małopolska – context strong points

1 Regional Labour Office in Kraków Centre for Information and Career Planning The role of career guidance in Lifelong Learning 5.05.2008

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Regional Labour Office in Kraków Centre for Information and Career Planning The role of car e er guidance in Lifelong Learning 5.05.2008. Małopolska – Context strong points. The situation in the region (based on expertise for Development Strategy for the Małopolska region 2007-2013) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Regional Labour Office in Kraków

Centre for Information and Career Planning

The role of career guidancein Lifelong Learning


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Małopolska – Contextstrong points

The situation in the region (based on expertise for Development Strategy for the

Małopolska region 2007-2013)

Citizens are more aware of investing in their development

Well – developed educational infrastructure -34 academic institutions in Małopolska

Citizens are increasingly interested in improving their education – increase in number of people with higher level of education (every –10th of citizens has a higher degree)

The number of students who work and study increase

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Małopolska – Contextstrong points

Thanks to ESF more working and unemployed people can get access to Vocational Educational Training

Public employment service and education sector have proffessional staff (about 70 guides in labour offices)

The lifelong learning system is being developed in the Region

The institutions in the area of lifelong learning operate no longer in isolation

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Małopolska – Contextweek points

The number of public institutions providing education and training to adults as well as number of people using them is rather low compared to other regions(8th place in the country)

There is an information gap concerning lifelong learning outside the school system, the information should be gather in data base

Employers are not satisfied with proposals of trainig providers – proposals are not based on reliable surveys

There is not enough carrier counsellers in schools

(40 counsellers in about 700 schools ) In communes there are difficulties in access to information

about guidance and VET services

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Role of Guidance in Lifelong Learning

to promote understanding of the value of lifelong learning

to motivate people to plan their careers and make informed choices about learning throughout life

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Centre for Information and Career Planning - Aims

Forming new approach to life-long planning vocational development

Assuring the youth and adults entering labour market the access to vocational and labour market information

Helping the youth and adults in:• planning vocational career • efficient searching for the work• job adaptation • adaptation to the changes on the labour

market Creating partnership in vocational counselling

and life-long-learning

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Centre for Information and Career Planning - Aims

Centre for Information and Career Planning

Service Coordination

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Service – New approach to life-long

planning vocational development

Creating new programmes

group counselling workshops

• Developing the individual features facilitating searching the job

• My business – before the idea is accomplished

• Interview with employer

•Social communication in the work

and informative meetings

• European mobility

• Vocational career planning

• Recruiting and selection methods used by employers

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Service – New approach to life-long

planning vocational development

Vocational and labour market information –group and individual

Individual vocational counselling

Group vocational counselling• Educational Method• Inspiration Course• Parachute

Activating workshops • Studying vocational potential• Methods of job seeking • How to prepare application documents?

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Service – New approach to life-long

planning vocational development

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Coordination - Partnership

Cooperation with: Centre for Vocational Advancement Voluntary Work Corps Educational Centre for Teachers Academic Career Centres Educational Institutions

Creating the data base of educational and training institutions – completing data, conferences

Coordination of vocational service in Małopolska - seminars, workshops, reports

International cooperation with PRAO (Pole Rhone-Alpes de l’Orientation)

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International cooperation with PRAO (Pole Rhone-Alpes de l’Orientation)

Cooperation within the project „Partnership in Małopolska for the Lifelong Learning”

(Project co financed by the European Union from the European Social Found and the national budget in the framework of the Integrated Operational Programme for the Regional Development)

One of the aims: Raising up the qualifications of professionals in regional institutions (e-learning, workshops, seminars,


Małopolska as a partner in the project „AQOR””

(Leonardo da Vinci Programme)

One of the aims: Strengthening the quality in lifelong guidance

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„Partnership in Małopolska for the Lifelong Learning”

Raising up the qualifications of professionals in regional institutions:

E-learning course for career guides, education and job advisors representing different institutions from the labour market, education and trainig


To complete the knowledge in area of information management, trends on labour market and education

Gaining the ability to use modern tools of communication Gaining the ability to use different source of communication Gaining the ability to look for the useful information Gaining the ability to run different project in field of guidance and

education Knowing e-learning method in order to promote it

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„AQOR – Strengthening of the quality in carrier guidance”

The aim of the project: Improving the quality of the guidance service

Beneficiaries: career guides, network of institutions from Małopolska responsible for providing lifelong guidance service

Realisation: November 2007 – October 2009

Partners: Rhone-Alpes, Catalogne, Lombardie, Venetie, Bretagne, Paca

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„AQOR – Strengthening of the quality in carrier guidance”

Recommendations for improving the quality of lifelong guidance

1.Common definition of guidance

2. Adressing the offer to citizens’ needs

3. Sharing methods and tools

4. Developing the network of institutions providing guidance service

5. Raising up the qualifications of the professional guides

6. Providing quality

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„AQOR – Strengthening of the quality in carrier guidance”

Results for Małopolska:

1. Providing the knowledge about the tools for measuring the quality of the lifelong guidance service

2. Working out the quality indicators in Małopolska Region

3. Strenghtetning the quality of he guidance service as a result of the development of service and practics of professionals as well as development of the network

4. Implementing the system of quality in regional institutions

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Thank You for Your attention

Regional Labour Office in Kraków

Centre for Information and Career Planning

Plac Na Stawach 130 107 Krakó[email protected] (+48-12) 42 40 738