madeley high school spring term 2012 newsletter

Spring Term 2012 Newsletter MADE IN MADELEY We have had two fantastic ski trips take place this term. 42 Key Stage 3 pupils visited Risoul in France for a week in January. Then during February half-term 42 Key Stage 4 pupils visited the Amade Region in Austria. Skiing conditions were excellent and everyone had a fantastic time skiing and taking part in the many other planned activities which included bowling, bum boarding, a disco and eating the most delicious crepes! A big thank you to Mr Hope and Mr Smith for leading the trips and to all the staff who supported them. You can read a full review and view some excellent pictures on pages 6 and 7. COMING SOON! SEE PAGE 14 FOR DETAILS ON HOW TO ENTER

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Madeley High School Spring Term 2012 Newsletter


Spring Term 2012 Newsletter


We have had two fantastic ski trips take place this term. 42 Key Stage 3

pupils visited Risoul in France for a week in January. Then during

February half-term 42 Key Stage 4 pupils visited the Amade Region in

Austria. Skiing conditions were excellent and everyone had a fantastic

time skiing and taking part in the many other planned activities which

included bowling, bum boarding, a disco and eating the most delicious

crepes! A big thank you to Mr Hope and Mr Smith for leading the trips

and to all the staff who supported them. You can read a full review and

view some excellent pictures on pages 6 and 7.




Friday 30th March 2012

Non-uniform Day School Closes for Easter break

Monday 16th April 2012

School re-opens for the Summer Term

w/b Monday 30th April 2012 Year 9 Examination Week

Monday 7th May 2012 May Day - School Closed

w/b Tuesday 8th May 2012 Year 7 & 8 Examination Week

Thursday 31st May 2012 School closes for half term

Monday 11th June 2012

School re-opens after half term

Friday 22nd June 2012 Year 11 Ball at Tern Hill Hall

w/b Monday 25th June 2012 ‘Adventure’ Activities Week Trips to France & Germany

Year 10 Work Experience Week

Monday 9th July 2012 New Intake Day 1

Tuesday 10th July 2012

New Intake Day 2 & New Intake Evening

Friday 20th July 2012

School closes for the Summer Break


After our recent Governor elections we are pleased to welcome Mr Simon White onto our Governing Body.

List of Governors

Dr A Becket, Chair of Governors Mr T Barr, Vice Chair of Governors

Parent Governors Mrs M Elden

Mrs J Grice-Barratt Mrs B Oakden

Dr J Parker

Mr C Quayle

Community Governors

Mrs K Gater Mrs J Howard

Mrs J Onions

Miss J Walker

Local Education Authority Governors

Mr F Chapman Mrs S Middleton Bosson

Mr S White

Staff Governors

Mrs E Graham Mr B Nunn

Ms V Vorwerg

Associate Governors

Mrs E Hall

We currently have a full governing body and we are grateful to all our Governors who give up their time freely to help with the running of the school.

governor news

Mr Goodwin is arranging another textile recycling collection after half term. If you are having a sort out over Easter please bring your unwanted textiles / shoes or trainers into school and hand them to Mr Goodwin. The scheme enables us to exchange unwanted clothes and shoes for sports equipment. We are currently collecting Sainsbury’s Active vouchers to enable us to receive free sports and food technology equipment. If you could bring your vouchers into school and place them in the box on the reception desk, it would be much appreciated, thanks.


A note from the headteacher

Mr kerridge


I have enjoyed setting ‘Headteacher’s Challenges’ each term and aim to continue to do so. This term’s was on the theme of ‘words of inspiration’ and Laura Middleton in Year 9 was awarded the prize. My office is filled with quotes, from Greg Anderson to Thomas Watson, I always like to be reminded of all that makes up the diversity of human experience and endeavour. It is important to have a positive and determined attitude; my favourite quote at the moment is that of Anne Frank: “Nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” The pupils at Madeley share this vision. Inspiration is such a vital element of education. There is no greater reward in a classroom than to see a pupil genuinely inspired to learn and determined to achieve. As this term’s newsletter shows, pupils have stepped up to inspirational experiences and hopefully gained much from them. From skiing to having World Cup stars in school, from electing Ministers to meeting Mr Speaker, the Rt Hon John Bercow MP, from tasting life at Reaseheath College to experiencing the world of the Armed Forces at RAF Stafford, from Music workshops to Lydia O’Dowd’s release of her self-penned single Chemical Reaction; the many and varied experiences that make up life at Madeley High School are a pleasure to be part of. The pupils always make me feel very proud. The theme of inspiration was very well addressed through our recognition of International Women’s Day. (IWD) The Year 10 girls who represented Madeley at the Festival hosted by St Dominic’s School in Stone, had a fantastic opportunity to listen to some inspirational women and then to engage with the skills of debating. In school we took time to think about the message of the UN for this year’s IWD, namely supporting women in rural areas around the world, especially in terms of meeting educational and health needs. As we move towards the summer term, I want to take this opportunity to encourage all of the pupils preparing for GCSE examinations to give their all in order to fulfil the amazing potential they have. I would like to thank the parents/carers and families who every day support these young people in striving to be the best they can be. And in the end, whenever anyone asks why do we all do it? I offer the answer I shared with Governors at this term’s full meeting: Schools are not just about buildings, exams, lessons, trips … we give of our all every day because schools are communities where every person matters. I wish everyone across the whole school community a very happy Easter.

A NOTE FROM the senior prefect team


Regarding the Prom, some fundraising has already taken place, and other activities have

been planned! First, a big congratulations and thanks to Liam Jennings for shaving his

head, and also to Mr Fox for recently

shaving his beard off as a fundraiser; these were both successful, and hopefully will go

some way to reducing the cost of this year’s Prom ticket prices.

We’ve also had a recent cake sale raising over £70 for the fund, and another one has

been planned; we just need everyone to get baking and get involved! Selling D&T

chicks has also been successful for Prom; 50p from each sale of a chick (£1.50) to Year

11 pupils goes towards the fund, so get yours now! The Stay Awake is also an exciting

venture (taking place soon). A group of 25 Year 11’s will stay on after school, having to

stay awake the whole night. . . yes, it will be challenging, but with £15 dedicated

sponsorship each, the pupils will have to battle through it! Look out and support the

future events taking place, maybe even a concert (further details of each event will be

advertised around school, nearer the time).

Yearbook wise, it is nearly finished now, with a dedicated team working hard on the

design. It includes a range of past and present photos, many of which are sure to make

you laugh, and individual teacher messages, meaning every subject area can say their

goodbye properly! Though we will all be sad to leave, I’m sure that the Yearbook will be

a good memento of our 5 brilliant years at Madeley. Keep an eye out for it coming soon!

By Elliott Bishop & Claire Hemingway

Hello, for the last edition from the

2011 - 2012 Senior Prefect Team!

The Spring Term has been an exciting and

busy one for the team. We’ve split ourselves

into two committees; one for Prom

Fundraising and one for Yearbooks.

SURPRISE WORLD CUP STARS VISIT Madeley High School welcomed two World Cup

winners in school.

Gordon Banks OBE and George Cohen MBE

(pictured with Mr Ostrowski) visited the Gordon Banks statue which is situated in the school foyer

and had a brief chat with some lucky pupils and


We would like to thank both of them for taking the

time to come and visit Madeley High School.

Madeley parliament


Visit to see Mr Speaker In recognition of the development of Madeley Parliament over the last few years,

four Madeley Parl iament Cabinet Members; Adam, Hannah, Holly and Imogen had the

exciting opportunity of meeting Mr Speaker,

The Right Honorable John Bercow MP, at Kidsgrove Town Hall on Friday 3rd


Mr Speaker gave a passionate speech about the importance of Citizenship, and youngsters learning about and having the opportunity to be involved in the decisions which affect them.

Mr Speaker told some fascinating stories about life as a polit ician at Westminster. He then answered questions from the audience, including one from our Year 7 Cabinet Member

Adam who asked him about his relat ionship with the Prime Minister. Mr Speaker replied that

they are not friends and do not socialise together and that he isn't afraid to tell h im off when needed! Our pupils also had the opportunity for a quick chat with Mr Speaker at the end of

the event.

A full Madeley Parliament meeting was held in school on February 9th 2012.

Items discussed included:

• New school website is getting very good feedback • Revamping school canteen – becoming independent from LA • New prospectus currently being produced • IRIS introduced in school • Lesson study going on amongst staff • Informal observations taking place amongst staff • Department reviews going on • Whole curriculum is being reviewed • Development plan for A2L/remove room – will benefit everybody • Rewards – what rewards and fairest way? • BMX track proposal from Madeley Parish Council

Ministers for Environment & Energy

All MMPs are to become ‘energy monitors’. They will ask the teacher before a lesson has started “can we reduce the energy output in any way?”. Need to keep doors closed, particularly in the main hall and front entrance. Hoping to save the school a lot of money from energy bills so it can be better spent. Ministers for Sport, Food & Health

Companies coming in to bid for the school catering contract. Ministers for food and other Madeley Parliament members will be involved in this process. Aspire Housing Intergenerational Project

Madeley Parliament met with Aspire housing group. An intergenerational project was suggested to help to bring the community together. More details will follow soon.


Review by Harriet Moore, Year 9

Extremely tired and aching from a 24 hour bus

journey with barely any sleep, the Madeley Ski Party

finally arrived in the beaut iful mountains of Risoul.

After dragging heavy suitcases up an icy road, rooms

were chosen – surprisingly easily – and everyone

settled in. Straight away everyone had to get ready for

skiing as boots, skis, helmets and poles had to be

fitted and squashed into the boot room outside the

hotel. By 10pm everyone was fast asleep for some

well needed sleep, preparing for six days of skiing.

Day one started with breakfast and then all of the

pupils rushing down to the boot room to pul l on their

boots and grab their skis and then off we all went to

the slopes. We met our instructors and split into two

groups, people who had skied on snow before and

those who hadn’t. Then inside these groups the

instructors took us to the smal l slopes where we were

assessed again and by the afternoon the four groups

were settled. We then went up on the chairlifts, which

was new to a lot of the skiers, and a couple struggled

to get off on the other side, with one pair forgetting to

get off and across the week the teachers also took a

few tumbles. When we got back to the hotel we had

an hour to ourselves to relax and then went to dinner

and went on a town trail.

Across the week there were some great falls. After

doing some jumps Mr Hope went to help someone up

and ending up sinking and making snow angels!

Mr Dawkins fell over getting off the chairlift and

Mr Carter fell over whilst standing still ! The fun didn’t

stop when we finished skiing. Most nights we had an

activity. These were: a town trail, bum boarding, a go

on the toboggan, a crepe evening and a disco.

The bus journey home was a lot easier than the bus

journey to Risoul. With everyone tired from their

extremely busy days skiing, everyone got a couple

hours more sleep. When we arrived back at school at

5pm everyone jumped off the bus, glad to stretch

their legs and see their parents. The ski trip to Risoul

was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I

hope that I will be able to ski again and will definitely

beg my parents to let me go on the next ski tr ip.



Review by Nicol Jefferies, Year 11

An amazing experience! I’ll never forget one second of it! Arriving in Amadè Austria; after a twenty-four hour coach journey, nobody had slept a wink. Therefore choosing rooms wasn’t an issue. We dragged our cases up the stairs and settled in, then went into the dining room for a well deserved meal. Soon after followed the boot, ski and snowboard fittings in the cosy village that was nearby. Getting back to the hotel (with a sign of relief), everyone could chill out and unpack to be prepared for the week ahead. The first day came quick enough; a good night’s sleep seemed to do the trick. However, not everyone was pleased to be woken up at the crack of dawn, but gathered themselves soon enough. We arrived at the first resort, the scenery was beautiful, and mountains full of snow everywhere you turned. There was glorious sunshine that made the mountains glisten. We couldn’t believe the metres of snow that surrounded us, we had nothing like this at home. It was incredible! We were split into several groups and met our instructors. Personally I learnt more that first day than I ever had, learning to snowboard. Each day consisted of getting up early, having a breakfast and going to a different resort. The weather seemed to get blizzardy but this didn’t stop anyone from enjoying themselves. We had some crackin’ falls; including Mrs Armstrong snowballing down the mountain and skis flying all over, Mr Smith tumbled off the edge of a drop losing his skis, Mrs Tetley had her fair share of falls as did most of the Madeley party. Every night an activity was held which was also extra fun, bowling, ski show, disco and a quiz night; everyone took part. We had an amazing group of teachers and kids which made the trip even better. I’d also like to say the biggest thank you to all teachers for making this trip possible; it was the best trip I’ve ever been on and I won’t forget it!


Y11 future lives event

Y9 taster day at

Friday 27th January - At the start of our day at Reaseheath we all met in the Old Hall. There were a bunch of different groups from different schools. Each group was assigned a pupil to take us to each of our activities. Our first activity was a tour around their zoo where they teach pupils about how care for a variety of animals and training on how to be a vet. We were very privileged to drive a JCB at the Engineering Centre. Our task there was to pick up a pallet with some tyres on it, place it on the floor and then pick it up again and place it back on the table. Their cookery area was very impressive with very up to date and hi-tech machinery, our personal favorite was the “ice-cream machine” as we all got a little taster. We saw the facilities there and were told about courses they have such as business studies, countryside and adventure sports. We were taught about the countryside and how they teach about preserving habitats of animals in our countryside. We all did some gardening and were told about how best to grow seeds and plants. At the construction building some of us tried our hand at brick laying, with mixed results in how good our practice wall was. At the end of the day we had learnt a lot about the college and any future decisions on what we may want do after Madeley High School. Review by James Ford 9KG

On Friday 13th January, we held our very first Future Lives Day at Madeley High School. Year 11 pupils, together with their parents/carers, received their real GCSE Maths result in addition to their predicted GCSE grades for August. They also held a catch up meeting with their form tutor with the primary purpose of discussing predicted grades, general school performance and future opportunities. Furthermore, in attendance were all local colleges, local universities, and various future employers including sectors such as law, construction and motor apprenticeships. Other specific organisations who attended included Martec and The Army.


Midland soldier visit



On Tuesday 6th March a group of Year 10/11 pupils visited RAF Stafford for the Midland Soldier event which was a huge success. From assault courses to sensory tunnels, weapons training to paintballing, the pupils enjoyed a great day, gaining first-hand insight into life in the Forces. Thank you to Mrs Lee and Mrs Bonfiglio for leading the trip, they both commented that the pupils’ behaviour was exceptional.

International women’s day On Thursday 8th March nine girls from Y10 attended a Debating Festival at St.

Dominic’s Priory School Stone. The day commenced with some inspirational speeches and presentations given by a range of successful women. They talked about their career paths and how they arrived at their current positions. There were a range of professions including an Architect and Structural Engineer, BT Engineer/ Team Leader, Barrister, College Principal and Human Resources Executive who is the only woman on the board of her company. This was followed by the girls initially learning how to debate, and then culminating in a full debate with all six schools involved. The girls have all given very positive feedback about the day and how learning about debating will help them form valid arguments and help with the development of their presentation skills. Further to this we hope to hold some inspirational women days of our own and set up a debating club within our own school.

Y10 HISTORY trip to coalbrookdale On Friday 9th March a number of staff and pupils participated in the annual trip to Coalbrookdale as part of the year 10 coursework. Once we had arrived we split into three groups and made our way around the site. Luckily the weather forecast was wrong and we had good weather! Coalbrookdale itself is situated near the town of Madeley in Telford and provided the pupils and staff with a great insight into how industrial towns developed and sustained themselves. We visited a number of sights that really brought the history to life. The iron forge itself was a particular highlight alongside a whistle stop tour of the Iron Bridge that made Coalbrookdale famous in the 19th century. Overall it was a very enjoyable day that the pupils and staff enjoyed and we gained a great insight into the history of the ironworks.

World book day Emma Duffee in Year 10 devised a quiz as a House Competition for World Book Day. This was very popular with one form in each year group winning a box of chocolates and lots of House Points - (7KT, 8CL and 9KG). Many teachers commented on the fact that the pupils knew lots more than they did about the titles. All pupils received their £1.00 World Book Day Voucher and Year 7s have been involved in a Book Cover Competition (also for House Points) and these will be displayed around the Library in due course.

Music success


Congratulations to the following pupils who have recently passed their music exams:

Charlotte Roxborough Grade 3 Flute Rachel Ward Grade 3 Flute

Emily Parkin Grade 4 Flute

Rebecca Degg Grade 4 Flute Oscar Barratt Grade 1 Piano

James Griffiths Grade 3 Piano

Clare Atherton Grade 3 Piano Stephanie Evans Grade 1 Piano

Rebecca Watkin Grade 1 Piano

Jack Richardson Grade 2 Piano

Lydia O'Dowd in Year 10 has written, recorded and produced her first

single which went on general sale this month. Lydia has spent the past

six months perfecting a track she has

written by herself. Her single called ‘Chemical Reaction’ is

available on over 300 websites around

the world and we wish her the very best of luck with it.

Have you downloaded it yet?

On Wednesday 4th January the Music Department was joined by professional musicians

Kulj it Bhamra (Tabla) and Cevanne Horrocks-Hopayian (voice, harp and dance) who

delivered a musical workshop to GCSE pupils.

The workshop was co-ordinated by Keele Concerts Society and was extremely well received

by all of the pupi ls. The workshop gave GCSE

pupils a real insight into World Music and helped further their knowledge and understanding of

different musical cultures, professional

performance qualit ies, non-western instrumentation and specific instrumental

techniques, all as part of their Music GCSE.


Fabulous fundraising

Year 7 took part in a workout to raise money for LEPRA who are a charitable organisation involved in the fight against leprosy. All the money donated by Year 7 will go to treating

people in India. On 8th February all Year 7 went over to the sports barn, conditions inside were freezing but they all got into the spirit and did a work out to a Bol lywood track. The

workout soon warmed them up as they learnt some interesting Bol lywood dance steps.

They completed the 15 minute work out twice. Everyone enjoyed the event which raised an amazing £818 for LEPRA with one pupil raising £180 by herself. Those who raised £21 or

over will be presented with a T-shirt or a Green Man clock at their next year assembly. Well

done to everyone who took part.

Year 7 LEPRA Workout

Marie curie cancer care ‘Wear Something Yellow Day’ On Friday 2nd March we held a ‘wear something

yellow day’ in order to raise money for the Marie Curie Cancer Charity. Pupils managed to raise £87.20

which will be donated to this worthwhile cause. Well done everyone!

‘Front Room’ Band Fundraising Event On Saturday 10th March we held a fundraising evening supported by local band ‘Front

Room’, Lydia O’Dowd (our budding Year 10 popstar) also helped in support ! It was a fantastic night that was made possible by the huge team effort of all those who got involved,

especially support staff who gave up their time to organise and run the event. We raised an

incredible £1000+ for school fund from ticket sales, a raffle, pie & pea supper and a bar. Thanks to everyone who came along and supported our school.


Design & Technology Department Enterprise and FundraisingDesign & Technology Department Enterprise and FundraisingDesign & Technology Department Enterprise and FundraisingDesign & Technology Department Enterprise and Fundraising

The D&T department have been working hard producing and sel ling nearly 50 Mothers Day Mugs with printed designs from pupils going

onto the mugs - they made a lovely gift!

Chicks going cheap! - Fol lowing the success of the 'rabbits' last year,

Mr Hardy has designed an Easter chick that will hold a cream egg and mobi le phone. There is also the chance to win a large chick and

rabbit in an Easter raffle. Good luck everyone!

Last term sales of both the Madeley High Calendar and the wooden

reindeers were very successful raising just over £1000 for school

fund! Thanks to everyone who purchased one!


Extra curricular


Creative writing group

Page 12 gives you a flavour of the great many extra curricular activities going on at Madeley High. A new timetable is produced every term and will be emailed out to you. Why not try something different and

take part in one of the many activities going on. Below is a look at what the Creative Writing Group have been getting up to, if it inspires you to go along they meet every Tuesday lunchtime in Room 37 - everyone is


Tuesday’s creative writing group has attracted several creative writers. Regulars include Laura Middleton,

Emma Smith, Sam Atherton and Wilf Jones and new faces are always coming and going. We usually work on various activities to get the creative juices flowing such as writing for 1 minute (the only rule is that you cannot

stop) - out of these activities there is normally some idea to latch on to, take forward and develop. The pieces below are from Josh Campbell and Sam Atherton. We sometimes publish work to the publishing house me

website which allows young members to comment on posts - this is a great way to receive valuable feedback on work. The creativity usually arises out of discussion. The group is really informal and enables pupils to develop

writing skills and begin to see writing as a form of art.

I crept along the corridor like a mouse. The walls had gaps where beams of light poured in like water.

What looked like an office had been destroyed and all that remained was the wooden frame. The

main hall was on the right hand side. Slowly, I opened the door. It gave a loud creak and I stepped in.

It looked abandoned; there were cobwebs draped across the hall like silk. The chairs stood tall like

soldiers waiting for a command. Most of the hall was untouched but the walls had been stripped and

lay bare. I could still smell stale food that had been eaten in the room. As I was about to leave the

room I wondered how I got into this mess. By Sam Atherton, Year 8.

Ben’s Project

Early in the morning, Ben woke up. He yawned. “What shall I do today?” He thought. “I know I’ll make

a paper mache sculpture, but what shall I make?” “Ben, breakfast” His mum yelled. “Coming mum.”

Ben replied. As Ben ate his breakfast he thought about what to make. He thought and thought and

thought. “What if I make mum a sculpture?” Ben said to himself.

When Ben got onto his school bus he said to his friends he was going to make a sculpture for his mum.

Oliver said “What if you make her a sculpture of her favourite object.” “Good idea Oliver.” Replied


When Ben got home from a long day at school he said to his mum “Mum what’s your favourite

object?” “Well, my favourite object has to be you Ben.” His mum replied. “Thanks mum.” Ben said.

Ben shot up the stairs eager to start his new project. He made a list of all the things he would need:

Half a tube of glue

Three newspapers


Paint Brushes

“The garage is where all of the art and craft is stored.” Ben said. Seconds later Ben had all the

equipment he needed for his new project on his desk, in his bedroom. Ben started his project by

creating a plan for it, then he blew up a balloon and put paper mache on it.

By Thursday the week after he started his project he had finished it. “Hang on, it’s mum’s birthday

tomorrow so why don’t I give her my sculpture on her birthday.” Ben thought.

“Happy Birthday Mum!” Ben gracefully said. He handed her his sculpture. Mum replied “I love it Ben!”

By Josh Campbell, Year 7.


Are you a performer, singer, dancer, actor, comedian,

juggler, acrobat, magician?

Could you win HOUSE POINTS with your talents?

Are you brave enough to rise to the challenge of an audience?

You are invited to enter the

HOUSE COMPETITION on 24th, 25th & 26th April

You will receive 2 points for your house for performance in a heat.

You will receive 5 points each for your house for performance in the


You will receive points depending on place for your house if you win

the competition.

There will be a public audience for each heat and the grand final.

Each performer will receive their share of points even if you per-

form in a group.

So, if you are a performer, singer, dancer, actor, comedian,

juggler, acrobat, magician or band

and love the of facing a live audience GET AN ENTRY FORM FROM




Rugby - U16 Boys Fol lowing an outstanding 22-7 victory last week against Blessed Wi lliam Howard, the boys have progressed to the semi-final of the Staffordshire Plate Compet ition.

FOOTBALL FOCUS U13 Boys The boys had a successful evening on Thursday 24th November at Chesterton Sports College, on their new 4G all weather pitch. After 3 victories in the group stage of the

compet ition, and a sudden death penalty win in the semi-finals against Sir Thomas Boughey

the boys were just edged out 2-0 in the final by hosts Chesterton.

U14 Boys The boys suffered an agonising 1-0 defeat in the final of the Newcastle Schools Compet ition

against Sir Thomas Boughey under the floodl ights at Kidsgrove Athletic in November.

U16 Boys Congratulations to the Under 16 Madeley football team on an outstanding 7-0 victory over

Sir Stanley Mathews Academy in the Q/Final of the prestigious Sent inel Shield trophy. Goals from D Smith (2) J Wilson (2) D Brown, R Plant and J Allport sealed an impressive


U14 Newcastle Schools Futsal Tournament We entered an U13 team and an U14 team into this compet ition at Keele University on the

1st March. Both teams did fantastically well. The U13’s lost to eventual winners St John

Fisher in the semi-final on penalties. Whi lst the u14’s were defeated 1-0 in a tight final against the SJF team that just edged out the U13’s.

U14 Girls From Christmas through to February ½ term on Thursday evenings, Mrs Armstrong took the U14’s girls 7-a-side team to Chesterton to compete in the Newcastle Schools Competit ion.

The att itude and commitment from the gir ls throughout was outstanding. This was reflected

in their performances, which saw them defeated just 4 times in their 15 games and resulted in a third place finish.

Congratulation to the Year 7

boys rugby team who won the Newcastle Schools

Festival, beat ing Clayton,

Sir John Fisher and Clough Hall at Newcastle Rugby Club on

14th March. Wel l done!

Table Tennis - U16 Boys The boys have just finished the group games in the North Staffs Schools Table Tennis League. As it stands the ‘A’ team finished in third posit ion in their group, whilst the ‘B’ team

currently head their group and dependent on other results should qualify for the semi-finals.

U15 Newcastle Schools Dodgeball Competition The u15 boys finished in 3rd posit ion in the competit ion held at Fenton Manor at the end of

February. This was a new compet ition and acted as a qual ifier for the summer County

Schools Games.





The 2011-12 House Competit ion will draw to a conclusion on the last day of the spring term. It looks like the result will once again go down to

the wire, with Water and Earth hot on the heels of favourites for the title, Space. In addition to the fierce competit ion (that ’s just between the

house directors!) in a whole range of activities, houses have had 2

house assemblies each, along with developing new logo’s, anthems, chants, slogans, each house has also adopted its own charity.

Volleyball news The fantastic links forged between the school and Newcastle Staffs Volleyball Club remain as strong as ever. Not only is there a wealth of talent being developed but the number of

pupils taking part in extra-curricular volleyball on a Friday evening continues to increase year on year. On a Friday evening, around 70-100 Y7-11 Madeley youngsters pass through

the doors. Although the coaching is overseen by Mr Goodwin from 3.30-4.30 and then by

senior club coaches until 7.30, a number of talented current Y10’s/past pupils support their work and help run sessions.

Richard James, Rob Bellamy and Jack Richardson (Y10) have been selected for England Cadets training, Jon Denfhy & Joe Richardson are on the reserve list.

Competition Summary

Y7 Premier League for Sport Tournament 14 Y7 Pupils (3 teams Boys/Girls) entered their first tournament in

February at Trentham and competed against Y8/9 pupi ls from SJF,

Trentham & Painsley. The three teams performed bril liant ly, finishing 2nd, 3rd & 5th.

U15 Newcastle Schools Competition @ Madeley Both the boys team and girls team retained their titles in November.

U15 County Competition @ Painsley Fol lowing their victories in the Newcastle Schools Competit ion the teams travelled to

Painsley last month, again they came away victorious and retained their crowns as county


National Competitions NSVC teams, comprising of 95% Madeley pupils have had success once again at regional


U15 Boys - Won their 1st regional qualifying tournament and progressed to 2nd regional

which takes place in Essex in March.

U15 Girls - Won their 1st regional qualifying tournament and progressed to 2nd regional

which takes place in Loughborough in March.

U16 Boys - Won their regional compet ition and were losing semi-finalists in the Nat ional

Top 8’s. (best 8 teams in the country)