making peace with the machine: the case for technological realism - david black, royal roads...

Cybera 2010 Making Peace with the Machine: The case for technological realism September 22, 2010

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David Black, Associate Professor in the School of Communication and Culture at Royal Roads University, presented these slides as part of the Cybera Summit 2010 session "Techno-skeptics: A Critique of the Role of Technology in Western Society". For more information, visit


Page 1: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Cybera  2010  

Making  Peace  with  the  Machine:    The  case  for  technological  realism  

September  22,  2010  

Page 2: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Technological  realism:  the  middle  range  view  

•  Technological  realism  is  a  posi=on  that  recognizes  that  we  cannot  un-­‐invent  technology  or  erase  the  values  in  Western  culture  that  have  made  it  so  technologically  innova=ve  

•  But  it  recognizes  that,  in  the  name  of  realism,  that  we  cannot  benefit  by  either  uncri=cally  embracing  or  rejec=ng  technology  

•  We  have  to  be  as  smart  as  the  technologies  we  create,  but  we  need  to  define  that  intelligence  in  poli=cal,  cultural  and  ethical  terms,  not  just  in  our  ingenuity  in  crea=ng  and  marke=ng  new  technologies  

•  Technological  realism  is  a  body  of  wri=ng  about  technology  highly  sensi=ve  to  the  poli=cal,  cultural  and  ethical  nature  of  technology  

Richard  Feynman  

Page 3: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Technological  realism:  the  middle-­‐range  view  

       “As  technorealists,  we  seek  to  expand  the  fer=le  middle  ground  between  techno-­‐utopianism  and  neo-­‐Luddism.  We  are  technology  ‘cri=cs’  in  the  same  way,  and  for  the  same  reasons,  that  others  are  food  cri=cs,  art  cri=cs,  or  literary  cri=cs.    We  can  be  passionately  op=mis=c  about  some  technologies,  skep=cal  and  disdainful  of  others.    S=ll,  our  goal  is  neither  to  champion  nor  dismiss  technology,  but  rather  to  understand  it  and  apply  it  in  a  manner  more  consistent  with  basic  human  values.”  

From  Technological  Realism  website  

Page 4: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Technological  realism:  major  principles  

  Technologies  are  not  neutral.    

  The  Internet  is  revolu=onary,  but  not  Utopian.    

  Informa=on  is  not  knowledge.    

  Understanding  technology  should  be  an  essen=al  component  of    ci=zenship.    

  Governments  and  markets  both  have  a  role  in  the  development  and  management  of  technology.  

Page 5: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Exhibit  #1:  Lewis  Mumford  

•  Mumford  was  an  American  historian  of  science,  architecture,    and  technology,  and  wrote  on  literature  and  current  affairs  

•  Mumford  had  a  remarkable  intellectual  range,  and  is  regarded  as  one  of  the  best  minds  in  the  20th  century  

•  His  major  scholarly  books  rela=ng  to  technology  are:  

  Technics  and  Civiliza/on  (1934)    The  Myth  of  the  Machine  (1967)  

•  Long  before  it  was  fashionable,  Mumford  sought  to  balance  the  presence  of  technology  in  our  lives  with  design  principles  taken  from  ecology  

Mumford  (1895-­‐1990)  

Page 6: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

     “If  we  are  to  prevent  megatechnics  from  further  controlling  and  deforming  every  aspect  of  human  culture,  we  shall  be  able  to  do  so  only  with  the  aid  of  a  radically  different  model  derived  directly,  not  from  machines,  but  from  living  organisms  and  organic  complexes  (ecosystems).”  

Mumford,  The  Myth  of  the  Machine  

Page 7: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Mumford:  against  the  “myth  of  the  machine”  • The  “myth  of  the  machine”  was  Mumford’s  term  for  our  mistaken  belief  that  technology  is  the  factor  that  ul=mately  determines  the  direc=on  of  history  

• Insofar  as  we  believe  in  what  technology  cri=cs  call  “technological  determinism,”  we  become  cap=ve  to  its  spell,  and  as  a  result  act  passively  toward  technological  change    

• Technology  does  not  have  determining  power  on  its  own,  and  only  exerts  itself  if  we  believe  in  the  myth  of  its  ul=mate  power  

• A  strong  and  confident  culture  –  with  its  beliefs,  values,  and  ethics  -­‐-­‐  is  the  best  means  to  channel  technology’s  energies  in  a  socially  construc=ve  manner  and  deflect  the  myth  of  the  machine  

• One  powerful  resource  for  culture  with  which  technology  might  be  shaped  to  humane  purposes  was  ecology,  as  he  saw  in  ecology  and  design  principles  inspired  by  ecology  a  correc=ve  to  raw  technological  forces  

• One  form  this  work  has  taken  is  the  pursuit  of  elements  of  what  scholars  call  a  “technoculture”:  elements  or  principles  within  culture  resistant  to  the  myth  of  the  machine,  and  useful  in  adap=ng  it  to  socially  construc=ve  ends  

Page 8: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Exhibit  #2:  Daniel  BoorsPn  

• Daniel  Boors=n  was  a  Pulitzer-­‐prize  winning  historian,  a  former  Librarian  of  the  U.S.  Congress,  and  one  of  the  most  widely  read  public  intellectuals  in  20th  century  America  

• A  law  professor  by  profession,  he  was  beaer  known  as  a  historian,  and  his  many  books  on  American  history  sold  millions  of  copies  

• His  best  known  book  on  technology  is  The  Republic  of  Technology,  published  in  1978  

• The  key  idea  that  follows  from  this  book  is  the  “republic  of  technology,”  the  term  Boors=n  gave  to  the  form  in  which  technology  had  reorganized  society  and  poli=cs  in  the  20th  century  Daniel  BoorsPn,  


Page 9: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

“Our  Republic  of  Technology  is  not  only  more  democra=c  but  also  more  in  the  American  mode.  Anyone  can  be  a  ci=zen.  Largely  a  crea=on  of  American  civiliza=on  in  the  last  century,  this  republic  offers  a  foretaste  of  American  life  in  our  next  century.  It  is  open  to  all,  because  it  is  a  community  of  shared  experience.”  

BoorsPn  The  Republic  of  Technology  

Page 10: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

BoorsPn:  toward  a  republic  of  technology  •  The  rela=ve  freedom  in  American  and,  by  extension,  Western  culture,  has  acted  to  

historically  free  up  the  crea=ve  energy  and  entrepreneurialism  necessary  to  technological  innova=on  

•  This  same  talent  for  innova=on,  ironically,  also  leads  to  a  loss  of  the  freedom  and  diversity  that  characterized  life  in  the  West  

•  That  is  because  as  technology  becomes  more  powerful  in  American  (or  any  other)  society,  it  threatens  the  very  culture  of  innova=on  from  which  it  originally  sprung  

•  Technology,  ini=ally  a  spur  to  growth  and  ingenuity,  becomes  a  force  for  social  control,  excessive  cultural  accelera=on,  and  homogeniza=on  

•  That  is  because  technology,  when  it  is  unconstrained,  leads  to  two  nega=ve  outcomes  that  threaten  to  destroy  the  culture  of  innova=on:    

Obsolescence:  With  the  advent  of  a  highly  technological  modern  world,  technology  has  changed  the  texture  of  life,  speeding  up  reality  remarkably  and  rendering  old  values,  paaerns,  and  technologies  obsolete    

Convergence:  Technology  has  a  tendency  to  homogenize  experience  and  assimilate  reality  to  itself  

Page 11: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Exhibit  #3:  Langdon  Winner     •  Winner  is  a  professor  of  technology  studies  at  Rensselaer  Polytechnic  Ins=tute  in  New  York  state  

•  He  is  the  author  of  several  books  on  technology,  including:  

   Autonomous  Technology    The  Whale  and  the  Reactor:  A  

Search  for  Limits  in  an  Age  of  High  Technology  

•  A  former  rock  cri=c,  he  was  a  contribu=ng  editor  at  Rolling  Stone  in  the  late  1960s  and  early  1970s  

•  He  is  especially  interested  in  how  technology  and  our  poli=cal  systems  relate  

Page 12: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Exhibit  #3:  Langdon  Winner  

     “While  it  is  widely  admiaed  that  the  structure  and  processes  of  technology  now  cons=tute  an  important  part  of  the  human  world,  the  request  that  this  be  opened  up  for  poli=cal  discussion  is  s=ll  somehow  seen  as  an  aaempt  to  foul  the  nest.”  

Langdon  Winner  Autonomous  Technology  

Page 13: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Winner:  learning  from  Frankenstein’s  monster  

•  We   are   vulnerable   as   a   society   to   what   Winner   calls   our   “technological  somnambulism,”   i.e.,   our   semi-­‐conscious,   sleep-­‐walking   agtude   toward  technology  

•  That  is,  once  we  release  technologies  into  the  world,  we  then  promptly  forget  our  responsibility  to  them  

•  He  means   here   our   responsibility   to  manage   them,   to   ensure   that   we   have   the  poli=cal  and  cultural  means  to  debate  and  manage  them,  e.g.,  cellphones  and  the  lack  of  e=queae  

•  In  this,  we  repeat  the  mistake  made  by  Dr.  Frankenstein  in  the  original  1812  novel  of  the  same  name  wriaen  by  Mary  Shelley  

•  In  the  movies  –  usually  starring  Boris  Karloff  –  the  monster  is  usually  seen  as  the  villain,  and  there  is  a  general  theme  of  technology  “run  amok”  reliably  expressed  there  

•  But  in  the  original  novel,  the  villain  is  Dr.    Frankenstein  –  the  monster  is  unnamed  –  who  upon  the  minute  the  monster  comes  to  life,  runs  off  to  Geneva  and  leaves  his  creature  alone  

•  For  Winner,  the  fact  that  we  make  the  monster  a  villain  in  the  movies  reflects  how  we  as  a  society  avoid  the  ques=ons  of  our  remarkable  neglect    to  think  through  what  a  technology  does  and  how  it  changes  us  

Page 14: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Exhibit  #4:  Donna  Haraway  

• Donna  Haraway  is  a  social  cri=c  at  the  University  of  Santa  Cruz  in  California  

• Among  her  major  books  are  included:  

 Primate  Visions:  Race  and  Nature  in  the  World  of  Modern  Science   Simians,  Cyborgs  and  Women:  The  Reinven/on  of  Nature   The  Companion  Species  Manifesto:  Dogs,  People,  and  Significant  Otherness  

• She  is  famous  for  a  1991  essay  she  wrote  called  “A  Cyborg  Manifesto”  in  which  she  documents  the  terms  in  which  all  human  beings  can  be  considered,  in  a  technological  environment  in  which  we  are  immersed  and  on  which  we  are  dependent,  cyborgs  

• She  doesn’t  mean  this  cyborg  iden=ty  on  a  merely  metaphorical  basis,  but  sees  it  in  more  literal  and  objec=ve  terms  

Page 15: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

“A  cyborg  is  a  cyberne=c  organism,  a  hybrid  of  machine  and  organism,  a  creature  of  social  reality  as  well  as  a  creature  of  fic=on.”  

Haraway  A  Cyborg  Manifesto  

Page 16: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Haraway:  get  to  know  your  inner  cyborg  • Haraway  argues  that  the  cyborg  is  not  a  nega=ve  development  in  society,  but  a  recogni=on  of  significant  changes  to  what  it  means  to  be  human  in  a  world  in  which  we  are  so  in=mate  with  technology  

• Cyborgs  are  primarily  important  to  us  because,  as  models  of    21st  century  humanity,  they  signal  the  breakdown  of  fundamental  dis=nc=ons  in  culture  that  were  intact  for  centuries  

 Machine/human   Culture/nature  

 Physical/non-­‐physical  world  (e.g.,  maaer  and  consciousness)  

• Rather  than  lament  the  dehumanizing  effects  of  technology,  cyborgs  see  technology  as  something  that  has  extended  and  evolved  our  humanity  

Page 17: Making Peace with the Machine: The Case for Technological Realism - David Black, Royal Roads University

Lessons  from  the  technological  realists  


•  The  best  defense  against  the  “myth  of  the  machine”  is  a  strong  and  confident  technoculture.  


•  Technology  has  to  be  made  compa=ble  with  history  and  with  diversity  in  ideas  and  experience  to  be  con=nuing  value  to  people.  


•  We  have  to  manage  and  debate  the  terms  of  our  rela=onship  with  technologies  before  they  become  en=rely  embedded  in  our  lives.  


•  Technology  has  forced  a  reinven=on  of  what  we  consider  to  be  our  humanity.  The  cyborg    recognizes  this  fact,  and  gives  us  permission  to  think  about  and  work  with  it,  rather  than  lament  the  loss  of  our  humanity  in  a  technological  world.