makalah bahasa inggris - search engine

PREFACE Praise Allah SWT for all the guidance and grace of Allah Almighty was the one we can solve Papers "Website And Search Engine" is properly and timely. we realize that this paper is far from perfect because of the criticism and suggestions from all parties that are establish we always hoped for the perfection of this paper. We say many thanks profusely to God who has made it easier and smooth finish paper and this observation, and many thanks to all those who have helped, guide and support us in carrying out observation and this paper. In compiling this paper we have tried our best, but we realize that this paper is far from perfect, we apologize for the shortcomings, therefore, criticism and constructive suggestions so we expect to repair. we hope this paper can be useful for those who read and a new generation will carry out observations and manufacture of this paper. Bekasi, 25 May 2015 1

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Praise Allah SWT for all the guidance and grace of Allah Almighty was

the one we can solve Papers "Website And Search Engine" is properly and timely.

we realize that this paper is far from perfect because of the criticism and

suggestions from all parties that are establish we always hoped for the perfection

of this paper.

We say many thanks profusely to God who has made it easier and smooth

finish paper and this observation, and many thanks to all those who have helped,

guide and support us in carrying out observation and this paper.

In compiling this paper we have tried our best, but we realize that this

paper is far from perfect, we apologize for the shortcomings, therefore, criticism

and constructive suggestions so we expect to repair. we hope this paper can be

useful for those who read and a new generation will carry out observations and

manufacture of this paper.

Bekasi, 25 May 2015



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Table List Of Content........................................................................2

Chapter I Introduction................................................................3

1.1 Background............................................................3

1.2 Purpose...................................................................4

1.3 The Problems..........................................................4

1.4 Research Objective.................................................4

Chapter II Discussion....................................................................4

2.1 Definition Website.................................................4

2.2 A positive effects web............................................5

2.3 A Negative effects website....................................5

2.4 Definition Search Engine.......................................6

2.5 A positive effects Search Engine...........................6

2.6 A Negative effects Search Engine.........................6

2.6 Example Websites..................................................7

2.7 Example Search Engine..........................................8

Chapter III Conclusion...................................................................9

Chapter IV Bibliography...............................................................10



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1.1 Background

In the meaning of the WEBSITE is a subset of pages of information

provided via the Internet that can be accessed around the world over network

connected to the Internet. Website is a component that consists of text, images,

sound animations so that it becomes a media information of interest to be visited

by others. Well from that meaning, we can understand it in a simple website that

definition is any information that can be accessed by using the Internet network


1.2 Purpose

Compliance task of Course English Language II

As an addition to insight and knowledge of fellow students

Reviewing All about website and blog

1.3 The Problem

  What is website

  What is Search Engine.

1.4  Research Objective

We have a purpose in making this paper as follows:

  Searching in google.

  Look at module.


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2.1. Definition Website

A website, also written as web site,[1] is a collection of related web pages,

including multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name,

and published on at least one web server. A web site may be accessible via a

public Internet Protocol (IP) network, such as the Internet, or a private local area

network (LAN), by referencing a uniform resource locator (URL) that identifies

the site. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide

Web, while private websites are typically a part of an intranet.

Web pages, which are the building blocks of websites, are documents,

typically composed in plain text interspersed with formatting instructions of

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML, XHTML). They may incorporate elements

from other websites with suitable markup anchors. Web pages are accessed and

transported with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which may optionally

employ encryption (HTTP Secure, HTTPS) to provide security and privacy for the

user. The user's application, often a web browser, renders the page content

according to its HTML markup instructions onto a display terminal.

Hyperlinking between web pages conveys to the reader the site structure

and guides the navigation of the site, which often starts with a home page

containing a directory of the site web content. Some websites require user

registration or subscription to access content. Examples of subscription websites

include many business sites, parts of news websites, academic journal websites,

gaming websites, file-sharing websites, message boards, web-based email, social

networking websites, websites providing real-time stock market data, as well as

sites providing various other services.


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2.2. A positive effects web

Coverage a vast market.

Because Internet users are so numerous and increasingly rising, of course,

the business opportunities in the greater Internet.

Can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, and anytime.

Can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, and anytime.

Access information is very easy.

Just with a few clicks of the mouse, visitors can see information about

your business, products and services.

Through the website, the Company can provide the latest information

very quickly.

Publicity and advertising.

Link and Viral Marketing.

Another advantage of doing business on the Internet, when a company or

business well and gain trust, then the company will receive recognition

from the clients in the form of links. The better and recognized business,

the more links you will get.

Brands Protection.

On the Internet there may be two domain names the same. Domain name

already owned can be used as Brands company or business, because there

can be no competitors that use the same domain name.

2.3 A Negative effects website

Credibility. Because it does not meet directly with clients, it is difficult to

gain the trust of clients.

Difficult to reach the target audience. Because of the large competition in

the Internet, then to get good ranking in Google became difficult.

SPAM. One risk that must be faced when you publish No. Phone and

Email to the website is sms or email SPAM.


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2.4 Definition Search Engine

A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for

information on the World Wide Web. The search results are generally presented in

a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages (SERPs). The

information may be a mix of web pages, images, and other types of files. Some

search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories. Unlike

web directories, which are maintained only by human editors, search engines also

maintain real-time information by running an algorithm on a web crawler.

2.5 A positive effects Search Engine

With the advantages it has, it turns out these search engines so shooting

the spamer to display ads that are not needed. They exploit any loopholes that

exist in the Google algorithm system to force their ads appear on the front page.

Thus, the search feels concerned on.

2.5 A negative effects Search Engine

Infiltration into the archive the secret archives in cyberspace pornographic

content are not in the filter, so it can be accessible to all the publication of data -

confidential data are sometimes filtered and entered in the search feature on


With a very broad information that can be accessed freely, making some

people are trying to work kers to get an update. example schoolwork, college too

open in collecting information.

For information search portal Google is not a safe application, since he

was only looking on orders written by the user. Whether it's good or bad. Whether

it politely or not. Whether it's serious or playful. Whether it up to date or out of

topic. Whether it is useful or not.


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2.6 Example Websites


2. Crunchyroll


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2.6 Example Search Engine

1. Google

2. Bing



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Websites that we examine have many types of search website, the website

of knowledge and commercial websites, and certainly has many benefits, because

it gives us the information that we previously know, and allows us to learn and

help the needs of our daily life.

But we as users of the website, we also have to be selective in choosing

the website that we choose, do not rule out the website we were looking up

matters were negative, and provide things that are inconsistent with the facts,

therefore we must be wary of the website like that.



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