m1-u2-lesson 3-1

M1-U2-Lesson 3-1 Sports Stars Vocabulary & Reading

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M1-U2-Lesson 3-1. Sports Stars. Vocabulary & Reading. Before you start. Task 1 Look at the pictures and tell the names of the stars. Ma Lin. the table tennis champion. Guo Jingjing. the diving champion. Lin Dan. the Olympic badminton champion. Vince Carter. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


M1-U2-Lesson 3-1

Sports StarsVocabulary

& Reading

Ma Lin

the table tennis champion

Task 1 Look at the pictures and tell the names of the stars.

Before you start

Guo Jingjing

the diving champion

Lin Dan

the Olympic badminton champion

Vince Carter

one of the best basketball players

Sports Hero/Heroine • Example

•A: In my opinion, Ronaldo is a brilliant player. He is very fast and skilful. B: I agree. I think he’s very smart. /I don’t agree. I think he ….

Task 2 Speaking

brilliant, fast, skilful, smart, strong, useful,

Koby Bryant

awful, boring, lazy, slow, terrible, useless, weak

David Beckham

Word Bank

The father trains his son kickboxing every weekend.

Word Bank

Ex2. Work out the meanings of the following Key Words while reading the sentences.

Task 3

J.K. Rowling’s started writing Harry Portter in a small cafe near her home and since then she has never looked back.

Word Bank

Word Bank

John has finished the race.

The race has come to an end.

Word Bank

Word Bank

He is making progress in his lessons and he has improved his grade.

make sth. better

Word Bank

Word Bank

The boy is very interested in PC games.

He has a keen interest in PC games.

have show an interest in


Word Bank

Word Bank

I was late for work.

Fortunately, my boss was late, too.

Word Bank

Word Bank

It is amazing that the ship sails so fast.

Word Bank

Word BankWord Bank

look backtrain keen express an interest in come to an end amazingimprovemake progressfortunately

Venus Williams & Serena Williams

What is the text going to tell us? Reading

Read the text fast and match the headings with the paragraphs.

Para 1

Para 2

Para 3

Para 4 Brief introduction

Family background

Training and study

Success and achievements

Task 1 Fast Reading

Listen to the article and answer these questions?1 Why are the sisters


2 What kind of background are they from?A poor background/ They lived in a poor area of California, full of drugs and violence.

They are both champions who play each other.

Task 2 Careful Reading

3 Who helped them to succeed?

4 How do the two sisters get on at home?

Their father, Richard.

They get on well.

1. The two sisters are famous tennis players.They have moved to the ______in the world.

A. first B.top C.middle D.end

2. After they become famous,they have _____ been back to their birthplace.

A.already B.sometimes C.never D.always

3. The two sisters decided to be _____ when they finished their tennis careers.

A.clothes designers B.actresses C.doctors D.wives




Task 3 Read the article carefully again. Choose the best answers.

4. People all over the world are astonished at

their success. Serena Williams has won ____ champions than her elder sister.

A.less B.fewer C.much D.more

5. At home,the two sisters _______.

A. don’t help their mother do the housework

B. get on well with each other

C. always quarrel with each other

D. like to play jokes on each other



Task 4 Suggest a title for the text.

( possible )

The Tennis Champion Sisters

/Amazing Tennis Sisters

Pair work

Tell the story and achievements of the sisters to each other.


1. Part A exercises in Student Times

2. P27: Ex.13