management of medical manpower: reflecting on the aiju s d eri bov. i would like to caution...

February 2016 | Volume 39 | N° 1 Bulletin de l’Association des médecins omnipraticiens de Montréal (Affiliée à la Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec) Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the Worrisome Power of Social Networks A s we all know, in order for a society to function smoothly, it is crucial for its members to be well educated, well mannered and well informed. In our digital age, this para- digm is all the more current. Information is increasingly trans- mitted on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We use these social media to exchange stories, ideas and opinions. Recently, a group of researchers directed by Michela Del Vicario focused on the behaviours of Facebook users from 2010 to 2014. They found that people were grouped into communities that share the same ideas and among whom conspiracy theories spread very rapidly. In general, Facebook users tend to subscribe to and share information that reinforces their opinions, and not that which chal- lenges them by demonstrating points of view other than their own on any given topic. In a few short hours, a polarized message exchanged among members can be blown out of proportion, giving rise to a torrent of words that are often quite biased. As a result, we see the appearance of rumours, the spread of inaccurate information, and sometimes, even of disinformation. To summarize, by avoiding challenging opinions that differ from their own and especially by sharing beliefs whose truth is doubtful, people become increasingly convinced that their preconceived notions are well founded. Throughout history, the spread of erroneous information and the use of disinformation have led to the radicaliza- tion of certain groups. More specifically, in our times, we have to admit that social media have allowed this sort of occur- rence to reach an entirely different level. One of the more worrisome conclusions reached by the group of researchers is that when there is a “group think” mindset, any efforts aimed at debunking falsehoods that are circulating within the group will serve only to strengthen and harden positions. The panic that has taken hold in the Québecois medical world over the last few months is a perfect example of the phenomenon of spreading falsehoods that I just described above. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages that are circulating on social media about the management of medical manpower. I would also like to denounce the inaccu- rate and too often untruthful informa- tion that has been spreading for some time on this subject. Everything that has recently been said, reported, invented and carried on these networks with regard to the PEMs, PREMs and AMPs can be alarming for residents and young physicians. We can understand how some of them feel that they are the target of a conspiracy on the part of their representatives or their colleagues already in practice. D r. Michel Vachon É ditorial E Dépôt à la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada et du Québec, 2 e trimestre 1985 ISSN 0831-6465 Bulletin de l’Association des médecins omnipraticiens de Montréal (Affiliée à la Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec) (cont’d on page 3)

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Page 1: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

February 2016 | Volume 39 | N° 1

Bulletin de l’Association des médecins omnipraticiens de Montréal(Aff i l iée à la Fédération des médecins omnipratic iens du Québec)

Management of Medical Manpower: Reflectingon the Worrisome Power of Social Networks

A s we all know, in order for asociety to function smoothly, itis crucial for its members to be

well educated, well mannered and wellinformed. In our digital age, this para-digm is all the more current.

Information is increasingly trans-mitted on platforms such as Facebook,Twitter and Instagram. We use thesesocial media to exchange stories, ideasand opinions.

Recently, a group of researchersdirected by Michela Del Vicario focusedon the behaviours of Facebook users from2010 to 2014. They found that peoplewere grouped into communities thatshare the same ideas and among whomconspiracy theories spread very rapidly. Ingeneral, Facebook users tend to subscribeto and share information that reinforcestheir opinions, and not that which chal-lenges them by demonstrating points ofview other than their own on any giventopic. In a few short hours, a polarizedmessage exchanged among memberscan be blown out of proportion, givingrise to a torrent of words that are oftenquite biased. As a result, we see theappearance of rumours, the spread ofinaccurate information, and sometimes,even of disinformation. To summarize, byavoiding challenging opinions that differfrom their own and especially by sharingbeliefs whose truth is doubtful, peoplebecome increasingly convinced that theirpreconceived notions are well founded.

Throughout history, the spread oferroneous information and the use ofdisinformation have led to the radicaliza-tion of certain groups. More specifically,in our times, we have to admit that socialmedia have allowed this sort of occur-rence to reach an entirely different level.One of the more worrisome conclusionsreached by the group of researchers isthat when there is a “group think”mindset, any efforts aimed at debunkingfalsehoods that are circulating within thegroup will serve only to strengthen andharden positions.

The panic that has taken hold in theQuébecois medical world over the lastfew months is a perfect example of thephenomenon of spreading falsehoodsthat I just described above.

I would like to caution all Québecoisgeneral practitioners to be wary of thecontent of certain messages that arecirculating on social media about themanagement of medical manpower. Iwould also like to denounce the inaccu-rate and too often untruthful informa-tion that has been spreading for sometime on this subject. Everything that hasrecently been said, reported, inventedand carried on these networks withregard to the PEMs, PREMs and AMPscan be alarming for residents and youngphysicians. We can understand howsome of them feel that they are thetarget of a conspiracy on the part oftheir representatives or their colleaguesalready in practice.

Dr. Michel Vachon


Dépôt à la Bibliothèque nationale

du Canada et du Québec,

2e trimestre 1985

ISSN 0831-6465

Bulletin de l’Association des médecins omnipraticiens de Montréal(Aff i l iée à la Fédération des médecins omnipratic iens du Québec)

(cont’d on page 3)

Page 2: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners February 20162


EDITORIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

The First Step: GACOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Honouring a Great Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Annual General Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

50 Years in Practice… Bravo! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Transition Period… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Speech of Dr. Victor Bardaji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Welcome to our New Members! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

And the winners are…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

L’OMNI online only? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Job Offers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11

AMOM Delegates 2015-2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12



L’OMNI is a newsletter written by AMOM to provide information and allow our members

to exchange opinions.We would be delighted to publish your text -

Send it:AMOM

([email protected])2000-3500, De Maisonneuve WestWestmount (Quebec) H3Z 3C1

Telephone: 514 878-9219 or 514 878-1911Fax: 514

Page 3: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

February 2016 Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners


Of course I recognize the usefulness of socialmedia, but one must carefully examine the sourcesof the information. It is true that it has becomedifficult to distinguish truth from falsehood whenwe are bombarded from all sides by so muchdisparate information.

We have been taught to reason using evidence-based data from certified bodies, but when itcomes to debates of ideas concerning the future ofour profession, the most far-fetched ideas fly infrom all over and lead to divisiveness. This runscounter to what we need - we are a group thatrequires cohesion for the well being of itsmembers, and all the more so for the well being ofthe general public who we physicians have theright and privilege to serve.

Yes, I like social media, but we have the obliga-tion to create the best mechanisms to distinguishbetween facts and falsehoods, regardless of thepassion that is driving us. No matter howmessages end up going viral, a falsehood remainsa falsehood.

My dear colleagues, we are facing great chal-lenges now and in the coming months. I urge allphysicians to remain united and stand strong sideby side.

Michel Vachon, M.D.AMOM President

Editorial… (cont’d from page 1)

A s anticipated towards the end of 2015,there has been an unfortunate, significantslowdown in the monthly registration rate

for the Montreal region. In fact, 5,000 newpatients in Montreal register each month with afamily physician. At this rate, we will have regis-tered 120,000 between now and the end ofDecember 2017. This is well below our target of500,000 patients needed to achieve a registrationrate of 85% for the Montreal region.

How many Montrealers are looking for a family physician?

This is an excellent question. The data providedby the MSSS suggest that 800,000 Montrealers arenot registered with a family physician. However,this number includes several thousand patientswho are living in CHSLDs, as well as those who arefollowed in pediatrics (the clientele of patients 18and under) or in private, unaffiliated clinics. Wemust also consider the high number of universitystudents who reside in Montreal just a few monthseach year.

What should be our primary objective?GACOs (for the French acronym Guichets

d’accès pour les clientèles orphelines – or accesswickets for orphaned clientele) should be ourprimary concern. In fact, although they show whatis most likely an imperfect reflection of the situa-tion in Montreal, their data are the only ones thatgive us an indication of the number of Montrealerswho are registered there and are still waiting to be

taken in as a patient by afamily physician. What isthis number? 63,000.

In my opinion, this isour primary objective. Ifeach Montreal physicianregistered 30 patientsfrom the GACOs in thenext six months, i.e.approximately twopatients per week, thewickets would be emptywell before the end ofthe year. This would senda clear message thatMontreal physicians aretaking seriously the achievement of the targetsagreed with the MSSS in May 2015.

Time is of the essence. The contribution of eachand every one of us is of the utmost importance.Registration and following of patients are theresponsibility of family physicians and must be ourpriority. I remind you that if you register 500patients, then, starting this spring, you will benefitfrom increased remuneration that will be introducedwith the new nomenclature for office practice.

Dr. Marc GagnéCentre East Sector DelegateChair of the AMOM Committee to Follow up on Accessibility

The First Step: GACOs

Dr. Marc Gagné

Page 4: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners February 20164

Honouring a Great Builder

A t its Council meeting on December 12, 2015, the FMOQhonoured Dr. Marc-André Asselin by naming him anemeritus member. He was recognized in particular for

“the major role he played on the scene of the medical unionmovement.” As we will recall, the former president of AMOM alsosat on the Executive of the FMOQ for 18 years and, among otherpositions, he served as the first vice-president from 2007 to 2013.

Dr. Asselin is the author of La petite histoire d’une grande associa-tion, which covers the first 50 years of AMOM (1961 to 2011) andof De praticiens à spécialistes en médecine de famille, which recordsthe history of the FMOQ from 1963 to 2013. Dr. Asselin, a physician

who demonstrated great commitment tohis peers, accepted this honour with themodesty for which he was known. Dr. Asselin retired from practicing familymedicine in September 2015.

OMNI salutes the man, the familyphysician, the union leader and thewriter!

Dr. Louis Godin and Dr. Marc-André Asselin

Page 5: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

February 2016 Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners


T he AMOM Annual General Meeting took placeon November 20, 2015.

As usual, the meeting was preceded by amedical training session. This year, the topics werewound management, treatment of diabetes in 2015and care and treatment of kidney failure. The sessionwas attended by over 120 general practitioners. Inparallel, a conference on adapted access gave 30participants the opportunity to better understandthe principles and objectives of this new approach.

During the meeting, which began at 5:30 p.m.,Dr. Marie-Pierre Laflamme, Secretary, Dr. BenoîtBrodeur, Treasurer and Dr. Michel Vachon, Presi-dent, gave their respective reports and commentedon them, where applicable. Dr. Daniel Rouette,who chairs the regional training committee, thenreported on the main issues related to training andDr. Marc Gagné presented the work carried out todate by the committee responsible for follow up onaccessibility. He reaffirmed the importance ofmeeting the targets set by the Ministry in order toavoid the fines of Bill 20 and to respect our commit-ment to the general public.

As part of his annualtour, Dr. Louis Godinspoke to AMOM membersat the Annual GeneralMeeting about the mainevents and issues of thepast months. The topics ofnote raised during theFMOQ president’s pre -sentation included the PEM-PREM, agreement onaccessibility, and improve-ments to the new nomen-clature.

The day came to a close with an excellentdinner during which the AMOM president tookthe opportunity to warmly thank those physicianswho have been in active practice for 50 years.

The 2016 Annual General Meeting will takeplace on November 25, 2016 and we have chosento hold the meeting during the daytime.

Dr. Marie-Pierre LaflammeSecretary

Annual General Meeting

Dr. Marie-Pierre Laflamme

Dr. Michel Vachon Dr. Marc GagnéDr. Louis Godin

Dr. Pierre Payer, Dr. Michel Vachon and Dr. Victor Bardagi

Some participants at the assembly

Page 6: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners February 20166

50 Years in Practice… Bravo!

I t is always a great pleasure for AMOM to pay tribute to its members who have been in active practice for 50 years.

This year, six physicians were recognized for their outstanding devotion to the citizens of Québecand for their professionalism: Dr. Victor Bardagi, Dr. J-André Boyer, Dr. Carl Coiteux, Dr. FrançoisDesroches, Dr. Pierre Granger and Dr. Jean-Pierre Teolis.

Dr. Bardagi and Dr. Granger were able to join us at the dinner, where Dr. Michel Vachon presentedthem with honorary plaques.

We wish to express our sincere congratulations to them!

Please read the inspiring speech that Dr. Victor Bardagi gave last October to medical students atUniversité de Montréal that appears on next page.

A t the end of 2015, a major change wasintroduced to the CQDPCM (Conseilquébécois de développement professional

continu des médecins) code of ethics. This newcode stipulates that resource people associatedwith an accredited training program may nolonger be paid directly by partner organizations.The new code thus seeks to avoid any bias orappearance of commercial bias.

This very laudable initiative does, however,involve many obstacles in its implementation.Various administrative, legal and tax issues have tobe settled before the code can come into effect.Therefore it will come into force on July 1, 2016instead of January 1, 2016, for all demandsreferred to l’AMOM.

The main stakeholders (FMOQ, CMQ, FMSQ,universities, and the pharmaceutical industry) willhave from now until July to address the above-mentioned obstacles and to be able to propose thepath that we must follow to comply with the spiritof the code.

We will keep you informed of developments inthis dossier.

Our primary goalremains to ensure thatour members will haveaccess to quality profes-sional training, free fromcommercial or other bias.

I would like to takethis opportunity to thankthe physicians andspeakers who participatedin the annual conferenceon November 20, 2015. I would also like to thank our sponsors as well asMrs. Danielle Villemaire, secretary of the Associationand her colleague, Mrs. Ann Dupont, for organizingthe conference and for their outstanding ability toadapt to all these changes. Thank you to our localtraining chairs for their commitment to maintaintheir colleagues’ knowledge and for their participa-tion in this transition.

Here’s to our continuing education!

Dr. Daniel RouetteChair, Regional Training

Transition Period…

Dr. Daniel Rouette

Page 7: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

February 2016 Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners


D r. Victor Bardagi has agreed to allowL’OMNI to publish the full text of thespeech that he gave to the students in first

year medicine at the Université de Montréal, onOctober 2, 2015. It is with great pleasure that weshare this with you:

Je suis médecin de famille depuis plus de 50 ans !

Au fil des années, des milliers de patients sontpassés dans mon bureau; j’ai pris leur pouls,leur température, j’ai accouché des centaines defemmes, j’ai suivi la santé de patients de toutesorigines et de toutes classes sociales.

Diplômé de la faculté de médecine de l’Univer-sité de Montréal à 25 ans, je peux vous dire quela vie a été bonne avec moi.

Je pourrais prendre ma retraite…. Mais j’aimetrop ce que je fais pour arrêter.

Si je prends la plume aujourd’hui, c’est simple-ment pour dire merci à tous ceux et celles quim’ont permis de faire mon travail de médecinavec autant de passion.

Je voudrais remercier toutes ces femmes et ceshommes qui m’ont fait confiance, qui se sontlivrés à moi, qui m’ont permis de les écouter etde les rassurer de mon mieux avec mes connais-sances et mon humanité.

Vous me demandez ce qui a changé en 50 ansde pratique ? Plein de choses…. Et si peu à lafois !

Certes, la technologie a grandement évolué : lesmédicaments sont plus efficaces, les outils dediagnostic sont plus performants, les gens sontplus informés sur tous les sujets grâce entreautres à Internet. Mais on n’est pas moinsmalade qu’avant ! Et la société a toujoursbesoin de médecins aussi passionnés qu’avant !

En ces temps de remise en question du modèle desanté au Québec, il est important de garder entête que la santé de « Monsieur et Madame toutle monde » est la priorité de tous les travailleursdu secteur. J’aimerais aussi rappeler qu’êtremédecin, c’est plus qu’un travail ! On ne peutpas être médecin seulement de 9h à 16h…surtout quand une patiente est sur le point

d’accoucher ! Il faut êtreprêt à servir à toutmoment, peu importe sion commence dans lapratique ou si on aplusieurs années d’expé-rience.

Bien entendu, un bonmédecin doit avoir debonnes compétencesmédi cales, mais il doitavant tout avoir d’excel-lentes qualités humai -nes; sinon, ce n’est qu’unhomme de science dénué d’empathie pour ceuxqu’il sert.

J’ai été choyé personnellement et professionnel-lement. J’ai grandi dans un milieu où régnaitl’amour et j’ai plus tard eu de magnifiquesenfants.

J’ai étudié dans de bonnes écoles au collégial,puis à l’Université; je me suis impliqué dansmon milieu, mais ce qui me rend le plus fierquand je regarde ce que j’ai accompli, c’estd’avoir aidé les gens avec passion et humilité.

Je pense qu’il s’agit là de l’essence même durôle de médecin dans notre société. J’espèrecontinuer à le faire encore longtemps et côtoyerde nombreux jeunes collègues aussi passionnés.

J’espère que ces quelques mots sauront inspirerles futures générations de médecins, maissurtout leur donner envie de plonger dans lemonde de la médecine avec passion et d’enfaire une véritable vocation.

Victor Bardagi

Victor Bardagi earned his medical degree fromUniversité de Montréal and he served as vice-president of the Collège des médecins. He was alsoChairman of the Board of the Association desmédecins de langue française du Canada (AMLFC)and Chairman of the Council of Physicians,Dentists and Pharmacists at the Fleury Hospital.Victor Bardagi is physician-owner of the PlaceVille-Marie Medical Clinic.

Speechof Dr. Victor Bardaji

Dr. Victor Barjadi

Page 8: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners February 20168

And the winners are…

F ollowing tradition, at our Annual General Meeting held on November 20, 2015, we raffled off

several prizes including three tickets for the next medical federations golf tournament, and for

three FMOQ conferences.

For the golf tournament, the winners are Dr. Samer Daher, Dr. Frank Giuristante and Dr. Pierre

Payer. Dr. Marie-France Giron, Dr. Christian Lauriston and Dr. Alan Pavilanis will each be welcome to

attend a Federation conference free of charge.

Congratulations to the winners!

Welcome to our New Members!The following physicians have recently joined the ranks of AMOM

Dr. Stéphanie Archambault Dr. Haleh AtiyabiDr. Hannah BeattieDr. Benaoumeur BenslimaneDr. Fazia BerkaneDr. Catherine BérubéDr. Josianne BilodeauDr. Jessica BurelleDr. C. Clermont-ChampagneDr. G. Décary-GuimondDr. E. Deneault-LombartDr. Julie Désalliers

Dr. Marie-Josée DesjardinsDr. Katia FaustiniDr. Marie-Ève FontaineDr. Maryse FournierDr. Clark JamiesonDr. Jacobo JaramilloDr. Julie LapointeDr. Cathy-Mai LevanDr. Kerby-Maud LouisDr. Frédéric Joseph S. MiseriDr. Joseph MoutranDr. Blanche Nault-Cousineau

Dr. Bao Chau PhanDr. Dominique PiperDr. Charles-Étienne PlourdeDr. Joëlle Proulx-TherrienDr. Farhad Riahi-NejadDr. Anuraag SaksenaDr. Michael SammanDr. Stefanie ThomassinDr. Dorottya M. TikaszDr. Anïa TissakhtDr. Chun Wing TseDr. René Wittmer

By becoming members of our professional union association, they are contributing to improvedrepresentation of Montréal general practitioners on the FMOQ Council and to the promotion anddefense of our specific interests. In addition, as members of AMOM they will be better informedabout the issues of concern to them and will be able to benefit from AMOM assistance if needed.

Dr. Marie-Pierre LaflammeAMOM Secretary

Page 9: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

February 2016 Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners


L’OMNI onlineonly?

If you would prefer to receive L’OMNIsolely in a paperless format, online, pleaselet us know by sending an email [email protected] upcoming issues, you will receive an e-mail message containing a link that willgive you access to our publication.

If you have any questions, feel free tocontact Danielle Villemaire at514-878-9219.

Job Offers


I freely join the Montreal Association of General Practitioners and pledge myself to observe its rulesand regulations.

Full name ———————————————————— Licence C.M.Q. ———————

Address (office): ———————————————————————————————

Postal Code ——————— Tel. (office) ———————— Tel. (home)————————

E-mail —————————————————————— Date of Birth————————

The Association will act on my behalf whenever required by the interest of General Practitioners orthe profession.

In rerognition of which, I have signed the —————————— of ——————— 20 ——

Doctor’s Signature

RecruitmentIf you have a new colleague, associate or member of your department or unit,please make sure that he or she is also a member of your union association.This form can be return par email ([email protected]), by fax (514 878-2608) or by mail

Page 10: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners February 201610

Notre Clinique est entièrement informatisée et offreun environnement professionnel haut de gamme alliantinnovation et performance. Située dans le quartierdes affaires en plein centre-ville de Montréal.

BIENTÔT GMF.Bureaux neufs, plusieurs spécialités sur place,professionnels de la santé, laboratoire privé,


NOUS RECHERCHONSMédecins de famille pour prise en charge

et sans rendez-vousPlusieurs services disponibles sur place


Justine Chamoun 514 699-4499 OUDr Samer Daher 514 [email protected]

Nous sommes à la recherche d’un médecin qui dispose d’une demi-journée par semaine ou plus, pour compléter notre équipe multidis-ciplinaire. Nous desservons une clientèle vivant des problèmes d’alcoolisme et de toxicomanie et nous disposons déjà d’un médecinet d’une équipe d’infirmiers(ères) 24/7 qui assure la gestion desdossiers et des rendez-vous.

Essentiellement, la tâche consiste à évaluer l’état de santé généraldes clients à leur arrivée, dans un contexte de sevrage (protocolelibrium, santé mentale, dénutrition, fonction hépatique, etc.). Leclimat de La Maison est paisible et nous refusons les cas présentantdes pathologies comportementales lourdes et susceptibles deperturber le climat de La Maison.

Notre centre possède le statut de clinique privée auprès de la RAMQet le médecin bénéficie des installations de La Maison sans devoirpayer de loyer ni de frais administratifs et a accès à toutes les valeursde laboratoire dont il pourrait avoir besoin. Une période de fami -liarisation et de formation est également prévue et sera assurée parle médecin en place.

Les médecins qui travaillent à La Maison doivent rarement composerdirectement avec une clientèle intoxiquée ou désorganisée, puisquele traitement se déroule à l’interne et que les examens médicaux sefont lorsque le client a été stabilisé.

M. Rodrigue Paré, directeur général111, rue Normand – Montréal H2Y 2K6514

Job Offers (cont’d)


5950 Cote-Des-Neiges, Montréal

Titre du poste :Médecins omnipraticiens sans rendez-vous, avec ousans prise en charge

Nous offrons : k Secrétariatk Clientèle établiek Facturationk Laboratoire et centre de prélèvementsk Plusieurs spécialistesk Tapis roulant (épreuve d’effort en cardiologie)k Échographie (gynécologie)k EMRk Radiologiek Physiothérapiek Stationnement intérieur gratuit.

Dr Ashwin Sairam, directeur médicalContactez Xavier Arancibia : [email protected]


La Direction de l’indemnisation des victimes d’actes crimi-nels, organisme relevant de la CSST, est présentement à larecherche d’un médecin omnipraticien(ne) afin de pourvoirun emploi contractuel à raison de 8 à 24 heures par semaine.

Sommaire de la fonction : Conseiller le personnel de laDirection sur toute question d’ordre médical. À cet effet, lemédecin analyse l’information contenue dans les dossiers unvue de déterminer les diagnostics en lien avec l’événement,les traitements et les séquelles pouvant découler d’un actecriminel. Ses avis sont requis afin d’appuyer les décisions desintervenants qui doivent être rendues dans les meilleursdélais.

Conditions d’admission : Être membre en règle du Collègedes médecins du Québec et posséder deux années d’expé-rience pertinente dans le domaine de l’évaluation du degréd’incapacité des requérants.

Pour toute information, prière de contacter :Marie-Christine GagnonRépondante en ressources humaines1199 rue de Bleury, Montréal (Québec)Téléphone : 514 906-3019, poste 2881Courriel : [email protected]

Page 11: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

February 2016 Newsletter from the Montreal Association of General Practitioners


Job Offers (cont’d)


et SPÉCIALISTESavec et sans rendez-vous









Josée Lanctôt ou Sandra Bucci514-935-4330

[email protected]


Centre d’hébergement Réal MorelCentre d’hébergement Louis RielCentre d’hébergement Yvon BrunetNous avons des postes disponibles

pour les médecins désireuxde se joindre à une équipepour une pratique en soins

de longue durée.Dr Jean-Pierre VilleneuveChef du département clinique

de médecine généraleInstallations du CSSS Sud-Ouest Verdun

Hôpital de Verdun514 362-1000Poste 2415


Le Centre Médical pour Enfants, CMPE LaSalle,est à la recherche de médecins intéressés à sejoindre à son équipe (en place depuis 1989), pourune pratique en pédiatrie, avec et/ou sansrendez-vous. Nous avons l'espace pour accueillirplusieurs médecins, et garantissons l'achalandage,et la possibilité de bâtir une clientèle rapidement :plus de 3500 accouchements/an à l'hôpitalLaSalle. Beaucoup de jeunes parents sont à larecherche d'un médecin pour leur poupon ou leurenfant. Possibilité de PREM pour prise en chargede 0-5ans en négociation.

Contacter :Dre Danielle Lachance (514) 234-8029 ou

(514) 368-0441, ext 26Dre Anne Monty (514) 991-0017

Page 12: Management of Medical Manpower: Reflecting on the aIju s d eri bov. I would like to caution all Québecois general practitioners to be wary of the content of certain messages

AMOM DELEGATES 2015-2016(November 2015)

Executive Phone Fax

President ...............................................Dr. Michel Vachon ...................514 376-7702 ......514 376-2639Vice-president .......................................Dr. Jean-Pierre Villeneuve .........514 362-1000 ......514 765-7306Secretary ...............................................Dr. Marie-Pierre Laflamme........514 376-7702 ......514 376-2639Treasurer ...............................................Dr. Benoit Brodeur ...................514 384-2000 ......514 940-3304

Sector West (1)Councillor .............................................Dr. Mario Zummo....................514 631-6086 ......514 631-6691Assistant Councillor ...............................Dr. Daniel Laliberté ..................514 631-6086 ......514 631-6691

Sector South-West (2)Councillor .............................................Dr. Nathalie Girouard...............514 765-7325 ......514 365-2280Assistant Councillor ...............................Dr. Lise Dauphin ......................514 766-8700 ......514 766-8511

Sector North (3)Councillor .............................................Dr. Odile Kowalski....................514 331-2323 ......514 333-8534Assistant Councillor ...............................Dr. Natalia Vo...........................514 331-2323 ......514 333-8534

Sector East (4)Councillor .............................................Dr. Isabelle Paradis ...................514 494-4924 ......514 494-4235Assistant Councillor ...............................Dr. Catherine Belzile.................514 376-7702 ......514 376-2639

Sector Centre-West (5)Councillor .............................................Dr. Didier Serero ......................514 340-8222 ......514 340-7917Assistant Councillor ...............................Dr. Nebojsa Kovacina ...............514 734-2628 ......514 734-2605

Sector Center-East (6)Councillor .............................................Dr. Marc Gagné .......................514 481-6399 ......514 481-5788Assistant Councillor ...............................Dr. Marie-Chantal Pelletier .......514 890-8321 ......514 412-7320

Other delegates ........................................Dr. Ayda Bachir ........................514 331-3025 ......514 331-8720Dr. Samer Daher ......................514 788-6484 ......514 788-1983Dr. Catherine Duong................514 362-8000 ......514 367-8624Dr. Renée Fournier ...................514 937-8000 ......514 937-8884Dr. Louise Fugère .....................514 252-3869 ......514 252-3573Dr. François-Pierre Gladu..........514 340-2800 ......514 340-2802Dr. Christian Lauriston..............514 383-0559 ......514 383-3430Dr. Chantal Lefebvre ................514 633-1510 ......514 633-8299Dr. Teresa Petraglia ..................514 331-2288 ......514 331-0137Dr. Daniel Rouette....................514 631-6086 ......514 631-6691Dr. Julie Théroux ......................514 631-6086 ......514 631-6691

Alternate delegates...................................Dr. Gaston Drapeau .................514 637-8771 ......514 637-8771Dr. Claude Farah-Lajoie ............514 337-4922 ......514 337-4923Dr. Miren Ferland.....................514 331-3020 ......514 331-8720Dr. Isabelle Hébert ...................514 338-2383 ......514 338-3155Dr. Dominique Hotte ...............514 527-2361 ......514 527-4057

