manchurian crisis 2011

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Post on 23-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    The Manchurian CrisisThe Manchurian Crisis


    TheThe Japanese economyJapanese economyrelied onrelied onexporting goods to America. Thisexporting goods to America. This

    meant that the depression hitmeant that the depression hit

    Japan very hard.Japan very hard.

    Economic hardship led to theEconomic hardship led to theJapanese civilian governmentJapanese civilian government

    becoming unpopular and thebecoming unpopular and the

    militarymilitaryincreasing its power.increasing its power.

    The army decided that the bestThe army decided that the bestway for Japan to escape theway for Japan to escape the

    effects of the depression was toeffects of the depression was to

    invadeinvade ManchuriaManchuria(part of China).(part of China).

    Japan invaded anchuria inJapan invaded anchuria in 19311931..

    Japan had con!uered

    "orea in #$%&.

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    The Manchurian CrisisThe Manchurian Crisis


  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    The Manchurian Crisis: TheThe Manchurian Crisis: The


  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    The Leagues reaction toThe Leagues reaction to

    the Manchurian Crisisthe Manchurian Crisis'hy did the eague not tae action against Japan*'hy did the eague not tae action against Japan*

    The main reason was that the great powers were notThe main reason was that the great powers were not

    prepared to commit troops and ships to punishing Japan.prepared to commit troops and ships to punishing Japan.

    The only two nations with the capacity to act wereThe only two nations with the capacity to act were BritainBritainand the U!and the U!..

    The +ritish

    economy was

    in dire straits.The +ritish navy was on

    the verge of mutiny after

    the government was forced

    to cut wages due to thedepression.

    The ,-A

    was still

    reeling fromthe depression. resident

    /oover argued that

    imposing sanctions on

    Japan would be to riswar for no real gain.

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    British "eaction # against theBritish "eaction # against the

    in$asionin$asion0 /ad ma1or economic and political interests/ad ma1or economic and political interests

    in the 2ar East 3 /ong "ong4 alaya4in the 2ar East 3 /ong "ong4 alaya4

    -ingapore and -hanghai-ingapore and -hanghai

    0 ost +ritish politicians criticised Japan5sost +ritish politicians criticised Japan5s


    0 'ould not recognise anchuuo'ould not recognise anchuuo

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    British "eaction # supportingBritish "eaction # supporting

    the in$asionthe in$asion0 Anglo6Japanese relations had been friendly forAnglo6Japanese relations had been friendly for

    yearsyears0 Japan had been provoed by ChineseJapan had been provoed by Chinese

    nationalists during the #$7%snationalists during the #$7%s0 ight restore order to anchuriaight restore order to anchuria0 'ould hopefully stop +olshevi aggression'ould hopefully stop +olshevi aggression0 2ew +ritish forces in the 2ar East2ew +ritish forces in the 2ar East

    0 Economic sanctions were unliely to achieveEconomic sanctions were unliely to achievemuchmuch0 ,-A 3 Japan5s biggest trading partner would not,-A 3 Japan5s biggest trading partner would not

    support action by the eague of 8ationssupport action by the eague of 8ations

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    The Leagues reaction toThe Leagues reaction to

    the Manchurian Crisisthe Manchurian CrisisThe eague told Japan to leaveThe eague told Japan to leaveanchuria but they refused.anchuria but they refused.

    A commission underA commission under Lord LyttonLord Lytton

    was sent to investigate the issue.was sent to investigate the issue.The commission finally reported aThe commission finally reported a

    year after the invasion4 concludingyear after the invasion4 concluding

    thatthat Japan %as in theJapan %as in the


    and should leaveand should leave


    Japan5s response was toJapan5s response was to

    withdraw from the eague.withdraw from the eague.

    2our years later Japan2our years later Japaninvaded the rest of China.invaded the rest of China.

    Lord Lytton

    Chinese ci$ilian casualties

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    ource analysisource analysis

    /ow does this cartoon reflect how the eague

    dealt with the anchurian Crisis*

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    !nglo&Japanese "elations!nglo&Japanese "elations

    193'&(193'&(0 +ritain accepted the tae6over of anchuria+ritain accepted the tae6over of anchuria

    0 #% 9ear :ule abandoned#% 9ear :ule abandoned

    0 :ealistically4 +ritain was in no position to rearm:ealistically4 +ritain was in no position to rearm


    0 The -ingapore naval base was improvedThe -ingapore naval base was improved

    0 :elations with Japan remained uneasy:elations with Japan remained uneasy

    0 Japan often pursued conflicting policiesJapan often pursued conflicting policies

    0 ;t remained a threat to +ritish interests in Asia;t remained a threat to +ritish interests in Asia

    and the acificand the acific

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    The !nti&Comintern )act 193*The !nti&Comintern )act 193*

    0 -igned #$ermany and Japan

    0 Aimed against the ,--:Aimed against the ,--:0 +ut could be a potential threat to +ritain+ut could be a potential threat to +ritain

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011



    0 'hilst the ytton Commission had been'hilst the ytton Commission had been

    discussing Japan5s invasion of anchuria4discussing Japan5s invasion of anchuria4

    a 'orld ?isarmament Conference hada 'orld ?isarmament Conference had

    taen place in 2eb #$enevataen place in 2eb #$eneva

    0 >ermany wanted e!ual treatment4 but>ermany wanted e!ual treatment4 but

    2rance opposed this2rance opposed this

    0 8o compromise could be found8o compromise could be found

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    193' Lausanne Con,erence193' Lausanne Con,erence

    0 -ettled the reparations problem-ettled the reparations problem

    0 >ermany agreed to pay @7.= million mars>ermany agreed to pay @7.= million mars

    to a European :econstruction 2undto a European :econstruction 2und

    0 ;n return its reparations payments would;n return its reparations payments would

    be abolishedbe abolished

    0 This was one of the last successes of theThis was one of the last successes of thecollective diplomacy that had prevailedcollective diplomacy that had prevailed

    during the #$7%sduring the #$7%s

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


    The -utureThe -uture

    0 The international climate was becomingThe international climate was becoming

    increasingly threateningincreasingly threatening

    0 +ritain faced potential challenges from+ritain faced potential challenges from




    0 Trust in disarmament4 collective security and theTrust in disarmament4 collective security and theresulting cutbacs in military spending wouldresulting cutbacs in military spending would

    leave +ritain ill6prepared for future conflictleave +ritain ill6prepared for future conflict

  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011


  • 7/24/2019 Manchurian Crisis 2011
