the Infinite Point

with top of your head. Start breathing in with your mouth and

imagine this golden stream intensify and create golden sphere

of light in and around your brain. Do this as many times as you

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can. After you feel you’ve had enough, simply stop the

procedure and try to fall asleep.

5. Have a pen and paper ready next to your bed as you may wake

up with an answer in the middle of the night. If you don’t write

the answer down immediately, you may not be able to

remember it in the morning. Repeat the procedure every night

for at least 14 days.

Sometimes the answer comes almost immediately during the

process of falling asleep – when you’re in the beta state. This is

the best case that may happen to you because you will be able to

break through the beta state, wake up immediately and record

the answer. Often, the answer will be accompanied with visions.

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Ancient Dream Questioning Technique

This ancient spiritual method of Schelat Chalom (Dream

Questioning) involves set of Hebrew letters to be written on the

palm of your left hand using black pen prior to retiring to bed.

Remember to write from the top and from right to left, not from

left to right as we are used to write in English. Try to be as

precise in writing the letters in their exact form as seen below.

For precise depiction of the letters selecting pen with thin tip

would be the safest way to go. The Name of Power here is

Adonyram. Upon closer examination name means "My Lord is

Lofty and Exalted," and it is associated with the Kabbalistic

doctrines pertaining to the "sparks" of Divine Light trapped in

this world of "Fallen Shards." ¹

If you read the Alignment Code you already know that

kabbalistic wisdom teaches us that the fallen shards represent

material things or bodies of the animal, vegetable and mineral

world – each with ‘soul’ inside - represented by the ‘sparks of

light’ trapped in the material body.

Eventually all the shards and sparks must come back to its

Source again in the act called Tikkun – Restoration. On individual

level, this Restoration can only happen if we as people willingly

perform certain deeds or meditative activities called as Yichudim

(Unifications) that elevate our souls. It is maintained that

Adonyram written in the sacred Hebrew script on one’s body

induces this elevation and enables to draw answers to questions

from higher sources – one of Four kabbalistic worlds of

Archetypes, Creation, Formation and Action.

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¹ (comments by Chaim Miller in "The Gutnick Edition" of "The Chumash: The Book of

Exodus" on related references in the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s "Sefer ha-Ma’amarim Melukat," Vol. 6, p. 39)

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Meditative Dream Questioning Technique

The last dream questioning method I would like to share with you

is meditative in its essence. In this method, you will be using Basal

Breathing technique in the evening when you retire to bed.

Science of Breathing

I am going to explain one of the most effective and essential

methods of driving Divine Energy into human body or its parts.

I would like to introduce a new Axiom that says:

“Where attention goes, energy flows.”

This basically says that if you sense, focus or look at any object,

part of your internal energy immediately flows from you to the

chosen object and vice versa, from the object back to you. This

happens every single time, whether you feel it or not.

This method involves conscious breathing. All serious masters

acknowledge that there is more to breathing that normally meets

the eye.

Our bodies need air and food to exist while the atmosphere itself is

also considered food. When we are breathing unconsciously, our

body only takes the necessary nutrient (oxygen) out of the


When we look at the composition of atmosphere we realize that

oxygen belongs to the element of Fire and nitrogen to the Element

of Water.

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Element of Air then balances the two, while the Element of Earth

represents the gravity uniting oxygen and hydrogen together.

Now as many experienced spiritual practitioners know, there is

one more hidden element that underlines all the other four.

This fifth element is called Avir (the Universal Life Force, Universal

Element or Spirit). Union of these five elements is often depicted as


All these elements have two polarities, magnetic and electric – or

attractive and radiative.

When we start breathing consciously, we can impregnate our

breath with different qualities, such as thoughts, images or Divine

and Angelic Names.

In this process, magnetic currents of four elements mentioned

above will attach the image, thought or Divine Name into the

energetic matrix of Avir.

With focused attention, we can then drive the impregnated

Universal Life Force (Spirit Principle) of Avir into specific organs

or into whole body, as you will soon see.

During this process, energetic levels immediately increase,

preserving and revitalizing organ on which you are focusing.

In addition, the electric (radiative) quality of air impregnated with

thought or image will be distributed from blood stream into all

parts of human mind – including Subjective Mind of the

practitioner that, as we already know is connected to the Endless

Mind (Collective Consciousness).

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This is the secret of breath from magical point of view and in fact, it

is probably the most important part of all Ancient Traditions that

utilize breath for various personal and global benefits. What only

few people know is that it is not the quantity of air that matters.

You don’t need to breathe tons of air, pumping your lungs into

their fullest to achieve your objective. The quality of air

impregnated with ideas is what matters most.

When you are breathing consciously, you’re not only cultivating

strong and healthy breathing abilities but also increasing your

overall health.

With conscious breathing, you will acquire deeper elements that

are often called as the food of the Universe.

You may want to spend a minute or two thinking how your

breathing may have caused some of the health problems you’re

currently facing.

Basal Breathing Method

Learning to breathe correctly is not difficult. Contrary to what you

may have read in other books, it is advised to use open mouth for

inhalation and exhalation and it has many benefits over commonly

advised nostrils breathing.

Using your mouth, you can form your mouth in such a way as to

inbreathe Divine Names, which is not possible to do with nostrils

breathing when your mouth is closed.

Part of your air will naturally flow through your nostrils provided

they’re not blocked.

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To breathe correctly, inhale through your mouth into your

abdomen first and once it is full, continue filling your lungs. Do not

strain yourself. Breathe in naturally, as far as you can without

tensing your neck muscles.

When you’re full of air, pause for one second without tensing any

muscles and then commence with exhalation by first emptying

your lungs and finally your abdomen.

Length or each inhalation and exhalation should be at least 5

seconds or more. Longer the better. You will notice that with

practice, your lung capacity will naturally increase and you will be

able to perform inhalations and exhalations that last 10 seconds

each or more without any straining on your side whatsoever.

To breathe out all air out of your abdomen, you may want to

contract it by pulling the abdominal wall in, at the end of each

exhalation. Pause one second and repeat the process of inhalation.

Now, let’s do the Basal Breathing Technique.

Although this technique will later be expanded, it is all by itself a

perfect healing technique directly affecting your whole body and

mind, tuning you into hidden currents of universal energy. It alone

can be used to reverse serious mental, physical and emotional


In addition, breathing helps you improve relation between your

Conscious and Subconscious Mind, which, just as the Healing

Statement helps purify false beliefs.

When you’re just beginning to breathe consciously, I suggest you

lay down on your back with arms loosely along sides of your body

and legs slightly apart. Have your palms facing upwards.

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For best feeling appreciation, do not cover yourself and wear

minimum only amount of clothes, if any. Later, as you get

proficient, you can do this technique while sitting or standing, fully

dressed and you will still experience the energy flowing into your

body with increased amount of intensity.

Remember, where your attention goes the energy follows – so this

technique works from day one as you don’t really need to feel the

energy at all. With practice, you will become more sensitive to the

energy current.

In the beginning, it may take you 20 - 40 minutes to complete the

session, but later as you get proficient it will only take seconds to

fully ‘tune in’ and vibrate your entire anatomy.

Later you may replace group areas of your body and ‘tune’ them in

collectively. Practice this method every day at least once, either in

the morning or in the evening for one week before adding Divine

Names to inhalations and exhalations.

1. As you lay down, close your eyes and spend 30 seconds or

more just relaxing, sensing which bodily parts are tensed.

Consciously relax them by giving them mental command “relax”.

Focus your attention inside your body. Stay away from thinking

about worldly matters.

2. Take one to three normal deep breaths and sigh loudly with

each exhalation.

3. Take another three deep breaths, now trying to fully breathe

into your belly and lungs as described above. This time, make a

sound of any consonant you like on each exhalation, trying to sense

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any vibration throughout your body. This will help you get in

contact with individual part of your body. I usually use letter ‘oooh’

or ‘aaaaah’ as I am inhaling.

4. With your eyes closed, try sensing your toes. It is not

important to perfectly imagine them. What you are after is to sense

your toes with your feeling alone.

As previously said, where attention goes energy follows, so do not

make this part an issue. Just become aware of your toes. As you

already know, Avir is everywhere around you (and within you).

Start breathing in and imagine you are sucking more Avir, the life-

force through the pores of your toes as you are taking the deep

breath. Fill your toes with this vital force and during entire

exhalation intone within your toes, sensing vital force vibrating in

that bodily area.

5. Now, shift your attention to your feet and repeat the


6. Do the same with your lower legs (below knees), thighs,

buttocks, genitals, each time breathing into the body part and then

exhaling, intoning ‘ooohh’, ‘aaaah’ or humming and trying to sense

any vibration.

7. Continue the procedure, now with the area from navel down

to genitals and then from diaphragm down to navel. Follow up with

your chest, lower and upper back, and the ladies should not forget

breathing with their breasts. Then focus on your shoulders, upper

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arms, lower arms, your hands and fingers. If you’re doing it

correctly you should now feel deeply surrendered.

8. Now, focus on your entire neck, especially on the back of your

neck where a lot of tension may still be present. Continue with

back of your skull, both sides and top of your head. Finish with

your face. At this point, some people may experience sudden burst

of smiling or crying – this is your Subconscious Mind reacting to

the procedure that tends to induce release of suppressed feelings

and emotions. Just observe this phenomenon without any


9. Finish the procedure by briefly sensing your entire body

experiencing energetic state within. Literally experience every

portion of your body, opening up its pores, inviting new streams of

energy. Take a deep breath with your whole body, straight through

your skin and on exhalation feel the entire body vibrating with you.

Again, hum on exhalation. Do this inhalation and exhalation

minimum three times or more.

You can now either stop the exercise, or if you’re using this

technique as preparation for Dream Questioning, continue with

following sequence.

10. Recite your question exactly seven times, counting with your

fingers. Then finish the procedure by going back to your normal

conscious levels by clenching your fists and opening your eyes.

Finally, turn over on your side and try to fall asleep.

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As said above, once you get acquainted with this breathing

technique, you can then group individual body parts together and

vibrate them in one breath.

For example, you may vibrate your entire legs, trunk, both arms

and head including neck together in one single inhalation and

exhalation. This way, number of breaths will decrease to four plus

another three breaths for the entire body.

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How to Induce Lucid Dreaming

1. The best time to practice is after 4 or 5 hours of sleep.

With your eyes closed, stare at the darkness behind your eyelids

for 15-20 seconds. Try to pick up any colors, lights, or images, but

do not strain your eye muscle. If you see nothing but darkness,

that's fine. Again, we are not striving to induce dreams from the

waked state, so do not force it. It is perfectly fine to not feel


2b) Listen to the noises in your ears for 15-20 seconds. Chances

are you will hear some light humming and buzzing sound. See if

you can hear it more clearly. If you don't hear anything that's okay.

2c) Notice any strange body sensations such as heaviness, tingling,

and movements. Pay attention particularly to the head, hands,

fingers, abdomen, feet, and toes. Again, it is perfectly fine if you

don't feel anything strange.

3. Find the most comfortable position and try to fall asleep as

quickly as possible! The quicker you fall asleep the more likely you

will succeed later in your dreams!

The above steps should be performed in a relaxed manner, slowly,

lazily, and without any rational thoughts. The 15-20 seconds

duration is for your reference only, so do not count in your head.

Chances are, after a couple of repetitions you will begin to feel

sleepy, to the point your mind may drift away and forget to

continue the exercise.

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Congratulations, this is exactly the effect we are after! When this

happens just pull your mind back a bit and resume from where you

drifted away. If you lost count of the repetitions, simply do a new

set. It won't hurt.

Do not do this technique at the start of your sleep -- it will not

work. The only exception is afternoon naps since you enter directly

into REM is a unique phase of sleep in mammals and birds,

distinguishable by random/rapid movement of the eyes,

accompanied with low muscle tone throughout the body, and the

propensity of the sleeper to dream vividly.

REM sleep is physiologically different from the other phases of

sleep, which are collectively referred to as non-REM sleep (NREM

sleep, NREMS, synchronized sleep). REM and non-REM sleep

alternate within one sleep cycle, which lasts about 90 minutes in

adult humans.

As sleep cycles continue, they shift towards a higher proportion of

REM sleep. The transition to REM sleep brings marked physical

changes, beginning with electrical bursts called PGO waves

originating in the brain stem.

Organisms in REM sleep suspend central homeostasis, allowing

large fluctuations in respiration, thermoregulation, and circulation

which do not occur in any other modes of sleeping or waking.

What is going to happen

Several things may happen through this exercise:

1. After you fall asleep, you may suddenly wake up with a

strange sensation. You will feel wide awake, and your body


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At this point just do a reality check and roll out from your bed to

induce an Out of Body Experience (OBE).

2. You wake up with vibrations and other strange sensations. Hung

onto these sensations will lead you into an OBE.

3. You suddenly become lucid in your dreams with no apparent

reasons, or you may begin to suspect you are dreaming.

4. You have a False Awakening. Unlike the first experience, you

may feel awake but still drowsy.

5. A direct OBE. Phase entrance may occur during the repetition,

with your mind still awake. When this happens, many of the

sensations become amplified. You should stop doing any further

exercises, and begin focusing on the sensations until you

successfully enter the phase.