mac versus pc

Mac versus pc

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Mac versus pc. GUI Computers, Who started it?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Mac versus pc

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GUI Computers, Who started it?

the first successful personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI) was the Apple Macintosh, and it was introduced on the 24th of January 1984. About a year later, Microsoft introduced Microsoft Windows in November 1985 in response to the growing interest in the GUIs.

The Apple Macintosh continued to sell successfully through the second half of the 1980s until its sales began to decline in the 1990s when the market shifted towards the IBM PC that was running a Microsoft Windows operating system.

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Who was more Successful & Why?Microsoft dominates the world’s

operating systems market. The reason for this domination is simply because; Microsoft designed its operating systems to be compatible with various hardware created by a wide range of computer companies such as Dell, IBM, hp, and Sony, etc.

In the other hand, Apple designed its software for close integration of computer hardware and software, which means it’s not compatible with other computer hardware.

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Which is more popular

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Who Uses What? Mac users consist of: Home Office users such as authors

& lawyers Start ups such as Twitter &

Monster Designs Accountants such as Nelson

Accounting Professionals Architects such as KAA Design

Group Creatives such as LinkedIn, T-Pain,

Hallmark, and Francis Ford Coppola

Health industries such as hospitals IT professionals such as MailWise Law firms Real Estate agents Retail stores such as Paul Frank Scientists such as The University of

Manchester and The American Museum of Natural History

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Home office usersIT ProfessionalsDevelopersBusiness ownersSchoolsHospitalsBanks

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So which is Best for You?

Well, the sole purpose of this post is to show you all the facts about both companies, and let you decide. After all, the only person who knows you best is YOU!

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Facts for
