magazine-audience-analysis - language and literature... other references for conventions of a movie...


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Features of a newspaper :

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A Magazine front cover :

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Types of newspapers :

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Tabloid front cover :

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Broadsheet front cover :

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Magazines and Newspapers

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A note on Newspaper articles :

1. Most news articles are news stories and focus only on the facts

2. editorials and columns are not considered real news stories and usually reflect the opinion of

their writer. There are several types of news articles :

a. A local news article focuses on what’s going on in your neighbourhood. An example

of a local news story would be an article on a city council meeting. •

b. A national news article focuses on what’s happening in the country. An example of a

national news article would be an article on the Canadian government passing a new


c. An international news article focuses on news that’s happening outside the country.

A story on an influenza outbreak in China would be considered an international news


d. A feature article is an article that is about "softer" news. A feature may be a profile of

a person who does a lot of volunteer work in the community or a movie preview.

Feature articles are not considered news stories.

e. An editorial is an article that contains the writer’s opinion. Editorials are usually run

all together on a specific page of the paper and focus on current events. Editorials

are not considered news stories.

f. A column is an article written by the same person on a regular basis. A columnist

(the writer of the column) writes about subjects of interest to him/her, current events

or community happenings. Columns are not considered news stories ( No author).

There are certain aspects that characterize a newspaper article. These distinguishing features need

to be considered before writing about a topic in order to have a well structured article.

1. Headline and Byline : All newspaper articles should be set off with a headline.The headline

shouldn’t be a summarization of the article; instead it should serve the purpose of getting the

reader’s attention. The byline should usually follow the headline. This states the author’s full

name. In some cases the byline can occur and the end of the article. Remember to not use

the first person point of view in your article (-Mass).*The proper visual format for each type

of article is shown on the “Newspaper Articles” poster.

2. Lead Paragraph: The lead paragraph is the first one in a news story.Usually, the lead is one

sentence long and summarizes the facts of the news story in order of most newsworthy to

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least news-worthy (-Knox). The lead paragraph should not tease at the beginning or

summarize at the end, as you sometimes see on television news.Instead, the author should

lay all his/her cards out on the table, so to speak.

a. The lead paragraph should include the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of the

story (-Cigelske). Depending on the elements of news value, the summary news lead

emphasizes and includes some or all of these components:Who names the

subject(s) of the story.

i. The “who”, a noun, can refer to a person, a group, a building, an institution, a

concept -- anything about which a story can be written.

ii. What is the action taking place. It is a verb that tells what the who is doing.

Reporters should always use active voices and action verbs for the what

because they make the wording direct and lively.

iii. When tells the time the action is happening. It is an adverb or an adverb


iv. Where is the place the action is happening. Again, it is an adverb or adverb or

adverb phrase.

v. Why, another adverb, explains the action in the lead. How usually describes

the manner in which action occurs.

vi. One example of a lead is: Bargainers from General Motors and UAW Local

160 will resume talks in Warren this morning seeking to end a day-old strike

over the transfer of jobs from unionized employees to less costly contract


1. The “who” in the lead above are the bargainers from General Motors

and the UAW. What are the bargainers doing? The lead says they will

resume talks.When will the bargainers resume talks? The bargain are

meeting this morning. In our story, the “where” is Warren.Why are the

bargainers meeting? The bargainers are meeting to discuss the

transfer of jobs (-Knox).The reader should know this information at

first glance so they are aware what the story is about and what the

emphasis is on.The lead sets the structure for the rest of the story. If

the lead is good, the rest of the story comes together easily.Many

reporters spend half their writing time on the lead alone. One guiding

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principle behind story organization is: the structure of the story can

help the reader understand what the author is writing about. The

structure should lead the reader from idea to idea simply and clearly.

The object is to give readers information, and wow them with

convoluted style.

2. Transitions With one-sentence paragraphs consisting of only one

idea -- block paragraphs -- it would be easy for a story to appear as a

series of statements without any smoothflow from one idea to the

next. Block paragraphing makes the use of effective transitions

important.Transitions are words or phrases that link two

ideas,making the movement from one idea to the other clear and

easy. Obvious transitional phrases are: thus,therefore, on the other

hand, next, then, and so on.Transitions in news stories are generally

made by repeating a word or phrase or using a synonym for a

keyword in the preceding paragraph. Think of block graph as islands

tied together with transition bridges of repeated words or phrases


3. Explanation and Amplification Following the lead paragraph comes

the explanation and amplification, which deals with illuminating

details.The author should use discretion in choosing details to

include in this part of the story. Some details may not be as important

as others and they should be presented in order of importance from

greatest to least. The author should not feel the need to include

everything he/sheknows, but include everything he/she feels is

important(-Cigelske). In addition, a direct quote should be used after

the summary statement to provide amplification or verification, for

example (-Knox).

4. Background Information. At a high reading level, the average reader

will become confused reading the story. Therefore, the author should

fill in the gaps with background information.When in doubt about

whether information should be included, the author should put it in.

For example,almost every piece on the O.J. Simpson case included in

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the explanation and amplification section the basic information on

what he was on trial for even though it was basically common

knowledge (-Cigelske).

5. Biases: Newspaper articles should be written without bias.Personal

prejudices should not find their way into the article. The use of an

op-ed or column forum is recommended for personal opinions


6. Direct and Indirect Quotes: When possible, the author should use

direct or indirect quotes to enrich the article. However, quotations

should not be included just for the sake of using them: make sure

they are relevant (-Cigelske). Direct quotes can be used in the

following situations:

a. if a source’s language is particularly colourful or picturesque

when it is important for written information --especially

official information -- to come from an obviously authoritative

voice to answer the questions “why, how, who, or

what?”Remember, a direct quote repeats exactly what the

interviewee said. If a person’s exact words aren’t known,the

author can paraphrase, but never change the meaning of a

person’s words. When paraphrasing,quotation marks aren’t

required but the individual’s name should be included after

the paraphrased sentence.

b. Bibliography: The article must always contain a Bibliography

or“Works Cited” list that includes at least two sources. All

sources must be documented in the correct format*


The basic format of a newspaper article can be condensed into a simplified explanation:

1. Headline–An attention getting phrase at the top of the article.

2. Byline – By, your name. •

3. Lead Paragraph – Start with a strong, interesting sentence to get the reader engaged. Include the

“who, what, when, where, why, and how” as appropriate.

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4. Explanation and Amplification–This section will include several brief paragraphs explaining the

details surrounding your photograph.

5. Background Information–This section will include several brief paragraphs explaining events

leading up to the picture, related national stories, etc. (- Sebrank).

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A movie poster

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Source : Other references for conventions of a movie poster :

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Formal Letter : - An interesting site that gives a list of different kinds of formal letters that could be written. You could think of these for your CWT and these could also help identify conventions if you get one for paper 1. Editorials : - A good link to consider - how to write and other details Opinion Column : - could seem long but could tell you a lot about why is opinion column important Encyclopedia entries : Encyclopedias are collections of short, factual entries, often written by different contributors who are knowledgeable about the topic. There are two types of encyclopedias: general and subject. General encyclopedias provide concise overviews on a wide variety of topics. Subject encyclopedias contain in-depth entries focusing on one field of study. Source : Purpose : Indeed, the purpose of an encyclopedia is to collect knowledge disseminated around the globe; to set forth its general system to the men with whom we live, and transmit it to those who will come after us, so that the work of preceding centuries will not become useless to the centuries to come; and so that our offspring, becoming better instructed, will at the same time become more virtuous and happy, and that we should not die without having rendered a service to the human race. (;view=fulltext) Resources that could help you know more : - looks at the use of language Cartoon / Comic strips - a good one to learn specific vocabulary to talk about cartoons - specific analysis, click to understand better. - audio analysis of the cartoons that you could listen to - has questions that could help with analysis

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Purpose : - interesting read Editorial or political cartoons express opinions on public issues and officials. ( Interview : Visual interview : How to write transcript of an interview - very helpful if you choose to write one for your CWT. Radio script Sample of a radio script : - you could use these transcripts to conclude what the conventions could be… News Broadcast transcript - if you choose to write one for CWT - a long read but states clearly and the reason for differences between newspaper, radio and TV writing. TV script : Writing for films vs. writing for documentary : Documentary : = what is a documentary? From the horse’s mouth Purposes of a documentary - To inform To attack a perspective To persuade

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To entertain To educate To defend a perspective To critique To observe real life Diary / Memoir A diary tells what happens within a specific time frame and is written about specific things that have happened. It doesn't address the person to whom these things happened. Diaries are usually written as a record of events, transactions or observations kept daily or at frequent intervals. Memoirs are not personal narratives. Memoirs are not single moments. Memoirs are about the plot lines or patterns that bind those moments together. Memoir allows one to select images, events, and treasures that reveal important things about themselves. The central challenge in memoir writing is to find out how particular moments fit into the plot lines of one's own life. One must not only discover the moment of their lives, but the meanings in those moments. Memoir is always double-edged. In memoir the unfolding story is always being remembered by a writer who is now older and wiser. Interestingly enough, whenever there is a "then" and a "now" in memoir, there seem to be both moments and meanings. In this light, memoir writing makes the past real and vivid and compelling, as if it happened yesterday. The smells, and sounds from other times develop rich, evocative writing. We in turn learn more than a diary provides. Source : More sources : Travel Writing Travel writing • centers on a key event. • uses background information that builds up to this event. • may incorporate research to enhance the background information— even if the writer didn’t know the information things at the time of the trip. • clearly describes the location and focuses on elements that are key to the story or experience. • clearly describes any important people so that readers feel as if they know them a little. • uses dialogue where possible to help the story “happen” for the reader. • mixes reflections on the experience with the retelling to help the reader see the importance of the experience. Source :

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