m02 inside selling_managers_wrap

Microsoft Inside Selling Managers Wrap Presenter’s Name Presenter’s Title Microsoft Corporation

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Microsoft Inside Selling – Managers Wrap

Presenter’s Name

Presenter’s Title

Microsoft Corporation

Syndicate exercise

What makes a good coach…

Dealing with difficult scenarios

Live coaching scenario

What did you learn?




Coaching Toolkit

Introduction to the coaching toolkit

A series of ongoing coaching modules for you and your team

Module One

Module duration: 1 hour

Equipment: Flipcharts, music

This module can be adapted to an opening specific to a campaign

Prepare an opening for Microsoft

What are the 3 key benefits?

Tell them, tell them again, tell them what you told them, ask them

Deliver key core statement full of benefits not features

Setting the inside sales context OPEN

TIP! Play some lively background music to enhance the creativity of the team

in this exercise

Module Two

Module duration: 30 mins

Equipment: none

Team member to lead discussion on top ten tips to get past


Each member of the team to share a funny story of how and when

they have been ‘blocked’ in the past

Overcoming gatekeepers OPEN

TIP! Make this as fun and upbeat as possible!

Module Three

Module duration: 30 mins + discussion time

Equipment: sheets of paper to create call observation

sheets and a tape recorder with play back facilities

“It’s better to understand than be understood”

Place your team – into pairs

Delegate A is asked to think of a topic or hobby they are interested

in – their task is to persuade delegate B to take up this hobby or

new interest. Record the conversation.

Put a tick every 15 secs when.. Delegate A is speaking Delegate B is speaking

Delegate A is telling

The speaker is asking

Present position PROBE


Module Four

Module duration: 40 mins

Equipment: A product (mug), sweets & goodies

Purchase justification to the board ABC Ltd

Using the cards in the pack, allocate roles

Key learning points

Would your contact be able to promote your product?

What can you do to help?

Who else can you influence in your account?

Vision PROBE


TIP! As a non-executive director of the board make sure you are throwing in

lots of awkward objectives

Module duration: 20 minutes

Equipment: Copies of the org chart handout

Module Five

Organisational charts

Hand out 2 org charts to the team

& get them to complete one for

each of their top two accounts

Who are the people and what is

the depth of their awareness of

Microsoft and the project?

People PROBE


TIP! It’s what they don’t know that you are interested in!

Module Six

Module duration: 20 mins

Equipment: Flip chart papers & coloured pens

How customers/partners place an order

From the direct customer saying ‘Yes’, what happens next?

Team to create a flow chart of how to process and order & all the

possible black holes


Process PROBE

TIP! They may not know all the answers, the important part is whether they

have asked the questions

Module Seven

Module duration: 10 mins in a team meeting + 10 mins discussion time

Equipment: Ball, prize (sweets or chocolate)

Divide the sales team into two groupsTeam A are the sales people

Team B are the buyers

The sales people have the following instructionsThey are selling a ball for corporate stress relief at £10 each

They can negotiate on a large (50+) order down to £7 each

The sales people must sell all the benefits to the buyers and convince them why it is better than the competition

The buyers are given the following instructionsYou will only pay a maximum of £5

The ball is thrown between the teams depending on who has control over the value of the conversation


TIP! They may not know all the answers, the important part is whether they

have asked the questions

Module Eight

Module duration: 45 mins

Equipment: Flip chart pens and time to call listen to


Top Left Top Right

On the left-hand side, draw a single

palm tree on a desert island. On

the right is a ship with two funnels

and a sun above.

A grave stone in the centre, with a

cross on top and the letters RIP

engraved in the middle. A fence

runs horizontally behind the grave.

Bottom Left Bottom Right

A stick man wearing a top hat, and


A large letter X filling most of the

section, with a letter S on either


Use of language and communications PROVE VALUE

Module Nine

Module duration: 45 mins

Equipment: none

Preventing objections vs. handling objectionsA look at the issue of Advantages leading the buyers to respond with objections. This occurs when the seller proposes a solution before building needs sufficiently. As a result the buyer doesn’t feel that the problem is serious or urgent enough to justify and expensive solution.

This brings us to the value equation. To obtain the buyer’s commitment to a sale you need to build the value of the problems or needs enough to outweigh the cost of the solution. The value equation shows that building the value of the buyer’s problems actually prevents objections.

Preventing objections ultimately costs sellers less than handling objections – less time, energy and hassle.

See the value equation handout for more information

Manager to facilitate conversation on why this is all so important

Objection handling PROVE VALUE

TIP! Let one of the team lead the session – manager just to facilitate

Value equation handout

Module Nine

Preventing objections vs. handling objections

Objection handling PROVE VALUE



Vision &











Unreliability:Adds to cost


May lose business


Delays irritate customers


Hurts our business image


Increases operator frustration

Handling value objections

Our present

system is


but we can

live with it

It’s not

worth the

cost of

changing it

It’s not

worth the

cost of

changing it

Problem the buyer

should take

seriously but


Price objections to

your solution

Module Ten

Module duration: 1 hour

Equipment: none

Nominated salesperson to present on the following to the team:


Closing statements

Assumptive closing

MSSP Dominoes

10 minutes each

Team presentations QUALIFY

TIP! Get the group to challenge each other to ensure they believe the


Module Eleven

Module duration: 45 mins

Equipment: none

Salespeople to present potential campaigns

The rest of the team prepare a SWOT on all the possible outcomes

Why will the customers want to know more?

Where will you be able to be assumptive?

In call management NEXT ACTIONS

TIP! Run a mini role play to enhance the learning

Module Twelve

Module duration: 45 minutes

Equipment: Racing playing cards, wrapped sweets

Get the team to back the ‘horse’ they want to win

Key learning points

Who did they choose?


How did it feel?

How does this relate to their customers?


TIP! It’s meant to be fun – link it back to the fact that although people might

promote them today, the odds in the future might change

Action plans & presentations

Creation of an Action Plan

Action: When:Which members of the


Final review and recap

List your three key learning points:

Coach back to us one topic of value from today!

Nothing great was ever

achieved without enthusiasm!

Thank you for your participation

© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.