magazine sight and sound and total film


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Post on 25-May-2015




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Page 1: Magazine sight and sound and total film
Page 2: Magazine sight and sound and total film

The mast head has an orange background with black and red bold font on it which makes the mast head stand out due to the vibrant background colour used. ‘sight & sound’ emphasises the fact that both aspects are important in this magazine.The tag line indicates that it has an international widespread, so it includes movies from all over the world such as French productions etc.

The magazine appears to have a serious aspect towards it in comparison to the ‘Total Film’ magazine front cover as formal colour scheme consisting of black, blue and white have a serious focus towards the movie. This can also be seen through the lack of sub images which indicates that it appeals to an older audience in comparison to ‘total Sound’ which is targeted more at a younger audience of 15-44 sourced through the NRS data

Actor is wearing sunglasses seated at the back of a car suggesting suspicion and his character. One side of his face is shadowed which also suggests that his character is mysterious and doesn't want to be recognised so he used the prop of sunglasses as a disguise. The mise en scene of the characters costume also suggests that he is a business man as he is wearing a suit making him look formal and signifying that he is of some sort of importance or pretending to me

The title of the movie is in big bold blue letters which goes across the last quarter of the page. This highlights what the main article is about in this issue of the magazine. it is also accompanied by the directors name and the actors name. This is because this particular magazine mainly focuses on the directors of the movies as the target audience of the magazine are men who are interested in directors and the way the movie has been made rather than ‘A List’ actors which most magazines tend to focus on more.

Page 3: Magazine sight and sound and total film

Simple but effective three colour scheme of red black and white is used to make the background image stand out even more, ties in with the costume of the super hero. The continuous theme throughout shows how consistent the magazine is. Makes everything look professional yet effective as it makes the main image stand out. Sell lines, intrigue the audience.

Also mentions other movies featured in the magazine to attract their audiences for the movies. Also there are sub headings of different well known ‘A List’ actors such as Ryan Gosling which attracts the audience too as they may be fans of him therefore they are more likely to purchase the magazine for him rather than for the main story.

Main image is placed in centre of the page, shows his and her importance, he is behind her which indicates he is some sort of hero as he is protecting her. Both characters are covering the masthead which suggests the magazine is well known.The name of the magazine ‘Total Film’ also suggests that the magazine is all about all types of films therefore it covers every movie in the box office making it appeal to all of the audience who like various types of genres.

The heading is placed in the middle of the page to show its dominance which links to the image as superman is showing a form of dominance which his body language as he is looking up in a stance showing his muscles suggesting his power. The heading is also made too look like it is made out of steel which links to the name of the heading ‘man of steel’. This is effective as it gives an indication of how strong the character is and possibly how powerful the movie is going to be too.

Tells you the theme of the issue of the magazine is going to be on heroes and villains which indicates that its target market for this months issue is comic fans so it will appeal to them more.