making jesus’ sayings alan garrow university of sheffield

Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

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Page 1: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Making Jesus’ Sayings

Alan GarrowUniversity of Sheffield

Page 2: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield
Page 3: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you

Bless those that curse you and

pray for your enemies,fast for those that persecute


Page 4: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also;

and from anyone who takes away your coat

do not withhold even your shirt. But if anyone strikes you on the

right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one

mile, go also the second mile.

If someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also, and you will be perfect.

If someone forces you to go one mile, go two.If someone takes your coat, give your shirt also.

Page 5: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Give to everyone who begs from you; and if anyone takes away your goods,

do not ask for them again.

Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow

from you.

If someone takes away from you what is yours,

do not ask for it back, since you cannot.To everyone asking of you give,

and do not ask for it back

Page 6: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Matt 5.38-48

Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

Page 7: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Matt 5.38-48

Luke 6.27-36


Page 8: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Matt 5.38-48

Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

Page 9: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Matt 5.38-48

Luke 6.27-36


Did. 1.2-5a

Page 10: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Matt 5.38-48

Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

Could Luke have used

Did. 1.2-5a

Page 11: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a







Page 12: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield


Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a





Page 13: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Did. 1.2-5a







Luke 6.27-36

Page 14: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Koester’s Method

“If material which owes its origin to the redactional activity of a synoptic

evangelist reappears in another work, then the latter presupposes the

finished work of that evangelist”

Christopher Tuckett

Page 15: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield




Page 16: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

The result of this detailed analysis of Did 1:3-5a in relation to the synoptic parallels in Mt 5 and Lk 6 [using Koester’s method] shows that this section of the Didache appears on a number of occasions to presuppose the redactional activity of both evangelists, perhaps Luke more clearly than Matthew. This suggests very strongly that the Didache here presupposes the gospels of Matthew and Luke in their finished forms.

Christopher Tuckett (1989:230)

Page 17: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

The result of this detailed analysis of Did 1:3-5a in relation to the synoptic parallels in Mt 5 and Lk 6 [using Koester’s method] shows that this section of the Didache appears on a number of occasions to presuppose the redactional activity of both evangelists, perhaps Luke more clearly than Matthew. This suggests very strongly that the Didache here presupposes the gospels of Matthew and Luke in their finished forms.

Christopher Tuckett (1989:230)

Page 18: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Did. 1.2-5a







Luke 6.27-36



Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a


Page 19: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield




Page 20: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield




Page 21: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

‘It is not possible to adduce the Didache as a firm witness for the reception and use of Luke.’

Andrew Gregory (2003: 124)

‘there is no convincing evidence that the author of the Didache either knew or used Luke’.

Arthur Bellinzoni (2005:57)

Page 22: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

‘Although the Didache contains an abundance of material similar, and related in some way, to the Gospels, it is very interesting that the case for dependence upon the Gospels is so particularly weak’.

Donald Hagner (1985: 241-2)

‘In none of these sayings from the Jesus tradition and the wisdom tradition can a dependence on either Matthew or Luke be demonstrated’.

Jonathan Draper (1996: 84-5)

Page 23: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Did. 1.2-5a





Luke 6.27-36

Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

remains possible


Page 24: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield


Luke 6.27-36


Page 25: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Did. 1.2-5a







Luke 6.27-36



Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a


Could Koester’s method be used

to show that Luke used Did.


Page 26: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

There are Two Ways … First, love the God who made you. Second, your neighbour as yourself andwhat you would not have done to you, do not do to others (-ve Golden Rule)

The Second commandment means:You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not corrupt children. You shall not fornicate. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic …

Didache 1.1-2; 2.1-2

Page 27: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

There are Two Ways … First, love the God who made you. Second, your neighbour as yourself andwhat you would not have done to you, do not do to others (-ve Golden Rule)

The Second commandment means:You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not corrupt children. You shall not fornicate. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic …

Bless those who curse, pray for enemies, fast for persecutors …

What merit if you love those who love you?

Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

Turn the cheek, give the coat, go the mile.Do not ask for it back

To all asking give and do not ask for it back

The teaching that flows from these words is:

Didache 1.1-2.2

Page 28: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

There are Two Ways … First, love the God who made you. Second, your neighbour as yourself andwhat you would not have done to you, do not do to others (-ve Golden Rule)

The Second commandment means:You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not corrupt children. You shall not fornicate. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic …

Bless those who curse, pray for enemies, fast for persecutors …

What credit if you love those who love you?

Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

Turn the cheek, give the coat, go the mile.If someone takes what is yours do not ask for it back

To all asking give and do not ask for it back

The teaching that flows from these words is:

Didache 1.1-2.2

Love your enemiesDo good to those that hate you

Bless those who curse youPray for those that abuse you

Turn the cheek, give the tunic

To all asking giveIf anyone takes your goods do not ask for it back

Do do others as you would have them do to you (+ve Golden Rule)

If you love those who love you what credit is that?

Luke 6.27-33

Do do others as you would have them do to you (+ve Golden Rule)


Page 29: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

There are Two Ways … First, love the God who made you. Second, your neighbour as yourself andwhat you would not have done to you, do not do to others (-ve Golden Rule)

The Second commandment means:You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not corrupt children. You shall not fornicate. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic …

Bless those who curse, pray for enemies, fast for persecutors …

What credit if you love those who love you?

Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

Turn the cheek, give the coat, go the mile.If someone takes what is yours do not ask for it back

To all asking give and do not ask for it back

The teaching that flows from these words is:

Didache 1.1-2.2

Love your enemiesDo good to those that hate you

Bless those who curse youPray for those that abuse you

Turn the cheek, give the tunic

To all asking giveIf anyone takes your goods do not ask for it back

Do do others as you would have them do to you (+ve Golden Rule)

If you love those who love you what credit is that?

Luke 6.27-33

Do do others as you would have them do to you (+ve Golden Rule)


Page 30: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Didache 1.2-5a 1.2a 9H me\n ou]n o(do\j th~j zwh=j e0stin au3th>:prw~ton a0gaph/seij to\n qeo\n to\n poih/santa& se, 1.2b deu/teron to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto&n:pa&nta de\ o#sa e0a_n qelhsh|j mh\ gi/nesqai/ soi, kai/ su\ a1llw| mh\ poi/ei. 


1.3a Tou/twn de\ tw~n lo&gwn h9 didaxh/ e0stin au3th: 1.3b eu0logei=te tou\j katarwme/nouj u9mi=n kai\ proseu/xesqe u9pe\r tw~n e0xqrw~n u9mw~n,nhsteu/ete de\ u9pe\r tw~n diwko&ntwn u9ma=j:  1.3c poi/a ga_r xa&rij, e0a_n a)gapa~te tou\j a)gapw~ntaj u9ma~j;ou0xi\ kai\ ta\ e1qnh to\ au0to\ poiou=sin;u9mei=j de\ a0gapa~te tou\j misou=ntaj u9maj kai\ ou0x e3cete e0xqro&n. 1.4a a)pe/xou tw~n sarkikw~n kai\ swmatikw~n e0piqumiw~n: 1.4be0a&n ti/j soi dw|~ r9a&pisma ei0j th\n decia_n siago&na,

stre/yon au0tw|~ kai\ th\n a!llhn,kai\ e1sh| te/leioj:

e0a&n a0ggareu/sh| se/ tij mi/lion e3n, u3page met' au0tou= du/o:e0a&n a1rh| tij to\ i9matio&n sou, do\j au0tw|~ kai\ to\n xitw~na:e0a&n la&bh| tij a)po\ sou= to\ so&n, mh\ a)pai/tei:

ou0de\ ga_r du\nasai. 1.5a panti\ tw~| ai0tou=nti/ se di/dou kai\ mh\

a)pai/tei:pa~si ga_r qe/lei di/dosqai o( path\r e0k tw~n i0di/wn



2.1 Deute/ra de\ e0ntolh\ th=j didaxh=j: 2.2 ou0 foneu/seij,

ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 paidofqorh/seij, ou0 porneu/sei, ou) kle/yeij, …

Two Ways

Two Ways


Luke 6.27-36 6.27 Alla_ u(mi=n le/gw toi=j a)kou&ousin,  a)gapa~te tou_j e0xqrou_j u(mw~n, kalw~j poiei=te toi=j misou~sin u(ma~j,  6.28 eu)logei=te tou_j katarwme/nouj u(ma~j, proseu&xesqe peri\ tw~n e0phreazo&ntwn u(ma~j. 6.29 tw~| tu&ptonti/ se e0pi\ th_n siago&na pa&rexe kai\ th_n a!llhn, kai\ a)po_ tou~ ai1ronto&j sou to_ i9ma&tion kai\ to_n xitw~na mh_ kwlu&sh|j. 6.30 panti\ ai0tou~nti/ se di/dou, kai\ a)po_ tou~ ai1rontoj ta_ sa_ mh_ a)pai/tei. 6.31 kai\ kaqw_j qe/lete i3na poiw~sin u(mi=n oi9 a!nqrwpoi,

poiei=te au)toi=j o(moi/wj. 6.32 kai\ ei0 a)gapa~te tou_j a)gapw~ntaj u(ma~j, poi/a u(mi=n xa&rij e0sti/n; kai\ ga_r oi9 a(martwloi\ tou_j a)gapw~ntaj au)tou_j a)gapw~sin. 6.33 kai\ ga_r e0a_n a)gaqopoih~te tou_j a)gaqopoiou~ntaj u(ma~j, poi/a u(mi=n xa&rij e0sti/n; kai\ oi9 a(martwloi\ to_ au)to_ poiou~sin. 6.34 kai\ e0a_n dani/shte par' w{n e0lpi/zete labei=n, poi/a u(mi=n xa&rij e0sti/n; kai\ a(martwloi\ a(martwloi=j dani/zousin i3na a)pola&bwsin ta_ i1sa. 6.35 plh_n a)gapa~te tou_j e0xqrou_j u(mw~n kai\ a)gaqopoiei=te kai\ dani/zete mhde\n a)pelpi/zontej: kai\ e1stai o( misqo_j u(mw~n polu&j, kai\ e1sesqe ui9oi\ u(yi/stou, o#ti au)to_j xrhsto&j e0stin e0pi\ tou_j a)xari/stouj kai\ ponhrou&j. 6.36 Gi/nesqe oi0kti/rmonej kaqw_j kai\ o( path_r u(mw~n oi0kti/rmwn e0sti/n.

Page 31: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

The Golden Rule is –ve in Didache and +ve in Luke

Puzzles explained if Luke used Didache

Page 32: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Did. 1.2-ve GR

Luke+ve GR

Matthew+ve GR


Did. 1.2-ve GR

Luke+ve GR

Matthew+ve GR

Q+ve GR


Did. 1.2-ve GR

Luke+ve GR

Matthew+ve GR

Oral Trad.+ve GR


Did. 1.2-ve GR

Luke+ve GR

Matthew+ve GR

Gospel Harmony+ve GR


Page 33: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Second [love] your neighbour as yourself and what you would not have done to you, do not do to others -ve

Bless those who curse, pray for enemies, +ve

What credit if … +ve

Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

Turn the cheek, give the coat, go the mile +ve

To all asking give +ve

The Second command means: You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery … -ve

Page 34: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield
Page 35: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Love your enemies +veDo good to those that hate you

Bless those who curse you +vePray for those that abuse +ve

Turn cheek, give the tunic +ve

To all asking give +veIf anyone takes your goods do not ask for it back

If you love those who love you what credit is that? … +ve

Do do others as you would have them do to you +ve What you would not have done to you, do not do -ve

Page 36: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Luke does not include ‘avoid the fleshly and bodily passions’

2. Puzzles explained if Luke used Didache

Page 37: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Did. 1.4Avoid the fleshly passions

Luke Matthew(1)

Did. 1.4Avoid the fleshly passions

Luke Matthew


Did. 1.4Avoid the fleshly passions

Luke Matthew

Oral Trad.(3)

Did. 1.4Avoid the fleshly passions

Luke Matthew

Gospel Harmony


Page 38: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Bless those who curse you, pray for your enemies,

fast for those who persecute you

For what merit is there is you love those that love you? Do not even Gentiles do the same? But love those who hate you and

you will not have any enemy

Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also …

If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two.If someone takes you coat give him your shirt also.

If someone takes what is yours do not ask for it back …

To all asking give and do not ask for it back

Page 39: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

There are Two Ways … First, love the God who made you. Second, your neighbour as yourself andwhat you would not have done to you, do not do to others

The Second commandment means:You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not corrupt children. You shall not fornicate. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic …

Bless those who curse, pray for enemies, fast for persecutors …

What merit if you love those who love you?

Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

Turn the cheek, give the coat, go the mile.Do not ask for it back

To all begging give and do not ask for it back

The teaching that flows from these words is:

Didache 1.1-2.2

? ?

Page 40: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

There are Two Ways … First, love the God who made you. Second, your neighbour as yourself andwhat you would not have done to you, do not do to others

The Second commandment means:You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not corrupt children. You shall not fornicate. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic …

Bless those who curse, pray for enemies, fast for persecutors …

What credit if you love those who love you?

Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

Turn the cheek, give the coat, go the mile.If someone takes what is yours do not ask for it back

To all begging give and do not ask for it back

The teaching that flows from these words is:

Didache 1.1-2.2

Love your enemiesDo good to those that hate you

Bless those who curse youPray for those that abuse you

Turn the cheek, give the tunic

To all begging giveIf anyone takes your goods do not ask for it back

Do do others as you would have them do to you (+ve Golden Rule)

If you love those who love you what credit is that?

Luke 6.27-33

Do do others as you would have them do to you


Page 41: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

‘Love your enemies’ is absent from the Didache but present in Luke

3. Puzzles explained if Luke used Didache

Page 42: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Gospel Harmony

‘love enemies’

Did. X

Luke‘love enemies’

Matthew‘love enemies’


Did. X

Luke‘love enemies’



Q‘love enemies’


Did. X

Luke‘love enemies’

Matthew‘love enemies’

Oral Trad.‘love enemies’


Did. X

Luke‘love enemies’




Page 43: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

There are Two Ways … First, love the God who made you. Second, your neighbour as yourself andwhat you would not have done to you, do not do to others

The Second commandment means:You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not corrupt children. You shall not fornicate. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic …

Bless those who curse, pray for enemies, fast for persecutors …

What credit if you love those who love you?

Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

Turn the cheek, give the coat, go the mile.If someone takes what is yours do not ask for it back

To all asking give and do not ask for it back

The teaching that flows from these words is:

Didache 1.1-2.2

Love your enemiesDo good to those that hate you

Bless those who curse youPray for those that abuse you

Turn the cheek, give the tunic

To all begging giveIf anyone takes your goods do not ask for it back

Do do others as you would have them do to you (+ve Golden Rule)

If you love those who love you what credit is that?

Luke 6.27-33

Do do others as you would have them do to you


Page 44: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

There are Two Ways … First, love the God who made you. Second, [love] your neighbour as yourself and what you would not have done to you, do not do to others

The Second commandment means:You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not corrupt children. You shall not fornicate. You shall not steal. You shall not practice magic …

Bless those who curse you, pray for your enemies, fast for your persecutors

What credit if you love those who love you?

Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

Turn the cheek, give the coat, go the mile.If someone takes what is yours do not ask for it back

To all asking give and do not ask for it back

The teaching that flows from these words is:

Didache 1.1-2.2

Love your enemiesDo good to those that hate you

Bless those who curse youPray for those that abuse you

Turn the cheek, give the tunic

To all begging giveIf anyone takes your goods do not ask for it back

Do do others as you would have them do to you (+ve Golden Rule)

If you love those who love you what credit is that?

Luke 6.27-33

Do do others as you would have them do to you


your enemies

your enemies

Page 45: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Separate sayings in Didache are combined in Luke

4. Puzzles explained if Luke used Didache

Page 46: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also

If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles;

If someone takes your cloak, give him your tunic also;

If someone takes from you what belongs to you, do not demand it back (mh\ a)pai/tei)

Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not demand it back (mh\ a)pai/tei), for the Father wants something from his own gifts to be given to all



Page 47: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

e0a&n la&bh| tij a)po\ sou= to\ so&n, mh\ a)pai/tei:

Panti\ tw~| ai0tou=nti/ se di/dou kai\ mh\ a)pai/tei:

Panti\ ai0tou=nti/ se di/dou,Kai\ a)po\ tou= ai1rontojta\ sa\ mh\ a)pai/tei:

Didache 1.4b-5a Luke 6.30

Page 48: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Didache 1.2-5a 1.2a 9H me\n ou]n o(do\j th~j zwh=j e0stin au3th>:prw~ton a0gaph/seij to\n qeo\n to\n poih/santa& se, 1.2b deu/teron to\n plhsi/on sou w(j seauto&n:pa&nta de\ o#sa e0a_n qelhsh|j mh\ gi/nesqai/ soi, kai/ su\ a1llw| mh\ poi/ei. 


1.3a Tou/twn de\ tw~n lo&gwn h9 didaxh/ e0stin au3th: 1.3b eu0logei=te tou\j katarwme/nouj u9mi=n kai\ proseu/xesqe u9pe\r tw~n e0xqrw~n u9mw~n,nhsteu/ete de\ u9pe\r tw~n diwko&ntwn u9ma=j:  1.3c poi/a ga_r xa&rij, e0a_n a)gapa~te tou\j a)gapw~ntaj u9ma~j;ou0xi\ kai\ ta\ e1qnh to\ au0to\ poiou=sin;u9mei=j de\ a0gapa~te tou\j misou=ntaj u9maj kai\ ou0x e3cete e0xqro&n. 1.4a a)pe/xou tw~n sarkikw~n kai\ swmatikw~n e0piqumiw~n: 1.4be0a&n ti/j soi dw|~ r9a&pisma ei0j th\n decia_n siago&na,

stre/yon au0tw|~ kai\ th\n a!llhn,kai\ e1sh| te/leioj:

e0a&n a0ggareu/sh| se/ tij mi/lion e3n, u3page met' au0tou= du/o:e0a&n a1rh| tij to\ i9matio&n sou, do\j au0tw|~ kai\ to\n xitw~na:e0a&n la&bh| tij a)po\ sou= to\ so&n, mh\ a)pai/tei:

ou0de\ ga_r du\nasai. 1.5a panti\ tw~| ai0tou=nti/ se di/dou kai\ mh\

a)pai/tei:pa~si ga_r qe/lei di/dosqai o( path\r e0k tw~n i0di/wn



2.1 Deute/ra de\ e0ntolh\ th=j didaxh=j: 2.2 ou0 foneu/seij,

ou0 moixeu/seij, ou0 paidofqorh/seij, ou0 porneu/sei, ou) kle/yeij, …

Two Ways

Two Ways


Luke 6.27-36 6.27 Alla_ u(mi=n le/gw toi=j a)kou&ousin,  a)gapa~te tou_j e0xqrou_j u(mw~n, kalw~j poiei=te toi=j misou~sin u(ma~j,  6.28 eu)logei=te tou_j katarwme/nouj u(ma~j, proseu&xesqe peri\ tw~n e0phreazo&ntwn u(ma~j. 6.29 tw~| tu&ptonti/ se e0pi\ th_n siago&na pa&rexe kai\ th_n a!llhn, kai\ a)po_ tou~ ai1ronto&j sou to_ i9ma&tion kai\ to_n xitw~na mh_ kwlu&sh|j. 6.30 panti\ ai0tou~nti/ se di/dou, kai\ a)po_ tou~ ai1rontoj ta_ sa_ mh_ a)pai/tei. 6.31 kai\ kaqw_j qe/lete i3na poiw~sin u(mi=n oi9 a!nqrwpoi,

poiei=te au)toi=j o(moi/wj. 6.32 kai\ ei0 a)gapa~te tou_j a)gapw~ntaj u(ma~j, poi/a u(mi=n xa&rij e0sti/n; kai\ ga_r oi9 a(martwloi\ tou_j a)gapw~ntaj au)tou_j a)gapw~sin. 6.33 kai\ ga_r e0a_n a)gaqopoih~te tou_j a)gaqopoiou~ntaj u(ma~j, poi/a u(mi=n xa&rij e0sti/n; kai\ oi9 a(martwloi\ to_ au)to_ poiou~sin. 6.34 kai\ e0a_n dani/shte par' w{n e0lpi/zete labei=n, poi/a u(mi=n xa&rij e0sti/n; kai\ a(martwloi\ a(martwloi=j dani/zousin i3na a)pola&bwsin ta_ i1sa. 6.35 plh_n a)gapa~te tou_j e0xqrou_j u(mw~n kai\ a)gaqopoiei=te kai\ dani/zete mhde\n a)pelpi/zontej: kai\ e1stai o( misqo_j u(mw~n polu&j, kai\ e1sesqe ui9oi\ u(yi/stou, o#ti au)to_j xrhsto&j e0stin e0pi\ tou_j a)xari/stouj kai\ ponhrou&j. 6.36 Gi/nesqe oi0kti/rmonej kaqw_j kai\ o( path_r u(mw~n oi0kti/rmwn e0sti/n.

Page 49: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield


Matt 5.38-48

Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

Koester’s method shows that Luke used Did. 1.2-5a






Could Matthew 5.38-48 have

used Luke 6.27-36?

Page 50: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield



Could Matthew

have used Luke?

Page 51: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

The theory that Matthew has read Luke … is rarely put forward by sensible scholars and will not be considered here.

(Goodacre 2001:108)

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‘The “Matthean Posteriority” theory of Synoptic relationships is a hypothesis whose time has come … All Gospels scholars must now take this hypothesis as seriously as its rivals.’

Richard Bauckham

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‘Streeter’s ‘Other’ Synoptic Solution: The Matthew Conflator


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Matthew 12.24-29a

ei]pon: ou{toj ou)k e)kba/llei ta\ daimo/nia ei) mh\ e)n tw|= Beelzebou/l, a)/rxonti tw=n daimoni/wn. ei)dw\j de\ ta\j e)nqumh/seij au)tw=n ei]pen au)toi=j:  pa=sa basilei/a merisqei=sa kaq' e(auth=j e)rhmou=tai kai\ pa=sa po/lij h)\ oi)ki/a merisqei=sa kaq' e(auth=j ou) staqh/setai. kai\ ei) o( satana=j to\n satana=n e)kba/llei, e)f' e(auto\n e)meri/sqh: pw=j ou}n staqh/setai h( basilei/a au)tou=;   kai\ ei) e)gw\ e)n Beelzebou\l e)kba/llw ta\ daimo/nia, oi( ui(oi\ u(mw=n e)n ti/ni e)kba/llousi; dia\ tou=to au)toi\ kritai\ e)/sontai u(mw=n. ei) de\ e)gw= e)n Pneu/mati Qeou= e)kba/llw ta\ daimo/nia, a)/ra e)/fqasen e)f' u(ma=j h( basilei/a tou= Qeou=. h)\ pw=j du/natai/ tij ei)selqei=n ei)j th\n oi)ki/an tou= i)sxurou= kai\ ta\ skeu/h au)tou= a(rpa/sai,      e)a\n mh\ prw=ton dh/sh| to\n i)sxuro/n;   kai\ to/te th\n oi)ki/an au)tou= diarpa/sei. o( mh\ w)\n met' e)mou= kat' e)mou= e)sti, kai\ o( mh\ suna/gwn met' e)mou= skorpi/zei.

Mark 3.22-27akai\ oi( grammatei=j oi( a)po\ I(erosolu/mwn kataba/ntej e)/legon o(/ti Beelzebou\l e)/xei, kai\ o(/ti e)n tw|= a)/rxonti tw=n daimoni/wn e)kba/llei ta\ daimo/nia. kai\ proskalesa/menoj au)tou\j e)n parabolai=j e)/legen au)toi=j: pw=j du/natai satana=j satana=n e)kba/llein; kai\ e)a\n basilei/a e)f' e(auth\n merisqh|=, ou) du/natai staqh=nai h( basilei/a e)kei/nh: kai\ e)a\n oi)ki/a e)f' e(auth\n merisqh|=, ou) du/nh/setai h( oi)ki/a e)kei/nh staqh=nai. kai\ ei) o( satana=j a)ne/sth e)f' e(auto\n kai\ e0me/ri/sqh: ou) du/natai stah=nai, a)lla\ te/loj e)/xei.

a0ll’ ou0 du/natai ou)dei\j ei)j th\n oi)ki/an tou= i)sxurou= ei)selqw\n ta\ skeu/h au)tou= diarpa/sai

Luke 11.15-20

tine\j de\ e)c au)tw=n ei]pon: e)n Beelzebou\l tw|= a)/rxonti tw=n daimoni/wn e)kba/llei ta\ daimo/nia. e(/teroi de\ peira/zontej shmei=on par' au)tou= e)zh/toun e)c ou)ranou=. au)to\j de\ ei)dw\j au)tw=n ta\ dianoh/mata ei]pen au)toi=j: pa=sa basilei/a e)f' e(auth\n diamerisqei=sa, e)rhmou=tai, kai\ oi]koj e)pi\ oi]kon, pi/ptei. ei) de\ kai\ o( satana=j e)f' e(auto\n diemeri/sqh,

pw=j staqh/setai h( basilei/a au)tou=, o(/ti le/gete e)n Beelzebou/l me e)kba/llein ta\ daimo/nia; ei) de\ e)gw\ e)n Beelzebou\l e)kba/llw ta\ daimo/nia, oi( ui(oi\ u(mw=n e)n ti/ni e)kbalou=si; dia\ tou=to au)toi\ kritai\ u(mw=n e)/sontai. ei) de\ e)n daktu/lw| Qeou= e)kba/llw ta\ daimo/nia, a)/ra e)/fqasen e)f' u(ma=j h( basilei/a tou= Qeou=.

117. Beelzebul Controversy

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Mark Luke


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Matthew 12.24-29a

ei]pon: ou{toj ou)k e)kba/llei ta\ daimo/nia ei) mh\ e)n tw|= Beelzebou/l, a)/rxonti tw=n daimoni/wn. ei)dw\j de\ ta\j e)nqumh/seij au)tw=n ei]pen au)toi=j:  pa=sa basilei/a merisqei=sa kaq' e(auth=j e)rhmou=tai kai\ pa=sa po/lij h)\ oi)ki/a merisqei=sa kaq' e(auth=j ou) staqh/setai. kai\ ei) o( satana=j to\n satana=n e)kba/llei, e)f' e(auto\n e)meri/sqh: pw=j ou}n staqh/setai h( basilei/a au)tou=;   kai\ ei) e)gw\ e)n Beelzebou\l e)kba/llw ta\ daimo/nia, oi( ui(oi\ u(mw=n e)n ti/ni e)kba/llousi; dia\ tou=to au)toi\ kritai\ e)/sontai u(mw=n. ei) de\ e)gw= e)n Pneu/mati Qeou= e)kba/llw ta\ daimo/nia, a)/ra e)/fqasen e)f' u(ma=j h( basilei/a tou= Qeou=. h)\ pw=j du/natai/ tij ei)selqei=n ei)j th\n oi)ki/an tou= i)sxurou= kai\ ta\ skeu/h au)tou= a(rpa/sai,      e)a\n mh\ prw=ton dh/sh| to\n i)sxuro/n;   kai\ to/te th\n oi)ki/an au)tou= diarpa/sei. o( mh\ w)\n met' e)mou= kat' e)mou= e)sti, kai\ o( mh\ suna/gwn met' e)mou= skorpi/zei.

Mark 3.22-27akai\ oi( grammatei=j oi( a)po\ I(erosolu/mwn kataba/ntej e)/legon o(/ti Beelzebou\l e)/xei, kai\ o(/ti e)n tw|= a)/rxonti tw=n daimoni/wn e)kba/llei ta\ daimo/nia. kai\ proskalesa/menoj au)tou\j e)n parabolai=j e)/legen au)toi=j: pw=j du/natai satana=j satana=n e)kba/llein; kai\ e)a\n basilei/a e)f' e(auth\n merisqh|=, ou) du/natai staqh=nai h( basilei/a e)kei/nh: kai\ e)a\n oi)ki/a e)f' e(auth\n merisqh|=, ou) du/nh/setai h( oi)ki/a e)kei/nh staqh=nai. kai\ ei) o( satana=j a)ne/sth e)f' e(auto\n kai\ e0me/ri/sqh: ou) du/natai stah=nai, a)lla\ te/loj e)/xei.

a0ll’ ou0 du/natai ou)dei\j ei)j th\n oi)ki/an tou= i)sxurou= ei)selqw\n ta\ skeu/h au)tou= diarpa/sai

Luke 11.15-20

tine\j de\ e)c au)tw=n ei]pon: e)n Beelzebou\l tw|= a)/rxonti tw=n daimoni/wn e)kba/llei ta\ daimo/nia. e(/teroi de\ peira/zontej shmei=on par' au)tou= e)zh/toun e)c ou)ranou=. au)to\j de\ ei)dw\j au)tw=n ta\ dianoh/mata ei]pen au)toi=j: pa=sa basilei/a e)f' e(auth\n diamerisqei=sa, e)rhmou=tai, kai\ oi]koj e)pi\ oi]kon, pi/ptei. ei) de\ kai\ o( satana=j e)f' e(auto\n diemeri/sqh,

pw=j staqh/setai h( basilei/a au)tou=, o(/ti le/gete e)n Beelzebou/l me e)kba/llein ta\ daimo/nia; ei) de\ e)gw\ e)n Beelzebou\l e)kba/llw ta\ daimo/nia, oi( ui(oi\ u(mw=n e)n ti/ni e)kbalou=si; dia\ tou=to au)toi\ kritai\ u(mw=n e)/sontai. ei) de\ e)n daktu/lw| Qeou= e)kba/llw ta\ daimo/nia, a)/ra e)/fqasen e)f' u(ma=j h( basilei/a tou= Qeou=.

117. Beelzebul Controversy

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I)dw\n de\ pollou\j tw=n Farisai/wn kai\ Saddoukai/wn e)rxome/nouj e)pi\ to\ ba/ptisma au)tou= ei]pen au)toi=j: gennh/mata e)xidnw=n, ti/j u(pe/deicen u(mi=n fugei=n a)po\ th=j mellou/shj o)rgh=j; poih/sate ou}n karpo\n a)/cion th=j metanoi/aj, kai\ mh\ do/chte le/gein e)n e(autoi=j, pate/ra e)/xomen to\n 'Abraa/m: le/gw ga\r u(mi=n o(/ti du/natai o( Qeo\j e)k tw=n li/qwn tou/twn e)gei=rai te/kna tw|= 'Abraa/m. h)/dh de\ h( a)ci/nh pro\j th\n r(i/zan tw=n de/ndrwn kei=tai: pa=n ou}n de/ndron mh\ poiou=n karpo\n kalo\n e)kko/ptetai kai\ ei)j pu=r ba/lletai.

 )/Elegen ou}n toi=j e)kporeuome/noij o)/xloij baptisqh=nai u(p' au)tou=:

gennh/mata e)xidnw=n, ti/j u(pe/deicen u(mi=n fugei=n a)po\ th=j mellou/shj o)rgh=j; poih/sate ou}n karpou\j a)ci/ouj th=j metanoi/aj, kai\ mh\ a)/rchsqe le/gein e)n e(autoi=j, pate/ra e)/xomen to\n 'Abraa/m: le/gw ga\r u(mi=n o(/ti du/natai o( Qeo\j e)k tw=n li/qwn tou/twn e)gei=rai te/kna tw|= 'Abraa/m. h)/dh de\ kai\ h( a)ci/nh pro\j th\n r(i/zan tw=n de/ndrwn kei=tai: pa=n ou}n de/ndron mh\ poiou=n karpo\n kalo\n e)kko/ptetai kai\ ei)j pu=r ba/lletai.

Luke 3.7-9 Matthew 3.7-10

14. John’s Preaching of Repentance

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I(erousalh\m I(erousalh/m, h( a)poktei/nousa tou\j profh/taj kai\ liqobolou=sa tou\j a)pestalme/nouj pro\j au)th\n, posa/kij h)qe/lhsa e)pisuna/cai ta\ te/kna sou o(\n tro/pon o)/rnij e)pisuna/gei ta\ nossi/a a)uth=j u(po\ ta\j pte/rugaj, kai\ ou)k h)qelh/sate. i)dou\ a)fi/etai u(mi=n o( oi]koj u(mw=n e)/rhmoj. le/gw ga\r u(mi=n, ou) mh/ me i)/dhte a)p' a)/rti e(/wj a)\n ei)/phte, eu)loghme/noj o( e)rxo/menoj e)n o)no/mati Kuri/ou.

I(erousalh\m I(erousalh/m, h( a)poktei/nousa tou\j profh/taj kai\ liqobolou=sa tou\j a)pestalme/nouj pro\j au)th\n, posa/kij h)qe/lhsa e)pisuna/cai ta\ te/kna sou o(\n tro/pon o)/rnij th\n e(auth=j nossia\n u(po\ ta\j pte/rugaj, kai\ ou)k h)qelh/sate. i)dou\ a)fi/etai u(mi=n o( oi]koj u(mw=n. le/gw de\ u(mi=n ou) mh/ i)/dhte me e(/wj h(/cei o(/te ei)/phte: eu)loghme/noj o( e)rxo/menoj e)n o)no/mati Kuri/ou.

Luke 13.34-35 Matthew 23.37-39

285. Jesus’ Lament over Jerusalem

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 (/Otan de\ to\ a)ka/qarton pneu=ma e)ce/lqh| a)po\ tou= a)nqrw/pou, die/rxetai di' a)nu/drwn to/pwn zhtou=n a)na/pausin, kai\ ou)x eu(ri/skei. to/te le/gei: ei)j to\n oi]ko/n mou e)pistre/yw o(/qen e)ch=lqon: kai\ e)lqo\n eu(ri/skei sxola/zonta sesarwme/non kai\ kekosmhme/non. to/te poreu/etai kai\ paralamba/nei meq' e(autou= e(pta\ e(/tera pneu/mata ponhro/tera e(autou=, kai\ ei)selqo/nta katoikei= e)kei=, kai\ gi/netai ta\ e)/sxata tou= a)nqrw/pou e)kei/nou xei/rona tw=n prw/twn. ou(/twj e)/stai kai\ th|= genea|= tau/th th|= ponhra|=|.

 (/Otan to\ a)ka/qarton pneu=ma e)ce/lqh| a)po\ tou= a)nqrw/pou, die/rxetai di' a)nu/drwn to/pwn zhtou=n a)na/pausin, kai\ mh\ eu(ri/skon to/te le/gei: u(postre/yw ei)j to\n oi]ko/n mou o(/qen e)ch=lqon: kai\ e)lqo\n eu(ri/skei sesarwme/non kai\ kekosmhme/non. to/te poreu/etai kai\ paralamba/nei e(/tera pneu/mata ponhro/tera e(autou= e(pta\ kai\ ei)selqo/nta katoikei= e)kei=: kai\ gi/netai ta\ e)/sxata tou= a)nqrw/pou e)kei/nou xei/rona tw=n prw/twn.

Luke 11.24-26 Matthew 12.43-45

120. The Return of the Evil Spirit

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'En e)kei/nw| tw|= kairw|= a)pokriqei\j o( 'Ihsou=j ei]pen: e)comologou=mai/ soi, pa/ter, ku/rie tou= ou)ranou= kai\ th=j gh=j, o(/ti e)/kruyaj tau=ta a)po\ sofw=n kai\ sunetw=n kai\ a)peka/luyaj au)ta\ nhpi/oij: nai/, o( path/r, o(/ti ou(/twj eu)doki/a e)ge/neto e)/mprosqe/n sou. Pa/nta moi paredo/qh u(po\ tou= patro/j mou: kai\ ou)dei\j e)piginw/skei to\n ui(o\n ei) mh\ o( path/r, ou)de\ to\n pate/ra tij e)piginw/skei ei) mh\ o( ui(o\j kai\ w|{ e)a\n bou/lhtai o( ui(o\j a)pokalu/yai.

'En au)th|= th|= w(/ra| h)gallia/sato e)n tw|= pneu/mati tw|= a(gi&w|= kai\ ei]pen: e)comologou=mai/ soi, pa/ter, ku/rie tou= ou)ranou= kai\ th=j gh=j, o(/ti a)pe/kruyaj tau=ta a)po\ sofw=n kai\ sunetw=n, kai\ a)peka/luyaj au)ta\ nhpi/oij: nai/, o( path/r, o(/ti ou(/twj eu)doki/a e)ge/neto e)/mprosqe/n sou. pa/nta moi paredo/qh u(po\ tou= patro/j mou, kai\ ou)dei\j ginw/skei ti/j e)stin o( ui(o/j ei) mh\ o( path/r, kai\ ti/j e)stin o( path\r ei) mh\ o( ui(o/j kai\ w|{ e)a\n bou/lhtai o( ui(o\j a)pokalu/yai.

Luke 10.21-22 Matthew 11.25-27

109. Jesus’ thanksgiving to the Father

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Matthewused Luke

– in general

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Matt 5.38-48

Luke 6.27-36

Could Matthew

5.38-48 have used Luke 6.27-36?

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'Hkou/sate o(/ti e)rre/qh, o)fqalmo\n a)nti\ o)fqalmou= kai\ o)do/nta a)nti\ o)do/ntoj. 'Egw\ de\ le/gw u(mi=n mh\ a)ntisth=nai tw|= ponhrw|=: a)ll0 o(/stij se r(api/zei ei)j th\n decia\n siago/na sou, stre/yon au)tw|= kai\ th\n a)/llhn: kai\ tw|= qe/lonti/ soi kriqh=nai kai\ to\n xitw=na/ sou labei=n, a)/fej au)tw|= kai\ to\ i(ma/tion:

kai\ o(/stij se a)ggareu/sei mi/lion e(/n, u(/page met’ au)tou= du/o:

tw|= ai)tou=nti/ se do/j, kai\ to\n qe/lonta a)po\ sou= dani/sasqai mh\ a)postrafh|=j.

'Hkou/sate o(/ti e)rre/qh, a)gaph/seij to\n plhsi/on sou kai\ mish/seij to\n e)xqro/n sou. e)gw\ de\ le/gw u(mi=n,

a)gapa=te tou\j e)xqrou\j u(mw=n, kai\ proseu/xesqe u(pe\r tw=n diwko/ntwn u(ma=j,

o(/pwj ge/nhsqe ui(oi\ tou= patro\j u(mw=n tou= e)n ou)ranoi=j, o(/ti to\n h(/lion au)tou= a)nate/llei e)pi\ ponhrou\j kai\ a)gaqou\j kai\ bre/xei e)pi\ dikai/ouj kai\ a)di/kouj.

e)a\n ga\r a)gaph/shte tou\j a)gapw=ntaj u(ma=j, ti/na misqo\n e)/xete; ou)xi\ kai\ oi( telw=nai to\ au)to\ poiou=sin; kai\ e)a\n a)spa/shsqe tou\j a)delfou\j u(mw=n mo/non, ti/ perisso\n poiei=te; ou)xi\ kai\ oi( e)qnikoi\ to\ au)to\ poiou=sin;

e)/sesqe ou}n u(mei=j te/leioi, w(j o( path\r u(mw=n o( ou)ranoi=j te/leio/j e)stin.

'Alla\ u(mi=n le/gw toi=j a)kou/ousin: a)gapa=te tou\j e)xqrou\j u(mw=n, kalw=j poiei=te toi=j misou=sin u(ma=j, eu)logei=te tou\j katarwme/nouj u(ma=j, proseu/xesqe peri\ tw=n e)phreazo/ntwn u(ma=j.

tw|= tu/ptonti/ se e)pi\ th\n siago/na pa/rexe kai\ th\n a)/llhn, kai\ a)po\ tou= ai)/ronto/j sou to\ i(ma/tion kai\ to\n xitw=na mh\ kwlu/sh|j.

panti\ ai)tou=nti/ se di/dou, kai\ a)po\ tou= ai)/rontoj ta\ sa\ mh\ a)pai/tei.

kai\ kaqw\j qe/lete i(/na poiw=sin u(mi=n oi( a)/nqrwpoi poiei=te au)toi=j o(moi/wj.

kai\ ei) a)gapa=te tou\j a)gapw=ntaj u(ma=j, poi/a u(mi=n xa/rij e)sti/n; kai\ ga\r oi( a(martwloi\ tou\j a)gapw=ntaj au)tou\j a)gapw=sin. kai\ ga\r e)a\n a)gaqopoih=te tou\j a)gaqopoiou=ntaj u(ma=j, poi/a u(mi=n xa/rij e)sti/n; kai\ oi( a(martwloi\ to\ au)to\ poiou=sin. kai\ e)a\n dani/shte par' w{n e)lpi/zete labei=n, poi/a u(mi=n xa/rij e)stin/; kai\ a(martwloi\ a(martwloi=j dani/zousin i(/na a)pola/bwsin ta\ i)/sa. plh\n a)gapa=te tou\j e)xqrou\j u(mw=n kai\ a)gaqopoiei=te kai\ dani/zete mhde\n a)pelpi/zontej,

kai\ e)/stai o( misqo\j u(mw=n polu/j, kai\ e)/sesqe ui(oi\ u(yi/stou, o(/ti au)to\j xrhsto/j e)stin e)pi\ tou\j a)xari/stouj kai\ ponhrou/j.

Gi/nesqe ou}n oi)kti/rmonej, kaqw\j kai\ o( path\r u(mw=n oi)kti/rmwn e)stin/.

Luke 6.27-36 Matthew 5.38-4858-59. On Retaliation and On Love of One’s Enemies

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Did 1.2/1.3

Luke 6.27

Matthew 5.44

Love your enemies

Love/your neigbour

Pray for your enemies

Love your enemies

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Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

Matthewused Luke


Could Matthew also have used Did. 1.2-5a?

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Matt 5.38-48

Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

Could Matthew also have used Did. 1.2-5a?

Has Matthew conflated Did. 1.2-5a with Luke?

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Mark (4.30-32)Kai\ e)/lege: pw=j

o(moiw/swmen th\n basilei/an tou= Qeou=; h)\ e)n ti/ni parabolh|= paraba/lwmen au)th/n; w(j ko/kkw| sina/pewj, o(\j o(/tan sparh|= e)pi\ th=j gh=j, mikro/teron pa/ntwn tw=n sperma/twn tw=n e)pi\ th=j gh=j: kai\ o(/tan sparh|=, a0nabai/nei kai\ gi/netai mei~zon pa/ntwn tw=n laxa/nwn, kai\ poiei= kla/douj mega/louj, w(/ste du/nasqai u(po\ th\n skia\n au)tou= ta\ peteina\ tou= ou)ranou= kataskhnou=n.

 )/Elegen ou}n ti/ni o(moi/a e)sti\n h( basilei/a tou= Qeou=, kai\ ti/ni o(moiw/sw au)th/n; o(moi/a e)sti\n ko/kkw| sina/pewj, o(\n labw\n a)/nqrwpoj e)/balen ei)j kh=pon e(autou=:

kai\ hu)/chse ei0j

kai\ e)ge/neto ei0j de/ndron kai\ ta\ peteina\ tou=ou= ou)ranou= kateskh/nwsen e)n toi=j kla/doij au)tou=.

)/Allhn parabolh\n pare/qhken au)toi=j le/gwn: o(moi/a e)sti\n h( basilei/a tw=n ou)ranw=n ko/kkw| sina/pewj, o(\n labw\n a)/nqrwpoj e)/speiren e)n tw|= a)grw|= au)tou=: o(\ mikro/teron me/n e)stin pa/ntwn tw=n sperma/twn, o(/tan de\ au)chqh|=, mei=zon pa/ntwn tw=n laxa/nwn e)sti\ kai\ gi/netai de/ndron, w(/ste e)lqei=n ta\ peteina\ tou= ou)ranou= kai\ kataskhnou=n e)n toi=j kla/doij au)tou=

)/Allhn parabolh\n pare/qhken au)toi=j le/gwn: o(moi/a e)sti\n h( basilei/a tw=n ou)ranw=n ko/kkw| sina/pewj, o(\n labw\n a)/nqrwpoj e)/speiren e)n tw|= a)grw|= au)tou=: o(\ mikro/teron me/n e)stin pa/ntwn tw=n sperma/twn, o(/tan de\ au)chqh|=, mei=zon pa/ntwn tw=n laxa/nwn e)sti\ kai\ gi/netai de/ndron, w(/ste e)lqei=n ta\ peteina\ tou= ou)ranou= kai\ kataskhnou=n e)n toi=j kla/doij au)tou=.

Parable of the Mustard Seed

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Luke 6.29-30

Matthew 5.38-42

Did 1.4b(4.30-32)e0a&n ti/j soi dw|~ r9a&pisma ei0j th\

n decia_n siago&na, stre/yon au0tw|~ kai\ th\n a!llhn,

kai\ e1sh| te/leioj:e0a&n a0ggareu/sh| se/ tij mi/lion e3n, u3page met' au0tou= du/o:e0a&n a1rh| tij to\ i9matio&n sou, do\j au0tw|~ kai\ to\n xitw~na:e0a&n la&bh| tij a)po\ sou= to\ so&n, mh\ a)pai/tei: ou0de\ ga_r du\nasai.

tw|= tu/ptonti/ se e)pi\ th\n siago/na pa/rexe kai\ th\n a)/llhn, kai\ a)po\ tou= ai)/ronto/j sou to\ i(ma/tion kai\ to\n xitw=na mh\ kwlu/sh|j. panti\ de\ tw|= ai)tou=nti/ se di/dou, kai\ a)po\ tou= ai)/rontoj ta\ sa\ mh\ a)pai/tei.

… a)ll 0 o(/stij se r(api/sei e)pi\ th\n decia\n siago/na, stre/yon au)tw|= kai\ th\n a)/llhn: kai\ tw|= qe/lonti/ soi kriqh=nai kai\ to\n xitw=na/ sou labei=n, a)/fej au)tw|= kai\ to\ i(ma/tion: kai\ o(/stij se a)ggareu/sei mi/lion e(/n, u(/page met' au)tou= du/o: tw|= ai)tou=nti/ se do/j, kai\ to\n qe/lonta a)po\ sou= dani/sasqai [cf. Lk 6.35] mh\ a)postrafh|=j.

… a)ll 0 o(/stij se r(api/sei e)pi\ th\n decia\n siago/na, stre/yon au)tw|= kai\ th\n a)/llhn: kai\ tw|= qe/lonti/ soi kriqh=nai kai\ to\n xitw=na/ sou labei=n, a)/fej au)tw|= kai\ to\ i(ma/tion: kai\ o(/stij se a)ggareu/sei mi/lion e(/n, u(/page met' au)tou= du/o: tw|= ai)tou=nti/ se do/j, kai\ to\n qe/lonta a)po\ sou= dani/sasqai [cf. Lk 6.35] mh\ a)postrafh|=j.

On Retaliation

Page 73: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Luke 6.29-30

Matthew 5.38-42

Did 1.4b(4.30-32)e0a&n ti/j soi dw|~ r9a&pisma ei0j th\

n decia_n siago&na, stre/yon au0tw|~ kai\ th\n a!llhn,

kai\ e1sh| te/leioj:e0a&n a0ggareu/sh| se/ tij mi/lion e3n, u3page met' au0tou= du/o:e0a&n a1rh| tij to\ i9matio&n sou, do\j au0tw|~ kai\ to\n xitw~na:e0a&n la&bh| tij a)po\ sou= to\ so&n, mh\ a)pai/tei: ou0de\ ga_r du\nasai.

tw|= tu/ptonti/ se e)pi\ th\n siago/na pa/rexe kai\ th\n a)/llhn, kai\ a)po\ tou= ai)/ronto/j sou to\ i(ma/tion kai\ to\n xitw=na mh\ kwlu/sh|j. panti\ de\ tw|= ai)tou=nti/ se di/dou, kai\ a)po\ tou= ai)/rontoj ta\ sa\ mh\ a)pai/tei.

… a)ll 0 o(/stij se r(api/sei e)pi\ th\n decia\n siago/na, stre/yon au)tw|= kai\ th\n a)/llhn: kai\ tw|= qe/lonti/ soi kriqh=nai kai\ to\n xitw=na/ sou labei=n, a)/fej au)tw|= kai\ to\ i(ma/tion: kai\ o(/stij se a)ggareu/sei mi/lion e(/n, u(/page met' au)tou= du/o: tw|= ai)tou=nti/ se do/j, kai\ to\n qe/lonta a)po\ sou= dani/sasqai [cf. Lk 6.35] mh\ a)postrafh|=j.

… a)ll 0 o(/stij se r(api/sei e)pi\ th\n decia\n siago/na, stre/yon au)tw|= kai\ th\n a)/llhn: kai\ tw|= qe/lonti/ soi kriqh=nai kai\ to\n xitw=na/ sou labei=n, a)/fej au)tw|= kai\ to\ i(ma/tion: kai\ o(/stij se a)ggareu/sei mi/lion e(/n, u(/page met' au)tou= du/o: tw|= ai)tou=nti/ se do/j, kai\ to\n qe/lonta a)po\ sou= dani/sasqai [cf. Lk 6.35] mh\ a)postrafh|=j.

On Retaliation

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On Love of Enemies

Matthew 5.43-47

6.27-28 'Alla\ u(mi=n le/gw toi=j a)kou/ousin: a)gapa=te tou\j e)xqrou\j u(mw=n, kalw=j poiei=te toi=j misou=sin u(ma=j, eu)logei=te tou\j katarwme/nouj u(mi=n, proseu/xesqe u(pe\r tw=n e)phreazo/ntwn u(ma=j. …

[6.35b kai\ e)/stai o( misqo\j u(mw=n polu/j, kai\ e)/sesqe ui(oi\ u(yi/stou, o(/ti au)to\j xrhsto/j e)stin e)pi\ tou\j a)xari/stouj kai\ ponhrou/j.]

6.32-33 … kai\ ei) a)gapa=te tou\j a)gapw=ntaj u(ma=j, poi/a u(mi=n xa/rij e)sti/; kai\ ga\r oi( a(martwloi\ tou\j a)gapw=ntaj au)tou\j a)gapw=si. kai\ [ga\r] e)a\n a)gaqopoih=te tou\j a)gaqopoiou=ntaj u(ma=j, poi/a u(mi=n xa/rij e)sti/; kai\ ga\r oi( a(martwloi\ to\ au)to\ poiou=sin.


1.3b eu0logei=te tou\j katarwme/nouj u9mi=n kai\ proseu/xesqe u9pe\r tw~n e0xqrw~n u9mw~n,nhsteu/ete de\ u9pe\r tw~n diwko&ntwn u9ma=j:

[1.5a pa~si ga_r qe/lei di/dosqai o( path\r e0k tw~n i0di/wn xarisma&twn.]

1.3c poi/a ga_r xa&rij, e0a_n a)gapa~te tou\j a)gapw~ntaj u9ma~j; ou0xi\ kai\ ta\ e1qnh to\ au0to\ poiou=sin;

[ou0xi\ kai\ ta\ e1qnh to\ au0to\ poiou=sin] repeat not in Did

'Egw\ de\ le/gw u(mi=n, a)gapa=te tou\j e)xqrou\j u(mw=n, kai\ proseu/xesqe u(pe\r tw=n diwko/ntwn u(ma=j, o(/pwj ge/nhsqe ui(oi\ tou= patro\j u(mw=n tou= e)n ou)ranoi=j, o(/ti to\n h(/lion au)tou= a)nate/llei e)pi\ ponhrou\j kai\ a)gaqou\j kai\ bre/xei e)pi\ dikai/ouj kai\ a)di/kouj. e)a\n ga\r a)gaph/shte tou\j a)gapw=ntaj u(ma=j, ti/na misqo\n [cf. Lk 6.35] e)/xete; ou)xi\ kai\ oi( telw=nai to\ au)to\ poiou=sin; kai\ e)a\n a)spa/shsqe tou\j a)delfou\j u(mw=n mo/non, ti/ perisso\n poiei=te; ou)xi\ kai\ oi( e)qnikoi\ to\ au)to\ poiou=sin;


'Egw\ de\ le/gw u(mi=n, a)gapa=te tou\j e)xqrou\j u(mw=n, kai\ proseu/xesqe u(pe\r tw=n diwko/ntwn u(ma=j, o(/pwj ge/nhsqe ui(oi\ tou= patro\j u(mw=n tou= e)n ou)ranoi=j, o(/ti to\n h(/lion au)tou= a)nate/llei e)pi\ ponhrou\j kai\ a)gaqou\j kai\ bre/xei e)pi\ dikai/ouj kai\ a)di/kouj. e)a\n ga\r a)gaph/shte tou\j a)gapw=ntaj u(ma=j, ti/na misqo\n [cf. Lk 6.35] e)/xete; ou)xi\ kai\ oi( telw=nai to\ au)to\ poiou=sin; kai\ e)a\n a)spa/shsqe tou\j a)delfou\j u(mw=n mo/non, ti/ perisso\n poiei=te; ou)xi\ kai\ oi( e)qnikoi\ to\ au)to\ poiou=sin;

'Egw\ de\ le/gw u(mi=n, a)gapa=te tou\j e)xqrou\j u(mw=n, kai\ proseu/xesqe u(pe\r tw=n diwko/ntwn u(ma=j, o(/pwj ge/nhsqe ui(oi\ tou= patro\j u(mw=n tou= e)n ou)ranoi=j, o(/ti to\n h(/lion au)tou= a)nate/llei e)pi\ ponhrou\j kai\ a)gaqou\j kai\ bre/xei e)pi\ dikai/ouj kai\ a)di/kouj. e)a\n ga\r a)gaph/shte tou\j a)gapw=ntaj u(ma=j, ti/na misqo\n [cf. Lk 6.35] e)/xete; ou)xi\ kai\ oi( telw=nai to\ au)to\ poiou=sin; kai\ e)a\n a)spa/shsqe tou\j a)delfou\j u(mw=n mo/non, ti/ perisso\n poiei=te; ou)xi\ kai\ oi( e)qnikoi\ to\ au)to\ poiou=sin;

Page 75: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

Be perfect

Matthew 5.48

Gi/nesqe ou}n oi)kti/rmonej, kaqw\j [kai\] o( path\r u(mw=n oi)kti/rmwn e)sti/n.

Luke 6.36

... kai\ e1sh| te/leioj

Didache 1.4

 )/Esesqe ou}n u(mei=j te/leioi, w(j o( path\r u(mw=n o( ou)ranoi=j te/leio/j e)stin.

 )/Esesqe ou}n u(mei=j te/leioi, w(j o( path\r u(mw=n o( ou)ranoi=j te/leio/j e)stin.

... kai\ e1sh| te/leioj

Page 76: Making Jesus’ Sayings Alan Garrow University of Sheffield

kai\ kaqw\j qe/lete i(/na poiw=sin u(mi=n oi( a)/nqrwpoi, kai\ u(mei=j poiei=te au)toi=j o(moi/wj.

Pa/nta ou}n o(/sa a)\n qe/lhte i(/na poiw=sin u(mi=n oi( a)/nqrwpoi, ou(/tw kai\ u(mei=j poiei=te au)toi=j:

Luke 6.31

Matthew 7.12

pa&nta de\ o#sa e0a_n qelhsh|j mh\ gi/nesqai/ soi, kai/ su\ a1llw| mh\ poi/ei.

Didache 1.2The Golden

Rulepa&nta de\ o#sa e0a_n qelhsh|j mh\ gi/nesqai/ soi, kai/ su\ a1llw| mh\ poi/ei.

Pa/nta ou}n o(/sa e0a\n qe/lhte i(/na poiw=sin u(mi=n oi( a)/nqrwpoi, ou(/tw kai\ u(mei=j poiei=te au)toi=j:

Pa/nta ou}n o(/sa e0a\n qe/lhte i(/na poiw=sin u(mi=n oi( a)/nqrwpoi, ou(/tw kai\ u(mei=j poiei=te au)toi=j:

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Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

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‘Streeter’s ‘Other’ Synoptic Solution: The

Matthew Conflator Hypothesis’(April 2016)

‘An Extant Instance of ‘Q’’ (July 2016)

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Matt 5.38-48

Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

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Avoid the fleshly and bodily passions

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Avoid the fleshly passions






Lone saying

Centrepiece of Sayings Catena

Incorporated into Did Two Ways

Not used by Luke

Not used by Matthew

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Love your Enemies






Triad of sayings about enemies

Triad joins Sayings Catena

Catena expands Love command

Coined by Luke

Repeated by Matthew

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Positive Golden Rule






Negative form circulates widely

Negative form in Did Two Ways

Juxtaposed with +ve instructions

Coined by Luke

Repeated by Matthew

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Go the Extra Mile






Circulates orally with related sayings

Joins Sayings Catena

Incorporated into Didache

Omitted by Luke

Recovered by Matthew

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Cloak and Tunic/Tunic and Cloak






Circulates orally with related sayings

Becomes part of Sayings Catena

Incorporated into Didache

Preserved by Luke

Modified by Matthew

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Turn the other cheek






Circulates orally with related sayings

Becomes part of Sayings Catena

Incorporated into Didache

‘Right’ cheek omitted by Luke

‘Right’ recovered by Matthew

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a M








Separate Say.

Sayings Catena

Didache Incorp.



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Luke 6.27-36

Did. 1.2-5a

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Which version of the Didache was known to Matthew?

Which version of the Didache was known to Luke?

Who wrote this document? When, where, &why?