
Magazine Mock Up By Agatino D’Agate 12R

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Magazine

Magazine Mock Up

By Agatino D’Agate 12R

Page 2: Magazine

Layout of Front CoverThe Masthead is placed at the top of the page and away from the cover lines. The arrow is significant because it represents forward progression through education.

The Main Cover line is placed above and slightly away from the other cover lines to show that it is more important than the rest.

The Cover Lines are set towards the bottom giving space for the main image and showing they are not the most important points in the magazine, but still important as they are there.

The Barcode is placed out of the way from the other features as it is not a selling point of the magazine and should not attract too much attention.

The slogan is underneath the masthead as it closely relates to the masthead describing what the general idea of the magazine is all about.

The Main Image covers the whole page as it is the main selling point of the magazine and will capture the attention of the audience better. It is also strongly related to the Main Cover Line.

The colour of the cover lines and the colour of the description underneath are two different colours so that the reader can determine the cover line from the description. This is also done with size difference, the description being smaller than the cover line.

Page 3: Magazine

Masthead and Slogan

Cover Lines

The Common RoomThe master head will be given the name ‘The Common Room’. This title relates to sixth form students as they may spend most of their free periods and breaks in the common room at school. Since a common room is somewhere where you would usually talk to others freely, the magazine masthead should be given this name as it gives the impression that this magazine is your friend, something looking out for you and helping you during sixth form.

The masthead will have a Gill Sans Ultra Bold font. I chose this because the font is quite thick and will stand out on the page, clearly showing that it is the masthead. This font also has a friendly appearance, being quite rounded and thick. The colour of the masthead is blue as blue is a common colour associated with school and it is bight, attracting readers to the magazine.

‘In Form for Sixth Form’The slogan ‘In Form for Sixth Form’ is ideal for this magazine as it is reaching out for its target audience, Sixth Form students. It is also giving you information on what the magazine is about. The use of the word ‘Form’ twice in the slogan makes it catchy. The slogan being short makes it easy to say and easy to remember as a relation to the masthead.


DEAL WITH ITTips on dealing with study stress

LOOKIN’ GOODThis seasons most popular sixth form clothing

The main cover line has the name of the person captured in the image and a description of what he relates to inside the magazine. This cover line is the largest font size on the page, showing that this is one of the most important articles in the magazine.

The other cover lines are in smaller font sizes showing that they are not as important as the main cover line.

With all of the cover lines, the heading is in larger sized text to the description underneath it. This is because the headings are there to attract the reader to read about the article. The reader wants to know what the heading is talking about which is why it is very short and simple.

The description underneath it reveals a little bit more about what that article is about by being very brief about the topic. This attracts the reader even more into wanting to read on as the information is not complete unless you read the actual article.

Page 4: Magazine

ImageThe image used on the front cover of the magazine shows a sixth form boy holding an apple, looking away from the camera.

The image of this person was chosen as it is of someone that looks intelligent and attractive, therefore attracting the target audience to read this magazine. People will look at the picture and want to be like this person who is presented in this way.

The image is also of someone who is mentioned in one of the articles in the magazine, indicating that it is quite an important topic to read on.

The models pose is facing slightly away from the camera and is standing in medium shot. His gaze is also facing up into the distance and away from the camera. This sort of pose gives the audience the perception that he is intelligent, better than other people and confident in himself. It also gives him the appearance that he knows what he is doing, he is aiming high and he can see what he wants to succeed in.

The apple in his hand is commonly represented as intelligence, expressing even more what the magazine and the particular article could be about.

The lighting of the photograph is quite bright. This gives an impression of happiness, innovation, and cleverness. It is showing that there is nothing to hide about this person, indicating that he has an interview in the magazine, but also that doors have been open to bigger and better things for him. So if you read the article, they could happen to you too.

The costume of the model is a smart suit, grey in colour along with a blue shirt and a darker tie. The suit gives the model the perception that he has already succeeded in something important, he is celebrating his important success with these occasional cloths.

Page 5: Magazine

Contents PageThe Common Room

‘In Form for Sixth Form’



Page 4 Page 6 Page 8 Page 12 Page 14 Page 16 Page 18 Page 20 Page 24 Page 26 Page 28 Page 30 Page 32 Page 34

Introduction Text

The masthead and slogan is at the top of the page, representing the magazine and keeping the reader reminded which magazine this is.

The title of the page ‘Contents’ is placed inside the arrow to show that what lies on this page, will be found inside the magazine. The arrow is slanted slightly to replicate the arrow on the front cover. It also gives the page a unique feature to keep it interesting.

The page number and the title of each page is displayed on the right hand side of the page in a list. This layout is clear to the reader and so makes it easy for them to search the page they are looking for.

Two images will be displayed on the contents page to show what other information this magazine will hold. The images should be related to the cover lines on the front cover to keep the reader interested.

A box with the a message to the reader talking about what this magazine is about, and welcoming them. Making them feel connected with the magazine.

The background of the page will have a blank colour as there are already different images on display and the blank colour will present the text clearly.
