making money from financial spread trading vince stanzione

Making Money From Trading Financial Markets n 1 “Millionaire Financial Trader Creates a ‘Child’s-Play’ Trading System so Simple a 12 Year Old Can Follow it. So Quick, You Can do it in 10 Minutes a Day…and so Profitable You Can Pull in a Recession-Proof £100 to £2,000+ a day Return From Anywhere in the World!” How To Make Money Like An “Insider” Without Breaking The Law…And Profit from Up, Down and even sideways financial markets. Discover how you can copy me and do the same within less than 15 days from now, starting from scratch and regardless of your background – Test it Risk FREE n If you’re sick of earning 1% a year on your hard earned savings, fed up of investing with “experts” that can’t beat a blind folded monkey and consistently lose your money but still charge you high fees or have tried a trading system, but failed miserably because it was too difficult, too complicated or just too time consuming… then read on I am about to expose the secrets the professionals don’t tell you. Whether you’re a complete beginner or you’ve already had a go at financial trading or investing in financial markets then I am certain I can help you make more money regardless of market conditions and give you an unfair advantage. If after reading this, you think that this isn’t for you, then that’s fine and I thank you for your interest. I am not going to insult your intelligence and I will back up all of my claims with hard evidence, I have been doing this for over 24 years and have not just “appeared” from nowhere. Urgent Announcement From The Desk of Vince Stanzione Here’s exciting news for anyone who’s ever sweat blood over a trading system, but failed miserably because it was too difficult, too complicated or just too time consuming…

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“Millionaire Financial Trader Creates a ‘Child’s-Play’ Trading System so Simple a 12 Year Old Can Follow it. So Quick, You Can do it in 10 Minutes a Day…and so Profitable You Can Pull in a Recession-Proof £100 to £2,000+ a day Return From Anywhere in the World!”How To Make Money Like An “Insider” Without Breaking The Law…And Profit from Up, Down and even sideways financial markets. Discover how you can copy me and do the same within less than 15 days from now, starting from scratch and regardless of your background – Test it Risk FREEnIf you’re sick of earning 1% a year on your hard earned savings, fed up of investing with “experts” that can’t beat a blind folded monkey and consistently lose your money but still charge you high fees or have tried a trading system, but failed miserably because it was too difficult, too complicated or just too time consuming… then read on I am about to expose the secrets the professionals don’t tell you.Whether you’re a complete beginner or you’ve already had a go at financial trading or investing in financial markets then I am certain I can help you make more money regardless of market conditions and give you an unfair advantage.If after reading this, you think that this isn’t for you, then that’s fine and I thank you for your interest.I am not going to insult your intelligence and I will back up all of my claims with hard evidence, I have been doing this for over 24 years and have not just “appeared” from nowhere. go to to read more


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Making Money From Trading Financial Markets n 1

“Millionaire Financial Trader Creates a ‘Child’s-Play’ Trading

System so Simple a 12 Year Old Can Follow it. So Quick, You Can

do it in 10 Minutes a Day…and so Profitable You Can Pull in a Recession-Proof £100 to

£2,000+ a day Return From Anywhere in the World!”How To Make Money Like An

“Insider” Without Breaking The Law…And Profit from Up, Down and even sideways financial markets.

Discover how you can copy me and do the same within less than 15 days from now, starting from scratch and regardless of your

background – Test it Risk FREE


If you’re sick of earning 1% a year on your hard earned savings, fed up of investing with “experts” that can’t beat a blind folded monkey and consistently lose your money but still charge you high fees or have tried a trading system, but failed miserably because it was too difficult, too complicated or just too time consuming… then read on I am about to expose the secrets the professionals don’t tell you.

Whether you’re a complete beginner or you’ve already had a go at financial trading or investing in financial markets then I am certain I can help you make more money regardless of market conditions and give you an unfair advantage.

If after reading this, you think that this isn’t for you, then that’s fine and I thank you for your interest.

I am not going to insult your intelligence and I will back up all of my claims with hard evidence, I have been doing this for over 24 years and have not just “appeared” from nowhere.

Urgent Announcement

From The Desk of Vince


Here’s exciting news for

anyone who’s ever sweat blood

over a trading system, but failed

miserably because it was too

difficult, too complicated

or just too time consuming…

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2 n Making Money From Trading Financial Markets

Before I go any further let me tell you a bit about myself and how this opportunity came around. The reason I want to do this is simply so that you can understand how I got involved in this opportunity and to prove to you that I am very sincere and genuine. It’s definitely not to boast about who I am or what I’ve achieved.

I’m a very down to earth guy and if I really wanted to boast I could tell you and show you a lot more than you’ll read about in the following pages.

My name is Vince Stanzione I am a self made Multi Millionaire starting with nothing in 1985. I have worked for various top financial institutions in stock broking and foreign exchange dealing. have been featured in various national newspapers, websites and magazines including The Observer, Guardian, Independent On Sunday, Mail On Sunday, The Times, Shares Magazine, Investors Chronicle, Bloomberg, Sky News, What Investments, Self Made Millionaire, IFAonline, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, New York Times to name a few.

Vince Stanzione is the U.K.s No.1 most successful independent financial trader. He made his first million at age 26. By age 36 he was a multi-millionaire. Today (in 2010) Vince’s average weekly “pay packet” from trading is £24,900.00.

Vince has had “glowing” write-ups in a number of highly respectable newspapers and magazines (in the U.K. and abroad) – including: The Observer, Guardian,

Independent on Sunday, The Times, What Investment, Shares Magazine, Investors Chronicle, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Self-Made Millionaire Magazine – to name a few. Vince has been a featured financial trading expert on Bloomberg, Sky News and BBC Radio 4. Also, Vince writes a monthly “from-the-trenches” column on financial spread trading for the Growth Company Investor journal.

Who Is Financial Trader, Vince Stanzione?

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Profit From Up, Down or Sideways Markets n 3

Many years ago I used to work in the city in one of those busy dealing rooms that you see on television and my job was to buy or sell shares and futures relating to indices or currencies. Now, the banks I worked for would trade millions of pounds, money you or I simply don’t have, also we would never want to take these massive risks on. I had always wanted to be able to do what I did for my employer but on my own account in a smaller way, however, until recently the “little guy” just could not get a foot in the door.

You see, many days I would make over 1 million pounds profit for my bank, now my thinking was that if only I could trade a tiny amount and make myself £1,000 a day then I would be delighted.

Some years passed, after leaving the city, I started running my own business successfully and I never really thought about the money-markets again until one day, quite by chance, I saw an article in the Financial Times. Since then I have been able to make money on financial markets just like I used to when I worked for a large bank, but with smaller stakes and with much less risk. Best of all, the profits go directly into my own personal account.

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4 n How To Profit From Global Financial Markets

So what exactly do I do and how can you copy me?Well, it’s all pretty elementary really. By placing relatively small trades on whether a market, share, commodity or currency is going up, down or even sideways, I am able to make large returns from the luxury of my home in my spare-time.

On this site you will find statements which give you an idea of what is possible. In most cases working, if that’s the right word, no more than 30 minutes to 1 hour a day. Many days I do not spend more than 10 minutes at this. I am also able to trade from overseas, in fact anywhere in the world that has a basic internet connection. This business gives you total freedom.

So all I do is what large banks and financial institutions do, but on a very small scale. I require no license to do this, no specialist equipment and you can trade from your home, office, the back of a yacht or the top of a mountain. The other great advantage is that because of the way I trade and the system I will disclose to you, there is no income or capital gains tax, as your profit is classed as betting and is only subject to betting tax which is now paid by financial bookmakers, so what you earn is yours. (tax rules vary in different countries but you can still operate and profit from this system regardless of where you live)

Thanks to cheap internet access and cheap computing power (a £500 computer does more than my 1 million pound trading computer did in the 80’s).

The doors to this once elite club are now wide open and there’s nothing to stop you doing the same as the fat cats have been doing for years.

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Why am I telling you this?Firstly, by telling you this it doesn’t affect me in any way, if it did then I would not be telling you, there are already thousands of people all around the world doing the same thing, so a few more will not make a difference.

Secondly, many people that have tried to get into this business have failed due to no sound training and poor advice. It upsets me to see people lose their hard earned money to greedy bookmakers, stockbrokers, software vendors, seminar sharks and brokers and I want to give “the little guy” a helping hand. If you read a bit about my background you will see that I started from nothing and came from the school of hard knocks.

Nobody to date has written an honest guide on financial spread trading and how private traders can copy the special techniques that professionals have been making millions with for years. And lastly, I am of course going to make some extra “fun” money from selling my course.

In the past I have told a few friends and family about what I do in a vague way, similar to what I am telling you, but I have never explained to anyone the full nuts and bolts. A few of my friends

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6 n Profit From Up, Down or Sideways Markets

thinking that this was money for nothing went out and tried it on their own, you guessed it, they lost large amounts of money.

After being pestered for about a year I finally decided to put what I knew about financial markets in writing and I produced a workbook to help these rookie traders out. I’ve spent a good three years writing this course and I am now selling this information on. I cannot guarantee how long I will be selling this information for, so if you are interested then please do not delay. As I have already stated, I have many other business interests and my own trading is more important.

The other point is that I have rattled a few cages in the financial community so if you decide that you would like to go forward with this business then act now and do not look a gift horse in the mouth for too long.

See there is a way virtually anyone – regardless of experience, knowledge or amount of capital -- can realistically be up-and-running making trading profits from the financial markets within 15-days of reading this letter.

And don’t worry, you won’t have to pay out thousands of pounds to “learn the ropes” or put your life savings at risk in the process.

As a matter of fact, if you give me your permission…

I Would Like To Send You My Trading System For You To Use (And Profit From) For An Entire Year — For FREE, If You Choose

I’ll explain the full details of this “can’t lose” offer in a second.But first, here’s something important you should know:

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Although my trading system has been developed over a 24-year period… costing me hundreds of thousands of pounds in the process to iron out all the “bugs”…

It’s Now Actually Surprisingly Simple To FollowThe reason?

It’s because my trading system is based on 3 “core truths” about the financial markets very few people (including some “experienced” financial traders) fully understand:

CORE CONCEPT 1: With my trading system you never place a trade where you stand to lose more than you can afford. This means you always have peace of mind if the markets go against you.

CORE CONCEPT 2: Although your potential losses are limited… the profits you can make following my trading system are literally unlimited. For example, it’s not unheard of to turn a £50 trade into a profit of £500 or more. And do so within just a few days.

CORE CONCEPT 3: Because my trading system is based on what’s called Spread Trading – you basically “bet” on the “spread” (or price movements) in a market. And you can “bet” on the price movement going up or down… and even… sideways.

Do you understand what this means?It means – when you follow my trading system –

You Can Even Make Money When Your “Investment” Drops In Value

You can start slowly making very small trades. And when you feel more confident, you can start placing bigger trades more frequently.

It’s entirely up to you. Go as fast or as slow as you like.But just to give you an idea of what is really possible following my

trading system – take a look at what Dr. Kremer did…Just 8-days after putting my trading system to the “test” Dr. Kremer

made a clear profit of £7,900.

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8 n Trade Financial Markets From Home

“The trading system is impeccable and the judgment acquired is beyond price. Within eight days I had made £7,900, quite incredible”

—Dr M Kremer (trading statements on file)

And look at what Chris Muldoon did…Chris got a hold of my trading system and set an audacious target

to make £250,000 within 12-months. Last I heard, Chris was in profit to the tune of £230,000 and decided to treat himself to a holiday of a lifetime in New Zealand.

“I am just saying thank you for your course and video which has enabled me to become a successful trader. I have had a great year, my target was £250,000 and I am up £230,000 to the 11/7 when I closed 90% of my trades and went to New Zealand. I have only started back trading today and feel more relaxed and more confident than ever before. Thanks again”

And by the way, I’ve got stacks of real signed testimonials -- (more of which you can see reproduced at the bottom of this page) -- from all kinds of people from something like 80 different countries who have successfully used my trading system – including restaurant owners, dentists, florists, fish and chip shop owners, jewellers, doctors, housewives, London black cab drivers, and even Harley Street heart surgeons.

All of those testimonials have been obtained in strict accordance with section 14.1 of the Advertising Standards Authority code. I also have filmed testimonials and you can view some of them in a moment.

And judging by some of the testimonials some of the people had shelled out hundreds… sometimes even thousands of pounds… purchasing a multitude of “how to” trading courses or attending seminars… but, they never made the “breakthrough” to consistent trading success until they started following my system

And listen:I don’t want to appear to be showing off – but following my own

spread trading system (based on the 3 core truths listed above) it’s not unrealistic for me to make a daily trading profit of £5,000.

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Secrets the Professional Traders Don't Want you to Know n 9

Actually, that is not entirely true.The real truth is this: I make a trading profit of £5,000 a day from

the financial markets…Only When I’ve Had A BAD Day!On good days, when the markets go my way (which can be up…

down… or even sideways)… I will make as much as £15,000 to £20,000.

That doesn’t happen every day, of course. But it does happen.Although my average weekly trading income is currently around

£24,519 (which I’d be more than happy to verify with anyone who wants me to).

In the meantime, here’s one of my real (and verifiable) trading statements.

Take a look:

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10 n How to profit from Trading Financial Markets

And take a look at the below and no this is not made up or a virtual account its real money.

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YES that is £175,793.00 running profit. At the bottom of this letter you will find a photo of me collecting a cheque for £109,731.19 which was made in just over one week.

Which brings up a point:Based on the numbers I’m doing – you may think I must have

a big “back room” staff using all kinds of sophisticated trading equipment not available to most people.

And I can fully understand why you would think that. But the truth of the matter is, I’m essentially just a “one-man-band”… I use the exact same trading system used by my worldwide “students”.

In fact, do you want to know something interesting?

I do 90% of my trading from a laptop computer sitting on the terrace of my private villa in Mallorca (which is where I choose to spend most of the year) or sitting by the yachts at the nearby Puerto Portals marina sipping a cappuccino.

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12 n How To Profit from Currencies,Commodities and Shares

Again, my reason for telling you all this about me is not to show off or make you envy me in any way. I’m simply trying to communicate how simple… yet very rewarding (both financially and by way of peace of mind) trading “my way” can be for you.

It’s not like I’m any better than you either. Nor are my financial trading students.

Most of my students were completely new to trading before they started following my system, and yet, many of them now trade profitably from their home computer. Or portable laptop whenever travelling.

Something else to consider:It’s not like you have to be glued to a computer screen 12-hours

a day, either.In fact, as I often point out to my trading students…

If You Are Spending More Than 30-Minutes A Day Trading… You’re Probably Doing Something Terribly Wrong!Which I think you’ll find is a complete 180-degree “u-turn” on most other trading “systems” you’ll come across.

Anyway, my trading system is called, “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” and here are few of the specific things you’ll learn if you choose to get it:

• Howtotradecommodities–suchasoil,gas,platinum,copper, coffee and sugar, to name a few. And how from profit from both UP and DOWN price movements in the commodities markets.

• Howtotradeoninterestratessuchasbonds,longguilt,Euro Dollar and Euro Swiss.

• HowtotradeindividualUKshares,EuropeanandUSshares and make trading profits when the share’s price movements go UP and DOWN.

• HowtotradevirtualpropertyusingPropertyFutures.Thisway you can trade on your house price to rise or fall.

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• Howtomakemoneyfromdigitaloptionsandmakeprofitable trades when markets go SIDEWAYS.

• The3stepsthattake10minutesaday(eitherinthe evening or first thing in the morning) which will GUARANTEE you are trading the right shares and markets.

• Whythecrowdisalwayswrong90%ofthetime– and how to profit from this situation.

• Theone“insider”reportthatyoumustcheckeveryweek (available free online) that tells you what is really happening in the stock market.

• Howtomakemoneywithdifferenttradingstrategies.Here I reveal my EXACT rules for buying and selling a trade that are so clear, I could teach a 12-year-old my strategies over a weekend and they would beat 90% of fund managers.

• Therealfactsabouttechnicaltradingandreadingtrading charts correctly. By the way, 90% of all technical trading formations and indications do not work. It has been proven in numerous studies – yet many traders still teach and follow these loser strategies. I’ll show you the 10% that work and how to follow them in an easy and straight-forward format.

• Howtouseoptionsandhedgingtechniquestoprotectyour long-term share portfolio. You can now also hedge the value of your home so you can lock in its current value if you think house prices are due to fall.

• Afulllistofallthefinancialbookmakers(whoaretotallyindependent) I also explain how to squeeze the best out of your broker and how to use special orders so they do the hard work for you and you do not need to be stuck at a computer screen.

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14 n Secrets to Making Big Profits from Financial Markets

• I’llexplainthesecretstomytradingstyle–includingwhatI look for in the markets and how I trade.

• I’llexplainwheretogetfreeinformationfromtheInternetwhich is “out of bounds” from the general public. This way you can see what the professional traders are buying and selling.

• Thegoldenrulesoffinancialspreadtrading–takenfrom23-years of my personal trading… my clients trading history… and… over 100 years or research and back-testing. I will reveal the exact rules winning traders follow and what the loser traders do.

Anyway, if you decide to request a copy of my trading system today, you will be sent my “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” package, which includes:

COMPONENT 1: “MAKING MONEY FROM FINANICIAL SPREAD TRADING” 2010 EDITION WORKBOOK MANUALThis manual has spawned an entire army of successful independent financial traders in numerous countries all over the world.

It contains the exact “blueprint” I myself (and my many students) use to make hundreds… thousands… and even… tens of thousands of pounds a week… from the financial markets.

In a nutshell, this manual has transformed the lives of literally thousands of people in virtually every English-speaking country on Earth.

And no, you cannot get this manual in any bookstore. As a matter of fact…

You Cannot Get It Anywhere Else

You may find plenty of “knock-offs” – but not the real thing.Anyway, this A-4 manual in durable vinyl folder is easy to follow. It

“takes-you-by-the-hand” and leads you through the entire “A-Z” process of setting yourself up… and… making money as an independent financial trader.

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In case you’re wondering, here’s a quick glimpse of the secrets you will discover when you go through the “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” manual:

• Theintriguing “behind-the-scenes” story of how I went from a 16-year-old social and academic drop-out making just £5,200 a year -- to making my first million at age 26, and multiple millions by age 36 (pages 7 – 8).

• Whatthetradingbookmakersdon’twantyoutoknow(and pray you never find out) so they can keep “picking your pockets” without getting arrested (page 138).

• Howtotradeandprofitfromfinancialindices–theseare great if you need extra money sitting in your bank

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account by the end of the same day you place your trade (pages 25 – 30).

• The“invisiblesecrets”behindmyphenomenaltradingsuccess. I list 8 secrets from my multi-millionaire perspective. These are the secrets I wish I could have told “myself” 20 years ago. My favourite is secret number 3 – it says, “____________________________” (see pages 135 – 137).

• Howtolegally“lockin”profitsfromyourtrades–evenif you get hit over the head and suffer memory loss just after you’ve placed a trade. This secret is especially appealing to people who like trade in the day and sleep like a baby at night (page 31).

• WhatIlearnt(andwhatyoudefinitelyneedtoknow)from my “cut-and-thrust” experience as a financial broker to private clients who are mercenary in their pursuit of trading profits (pages 133 – 135).

• Howto“employ”financialbrokerstodoallyour“dirtywork” – then make money on the markets by refusing to take the brokers call. (pages 33 – 34).

• ExamplesofhowtomakemoneyfromanUPtradeandexamples of how to make money from a DOWN trade (pages 36 – 37).

• Aborderline“nationalistic”tradingprinciplethatinstantlyenables you to dip in and “siphon off” money from daily price movements of $3.2 TRILLION. (Don’t worry – there’s nothing unethical or evil about this. In fact, the banking heads of other countries ENCOURAGE you to trade this way). (See pages 39 – 46).

• Themostdangerous thing you can do to yourself once you’ve placed your trade. And what to do instead (page 125).

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Secrets the Professional Traders Don't Want you to Know n 17

• Wheretoplaceyourveryfirst trade. This “market opportunity” gives you 3 advantages that you would be silly to ignore (page 54).

• Whattolookatonyourcomputerscreenthatwillenableeven a raw novice to instantly “read the mindset” of a market. This is good information to know if you want to put the “unfair” law of physics on your side when placing (and exiting) a trade (pages 118 – 121).

• Howtomakemoneyfromthemarkets(usingararelyused trading technique) that enables you to make money when a market “flat lines” and moves SIDEWAYS (page 72).

• Why(contrarytopopularbelief)youshouldpray for volatility and even financial market crashes (page 78).

• Aneasyand100%ethicalwaytotradelikean“insider”– without breaking the law (page 105 – 106).

• Howtosee“unseenforces”operatingineverymarketand how to “harness” each of those forces to “stack the deck in your favour” when trading (pages 89 – 93).

• Howtoknowwithalmost“Swisswatch”likeaccuracywhen to enter and when to exit a trade for maximum profits and minimum losses. Your friends will think you’re some kind of financial “psychic-spy” (pages 96 – 101).

There’s more. A LOT more.

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18 n Secrets the Professional Traders Don’t Want you to Know

Including:How to make money when everybody else is complaining

because interest rates are going down (page 63)… why you can increase your chances of making money in the commodities markets by watching a bizarre Eddie Murphy comedy (page 51)… the “grain of rice” principle that forces your trading profits to multiply at an astonishing (perhaps even alarming) rate (page 82)… and even…

How To Make Money From Your House… Even If It Goes Down In Value!

Just flip to page 65 of the manual and see for yourself!

Worldwide access

My workbook has a full list of financial bookmakers and brokers that will deal in a number of countries including UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia, Singapore, South Africa and Canada.

We have students and traders from all over the world and brokers that deal in Russian, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Chinese and other languages.

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Making Money From Trading Financial Markets n 19

COMPONENT 2: “MAKING MONEY FROM FINANICIAL SPREAD TRADING” DVD SETThese DVD’s (there are two of them) vividly “bring-to-life” the information I present in the manual.

Just pop these DVD’s into your DVD player (or computer)… sit back… kick your feet up… and watch me (Vince Stanzione) “live” on your screen… showing you the way I trade… how I read simple trading charts… and… how I select trades that are “primed for profit.”

Just like the manual, these 2 DVD’s (lasting a total of about 2.5 hours) are completely jargon-free.

COMPONENT 3: FREE ACCESS TO VINCE STANZIONE’S PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP FINANCIAL TRADING WEBSITEUnlike other companies that take your money and forget about you, I have set up an Internet membership site which you can gain private (password) access to for…

• Updatestomy material…

• Tradingcharts…• “Ataglance”prices

for every major market…

• TradingSimulator–practice trade with real markets and prices but virtual money

Basically, EVERYTHING you need for “on-the-spot” reference to material that will help you make money as an independent financial trader. Just think of the membership site as…

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Your Very Own “Back Room Staff”!

Except you never have to pay anyone. The membership site is completely free.

COMPONENT 4: DAILY UPDATES & TRENDSPOTTER™As part of the membership website – you also get access to the Trendspotter™ system.

What’s this?

In a nutshell, you log in once a day (usually at the end of the day) and the Trendspotter™ system will give you accurate readings on numerous markets – including: FTSE, Dow Jones, S&P500, Gold, Crude Oil, and all the major currency markets.

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Why would you want to know these?Basically, the Trendspotter™ system allows you to check and

verify your trading plays before “pulling the trigger” on them. In other words, the Trendspotter™ system is kind of like your…

Trading “Safety Check List”

Saving you from making bad trades.But don’t worry about it for now. It will all be explained fully (in

plain-English) when you get your copy of the “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” package.

COMPONENT 5: “MAKING A FORTUNE FROM FIXED ODDS BETTING” BOOKYou will also get a book I have written titled: Making Money With Fixed Odds Betting.

Like Spread Trading, Fixed Odds allow you to trade and profit from UP, DOWN and even SIDEWAYS movements in the financial markets.

And you can trade and profit from bets lasting just 1 minute all the way up to 180-days.

Let’s just say… this book…

Gives You An “Ace Up Your Sleeve” When It Comes To Trading & Profiting From The Financial Markets

And “ace” that 99% of even experienced traders will not have.

You can even download and read (or print out) the book right from your computer screen.

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22 n Making Money From Trading Financial Markets


As soon as you open a trading account – your trading account will be credited with £20 to “get your feet wet” placing your first trade.

That’s right -- you don’t even need to use your own money for your first trade. And yet, you get to keep 100% of the profits you make from that trade. Which you can then parlay into your next trade.

And so on.

COMPONENT 7: SHARESCOPE CD-ROMI have also arranged for you to receive a free CD-ROM from award winning ShareScope™ –with free charting software and 5-years of back data to test out my trading system.

This way…

You Can “Paper Trade” The System With No Money On The LineUntil you’re ready to trade with real money for real profits, of course!

Anyway, here’s the bottom line:After going through the entire “Making Money From Financial

Spread Trading” package -- (it will only take you a few hours, a few days at most) -- you’ll never again be at the mercy of any “paymaster”. Never fear your savings “running dry”. And never worry about being able to treat yourself (and your family) to the “finer things” in life.

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Take action today go to n 23

Of course, that’s not to say you’ll never have a losing trade following my trading system. You will have losing trades. That’s the honest truth.

But, by following my trading system in a sensible way -- you will have more winning trades than losing trades… and… because of the “trading leverage” built into my system… the money you make will more than make up for the money you lose.

If after reading this you are eager to start following my trading system – you probably want to know what the “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” costs?

For a number of years I have been selling the package for £347.00.

Considering I have literally made multiple MILLIONS (and also lost over £100,000) perfecting this trading system over the last 24-years – I consider £347 to be dirt-cheap.

However, because many people are “hurting” financially due to the current downturn in the economy, I am prepared (for a strictly limited time only) to…

Help Finance Your PurchaseHere’s what that means: If you commit to £197 today – you do not have to pay me the balance of £150 until you make a clear trading profit of £1,000.

That’s how confident I am in the “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” package.


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It All Comes With A 12-Month 100% Money Back Guarantee

Most trading systems only come with a 30-day guarantee.

Some have no guarantee at all.But I believe in “bending over backwards” to

ensure you never have to feel nervous about having made the right decision to invest in my “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” package.

Bottom line?If after following my trading system for 12-months (as laid out in

plain-talking English in the “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” package) you can honestly say it has not made you at least £1,000… then… simply return the material… and I will personally see to it that you get a full and immediate refund.

This way, if you request a refund… you will have got my trading secrets… and used my entire system for 12-months…

For FREE!But time is short and you must act fast.

I will not be keeping the discounted “get going” price at £197 forever. Any day now I will jump the price back up to the full purchase price of £347.

Also remember it does not matter where you live this is worldwide business and I am happy to ship the course by DHL or other reputable courier to anywhere. See order form for shipping options.

So should you pounce on this opportunity?I have no idea.All I know is this: Every day that goes by you that you don’t follow

my trading system – as thoroughly outlined in the “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” package – you are literally “turning a blind eye” to the money you could be making.

So if you’re ready to put my trading system to the test…

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Here’s How To Get Started (At Zero Risk To You):Just go online to below and follow the simple instructions.

As soon as you do that, I will ship you the entire “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” course package (including everything outlined above) right to your doorstep by Courier delivery – so you can be up and running making money by this time next week!

If you read this information and you have a specific question about financial spread trading, you can email me at [email protected] and I promise to reply as soon as possible.

Wishing you health, wealth and happiness.

Vince Stanzione

P.S. FAST RESPONSE BONUS: If you order today, I will also include a copy of my best-selling book, “How To Stop Existing And Start Living” (ISBN 0–953077–0–0). I wrote this 340-page book at the age of 26 after I made my first £1 Million.

Anyway, this book will show you how to develop the mindset of a “winner” (in all areas of life). But, it will be especially helpful in showing you how to master the psychology of becoming a millionaire trader. And although this book normally retails for £29.77 in major bookstores… if you click on the “Order now” link today…

You Will Get The Book For FREEAnd you can keep it even if you request a refund on the main package of material.

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26 n Get started within days go to

P.P.S. If spread trading is so simple — why do you need my “Making Money From Financial Spread Trading” package? That’s a valid question.

The answer is: Maybe you don’t need the package of material – because after reading this message you’ve decided financial trading won’t be your cup of tea. Fair enough.

However, if you think you’d like to try your hand at trading the markets – let me say this: I’ve so many people lose money on the financial markets by trying to take short cuts and buying into “hot tip” services. All these people seem to end up losing thousands of pounds just to save a few quid on a solid education.

If you want the best education on financial spread trading money can buy – then just go to

P.P.P.S. One last thing, it’s important. I know even with the reduced “get going” price and generous 12-month guarantee you may still be sceptical. And I totally understand. I certainly would be. So below are just a few copies of the real testimonials I have on file from people already using and profiting from my trading system. You will also find video clips at

After a good week Vince Stanzione picks up £109,731.19 from IG Index Dealing Director Stacey Ash. At the same time Vince Stanzione gives £10,973.11 to the Childline Charity.

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What my students had to sayCertified statements from previous students obtained under section 14.1 of the Advertising Standards Authority code.

Every comment that follows has been obtained in accordance with the ASA 14.1 code which states that advertisers should hold signed and dated proof, including a contact address. Every statement has been signed and posted to our office, in the cases of faxes or emails, we only published them after they had been signed in original ink.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of letters, faxes and emails that I have received from buyers of my workbook:

“This course has played a fundamental part in my ability to make consistent profits trading US & UK markets. It also provides a great ongoing reference tool. Time and money well invested!”

George Harrison

“I’ve used the workbook and video extensively. My profits since beginning trading in June are currently in excess of £65,000. Trading mainly indices, best trade closed on Dow 9/7 for total profit £25,635”

Mr John Turner (trading statements on file)

“After receiving the workbook I started off trading with £100 and using the techniques taught by Vince at one stage it grew to £2109!!!.

This includes the successful and unsuccessful trades. When I started the course, I knew nothing about the stockmarket. I will always be grateful to Vince for making the course available.”

Mrs Sandhya Biggin

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28 n Secrets the Professional Traders Don’t Want you to Know

“The summer period beginning late May to early August was extremely profitable I earned up to £30,000 from indices trades on the Dow, FTSE and S&P, Thanks Vince”

Mr M Mears

“I found the workbook easy to follow and very clearly written. Being a technical author, clarity in educational material is a high priority”

Mrs Debbie Allen

“The trading system is impeccable and the judgment acquired is beyond price. Within eight days I had made £7,900, quite incredible”

Dr M Kremer (trading statements on file)

“I am just saying thank you for your course and video which has enabled me to become a successful trader. I have had a great year, my target was £250,000 and I am up £230,000 to the 11/7 when I closed 90% of my trades and went to New Zealand. I have only started back trading today and feel more relaxed and more confident than ever before. Thanks again”

Chris Muldoon

“A practical, useful and easy to understand workbook backed up by visual aids (video). A constant source of reference.”

Steve Watts

“Great insight into an otherwise exclusive world, still not sure why you would want to share this with the ordinary folk but thanks anyway, I’m glad you did”

Mr Graham Souter

“The best home study course on the topic available. Worth every penny!”

Mr Ian Panton

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“Excellent content, informative and inspiring. My experience of my virtual account has been very encouraging up £7,000. Vince, I receive a lot of material promoting me riches most of which ends up where it deserves! Warm regards.”

Mr Roger Fierstone

“The workbook is very easy to comprehend and the video is clear, well recorded and complements the workbook”

Mr A Showman

“Vince, you are one of the few genuine & honest people within this industry, keep me informed of any new services.”

Mr Stephen Felton

“From the initial letter the logic, openness and honesty of Vince’s approach and business model was very appealing to me. I found this product very enlightening and easy to follow as it not only clarified many myths about the market but provided me with a simple and easy framework to follow for trading success.”

Mr Ian Kiley

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30 n How to profit from Trading Financial Markets