m packet nbde part 2

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  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2




  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    1 .. ,j!:"JnarIy(If'l' areon

    EXCEP'lOt:ythrornymis responsible. . " numerousdIUQ; ~ r a c t i o n s some ofwhid1are fatal."""hIs tiS A. Roda,because erythromyan 8. XraysC Alpha raysA. increasestriaabsorpbonof manydrugs. D. Gemma raysB. decreases tha absorptionofmanydrugs

    E. Visibleligh'C decreases cytochromeP-450 metaboilm ofotherdrugs.D. increases renal reabsorptionof many (lrugs. Whichofthe foUowingIsNOTacomplic;atlon ofE. decreasesdistributionofmanydrugs. 8. radiation thelllPY?A. Mucositis3. The penetratingqualityofx-raybeamsis B. Xarostomiainfluencedbywhichofthe foUov.ing? C. OsteoradioneaosisD. GranulomaA. Kilovoltage8. MitliamperageC. Exposure time 9 Eachofthe following is knOwn to contnbutetoD. Focal-filmdistance OfofacialcleftingEXCEPTone,Whichone is theE. Filament temperature EXCEPTION?A. Yalium4 Contractionof the latentlpterygoidmusclemoves B Poordietf1e articular disk in whichof the follOWIng C. Acetaminophenirections? D. Vitamindeficiencyor excess

    A. Anteriorly and medially8 Posteriorlyand mediallyC. Anlenorlyandlaterally 10 , WhichofthefortoWlngphYSIcal signsindicatesD. Posteriorlyandlaterally severeeNS .,xygendeprivation?E. Anteriorly.laterally.andInteriorly A. DilatedpupilswithincreasedlightreflexB. PInpointpupilswith increasedlightreflexC. Dilatedpupdswithan absenceof lightrenaxAdecreaseinwhich of thefollowingcausesan5. D. Pinpointpupilswilh anabsenceof lightincreaseinradiographicdensity? reflex

    A Milliamperage(mA)B Kilovottagepeak(kVp)C Object-filmdistance 11. Subconjunctivalhemonhage ismost commonlyO. Source-filmdistance fO\.Uld in 'Nhtch of thefo/JoINing fractures?E Exposure time A. NasalB. LeFortIC.. FrontalsinusD. ZygomaticardlE. Zygomalioomaxitarycomplex

    3,a! Th 18\ Elo 201'l9.Amen;-an Assodatlon. JointCc!,'Tlmlsslon OI' N d"


  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    7. - ) . ' )W -any rn""'""'

    A. 71>A. Catechotamln8s B. 'SB Belladonnaancato j s rC. _ . . . . . . . . D.D. O

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    23. Nh' -hd following ".ouIcI be performed firstfor8 coftapsed. . u.'consciousvIdJm ofillnessor8CC jer.1A. Openthe airwayB EstablishunresponsivenessC. EstablishpulselessnessD. Examinethevictimforbleedingand


    24. Apatient presents witl1 faaall&cerations thaihaveIrregularor devitalized woundedges. IneXCisingIhewound elliptically,apractitionertakesintoaccount each of the following EXCEPT OM. Whichis theEXCEPTION?A.. exciSion Is perpendicularto the natural skintenSionlinesB. length to width ratiO ofthe exCisklr! isatleast3to1C Excision is done asconsetVativelyaspossrble.D. The woundisunderminedpriorto dosure.

    25. Which of the foftowing represent!!themajOrrouteof excretionof penicillinV?A. Secretionin thebileendInto thefeessB. Excretionin theurineas inactivemetabolitesC. Totalmetabonsmbythe fiverandexcretionin the fecesO. SeCllltIonnotmetabolizedintheurine

    26. Which of the folowlngsysterruc condibOns lowersreSistance, impairs healing,and IrlClicates eartyuseofantibioticsforinfections?A. VitaminCdenciencyB. DiabetesmellitusC. PolycythemialIeraD. SystemiClupusetythematosus

    5G 2009.AlTlOI"tInDe.1aI ~ 1 O d d o R Jo' c


    " 27





    '" r.,j,....

    A.B.C. ".E.Each ofthe foftowjng r t t a r a ~ ; ~ 1 Sinsutin&hock EXCEP' eEXCEPTION?A Weakness8. ConvulsionsC. Mental c o n f u ~ nO. Coldperspiration

    An unconscious patientis .u.pected of havin;anobstructedairway. owshould thispatient bemanaged?A. Protrudethetonoue.clearthepharynx,extend thenade,andprolrtJdethemandibleB. Extend theneck,dear thepharynx, protrude

    tha tongue, and prolrude the mandiblec. Extend theneck. protrude the mpndiblt;j,protrude the tongue,end clear the pharym;D Clear the pharynx, extend the neck, protrudethe mandibfe, andprotrudethe tongue

    Atender swellingin thesofttissueof ttl.submandibular mangle Is most I*.ety\:Qu$8dbyA. lipoma.B. lymphadenopathy.C. an obstruction of Stansen'sductD. an infectedthyroglossalductcyst

    WhiCh of thefollowing istheleasthelpfulindeterminingthe anatomicalintegrity01 thatemporomandibularjoint?A. ArthrographyB. ArthroscopyC. PanOfamiC filmsD. Computerized tomographyE. Magnetic resonance imaging

    tal E I, Alii

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    32 A(rashlycondensedClassII ~ rest:: tion nhal defiQentmarginat the proxtmo;.; 7:'. :-cal/OSUrfaceangle Thismight A. AnonvitJWby whichof thefollowing? B. Fever ofunknown originC. Ahlstcty01 btoedJng

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    ,e l e n e s t r : ~ ' taI...' llque t (man1ibJ,;.1r Y8$Ubu- 48. HowC eS the l r - ~ (11 "1, ~ ~ l l ~ ~ generatyI:>pIastyIsb '3:!'ed )n the ~ e t"'IlIl '.h., ' l l JC)Sa1 ebtl,tt:ac'lmenIwill A FIow>A. not ere-;sthesk: , graft. 9. p, . . , .e. '101 en.J the m u o o ~ 1 gril l\. C Unrela tedc. no tcross8 fibrousscar barad. D. A c c o m p a . - ~ s[" \;3 mint

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2



    A. F..JItW1g out debris wfthnotTr. iI sat'ine-. Curetting the boneywal 1 promotebIefIding50.


    """". b y ~ l I > .aupert;t ,;.;."face then stlearing theIONs 11c. Placing asedativedressing -n the lS

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    Yourpalie'lt Wltlreferred toan )raj.,maxf!Jofaciafsurg>n'oran ~ n t .xsyouwereadvlMd thatshe wa'igoingto aInuIProcedurewithplacement 1 autogenousbonegraft.. \"J'hatb the1e1InfDonofthaigraI" Thegraftwr use anwUflcIaI.bone-!iUmaterial,B Thegrar'uses ) 0 0 8 fromardher tunanbeir.g.C. Thegrar US8!I "lepetien'Jowr.b"f'Ie, l1kanfromanothersite.D The g r ~ usesbovI'9bone,or bene&an

    another rnlma:G)8(:es.

    Acompo~ t e denturepatientrelIJmsfor a ~ O \ J rpost-opappointmentafter insertiOne;new'dentufll;s. Thepaliant points10 SQf8 98 on lopofthemandibularridgecrestonthe ~ t e n o r rightsidebutnosorespotIsVisuallyevident.Whichofthefollowingis thefirstprocedurethe dentIstshouldperform?A Reducethecantliecontactsonallposterior

    teethontherightSIde01 themandibulardenture.B. Usingalargeacrylicbur,grosslyreducetheinternalsurface of"'e denture.C. Reducealleccentriccontactson therightsideofthemaxillaryandmandibulardentures.D Apply pressure IndICatorpaste10theinternal

    surfaceofthemandibulardentureandd"Ieckforpressurespots.E. TeU the paUantthisisnormalfO thefirst day

    of wearingnewdentumsand 10returnin oneweekfOf anotherpost-opcheck.

    61 Whenapatientbitesonahardobjectontheleftmandibularmolar, the Interarticularpressureof therighttemporomandibular;oint ~A. increased.B. decreased.C, remainsunchanged.O. variedbutitis unpredictable.

    12. Ee:,"1of !heat!:.!dstIatIQ-IleclTt"":;;-".fcorrect EXCEPTEXCEPTION?A a ttepatientIhouldbe rei!hesedationB. ThepatientlhotIdt -(85-90d e g r o e ) _C. Theinttlal flow rateof oxygen

    least 6 Umin vta1MM!"llO. Asthe owof nitrousOXide IhrcugtIadialstyfeunJt.. h::reased, the low '8tsoxygen isreduced,.so th"1 :orrecpercentageof ecel'1lsdetiveredat I I II't:'flow rate,

    63. Ead'lofthefollovAng aeom"'l'lOr'lcausadpostsurgicalatelectasis (daaeased s o c;1thealveoli)EXCEPTone.WhichoneistheEXCEPTION?A. ShallOwinspirationsB. Pain.-lirnitingmovementC. InactiVityaftersurgeryO. Preoperativerespiratory Inf&dlonE. Narcoticanalgesic thaidepresstherespiratorydnve

    64. Cavitylinersshouldhavsaminr-nallhidcness 1A. 1mm.B. 1.5 mm.C. 15 mmD. 125 nun,

    65 Eachof thefollowingstatementsiscorrectregardingphenytOin EXCEPTone.WhichoneistheEXCEPTION?A Causes gIngIvalhyperpIesiaB CorrectscertaincardIacdysmythmiasC. IsineffectivewhenadministeredorallyO. Causestoxiceffectsrelated to thecerebellumandvestibularsystemE. ExertsanUseizureactivityat doseswhichdonotcausegeneralCNSdepression

    902009 A.!.-.rk:.iInDencuIAModetion u i onN;, )1'1' Examindans. A!J11ghts resavad.

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    66 AproperlyuecutedpoAtrIor.Il'">Moretveotar 71..,8fV8blockwII.neslhetlzeeachof :he'")now\ng

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    16.has ~ ~

    whICh "'le I:){Iowfng?A

    When Ihe e n t l l ' ententhe cpentlOJ'y. the patlenwho l s ~ : t , -,;,f"''':e, standsdose b 1 18 Meto _ Sld iliooking at INftoor. ThedenIlst shoukli n l D c:ornmunIcatiOn byuytI

    larsgetgoing,I've got a tit10do_B. What ateyou angryabout?C. Didn't myassIitantget you.ated?D_ You seemuncomfortable;didyouI'\aveabad dentalexperience?S. ' ' '.I'm O ~ ' ) I ' WI ~ - n , \If."'_'""It brhg:""youhere'ad

    77 Whkh of the f o . . ~ Is'helubstiMeof d10ice V panic':! 1 , ~ pen :cillln.-sensibvepatient?A. CephalexlnB ErythromycinC. TetracydineD Clindamycin

    78 Thephenomenonwhereby various ~ g i l t sourcesproducedifferentpercepdonsof coloriscalledA. fluorescence.B. incandescence_C. opalescence.D. translucency.E metamerism.

    79 A4-year-oldchiklhas ahistoryof frequentspontaneouspain InapnmarymandibularI8COOdmolar.Thismolarhas8 necrotic pulp. 'Which of the

    lowingrepresentsthetreatmentof ChOICe?A PulpectomyB. PulpotomyC. ExtractionD. Pulpcap

    80. Whichoftha followingisanoutstandingadvantageofphenytOinoverphenobarbitalinthetreatmentof grandma lepilepsy?A. Exertslesssedationforagivendegree of

    motorcortexdepressionB. IseffectiveInagreaterpercentageof casesC. NeedstobegtvenmuchlessfrequentlyD. DoesnotcausegastricdistressE. HasalongerduratiOnof ection

    . The JC .... - ~t>'lITA d(..es n:t t l lB. has k:lnger d u r _ ~C. Iseflec1vearalns!O. prod.Jces. . . . sedalWnrormota.. ~ 1 e x 1eprt"

    82. The mainlundionofthe .1. useQ inacastingringIstoA. provideventi.-.g of IhemoId_B help preventstvtnkageporo:iity.C. pro..'ldeeasydivestingoIlhecasting.D. prOVideaddilional water10 ~ invutment

    m"'E. allOwuniformandUninhibitedsettingexpansionofthe Investment.

    83, Theuseoferubberdam is conSideredan e s s e n ~ a l componentofendodonbcarmamentartu.Exception to itsusaina givensituation isacx:eptableIfthepatient isinfom1edandconsents.A Bothstatementsaretrue.B. Bothstatementsarefalse_C. ThetimlstatementIstrue,thesecondisfalse.0, Thefirststatementisfalse,thesecond i'Strue

    84 TheOccupationalSafetyandHealthAdministrabon's(OSHA)-SloodbomePathogensStandard"dealswitheachof thefollowingEXCEPTone. WhichoneistheEXCEPnON1A, Disposalof medicalwaste8_ ExposureControl PlanC_ HepatitisBvaccinationD. Instrumentsterilization ndMorageE. MaterialSafelyDataSheets(MSDS)

    1102009.Amencan Aaoc;ia: JoInlComInIsaianonNIIoneI0entIII ~ All rtiEIrVIId

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    8S. A2O-year-ddpatientpresentswt1henuppermaxtllary centtallncfsotprevtcuslytraatedt tendodonticIractuteeatthefeo.IeI 1 thealveolarcrest.. WhIchaf theIof\owtng"'PfHenls the IIrstnecessaryltep.", I'fltore n 1 l T t 1 ~ IN tooth.A. _ extruderemaining IDOthstructn8. Extract rernall'*l01:JOthr.u:-iur.C. FabricateFPCOVet the remainingrootO. FabN'-BteRPOovertheremalrVng rool

    86 ShrinkageporOSityIn agold '9 isassocfated. . ttlA the use 1 excessivenux ,e. the use of no nuxC. spruediameter.D. alloyoxidationE. excessiveburnout time.

    87. WhICh of the folloWIng is anacronymfOf anlaOl.etingslratsgytouseforreluctantpaDents7A. SUCCESS8. RECRUITC. OPTIMEMD_ EIEIO

    88. SpontaneousQlngivaJ hemorrhage 0 acutestomatitis.observedInapedi8bicpatientund8ftreatmentforabsenceseizures,indicateswithdrawalof whichof the fol.lowi"lg 8flllCQl'l'4'uisantdrugs?A PhenytoinB. Ethosuximidee GarbalTlllZepineD. PhenobarbitalE. Valproicacid

    89. Whichof thefoUowingdrugsismostlikelytocauseconvulsions...menaphYSIcallydependent e ~ n is withdrawn?A. Pentobarbital ( N e m b u t a ~B Diazepam(VeliumS)C, Hydroxyzine(VistanfllD. ChlOl'8Ihydrate(Noctece,E. Chlorzoxazone (ParafonForte)

    80. Bad

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    L:arger ""i;)ndan 'raffy p lIe;jconde; 'e8 ere reccmmen jed to c comfi_"3tl 'ensati)n t.-tl ;h tie tclloW'"";lgBlMlgam.p.. AdmixedB. SphencalC. lathe-cto HiglH:oppe:oE Conventio

    96. Proposedmodes ;:, ac"")(1' rtheo..Jantidiabeticagents include t ; : : ~ h of tt,ej.;:'lwfngEXCEPTone.Whictlone is theEXCEPTION',A- Blockadeof glucagon e l e ~ e frompancreasB BlOCkadeof cateeholam",ereleasefromadrenalmedullac Stimulat'''nof InsulinreieasefrompancreaticbetacEMlso Action as directreceptor890n;'1$fortheinsulinreceptorE. Increaseaffinityof ti$SuesforutilizationofavailableplasmaglUcose

    97 Compressingtheacrylicresinina rubberyst8geWIll probablyresultinA. anopenbiteoropenpin.B. porosityof thefinishedacrylicC incompletefillingofthemold d e t a i l ~D. largeamountsof excessthaiisdifficuntotrim.

    98. Whichof thefollOwingstatementsconcemingethylakxlpolis true?A It producesa true stimulationofthecentralnervoussystem.B. It protectsindividualsagainstexposuretocoldbypreventingheatloss.C. It is metabolizedprimarilyby the lungs.D. It ispartiallyabsorbedinthestomach.E. ItpossessesanticholinergicpropertIes

    99. Themostlikelycause of failure In thepre-ceramicsolderingtechnjqueisA underhealingthepartstobejOined.8. overheatingthepartstobejojned.C. usinganjncompatiblesolder.O. usingphosphate8S thesOlderinginvestment.E. preheatingthesolderingassembly.

    13o2009.Amitfr;ano.ntaIAMoc::IaIbl,JoInt Comm

    ,00. t t"tmP"'!f"9t.ure, l"ierlC"Js cydoA.S' prevent boilingof themonom::-.C. preventbreakdowr1 ...D. volatilizetheI:tydl

    101 Ak:choIc eup.'lor1aresults fromA. inaeased activit',of the 8. increasedactivityof h a a m ~ BrBesC. increasedactivityof limbic synaJ)H&.D. decreasedactivityof medullarycenters.E, removalof tie inhibJtoryeffect t thecortex,

    102. The portionof 8nartificial toothU\at isfoundonlyin porcelainanteriorteethi5A thepin.B. thecollar.c. the finish line.D. thediatonc.E. Noneof above

    103. Thetastingshrinkageof CObalt-chromiumalloysisapproximatelyA. 1.25%.B. 1.75%.C. 2.2%.D. 3.2%.

    104 Whjchof the ~ o w i n g Is adi$advantageof glassiooomercement?A. DifficultyinmiXingB. Irritationof thepulpc. low bondstrengthtodenbnD. Moisturesensitivitydutinginitialset

    105. Whichof thefollowingwiltresultwhenUSlOg athinnermix of agypsum-bondedcastinginvestment?A. Produceasmoothercasting8. IncreasesettingexpansionC. DecreasesettingexpansionD. IncreasethermalexpansionE. Decreaserequiredbum-Quttempel1lture

    c::. NaCIonaI DenialE:tamil"lallons. All %lhts rnerved.

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    ebee"Porphyromona.g\ngMIIs, c ~ _ P .andCampylobaeterrecta

    B. Sroptococ:

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    t18. What.hr4 e n ~ .nA.8.o


    119. Apatientworks8t.anudear powerpAInt He,.i'eQuentlyexposed 10 II smallamounl ef ndiationarttDJghthe dose her9CeiYes isbelow !heoccupetionallimits. Whichof ttt.foIJowfng beatexplasnswt1y ItuapatHyltMed 'lOtwear his,.n'Iployeefilmbadge whilehe ts 'laVing dentalradiographsmade?A Hisbadgerecordsonlygamma.radfatJon,

    not x ray9e Hisfilmbadgemustbeusedonlytomeasure occupatonal dosest . Itisunlikelythatthecurrenldose ..... in riseabove hisoccupatiooallirnil

    o The dose from the dentalradiographsis toolow tobe measured8COJraielybyIhebadge

    120. A5-year--01d childhasaposteriorunilateralcrossbile that isaccompaniedbyafunctionalshiftof themandible.When shouldthiscrossbi!ebet':Orrected?A. Immediately,withoutwailingfO( the eruption

    of permanentfirstmolarsS, VVhen all the primaryteethhaveexfoliatedC. Afterthepermanentfirstmolarshave fully

    eruptedD. When the chi.1d isapproximately9years 1age

    121. Whendetermining theappropnatedoseofsystemicnuorldesupplementforad'lild,it Is mostimportantforthedentistto considerwhichofthefollowing?A. The fluoridecontantof thedrinkingwate rB. The child'sdietandcariesactivityC. The child'sage andthefluorideconlentofthe drinkingwaterD. The child'sweightandthefluoridecontentof

    the drinkingwatsr

    122. The ";frug ofI I n d d e o r e ~ = t s


    123. CI1iortc

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    127 "'"A. removing. . . . . I h O n ~ areawithBAL8. scrubbingU,eSpill areaWIth hot wateranddetergentC. sweepingup ttnnerr.wyend S iapoaingofiIIn ap laStic bag.D. aspiratingthemercuryinto.wash bottIa

    trap. thendustingthe !pi!1areawith sulfW'powder128 Theconcentrationof whichof thefOUowtng kmldeterminesthe bindingatrinityofagon 'SIS endantagoniststotheopioidfacepto."'1

    A. SodiumB. CalciumC. ChlondeO. PotassiumE. Phosphate

    129. IncommunicatingWIth children, hichof thefollowingshouldthedentalteam do?A .. Allowtheparenttoans erQIJ8SbonsaskedbythechildatchairsideB. Allowboththeparentand thedentistto

    communicateSimultaneouslywUh thechildC. Transmitwordsubstitutest r dentalproceduresandequipmentduringtheappointment

    D. AttainvoicecontroltobuidthegroundworkforfutureInstructions

    130. Aprescription includeseachofthe folloWIngpartsEXCEPTone.Whk.ttoneis !heEXCEPTION?A SUper3aiptionB. Inscriptionc. SubscriptionD. TranscriptionE. Conscription

    131 Inhalationof amylnitrilecanresultineachof thefollowtngEXCEPTooe. Which istheEXCEPTION?A. TachycardiaB. CoronaryarterydilationC. Peripheralartenolar dilationD. Adecrease inarterialblOodpressureE. InaeasedrnoWity ofthe smallbowel

    132. Which of the foftowtng t ' ) ~ . . . , J H C l ~. . . . do$ogo01. dNg 1A Clar1(. rule8. Vltat signsC. BOdy surface areaD. Body weight(malkol

    133 WhIch of!he1-::.-, 'ymproms II!he mostd is linaI:haractensb:of n poisonlnaA. ComatosesieepB. Pin-point p u ~ sC. Depr8$sed respirationD. Deep. raPid respirationE. Widefy-'1i/ated, non-re9pOflSiv.e JXlpIa

    134. Inadditionto the treatment..,tep ilepsy,phenytoinmaybe Indicated10 !helre.$lment01A. arrhythmfa .B. narcolepsy.C. hypertensionD. SChiZophreniaE. panicatt

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    Prolonged use ,yl f eU [ WA eptastic..snemia .S. It'Irombocytopen iaC. graoolocytcP '.o melhemoglobtnemlaE. hypoprothromblllefTlla

    139 The th;nnest P')I'tiorIe! I '1e wax patternsho-JId bePlacedA againstthe rnq'or 3Upport.B. intiledeepestpan 1d'leringC. oppositethe d irectiorl of rt ationo fthecastingarm.D. inthesamedire

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    -- -

    147 Hovt1g had _ radlcg

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    ,.., "62. p u r : : ~ ofwtml. ~ 7 8 retention

    Ina-eased InteroeCluaal ifi.tahceDrooping fJllhec:ornen of theCrea$8S and wrlnkl tsaround the )ips'rauma10 tJndertyfng supportingtissues

    .". patient,the Clanlistattempts_ ThIs.A- eut>no-'y.B I;Onlpele:C malef'Jc:wlCl.o paterna:

    158 'IItIich t Jle foIowtng re;ftSents the cause of 163. When 50 mg.of h ~ p i o r n 8 z t n e (Thora...-'":".:'!"") . .death in poisoning from an admtnisletad10. pa tlant, (X l the pa tientan!Ic:hofl1lesterase, such8S cfisopropytftuoo. m ightexperiencea talfp bloodpreSlUl8duetoroph"lSphate" whid1 1 thefollowing?A Cardiacfailure,resultingfromexcessfve A. Anticholinergicactionvagalstimulation B. Decreaseinheartra teB , Dehydration, resultingfromhypermOllhtyof C. Alpha-adrenergicblockadethegastrointestinal tract D. NegativeInotropicadlonC. Asphyxia.resultingfromincreasedairway E. Stimulationof autoncm lC gangl .sresistanceD. Respiratoryfailure.resultingfromparalysis

    of theintercostalsandthediaphragm 164 Whichofthe foiiow1ng repr$$8fl ts anE, Centralnervoussystemdepression, amphetamine-likedrugthatiswidely usedinthefollowingprolongedexcitation treatmentof hyperkinet1ccl1':[jren?A. Doxaprnm(Dopmm)159. TreatmentWith sulfonamidesIs lesslikelyto be B. HydrOXYZine ( A t a r a x ~eccompaniedbycrystalluriaif C. Theophylline (Theobi

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    167 Whtchof.1he ~ w i n g agents 1M dectiYe 173ptOduCing toptcat ~ Totra_ol-'e. A. P e p t o s t r e p l ~ IPP.B BadaroidessppB B u I 3 c a 1 n . ~ CandidaaIbicaC ProcaineINovocalnef:) n Streptococcusmutans,

    o Udoealne (Xytocalne4P) E. oeNgInol

    E. Naproxen(Naprosyne, I e v e ~169. Whichof thefollowingsedativesIsmostlikelytocauseadrymouth? 175. Acastgoldrestorabonmightbe mdlcatedforthe

    replacementof afaultyamalgamtoobtainA. BuSpirone(8uSpa,) A.. bettermarginsB. Hydroxyzine(VistanfS') B. more idealcontours.C. Chloralhydrate N o c t ~ C. lesstrauma tothepulpD. Phenobarbital(LuminaJ) O. lessremovalof tooth structure.170. Barbituratestakenincombinationwithveryhigh 176. Duringasolderingprocedure.nuxservestodosesofethanolexhibitan interaclionbestdescribedaswhicho thefollowing? A. provideenoxiji2ingenvirorvnentintheareatobe soldered.A. Potentiatk>n B. displacegasesanddlssotvecon'OSionB. Protainbumping productsc. NegatJvesynergism C. remove any debrtsthatmayremaininthe

    D. CompetitiveInhibition areatobe soldered.E. Enterohepaticorcutation O. holdthesolderInptaceduringheaong.171. Whichof thefolowingerythromyctnaisboth 177 Excessiveheating01 the8Ct)'IIcresinduMgentenccoatedandlongacting? processingshOUld be S'lokdtoprevent

    A. ERYC A. exothermicheatblAldup.B. E.E.S B acrylicresinshrinkagec. Erythroan c. evaporationof themonomer.D. llosone O. excessiveacrylicresinexpansK)nE discolorationof theacryflcresin.

    172. Eachof thefollowing is8characteristicof !ramada!178. Followingcompressionofacrylicintothedenture U l t r a m ~ EXCEPTone. Whichoneisthe flasks, placing theflasks into the processing tanksEXCEPTION? atcuringtemperatureIsdelayed toA. Centrallyactinganalgesic A. assurecompletenow of acrylicintothemold.B Structurallysimilarto morphineC Bindstothemu-opioidreceptor B allowthemonomertopermeateallpolymercrystals.D. Biouansformedintoamoreactivemetabolite c. establishanequalizedandunifonnpressureE. Inhibitsuptakeof norepinephrineand inthemolds.serotonin D. allowtheflasksandthe aayticto reachastabletemperature.

    2002009. Amertc8ii DentldANodat.ioo, ~ Conll'daionOf" I,., .r"\8J [)oil I 0Il ExamlnalJona. Aldgt1t3= = = = = - - ~ = = ~ ~ : ; ; ; ; ; ~

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    r ICaseA #'s 179-1871 84. .>A.

    .,1I TheplaquesonthisPillient'slower3b1almucosa 9.most lil

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    ICaseB#'5188-200 I118. ' Ittkh of the toIIoYIIng" r-.most',Q\y pertodontaIdiagnosislot ttl:spatient?

    A PtaqU4Hnducedging/vl:l5B. ChronicperiodontitiSc.. AggressiveperiodontibsO. Nacrotil:ang uk:;eratIYe periodontI5a189. Whichofthefollowing Is thestrongestradIograpNc

    evidence tha1looth ,torequire$endodonUctreatment;?A Pulpchambercak:fficalklnB Periodontalbone losscomnaItyC. ExtentofcoronalrestorationD. Widenedapicalperiodontalligamefltspace

    190. Whichof thefollowingIsthebest.mostconservativerestorativetreatment lor tEMJ1h 6 and#11?A,., All-(;9ramiccrownsB. Porcelainfused to metalcrownsC. RestoreproximalllU/facesasneeded ithcomposite resinO. Apply fluoride

    191. VVhidlof thefollowingtreatmentswinachievethebestestheticresults forteelh#7. #8,#9and*,01A.. Place aU-ceramlccrownson allfour teethB P1ace ceramiccrownontooth#7.andpliIOilcompo!Uteresinrestorabonson leelh #8.,0C. PlaceaJI-ceramic(towns onteeth 7 and#9.IlIp18C8 ,..,1 compositeresinrestorationontooth#8, removefacialcarieson tooth#10andrestoreWIth compositeD. Restorecariesonthefacialsurfaceof tooth

    #7,polishcompos!!eresin restOfBtions onteeth#8and #9, andplacecrown00tooth 0E. Placeporcelainfused10 metalcrownsonteeth##7, #9, and #10,andrestorethemesialsurfaceof tooth#8withcomposile

    192. Which of the followingIsthe besl means 10evaluatethepulpalvitalityof tooth#137A. Applicationof cold10 teeth#12and#13B. Percussiontesting on teeth#5arld#13C, Electricpulp testing of teeth#12and #13D. Palpationin thebuccalvestibulefromteeth

    #12 #14


    183. H c h o 1 1 h e ~ ' ' ' I M ~b .....radio,...ency J . ~ - i J Jtl!"Irootof' )Oth 113' Metastaticcard,nma8, Letarafpertodontal4yUC. ChronicparlradlCUlar periodonliliso Extenslon.:!themax:-'3tyaim...


  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    187 _ . . . . . . . . -..-p.ace the M:sing rrwndil:Iuf8I' 'eeth1A.. MandibUl8J r-1:",.IucwatH par1iaI dentuf'88. HXed partial denture teeth 10 122 andremovable partial dentIJfIIC. F lXed partial dentln teeth m to #31 and

    removable partial dentureo. Flxed partial denture math '18 k:I fI22 andfixed partial denture #28 to 131

    198. Which of 111_ foUowll19 :. the best diagnOsis for theraoolucencyapical to teeth 123- 267A... Mental fossa8. coalesced penapiCal granulomasC. PeriaPIcal cemental dYSPlasIao Central giant cell granulomaE Traumatic bone cyst

    199 Following Loitlal therapy, oral hygiene is good endthere is a 1 mm reductiorl in probing depths.PeriOdontal treatment of the mandibular anteriorteeth would includeA another round of scaling and root planning8. Hap sLWgEIryC. soft tissue grafting.D. regenera tive therapy.E. periodofltal maintenance therapy only.

    200. In addition to 0 81 hygiene instructions and sealingend roo t planillg. which of the following course ofactions IS most appropriate during initialperiOdontal therapy?A. SysterTllc tetracycline administration for 10

    daysB. Subgingivel Irrigation with 0.12%chlOrtlexidineC. ConsultatiOn with physician concerningdiabetes mellitusD. Tooth grinding lor occlusal adjUstment andequilibratiOn of the dentitiOn

    23t a ~ ,JOIn\ o r t ~ an NIIlIOneI Dental [Jo:arninatiOftI AI riQIltl"""':!-9 "'rr--"-m

    ~ ~ .

  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2







    PART 2 KEYbeloW In . be liNd ..:J deiterlr 1e Ct(Z'Kt and Incorr.ctw.wira.: __Wet :' , _ :: . J Iten-. _ t l Is rnt P lnlbla'art leW GeCte number GOtI'Kt 10 sbnctatd I OIe or as:cdah.d

    51 B2 C 52 0 102 AB I

    53 B A 103 C . , u A 54 e 104 0 154 e5 a 55 B 105 C 155 A6 66 8 106 A 156 A7 e 57 0 107 C 157 ea 66 A 106 8 158 a 1!9 C 109 A 59 AC 60 a 110 B 60 811 E 61 8 111 B 6 "' a12 8 62 8 112 A 162 a13 C 63 a 113 C 163 C14 A 64 e 114 a 164 a15 C 65 C 115 B 165 E16 a 66 a 116 e 166 a77 e A 117 A18 a 66 B ' 67118 a19 e 69 8 119 168 A870 8 169 8E 120 A2 A 7 E 121 C 170 A22 0 72 C 122 e 7 A23 73 8 172 8 123 C24 A 74 e 124 a 173 C25 a 75 8 125 174 aE26 8 76 E 175 8126 A27 a 8 176 8127 a28 8 78 E 128 177 cA29 a 79 A 78 a129 e 179 E 80 A 130 E31 81 a 180 a 131 E32 a 82 E 132 181 A33 E 83 C 133 88 182 E34 E 84 E 183 a134 A 184 C5 C 85 A 135 836 86 c 185 C 136 8 18637 A 87 C 137 E A88 187 AB a E 13839 8 89 A a 188 8139 88 90 0 189 0140 841 91 190 C 8 141 e42 e 92 A 191 A142 e43 8 93 8 .3 E 192 A44 94 e 193 e 144 845 A 95 8 145 194 846 B 96 a 146 aa 195 E47 97 C 196 e 147 A48 8 98 a 148 197 B899 8 198 A9 C 149 aA 100 B 199 8150 E 200 e

    240 2009. Amenc.n o.ntaI Ahoc:Istlon Joiflt Commlnlon on Natlonat o.ntaI ExarninaIioM . All rlghts m d.


  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


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  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    entalICASE A I HI$ior .AgeSexHeighteight7hicf



    qJOfAdk -i lb U f'fller Jf Hl xlrr ttO,YRSMale:J Female5 1)

    154 LBS125 76I don't like the spaces In myupper teeth:

    SocialPallent had a hang-gliding accident 3 years agowith resultant knee replacementHe smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day and f schewing tobacco


    CurrentMedicationsInsulir (Humulin R )


  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


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  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2



  • 8/13/2019 M Packet Nbde Part 2


    1A Hish- ry- - lY S

    Pallent S bUilding contractor with two daughters In college


    Male [ F


    Heighteight 210 LBS


    130 80, , not happy with my frant teethThey feel rough


    P a t i c ~ st:v i e had a lid rtrake J years agod l " l . e t ~ . , e l l i t u ~ rype':yparte


    tfor G rhagasp

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