m star route stopped ix fji xii i to c e deed · m ix fji l xii des 1 j bolrti the problem anything...

M Ix fJI xii l des 1 J Bolrti the problem Anything you or do Dot Deed TIp will iccure or aeedf f pose of or you E FOR SALE Oow Now phone 180 FOR ItENTOno room with board and bath 031 Jackson WANTJJD A competent steno jraphcr Address K Box 05- 51VANTEDGood gentle work horiq Apply Jus IV Mooro Mayfield it RoadWANTEDTwo unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping II K John son caro Sun OOOK WANTEDMust bo first class Mrs M Livingston 1455 West Broadway WANTED TO RENT Small throe room cottage Address II M S caro Hun oluco WANTED Good cook for family of two Must bo neat and well rrcom mended 110 North Seventh stree- tLOTOold cross with small chain between Ninth and Clark and Seventh and Washington streets Ho tarn to this oflloo and roocUo reward NO MORE CREDIT rVOn and after Jan let wo will not p charge cartage fares and trunk haul Ing to any one Drivers will bo re ¬ o quired to collect Trunks not paid for will bo taken to itablo and bold for charges Palmer Transfer Oo LOCAL LItfM J I For Dr Pondley ring 416 All kinds of cigars and tobacco at BroedjEdison 930 at R D Clement Co All kinds of tobacco and cigars at Prinoei Smoke House 333 Broadway Mr W O OBryan tbo rest es ¬ tate agent has an ofllco now with Mr W M Janes upstairs at 636 Broad- way Mr W M Janes the well known real estate agent has moved his olllco to the upstairs snits of rooms over Dr Dabnoys offlot 035 Broadway Mr II O Miller a machinist employed by tho I 0 was cut irf tho head this morning while working with soma machinery Tho injury is not serious Tbo report published in some of tho papers that Contractor J W MetropolisI was started as a joke Mr James Leako who has been associated in tbo printing business with his father Mr Charles Lcako has acoopted a position with Tho Sun job rooms and will call on tho trndn in a tow days The civil term of circuit court be gins Monday at the court honso with tho newly elected judge lion W M Reed presiding Tho now commo- nwealths ¬ attorney Mr Jobp O Low itt has his first prosecutions hero at tho April term of court The O W B Mwill moot with Mrs O 13 Stark Saturday Jan 2nd at 3p m As work for tho now year Is to bo discussed a full attendance of the members is especially desired Will Hatloy of the Central Fire Department returned from Cairo yes- terday whore ho bad boon on a short a visit Ho visited tho Cairo are do partmect and states that Cairo is P without a fire chief COFFEE we Our new Coffee Urn is in full blast turning out coffee by the gallon one cup full at a time In this matter we have given our Inclina- tion ¬ toward Quality not Quantity full sway We put in the very best equip ¬ ment then added the very finest material obtainable a wellknown and thoroughly tried blend of Mocha and Java With this we pro ¬ duce and arc now serving as fine a cup of coffee as abe produced OllsJMBIA fJ STAR ROUTE STOPPED 4 4 One of the Oldest in the District c Discontinued Today Plano Served are Reached by Itall ¬ road and tho Government Can = fI 4 colled Contract I I MOB E MAY FOLLOW THIS YEAR i I I One of tho oldest star routes in tho I State pasted out of existence this morning It in tho route from Pat t dnoah to Wickliffe via Masons loins Woodvillo and other plates in thisI county and Ballard For many years this ltsa been n regular mall routeI Yesterday was tho Oat trip G W Webb the carrier will over mnko as the governments representative as today orders were received nero to Ills cocnttuue it- Theteason the route was discon ¬ tinned I is that the towns served are now touched by the now Cairo exten ¬ sion of tho I 0 and tno mall is carried by the train This makes it quicker and better and while the star routo contract did not expire until next July tho government cancelled tho contract for tho remaining timeI It is rally expected that othor star routes will be discontlnnnd after July when now contracts go Into effect Since tho contracts wore lot four years ago many changes and improvements have boon made in the mail service in sections covered by the star routes and with river rail and silnl free delivery service many of the star routes aro now needless ex ¬ travagances and will In all probabilty bo dlsocntinued after the prcront con- tracts ¬ expire Throaa lb cans tomatoes for 25 cents at Englert Bryant tomorrow Y M C A ANNUAL MEETING PROP AUHEI3ON OF DANVILLE WILL DELIVER THIRD AD DRESS SUNDAY Preparations aro being made for tho annual meeting of the local YM 0 A Prof John 0 Achesou of Dan ¬ ville president of Caldwell college will deliver an address Sunday after ¬ noon at 860 oclock on The Three I Sirens at tho Y M O A build- Ing ¬ I At tbo First Presbyterian church Sunday evening Prof Acheson will I speak on Tho Plano and Power of tho Young Mens Christian Associa ¬ lion This will be an especially In ¬ teresting service with attractive rondo and a largo audience I is expected to be b11I l Scoftold and Prof Farubam will pre ¬ side at tbo organ TWO DECLINE MESS ItS BOONE AND PATTErtSON I DECLINE TO ACT AS SUPERVISORS Messrs Ell Q Boono and W H Patterson have notified Mayor YoUer that they cannot serve on the board of city supervisors and the mayor will now have to appoint lomo one in their places The supervisors begin their work the first Monday in January and the mayor states ho his not decided whom ho will appoint I Throe 3 lb can pumpkin for 30 1 cents tomorrow at Englert Bryant v MARRIED LAST NIGHT Mrs Katie Sohauf and Mr Will Robertson were married last night at 9 oclooK at tho residence of the bride mother Mrs Sophia Baum gard 1718 Utoad street Rev T J Nuwoll performed the ceremony Tho wedding was followed br a reception at which a number of guests were presentMr Robertson is a plumber for Mr Ed Hannan and I ii a popular young man Tho bride Is an at ¬ tractive young lady The conple will reside with the brides mother Bananas IQ cents per dozen at Englert Bryant tomorow DEEDS Annie E Ratcllffo to T II Dale for t8li property In tho county E D Thnrman to E B Smith for 100 property in the Thurman addi ¬ tionJ M Worton to W H Matthews for flCOproperty in the Worton North SIdo addition Rachel Gore to L V Davis for 9460 property in thq county rr i mssPeople andat 1 = Pleasant Invents I 1 MARRIED LAST NIGHT Miss Minnie Owen and Mr Charles Acker were married last night at B3Q at tho residence of tho brides parents Mr and Mrs T B Owen on Trim ¬ ble street Rev W W Armstrong of the Trimble street Methodist onnrch performed tho ceremony Tho couple who are popular young people will make their homo with the mother of the groom 1212 Jackson street STAG BREAKFAST PARTY A stag breakfast party was given this morning at Tho Pineo by Mr Joseph L Friedman Covers were laid I for thirtyfive and the guests in ¬ cluded prominent business and pro ¬ fessional men of tho city The menu afforded all of the delicacies of tho season ENTERTAINS FOR GUEST Miss Eda Bergdoll will entertain at cards this evening in honor of her cousin Miss Clara Belanger who will return to her homo in Marinetto Wis next week ENTERTAINED FOR GUEST Mrs Harry Pixler entertained last night in honor of Mr and Mn Sis son of Edgowood III guests of lMr and Mrs T Miller Simon NEW YEARS EVE BALL A dance was given last night at the Fraternity building by the Unions and Odd Follows lodges of this city to weloomo the new year- CHARITY TEA Tho Onarity Club is having a tea this afternoon at the rct nco of Miss Elizabeth Slunott on North Nintn street WATOU PARTY Tbo pupils of Mrs John J Dor ¬ inns school had a watoh party at her residence on South Fourth street last night Miss Uala Jenkins of Gilbortivllle is visiting Mrs P E Cheek of 1233 Clay street Mr Edwin R Wilson of East St Louis returned homo today after vis ¬ iting his mother hero Mn J H Beard of Sturgis re tnined homo yesterday after visiting hero Miss Ida Mae Walton ofWoodbnrn Kv returned homo yesterday after visiting Mrs J M Walton Mils Mario Williams of Wooibnrn Ky returned home yesterday after visiting Mrs J M Walton Miss Jonnie MoRoa returned yester ¬ day to resume her studies at the Hop kinsvillo college after visiting her parents Miss Hortenso Sutherland of May field is tho guest of Mrs S P Wai lace MUs Jano Bkefflngton of Dyers burg Penn has returned homo after visIting Mrs George Flonrnoy Misses Lizzie and Laura Luttroll have returned home from Carmook Miss Ruth Humphrey of this place Is viiltingher uncle in Murray this week Miss Minnie Lo Roy of Knttawa is spending this week in the city with brotherMrs Haines of Marion Ky Is visiting Mrs Gus Edwards of North Fifth street Mr and Mrs Marion Pato returned homo from their bridal tour Thursday eveningAttorney B M Newman of St Louis ii I the guest of Deputy U S Marshal Syd Hubbard Misses Eva and Katie Bauer aro ViI ¬ iting toJamont- Mrs Clint Wilooz and Miss Mary Boono of MoLoansboro Ill aro in the city visiting relatives Supt A H Egan of the Louis villo division cf the I U was in the city today Mr U B Grldley and Judge W A Berry returned last night from Peoria III whero they had been on businessMajor J H Ashcraft went to Mom phil this morning on business Attorney Mike Oliver returned to Benton this morning Mrs O H Sborlll returned from Union City Tonn this morning after a visit to friends and relatives Mr Wallia MoGhoo of the local I 0 has resigned his position and wont to Louisville today Mr Wm MoOreovy returned from the south at noon today Miss Lulaj Soamonof Princeton t 0 GLOOMY BEGINNING OF THE NEW YEAR Continued From Fourth PaRe Foy the death roll would have been doubledTHEATER EMPLOYES ARRESTED Chicago Jan ISovon employes of the Iroquois theater were arrested lets night on orders iiinod by Chief of Police ONell The charge against thorn is at present that of being acces ¬ sory to manslaughter They will boI held pending the verdict of tho coro ners jury Tho won arrested are WILLIAM OARLTON stago mat agcr EDWARD CUMMINGS stage car pouter FRANK JANDROW R M CUMMINGS E ENGLE THOMAS MQUEEN- S J UAZONL The last five are stage hands and scone shifters t on account of the illness of her motherMr J R Martin returned to Greenville today at noon to buy to ¬ baccoMr Mike Kortz returned to Owens ooro today after a visit to friends and relatives here Mrs Kato Bonnln of Louisville I who has been visiting relatives here returned home today at noon Rev R II Oroufleld of Owens boro KfIs tho guest of Rev J II Pinkerton Advance Agont Beckmann of In Old Kentucky II is in the city today His show will be at The Kentucky nextjveek Justice J Barber has returned from a visit to Hammond La Mrs Frank Bon will return tomor- row ¬ 1 from Golconda v Mr Tom Morton of Chicago ar ¬ rived this morning + o spend now years with his sisters the Misses MortbnAon Broadway Attractions of the Philippines An American in the Philippines writing on business to a friend in Washington Incidentally sums up his Impressions of our annexed territory thus The Philippine islands are a fierce proposition I would not tako Governor Tafts Job and you know how avaricious I am Hero are the attractions Bugs ants lizards mos- quitoes snakes beriberi leprosy cholera bubonic plague fevers dhou bey itch etc News is a month be ¬ bind all the time Ink costs a dollar Mexican for a half pint bottle but the man who stays ioro to sell it de serves tho prlco It is inconceivable to mo how any wulto man can en joy Manila Only a Slight Difference Thoro is not much difference bet- ween an epigram and an epitaph An epigram says unkind and true things about the living tho epitaph says kind nnd untrue things about the d- eadSuffering Will Not Help Your Disease but Will Weaken Your Nerves Folks who think It I Is better to bear pain than ootho Itre wrong Old fashloned doctord used to say It was better because they had nothing with which to ease pain but dangerous heartparalyzing drugs But now that a safe remedy has been found Dr Miles AntiPain Pills It Is wrong to suffer for nothing can be gained but weakened nerves A sate rule to remember Is When in pain take an AntiPain Pill This will soothe your quivering nerves Dr Mlles AntiPain Pills relieve pain by restoring the natural secretions In which they differ from opium and sim ¬ liar narcotic drugs which relieve pain by checking the action of tho glands They are sure and harmless and arc the latest medical treatment for the cure of Headache Neuralgia Backache Rheumatism Dizziness Toothache Stomachache Menstrual Monthly Pains Also nerve Irritations like Sea Sickness CarSickness Sleeplessness Indigestion otc Pleasant to take quick In results- I have used Dr Mlles AntiPain Pills for sick nervous headache and have received the best results I hear ¬ tily recommend their curative proper ties for they are succensful HEV RAY A WATItOS D D Iowa City Ia Sold by druggists at 25o Money back If tint box does not help Never sold In bul- kFREE i ckeFeeoffor Miles Free Anti Pain Pills the New Scientific Remedy for Pain Also Symptom Blank Our Specialist will diagnose your case tell you what Is wrong nnd how to right It COLABORATORIES I ALMONDINEII teed af TaP The Kentucky Management JAMES E KNdLISU Matinee and Night WEDNESDAY JAN 6 the Show that never received an ad- verse ¬ Criticism UINLAN WALL Imperial Minstrel Youngest Newest Swellest New and original start to finish En tirely different to all other minstrel performances MATINEE PRICES Adults SOc Children 25c NIGHT PRICESlirst 12 rows or- chestra SlOOi balance orchestra 1- balcony c 50 and 75c Usual gallery SySeata on sale Tuesday ro a mil NEWS OF THE RIVERS Observations taken at 7 a m River 74 on the gauge a stand Weather cloudy and warm Temperature 48 with south winds S A Fowler Local Observer The Memphis is due out of Tennes ¬ see river today The Diok Fowler was u nable to se ¬ cure coal this morning and was dAlay ¬ ed until ten oclock She finally se- cured ¬ a barge and by working an extra crew coaled up In time to hove by ten oclockThe Charleston i is duo Sunday out of tho Tennessee river The Dick Clyde arrived this morn- Ing ¬ from Evansvllle and tho crow re ¬ ports ice all the way down The river men think that if the warm weather continues the ice will all melt out within a day or two and the Ohio river will be free of Ice The Jacob Ueatherington and Hen nings are aground at Sisters Island The former is working with the Boss barges and the latter ii a tug with two barges of coal for Memphis The Margaret went into Tennessee riveHjoday I The fleijrletta went intoTonncisoe river today The Hook wentintoTenneEsoo river > today t There is a shortage V coal today but it is thought the situation will be relieved in a day or twot v Tho Ten Broeck is still layinfcup here The Inverness will get in from Ton nestee river today The Jim Dnffey and Pavonia are in Cumberland river taking out ties and will come out probably Monday Captain Frank Beatty of Nashville will return home tonight after a shott business trip to the city The river men aro encouraged over tho outlook for a big rise and say it certainly is coming THE SICK Mies Fannie Murray is ill at her homo on Monroe street Mrs Henry Katterjohn is ill at her home on the South Il1eI Mr Sam Walker and his orchestra returned this morning from Metropolis where it went yesterday to play for a New Years dance Born to Mr and Mrs Will Hud ¬ son formerly of this city and now of Pine Bluff Ark aeon THE KENTUCKY Minigtotnt MS E ENGLISH TO NIGIITt Jxeph C Logan Presents MROLAYOLEMENtAnd t In His Own Unique IdyJic Comedy The New Donllniu MATINEE PRICES Adults soc Children 2oc NIGHT PRICES First 12 rows orchestra fioo balance orchestra 75C balcony 75 and Soc SEATS ARE NOW ON SALE The Kentucky Management James B Beglisk i Matinee and Night SATURDAY JAN 2 Lincoln J Carter presents Ameri ¬ cas greatest emotional actress i JULIA GRAY Supported byr JOHN TNICHOLS And a Cast of Uniform Excellence in HER ONLY SIN Magnificent Scenery Throughouti i r MATINEE PRICES t 1 Adults soc Children 250 NIGHT PRICES 250 to 750 f1 SEATS NOW ON SAL- ETHEKENTUCKY rt Dsaegasot lAS E ENEtISH MONDAY NIGHT JAN 4 A BEAUTIFUL STORY OF THE PRESENT DAY DEPICTING LOVE l THE ° PATHOS HATE AND PASSI- ONCONVICTS 1 DAUGHTERT- HE METROPOLITAN PRODUCTION- An American story of thrilling and Ir heartfelt interest embellished by startling scenic effects Nrong Cast I A Story from Lire 1 1- 11Xr 1- 1i i b1S 2 c Seats on sale Saturday ic Tori 4 Success of Woman Lawyer One of tho busiest lawyers in Zu ¬ lchls Anna Mackonrotb a young woman still in her 203 who opened tho legal profession to women In SwitzerlandCASTORIA I For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought rw61gnatUt6of eB J- tI ALMONDINEI- s f guaranteed to cure chapped I bands Price 250 DuBois KOLB Co f HARTS HEN S l1Is At i > b SETTIN ON THINK EGGS v When the Think is Hatched Hart Will Put the Thoughtf t Bfrt Here j- r i1JU3R 1 0114 I 1 J 1 r O u

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Post on 07-Aug-2020




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Page 1: M STAR ROUTE STOPPED Ix fJI xii I TO c E Deed · M Ix fJI l xii des 1 J Bolrti the problem Anything you or do Dot Deed TIp will iccure oraeedff pose ofE or you FOR SALE Oow Now phone


Ix fJI xiil des 1 J

Bolrti the problem Anything youor do Dot Deed TIp will iccure oraeedffpose of or youE

FOR SALE Oow Now phone180

FOR ItENTOno room withboard and bath 031 Jackson

WANTJJD A competent stenojraphcr Address K Box 05-

51VANTEDGood gentle workhoriq Apply Jus IV Mooro Mayfield

it RoadWANTEDTwounfurnished rooms

for light housekeeping II K Johnson caro Sun

OOOK WANTEDMust bo firstclass Mrs M Livingston 1455

West Broadway

WANTED TO RENT Smallthroe room cottage Address II M

S caro Hun oluco

WANTED Good cook for familyof two Must bo neat and well rrcommended 110 North Seventh stree-

tLOTOold cross with smallchain between Ninth and Clark andSeventh and Washington streets Ho

tarn to this oflloo and roocUo reward


rVOn and after Jan let wo will notp charge cartage fares and trunk haulIng to any one Drivers will bo re ¬

oquired to collect Trunks not paidfor will bo taken to itablo and boldfor charges Palmer Transfer Oo


For Dr Pondley ring 416

All kinds of cigars and tobacco at

BroedjEdison930 at R D Clement Co

All kinds of tobacco and cigars atPrinoei Smoke House 333 Broadway

Mr W O OBryan tbo rest es ¬

tate agent has an ofllco now with MrW M Janes upstairs at 636 Broad-way

Mr W M Janes the well knownreal estate agent has moved his olllcoto the upstairs snits of rooms overDr Dabnoys offlot 035 Broadway

Mr II O Miller a machinistemployed by tho I 0 was cut irf thohead this morning while working withsoma machinery Tho injury is notserious

Tbo report published in some oftho papers that Contractor J W

MetropolisIwas started as a joke

Mr James Leako who has beenassociated in tbo printing businesswith his father Mr Charles Lcakohas acoopted a position with Tho Sunjob rooms and will call on tho trndnin a tow days

The civil term of circuit court be

gins Monday at the court honso withtho newly elected judge lion W M

Reed presiding Tho now commo-nwealths


attorney Mr Jobp O Low

itt has his first prosecutions hero attho April term of court

The O W B Mwill moot withMrs O 13 Stark Saturday Jan 2nd

at 3p m As work for tho now yearIs to bo discussed a full attendance ofthe members is especially desired

Will Hatloy of the Central FireDepartment returned from Cairo yes-

terday whore ho bad boon on a shortavisit Ho visited tho Cairo are do

partmect and states that Cairo is

P without a fire chief


Our new Coffee Urn is infull blast turning out coffeeby the gallon one cup fullat a time In this matterwe have given our Inclina-


toward Quality notQuantity full sway Weput in the very best equip ¬

ment then added the veryfinest material obtainable awellknown and thoroughlytried blend of Mocha andJava With this we pro ¬

duce and arc now servingas fine a cup of coffee as

abe produced




One of the Oldest in the Districtc

Discontinued Today

Plano Served are Reached by Itall ¬

road and tho Government Can =fI

4 colled ContractI




One of tho oldest star routes in tho I

State pasted out of existence thismorning It in tho route from Patt

dnoah to Wickliffe via Masons loinsWoodvillo and other plates in thisIcounty and Ballard For many yearsthis ltsa been n regular mall routeIYesterday was tho Oat trip G WWebb the carrier will over mnko asthe governments representative astoday orders were received nero to Ills

cocnttuue it-Theteason the route was discon ¬

tinned Iis that the towns served arenow touched by the now Cairo exten ¬

sion of tho I 0 and tno mall is

carried by the train This makes itquicker and better and while the starrouto contract did not expire untilnext July tho government cancelledtho contract for tho remaining timeI

It is rally expected that othor starroutes will be discontlnnnd afterJuly when now contracts go Intoeffect Since tho contracts wore lotfour years ago many changes andimprovements have boon made in themail service in sections covered by thestar routes and with river rail andsilnl free delivery service many ofthe star routes aro now needless ex¬

travagances and will In all probabiltybo dlsocntinued after the prcront con-



Throaa lb cans tomatoes for 25cents at Englert Bryant tomorrow




Preparations aro being made for thoannual meeting of the local YM 0A Prof John 0 Achesou of Dan ¬

ville president of Caldwell collegewill deliver an address Sunday after ¬

noon at 860 oclock on The Three I

Sirens at tho Y M O A build-



I At tbo First Presbyterian churchSunday evening Prof Acheson will

I speak on Tho Plano and Power oftho Young Mens Christian Associa ¬

lion This will be an especially In ¬

teresting service with attractive rondoand a largo audience Iis expected to beb11Il

Scoftold and Prof Farubam will pre ¬

side at tbo organ




Messrs Ell Q Boono and W H

Patterson have notified Mayor YoUerthat they cannot serve on the board ofcity supervisors and the mayor willnow have to appoint lomo one in theirplaces The supervisors begin theirwork the first Monday in January andthe mayor states ho his not decidedwhom ho will appoint


Throe 3 lb can pumpkin for 301

cents tomorrow at Englert Bryantv

MARRIED LAST NIGHTMrs Katie Sohauf and Mr Will

Robertson were married last nightat 9 oclooK at tho residence of thebride mother Mrs Sophia Baumgard 1718 Utoad street Rev T JNuwoll performed the ceremony Thowedding was followed br a receptionat which a number of guests were

presentMrRobertson is a plumber for

Mr Ed Hannan and Iii a popularyoung man Tho bride Is an at ¬

tractive young lady The conple willreside with the brides mother

Bananas IQ cents per dozen atEnglert Bryant tomorow

DEEDSAnnie E Ratcllffo to T II Dale

for t8li property In tho countyE D Thnrman to E B Smith for

100 property in the Thurman addi ¬

tionJM Worton to W H Matthews

for flCOproperty in the Worton NorthSIdo addition

Rachel Gore to L V Davis for9460 property in thq countyrr

imssPeopleandat 1

=Pleasant Invents I


MARRIED LAST NIGHTMiss Minnie Owen and Mr Charles

Acker were married last night at B3Q

at tho residence of tho brides parentsMr and Mrs T B Owen on Trim ¬

ble street Rev W W Armstrongof the Trimble street Methodist onnrchperformed tho ceremony Tho couplewho are popular young people willmake their homo with the mother ofthe groom 1212 Jackson street

STAG BREAKFAST PARTYA stag breakfast party was given

this morning at Tho Pineo by MrJoseph L Friedman Covers werelaidI for thirtyfive and the guests in ¬

cluded prominent business and pro ¬

fessional men of tho city The menuafforded all of the delicacies of thoseason

ENTERTAINS FOR GUESTMiss Eda Bergdoll will entertain at

cards this evening in honor of hercousin Miss Clara Belanger who willreturn to her homo in Marinetto Wisnext week


Mrs Harry Pixler entertained lastnight in honor of Mr and Mn Sisson of Edgowood III guests of lMrand Mrs T Miller Simon


A dance was given last night at theFraternity building by the Unions andOdd Follows lodges of this city toweloomo the new year-


Tho Onarity Club is having a teathis afternoon at the rct nco of MissElizabeth Slunott on North Nintnstreet


Tbo pupils of Mrs John J Dor ¬

inns school had a watoh party at herresidence on South Fourth street lastnight

Miss Uala Jenkins of Gilbortivllleis visiting Mrs P E Cheek of 1233Clay street

Mr Edwin R Wilson of East StLouis returned homo today after vis ¬

iting his mother hero

Mn J H Beard of Sturgis retnined homo yesterday after visitinghero

Miss Ida Mae Walton ofWoodbnrnKv returned homo yesterday aftervisiting Mrs J M Walton

Mils Mario Williams of WooibnrnKy returned home yesterday aftervisiting Mrs J M Walton

Miss Jonnie MoRoa returned yester¬

day to resume her studies at the Hopkinsvillo college after visiting herparents

Miss Hortenso Sutherland of Mayfield is tho guest of Mrs S P Wai


MUs Jano Bkefflngton of Dyersburg Penn has returned homo aftervisIting Mrs George Flonrnoy

Misses Lizzie and Laura Luttrollhave returned home from Carmook

Miss Ruth Humphrey of thisplace Is viiltingher uncle in Murraythis week

Miss Minnie Lo Roy of Knttawais spending this week in the city with

brotherMrsHaines of Marion Ky

Is visiting Mrs Gus Edwards of NorthFifth street

Mr and Mrs Marion Pato returnedhomo from their bridal tour Thursday

eveningAttorneyB M Newman of St

Louis iiI the guest of Deputy U SMarshal Syd Hubbard

Misses Eva and Katie Bauer aro ViI ¬

iting toJamont-Mrs Clint Wilooz and Miss Mary

Boono of MoLoansboro Ill aro inthe city visiting relatives

Supt A H Egan of the Louisvillo division cf the I U was in thecity today

Mr U B Grldley and Judge W

A Berry returned last night fromPeoria III whero they had been on


J H Ashcraft went to Momphil this morning on business

Attorney Mike Oliver returned toBenton this morning

Mrs O H Sborlll returned fromUnion City Tonn this morning aftera visit to friends and relatives

Mr Wallia MoGhoo of the local I0 has resigned his position and wontto Louisville today

Mr Wm MoOreovy returned fromthe south at noon today

Miss Lulaj Soamonof Princeton t0



Continued From Fourth PaRe

Foy the death roll would have been



Chicago Jan ISovon employesof the Iroquois theater were arrestedlets night on orders iiinod by Chief ofPolice ONell The charge againstthorn is at present that of being acces ¬

sory to manslaughter They will boIheld pending the verdict of tho coroners jury Tho won arrested are

WILLIAM OARLTON stago matagcr

EDWARD CUMMINGS stage carpouter


scone shifters t

on account of the illness of her

motherMrJ R Martin returned to

Greenville today at noon to buy to ¬


Mike Kortz returned to Owensooro today after a visit to friends andrelatives here

Mrs Kato Bonnln of LouisvilleI

who has been visiting relatives herereturned home today at noon

Rev R II Oroufleld of Owensboro KfIs tho guest of Rev J IIPinkerton

Advance Agont Beckmann of InOld Kentucky II is in the city todayHis show will be at The Kentuckynextjveek

Justice J Barber has returnedfrom a visit to Hammond La

Mrs Frank Bon will return tomor-



1from Golconda v

Mr Tom Morton of Chicago ar ¬

rived this morning +o spend now yearswith his sisters the Misses MortbnAon


Attractions of the PhilippinesAn American in the Philippines

writing on business to a friend inWashington Incidentally sums up hisImpressions of our annexed territorythus The Philippine islands are afierce proposition I would not takoGovernor Tafts Job and you knowhow avaricious I am Hero are theattractions Bugs ants lizards mos-quitoes snakes beriberi leprosycholera bubonic plague fevers dhoubey itch etc News is a month be ¬

bind all the time Ink costs a dollarMexican for a half pint bottle but

the man who stays ioro to sell it deserves tho prlco It is inconceivableto mo how any wulto man can enjoy Manila

Only a Slight DifferenceThoro is not much difference bet-

ween an epigram and an epitaph Anepigram says unkind and true thingsabout the living tho epitaph says kindnnd untrue things about the d-

eadSufferingWill Not Help Your

Disease but WillWeaken Your

NervesFolks who think It IIs better to bear

pain than ootho Itre wrongOld fashloned doctord used to say It

was better because they had nothingwith which to ease pain but dangerousheartparalyzing drugs

But now that a safe remedy hasbeen found Dr Miles AntiPain PillsIt Is wrong to suffer for nothing can begained but weakened nerves

A sate rule to remember Is Whenin pain take an AntiPain Pill

This will soothe your quivering nervesDr Mlles AntiPain Pills relieve pain

by restoring the natural secretions Inwhich they differ from opium and sim ¬

liar narcotic drugs which relieve painby checking the action of tho glands

They are sure and harmless and arcthe latest medical treatment for thecure of Headache Neuralgia BackacheRheumatism Dizziness ToothacheStomachache Menstrual MonthlyPains Also nerve Irritations like SeaSickness CarSickness SleeplessnessIndigestion otc

Pleasant to take quick In results-I have used Dr Mlles AntiPain

Pills for sick nervous headache andhave received the best results I hear¬

tily recommend their curative properties for they are succensful HEVRAY A WATItOS D D Iowa City Ia

Sold by druggists at 25o Money backIf tint box does not help Never soldIn bul-

kFREE ickeFeeoffor MilesFree Anti

Pain Pills the New Scientific Remedyfor Pain Also Symptom Blank OurSpecialist will diagnose your case tellyou what Is wrong nnd how to right It



The KentuckyManagement JAMES E KNdLISU

Matinee and NightWEDNESDAY JAN 6

the Show that never received an ad-




Imperial MinstrelYoungest Newest Swellest

New and original start to finish Entirely different to all other minstrelperformances

MATINEE PRICESAdults SOc Children 25c

NIGHT PRICESlirst 12 rows or-

chestra SlOOi balance orchestra 1-


50 and 75c Usual gallerySySeata on sale Tuesday ro a mil


Observations taken at 7 a m River74 on the gauge a stand Weathercloudy and warm Temperature 48

with south winds S A FowlerLocal Observer

The Memphis is due out of Tennes ¬

see river today

The Diok Fowler was u nable to se ¬

cure coal this morning and was dAlay ¬

ed until ten oclock She finally se-



a barge and by working an extracrew coaled up In time to hove by ten

oclockTheCharleston iis duo Sunday out

of tho Tennessee riverThe Dick Clyde arrived this morn-


from Evansvllle and tho crow re ¬

ports ice all the way down

The river men think that if thewarm weather continues the ice willall melt out within a day or two andthe Ohio river will be free of Ice

The Jacob Ueatherington and Hennings are aground at Sisters IslandThe former is working with the Bossbarges and the latter ii a tug withtwo barges of coal for Memphis

The Margaret went into TennesseeriveHjoday


The fleijrletta went intoTonncisoeriver today

The Hook wentintoTenneEsoo river>

today tThere is a shortage V coal today

but it is thought the situation will be

relieved in a day or twot v

Tho Ten Broeck is still layinfcuphere

The Inverness will get in from Tonnestee river today

The Jim Dnffey and Pavonia are in

Cumberland river taking out ties andwill come out probably Monday

Captain Frank Beatty of Nashvillewill return home tonight after a shottbusiness trip to the city

The river men aro encouraged overtho outlook for a big rise and say itcertainly is coming


Mies Fannie Murray is ill at herhomo on Monroe street

Mrs Henry Katterjohn is ill at herhome on the South Il1eIMr Sam Walker and his orchestrareturned this morning from Metropoliswhere it went yesterday to play for aNew Years dance

Born to Mr and Mrs Will Hud¬

son formerly of this city and now ofPine Bluff Ark aeon


TO NIGIITtJxeph C Logan Presents


In His Own Unique IdyJic Comedy


Adults soc Children 2oc

NIGHT PRICESFirst 12 rows orchestra f ioo balance

orchestra 75C balcony 75 and Soc


The KentuckyManagement James B Beglisk i

Matinee and NightSATURDAY JAN 2

Lincoln J Carter presents Ameri ¬

cas greatest emotional actress i


And a Cast of UniformExcellence in

HER ONLY SINMagnificent Scenery Throughoutii r


Adults soc Children 250NIGHT PRICES 250 to 750 f1









An American story of thrilling and Ir

heartfelt interest embellished bystartling scenic effects

Nrong Cast I A Story from Lire 11-



b1S 2 cSeats on sale Saturday icTori 4

Success of Woman LawyerOne of tho busiest lawyers in Zu¬

lchls Anna Mackonrotb a youngwoman still in her 203 who openedtho legal profession to women In


For Infants and ChildrenThe Kind You Have Always Bought

rw61gnatUt6ofeB J-



fguaranteed to cure chappedI bands Price 250

DuBois KOLB Co



l1IsAti > b


When the Think is Hatched

Hart Will Put the Thoughtft

Bfrt Here j-


i1JU3R 10114I

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