management tips: from harvard business review


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Management Tips: From Harvard Business Review


Management Tips is a compilation of the Management Tip of the Day by Harvard Business Review.

Adapted from blog posts and other content, these tips offer quick and practical advice on how to manage

yourself, manage your team, and manage your business. Below is a sample look at some key tips

highlighted in the book. For more information on this title visit


Take Responsibility for your Growth

Responsibility for your professional development lies squarely on your shoulders. No matter your

situation, use these tips to keep sharp:

- Meet with two former coworkers each month. Talk about your industry and where it is headed.

This will keep you tapped into the community.

- Have one major learning experience each quarter. If your work isn’t giving you the necessary

challenges, seek out other opportunities. Volunteer for a nonprofit, attend a conference, or take a


- Give yourself a performance review. Reflect on your growth and performance, whether through a

formal process or not. Be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses and what you

should focus on in the coming year.


Lead Confidently

Confidence is a key ingredient in leading effectively. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s easier to know your

weaknesses than your strengths. Ask yourself these two questions to help find your self-confidence:

- What do you do well? Make a list of your strengths. These items are not the same as the

accomplishments on your resume; they are what made those accomplishments possible. How will

your strengths lead you to future successes?

- Why should people follow you? Look at situations where you mobilized yourself and your team to

face a particularly tough challenge. Why did people believe in your ability to get things done and

trust that you were the one to follow?


Think Like a Small Business

Big companies used to win out over small ones because of their experience, impressive client lists, and

seeming permanence. We trusted big business because it was big, but the economic crisis has changed

that. Small companies are now winning the confidence and the business of customers. No matter the size

of your company, restore customer trust by doing what small companies do well:

- Be available. Customers of small companies don’t need to holler “agent” into a phone to talk to a

real person. Make it easy for customers to find you; react quickly to requests and demands.

- Keep your promises. Always follow through on what you say you’re going to do.