magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies Magazine front cover print screens In this first print screen of my magazine front cover I have chosen my location which is a normal everyday house. I choose this location as it is a realistic location that people looking at the magazine may relate to as it may be similar to something in their lives. I also choose I because it connotes British realism as It is a convention of British social realism which is my films genre. The next thing that I did was adding an effect to the image and zoomed in towards it. I added this effect to give it a much grainer feel to it as it gave I more of an eyrie atmosphere which most British social realism feels has. There is much less happy endings in British social realism films as some of the time in real life their isn’t a happy ending which is what I think sets it aside from other films genres such as action of comedies. Also British realism films don’t give you a fake world they are all real or to as much extent that it can go to so it can portray real life. This Is a reason why I really enjoyed this poster and magazine front cover production as it really helped me to analyse British social realism.

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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Magazine front cover print screens

In this first print screen of my magazine front cover I

have chosen my location which is a normal everyday

house. I choose this location as it is a realistic location

that people looking at the magazine may relate to as it

may be similar to something in their lives. I also choose I

because it connotes British realism as It is a convention

of British social realism which is my films genre.

The next thing that I did was adding an effect to the

image and zoomed in towards it. I added this effect to

give it a much grainer feel to it as it gave I more of an

eyrie atmosphere which most British social realism feels

has. There is much less happy endings in British social

realism films as some of the time in real life their isn’t a

happy ending which is what I think sets it aside from

other films genres such as action of comedies. Also

British realism films don’t give you a fake world they are

all real or to as much extent that it can go to so it can

portray real life. This Is a reason why I really enjoyed this

poster and magazine front cover production as it really

helped me to analyse British social realism.

Page 2: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Next I added the face of my main character to the magazine

cover so that it can be seen who is in the film. Due to them being

an unknown actor it adds to the conventions of British social


In this print screen I enlarged the picture of the character to fit

the size of the screen. I also made it this large to fit the

conventions of a magazine front cover.

Page 3: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Next I added a BFI film forever logo as they will have some part

of my film production. BFI are in connection with a lot of British

films so BFI would have some part of my film.

Next I added the “Sight and Sound” title as this would be the

magazine that my film would be on as they deal with a lot of

British films. To get the Sight and sound logo I had to use an

existing issue of the magazine so I could edit them together.

Page 4: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

This shows how I edited the issue into my own issue. Also I had

overlapped the main character over the sight and sound logo so

that it shows the conventions of a magazine front cover.

Next I added “The Temptation” to the poster which is the title of

my film and is the second thing that the person will look at

when they look at the magazine after the image. It is important

to have a bold font and a bright colour which I have done so the

reader will be drawn in and read the title then maybe the rest of

the cover then maybe open the magazine to read more. It is a

ripple effect that hopefully works.

Page 5: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Next I added the skyline which is at the top of the magazine

which is a part of the Sight and Sound magazine as they are an

international magazine which is a form of advertising their

magazine. I also added a bar code which was located on the

side which is always a part of magazine from cover as it sets it

aside from books.

The next print screen I added the director and Oscar exclusive

which is added information and is anchorage text to improve the

look of the magazine to give It more meat, also to make it more


Page 6: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Next I added sub headings on the left that are involved on the

magazine and are important that the magazine has these

conventions. It adds more information to the magazine and

improves it looks.

Next there was the “Free cinema ticket” which was something I

added just to give it a magazine feel which I have seen in other

magazine front covers. This was also just added to make the

magazine more appealing free tickets may persuade people to

buy it.

Page 7: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Then I decided to move the bar code to the side as it makes the

magazine cover look better it all being on one side rather than it

being more scattered around the cover. I also added issue

number at the very top which is small and is harder to see

because it has less importance but I still needed on the magazine.

Lastly I added the price which is a convention of magazines to

have the price on the front of the magazine.

Page 8: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Magazine cover two

For the second poster I started with a different photo of my main

character looking back which gives more narrative of my film.

Making the reader think more about the character.

Next I added a background picture similar to the first magazine. I

choose this picture as it is a natural realistic location. This makes

the location more relatable for the reader. It is a generic

convention of British social realism.

Page 9: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Next was adding the BFI logo which was used because they are

involved in a lot of British films which would be important to have

on the magazine front cover. I use this on my magazine and

poster because BFI would be involved in my film.

Next I added the free cinema ticket as this has been in magazines

that have been made so I used this idea in my magazine. I also

added the Sight and sound title as it is a sight and sound

magazine. It is also been overlapped by the main character as it

makes the magazine quality look better. The sight and sound

logo is bold and bright to stand out over the background image.

Page 10: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Next I added the international magazine skyline as it is a part of

the sight and sound magazine so I had to add it to my magazine

front cover.

The next thing I added in this print screen is the title of the film

“The Temptation”. This is the second thing that someone looking

at the magazine will see after the image and I put it in a white and

bold font to make it stand out. Also the white has connotations or

links to the film as there is parts of drugs.

Page 11: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Next I added anchorage text to the bottom of the main title. This

was just to add more information to the magazine. It will be

important to have this so anyone reading the magazine

extensively will want to know what is inside.

Next I added the bar code which is on the front of all magazines

as it sets itself aside from books.

Page 12: Magazine front cover print screens

James O’Connell media studies

Next I added the issue number at the top which is smaller as it is

has less importance but is still needed on the cover.

Lastly I added the price which is a convention of the magazine to

have the price on show on the cover.