magazine analysis

. Amsterdam dance event. They are doing a feature article on him as the most current event is this festival. He is featuring at the event making him ideal for an article. They make the feature picture stand out by framing the person. They frame him using a silhouette in different colours. This makes him stand out as the actual image is a dull low lighted image. While the silhouette is bright and vibrant creating a contrast between the two. They make it stand out more with headline as it too is framed with a bright colour yellow. The masthead is layered behind the image making the whole cover seem more three dimensional. This makes the colours. All the subheadings are laid out so that the main image is the most important thing on the cover. They are surrounding the image making the image stand out more. Each subheading is bold with a regular cover line. This makes the subheading stand out more, drawing in more attention. There is a plug in the bottom corner of the cover to get your attention. They put it in the bottom corner above the price and barcode so that when you see the extra that’s inside, the price doesn’t seem too much. They keep the price and date small so that it doesn’t put you off straight away. That is why they make it

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Post on 22-May-2015




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Page 1: Magazine analysis

.The feature image is Joris Voorn who is a Dutch DJ. This links to the fact that it mentions the Amsterdam dance event. They are doing a feature article on him as the most current event is this festival. He is featuring at the event making him ideal for an article. They make the feature picture stand out by framing the person. They frame him using a silhouette in different colours. This makes him stand out as the actual image is a dull low lighted image. While the silhouette is bright and vibrant creating a contrast between the two. They make it stand out more with headline as it too is framed with a bright colour yellow. The masthead is layered behind the image making the whole cover seem more three dimensional. This makes the magazine stand out from others especially with the bright unusual

colours. All the subheadings are laid out so that the main image is the most important thing on the cover. They are surrounding the image making the image stand out more. Each subheading is bold with a regular cover line. This makes the subheading stand out more, drawing in more attention. There is a plug in the bottom corner of the cover to get your attention. They put it in the bottom corner above the price and barcode so that when you see the extra that’s inside, the price doesn’t seem too much. They keep the price and date small so that it doesn’t put you off straight away. That is why they make it obvious if they are selling it at a cheaper price. Overall the cover uses contrast with colours to make the main image stand out and get the audiences attention.

Page 2: Magazine analysis

The contents page has a solid black background. This is so that the text body stands out well in contrast. This makes it easier to read and more visually appealing. On the contents page thee is a VIP section to show what’s in the issue. This makes it seem that everything in the magazine is important. This makes you want to read it more as everything must be good. Each page in the magazine has an interesting name like “Big 3”. This makes you wonder what it’s about. This creates intrigue in the reader making them want to read about it and then more. They have interesting names that make you wonder just what they are about so that you read them. Along with it being named VIP, and the interesting names for each article, it makes you want to read all of it and more. At the bottom of the page there is a section to show you what came free in the issue. In this issue it’s a CD. They say what is on the CD and what is good

about it. This can influence the reader to buy the next issue or more if they offer good freebies that they like. By offering freebies, they can put a plug on the cover by saying “free” or “exclusive” which is a buzz word that gets peoples attention. There is an image on the contents page that takes up a lot of the page. On this image there is a pool party with lots of attractive women in bikinis. All the bikinis are brightly coloured which draws attention to them. With them being women, it incorporates the male gaze. This is where they use what men like to get them to buy or do something. This can make men want to buy the issue if there are lots of scantly clad women in it. This is why they use attractive women for cover images. The image in contrast to the background is very bright and colourful making the whole page stand out and look aesthetically pleasing to the audience.

Page 3: Magazine analysis

On this double page spread the title is bold making it stand out from the page. There are other parts of the page that is framed in a pink box so that they stand out from the rest of the main body. There is a separate box that is in a yellow box so that it stands out from the rest of the page. This box is to advertise the drink sponsoring the tour. The drink sponsors the tour as it is a low alcoholic drink that it suitable for clubbing. This makes the drink seem like a good idea for such events. As it is a tour there are tour dates to show where it is going and when. This would help to get the readers involved and want to read more about the event

itself . They try to make the event seem as much fun as possible to get more people involved. They make it sound fun in the text by saying how great it is. This makes It sound like a great event. They further this thought with the images used on the page. The images used are of people having a good time at the event. This makes it a certain that it is a good place to be. The people in the pictures are mostly attractive women. This is using male gaze again making the men want to go to these parties to meet attractive women and have a great time. They also have a review on the far side to show that a normal person loved the experience.

Page 4: Magazine analysis

The front cover of this magazine has a very dark colour spectrum. This is because of the cover picture, as it is a very dark picture with very serious people on it. The people in the picture also are looking towards the camera which makes it look like they’re looking at the reader. This makes the reader feel involved in the magazine while staying serious. The dim lighting in the image makes it look more dramatic and impressive. This is to get the audiences attention as it looks like something important is happening. The dark feature picture contrast with the colour of the writing, making the writing stand out. The font for the masthead is using a dot matrix style font which links to the style of music used as most of the featured music is made using computer software. The same style is used for the website address. They show the website address so that people who like the magazine or people who are interested in it can look it up and maybe be influenced to buy it later. They make it so that the selling line is half way blocked out so the reader is interested in what the free things are. This is also a plug as it tries to

get the readers attention using the word “free”. The menu strip at the bottom is quite hard to see making so the reader has to really look to see what it’s all about. Using this technique they lure the reader in to make them want to read on and find out about what is in the issue. The kicker at the top blocks out half the selling line which attracts attention, but the kicker itself gets attention as it completely different from the rest of the cover. It stands out from the feature picture as it is bright in comparison. The headline is aimed at fans of that band making them want to buy it and read about it. The anchorage used is also aimed mainly at fans of that band which could create interest from other people who may not be fans of that particular band. The cover lines each have a different colour font which makes it stand out more from the background. The barcode is in the corner so it doesn’t hide the image or block it out in any way. They also make the price as small as possible so that the reader already wants to buy it before they see the price. This makes them think that it is worth the money and might as well buy it.

Page 5: Magazine analysis

The contents page looks very stylish with a consistent colour scheme. The main colour is blue which stands out from the plain background which draws in attention. As it draws in attention it will make you read what’s in the issue and make you want to read the articles. The images used are interesting with famous people so that it interests the reader. By using famous people they can get the interest of they’re fans and maybe get them to buy the magazine. The pictures also look good to draw attention to the page. The most interesting is the girl in the top corner. She is attractive so this uses male gaze to get your attention to that page and maybe read the article with her on it. The other picture is of a man in a cap which is stylish and up with current trends. This could get people to read the article as it may be on keeping up with trends. He may also be famous making people want to know more about him. Each article on the page has quite a lengthy paragraph describing what’s on each page. They can do this as they are quite specialist magazine that only focuses on one genre unlike most other magazines. By putting more detail on each article they can make people want to read more about it

as it has already given you enough information to be curious. This makes the reader want to read the rest of the article. By doing this, they can make people want to read the magazine more often if they enjoy it and the rest of the articles as well. With lots of text, they can lure in readers who want content instead of lots of pictures. This means that they will get more dedicated readers instead of ones that only buy for the pictures or for free posters occasionally. Also the mass amount of content shows that they are a very well planned out magazine that isn’t rushed together with poor quality articles. With high quality articles it will more likely bring the readers back for more as it will be a better read for the audience. To get the attention of the audience, they use buzz words that make it seem more interesting and exciting. They are also using words that link to the military which could be the theme of this issue. Overall it is a very sleak design that works with all the images to emphasis the themes and catch the readers attention and to read the articles.

Page 6: Magazine analysis

From a first glance at this double page spread, the first thing you notice is the main image. In the image there are eight men all of which are well known in their field. This will make it easier to sell this issue if they have a large fan base as they will be interested in the article and anything else in the issue about them. They then may like the issue so much that they buy the next one and so forth, so by having famous people in the magazine they can acquire new buyers and get more money. The clothes that the men are wearing are stylish for the music genre which could influence the readers to dress in that style. The image used takes up both sides of the double page spread which means that there is no need for a background style. As the image has a vast blue sky, they use a slightly darker blue text box for the article. This also follows the blue colour scheme from the contents page and cover. This shows consistency over the issue. With consistency you get to know the magazine and all its styles, and you get to like it. The blue colour scheme is used through out the whole magazine making it all tie in together making it look professional. The article takes up one page of the double page spread, but the font used is quite small meaning there is a lot of content. The article is about a well known record label so it could also be seen as a promotion for that company as they have a full double page spread in a magazine fit for the style of music they sell. As they are a large company they will be well known and also bring in reader attention which could help sell the product as well as giving them an interesting article.

Page 7: Magazine analysis

The feature picture is of five people who look like they are trying to climb out of the magazine. They then layer the image with the masthead making it look more 3D and so it stands out from the magazine. The people in the image are from the band “A Day To Remember”. This grabs the attention of the audience especially fans of the group. They link the text in with the image as the picture is of them climbing upwards and the text says “struggle to the top”. This makes fans of that group want to know how they got to be famous and why it was hard for them. The feature picture also get the audiences attention as they stand out from what is seen as normal. The facial expressions used in the picture also get peoples attention as they all look like they are shouting. This gets attention as it looks like they are panicking or struggling which links to the writing again. The puff at the top tries to get the audiences attention by saying “the 10 most”. This makes you want to know what it is talking about and what they are. The masthead is behind the feature picture to give the image a layered affect but this also makes it a bit harder to see the magazine name but by doing this, it makes it look more professional. The masthead is red which follows

the colour scheme. This makes it look professional and makes the whole cover stand out as the colours are bright and show danger. This makes the audience want to look at the magazine as it stands out especially against the feature picture. The feature article uses different size and colour fonts to make it stand out more and get the audiences attention. It also has a drop shadow which highlights it. This makes it stand out more from the feature image and also gives it depth. The barcode is in the bottom corner so not to obstruct anything important. The date and price are small so it is difficult to see as they put people off buying something. They make it hard to read and small so by the time you want the magazine, you don’t really care about the price. This is a way to get you to buy it even when you don’t want to because you already feel that you need to buy it.

Page 8: Magazine analysis

The main image is of a famous music artist so that it can appeal to the audience and fans of him. They try to appeal to fan of the artists so that they buy the magazines to increase their profits. The artist used has tattooed arms to show his attitude and re-enforces this with his facial expression. His clothing style and general look shows the music genre that this magazine revolves around. This means that the whole magazine will have some sort of attitude through out. The wording of the titles are suitable for the genre as it is very informal and suits the language around the genre. As they use words and slang that suits the genre they can associate with the audience and make them feel like they suit the magazine as well. All the titles for the articles have a small paragraph underneath them to let the reader know what is in the article. By letting them know what’s in the article they may want to read the rest of the article. By giving them a taste to all the main articles they’ll want to read all the articles that get their attention. If they then like these articles they my read more of them and get the next issue and then continue to read them.

The colours used in the magazine try to show danger and power. They do this by using the colours red and yellow. They use these colours as they naturally show danger so they want to make the magazine seem more interesting and dangerous. They also catch peoples attention easily for the same reason. They will use this colour scheme through out the whole magazine to keep consistent and to keep the readers attention. At the bottom of the contents page, there are examples of old issues so that if you missed an issue, you can tell what they look like and get them. They might also be showing what’s on the next issue so they know what to look out for when they go shopping for it. This can make them think that they want it by showing them the good stuff that’s in the next issues.

Page 9: Magazine analysis

The image used for the double page spread is of a well known band from that particular genre. This gets the readers attention if they are fans of the band and makes them want to read the article and maybe more. The band used are dressed in an intimidating way to fit the genre as it is seen as a dangerous and intimidating. By making them seem dangerous, they make them seem a bit more interesting and make the reader want to know more about them and others like them. The image takes up the whole background of the double page spread, which is very common with music magazines. By using a single image the whole spread fits together with ease and makes the whole article seem less daunting to read. The content of this article is quite limited and not much to read, but this makes it seem more enjoyable and people wont be put off by massive pages of text. The colours used in this article follow the same style for most rock magazines, with black, yellow and red. These colours add emphasis to the dangerous idea as the colours stand out and are natural signs of danger. The article headline is large and bold so it stands out from the rest of the text. It is also slightly translucent making it blend in with the background image and seems more subtle than plain solid text. There is also the logo for the magazine in the bottom corner. This is to imprint it into the readers head so that they remember it and notice it when walking buy the magazines and then may buy it again. This is a bit like subliminal messaging so that you notice the magazine from others in a stand, making you want to pick it up if you liked reading it before.