man is wild 野性的男人

Man Is Wild 野野野野野 Dr. Joseph Chang 6/15/2014 BOLGPC

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Man Is Wild 野性的男人. Dr. Joseph Chang 6/15/2014 BOLGPC. There is a big difference in the way man and woman were created . 男人和女人受造極端不同 Man was created in the wilderness. 男人在曠野裡受造 . Woman was created in the beautiful Garden of Eden. 女人在美麗的伊甸園裡面受造. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Man Is Wild 野性的男人Dr. Joseph Chang


• There is a big difference in the way man and woman were created. 男人和女人受造極端不同

• Man was created in the wilderness. 男人在曠野裡受造 .• Woman was created in the beautiful Garden

of Eden. 女人在美麗的伊甸園裡面受造 .

• 27  神就照著自己的形像造人,乃是照著他的形像造男造女。 ( 創 1:27)27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Gen 1:27)

John Eldredge

I. God Is Wild 神是野性的• C. S. Lewis said, • “Safe? Who said anything about safe? ‘Cause

he isn’t safe. But He’s good.” • “ 安全 ? 誰在說安全 ? 因為祂不是安全的 ,

但是祂是良善的 .”

I. God Is Wild 神是野性的• A. Elijah 以利亞• B. John the Baptist 施洗約翰• C. Jesus 耶穌• D. Lord of Hosts 萬軍之耶和華• 245 x

II. Man Is Wild 男人是野性的• Christopher Fry said this,

• Life is a hypocrite if I can’t live• The way it moves me!• 如果我不能夠依據我心中的悸動而活 , • 那麼生命不過是一場假冒為善的劇

II. Man Is Wild 男人是野性的• John Eldredge said this, • Three desires buried deep in the heart of man:• 男人心中深處的三個慾望 :

• A Battle to Fight 去打一個美好的仗 .• An Adventure to Live 去探一個有價值的險 .• A Beauty to Rescue 去拯救一個美女 .

II. Man Is Wild 男人是野性的• John Eldredge said this, • Three desires buried deep in the heart of woman:• 女人心中深處的三個慾望 :

• She wants to be fought for. 她要成為被爭奪的對象 .• She wants to be wanted, not only noticed. 她要被需要 , 不僅僅是被注意到而已 .• She wants an adventure to share. 她要與所愛的人共同分享冒險 .

II. Man Is Wild 男人是野性的• A. A Battle to Fight 去打一個美好的仗• UZI (עוֹזי)

II. Man Is Wild 男人是野性的• B. An Adventure to Live 去探一個有價值的險• Samson 參孫

II. Man Is Wild 男人是野性的• Angel’s words 天使所講的話• 3. . . . . 向來你不懷孕,不生育,如今你必懷孕生一個兒子。 4 所以你當謹慎,清酒濃酒都不可喝,一切不潔之物也不可吃。 ( 士

13:3-4)3. . . . . . "You are sterile and childless, but you are going to conceive and have a son. 4Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean, (Judg 13:3-4)

II. Man Is Wild 男人是野性的• 5 你必懷孕生一個兒子,不可用剃頭刀剃他的頭,因為這孩子一出胎就歸  神作拿細耳人。他必起首拯救以色列人脫離非利士人的手。

( 士 13:5)5because you will conceive and give birth to a son. No razor may be used on his head, because the boy is to be a Nazirite, set apart to God from birth, and he will begin the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the Philistines." (Judg 13:3-5)

• Wife’s words 媽媽的話• 6 婦人就回去對丈夫說:有一個 神人到我面前來,他的相貌如 神使者的相貌,甚是可畏。我沒有問他從哪裡來,他也沒有將他的名告訴我, ( 士 13:6)

6Then the woman went to her husband and told him, "A man of God came to me. He looked like an angel of God, very awesome. I didn't ask him where he came from, and he didn't tell me his name. (Judg 13:6)

• 7 卻對我說:你要懷孕生一個兒子,所以清酒濃酒都不可喝,一切不潔之物也不可吃;因為這孩子從出胎一直到死,必歸□  神作拿細耳人。( 士 13:7)7But he said to me, 'You will conceive and give birth to a son. Now then, drink no wine or other fermented drink and do not eat anything unclean, because the boy will be a Nazirite of God from birth until the day of his death.'" (Judg 13:6-7)

II. Man Is Wild 男人是野性的• C. A Beauty to Rescue 去拯救一個美女 .• The obstacles 阻礙• 1. No Companionship 沒有同伴的關係 . – • 2. Not willing to share the adventure 不願意去分享他的探險 .• 3. Never allow him to fight for anything. 不允許他為任何事爭戰 .

• 52 耶穌對他說:收刀入鞘罷!凡動刀的,必死在刀下。 ( 太 26:52)52"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matt 26:52)

Conclusion 結論• God is wild. 神是野性的 .• Man is created in God’s image. 人是按照神的形像造的 .• Man is wild. 人是野性的• 3 deep desires 三個心裡的慾望• A battle to fight. 去打一個美好的仗• An adventure to live. 去探一個有價值的險• A beauty to rescue. 去拯救一個美女

Do Not Litter, Spay and Neuter

• Do not neuter your husband, 不要拿掉你丈夫的男性• Follow him! 跟隨他 !