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Leadership – 101By Jeff Kowalski & Delores Mishleau

Resource:“Launching a Leadership

Revolution” by Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward

“Leaders provide a mental picture of a preferred future and then ask people to

follow them there.” Andy Stanley

“Leadership is mobilizing others toward a goal shared by the leader and followers.”

Gary Willis

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done

because he wants to do it.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

True Leadership Cannot Be:

• Awarded

• Appointed

• Assigned

True Leadership comes only from influence.

True Leadership must be earned.

What Is The Purpose of Leadership?

• Power

• Control

• Perks or being served

• Empowering Others

• Helping other fix problems and move forward

• Serving Others

“Leaders lead for the joy of creating something bigger than

themselves.” Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward

“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” John Maxwell

Everybody Can…

• Cultivate

• Grow

In Leadership Ability

“Seek the counsel of those who have achieved the goal for which you strive; for in all matters, the

words of one who has prospered are far weightier than the words of one who has not.” Stevenson Willis

3 Character Traits for a Leader

• Hungry

• Hone-able

• Honorable

#1 Character Trait -Hunger is the fuel, the energy to…

• Begin

• Stamina to persist

• The will to finish an endeavor

This hunger at the onset births leadership.

Tim McGraw-

“How bad do you want it?How bad do you need it?Are you eating, sleeping,

dreaming, with that one thing on your mind?

Hunger grows as a seed in the soil of discontent, and stretches upward toward a better vision of tomorrow like a plant toward the


What can feed & nurture my hunger?

• Material Success

• Recognition & Respect

• Purpose, Destiny, & Legacy

Motivation Level #1Material Success

• Dream Building – “Nothing happens unless first a dream.”- Carl Sandberg

“What do you want? Write it down, visualize it, dream it, team it, scheme it, and it’s yours.” – Mark Victor Hanson

• Negative situations can provide positive motivation

Motivation Level #2Recognition

• Recognition

“The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” William James

“I have yet to find the person, however great or exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than he would ever do under a spirit of criticism.” Charles Schwab

Motivation Level #2

• Respect

“Respect is deeper than recognition. Look only to those you respect for respect.

For when you obtain the respect of those who are where you want to be, you’ll be on the path to where they are and what they have achieved.” Chris Brady & Orrin Woodward

Motivation Level #3Purpose, Destiny, & Legacy

• Purpose – the True North for our mental & emotional inner compass

““Chance is the very opposite of purpose.” Chance is the very opposite of purpose.” Edgar AndrewsEdgar Andrews

““All of us seek to live lives that count. The big All of us seek to live lives that count. The big question that gnaws at us is: ‘How can our question that gnaws at us is: ‘How can our lives truly make a difference?” J. Douglas lives truly make a difference?” J. Douglas HolladayHolladay

““Every man should be embarrassed to die Every man should be embarrassed to die until he accomplishes something great in this until he accomplishes something great in this world.” General Douglas Macarthurworld.” General Douglas Macarthur

Motivation Level #3Purpose, Destiny,& Legacy

• Destiny is the deepest level of motivation available.

What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?

How well could you perform if you truly believed that what you were doing was something you were supposed to do?

Motivation Level #3Purpose, Destiny, & Legacy

• Legacy-

Legacy results from understanding our purpose in the bigger picture of our destiny and living it to its fullest. What we have and what we are given are not as important as what we contribute and what we leave behind. Life is short.

#2 Character TraitHone-able!

• Hone-able- an attitude that allows intensifying and sharpening.

• When you are teachable, your potential is limitless!!

Roadblocks to being Hone-able

• Arrogance – Be humble toward mentors, peers, & subordinates.

• Disinterest- Be dedicated to learning up-to-date knowledge.

• Entrenched Habits- Be aware of “That’s just the way we’ve always done it attitudes.”

• Cynicism- Be a winner and fix problems instead of a loser who only fixes blame.

#3 Character TraitHonorable

• “Honor encompasses the virtues of:

• Integrity• Honesty• Self-Denial• Loyalty• Servant Humility to those in authority above

as well as a just and merciful heart to those below.” Jeff O’Leary

Honor is the force that holds a leader’s hunger in check.

If reputation is what others think of you, then character is what God

knows about you.

People will follow a leader only as far as they feel they can trust him.


• Your word is your worth and your worth is your word.

• To become a leader worth following you must give time and attention to the inner man. To leave a legacy that goes beyond accomplishment alone, a leader must devote himself to matters of the heart.

Are you committed to developing into a leader?

Are you hungry, hone-able, and honorable?

The Future is Waiting for You!!YourPhotoHere

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