manglar atlantico medusas oceanario indopacifico...manglar atlantico medusas oceanario indopacifico...


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Post on 05-Feb-2021




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  • ManglarAtlantico


    You will accompany the Expedition of Magallanes-Elcano on their journey as they sail through the seas and oceans to become the first

    explorers to circumnavigate the Earth.

    More than forty exhibits will will offer you a unique window into the bio-diversity of our planet. You will travel along rivers, through tropical forests and beneath the oceans, encountering along the way the many creatures who live within them... sturgeons, sea horses, sharks, anacondas, rays, sea

    turtles, tropical fish, and the wonderous.. .JELLYFISH!

    Start the journeyYour facinating adventure begins here, beneath the

    waters of the Guadalquivir River.

  • Guadalquivir RiverDiscover the fauna, both native

    and non-native, existing in the di-fferent areas of the river with a special focus on the marshes of

    the Doñana National Park.

  • Atlantic OceanTravel the second largest ocean on

    the planet, departing from theAtlantic coast of Andalusia crossing

    to South America. Explore thebiodiversity of the Canary Islands.

  • RainforestCross through one of the cosystems with the greatest biodiversity on the planet, characterized by high rainfall

    and an average temperature of 25ºC.

  • Oceanario

    OceanariumDiscover the largest shark tank in the

    Iberica Peninsula. Relax and admire the most impressive and majestic animals

    of the underwater world.

  • JellyfishImmerse yourself in the blue depths of

    the sea. Be surrounded and hypnotized by one of the oceans most mysterious creatures. Discover jellyfish’s life and a look through the “window” into their

    special breeding station.


  • Indo-PacificThe fascinating world of color and corals. Be surprised by the amazing biodiversity

    found in the tropical waters where the Indian and Pacific Oceans meet.

  • Manglar

    MangrovesSee both life above and below the protective and abundant waters of

    the unique mangrove ecosystem.

  • Aquatic natureOnce you’ve completed the route of Magallanes and Elcano, enjoy some of

    our more curious underwater species, the “Tropical oddities”, followed by

    our incredible new exhibit, “Life in Water”.