m iathtoll ljqi juquor-by-dr >cgon vi( kiefccffpjs pmbs to

~Tbt ninOi traf- . ,f{e itath ot m 2 in u a g i e Vatlev oc- eunei ttav 18 <u ' tM r«vilt of an ac- eid^t in Catsia ■ ___ _ , ---------- T~ - pmbs to Ni ■Cassia Man BtLEY.May IT—Magic VaHey'a hfgh * ^ -jw Friday afternoon by tbe d« . 71, Malta. The toll at thffl time ;4fi n.tn. fif fnfiiwa. «}<sm!riveD by Henry -------------- ^■T, 55 Swecthomc, Ore.,. *r% Ot U»}U OR l - f 111*/ X6 Fridty morning. X J LUL I ^m Z ru Dot hurt but hl« ^ 16 CotUKB hoapltal, g\^ Rport«d in ■'lair'; I l| ^Littaity. VJ «a5 the third wAeUINOI ^ 5 ; . in CaiJJjr-cDnn^ * WKcelTrt a PuMlurM tJon to cZ ■i.e??" ^ tnct to Mm? iiy-prtv»te-cit d j Mia*<J b r a » ^f 0*ul TtiU inton, lBTMUsat«d. T h* TS- I d a Utter rc< u Ut. Bisea m«2« H«nrr w. Or ■nW P>to « «5iD ireelor PrS, paUi of Ui« ottier »rh« budic JeeUoD to op« ■ ronkM ld Um BlMn y*. and aUowiog t 0 l vreck. UDdertake der n j a lacc-tbn« re d . ect," Lawton i ^■^Jbiu-H alt Biver region A tu« or ti ura June 14. l*ai>, ur tirMtnidotart CUh. Ra va> president and private in BUt RlTtr sUke for 37 --------------- 1: Un.~!talT7 Ad a ^ ^K — eblldren andtiro al4- A I U lllt H T u ). «»ra Harper and T V S P ' Slav, both M alu; O U l Oupman and Mrs. _ ^KtseU, both Ban Ptanclaco, T„ 7^ Ham, Burley; two 1.11 i tnd Qmo. both. Malta. ______ Oeneva Adam*. ^■m m a-EU a-W ard. Mo- President Tnir the nepubUta HlM nicM wlil be h6M at 1 ll the MaJt* U M B is h o p J.Heniy Thomp- H tJi» ftjTJe Diorutary. q,?..®." n I. ^ ■ n ir ttU It the martuaiy w.nt ord In fercin, . jrtoutcrleBon VHurtand s«it -rT-cii 1 . TVumui, slvi ^■ttrK~iii#>Hm '—*^-B,.CDnvcQi » lL iU tfR !U_iIl. AmerJeam fo: v w iiiih h i ^^ fcsM:rs;r by city aed preient at the TYitUf and e«t- 'Iftey were I Tenneasee; v ^ ^ T u n Pite. 1038 Maple Ui< etflcen a boy rode hl5 Mlnniai ih^tfde of-h«r ca>*.-Tbe il«hoiu_0[moe ^■mjTtd at S;20 p.m. Bat- tha o ^M lit IM Ued on Highland ^ -Vu ^ ------------------- -— aecUcuUieto# 5“,?? eWnned h li Contx teriouiljrl*’ 8 ^ * ^ S d n o t ...........iua aot the J-reildent by le*i* L. Arrlna- t?r P"We<J ij ^ ® » U » M b o u le T w r a ^ ^ {j** **eeptlon i Sunco, »03 B h o a h ^ ?*"? *W of /i tl !3-}3d M donltuLSUenb north and H ey. „ ? T y »g- 'he E « -» a S S M Z »IJ•W/th avenue “>» ®y®n« £S£.t ■■uiSSA'" « ">• saw; to/" “■" ■eStrengfh ■®.«OOOK’d ?=5K H ^se Action »lual fl«Uon* keynoi "^'««on the tlu tUer ^■uk^' ^ . MUonal affair err •^3£«™ u S; a ,-^ y s ^ “°sgg^‘ga^s traf- 52 in ^ I oc* '5 04 tlia ■ . J H ______I -A R ejiom ! NewBpap - - - - — - -- iathToll Ljqi ) Nine as Or ilan Dies commLsIoneri iIley’B highway death toll was misaionerfl I by the death of John Alfred ried 2,058 nai thffl time last year waa 12: Thia will be dLinjuriaajerelvcd w hon-hia44iquor4>y.tfaei Bureau Voices “J Opening Minid( WABinNQTON^oy 17 »>-The budgti bureau j raeralTjuiIgel Sunau «eea no dbjee- appropri»Uon» J Uon to opening tha N orth Side rcdamiHon to 4 J»ct In Minidoka eounty to entry on the tract. Pri jy-prtvate-dllani. • ----- ' Urged' [hit Qje’l This Infonnatlon was contained prlvsta Indlvldua n a letter reeelred Friday by Sen. th e bureiu of re< lenry W. Dworshak from Budget fiBhUng for moj Jlreetor Prtderlck Lawton. 6en»lor Dwon 'The budget bureau'Oees no ob- aaked tba tenate «eUon to opening the area to entry tions nibcommlt md allowing prlrate lot«reata to OOO (o develop t indertake development of th e pro]- acres on the trac Kt," Lawton tald In his letter. lomnllon bureau A tug of w»r hts been going on cced with the p g-Mtnldolor{giintrbetweeii ;iulillc~ 'stnnfrTlVe—yeu md private Interests ever since the adequtcy ot und rfiijmMi S e e s ^ GOP’s Defeat Cnln In November WABHINaTON. May 17 W — nightclub one •resident Truman predicted tonight ho—HepubUcsus v tll ^ e f e a t—them** t o u s y ftnci— JAi elvea In November becaitoe their close to solutic rogram will “teare the daylights hnrv of 1950 ut of the farmer and the wage timer and the average American w as cut down ittien generally." Atty.-Gcn. Wi In an obvious reference to Otn. ono of tho nrr Wight D. Elsenhower, th e Pret- lent declared that even Jf th e OOP “ On a Ditrgcst omlnatea a man “with a good rec- rd In foreign affairs, he will not be -r ble to tUHe-the raueott«-teoiattor»- l-{-riTf«n —V It ouKrles of the rett ofJhe party.^ - _ __ _ - - - Seei-LlbiJil a'SlcV -: - - J Truman, given a howling ovation 1T11A.VU t a conventlnn hangugt pf the ._ -..— ,.i --- jnerlcans for Democrstio Action. _ — I J U i Q ^ M l t that a ■1ISeral“-~iamniil- ^ lilflriM ■Iul«d by the D e a ia c flB H M BHH^H ME* preM fntial^le^l^H^H^^^H VK'the President av(riflPV R V BH PnBi lg any choice among aeratiu anS> tI»*Trom their i ble aspirants, three of whom wei« w ard effort* to resent at the dinner. strike on the b They were Sen. Estes Sefauver, hourly wage Ini «nnessee: W. Averen Harrlman. benefits, ew York; tnd Ben. Hubert HumT Workers a t ta [aw. MlnncsoU, Sen. Brlen Me- refineries havo ^ lahan. Crninw-tlrnt hurt mrt. .imd-retumed— reesed the convention earlier In atrike wu cnllet CoatrasU AeUon At 'olher plan ES"S,r; U prepared tpeech; Hb contrasted k, ,iirLihVrt Is rweptlon with the acUon four , sars ago of ADA member# In en- *i°®‘ xept the Democratic nomination ‘ vlaUon gtsoUne, IniMlf, gave the delegates aoma a ir <crce to eur ■er-MVie*“ab6atTiow"to elect a nffuvcr* k«1"™ resident. «> drop tom# fUg, Ha (aid any candidate has got to 'EfrecU~haTe 5 out and seU hteself on what he too. At London. ■ Jmds for,' adding "we'rs going to O il eompany wi et a candidate like that and well conUnuttlon of tt In." There must be no retreat, ha United BUtes wo lid. from the 'fair deal" ^rognm. In kerotene and J.N . Bombers H it h a s not Interfen ByEnemyA ircraft 8EOOU Bundv, May 18 UH - “ j* OmmuhUtsMlOisweptbyBcreen. igC. a Babrejeta Baturday and at- where motorist* t icked tlower alUed flghter-bomb. _ , ------ ; « tX.fnniSJ'i; Explosion s. Gas Ov le SabreJaU made threo firing maritit A .T i uses at the HIOs. No damue nei^^taU ed n *lfM were mtde. Nor did tho com- ,„ch" plpelln# spl lunique give tha number of Ruj- pju, mu a an-bnllt jeU larolved. nozzle, sfcayed i Despite the attacks, F-M Thun- ural gu over a sqi »tiet pUots reported cutUng com- land. lunlst rail Unei In eo places by a nearby housei UE-'nre-alr-ro^-t<pOrt*l-wir. a—••mliined-llasl lane* striking it the front hit 1» roar" and aaw a Blgmc:ai.Il^lfl~i;^6u :g~BUnl!-- f.nmaing mia-ma. -s asd sis antl-ab^raft gun posl* six workmen w oni.' . their clothes tom On thi battletront. a bayonet- red nud and pi teldlng allied patrol stormed a rushing vapor w iw hill northewt of the trace eon- nearby w t^or «ne# eSU ot Panmunjom before upper lytm k Saturday and knocked out seriously Injured, lewamunlst bunker*. ___________ Laocaster Oeneral MmSeH^mmitieel Encourage People Itlng In the nrlmary and general R. B.Tomemlre,o ecUons keynoSda Saturday meet- ^ f of the steering eommittee of toe “ '.W - ^*3** Itional affaln eommittee of the “ f,. six tubeoinnlllees were appointed, a u ttii. Howard Ki hey an Oie tetesttb o o m m l^ eommltUea r^osrt^rision’ss ^ Jtlaa ...... i' : TWIN! jUquor-by-Dr On June 10 Liquor-by-the-drink for Twin Falls will be :ommiBsionerB decided Saturday. Polls will '■MMlintfSatiiFday ft conSder pe£itions”^ l rnisaionera ascertained the petitions containc ried 2,058 names. Only 819 si^rnaturcs were Thia will be the third time residents of TV] liquor-by-the-drink questten;—Reg istra tion fo les “No Objection linidoka TYact to Ijudgtl.bureau .refused-to.approve the ar«a and-S,l« upproprlatlons for the bureau of Ing Irrigated by 1 rcdamitlon to drill addiUonal weUs Meanwhile, In t 3n tht tract. Prtvate Inlertsls have eral private land irged Chat Qie lapd be o^ned io drilling wdls and ^rivals IndlvlduaU to develop whUe land Irrigated by :he bureiu of reclamation hts been The bureau’s re< righUng for more time, funds last year i Senator Dwonhak tald he has budget bureau on uked lha senate Interior tpproprla- on the project o 4ons nibcommlttee to allot I17S,- start" ^ c e all of WO (0 develop an additional 3.250 been done belore teres on the tract..He said the rec- of tests, amnllon bureau Is anxious to pro- The tract Inelui :ced with the project Tests were Und which were rtBnfa-nve“"yean-nq[6"to"t«rihe •homesleaaing wfil tdequtcy of underground water tn bureau conducted BfinlffilaseNw Solution A fter K WEST WARWICK, R. I., May 17 (/P>— light club operator was rubbed out by an assi oday—an(l-lat9-tonight-{>olSce-aftid-hla4HlUns lose to solution of the long-unsolved $1.219,0( lery of 1950. Eighteen hours after Carlton 1 ^as cut down in an ambush outside his home ^tty.-Gcn. William E. Powers announced pol inc of the architects of the Brink’s raid in B ion'a biggest cash hauL Powers dictated 1 ---------------------------------------- to r e p o r te r s : tJnion"Action—■ Mixed in Oil ____________________ nf - ____ ___— MoOulnr**, aJo ~ O'Brien, saiil also Bwton peUc* for .. ■ard effort* to »etUe the 18-day k irlke on the basis of a IS-cent tt. u « hour be ourly wage Increase sod other tioned his ««m«, Worken a t some Cnlled SUU* fiM -5lu7hto awe sflnerles have agreed to (ha offer* ments today and o ttd-retumed-to-work-slnee-tb* ttoe-they-needed- xtke w« called April » by a po-ers aald Me< At^olher pl^ts, dlJ^tles In egoUatlons have cropped up re- . nAtiM uh xnllng retroacUve pay snd union certain he cai •mandJ that wage negoOtUons ,ay be reopened every tlx monm*;- :o.lOTP«l..™lK.»al.thU TheTtrik# hiii lutTiKiJfR it the rtatlon gtsoUne. forcing Uit U. S. Killed by 11 company warned t ^ y that mUnuttlon of tho oil itrlka In the ^cness. ^k?^ene^nd‘dlM l'^ ^ rs ^bSg"I’ TOirSaSiT IJI^^ Sam tS .iS .! here motorists hava felt a plneh. ^ discharged a tee ------ ---------"Z right side, penetrat ilxplosion Sprays Gas Over Farms MARiriTA.Ta, Mtj IT 1*-A record dating to It iwly-lnstaUid rajve on tht TllUe In his teens. ch " pipeline spUt open today and -------------- e pipe, like * flaal ^ l* * t Nampa Mi A nearby housewife said lhe heard O f .AutO ■"mliffled“ bIasK"lHBn“ tOTlflc--------------------------- : a r" aiyl saw. a ‘huge red baU* NAMPA. May 1 ^f^tae^ew'knocked fui^ elr clothes tom to shreds by (he In a collision beCwi 1 a u d ^ .n e » l ^ l c h the and ■ car three «1I« shlng vapor whipped over the The oU ttuck wt arty area before-lt rost IntoJhft drltJng _raUed over per air. Tho men. two of then left tha road from rioutly Injured, wert taken to cm was drtvea by A iKastef Oenerat hypltsl , Wampa._________ lile ^ a ir G a in p a ig i eo p le to V o te in .E le if'mertlng*Md*w«motIon eom- ReglstraUon d e ^ ttce H W, Ireland,'advlier, with elections -were disi y Kimile sJJdJV Ktspari. « • necUon the i irmen. Challenge contest and program. The grouj CT. Jypb Mar. conduct it* prpgga STTSTlhr? n.e'eommHt..a were appotalrf tht iteerlnf commlttet la Its «ho may wish to wa to """><»«■»■an IstcnslTi e^pca* ooui«e«, in tbelr « tof*tv«t«r.toth# be to a gen S T ^ d W to i fXileetlon*. ^ Twin^oU* at a « »U,yM« Of, 0>».CMP*ly^J*^te S S ? S vSSS£l^ TWIW FALL8 TWIN falls ; ibAH67“SUNDAY7MA i 10 in Twin ] rails wil! be determined at a spccial election . Polls will bo open from 9 a.m. to-7 p.m. ^{ilions’^niTg for aiTeli^oFon the queai ions contained 888 qualified sljnatures altho natures were required to bring the matter t idents of Twin Falls will have had an opportu: tgistration for tho"electIuii will open at 9 a.i ----------------------------------------- the city clerk's ction” to _ from 7 pjn. to « ,ct to Entry Meanwhile, In the samo ares, tev- 77,^ board appo al private land holders have been jtanee Xelser. city illlng wdls and growing crops on ujd Mrs. F u e 3 nd Irrigated by wells. registrar, rh e bureau’s request for addlUonal QuaUfled roten nds last year was deiUed by tha fears of age residi idget bureau onthe grounds work months, resldenU the project coasUtuted a “new ihree -month* and trt" ^ c e all of the work that ha^ eons who wen rc en done M ore waa In the natura last general tesU. cot register again The tract Includes lOfno acres ot a quaUfled elector. id_whlch were withdrawn from Persona 'who did Tnesleaaing wfiniTBTrecIamilion last two g^eral 'hl reau conducted tests with weUt. Uons m ust re-regls -------------------------------------------- certain aa to whethi ------------- ------------------- regUtered -or-are- rNeanng^ ter Killing Driving ay 17 (/P>-Aii'ex.convict L aU llch ut by an assassin’s shotgun 4d-hi&-W1Hn8f-had-led4hem------ R t i r lp.'V •ved $14J19,000 Brink’s rob- ter Carlton M. O’Brien, 49, burlbv. May 1 Ide his home, Rhode Island ing course for aduli nnounced police had found , k’. raid in'io.ton-th. n.- rs dictated this statement made the annoonc ........ .. to a witness who will testify un- course are asked • iMrth befoM a-frand-Jui7-thaV Herald-B<dI«tla-«fi planned tbe dtUlU of the Brink's - w-uiiiW^ )bery w ith Joseph P. McOulnesi FaUilty a Bmmn-"_______ __________. . .flberlxr.Saul.Clatl w »Sr-£l ^tor. was Uken Into custody by il* ston peUce for questioning about * » slayto*. Tto shoriff rej Freed by PoU m ' vhere fatalities hain lalf an hour befoi* Powen men- * oed his nan». Boston police let 1 go. Tbey aald they were ssUi- 1 with hi* aoeotml of his move- tiU today and could find him any Placed on tha scene of the Brtak’s Pnrchgae C« ^ Possibility of tho IT i . certain he can be wnvlcted at ot the accessoiy„b^ore_toa fact.- ^ InWUUot ower* declined to name his wit- Uagio Vailey safety s but said he was paaslng tht 37 at Ooodlng and )nnaUon.. oa to MassachuitUs deI(!gBtaB.-Puiposa.o y. Oen. Francis E. Kelly. to formulat« safety .-sTSir”” :Qan_*ftcr-tw!> shotgun blasts - down Carlton U. O’Brien, _ _ >esMr Of a so>yur.pollcfl.itc«rd, scUves seised Julius Kenner, U- 1 O l 9W S. r-old Providence Jeweler with _ ^ S Paint T 'Brlen's slayer held the muide auastrr>hnr ■Mm I 18-gauge ahotgun wlUUn a foot w Sm^aS; 1 cn the aldewalk wben the sUy- jP* lUcharged a tecond shot Into bis ^ tiU ^ 1. .uu iquartera at Lincoln afUr In- ^ r ^ e <^estl«^g has a police o f ^ , X ?lnhy r t d a t ^ to 1P16. wheij he wu u,e can of p ^t *“ *«*"• floor. She left the r ' " momenU and tho JV* ran screaming from ftmpa Man Dies ^ •’ ofSiSner**’**" OfAutoJfojuries ■ car three miles east of Nampa, ‘.'oooing. le oU truck which Martin was -- ---------- ing .rolled over twice when It C n l n n Q o v a tha road from ihe impact. Hi* OOJOIl O S y S . wa* drives by Asher White, also iejl ___________ Fixing Wl npaign:to= in .Elections SStxSjon*d»dl£iM (or th. two "-hother the budn ions -were discussed in 'cm^ U la ^ . if. »«.del on with the naUonal affalri ooothp ^vlmged p ram. The group reporU ll will ipendlng. But., he uct iU progyn^tw een Jun* q ^ o n ca^ ^ 9 for the primary elecUoa *>«( tiM tba 1 •Bd wUl end Nov. 1. , tional credit and 7 Uaglo VaUer organlaUont eaa bring stabiUty may wish to purtua liinau fiscal Jungle.” w« k tbelr oomnualUet wU - .rwbether that m iTlUd to a general meetlog tn era* or a 1. Tolls at a daU to be an- flnnly ca tbli prtnd ^ .jtc c w U n i to iteerlm oom- tvwywhetr will n u ' ■ - I-,'. . I’ : ■- ' •' , NDAY, MAY 18, 1962 &SiL^l0rs in Fails :IaI election June 10, eity .L ^ to-7 p.m. in the queatlon, the com- ”*¥*1 ttures although they car- I I le matter to a vote. 1 1 an opportunity to vote on ^11 at 9 a.nu-Tuesday at- -------------------r - city clerk's office in the Supporters ol hall. Voters may register proved the gene e am to 6 pjn. end on Junt Thov KoaeH *1 and 7 the office wUl be open - 7 pjn. to 9 pjn. ocn. ttooert a . .ce* of elecUon set by the margin which T tion in Vermont, econd avenue north, flrtt ward; „ „ +«,_ f lall. *ccond ward, and Jtocken- eaaiiy won tne t mto-muipment" eompany."SM delegttee-there-ia none street west, third ward. K>t »lth Taft. t board appointed Mrs. Con- Sen. Zstes Kefs B ie litr. clty.xlfirk.-ieglstrQr. /otged.back .lnto_tl Mra. Faye Morrison, deputy among the Cemocn rar. Oregon's 13 delegah sUfled Totera 'm ust be ai Ing up a big vlcto: of age, residents ot Idaho sU larlty primary ther hs, resldenU of Twin Palls President Tnunai -months and. z«Klstered._£tt- urday night that who wen redstered for the nominee win be : eneral numlclpal election need that he will, win L eglster again if they remained caute the program lUfled elector. outlines wlU "scan sona -wLhQ.dld.ngt ypte ln_|he ouLnf.lia .yotcra_ wo general biennial ctly elec- in the advance t( must re-regUter. Penons un- to Uit siuual eon n a a to WheUier or not Uiey are of Americans for ered -or-ara-qtj^W -TO ter. Uon.-Truman etUt l-oonsu](-the-«l(y-c]erk's-of- to’whldr6fUrdee“ mnnlni for the not ----- -'renT" ^----------------------------------------- ^1 Kefauver M •iving Qass 1 1 |> DemocraUo convent auncnedfor S,e^SS^tut^IS ■> • I a j- l n l l - j -i hopefu; A Q U llS Chicago S li", ^ ’t'H fford Bray of the Klwanls club Ittee aupportlng the project the announcement Thunday _ meeting of tbe local Safety r*arlr*tak23^ to" contact the {Jii!? *“ Pi«l«ed IpB^Ieto-^ioe. Fatailty Marker* way Uuough tho sic clxr.S»ul.clatk.*howeda*ua. -ISt the type of xnarkcn to- bo £ 5 “ *='= d io mark'the'eceiiM of fatal ‘' nU in tha county: The aoA - ^ ,P0PuUr vot spUy a red cross .on a wtUU »boul Tflpw w t ol round. on Priday^ Elo sheriff reported (4 tftce active' fatalities have occunred In the ^ “P. « r during the past lOyeoi* wfll «, «« DemocraUo rked. *U 13 delegates aa 1 Ing the meetinff, *. H. Taylor, pr^t^UU voUng. »..local .forest service .office, ?>, “ l?. 0 ° ^ ted devices used by tha V. B. **« leading Oov, Ka KCTvica rh»rfr >».■- ipn'!ii_QfllL_I>OWg isual acuity and other factora. S«n*tor Morse. Was PBWiasrconad^ --------- <c»u-«< «■ Iblllty of the Safety councU's T l 1 'n/T ialng«.ch«,ulp«entwa.con. IdahO M< ibers of the Safety eouncll TfT 1 aa inviUtlon to :attend..a _..W6lCOI11 VaUey safety Oonferenee May ▼» V *^W U J Ooodlng and dedded to send T 1 ' tas-^urposa of-the meeUng-i*-----LiAr.ai nulate safety leglslaUon to be ssir““ 6, th. „..t turned from New ^SwaUows-^^^^* aint Thinner 'SBONE, -May ' 17 - , Un. L L. Langdi 3 Tharp. Jr., 3-year-o]d ton mother who was run and Mra. I>ilaa Ihsip. rural UUa of American It me. U In serious eondltlon srrived in Shoahone 1 Ooodlng Memorial hospital p. m., Saturday. On esult of drixUdng paint thin- her wen four of he ■ursday afternoon. represenUUve* from boy'a physician said It U nec- Chamber of Commer fo keep the child In an cxy- ehab, Merehant’a bu mt because his lungs were dty ecmmlMton. . . by the liquid. Saturday hia r. j. scbwendlmat on was reported as “impfov* uj* , quet of rotes to >£s. Dolwi ww p ^ U n g In m e recepUon at Uie train rooms lo her home and had ^f ( Mrles 0 > ean of p ^ t thinner on the to honor he 3he left Uie room for a fow " sx.'a; ,ss.“s ss* JS” DoUn farced her »on*s opcn.JoJ«-eouLl<et-altand- rfL ir" ? ushed him to a doctor in ?*ti:,^!!.ul -------- -jnrAuTi * taken f tJfo hdsplUl in ,*to8Ak' Bunday, ■' The eommunlsU todi — -------------------TJnlUd NaUon* como •n Says Wage ring Will Pose ----- nflation-?3u^ ^OMeni ljm d ”oriY; i*. j ” M*y n t »’ - ” i n. Hartj F. Byrd. D, Va, K atrnlj lay wag* flxtns by U>* Presl. * aM . MiB nd another aerie* ot large About 460 memben i^l^.-.tta*«tea'>„a«y...waTB a* qutiUonable. Byrd aold. Twtn PaUt Jaycees aJ er the budget ever wUl be nent otUeeii. '■p.5* '‘ESS '^«SS ' ed * twe movl* at sedlt andT^SKd cumncj. Buslnu* hones b< ^^^tyrtUty to our .Mend ee«« nuke Utdr asn that taaa be.a Sau>> S w " a Raffitillran, tt he ctanda Totmg-s dairy. Pad ea t t o B todple. Americaa* Produce eoapaoy. C w W yiUy to hti lupy -j:' ’ ';- 1 ' > Nine Irrigated I«T«ho Comitiea ______ tf As<ll >«Nt« « CI m I A.M.I.M m n W4 n>IM Pr >cgon Vi( Proof Peo Ik^Ba^ By T1i»Am«A Supporters of Gen. D w ight D. Eisenhower oved the general Is “ th e overwhelming cholcl They based their,claim on his victory in Ore ■n. Tlobert A. Tnf t. . B y .his Oregon win, Eisen argin which T aft, Ohio, holds, and trimmed It in in Vermont. Tho general --------------------- ^ ally won the full slate of 12 1 leratee-there-itt—a'lim ited—con- V' t wim Taft. K J C IX C VJ JfA Zstes Ke/auver, Tetsnessee, ___ _ Ked.back.lnto_the,_deleg*te lead ong Uie Democrats by capturing r I JIT cgon'* 13 delegates while also pll- J-W J. : up a big victory'In U»e popu- oooniNO M>« s..- i S H S It he wm. win in Noveml>er be- i»« toe program which the OOP ..??* dayiiahts- il the advance text of his speech Uit annual convenUon bancuet commit American* for Democratlo A c *or the dvlo group* 1 0,-TVuman rtUl gavejio h in t as Which ofUioM currently In the ^,Jc^e_j^inB&n_h^ Kefauver W in Seen sUtmant and eipU Washington - Kefauver supporten *” d mty would sweep Uio staU BocnUo convenUon telecUon ol Wortlwt. Luthw & naUonal convenUon deJeaates, «P«*«ouuvf lor O ere wa* UtUe aentlment for other aldwitlal hopefuls, but a atrong lou lo Ohlcago uninstructed. POSIDO 'IrglnU-^pubUcana n»m«d LAB VEOAS, Ne ee more naUonal convenUon dele- __ i9Ui ator *s In two district meetings. Ono irithln tha centls Uiem was a supporter of Senator gUtes was poitaoi It^The other two were uncom- the fourth time m ; Dee'* Margin Big another ai-hoitr A n O r^.^ lhe nuolcw mW SrengUi of returiis mid- TjXto'h««*bem r Uuough the alow ballot count- noitunec . Uia OOP handed Uie rtaU's Ibtodi or n-flelegaua to-aastflv ' “^ -Sh<?^iStt ver.— ■-*-................ '■ ' araectad eailv U a Ut popular vote was • ru n a la f ^ iut Tfl per eent of the OOP turn- on Priday^ elecUon d ^' T il TV ' ^cSte^^w i^^S S t fieasUe SV ^ tS 'w i^m ia^ tS B y P a ir ferenUal voUng. n Uia OOP returns, Elsenhower nn*_^ T iIetdlngaov,KarIWarren; Calli ...... |;iD g y J- i|i._Q«i^»owglM. M«cArthur. _^r°J Lttor Uorse, W ash, former Oov- Two men were 1 < c» u»m4 «■ ?.»» «. crf»— i> - n^ t - y d ^ ^ » - f l ^ kh(jMother = B^elcomed-by Local^opleMS:^ Itho't moUier of th» year » - dt^^H i^^Sde toi !e^_from_ffow_jrort_eatMrday p,m. Pjjdijr^sjsrm It and ss she was greeted at bend.. shone bv-aeteratimi faml Twlii- -iU«rring_Ul Jlea. saoOT Dy aciegsuoiu uxxa iwm q^_, bv,_ «* H»ra 1, remajted, T was able to see JSrtM by a tuu Tankeea pUy and GU Ma«Dou« » :« a ^ Saturday 1 1had s good day." ««t. Shaw wu otear n. L. L. Lurtoo. IW» ber who was nmner-up for tha qjUm ^ iiour, Bs w of American Mother of 1933, uto be^ red lo ahoshone by train a t 7:38 jaek kitchen, TW L. Saturday. On hand to m eet fiMd 1100 and tl cub wen fou> of her children and ed ta W day* I n ^ co esenUttve* from the Twin Pall* appeal^ hi JotU mber of Commeree, Soroptlxnlst pleaded guilty ot dn , Uerchant'a bureau and the Tbonat p. ceaaiiMioa.................. pUls. were anesUd fc J. Scbwendlman, chairman of run accident Ihun commission, presenUd a'iM U - FnuU'was tinea'US' of rotes to Mi«. Langdon. H er and sentenced to Hn )Uon at toe train marks th e be- oounty JaU for being mg ot a serlea of events beUig publle highway, ned to honor her. Charlea Cole, t!. iZ •s. Langdon lost UtUe tim o de- was reWjse Inff frmn tha tr a in a n d . ob* Tccognisance When he ? TO happy to b9 cent ot taUure to jlefa iu ^ la ^ fS ^ *v. ratypollcei.ro. . toe mlnuU we arrived aad toto ^Um court m i ^ topt us busy,- she re- ..___________ rty deterred Judgmen ~~tnrAwToKD 3M6AN.- Sunday. May IB ««> •ppoored In court eofflmunlsU today accused th e pleaded guQty ot ter ed NtUon* ^'"■ "< 1 of hiding The court IndleaUd tsure* ot bloody Tiolanee** to wish te file a more 1 bly rttaln, eapUired war prtKiD. depending upon to* <OwU»M* m I SQMember»«fScheelSa Patrols H old Annual Sc Mut 460 members of school aafa- Btrab Produce compt *twb tom,throi^ ^ Pgg t t T O ^a^l iPaU* Jaycees and Uwenforoe- ' 6UU police distril t otUcei» precUticnmerit cart jfeee* In eharge of the program .gu°ajid‘ya.”gg,y ^ Ohlef Howahl OlUet islnes* houe* helping th« Jay> Baniatt. tntlls ler^ make todr annual progrua a Bob Xlreber f u in Ml were Independent Meat ooa* m«i"g the tbod..« r, Alberta's Tooi Oeater. Parkar. btadwl p tw afs dairy. Paeine >mlt aod tribatUB.'8(vJi*Mr- luce eoopaor. 06ea^aala 'Bot* et tbs.pante W d« fiaS’SnlSffl '1 ;i «|\ t > 1 i . Traffic Det Scoreboar Here U a eonparisoo of Wt - as of this dau for IMl and ll C S_ Valley aad for toe *ntb« Jb Magic VaUey. 1963 , ----- " “PRICE' KiefccffpJs eople Wai alters Cla ly Til* AMoctoted PreM isenhower asserted again Saturday that tning cholcPof Republican votera." ory in Oregon. His opposition there did win, Elsenhower narrowed the nom inal trimmed It a little more at a Republican s iety Conference Plan for Legisls DIKQ, Uay IT—Proposed legislative acUoo. fetm ITalley salet/ conference to Ooodlng Hay 9T, wm b te legUlthue tn IMS. Tbe matn putpose ot the g. a* a maUer ot fact, la to foimQlate soch pnpc Uwmaken. eonferenea will open a t 3 p jn . at the naw Ooodlni rated rtsldenu of Uagio VaUey ar* invlUd to att< wlU be held a t B p m . ____ , ird AaimirL!nEOIn~WHmty prrswoaarqpitwnayr ons commiuee. H. W. Ireland, Twin Falls, wU dvb group* and Pted Abrams. Jerome poUoe chlat, ' th* peace offlcera eomnUtte e ... JnUua Peterwn..^ in'of'the pimcuting alluineya ixnunilttee and Xia .1 be moderator of the Orange committee. -Tolfkmltt,-Twtn-Pe08.-wm-epeiHhe-aftenwe-i mt and eiplanaUon ot toe objective* of tbe oonfei igemenU for toe conference are being made.bj tn ct toe Ooodlng safety council. Bart SUdmore. t,' Luther Koonce, R. L. Van Houten and WUUs nUUvt t« Ooodlng eounty. Pon^onpd ^ ^»row ingr I VEOAS, Nev, May IT O A I e ISto atomic explodon A H IlC C t 1 » tha ccnUnental TJnlted Is Dis! Isslon otOcUls caUed-for er Si-hour delay. WABHmOtOH. U h e r a _, Mey ia Pfo^ to_ demonstratlcBS/I to have been held M d a y . -Pretidant-TftBttai m t pot^wed until Batur* speetatcn, mUltexy n d .toBn.BnDrtsy-mi)TTilnc.- i n a «iBaUsu=«K] uher permltUog, u la now ourtata etcntilw - led early Uanday manuasr »8 D elayed Pair .O ver ipsy B riving men were arrested Ptlday ermts. nd-e*rly-«aturda^-bp-Twin —MiewlMisita-the- , On* pleaded Innocent to staUccs, e e ^ - t r . court Sstuday. while tk* open hoawSM O : ras gtven B to 31 bout* to amenss'dbiidsyedBl Is plM tn JusUce c o u rt aad Ustcned to eei M. Slerens. so. m s fifth epeedMbytopcClldi ♦sst—pleaded - tnnocent —T>tnasn ait towug; hi* aUomey. A rthur Bab> iS-mtoBtm-■ I hi* tnal i* set fcr 11) ani. aqo>9m«tr«nlannaj In Twin PaUs poUc* eottrt. coat weatEs. *mUln| n signed to* compUlnt and taktnf off tU* bat to 1 eer* made to* atreet a t 10:W eedi ttma a dMrio dijr^SJsrensjwited Aaktry. 'lng_Uijilea:BitorflaT.«u ______: taw, at, Hazeltm. who WM Z m eot&ia miUtai by a itau patntaas at tires seated to toe xlgl n. Saturday at five Fotots Idanttal rerlewlaf at aw wu ctearred ninahig a otOdsli tnm l|Qiiris. t at Uata-avema east and g a^ and Oxeboalbnl r road at a speed ot as to 40 Invited to tb* dlqtloy r hour. B* was released oc vitea wssteia «edd r d. to her annnal May Kitchen, Twta PUls, was tiiow to MbeeeWB Bed 0 |3 cceU . I I I p A rea Redd< guilty ot dnmken drlvtog. Tbonst P. Pruett, Twto ' |tjl(U »fM I I Jl re anested foOowl^ mhit- .. Ident Ihursday evening. M n m n |l % A | m* flnia M9'*iid-«|-eo*U ‘ iU U IllC ip a i. enced to five days In tb* LSW19IOR. H tf 1' aU for being drunk oc a t e S T ^ ^ tortq ghway, nresf^M «i tha. Ida 1 Cole, tt. ax Pcmrth ave- S a r a T t e S r ^ tt* . was rcMtsed on hia own a three-dor coi nee when he pleaded Inno- DeiegatMTtea m aUure to jleU ihe right of ato^d^M 'aaa SSSSM 'S’S aiSSSiSBSS IS apartment*, atter Bam- ounne. mayor et Pn ored In court Saturday a sa ti guQty ot reckleaa driving. Wtotgnsttadn* Irt IndleaUd otOoers Biay WQUatrteUr.^Pooati fUe a more eerious charge K S lto m m eSh « upon to* ooiKUtton «t yu» mstdSDtMte l biMt IB t. COna S) Kampa. seecod tloa 1 --------- ; ----------------------- R ^ « Banstasn; T« ee^ o are ty ual Sessions ToducecQmpaox.OemStMa Jvm aaSlbci'XM police distributed-au ap* & Banter, VeeaUDa.. m merit card*.provided bp .......GasKKiB trottls tenant. teher^ «2ff25o5w*AtoS Death ^1" :oreboard ' ^ BPerleee of froffleftisittto' forUBlandlBUfSMSo ' “ PRICBTCE5I?!W;— V^ant CI mhT urday tliat ballots lutve Bra," )n there did not Indude 8 n o ^ t ^ eonvmtlott .. aepubtfean atate convBn- i ence t o ^ Jgislation- May 31, wm be wsisuHil t» "fpose ot the coBftaM-la. .J e new Ooodlng gr*d*"**^ IH bmui to attend A ifl se poUoe chlat. wffl b* chair- HI g f f g » m .-ffwKltll..wfflj>e___ , ittee. • of tbrttSerw®-’^ ^-"-': Mlng made.by Dan Bcfdd. M SUdmore. SIsUer, (ea and WUUao .«tau : OTVmgt^&r^ rm ^ Might Is Displayed f.^ iA -d u wn uhuhS ^ Rurai rwsrsffi:- MbytepoCOdalt.. I 1 E e d d e n t “I i R ' 7 cfed CJiief of r nii(3palle ^ f r It «t ttw. Idaho leaddB '- today aa ^ ySSiaS •te*. la a ' •areBUciV ssfstsr SriPowSa.^^ T V 'S

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Post on 01-Jun-2022




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Page 1: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

~ T b t n inO i traf- . ,f{e i t a t h o t m 2 in

u a g ie Vatlev oc- e u n e i t t a v 18 <u ' tM r« v ilt o f an ac- e i d ^ t in C a t s i a ■

___ _ ,

---------- T ~ -

pm bs to Ni ■Cassia ManBtLEY .M ay IT—M agic VaHey'a hfgh * ^ - j w F riday afte rnoon by tbe d « ■ . 71, Malta. The to ll a t thffl time

;4 fi n .tn . f if fn fiiw a.«}<sm!riveD by Henry --------------^■ T , 55 Swecthomc, Ore.,. *r%

Ot U»}U OR l - f 1 1 1 * /X6 Fridty morning. X J LUL I

^ m Z ru Dot hurt bu t hl« ^16 CotUKB hoapltal, g \ ^

Rport«d in ■'lair'; I l | ^ L i t ta i ty . V J

«a5 the th ird wAeUINOI ■ ^ 5 ; . in CaiJJjr-cD nn^* WKcelTrt a PuM lurM tJon to cZ ■ i . e ? ? " ^ tnct to Mm?iiy-prtv»te-cit■ d j Mia*<J b r a » ^ f 0*ul TtiU inton,

lBTMUsat«d. Th* TS- Id a Utter rc< u Ut. Bisea m «2« H«nrr w. Or

■ n W P> to « « 5 i D i r e e l o r PrS, paUi o f Ui« o ttie r »rh« budic

JeeUoD to op«■ r o n k M l d Um B lM n y*. and aUowiog

t 0 l vreck. UDdertake der n j a lacc-tbn« r e d . ect," Lawton i

^ ■ ^ J b iu -H a lt Biver region A tu« or t i ura June 14. l*ai>, ur tirM tnidotart CUh. Ra va> president and private in BUt RlTtr sUke fo r 37 --------------- 1:

U n .~ !ta lT7 A d a ^^ K — eblldren a n d tiro al4- A I U l l l t

H T u ) . « » ra Harper and T V S P ' Slav, both M a lu ; O U l O upman and M rs. _

^KtseU , both Ban Ptanclaco, T „ 7 Ham, Burley; tw o 1 .11 i

tnd Qmo. both. M alta. ______Oeneva Adam*.

^ ■ m m a -E U a -W a rd . Mo- President Tnir the n epubUtaH lM n ic M wlil be h6M a t 1

l l the MaJt* U M B i s h o p J.H eniy Thom p- H

tJi» ftjTJe Diorutary. q,?..®." n I . ^ ■ n i r ttU It the m artuaiy w.nt

ord In fercin,

. jrtoutcrleBonV H u r ta n d s«it

-rT-cii 1 . TVumui, slvi^■ttrK~iii#>H m ' — * -B,.CDnvcQi» l L i U t f R ! U _ i I l . AmerJeam fo:

v w iiiih h i^^fcsM:rs;rby city a ed preient a t the

TYitUf and e « t- 'Iftey were I Tenneasee; v

^ ^ T u n Pite. 1038 M aple Ui<etflcen a boy rode hl5 Mlnniai

ih^tfde of-h«r ca>*.-Tbe il«hoiu_0[moe ^ ■ m jT td at S;20 p.m . B at- tha o^ M li t IM Ued on Highland ^ -Vu ^ ------------------- -— aecUcuUieto#

5 “ ,?? eWnned h l i Contx

teriouiljrl*’ 8^*^Sd not...........iua a o t the J-reildentby le*i* L. A rrlna- t?r P"W e<J i j

^ ® » U » M b o u le T w r a ^ ^ {j** **eeptlon i Sunco, »03 B h o a h ^ ?* "? *W of /i

t l !3 -}3 d M donltuLSUenb

north and H ey . „ ? T y »g- 'h eE « - » a


»IJ • W/th avenue “>»


■■uiSSA'" « ">•saw;

t o / " “ ■ "

■eStrengfh ■®.«OOOK’d ? = 5 K H ^ s e Action

»lual fl«Uon* keynoi "^'««on the tlu tUer^ ■ u k ^ ' . MUonal affair

e r r• ^ 3 £ « ™ uS; a , - ^

y s ^ “°sgg‘ ga^s

traf-52 in ^I oc*'5 04 ■

t l i a ■ . — J H

______I -A R e j io m ! NewBpap

■ - - - - — - - -

iathToll Ljqi ) Nine as Orilan Dies commLsIoneri

iIley’B highway death to ll was misaionerfl I by the death of John A lfred ried 2,058 nai

thffl time last yea r w a a 12: Thia will be dL in ju riaa jerelvcd w h on-hia44iquor4>y.tfaei

Bureau Voices “J Opening Minid(

W ABinNQTON^oy 17 »>-T he budgti bureau jraeralTjuiIgel Sunau «eea no dbjee- appropri»Uon» JUon to opening tha N orth Side rcdamiHon to 4J»ct In Minidoka eounty to entry on the tract. Prijy-prtvate-dllani. • ----- • ' Urged' [hit Qje’l

This Infonnatlon was contained prlvsta Indlvlduan a letter reeelred Friday by Sen. th e bureiu of re<lenry W. Dworshak from Budget fiBhUng for mojJlreetor Prtderlck Lawton. 6en»lor Dwon

'T he budget bureau'Oees no ob- aaked tba tenate«eUon to opening the area to entry tions nibcommltmd allowing prlrate lot«reata to OOO (o develop tindertake development of th e pro]- acres on the tracKt," Lawton tald In his le tte r. lomnllon bureau

A tug of w»r h ts been going on cced with the p g-Mtnldolor{giintrbetweeii ;iulillc~ 'stnnfrTlVe—yeumd private Interests ever since the adequtcy ot und

rfiijmMi S e e s ^GOP’s D efea t C n ln

In NovemberWABHINaTON. May 17 W — n ig h tc lu b one

•resident Truman predicted tonight ho—HepubUcsus v tll^ e fe a t—them** to u s y ftnci—JAielvea In November becaitoe their c lo se to soluticrogram will “teare the daylights h n r v of 1950 ut of the farmer and th e wagetimer and the average American w a s cut downittien generally." A tty .-G cn . W iIn an obvious reference to Otn. o n o of tho n rr

Wight D. Elsenhower, th e Pret-lent declared that even Jf th e OOP “ On a Ditrgcstomlnatea a man “with a good rec- rd In foreign affairs, he will no t be -r • ble to tUHe-the raueott«-teoiattor»- l - { - r iT f«n —VIt ouKrles of the rett o fJh e party .^ - _ __ _- - - Seei-LlbiJil a 'S lcV -: - - JTruman, given a howling ovation 1 T 1 1 A .V Ut a conventlnn hangugt p f the ._ - . .— ,.i---jnerlcans for Democrstio Action. _ — I J U i Q ^M l t that a ■1ISeral“-~iamniil- ^ l i l f l r i M ■ I u l« d by the D e a i a c f l B H M B H H ^ HM E * p r e M f n t i a l ^ l e ^ l ^ H ^ H ^ ^ ^ HV K 'th e President a v ( r i f l P V R V B H P n B ilg any choice among aeratiu anS > tI»*T rom their ible aspirants, three of w hom wei« w ard effort* toresent a t the dinner. strike on the bThey were Sen. Estes Sefauver, hourly wage Ini«nnessee: W. Averen H arrlman. benefits, ew York; tnd Ben. Hubert HumT Workers a t ta[aw . MlnncsoU, Sen. Brlen Me- refineries havo ^lahan. Crninw-tlrnt hurt mrt. .im d-retum ed—(«reesed the convention earlier In a trike w u cnllet

CoatrasU AeUon A t 'olher plan

ES"S,r;U prepared tpeech; Hb contrasted k, ,iirLihVrt Is rweptlon with the acUon four ,sars ago of ADA member# In en- *i°®‘

xept the Democratic nomination ‘ vlaUon gtsoUne,IniMlf, gave the delegates aoma a i r <crce to eur■er-MVie*“ ab6atTiow"to elect a nffuvcr* k «1"™resident. «> drop tom# fUg,Ha (aid any candidate has got to 'EfrecU~haTe5 out and seU hteself on w hat he too . At London. ■Jmds for,' adding "we'rs going to O il eompany wiet a candidate like tha t and well conUnuttlon of ttIn." There must be no re trea t, ha U nited BUtes wolid. from the 'fa ir deal" ^rognm . I n kerotene and

J . N . Bombers Hit h a s not InterfenByEnemyAircraft8EOOU Bundv, May 18 UH - “ j*OmmuhUtsMlOisweptbyBcreen.igC. a Babrejeta Baturday a n d at- w here motorist* ticked tlower alUed flghter-bomb. _ , ------ ;

« tX.fnniSJ'i; Explosion s . Gas Ovle SabreJaU made threo firing m a r it i t A .T iuses a t the HIOs. No d a m u e n e i ^ ^ t a U e d n*lfM were mtde. Nor did tho com- ,„ c h " plpelln# spllunique give tha number of R uj- p ju , m u aan-bnllt jeU larolved. nozzle, sfcayed iDespite the attacks, F-M Thun- u r a l g u over a sqi»tiet pUots reported cutUng com- land .lunlst rail Unei In eo places by a nearby houseiU E -'n re-a lr-ro^ -t< pO rt* l-w ir. a—••mliined-llasllane* striking i t the front h i t 1» roa r " and aaw aB lgm c:ai.Il^lfl~i;^6u :g~BUnl!-- f.nmaing mia-ma.-s asd sis antl-ab^raft gun posl* s ix workmen woni.' . th e ir clothes tomOn th i battletront. a bayonet- r e d nud and piteldlng allied patrol stormed a rush ing vapor wiw hill northewt of the trace eon- nearby w t ^ o r« ne# eSU ot Panmunjom before upperly tm k Saturday and knocked out seriously Injured,lewamunlst bunker*. ___________ Laocaster Oeneral

M m S eH ^ m m itiee l Encourage People

Itlng In the nrlmary and general R . B.Tomemlre,oecUons keynoSda Saturday meet- ^f of the steering eommittee of toe “ '.W - *3**Itional affaln eommittee of the “ f,.

six tubeoinnlllees were appointed, a u t t i i . Howard Ki hey a n Oie tetesttb o o m m l ^ eommltUea


^ J t l a a


i ' : T W I N !

jUquor-by-Dr On June 10

Liquor-by-the-drink for Twin F a lls w ill be :ommiBsionerB decided Saturday. Polls will '■MMlintfSatiiFday f t conSder pe£itions”^ l

rnisaionera ascertained the p e titions containc ried 2,058 names. Only 819 si^rnaturcs were

Thia will be the third time resid en ts o f TV] liquor-by-the-dr ink questten;—Re g is tra t ion fo

les “No Objection linidoka TYact toIjudgtl.bureau .refused-to.approve th e ar«a and-S,l«upproprlatlons for the bureau of Ing Irrigated by 1rcdamitlon to drill addiUonal weUs Meanwhile, In t3n tht tract. Prtvate Inlertsls have e ra l private landirged Chat Qie lapd be o^ned io drilling w d ls and^rivals IndlvlduaU to develop whUe land Irrigated by:he bureiu of reclamation h ts been T he bureau’s re<righUng for more time, funds la st year i

Senator Dwonhak tald he has budget bureau onuked lha senate Interior tpproprla- on the project o4ons nibcommlttee to allot I17S,- s ta r t" ^ c e all ofWO (0 develop an additional 3.250 been done beloreteres on the tract..He said the rec- of tests,amnllon bureau Is anxious to pro- T he trac t Inelui:ced with the project Tests were U n d which werertBnfa-nve“"yean-nq[6"to"t«rihe •homesleaaing wfiltdequtcy of underground water tn bureau conducted

B finlffilaseN w Solution After K

WEST WARWICK, R. I., M ay 17 (/P>— ligh t club operator was rubbed o u t by a n assi oday—an(l-lat9-tonight-{>olSce-aftid-hla4HlUns lose to solution of the long-unsolved $1.219,0( lery of 1950. Eighteen hours a f t e r C arlton 1 ^as cut down in an ambush o u ts ide h is home ^tty.-Gcn. William E. Powers announced pol inc of the architects of the B rin k ’s ra id in B ion'a biggest cash hauL P ow ers d ic ta ted 1 ---------------------------------------- to re p o rte rs :

tJnion"Action—■Mixed in Oil

____________________ nf - _______— MoOulnr**, a Jo

~ O 'B rien, saiil also

B w ton peUc* for . .

■ard effort* to »etUe the 18-day kirlke on the basis of a IS-cent tt. u « hour be ourly wage Increase sod other tioned his ««m«,

Worken a t some Cnlled SUU* fiM -5 lu 7 h to awesflnerles have agreed to (ha offer* m ents today and ottd-retum ed-to-w ork-slnee-tb* ttoe-they-needed-xtke w « called April » by a p o - e r s aald Me<

At^olher p l^ ts , d lJ ^ t le s InegoUatlons have cropped up re- . nAtiM uhxnllng retroacUve pay snd union certain he cai •mandJ tha t wage negoOtUons ,ay be reopened every tlx monm*;- :o .lO T P « l..™ lK .» a l.th U

TheTtrik# hiii lutTiKiJfR i t the

rtatlon gtsoUne. forcing Uit U. S. K illed by

11 company warned t ^ y that mUnuttlon of tho oil itrlka In the ^ cn e ss .

^k?^ene^nd‘d lM l'^

rs bSg"I’T O irS a S iT I J I ^ ^ S a m t S . i S . !here motorists hava felt a plneh. ^ d ischarged a tee

---------------"Z r ig h t side, penetratilxplosion Sprays Gas Over Farms

M A R iriT A .T a , M tj IT 1*-A record da ting to It iwly-lnstaUid rajve on tht TllUe In h is teens.ch" pipeline spUt open today and --------------e pipe, like * flaa l ^ l * * t

Nampa MiA nearby housewife said lhe heard Of .AutO ■"mliffled“ bIasK "lH Bn“ tOTlflc--------------------------- :a r" aiyl saw. a ‘huge red baU* NAMPA. May 1

^ f ^ t a e ^ e w 'k n o c k e d fui^ e lr clothes tom to shreds by (he In a collision beCwi 1 a u d ^ . n e » l ^ l c h the and ■ car th ree «1I« shlng vapor whipped over the T h e oU ttu c k wt a r ty area before-lt rost IntoJhft drltJng _raUed over p e r air. Tho men. two of then left th a road from rioutly Injured, wert taken to cm was drtvea by A iKastef Oenerat hyp lts l , W am pa ._________

l i l e ^ a i r G a i n p a i g i

e o p l e t o V o t e i n . E l e

if'mertlng*Md*w«motIon eom- ReglstraUon d e ^ ttce H W, Ireland,'advlier, with elections -were disi y Kimile sJJd JV Ktspari. « • necUon the iirm en. Challenge contest and program. T h e grouj

CT. J y p b M ar. conduct it* p rpgga


n.e'eom m H t..a were appotalrf tht iteerlnf commlttet la Its «ho m ay wish to

wa to """><»«■»■ an IstcnslTi e^pca* ooui«e«, in tb e lr « to f* tv« t«r.to th# be to a gen

S T ^ d W t o i fXileetlon*. ^ Twin^oU* a t a «»U,yM« Of, 0>».CMP*ly^J*^te S S ? S vS S S £ l^

T W I W F A L L 8

T W IN f a l l s ; ibAH67“SUNDAY7MA

i 10 in Twin ]r a ils wil! be determined a t a spccial election . Polls will bo open from 9 a.m. to -7 p.m. ^ { i l io n s ’^ n iT g for a iT e li^ o F o n th e queai ions contained 888 qualified s ljn a tu re s altho n a tu re s were required to bring th e m a tte r t idents o f Twin Falls will have had an opportu: tgis tra t ion for tho"electIuii will open a t 9 a .i ----------------------------------------- the c ity clerk's

ction” to_ from 7 p jn . to «

,ct to EntryMeanwhile, In the samo ares, tev- 77,^ board appo a l private land holders have been jtanee Xelser. city illlng w d ls and growing crops on u jd Mrs. F u e 3 nd Irrigated by wells. registrar,r h e bureau’s request for addlUonal QuaUfled roten nds la st year was deiUed by tha fears of age residi idget bureau on th e grounds work months, resldenU

the project coasUtuted a “new ihree -month* and tr t" ^ c e all of the work that ha^ eons who w en rc e n done M o re waa In the natura last general tesU. co t register again

The trac t Includes lOfno acres ot a quaUfled elector. id_w hlch were withdrawn from Persona 'who did Tnesleaaing wfiniTBTrecIamilion last two g ^ e ra l 'hl reau conducted tests with weUt. Uons m ust re-regls-------------------------------------------- certain aa to whethi

------------- ■ -------------------regUtered -o r-a re -

rNeanng^ ter Killing Drivinga y 17 ( /P > -A ii 'e x .c o n v ic t L a U l l c h u t by a n assassin’s shotgun4d-hi&-W1Hn8f-had-led4hem------ R t i r l p . 'V•ved $14J19,000 Brink’s rob- te r C arlton M. O’Brien, 49, b u r lb v . May 1 Ide h is home, Rhode Island ing course for aduli nnounced police had found , k’. r a id i n ' i o . t o n - t h . n .- r s d ic ta ted th is statement made the annoonc

........ ..to a witness who will testify un- course a re asked • iMrth befoM a-frand-Jui7 -thaV Herald-B<dI«tla-«fi p lanned tb e dtUlU of the Brink's - w-uiiiW ^ )bery w ith Joseph P. McOulnesi FaUilty aBmmn-"_______ __________. . .flberlxr.Saul.Clatlw »Sr-£l^tor. was Uken Into custody by il*ston peUce for questioning about *» slayto*. T to shoriff rej

Freed by PoUm ' vhere fatalities hainla lf an hour befoi* Powen men- *oed his nan» . Boston police let 1 go. T bey aald they were ssUi- 1 w ith hi* aoeotml of h is move- tiU today and could find him any

Placed on tha scene of the Brtak’s Pnrchgae C«^ Possibility of thoIT i. certain he can be wnvlcted at ot theaccessoiy„b^ore_toa fact.- ^ InWUUotower* declined to name his wit- Uagio Vailey safety s bu t sa id he was paaslng tht 37 a t Ooodlng and )nnaU on.. o a to MassachuitUs deI(!gBtaB.-Puiposa.o y. O en. Francis E. Kelly. to formulat« safety

. - s T S i r ””:Q an_*ftcr-tw!> shotgun blasts -

down Carlton U. O’Brien, _ _>esMr Of a so>yur.pollcfl.itc«rd,scUves seised Julius Kenner, U- 1 O l 9 W S .r-old Providence Jeweler with _ • ^

S ’ Pai nt T'B rlen 's slayer held the muide auastrr>hnr ■Mm I 18-gauge ahotgun wlUUn a foot w S m ^ a S ;

1 cn th e aldewalk wben the sUy- j P * lUcharged a tecond shot Into bis ^

t iU ^ 1. . u uiqua rtera a t Lincoln afUr In- ^ r^ e < ^ e s t l« ^ g has a police o f ^ , X ? l n h y r t d a t ^ to 1P16. wheij he w u u,e can of p ^ t*“ *«*"• floor. She left the r

' " momenU and thoJV* ran screaming from

ftmpa Man Dies ^ •’of SiSner**’* *" OfAutoJfojuries

■ car three miles east of Nampa, ‘.'oooing.le oU truck which Martin was -- ----------ing .rolled over twice when It C n l n n Q o v a th a road from ihe impact. Hi* OOJOIl O SyS. wa* d rives by Asher White, alsoiejl___________ Fixing Wl

npaign:to= in .ElectionsSStxSjon*d»dl£iM (or th . two "-hother th e b u d n ions -were discussed in 'cm ^ U l a ^ . if . »« .de lon w ith the naUonal affalri ooothp ^ v lm g e d pram. T h e group reporU ll will ipendlng. But., heuc t iU progy n ^ tw e e n Jun* q ^ o n ca^ ^

9 for the primary elecUoa *>«( tiM tba 1

•Bd wUl end Nov. 1. , tional credit and7 Uaglo VaUer organlaUont eaa bring stabiUtymay wish to purtua liinau fiscal Jungle.”

w« k tbelr oomnualUet wU - .rwbether that miTlUd to a general meetlog tn era* or a1 . Tolls a t a daU to be an- flnnly ca tb li prtnd^ . j tc c w U n i to iteerlm oom- tvwywhetr will n u

■ ' ■ ■ - ■ I-,'. . I’ : ■ - ' •' , ■

NDAY, M A Y 18, 1962

& S i L ^ l 0 r sin Fails:IaI election Ju n e 10, e ity . L ^ to -7 p.m.in th e queatlon , th e com- ”* ¥ * 1ttu re s a lth o u g h they car- I Ile m a tte r to a vote. 1 1an opp o rtu n ity to vote on

^11 a t 9 a .n u -T uesday a t - -------------------r -c i ty c le rk 's o f f ic e in th e Supporters ol h a l l . V o te r s m a y r e g is te r proved th e gene e a m to 6 p jn . end on Ju n t Thov KoaeH *1

and 7 the office wUl be open - “ 7 p jn . to 9 p jn . ocn. t to o e rt a .

.ce* of elecUon set by the m argin w hich T ‘ tion in V erm ont, econd avenue north , flrtt ward; „ „ +«,_ f lall. *ccond w ard, and Jtocken- eaaiiy w on tn e t m to -m uipm en t" eompany."SM delegttee-there-ia none street west, third ward. K>t »lth Taft. t board appointed Mrs. Con- Sen. Zstes Kefs B i e l i t r . clty.xlfirk.-ieglstrQr. /otged.back .lnto_tl Mra. Faye Morrison, deputy among the Cemocn ra r. Oregon's 13 delegah sUfled Totera 'm u st be a i Ing up a big vlcto: of age, residents ot Idaho sU larlty primary th e r

hs, resldenU o f Twin Palls President Tnunai -months a n d . z«Klstered._£tt- urday night tha t who wen red stered for the nominee win be : eneral numlclpal election need that he will, win L eglster again if they remained caute the program lUfled elector. outlines wlU "scan sona -wLhQ .d ld .ng t ypte ln_|he ouLnf.lia .yotcra_ wo general biennial ctly elec- in the advance t( m ust re-regUter. Penons un- to Uit siuual eon n a a to WheUier o r not Uiey are of Americans for ered -o r - a r a -q tj ^ W -T O te r . Uon.-Truman etUt l-oonsu](-the-«l(y-c]erk 's-of- to’whldr6fUrdee“

mnnlni for the not — — ----- -'renT" -----------------------------------------

• • ^ 1 Kefauver M• i v i n g Qass

1 1 |> DemocraUo conventa u n c n e d f o r S ,e ^ S S ^ tu t ^ I S■> • I a j- l n l l - j -i hopefu;

A Q U l l S Chicago

S l i " , ^ ’t'H >»fford Bray of th e Klwanls club Ittee aupportlng the project th e announcement T hunday _meeting of tb e local Safety

r*arlr*tak23^ to " contact the {Jii!? *“ Pi«l«ed I p B ^ Ie to - ^ io e .

Fatailty M arker* way Uuough tho sicc lxr.S»ul.clatk .*how eda*ua. -ISt ■ th e type of xnarkcn to- bo £ 5 “ *='=d io m ark 'the 'eceiiM of fata l ‘ ' n U in tha county: The a o A - ^ ,P0PuUr vot spU y a red cross .on a wtUU »boul Tflpw w t olround. on Priday^ Elo

sheriff reported (4 tftce active'fatalities have occunred In th e ^ “P. « r during the p a s t lOyeoi* wfll « , «« DemocraUorked . *U 13 delegates aa 1Ing th e meetinff, * . H. Taylor, p r ^ t^ U U voUng.» ..local .forest service .office, ?>, “ l?. 0 ° ^ted devices u se d by tha V. B. **« leading Oov, KaKCTvica rh»rfr >».■- ipn'!ii_QfllL_I>OWgisual acuity a n d other factora. S«n*tor Morse. Was

P B W i a s r c o n a d ^ --------- — <c»u-«< «■Iblllty of the Safety councU's T l 1 'n /T ia ln g « .ch « ,u lp « en tw a .co n . IdahO M< ibers of th e Safety eouncll T f T 1aa inviUtlon to :attend..a _..W6lCOI11VaUey safety Oonferenee May ▼» V * ^ W U J Ooodlng and dedded to send T 1 'tas-^urposa o f-th e meeUng-i*-----LiAr.ai—nulate safety leglslaUon to bessir““ 6 , th. „ . . t „

turned from New

^ S w a U o w s - ^ ^ ^ ^ * aint Thinner'SBONE, -May ' 17 - , U n. L L. Langdi3 T harp. Jr., 3-year-o]d ton mother who was runa n d Mra. I> ilaa Ih s ip . rural UUa of American Itme. U In serious eondltlon srrived in Shoahone 1

Ooodlng Memorial hospital p. m., Saturday. Onesult of drixUdng paint thin- her wen four of he■ursday afternoon. represenUUve* fromboy'a physician said It U nec- Chamber of Commerfo keep the child In an cxy- ehab, Merehant’a bum t because h is lungs were d ty ecmmlMton. . . by th e liquid. Saturday hia r . j . scbwendlmat

on was reported as “impfov* uj*, quet of rotes to >£s.

Dolwi ww p ^ U n g In m e recepUon a t Uie train rooms lo he r home and had ^f ( Mrles 0 > ean of p ^ t th inner on the to honor h e 3he left Uie room for a fow "

sx.'a; ,ss.“s ss* JS”DoUn farced her »on*s

opcn.JoJ«-eouL l<et-altand- r f L i r " ? ushed him to a doctor in

?*t i : , ^ ! ! . u l -------- - j n r A u T i* taken f tJfo hdsplUl in ,*to8Ak' Bunday, ■' The eommunlsU todi — -------------------— TJnlUd NaUon* como

•n Says Wagering Will Pose ----- —nflation-?3u^ OMenil j m d ”o r iY ; i*. j ” M*y n t »’ - ” in. H a r t j F . B y rd . D , V a, K a t r n l jlay wag* flx tn s by U>* Presl. * a M . M iB nd another aerie* ot large About 460 memben i l .-.tta*« tea '>„a«y ...w aT B

a* qutiU onable. Byrd aold. Twtn PaUt Jaycees aJ er th e budget ever wUl be nen t otUeeii.'■p.5*'‘ESS' «SS >« '

ed * twe movl* a t

s e d lt a n d T ^ S K d c u m n c j. Buslnu* hones b< ^ ^ ^ ty r tU ty to our .M e n d ee«« nuke Utdr asn

th a t ta a a b e .a Sau>> S w " a Raffitillran, t t he ctanda Totmg-s dairy. Pad

ea t t o B to d p le . Americaa* Produce eoapaoy. C w W yiU y to h ti lupy

-j:' ’';- 1'

> Nine Ir r ig a ted I«T«ho Comitiea ______

tf As<ll >«Nt« « CIm I A.M.I.M m n W4 n>IM Pr

> c g o n Vi( P ro o f Peo

I k ^ B a ^By T1i»Am«A

Supporters o f Gen. D w ig h t D. Eisenhower oved the general Is “ th e overwhelming cholcl They based th e ir ,c la im on his victory in Ore ■n. Tlobert A. T nf t. . B y .h is Oregon win, Eisen argin which T a f t, O hio , holds, and trimmed Itin in Vermont. Tho g e n e ra l ---------------------^ally won the fu ll s la te o f 12 1leratee-there-itt—a 'lim ite d —con- V 't wim Taft. K J C I X C V JJfA Zstes K e/auver, Tetsnessee, ____Ked.back.lnto_the,_deleg*te lead ong Uie Democrats by capturing r I J I Tcgon'* 13 delegates while a lso pll- J -W J.: up a big v ictory 'In U»e popu- oooniN O M>«

s ..- i S H S

It he wm. win in Noveml>er be- i»« toe program which th e OOP ..??*


il the advance te x t of h is speechUit annual convenUon bancuet commitAmerican* for Democratlo A c *or the dvlo group* 1

0,-TVuman rtUl ga v ejio h in t as Which ofUioM currently I n the ^ , J c ^ e _ j ^ i n B & n _ h ^■ Kefauver W in Seen sU tm an t and eipU

Washington - Kefauver su ppo rten *”d mty would sweep Uio staU S°BocnUo convenUon telecU on ol Wortlwt. Luthw & naUonal convenUon deJeaates, «P«*«ouuvf lor O

ere wa* UtUe aentlm ent fo r other aldwitlal hopefuls, but a a trong ■

lou lo Ohlcago un in struc ted . P O S ID O 'I rg lnU -^pubU cana n » m « d LAB VEOAS, Neee more naUonal convenUon dele- __ i9Ui ator *s In two district meetings. Ono irithln tha centls Uiem was a supporter of S ena to r gUtes was poitaoi It^The other two were uncom - the fourth time m ;

Dee'* Margin Big another ai-hoitr An O r ^ . ^ lh e nuolcw

m W S ren g U i of returiis m id- T jX to 'h««*bemr Uuough the alow ballot coun t- ™ noitunec . Uia OOP handed Uie rtaU 'sIbtodi or n -flelegaua to -aastflv ' “^ - S h < ? ^ i S t tver.— ■-*-................ '■ ' araectad eailv U aUt popular vote was • r u n a la f ^iut Tfl per eent of the O O P tu rn - •on Priday^ elecUon d ^ ' T i l T V '

^ c S t e ^ ^ w i ^ ^ S S t fieasUe S V ^ t S ' w i ^ m i a ^ t S B y P a i rferenUal voUng.n Uia OOP returns, E lsenhower n n * _ ^ TiIetd lngaov ,K arIW arren ; C a lli ...... | ; i D g y J -i|i._Q«i^»owglM. M «cA rthur. _ ^ r ° JLttor Uorse, W ash , form er Oov- Two men were 1<c» u»m4 «■ ?.»» «. crf»— i > - n^ t - y d ^ ^ » - f l ^

k h ( jM o th e r =B^elcomed-byL o c a l ^ o p l e M S : ^

Itho't moUier o f th» y e a r » - d t^ ^ H i^ ^ S d e toi!e^_from_ffow_jrort_eatM rday p,m. P jjd ijr^ sjsrmIt and ss she w as greeted a t bend..shone bv-aeteratim i fam l Twlii- -iU «rring_U l Jlea. saoOT Dy aciegsuoiu uxxa iw m q^ _ , b v ,_ «* H»ra1, remajted, T was able t o see J S r tM by a t u u Tankeea pUy and GU Ma«Dou« » : « a ^ Saturday 1 1 had s good day." «« t. Shaw w u otear n. L. L. L u rto o . IW »ber who was nm ner-up fo r th a qjUm ^ iiour, Bs w of American M other o f 1933, u to b e ^

red lo ahoshone by train a t 7:38 jaek kitchen, TW L. Saturday. O n hand to m e e t fiMd 1100 and t l cub wen fou> of he r children a n d ed ta W day* I n ^ co esenUttve* from th e Twin P all* appeal^ hi JotU mber of Commeree, Soroptlxnlst pleaded guilty ot dn , Uerchant'a bureau a n d th e Tbonat p.ceaaiiMioa.................. pUls. were anesUd fcJ. Scbwendlman, chairm an of run accident Ih u n

commission, presenUd a 'iM U - FnuU 'w as tinea'US' of rotes to Mi«. Langdon. H e r and sentenced to Hn

)Uon a t toe tra in marks th e be - oounty JaU for being mg ot a serlea o f events beUig publle highway, ned to honor h e r. Charlea Cole, t!. iZ•s. Langdon lost UtUe tim o de- was reWjseInff frmn tha tra in a n d . ob* Tccognisance When he ? TO happy to b9 cent ot taUure to jlefa

i u ^ l a ^ f S ^ * v . ratypollcei.ro. . toe mlnuU we arrived a a d toto ^U m court m i ^ topt us busy,- sh e re -

..___________ rty deterred Judgmen~ ~ tn rA w T o K D3M6AN.- Sunday. May IB ««> •ppoored In court eofflmunlsU today accused th e pleaded guQty ot ter ed NtUon* ^ '" ■ " < 1 of h id in g The court IndleaUd tsure* ot bloody Tiolanee** to wish te file a more 1 bly rttaln, eapUired war prtK iD . depending upon to*

<OwU»M* m I

SQMem ber» « fS chee lS a P atro ls H o ld A nnual Sc

Mut 460 members o f school a a f a- B trab Produce compt *tw b to m , th r o i^ ^ Pgg t t T O ^ a ^ l

iPaU* Jaycees a n d U w enfo roe - ' 6U U police distril t otUcei» precUticnmerit cartjfeee* In eharge o f the p rog ram

‘.gu°ajid‘ya.”g g,y Ohlef Howahl OlUet

islnes* houe* helping th « Jay> Baniatt. tn t l ls le r^ make to d r annual p ro g ru a a Bob Xlreber f u in

Ml were Independent M eat o o a * m «i"g the tbod..« r, A lb e rta 's Tooi O ea te r. Parkar. btadwl p t w a fs dairy. P aeine > m lt a o d tribatUB.'8(vJi*Mr- luce eoopaor. 06 ea^aala 'B o t* e t tb s .p a n te W d «

fiaS’SnlSffl■ '1 ;i « |\ t > 1 i

. T r a f f i c Det S c o r e b o a r

Here U a eonparisoo of Wt - as of this d a u for IMl and ll

C S _ Valley aad for toe *ntb« JbMagic VaUey. 1963 ,

----- " “PRICE'

K iefccffpJs eople Wai a l te r s Claly Til* AMoctoted PreMisenhower a sserted a g a in Saturday th a t tning cholcPof R epublican votera." o ry in Oregon. H is opposition there did win, Elsenhower narrow ed th e n o m in a l trimmed It a l ittle m ore a t a Republican s

iety Conference Plan for Legisls

DIKQ, Uay IT—Proposed legislative acUoo. fetm ITalley salet/ conference to Ooodlng Hay 9T, wm b te legUlthue tn IMS. T be matn putpose ot the g. a* a maUer o t fac t, la to foimQlate soch pnpc Uwmaken.

eonferenea will open a t 3 p jn . a t the naw Ooodlni r a te d rtsldenu of U agio VaUey ar* invlUd to att<wlU be held a t B p m . ____ ,ird AaimirL!nEOIn~WHmty prrsw oaarqpitw nayr ons commiuee. H. W . Ireland, Twin Falls, wU d v b group* and P ted Abrams. Jerome poUoe chlat, ' th* peace offlcera eomnUtte e . .. JnUua Peterw n..^ in 'of'the pim cuting alluineya ixnunilttee and Xia .1 be moderator of th e O range committee. -Tolfkm ltt,-Tw tn-Pe08.-w m-epeiH he-aftenw e-i mt and eiplanaUon o t toe objective* of tbe oonfei igemenU for toe conference are being made.bj tn c t toe Ooodlng safety council. Bart SUdmore. t, ' Luther Koonce, R . L. V an Houten and WUUs nUUvt t « Ooodlng eounty.

P o n ^ o n p d ^ ^ » r o w i n g rI VEOAS, Nev, May IT O A Ie ISto atomic explodon A H I l C C t 1 » tha ccnUnental TJnlted

■ I s Dis!Isslon otOcUls caU ed-forer Si-hour delay. WABHmOtOH. U

h e r a _, Mey i a P f o ^ to_ demonstratlcBS/ I

to have been held M d a y . -Pretidant-TftBttaim t pot^wed until Batur* speetatcn, mUltexynd .toBn.BnDrtsy-mi)TTilnc.- i n a «iBaUsu=«K]uher permltUog, u la now ourtata etcntilw - led early Uanday m anuasr

» 8 D e la y e d P a ir .O v e r

ip sy B r iv in gmen were arrested Ptlday e rm ts. nd-e*rly-«aturda^-bp-Twin —MiewlMisita - th e -

, On* pleaded Innocent to staUccs, e e ^ - t r . court Sstuday. while tk* open h o a w S M O : ras gtven B to 31 bout* to am enss'dbiidsyedBl Is plM tn JusUce c o u rt a ad Ustcned to eei M. Slerens. so. m s f i f th epeedM bytopcClldi ♦sst— pleaded - tnnocent —T>tnas n ai t towug;

hi* aUomey. A rthur Bab> iS-mtoBtm-■I hi* tnal i* se t fc r 11) an i. aqo>9m «tr«nlannaj In Twin PaUs poUc* eottrt. coat weatEs. *mUln|

n signed to* compUlnt and tak tn f off tU* bat to 1 eer* made to* atreet a t 10:W e e d i ttma a dMrio dijr^SJsrensjw ited Aaktry.

'lng_Uijilea:BitorflaT.«u ______:taw, at, Hazeltm. w ho WM Z m eot&ia miUtai

by a ita u p a tn ta a s a t tire s seated to toe xlgl n. Saturday a t f iv e Fotots Idanttal rerlewlaf at aw w u ctearred n inah ig a o tO dsli tnm l|Qiiris. t a t Uata-avema e as t and g a ^ and Oxeboalbnl r road at a speed o t a s to 40 Invited to tb* dlqtloy r hour. B* was released o c vitea wssteia «edd r d. to her annnal MayKitchen, Twta PUls, was tiiow to MbeeeWB Bed0 |3 cceU . I I I p

A r e a R e d d <guilty ot dnmken drlvtog.Tbonst P. Pruett, Twto ' | t j l (U » f M I I J l

re anested foOowl^ m h it- ..Ident Ihursday evening. M n m n | l % A |m* flnia M 9'*iid-«|-eo*U ‘ i U U I l l C i p a i .enced to five days In tb* LSW19IOR. H t f 1'aU for being drunk o c a t e S T ^ ^ to r tqghway, n resf^M « i tha. Ida1 Cole, tt. ax Pcmrth ave- S a r a T t e S r ^ tt* . was rcMtsed on hia own a three-dor coi nee when he pleaded Inno- D eiegatM T tea m aUure to jleU ih e rig h t o f a t o ^ d ^ M ' a a aSSSSM'S’S

aiSSSiSBSSIS apartment*, atter Bam- ounne. mayor e t Pn ored In court Saturday a sa t i guQty ot reckleaa driving. W to tg n s ttad n * Irt IndleaUd otOoers Biay WQUatrteUr.^Pooati fUe a more eerious charge K S l to m m e S h « upon to* ooiKUtton «t yu» m stdSDtM te l biMt IB t. COna S) Kampa. seecod tloa 1 --------- ;----------------------- R ^ « Banstasn; T«

e e ^ o a r e t y

u a l S e s s io n sToducecQmpaox.OemStMa J v m aaSlbci'XM

police distributed-au ap* & Banter, VeeaUDa.. m merit card*.provided bp .......—


trottls te n a n t. t e h e r ^

« 2 f f 2 5 o 5 w * A t o S

Death ^1" : o r e b o a r d ' ^ •BPerleee of froffleftisittto' fo rU B land lB U fS M S o '


V^antCImhTu rd a y t l i a t ballots lutve Bra,")n th e re d id n o t Indude 8 n o ^ t ^ eonvm tlott ..aepub tfean a tate convBn- i

ence t o ^ Jgislation-May 31, wm be wsisuHil t»"fpose ot the coBftaM -la. . J

e new Ooodlng g r*d*"**^ I H b m u i to attend A i f l

se poUoe chlat. wffl b* chair- H I g f f g»m .-ffwKltll..wfflj>e___ ,


• of tb r t tS e r w ® - ’^ ^ - " - ' : Mlng made.by Dan Bcfdd.M SUdmore. SIsUer,(ea and WUUao .«tau :

O T V m g t^ & r^r m ^ Might Is Displayed

f .^ iA -d u wn uhuhS —


rw srsffi:-MbytepoCOdalt..

I1 E e d d e n t “I i R ' 7

c f e d C J i i e f o f r

n i i ( 3 p a l l e ^ f r

I t « t ttw. Idaho l e a d d B ' - today aa ^ y S S i a S

•te*. la a '



S r iP o w S a .^ ^ T V ' S

Page 2: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

H p Union L eadei |}B Avers Sawyc

Ig - f a b o r - ^« | M *~ >KILAPin3WA.B j f f l ) for bll itM iw orken

IITS oonths e( nesotlaUons. ■ i n iMiwd out critleaJljr » t tb e bo ■ f H tHe tMenl'SSlccd steal mUls. cj B I H U)« •ccretuT of eommerce b t R l M I and DO Irteud o( tha CIO unlol i r H I *^* r***’'""* "* **’* *I B t i l ) worfcen-saSd F rtda rthat Conu I B i l l l . BecretUT O hulu 6aw7ftr hacWfff ■■ip ; ' 'I 'r , bla*" la operating AmaMcft’aJll-li ‘!> 8t««l mllli uafler crdera o t If c :n dent TTUmin. - • '

i(; f P«l«r taa*Ilf - Tba c h ^ e .u m e u .the foui

j r i . ' f£, a{xtheifeniUiIc9niUtutIoaA]co;fc? Uon came to a dole.

iL tv l But a i Mumy erlUelted 8ar ' < T tM iuKted alon a t ls r tmofce

ll'i. i!'v lU l for tteel Ubor peace, ut F 'T v ------ofllclaU 61 tin luauiUj Ul c-/I "proropUy" and "W,i-. gain out »jr«menU baaed onj f i ji: w aji lUbmaUon board rtcomi

ifH’ ^ Murray, lemetlsie* aboutlof« ;■ -•hakim W* mt. tniWtwl * (p i^S ^:' ‘t J , the union la rtady—and al»*yittj; ;W been ready-to bargain witftI n li^ i Induitry.

------------------ UU«.3«PP£<1_____Billi Tb> convenUoD-endlhe b » raN flf |l BAwyw ’I H l i S ' to Murray, and vblch the comn !B ffW |;~""i«erit0 7 -*ujjested''iniiht -be - H l V a l ' to dtletates r«pr«Mi

l l ill the 1.100.009 iteelworken.l l I I ' And read it Uurray did. wir 'I f f l I t at h li itunned audience.aJ-Sw ^ i»ng letter **noflaeQftCAl"

f i |r ® 6 * ta iawiJt" to Uie-imtei.______tl ' 'B?H Sawyer wote th a t thmjgti )If .1>|I e i the *(e«l«otke» had preae*j ‘i n Iteel mill equipment durtDB thi

i ;B------ceat-thrM -d4y_atrlifl_!liW *_tecOon wai not universal."

n7 i r« M um y lUt]y de&Jed th is ch UlJi declared tbat It waa union p

«iiirlng-anT wallcout to cleee pl In orderly manner WlUloUt-

l l i l Recess Taken in ' w Telephone Tai

IM n l DErtVEB, May 17 Iffl—Neg< Ml l*l< tloni between » union b e « a lb - t * ------ eieBunltw-ind a m cfalii.j;X_MH i I I BUte* Telephone a n d 1l l3 I K K ra ^ Domsany were In roco&a t I lu I I until Monday.I l s H An oUleltl of th e 'C IO Con: i l l ■ nlcatlona Workers of America ' J n W ' “there have been no deselopu

-2IE: and n don’t expect a ny th lo s t few days. Rlgbt sow, we*r« Ju it

;■ *' o t Jockeying for poalUon."Ib e aU-member b«tfs*lnlng <

L ; ' l l ------ tn lim f g jiu m e Uattlu emii ’*! « . In the compyi?-* _el»h^.

lii \ begun ’ntuieday have i^ ^ only « e deptftm ent ao f

K ^ V o t e Planned oi j:: ^hoolUnitSi,l;j : OAMBRIDOZ,MaynyP>-4i J , k ii , oounty commlnlonen M U »ei

112:111 daU aoon lot Idaho's f irs t ele i | . ; | 9 l for dissolution o t a reorga

sebooJ dUtrict.V "l . PreUmlnarr details fo r the

'! fi'A Ooa were worked out a t » eo.i,- - — :------ance.of.iUM , e o u n to a n d a.

.. dtitriot otflclala this week.

!- - Oeorge Dwiman, atat«-.schoo]

l^ d e r Che propoced p2«fl, . dlatilet 4sa wUl b e re U t Into dtotnets-oae m the Mldv»le-0 area and the other In tb e C brldge-mdian Valley a res. cUte.board of edueatlon prevlc bad autborited 't h e election ' Attr.-Oen. Robert E. Bmylle i th a l the election' prooedure; ih be almllar to tbat tor eataSlu: k'reorganlied dlitrlct. _

H g e p i t a i

TUlUng boura a t Ma«lo Ti Memorial boipttal are tro m a- and 7 to e p. m.

ADMllTKD Wayne ffamllton. Jacob Mar

lea. Linda’ Mort, Dean l^ w u ; l - Harriion 01te*,.Leonard T.ttin, j

Olen Hence, Mra, Richard 3 inelu, Mr*. ArthUr AUdltt and I R. S. ChanpUa, all Twin F a ll i ; ]

Brawn, Buhl: Mr*. Ter Lasien. Filer, and Mra. V era h

■ rU, Bhoabone.DIBMISBED -

Mr*. O nu Tet*. Mra. U T . 3< sey. Hr*. Jack Roth and daugt Mr*. Dot) AUes. Mrs. t e e Ml Mra. Jeule Lofqulat. M n. EnId 1 son and »on, Mr*. Pranlc Sund. I e tt J . HaUer. Mrs. Leo Klrkr Claude BMnm. Mra. W. B. 1 aod Mr*. Louise Palmer, all : Palla; Mn. Paul Mala. Mr*.':

I t f f H ; Sbobe aad eon. M n'E .-W . McI v ! i? lK ' ^ ^ Mt*. Margaret Browi

t H l —' ' Blaven* intl ton and Adel B ■••-•‘•Ml« eB;-Uflird-PyTB*ei DgUe;

' l l l I M ^ PtVoa{a, Shoahone; } ■ I E Thompson. PUerrClara-M ae H I | t I nlng, Ooodlng, and Mrs. Btlne I I I H ke], KlrkUnd, Wash.

ij I ■’WeatherS t | i j Twtn nOa aad jrte ln J ty -i

H i I S . __ L ytftcrdsy « , lew U : a t S ».Bl wt ~ a » M e t^ ~ i t :M r ^ i ) iu t ie <9} ini St*U»B Max. Ul i p i ^ s s s r — I S £BelBeci^ BoiM ____ ^

IO B B STAQI o f KSAtaS w z

t t* t o r t l e r .f la a k * > f rK « i K T a . M w « s y a i A m b r « b * f l n

I f f

t f t ’


Seen.TTsawyer ------------------(o r -^ W

ffia-'atfir^K K Cl-«eeklna a wage ew -th rw ig h - barred jlndO T -,-,.teelworkere after D eputy aherlff uilng hands to deinegotiations, hae crltw actlona o t woman drlrer wlily a t th e boae o t mistook courthouse aldewalk f(Iteel mills. caUlng <lrive«ay wbea drtrfoc-ctc up 1Mtnmerco biased courthouse for drlrer'a te e t. . . Mhe CIO union. a a d Mr*. L. V; a m t* making lastt h . nnit>/< si*»l. m lpuw prepw U oni for air trip <

^ ^ a e n t f - O t 0 .-o f-C r-oom m lU *e-»e«ttag ...c row d! euunlnlng armed force* de

^ jW exhibits . . . PeiStrlan* at*ring tc order, o t ^ to locate }.

plane . . . Man driving car vlth or h and while holding opened Jjoitle <

! u the four-day., tnllk In other hand . . ■ Dog vlsltln :«utioa*J coRveh- com flt JocsJ drireln In eeareb * oie. luindouts . . . Howard Moffat chaicrlUclxed Sawyer Ing car down itreet alter be forgel tiny smoke slg- to aet brake when parking . .

ar peace, urging Woman learning to ride btocl

enr- trom another bicycle . . . And ovei ^u bu ed on tho heard: ■'Moet of th»e drirer* UilnMard rtcom m cn. k %rT“ gStii"to*tl

lee ahoutlng and , t i a

52S.T,«.hS Russians Lift BanonPatro

endlhg harangue b b r LIN, May n njv-Tbe BovlelUr flawyar wrote today dropped theJr oo-igaln. oJlch the commerce ngftu, ta n on allied mlllUry polle1 m ight-be-read psiiols-traveUlng ihe-llO-mlle Inites repreeentlng tem atlonal highway between BetU•orker*. *nd Western Germany.Tay did, waring Both American and BrltUh paI audience, and tro ls passed Soviet sons) bord«nonsenstcal” and «u tlons ’ th o u t trouble," XT. im trm __________AUUUirlUeS Mid. 'a t thooigti most During the previous nine days, thI had preserved Soviets had alternately pasted anit durtDB the re- ha lted the patnls. The allied millr lke_“th la pro- ta ry Mllce seek to curb ipeeders anJversal." a id motoHiS In dlstieir-on-thlied th is charge, highway,as union policy The Soviets based their harait to cloee plants sing anUcs oa a claim that a four:r Wltnout on? -ppwer-agreemeiit laTe-them-emlu

Blve control of trafflo on tbs high

i to e e ^ ‘'ineg*l armed patrols" alonE e n l i t th e road.

m I I Allied authorltlea reported thIT IP I H m f l SovleU also had ended tbelr slow

jone a n d Tele- border sUUoni.« in r»co*8 today --------------------------

»K!io oom„u- Drastic Revision eI S hH Is Seen for WSI, W iUHmOTOK. M .I H UV-Tba’lUon" house Ubor committee ts ezpectebarsa in lna com- to recommend a drastic recrganlu

Hnn nf th» w .." -ti.blUntlen boat mv's B iiht-stato m d a sharp reduction In its powe)

•'-tenUU«t-the-atM l vaga.dli ■day have dealt TUte.irtm ent ao far. T h li was the opinion today ( _ _ _ _ L T - some key members of the ccmmltti

J ....... w hd”have 'beeh'TietrDignestttnor

“'T‘e‘* MtntheW8Bthel*U eipected. to recommer

1 M?J; eloM’y those voted this weit^ 'a « o r » S u S by the senate banking committee

Senate OK Sought SS -O n Scilon Tax Ai(ita te-achool-rB - -WAaHlNQTON.May.n.wtrSe;o t_________ gTiimriw.D,. La., lald todavhe wou!0S8d plan . Jalat urge senator* to app rovers housi» split Into w o paaaed provision which in effeis M dv»le-Oran« giT u eongressmen a pay boost tV In tb e ( t o - allowing them ntw tax deduction*«y, *re» .^ ™ EUender la chalnnan of a sinai

n S SssSS5- “

t o eetamlihlng ha will ask the group «' re ta in the surprise house provlsloi

I-because “It ahouid->l>wt Offset tb ta x increases tor all members c congress tha t becomes effecUre s

. v .» „

Kidnaper GrantedStay of Executioi

T SI' baivt MW n ai-* comuua tjuf w.

A S m ^ a S i . 5‘: “ ‘ ”2 ’'- £ .S " ‘brwln F .U i; M r» 5 , '„ 2 l % ? U l 5 S ^

™ r d District Judge Davis 1 ur*. v e ra Mor- <,rtered that John D. Billet_ _ be released to federal authorlUei5 ? ? » m Th® »t*‘«' however, will file a de ? against -Uve-3«7i*r-«J'n and daughter, tmn»r aaleonui lo tha

«P<w ^ release front W erai eu* .M « . Enid Her- uxly ha will be returned to Utah

sentenced to one yea; • l«rkm an, jjfe m the xJtah prison on thi r*-. kidnaping charge. In addlUon h'

waa eenunced to 15 yean In federa - W ^ f c S ^ Prtw n on a eharge of bank rebbeo

•garet W w n . aU I ' ' ;— ~ '

and Adel Sertx , r t i n e r a l B TTBeai DgUe;-Mfa.

^ the Reynolds funeral home chaw — TUt R e^aertnan 0. Rlee will el

I th e r & rS£iZ!T".f‘S;54 “M: a t S ». B . 6B. BURLE7—Puneral itrvlcea tTr piutlenr-nr TUJdrew-Abderson-wiu l»*-he3d-

w'l '*■«. 3 'P . m-.Monday In the third wa ____ Mf*- 'fi® LDS ehureh with Bishop Lawwn-------SO Tt. A. TolRian OffleUtlng. Mend* m--------■>* « , call a t trie Mcculloch funeral hoi

.natU.:tltae.of; ierTka..-aurl*l «« be made la Pleasant View cei

--------M s^ TV. etery.

-------f? RO PtBT - PunenI eerrlces i- - It k Mrs. Anna Schoen will be held

—— H S a p ja Monday a t the Ooodm= = { » a _____ mnrtuaiT. Burial will ba mada

Rupert eemelwy;

H J o i ^ ( ^ ^ ' S r S held*^l 3— ^ ■ p jn . Sunday a t the Method WAKK W B K church. Burtil will be lotde In Ip« ™««7._____

" • BURIiBV ~ Puneral servlee* tlM faffaU. John A. EUwn will be beld a t 1 p

^ ~ T y a i ^ a t the U 6 w>

m o v c a S a u . e t L o a ott(dailttg..v,Burial vlU U ib i ' , i l a l U t * e 4 e (« 7 . l

TI Nevada Solon- iBlLLJ Explains ffis

rifniiflierantfiil^ . n rtrt»iS tro v ersu i immigration bill do nc S r S d J S i S f « understand Ita antl-subvtnlve prc

Nevada Democrat said hi ^ m eaaure is dealgned. to "eneourag

desertlon i Xrom iubver»lv* ranksW-aoWbatTtn»-prQC)efilltt..l.mml

-iu ; ■gnBjW^Tmo-»cil»ely-hav*-«oiUagttU »t any toUlltorlan o w n la

etflans staring to . »n«eo* lu rIvlng w 'w fth one membership In. or afflllaI S l S S h o ^ nt Uon w ith, a totalitarian otganla? tlon. even w hen voluntarily. U nc

e r i u r " ”* f w U rtdem pUon w l t i n the strict con hen ir iS n g T .^ «*«Ptlon.“ McCamhnl?f. **a>m e (TpponetiU of the bill ha»nniiui argitge tliat It -t;are-^er»»«r allit

. r a A w ork nights to speed action on Il a I I T f S e n a ta Democratle Leader BmeiIB J - i lX l , w . M cFarland. A rlt. served notic

_ - th a t h e pJana a "UM tetilsit Mor.

n Patrol---------------------------M oParU ad -a lso . ja ld . .Uie_»en»l.7 lUV-Tbe BovIbU will have to work eight hours a di eJr os-igaln, off- from now on to finish In time fi ed mlllUry police the national eonventlons. the-llO-mlle In- . MoCarratt aald preaent lmrnlgr*

sy between Berlin tlon Uw denies admission to “mea rmany. bers of any totalitarian organlu

and BrltUh pa- Uon. ■whatever It may be called, bi let sons) border th is restricUon applies only to th« , trouble," tJ. B. who Joined auch an organisaUon e

th e ir own fre e wUI." lou* nine day*, the -------------------------- -

r f f is rs D eath Claimsoitb fpeeders and

F.Man, 63,ised their h a ru - 7 7—After lUnesitfflo cn tbs high-nU ies'w erettylnr —Anthony-Bdward-(Ed)-aeorge,-6 Bed patrols" along died a t S:30 pjn. Friday a t U

M agle VaXfay Uemorfsf hosplt lea reported the a l t e r an Illness of several months, ended their *3ow- M r . Oeorgo operaUd the Twi trticks lulng the PaUa Empire Auto garage for ;

Is prevloujly had y e ars . He w as » aalesman a t U jte iTupecUon of tim e of h is death. He was boi t_Jflt_ttit_IO«ks A n m 19. ISflfl, In Monterey. Call ». H e moved to Twin ^U TIrom Hani------------- M onica in 19X7. Mr. Oeorge waa' a v i a i n n m em ber of th e ChrlsUan ehurch. bCYXDlUll M r. Oeorge Is survived by Ii

1 for WSB °S.M ayl7M V -Tbe O eorge, Loa Angeles. CalU,; or nlttee U expected bro ther, M anuel Oeorje. Nap irastlo reorganlta- C a llt .: th ree sisters. Mra. Ocon ■tabllliatton board H am m . Berkeley. Calif. Mrs. Ro: cUon In its Dowm c e a . S iu rM a teu. Oallf:r-«nd-Ait IS ataal v s h dli> J-UUan Brown, pacific Otove. Calll

aind four'grandchJtdten: opinion today of Puneral ser^ces will be held i * of Uie commlltee 10 aJn . Monday a t Oje B ^ o li hetnhnesttntonT- -tu n e ra l hom a-chapel .with the.Re •U crn^Uie board’s H erm an O. Rice offlclaUng, Tl almmendatlons la hod y will b e sent to the Wock

la w n Sfausaleum a t SanU Jdoaii the W8B the labor .to tju e m a tlo n and Inurnment, ed. to recommend T h e f a m ^ refluesU >se voted this week th e memorial organ fund at U inking committee. ChrisUan church.

K Sought Chief of Navy Scolds Solon

I p ^ t ^ e house- o t th e Kavy Dan Kimball which In effect congress la a t hlght for refusing i

s a pay boost by v o te tunda to build s second supi iW tax deductions, a irc ra f t carrier, irman of a sinate -W e canno t continue Uie order ibcommlttee han- developm ent of - adetpiate nav 1 money WD for to rce s 11 we cannot'have Uj# sbJj \ the. provlsloa U trozn which to Uunch the Urgi

a lrtaraft n e e d ^ io malhlaih'the >i ask the group to p o w er necessary to control- U

e house provision, oceans." Kim ball aald.Labout Offset the T h e navy-secretary atUcked coi ■ all members o f greaslonal ala4jr6S“ ln"the mUlUi smes effecUve at. b u d g e t In .a n addreM.to Uie Anne ear.” F o rces Chemical aasocUUon.------------ R a said th e only question for U:

legtaU tors to ponder should be, -i I x r a l l l c U TOM want ade<iuate. defense, and n J • ao. when do you w ant I t fS u c e C H l I O n “W h « «c«rw s r<^ « o w hot asked for a bl*n7 ^ 1 ^ 17 check ,” Kim ball said.

**We flUed la aU the Items on cti McuUon to d ^ » butlget. a n d eveir Ittm waa os ed In a lederaJ t h a t h id been Un«n»h U»e budgi

■jua„ D .,1. T. S S " " “ * t John D. BlUelt __________________

S S S T om an Br:«s^rf SS« „ 5 S2-* Prior Noininatioif tu m ri to Ulih. W A H n N O T O N ^ ^ y . i 'i Wl- inced to one year President T ru m aif u ld tonight tha lh prison on the w h e n a Prealdent wants to be re . In addlUon he nom inated "there Isn't anybody li .5 yean In federal th e world w ho can Atop him ."; i ot bank robbery Truman'S obaervaUon waa mtdi aantreBseq'. ^ conventfon ()

I Americana tor Democratic Aetloi V flllf rV ' w hich. In 194fl. boomed Oen. Dwlgh

. ^ --------P.-~~ElHnhuwef tor the-Demociati'Br&lB nom ination Truman was seeking.

th is . Trum an told throi they wtr r a r tJ M t w»»tlng th e ir Uma Uien tnrinfc. fc

*wm getUng Uie iii« . J i l IneiUon. A nd now that he has de

w m a r u u ^ e b ody can Change hU mind,.•oleum at Santa n >or erewuon and Fafmers Blamedn ^ services for I i r S p U ^ S h O r t S g i« wm be-Iwld-al -^H A R T Pofe irO onS rH itf’ lTaJ. In the third ward — ^The stsit*- OPS dlteclor eharj*

b Bishop Lawmiee Ss turday th a t tarm en deUbmU. atlng. PHend* may reduced to e lr poUto acreage In l»l illocb funeral home i n an e ffo rt to avoid over-iuppwtrke..-Surlil win r e B ^ ^ t - t e * prioe»;Ujl* y*«. «*sant View eem- 5 ^ . * ^ aaU thU redii

tlo n . In SMldlUoa to advene growii------ ecndlUons la«t yetf, are the ma’uneral services to r reason l o f the present potato shot >en will be held a t «<e. Be denied that Uie office

tgiTt.'ags "■««y7 _ - I l l j-------zz:. ■_.■■ Stnkfe-Talka VailrUl be held al 3:30 PORTUUJD, May 17 W)-t a t the Methodist Lumbermen's Industrial RelsUo

s s n a y s s f f c r a------ workers— imlon negoUaton fi*uneral eervica to r ed to reach agreement Prlday oi111 be beld a t 1 pim. aew contract.

u e ward ^ R Hartung. i^ o n__p te^

Burial v m > ib M t» sp lit .tb e serilU tloo sfsaions t Mir. 1 111— •---------- -------------------- -------------- f . . — ------------

Solon. T w i n F a l i ^n s H i s H e e t le t

. T l • ! ! Mountain’ Rock Orange wlU aee r n T l t r m l l ^ ^a«>p.-m:-M ot>day lo uve orant

m » ih H n w o i« r ^ — ------ —T O ts-of-hls-«oa- -Diefc-w*lte,-33l-Maln.avenue * « atlon bill do not reported to c lly ofllcers at S:l4 pa itl-subvfTslvB pro- pjiiiiy U iat seme wrenche* value

. , . a t t x have been atolen from h CTiocrat said hi*led. to "encourage *' --------iubver*lv* ranks- n tn le pU n n ed , prflcecwit-.l'nmlv - M m btf *h>. «>i»lt Youn ^ iy - - h a v s - « o ^ W cfnen^OhTUUaft-««><>utIon^a lltarlan organlai. ^ j pjc^iic of the scijoM y-fonntriy-be- i't „ t S e v e n th ' avenue portb-» jate Bar * P- “ • 6 a t u r d _ ^lip In. or affllla- - .r f . v i .umarian otganlia- S w ldcn la Vlat* volunUuHy. U not Mr. and Mr*. Marvin • Mayi0 RdmlMton tf tho BeatUe, to n n e r Twin Palls resident demoMtmCcs hls are week-end guests «t the H. ]

n Uie strict con- Dodson hom e . A potluck'dlnncr 1 ipUon." McCarran their honor will be held a t 1 p. n

Sunday tn th e teuowihlp room <1 of the bill bave the PUst B ap tis t church, ars tere*sr aliens ■ ■irlan connecUons. c»o6le»te for Dejree- .r^^^«^I“ biii .n l C. Jensen . Jr.. son of Dr. ac

th. Mr*. E, O. Jensen. 1303 Maple annu». l» • candidate tor a bachelor c

^ L e ^ d r^ i^ « U degree a l WhltiMD coll« r i t « r«d -M tlce WaUa W alla, Waah. He Is one of i; tste’se«/5n“ Mon- ieninn s la ted to graduate a t coc UM ses* Mon exetcUes nexl Sunday

(Jij Mnate Meeting P laaaed eight hour* a <l*y wsiSs c l r c le lJ o r i l 'w iin n e e H

finish In time for the youth center o t the Methodlentlons. church a t 8 p ja . Wednesday wllpreaent.lmrnlgra- Airs- .R obert McCrackeO .and Mrimlsalon to "mem- Rolen W lllls as ■ hostessw. Mtlltarlan organlta- jiogei Thom as. Kimberly, wUl gh nay be called, but the program, a book review o t *Btlpiles on ly^those Meadows,” hy Gladys Taber.

tl." OeiBg (e W asblortoa~ ; Mr. and M rs. I. K- Oepner, Twi

:iaimsr y - A ten- D-a n f \ * 4 DonWT"«~I5J(r»rBdtiafo-©f-Twl L a a l J jV f t J a sebooj, Donna Is en

■wtt ployed w ith the FBI. She wlU ri- - J l l n C S S parenta for a visit.

.. *1 Mr*. OJ*r» Homen W dar « 1 h e “ fifiTJ?ea-DJ*TntSSTetamed fru femotlsJ hosDltaf Alhambra, CaUf.. where ahe «pei T v ^ m o X Mveru w eeks during Uie Illness ar >erat*d the Twin death of h e r mother. Mrs. EUu ^ B ^ e f ^ M beUj W areham , 93. During her sti

a a l ^ a f t ^ m A lhambra, Mr*. OJers visited h t t He was bom Dr. O aylord Ojers, aad famll ^ M iS t e r ^ ^ C ^ PhUadelphla, Pa.r ra isT ro m B in ta ~ IT _ -----------Mr. Oeorge was a T ons of Horses lirlsUan ehurch. More t h a n e ight tons of hora

survived by his hauUng a three-ton wagon, will : I, Francis Oeorge. *hown I n ^ i n P a l ls ^ u n ^ y , Moi allf and James <5ey and Tueeday. The elght-horseles Callt- one Budwelser team of perfectly match. 1 Oeorge. Nana. Clydesdales arrived Baturday ev ters. Mrs. Ocotge nlng. I t takes tour grooms, oi

Calif Mr* Rosa mechanic to r th e trucks, a supe a d river and two tack men

.clflo Otove. Calif-; handle t h e outiiu

iS wili bo held at - n i i - n iEx-Buhl Banket TieavesHospital

a t SanU Monica ~ r fl inurnment. Byme*. 63. Boise, was r tuesU dotuUcw to Sa tu rday ftom Uie Mag rgan fund at the vaUey M emorial hospital a tte r ma:

Ing a miraculous recovery trom gyj ----- shot w ounds intllcted Feb. 33 ne

I l \ f l V Y Bjroes, tonner president of tl-. -J b ran c h o'f Uie Idsho 'T lnn?,

a - G n 1 < ^ T i Q tlonal.bank..w as taken to,Uie ho9 O U l U U o pltal In critical condlUon fro- wounds susta ined when accidental

Lid i°^s«ond'm oS '''*»«« Bymea failed to retUJ lid a second super ^

nUnue Uie orderly * ‘1*- arifmiate tiaval '**** th e Buhl-bank, began-

«,fhaVe m e X w h im .-T h e y fa m d hiUunch the wnscloua otter toUowlng hU tooJ malhlsih'Uie sea' »teps In - th e snow.- - -

to control' the Byrnes was struck three Umes :u ld the c h es t and left side near Uta rr atUeked con- waist. T h e 13 gauge shotgun a{“ In'U ie muiury ddentallr-dlseha^ged-as-he-ciawliress to Uie Armed through » fence, Bynies aaid. .

S B k .'S; i m E B G E O r aTTiMn

ked wcgrws ler asked for a blank •—

1 the Items on our W A J T / ( C ^rr Itsm was ons I ' j f J -irongh the budget _ «<«■»• . .U»re* Umes." hb 7 ^ ^ / ' • ~

-y--------- ,ka^sof- u .inunation ESTt: r.1 ^ XJ« a y - I f OPI— h asn 'tsaid tonight Uiat ------- " ----- ... _ ■wants to be re-Isn't anybody In <

~ 2 MOTICE T>med Oen. Dwlght ' ■r' e-Deirtoetalie---------- ----- ----------------an was seeking.

1 thrm they were P T T T I« men Cryini.to IV W In IgetUng the nom-

FOUR UlBlamed

_ a e iU iu i)U r.iiw n iin » rf.} dlteclor charged Hi*®- ^ y °U w ish to mov« irmere deUbmUly m a y d o SO a f t e r ffivin? th

M o r e S u ^ w “ « 'l e a tr prtoe»;Ujis ytar. m ia s lb l# o n ^either eide.jy said thla'redu©: ------------ ----------------------- -- ------to adverse growing - 'rear, are the mala “ NUITsent pouto short- ^that Uie otflce ot l i t tu r n J n f f a t an in te rgec

>a wu responiibis l e f t h a n d lan e o r l e i t f ro

PalkH 1 - 1T h® I*"*" a re f o r

S S i S ' S ' S ; DO NOT MItrlkjng CIO Wood, • - 'ilonnegou«tonfau4 TWIN FALLSlg. f f a n prwMent, ______________V

- ;w - ' M

----------- ------------------------- ------------

T I M E S - N E W S , T W T

Falls News in B riefSlgas at CoDsgs

^ B frt 0. H ew lett b u « jro n i

------------ ^ S S l i ^ i , » i r n « n . t o mamavenuo ww^ Twin. Palls Realty and Insuran<

company wt*-med W d a y b y Job

~ Gets PremeUen

renu* powo a t o*cir w . ChrUtlan.

r - SaaaaifBt Servlee SetT»ln Palli LD3 first a n d th i

*>U how » Joint aacrame; 1 Pa Is rwldenw. 5 ^ ^ l i ubtmacle. The sacram ent servi

Itluck at 7U0 pjn. In th e U b em ad e h ^ V r o ^ oi >«‘nP«‘tponed^_____

_________ * ^ . .^ r * T l l . . iL n loi i lM-rwfWdiy aJgbt was recovered to Klc

son of £>r. and berly Saturday nights The auto 1903 Maple ave- a IMO Bulck sedan owned by Mi ror a bachelor of j, a. Young, 538 Fourth aven' hitm an college, east. Kimberly police tound t t abai He Is one Of 122 doned In Uie business dU ttlct. raduate a t com- - . -a next Bunday. Wins Sermon Contest

Teddy Turner, theology atude at BuUer university a t Indlanapol

ll'w iu-n iee t-b i Ind.;-h«i-be*n-awardsd .-t h a - fU f the Methodist place cash awsrd o f a’ serm on eoi gvedoesday wlUi test. Ke also has been elected lekeO and Mrs, TheU PW, honorary fra tem Jty 1 hoitcssw. Mrs. the college, Turner U the I d a Ot M nberly, will give and Mtt. H. E. T urner.; review of "BtUl -------- -f$ Taber. Jklum to Homes

Mr*. W. J. D rury, Mr. a a d Mi a a w. Andrew*. JEIlls A n d re w , a)t oepner. Twla H. T, Andrew*. aU ^ n W ^ o , ai Tuesday for a Mr. and Mra. H ugh Preckel a> n In Washing- daughter, Luveme. Mitm., have r their daughter, turned home a t te r a ttend ing f id tiM -ot-T w ln nstal-ssrvlcea tor.thelr.m ottier..M i Donna Is em- Uyitle Andrews.

31. She WlU re- ----------Its for a visit. Not«« Tea Planned--------------- .. Members of Uus Mnglc VftUey M

morlal hospital s ta t t and F i rs t Dl o ie tam ed fro m trlct Wufias-assof la t iun arilLhfl there she tpent »n Informal tea tren ; 3 to 4 p. 1 I Uie Illness and Wednesday In tb e ho ip ital aud ier. Mrs. EUia- torlum fbr Mr*. C. S. W oolmaa. i During her stay rector er nurses, who U leaving Olers visited her mske her home In Nebraska. I jen, aad tamUy, graduate nurses a re lavlted to *


es Births ^tnn* nf hor«j A son was bom to Mr. a n d K

1 wagon will be Ql'n Hence. Tw in FaUa. and Is Sunday, Mon- dsughUr lo Mr. and M rs. Vem The elaht-horse Lassen, Filer, a t the M aglo Vi

1 Saturday eve- 8oni were bom F^day to M r. ai ur one Mr»- Tti^ Hurat. Twin r a lU . k Sticks, a super- W- «"« “ rs. H arry C urtis . Ha two tack men to I _____ _________ M ^ g e n a ^ O rU t.lm

Sanket Negotiations Fold [lospital In Plant’s Strik_____________ P E A R L R n ^ N .y .. M ay 17 a

—Union aad m anagem ent rent • “ >!"• '■'V **' tenUUvea . broke olf negoUaUo tom the Maglo Saturday In the th ree-day-o ld »trl ipltal a tte r mak- u ,( American Cyanam ld cot Mvery trom gun- p»n,-, uderle labora tories whl ted Feb. 33 near has hali«d producUon o t th e "wo

der drug" sureomyeJti. • president ot tha Negotiators adjourned a nine ai Idaho Tlnt-wa.i one-halfhourscsslon a t th e plck«

tken to Uie hos- bound plant early Saturday with condlUon from “no'prpgrtis" report.-T tiey did B

phen accidentally ast.a tUie.Jot.anDUiet.m^etlng.H -«lsaoru-«a4:>e*a thera.WM nn indleaUon w hen net

UaUons will be resumed, ailed to return Lederle U the world’s only pr . for dinner, hU «>'''» « » drug, uaed to combat te current presl- number of InfecUou* diseases. Tl 4nnk beam to company also m anufactures penlc: t« » - io ” h talowln. h li toot- eeuticti^productfc__________

Conference Setlee ahotgun ae- “ 182- May 17 W .Ri-^U te Supe .* Intendent of Publle Instruction A^ a S T ^ t^ B r j5 n is announce. th-afth-T* z ! l Z Z L - _ _ nual sute educational leadersh

M M U » conference wUl be held In Sol June 13 and 18 on tbs Boise Junl

~ college campus.IuM jII Jones said the gensral thems .

IIJ . tjie conference w ill'b e devoted flnanclai support o f public schoo,

, BAKER STB IR E ENDS___ r\_i<l5TO . ‘ SALT L A K E .crrV , M ay 17 (*

■m* weekKild s tr ik e of A PL Bake , . V . union members against seven bal

- srl« supplyJng 90 per c e n t ot U' * bread for Utah, southern Idaho ar

louttiweitem w yo m m i ended fc <i*y.

Who has Jus*' ■ Oold.an(l e o p ^ « billeved asd en* whe bave been the tlrat. m etaU knov

and used by m an .


UR UNE TRAFFIC—NUMBER 1 ~ _________ ^

Qwn-lane o f .t r a f f lc ,-D o -N O T -a trB d d le th o vish to m ove over Into fh e o t h e r l a n e y e u :er ffiyiny th c proper gfgnal a n d t h e n o n ly lane la c lea r of traffic . P a s s in g i s ' ’c r- ith e r Bide.__

N U ^ E R J - '

an intw aecU on, never t u r n r i g h t f r o m «8 or left from > right hand lane,

-N UM BERS-_______________________


I falls POLICE DtPT.--------- — ’• H W ir a i i t t^ K , c h u i '

' ' ' ■ '■ 'V'-'' ' V I ' . ' 1

; W 5 . T W m - g A L L g , ' i d a h o

" I Committee Sugg ---- ---- Permit Loss f.t t b u •sraU ed Liw ig TOW, May 17 tll—A rteonn i e s M U ^ J ^ o t d K T d r i v lM b» ^ ’■8*.------------------- itr iM d e -se lu rd a ir-h M n e -ttam fi

= --------------------- ; 5 ^ ™ ^ i i i i U u W t o b e r t - 0 , -name fo r th s ' crBi!nend*il6n'trUie-l^la«v*-«em

and Insurance Flood aald present law r e q ^ i U T U d ay b y -Jo h n driving ehallrhave hU driver'A i l e a th a rd O. Hunt, <171* cetfnilttie s»ld I t felt the c

to teea law enforcement.- ^ t appear! u u t thU parUouUr c

to be hesllant,‘and even reluctant,

i n M s o d w 'u M " “ utjioSi.Sy’S ^ ^ 0

d t Mr. and-M rs. dasy a deftndant the right to drlvsTni* «mjnlttee-r*comm«ulBd th

shffw e*us* and apply to r restricte Set for the purpose of conducUng thifirst a n d third themselve* and dependents.Joint sacram ent -------------— -----------------------------. today In the ^ 1* jf t S S L S r S V o t e C o u n t i n g t o

D e l a y S t r i k e E n d'bah >TtAN01600. May ^17 W ,-

NM>y*r#d in Kim- « propoMd selUesiant ot thihts The auto U Mven-itate Psclflc Oreyhound bui1 owned by Mrs. mav keep the buses tron:

Fourth avenue rolling until late Monday, a unloi:e found t t ahan- ofntiai said Saturday.:ss dU trlct. Counting of ballots s ta r ts Bun'- dsy noon. Al Bsker, a local ot' H t {leui o{ Uu apl Motor Coach Sm ' heology atudeut pmyga union, »ld. But i t may no ’ a t indlanapoUs, b« completed in time to schtduli

if a’ serm on eon- tti s bailou are coming tronbeen elected to onggn. CillfomI*. Nevada, Dish

ry tra tem Jty i t ^ew Mexico. Arlsona and 7\»a.U the so a o tM r: termlnaU'of the far-thtng-systemim er. -------------------------~ April, the fourth m onth In th<

modem calendar, was tbe second Uy, Mr. a s d Mrs. the Roman csUndar.Ils Andrew*, aod -------------------------------------Ban Diego, and ' -------

gh Preckel and Minn., have re-

r a ttend ing fu- ^ielr.motiier..Mw.. _ . — J l ___________________

i£^E„rX[ftDn^’N ebrw U ?* \ R O E B U C K A N Ire Invited to at- %

to Mr. a n d Mr*. n FaUa, and a . md M rs. Vemon the M aglo Val- sp iu l Saturday, iday to M t. and Twin r a i u . and rry C urtis . Han-sr« b o m to Mr. C h o o

) n s F o l d i t y l o d i l,’s strikeS. y .. M ay 17 0JJ5 . ^ •nagement repre- ^otf oegotlatlens ree-day-old itrlks ' ;^ a n a m ld com- ”

boratorles whleh ion o t th e "wod- c!ti. . irned a nine andon a t th e p ic k e t^ ..... - ................................ ....................Baturday with a .

r t.-T h e y 'd ld not - — ................... ...............................iher.m ^etlng.and._______ ____ __ _ . __aUon w hen neto- ___m e d . ' P/onTeoWoirbfoui* forld’s only pro-used to combat a C l AA■u* diseases. The ▼ ■ ufactures penlcii.>t,0tn«T_pharnyi2 - •

nceSet -J.R i-SU te Super-e Instruction Al- O O O » 1 0 9n S I K a t - l h - r a n r --------^ 0 ~ a W i ------ 1 ------------ional leadership - - . . v s ^I held In BoUetbs Boise Junior » ^

raneral theose otll 'b e devoted to T T T f e w)f public schooU.

IRE ENDS \ 7 ^ 'V jr v . M ay 17 ( * - J V ' ' ! n |C _ > S ae of AFh Baker* f \alnst seven bak-pw c e n t ol th* i

itham Idaho and 1m in i e n d rf to- t f f i m i ■

r m believed to at. m etaU known



i t r a d d le t h o ^e r l a n e y o u I -----------j t h e n o n ly - -.- Iin g '^er* I

- ...........l \ , | f - i F ® '

g h t f r o m a / m I ^n«f . 0 1

n d n o t f o r v I'IC^LANEI ' I \

•tP T .^ Chut ' -------^5B4955B_

E O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;

Suggests Change in - jOss fo r Tipsy Drivers* —A neomraendaUoa that motelsU ecnvlcted lUoved to ro«ala their revoked driver’s licenses tha trsfflft ftd>ninUtW-ntJtoa-a»l>9Jjap.ldPftL

4 to t ^ - ^ - yU>od, ch a lm tp ,_ * u b ^ j^ tee iw .

r retitUre* t h a t any per*on convicted of drunken iriver'a Jlctaaft m oked tor one year, t felt the c lause tn the law tc ti a i a deterrent t.parUeular c lau se . • . eauses many ot Uu courts 1 reluctant, to find a defendant guilty tor var- ilt tee report said.today become so much a necessary part ot our

h t to drive f o r poUUeal or humanIlarSjrr«»nitr^ imenited that.-convfetad. peiMtu.be. allowed to [or restricted permits, to operate motor vehicles iducUng theu- livelihood or tor the welfare o tn ta . - ................. - ................... - .

[g to Huge Saving Seen [e End In Spending Curbi y 17 (fl — WASHINOTON, May 17 M>)— -ra tu ie stlo iv -fienatfln.Taft. R.. o_.,.mi5 Pttguson, a n t of th e R.. Mich., estimated todiy a con- yhound bua stltuUOnnl amendment they pro- buae* trom pose would hold federal ipeodlng to ay. a unloa about |S5,000,000,000 a yeu.

This would be some MOW,000,000 s ta r ts Bun- less than President TTumin'e bud- a local o t- get re<juesU for Uie 1«M fUcal year Coach E m - starting July I. i t may n o t Taft, a candidate for the Repub- to schedule Uean presldtntlal ncmlnstlon. and

____________-Ftrjuson Introduced a resoluUonimltig trom Friday proposing a conilUuUbnir vsda. D ish, smindmenl to curb the power of and 7 \» s4 congress to approprisie am ej aod

ong-system , to hike the pubilc d e b t ..................

m th In th e . Many a^aU c animals are easily » second I n kUled by sudden changes la tem ­


S R S jC K A N D C a / 4

pl<C h o o s e sum m er p lo y do lhet n o w

1.. .................... O .U L ^em piS tL «*0!im en»

ity le d shorts, jeans, pecfal pushers/ s

............. b tousei’and wn dress^il f e c

SfzM 7 10 U .

■109 -

7 -------- ^ ^ —

; e i n ^

r i v e r s F i r m A , ] *IsU ecavtcted T T a .Ivefs Ucenses iiQ jjy n lc lm i____

d of dnmkra u«Utiesr. l n d e { i n l t e ^ ^ ^ . t « ^ ^ H. . d t t t r m i t

ot Uu courts

y part ot our bearing 4u X M -T«tear.te- - - -S w p a a d isT w ^ ^ ^ B5S5rrff»nitr^ ' « o 'm ta i a T g g * |g i l ^ M » allowed tonoicr vehicles ^ « t «pa#*i,

gSeen s E l S J lg Curb

nt thty pro- c o m p a n y T ^ « ? J ! » ^ Halip tod lng to ta tart on a ^ * f e £ ? ^ Hk ye«. caUon said MOW,000,000 ^

[TumHi-s bud- 8t o m m * l ^ J J « ! * ^ B »MfUcalyear o r ig ln s T i^ iS *

of the c e a 5 n 3 L .^ 9 ^ ^ H or the Repub- betn b o o e t r t b t a J S ^ H mlnsllon. and "factor* berond 00

a resoluUon The a p p U a u n H rS ^ ^ H 'oon illtu U b ^ ^r~Uie « « pict the power of Increased faiur !« aoBey and reeuJUnf ig ^ i t .................. earninga. —

lals are easily I t . Is " b e U m T S ^ t ^ H ages In tem - were Uken to

s e a r s I s h e a d q u a r t o n b

g ir is^

“ployT ^othes now . . . from i t s ^ m e n w T o f o n r o c T iv e ^ " ^

I pujhers, shirts,"re»s«i I - f e c e H i n f c o lo f - ' ~

® — *;ili /ocirt.. ZIZI $29«--------

m - »2“, M ^ 0 ^ :

^ & VIK

. ..IM

J 403 Main**'® P h o n t 2 8 ^ *

Page 3: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

P riest


B i i h l -^WK^'-mk lm B ’t-'^ljin

' f l ' . i - J ^ H ^ B W M

***“ • ’^ H « w < t« u k e . t> " r«<elTeJ > tc m p m tr «i ^ B d m H i iupecU s n Indlmn pljw with ta ^ B i l r a t (8urt cnrrsvliif)M t * * * ________________*___:

■ esF W hoB e^m e■ n t l i i t n s ’ M i s a o n

^ H hOXS U»y 17—Life for th e On Dcc. fl,^^K sIUm on iuumbls. p u to r In one of Ui^ ■ p itn ’i C»lholle church io r qunkea Uie a

tcur nonUu. haa been a years. Whsn^ H lb u b o p s. 11 hn» been a spectcd the

HtrtmcJ, ft Ufo filled church, he '^ ■ ic rla of bizarre ev-cnti. any City ofllcln

tvmse m an. unsafe snd rUu Ufe of a forlorn uit momeni.

I f n l ^ iMid. th e Tears had a job to«udy to become & to-house c»nv

^ K b n d br the blenlc despair and arrangedcrtson snd OennDn con* Boy's club oi

-^^bcim ps. He has fell tiie Uon.^ ■ i a U i on his shoulder m T hj„ the^ ■ n t nude to kill hUn. B e throujh moat

t d.tsde<l disease tn th e man flesh co^ B i ...... lllll II III II------------pm f Tir ttKt

■ ^■ n rto B rttirjo y rttf^ ec es s ' -site nf-the old«nd he h a s heard the. Mexicans

si t nation Bcclalmlog could not heln J one small M t-in tMoeflt*. wnt

^ ■ wd-to big-{hlHftaT ' AHd- various jstru■ hi bKome a p a rt cf th e contacted pen ^ ■ r d t r ot llittlc Vnlley a s oo the speakl

crer the duties o t priest The churcl. monument k

-^ ■ S u n b lj Is a famous m an knew whit It^^B ;n ttl)lr not many persona three years I^^nU iD im e. The deed th a t privlng hloui

fsme has bcen told and «ven focminy times In msRa- money wentPPt» (hroughoul th e cl)uicb.is.ka<

^■Effldsphert Ouadalupe" i«nck«] v lth tuberou- erecUoa.ls.ki

.^ ■ te _ n u m b ls returned to “ rhej^gendStslM trom E ^ P g --TO8 I'egttd

Tlut vas In . February, and as the nu\ 7Mr a t Colorado ed to did the

^ B tm i u ip ic d to th e P a lm print and hai.^ ■ b U in mUslon chureh. times in this

^•»-M »!jnam t-JiB _Jnade-* floufJiAmerloiUnitM su t« 8 ; 'etvlDB ' But tha mi

H lectures ort commu- legend vas bu;^ ^ tn o i4 ih e n iB d e o n th f l t He was bom•^^■llila In good stead during to Lithuania t

II Psln Bprings. Hia father's ^^^■inied hla first maaa In him tn on>hi T^B-iUDe churclT“» t"P * lm ' and-W Tas p: ;:^BaOeL]«,]»48. T here irerft becsne a pri< ;^ »b ills iiJorM M icanw om - B ut down thr

HI] eollcctlon th a t day talned his Airlo 2! ctnts. had pi>pers ti

to cteat« a revival o f They at .i^Wtellat amons the Indiana Alaaf with

began to lay g rea t Uwyen. elrle<hurch. teaehera he wi

iL H A l' - m W E G A l S P L O A i ^ -

H M O N E Y o n y o u r h o m

n , - I n j ! | m | ^


f l i • F o r H o m e l m p r o

" h iv e m o d em , beaqtif ^ ^ ™ « « q r e s such a s these’; ., : » * » k a v e them N O W ! Financi: ^ ^ ' » c i a l l y convenient and

J a re m o d e r a t e . C o m e : :-------------------—



18^1862_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Priest Assigned to Valle

who becaaa fuiSBa by rtbn lU Inf a wrecked Indian n tempcraty aarifniDtiit lo 8 t Prter'a CathoUe ehm h i

pipe with aa XndUn chief a t Palm B prlnn. Callf, (

* * * * * *

came Fam ous by iBui' iaon S tationed a t Sh

On Dec. fl. IMS. the earth shook slons In July, In one of the most aevere earth - first occupation e quakes the area hsd felt In many priests were arrei years. Whtn Father Klumbls In- they were youni spectcd the damsje to the little they were arrestc church, he was heartbroken. ticcn llvlnn acco

City ofllclals hsd placarded the their country tiDllilluu mUi u ' nunilng Uia i ll a a r Ita rt.not-ptoaiot* unsafe and might tumble down a t ?re-‘’?oV \«"thf any moment. Dut Pother Klumbls ** had a Job to do. He made a house- ‘I to-house csnvBsa o( his parishioners l ‘c ’'’"s » Prlso) and arranged to hold mass In the tor aoou; a year . Boy's club on the Indian rcscrv'n- subjected to son Uon. methods of tort

Then the man who had gone mltted to endlei through most of the tnbuUtlone hu- man flesh could stand, announced _____________

K S K S S S S - U H Ith e Mexicans, poor ai they were.could not help him much. He held ■ ■ ■MaeUta, wiol* to friendsUvlng In -various i>trU df'the'^eouritry'arid'contacted persons whom he hi^d m et00 the speaking tour.

The church now stands aa a monument to a priest who never Imew what It meant t« give up. In ■three yeart he raised *16,000, de- ■ Mprivlng himself o! needed clothea ^ h L ^ B M nnd even food at tlmas, and tha Mmoney went to lha church. T be ■^huicb.is.known.as..Tnu .L ady .o t □uadalupe" and the story of It's trecUon ls-known. to tba t a rea aa

Legend of Palm Sprlnga."-T he l~eyefld~~dfew'ih~e w l o i i i ' to ■ T ft P UTe church and to FfOier~KIumBU ■m d as the number of visitors awell- »1 to did the legend. U broke In to iflWWfe , print and has been repeated m any K C . a i / ^ Umes in this country. Mexico and W H f V

But tha' man artund whom thla egend was built li an unusual m an. ^ .He was bom 'ln Chlcngo and w en t ■ j i J J '10 Lithuania with hli father in i e » . A l lHia father's untimely death le ft T Wllm tn onihao la a atranga U ndsnd’W was'placid a 'v w i iT a n t . 'B e ----------------W ljecsRie a priest at 2} yeara of age.But down through the yeara he re ­clined his American citizenship and lad pt>pers to prove his American - tM - .« i lL }lrtb. They saved his Ufa.

Along with other prieatj, doctor*. jn lM gU lS awyen, clvle leaders and achool f T u r X T f <achera he waa tnesttd b j tho Ru»-

L O f c -----------------

o u r h o m e — I

[ m p r o v e m e n t s

n , b e a q t i f u l , fu n c - 8 t h e 8 e ^ . . a n d y o u ' ■ ;

1 F i n a n c i n g t e rm s ^ l i e n t a n d in te r e s t .. . O M N

C o m e i n to d a y r e m e m b e r

IVINGS & tOAN b S' T W IN FALLS -.'i 8 8 8 S 8

n o M W *


OV o 1 1 . a « r • through rigidT a l l e y during these per

. J . . was required to i■«<>niiH ij<iJL(i|aaiiii i j» hnncis on his

a s-hnniring-lhett ^‘ed behind, thelj slioiilder joints other-pT lsoners- exUemrly h o t ' t water while other, broken In the o and needles flnftemalls. The Inflictccl simply oners did not pn

"‘.'"P’y. >>ecatui %tnclh>TV, the-prl^t f i r o -n g q - f f e r r


fo trcmendou

1 of trendies

:hes couldn’t I

rolled Into tl

Tccked Indian mlaalan ehnreh fol- w o r e ^ '^ ^ ^ taU rathoUe eharch a t 8ho«h»e. Her. were b e S made iprlngSi Callf, Cblef SIroaiheart, rest room facllltl

most shocking of * * * * - O n June 24. 1

hour.i wllh hU)y Building^ I ■ 1 Ruardi h it him^ Shoshone ss 's .s"

Ions In m r , i r a , u ,,i , ! ? “Irsl occupation Of Lllhuanla. Young, Jil.irlcsta wero arrested almply because ‘hey w m sounj p t t o i H. . .U J? hey were arrested bccause they had „ '

Id priwtj were allowed to remain Sr?. ®

'they will ™ „ 2 ie o “ *'• Tudden^ 'he f“ t. He was a prisoner of the Russians the guards flee,

or aoou; a year and ollhoujh never the Germans had ubjected to somo of the extreme WUli liberationnethods of torture, he was aub- came n short peri nitted to endless hours ot dlscom- freedom for Fat


4 8 " J E t s T O W i R W S I i W i

--------------- w r i H H T D R O - O i c n a c c o m

Tb introduce tbe ner* _iijw lo*™ K ilchena 4 8 ' J<

I I . waabe/with Hydro-El

^ explain h to five

M ^ rin a ^ J iy p e i iic a r

~ ‘ trSM oll»wBiHa M tM » • W J . ___ ___________

Y O U N G S T O W N KITCHENS 4 8 ' E lE c i

M ti t l lp iH t .....................................$ 4 3

SfMf/sl flj/ewflnci..................... .. .. 1 0

r o » | i « y o . l f ............................. $ 3 3lA JV n


r EMKMBBR: " / / We Con't Service I t —We W

' \ M \ ■■■

t through rigid queitlon ptrloda. flrat the Oarmana i irlng these periods, ho u ld . he ha said, bu t wll s required to alt for hours wllb montha they began 1 hands on h is knees looking up upon the prlesUi. th a bright light shining In his leach O ennan bell :e. the churches to dorrhe crude methods ol torture iised bells to tho govern

so many prisoners he described m making cannons, -hBTiiring-lheM-Tiy-thelr-liaivds dreds-ofTPear#-i>W d behlna..th(Jr backa-auiUl-tbe m a n im p o u n d * oulder joints . were dWocated. ed by the people. J ier-prlsoners-w «rr-thnm - from give up-auch-propUemcly ho t 'td “ eilrtnicry” coId ‘WB'e-nrnated.........Iter while others had their fingers Father Klumbls i oken In the opening of a door months throid ho t needles stuck under their igerriQiis, Thc-ie tortures were ,

er»‘ d1d“n^?'^oromot^'commuS[l^ l!ook“ g ba?k on

Bl5-TCTa'-ger(r~T0y~K' 'pBianda. —He s ta y e d - lr t^ fOa June 24, 1841, alter about onear In lhe Raislan pri.'son. the^rmana conquered the territory. CondlUons Itme 5 000 m en and Bomtn wsre ^ worse 'led by the Ruaslnns a i the Rus-ma retreated. The Rev. Patherumbls.ls alive, today only.becauje. _ ______tho tremendous number of prls-ers to be httmilcd. From hla ^ T ,sup of SOO. » persons were klUed. S I ’icy were on the llrsl list. Fatherumbl-1 wns on the second group.

rjce from tho prison where longies of trend ies were dug. There•re BO many being killed, thenches couldn’t bo t ug fa. 1 enough. <|le prisoners were lined up. shot,d rolled Into the ground five andt deep. Transportation of the •"e prl5oner.% to the burj'Ing ground tIS done the same wsy. They werc V ^ E f ^ S ireed to lie face do»Ti on the truck )lor a n d tow a fte r row of men wer* -V -.';led on top of each olher.During the long days Jn prison ' B ^ ' . vere was no light. eonversaUonlong, m ends was not'pennltted ' 9 ' - ‘■/lkd food was poor. Sacks wereJig over tho tiny windows to keept the light and no one was allowed 1.‘t.Udc. The prisons were over-iwded. Schools and pubUc housesre. turned lnto..prlaoQB. arrests \t ! ? ^re being made so fast. Ha listedIt room facllltlea as among tbea t shocking of conditions there.Dn June 24. I0« , the day set

urs wllh hU face to tha wall,nds to his sldc.1 or to his bock. Illc.EO much Qd mQyelallnser. the .......— — / Aard i h it h im wllh a rllle. A ^iorlle pastime for the Russian and / f f i:rman guards was - to kick -tha ___ - / f ^ Kisoncr.^ os they passed them or to / K : / fI them In the lace. Since hla / X y / / 'rival In this counlry he has had / M i - A:. Ioperation perforroed on his nose r ^ ' $ ^

rniise of blows he received while V W £.'•’ •prisoner, IMter four hours of standing la the i • ^ , -:ld position, he ,*ffllnted, revived m 1 C .1d mnQe to s tand again. He knew nth was walling for him and J anxious to get It over when ddenly he felt, rather than aaw, e guards flee. He turned lo find e Germans had uVen the land.Wl(h liberation by the Oermans me n short period of comparative :edom for Father Klumbls, At ^

~ ~ ~

n l n i

W - N E W - W S a : : : : ^ p | |

DiSHWASHrR' R Sm u c c o r ^ o L ------------

roduce tbe nervr i m Tminn- IQtchena 4S" Jet-lbwer Disb- 'w ith Hydro-Electric Control,» m aking tb e aboro offer to

-T «l.tjvea. A I F Iother method washe* dishes W I T ■UJ. so fasti I n lesa than ten!j. diabea aro waahed, flushedoaed hygienically clean, »par- ^i r i ^ U • J t

48 ~EUCTR!CirNiC.......$439’“. . . . . . lO Q o o

...... $339”lA JV n iiM s ~ V V

_ | g a n i J 5 ^ J h r 3 U 9 S 2 _

103S Younntown Kitchen* ^Electric S t ^ . 4 8 'wide. J«t-T ow or D iahwaahiBj. foilf ink fadUU<». Food^asleDicpoaer u d rinaa a p n j• ru la b le a t extra eoit.

__C B gP IT T um a hif»-bows- i—U FT E O . Name yonr owa ; ^ t y 9 K « iU rn a l

f r HI

i UNTIL 9 P. M.____ . U ^ Ilce I t — W e W on’t Sett I t” , W M %

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , J Ii 'A L L S , I D A H O ________________________

lb« Oarmana wero eonaldmU. had to oat wera potjaid. bu t wllh th e passing feet, two' Inches tai:ha they began m aking demands weighs* 17S pounds,the prlesui, urging them 10 pounds when ho w«O ennan beliefs. They a'ked the Americans were

tiurehea to donate the ir church of lha camp, Iheto tho government to be used freed. I t look touiiklng cannons. T b e bella,'>iun> Americana to take-DfTPear#-i>W.-wc!lBh-betwern Father-KlumWs-fpnd 'TOO pounds and are.cberlsliiL .da is. along vtUi-3QI the people, WlUi relusal to in the tower ot a 1up-auch-pro^rty,j^tbo.-pri«u oul food. _ ,«TC«e*l-......... Even afler the Ar•her Klumbla evaded arrest for iion times were hi’ months through tho ^Id cf In- » “ ."9lctor3 lor.the£ ltrm ana..H esays Klumbte »as 111 «J like a cot and mouse game. clalmJ that LIng back on th e h'appenlngj which he aUyed wahe finds humor in how he c»n admli^lrallon

iiiaH »hi»m Bnd medlclnc, dMlp stayed -in-the-Oerruau loiiwii’- 1 P "**' * **

m camp for two yeaxa' and was He claims the toldupon th e arrival o f tbe Amerl- bers and patlenUi llvConditions In th e camp went Phera of vice,

bad to worse with the progrcw When he was ircllc war and foi' m onths all they turned tb Ihe Unite

• T w i n F a l ls j p j

No-Iron P Sport

r 'la .f lp flT rw o n .a m T

from aeveral ae* colc . . . every IslUal

______ ______ %______________________ ______


G I F T S L IP S .. . 2 .

1 to oat wera poUtoea, B o ta alx tbo hoapltal at Colort, two'Inches tall and normally Tha atory of hla cIgbs* 17S pounds. Be weighed SS be told by Fatherjnda when ho wm freed. When publlo meellng a t tI Americans were within 30 mUc.i in tha Uncpltkacteollha camp, Ihe prlsonera were ^ —

ed. I t look lour daya for the . y « . > .lericana to take the tow n and K l f i f n t S W ther- KlumWr-fpenf-thtwo-lmn-11s. along wlUi-JOO-othcr.|ieople, RU PERT,-«ay--lthe tower ot a cathedral wllh- « '* “]. Casper. Wyi

I rood. - .. _____ Heath. SprtngvUle.,.'?iteo afler the American occupa-n llm « » m ll.td, h . rea lU . S S . T a . to - I , IOd waa nol plrntlful and Palher i l o J umbla w u 111 Wllh tuberculosis.I clalmJ that the-hosp ital in “ dcUU^ .^ u L .Itie. ich he auyed waa under Amerl- 1 admlnlslratlon but th a t food

se cWms Uie Midlers s ta f f mem- 5^ rt,TnrBe’prs and patlenUi lived In an Blxnoa- The petlUon-wai'era of vice. Cretson, attorney.iVhen he was well enough he re- , -----------------rned to the Unlted'States'and to RCAb TIME3-NE^^'<

lo-lron Puckerette Sport Shrit

. 2 * 9 3 GABAIn a gay assortment o t aummer'a SP0R1

\ new colors. You'll w an t lo glv*-\ him this popular ahort aleeva T rim tail> model, s* u ■ u a rd ln a . .' colors. S

^ k . A I I - W q o r ______ —

Slacks new


i H -

longer lasting T r i m , contlni band, deep rev Several sm art 1

" ■■■'Sizes 29 to 40.

' P U B lT r f iE N ’' H A ND K ERCH IEF * r 7 l

f ' a r g l y e 7 0SOCKS / y

--------- CLIP--liiitioLGiftTies_______BOW

aeveral ae* colora •• ' *ivery lalUal ^ ing neec

^ LOVll. 2 9 8

_ in . onB,oa crepe* . . . in 'lovely strond 's t;ra for ber. Shall lovo th a u lo ted

Monde.-s. M atching Rayen 0 LUGGAGE In eosy

Goy w lr . 9 0 trims. Wl

---- FRlLCbloui

c o tta ort. ton

* S IlMi p ^ ' ___________ 3 2 to 3 B

r j ^ RAYON KNIT GOWNS^ U l n B - - - ____ Lovtly.wlth.thtlrlflC9.ond;

‘IJJIjiiiiflLiJIILllllOl IIII llll jl III trims. N tw d ttp .to o . 1 .9S .^

-3 2 to 4 0 . • I ■


nowMt e f f te t Jn nylon*.- W onderfu l colors O 0 O ^

______________ Site* 8 1 ^ to 11, y p , .

• -V . - ■ ■ . ,••• \ ' V-. V \ I t ,

— --------------____________________— L « = ,

■ <

O p e n Houseby Father Klumbla a t ■ - . n ■ ' 1

.eetlng a t * pm. -muraday J J V R U D e r t InqplttactooolAudltatlum.-----:— ij:------------ ^ R OTTO'r.'May IT—I

ghtS-lVaived_RT,-.«ay-iT t.w U aojr-W r n tn r Casper. Wyo., and Hugh ,Two fUmi vera abow:Bprln2vUle...l)lah, una of ed marln« action la KV. Heath, who died a t Cat- olher w u of tha nao.. March i. hare waived tralalrgt aeaalons for 1ihta to aet as adminlstra- yeara.real property In lha KUla THe regular drill wai, P au l The.petition of-H . * marching: deaooatraiOli. attorney, lo act u ad- Sgt. W ayne Wllske wailor haa been filed. RefreahmenU ware 1helra are four daughtera. meaa penonnel under

lU ot,-Paeh:5«:^6teekliie, Pattl -n eypoMa,meoj-age: Dciroill)' WaUer, Ru<' . ^1 Bonnie Peck. Paul. RETWBN TO KeUUon-waiHlad by.H. V. MUJJBR, May 17 -

attorney. Wake and children V------------------------- to Montello, Ke7„ a luTMES-NBWe. WANT ADS, iwirenta, Mf. and Mra


colors. S ,M ,L A ^

NEW ELASTIC ~ T eATMER WEB BELTS----------- B f ttF O LTo fit every siie. Com- Genulnt I t

-^oi-TabljSTrrnoTTzVproBr smooth styleslem h^e. *| , 4 9 black. ZipperS, M, L, I closing sf^les

rcd-for-pcrfect fit-;T V ------- -T O W N G Fr lasting good looks 1 . DRESS SI* n , continuous waist-

deep teve™ ,plM t..•al sm art new shades. , , , whItt or29 to 40. ors. U to 1:

EF 4 y C TIE CUP.................. ~ T 4 M. gold I

a good stiftLYE T O - style* . . . HCS / 7 C l ik t th e s t .


BOW TIES_____. . : ------------:-------------------------- -F ln t-foyoo 'flt

- H n new-eolo r t '. . 1 Eo ty te - -«ttl4«rtd^voMw eor . . . no tie - A O c c o lo r se ltc tloing needed. V O . • . U t o l T ,

mLOVELY BOXED SUMMER PEARLS --------HANDBAIn one, two or t h r t t P t r t little stystror^d style*. Lovely s inv g irl flrodiiotuloted 9 . 0 0 from oil th tpearl*. <9 - color*,- •

M o n d o t l n Typ« ExqHlilt* Royen Pfljamai TurqOoIW

-In eosy tubbing royom . ^ .Goy wi t h ttnb ro ld tfv T h t rogt oftrims. W h lte w lth W .M Buyposttl ihodet. A s o m tfo rh tr .

= i l i t S l f f r = = = TA IL O M BLOUSES SLIPSlnco tto i» o r n i)B o i.C o |. Jn PT O rtlo o n , tOfwd for wnwtwr. Y ou 'IJ.tlk . t

■ si™ . A . M fl>3 2 to 3 B . ^ ■ ° y o " fa ’lt-



■ o a r print*. Rtod- 1 * 7 ; . . you to

^ 3 1

1 ' ' 1 I IV 1 '


i H o n s e H e l d -

' R n p e r t G i i i i ^ ■RT.-Uay IT -In O tM t r ^ | H 1 foteaa day. about lOO.at- ■ ■ 1 i u open houso a t tho p*» M M

Iffls wera abown. One aboir- ' B l u aetloa lD Koroa-aod tb*— 8 H ms of tha national gund l B | seaalons for tha past two | H

ifular drill waa atagad with

yne Wllske w u In charge. hmenta wero aarved by tbo CTonnel under direction,ot

erVBN TO NETAO& • 1 9ER, May 17 - Mra. Edgar U Bnd children have retimed B M«Ilo, NeT„ alter.TlilUsg,ber K B Mf. and Mra Roy Taylor.' ,

f e i " I B

J W t -

•ERRY CLOTH . OLO SHIRTS1 white or new posteli* opulor gaticho style cbi> .

;v u ■ i '“

• E A T H E Rl l t L F O k D S ----------------

ignulne I t o t h e r In

lack. Zipper | , 9 8 losing styles. I

FOWNCRAFT-=r-^ >RESS SHIRTSVlth fomou* Nucroft eol- ar. Mode for tx tro wear . . whitt or coU f ) . 9 8

irs. U to 17. A

flm5sosffi=== r iE CLIPS\A k\. gold pioted*..□ good selection of new styTe* . . . He'll | . 9 5 fik t thest. I -

^ E S IE R IlSHIRTSU ^ fO )T O -Q O fa c i^

olor selection M,9% . . U t o l T . f t

JU M M E R - r i M E ; T M N D B A G S - ’

s r t l[ttle ^ l e * for th t T irl flfoduort. 'Chobet -om oil th t - ~iW color*,- - 4 > '.........

ixquiiita ;urquoltii ^

rogt o f th t.tum m w :--.^ eoson. 6 u y | J ) 0 ^ s r n tfo rh tr . ; l . . . - r . ■

s l ips :-'.-n p roportlenod t t r i ^ ' v ' r 'o u 'l ^ l l k t t h t woy th w - .; - -

t h t f in e A i i ; , ; - > ■oyon k n it. r

g if t “ “ ‘'7 ‘'“ ' ^ - P |HANKIES V 'O i

arinl*. Rtody f p U k t s I ^ ^ro u toaivt.

P A ( a i . . i n s S ! ' 5y ; B

Page 4: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

IB A •cMtlStttka tl r* . It. IML at tV U ^ I b M U ItM utlktTvlB r«ll« Nr

E _ : J « L " 3 S 5 [ - S EBg lUBxanm ow mai• --------- ■'r-»»TW»tT»;z ir.»T«-17l

IB ' Br ■

flf D'eiiLmr —15...i^is£-»"s''st’s'si:,ri!ml n»r»jmr Ittat «f m/M W pa iw u t to 1

p|r «U(iIriS''8*lSii^sin*r5i*«

i f ; STUBENT PA N TYji’t The average Ametlcan will

i jt' to accept a demonstration bj i'.-i'; reralty studcntj u being any ita.i Over th e AMOclated Pres. 311 come tho rollowlng detaila lUj that's dlsgustlns to say th e Ii m • "More than 1.000 pranklah W verslty students staged a p a n t

ard college early today and B l ” • - blinned“ior^gglng-them -on.— W l "The raid was another I n a i ra j time revolts on America’# co n ; — A slmllas raid was sC aged .at B | of Miami and do tln s broke i ■ j Harvard university.H ' "Mole college raiders have ^ ed lingerie previoualy a t th e I s Florida, Nebnaka, Iow a. P u rd k | “About 300 Barnard college rt! dies Jrom their windows and !L|i filled bags as Columbia male [ii ~Bnfl special guittds. r f . "Barnard college is th e g

Columbia and Its dorm itories >(S ' bla '5 campus.'If' "Barnard's dean, MUllcenl ’« n ~ t o o k h e r glrJrioTaSfc la te r ? IB pectedly immature behavior*, n "She also-put into w ords T other educator has h in te d a t

“ 'The Columbia boys could Ml ed by th e police because of

(encouragement g iv en -th em b denta In the dormitories'-"

Hazing and eueh h a v e been tlces for years a t ou r Institu learning, but these m ethods steam" weren’t regariled os toe Instances, even th o u g h on Touffhseas ^ot out of bounds.

T t * HUt 1116 eneap vulga r ity - t t

our universities and collegcj : . question to those a lread y bel

— moiaem-trends In-our- Instltu education,

t ■; We can expect o u r adol worms Or go Into some hypno th e spell of a crooner, b u t w slCy students, supposed if p

i j selves for their life respon jlt BK such “immature bebavlor“ as [I! . , bla university we h av e good

come coneeraed a b o u t th e i 1 —. In a democracy tta t_ a lre jid jil

7— —lufiT from .W a sh in ^ n o n do\^

^ In a quMtlOnnalre circulai^ lege students recently I t wasl|B m any could not an sw er theI H __ tlons, which prompted_aDeci

H than acquiring an 'e d u c a tlo n H j — diplomas In recognition o t kni ■ not possess.H I t ’s bad enough to w itness U K — -In-our-natlonal governm ent,

alarm lng 'to see these mani/efi l | m ature behartor" a n d -^ ra w n I ' otir upcoming g en era tlM , all H fleets th e IrresponslbU l^ 6VI people themselves, w h o \u » ^ iI I - the backbone of ou r dem ocra § I t 's a cholienga fo r paren ts, J i all o thers to consider serlousl: I keep th is irea country of ou

I NEW CITY MANAiH i I t ’S good news th a t a newe - Joseph J l. Latimore, c l ^ eng:Hlj -d’Alene for lour years, h a s bee

succeediwm iium i.-sm ith7 wh

llf f[»-' We have had the toellng forBii the vacancy should h av e beei

! » ’.) Inasmuch as the city m anagerpXl'l nlclpai govemment is stUl nei m i t n d for that reason ahould I l a I tria l under conditions aa fail |[i- slble.j f r p -------NoTlonbtr capable '-tltym ai

tn flpA BTirt tVii. hwHTi< n l Pit;f B may nave moved a s f a a t a s It I j r elrcumstanoes.■Bj l h any event, we ho p e thiI I I come from the delay In seli

second elty m anager, whoiK . would indicate h e 's thorouj &. tak ing over his new responiB r —------3S l|JB S<tN eSB _ilU J!S .tp . , , . occasions all the reaso n s w; f r j elty manager form of munlc B r U fa r better th a n t h a t Whi^ ■ I4 More and more cities thro'ug

are adopting this system of ] and atnlln<ilng i tm o r e succ

p 4 . ■ As would be expM ted,',tbg o '> eritleism of the city manage ■ i , was adopted by T w in Falls. {

Icism x!\ay have b een ]usti y ^ ij m ain the adm inistration 9I

| y ' to ,Tw in Foils w ith ft. good 3 b _ . {«occelu, of course. 111 deperB B coopeiatloa be rece ives frooiB erall)'.M F or tb a t rea so n /w e ahouliyjg th « t eveiypne ex ten d y m a

m augo iw ilp ^ o^t^tiU idlov

■ p a g b F O U R


- — ! wASHmaTOM---------------------------------- S,5'2 1'- J- ^---- -per»on-tn-»-mlUlQiITABLB n* ADVANO "Xs Ult Unlled IMy. WTU*! ^ J Which ll Htu*t«a <

----------- H K IH - 'I-------------

— — ■ ^ ^ ^ n B l j j f f l tllr ar br mitr d «oart of udimUbI I•1 *<i> w ll Uu E |B Q |S |m . tr ponuBt to Sm. <»-iOS. UaWi C«d« H B « | j U | ^

PA N T Y R A ID S . . . n « .ritlcan will h av e to fr

rtra tlon by C olum bia un i- uon, subscribe. Thbeing a n y th in g funny. tu%ir *t any um#.ated P ress w ire s Prlday i t h u muiy turs de ta ils of a n Incident of wu, although 1say th e lea st: « dozen or more c

I p rank ish C olum bia un l-?cd s po n ty r a id on B am - prvgram similar totoday and th e girls got plan of aid to bacIhem -on.-------------- - . A.U.N.convtnUo)th e r In a aeries o f spring- *>ut only u ratiJled lerica’s collegc campuses.sC aged .at th e Vnlverslty .avjttimportant, i tng broke o u t a t all-male mitt«e bccause ot t

would ovenlde majle rs h av e s o u g h t out co- immunitt- aay a t th e U niversities of " d t oowa, P u rd u e a n d Denver, detegauont and urd college g lrla waved u n - diplomatic immunii Idows and tOMed water-n b ia m ales fo u g h t police N.T4onntL

is th e girls’ branch of pcrunTa. if irro ito rle s-a re o n Colum- w M ^s ^ ta iy -o t

M Uilcent C. McIntosh, n poUe« 4fc la te r fo r tneir^im 8x=- TfS-bsi;<frn?TVna-behavior*. mtiiioM. in p« w ords w h a t m any an - ^ 1 ?h ln ts a « t: »»yB could n o t Be aU ptrs- „ „ te . It 1ecauoe of th o continued unitwi bi. im pmisn - th e m by . th e girl atu-. with o. n. «umpQrtes'.'* ' ' branch office Uj J

* * PO B m O N -'7 1h a v e been com m on p rac - j . o . h, wuuamsv lur In s ti tu tio n s of higher deniiai andWate*

m ethods o f ’’letting off ^rd e d o a too se rio u s in m ost }egu ^ or cau c lo u g h on occasion the jIf bounds. port Tmman's po;a g ar lty t h a t - n ow-aaaool— -obi«eUd-to- tha_g U jznino lB m anstrR tiow .ai: - p r ^ t ^ - « c ^ ,d co lleg .. .u ld s m o th e r »•Iready being ^ k e d about msanha» ir-ln stl^ tlo n « --o l-h ish e r. -hi* prtnUpa} pkibv

aays h« dlsagrets i o u r ado lescen ts .to e a t h « not made pubi:

ime hypno tic tran ce under aer, b u t w hen our unlver- posedly p reparing them - tior any chief ) responsib ilities, resort to without an iron-ci hav lo r" as t h a t a t Colum- “t hostuJUM -wiUi h av e good re a so n to be- communuta. boiit th e n e x t generation ‘ i/ibs "whai t a ^ ^ d j j s t a k in g j i beat- fipringficid.mou.. b n o n down'. ' in Kcr^a? Even-it •. « t .......................... TBWit With them.re c ircu la ted am ong co l-' "ca^ctTTi-mrtl^ tiy I t was discovered th a t th^^m iiaSna^I tsw er th e s im p le s t ques- w« had toe entmj pt^dJpeC U lR tlon_oaJlQ 5L .suuested.anjuml -school fo r reaflons-other rh '« asgresuve thj educatlon a n d receiving

M o a o < » n .w l .a « .th .y d oarUllcry, planes m

W itn es s th e deterio ration defenw line acrou rem m ent, b u t even more je m a n ife s ta tio n s 01 “im - SSiul^ t a S lS i i i n d -^ ra w n Im pudence In ratK m , all o f which re - TKAOic-ueu« lib U i^ 6 t - t h o . American i»»erftii und. Mr i w j ? ^ » i i i ) p o i » d to 6 . £ , T i i S t S S S h f Qemocracy. l on weh a barren air p aren ts , ed u ca to rs and bo aitemaUre. uni< •r seriously I f w e hope to IwthoW for »

T M A N A G E R ' S ' S ' i S ila t a new c i ty manager. \ ‘ Kom. of eoura*.; , c ity e n g in ee r a t Coeur

sm ith , who resigned Feb. ’tK^ddie^eaaCT] sUtea.

:cellng for so m e time thatV _ _ _ _ _ h av e been filled sooner, . V I E W S

y m anager sy stem of m u- 1 a vcU BtlU new i n Twin F a llir iiie Buutmaa i

a ahould tw .s iv ec a fa ir cmud fiu tu z trl ons aa favorab le as pos- We are (uiiy ew

D*l|ht D. Daenho

» as under the balance of jud*

e ho p e th a t n o h tn a wUl warwn u thi ot ilay In se lec ting the city’s of California thm »ger. whose QualltlcaUons TT® .***5

Z•w, responsibilities. Demociauc reguu.«_bl5J»^t„lO .rttL0n_m ani. publican by aut reaso n s w h y i t thinks th e Ai dutiiet etton J o f m un ic ip a l government “ > Wamn ha* »i t h a t w hich w e had before. ies th ro u g h o u t the country ly w tioiuom e^ system of lo c a l govemmeat h u been weii pui .m ore successfu l, ^ (luauuafected,,there H as been some ty m anager syste&i since it war Caiifomie h« vln Falls. S o m e of th is c rlt- Ure capaciuea mu been Justified , but in th e in Salea. Ore., at itra tlon pf p u r city a ffa irs — “3fg g ificjc n t the ne«y_ __prtac*ton'»_Era

Ohkaio audiencele n ew elty .m a nngori eomes: -eau he:. "Ajtinii h f t good background. His w U l depend In part on the - t t h ^ w k oi ^ e lves from th e people geo- “ . ja tX n

future of the repiw e ahould U te to suggest Jhot i

n d y a * g lncere welcome

l^tiUldiQV success. ( thbi|f."-JeiQm« ]1 ‘ ‘ ,v ' ' 'I

'UCKER’S NATIONALlrWHIRLIGIGWBtnc-tiittrwt uu mtioo»>-M>aHat»r»4UoBUT innrlj ^ t

WASHINaTOM—"Here a few: quMUon*,"‘wriMr I . T. I , Rye, N. Y , -which i tfo not believe that eo«f»on-ln-»-mlUlQa-e»n-answer.------- -------------- - »•I* Uie United HaUona a »ep»rate power or » t^ ,Uch ll iltuatea on lt« own »oll. although that adl ,___ ______i» M anhattan lilinflT If not, why da JH M f lK a B - th e r h a re th e ir own postage? Do ^

tb e Onlted SUtei alini any ot *B ^ B w m tha U. N. conventloni, such docu* [

■‘‘’O '" »“'■ wnsUlu. >H Q | » « - t l o n . - C a n tb le be.tnie? I thought * |H B | 9 9 | B the U. N. h a d to do only with lha

prereatlon of wars."

^ ^ B ^ B ” FDNCTtONB^Aiuwer: ou r u . N. ‘ ■ w l l * * exptria a t th e atale department lo« ®

Htf I^ei.r Jonn It Is no t a teparale power aUte In the "fluper" aenae tha t W. F. I. «eeni4 have in mind. I t is a n Intarnatlonal organization in cerUOn pimcik)lia C w n i c l l lliB laeiiiliei-na— - na subscribe. They m ay Join or abst*aj,'and with-, iw a t any tlma. 't h u many Junction* o tlic r than the prevention ' war, although Uiat Is th e baalc objective. I l haa '

dozen or more commlaslo&s which aetk to remove J causes of conflict, w hether U;e>- he economic, :1«1, indujtrlal. racial o r w h*t n o t TheM execute a ' igram similar to Prealdeat T7Vm*T>-» "point four" m of aid to backward and undeveloped countries.V U. N. convention doea bccome the law of the Und,; only if ratified by th o scnnle7That dppllM to aU- ‘ ftUt,-!. Bo far, only a tew m inor and Umlted ogree- nts have been approved by th a aenate. One of Ui# “ « important, lha genocide pact. U buried. In com- *> ttee because of the fe a r th a t aome ot iU provUlona n uld override many m ajo r sU U aUtutes. »• • • p MMUNITT—A U. N . cooventlon eonler* cerUln r vUeges and immunlUea on membera of foreign egaUont and their « c re ta r l* t I t reserabJes the o ilomatlc Immunity foreign asents enjoy a t Waali> tl rton- Tha Mnaia h«a n o t raUfled this pact, but wi f

exUnd certain eourteslee conslderaUoa to t N. perwnneLJnlcM 11 were a ca^ ta l-c fU B erronnR ancerlm *- • rtant 0 . H. people w ould n o t be arreated. m auch ‘ lea. Seeretaiy-Oeneral-Trygv* U e dUclpUaM thani, nUhment usually eonslats o l their recall s t hU * mejt. •rhe a. NjM llce force conslat* of guarda aroiind ; i-TiuiM rn?rvra-^tfKr-wnrcn-i«w^ ^L4 mlislcns. In practice, they aerre a« "men of all rk"-meM*ngers. courlera, amall Job operatore- Jier than aa cops.

housekeeping purposes, the U. N. haa lU own p stal «rrlce. I t Is operated under eontxact by ttie ilted Slates poslofOce dopartoient. I .etta» aealM :h 0. N. stampe m ay be milled only a t their .. inch office Ul N ew -headquartm . - .. — - -

PO B m O N -'l hare no t read to date," writea * O. H , WUUamsvUle, N. Y. “where any of the presl- r 3tlal candidates have m ade a decUratlon on tfte elgD war. Oo you th in k th e Republican party, Lt electe the next Prealdent. wlU conUnue Uie 11- ;al war or call our troops homej" ^Gnawer: I think th a t the Democratic entries, sup- r t Truman's poslUon. Senator Taft has aald he

m.thrwLoT f iir >ntrT-th»t 1.. bv _wldenUal_*cUon_iather_U ian_)jy c p n p ^ o n a L ^ ttiorlzatloTi“ Now~lhafr~we-eire"eomDUiiedx-bowevar,- —do55 not see how wo can withdraw. -................

Qeneral Elsenhower h** taken no ataad. One of »I -prtndpaJ. pn}matti*.-QovexBBr Dena. byi he disagrees wltA our ( a r eaatem policy, but he h 4 not made public any specUlcatlona. I t wUl be onethe Ilrst quesUons p u t to "Ike" when he returns ^

ime. «Under the circumstances, howerer, It Is difficult to he (low any chief execuUre could pulf out el Korea <Uiout an Iron-cIad agreem ent against rejumpUon a hMtUlUes w ith N orth K orea, Chlnew and Rui-

tn communists.

L089 - "W hat'have we gainea." Inquires T. T , 'irlngfleld. Moos.. '’Cram aar 10 months of truce U ib oKorea? Even'if we do negotiate a ceiae-flre agree- u

mt with them, w hat be tha r eeult on Uiat it

Answer: We hare ra in e d axactly nothing. In tact, e DtgDtUUona hare been a complete loss to our aide, e had Uie enemy on th o ropei when Moscow flret neated.an armlstlftf— W a .h ad-tlopped the-«tUL ,j s t aggreuive .thnuU 'The “commlcs" needed a r t- ' Ite,Riey-hare.luil Unut to I n e m s e and.tra in . s.Dnr ny ef 3,W».000 a e n . T he^ have brou«b( Jn heary i illery, planes and tanka. T hey hare built a itnng ’enM Une across the peniiuuU . I t Is true that we I i-e also atrengthesed o u r forces. But driving Uie I rou t Of Korea and re u m tU v Uis Uland now li a I Utarr IfflposilhUlty w ltliou t a global war. I

rSAOlc—Ue«fi*hlia. th ey ' have planed down a ■erftil land. U r and n a v a l lorce tba t we could MU UH In Europe or fo r poaslble home defense. I t U

gle Uiat ao mueh of o w atrengUt ahould be lioUted tucji a barren and rem o te penlniula. Yet there U altemaUre. tmiess we a re vUiIng to eli-e Motcor I (oeUiold (or a possible a ttack on Japan.^en If the negotutor* a c r w on a Inice, It 1s prob- □ e that we mUet keep ou r forces-there more or less efUiltely. OUierwUe, the r« irould t»e a repetition tha Juns, IBSO. Invasion.. . . . . . . »:orta, of course, repreaenta SUUn's master strategy lhe ‘cold war." W hether i t !>e Korea or Indo-Chlna, alffli to dUslpeite our e tt«ng th by Uieae thrusts, con- ^ hll might for a n eventual Invasion of Europe. □

cuddle easCThe“^ T k a n a —ot"Uie~Bcan«llUVlaa- ’ tea.


lie BUteamaa recommenda for President ef Uie Ited f iu tu Earl W arren, Ooversor ot Ca31/omU Ve are (ully aware o t th e probability Uuit Qeo. ■Ight D. Elaenhower wlU win Uie Oregon prefer. „ ial primary, and of th e strong possibility that he 1 1 *iiru ie-tftiiU h«ieH r~B ut-in - oevrw-srren-WB- —

> balarkce of hidgment on poUtlcal luues, ao.he get«' q

Warwn U ^ only peraon to be elected Oovemor Ctilfomla Uuee Umea. O n hla aecond campaign he n A boUi Uie ttepublleaa and DenocraUo °

*«• nH by IMOMO roUa. Ui aplt» of Uie (act Uiat Uie D a m ^U c regUtratlon In California exceeds Ui*epubllcan by aubatanUaUy that, numhf^-,________ __A i^ tr le t auomey, a tto rney general and gorenwr,

enforcement. He ipon. 0 >red the Crime CommUaloa whoaa dlacloeurea hetptd td lUrt ef{ toe Refaurtcr InresUgaUon. He U a Uiorouih- a ’ Wholesome .tnan peraonauy. whose warm family lift li as been weU public ize. Be has U a iU tlm to £ lire: his g u a u i i o f aUteunamWp on i5?!d I are not beeiv p ro v en .-B u t on the tir tn r line ef ■ . lale aa populous, w ith probtema aa complM, u poiu rar 'CallfomU he h a s demonxlrated hU a ttalnliu; ire capacity fully. —Porm w Oov. Charles A Spragm a Salem. Ore., e u tea m an . • •

AND FOtlKD -Prtacetcn-s-Prealdent wJh^go audience a new label fer Uie troubled t ta iT laid he:. "Anierleans once .^ I e d U Uia a n r l o ^ ^ «e. but It h u become th e l^ w b a r b l ia i age b s ^ it Uie naUonal anx le tr neuroaU which haa develo&td hrough lack ot spU ltual values In Ufa and edueaUon . . th e fatalUm w llh w hich people talk about Uis uture of the republic, Uie amount of time and raorwy eroted to 'hot ro d ' pleaeurea. Uie level ot cunwit taadards of sex rela tions, and the immoderate ute of iMhol as an escape o r as a crutch—these are ui«

ibi|f."-JerQme K orth Side Nta^s.' '1 ’ ‘ ' < U l : . > "

ONAI Il ■ “ 1r I G

S h q i s ^ L : L

suons," wrlWr 1 -----1 ^Ileve that one HAMILTON PABKT <1 i... IWir S ir:------------------------------------ x

,.:»h I r**d Inlereat Uis tuggei-ih r d o Um some Ume ago Uial Uie City f

Do patk be nam ed afU r the llrrt meyw i

^ nnltal enother contributor to Pot fihoU ith»t~thg~City-p»nratwsy*-h»»-been t

a aliM a i i y ^ and may -welf flways ue me 1I i H i d« u . Vut. If It haa to have a name, It t

„n ,H iu . ahould be named (or one of the I« 7 r ^ u s h t lew er*- . ‘«niv i r ^ t ^ -;Por yom -guidance, I submit Uie tonly wim Uio la ,a r„ 4tlon tiiatones,T -H am ilton , j, now probate Judste of Twin Falls d 'e r:O urU .N . ^ i^y .^ -^ ^ -th fi.I lrs t.ncU ng .m .yo r _

-metiiber-iia-.-------------n e n -----------------------------iin ,'and wlUl- On her le la t birttidsy annlver^

aary, M rs.'Phella Evrrmao, Koke- tIB oreventlon ”»• W ends Ore hooit eK t w r u T a l o< .Ieep U plenty, •.p Ialn « I.-‘Na. i,fk to remove (ere lakea 5 hotire, habit T, 1 ^ - ob . I m ” ■ “ ■■■ • ' « » « » « ■! K " " .leM execute a sleep-” *AP newa item ) --------i -point four" Must b« nice lo be wlckedl ,Ded countries. • • i;w of Uie Und ORA85 CLIFPIN 08, TOOT iflCDlies to sU- Dear P o t a iio ls ; _________________£llmltrf ogree* I am leading a 4-H dub and have g* One of Uie “ “ J" children InterMted Ij: % home ijr tr f in oom- beauU/lcaUon plan. Bul It seems jlU p'rovUlbns most of th e parents leel they can't .- l« provioioiia ^

pecially ahruba th a t i t lakes to do a o infers cerUlO really worthwhlls landscaping. s •s of foreign I u ndersund th a t after a number -esembles the of 7e««. gardenem have some of loy a t Wash. Uiese things they would be glad to j pact, bul ws glrs to eomeone who would make ,

jlderaUon to food uae of them. jSome ot th e children wont grapes

tnRincB-lm^ a n d .I underBtsnd th n t when Uiey , »t«i m 'auch are trtmmed, the clippings wHTroot. , S S i ^ t h a S - the “ tne hedge c lip p in g We .

* o ^d be g ra ttfU ran d thinK ul If \ ^ some of th e gardenen would give i

. wl. «* * chance on ' some of thesem - . ,

" H HK riT B N S FOR KIDB D E ^ . J

. haa lU own pgts- , *!LS; w e have flvelong-halred kittens

to «I»e away. Three are white and ,inly a t Uielr jwo gray, a ll housebroken. J« s . - .. — - ^ -w *-uv»-U v5-elB hth»' a fr* -m ae ‘ J . » —1, east of th o bughouse on P^IU ave-, rh. n u e -r ig h t aide of road wlUi hedge *

» In front Of house. ^•atlon on tfte <lean party. If , , . “ ^ iUnue Uie 11- streets would be safer If a driv- ^

er's llceiue was refused the "other ''h M S d * '^ fellow.” O u r Pedeatrlen says. ' j-U ia t ll. bv__________ „FF* PB*n«t*FM • ic pn fr^ona l J^hnix- ‘

ttedj-bowevar,-----w eTe~KOt - a-problwn-uiat m a ^ ' "J■................ some of you r readers can help us *

land. One ot solve. You’ve heurd of bees In your ,S,^We'li'^9r't,, bP0n«hr5?3J,.iej7e..Spl OOT ‘I t wUI be one o f course, we w an t our cake and J sn he returns want to e a t It too, so tell us how '

we can g e t the beea out-and their ' U difficult to honey w ithout tearing the house OUC ef Kore* apart. T ^ a t honey would taste Jt rejumpUoo mighty good next winter.^»s and Rut- I Lnr I t

m oute 1, Eden)

nqulres T. P , p . 8. .n6 te : Have the department -of truce U!k« of agrieuiture order the bees to de-je .flre agree- u y tr th e lr honey before-June-l orMUlt on Uiat lose a U -Ied e ra l a ld .-A ny-better- .

h lnf. m fact • • •es M our ald^ rAM OUS l ^ T LIKEMoecow fln t *. . . W hen I 'm talking *« “ f -

ied-tbe-Md*L .jelf_»nd_«m eone_*nnuo._U iat:B_ _needed a r t- when l ca ll It qulU!" ____

G p n x E M A N W THE t r a i n a n n r f o u b t u r o w

«h( In heavy -Built a strong

P l a t t e r . .defense. I t uildbelsoUted V 'i 'J * * * *. Yet Uiere Iseivt Moww S T A N D A R D

.pan.ce, It la prob- n There’* A Bloe Sky Wsy Out 1 more or its* Y ender; Step Tfour Oamb- _ . .

a repetition Uo'—a p lk e Jo n e s.™ ..........- Wen B a s o p h o a a BchotUsch;

aster strategy “ gpoonmakera Lerandler — Sr Indo-Chlna, p a j D u tc h m ea —................... »»e' a w ild a id e Of Llfej It’a So

-Long A nd-O w >d;t0fe jre.ycn_l_ _BeuifflMVia- " S i , S i _______ ______ » . ,□ O irioc*; I 'm Coafeaata-—

IT? P ^ U a P a u l--------------------------- tteI J IV O n Blackam ith B ines; Lere Me

Or L oare Me — Ella Maeildent ef Uis Morse ------------------------------*9oCaJl/wnU

ty Uuil aen.

h i. n Come W hal M ay! Belreat—= — .......... - .........s=m: =

es, ao.he get« n Open T hy Merelfnl Arma;Take My Band. Preclotu

ted Oovemor E. Arnold.................. Mecampaign he n One Alone: W hen YeoTe'

•aUe n«nln». Away—Blchard Crook..... -..4L1If S * u 5 f u 5 l □ Teddy Beara- Picnic; Teddy

to . ^ F w > -Jaclt Setch____ : t»««r.________ _________ e>a n F tt m t m «tiand goTsnior,ent. Hsipon. OrderBftoordsTheEaay W ay ...B y '

im family Ufs laelnde yeiff name aad addieea u d

r i f t ts: s i “Is admlnliifs. Bewrdilrlss A Sprsgue


troubled Ujbci. ~ha anglneertng v aUlagebscauis ____ -> has develo&ed ^

noderate ute of “ th e DwtwetiCT Bsildlsr - -these are Ui« ACROSS FSOHr -n o n ih s te r t^ I B B - P O S T - o m p y - :

, i , ’« » M ■ . ' f : J

T I M E S - N E W S , T W n


WAfiBHiaTOK (MEA)— Recent W ftK u L — Prtaiure on presiden t T r tim a n to I ' M iue Uie ' l u t - u u n e y ' u B e r - a m r

agemen t reUtlwis a c t to se ttle - Uie — — it£el~duiuu m lk u Uutcly.'a'xevlGi.

■ 0 ( olher labor .RST dlipuUi handled---------------tmder Uils-Uw.- - ^ - H P ? ^ ^ B > MUie tuggei- II went Into ef- B - - v S ^ B eS

lal the City feet In August, MgUrttmeTff 1841 Houis ^ p M K i M | r a

ty^haa*been man has lnru1ced^^^kr4^^^9j^^v^Hw w B 'T ity m u uwI a name. It Umes. 'nus has ^ V l | | i | 9 p ! . - H one ot the betn lo appoint

boardi ot Inquiry submit Uie to report on dU- • • » .,*

T-Hamllloti. pules during 80- Twin Falls day coollng.off periods.

cUng..ma>-or _usUoosl labor. ..rfila tlona. .board records show It haa been c a lled oa

<ulc wwJd» only lire ot Utoso eases ta eon- U. uoone employe elecUons on accept­

ance or rejection o f a n ereptoyer's

ly annlver^ w i^ iereiU ng sidelight h e ro liaan, Koke- thal in nearly every one o f theseAre boon elecUons, the employes orerwhelm -

Uned. ’‘Na- iQgjy rejected the em ployera' bu t.bit T, Ull- oKers, and setUement was m ad e onI 11 houra- » different basis.*L J, Tlis fin t case U» w hich Presidentcxeai Truman Invoked th e Taft-H artley

Uw Involved the AmerlCJin Federa-5, T ^ T lion of Ubor's Oak Rldgo. Tenn,___________ CflullClI.OfjMomlc_Energy Commis.ub and have slon employes working u n d e r thi’d Ij: a home Vnlon Carbide and Chem ical com-ul It seems pany contract In M arch . 1S48.■\ thsy can't .- in Uils election, only-3S amplojrei»s and ee- roted lo accept th e e m p lo y ers laitakes to do a offer of a I0-cent-an*hour Increasetaping. and Tit voted to re je c t It.er a number ^ strike was prevented by InJuhC-

? Wo" IB, JWa. to J u n e ij.1 be glad to But four days a fte r the InJuncUonwould make ^ Uie uiUon aetU ed for a

. _ 15U-cent-an-hour Increase,wont grapes !„ the ' second b ig Taft-H artley

Ip p ln ^ We pointed to Inreallgate, b u t no In-t h i n ^ l If juncuon was asked for i n d aowould pve klhB elecUon w as held,

le or taese union, se ttled lo r a nine- — tent;sa^our_lncrense, splltU ng Uiein ts tn tr ranks. CIO PaekfnsTTIouseshone) Workera demanded 20 cen ta a n hour. sn*! etruck A rm our, - S w if t andB DEPT. cudihy pjants from M a rc h 17 to, ..V ... May JI, m s . W ilson was s tru c k UU

sired J U t l^ June 5, All were BCttled a t a O-cent-e wmte aJia jn-hour increase, the employers'

nr“ o««.n ^ ■ JolinL. i5w I? T T nlRaT ilnerw ort.-

■uh er? have Ungled w llh t h e Taft-wlUi hedgev r» ta ^ March, 3948, was o v e r peji-

slons. There waa a presidential n- If ■ driv Inquiry a n d on Injunctioni Uie "oUierMv« ■ J" second coal case. In June.‘ * JJ48. a board of Inquiry w aa named ^ •______ but no Injunction waa sought. There

■ th a t 'm a ^ ' 1W;bffore:the.:pld-.tontroot-axplrsd- Jor * »l-*-day raise.

Vn Cnnr Whfn thls contrBCt exp ired June to SO. 1549, there w as an eleht-monUl

su iks.ltt-uiii.M al-lnituiiiy^M attfrs Mf ,aV« anrt allowed to d rag a long tUl Peb. wll us how *’ * p resid en tia l board

Thrift Sunshade^ Stu rd y CoM on Dr31

. - . Budcel-mindeeJ sh o p p w s c f w ften a S »'«»• -Ww ovanob i* In o»her wHih

...“ ,1 We' “ tble bend-lfoo fronw pointed lo

Arms; ~^lTii u jc J v V . atFiiiCTItsTtcloas »8e 4 0 - ....... ... Me Yard................* t7C -,Yon-re' * '‘™ »“ '•k JL lS Im limllir* »i>4 «wb1ii« labri*. S«s

- r — R u s H c - P i c n i e S l

^ . K notry R«dw oftd

1 I E h Bawbuek Uble and 3 bcnches sturdi

K"i4"sssu'“g5,“ ir.ri;

w s , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

N G TO N COLUMN |]'E’R EDSON .!1A )__Recent An inluncUon (o stop tb» . c trlk s z. T r u m a n to graited a week U to . B u t w hen s ' UBOr-IBIIir Uie uiliien -iUd-aol-ratu m ,J o wnrte. X to ^ B « tl» th e tho ^ t

^ c ^ ^ o ^ L e w is . ' I—The. coal.opersiora.filed su it fo r S

' I S ^ B eS I lsm O M damages under tbtf Tart-EarUey Uw prcvUlons. B u t In th a <RtUement of March S. U M , g ra n t- •uig the miners a 70-cent«-a-day •

fyiiWM- 1V g i g p H ,l ,e n the C(0 telephone w orkers \

demanded a SO-cent-an-hour raU e 'B t t a B i M Ui May. Wta. But Uiere was no In-■ut. *AMtm JuncUonsn(lnoslrlke.Thecase.waa *« i « . r n r n m u jd juns 4 with no Increase.' *s. Later thal year American T ele-itlona board Phon« Telegraph gran tw l a a-en « l i ™ o n B-tons-cent increase.------------------ ■— -''«sc5 ta eon- MariUme union elrlkes of IMS la -s on accent- rolved boUi longihoremM and m - jJl employer's men's unions on all walerfronta, bom

^ ^ ” AFL ana CIO. In a .long sujam er

one of*these presldenUal boards InveatlgaUngI overwhelm- and rtporUDg- There waa a aerlea o f <>ployera* b u t InJuncUons. <WM m a d e m The Taft-HatUey machinery wa* <

allowed to grind lo Its ulUmate1,-h t^r^.iHM.i JecUves of employe elections to a c - •

«t>l or .reject Uie em p lo y ers-la st ^o««-- W«* wasl Iwjgahoremen, ,cooks, firemen and oUicr un ions ]

^ shnpl? toycQtWd Uie elections. O n i U i* g u ir -a ^ i-e o « te , . . tb f l.u n lo M ...

c « " 1“ “ ? »" :-h 1048 tn '« m ^ lm « ’Hien. after the tnift-HartJey p r o . j

cedure had nm lts course, th e va rt-- ;oui mariufflsunionseetued for wage ;

WUT increase of M to »3J a monUi wltH 1‘ redueuon of overUme.on-over- .

M by injuhc- time demands. lla. to J u n e ij. g , ^ lh, Korean war began, th e ile I r ^ c U o n Talt-Hanley Uw has been mvoJted i ■etUed JOT a by president Truman only onee.

■^ft-H arU ey jJidustry slrllies durmg th e faU o f 1 : h ouse work- ;ard w as a '^ There wa.i a board 'oflnquir? a n d ' '

b u t_ n o in- an.UUuHctloaJrom.Sepl. S..to. Nov.. . for a n d ao jj . The key Kennecott Copper case

. was settled bctare Uie UUunottoa ■ took effect. oUiers while I t waa l a :

ie ^ 'g ^ K o S e 'cento a n hour ^/age sUbllitaUon board had to ,

S w if t and ^ jgiijj, Into thU trouble-to give “ nal ‘ PPtoval to a 16-cen t-an-

5 * 0 » Increase last December.

Outings Are Held■-■SUOSHONEFMay^T^Trashman

i l t h e Taft- gjajj members held th e ir arm ualies. T h e first picnij at Banbury hot springs T uea-ras o v e r pen- evening. Mrs. Howard Hill, M ra.

presidential Thomas Jackson, Mrs. F ra n k P ln -•n injunction jgyson and Mrs. Ray T an a k a f u r-

, -, nlshed traniporUUcm.iiLse. in June. The Junior class picnic waa he ldT w as named Saturday. After the day 's acUvlUes.w u g ^ ^ _ ^ t f e memben attended a movie In Tw in

itroo t-axp tsd- ytirjewharSi-aocompanied .thiem— i

exp ired June GO TO CAIIFOBNIA •I elBht-monUi HAILEY, May n - M r . and M ra. uli-y MstJfnt TOomas Benbrook and two ch ild ren Uong tUl Peb. left” PfH ay 'fS fians-B esihr-O aU fT d e n lla l board lo visit her moUier, Mrs. O . O. B en-

brook.____________________ ___

inshQdes 1 AAb n o f i D r i Bipw a cheer ftese iMfl-prtced ownhgsl In short . In o»her wHihs. PoWed in brisht ftrlpws. Rex- » • pointed 10 re»W rw t Has Gfonanet k>pi


' ^ c 2 . 4 9«s«*t WMt. Smo tM f t M y w Jo i.JI fabric. Sai kMd otSi M up. Om boHm

m a k> M a4 tmamtl rfok.

I banches sturdily designed for good times out- ilshed, all bolted <*nsinicUon. EasUy aasemb- Buy now at great ssrtngil

' ■ ^ t u u a t a i a ^ e i f a m U K e i U V

------ T r r — r — H - - ' '


N Barley Thespians E r Hold 1952 Event

BDRLRY, May H-BuiWy high j ' ■chool Theq>laos club held iU a n - wcle .s tr lk a nual banguet. eJscUoa of officers nr tut w ben and InlUatlon of new number* Wed- vii

“ S f e S I S & w H s r Srb la .ih e . bers of the organltaUcQ and Uis new m<

imUEt«SF*ii*=$daelpel..aad-Ut». ™ Earl Carlson. Jl«U HoUman. l% es- Jkd

au lt fo r adviser, and Robert Oooch. aab tfT a r t^ - B e l^ Jolley, presldttu Wia master cht Ul th a of «remonles. The program con- be ) g r a n t . *1* ’f ^ Norton heu \ - d a v Eldene J e n ^ and two piano . - waU aw- a u abca .J?z_M «7 McMurray. by

■ Ofnoera elecM wa tT 3 dsns-J>aT ti]

^ Iin m tu * - X s s ' Banner.. Don . HotUbi. -.-Jack tri

: lind ssj. Berttia Priest, Shirley nvMcMurray and Jeane^ Qoggu wc

Grange Discusses ’.^ 2 R s a a v r o n t p H t S

atlgaU ng .BURLBY, May n - T h a NaUotial t■erlea o f orange assay tonlesl for IMJ waa I-

dUcussed a t a meeUng of the Burley lery w as Orange Wednesday, na te 'O b- Bubjeef for Uie essay conteat ,ta la to a c - -Am I a good neighbor on Uie high-?era’ la s t way.” Members voted to give the schoremen. wlsJiers ot the cosiest an addlUonal oc: un ions prlie to th a t offered by the 8U te niions. O n and NaUonal Orangea. sl-Ifl.unlona. _ 3 b 8Jafn_were_ln charge of the wlelm lngi;. MoUier's day pragraiji'' I t ioiduded '

the plnnljig of s conage on each shtley p ro - swther; honcrlag tbs oldsit and fsthe va rt-- ymmgesl- moUiers. Uie oldesi and cifor wage youngMt grandmoUien. tha mother t\>n th w ith of Uie most chUdren and the mother be .on-over- of the Uast; two acooriUon aolos

by Store Dworshak; tw oA em a by m •gan, th e lawrence Helms, and a foem by

mvoJted MUford Bergener. ^ lly onee. The r u t of ths erenlng was spent IB meUila in pUyIng pinochle. Elwln Bearle's R e faU o f blrUiday annlrerury also was noted, tx

“ O ff ic ^ iro s e n “T ^ r case moSHONE. May 17-Offlcera for cl iju n a tlo n Uie Tattler, high school psper sU tf, U t waa l a hare been elected. r I t e n d - Naomi Ineas was named editor; c<

Austin Young, assocUie editor: a a y . el 1 had to dena Brown, sports editor, and Ruby >-to give Hall, clrculaUon manager.-cen t-an - Reporters will bo named Uter. D >er. ,

Ield C L O T H E S C U E A N E I--------------— -----------w rrH -D T O E3

2 Hr. C le a n ir. a WE KNOW YOU'KiKwaa he ld

f la Twia

and Mr*._ - —WB GIVE GOLD A i -«■ m tod sti^.* t a n -H

in g s a t S» u i i i i i i e r ^ < ^

E “7 " ‘TH0 r m o n y H d u s t S u n i

| . CAMBRIC WINE : D « e r , Smodffr nnrtfv

C ho ic* of C « I o r t /U z * t

c o ffo n ^C .4 “ d l c oo led . Long w e a r in g FOlh

r * ” ** eoiHy* G af 000 f o r • v o iy : to d o y . They’r * a o ld o n ly o l

r A * T t f b u f a r S t M l C h o f r *

> U —RegularlyM#--------

* OH*- f»e*red*eid i* ,fcH »ri‘w ^M unb.

™s E d i i b i t i w ; ; * Event At PTA


lan. l^iea-. Oooch. awarda 2 ^raa master club to r t L i l ^ L ^ - l w ^ B *iram con- be sent«o Norton held In^ PUno , At the r ^

Idsns-JSQT reporia^^ ^ ^ - 3 ^ f

rson. R uth g iM ; ne Jenseo, ing; u rs.Itm. -.-Jack freshmen.rVir“ S Sraon. Mary Member,

ssesmteat S5.g-e NaUonal t » TTT------- .

Pre.SclioolT«|c o n te s t s SeyorShos!I tho high- BHoeHOKE ..> i l r a the school S . % " - addlUonal oounly c E ^ J *Ul. 8 U I, , .n „

>Wast and fer their eiaaU utS^ Children


's f c 's 3 " ,‘. " " 3 ^‘1’ Th. iw S s ;;trotn th, D u w ilS was sp « t sponaortm ih*

■In Bearle’s R. a . Neher aod was noted. boUi— BUPL Cltoton Bl*. J i

Ken~ s s r r s f f i>{flcera for children lo the tititlu >sper sta tf, there a n aiksd locoitB

Parenu wui la MiUl led editor; correcUve meuurts aaS Utor; Day- children fgiiowuitU;iq. and Ruby -------------------

The arenge f u a ^ lU le r . United Sutes UiuCf ^

l e a n e d i n a h u r b t

M eaning SenrictA SmaU AddlUonal Charge)U'LL UKE OUR BEHERSaVJ

e GOLD a il -H

t s e a JCOMWi

>ti»« S o n R « i i t t i i n p » * * ^ H


m i r io g r a l to r w o i la fa r m r / w W o » o ld o n ly o f S 4 o n l *

m L O tt f

Page 5: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

« e r t Canal ; ■

^ Claim Min ||ig Q a n ’s I ^ h H

‘» * '2 ? r n ^ h»a been

to * *»?" - ^ - ’"■ -

2 N ^ 's . '^ . l ^ ^ H I'^ u u i tnd m arried AN

^ .L u r l s I work for Uib

^(MOit). Ttrln Tails, snd jjd. ffllllam .Phor®?-, P®^"

'aa nortuarr is Krranglng ,! of the nnialns to Mesa,

tni burial.—------ ------------- D k k B o m .

lents’ Outing ’ZS> '^ poUed by Rain ^ ,,ffM w -»-O I«n-y lrcM M . „ A k 4 l * U ? S i ^ w l prtnclpal. said . CAHCT, Ui: '^ -TR ln td «mt o n - th e ir Harris took h t *Bfc •mursdsy. l o t o h ^ u k Im four grades went tip miking the trt

but were forced to Mr*. LorlnSlsfa W -K h*l to -e a t- th e l r <lr«u. - ..........b Um IKld ds? planned for Mr. and Un e (ndH the City park children hsve i I hlih luwp was completed, her parents In Bheol itudenls enjoyed a Joyce Jusltj liTiuudsr when they held Luke'i hoslptal am It Trsll creek. ■., taking nurse'*

— Ing several d>Tiimi.TnnVB WANT AD6. Mr, and Mrs.

p r e s e ;EnlargeD E M

-------- P

H ^ O ^ I E B O V D ,

B ^ ' « * r l R h t n e x t d o o r Jo th #•■• • "Jo lin rile o n ,

■ i \ \

TreftsPlanted iri i M I W l l H , . . l j i ^ ^ ~W^"JK^ r " 'j

' ' ' ^

D kk B o m . lell, aad Jo* BargyBc. pw k sUtnduta, srk areas bordettag JayeM park. T h « tnc* w tn pteRtgraTtag)

Travels Reported R otariansCAUCT, Msy 17 - Mrs. Harold P a n A i . f /iiarris took htr (sther. Everett Dlx. J v C p O r t 0I his, home In Boise Friday. Aljo SHO8HONE M.aklng toe Wp were her daughter, h e a r t » report ofIrs, Lorln aioipMn. and two chll- ventlon »l Jockso

............ - •wetkirWMUhg-^Mr. and Urt. Keith Rhodes and Memorial hall.Illdren hsve relHraed from visiting R. W. Orove aa<er parenu In Sugar City. attended the comJoyce Justeun returned to St. th e report,uke's hoslptal, Boise, where ahe U Fred Schwarti tiklng nurse's training, a fte r spend- new member anilg several d>)s with her parents, principles nf Rotaitr, and Mrs. LaVar Jus te se a .___ Gutiu were Z.


DAVE H U F F A K E R Body S h o p M a n a g e r .

. . Dave's m any y e a ra of ex­perience guaran tee

------ b{ri~tnin'?r"’***P"''‘ -—plete rebuilding job.

) t h a 'o n ,

' ' v ’lM i , ' u M -■' ■ / ■ '

' ' ________ IT1MES-:

filed in Jaycee Park Are;

pw k sUsndaatm w* i h m MK^Unjc mM ol U Mh treei >• tra* w tn pteBledaspM ^ot ibe clty^park prapaia.

l otarians Receive j Ooodlng; Wayne Cl

Heport on t!dnf^ention al Jackson. Wyo., at their _etkirWeeUhg-TVeanejdayat the ‘[emorial hall. CASTLEFORD, R. W. Orove aad Ohalmer M artla w e new BchooI bil

ttended the conventlim and made has ^ n delele report. wrong grade of lun Fred Schwarti was welcomed os a ‘he Job. mtmbe

ew member and w u given llie l»»«l have annobtrlnclplfs nf Rotary by W. E, Qro.ue. — ----------G utiu were Z. W, Pond, Myren RZAD TPteS-tJE^


ENT anc

■ ■

' V - ' . p

2 0 0 B L O Cou com-e th e r J i i— y s e d G a r ~ L o t - P h o n f

;-.-7------------------- . , ....... ....... --------------------

Wecordially Invite you t( ^ Select" g u aran teed used

nings and on S unday for) values-thot-wiU-make-yo

Our.mode , yoq experI W i l l

H IM Street Wc

rk Area Carey Pi / X Get Di

■ : l S HAHiEV. M ay‘l7 '' ’ ifi mcot exercises foro 'j a school senlora were

■ ■- •■’ w evening. The speiv*

-^<1 ally,. Provo. Utah. i.....atedrt»f-emirat<>-flnd

I'.', , our tomorrows.. V v-. • ■• Vi.1 -me proccsilonal

v ' » ■JlR 1 *«re ployed by the h\ , ' ' ■ fT X H iL t under tho direction i

. , - ___ y - ' g r / iV f t i Proycra were offeref1 ton and R. E. And'

--------••j ' - -T he-sahitatory-B ai

, - , 'J B |^ B . fimltb~waa-Taie<licU Musical numtwrs

hy Mrs. Artell Wai

i’> ’ neth Cook. The si

W ^ ',. presented by Supt.tUplomu-.were. Rlve Carlson, a member board.

Wftna&~ payne, Ermi p y „ h . Carroll Carol) Brown,

Davis. Bonnie Orchard Norvli

, :■ Camas Stu ^Jj Choose

■•vr'flS - FAIRFIELD,-May .: - - : - K en have been se

. iflB Csmaa counly high - ’ I B body.

f i S David Ballard U f ,- • H | Blmoru, vice prc.'ilde:

>-.T,M i jon ._aefrflJiry ._and ‘ . , | H treasurer.

’. i ' ^ ,. tB M Also awarded a t a' Y.-l~ ■•'r \ im B t bly before the close

N rik flM B mednLi to Bludcnta tiXiOinn standing records In

l M t l l U l j 4 a f t 5 « ^ ^ activities,PWBH*‘ftTO^TB'SS?E^J: Receiving the met

Wokerseln, actlvlUe « ol SS Mh tree* set eat aronnl Davis, buslnea: I>

park prapaia. <9Utf phelo- ihorthand; Polly .music; Eileen Ross, t

------------------------------------------ all. valedictorian;rtjaugh and Van Houten, all salutatorlan; ^ e n 1 3dlng; Wayne Clsrk. Hnllty; Bob Ballard, »chomkenina"Ciifniiss.-ffiiO!hone; Jonesi-ediior. —

toward Adkins and Fnnk Bur- A J n t n p H f n i

Jess hnji tieen chost-------WORK-DELAYED-------- wTnh-er-oT-lKe-Carr:ASTLEF0RD, May H-Work on iwholarshlp award

new Kchoot biUlding In CasUe- couoty senior. Coun j has been delayed because the Brlgga announced 6 mg grade of lumber was shipped Emtnft Dianne t the Job. members ot the school high school senior, rd have annobnced. ^mner of the Unlo

— :--------------------- sored scholarship toAD TP teS -tre w a want ads , of Idaho.__________


incl BO D


B L O C K , T R U C K3tPhone-820-J— — — - —7 '^ - " ’.............. ■■- ■■■w ite you to stop in and inspect o u r f iteed used cars. You will fin d o u r 1 jn d a y for your convenience. . . a n d i-make-yout-tdp-w-elLworth-while,

O u r modern body shop is com p let you expert body, fender a n d pa in ' .{f«e estim ate on^ou^-work— no-ol

t H s M <B free tW ee t H f io S d iC ^

I T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N P A L I S . I D

T > *1 H0UE8 rCBCrey Pupils Jet Diplomas. r of the tate Oeorge DiEV. May 17 — Commence- ---------------------------unrclses for 11 Carey high senlora were held Thunday [. The speaker. Dr. Antone . *

rovo! Utah, emphaslied theHimirata-flnd-fBlttl-tn-f»clnt ■ — ------ . ■Borrows. fprocessional and recessional % nyed by the high school band.;he dlrecUon of Ronald Peck. m MI were offered by Max Bor- ...... F O Kd R. E. Anderson. - w —gahitatory-BaareWTi'irgrven ---------------------

S l * ^ i S a S r = = E = o t t h K l:o l numtwrs were presented.I. Artell W arden and Ken- look. The senior class was , • .cd by Supt. Cecil Olsen and . . , t l f f t ew _.w «e Klvea by Leonard . _ . 5 I, a member of the school

rraduatinc class Included S w e e th e- payne, E rm a Peek, Carmen Carroll Bmlth, Helen Bmlth,Brown, Clayne - Chaumell,

3avls. Bonnie Hutton. Theo d and Norvln Thueson. ___________ —

las StudentsV I Department

choose Leaders tion with' o.triE L D ,-M ay i7-N cw offle- f,jjive been selected by the “counly h igh school student Tnple Fill'

1 Ballard U president, Billy, vice prc.'iident. Karen Law- ttparation—


awarded a t a special assem- « ileek-fittiniore the close of school were ,

to Biudcnta attaining out- no belter tuB records In various school yonj ynderl

vl'ng the medals were Kent ehoolo fromeln, actlvlUes; Mary Lou «n»l Fmmilatbusiness: Donna Eskridge. *nd toundat .nd; Polly Jo rrostenson.Eileen Ross, band; M ai Dur-ledlciorlan; Don Thurber, C *irlan: K aren Lawson, typing: MRS

“ 1 ________I . r j 5 L '~~ . . . no obl:

iiied for Award ,NDVIEW, May 17 — Mary P.S. You »on'lUI tieen choscn as alternate ivimloir diiclii-oT 'lK e-CarrR ayBV ana'tJray--------- ‘ship award to an Owyhee ■senior. Counly Agenl J. V. |

a DIaime Noble. Bnmeau :hool senior, was named the of the Union Paclflc-spon- —■ —

cholorshlp to the UniversitylOj_________________________




r r * — — B o d y - S h o p - P h o n t

>ect o u r fine group of "Nosh •ind o u r lot open in the eve- 2 . . . a n d m any outstanding th-while^------------------- ------------ -

com pletely equipped and staffe n d p a in tin g sen/ice. Stop in anyt k— no-obi4gotion,--------—— —

l o t ^ r'tE4JL Sales and Service

;■ ■: ■' V.' '1 - ■.■,

I D A H O _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

H0UE8 PCBCHASBD ilsn for taeh hoa* w[OBRONE, Uay 17—V. T. P e r- June 1 as woo as tb« I Richfield, has purchased tta* Is settled. Perron la Ui«

, Denison home h tre. T h * D eni- on the tta r route tromhave purchased th e residence Richfield. Carey, Halli

le tate Oeorge Durgtn. Posses- VaUey.

C o m e in! It’s F O R M F I T W E E I

i r r r o t t h K l d a h o J J e p a r t m e n t S t a t a r

' . . .tim e to discover lo u r

Sweetheart o f a Pigurel

How glusorouB ean 70Q 1»T >^slt e ar Corset Department and seel A Formfit Week eoDtulla* tion with' our trained filter* will bring out Uit full beauty o f you r figure. So c o m i'la . B* 'Triple F illed- ii^ a Life Br* proportioned to (1) your bust «iM, (2) your .cup i i« , (3) your ttparation—y/idiC, medium or aarrow. Thnll to

‘ ■“ Ihe'lllmralBg'conirol and «ciion-free eomforfof' « aleek-filting L ife G irdle'or roundalioa. There'i DO belter tim e th a a Formfit Week to complete' your underfaahions w ardrobe. . . and you eaa cbooio from a w ide selec tioa of Life Brta, Girdle* •ad Foundatioiu by Form fit. 1

ConsuU our expert eorseUeta . MRS, GLADYS GOODRICH

for tnv foundation problems n u might havt -------;■ :T 5 o o T ) l l ( f a t I o a -------------------------

'p.S. You voD't waol te mtu ear t p < ^ | rom tt VmI

" I d a h oD EPT. STO R E

'I and Growit

IH Q F^ n e s t .

| B B ^ Gtneral-M anager

: W E S T H Io p - P h o n e - 2 7 3 1 - J — ........... -



Henrjand staffed to g iv e -----top in any tim e fo r a

) r G o .f e f D f c g P K o i w U S S

■H'l ' t > I » M l ‘ >

neh h e a r wo be ab^ot: -- - O A IU D VO VA} •000 as th* Dnifta **t«te HAZSLTOH. 'May JT Perron la tli« naU Carrier Urs.'V le:tar L en o lt ao^ LT route trem Shoaboae to V eaett« havt ( W to Al

Carey, HaUey and Son ada. to be with h lf .i LouUe OlDilMr.-'whb li I

Jt coDsulla- ■ .ing out III#

■■ eomfor fof— - ■.. ■ ■■ IM------

id you eaa .1 .

[h t hart

m ■■

A Family Earinershij. Growing with Magic Val

E r n e B t j


I- R o b e r t—

SenriecM a n ag e

H e n r r L .

WillsH uu v cT' .

i ^ ‘t t


bU D TOVAXlOA - ’ ^ 1

to* MthipUMr.-whb li wrtouilytn,

' j f e ™ !

m - i ^ -------

M a n ag e r

1 ^ 1

Page 6: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

H Backers Aver p People Want M “Ete” for Bid■ 9 rm -' 0*0CT’ iniuf BUwii.| n i vhoM ineompleM writo-ln taU ; w um xiot o e v lr compleUd. in th a t order.H I K«Uuver v u a h u d ot 6«n»torH I D ouslu u d Oovemor St«venson,H i both nunoii, both tTowed n o n - c u .H l dlllllM.

M -----PuUlag-tln-Jg Or*taa-4420etU»| B -In to the Elsenhower eolunm-ot-theI I Auodnt«d Preu UbuUtlon mulDI S Uw K»r« tor him SST delegates.I f ? T aft lopped him with 3TB.flu- To eonjpJfl* Ow Kisenhower rout,

4^......Je»e Gard «I Portland..an Elsen-!? hower toUowtr,.wu Jn fron t ot:£i • U well P iiet. also of Portland.Ifii. known M a T»lt man. tor O O P n»- ; l t , tlonaJ eommltutman.’: ijl Three of Orwon'i four Republl- :,T' can’eongrtsjmen. Homer D. Angell,

Harris Ellsworth and W alter Nor. , hl-rt h«d nn.lreublB

If-; CooD ol Stier wu leading OUm ■ rrench. Moro newipaper publl^er,

r( a i GOP cholM tor the E u te m Ora- , gon seat to be vacated by B«P.

LoweU Stockman--------------------------

N e w M i n i s t e r

- T a k e s P o s t a t

L o c a l C I i u r c l i

■me Rev. W. HUm.Oreen, of Uie Marjlnj Chureh ef th e Na«- aicne to r lhe p u t four years, h u arrived In Twin FaUs to become pastor of the Plral Natareno church.

The Rev. Mr. Oreen succeeds the Bav. Henry B. Hughes who wUl b«. come pwCor of th» Tlrat N*zarm» church in BL P»ul. Mlrni.

During the Her. Mr. Hugh#' fou»-—7ear-pastor»«-ln-lwltt_Eaai«.-tIio.

church bulldlcii has been remodel. ed and resurfaced with briclc. Ad­vancement his been m ido ln- aU church departffluiU. Ths R«t . Mr. Ru«b*»-too]cM.»caTB4iulin-T?)n. Palls cItIo affaln and had serrod u president of Uie Twla FaUs Mln>

Thb Rev. Mr, Green Is a graduate .1; of the Northwest N am ene coUege. ;>l Namp«t The B*t. Mr. O reen and

Mr*. Oreen tre Ui# parent* o t a 13- ik'i 7ear-«Id dtujhUr, Linda, n u ------ A-rtceDtlon_irMJ^eld Friday night■ ■ tor the R«v. Mr. HuSiea a n d T ib [H family.I I The subject ot the Mr.■ Oreen'a Initial sermon Bunday m moming wlU ba “Im ita to is cf I t! -Christ." -At 7;46 p jn , .to d M ..h e iHj will speak on Uie subject, "Today' ' or Tomorrow."

! : ’ I n d o - d i S i a R e l S e f e--------^HANOLJnAHJhlna. May 17 tffV-

j j l French bec:t««

I . tupply routes with red China today. ' B.3«s u n lo a d e d ipoo-pound

bombs. bluUng gap* In colonla: routa N o.} leading trom Lansson t<

kifeiL aeu ' Chlnesa border. T b s nM< i n | is about 100 oUm northeast ol

I n i OU’v PluM* V lttm inh troopi 1».“ p eonoentraUons and b u rae k s In ths

auimtolfls M mUes n o r th e u t 'o l * I ^ k a y . about IM miles northwest

.. . ~ct Hanoi; ' -----------------------------

BHoasoKE. iu r i r - u t t i # jm ifahi -and Jim Bmart. lodUos w orktt* in ■21 T3«MinB,-*»»-TflnBd'.«0T»nd-:»5H I -----oMt*-«*ch by OHy-Judge-Ha-Bnmer■ b Saturday on chargea o t Intoxication. ® l . Two- doUan- flf th l M w W wer»


I D ram a E x tiI “Children Were HeI

IbIp|l_ _ w f f

HH ii«WBk-S|HM - i h t w t B n n


^ . h n w A l M T ^ ^ ^ H . AOOIOt

H SUUICTt- ^ l | | | | n

H . ; / 'W O RLD OF Kll

9 Box O ff ic * O p e n 7 t

I I ____________ P l e a s e C t

| = = 1 = ~

B P A G E s n

Tw in FaUs Ra<K U X KEI

.-M R w r ] (1*10 K1L0CTCLE8) (HM KBU>(» r I > i q » A r o

•In taUy was tio s c«inu ei Chuniw. i*i Tit u .iw 1 th a t order. •"'l.Xi;* Im v;H?«5V

oI “ S S S . I S U . . » J S £ p• 8t«7en»oa, inoo Nt»i , i -lo »iiUw.jwt

lunm -ot-the - «;oo T i.no-rtw hew - laUon mad# SiSo P.nd c« « m .jw

S . l i r s i s F S , , 3l:&“■ 3::sv“

,{ Portland, i i i « u . , Ri..f a Hilor O O P n». IIOKDAT ^»llo'*S7«o^)ur Republl. ; ’.oo m i » P w t ^ )sr D. AngeU, ftSiJiTrliS.; ^ ii.w ‘Sn""!, eWalter Nor. e iu l im Jam*. N.«t mostisacM

re- 7iS0 Otrrftd. Kiv*

ed by Rap. lOtSO •« , Tm. ewrr I iM ‘Artiar O.IiiOO ‘S*,! Stivb 81i»w «■« •Iu«D»rT

----- ----------- -ll-nS-MrlfrtTr«'r-8cn[.bo»* W----- 11:30 'Ak Iu i Uii Sum lOiM 'aoDtSM

iiiSSK ^ a . tS;<S KLlXKoli I ill NmU>ta

® 4 i S F S “- / - ' i S i S lurch-liESSt iisS-:■ l». SiSOtWlld Dill lllckok l l l t 't lx m c *

•.00‘K.H-X-tr.. a r- . <.M 'A ll- ef th e N m . — :-----------------------------------------------

irSs Flood Aid Is i S AskedinUtahiSiha- fou»- BALT LAKE o r r r . May IT « > - {!, tb . Oov. J. Bracken Lee today request-- *:sn remodel. '*d'PreBdentTrum«ii iirpKiTltle4ed-- *hriek. Ad- asjlstanca for nine flood-baU •lid o - ln - all DUh coanUes. • - ths R«T. Mr. I « ’s telegram lo the Prealdent ka r t J n J M n maked aid for th s ccuntlu ot Balt «had aerved' TSEeTWeBerTTJIVIsTMorjuimUir * k FaUs Mln> Sanpete, Juab, Ctrbon and Du-

clJeane. b a graduate T he governor s»Id he took the

«ne ceUege. scUon en the recommendstlon o t tO reen and th e sUt« cM l, detense flood com- t

nta o t a 13- m lttee. The committee said poten-a. t la l threats of flooding sUll re- v'rldoy night mntnlne mav reculre enlarging theies a n d T ib disaster areas.- - ^ ^ “J

, , l« e said in a statement that the I«* I- federal aid publle law 876, Blst con- j

» z l ^ » “'^•1 provldo direct Ud to «v f Individuals. I t wUl provide supple- j

m enUry. assUtanca to city., eounty : ect, Tooay governments for tempor­

a ry repairs, and wlU permit In------ . dlvfduAls to obtain credit for long->g p i t t|^ _ l o i a « whleft Is aow not

R eM sUay 17 tffV- d ia l le d for da»»ges done to then u td Heavy JuJI while'ihe two'were'lMWd up.—ad-Vtatakntv : ?*nts tw s.oun-w era ansited n t t rChina today, th e <iepot Frida; night by Marshal

ipoo-pound i u u Austin.In colonial -----------------------------------------------

P IL E Snortheast ot

bninh troops •CttON-.STOJMCH H H racks in U u Alla*** H M lfJ ^ e u t -Of • w nuM (H.-.U.1 . ." ^ S w e s t I" ttm srtlsw lK I,.n as

------------ - 1

n t ^ - M 4 a ^ rL » i»-Ila-Bnmer — se«-»ioaTWAnaiimiLieuitVA*e— - Intoxication. T*i«rhM* u j t s t i i rw tM is .o n .

w W wer»

Proudly Presentsim a E x trM rd in a r y I Were Her Life, and

Her’s Waa a Full One"

i||||U [D y9SLD O F K I D S " - ^ CARTOONS

• O p « n 7 : 1 5 — Show 8 :15

'Yeggg C o m e E a r ly / ________

dls R ad io Schedules ^K EEP KTFI AM-FM

I (HM KILOCTCLES) (jno*klLO-M-T MEO.J^ iuwoaT_______ SUNDAT 2

T m 'CDS N»w» ~T!00 jWerld Nnr» Both4»» M: :!S T—..I. ___ 7:1» Hur. for ItIKi t i f LI»lB* WotJ---------7‘:M^ETiniirt«kt-------- fc*13 vtk?i5/-4rB~ u'.l« u10.i>C> TMplM PUUom s« s Illibll.Sa al

i i ^ H . ^ w . H « r «

Oo nollrwoed P-n>.- -tTMJIntv, ^' -4tM •M r*rrW Im a ~ ISJo ^

liw ‘A ^ W e t o lii* 'iBil’iM yiV, 11M? I M s.':."""

HodllaM S i09 iDill Ilurh ^* ||0 ‘SnM pttln SlU tTbnUr CuH< T

ISiOO <a 1, nb«r«a<U Cbob Tilo ilH B

1:X> •8sid>r Er* 6ma«d< 10:S0 iPilU-Hoci Onh, Oj lliMSIsioM .. lliOO iCliof . .. #j

Till AUn Clock Ctsk TrOS Hoiletl Kmnisp ^I'lM‘Arthar OodfMT** 7:»0 d'k«p»<«* 11tiH •IU«D»rT 7:40 Mi«» f,

J ! . ; S ! ; ; " !».; ■" ■'

KEtP KooB SdlUoq tOil Tltlur T*r« Ttm* JTm il NmUita * Muk>U lOii iKal* B.UilO'NBr* Or»U lisSO iKnrill Xmllfr ^

--------- frT)'»-nn» -----------PlUrmottIm li i i l N»o N*wi SCliU •Llnkltiwr'i P*rtj 1 lOO xR»41o Dfimu H,ti<t Hul« >]• Lm SiU KlloejeI< Klimbdil .liU •Ti. CklorMB SiOO a]«iM *A1I»» lu fc n . Vtw* «i»a lUitaxi W

i Is Spectacular Oil ; 1 Titpl, Flickers Out j1 U i i U X f y Q jffjjg OHRISTT, Msy 17 l » - *' Mav IT « % - A» oU ^ UireatenediS w r w ^ blaUng havoc fUckered out today «

aftw n hnura-otJlBintog specUcle. ,« oe flood-bat- 'D am age w as esUmaied a t more

- th a n 11.000.000 u M m barreli of he Prealdent kerosene In an 8 0 .^ milts et Balt exploded and burned, setting tire to

on and Du^ small refinery unit and twe trune buildings.

he took th# Nineteen p w n s were treated formendatlon o t b u m s bu t only four vers hospital-e flood com- UmI.e said poten- W hat caused Uie tire wts sUU tnling sUll re- unanswered question.enlarging the _ i iM _ 0 h le t.J '5h n j : a r t« l e ^ m a ^ j-

10 tanks exploded or coUapsed dur* Jnent that ths 1 ^ th s huge firs a t tha General876, Blst con- American T ank Btorage termlntl—I direct Ud to ju s t one m ile trom downtown Cor- ,evlde supple- pus C hrlsti. 3I city., eounty ■■ . . ■, n n - _ r ______- - _ uT7 I1 for tempor- II pennlt In- |

D A N C E= ^ E V E R i r ^ =


~ 7 ~ r r ^ T o th a MiUlc o f a 'U O M R O IN s .p ie c e Popular Musio I


------ ----------------------T 5 f5 -K tm b * rt7 -R o a d ----------eirific _______________ILM ---- -----^ ^ ----

“ *■ 1 withFURY . . . PASSION . .

--------------— S P E C T A C L E ! ___________

15 w i l l ' l l

i ' . ' ' ' ■ > I V '•

u i 4 “] H a r r y O rc h a rd ^ i i i C o n v e rs io nX).m MEG.J H arry O rchard 1» n o t ^ name, tt ,^„.T ®“ t If* **“ *** }I^ Infamy. He‘» Idaho's o ld « t lUe U; 4 N m w m prlsSH’W IIIQ UU Uwnfar M inx Itate penltenUary a t Boise longer Is"1=^.*'’-------- fcy 0ther~tTuB»te.-Hg- gained p,f Ufi«i the dubious dlsUncUon Uirough the UI iiiibiiisa slaying of ex-govemor Fnok StueS' h

e nbergonD ec,30 . IB05.J rrw n*-» • l a hlfl aulobloaraphy Orchsrd e « • *«“ “ does not^tejl^ a

liWestern FederaUon of Miners In

Couidiii. 1B07 rocked the nation . Cof ojj TiBM .jijj, confessed jn u rd em -of seoret w

,2«d of people tells h is Ufe story In col- dm laboraUon with I.. E. Froom In a Ij' Nllht.P 200.p»ge book published by ^ u th -ii^rw ern PubUshlng company. Nashville, lrur CuH< Ttnru. publishers o f religious books, d3«i!ja Ha caUs hU biography -TTie M»n tijtrd iicvr Ood MfiSe Again." I t Js the lament d.•Jioci Orth. Ot a m an who had strayed from Ood ci. TMiihi. iruj the exiiltaUon of lha t Kune rr)NDAT aJi h e found h is way back. n

1 ^ sumes responsibility tor his»n<l then blames deb t, social organ!- h

(u« Nr>i uUons. specuIaUon. poUUcs. gsmb- y iKi- ling, alcohol and th e 'joclal whirl'

for his downfall. O f thwe "pltfalU" ),. it Bltb “ he lists debt-aa tho-greals«t-evli—_•0 A«r Tfte slayer of Btuensnberg w u „OtmwiT ,n Canada of o piously rellglouj jjT.f. Ttmo mother tuid stern, skeptic faUier. ^ Riniu Shortly a fte r his marriage h e start- ^

111 BMiiff ^ , cheese business and was pros- jj---------puous.And-*lthJiia-nrMDerlty_cune _

N>» social responsibilities. He began tot live beyond hLi Income and although „

apparenUy prosperous, he olalms h* -n su JoiM Was spending money fwter than he h----------------- made Jt. • - *,

One ahee,'* factory Jed lo two Oil more a n d tlhally ha ditched the- whole w orks — buslnejj. wife and .

p r o O i l t child—a n d ran off wlUi anoUier _ C I O \ / u v h e had burned oneMsy 17 l » - tactory fo r the insurtnca.

It toreatraed W hen O rchard came to the TTnlted i Stat«s shorUy before Uia tu m of theilpg sneeUcls. century, cspltal a n d labor were ta lir f a t more "X» barrels of

gallon tank *Mttlng tire to J y ^ ^ J V

id twe frune

■re treated for S U N . a n d M O N .

HeWMOwts sUU tn f l R n ^womei ea u

•dyaiton ;

the General lUred to l i a lge term inal-ivntQwn Cor- '

W E S T W A R tt" , r » . . c n ie w i r o M E N


- - - ----------- JO B N MclNTiRE---------------

IkSSION . . .^CLEL- _ —I S t i l l E l__


rNGd^‘‘ro S i^ ^UHSBURY.KWOWLES I !'Ul “Woman In the Darie- ’ -

u n n Doors open a( « : «

.......■ ' ■ --’I

T I M E S - N E W g . T W i y

— ---- - - - - ' ' I — , •?

c h a rd ’s B o o k T e l l s ( e rsion to R e l ig i o n a it Ids name, the ttaroet ot • m ighty war. Blood n isde famous w u belor shed bn botb aldea. At t< I o ldu t'llte th tt (lm« ths W este rn Federatton of n

loise longer Uter wsi dissolved and becacae a «.'He- gained parfcelzttlf.-tadipqideat-Wtcksre.ot oUirough Uie Uie W orli-the fam ous IWW or “1 tmak a tuM ' W«n't Wwk" o rvanlistloa . n

Orchtrd. who h a d become aly Orchard miner, volunteered to set o tt the f ime. Now N dynimlte th a t desttuyed a - mine

].ii ninff jniU..Qn;hard-tlsd-io-Uonten»-while ojlc aJn J® * Oovernor Btuenenberg called for v,1.1. ^ , iE f ]i?1p 'lm ir iW ‘faitBfal-yiiip< f

Miners In For several years a tte r th a t affair §Orchard wandered about the west c

tr-o f seortt working u a m iner, gtmbUng tnd tItory In col- drinking. Then cam e another stMke tFroom In a In Colorsdo. f 1 by South- This lima the m iners were.tight-r. Nashville, Ing for an eight in stead o t a la-hour d glous books, day tnd the suprem e court of Colo-■ ^ e Msn rado had ruled ths>t an eight-hour sUie lament dsy wsi unconsutuuonal. He be- ^

Kl from Ood came s slrongarm m an, a “goon“ In tlha t Kune modem termlnoloffy. for the WpM. c

y back. He blew up the Vindicator mine for trwardlv as- itoosnd the depot ftt Independence, this acUona coIftThe'UtUrexpTosloKmUaWTT 1

jcial organ!- Hvei and crippled scores o f m ea forlUcs. gsmb- j]fe, 1.oclal whirl* Thera foUewed a suoceaslon of tse •■pltfalU" kllUngi snd bombings and tlnaUy tilsst-evU,— orchsrd-was-ftsslgned to exterml- tsnberg was „gu BUmtnbcrs “a s an example." tisly religious m hU confession O rchard eald Uie cpile father, crtaej he com m itted were plotted •' ge h e start- by union officials w ho paid him ford was pros- j j j »ofV cSDerlty_c»me _m iow lng_the-alaylniJJt_the_e*t .cre begw (fl governor of Idaho O rchard was ar- ;nd ^Wougfi jjjted foj u ,e f irs t time In his life, tle oiauns n* ju ta k e n to the penlten- •ter lhan he j r i j i b e was placed tn b, . soUUry confinement and le ft alona u

(O’’ C>urtaff th a t Umo h e asyi tu t ^ M me In his bock, he began to wonder t

tboul.Uie he reafter. He said he had th a e th e r —

W a r m b r B r o s ' . ’

' _ ”________~STARTS-~^_______

TODAY!AY l iT T n iN irat «:« I I B I I. ^ * I I

W3, T W I N F A L L S . I D A H Q

T e l l s o f Crim e, i ^ o n a n d C o n fess io n

s.“r£ r.risrb« rsaPederaUon of misdeeds pryed i/P«n hU m m » ,ii iini/m t , ha began to wonaer ii b e 0 ii d b e c S e a would go to heavenrrenswUIJTrMir 75c ,t-W ort«r..of of-souiary-em frn^entand m d l r « otIIWW ^ “1 th r m je sa-esm fessed^-dtTUr ^ tloa. misdeeds,

become a He says he hsd found promise o f trset o ft th# fonlveness In Uie Bible. 33

yed B - mine His confession impUcated (rfflelala nont«»*-whlie trf-'Uie-unlon-and.-CIlKOaco^a^w ,nt called for was hired to defend them. The U U atoT B tnm attr eeacWUUsm R'D oraiM ras-alred-ss _tr U»at affair e 'jpedsl prosecutor. The nine ottI-‘m t the west daU were scqultted bu t O rchard.;tmbUng tnd because ot bU conlesslon. was eea- -■nother stMke Unced to hsng. U te r th e sentence

m s commuted to iSIt Imprisonment. "im tre .flghU Disobeylnj Ood's Uw caused hU ^of a la-hour downfall, he uy i. vj

ourt of Colo- -Tha wsges ot »Ui are Tery reUn eight-hour and heavy tnd cannot b e avoided-mal. He be- w hen one cltss of men endeavors to ^, a “goon“ In torce a Uieory er policy up ro * n - “>r the WPM. oUier-cltss by metns of InU m ldi- «Itor mine for tlon and murder. It has only the e f- «Jndependence. feet of trouslng Uia most W tUr « a - »*Sh-m u a W TT Wimmm." ■ — -IS of m ea for Orchtrd claims nIs re tu rn to r e - ^

liglon wts not essy. th a t the .p a th .[uccesslon of ho traveled tfter his a rrest was one

and tlnally of Uie most difficult h e ever b a dto exterml- Uken. But he claims t ^ t even

an examftle." Ujough bis ;AysIcal belHffTJ napTlf-lard eald Uie oned. his soul U free because b e 'were plotted "has given It to Ood.”paid him for The conleued slayer clalme

claues t^S7 are knocking a t th eg j j t j i h e ex- doors of legislatures to r tpeeUIHard w as'ar- privileges ]usl as Uiey w erw -erthw -le In his life, tum of the century,the penlten- • "I do not beUeva the differences

Kts placed tn between classes wlU ever be adjustednd le ft alona unUl God’s holy Itw Is In^U ed .Intime h e u y i the mlntjs of mtn and w rliten In\ to wonder their hesru," he writes.5 said he had The book ends wlUi several tesU-

T h i s i s t h e

------------- s u l t r y s i a v e - g i f l — - -. wh o died in th e anbrao

o f th e M ucet she lo v ed !

w Q u o


i ID A H O -

B r o s '. f h i u u r s w B ww U r-Jlihi^lituttis77^^

p ^ 9 B | ^ ^ B ^ 3 g . . A n O c « i nAvtlsnehal - ~

A 8tolen.i!'ortttn0•olvftged from the se a s .. .a periled

I pursuit through ^ ^I h id d e n MtaCofnb*..

forbidden tW M u ie ..^ . ' :=*• forbidden lin a . . . -- i .

~ jg d th y lM h ln r - -

I - H 6 S T R A 1 — I -\ tx Y 1 BUGS BONNY-

c a r t o o n


g g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '

Drivers Stay on iS Job as Truckers’ Offerls Refused "s

but hU BALT LAK* d T T , May IT t*V- itM . i!«prew2}UUres ot troek dflven la r ? ' er U b e Ulah and southern Idaho turned ^ • S'wtao' TlowaTsaiy MTiitftf Trom-oDtnios- ' i i ' ’

FiiUmer (L U tter, secretary- ^ w ise o f treasurer ot AFL TeamstMi Loctl f l '

aaa,- lald members t t a midnight \ otfielali meeUug voted against a strike. Ar- ^8 5" *** *” °tlnue __lilrwl.es frtlght truckS ^ 'a r d ^ cempanlas are Involved la Uieras een- ----------------------- ---------------------- ^

monlals from jurlsU and membera S m o f the c lern as to. tho hoaesty of

his cootesslan.uid.Ahe. sincerity of , ery rea l r*»nvertlea. avoided. th e tesUmonltls caa ba summed lavors to up by the s ta t^ e n t ot One Uiat poa a n - ^ changed Orchard frem a ao- itlm lda- torlous criminal to one of the sweet- ’ the e f - kindest, most OhrUtUn ohano- tt*r a a - who lives._______

^ J E R O M E ^I S A u t o - T h e a t f e


,-rS! 5 S S O ns O m r *UIM to j j c m s i - 7 _

T j ^

- - « E - 1 jj

-------2nd FEATURE------- —"N A T U R E 'S HALF A C R E "



WCTUBE H W hfc •

"rs’ him Mondar ^I l d p H “**ra«nt ofJetU S e U N eg o u tu ^ ! ? W £ ^ H Vn UP)- aisinita r

^ n t i ^ e

i « o . i , riV Q 'K "summed

one UiatSA5£ r i n g e r s f c

lt» e[ E S .

l^gRE" C o n U ^ l ^ v a i ^ ^ ^

Flos CsHmb tal

| ^ = n o w r ; ^

rS H O W 'T M S 'F *

Page 7: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

oes-N ew s h m m m p u b lic

t o m m _____

rellianksforMp on Project

'«nd »ppr*-

^u rt VM • ^, J ^ ^ ^ r i d u S » n ( l * S « OgHjBjE

B ^ E L L A I

g & r : : : r

ichers O K >LDS Dele intracls fo r

r n ' BItlne itake »n[ailey T erm s “ — S '

S S - P S - - 1 . ; 'Davis, *«cond Bicrunento. C»W

M „ . t t £ H

j s - sS T t s :

SSSSJJSuiStKsJ' ™"JSST s. x t ”"!'MMh m the W»h eehool. . „

S£.r?JSi.““" Prices II WMt Btturn WASBIMOTON.i 0 ftalCT reporU nil of Wliole*»le i

fKullj h»ve »i«ne<t > P « « « <lwln*

E yeiir wlUi the ex - Mijr IS. the , «onomJe«-twaiBr. tlM -repoi^. Thli

| p £ S “; r « “- , ; . p i S ” ^imdenc Foster will U achal mUhemiUM, R»lph O . -----------------------,bujK dlreetor for HaUeyh a •dioola: M»y B urk-117 tnd Spinlsh; RusseU j f t m jBiUieaiiUM: Robert HU- . j ^ Jsen. physical educatloa £ S B |#t; Bimci Werrr. EnslU h. iO T Wn aL^hoprrMarte- OmlU>7lii^ .U .- Il5 b ^ —£ e p ^ , — ea ind debat«. and L ur- l^Utln and EDEllilL

ivayitccideiit- ~ l j i l j | 'atal to Horser. U>]> 17-A hone be - \ J a s B b S S lo R. C. Rich Eheep eom - U M B p ^ ;l(r. TU killed b ; a Con- ftt!|htTsy« truck driven ■ » < •* (Vi-U. n sr, Portland, Ore.. *-I BUes east of here on tt.VtON I t 10:5S pjn. W ed-

tiTellnj wert, crosjed t h e _________nr'tolilie and met a carm i ughCi b rtvtflU d ------------ RtQUL-

1 U» hobbled herse ' on

siiri olllce reported dam - ^ i^ litllth ti fender and .

m v EXPECTED<srz. Uar n —Ma], Rob-lien, sho haa been In . . .

MJuly 10, IMl, la expect- 'N ow is ttr t t r m a -o r M ty r K r* . l.Slls»hone, said. Be caUed ___ CDAMrT ttw Bunday........... — ------------ —CiyMNV,

•ADVERTISEMENTS vou hSwiBBDiTORS— - - - - ^ ^ = r - L - r = - r r

* S ' . T , u * i . f c " * r . K ile o taVid

2 u ‘w «m i5* InT'S* • ‘

t i hJ!^ Tii“ "In i ful,



| £ ® , • > Goy fc

r w 7to

■**“ •*« ta tepUte yonr

PHONE. ; ; v

WHILEK ^ ff i» Jn n ira n > . ------------------------f 2 ^ ^ * ” ’* “* «>»• ^

E ^ a b e r Co.


■ I ■; ■■ -■ ' ' ■' ' ' _______

T / .

H awaiiai Is Awar( Shosho]

g W 0 6 B 0 H S .-U v --B nnn>uik[-^shdhim d en trd f^ «^rem irCorvalUi. Invited to s te l l summer a t tha Hawkil,

A siountr of ilgb m ine and bu U n i tn AnlAC'.ai well aa e Mllege-trtdlta '"awal .Tftmp. .- ....- : .- r r : :. The tlrU wUl «U)

, ” <^1 While thay atte ' couruf offered

: - «>tr. Oni;r the momln •- In cla«. ' —

. Afterooont wU.b« tzips, viiits to hlacorl

't i - ' '' '- and (unbathlajtfidlUonal Ha«

'■ ’i ' * “ * the ituden llABCELLA BBOOKBANK J.ftOO-mlle fl. ' . wtn be one ef I« Or*ron ? ? “ ' “ • •“« eellcft itadanti m aU of a m P f " ' I ’ • m ir j r tp to H a ^ ^ y w .

,Ah.»fc SbeaheDa. (BUff e n t enlertaln tl^ » S « S'.‘5;

Brookbsnk'i seholait

)S Delegates to - Shoahone high tch*oo*

lug Idaho Skiing°“Ske®-m"n’o-i“»l^‘“ rtllnd SlSeS!le itake are not golnB to daughier olf on the U itdone thli year a t the annual ® “conferenc*. , , _

L «f15X ri.S S Ballot Bati ;V‘S.“1.;'SJS“S‘-.SJ Formatioi

lofSSi-f'.-iil;ll year memben of the BUUne JUwanls dub S u b

are going to h a n means of 7-30 n. m Tuaadiv 1 IfleauSa r n y r e bt«y con-^ alnUture ikler* from x h e ■'bsliot battalitem cleaner* and paper. Proper of a nauotial KlwanlUlcallon will be written on the u a ' j e i - ^ t - ^ “>' trouMn with macaroni. to encourica nMniit».-«.- J . DUle, Bhoshone,-creot- lo- eisiit irIfl deaign and member* of the viewi of . 1 ^ d i d .I t t b o .a r i^ , , th U _ « e k with, , . 5S nBurton 'n»omo to maka the m m will be the btIj

. Inviting them to allw' Bervice clubs, churc

’nces Increase "ISBIMaTON. May IT tfl - ----------------e«a1e price* rose one-t«nth of ATTEND BAI• cent during the week ended EDEN. May IT - U. the bureau ef labor atAtla- Eden high Khool a

report!. Thli wa* the-aecond banquet In Pocatello ;b t rise alter ilx weeks of Coach Orant Budge.: « . n ie BLB Index stood a t Un Kfitheny. Oay n. .-_________________________ tfe n rr .____________


16- PI!

^ “ ““ 'Z Z Z ^ Z O IH S Z

'N ow is the tim e to s e le c t fh * __ _____

- -FRANCISCAN W A R E s a r v i e t t h a t , ,:- -

you hov t a lw oys w a n te d . S torter

Sets In five p o p u la r p o t te r n s o re en

to le a t 0 g re e t re d a c t io n . H ere

Is on oppo rtun ity to o w n th is color­

ful, d u ra b li d l n n e ^ a r # . ..

_ hond;palrited u n d e r th e g l o i e , . . . ____

richly em bosjed . . . ra s J s ta n t to

crocking, c h ip p in g , b reokog# .

Goy fodoy , . . b e a u t i f u l alwoys.

fn c lu d e t:

4 M chdinn«r, b r« cd e n d b u t t s r plotes,^

cups a n d s o u c e rs .A ccessories a n d R ep locem ent*




p r i c e h a m

■pHOVll 474 -

‘ J _________ ' v 1 . 1


aw aiianTrip Busy Week ] 3 Awarded to bhoshone Girl s5°2Si*iS“‘K>BB0Me.Jtv-lT--J4*r£*Ua. - . ^ ^ '“ laurvW .sm k;kbtnk, daughter of Mn. E3ale u e u n d ay by Ruper«>anl[,-^shbrt«rTi o n e 'o r i5 »~l>. UfT a f X B ry n w trof-O reio irattta 'eo lle 'B e,alUt. Invited to spend Ux weeks «bapel; P tu l. a p. m.. $summer a t the Unlvmlty of n t lo n t i ehurch.

all, Honolulu. - The county eighthsiannur of ilgbtwelng. *irlm- **,£'^2®^.!;'.,*'t and h««H"g In Hawaiian sun- Rupert clTifi' aie. as well u eamlna reaul«r Wednesday county 1

! s ? . r u “ ^ “s

|'.KC S - . l% |s S1 eourses offered at the unlver.o« , t t . « i « “S i ;it o r a u .11 b. t r a t a « , n i t r K y S . t -; “ “. .S b i s s f f S o S i S s .? ; ': ?

s “r . u , r s ^ ; s r .3 5 -

m. June 17 via * Pan American '’'J”t^ llppy sleeperette. S-h >i . v .“ !!

help enlertaln the wccien.' quUlty for the trtp, studenU f S ? ’* dl«niased for t be on tho honor roll. Mis* „ ki^'kbank'i scholaiUe raUng waa ®She U a 1M9 graduate of the ^ ' *'

*one high tchooi and grifluated tabem*cle.I Kenman Buslnesi unlverjlty, - - „ _ , ,

WUl be visiting In VaUcy B Mthie1'iifon”thB*S?p.*'*** Plans Tabl

------------------------ BUHL. May 17-TOe

allot Battalion’ Si“S, trS'X^ Formation Slated I S r S J n nn p : ? . May IT-A Burley •‘bol- S ? '^ ‘ u d g T A tSllu attiUon". ipowored by the local be ^ e d i t n-so^»;^

I’LSl: prealdent Thur»day.le "bsliot battalion" li 'a part ? [« p e ^ n f Mn!^ nailoMl Klwwli obJeeUve. I t B S h l ^ w ^ U r i . t ^

. 'jei-out-and.voU" campaign oiUe t ^ ^ o S to n^i8«_peopIe to.rfgliler.and G « re e B ^ r ^ h o k r 0 !!li' w Buhl. w „ e l« Baihon

ItiiL wiuunujilty oTBJHIlaUon*. r 1» StalllnM Bu

s s z “ i s . r ; r . s ;ps also were Invited to send ■ ■ ■ 1

H e l p , | t>EN. May IT - RepresenUng) high sehooi a t the gridirontuet In Pocatello Mondsy were to»3n“5 .W iS S ew im:h Ortnt Budge. BlU Reed. Aui- l>'»° eri7n«mle csa«,tiTMstheny. Oay Henry and Ray w *< 5 i«u»»S2 ______________________ -________ \inrMua,

' S a l o f

B M S C H B 0 3 116 P I E C E S T A R T E R S E

MAT 19 to 3 1 u

r l ' i '—

FRANCISCAN POII* __ , _______ _ ___ ^ ____

ci_Hiot - - - - - ________ — ........ ■■


o re on •

^ere ^his color- ' ’^ 4 .

FRANCISCAN AFPLe . __ _______ _________________ __________

a n t to ! ^ t 9 l ^ i | ^ '

Iways. .


:ements>-------- ------------------------------

-TOOAyr.^,— .----------rMENTS' '

^ fRANCISCA() ll™

l A R D W A R E C G

t w in FALLS, IDA

iy W e e k F a c e s A rea Won l i n i d o k a S c h o o l s a’EUT. May it- a bu*y iched- V H I U S . f l

in etore for the Minidoka 11 i«syatoaFnext week, the last of BAXESY. May lT~Jeit > « l ^ - « k . «>» lau of , ^ ^ t ri;^aU urvte aexTlcae are lehid. J*” " *unday by lUjpert Elgh school T ^ -» e « p ^ * u o « ii* a o -urr a t ■ tn « -a n e auaitcnam,- tw’i-eootaat.------ ------m ;^ .W ^ r ^ m : r i t - th e - l5 f l = ^ » -U U * '* rn * r K rtp : Paul, a p. m.. a t Uie Coogre* a Br»»e End«avor.~ Mli tl ehurch. ibe wm* infonned tha t acounty eighth grad* gradu- &ln< prieea. oxcept the

l< planned at S p. m. Tuesday winner, wUl be put on Rupert cine" auditorium. Mtion.

nesday county school grades, vtiai U lser U a grac ,-flfU)-*n<l «lxlh-wU!-at»ge a tfnlTmltI--.e*--- Waahl tem vftl-m ntup«rt ei»i«-inap t« ti^* n * U JM -an d -T i I in th e momlng and track Mveral Teara, Includln n Uie alUmoon. Grades ier- *c Twin FaU i high ac: .nd dghU i girls- play day and na it **o o l year

s r ‘Q?a“d V f K " ; : : M

p ' d " £ ^ ^ ‘r p , ^ L 7 £ S e ’

nday will be a day off for aU °^****^**‘___________lla as teachen complete rec- .. ~

»U1 b« a t 8 p. m. Thursday a t ~ ^ 7i:ybum high school gymnasium. f W ------ g

ns aad return a t 10 a. m. wlUi Idlaniased for term at-th*t •

ert h i t h school conn'enccmtat ,I held a t 10 a. m. Friday i t ' Ja bemacle. The iv ie r t Song

l e y R a b b i t U n i t Y ™ ' i 5 i j ' 5 !

ans T a b l e S h o w The Now m'ood:IL. : ^ y 17-TOe Magle Vall^ ^ " B ack to M e .. association met Tburedayg a t th e Twin Fall* county n . _lunds sn d made plans for a " • '*•*

b‘.SA,'S ■ ilJilrl M-gJudge. A poUuck dinner will — fed a t 11:30 a. m.O ardner. Jerome, was electedmt Thuraday. Other new -------s are E . B. Whitaker, Buhl, resident; Mn. Helen Baxter, j W secretary-treasurer. and 8. A. m . CaaUeford, director. f brge BMtcr.-holdover director, n _____ m —

nd~Mrs.'"Helen B u ier w u m m ~ l|-Uibw“aecrelary wWcK wUl b e ---------■ -------- m ~ H1 the fall ta eenjunctlon with I V ■

* St*Ulngs. Buhl, spoke on cluba generally. m

Ip, Kidneys V ° ".... -

ik roar dratfUt (or cnrvrxxA<l»«nlMBHlH_________

I ( f l a R Gr C R S E T S





le i s c A f ) i W

E CO. .3 C L « k / M i a B


A- ' - . . . . . . . . . . - •

T T M E S - N E W S . T W I N F A L L S , TDAl,LS, ID A H O

I W om an Events Note( iin«i 4 w aril Shoshone]l i n s A w d r t l SHOSHONE. May IT -

- , bank, ion of Mn. Elsie’• ‘^ . ” 7 ^ '? ® “ ^ . . h a i h „ t « n pledgtd to I

S'K'KSfi'lSSdeavor.~ M l« Miter says ahe has been .ifortned tha t «U play* win- wnu^ee B. Oam ts. Jou a. oxcept thep p w d prlee p»nm«ot director, lor t Ul be put on th e air next

Iser Is a graduate of the jtoJ^T f^v f^ flS j^ rs i: •u.tjfr.- W aeiUMtoa. Bhe ii««d Jam e.a lr.fc itft. igUJM'and-TJramatlcs for s*lt lAke caty TTiutk eara. Includla* two yean eiamlnaUons. r a ils high achool._________ Mr* ? . H. Dlnsaswe 1 ,t achool year ahe resigned from , ^uit ti seven h ln s and rem *tned a t the Moinei I* her parents, M r. and M n. e* n h Baltmar sar. to . en ter th e writing iq BlackfooL lusly. 6he h a s had several j j , m d 3. B rlM published In national ewidreo are vUlUog

________________________ O ra ■


« X j^ r t Son*: French The New Moos; So(U VlUitaTy M a ira . Romiierg the Momlng Buul** lira la My H * * rt Alone. . R.

nk.Flank,Plun)c.A ndV iw a ^ t M e New Moon: Xxnvr, Come A gain . . . . , ( Sack^toMe . • . Romberg -VoinaafBpriiig . - v l

rntnm tablet ta pemOU


in t i i T i e \

f f o r y *" \ i d e c o r a ^

~ Dlnlml So^ — ____ R gyoflilm

\ Oeeeratlon

^ on voco«ot

' I," : ' V . P '- r -

nts Noted b y

hoshorie People O P P (JHOHE, M*y IT-B urt Brook-Kin of Mn. EUle Brookbank. C n«n pledgtd to t x i u Blgma ’ ■ V IlUnilty at Onfon Btate cbl- _ . . .

- ___________ F J b ligowiPTHnnnnaBB'Bixty ------------------G 1VII

J'KSfi'i’=51W=S!J. --------------■ • Ha

a t director, lor Uie past twa

lay atrunk, eon o f M r^ a n d ®P. V, fltmnk. Bhoahone. en- _la Uie;alr.fercft.ftntLltit:Jor. -r - . f ? f l iAke City TTiuriday to ta lie .......... *laUons.? . H. Dlnsasece haa returned 8uppl«ment your r«r a Tlut el several week* In Twin ralU'flna drlTe- slnei. I t, employed at Uies* Jot

earah Baltman Is visiting




^ew Moos; SofUy aa In Morning Buul**. . .

a'lRalnbow O el^LS Call Mc Sweet: 111 See Yo*tin . . . . . Coward " TaOTC aofBpriiig .-vS tranae* ............. .............-------------------

‘: m

V spedal'A — ; I purchasi1 I____ I andy x s o l ^

p e d a H i

. _________ __________________ j y l

DMimI Sollclothl T w ilirB u td tr___ R gtfrdlgaalyji_tyM . p«rf« d _

fitting p ^ f ll p u > b « n spacSoIly

— pgfch e i* d -lrt-llm # -fe r-y o t/f-------- =— f ~ ~ ^OeeoKrtlon Day w e fcend o n d __ . 1 \

lull tha thing to tok# along I L on voeetlonl tn dork ond potft^ I \ “ cobrii^.-. iliM-1 Q ^oitO .______ Ir— : ^


*w ■ ,

/ o a / w w

l l \ V -\-^ \ V ' - v \ i

F A S B 1


-EM PLO Y M EN T—• Hamburger Cook• .Counter W aitress

- - • Cashiers v:n t rour ngular Income w tth «r*nlng work t i 1 IU' flna drlTe-In theatre*. T o u do not hare to ba pr 1 at Uies* Job* to,4W »lU I._.

U l C D C ahould have enwrience'batadUng I i n i C I X J Eave M tappearanoe .pU aaiaf pern

SNACK BAR WORKERSNeat - Pleasant - Experienced Bcrrlni Itia


Call MR. M ARSH, 8188-W D ayi '

_ - TaOTOR-VU, 2 6 7 0 -M E v en in g

r see.MR. KNOWLES a t the.EmploymantSecurity A seney

i e d a i \chase- - - - - — “a n c L J _ale! ^

p u s h e n

t e

r a n c . 403 M a l i f

H w

T t m m m

llTV I ■-- I

NT— - - Mo k im i

Ong work a Me e( t hare to ba p t t e R r t t y B H H

ice'hfadllng tnaney."

tKERS........ .. HI Bcrrlni Ttia PubUe.


r D ayt | H

in lD ^

E m ploym m t............. ..

e r s ^

> - i ' t ’B g r n ^ m

Page 8: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

TOKTO, «mdl£T J& 7 W b*tU»

th 0 Ujtiteawl fflard over tou communM w prl»6ner».

G«n. M»rt; W, Ctark. m nouncl Ih* M(l«nment Tiiit-J lU shl. u the ntnfontmenU wer* aen t to pi Tent anr maM oultoreak. K e oteu

.Ji»eii**tre..!:obvJoiuly-»ctln£jmc ' instrueUoM from outeld* agcDt<

th i intemkUonftl eommunlsl l>o« eoMplraeT."

............... Besnlrtd to Bcbare. n ie new u. N. tap ooaimtniH id the redi would l» wqolredbcUave at »U tlniea.

.R«d I lm lUU fluttered tn toi at th* prlioa compound* on t rodcr Itluid 30 mllM off the '

- of »ouU«at Korea. CoiTMPondeJ reportwl todty Uie prisoners w»U

!•. • cd »ullenly while troop# bm ll ni |L

j. Genera] Srf*e«Iy Brig. Oen, Prancl* T. I» d d , th l l wmroondfr ot KoJe. wa*i f ------piWnienrlirtijmpound-9a-M»y-7-»S' heU hosU«e 18 hours. H* waa Ire D • after eatcessijM « r e mad*

BrU. Oen. caiarlM Colaon. ki RelleTtd of their commantU. boU _-»tneriils.Trcr6_cttlW on, th e carp

by Clark who repudiated th e co cession* jranled Colson. Amo

• them- w u - 0oben'«-»8re« in eat- »top acreenlai of PO W f.

___Clark iiSlgned Drlg. Oen. HaydiII, Boatner. usUtant commander the U. a. *«eond Infantry dlvblc

U to n m lilt WJyp and ordered Do< I Mtd Ool»n btck to preylous duU i ■ beblad th t lines In Kore*.

Idaho’s Farm S t WorliCTTotal i Shows Boost[ffij April ftnn"«npS7m ent in laa i3 WM S.*® higher than M arch Jeve■ R- 8- cutler. Twin roll* employme:n -•sd - aecuilty tfienoy m anagtx, r:ffl' ported Satiffdaj-.i;j!, Local otfleef of th* agency eat

mated S9.8S0 persons were «mplo:' mJ: *d on Idaho farms during the wei

___ »TM<lny April tfl ThU com piuH -B iM J50 In the-weeic ending M arch 1

A breakdown of the tctAl eat mate rereali about 47,335 of the worken wera farm operator# at family worken. 9^00 wero regul hired workers and 2.TJ5 were «« «0Ra! hlrtd workers.

Onty persons 14 yeara of age orer who worked on farm a a t let two days during the week a rt 1

'T i t eluded In the report.rJU --------- U M U I*?t«iar.O TELw meae.t»-tla ttc d -to -n M .-rea ch fn g ^ ^ .A P

; 15. The InertoM was attrlbuied e - -U re ly to the aea-wnal..upswlnu

____ Himh^Tlng.

' . : ' nlacelUnecms manufacturliig a ^I ' ed n i chanie,

Emplsyinent gain* \rere reporl- for Interstate rallroada, finance. 1• , aurance and real estate groups a| l | i | th* federal government. Only m:f S t l i v *>u> whelesalt trades reporl{ { i f deerMW In em plo)fm «t In5 | | | March te Aprfl.____________

^ -^ t tS ^ x p e c ts*7-----To Ai3 R eich

^ t e a r m a m e H

WASHINOTON. May 17 IM ■ t h e Onlted Blates expecta to h e

------W irt-a em in T -m e e t-th e -eo s ta - .re a m li^ for the defense of wertei Birope, bfffcfst* saJd Co^ay.'Bi American aid seems unlikely to be <

------ peat-or-a4_free-handed..B*_m arOennans wonld like.

U ' Secretary of e u te D ean Ach esc■ t ------ k dne-ton-to-Parls-nw ct week■ ----------final Ulks 6 n~ 'R angem enu t< |H aetUng up a European defense con; B ------ Biu&Uy,aeiaaiur..the fo n n er etiem■ cf World wars I .and I I , will be B member ot this eom m iw i^, and wl S ecDtiibuti tfo ^i to itftngOita th J ' v u t agtlnit Russia.■ rae t SUnliig Seta At Bonn Aeheson U expected tM __ 24 fl “peace contractB wtth Britain. rr*nca and the We? IH! Germany govemment BhorUy aftei [ f i , ; - - probably May 2« or S7. he U e»III I PKted to obiervt tha algnlng c • W i an EDO treaty among Italy . Proncc

, Germany and Ihe-low countrle U,| I The tgretmenU. which msy we Im < levoluUoalw the European polll

i l«*l syitem, wUl sUll have to 1: ratified alter being signed and mac detalU. Including tu c h dUIlcu piobJeDu »i U)8 cost o f Aaseriea

» Ud, stm have to be wm-ked out. f t I Early OK SoB ,ht8 ' ^t»uU«iriUe8 here hope Uiat U

H ll imd t ^ t ihe way wlU b e open w. I B l Beinruffi w a i r t h r ytfaf i or t| |r .U Germans lo begin mobllixlng »

tralnli« ihelr force.U i i ITie inlUai Dnltad BUtes cont I V I fruUoa te this formaUon of Germ M l I mlUtary units will b t tb e ddlTerr l l l l ' eonit military ^ u lp m e n t for tr& I I I I purposes. I t is expected th a t■ H I .the first stages only enough i I f l . be required to enOiIb th e Oermj J j y _ _ _ t o l i r a and train anuU m lllt m i - ' trw n » -« ^ « ac irT « * * = iic ia r"u t H | | can later b* btiUt.

ffl MdeoUtT O ....... 'A’t u a ' d o * ' b y r f f i

BatiMay i ^ c ^ . th e n fald b M n n th a drtsser tn a tn U e r hou W a t »1 Waihlngtoa Itree t aouth W l _____ Somecrne e«Ued Mr*. WVIU.iM >i--------- DjiTiHft’of u j r a c ^ i e i i » r «M . J . u rs . Dye a tted * pcOlcemu iM p t ^ ------ eawKTTtirTtfniwfn j f •D lm d iw m w a n d tb a B lB h n0 3 I t bad k tlbjlit c o t o n th t Jm*■ I . .n w ottlMr n n o ? « l t t e dcM f fRBB thg tn lle r houM antf tto n I t so «n about lU h a ln ea s.M . - & iper of th s ho u w c r tb» do« . -WM not known to po lka vfaI

H n iit Experts^ o j eGuardilatid-tD'bolsterr 1 over tough nera.'fc. announclnc ky lUght, said ir* aen t to p r* .

K e o taerv . ^

agents ~or im unlst power

>p ooaimtnder b e’ r«<iQlred to

.tered tn tome on the

o tf Uie Up :om 3pondent«Isoners watch* lOps new

thenwaa byl-?6-May-7-uul-

w u freed ere by

on th e carpet con -

Colson. Among agreem ent—to

Oen. Hayden


arm 90 In s u ra n c e r o t a D iscu ss P r«

About M memben of Magto VaUey 3 ( ^ U 9 I ' 0 buzirtnca fUnu and tftnU tu rned

various insurance tlrm a. * The meeting wm sponsored by th omanager, r e . m i s AMOcUtlon ot Insurance

agency w U . **At^the attemoon session, Leo O’Connell. Boise, sute Insurance

ring tne w ee t commissioner, dlscu-wed problems ol -the:emmrlas5oncr^t>Jfi«:to-K*«rda *» problems snd the IcrrI

i „ . f . h . . I problems of Uie business. Also »P«»Wng wer* Oersld Miller a n d

Ony, Idaho suney and raU ng bureau represenlsUvee, who d ls-

“ cusscd rating problema nnd surveys. •V r.f . r . «i. WilHam Biake and Jolm Shcrnw n.

.1 repreeenUUves ot Uie Trsveler's In -«r» iB . »urance company Irom Sslt L ake

weea a rt m dUeussed Insurance mUnga on

—Bl»ko-iiUcusMd-wlyai4-Pas«nger. carrttlngs. pointing out Uie Im por-

S unsw^K in of dewrmlnlnit If a vehicle 1» used lo r buslnes* or II ony drivers W im der M."-He'alsod1se«Bed th e

v ^ r tn i r ahow. medl<*T^ay«en«pToTtslom1n"poU- cles and limited poJIjJm for servjce-

w era renorted govemment iwses. He d ls-u f ^ S ^ cussed meuiodsotdticnnlnlng ratea I t i erouDs and lor various vehicles,•nt- Only m ln - Shermon dljcuufd commercial r tdea r w r t e d « « ■ - and trailer rsUngs, po in t- W « t f i ^ ing ou tjone t sre important becauae

c k ^ t c - RETUENC 1 . / I S SAN'FRANClSCQrWiy lT-ffl -_ — , j.« . . . . . Twa-Magle .Vsllcy. mcn_are among f 3,(P0 anny combat veterans eched-

the na\7 transport oen. Nelson M.a m e n t.» 17 ”( » t ~ neUi-Ir,-McRae, Hollister, p e c te to h ^ Modem aesllng~yax cont^na n o !

likely to be «s . 'Iwt as m apv _________________________

>ean Aeheson W T a T p ro u d t o "Jwct week fo r •'•- ------ -J S S .“.™ " ' FULLER DECORATINGto n n e re n em y ,________ _______ ____ - - -

Bring US,expected to ' ,

ice contracl"Hd the W estShorUy a fte r, _ '17, he U e x - .5 signing of Italy , Franco, rw countries.Ich may well opean pollt- have to b e d

l td and m any Jt?Jch dUIlcult o f An; erlcan

rorked out.

hope Uiat Ih*

1 b e open well r y i a / l o 'r tKe QoblUzlng add

BUtes eonfcrl.Ion of German th e ddlTsry ol

W r t » U ^ W M t o « . . ,

? r" “ S’am all m ilitaiy c o lo n o e te l I t i s t d i o o s eMU- — i s s s d m ^ m— ----- — “ ^ “8 ttgchloe. T a k ellit^ h i l 'b y r i r ^ :

^ Anderson— 1 3 J - T h W S t r . « ^

m i y o u r F U I- ^ ^ 1 - ^

. . . ■ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.

Experts Speak for Magi*

0 riib t a ri'A T r'.'iS rtteM iti, B a l t 'U ir t l ly r p « a - aln Fire U nderw riters aisoeUUon, aod Jehu U . ent et Idaho AsaecUUOB ef lainnuie* Aienls. u d r, Bots*, ■ w irtan t tnaiuger a t the Idaht tom yliig1 * * * * . *

rance Men Hear Sts 3S Probleins af^peif Magto VaUey tQ U chlow erntei than sones m t n d 1a;ent4 tu rned large CallforTila clUea 1I club for ta lka Sherman pointed out r s ^ for 11 by repfesenU various siies 01 wucssTueTltffweul. -ilurance tlrm a. a s are rates tor different types of <msored by th e trucking and Uie arcis In which 1n of Insurance trucking U dont.- B t reviewed lire.

th e ft and coIUslon lofmacf. isession, I.eo A movie was shown th t Fb« 1

ale Insurance Underwriters Uiborstory polnUng 1ed problems o l ou t various typea of testing to de- Jfl«:to-re*«rda :ta rm ln*^{-bulldlngs-snd -j rtrioiu Jsnd the IcriU Items are fireproof or safe. ‘ ' 1udlness. Alao William DUIon discussed rating of 1Id Miller a n d fire Irisurance pollclei. He discussedvey and ra tin g approved roots, clatsei of buildings, 1r«, who d ls - use Of buildings, types ot roots andij nnd surveys, flra protection. Items on whleh the 1Jolm Shcrnw n. m tej are based. I' Traveler's I n - R. L. Salmon. Jr., Salt U ke City,om Sslt L ake concluded Uie prDgrsm wlUi a dl»- ,nce raUnga on cusslon ot good agency pncUces tor

vali-Passenger public relations Is nothing more thanbul the Im por- ^naklog-trfenilt— -HI-:-----:---------- 7I If a vehicle Salmon urged itcretarles to tw * r ll ony d rivers enthuslasUc about.their Joka,_. He' ’0 dlseossed th e — ■ ■ 1 ' ' - JiTtsionirlTiTJoU- • ■—r*— —^ --------Jm /or service- A c C C p tS P O S tS n l ^ % o t M JEnOME.Uayl7-ClUford Peake, I

secretary-manager c( the Jerome 1 d commercial Chamber ot Commerc* for lha last ; rsUngs, po in t-

S 'm n e ^ h a ”? ; « o S , “Slo**S5‘% ' 1•" “ report to work Mondar. Mn. Peake •

and their two ohlldrsn wUl Join him. ,RETUE.V ftt-a later dote.w i T - f f l ------------------------— — ------------------- ;,cn_are am ong J a f J p deierans eched- “ ' ----------------- --flinaay naonn l ' —e H 06H W 8rM »H 7- | M« Court.- 4 icn. Nelson M. ney. Negro, U serving t IS-day JaU ] gt. Harold D. sentence In Shoshone on chsrges of 8ffir-l?'«r-Kenr -v«(fTancy-*od—prt>wllBi._OIIlcJils_ ] .ter. are InvestlgaUng his ttcotd.. . . 1------_ Courtney, who was arrested 1X con t^ n a no Thunday, was sentenced to Jail <

agen._______ Dice. I__________________________ t

)foird"tb announce anSther---CORAflNG SERVfCe (

19 US your COliOR PBring ia yoar

b b n c simptta. "We’ll b d |1 .^'|i|nrji I - roomi. Chooje from our'l

decocxtot.4ty]^ caw oa «

1 ^ ^ 7 -

M rM l1on...iK yfuuotbothetyay any o f these beautUiiL wall[Ju H d ioo«ey6arcoloii..»welI•d OOC tacw d e d & c ^ o i P H | ^ Hcbioe. T a k e them b o e e withe o i ^ ------------

i S t r « * t W * r t - -------------- — T w l n ^

t r a u e R M i i'* a a o o d p k i m s t ^


ir M agic V alley Insui anc .

i H ' <

elHlyTpwa and r*Up* i t i r e a i i r a ^ ”K l« HaUrS iDd John U . in tenaoan ta ln Wre OBderwrlter* asso ( Aients, u d er* a t F riday^ meeting of Ua<1« Vail tht to m y liir ehih, (SU ff phete-esgnvtBg), * # * * *

!ar S t a t e E x p e r ts „

nsones m t n d pointed o u t Uiat agenU muit rtallie ra th a t clien ts who have experiencedout r a ^ fot a lota are distressed and are expert-

erent types of selves, although It Is an everydayress In which occurrence for the agents.I reviewed lire. Buslnesa letters were discussed.Tiraoc*. Salmon pointing out art wriUn by Ul* PU« te n to<«lve courteous IntornisUon,itory polnUng no t for hiunor or beautiful English,testing to de- E e discouraged uae ot old or Ulte

l-t^nd.jrttloiu phr«t>« n r wnTYly Ifttfr^ i«Mf safe. “ accuracy Is more •important thanlisted rating of speed In th e insurance tnulnes^.:. He discussed Salmon also discussed proper use■I of buildings, of the telephone.■s of roots and ----------------- ---------

""“ “- ““ Senate OK Seen r .S '. 'S For McGranery as i S n S ^ t t t o r n e j ^ e r #

— WAaHIWOrow,-M«y-l retarles to be 'Cjin'en. D., t^cv., prcfflet»a toflay heir ioba He' senate, after six v,'eeki de-

- - ' - ■ 3ay,-.jyai:c<3nt.itin JSTOM R McOran------- ------------J 13 jf ljt tw m ey .g fn ’e ra ljex l wftV.P o s t M ccsrren said he expe«U-Uie'sen­

a te will a c t on Uie nomination Tues- ClUford Peake, day. and Uist the vote would be f the Jerome more favorable than the fi-4 margin c* for Uie last in his Judiciary commltUe. ted .Uie post of HU forecast came as tour Repub- « * secniary- lies os opposing the conilnjisUon Colo. Hi will failed to meet a deadline for tiling

sy, Mn. Peake wlUi the committee a formal report0 WUI Join him. against-M cO rancry............................ ..

Senator W slilns, R, Utah, told— ----------- •McOarren-and-newsmsfi-th* report —4 would be ready Mondoy, He refused*------------------to -com raent on Indlcatlonst-Uiat -7 - m * C ourt- J ta mihlirmn onmiTirnM were In . dl». _ [ a IS^lay JaU pute over It. on chsrges of Senator.i V/aiklns. Fergu.ion, R.. .

Bag—OIIlcJUs, Mleh,. Jcn n rr. R.. Ind., and Hend- tecord.. . , rlckson", K ,.„n._ j , . ‘ voted—against - was arrested recommending confirmation tor Mc- enced to JaU Q ranery May 8 when the judiciary w-Pstg* R a n k commlttee—spproyed-'the nomina­

tion g to - t

S th e r--------------------^ --------------- .—

a t o u r s t o r e — n :

m m m mJring i a y o a r d n p e f y o r u p h o ls te ry - !«. "We’ll b a p 7 0 a coioplM D yout Me from o o r 'h o a d c e d f o f b e a u tifu l ^c<l o u t o a waU o t r f o n .

>er tompany—T u r l i i 'W l r - --------l> h o iir4 1 ----------

P fU N T D E A U R

■ ■ T I M E S - N E W S , T W INw s , TWIN F A L L S . ID A H O .

i s u i a n c e M e n ]

jw r , ’ ■11


J T U n 8aU r8*»t-tako-C lty ,-riee pretldent-ef , 1 iderwrttei* alsoclaUon. They were anieng lekd- t> I c t Uag1« Valley Insnrance agenU at the Tnrf ~ gttvtag) ________________________________ U

I x ^ P T A t o M e e t In s ---- H oU ilST E R , May 17-New .Of- I

fleers will preside at the HoHlster « ^ *~ °^p '^ tin8--at-e-p .~m -M onday a

e ip e r ic S ^ J E i A D ' WKSS; — H t A K __ gjan eierydny E v an g e lis t ^•e ^ im e d . _ W A L T E R PLATT p j

jl'ui’ agusfl: f er '‘'"W |' B ap tis t Church

JEROME1 proper use 8 :0 0 P.M.— O n th e FollowingS e e n StartUng Subjects:

1. SUNtJAY. Mmr ‘Tnia ■e r y a s » i -

l e n e r #

net»a~t3aay — -r i^ u m a»<.

nation Tuts- OiHKf*S 'a S m S WE GIVE A CORDIAL tue, I_______ _________________________tour Repub- ' ~conilnjisUon

5S;:2«!A4AM•, He refusedaitlonst-that ------------------------------------- -'ergu.ion, R.. . ■ J, and Hend- ^ - ...........ited-agalnst --------■'"■ , ------------------------ -

i i s_______________ ^ __________

PEBBLETEXS um m er’s most v m at

S ’ ' ■ _ m o s t wearable fabric . su c k e r! The entire ure c o tto n Koranit and p

e ry - -

' ' ■ 'V ' ■ ' ‘ ‘ :

Hells C a n y o n I

I J u n e 1 7 -2 1 ;W/flHmaTON. May IT 'fCpeflal) he

are girding for t b a mcoM m round ol H*Us canyoa to w rtag i tn Jo a,. here

ot the Interior a iia T n sm ir-* im n f m connnltue from June IT to 31. - r 5 ^ n .im r Uie aame oominlt t te in , j the senate ha* Minouncea T*nuunnr

Pleas Delayed 5; By Pair Over “

T’frtsylMviiigl, <rr«. F . . . OB.) hi

two cempanlons of H ansen who are pj ■tm hbipltalUed.

Hansen was released on bU a « n s« n S ^ n c e . H e was c ited toy state OC police alter an accident n e a r Buhl aJ ■niursday. He appeared^ in court "i anemtches because of_a Injury. O

Ernest Hi B a g l^ d , 43(J Islgntll- “ a tm e norUi. paid a «ne o t «10 and ,, M w u m a t f to .T M n F a lls police « S ^ d t e r h r -pBM ed ; Kullty- ul- a « stop sign vlolaUon. H e « b s cited ‘ by city officers for a violaOon a t . 8ec»nd avenue and Second etreet north. B■ uiri# E- A nderson.' l« a Taylor h tjm l. vas c l t ^ Into ]>ollce court r. on a similar charge by c ity olfl- cers tor a vlolaUon a t M a tn avenue and ElRhUi street north. 8he paid «1Hrand'$3“«Jats;-----------------------------"U

Fo: running a red U ght a t Sho- n Ihon# street and Second avenue MuUi, Emily N. Irw ta . route a, J»

pre»ldent-t»f -; Twln.PaUs. pald,,»a_and t3_ costa In j>among JeM- Wllee court. ___________________ _a fth e Tnrf -----------------------------------------------------

In Ute HoUlster school. T h e program------------------ WU Include a talk by Mr*. Blsl*r L Cutler, who rceenUy w on a tilpl e e t to Hollywood fo r being one ot 73

17-New .of- Idaho I r ts tn ie to rs -te a c l^ Uie ^ t the HoHlster »Jr rsiil program. M usical nuaners

,.-.n,_Monday aiio-gUl-be-fentuied. -


Ml' ---fjwTO

I. Il» ABll. •• ••


ETEX PAIR-OFFS9 most versatile in th e s e a ^ n ’s irable fabric . . . w aqhable a e e r- - - - ' The entire firoupTT^jarked w i th oranit and poker ch ip b u tto n s .

Left— •Sun W esk it $4.05

n Poker C hip S k ir t^ ^ • i

r . . C enter— |

______Poker*Cbip P la y a u lt~^7.9ri

P ow er Chip M U B W ais tlin e r $7.98

Rodeo Pocket S m a rtie P a n t s

— :

S O . __________ :

o n H e i ^ g in H ov - 2 1 ; S eria te P l a n sQ p e ^ ) holdl^.'M ^olcC* tlthtr Ute thU chai> seeo&d montb.,cr.ekrly next month. Sen. -Boir la g i tn Juepat'/O .fO llalum y. D ...W yo., Vasi mmltteer bas no>.aapounctd'Uii exact dates, thea•“o i f i n liuw nei. .........21. • . Rep. Hamer-Budgt, R, Id a , again a v(

t^ ttee in will •gusrterb*^ the "anU'; foices N ffluunnr dining Ute.^otiA* tOUSM. Be 'Uso Tno*------------U a member of Uis'mbeomaillUe. bud

1 While nelUier for nor againstB n having hearings lo addlUon to thos«

^ t jia t lasted two week! la la te March■ and April, Budge m ji he doesn’t

/ C V teel four days la l « l enough. - . _=if_«>B.ffftag-tfl.lairtthanA Jj*. - - j

r i T l j Pf c o m p leteT 'iriilst'irliW -irs-bave ^ O finished aU sktei wUl have been

heard apd we • can publish a com- who are pj^te record."

7%* Idahoan uld la Uie earlier bU -o«n sassloa the lorees ftnrlog Us* •460.. toy tta te 000,000 project wert allowed “twice

ta r Buhl as much Ume’ as hli tide and th a t in court '•we really, a ra enUUtd to three of P '^ g Injury, the four Oaya" Budge said be eer- ™ ^H gnm - talnly-wlUJnslst on t « of them. ^

I t r S S e S ^ ^ S T v e ' S f f '^ 'committee a definite Khedule fo r ...?:

^ r i i e d Payln* out" cotU «I the project.

isla ecreei aeaslcns by Rep. r r a n k T. «„■Bow, R., 0 , aod Uie testimony o t . qm

I Taylor Halland'Roustan.BesUle, eonsiflUng Ice court engineer tor Uie gfiieraor of W aah-dty otfl- iBgten, opposing Uie project. I n avenua Budge sild his ilde bad severalShe paid witnesses ready who waited all (ivi

^iruugli Uie esrUef~hearlngt and wua t Bho* never did appear. On* of these is a t

' avenue O. Bteniu, PartJend ensiaeer, bei be available, for Uie new hearings. t

- - Sen; Herman Welker. B.. Ida., M .

t "He LIKES itl’ S ^ ^ T h

Reliance Credit fo r tho nioney


M4INANCAcrsta from TloefNews PBONX



L M ( I ^1 i j ; ' ■" 1 . 1 , 1 !

I H ousT s^ j jH s I a n s fo r

a , again a vote'thu

to Ulos, <5tfense « M arch ®«>*y for HtU.

ive been _ _ 1

. '.r„ HereSevM -h * g « 0 ,. n e t» o rk * t i , i ,^ .^ B ^ a d “twice »nd Unei u and th a t 'Ph«»ne three of oi orter

I be eer- *"**' InstalUni

Mlneera ^ t ihfouat • t

w w e e r , be coapletedheartaga Nlagaf* f,n, B e u j T r ^ K f R,, Ida., March jj, IJO,-----

' '1- .

T E j p i ^ s y y \ ^

1 I ’



3w leave him there tho m oney to buy itl’’

■ '

o.belp yon flnante hoint I s i j tw w j^ g

v' avtom obiu * niDona ^ K : '*14INANCmO 11

■ PBONX I3M T W IN rlU ^ ^ K ;^

■ - ' f f

‘•BecauBe' Amerie* b est I" ia b r ic i byM J i t a . - - - —

Bizeb 10 to

l i l

Page 9: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

R i p ' ' '

^ S j d f o r ” HaOi g ^ S c h o o lp s - i Q . S 2 w m m

i t,v IM Kel»on.

■“• S w l lortft- ’ ®L.i5* ! ^ £ ’4 ^ft l**T^MtJaa and bene- ^ E m < a n

. ; » £ r £ - s s ^^ ;', lSnS~S,“ ^"“^ ^ l o by McMonlgle: >■#. '

WllUam House: t i ; ', .Ellen Allred: > v,

1 MIM McHan: • P IX It LI

?» I — J L i l■^^pM 'iils Ann Buhlcr.

Morjorle Ann Idaho schluneescr.

-Patricia-W fL Mrs- • Josephine ■

W n n e^ D o n a h u eBmlUk. Don

S l^ m n c ls M - B e r s lo . L ^ ^ .B r o y ie s :- J a m c 8

u o n Slmpaon.S S T jw D w Taylor and , W ^ L J ttlcuM-

nge’sN e w S J | | ^

^K ’T iJ S r S — ncr« -,Wrfnud»y evening to

SSSfKiSSVRiipertB.S ^ rU n e o ln school. I t _

LS.S«™f‘" "““ Into Pa

------ ■"■ ......... mobile Bl 3T40-p.ruiird H»r»'ar^. lecturcr. nupert street, lhe prtrgram. Community "Rupert police & lift Mrs- Ron Howke.^ ns cd from betwei u icwmpanled by Mrs. mobUes Into the p utoa. An Impromptu p ro . by Mri, Delortj slud«<I responses from doka. The boy wi [ Uu members who wero tor for troatmoni ‘ia tomethlng." Police are inviImanlimby AWo Dallollo. at 11:23 a. m. Si ■■lUr’ Warrm Hoillngcr. Ijrcfi-tlnn nf T » i: E»rl Miles, violin nnd 30 between a ja a,tJ»n»rJ»<uJlod.ln-nj<!Jn- irMck-drlven-by-csst-K>-«u5ie-by-«je-lm- ley,-nnd'H anld cifitstra. Hnyden, who hacUnrood, master, showed a truck lond of po ;an»r ujf_'r»rm;.miinaii io:paH : n>:«»w L '- " " ' ” too late tb turnI ihorl bi<Uie,u session, a of tralllc and thi la-npoitdof RonHiiwltcs, lided headon. Hi M Nellson nnd llaywnrd, year-old .son, D wed to attend a Safety jUBhlly. . -a ., RUa( It Gooding May 27. ^ •-■ ■ •

AidOasses Husband ted for Rupert Di^rce-------------------X — ----------Hoy-M.-Keas, r

r,«»ylT-K e!thW m ton. e . Walker, was «f_^e-M lnldoU h^sTB-mdar frtii

rtl Brno Patterson, field The wife wm 1 U?B *llh headquarters a t the couple's two ■ bnrill-glTe flrat aid In- mlsjion for tlie tnlaliJ«-cour»«-at 7-p. m. them .-8 he rece Bawgh m d a y a t the support for Uie

monthly for hers a* wu scheduled a few jy h g hmbanJ 9 rB e u u K -^ r’llic-flboa' f\>rd pickup tm lh* (leld representative a 1940 Ford eoupi

I lo be here nt thu tim e. Zephyr, a 24-fool ■Uons for those t.-iking the household goods.f* minimum ng e 'o f 30 " -----—posstisloa of an advanced l>o i.+»f P certuiciu lasued-wlthln — - T a r i y x ^ j e ^ or j ^ t a t jlr» t- 8H08H0NE.-k -lori certificate. planned for THu: ------------------- - tha city park by

•Plead Guilty T l X . h T .ipleadri guilty of d runk . P"-M onday iir. Kn imlgned Jn T^vlntl Siturdsy The party willnw.OoodiiU.paida flne day ot Oene Moj*u mealed by cltj- po- 1----------------------l aDerreli. 34, was « n - See the specU»«yi in the counly Jall, WABP, h>-dr»-r^ y ^ n m ade ihe arrest, esl color eonIP down design, anu nrJare, much of the See It today at

"P'U*'*"* D E A N M

mmt t E Y D R U G^ . i l% h _ i 2 5 .3 h o » h o n » - S t . - N ^

1'.- \ ■ ■} ’ .•'•


HaOey Has Three Leat


*- JLJ‘icho«] (raduatlng c M iu cela thf dauihtcr ef j . Asitin LI|litf» Bbe b u b ttn ^U v a***’ 0'" 'ia 4 acmbcr of the

» I 9 H E M«»lstIon. ftllu Ml‘ dlctorliD. It the da

and M k t . V. Mci "BhellM Kiii bccn'a

^ ■ n ( < 0 t ' **“n a S ^ ■ ‘e a a and wai % m<

-------J ^ l i ......■■Tia-Bcton-in'a "ii< McMonltle, u la ta t

^ I K . .-:.V aoD of Mr. and M- 'V - ‘ Monltle, 'He baa I

. V r ^ . ■;dP' . alhleUc* md musio ^ .. «lMi ai>d itodent b«

• - v J I H > t» a been ■ mrm ber ptoni. (auff eap i

— - L j * | J ? a ik in gW t f l V ; . 'A i f l H Foiling bondi fo-FKaNCIS-MeMONTOt*----------parklngllow Trtday------------------------------------------ were Mrs. orlce Pon

ipertB orD arts- i s f l s l ; ! [nto Path of CarJPERT, May 17-Rlckey Hosa. w ^D oltoJr’KaU^Ai ar-son of Mr. and Mrs. Vemon f ^1, Paul, received cuta ««d b ^ « Blake. Wilma Spence n J ? l^ F ^ lU d k ^ T o m -lle Bt 3T40-p, in, Saturday on a SchntWei.;ert street. jim Phodrt p tjpert police said the child d i ^ „ „ d , „ be iy n '. fmm hft.wfpn narked auto- Ues Into the path of a car driven Mn, Delores Mansfield. Mini- ,I, The boy was taken to a doe- S T O C Ifor troatmint. J I)llce are invrstlgatlne s crash 1:23 a. m. Saturday a t tho in-

Ktwcen a gasoline tanker andk-drlven-by-Deval-Butt*rB.-Dur- -----------------A'sdHnnd'Hartjid Hsyden.-Hcyuurn: — ^ • .------ •.—den, who had been followln* a Khonc for ok load of poUtoes, .turned qu^ ____ _________ COlaHr ile'saw (He gasoline triicX ___ __1 .__1_____late to turri'b'aclc Into his lane-----------D —1 * — D rairic and the two vehicles col----------- D O IS G r '

------usband Granted ^ - p irDivorce by Court j j |[jy-M.-Keas, rejffesented by-Earl — ------------------Walker, was granled a divorcer m d a r from- Mr*.-Oeraldine ................................t Kaai, ------------------------- -------------------------le wife WM granted custody of couple's two children, with por­tion for the husband to visitn .-S h e recelred-«o m o n t h l y -------------------------50rt for the children and »13 ithly for herself,hg hmband was awarded a 1048 , _ J ___________I pickup Irvck and the wife 40 Ford coupe, and 163S Lincoln hyr. a 24-foot house trailer andsehold goods.___________________________________

Party Postponedf!08H0NE.-M4y 1 7 - T h e - p a r t y ------------- ----------med for Thursday afternoon In ^city park hy members o f Cub &AII den 3 waa postponed due to m Xweather but will bo held a t 3:45 M JMonday, Urs, Edward Schwag; H I

len mother, said, le party will honor the birth- ot Oene Moyer.

e the spectMularHUDBON4BP, h)-dra-maUc drive new-.........................

color combinations, step- wn design, and 137 h.p. engine. s It today at

D E A N MOTOR CO .a ta d Are. Wett. Twtn FaUs

W l i u h ^1 - ^ — n n n i ^ _ ^

r o r i ym pr-- ;

Vm m i I t f :

o n a S t . ^ ^ h o n o - 'W — | ............................

' ■' ' . ■ ' \ '■;! ' i '

_________________ . •! . T I M E S - N g

ee L eaders Y e t T e a d G iven A(

O v e r SlSchool teachth

U Teterazu and p m m m er achool ui^er '"'I'l need, a lupportl: from a respcnilUe >

« 4 0 7 ' P i r ^ B th a t they have been ■ B |> ' • teaching .during the 1■ » : :< - year.H w ' ' ' ' Arnold Helwege. T«

«iCl3SIHKllP~?‘ -siatemcnfUjtpt-aheFir a n d - c k ^ - d a l i i . - o l

JF- r-. ..‘. I ’ I I t must be presented........ the teacher begins

X i c ~ W . . . ' training. The school ' ■ •. ! the statem ent to the \

, the remainder of- -

The regulations vpp who were enrolled u bill last aummer. The mltted to study for succeeding aummer

MASJORK McBAN ever, they must be er« * * « larly os teachut :

lool raduatln r class ihU j e S Helwege aald veterU L ^ h . f o o t . “ wicto^Ja" to conUtiue work forIht d.u|hl»r ef Mr. and RUa. “ n t*" 'Aaitln LlchUcKit. KelchuBi. ®“ .®V?,

C b u bttn_a£tlvB In' m ule -»«■» appUcaUon Jo^w roui> h t ld l^ iro fn e iS w ursea-lhls im m er't k o m b tr of the OlrU' Athltllo ^ Jeacher-students u «l»lion. Mli»MeaaB.M.v»i*— bill must_att«nd tunw torlin. ll the daoihler of MrIM ri’ E^V M X n ,K .U h J l lbllM Hii betn MtlTe la s s i e , - " de»reer«elw ere i^ld, yed OD the glfU- baskelbaU _ ------------ -----

'".S Eormer-Res”o(‘' r' M d M e - Dies at Aj;;si .s c « i3 , M ™Mi aad itsdent body elficea. HeI been a member of Ihe Thea- •nm l a i . o _____ _ Twin FbIU residentna. (auff e apa tm n) w . H. Johnson, she «

Falls fo r about 20 yeu> I • - |7» ing to Orange 25 yea.-arking-Eines-

bond, I .r I . „ , r u « . tlng llowTrtday-and Saturflay. -*<m.—Whltll*r,-CalU.;-! Mrs. orlce Powler. H. S. Hll- j . Joh ruoa Gardenn. Jean Dlrlfih. Marine E. An- nine grandchildren *5HrM’r-r^ B c i“ c r a T 5 ^ r In . Braiidchlldrerr-----leen Kolb. Tom Bybee, K. Moon. Funeral services wiAlfes. Bill Pead, Archie Bing- W In Orange and ent

I. Virginia Dodson. Earl Satchell, made in Falrhaven rold Hawks. Mrs, Ben Powell. R. —Bollmer. Kate Andtrson. Carrol JOIN0 SOCIwaU. Pauline Watson, M. F. UNIVEBSITV OPte. Wilma Spencer. O. n. Beatty, cow, May J7-Charlott P.-Ra<lk*,^Tom-Whll«-lthraair :^aUs...haa-be(a-tapp«C Mirt SchntWei. EmUy >1. Uviiat aWp IS Woflar Bowd

Rhodes, F. J. Fisher, J . G. en's honorary societyden and Evelyn Craner. verslty of Idaho.

S T O C K M E N - P A I R Y M

———AttentionL—:-------------A'spHoIr Povln q -fo r^ FeedlotsrICOrrOli;

Phone 'fo r o rep resen ta tive to d is c u s s t h e i t __________ cost and c o m p le te tn fo rm o tlon

Boise Pavement & Asphalt>hone 2 885 1



H A S N in C S IV T ^

V ^ ciTm»f-«TO»Aa#*“9 B n r r

: V— — - »

S T R A P - Q T g A B I T . . $ 1 0 . 0 0

18 Color* In F in e a t G a b a rd in *

S t r a d - p . a e c k s 5 6 . 9 5 - $ 7 . 5 0

B U R L E Y -

1 i j l , ’ . , n 1 \1 \_ ' -Y

r n r a ! s . m ! ! w g , ' j ^ m t y < ) J 6 t g , i p a i

itT eachersS , AliflrewAnd iven Advice

B U R l ^ i May 17—1

O v er Studies— ■— ;t- — ------------------ TiHaf6’r-*na*r»on.-TO;-jol teacheh who ars World i j s home hare T hutK[ veterans aiul plan to aUeod • iUncM-er achool ui^er tha Ol Mil Mr Anderson c a n ele e d .a supporting eutement in w ia w llh Wi familya responilbl# ichool offlelal Burie, in 1818. He w uthey have betn employed a t j m . , t PtounUln Ore*ng.during the lBSi-63 school Qumled Pearl Shund

■ 1»«. In Provo, U tah,old Helwege. Twin rails vet- BurvlvlnK are hla '

administrator, reporta the «ons. five dau«htera,

a 3 "S Z S :S S £ SS!^‘ !!SE1st be presented a t the tin s The chUdren' M e Jaeacher begins his sufflmer ]>banon, Ore.: M arrns. The school will forward Hermlaton. Ore.; Merlatement to the VA along with Clearwater: Omer Anemalnder of the. enrollmml biun;_'Clyde., I»am»r'■ ‘ . Anderaon. all Burley:regulations'■pply to teacher* ^ n , Portland. O re.: Mi

were enrolled under the OI Aroo, and Mrs. Ondsst aummer. They will be-per. Mra. Blalne Kraus and1 to study for degrees during, son. all Burley.'ding aummer terms. How- Biahop Lawrence A.they must be employed regu- officiate a t 'the aerviIS teachut must not skip m«» call a t.th e McCc

vege aald veterans planning will be made In th e IlUnue work for advanced de- cemetery.under the 01 biU at future • cr eeaaloos must make early ._ _a ilon for enrollment tn their M p r i f i n n Ii- lh ir iu m m « 'te fm .' ' * ^ 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1cher-students under tho OI b u p e r t , U ay 17-ust_att«nd summer sessions qf o f^ a ro l Hunt to aen less t h » five wttks, -me u tratrlx of the e sU l

” sCi'-;!,?----------; r ------------ wood.

pmer-Resident u S K ? S S ’; )ies at Age of 91 KISS'S' S'TJ',d M » d . « » » .

on. 9t. Orange, CaW., a former FalU resident The widow of . r e a d TIMSS-NBW8 Johnson, she resided In Twlt^

for about 20 years before moT-> Orange 25 years ago. _ _ .

U jurvlytd by her daughter,Bonnie M. Momlngstar. Or- T U C a T Ithree sons, W. Ward Johnson, a, CBllf.: Dr. Oayton R. John-Whltller,-CalU.;-and Howard _________ i : __tuisoa Garden Orove. Calif.: . ‘grandehUdren and l i great- O t a r t Schlldrerr------------- -------------- ---------------------------------leral services were held May 9 : (Orange and entombment was

M e m o ri[VEBSnV OF IDAHO, Uo»- ' t , , , v t - 4.U flay 17-Charlotte Henry. Twin (1 -DIOCX N o r t h ;

'xi Mortar Bowd, Mlilofwora- - D ! ^ t O r 5 !nonorary society a l ths Unl- W m . M . K am p n y M»ho. A g e s 6

d a i r y m e n

I f / t PICNIC *d iq i s r x o r to l s z : r > F R E E j - Bd isc u ss th e lc a f u re ^

--------------------- _ --------- -S o u th 'P t r t r r a r t i ;A s p h a l t C o . Immanuel Lutlierai

Tw in Fol[( FREE PiNa t o a i

The Fabric of OUtinetion

Sllbn luxury, • .w f t lm tr * . . , Unettvt lexturf. . . ol) th a t l i > In Strod-O-WMvi. An txelu w othable, A ettatt-and -V iii

m l ^ M l Royon fobrlc. lavbhly te llom Stradivari Into o sport ih irt lh «M<luoll«d In a ll Americal I

--------------onJhiJistablt^ ttfldlzgclJ iV '

^ _________(Iw l ccean peorl buttona, p

HondtConM oka."

r n u T A lM B D . ^ BPIOi n r r u k * o i

,1 - - _ i-*-n-rfrfrV------- ------- — -_aA ift)-r

1 • ^. $10.00 :i_ S T S B k S B Y I

! T n S : S ..'«-$7.50


\ . ' ' •' ■ ' V,

£g, IP A H a

ew Anderson Wool Clip ses a t Burley BeConsisnr, H ay 17—Fuaeral aerr- ■* ”

a '’r/>L5'5.S';;’r _ On Loan

& c a t n i - t i - k e y W “ fS'o'id*wSl M aS S ^llh Wl fam ily and moved to ISie. He w u bom Aug. 33.

•tountaln Oreen. Otah. and^ 1 '“■ >•■ SEAwmK'!?^ . . . . T l . .<,<»« lhe wool pool The anoc

illdren' a re 'ja k e Anderson, dKided tha tn Anderaon Wedneaday. memln. ( ^ , M erto Anderaon. pool living eait of Twin sr: Omer Anderson. Hey- y ,, Onion P*clyde.. I 'a m u '. tn d Junior mominc-mt.. all Burley: Josle Ander- [„. ^ t ^ the c ltr ' Is land. O re.: M n. Pearl Day, ^ “d Mrs. Onda Martlndale, ‘’‘STere wUl be an adva ne Kraus and Afton Ander. otVo cenU a^nlSs wwl

terest of four per cen t < Lawrence A. Tolman will ,H ch do ool Krade out a t 'the a ^ ie e s .^ m en d s of the ad tw c^ money.

U*llade in th e Pleasant View u n d a tha loan progra

by the pool the UUa to 1 — mains with the grower

i t l t i o n F l ls d without the approval of atlon wool committee.

IT, May 17-T he peUUon Decision calling forHunt to aerve as admin- grading and oocount aof Uie esUle of Charles ated all but two of the

Unite Nelaon has been filed flrmi_r(preKnt«d_*t-tEeof/Ice by Shefinah Bell- TTioss flnns wlthdrawln

ciuie of the coat Involvioperty. Involved consists of h e Emerson dlstriet Hefrs -VIBIT IN BOIlel Stoddard. Rupert; Ru- ALSIOH. May 1 7 -UO, Nelson. Heyburn; Carol RUey Gray and daughtEeybum: Marjorie Croft, spent Uia first p a rt of ■

and Pierce Melson, Saa Boise, wbera h e aaslstCalif. ferrtni degrees of the ]-------------------------- der on hU ion, Harold. 1n a» -W E V ra w a n t atw. joined Uis Masonic lodg

V acation BfB LE S cho^ You Ax€ Invited '

S ta r ts M ay 26—Closes Ju n e 6.9 :0 0 A . l L .T 0 U :4[iA .-M . . _

e m o ria l L utheran Schock N o r th and 1 Block West of Weat Flv« : ” D ! r « tOT5 r ^ P M t a r "A T lS ti tenBChl5ffef“ani M .K a m p ra th — Phones: Office 2803; Re

A g es 6 to 13 • BegiatratioQ 76c


-O am p-O ffloe-.-— Bast « i P t r t r ra r t ty * ) • • «;«0 v - “ - ■ • Washingto

ouel LuUteraa Church - 8:45 . Addison Ave. aad PlNa T O ALL — AWABDB FOR PEBFEOT ATTE

=AVE ■ •

Fabric ' Mtinetion ^BPs. ^, wft Iintr* . . . dlt>, . . all th a t l i yown ava. An txelvtlve,ita tt-and-V lico ia ^ xvbhly tellorvd.by ^ i sport ih irt lhat la all Americal Kert_________

ori buttona, p l ^ 4

"A tF lM m S k iM . ' . . • i■ MBMMAUBB RT

t 9 5 : ' t - S . t i . *

* % < f MMSsasani— -------ra l.n g H a3 3 » U

B P io x iM V Y

- r n S r o - r a S ^ -------------- P A M G K E B N -


Q^SYLQH ' s L P E . M i y T _ i ■ <m*p* vnav ' ^ICKBJ, GREX

_ » o a f - ^ - COPPER B A R K

$ 1 0 .0 0

L ^ J E R O M E - = ^

'- 'r ;

l o l C l i p t o fl^oman Recru ^ C o n s i g n e d

i n L o ^ . P l a n _ a W ; ^ Mrear's wool clip o f the Twin ____ ■ '■cunty L iv e s t^ MarketingIcn wOI lH cootlcned to the . .1 Wool Marketing corpora* ' . -g

z££,— B • finalitely M of the » member* of • 'I pool The assoclaUon rotedgn the wool under Uie loan O U R El» and keep Individual grad- i-i

\» dedded th a t on loading'edneaday. members of the _ ^ng eaat of Twin PaUa ahould > Uio Onion Pacific freight1 Usemomlng.-mtid those llv- “ ------ -t of Uie city, in the after-

I wUj be an advance allowed nls a pound which bears in- f four per cen t O n any cllpt lo QOt'grade out to the value idrtnced money, i t is under-hat Uia-monay wUl be re- , 0 ^ j

r the loan program approved Hpool Uie UUa to th e wool re- ■nth the grower and no dU- ^ ^ 0 ■

ean be made of lha wool ^the approval of-U ie aaaocl-

ocl committee. ■lon calling for Individual r o H '

and account aales ellmln- ■1 but two of th e seven wool•epreKnt«d_at-,lho. m f e t ln g .______ ;_____________'Inns withdrawing did so be- f the coat involved.

'TIBIT IN B 0I8B OH. May 17-M r. and Mrs. iray and daughter. Virginia. I tia first p a rt of tb e week In r . wbera h e assisted in oon- ( \ degrees of the Masonic or-' L V nu »n. Harold, w ho recenUy \ 7 \Ihs Masonic lodge thera. V ^

E S c h o o l— I ------------e d ^ ' - ------------------- /

lea Ju n e 6 ■- - Smart Sprii

ran S c h o o l -ow at finala s m u c h a s o:

o f W e s tF lv * P o i n t s ) a n d a f e w fu

[;S 8 / ; S a 8SSIstratlon 76c “ ’“ tl.

• STORIES ^RK • GAMESJRS, HELPERS _____ IOK^ION^— ^ ^ - 7 ^ 1•-•-«r.-Sast-PlTB-Polnt«- -------------------- f J * -

;• w ash ing ton 'B ohoot'' -------Idlson Ave. aad Harrison PEBFEOT ATTENDANCl

T h eM a p iifu m tS i

'— f ^jvvctd‘y '” __L __ m . c sLomm


VY ^tGB TANUi-GREBN^-----------r -------- V ------------------ 1 2r a U N B • '■ V . 'Sold) ^ “DAR G R EEN nB.--w T T JT ---------------

GREX •PPER B A R K w m ■

RTW IN E V i i r tF r o m S

!^ = ^ B U H L - -TW Ih

' ' ■ '■

pAiai ^ c n i i t e r ”

L o c a l V i s i t ther tnfonnatlon tro a { I. Cummings, Salt Laka Cumnlcgs a t the narlna n >man marine recrutter, aUUoa. Stt Mala tv tn u ««i In Palls Monday. T ues- ’ an^Saturday. repo r ts REA O -lB m ^K EV S WAM

nal clearance.O U R E N T I R E S T O C K S o f

i - - ^ S P m i ' r a : e « B ^ 5 © » 7 ^ R S ^ s =

iO A T Sand

^ m m M ^

S U I T Sreduced up to

'Klart S p n n g a n d Sum m er, ’62 stylei V a t final re d u c tio n s . . . m any reducei much as o n e -h a lf . . . shortie style coat I a few full le n g th . . . fine all w oqH ftse-rwistant ra y o n B uiU . . . shop earl; ile selection i s com plete]

Ml MMN A V H t^t W BT

cmt Stradivari m ■_

B W HA . S t r a d i m r i ^

S p u n - R a y o n C r e a t io n

L O O K S t I K I M N I N

r i l L S I I K I i l N I N

& W A S H U I I K I I I N I N

» h o i the t dM n,m eo(hfM nn9:l i r a B L _ < * p - - w 4 m u f N t .W B S f ^ a y w y kw ixM no. 1» b « iM k>

r c s l t t a n t «MaB-lut*<!. f a d x - p r a ^ / (hrtnfepreef. b <h*

i ^ S a g T S tra d tv o rl 8 trad«04 ln 9 p « rf S h H h a a lto rt lM n 'g o p e d q v d k

L J b \ !!•«, tioM o f Rl iherttMrinst, h L | ® \ y e u r ilM, y e w dMv* b n g ^ Jn a m ih » M w lo n g w l« o lh A t t« o ir t ■ H ^ K rfdA vpow te fyou rlre iM n .

- - \ V

* xuJ!iU aA.U\tO a T 5 « I M A I iO _ « iP J i H l l lT $ ____

o s S U li iir ff te M b C os M o ta*

W w

'i From

V r t '

PA6l ^ ‘ ' f l: UQIT«7. TM& M toittf. ..........................westad hi enUiUiv tn oon» can obtain (sr- aUon tro a Serieant i the narlne reentltlnt | H fala tv«nM etit.

mce! IS o f I



, '52 Btyles " ' " any reduced e style coatai all wool o r____ ____. shop early,

m r

• ■ ■>.

INt v a r i ^

C r e a t i o n ] r \


i l N I N


•ooihfMiha:i W W L r t l t _______-» .u tw l fad * . - ........... ...........

b f o A t h *M ln Spon-

«toiilno*.lni«* l»9 lh ,JnlA A o tw r tirow in .

z z

i^ 0 \(_____ A £. ___iC oaM ofct* I

. ' '~'S

m ’ W r P- ' .*

' ’ ’" 'I

Page 10: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to


vin F a lls E \ M a y , J u n

t o iM uw afor.w H lW um «oaicd ts Tirln TaUs M v e n l

-w m plB O nj-tO B lr (01 wtddlDSs tn lat« .U Br and HIghllghUn* iprlnB KUvJUei

Jilts for tiie brtdeB'to-M, who t B&ra L«« W nrlxrg. Loutsfl Bhlrley Mac B artlett. B a r- •Ife and Veloln Monwn, mg the showers pUuuied for Vsrbertr, brlde-clect of R obart riem. Filer. U a party to be Wtdncsdoy evenlriB hy, Mr*.

June 15 lh the P in t Baptist 1. Sho hM asked her tw in

Zoc Ann, to be mnld ot and brlilcsroiilda will Include

U \yBrbCTB, hpr, sUter; Joyce , Beverly N elson-and Carol

;(.• »r»vie. Jock Pierce, FUer. wlU M t M best Bion and Roybom has a j^ed

£■ Bill Wixbcru, twin bro ther of W ll- lill. letta; Tommy Holmes. Buhl, hU

li-li broUier-ln-Uw, and Al Stein and a V Afiey Hfndcrson. Flier, both /r a te r - g,y; tilty brothers, to usher.»*3'* b e n cff Uic Ijildal pa^'J ■ n*^' Janlee and Gena Bcrrett. flower (i:'’. »lrl«. and Joan and E>onna Young, bjv- candlcllghters.a l l A rcccpllon In tbe church ® ar- Uuj' Jor* will fellow the ccrcmony w hich M - wUl be performed by th e Itev. H er- M * man C Rice. The brlclc-clcct la the r P ; tfauBhler of Mr. and Mra. OcorBO W. 1)111 Waibers and her Ilaiicc 1» the non W j • ef-Mr. and'M rs. E. M -B oyborn . M Filer.

Hj U n. Wtaon* L. JKcrritf i5 p la c - W Bins to leave lat« nox t week for II BeatUe. attend the wedding of herI daujhUr, Marlon, and O. R ei J e in -■ «edt, Sesttle, May 28 In the Chapel■ of the now en In Bellevue. W ttsb^ ^ acrou tbe take from BcatUe.

I f A jw ty ter « p iM ta honored Bhlrlejr Ua« Bartlett, daughter of

'|8 Mr. aad Mrs. I . Z. B artlett. T hur»-

MT ^ r ^ Hclder. Hasel Tolman wasra . attiitant hostess. The program Jea-Ijj; - -tuR d th« story of th e life of tbe% bride-elect by Mr*. BoaaK eUsm iandlii' a muilcai number by M rs. OrU T ol-

■1 ~ Mrs. Joe Bingham, assisted by ■ I U n . Jty MerrlU. Mrs. M. W. Ar* ■ I ttegton and Mr*. Wesley Bagley. en- ilj! tertalnfd M gue.it« F riday In honor ;Ul o f Mlta Bartlett and a party waa

held Saturday n ight a t the hom eilj ;___ of-M rL M arvla-M orrison. Burley.■ I who was assisted by M lu Tolman.I I V lu Bartlett plans to m arry Loren ■ I Sean Tolman May 39 In the Idaho ■ I 1*WU LDS temple. A recepUoo ia■ I their honor la planned In Twin Fall*,■ I where they wUl make th e ir home.

m Barbara Dfe, who i-i p lann ln s to W wed Don K. Haxard. son of Mr. and

e*wgf'h f " T d ^ * n ^ i ‘" f 3 t tT 7 ^ v r a a V th e .bDmc-Ot-Mn i.-H o w i^

. ..R «arH uhT -nvfi—& 5 n p ir ^ t r -b « 5,' p married at the home of her p a r­l i - ents. Mr. anj} Mrs. Q . J . Fite. Buhl,if--------- and-a rcoepUon wlU foUaw -la-tba

U ,fl .„ (^ U o n -h ft ll- tn -F B « .--------

An erenlng wedding Frtday J a th< First Baptist chapel la being p lan ­ned by Louise HaU. daughter o f Mr

i and Mrs. Ed Hall, and Lieut. E>walr IB I Bell, Kin of Mr. and Mr*. Jack BeU I I •« Twin Fall*._____

f fl l Velols Morson, f ira t erade teachei‘ I a t Lincoln eehool. was honored a t ■“ • jnijcelltnfous brldai shower Friday

- B»enlng by mothers o f her students.•.,V Mn. Elmer K. L a t tln and .Mr*.

a t - lT « ia tJL yd i_w yajiM tggses-af tba*1 party tii the Lyila IkJITio. A jd lo w

:'i‘ « and green color scheme was fea tu r-dft * in the decffrtttiorrs.I I Mias Monson and ber fiance.I I ___ Harold W. AUins, s tuden t a t P U b

Morjgn M artin R P atte rn


I m m f “Y

H ^ tnMiMilTMafan s ................WIEK’S B tro o E T sT r i ,® —is p ool, MOl. cool — th a t's W hat

litU4 sB l^sB tg 'lo bo wliuk auiiiuxt W ecaml B u J e m tb a bar^Mcl A trofty tooeb t f seaUoped ooUar. An JH for eloody day*, she can ad tf th B l puff-alMved blouse tb a t m at«a wit V I all her sktrtc Tw o-ln-6n» ralaE l ' m ltemlI I , —p s » to n » o e trO T H rm w ~ g r» n iH . . U l i fias JO dR M JPMda MIS tachtHjtia■ I TbU «H]r-to>iia0 pa ttern g inH . pcrfect f i t O aaplece, lU ua in te Q tew d u r t d u w s you erenr atcjt.H B u i « eo t« in co toa toB «do* tX n> te M u ta o M artin , e w

| l p . a Sox m o . cueM to to. xa. p rm .

, . - 4 -

Is E v e n ts Fete J u n e B rid e s -E le c t I

w u t t o « o a SUte AjTlculture eoUeg# a t Logan, I alls lev era l plaa to ba miirled next m otltb . I

lOBlr ThBy-wdl tnak r thetr hortte-ln-lio- -I ,t« May a n d 'gan. wtiere he will continue hi* I ng acUvlUea studies a t the college. I

jerg. LoutM I ^ Irtlett. B a r- Calendor Ionson, ■planned for ■ — ■ ■ • I; t of R obert “Hm T ru t Homemalcers Iparty to be club wiU meet a t 2 p. m. Wedneaday Ilg by. Mr*, in the Orange hall. I

irE*BS Ji n t B aptist Uay 38 Instead'of M a y 'll 'a* p r t - I d her twin, vlousiy a n n o t^ d . ^ - ■

will Include Mrs, BUl SUndley wUl be hosteas I lister' Joyce to members ot the Addison Avenue ■ -an d c i l l club. s t #, p.--jd.-Wednesday.- • I

^ hM 'Sskrf ■ BHOSHONEJ-nebekah cJub m eet- Iher of W ll- >"1 ’rtll bo held at 3 p. m. Tuesday I, Buhl, hU at the home of Mr.. Oeorge Young. I

Stfln and * 4 # Iboth / r a te r - Zenobla club, Diughters of th e IDther m em - Nile, will meet s t 11 a jn . Tuesday ■

nna Yountt. ¥ ¥ ¥ ■BOnLET— The Burley Business I

™”?wss; Ie Rev. H e r . H““ '« ^ ^ I

SHOSHONB-Thela Bho club w in I■ meet a t 8 p. m. Monday a t the lO O P I f n n y N i^ hall. -Drill pracUee wlU be held a t |

in f« n )«n *■*"* fteUef no-t J L S tnr » P-™- Tuesday. «l in ^ o f hM ThoniM BpetHj will give th o “I

I*™ literary lesaon and there wlU be an -t S i " .

w e. W a sh , b h o sHONE - A rummage sole .' wUl be held a t l.:30 p. m. Saturday I

, . _____ _ a t the Episcopal party house. M rs.

S u g M ^ S S e ^ **lett. T h u rs - , * « «Bfi_of_M a. ^piLER—Tba-SyrHiga^-HomB lm - «rolman w as provement club will meet Tucsaay t

V afternoon a t the home of Mrs. R oy- Blife of th e mond T bom asJhe lesson wlU be c

N e U ^ a n d "o«itrol otgraden pesU." U '*. OrU T o l- « « «

The Bo-Joumey club's sewing p■ group m i l 'm ee t Wednesday w ith ^

assisted by Mr*. DorA Anderaon, Resen’a tlo ru aN, W. A r- may b* mada by eontaeting the nB&gley. en - hostess. . nly in h ono r • * * • c

party w as JEROM t—Jensme chapter No, M, al; the hom e Order ot Eastern Star, will m eet a t e.flD. Burley. 8_PJP' Tuesdayjn the new Mosonto fciss Tolm an. temple. Past matrons and past p a - tllarry L oren trons will be honored. Boloumlng r1 the Id ah o memben are invited to attend. d•ecepUoo ia * * * v T w i n P ^ , BHOSHONE-nn literary lesson

elr home wUl Im presented t t Monday nlght'a rmeeUng ot LDS ReUef society. Mrs. g

planning to Burton Thome wW give the lesson. „of Mr. ond The meeting Is held a t 8 p, m. a t the t

Twin Palls, church In eonneeUon with p ries t- tj

Iro. H ow ard ♦ • • . jp lB ^n tt^bB ^=BHOBHDNB=^Hi0=-Woin«n-<f of her p a r- Society r t cmrisUan Service w ill j

Fite B uh l a t 8 p. ro. Wednesday a t tbe vjU ow -iu-tb i Melhodlrt.ctmr5h ,’There WUl i>e in- J.n is r .______ st*U»Uon_,9f^.9ftl«l>..-Mras._Floi<r

HeniT »ad Un. Oeorg® Young aro ‘ frtdsy J a the hostess**. ^ ^ ^ J

i^ te r of^Mr". • alumnae willLieut E>wain ® P-®- Monday a t the home j■* Jack Bell, of Mrs. Ua^aULeBaroD, Kimberly.

Memben wishing transportaUon are . asked to conUct Ur*. Oharlea B a t- ,

rade teVcher c“ «*. im : (lonorcd n t a * *ower Priday The monthly card party of the 8o- le r students. 'Journey Chib will be hold T hurs- n and Mrs. '*•5' evening at Uie home of Mrs. ^ s - a t ^ B Floyd BnMUihe»d,lffii-Wiaow-lane, ®

w f ^ ^ “ « • ^ telephone ^

her fiance, ¥ ¥ ¥ ® •nt a t t lU b SHOSHONE-Uncoln chapter No. ___________ O . Order of Eastern Star. wlU m eet■ •* • P- Tue»dty a t the Masonic ® i r t i n Ksnple.- The-business raeeU ng-at J

I card party a t «;S0 o’clock. *** * * »

\ A poUuck dinner wlU be held a t „Rl «:S0 pin. Tuesday by Primrose R e- h

bekah lodge member*. 1116 regular -bfX ------------KiMtlnf a t 8-pjn .-w lll-feature a rm mother - daughter program. M rs. «f - Mauds Chamber*, Buhl, special d is- tA trict reprejentsOA, wfJJ make tier qU official vlalt to the lodge. c

*7 ; r \ BtTRLBY— ‘Ib* Burlay W alooau a:

club wUlpresent a children's faahJon W\ - abowat the dinner meeting a t 7 p . m. pJ ■ Wednesday a t Uie NatJonol ho te l P

M n ' dining room. Vlslton, as well asW rl member*, are welcome. Thoee wish- rI M - - ing Rtervation* art asked to caU T

Barbara Case.* * *

Guest FetedMrs. r. H. QeiiJer eaterU lned 20

A v r 9 ^ Thursday In honor of Ura. P au l aHenson, Los Angeles, who is v la lt- h<

U . n C T S Ing with Mr. and Mr*. A. 8 . HejJ- m3 j I \V 3 ® “ ** <l“ « r t bridge pa rty , thg j l V r ^ Fletcher received Jiigh J tF T I Avv S Roberts, Jow. MDTIIVv l VS > ♦ ♦ ♦ aaS C I W M ' H »n> IN a LE8B0N OIVENPmB^~ ”•Pft'V-a rW ^ noon featured a Ifvin nn Tn»T^Hi,ig *v

\ V ^ by ^ Mae H u i^ RelrMhmcnta m J? ” Arthur Empey, qi

” t o . Milton Payne and Mr.. E lton p_______________ ___________ !!

/ f We Coueci | L A S


ITiuafar s T r i ,® ------------------ ----------la t's W hat a ____________

l» buc^Mck.>d ooUar. And can tbe It m at«a with


~ M a r« r« n o ;

!“ **“ “ ■ BTAH-IDAHO-CALIP.a ttem g l w Skined, SdMent. CiiefBl Btorer e, lU uatn ted Low «

- j F O R - P r

.. National

E lec te a t Logaii, lext m otltb.«ifle-ln-XK>>ontaiue hU


''Sl'-'as p n - '

I be hostess><on Avenue .

I m eet- Tuesday

orge Young.

ters th e Tuesday


Bu.ilness WlU

ot M rs.

ho w in s tth e lO O P

be held a t

fteUef flo- M n. Franeei L. Torketson. Beck IsUn. Tuesday, ed to Itie Tmia Ftilt etmg br M r t LelUl give th e TorkeUon. Mrs. Oladj* Choat, aMlstai! WlU be a n --------------------------------- --------------------

'■ , Mission Members N NameComcnittee

.r,, oi «■- Leaders for Y earSHOSHONE, May iT-Commltt«e B;

■Jiome lm - appointments—wer»-m«df at, thft JSret Tuesday Thursday attemooa meetln* o f in,f Mrs. R oy- Boptiit Mission aid. Mrs, Mildred ereon w il l . be ccmntr. was ho-'te.'s to the group In ht

tb e annex of the dnHcHT' jMis . Pearl Helton, newly e fc te d irn

lb's sewing president of the group. madA th e thlesday w ith appolhtments. Committees' include C<lesen’a tlo ru Mrs. Jennie Mason, tplrltuat Ufe; tl(taetlng the Mrs. WalUr RUiehart, program; M

Mra. Harry TumbuU »nd Mrs. Jo h n InConway, Christian toclsl relation- ar

iptCT No, M. ahlp: Mr*. Delbert Oehrlg, w hite Ciwm m eet a t cross; Mr*. Boy Webb, love gift: M lev Mosonto M ^ T, V. Strunk, mission cduco-.nd past p a - tlon: Mrs- Freda Ployd,“ mission /•

Boloumlng reodlng; Mrs. .^nna McKesslek, a tu - V. I attend. den t councU, and Mrs. Clem Swlnn,

visitation,»rary lesson DevoUons were led by Mrs. Delbertnday n lg h ta oehrlg, Mro. Helton gave the love- c lsociety. Mrs. g if t report. Tho group decided to gts the lesson, u,e president lo a confcrence j,t p, m. a t the to be held a t Easley's hot springs

with prlesU la june, m---------- :--------Tha.t avifcsd mn^Mhitfrn wns reoil

• fo r the third time and adopted. T he ki»—WoniTO's- -coniinltt«ein'chnfi|tTjf-i}ie=pfo«i-- —Service -trtii tnHon included Mrs,-Harry T u rn - t,'t aday a t t t e buj,^ Mrs, T. V. Stnink and Mrs.

-Delbwt-Geuag-..:..-...^---------------‘—MrsTBay'Tanaka presen te i-tha h

* program, "learning to know Qod l .a t a Jufentle csmp." ar

Jumnae will The next meeting wns nimounccda t the home ® "o'"* ^ th>n. Kimberly. “ • Halmaker. wMrtatlon are # * * M

Officers Installed S By Hailey Group ■'

m i o T ^ ^ * HAILEY, May 17-lnlsURtloii-of v, witi(v« i«n»’ officers and commlltee chalrmcn of

-the Udies Missionary iocicty of th e ^ IS telenhone bap tist communiiy churclTwanieia'

Wednesday afternoon at n meeting o t the ninifi hame af Mrs. Prlcc,

£ i E B r S F ' l s x r f ' j s . s ; »

S S Iuy a pu Ul, LaVeme Hughes.secrctary-treasurer.

u . Vice presidents of leveral eotn-oe held a t m ltUes were appointed by the presl- ™

«»> InstaUed. ■ibey are Mr*. ^^ W irt Falrmsa,.BlmnUhlp: V n . B.I feature a q . Foster. Christlsn Irslning; M rs. Af™a- Arthur Berry, missions; Mrs. R, E . “special d is- ^u ttram , white cross: Mrs. V em ‘tI make tier Goodrich, programs and Mrs. Oeorge 1e- Cutler, lov# gift,

M n. Walter Btewsrt, BeUevue, r7 Walooaie and Mr*. Mytna Ferrii, Areo, w ere ^en's faahion vlslton. A eooked food sale was3g a t 7 p .m . plaruied fer May 2i at the J. C . Z,Jonol ho te l Penney store. 3 as well as y « «

5S“u,”Ss Food Sales Set ■ p By A ltar Group s

• p H • SHOSHONE, May IT-A eooked Q' - ' J food sale wUl be held at 1 pan. May —entertained 30 aC Payfest m u te t by St. Peter'tf Mrs. P au l CathoUe Altar society. Declaion to

ho Is v is it- hold the tales once eaiii m onth was A. 8. H ed - made during a sp«cui meeUng of Idge pa rty , th e organisation thit week. U rs . «Ived Jiigh Jtm 'Baralnea and Mrs. Camden B. lerts, Jow. Meyer will be In charge ef the f irst

sale.OIVEN Catechism classes wUl be held th e

-T tellef'K i^ •W HK'et-Miy'asnriiu-ibbDUHCMr - ■sday-afte r .- Twtretoter*-frem-aels»-«Ul-e<mduet- - nn Tn»T HiTiy ^ Vuir i t ih t nhiirfih for ffrartn — elreshments achool children. Mr*. Frank L e- ■hur Empey. queries *111 be In charge' of th e

Mrs. E lton plcnlo lo be held at the end of th e _________week.

so—CALIP^NEVADA-OBEGONC « « M M w ^ P a e k ln g , Mortag. Blarage a t

T ra n s fe r &^ S to r a g e C o r

- ■ . - , ( . -

ational L eader Visits Twin

etsoD. Beck IsU nd. illn supreme oracle i t the Royal r. s p by U n . Lets AdmiaKP. ortcie o f 11» Twin Fatti c I Choat, a i ^ t a s t m a n h sl o t tbe local eamti, looks oi

ibers Newcomers Club Sl nittee D ance Featured F. V o / - « w ' M ra. Kenneth Steyner, Resident

I e u r of th e Newcomen club; Mn, Melvin-Committee B un t, vice president, and Urt, E. L. j,■i. .» th i. H olm an received the guests attend- tOpneetlna o f in* th e club's Sinner dance Friday ro-fs, Mildred evening in the Amerlctn-Leglon j,o;he group In ball. gat

. - M rs. Holman was general chatr- ^hjwly eScted m an of the party, which featured qic, m a d l th e tho theme, "11100 time." Mrs, Lem xjvces' Include Coomtw wis in-charge of decora- m -Irltuat Ufe; tlons, ns.' lstcd by Mrs. Richard tea, program; M ontgom c0 ond Mra, Ed Trout. ,,1 Mrs. Jo h n In chorge of Ucketa wa* Mn. Rich- „al relation- ard Kelly, assisted by Mrf, Emlehrig, w hite C raner. Mrs, Howard Drown and j,y, love gift: Mra. Oeorge Ruby.slon cducft- ♦ * j j j

SSSIIE C ard FS^eTHeia By Burley Clubs

Mrs. Delbert BURLEY, May n — Mrs. J. L, amIC the love- c iirlstcnsen wa.'s hoste.'u to the Ruff paJ

decided to Shuffler club Wednesday at her "i, confcrence home. Bouquets of Ulaes. tulips pJihot springs nnd narcissi decorated lhe home, by

Mrs. WlUiam Ross won high score pJitin—sc as-ie o i and Mow Liturarri frrnnd 9 ^dopted. T h £ h ig h .__ 1 _______________ ___ caiif ie -p fo « i------ M rsr-H aw ey-^B cn-en tm arnrf-larry T u rn - her club Wednesday evening with ■: It and Mrs. t^o tables of dci«rt-bndse. Guwts FoI----- ----------- were Mrs, Reba Riggs, « ri..W .-0 , Laesen t« l-lha H anoen and Mts. rtad.Nelton.. Mrs. — know Qod l . R . Douglass won high club score

and Mrs. Biggs, high for guests,! niinounccd T h e Lucky Eight bridge club met e ol Mrs. I*, thla week a t the home ot Mrs. J.

W. H nrrls'fpr a dessert brliJge party. Mrs. John Chisholm won high score:

, , , Mrs. Olen Kunau, sccond high, and a e d »"•»• 2 . J, Fronk, travelling prlte.

Mr.v Arlen Taylor was guest of the

' ' r h e club mccls May 27 at the Ital Rtloh-of jjortK- of Mrs. Kunau. rhnlrmm of it, ^ m,)cicty of th e - ~ y ; ; - ^ ~ . y ' -xiT V an ie ia ' ^ / \ ( 5 T n 6 r s r f e r S u <‘i5U™Prtr/f SHOSHONE. Mny 17-Mcmhers AMra. x -titt, gj jjigj, gchool home economics mJ . J .w - II c lass entertained their mothers W

nducted th e ^-)tn.cjinncr-ln-lhe-home economics ^m ™ rooms Thursday evening, VloU Vel- .

■'■iff’ ssquez and Toni aoniilciBaiig:flnd. IJ.i« H M h ^ BumeB Were plirycd.---------------------—ne nugnca. ceonomlcj I class•veral com ser\’lng. Mrs, Collette Far-

Up; V n . B. '■' .■■ .. - .............'.VA la m e back ■

Mr": V em U C O R R E C T I O NMrs.Oeorge I J fg p l e a s a n 't and psmless.

' I Backaches may bs suotlaled:, BeUevue, H w ith rheunttlsm . arthritis,Aroo, w ere :iJ Jumbage, ttomach and kidney '

i sale w as I disorders. If you hsve tried: the J . C . T l everything else. Tty Adjust-

^ nients. Relief Is often ob-I talned tf te r f ln t irestment


jro u p !!|- ^ i«- A eooked L^l .1 Pin. May S t Peter'W —

Declaion to ^month was

“ T he Gradua^or

Prank L e-rge of th e I - , .


G i ____ — _

S Ig o nlaragfl a t

r &~ C o r h

' t-~ - ■ ' ■

T I M E S - K E W S . T W I N

ts Twin F a lls M


b nOf-4

“ tpre«



wllat tbe Royal Nclcbbora of AlnertBa, It wjleom- wit >» Twin Faltf cam p, wfao pins eertage oa Hrt, gro eamt>, looks on. (BU ff p b o to -en g ro ^ t J l------------ • - • ■ * ■ * * * JU

-lub Suprem e Oracle SS ^ured F e ted a t Events ® X O f RNA Lodges hMrt, E. L. j ^ s . P rances L Torkelson, Rock Ad.

JalJmcLjU._si«)reme_or^e_of_thB_icTFVIday Roynl Neighbors of Amerlea, w u WiiD-Leglon honored by the'T w in Falls tunp t

, Saturday a t an all-day program wllrsl chafr- ^W ch Included a ’meetJn* i t theI featured Qickel achool. Mrs, Efile Wattln},Mrs, Lem Ttvln Falls, post dUtrlct deputy, was (it decora- m - ch a rM -o f- th e afternoon ewort Ch

Richard team . blrT h« prosram slorUid Saturday Da

^ 1 morning w hen Uie group had break- se ■irt, Ernie j_jj, Torkelson. foUowed —rown and j,y ^ slght-seelng tour to Shoshone

loUs. T w in falls and the Penlne Mcmorlol bridge,

a M - 'M rs . Torkelson was vlsIUng Twin — C i u PaUs to Instruct the group In ritual ~ I. .U r- work. A nother visitor was Mrs. Alice • , I U D b Parv ln . Homedale. atate supertUor,Mrs. J. L, and Mrs. Alice Qrosvenor, Ptima,5 Uie Ruff p a st sta te supervisor, y at her T he group held o banquet st 8 ies, tuUps p jn . a t th e BapUst church, followed lhe home, by InlUaUon of new members s t 8 high score pJa- a t th e Blckel school. The pro- t-fT'-nr''’ tSik^^uie^supremeutertafnrf- --------- ;-------------------------------- -nlng with T h e group was welcomed to Twin se. Guwts F a lls by C ity Commissioner ChtJler (rt..W .-0, lATssD....----- ---------------------------- -

club score

F i s

[O N I HolllTIDtlr CofdiD lO/jLTlI

^ " a t S sucfc M Important onoitefi.trUirltlS. , C/.OOI* HoKmorlr ^

Crtttfotfien CorcJi fromive tried Adjust-

i i i GEM OFFICE u.npiM SUPPLY CO.w>«»0» { 1*0 M ate N « th - P h m ST4

D g ~ ____ ______

|H k D E R S O n |^

' u a t i o n G i f t

^ O u i c h ' '— A p e r f e c t c a s e

f o r c o l l e g e s n J

— ^jareer-4irlsa§^g.—

B H ' - * ------------ -formula for complelt----------- ^

■ J y ortuck ftin tdesjL d rtw e* Jv \ tn d be pretty quieki h

ContsinsSkinLotioa; <-

i ^ ^ t f Q » | E ^ | | ^ a e u i t l o g Cresm)

E |^ ^ i ^ ? ^ ^ « . S h s d o . t n d I i p i t i c k i _ l i _ Ciminetlc»--Street Floor

r e , T W I N F A L L f f , I D A H O

M urtaugh WSCS ■ ■ ■ Officers Selected

A t W eek 's Event

A ll r e S r ^Resident' M n . C. L . Vansant, re- ^ ^ a ^ t a r y ; M m .B .S.W right. ^ S S u o r r s e c r e ^ : ^ . ^ a ^

Moales, M rs, Kayo WUltUU, Mrs.

H i ^ B nS 'o h D aJto n . M inmlttee of Chris. H h H U a n ^ la l relations, and Mra. Olea

W m

t l f f l rlson, Uteroture a n d pubUcaUons;

J i m mSI S '7 * * K o n l^ ° 8 t l tu ? o f w o^

/ / M "iM t Mrs. S y « n o n and Mra. Don

■ Ravin.• * * * ■

Bellini S tudents j Present Recitals ^

Ib e second of a scries of recltati o •tiB lS B n i IV students of M rs. Teala BelUnl

- - will be-presented a t 8 p, m.-today It wtleom- with elementary a n d Intermediate t« oaWrt. groups partidpsU n*.■avtaft The Junior high achool students

<k WlU play a t '8 p. m - Monday. Flrat . >ot the spring rec itals featured the Ta

x le S ' Sk / P n t C StudenU aw w arln t on the f ln t

p iona in w era Anne Simmons,M irl- "r » r I n o c ^ Baisch. Chad Woek. MsrUyn . ■.□□□es DeUjncer. Elsie O ochnour, Itobert ^ff)i^n Bock Adams. Marlene O ough. Mary Bueracle of the Simmons, Paul B lack. Nan Sodennierlca, w u Wd Hosg Arrington.Falls tunp Bales“ '«sr future spring recitalsty program wiu be announced Jater, iUn« st the • ♦ . u,Ilc Wattln;, BTRTiniAT OBSERVED Oldeputy, was CASTLEFORD, May 17 - Mrs. lu)

moon eseort Charles Harmon honored tho fourth pr birthday anniversary o t her son. ho

d Saturdty David. Wednesday w ith a party for I Jo9 had break- several children. I U.on. foUowed --------------------------------------------------------to Shoshone

oup in ritual ^as Mn. Alice _ _ _

Sji r ashi(]13 by districtthe supreme ____________

med to Twin ..................oner Chester

. Stmsh

' B a r e - T o p 'B e a t i t i e s - r r r D e s I g

~ = f 6 r ^ B ^ u t i f u l : 0 u t l o o k c

E v e r y S u m m e r D a y

;ferio«i” ■ • • • » m y riad of flattering: bart>efioei<a desifiThs . . . 8C com panicd b>10 lo/iLTii p e rk y cover-ups . . . nn iart ste m/on«tefi. bolero jacket fash:

R eady to f la t te r every moment rdi fron y our Bum m er day . . .

In cool c o tto n s and lovable' M C E linens sp lashed w ith freah~8urf Q Q colors. S izes 9-15; 10-16,

Phime m ■ . ------ . . .

■ W

S:9S-—h Ardea ( ^ ( . • v ^ ^ & ' . - l . l I= .» p i,i .—

rsvelCng— X - •llV » \

/ i i a It ftlMkjl 5ijT iickl

n T . , ,w '

, c ™ « /,B .S lk / (

Powder; /-------------------J ------------

--------- i _ / y ----------------------------It Floor___________/ / ________________

g o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^

ZS ■ Engaged He ted | | m | | H j | | | | ^ K Q'ent C

CounanhtU . Thm0. Vice ’mt, re .Wright.

D. R. dentWlUlam . dam,b serv. Ams'

e, Mrs. parti

: Chris. Houi -s. Olea

s;,"r work: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■B* ^ e BBIRIEY MAI BABTLETTIr^. (Dudley photo-tUff engravlog) | f"

'W * * * * * A

”■ ^ Miss B crtle tF isT.F. Bride-Elect c,

ts Bir. and Mrs. L Z. B a r t le t t an- ^e t, I nounce Uie engagement o f ihelr p.iit a S dtughur. ShfHey Mae, to Loren no,

. Dean TbUnan. son of Jhc la te Cyrus po-,'S ,llf 0- Tolman, Carey. t,on

, The couple will be m arried Mny "AnM in U l/ldaho -PaJb -E D S -l«S ^e :

uicuiaie ^ wedding tr ip , they graiItudents ^ T w in Foils, g/vty. F irst MIm Bartlett was graduated from Billred the 'i ^ n I^Us Wjh “ hool In IBBO and J h 'ay eve- attended the Twin F a lls Business “y ■

college. Bhe it employed by the " ‘fhe first Bunting Tractor eompany of Twin Mrs

Totean, a IM# graduato o f Carey ., M r S S hlgb-sebeol, is an emplc^e o f the

Bunting Tractor compaw, Burley.1 Soden * * * / \

recitals Bridge P t a t e l ”CASTLEFORD, May 17—-fiheman- Wl:

UJ club met -JTiarsdar-wJih Mra. itn ED Olen HIU,— Poliowing - a / dessert eon — Mrs. luncheon, bridge was IfllJyed with and

10 fourth prltes going U> Mrs. SorcQ Hessel- ncr son. holt. Mrt. Maurice O ueny a n d Mre. 0 jarty fo r I John Thomaa. Ouest p r l » w en t to Inci ________I Mrs, Chris HesseUiolU_______________^

lion l i e

mhine Sunkf o r y o u r S e a s o n

^ - 0-a^JprrrDeslgTied— j f t f jJu tlook o h - : : c r D ay

^ r ln f f bare-top ip a n ic d by ., s m a r t stole r I B r b w M I a c k e t fash ions.7 m o m e n t of

id lovable' freah~8um m c'r 5 ; 10-16.

' I f m

B i m T A S ^ ^ ^ ;

l l ' l l ' j A ------------

' s

■H s " ! g g S . ^ i

to S'"'' ^ h o A i 5 ^ R !

i J ^ S r


Theme F e itu i^ ri ^ ------------AL_Elowei-^fe

'fee t

— S r t S *ttonj, which tirrlM^

I temple. Mn.Ip , they gram c h a i r Z ^ ? « ^ » ‘ - I n F o ia g l v M b , M r i f A 2 ^ » » led from Bill Klnyon pltj*j IBBO and T h' history et tt*Business “y Mn- Al Knat,

b y the poeau b,of Twin MM' Eatl HelJei,

csver SM o t Carey llant» o f the >UTBurley. «>■'» the dub «u « ^ ^ E b

yetn ago. Ua

g - d —F ’-J Johnson uia nhem an- Wlsecaver, cn cM i l h Mrs. s*w r* lpo fiw .p tia i,rg^ K -fi / dessert contest went w *ired with and Mrs. Sclan ‘n s s B ^ ^ P * > Hessel- « fa n d Mre. Of every in ha og II w en t to lncufa tto r^aL Ie 'J luw ^^H ^

two dozen liU u bud

i n h a c W m

is o n in the

t l5 f£ L

Page 11: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

t f ^ W S C S S e h

O ffice rs ,^ 9 ^ i ^ w L“•M *‘j5Sa B. O entn. .rtcordio? .ecrttMy.

toeludB Mrt. 6. W. LUidemood, pron •0*“^ ^ UorrU, mla- ------------- *--------

Seniors H S i '^ 'l% S S 5 AtAnnu

2 T'$?‘ r t ^ * d 7 w p^ n u m M A f ii l fot «* ‘ ^ k SwCiVn. M* IOM of CuUeforf : »utu» held Tue*d»7 In

L«ii*nl AIb«e d»u«h by membe

zsr.C .°.3ssrs.as*sa

i. 1: * - onivrt, "SpriJigtlme gra< “■ H McDoMid, flmlth, eiku pre^i14; un- w . M- w-iuii Of ceremonlee. M;

i S T S j - SuViS'tinS;^ Jtclc ru n n rty . elicle pre^nWd * d__________________ • I Colfiem i»ve » h

WllUtms,T?tO r r e t e u - ecy.SenlorjlrUftlj

f s - r " £ r « " £ ”51 5.?'"•I W oeneral chUmuT ^-M rtrS a m rH .

* . ,^ . ^rv>n- W” - Cot*psSwseat t n e i ^ ^ Af«. !\, jtuaded by l . B. Shields snd Mli i af lhe church »na - •», s iu r and hi* fwnll!' ^ , •.

hoiuehow^^gwu. GoOQingFS f f i l K s Reports

^ Valle^ eirUer thli month. OOODINO, M«y

I Bich d»y with a i

s .^ v s w s^ S £ t e .n lm .c . S '” “

2S'-irirM“. s t

t a t church. the ilnilng of lhe <

iltBuIed th e *nnu»l “ oyt*J i^ S C q u e l ii)owor«drtoAKi TT ioelety ef the Srim; ISrt. H uS S ^ c T ^ Md chortiter. tn i Mnn M the tables and ft •«"'3 , « n ^ the room. by « « prta* ,( 8 the daughter* WM , , , * *

Mother-DiS-'w S& £SS?:.ivenys.aiB L. DodMQ. progrun RICHFIELD. Man i toajunlitreu. The daujhtcr lUver b

n t 5T r « of Ufe," 8pe- w e^tsday i t UietlMmbgn KKe:glven m d 1 meeUQk'.ktrUiti3utt Hn. TtaU Long tnd Pttcrton. Tfia erenL a t S Pin. May 39.Ceild * u general chilr- diughUn In the ccM ij Urs. E. P. Ruilck. viud to attend. Ua;!iinlngs»»i In charge m«i, Mri. C. O. ClKcnticc*. Men ot the Minnie Scott are tlTti mlttee.

■ — . • . Mrs. Dorothy R«iccBilon GidU Albert PeUer ar« 1tiU uinual garden tour, rangenunu of theheduled for June 15. honoring new m

> tr Ascension guild of church,ptl durch at the du ferl Mn. Berl a:' Poti»l meeting TburtdiLy son and Urs. D. ^ U Tofftem lrerA t-Jrtrt- -tlirhDrteM wim mI iin b« open Ior the Tha Uay genera]let Tin be Mned a l the held Mtjr 3S a t ihiIn. Al Westcrgren. ing the mother-daCO Uie synod meeting In nominating commitI Bide by Mri. H»ny given. rtlirte»-B.-B«ym*r-ind----------------• — f

:____RecitaLf■uto* Becletr IfTKO htll. Ma< the P in t Church of the of mS \^ d reporta a t the weienUd 1^ » y a t lh* hom«-«f pjn.-Moadiy ia-UH{ttm an« ..M ri..J .-M . iun lty ehureh.Un. W, m . Orout, U n . PartJcinallng willStopbell and Mra. Rich- iunn» Belleri. S<

m.lK]onarr. Aacls Btrnei. LonII Njmpa this month. Ann Upe. Bharon .traiden t,* ti In charge Baniej. Carolyn M


3 r e o f Y o u r C h i l <


w l read the letter ttiat ip«laUtts. pul ft« I must be to blame strong charactere

behavior, i t # weikoen in the . c*'»*• Where and hope. But Bh»

« Penonal blame ttJ# txUnt that handl- trails foreign to i•n leljool and every- and example.^ i i i e a child wont We .miut accepto ^ plain duty or is have, and make 1

*>» •trenithi he ha .“ CT»ble for hl» meth- ounelvei when the

ed of, hoprt (or. iw w common lense.' dou oot appear !™ “ to the world “not Bot, Nature doe^wttlness, not in utter f«lhen and moth*;J«-wd6wediiHlh tr»lu wSy "a c w rd E T t^

a- long Uflt or -we-aU m m t aa^ -*-BnintftitB tT~or cauftgB-iii m i « ii

'he child, fellh we can lualstrongly in hla hope we can keep

» d ee^ Olten a trait example, bued onhis rnotlier. come* •ele*. Blaming one

fore# than ihey power Just when 11i » o » « l r a . e a a i n m i T »1 , “iMrtUncM i r . iM d eou« ie"

• f c i '? WiSi,"p“S;l!

^ O T T CiU S E D

^ ! a S = 3

3 S e l e c t s • _ B e t r o t t -

c l e L e a d e r s j | | | |t of the Women's Bocletr ot Jt a t a g e n e ra l m M tlng lu t

lg secretary. *nd >O a. b. A.

lemood, promotion; M rs. Carl '

liore Ho.nored .t A nnual Party )fV alley(prouprrijw«p;'MttyTT=TBr>ri'-t l t a k f iil fo r gra'duatihg lea->f CasUeford U gh school wasTuesda? In the Methodlitti by members ot th e Every-n's olub. O lha r fPM lal gueststhe high acUMl faculty , Mrs. g ^ M W B B H P y :M lAtham, president of thea's dub and Robert Coad.me of th e breakfast was^ m e graduation." E a r l, class president, waa mssterremonles. M rs. L atham gsye BEVERLY JEAN eleome with th# respom e by (Bun engrair w iif t ta sm iQ r n ia - LBCTura ------------»— >r— raccompanied by H elen Kua- ■ , ,

resented a d u e t num ber. Jim D 6 V P T \ / I / m gave a humoroua reading ' ‘' " 7 • '

A n n o u n c e ;

' S , & „ ‘^ S s Z > , n ^ T o M a r r yHelsley. Bllllo Rae Vulgamwe, ucveriy Jcan Al/er

«f'«"-3 Mr,,J.l AiY; tnrSaren-HcsselholtrBliWd- TS/'ciilm WrShIhlelds snd M rs. MelWn Smith. Idaho at Mmcow

,•. * 'f ne»» »as’ rer.Dding P rim a ry , S5SCi.?;:.r, iports Festival ‘ZXuSuSS' / Valley Y outh S..SS.S)DlNO, May IT — "T o slart A »peclil gueat a t lllay with a aong a n d keep a ^ e n t pany wai Ulsi At heart all day" was the who alao sttended speol the"pflinary music jeiuvai aay activliles on the c

It th# Ooodlng LD S chapel The bride-elect U :eek. dramatics student a t tJnty.four M ns*“were“ preKnt- A 19M graduate of tbIhow the varied rourtcal edu- school, ih# U a mem'

received by the children, honorary. Wright, a Jwngs ranged from I-help- Ing in educillon. li aJr-wlth-the-dlahes type , to In- Slpna Chi Iritemlty.unity In th e home a n d fam- « « «irough Bongs about atrength 1 ~ L / _ r \ « .iracter. n a tu re , holiday and J O D S L /Q U OI to UendeJBsohn’f E lijah. r , l ihighlight of the fesUval was h e t e M P S .

JEHOUE, May IT .a^-pI^rfVS" S T S / ^

Lloyd Thurber, primarya t . w u chalnnan or th e pro. '

Bln. H arold H endenon, _XT. and M rs. Furm »n Nell- .h!To,; Srginlst. costum es w ere fur- ^ o n ^ i ^ l o n w «by the prlrmiry U achers. ban^S t

* * * councll, . Mfl, Harrlilt h e r - D a u a h t e r

ent-ls:.J5|QHtied: S S .g S h S SHPIELD. M ay n - A mother- Bom Wealhertoa a: ler lUver M a waa planned Laird,:9day a t the WBCS circle No.' • The drill lem pertoi ink'.at:thti3M jnie:^M r».'.£iin' •fftMTtnU^wer# "ieri m. TTie event will taJse.place Cieir, chalroiaiL Quea in. May 39. All m others and lUy Brown, pretldl l«r» In the community are In- queen, and Ray Brow to attend. M rs. E lm er Swat- muter, Irom Kailey. idra. C, O. ChBttield and Mri. « « 4

Mon HonDorothy Reynold# mad Mr*. DECLO, May 17—Hy PeUer » « In chargo of ar- ueclo. was honored at

nenu of t h o . June reception h li home on hli 84th ng new members o t the niversar)-.1. . Out-of-town gueiLiBerl a; Powell gave the lei- James Bronion and sot

id Mrs. D.-K.-'WUco*-asslited M r i Robert Brinson aJIless wim lefTBhutent a.-------- •dr*li.-Viewru»l’M rr»Uay general meeting will be Adams and wn. Unity Uy 3S a l th e ehurch preced- i^ e Levis home w le mother-daughter tea. The with spring tloweri. ating commlttce report wtll be soni. R. H. Lewis, Bar

. _____________lnd_H._L^l^wls..AU------- • — » — • ------------- mad* talepban* oaUi

icitoLPJannedi i *jl. l : ’- i r S J i S Officers El

) pieiented In a rec lU l al $ BAXLST. Uay 17-^^ [oadiy ia -t lid T a n j m u Com- rpwopal-guUfl-Jieia- r ehureh. meeting Wedoeeday jIcipaUne WlU be D onna Uabe, the home ot U n, 0 . < I Selleri, S andra McMlUan, Triumph. Mn. Waltc Bamei. Lorraine H n k , Beth accepted m » new mei ipe. Bharon O rter, Jonathan U n, L, 1C VanSlckli t. Carolyn Moore a n d 'Wilma preildent; U n. Jack

crMldent; Mn. Ray I *ecr«ai7 . and Ura.

C h i l d r e nJ O I ■■ Plani were made for * _____________________sale in the near future,

itts, put fo rth th e tr own r> ' • I characters to combat the K 6 U n i 0 n I

ess in t h e ^ a m prmy. worlc . .RicHPreLD. Uay : ow._^But Bhun the notion o ^ ^eld atal blame fo r exhibition ol ^ c. Reforeign to famJly character ^ , ? „ t a l io ^ l te d cample. anniversary ef Mrs. R•muit a w p t the child w daughters an£and mike th * beet of tte .Handing were Mr ths he hM paico. Waih.: U n, D,'ei when the child we dream- and Mrsi (hoped for. wanted <» KuperL One»on.R.O

lot appear In the chUd »e ^ ^ preient. Nature does not coniult « « «I and mother* but gow her GITT CLCB Miccordtog to~Ber la W . l»w jsibM B . Uay 17-1 11—mmt—■m:ei)t with —whal- ■ ® m nuniinea“Mt>ad I ill m i niuater, wi th m STTJ—PUTT BMItC we can sustain, *h»t ^yre can keep alive. Teaching, jjrs. StanleyIe, based on love, works mir- joj,n Hoanan.Blaming oneself lessens o a e y ----- ------------------------lust when It U needed k., ,i need -be itro a f w d «f . P E T U N I


U I S«T*alh Btre.1

I . S - '

:OTT©N PRINT ^ ^ , U S E D C O T T O N

l » C O T T O N »A O S •> S5« o r ..... .— . .5 f « '■ -^looa W D I J h . T m l . , ^

r a n B9 0 K ON PATOTIM With n a P o th .

T f i L O B r S E E D ^ ' F E E D C OFt r i Tc k X W I E — r -T O lN

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ , 4 •

Betrothed New Comm Narried at -OfWoman'

—a tIP £ R T .U a y .I7 ^ -ben «air^ut*ts of the P » n i club attended

■ ■ L ^ spring luncheon this ^, Oulld hall. In Charlie I

the social canir■ S 3 '^•ushn Bair, chtlr

"'1'" Aminda Brockle, Un. JUn- Reed Hansen. I Phillips and Mrs. And)

'The Ubles wert c< cryital bocls of yellQi -White,JUaci-.and-j»atk< JUac*-d»oerat«d-Uie-hi marked the places or

ofllcers. ehsli ^ committees and hoDorei

live past prei V7 ’A, F. Bcymw, Mr*, E

Mr., H. V, Crcaion, Woolford and M n. Woi

> aue.'t.: wVre M n. Chif c l M l l l T H l T n lf r> ^ * '• ^ Keen. Burley;NIeUon. Paul; Mn. Ti

(Bull engraving) nuisell Bowman Mrs-----»— r — C-----» ------------- blhi;‘M fi.^ i[r lf i‘ BrlR

, , . , I'l"- Clinton Easton. P.v-erly J. A lgernnouncesPlon r.wV"-'S‘" ? J0 Marry W right

erly Jcan Alger, daughter o f h t ,nd Mr,. J, I. Algir. Tw in Falls. ^ i? « d .j ,e r eigagem ent, td . L ? :

'Si's i 's “i r - S7TO"MrsSi,. fc ejected treiJurer, and

at M at tha University o f

1 new. w^’ revealed a t the

m r i i f i n g ^ r n e n t^ ^ ^ S on

s r ; r s £ i ’s.“ s :»rdi read "Bev and Tom."peclil gueat a t the announce- oeck chairmen U n party wai UUi Alger-a mother. Mn. Vem U u w k y ^ 'ilso attended special Mother's ouain Mr. t! ^^ i l ? r ^ t h e ciunpus. prsnk CampbeU, and

bride-elect U a sophomore orlmej, chairmen, Jitlcs student a t the univenlty. Bishop, Mn. W alt Auoi0 graduate of Twin’SWls high Calcete, Mn, Larry OrisI. lh# U a member of 8pura U n , Paul Bateman aS' ary. Wright, a Junior major- bert, MoUer. chairmen,1 educilion, is affiliated with Acock. -Mn. Otto-Adi I Chi Irstemlty. Dein Bammon. U n, J

» « » wayi and means; Mr*.

)'s Daughters, I i I i ■ 11 Mn. Joe Bchodde, Un

e t e M r s . M iller w u n . Amanda B:louE, U « IT - ^ e localF ^ F J^ 'j-^ u g h le ra -h T liI » v;-Creason; Mrs. Paul!1 meeUng Thursday w ith the h . P, Lewii, Mrs. Emed queen, Jo Ann Rigney, j^u,„ Hardin hoa'I"*- , cepiion; Mn, EQiemuorts wen given of t h t „ d Mn. John Bumsldiiley and the DeMolay Inltla- Mn. Ray Robblni, M)Dlscjmlon waa held ot the Terry, Mrs. Busier Oood-senior banquet and grand e rt Reed Mn. p H KII, -MM. H i?rl.t MUUr -wa.Ited a grand g u i ^ a n c e ^ - Moellmer and M n, D, I nf honor. TnltlnUnn w iu hrkl .« d u « iU e n -U rtr-^ h r

iT ^ u j lo id X a f d im '- r M i^ -Mn.-H*ttle-Ilo««cran»,- Wealherton and Carolins U ri. Ross Woolford. pi

Un; U n . Reed Hansen

a -3 K S ,T - i .r -s E r y s i - i& jchaimiaiL Quests were~Ura. Emll Oeck guest book Brown, presiding honored ■worth S. » to a , rapcrU

, and Ray Brown, worihlplul 4

y - V T - . WCTUMiAan HonoredJLO, Uay 17—Hyniai 8 , Lewis. ohriiUan Temperance , wai honored a t a dinner a t p j , ^ „ pjme on hla 84th birthday an - devoUora and the Ui

drink issue waa dlscusj -ofrtoTO gueiLi. were Urfc jmJuj- was- planned -to iBron»nandson,Sprlngdala; C ,*. tobertBr6nson and three chD- u n . u > u Van nun Tiw r»B(i-M rrBiB-M rirD oir - ^ S S E i S s i i t o d ^ 1 and son. Unity. ^ S a T an d t t T ^ n l e \

Uwls home was deconted “ ““ “ J 'spring flowen. Mr. Lewis' . _ . _R. H. Lewis, Ban Jose. Calif, R p r f o iJ._L^I^wls,.AubUTO._W«h,

«.». during tba BEUJiVUE, May 17- . inundssen, director of

fficers Elected ™t som. 1, th. mu y . U ij n - w o m m ol l h . 'S iL SiD»l'gulia“li»ia"ttoelr"regular w ^-pr*»eat*d. SeleeU V Wedoeeday attemoon a t *'p?2,» e ot u n , 0 . o ; U vlniiton.Ph. Un. WaJt*r Wood was Dragir and Ro^ed M » new member., L, I t VanSlckle was electedent; U n. Jack Schult*. vice w n acted as aocompanlj ent; Mn. Ray McOoldrtck.M7. Md Mra. Pred VancU. ' rer, Mn, S any Neal gave a ^ >

on the ehureh synod whleh M

/ C H D Jleunion Held IHPIELD. Uay 17-A family \ IIOEIUCKMDttn wta held a t the home of XId Mn. L. C. Reed th is week airenl alM marked the birthdaytrsary of Mrs. Reed.M daughters and th e ir famt* tending were Mr*. Jack Buck.Waih.; U n, Dan Holbrook.

and Ursi Olem Studar.L Ona u n .R .O .P n t t , Port-Oso w u present.

.O IIT CtfVB - S l f l ^ 9 ^ 9 I H IOMB. Uay 17-The 0 »t~club

o . Piursfflitn . n u a tv r were won by Mrs, Prank

. U n . Stanley S later .and ohn Hoanan.__________ ^

»ETUNIAS 1 iM |BHARE READY NOW-C n X JL O B A L , .........u Sevealh Bbrtet B«»th •- wk of Paiislaa U Wdry)_.--

cotton bags , . ■ and a n '

s 's k o t" .. . SAVE 3.26.........sfcrsi.oo THIS -BEA

• BROAI1th Sacli Purchase

' i' \ ' _____ , - ll - _ ■

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T I M E S - N I

iv Committees Leaders irned at Party F Woman's Club;^ .U a y - II - ^ b o u t 70 m a n .nntuests ot the Hupert Wom> club attended the annual

luncheon this week a t the hall. In eharne of tiie event Jie social cummlttee, Mrs.Zl Bair, chilrman: Ura. la Brockle, Un. Joe Moncher,Reed Hansen. Mrs. Robert >3 and Mrs. Andy UcRoberts.

Ubles wert centered with . bocls of yellow tulips and Itlsn anfl hitlriii ot-w hlt»d»oerat«l-Uie-hali-,-OemKes' - g a l W W l f f l ' 'W J i the places ot the retiring B M fffl f fT t l i r ^ Ti ew otllcers, chairmen ot the ^ B g W ^ g W P M -* ttees and honored.guesU whord live past presidents, Mrs, ^ K £ |S M > j^ Q | |B b Beymer, Mr*, Edwin- Miller.». V, Crcaion, Mrs. VivUnird and M n. Worth E ltonr' ' ^ ^ P j T l n H H l i E E J S

wVre M n. Chet Peterman.', E. Keen, Burley; M n. Blalne ], Paul; Mn. Ted Hayward.Lake City; Mn. Kenneth IS. U n. Oens Klllion. Mrs.I Bowman. Mrs, Clara Rob.^ i.^CTarth Drlmm. Rupert;:ilnton Easton. Paul; M n. D, en, Penny Lee Keen, BUrley,Earle Ooode, program chair- f f g M H W M K v Introduced Penny S e e n ,

^ r-o f Dr.-and Mra.' o ; ‘W.Burley, who played two tiluio nd sang a ^ n ( , accompanied H ^ F '9. L. L. Culbertion.

ofllcers - InsUlled are Mrs.EHmore. preildent: Mr^. Prtoe

O': Mrs. Clalr Qrautieid. re- trrsiurer, and Mrs. H. H,

Elmore named thaJoUowlnc mmltues: U n. A. F, Beymer, u i; Mrs. ‘niomas Maberly rs. Robert Culley. chairmen, ave Dorton, Mn, o , W. Paul,Pred Schuepbach and Mrs. » « •■ Zeiajtlfc civic commlttae: ehapier, A ^ b a F l 0 » i dwln MlUer tnd Mn. ttwii Bogtnoa hotel banqsi chairmen. Un, Ada Endter, »ew tre a m e r aad Mn em Uurray, Un. Ralph BU- Other o tn e en of the

Campbell, and 1,5 5. Harry FVaak Crane, recordlnI, chairmen, M rs. John -------------------------------, Mn. W all Anon, Mrs. L, R, . . , , . .!, Mn. Larry Orliwold, social: W o m P n n f Maul Bateman and M n. Wll- » v ‘- 'N « V l fVIloUer, chairmen, U n. Orover C o r * \ / ^ R r f i /

M n. Otto-Adamson, Mra, - 0 6 r V e D r C tBammon, U n, J, p. Nlsbert, Th# annual rush tnd means; Mn. John Oarro, women of lh# MooieDm Uukland, ehalrman, Mrs. FrU ay morning In theLocandir, U n. MUton Hyde, Mrs. imoBene Blork w(oe Bchodde, Un. John M e ^ r r a S « m c n UMrs. Amanda Brockle, mem- . ,

1: U n. John Remsberg andfit Mnll^ >-b«lmn.n. Mr« TT '**^6 Mrs. VClma MCCtason 'U rs Pau lT rfnchM n W llli-S f tp f li 'r= m * '^ r

uen Hardin, hoatcss and re- ?«*** Welch » * . Ell i; Mn, EQiennin Bellwoodrs. John Burnside, chairmen; Vivian ChUda andUy Robblni, Mn. Earl W, Scherblnske.Mrs, Buster Ooode. Urs. Rob- .Proceeds from the e-ed, Mn. F. H, Kehagy, M n. used to buy equlpmeTurner, program: Mrs. Otto baseball team, the Wier and M n, D, R. Work m y , aponiored b y jh e womj;

tattle-ltoset r i ns,-good cheer; U r U V e r S l t V - V ; loss Woolford. parllamenUr- i - , O \1In. Reed Hansen, Camp Fire r e t e S J V)

SsSi-iSA -i'ss: 75'STi;;!?ri;‘K* # « o f Mri. A. M. Thomas.

. , , , Cueva was In eharge o f :VCTU Meetsi i t P r « « n l M « - I - o r i nn « the local Womens jo h a i . Burgess and A! an Temperance union laat *Mrs. Florence Hailoek gave , , _ . ___ ,.ns and the Uquor-by-the- . *5Issue waa discussed A cam- history of tlie guild and

irew o ltlrtra lnstallH ad U n. ^ n l e TbomWDT Thomas Leary, presldei « # «^iuomton._ j_j_ Thomas, vice preside:

, Harley Maggart, secreU.ecitalGivenjSVUE, May 17-Anae Cud- « » •len, director ot tbe muslo . « i t ■ >

--Wot^kers-Alongl by the high school glee H A O E R M ^. May 17- id Junior high achool chorui the LDS ReUef society I iresenWd. SeleoUons-by-tie day. sewln* .eeaabn-We. band were pUyad. lh« baiaar. Mr*. Marti> aolM were preiented by was In charge of th e wo Dragir and Rodney McClure A poUuck Itmcheon was saxophone Ml# was given during the attemoon

is Selvers. Mlu Oudznunds- teachers' report was h< ed as aocompaniit, pU nl exchange held.

" \ SA V E 01

> u u c K A i i D c a y C A R r t l II


B M W l l H B A L L W O O L C A M I

f a m k . . . .H . M - Y o n




S*V --^C rIB f~«S «A IN A 1 way^iT jflllQ----- ™0N|-»' iM 'f

T I M E S - N E W S . T W I N F A L L S . T O A

. c o d e r s H o n o r e d b y S o r o r i t

X . . -'-’W

ante* Behwab, staDdlnt tell, waa tastalled prcatdaai A ^ b a n Omega, tn eerene:^es b«Id Thveday e ran 1 hotel banitnrt reetn, Ura'Dwayne Ueore. a taad ln n t e r aad Mr*. F. Faler, seated, li tbe ebapter*a nei n e e n of the groap Include, not s b m , Mr*. Lewi iillnr tffre tarr; Mu . Charlu Mllli, Vlc« prealdent. rane, recording secretary. (BUtt phoUiwrr»Tlag)

en of Moose MrsrLrM. N t ve Brcal<.fast Selected Leinual rush breakfast of p . f I f th# Mooie was served U r j e i O m e

JEROME, May 17 - ■ene BJork waa in charge ^jher was elected pre»i< imenU. jjrom , (.\rie club a t I: w i t h transportation buslneu meeting th is w

Velma McCoy and Mrs. Other new otticeni ar ( v e y r ^ n n - n j r e a w m ^ u crsndaiirviooyMKreire;Mrs. Ruth Heinrich. Mrs. Parrti, secretary; M n . ! Ich, Mrs. Eileen McCoI- treasurer; Mn. John -El . Marie Chapman, M n. pending lecreUiy; M rs, i rhUda and Mrs, Maty comb, auditor, a n d M ce. Summen, boanl of dlreiI from th# event will be ber, buy equipment for th# ThecommltUefor tho team, the Moose Ultea, luncheon to be held In Jv by the women's lodge. Un, J. D. Noland, ch al

s r s i t y - G u f J ^ ' ^

2s 3 Women B o - J S ’ed^aTi^o*:

held iU IUt-meeUng of 1 this week a t the home. M. Thomas. Mr*. Erma ^ j

library aithe charter memben ot jic* huUdlnsi Reoorts wi iration. Charter members *{*adlng oommittee, sre M n. Lorin LewU, Mrs. oomnuMee,urgess and Anna J. Lar-

rin Lewis presented’t t e -tlie guild and U n . Cueva id B & tv .lumo^pus selection. Mrs,d . Hoggu^ pU yri tw o _____

I S l r a ln s t i l lS d ^ r a 'l i n .«ary , president; Ura. A. Uw V wWM8. Vice prBsideat. and U n . , Br— * . iggart, secreUry. ff ^rgess presided a t the re-

lAAK. May 17-Women otteller society held an all- ^ U H | | | | I ;

r. I£r«, Marton Pugmlreirge of workItmcheon was served andle afternoon a vislllegreport was heard and a irTt - Mlang# held.

/ E O N i w

i D L O O M ^


^ J ta sh io n s -i T A R ^ gT U R E Year a f te r ye i r e t b e s u m m i

>01. CARPET B to Uke you ^ ^ H everything In

_ __ wardrobe. _ 8 j j p ' Tord — HUdBon'i tom

___ ^ u t i & w h i

n ^ l N AVI W.

L L S . I D A H O

/S o ro rity Women's Soci( Names Memt

j jp iB P te ; , Of FinanceW ^ p •- ■■ '••• -' - ■-- , ■ ITTMfl TlTTJ. U .y ^7 __

• - committee memben were ■ K S ' - - ■ »l lhe Womens Mlsslonnr

•: f f meeting wedneiday a t th eH t # - ' — ~ Mra. John Kelley, Mra, Ol

- ll tmanee chairman for I J H X i—i f •• • - --( six monthi. isjlsted by M ! » • . T dant Youree, Mn. H, O. t .

■'•i • Terrell Foiter and Mrs. 1 ..'bridge. For the second t«.

R ^ K S S S ^ R a l L . . ; Marlin Woodward will a c t .man. Her committee w ill -UrsrWlidred-ttomahaDr^Ci ■JonirM rt-Cin-camahair

f c . j g | . J I i l ^ g ! |F g C T Jack Craig.

' ' *ere co-hostemi. Mrs. T r H ^ H r S S r a S E f a - J ' gave the devotions. .Mrs. B

1 - nahan and Mn. MUdr'eil C 1 ~ *ere appointed .to collect

» f f i l 1 f r i7 m v f f y l i l l Ui« Children's' 1 ' Boise.

4 ^ cooked food aale lo r&l. for church nmodellng w a

H ^ F n e C ^ 1 - ^ Trowtndsereading certlflci

J. H. McKee and Mrs. Nlc ton. Receiving blue seals v

^ E B ^ H H P I H S F ^ W(«ley Fink, Mrs. Frances ■ B adM fJ111 n f i l f t >>H | l Urs.-Emma-Oinung.-Ura,

Vourte, Mn. Jack Craig. I Hwfll lKT NHiivG ■lones, Mn. Frank Jones. B W i^ W C T l g lH K » g | th'an Miller and Mrs. R- 1

P’^ns were dlscuued foi * group ol young people i a conlerence June 4 m Har

H E s H ^ ^ H l K t ^ .X o u rc tje slm e u L u U cliThe prognm, arranged

Nathan Miller, Included 1 by Mrs. Karl Carnahan, K Ahalt and Un. C e ^ B ott,

Bethel to A tte Morning Woi

i Th«r*day e w i ib v ta Ihs BURLEY, Uay IT -B u rlU e m * te d lB « rIgbt, Is «t Job's DaughUn met t w

be ehapt«r*B n m Bpoascr, 'ujg lo o p haU, with Honorlewn, Mr*, tevria Helller, u u r Uamueu presiding,Tlce prealdent. a o d Mra. d«lded to hold

loUiengraTtog) __ church" Bundiy, T h o jlr h-------------------- . ' ■ tend the .11 a, m. servlo, . . ^ , a t the Burley Methodiatt . M; N eher - Uverlng tha message,

!cted L eader -■ Jerom e Club SSi“ii,."S'X''S ,E .7 - M r.. I . M. J S ”

new offlceni are M n , Lee * * *3£?“s r 3 r s DmnerPrep-a:

A tClubM eiudltor, a n d Mrs. Merrill , BURLEY, May 17 — r I, l«ari of directors mem- meeting oJ the Sunshir

Homes club wlU be held I nmltUe for the annual rose the home of Mn, T lln a 'a r to be held In Jim e Inoludes bum.

3. Noland, chalim aD ; Mn. At the mtetlDf W edne •I, MlUer-Pmfitfr, Mm, Psri nfnnrn «t th« hnm» nf M m Kunx^^Mrt. Elm a r Loomis « id , l ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ l o *

Tam, planned by M n . Olb pervlsed a damonstraUoi :itured a piano solo by Ann memben on “• th rifty to

school glrla a«*tet present- ons tb prepan hsm and tlumbers. seroU; treated chetae b ls aUscuiilon w as held on ths cotUga aalsd, and plneap

city library and of- cake, FoUoving pr«p»rsIlngl. Reports were given by dlihes wan served fo*ling oommittee,__________' menu.

s o m e t h i ^

J ^ u c L o n ’d y

ihion84M =8pectat(ft!S^—

'e ar a f t e r '^ e « r , H a to ra llz e r S pe tU to rs re th e s u m m e r f a v o r i te f o r tb e lr a b ility 0 ta k e y o u e T e ry w Iie ie a n ti ' go w ith v e ry th in s I n y o u r su m m er “dABs-up” .wardrobe. B e e th e a e new niitnh»ra a t _____[Udson'* t o m o r r o w l

ura Dl

own & W ^ e or Blue & WhUit

“ “ - ^ T o o t w e a r f o r

'sSociety | Sets Dote '; Membersionceiben were appointed •1 Missionary society (day a t th e home o t ley, Mrs, O all Jonea irman for the flr*t listed t ? Mra. M or- In . H, O. U pe, Mra. ind Mrs. ! • . '£ TYow- i second t«rm , M r^ nrd will a c t as chair- imlttee w ill include amahani-Mrs.-Vrank> rnm ahsx r«nd -M i« .-

Pink and Mrs. U p*Ml. Mrs. Trowbrldc*Ions. .Mrs. K arl Oar*I. MUdreit C arnahan i to collect Irult. to Children's home In

aale lo r&lae mcmeynodeling w as discus-Trowbridge read a n J0 A „ TAKNEB'

” ( Itaff eagnvtoi)nd Mrs. N ick Robin- ■ ■ * ^

Utah Girl Planinung.-Mra, M ordant -y- t i Olack Craig. M n, OaU ] Q M O r r V b h f Lank Jones. Mrs. N a- , , ' _id Mrs. R . I . Bame*. j n J u n e S P HilscuMed fo r sending J U I l C J B r >mg people to a ttend OLENNB FERRT, May 'one 4 in Nampa. M rs. »nd Mn. Dougiu F. Tanncixeul.RtUclca,________ ;^»«..City,.have_annsiun.cedJ1, arranged by-M ra. gagemenl of ihelr daujlilM, Included a playlet Tanner, to Paul F Bbrom,:amahan, Mrs. B. B. Mr. and M n. Oeor|» P. I. CecU B o tt, - Olenns Ferry,

- T h e couple wm ba marrtei

0 A tten d ?!; SS.'ng W orship ES?«S

.T^ssr*?^ e ^ j t ^ is* w m " ^ ~. m. s ^ c e s u n d w Shrrai. Brottw of Ui» -bria«r Methodiat church. *!•«*. wUl act i l belt asn.A. U . TTMmU d « - Mlsa TannCT wUl'b* gradu

essage, Juns from ths Unlranlty 0given of tb e slum ber at Balt Lake Olty, whsn abithe hom e of th e tr fnut«d with Sspp rK ipp ri

. Howard O, Bate*, sorority and Spun honor*enlng th e girls w ere ganliatlon. Bhe hu bwn e!<7 Batea. A m idnight cwean snd MorUr Board aved. held the ofllce ot blttortasannual election w ill AssocUtsd Bludssti of th

>■ venity,. . Rer fiance, a gradnate ot

P rep a red -- JS S ^S fS S .'S Jb M eetingtay 17 — *n>e n e x t ketball team, of which be wi he Sunshine B etter U captain- iU be held May 38 a t Tbe couple will tM |^ lo In, Tllna Q rady, H ey- ?eny. * ^ ^

'S.r,’S ^ ^ - Dessert Sen/1

Ohet Usugim r*e3nd hlgl score-.i(g- mm bsn;-M t»

a o e ^ T a s * . omnwea,-Fa»U.-high-lee < ham and ebeeie caa - u o n tS-< che«MUsctilts; app le M «,* r»«{Jfrw E lw , D« and p ineapple cheoM ssttmI. • ng preparation, th e -The nest SMCting ef the 1 served f o r rsfreah* be June 11 a t tbs boiae ____________• • Stella PataracB.

ing you tlt^e new

■ ........ . . . f A j i H . x a

I'S Dote ’•

AN TAKNEB' ,.Iff engnvlni) Kf{iBV“■—*—■----------Hiimlirl Plans | H irry Shrum une Serv ice .FERRT, May IT -V r.—)uglu F. Tanner. S a lt H H

"urjirS ifvs—M’aul F, Bbrum. son o t 1 . Oeerts P, Bhntm.

' vm ba uarrlMI-TuM-----t. Rev. Uigr. w in iam 'Jt Our Dinne Saylor cspUon tn ths T a n n v >Uoir, I t* M de-tfM t

j f f i s y 's s : neiiauna McLatoh y W ^ B

'Jian~Mfg . John W .------ 8— 1u r of uu -bnd«srMu=—t i i bett man. ________V wUl'to graduated' t i j j ^ H hs Unlrenlty of O tah Olty, whsn ahe U a t« s s p p i - K ip p a - o t a u w t" " ^ ^ H : Spun bonorarr o r- She h u b to elected t» - UortarBoard.and t w «e of blttortas fo r tb a .. iludesU of the xaO*

. a tradnate ot Olanoa

all from Um VnlTcnlCr e is im im bff of m and ths uslver*!^ b u «, ofwhkhbB'wmslseti*

> lo

* ^

ert_Sehifid_— Hay meeting W e d M £ ^ '^ ~ ^ ~ ^ H o tu n , Carl U en , M rs. la recefhd high .bridga sufflbsa;-U ts,»atvt>*—Paul.- hlgh-ler-ffueetai------

Bchodds, tS-out, a n d XnrtB.lnr, D eaert VUI

meeting ofthe ( tab w m a t tbs boiae o t U M . ■ ■

ion. __________ _

ew _.

— I m—f —

Page 12: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

riSwboys^'I In Idaho;H IDAHO T A t L S , ' M a y 17 (IPI I eighth inning, sq u a tte d on & i 11— h««-S a tu rd ay -& ieM .4 JE b ili^ 11 • '-thfe-RireBctfl t i e I t up in th e th l i the eighth. Idaho F a lls ncor-' ed four in th e bo ttom o f thc

i . ._nlnui, but go t ,cut

‘I ! l_ o ff for U w te V«l-!■ : l«j in the eighth »nd w m b* » on '1 T *n etror. Bemle 6ok*ntch •ln|le(J

» PrUin* to third »nd AlllcotU lo»d- t S lhe base* with * Ilery groundrr

■■ir which third boMmnn Johnny Hiclt itogptd_ but could n | t ^ h > n g ^ to.

rfioiM but »n error icored Fridn* and siluinlch. Pete

fr^ AlUeolll home «iwl DUI Schneld- • i j mliler douWcd the final two run*

I! ‘’ id.ho ro lls snt ‘ 5ts ” boltom of the ninth and m e n p««a

olf an ImmBturB rally . Lee ff, Winter snd PftWtal i t BusUrk .Inglcd, .coring W lnw r. «nd

l l Ven EwWrlc. Emle Siws then »lap- I w d w ' s ro th r r double, scoring I t Ait^c but the boom ended there.

I liiy' ;ii'II I 1 \ t v u r t " . ^ 1 « « :

1- Tot*l» l i 'V l i l ToUll » - » M nJ ; _ a-S 5 ? «

I “ ■ S « f f :S.km.kH,

W JJIkMll. TtattP»en.

n F i n a l P l a n t i n g o f

D O v e r 3 , 0 0 0 T r o u t

SI C o m p l e t e d F r i d a y^ . RUPIRT, May lT— flniU load

ll=W air»ew»«n«owaM il-.hrid*e|k<J .1:1 the Duiley highway bridge, nccorl-

^1' Ing- to Joel Reynolds. B upert coff- --I semilon officer, th is lo&d o t 3.409 ! H - " - ^ 'W - - 10-1nch '«B h--f» lshed -tb .

■ 'piw iKj-of -nm■'!.i planwd this week.

Ttnntlngs were made from Jsck*. . son brldse to the Ovcrlond bridge on

the highway between Paul nnd Bur-

I ley. Ooe load waa taken to Baft

A tbtmsaad of these fUh were t«g- fM wilh a m elil ring In th e Jew.

• MttilK Bam es of the .rod-and gun Iki club adu th a t fishermen catching a

t«gged trout report the catch lo T J ' W a at t h e ‘'M lnuU Xunch.’* a4tnB

lieither tagged or untagged. Pur-

h __ of tha la to determineI bow fsr the trout mlgraW. :PrliM

wUl be offered la ter for those who

, TWi y e a r t shipm ent aU etme - . faan tha /unerlcan Palls .

In ehsme of the work tts ls te d by R*7nold», Bame*. Pete Homey, i Burley consem tlon offle«r: BIU ‘ BeiaieU, Cw sla rod and gun club 1

" pTMldt&t. a ad Sob Irving, fiabbblo* I )la t,______________________ I_______ «

G e rm a n S h o r t As A v e r a g e A

I - .— By DION UENDEBSON t | l AP Newsfeaturea « !l Tn yean now the aversge tosn's III i«»wh lor that-aU -aw uad-hunting f J dog h u been staUed by th a self- f 1,1 atylri expert, the know-lt-aU neigh- *I bor snd the fellow w ho'Insist# User* * 'I im t ito’t ho aueb anUnsl. • r The uUUCy dog is no d i i t u t ‘

il to u a . He U here, haa been fo r mS* * F. then 29 yeart, and his num bers are ‘

Incnulng en aU sides. He haa many < ■ood friends and some bad one«. t and the worst o t these a r t the < tenu '■ho own h im but don 't gtre '

ft hln a chance to prove bow good < be U.

Be U fairly new a« dof» ko~N o. 1 ' tn Ihs Itud book was about BO years '

i ----- ati>->*iJd be was tued wlt l i psUis- ------UBnt-<Hrmatt---c»te--j to-bB alV •

lliliigi tu aH~hmiteis. fTo-range iO DUlM an bour a fte r pbeaaanU and

I potst, t« drlTe through th e .frousa ; «Tcr. to break lea on -those long

xvtricTes for a e ipp led duck, to track fur, even to n m down and hold deer la bla European bome, tnd to be • good compasloo all the Una.

_____ BU nam e U Shortjylr . Dr*»b»SiW, WBZi8iZ8Zier~WaeTtt«iaber«'

H ger-variettea a ad eUbdlvldons and ffi psnUel deTelopinenU-ot the G e^ ■ 1 ' tasD ahorthalred point«r-faaiUy..AsI I tha big Uver a ad ticked ehorthalr, l a (Kunhaar) he has been with us a shue'tas beauOful exhlWtloTt chimw K lAn. Selaet’s I>ore, w*s Imnorled B ~ ia^nW, lA-U-lAUbWU bylil cilled American tmmdaUoa stock ft >>4htM d o n > i»d b r th e -Ireat I Oennu} tttlllty cham pion. Bepno | [ T. Schlossgarten. aad tmported by

JcM ^ Burkhart.H)s W elmaraoer a iade the crot-

— -Tta|-m t-i*ou»-ttoe-ew ae-U m er-W - n lowlog election o f Bow ard Knight, 19 to ’A nunleut «part«Bian. to the B l Oenaaa club i s I9 » . T b * d nah - H thssr, d r O e ra u a « lreha lr«d point- n er, lus been liaportAd l o r m t

H u ii'sqw m u true breed hr theI•1 ''(•>*» ' - ■ i \1 S--------lo-Uu l in t place.. .U m „ It l u

H - 1 ' .■ -

B P A O B T W B I .T B

rinning RaH] ys Good for ? ho Falls OpenJ a y 17 (ff>^M a£rie V nlley p o u r e d f iv e ru n t e d o n a n in th - in n in g Id n h o F a l l s r a l l y , ai

T h f l C p w ^ y a m ade.o ff w th - f t-2 -O -lc a d - i i n t h e ^ l f a T t o o k a - W l e e d in - t b e a e v e n t

a l l s B c o r - --------------- T":

“ Mathew&_Ea' m I n T i g h t W i

POETLAND, O re., Mny 17 <X m g on to. th e le th fll-punch in? S e a t t le vct<

? n » irf will b e te s te d f o r t h e ' f i r s t t im1 S c h n e ld - ------------------------------------------------ - M

. n ™ B a n u o c k s E d g e - .

M Y a n k s 5 4 in S H S l a t e R a % ------------------je. scoring POCATELLO. May 17 W — T h e an id there, pocstcllo Binnoclts banged over eoiILLS* two runs'In the bottom o f the n in th ]1** 1 a 1 »nd snatched a •vktoiy from 'th e tri

league-leading BoUe Y anks 8-4. ha* fi } i The Bannocks wero -l«h lnd 4-3 kn

< I » g>^ng Into the hotion o f the n in th . Bl4 t 0 auve Hill singled to le f t and th e as

“ ! i! ! Bonnocki, yearning to r » win in slu] 4 I HoUlwell park, took h e a r t. KoarC ha

- s « « attempted to move RUl up w ith a ;» ? 5 S sacrifice and did even belter—h e esi

wns safe on a flclder'a choice. LoTj " , " Then Keefe "BmsOed to - lo s d - th e P“fn Viiej. ....... - -

. . . ________ HUl was forced a t hom e, but J e ft0 M i » - i Duran hit a pinch double bringing X2 «oo ooi—4 Koart and Keefe In w ith the w in- *!; -®5hJS1S*: ______________________ thcm n. }Uck, At BiKings (he MustAnga handed Iieotti. Hlla, gall Loke Clly ano ther one-run mi

Joss Saturday night a« outfielder jig ck 2. SIM. Dick Stuart clubbed a two-run th i w w J n - homer wlih one out In th e bottom wo *DH-Toti’ of lhe ninth for a 3-2 victory. fla)—Em«tT 1. Dave Brittain was tagged w ith Mi 1? 'b .* u . 'i : lhe loss after pltchlnij a competent roi i^'ll 0 * “ game up to th a t 'p o ln l.-I t waa h is ;

second nlnth-lnnlng loaa and the ed

g“ « eighth one-nm defeat fo r Salt 1-ake lai n f City thU seuon. foi

Al Oreat PaUa Carl Wells waa hi) l l l f pracUeally the whole show Sa tu r- wj

__ day night, pltchlng_a to rce -h lttc r. fig ' i t f i o v s c o ^ g one'of the n in s 'an d iU rUng Irc l U A j a rally-squelching double play aa1 tlm a load Ogden whipped O reat r a i l s J - l . Ini laj p lanted T hi Pt*lt '***''' *" S? bridge * 4 bottom- ot-the .nitith xolled jround ,- Jpj je , nccorl- Ih e n l i h r saum iatrp lnch ilU tang- a- u p e rt coft- lo r Ricky Small, dumped * singlead o t 3 409 Into the outfield. M anager Lou Iio- M n ished-tba chelU-touhlfjl him hnme------------

from Jack- a liner right t t Wells. H e stopped -r,d bridge on It and neaUy doubled RochelU off 1..Jl a n d Bur- third, ending the game,sa to Baft gri«" | } „

, W.1U Ld MOT»TP*y>>» •I'<1 UBiinLh were lag- -----— ___ . arIn th e Jaw. S»U “ *• JiS im ^ * o ri'>d-andgun Hriiul>i" >i<4 THix Im : sinner.-»am. „catching a «k,r «n4 . pr

> caw * BoU. _ _ _ _ Z I w IOI ooi_i 10 I Sich.’* OimB p,^.uiio ------------oorooo 5rec)at«-ln------citt»«U,-r^iBia «nj .Of-UlMUh- . •--- :---------- «

r r i Buhl Golf Fete Set 2those who BUHL, May 17—Buhl women golf- ^ __ i_ ■.« will hn tr. g«lf>rt.fnr_a -fK- a i - <5Se bfeakfa iron a t-U ie"C lear :hatcher?. Lakes coune. A a ilx ed fo u rso m e wl

sslated by Mrs. Wright Earl Is chairm an of e iHomey, the food committee a n d Mrs. Mel pe

leer: BlU O ruky wlU be In c harge of th e Igun club toumement There wa# ho play on tU

f i .h bblo« ladlea day this we«k_beeaUM of sal'relcyw eethff.________ >

S h o rth a ired P o i n t e r g e A ll-A ro u n d H u n30N QUMU0n-»l)0Ut_hls.capabtll.Ues. To wo;s earn the formal UUe of titlUty cham - In*e se msn's P‘oa (Kunhaar Sieger). » European gai d-hunUng h a « *th e ^ In a le n c h sbow .m a derby Wrd ret a u neUh- ^ “ > open hun tln e aUke and f 5 st# there • u u i- te a u on bo th b irds

and fur, Isnd and w ater retrieving eu ,0 distant obslaele traUlng—along w ith a hui n to r m S e shsrpneu certUlcate w blch attesU |« ( mber* are tha t he has klUed a p redator on wo, haa many command. UnW the w ar Interrup ted y«!( bad ones blS pu»e hunUng. a candidate for },ui1 a r t the Utle also had to track down and doe don 't ^ re either kUl or hold a t bay a m ature ^ how good ^ ^ eompetlUon ta JSf

s r> -N o . 1 t»“ “ Europwa trial*, n o *^ad day" ® u t BO years ehamploiii. Bating Is o n a po in t ^ rttta^pst a ^ <?il<m i gi'nit perfecaon---------------

tr- r a m e » 4»a»e^>ot-ms<l» wany-raaUy-atfecUve. aaant* and efforta to acquaint *he average “J* th e .frouse hunter with their product. T he t -thoae lo u 'Welmaraner w u a cc c tn p a n le d ln d duck, to quarters . with ou lrageou '

down aad claims m a “miracle dog-w hleh Joe ^ peaa bome. Hunter Jurt eouldnt 'BWaUow. B u t foi opaaloo all 'Welmaranen seldom appeared In en

open compeiiuoa. T h e shorthU r — a ir . Draab* t‘ °uelf, llnal development lit the

Ivldoni and pnMnted, but w u trea ted tos the it the Ger- Ameriean shorthalr c lub aa a bird

!d*tSwte*lr, epecliUy field t i l a l riues ofe a WlUi us Oermaa shorthalr pointer club rttton-ehwnw of.Amerte*..approved-by-tha-AKC ^ i m p X g{d Wai

i>«rfwnis6M-you’d-haT e a r ig h t to ' th e 4 rea t ^xpcet n y old plug ehootlng dog lion, t a n o J . . ■ " — ~ I

S P E C I A L !le the ero»- C O M P L E T E

- l U B R i e A T I O N - j e B —S f h « R «ular P rice « ia 6

S J . t o l h ! W H E E L P A C Kaired point. R «(tilu P rice t l .»0

w d h ) 'th e . W S 'M G u f e r L M

" ; S w e n s e n

“T * i Tm . J t l u

: ' . “ ' ' ? :------ - ^

tally by o r 8-6 W in )p en e r ^red fiv e runs acrose home p la te -jn -the ,V 'a lls ra lly , and dumped the R ussets 8-6 -ft-2-0 -lcad-in-tha-fir«t-inning.-watched- .A. p - tb e gevcntfi“and~3rove ln frve~ ru n a in ^

s Faces Test t With Layne I, M ny-17 </P)—H arry (Kid) M atthew s, ^S ea ttle veteran who’s quit the lig h t- ^

n ram pniim for the hoftvywcight crow n, e jit i e 'f i r s t tim e by a good big m an h e re i-------------- Mondny night. ° }-1 7 J He’ll give nwny 15 pounda ^ b j Q £ f 6 when he tncela In a scheduled 10-

O round /lght with ragged Be* Layne. ^ • the LewUton. Ut»h. heavyweight1 1 1 who holds a declilon over champion j

Joe Walcott. theSome 11,000 fans wUI pay an eatl- j^ t

__________ mated W5,q« to « e it. Portland 's xon"Cow "Polacc;'' ffie“ TocUio inter- o o

Ul — T h e national livestock pavUlon, has beea nged over eold out since JYlday. iCe't the n in th MaUhews. the greatejt ga te at* j

from 'th e traotlon th« west bas bad In years, inks 6-4. haa run up a spectacular a trlng of Mhlnd 4-3 knockouts amce his manager. Jack the n ln tb . Burley, changed him trom a Jab>

ft and th e aod-dance boxer to a two-fisted p^j. » w b i- in aluggen.But most of hla vlcUois

a r t. K o art have been aecond-raters. - — up w ith a Admlrera and tkepUcs alike are „ in better—h e eager to ace what he’ll do with choice. Layne, who can take the hard pj^

3-losd-thB Punch.and-kecpeomtog-LJu-ne.hlta wickedly with hU right hand, and

. v.,» T,f» even second-class opponents hava i'e bringing S , ««7 «« tag .wlih ^ r .1 the w in- Hurley has been trying to get----- J - - - : - . - thc.-JBO_to.-ni»t£h Motthewa with m ,iga handed Rocky Marciano, the Brockton, f u , r one-run Mass., socker. The Matthews-Layne n t t

outfielder jight should lest Hurley'a claim a two-run th a t a Marclano-Matthews bout the bottom would be the biggest th ing the j .„ :lory. (latlc world had aeen In yean , u , ,iggtd w ith Marciano knocked out Layne In alx ^ f competent rounds last summer.

I t waa h is Both Matlhews and Layne retu rn- a and the ed to action only recently a fte r long ■, T Salt XAke law-offs. Hurley kept M atthews Idle

four months while he tried to get t , , Wells waa him a shot a t Wslcoll’a title. Layne ) ,,, low Sa tu r- waa laJd of/ after Use Marciano J,“ irce-h lttc r. fight eo h u handlers could try to nd aUrtlng Iron out rough ipoU in h is style. ,. le play as Matthews' backers are predict- alls J - l . Ing. a knockout. But both Hurley flirt aji the and Matthews express deep respect ^ LedatflUlvd. foT’G m e 'affd T arT lit)^ s e t t t i fo r j _ h c h ilU tan r a^decfi fon. ' — ^■d a single Liiyne will weigh 185 pounds, and , cr Lou R o- Matthews about ICO,

? ln l*b !^trf RocYSaTt Dropped ^ to h c U rM f In F e e d i n g A r e a s Le;

. , , HAILEY, May 17-Eleven tona of> OOI—I i I rock salt have been air-dropped on ,<i UBiinL d ( tr and elk feeding grounds tn , , t a re u of the Little and Big Wood I IM -J « 0 rivers, the Salmon rtver M f a r down 5inn.T.-M.m. „ Knop creek, the Smokey, Deer i r

• creek, Adams gulch and Warm 001-^10 I Springs vlel^Ues. _

T._J. MUer. conservation ortlcer. / jn . ______ reported the' 'w o r^ a s 'done

[-« G o t Oroflno. Prensdsy was asslated ty il e o e i MUer; Dick Wriiht, PaUfleld: C, L aln/omen golf- Matthews, Shoshone, and Wes Shaw, n i«olfers fo r-a Boise.----------------------------- ----- -.~th'«~Clear Mlier said aeren trips were madeI Toursome with 60 to 70 M-pouad blocka be- g . ,

----- tng H ^en-on-eich ene. In -m oataalrm an of cases, he aald, two blocks were drop- *>1 Mrs. Mel ped a t once.■go of th e During tbe air-drops, cloudy and y r iho play on stom y weather ww experienced. I’llBeeausa of said Lawrence Johnaoa, m anager ot ^ 'S

, the local'ilfpcrt.------ ----------------k 2

w in te r F i l ls B i l l | | 1 H u n t in g D o g ijlUlles. To worth hla keep; Just finding, point- c i5lU tycham - lng.an‘3 retrieving; no references to ^JzL European game other than birds, to tracking, t>rise aw ard and above all. no water no r bUnd a « 'jerby Wrd retrlevtn*. - - **j,

Blehard 8 . Jflhaa of Benton. Pa„ and'both b ta ls ,h o owna some-of the very bestr e t^ v ln g European utility dogs and h u

'ng w ith a hunted them In Europe, wrote In ach a ttest* |*ti«r th a t he thought thc American

would not apeod aa m uch de-" terr“ P“ l veloplng hla dog as wUl the European'.tUdale for hunter, who U pretty much a one-down and dog fellow.

■ a m ature ^ ^

oeUUoB ta With IWa," Johns wrote.“europeana do not have th e food

n a w>tof to h*rter too m any doga.They are prtcUcsl enough to reaUie

p p s s ^oulrageoS That's about Uie sltuaUon o a the

• Whleh Joe ^-a round dog. He's here -■waiting raUow. B u t for you. U 70a want h im badly ppeared In enough.> shorthalr ------ -----------------------------------------

si-*beuv-(h« “ ------- ------------- , ----------- ---------------- ruesday. May 3

T A G TEAM TOI f ™ ,TI„..4S.inii.o,2.o«i.N-JOB— --------------------^TEAM^-|N(I n a sACE JACK CARTER a i; d a l e h a d d o c k a n d

- G E O R G E - D U S E T T E a n ...................... D r . G a l ( a q K « r a n d [

AdmlMloiii R lngridt IIJO, o .

— — i — -------------

Giants De S O f l H b e e t e------ ~ N E \V T O R K . 'M o y '1 7 ( / P ) = W h i

n i n g S a tu rd ay to give the N ew Y o i...................... l ,o c k m a n ’s .p rc sa u rc .b k a t,c n a b l«

N a t io n s l leag u e lead. T h d D o d g era n f » ■ ■■ la'tHichTd fhlT paybff-rfllly b y ------

d o u b lin g w ith tw o ou t off B ob o n t th e w s K elly, third Chicago pitcl«r, i:x>ck- O t a it.iit.w o , joiiowed wlUi hU fourth homerle l i g h t - S^ '“7jTan #-7 deficit, caused C . it c ro w n , prtm artl? by Chicago homtruns. la n h e r e llanky Paul Mlnner started for

Chicago. He weathered a four-run I f- th ir d inning rally and enUted the - t . . ’ fn seventh Inning with on 8-4 advan- eduled 10- one out, Williams

Lajme. loejcraan alngled snd Dutch ,•avywelght Leonard went In to atem the tide. champion H e walked Bob Thompwn to load °

th e bases and then stnitHoul pinch-»y on esti- h i t te r Hank'Thompson. Wlllle Mays gg„ P o rtlands followed with a iwo-run single and Uio - in te rs S i i - MSeller wlUi-anoUiir-onc.bag-1. has been g e , t<, chaae Dutch and bring on

, K elly, who finally retired the side. 00,; ga te at* Brooklyn Ben Wade, JJ-year-M n years, o ld rookie righthander of lhe BrooH-: str ing ol Dodgers, started off like » houseager, J a ^ m r e but then cooled off aa the)m ft Jab* Dodgers trouncfd the Pittsburgh ^two-fisted p m ie s ia-7. nteeda victims <vvade allowed only one hit and■ ■ — fanned nUie men In the flrit six In- ^„g ,

alike are m uM but was tagged for four.home- ani„,I do with pyng la the last three ftwnea as ,e a„thc hard pittaburgli made a belated bid. s^n

Ljoue.h lta — A i-Boswn-Alpha Bra2]e's-.rellcl .Los-hand. and cho re enabled CUff Chambtn to ga■ente hava ^ £-4 victory over the Boaton ner 1

tag .with B„Y es aa the St. LouU Cardinalssquared the tw-o-game series. Cham- -

ng to get ^ chased in the sevenlh In- " A hews with n in e - when the Tribesmen laOUed Brockton, th rice on four singles and a wild

ewa-Layne n itch . .•y'a claim Philadelphia the Cincinnati S qij jews bout noda. led by Hank Edwudi who had th ing the „ve times al bat. beat in yeon. phmdelphla PhlUlts 7-3 to end

lyne in al* ^ lout-ganie losing streak and a t the som e time nip thc Phllllts' string

-ne re tu rn - o f four consecuUve vtcloriei. O** m Ul' Ameriean league at Cleve-

fi? the Indians gave pitcher Bob rnmle d W get Lemon n,ore runs than In aU alx o t theItle. X^yne previous starlj ihU season by land

blasting three WashlngWR pllchera M aluld try to j j j n j g g .j victory. elgh

“ y *' T he barrage of base hits, which rcUi, restored to the Indians Ihelr two vote

a n d a halt game lead over the sec- M al■ep respect n„ri. pUce Nata, Included homers by Innl [-setosTOT

------------7 -EaaUrTaMOUnanrforsUrTOis.-------Saeiounds, and Lc„,on shut out 81. Louis M

1-0 on la two-hltlcr Sunday, it was paU — ........................................................................ th e fifth game In which the 'Tribei n n P f l scored no JBore than'one run to r TTVi p p e U h im . Saturday they got him oft to T lH A o a ® four-run Jriid In the flMl Inning. _t e a s Lemon allowed only six hlta In 'rfn tn i« of hurling his fourth triumph of the

seaaon against two seihacks. It waa P™‘ ^ th e flrat time he has defeated SaU

W ashington since 19M. «A t SU Louis three ro o k le^ lm

V Rivers. Bob .Nleman snd Clint oe ‘^ Courtney — supplied three n inth-nd w arm ^ ,3 to Ui: 61. Loula « «

Browns a. 3-1 .triumph. epolUng a on officer, r in e mound performance by couth- M ie 'b y ^ w gaw Merganiffl~of'the~Bo6lotl Bed “

uslated ty Until Rivera lined a one-out field: C, L alngle and was booted home by Wes Shaw, Nleman’s double, the Bro»-ns had

I S S u S ! J „ . ■■

:loudy aadcperlenced, f iiS,*?'**’ - ----- 17S §« to " !! 11-e -nanage re f c . r % . y 0«.»i6i . ,

-------------- ......-«ioe«>o«-< * Ii j - a ChiraU™. Rra«)t !»=•! WiUoo,

i l eHliltr IBd no**lt: rM.,SliJilk. Cliarth.

» “ - " s . ’s ' s a 7'"<

, tracking, rmiUdphU *t. clileuo » 1b.

inton, Pa„ asd C«arta»y.very best S j 5 | ^ 5 5 ^ ^ 5 i ^ 5 I H S 5 i '

UlCASHleh a one- F Q R D E A D f l l l d

s a g o ^ U S E L E S S

" eTo! ’ A N I M A L S

‘to ^ re 'i lS PHONE COLLECTG 5 ^ i r ig - d T .- -~ l l i ip e H a ) B :

ia“a jia jjm --------- -T w in -F a lla -S li--------: on their

o „ o a t h e I D A H O H I D E € f T A L L O W C O .

^ Radio Rondevoo "

AM TOURNAMENTnin. or 2-out-ef-3 falli motehfi- T E A ^ N C L - U D E — ------------------------ -* |=


*1” ' IT” H ai^' ^ r

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N 1

Defeat Cubs7 (/P)=AVhitey^^lZckihQn cToUled a-two-nr ;he New Y ork G ia» ta a 9-8 triumph ever t bka t.cn ab M .th e jG ian U to_mairitain their rh« D odgera a lre a d y hijd tirounced l*ittiibur{ illy by • , — -------- ^

S ll’. S ea ttle Beats In homer ^

S eals 5-1 in M 1 9 H o t Iim ings ■=

SAN PBANCIBCO. May 17 W^- nol« ) n T h Seattle won the PacUlc Coast lea- o.dr

gue'a Joasest game <rt the aeason ^ Saturday, ctanblng reUefer Job r.mx

, . u Muncrlef for four singles and four fi«u ipincn- In the 19lh inning to defeat fJ;?''

San Franclflco 8-1.Igle andmc-oag- 100 000 000 000 000 000 4—5 IS S r « .t

,®” San Francisco me side. ooo 001 000 000 000 000 0 -1 10 0 crV.<

Cnlvert. Davla and B, WUson; S4t a h o ^ Bevena, Muncrief and Ortelga.

“ the PADBBS 7, AN0EX8 S **“*ttsburgh LOS AMOELES,.May 17 » - 5 a n .

^ Diego acored five runa lo tha final two Innings Saturtay to beat Loa w«b

**“ “ * Angelea 7-3 aad give Pitcher Jack Hcio Thome- Salveson h is IMth Pacltlo Coast unea aa ,cap ,e victory.Bid. San Diego ...... 010 010 033-715 0 Phil.ia-.rellcl .Los-Angeles-....OOO.oo3-000-3-S_l ib w to Balveaori and Kerr; Mcllsh, Ham- I Boston ner and PM en^ardlnala _____

s t a b s I, BEAVER8 9 “hki. PORTLAND, Ore,. May 17 (fl - cinti

John LlndeU allowed only four hits • as Hollywood shut out PorUand 1-0

S SV cL . PorU and .........000 000 000-0 4 0f . ' ..Th LlndeU a n d Sandlock; Adama and s „. M 2 ? a i»dd . f)"i,id a t the _____ HoU,

OAKS 5, ACOrtNB 0 . ^Tn 't Cleve- SACRAMENTO. M ay.17 Ifl-Sac-her Bob ram cnto Solons were shutout for stmlU six o t the sixth Ume this year by the Oak.jjon by land Acoma who won 5-0, Bonnie T /jpllchera M ahrt, 32-ycar old rookie, went J Cry, eight InnlnRs for the Oaks and then - n l1. which retired w ith an upset sioniscli. The t lleir two veteran Milo Candlnl carrted onthe sec- M ahrt's whitewash Job In the final ^ ,imers by innlng^^_____________ _

-eiEFiiSSnR^SrwiO.OOO O ^ ^ S S i il. Louis M ahrt. .Candlnl and Neal; Gables, ti r, It was paUca and McKeegan. djsO M 'Tribe ------------ ------,------- j i l ;

.";,."£T1eld Day Today ‘ S1 of the “t 'r * '” municipal golf course, «1 It waa professional Joe Durgan announced reaadef^atM Saturday.acieaicu fouTSomea. putUog con- W

teata and approschlng contests will Flord n i n t be the order of the day. ' coU«• n in th- Til® e^'ent Is sponsored by th# ingi l i S a Wen'* “ ti Women's OoU assoda- gla•uu.. > ________________________ 2 1f south- .loti Bed

ome by ^ 9 H ^t-ns had f f l H | H ^oa_]efty.

f u U

III O U r-O F -L fN C — C A N c u r r n


i l j ^ i


WHAT O Co»mtT**4 W £ 0 0 I ( a b o v t« r« < l

I j i . lnsp« t,T tB lil

!, t w i n T A I L S , I D A H t f

Hubs 9-8 ■ JU le d -a - tw o - n m - h o m e r- in - th o - ^ g b th - in -riumph over the Chicago Cubs. lairitain their tie with Brooklyn for the ncid P ilW u fs li 1 2 - 7 . D r r e y W illiam . o M

M i ii n g s PIONIBB p , Qg gjjj;ly 17 w^- __________________ -]2 2 iV? hV.^Cosst lea- O H m ---------- "i? , 'j n Alikethe aeason 5 " " W .--------- '.to i .su i »«-*lefer Job n " “ " ^ i i T ': i r : i : i . - i o » i«

’“ d.K “" S " ! ii :l!i « i'-8ond«r’> PlUktn

0 -1 1 0 0 I'U u ^}, WUson; S4tt U k . (Kn«i.(>n »-U . t BiniBta

"=M«S-V.WV''(T.»..ll.r Wl .1 W.b, V <K»1U (Dcl»». Ml I p ." . T <

17 » —San AMERICAN l^ A C U B ^ I l f

: s i : . ’“ g : & . ' r = = = : | - « E ctcher Jack Hcion .....— — --------* > •» * 'Jiltlo Coast -------------- s ii J 4 M'

» u .i was3a-7 lJ 0 Phil d.lpM. --------- 0 u .u Sl, assu0 0 -3 -S -1 ,P .i« .it------------------- ^ » •» jjUcllsh. Ham- national

C h k ^ ir ...... .........11 i n ■»<; Tly 17 (fl - Clr.tln.i..l -------------- 1» IJ 4 1 sC hop.y four hits — ----------\ \ u ’. i t AorUand 1-0 ... .................._ii u ,» s iCJ Coui

PllUbunli — -----------» ** •* ’4 0 FACtnC COABT ^XACUB^^ H

Adams and s,„ _________-29 .elo 1

1 1 ®S.H yrmDdlco________Sl . JH

17 W-Sae- ------------------ \ l u :« »hutout for sn"im «iS~_______ - 1 7 .n iiH

J e ro m e R e fu s e s to P la y B o ise T eam

®1 BOISE, May 17 (IP—A dlaappolnt- n UlB final ^ achool basebaU Uam

y as told Prlday m a t i t would have

ial; Gables, ^he Braves, who *-on the third district Ulle, were scheduled to meet

— Jerome, fourth d is tr ic t But Jerome4 q v ' ■ Infornlea-.BOtse Coaclj-.-Al-P*ntryU a j that It h a d decided n o t to send Its nm ia ttr team.lo lf 'c ^ je P»ntry aald he d id not know Uje a i ^ S reason fo r Jerome's decision.

jtUng eon. When a pulled muacls prevented ontesu will Florida's J . (Pappa) Hall, naUonal

coUeglate champ, from high Jump­ed by th# Ing In th e dual m eet wlUi Oeor- lU iasoda- gla recenUy. he entered the shot-

put evenU -but faUed to place.

f nNTwHpIJIUT r / R C

re$ to n et s f c H M M i N f e -


. Corrw» C«nb«r., C o f m t r M ^ « r T M * O t r >

(ab o v t m * M » f w f i o f t l r * w m t) .

■ ^ a tt t ta c tlB n tlta ir im fe e a ’--------- ^

— ^ - L . . ' — '

__________ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '

Cowboys Sec( In Fielding J

------------ O f^ a l a ta tla tle ir ln e lu d ln n a in ta -------Ihrough May 13, ahow th e Cowboys Hlli

■■ ' aeeond la team fielding a n d (eventh 413-In hllUag. 51; H

In {leldlng Uie Cowboys sUpped a 31: T notch from Ust week’s figures aad now traU Idaho Falla J67 to JM . i n

- 17 games.Megle-Valley4ia*.toade-ao Dannerrors and turned tn 30 doubleplaya. Vince

-------- ^ T n miMng Uia ^ b o g ^ v e t ^ e nay 6oZuy JOT. PM^4eUlo4^-BMee7-oddly tbtii

. , enough; Is la laat poalUon. u p p in g strlkth-<n- tba ballforAJM average T ed Tolea Pan,.

conllniiea to i* Oie top CowbojThll- “,. ter, climbed to .410—40 polnta above Wiif last week. He alao has eoUeeted th e Nickla m s most-bitt-for the-O owbo7rwith-'39 ouu-------- and knocked In the m o st w n*—«. w ni,

-Miniger-TommrThompson la th e Comnone oUier local hItUng ftboye JOO Idahc

1% with an even ,«0 mark. Klmb1 T O ' ” ’,^ Toi* _____________ 1? «l IS ts II I

^ E ^ : ^ = | 4 h n H - i - GB sIiS'"i uii™"™™"jl 55 i 'J jl ■*

t {« -“ to w d o y PlToilKd A

li 1 s f J?

I - - f l l j

Bulimy -

‘ Vandals Lose 9-3 » „r-As Cougars Win E ;i a Fourth Straight "’j, i MOBCOW, May 17 W — -h ie Melti 11 I , Washington Blato baseball Cougars third 11 assured themselves a t le a s t fourth loss,

placji In tha norUiern _dlvlalon Wssl' standings S a lu r d ^ ^ y pounding Idah'

L GB Idaho S-3 for their fo u rth consecu- Ke ^ Uve win over, the Vandala. lUnc

II s<; The,loss also destroyed aay Idaho i> h hopes of climbing out of the cellar. Th \l ^ A big thlrd'lnnlng In whlch slx Bela !S 4 Cougar runs were ecored provided Proci


’auS ^ W.OM wl- - d r i v e - I N ----------mileage .

o eo r- fo r a f r e e t i r #J ahot- - check-up.

'Act tw o w ay i to gi They’re made of loi ber n d In addition natu ra l rubber thi of th e casinR .'

S ' IfYotirePlomang, f a Trip Over the J

Coming M


ftV ttas~rtrtt n o V 't o “ / f chack orer your tire s to | £ .

-ascertain If th e y -a re sa fe f t ^ for warm weather driving. ^

w a m m aafely ttm n icb 1 __ tbe h e l l d a y y d for________>

■ ^nO T ^a*to U v a tw m ’eheckel

A tte n t io n 1l ~ ' “ m iU ie r y « '^ > e ra te OM tn

e u i m aka tw ly -eem U oaa ■eoete-br’airrtngW«'»>»«* Ure cheekB aod Uiea recap a

— ---------------- ^ tU n a .-O e t p rteesi--------

^ Top Prices Paid far 6'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ 81

f f “

leplaye. V l n c ^ . ^ ' S j l S j ^ K

s above Wins.:ted the Nickw ith -39 euu, K e a ^ J ? > ‘l ^ B t i l

JOO Idaho F a l U . ^ . 5 ^ ^ H ^


t .— T he Melton, who rtU retfig^^^H tt Cougars third Inning, n t

division Wsshlngton oim'dlng Idaho lonsecu- Keogh and.

lUnckley ], S c b m a t^ ^ H w

e cellar. The (ir«t nm d««^^^K® U ch . six Belmont Futurllr mt irovlded Proctor EnoK a

““ amooUi you

t i r e iu x in a 'm S I^ Ktw kind of a road obttnitiai^^Br

^ accident. What’i mon r late to recap eal

— mileage a racap nolitlia^^H ^j

w a y i to gire yoa h e t t e d ^ ^ K m ad e of longer w earim oli^B j. in addition they nmodvl^E ru b b e r th u i prolongiiitfti^^fc

i o n T r u e k e r r B

ISr^^!m«Honal, s a f t n ^ ! ^ ^ ^ BigBl«-wlUj-ns1 men recap at etaeUy

Page 13: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

^P A wn

;cond in Sco ^ S e t r b y d7* M»T 17 W — The Nnmpa Built

,g «i?.!yi!:yil;,“: JNeW^ S GREELEY

el S f J ^ im p l ’on. overtoc* th e Rocky Mi *,Sed Nim pa " J ? code for th e

**^he DUlIed a tendon la

S £ ':s .r r i, . Yanks■jBff » » " • KtUoM.jj-gKu".™ -Boner- S & . « . W i t h S

E '^ tho t» re ly qu«3Uled The Nw YoS l i moet br tying moke ■ poor Ui^ t a leeona plM« in ths ment ic tppn ri1 ^ t «eek u o . cleared per In dlspeU

i|f« lltn ch o n h l* » e o em l jgcue Jenaen-“ n r . Bouth TtmoaU to WMhlngion i

, UtfM « WM rilucUnt KU nn turcUiffiWTte-?

??„“ i iS 'W V 'r,

f e - » c £ S J . . ! ”? S £ i - 3 . S

C’*"pS’n»““ 5 cSa?i ^ J p s S d Bols* for moT'd Washlni » i? 'X S u U l- T r « « n n tM ind Twin Ftlls 13; • 8'n«* tnS*#’ Moscow 8»i; BlBCk- Benator. have jS i ^ “ r ^ « l l o 8: New to rt

PotlBUh. Priest dlvlrion to .ecciwelief. 5 «K * : Blgby. 4; Y w kj Jut# woi(A Jjretne. K ^ o n . Kim- *o^-^ T S S i : Rupert 3 3-8: _Shea, who ftlOdison. Sugar-Salem 2; single gams forU a t 1 19-20: Lewiston, threo itralght iIW »nil Ooodlng Btate. I ho haa aUowed1 n.“ t.u-------- --------------TnrrwhmoDfn

-i8clH^Q>rN».(and lhe a tate record by out 17 hJU InaJialLaeeontla.JMt.weelc. Waihlngton. ato'Vpoor start.-but-CBino who got one hittoi w Hwe’ouTIdiJiffTiais TBnks.-Jm-Bin

me time wM 3:39i. a 38 chances Ioral • hiU ilower than the driven In nine ia i leeled only 12•iQe; relay rftce wound vp (or the Yaoki.fiktt itnuh. Boise barely Noren playedot Pocatello ond Rupert, day since JolnliI iDchor m an had a alz«- in two runs uiium ct the 880->-ard lef. the Tigen. 3-3ittno and Ruperl racen »oeked his mm r uid D u rlr nipped aeventh and iln

taflnlsh. nlng nm with 0Md ^Blpwaa'» close event --------------------

S S f f S l ' : E t f h * - n D

«th Ftemonii 31 lee W atT ra i - Fame in

h ^ ‘'Sxi“y b i‘r- N.bn, N«« r:rii><wUii (ect ICO Kore ll

S t River double* <K.j. trophy ehoot.

M. B tWi Younr, I4.VJ r»in. TU# husky 1

iri.E"A.ffiS-£a S . " S ’bV- S S ' o S ^ ” ’ • «IH -I 1<4 l i h Only »lx Olher a

:M a single tin 114^ ‘ Other high

M . T i . S I ' - i J 'S S ' i t s r a i

- iji <!J fV/‘ thirt"‘b5L’!I^ the elau B dt

SSS f^sooOi ^ — 7 —

s w ? t « s ; ’S . ? 5 5 2 - S t r o k e

G i v e s B e

K ; i “S“isJ'S! School G g |; . J - .n .s « ,.”°SuRS ^ T J^ C u r rr , Kei. Tjlj. the IdlhO high

J" Meeting a for Mondiy

- ....... -TT—, »PPro*lmately . (ive RSAD TWSB.l

g ; f ‘ itague and fouf

' - R - '“ • <“*W ct lounamBit . ■ ■

ErBaB*Jr*. PWB (laed-an. 'S L S u ^ 'T ^ i l e n k


„ W !«■ 1 « "

ivm s SECGN Gooding’s Bo; Scoring; Jum] by Oakley Manmpa BulldogB w on th e i r second coiiBccatI\tig-Boiae IB.8^6 to I P .p o in ta .___________ _fvhen Dee G o rrln sf.' Oakley, hi?hjumped 6 f m inch. The 880-yard ra c e lived up to its nd

Conference Endoi ew Athletic Cod

GREELEY, Colo., M ay 17 (^V—Faculty repr le Rocky M ountain confcrence Saturday adopi ide for the league.— Confcrence president.: ontana Stato college, aald the new code, cffec ----------------------------------------- tember, was an

fanks Pulled J™SK"Si“.,5assoclstlon oJ coll!Jonerin Swap“ - " O T ^ ^ ^ d t h r

X liy the slj membei

X ith Senators ' u%;s.".rSUce and delays (a

By The A»«k U I«! P r te i Sept. I. BasketbalThe Mew York Yankees aeldom be held only alterake a poor trade bu t a t the m e- cage aeuon Umlt4ent It appear* the? pulled a w hop- March 7, except (0■J In dispatching F rank Shea. mu3 tournament*,■ckle Jenaen-and -Arohl# WUaon The poUcy provldWaahlngton (or Irv Noren, »M continuance

Yank Manager Casey Btengel u relucUnt to p a rt w ith the trio iCcUIffitme-wirroTSBaTo fBinWerengel'e leara have been reallnsd n -ii.,” ' ,Id If Noren doesn’t pick up th e ‘” .^ 1 ® ,i?l

eulTbUlty (S?Bbea. Jenien and Wilson have Jdootrt"u*RUc'n ven thi# Beaator*. a brighter ou t- Me.tlni in nr? Ok on me while Noren h « jc t

j ™ . .“ i S h » » F « -.y night to lead the Senatrfre to “ Do " l 0?? w^sS3-0 triumph over the league-lead-t Cleveland Indians, The ylctory ^ ^oved Washington to w ithin IH meeUng at Colonan«*-«J-th»-T>lbfc--------------------- jjay ,o n ,„Since the 'trnde on May 3 th e t^^nla meet ^ snators have won nine Bwnes and jlmesl three to rt»e from the aeeond .vision to second place while the -q i t uiki have won seven and dropped O S C K I I I

Bliea, who (ailed to appear I n ft g - 1 T 7ngle game (or the Vanka. has won J \ .reo Itralght s t a ^ during w hichI haa aUowed only two rana. T a - H a S I

:^H^«rN»w=yMlt,=B*rJJ«Jsefl ^ It 17 hJU In 81 Umes a t b a t (or NEW YORK Ma •ftihlngton. a J33 gait. Wilson, Klner. the homct no gotonehlU n two tr>-a (or th e major.Jcagues..rev ■ ^ w - h i C T iiiTt*~11"hltg*tTr he-haa-a-l>ack'lftju W in c e s Ior a i l 6 mark e iid Johna Hopkins Mi ■iven in nine runa. Noren has eo!- more for ueatmen eled only 12 hlU In «8 attcm pU operation Monday, T th» Yank* a ,35a averace. Klner. wno U 1 Noren pUyed hU beat game P r i- " “ only since Joining Yankees, driving PiraUs alnce he bn

two runs u tho Bombers edged w - ‘!L“IS Tlgen. 3-3. in Detroit. N oren had to l*f>«ked his nrat hom er In th e ‘= " 1 ,^ '“ ,“ vetth and singled home the -win- “ ,

- ifr. Charles Jofg'

^orTrapahooting fame in Doubles-BUN VAUXr, Mftj-17 » n -R u a y “u‘ " ih * each of' Ichec. Sun Valley, made a b rte( - p a j ^ uj-e aII (UJ U«t«liiMllngy l«U &t ahoot up and'-'do' sre today but (eU ehort o( a p e r- whenever 1 nm," I c t ICO Kore in wirmln* the Wood jtj,* way up to ) Iver double* event In the apring Klner. who Is ab ophy ahoot. - attraction the la The husky bird buster, several have to oHer. aald ne t » profeaalonaJ member o( th e the uneup (or the I-Amerltan trapahooUng team , wjtj, the Dodger* a ould hive been the tlrs t m aa to also play In the wei ■eak 100 etralght doubles twice, the Giants, leavlni nly alx olher ahooters have broken He (aid « a single time. tured that the In Other high scoren tn to d ay s and tha t 11 was nc )UbIei were Joe CoU nt. pocatello. gravated by pUylrI. and Joe Burgy. Sun VaUey. W. ----------- -

.J fa s ; ri”.S»'?S S North and S ' O p e n DiscThomaa Kat«anes. Terreton, won p in e h o b s t . N, !• elau B douNea w ith *0. and ^he north and on AtilnwB,-Ke*bo..thi c U e a ^ . toumanent, held ' Ith t t . Uon Ilnce IH9, hai

■— -■- ed. In Itl plaee ne

1-Stroke Margin SUS'Sn'y Jives Boise High sapX SJ. Ichool Golf Title the hmU<entuiy iBOIBE. May 17 BolM n o » d torporated, tald 1 It Pocatello by two been “urged by a r>e I d ^ high echool fo lt tou m * - |«ntor p dten lo »

« t UITT Nleltoo. OaMwcU, by n re MaKRsa) requMk«- _ hurrt'U U» daU I

M uSSkia » I S V ™ u.. u a »»ar, bad » U d d*y »wl flnl»i»dIth tt . ^ ^ w*. M#re«ry Ortb.■!r!Xsrs,“; s . a ‘S

t intt.iuntitoo-^ -1,-0. Hmiu N_ tia Hala K . ____

BAD Trm w .w gw ii WANT ADfl^ I

m m ^ j r | > ^ M B B BH T IX Itw O T

j y p K e p a i i5 5 ^ — — - — s b t o h r h o N U i


COND CONSI J Boy- 5 ^lump ----- -^ M a n = ^ -^ ^)nd coiiBccutlva'Idaho h l ^

arhjumpcd 6 feet, 1 inch to ;d up to ita fldyanped.billing

Endorsed c Code 7 ' ^ /-Faculty representatives ofa tu rday adopted an a th lo ticce preaident-P^.G. Gainea, .. _ _ _ 3 H H Pcw code, effective n ex t Sep-:mber, was an endoracm ent' principles in the rev isedhletlc policy of the North C entral - • *, -T T 'J AMclatlon of cQllegtt and aecond- " . f Sy e c h o o l } ,___________ ________Oalnei aiid the vole on the d'ode ' the slj jTiembera cf the confer- - r . ■' ■ u'tt was unanimous, E 3 J < ’ • '1It eliminates spring football prac- K f l | r \;e and delays fall pracUce until f ^ K S z ' J B ipt. 1. BasketbaU pracUce would ■

held only after Nov. 1 with the ge aeuon limited' to Dec. I toarch 7, except for NCAA playolfa f ----- . . j R Vid toumamente. 1 -The policy provide* that.aw arding L Id continuance of acholnrshlps ould not be based on ath letic > iillty atone. lUms in the code allng.eilb-admluton-polldes-and — irollment of alhletet follow the illcles of lhe NCAA.The ruling permltUng freshmeniglbUlty for varsity, In cffect th is j jHar on a temporary basis, waalopted as RMC polloy. . . - --------~ lMeeting In Oreelry. the (acuity jH rV T ' 4presentaUves named Dean M. I. ___ [gner ot Colorado School of Mines , i f le ne it conference pietldent. H. ^ ■ j K 'r a g ^ H Dorxlcott, Western Slate coUege,

u elected vice president The group voted to hald ite 1SS3 eetlng at Colorado coUege nex t ay. T hl conference track and nnls meet wUl b« held a t the

' ■' The iockeyi wh'

Jack Iniui-y KTi.'SWi*;!J J They hoUted him

5 e n d s K i n e r

F e j f e s i ) i t a l ----------- J e i ^ e m f r jNEW YORK Ma'y 17 CUB-Ralph' Q 1 mer. the homerun klhg of tho 1 1 / ( 1 6 1 1 D " J aJor .leagues..revcAled.today..that ................... ....... ....

ihns Hopkins n o ^ iia r in ^ l t l - TitleG aiore for ueatment and a possibleicratlon Monday. EDEIT, May 17—Klner. who U having hia w orst (Ircd » no-hltt«r hta.wn al bat for Uie Plttshursh up the district 4 p)rates alnce he broke into th e m n j- (o r Jerome 3-1. rJ. sdd that manager Blily M eyer 13 roen and walkeeId A nted to bench him (or Bome- register Its lone, IjTie. bu t'T wanted to stick i t ou t ond inning on four. long u Z could, figuring-that.! - sd en 's !>ete- Shi3Uld begin (eeling better.” only three hits.He aald lhat_the. Pirate trainer, while. strlkUa . outr. Charles Jorgenson, diagnosed t^c,le-lnjury as a 'musclB-plnchlng-of ~ je ro m e SMred lr

" Il affects me most when I rtm , c huck Andrtiadoub ll 11 also hurts when Tm swinging in s «ho had walk

the plaU," said the alugger Who --------------------------IS- hlt-5S7-bcnnB ruM -|n his- s ix - ' ~ ~asons at PilUburgh. leading th e icult lh each of those years.“Palru, like, a_sharp_loothache, _ . ___i « l up and-duwii' iu y r ig h t- le g - --------------------------henever I nm," be said. T h e y go llhe way up to my back." T J \

Klner. who Is about the onlr ga te BBB■traction Uie Itit-place Pirates - kve to offer, tald he would stay in :e Uneup (or the next two games Ith the Dodger* and Uiat he would so play la Uie week-end aeries w ith e Olants. leaving alter the Mon- ly game. He (aid he had been a i ­red Uiat Uie Injury was chronlo id tha t 11 was not likely to be ag- avated by playing,

M h a n d SouthI p e n D i s c o n t i n u e d H BPINEHUBST. N. 0„ May 17lie north and aouth open goUum anent, held wlttaoul-lntenup-------------fn Ilnce IHO, h it been dlsconllnu-I. In Itl plaee next (all, P lnehunt,ic, iponsor o( the open . In thisndhlUa resort village, wUI stage airth and louth senior am ateur ' ^ftteh play tournament.In announcing Uiedeelilon to d r we haK<«ntury open. Richard 8. i(U. prwldent of Plnehunt. Ui- rporated. tald Thursday he had en “urged by a group of pnsmlnent ntorgolfen lo ichedule a ______

ga' mlded-Uiat- the -"on ly

ualaeasonalrequlrmenUatPlne- hloh>M !irrt'U U» diU hlUierto (llled-by »( north and aouUi open." • W ith- H ud

I . ■ output. I#*M trcv ry Ontbeord M o to n row lw ith*

Wolrertne. SheU U ke and your d ^ nPann Tan Boats Hudson poi

TJsed Seati and Motora ______________ ..Svw T i^ T oT y iarS oal

[. O . H a r tn i M orfnt S u p p ly - . m, ,t* M»ii K. . [

_________ ___________1 ......................... ........ ... ..E u

I B l l I ^ ^F s l l r r v T ^ ^

to l

B a ire dm r M o N i s i r ------------ - r - -

ITO PAIITS-------- —( I . I ' I h' 1 • ’t

T I M E S - :

^ S f e U T iV E ★ * - i j --------- ★

4 . r e a S t r e a m s

- Longden Wins 4,00

P l K S

The iockeyi who'va been doing the ir best ie keep Jo ora riding hte 4.000th winner were tb e (Irst lo oongrati : floallr did ft In Uie third race a t UoUywoed park . It ^ey hoUled him to their iboaMeri a fte r he waa draped

flowers nppUed by Ihe track. <AP wirephoto)

• n . th ey picked up a:gi^me Beats__:Iden 3-1 in_

----- -----------cfror.'.aod. A ndrus ai l l c O s i i n e up uie

XiEir, May 17—Junior Robinson Inson nllowcd onljsd » no-hltter here Priday lo sew he h it to th e outflelthe district 4 prep ba-icball title ,Jerome 3-1. Robinson fanned ^ „ p ,a jb 2 o « ;/

Aen and walked only on'e. Eden iimwnins i( : 1 i cIster Its lone Ully In Uie «ec- >■ } ?1 Inning on four Jerome errors. An<iruj « j 0 iloMen's Pete- Shawver permitted 5“ ‘Sfin'M'’ 1 0 S py three hits, but passed six twIhk m s e i|rUe.sUmng . out Uie .eame num* 5 ?

erome SMred in U iffaurth'ln- J l-ig » f « r ' t ttir ~wi;ft! duwn whn r — Tnu ti----- ee 1 ■'uck Andnis doubled home Brown- iT . ' KMtrfbroon . who had walked. In Uie nfth

LOOK m i l l

----------------------- H m liliH ----------------

l i lg l i .c o n ip r a » l i i i i powerlWith- Hudion’g powerful, hlgh- output, If4iead enginea, you tbs

with mooth, easer powerl See your dealer and t« t thla amaging Hudson power younetll


A m erica's s o f e s t c a r

i t e d - g i r f w ^ ^ te c t lo n----------------- pm u fid a X r . . “■uiiMiuwfl" - e a g s

p r o ^ M you with nad -bua lng BtaMta . . . T r ip l^ e S nkf* itop you sa f^ toaowziBdett • n . e ^ e t u a i w i . a w ,

■ •'• '■ » W enefed nied ca ra—i

-------- ---------------------- ^ - * m p s « i * t e e e r C e

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N F A I X S . I I

VE HIGH SC★ * * ★

m s R e c e i v e 6

s 1 ,0 0 0 ____ F iler Del“ B urley 5'

Season ii...... .. ....... / ' • riLEB, May n - 1

. t • . lls high school baael- • * • a M win over Burl'

V J f ' r . ence game he re PVIn«« o( Burley p itch dUterence In th e goj and Oochnour possli

HUl. FUer, wftlke ' itnickout 10. T he BufcjiM L .» ^ 9 V f i i cd up 7 itrlkeouU . VI I S B B M ed wlUi th e loss as 1-^ ■ B n f ~ ~ Q 3 3 | n way'to take th e wir

collected riLBB nu

« •*" mn p .» x cm

i M a i M ' slk . » n . h r f . e e g ^

■* TMih n ' l * ! ! 1

D ispu te ] L M T ragedy,

Game Of:U BOISS. M ay 17

^ of- th e Idaho U t iS ^ ^ a eommlsalon reassui

that the “eommlMloi r t io keep Johnny tongdea 1 " ^ ““? ; ; / ^ at lo oongratnUle him when

bou*,,e waa draped with a bUnkel .wUdUfe I___________________ -It'a no t a traget

picked up another run on ^ fundamental poUc;

_ e try > -a -d o u b l9-Jl.tal^_»n(l. aeti''^ ny„th<

n singled home ihe final the end th a t th e dl; a(ter O reen reached llrst by ijepartment maynnfl ' a'nrf tr»lV» ~ , i------------------------------ ------------ C o l e - e n d ~ W .- 'tcklng up the no-hltter, Rob- QrangovUle, ehalnm allowed only two balls to nilsslon voted to >

. followUig an invesiJEHOME «. « . department's wlnte:

B Jb 2 0 o;j .Shiurer» > « 0 gTum. Three oUier 1 i J commlwlon iamed

b ” I 1 «Iu i(Vn?r rf * I e mandlng M urray, bi « z 0 ilo RnU lb J e 0 to retain him as d li

ck Jb .l ,0 0 UlutDDKtL., . . _ . ,. A. W. Bchuaaler.J s a i r " h .n ..r » * ( 0 tof the aasoclal

V " 5 ? - i t-l

L ---------- ---- .oie w a j ^ T n n a -N E W

™ H 1 1 E

f t c a r

e c ^ ____________H i t g t f - H p cc

■ HudfoaVi f M g M trk a l lr

________________ I D utl-Rtac* & jrd r» 4 fa t• U ta ta i t n o iM to n s U '1

« d c a n - w f r w in g lye yoa m o re f o r 7 0 V

_ _ ----------— D E A M M O T O I tU t > m letM d A n . W«i*nMotorCo.----------------AtomoirMotafiurlay Caiwi

A L L S . I D A H O


v e 6 0 , 0 0 0 R a i

S Nearly

Duringler Defeats iu“iS S ’it‘i

1 . f f i * trout held ovei r l C V 0 * A 111 aro now being p lan

_ river and S ilverason FinaleEB, May 17—FUer closed out inenes long and aver* th school basebaU season with to a pound. He lU tea win over Burley in a confer- h u ilx tons o( these (mme he re Friday. Th# wild- lor dljtribuUon..( Burley pltchere was Uie big 0 ,^ , , ,»y, th a t fl ence In th e g ^ e , with Vletor holdover rainbow tr t lochnour passing II men. i ^ pounds were pla . F U er._^ lke< l only 3 a^d c«3c ncentiy. In Bl :out 10. T he Burley duo chalk- 6177 o» (j,. larger r a t 7 itr lkeouu . Victor was charg- h l^ e* th e loss ae HIU went aU Uie „ V j 0 take-the win; allowinB-tour ” :

m * I . * year*.It U t I Msmii If 0 aienn UcRoberta,

th a 0 w ii^n M 0 member o( Uie Bod aL“ * 1 S STi « rt 0 >n the work 1\ t i t fiucw r” rt e Qaver n y i Uiere a r

. J “*» holdover flah onS t i i e • ? will be planUid b e t»

Iiob.ruoat( e Uia laat o( June. Bigb S '! * . S receive .30,000 o( th e 8

» a “Hiey will be placed---------------- from H aU»y-to-4he-

« "a *s Tvx^ t i 7 1 Silver creek will receli‘___2 L - —— - —-—-016 oeo 0-1 Porit.'Wann Springe— —I .— w lie X—* man creek and other

-----------------— :---- ■ Uie Big Wood wUl

sputeN otA On the Salmon rlvr

•agedy. Says*=> •' WlU bo placed this yei

ime Officerro* I f «*_T h. 5“ lh the StanliEBS, M ay 17 W—Tne secre- imD(-.the Idaho JU h and game S r lo a ^ '

OtitT aald U iat du Z winter 633,000 rainbow rmony • despite the recent dls- ^ .. „ kxkw

^ e r Uie dUmUsal cf director jStt^^kiJolinM U « 2

” ^ l e : Boise, in a letter tolaho WUdUfe JederaUon. said; Sf-'l.^ttL ^. no t a tragedy when mem- "seveLty-two them.

-r ." »^«n*’*hv’ f^M m niiM inn T ®«Pl«mber the m»J«

tm ent m ay .b e , complexly SuUOW w ^ o to -

s—« d ~ W . - W r-M «annel1f u,e c a re y ^ ie r ro ir 'olovUle, chairm an o( Uie com- rtver. About 80.000 1m. voted to dlsnlss M u r y b o „ . (rom Ih r i . toring an investigation ot the jeogUi wUl go to S ltm ent's w in ter feeding pro- j,j). 11,8 jm , » iu be

Three oUier memben o( Uie f»u ^nd artnmd flO.OWilMlon iam ed a report repri- te held over durlnIng M urray, b u t they dedded nionUi* (or plantinga ln him as director. o( IMS.W. Bchuaaler. pubUclty dlrec* . Oaver cnnUnued.thre the aasoclaUon, aald Uiere hatched Ust w intereen aome mlaunderttandlng b r tn Alturas lake. H er ip o r tr a e n 'a s tb lhe unity o f Uiia'red (ish. o r 'b lu ib«nm lsslon .- He-a«kedOole to Uie-ialmon (amUy—i

----------- ------' ■ an accurate apawni> T O n a-N E W B WANT APe. (IsH muit be p lanted

I B f l S l

F O R A S S 5

^ I I T T L E A S

T««r pim

r rk .a a r« « -W E *

■ _____ Ib «

pntoet ^ . O r princ^VM;pUKr«ta«W MM.a( 9wuila" t*«ffl<raH6-tin«tiHFlfBw--------- :-----------l« Hjrdn-Matio Drive ia tvail* i——n ooiC on sU '62 Hudaew

l o r e f o r T O n t p r a e n t c u U u n jro a w o n l d

M O T O R S C O M P A N Y^— ^n .W « * M a lU ko » » - M « « * l . » r C » — -------------- W . M

C a m .......... , I


TRACK me:★ ------------ ★ * ■*•-------- -i

Rainbow 7VoirlyMllion_EislS i e £ 5 i 3 B ^ ^

ring Past WinteW IT, M ay-lT—i r W : G S W rrf f iM * ® ^ ihery a t HayspuTr has announced-that 60, t h d d ov er lo st w in ter from the previous j being p lan ted in B ig and Little Wood riven d S ilver creek and -----------------—

HiirdlftRpg and averM e th ree fish -* * W .V*AV. He aUtea Ul# hatchery J • ,u o( these (lah o q band I > 6 t t 6 r 6 ( l 11iiUon.ayi Uiat fl,106-«*-tinee f V n a f - R a i d rainbow trout, weUhlng V r t J O O I . . a l C i aU. were planted In BUver A H nKr.n u>«

American rtoord w a bU

ss .”sissrisiiBprua.____ ________Ired were placed In Qulg- (eatuied l»0-met«r rtn lull east o t BsUey which TTioie were (hi UghU I (or fishermen under U lath anntud Loa Angsli

relays Friday alght. u UcRoberta, Setchitm , a track and (Ur u S ^ ^ ’and oSTciub, « t . ta w .a t t « t i» a t« . .

tha v o rk last Sunday. iwe.lyi there are sUU a lot of attention wUIm flah on -h an d wWth by Johaw w o .ia anuid between now and 5 , ^ »{?«• *June. Big wood riTerwlU < to * i to ire i500 o( Uie 8 to 14 Incheri.

be placed a t intervil*>y-to-4he Qalina atoie . » e t o:k Will receive 10W>. S»rt "■m sp r in p i creek. Hynd- , and o the r tributaries o( wood wUl receive their h e ra U ib o w .d u n n .J tm . ^ ^ S T w - i S S r t e Salmon river, w hM e’eut-' J

!'r.“S.r£g,'’ S ;tut.™ Ior .p tn a i™ u i i S f T l M i in Uie Stanley area, which^ in o n ^ t o fo tg year S S W _ C T l S T

aid th a t during th e part o . j .New Shotput

iwn a i Uttle red flab, and H lt^ m 5 Z ^v stem brtiok trout, -mew r tm tw o to Uiree Inchea

•two thmisand o f « «

reservoir on tlt tlB w « d fuur year..—He-btiie m t 60.000 of Utese rain- plinUng wai mltted ta n Ihree to five iztchea in the eycla wUl igitas be lU go to SUver creck Uiis pi acini Ute ;09MO n (Uh WlU b e graded in Uie there th li year, round 00.000 ralnbow i wUl OldUmen c( this an over du ring tb e winter to remark IngucoUy. < V p lan ting In tb e sprtng (lab eaught nov In 1

ju tina Ukes are iw a n U n u e d .tb tttb e .r« 5 (lib y a r l^ ,a i ,w u Uksn .1 a it w in ter will be placed a d i ^ txte by bom I lake. H e explalna UiU to rtaeb Qu laka. t ihror'blitebw:ks.-~b«:onf to a iT V -czpU tiD -ttsatl

i t o ’ J p a w n l n T e ^ the ' ^ e r ' n ^ M ^ be p lan ted each year (or Ulcit ara a land-lodced'

B R I.V fiS m

S 5 7 0 5

A M0N1O IPW D IN O 0 « 1 W V M I » W W ) » ^

T o v , r w * r t o r 11* " i f l # *I h f a n i i f m

L . i o r l i w m i t m a ^ M j H H

E f t i m I ^ 2 * i S l 5 « t S S S 5 r r t 5^ Jor th a wprid’ibM t ridel


3 . ; M o s t d u r o M i ( o r jT M i r n i M i i y c B i l i i i y ;

b « n , r d M O . E n t e c k . b A to . ' — o o tp e r i o r m K id o i l t lM H t r M l ia i t ^ ^____^ t M M n d tyH ttdaw foryomwIt ,

O rp b au an d aE d d m w in eaaM to - y o u r do* , wttitoot oUisattee to TOO*

>a w o u ld b d l e r e p o ir ib h l,


- i r i io , ' i ^ j i

■ - ■ ..... . ■• T t- - r ^ H ^ BPAQB IBBTljpIHI ' - S H

-T fc - ---—

T r o u i m

Winter HQced-that 60,000 ra ia > — he previous fall l ia t ih a m » Wood rivens Salmon M m

:dle Record W tered in H stRelays" ~ HN0KU8, May » U l-O & aI record w u bfOered aad aId 01 IctareaUenal O lynpio ■ ■ indidalM (eU be fg e B M

IMO-metv rtm. v e n (bl bfghUgbta o f tb e itud Loa Angelea ooUaeura' riday alght. unreeled, b f fII track u d flild e n tb u a l. ■ ■ I *aU >irU satTO oatbraU >

I KttnUoo wltb thCM ««• Jo b u u in a .u d M O m M *'

3hadayMe«elft a-7M rtf. ; . ^ H OaaM tntirert war* t t a ' H w

r wtni by Manhattan w l>: U H“g M ‘£?..erg; | | |orgui Btate soUeca. 'A d B 8 B 1 Uia 100-meter daab. ■ 8 W B former naUonU o*' — H B

imen and ABaHoa;»..baM a4eo-mttwltsrdlaa«»Hal>««d tn by a9-ym a-tB -M ;»-----B e heU Um old A m a rto u Mt in 1M», a t a u . 13ia MTd, set In Sweden taU M L 7 Umblaaa State m tn i t>« m Hartln.> 1,S0Q meten. JdbanaHO

S h o t p a t M a r k I

leUertd Uu na U a a l ta ta r r a ibotputneaRl «mx a to ia -. _ . ^ H >t 8 KInehei Friday, -9-year-old lenlorV to e s e ( | ^ | ou^ i^ t tame to tjaMt AA

Hooper of MorUi-BUler b i | ^ —■rth. Tex, a t Danas l a i W , H

taia.—H e - b d le te a - lh * * -* —- h H I wai mltted tn UUa U k a 'a^ la wUl igitas be b(dn n p b r ^ l » /m imaQ ^ l i j £ ......■

oen c(’ tbls area a n b e ard f k mgucoUy. Uiat ( b a .n d . . _ . H light nov to R edflA ^ . ■

Ukes ara nel tb a ' m b *

txnjilDi*tbat'1ban~'bBfVP— (aund .tb tlc:.n ]L ta teJB uft____

I a land-lodced Tartaty. ^

W j J


y lM k f A h « ~ U■ t ' 't t in n i i i ig n i t t t> i iAUOWANCB •■WM

• i n / ' A f l

. ' IX S S S U i . ■

I T ' , Ib iy . ^ - I

I b o n t t as t t n a t i - - - ' S . M

i s - ‘- s i *

t S 3

Page 14: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

B !N

y s t _

i d i n g

pl£te£-Anooo&*el I nex t Ktux ved b j Oood aber*. . .. ao elementair bboM, prlad anlTB«l{r.J lie MperrlKrr -A * tle» 8 ^

k r Mr*. M ir BdhoUa, Mr lght, iMt ye*

grade: Mr , l,U£y 9«U UnJyeraJty. c , th ln l BT#d* m u n Oibom foxirth grmd« Helen

h g r a d e : ^ « ra . Barter Iftst y e " J

1 V ,1 yii.d m d Beverly Searle, NorQi

|li '! jw lo u il j In Ooodtng.' a ttt*S.” I l a tbe Junior high *<*001 th i,ii toaehera *r« Id a lYahin, prlnclps } ) | | _ M n, Mildred Bryan. Loul* Durfc< R fl Mrs. t t rn e -R iy . W aJUu-JrtmMt jSli Olen WllUanu and Lalene CargU t J i *0 of whom taugh t a t Ooodlng dur j i |V ' Ing tb» past yeor.!U.'l ■ High whool teacher* axe Balp, ljU Vlllera, prtndpaJ; WlUlam BamartW l------ leleno^- drivw— train ing; VIngRin t Carter, coach, bualness; June Can H i trnlreriaty of Idaho, now a« Tb-Ii ■ I FaUi, commercUI: Wendel Cheek ■ I «tt«. Uught la a t year a t Oaklej ■ I mutlc: Mn. Hop* Olemooa, hoci ■ I •cooomlca; S m e r Bddlngton. drive ■ | tiatnlng, sdene«: H erbert E?creti m ipeeeh, drama. ESiglUh, Idaho SUI i i eoOtt*, MerMlaa; s u i r Sastnoi.I Aop, MsliUDt coacb. Jdaho SU I

eoUag^ Jerome: Oarl Hamilton, vo catlonal agriculture, ITnlveralty 0 Idaho, Mountain Home; WlaUre.

■ I verity otM aho, Troy. WahoTHeano8 Juatlce. glrla’ phyalcal edueatlorlljj BiglUh. tInlTerslly of Idaho, Hager•n' man: Oeorge KUnchuch, aoclal acif r : «oee: Dean Sisson, coach, EnBllshi t ' M d-M rs. Bemlee W alah, matheM l n a t i ^ all teachera h e re ' thi* 'pa*I I ywr- ■_____________

if Shoshone Travel if! Visitors ReportecI -- ...T O S H O N I^ M a y - l l - Mr. am

U n . Howard Adldn* a n d ctaUdrei Tjilted lu Nampa.

Ur. and Ura. E . L. Brown, CoqulUi O n., vlalted M r. a s d Mr*. Ra Brovn.

Bill H u«na* ho* returned t 0e«tUe after » lOnlay vUlt-h«r<

Mr. and Mr>. U oyd Carpentei tJmaUU*, Oro.. are vlslUng Mn

1 1-------- -g eimtth-MeGiilro.-PoHland.-Ow

T W trtS rm o tH errw s rK T JrE S iS Mr. and Mra. W arren Bunl*, Avi

p l i . -..MQ-aro*vliltUi«.All* BurrlV ..iV------'M r:-«wM *rfc-*-T..-HardyrApto- ^ i . ■■■ - Oallf," vlatted -A.- I McMahon. •

PTA at Shoshone | i Will Hear Docto■ I SUOBHOMS. Kajr 17 - ‘*n ■ I «hlld-« place in a sotmd healtt

w l d and h is amotlona aad.phy*le -ftj; health- wlU bo dlscusaed by D 1—' B..a..,J{eber..-ShoahoD e...*t..,O i , I monthly FTA m eeting a t 8 p. a

^ ------- M rodiy-at -the liloeoltt aehool audl

:{'"■ It will bs ttl* la st PTA meellnik i - . * t ttw aetaon a n d lln a l bualnMS v l H —— b»-dto9U«*xt -d u rin g —ts»-hu*lna

H i An ir t" rih to ir in ~ tb e ~ iird ! t^ m■ II WlU /eature a r t s and e ra /U projecl■ |l itnft^nU arinlfat nf th« gflmH i BQttlty.

I I I m A D n a f l s . N ^ w a n t ads

Dill[h fflNGillDS,iIII

r / ^ i N a

H ■ IUr«*« y o u r diani U j . o l d fe ry o i^ ••wlttB'i m ---------------— H i e - s e w l i i r e l d s r if l j iiM d a l a b l8 90% ten

- --------w h i t« l iw y l a i t . l


1 T “ j ^ sb

r ’ Twin ■Falls ';

a r • ___________

L i s t R e v i v a l i s t s

-Anoon&acti- nex t aehool

ved by Good*Iber*. . ..)o elementarybbona, pnocl*7nlrerdty..j)(d e a u p e r ^ ;

k r Mr*. Mftiy B dhola. Mi*.

year g ^ e : Mra.X,U£y Oatea

U nlvenlty. of , th ird grade; n u n Oibome fourth grade:, Helen Pa ik « The Her. Bir. ao4 Mnu Jaoob tl grade: Mr^ Com will eondiKt a tw o-w e^ r*> ,lrs. Barbara y jn i the CaMleford Chnreh ot la s t year j I t Naores* begUmlng a t B p. m. earle, W o ^ - Meptoy. _______ _

sixth grade,

Revival Slated for S ' S : 'Castleford ChurchGooding dur- CACTLITORD, Mny 17—“rtio Rev.

iam_ Barnard, cojUcford church of th e Nazarene

j; June Carr. * Mc‘'/ t [ n w ^ l '^ ' ' 'h e i d a t 8 pm .now a t Tffln ,y,ning cxcept 6 aturd«j-s.endel Check- - 1, . evanacllata hove held twor a t Oakley, meeting* In Buhlemooa. home regarded, aiw iuonington. driver ^

s s .C i''S s" s r° c Saamllton, vo- cmiveralty ofae: WlnUred memw* ot rcguioua moiruo- ^ g l l ^ Unl-

s S s s FihnsShown—* , aodal aci- m i, i 7_ r . b . TofHcmlre.■acH , Enguan, ^ speaker a t thealsh , mathe- ‘rhujgiifly noon m eeting of the Buhl er# thi* pa*t Rotar)- club, TofXlcmlre showed

sound films on tho Snake river and---------- Shoshone 6&*Ui. C harlie Buamann* a v * » l proefwu chalrmon.

The Rev. Brooks Moore. Salem,

• p o r t e d I WH'WBh KhSrf' ItolSrlM .

y « ^ ^ " ’■Wch th o ter- w a , Coqu^e, enumerated separately In<1 MT*. itay ^ cenaus. T he IfflO popula*returned to ___________________

.y vUU-h«r«.Carpenter,

VlslUng Mrs.M r. and Mr*.


n Burrl*. Ava, a u rr lv . . - - •HardyrApto*. tfcMahon. -

3 h o n e

• D o c t o r17 - 'T he

wund healthy B« oad physleal K . W i T C W 9 . S a

Jg a t 8 p. m. K ^ i6i^s aehool au d l'

PTA meeUng y W W ^ iW j lT W f B f B W roYOU! P i n a PAIHT-HMMVAWIM .

M S “ “SfirpluTSales'^- 5 BiM» we*t or po«» -om i»

WANT ADS. i n —

diinhidDS,iIIONW)lTmS- w r t w i g f t

N C E R V "’ ”

tiH m y

m r c h o n n i Dr » w t l l B '« p p l l f t V r . * » - p i S i I i a i « -----------4ne-flIclt,-nolleni, g l f r l t i iH r v a o --------------I S0% to v ln g l Comii eoH y, g d y s u n

H » y l i l t . W M j r i M l M l » l a - .v d i i« l


aR SHnMTciMrcR JN AVENOE MORTH Is , ~ 7Tfione '24j~ Yi i ; ; ; a r , II, ■, i ' r , i . . \ . H - '

i s t S ' | a M P n n w w » ™ P *

g r z H

M n. 3mo>A

r ? 3 1 ■ ^

edfor ti '_______C hureh i (31 P J17—“rtio Rev.

)pe, Larimore, ^ ■ ■revival a t tba K J .th e Ncwaxene ^

h n i ig h i

r u I

^ l | ^AMS

1rgg-------------- h.~---------------

r t y o u r* Ff'' v d u a l - ' ff.'j -

eaMceiffMT... ^» • Sam so n ite ,L u g g ag e— I t t ' W th fH t.1 j l t l l SamK

^ built—will s ta n d w o rld i i T r l ' ^ ou

|H . is Bure to p la s e .!

.... .... "

T IM E S -K E W S . T ™

W arn m



W DUSTERSlU iP j every

------- ------girl----------^ graduate

------- will love

a ^ H i I clever itrlpe and] 1 1 I denimB, gold

i~ cloth-Tr*-.-guAranteedr -. .W - > washable. Seersucker

,1 ® and French Crepea.

4 ’ *............. ...................................and up----------- : -


J j long wearing

f ■ rNYLON- \ from UlB nation’.

i r ; ■ •! ■ best knott-n line* of fine; i .; ^ ' Quality lingerie—ArUtfil*.• 5' f r '. Klckemlek. MunsingwearIg 1 : I and'Kay&erl Rne quaUty,

W nylon tricot fsbrte* in bolh UUored and lace<trlnuned

^ -------- -ond wp


L u g g a g e _ I fg :th |-g ra d u a U ’s-W ca-6f ’ Ig iftl Sam aonlte luggage is stronglystan d w orlds o f wear and alwaya look- __new. See o u r selection for a gift th a t 1 plase.! . .

rrs, T W I N P A L L S , ID A H O •

g j M M l l l t l l l M I M M B — M

f//af sa y .

i r G R APED FR E E . . ■ REAC

M ^ Glamol T-SHIRTS

f o r t h e

---------------^ r l = ~ = ^

, g . . _______ g r a d u a t e ..........W

^ Clever styles and, sold trim m ing that ars■«>M r ^ := d i# fe ren L J ii;jed ,^Mcket w hite and navy,


J 2.29~:::: ^ vz r : : :G i te \VrQDI

. B e l f e - S h a r m e e r

» K n e e - H i


1.65r i n g

JuB t arrived In time for your \ | G raduation G ift Shopping. ; •J ____ - F in e , Pure Nylons in 61 gauge,

........... i ; LlB .denfer weight,.. Glft-wrajwnation’* ped free!of fine;_______ , _________Artemi*.


« . C o stu m e .

Choose frotn a large selection

5 o f Necklaces - E arrings. Pina.

G ift-w rapped free.

___ 9 8 c

— = — S e e m ie k e f— S p o r t Shirts


_________________ SHORT SLEEVES


■ Iongly ■I look- — ■ — l V J i : th a t ■

' T — 1

H O •_______________ ’ .

Cic -S* J


am ourized —



W ra p p e d F re e ! ;

a r m e e r \

> H i ' ; - ,F M ~ f r / l ~ ‘~ ) / • ^

} S ^ ~ ----------

time for your - ' tM E H • |S hopp ing .;. - - • / ■ ! - ^

IS in 61 gauge, _ f - f ” t,...G|ft-wraTw___:___

itum e J e w e lr y

arge selection

arrings«Pins. , «

7 ;

j ^ f —5 SIZES

E S t ;


^ ^ f ----------- ----------

T A T i^;IVING! I ^

~ | Sheer BUi n

cottons ^

A large a s so r tm e n t o f cotton

. . . a g i f t ^ a t a n y g irl gradua

bee trims in w h ite ahd pastel

---------- fln d j

G IFTS\ for the boy

~ " n > E P ~ c b w H ip rB E L T srtQ h ;

* ‘ .......s e t !.""

“ n r 7 ~ BAR AND. LINK ,lS-KGo(d-Ploted T ie B a r t --------

SET..1.--_ _ 1 w i n - 1 N I T 1 a l j i eInitials seem to flo a t on tie , yet h

Arrow ^ White Shirts 'c s / The ihlrt th a t r e ^ n ta — •. i In aU the popular c o llar *tyle«,/ I t A eemplele assortm ent o t K ^ alzea u d sleeve 9 Q C

length*—.:_________ _


5 *

it o f cotton and nylon

g irl graduate will lo>i Fuf

i ahd p a s te ls . ..............

2 ^ 9 ® = !--------- o n d jjp ---------

.......— *AND. L fN lC SFn^ -; - B a r t .................................1

SE T ."____— 5

<IT1ALTIE_GyARM.„-::jn tie , yet holds it neatly trt*

i N e e W I « J

W tine and *>• " f ,

Page 15: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to


^ ^ j^ T W itn b u te d fE i o o l R e c o g n i r i o i

^ tn* eltlMtuhlp Uad for flnt d M t v lth U4S Nan Sodea

Pec^-UiW;^ ■ f * » £ 5J*5 li» o b o o l reeog- »nd oHlcwi^ ___________ Hhlrlfty.gi

«1lb 728 polnte pretldeat r t tnd sopbooorM e n of Ami

H w % T n l DolnU. OecU Smith,» m « « b e r .S

B l < 3 ^ £ J d n t - e l e e t m t h e BUI tu j \ otflcers vlU Tutura F to

prMddeot^-Xola tum er-a in i Shirley Hogw. *poa»r. Lel

■ T ^ 2 S 'B 0 T « T r ^ y * ' '« « * to B i m u jr

■ w £ S £ i S K ' T b . »represenUUvM. reid by Mn

■ ^ S M d u b . o r r i c ^ f o u m lM n i0tb07B.

Oorot* *t»W SchclujhlEUiel Wtrbenr, Bud Crou,

Oolphln Wtti Ml- Pox. Pred« of the <Ult next Wagner, L

o m r » , Pet^ ■ Z i '« r OulU u u l Scroll for n iio tt. Hm ^ B ! ! r H i l M Buxa lAngdOD. Charleen Ri

II III i|ii I llll lllll —mrTJsns -Uff member# will l» award a-as p

^ ^R S iv ir *dlWt*lQ*chtef; B u a BcUotMshv editor: Shirley six football director; Mer- to CUrk Wh

proof” «U tc r;—Oary jum cr-w nit^ ■ ‘^taofliiesi maizuiEer, and Bartlett. Db'^ ^ ^ ^ JT ^ jk d lo director. . wn.

Teachers o f Americ* skl club 1(t u ureMTitad to Char* to Shnron C

^ ^ ^ n r e s l d e n t o f th«chB]>< Duane Mcilllll iiiiiliiiiii ii|i|i I £in d ra-:ru i

tnd members were Bruce Baric Beulejr, Kei

Dlay cMti. committees piiimore. Clatod honored by carole Ann

Hedner. Bill Abbott,wen presented by B. B arban Jen

t t Joan DalqtUst, H om a Band embioordoD Klbbe. MlUer. Barb

^ K T H T B ie r . NaLQ Soden, Rou Aningt^ ^ S ^ a c Q U e Feck. KelUi Bingham, 61

bt&aleeq M lnso, Ralph Poulton.TbeBarbara Wilson and Feck, Patty ;

ard], BlU FM and Gordon Klbbe Keith Quail.

H i :8 '


s ix perfect side dlor m ent a beautiful ceni

. lockt o g e th e r ~ . .T _ .—

I ' V ■

P e q ^ f u t centBr~itP “ y~flV4 side stones. They lock to se th e r .

- - - --

. T en flaihlrtg diomer and color.

iK k together.

u t e d f o r H i s l i l S S " k £ 2 r i• i •■ •. Dale B)

; n l t i o n A s s e m b l y « a D a « S S i" JtJad f « flrat place t i top arUat w ith m ‘,S S“ ‘‘ S i Nan Sodea,*Wond, in d Ja cQ «Pec^-lhlnTPaU ete club membira n«he, w.*? n'Kand oHlcert w e tntwduced. Hin/_ah^.K aU la r-w * a-*nnounc« !-M le rs .-F m |-m ipreildent r t th# Future H ooiemak- Merlin Hatcher» of America chapter by M n .' Spencer. Dlck'lOecU Smith, iponaor. Officer, and aX membera w a l^jrodueed. flpetUl ncoe

BUI Rayl was- preaented th e Rom Miller, dmFutura Pimera of America s ta te Ratclllie, insiru tatm eraw iid bjt-4oan l* -l^w rence . o rcheitr. ..Jsponaor. Letter awarda were given John Chnio..to .B ra iu jn7 inrH ow ens.-i? in-H ta- tiAsi»“ n 5 2 ^ >«B.J?#ti4.M deD S0B ^J)atU -O 3to^ H o lW ^ -S a Vroar, Richard Boyd,'Sanneth M c- tlce Bf iv « , Donald and Ja e i Boyd. Officerswere introduced. flen. Boh Vance

The perfect attendaoce Ust waa H'r. Richardread by Mra. Roae M. North, dean f"»d« Prejeniat of^irla, and Efinneth E . KaU. dean Choir awanbo l ...................................... McParl.nei Bud

Schclarahlpa were preaented to ton, Dick ReedBud Croaa, Alice Bhoadea, Sherle Sylvln WhliUeFox, Preda Ja Molitor. C harlotte lyn Waring, lieWagner, UVem O han. Dnvld Jean }Uit and 1 o m r a , Peter Van H outtn. P n ttl ooif »»nrrt, •Elliott. Jfan Soden, Boas M iller and Bitter Paul BiiCharleen Rathke, • jim Br,Wnn

m e iJauitn-Bna, Lome M itnce cijtie siieppird. award a-aa prcMnted to Bill Paul. Vartlty footbi

BchoUtshlp awarda for th e Big Chtk WhlKheaSix football Champa were awarded ry Church Jamito Clark Whitehead, L arry O hurch. Jtnwn, Bud CJBmcr-wnitfJldea, Dud Cross, Lee Ralph Conant. iBartlett. Dale Deagle and Ed AUI- lison, Jerry Her

King, Pal DabBki club letter awarda were clven Lyflmn. Bob Kcl

to Sharon Carton. M arsarct Cook, Dale Tlllcy. DieDuane McDonald, Bob Mjnsliew, Ocorge PVcdrlcJH«tvtra Tli;-V»r Wffllvn nnlti-h , Bol)-l#duin-K»iBruce Barlow, Richard BlrreU. P a t shew. Him’ O lDeaaiey, Kenneth Dunken, H arlen Warber*.Fillmore. Clarice Hadley, P a t Hogue, Leonard VavCarole Ann Jone.i, Oary W escott. Swtet were mBill Abbott, James 'Whitesides a n d Btoto prescntwBarbara Jewen. Olenn Sheen

Band emblems were given to Roas ball a w d s to bMlUer. Barbara BlU, FatU E lliott, ren Skiimer, liRosa ArtlngVjn, 6l«rte.Fox..D elioy, Qlasifc K tn M\Bingham, Shirley Peters, Betty J o gle, Ql«n SmltPoulton.’Tbelma Benham. Raym ond Bill ChristcnseoPeck, Patty Morrison. Robert R ich - Thueson, Bob Riards. Bill Fisher, Jimmy Howells, Bmo Luke. Dua;Keith Qualli. Merlin H atch. Dlclc Chatteruin Zan

s fjL i f l i M

11 11V I If — ' - - r

-------------fsM f fU i

: t side diamonds comple- M kdutiful center stone. They \ l

______ 1 5 0 ““-------------1. • I __ _ ;U « .» B onlfc ................. ... J l

ttiilo r iluiic amjounaefl —. —Je stones. I O C i^ H i - ' ' '; to ge ther....

IS M aB O O th

1 ^ diamond!, p e r ^ J "5lor. O O A * ^

• ■ r I ' l ' ' . ' ' . ' ■' I


O ^n . Robert Martin. W aJ^r Hine. Arrington SUn

Pep ^ d emblems were preaenU Jerry Herrick IW Miller, Raymond Peek, Deagle OlennBi

apb-Richards,-Keith Quail*, BIU D on aauiS ^nsher, Dick Ohan, Bob MarUn, Bud Sweet L an r Hm e , DeLoy Bingham. Mac Win- O ary •simSJm

Frtd-w*6b,- - jtn u n y " H 0 » m hiiiJiaier of XMerlin. Hatch, Frtd U nde. Dale presenielf by HaSpencer, Dick Boyd »nd Bob H ai- Bophemo* »

, • -"-ere given toepetUl recognition was given to Ridgway, chad

Hfl.'a Milier.dnmi major, by Charles mons, KnuteRatclllie, lnslruet<^ _ Howell. Stanley; ^ e s t r a awarda were g iven 'to £ " d . Dan Da^Jphn_Choulia..C4U».-Qaid!e._j;Ar- Bom , _

Uce. Betty Meunler, Irene Miller, manager of theBlU Paul, Sue Simmons, H an So- ^ presented thden. Bob Vance and Charlotte Wag- Junior varsityntr, Richard Smith, Inatruetor. were given-to 8piada prejentatlona. - row Tmley, Davl

Choir awards were jtven to Ralph ' Ch*o*y- *iMcParlane; Buddy PattonrBobB ot- O ’enn Slieen pnt«n, Dick Reed. ArU Mae Bagley, Varsity baseba:Sylvia Whittle, PalU EUlott. Marl- *” ‘o Oary Lydulyn Waring, Helen Anderson. Bette Allison, Bob LydJean Hall and Daunna Lincoln. ffren. Bob ChllC

Oolf awards were given to Kirk Blarkey. ClaBitten Paul Black. Wck Sheppard. S ? ”

g ; s -.j ^ r AVarsity football awards w ent to Ronnie

Chtk Whitehead, Elvind Rcaa.Lar- CRrUcnwcro ma ry Church. James Whltealde.i. Keith Pr“ 'Jtnwn, Bud. Crosa. Lee Bartlett. varBltjRalph Conant. Dale Deagle. Ed Al- 8l‘«n to Rllion, Jerry Herrick, pan Davis. Jo p insc l. Bill Cro? King, Pal Daly. Don Blxer. Oary >'y Howell. Lon Lyfliun. Bob Kellson, Wayne Brown. L orry ChatUrto Dale Tlllcy. Dick Plynn. At Mingo. EiUa Walker and Oeorge PVcdrlckJon. Dick Transue, awards were ptBoi>-l#duni,-Ktiih Qu*ila.-Bob-Mln- S h e a a ------ - ■shew, Tom OBalloran and Car] Vanily track Warber*. to LaVem Ohan.

Leonard Vaulk and Clarence Adams. Lee Ba Sweet were managers. H a r o l d rl cks. Larry Hov BroTO presented the a«-ards. G ory Slmmona. ]

Olenn Sheen presented-cUb foot- Deagle. Keith ( ball awards to Maurice FuUer. W ar. b«r». Don Oood, ren Skiimer, Uae Winters, WUlls Resa, Qary We Qlaaa. K tn MutUlU, AUya U n - O&ve Boovccr, I 8le. Ql«n Smith, SUnley Pierce, Powles, BUJ B Bill Christensen, Jim H ansen,-Jay Reed, Kenneth Ihueson, Bob Ridgeway, Je rry Crist, grove. Bob RIdt Bmo Luke. Duane McDonald. Lorry Wayne Brown, J Chatterton. Zar»e Parker. Norman Blcx:k. David C

| a . ' - |; ; ; . l i J ^ . 1 l l < - ‘

® Pti l W JLJ l!a

- ..........

\ i v iu

T IM E S -N E W S . T W IN P A L L S , I

Arrington. SUn Howell, David Van p

TwoS].Varsity .ba4keU}ali_»warda..wtre ..-T w o ipec ia l.K

d ven to Bud Croas. Bob MellMO, t o n were pUnn< Herrick, Dlek Tmscott. Dalt th e w eular aeel

Deagle, Qlenn Beulra, Dale Roberta, - n O b Ohamber Adams. Lee BuUett. Clarence Direetom will

sweet. Larry Hovey. Dale m e y , p . r l Wednesda] ^??y_5immon3._D»yB_HoaveE_»»i _om cet._ta_diici Tianager of the Uam. Awarda were a n d finance*, presenielf by Harold Prewn. Local dUecton

Bophemore’ buketball awards Burley Chambe K'ere given lo Bob Lydum. Bib directors a t n»oi Ridgway, Chad Block. Oary Slm- National hotel inons, KnuU Westergren, Slan jo in t aeaaion wl Howell. Stanley Pierce, Dick Shep-, le a n conceraJni oard. Dan David. Jay • Thueson. pum plnf project

B ^.__i:tny.j!Jinnjtrop** 'WByna-Brown.-Dhrk-nynB-and-Al- <------------------lyn Dln«B. flohn Chapman wta p o v i T I A T l f nanager of the Uam. Dan Folk- » a j i l l d l l

"5«'r"v'S.S".SS. For Me

31enn Slieen preaented the aVards. ^ p . i y > .^ p .Varsity basebaU awarda were glv- S S w s ^

:n to Oary Lydum. Lee Bartlett. Ed T h e eomplalnatMlison, Bob Lydum, Knute Wester- the moneyrren. Bob children. Bob Nlelaon, „ I ^ a s e d betwSiroe Blarkey. Clark Whitehead. Bob nec. 23 IM l ThiVheeler. Jack Boyd, Don Slser, a S3 u a Langdon, Dick D av.-A lb^ -aingb7'Bob Morrison arid Dale __ ,Roberts. Ronnie Byrne and Dwayne Chapman. Jack

a . ttm .3111 Jones presented the awards. Brown preaented

Junior varsity base&aU awardsvere givan to Hex Bachman,' AU^' w w w «.~ «r.Dlngcl, Bill Crow, Jack Llpe,. Btan- . . .ey Howell. Lon Eberllen. Fred Hill. A k A K *-n rry ChatUrton. Stanley Pierce, .!lUa Walker and Oarth Tyler. The X f t Iiwardj were presented by Olenn ■ w i

Vanily trock award* were *Jyen V /e sKoll o La Vem Ohan. Dick Tnwsue. Don N ew H om idams. Lee Bartlett. Ray Hend* everV weel Icks. Larry Hovey, Charles Parks, th e vr-ar 3nry Slmmona. Larry Church, Dale " y c u r.3eagle. Keith QuaUs, Carl War. w . t ,.i«r», Don Oood, Dale Tilley. Bvtnd lesa, Qary Wescott. Elmo Luka, ^y u f t Boovccr, BUI AbboU. Oarth - S l i m ?^wlej, BUJ Bohannan, lUthaid leed , Kenneth Boyd, Tom Petty. 0rrove. Bob Ridgeway. Dan Davl*, r n p n « ^ Vayne Brown, Mac WlnUrs, Chad Hock, David Chaney and Joha

— , ------- -

l l I I '

■■'"IM HI

d t "

DIA’ B u e d on

tnd.w e!* m arket p

O tf*« JOOthe fcnr«i

~ / .yy —-. Twelv* beaulUuUy c u t dla- I

K ‘t S - 2 9 5 “ >; U M m m M k I

^ ____________— i.................................... . . . i

S B r o j r ^ * ^ 5 w ® \ ....................------- ---------- -------- 1

B p » M v eea tee etoau,

'■'i ' i ' >> 1 - ’I

P A L L S , ID A H O

T w o S p e c i a l srw o IpecJal KaaioDifw d lrec . . r . U T C n a f

mm^ f o r d s ^ t u ^ ^

.tional hoUi in Burley. The “ w ouanian t aeaaion wUl diacuaa prob. na. coDcemini. .the northside . . . J w a i l g G r

- ..........

l y m e n t Is Asked [ S a ^ n ln’ * ^ ^ i

^or Merchandiseidgment tor t)M and InUrest and Mrs. WiUlam I .sked in a probate couH ault day morning for [T rld a r V lha 'T M B 'T U Isa iu i a h . t . ^ k on I

Paint .company a«alnat R R the Boise river, wsoa.

L’S £ S l « i H l M C. 33, i»51. The firm's attcmeyi wrt m c j m m Beckwith and Langley. Sf f g W . y rS W fi

pman. Jack Feraooius was E ? s S S lagtr * t the team. K»«,!d S S ^ i 5 ? I S n ! * 1 VTO preaented the awarda. Adnrti

A M E S S A G E o f I M P O R T

T O BUYERS OF BABY C HIW e sh o ll 1>B' 'h a tch ing _ , , ' , New Hom pshlr. chick. Our fast hotel e v ery w eek th roughou t L eg h o rn s am th e y e a r . W h ite s I t Ma^

W . hoY* M IM r to r ttd Chleki o ra llo b fa

S u n n y C hix H o te lPhone 200

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: - . 13.00.«.fMIlHl_________ _


B u e d on ctsreBt reUU dlamood prieee w e wQ not knowinxty be tmdertold for equal qnaUt] and.welght and hereby guarantee lowest retai m arket pticea.

THIS GUARANTEE OtTM J R tbo H H i u n that jo n a re tF0yla< at the l 0w «t retail maiKat prtee.

— —. . . M tia tre .M V to U e u M y o i w

TJW a w a l k

^ ^ i t , m CoM .M k PERRINE H O r a t B t

\ w ' - ' I ' ■; i . • I

_________________ :________' •

ay on Loan and ' Purchases Asked<oney allegedly due for clear. 9 * 9 H Q k es. tobacco and a loan li toutbt V i m S S Joseph Houshka, operaur of the I Cl«ar store, In a complaint d In justice court Frldey againttlydH anby:---------- -------------------- ------------>aintlff claims Hanby owta lUAi

clgarottea and tobacco, t«0 on loan a n d Intereet. lawrence B.Inn U Houahka's attorney. •

Jtangers Leave B H R P I

tion In th e Sawtooth valley ohI headwaters o t the Salmon rtver.lawtooth forest aerviea' head-irter* also reports that Rang» a s M 't a1 Mrs. WUUam Rozynek lelt Mon- H O l l A N If mortiliig_tor th e ir .» taU Q a_ » t__ T H A M Aliii£» a e e k on tbe south fork of I Boise river._________________ ^

|0RH1M1 C|.il6j s 5 ^5 Z S K S ^ ^ i i “toS iS iJrinlBg ef thi

________,w w w w w w w w ^ > w ~ w w w jr i be d e » « l «m



lur fast hofch of White .T"*’’’:..*".” 'eghom s and Ausfro- /h ites I t Moy 21st. ^ ”

lekt o ra llob i* mw.

H a tc h e r y H olliFiler

apl'gSSMIMiSZ;:i2aaa!L ^

fM U R E U


AT S E T rY o v r K A T U R 6 t O C

r " Z r . 7 . . . . _ — . a l t - b f - « d

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•nhenced <ind-«nrleh«

:-------------- j FEATURE L O C K i l l u i

,g ■ 8 iv ttth « ltn p f* u Ien o f

U N T E E —d price* w e w m - ..................... ‘ “

w 'S . t 'C S CREDIT it a eonvwand H ta k n onfy a f

fo open oi» account.


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r«» jO c w e ^ d U m c D d f le t^ ta 'M 'e a rU

.........) a w a l k I M t a a m H k

Coronet J c

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OCLAKO CtEAirS MORE FtTtNA UA*UAMYBODY-GL$e IN WE COU*» la Hin t te mA MoM Km * Om^ «^-«-.aod doton.-rf a« o«, .o>pMqK>>rwd (inM WM deaoacaod *D«xfa dn.ibov.*t coMtr - ae ye. CM «• <

ef <Uo»r. apd beadoK k e b%J W . Aod h.r— ■ k h - hif I l - Z . t a . A ae Z — n d doa k fa >«k ( h k •ohm t e io g y « *Heip«amioeei*»eMa**«*»i»'^ adeg«)d ..f«y ,M bed>rw ai - lyoatlMyewhaMwAorid _________

ACT AT Oh ond SAVE $ i

Ja •» oB HeUmd. CTONI UOS te r btlen and eleanlaf i T(OW»and save' f t

«U. a a re . m a o r - many rtfolar OM elaas the lew eeet e f HellaDd ebargt. Hava ye«r t i - W w .h .

H o llo n d Furnoce G120 SECOND AVENUE SOUTH

UR6 i 6 « rf^ a lt-o f- flbchm iw enf-— ^» H m dtpm gm lro r» I

id •nrlehfd fay th* , -—>CK i l l u t l o n ih o t f* u Ien o fin < rM i« d

I c o n v e n i e n c e irfeitetto

■ onfy a few moment* - J fm■ account. jm^BSK^k

' FATMXNTB A Y ...... 'K TB^CO ftT I . - : .........



B f l H Coronei JeudtnH W r i g f a F i ^ M a i o

1 1 5 - " ®» a M M lk •

J e w le r g j

- . FAGE F g T t W ^ J

i t F tn tN A m HH*E-COM*»ttf— “ H« O m i t , » MK K fa e n M e fA e M 1 9addai tfaab aalcfabo^ l i• y e e c w a a t e A * .k a b i g t i i h M ^ ^

w le k m t e b « » ' n*»k»W ja«a. iM v ; .

r A T O N C eI I SAVE $ 2 .0 0n ues te r fnepeo* aad elaanlBf-NTrfee - « d save- • m ' M tfolar o n eleanto* t. Hava ye«r tsrS M * d befan yea elaauierdeeentte.

a e e - G o i " - " -


n ferted b '

t e d M llM a :


f e u ^ e n


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Page 16: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

H Eighth 1 Grade Pupils f f i G e t , P^plom mH ! RAILKT. M«T - 1 7 -S lg h th grti61 cctuDK)C«m«nt exereli«s In BUInfijiJ count? «rra M i a t the hig:n KjJjool »u4iwrium on WedaMd*■ I trenlRi,M Tba prognns eonslited o t thi pro■ I e«ulonil tn d receMlonkl by M tr M —U lm-AllrrtrlirroeatJon-by-Ui*

i m Johiuon, D&vld Oolcoechet u i n Donn* LtPrUe, K etehuin; Trend n hom Mlo by A rd tth Murch. Hailey p flute solo by Sylvln fichnufclbtrgci

^ - . Bnllcy: .voc»l jo lectlcn by the Bell* ,V nia eighth grade chorus and voca [ i Klection by tho C trey eighth r» d

chorus.•If. Attomey E v era tt B. Taylor <Ja

Ur<re4 (h« iddreM . Ttie benedlc ;!? tlon WM given t o Bt«hop Alvti « 6eho«r. Rtad O orrln je , principal o

i l i ) BUck, Donna Chaney. David Ool coechea, Carolyn JenlUn*, Jtoiajli

I Johnson, Barbara RMeberry. Tcdd;

Thurman, Jan B . Sm ith and Patt; -Wll»on.

. a isn Fairchild, principal of thi •flalJty Kboo), pre»cnted diploma to Nick Arrten. Danfel Jenn Ayarra Tfddy Crolla. Oary Cummings Clifford Cunningham. William Curl Bhlrley Davli, O ary HaU, AllMii Johnwn. K atW een -Jone8 ,-n«ber Jones, Curtl* Koonee. h trr j L w Ardlih Marsh, R ichard Neal. Bar­bara Heuman. P a u l Olson. WUllazr pederwn. VloJa Peterson, Marj Ralls. Sylvia Schaufelborger. AUr*C SchJunegger, S h a ro n Schow, Ron­ald Skeels. Carolyn Bpangenberg £Mle Slocking, M ary Taylor. Rob«rl

■ Taylor, LaVcrl Tomltnnon. Martha Wlagert and T hom aa Yadon.

O. Wheeler Sm ith , luperlnten- dect Di BeJJevuB schools, presented diploma* to M cRee Bowcutt. Dim Dsttf. -Wllma-Fischer. Beulah John- ton. Roger M cKltrick, Jo h n Merrick. tcl» Pascoe. P a v id T . Palt'erwn Darlene Raw. Ju d y Schafer. Rose tJhrlg, Rose VlahM . Borbara Wll-

rjftf— Uari9-and-A lk»-Jfforlhln8toa—[111 Carey graduat«a Included Del Raj Im Baird. Loll Bulloclc. Btaven Oame* I I I on. Rowena D eB oard. B uthD urfee B tl Carl Edwards. D orothy Bllredga ' 1 Keith Eldredge. Ronald Eldredge,

I .-JUchard Oreen. E lda K lnble. Oran- vUl McAlister. Ruby McAlla(«r. Waynt Moore, O eraldlne Myers

:-T erry-J,-P«*,-t-iil*-E ac3t.-E aU lcli Pcteraon. N orm a Phillip*,' Norjt4 Phillips, S tuart Rhodes and Larrj ■Whitby. They w ere ureaented with diplomas by S u p t M ark Pattarson



' :•! Eisdtnon, 4ic*u*<3. ta th< crvdltsn oC an,

' Tosdxrf, wIUiIb (out >nonthi attar Ui' EjikoUIi »t th« Uw arcicn of K>ur

Us. «l Twin FalU. Counly o( Twin r»U Ruu ol Idabo. thU bains thi »lu« llii (or Uit tra&uelloa at Ibo bu«lnai sf itl

jilli l i | j - . . mii»h^Ap” i°TT. IT JmTS i . II. m t

, 1 ^ . ..


ib taiAei |i i


jH ti

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------- R A C r j< O ^ I : :_n f f I m MMMT « a ^ d w t * pritH i ' ' '' * Chevrolet truck agii

___-ai3_M ain__|!i^ Avenue W est % r

H p A O B S n m m f

I a s - y < 5 ^U p l l s !---------:_____________ M n ir f1 Br KCBABD I>*VnXIERS

l l n m f l A rrari«r, Flrtt CbrUUas Chsrcb)

’ ' “ S S S ' r " ' ' " '™ " * “ “

coechea and l o r r o w . m ^ ^ R ?

Arch ^ U e y -

b y 't h a B S " 'u s and vocal common lot eighth p a d s of nun. - T -'J

T h s |00dth ing! s ' f l, Taylor da» «» Uiii . Iif« ar*Tha benedjfl- „oj *j| rutrvtd **’ • D»vu»«"Blahop Alvln (or the good, and neither a ra the, principal ot bad ihing* maasurad out on ly to

pw en led dU tha btd, SalnU have their Ume*

, David Ool- har» thUr time* of rejoicing. Con.iUns, Jimmie diuon* «blch befall a peraon areiberry. Teddy no barometer of th a t tndWldual'ath and ra tty moral exciUanca a n d eomiptneaa.

In (Ml preient •zlatence th a rainiclptl of the fulls on the lu tl a n d unjuaf. '^ainted diplomas tortures the bodies o f both Chrls-Jenn Ayarra, tlan and slnnar, and good fortune

Cummings, comet to the good a n d tha bad. William Curl, The presence o l evil is ono ofHaU, Allene the bafning problema of thU tem -ones,~-Robert -pon! Rlstencs. W hat atUluda-ahaU

Z>arrr Le«, tra Mice tovard U7 Soaif atttmptI Neal. Bar* to convince themtelves th a t It Isson. WUllam nonexistent. Others make evU good,irson, Mary some surrender, othora becccna cyn-erger, Allred icsl. pesalmlsUo and aour.3eho«. Ron* Religion treats evil dlfferantly.3pan*enberg, philosopher* view It In vsrlous m an-aylor. Robert nera Tha cynics scoff a t i t ; theson. Martha Buddlst endures I t, hoping for ,yadon. personal extinction: tha H indu oc- .

superlnten- eepta It u a penalty for previous ,lls. presented <in; but only the C hristian tri- ,n rcutt. Dllla umphs over I t Jesua gave th e an- ,)eulRh John-. *w»r,-i'Ble*ted_arB-jB_when_nien _ohn Merrick, shall rerlle and persecute you . . . , '. Patterson. ----------^ ^ ------ — -----------------------,

yg'f" Divorce Granted \ Here on CrueKy ;

SuthDurfee, Mn. BeIvriraH55on7TW Ury*3lr ily aUredge, ^as granted a divorce In district IId Bldredge, court Friday from AUen AdklnsonJnble, Oran- on grounds o t extrem e cruelty. 1 ' McAllater, The court awarded Mrs. Adkinson ]dino Myers, custody of their daughter a n d sonrck. P ttr lcu onrt nrdCTM t^ a huaband to p ay tWnip*,' NorJU « inanlh tor rtiv chlJdrtn 's a u p ^ rT ' s and Larry Mr. and Mrs. Adkinson were mor-esented with rled Aug. 19, 1947, a t Bossier City, ,rk Pattersoa La. W. L. Dunn was the wife's at- ,

l t < a l > D V E R T IS ek4E N T S 'm4 a t'^ . .boT. Um. and ;UeT <

^^aAypjPRyo'S: "y .^u

V iw S TOBMcf*dllon ot and g u u Pufthaalu* Aftat■S'tti BSluii? Mar. 1«. » . 19. n il.>nthi attar Uio

C ^^.V “ C T : G E T srotnt FA R M LO AN S

;B BATOHIBOK Iu u ol Mathilda I «*»■". ""I iin » 'I BZE^

W H I T EP«» N e w _ ^ 'E a U i Mfl Terms

cir t i i


U m B f i t f l S t a e k o p 1» B 9 ^ H aSooTTaT i l M W l e B r

tu e n t ^ 7 tl-----------------------------and for goo

T N / ; / ---------------------- _ Bccaosa w bua e u n m o in n ie n m L o w Cott-

<” '•-i- T a

p«irch«sa ftUt t n * maMy •« (m Iiilet tiuck against Hundred* o t thousand* of truck vith cofflpanbla uter* bave proved to their own HflodtbeOwv* utiiCactloa that Cbevrotet cosur k u . .(beJeuto/aU loow saiK fjnalaiain.

r ¥ t m ^

O U -R M IN I S T E R------ *^AnyiMng Can Bappen to A n y him X lE R S rejoice, and ba e«edlag g'*'^-''.. , } lan ChBTch) I t la one's oTtr-all picture th a t li

in rth iw t eaa are bundrtUt ct ptKts. ol all color*, cNone n i l any mfsalng by Itself, c

tha comiQon But put each part In lu right spot, i and-tha great tiuth ef the a rtis t larevealed, fio In lUe, dreary days, (

< dark' houn, bright moments, golden t « f ien B n ce ir-w * '* -rt* h a — 4100A -ijSMnlrteful by-thefnselvea.-iju»wheit -

B n H ^ B n ' a e n m the lignt or the M aster Ar- <ohiteot. reveal that He It folkiwlng (

m m fr j W . a pattern, that will msk# your liferich and fniliful. >

Jsh h Cheney uttered > beatidful tstatement when hs-sald. "Tha toul awould have no rainbow had th# eyea <

l \ ^ ' f l no uars." x• Ves, anything eaa bappen to any-

rw. DaVUIIon ------------- ------------- «

M E x p ^ W a r a ^ j On Danger to 1 Water Supply =

II la on» nf Palls, sanitarian, south cen-^ t h u t m health clinic.s t t l t ^ - a S l i *JCi"orsuch dUewa Rs-typhold-f*- 1

ver. paratyphoid, diarrhea tuid dl- ■]w . ^ i i »«Uve dlsiurUnces often follow i^ 5 flood condlUons, InUstlnal disease ibecomacyn- ,„ , ,„ iu n s may travellong dlsUncea j

i_ tn flood waters to contamlnata un- «. <lwir«und water supplies and well* ] varloua m w - ^ , , j,*;'u * ‘. individuals having flooded weUs \** J f 100 feet frrot the h igh wn- i

'! ^ crest.wera urged to tend w atar |i ° i .P samples to the south central dls- ih rlstlnn tri- j^ c t health unit lor bacteriological , !«ve th e an- analynlj. The senlce 14 free.i_yhen_m en _WaUT-aample bQtUfis_ylth_dlrec- tute you . . . Uon* for sampling can be obtained c

■ a f the 'local county publle health tJ J nurse’s office or at the south ccn- r

n t 6 u flWrlct hesHh unit In TwinP nn, Th» «m niB botUe is In a self- j

T l i e l t V - mailing carton. IT con- ,u a a a w i> j tamlnstlon U evlflent the health t

e In district treatment to protect water supplies, jen Adkinson Harvey polnUd out no caaes ofcruelty. Intestinal diseases have been ra- ^

Irs. Adkinson ported. cIter a n d son --------------------------------------- j;

iS -—?li3^onght— X?

na w ue a a;- h . P ek ing Judg- 1 ___________ ment for $113. I

..*U“ r s ; f “r r “s.s;I ;Ue«. apartments. J. !{, Oames Is the i:it.Ilona BjMr ka pla ln tllfs attorney. <

J K - . " ®


1 I . /g a M O {cQ N ci>eTe^

— ■ I

I I T E I V _ ^ -


v £ e a f ^ it 7 i

i t H Q

S t a e f c o p y f ig f yoB g t f f o r w h a t y o a j:

naaoa'M -largtgtgmiip 6 f braok u s a n h

^ y _ l« _ th « ^ } M e t t _ j W » b s t j U ^ ___dont._Au » e n today ara CUvrolet ow nen . . . laiilng.

B ecauia wbM (hejr |e i to t&i*: * 7Low Cpit-ln purchast price and be m c ^

in upktep. A truck that gtu the lob t n i ^ Cc

© ._ 2___________ FACT NO. 3 ___(Mlt Sova m*nty an |ob afflcIaiKr

sand* of truck C hevroleflrucki are fac tory-I to their ovm • matehed to your payload renuire-^ ev ro te t cosu ments. You don't buy “too mucb'sasd jnala tain . o r loo UUe inwk.’

— — — - i - - - . '

t e r - s e e s :i t .1:.71 to A n yb o d y”--------- ■ . SIS glad." body. But what appean to happen picture th a t 1* a providential purpose. What re- C- we. o u t any eulU from our apparent mlsfortnn# ta

In d l danftrvla nn oUT-tttltude toward i t W u t on a UW6' • A - OhrlsUan ^ lo sbphy re before you o u r mlnda. A oonquerlng Saviour B of all colon, c a a change our heart*. The power —

ng by Itself, o f the Holy Bplrtt can acUvaU our • u right spot, will*.the a rtis t la T alth In Ood doe* not prmlda an

dreary 'days, ««m ptien ftom • tulferlnl, —but, nents, golden th a n k Ood. It does proTldt exemp-'ghto—‘ 4 1 0 0 A ______ . . „ __rta.-buVwhen — Jeew ceiv-8lve.$m uraie to mak#e M aster Ar- darkneis light and Algbt ffirY O u r .. , It following outlook ean be changed, ska your life Oltisenl of Alexandria discovered

th a t ''Christ had turned all sunsets r a beautiful to euBrttM." Why? B«csu» He be- ,d. "The toul ttow s grace and power to.OTncome had the eyea obalacles and tranecend_.asvIron-

m ents.ppen to any- "Although the fig tree thaU not-------------- -- bloatom. neither shall fruit.}ja In .

th a vine*; th# labour of oliw ahall a v « n a — T tO irana the-fleMs shsU yield no •• a i l X S m eat; the flock ahaU be cut off — -----------from the-fold.-*nd-thtra_ahaU_btt. _

e r to j Jolco'Tn the^LordTl^UUoy'i'n Uie• _ O od of my *aIvaUon." (Rabakkuk

a p p l y . : .T , ------------

Msilble'’ con- Musical Program 2,""hmi! Held at Ketchum, south cen-ilc. KETCHUM. May IT-Tlia finaltha l epldem- muaieal of the KhooJ *ea*on wa* -i-typhoid-f»- he ld-a l Ui*.grade school auditorium. .hea nnd dl- Tuesday eitnlag. The fleet gredfjlten follow rhythm band was directed by Su-tlnal disease aanne Jacobs. Teddy Thurman aang.mg distance* A apeclalty tap and dancs was pre-jm ilnata un- eented by Claudia Fife and fiualales and well* Roublcek.aid. The eighteen aecond grade mem-looded weUs bcr* of the harmony band played,he h igh wn- U n d a LaPrlse and Jimmie MlUer> aend w atar gave a apeclalty dance. Olorla Oor-central dls- rlnge tang and Barbara Roseberry

acteriologlcal playei a soxephone tolo. free. Third grade number* Included

i_Rlth_dlrec-, twentv-one membert In tong and-be obtained dance numbers. Judy FJllferpJayed “

ublle health a ciartncf solo and Dinoy Morlta: --e south ccn- played a flute tolo. lit In Twin T s’enty member* of the elxOt.I Is In a aelf» ginrgnth and eighth grtdes dancedIon. IT con- gauare and round dances.'A a rn e v

the health tr io composed of Donna LiaPrlse.te - t i f r t aaery- rwvtd-Ooewlchea-and-Jlm-Jehnaon,- -Iter supplies. p]*yedno cases of Fourth and fifth grsde Undent* e been ra- dm ced. Alana HelUg gave a ape­

clalty number. Bex Shurta sang a —— baritone solo,r y h f Band number* were under the- l a i r -------- rr -affeanfln—BfrJtalpb-OT-Anderson- -icnt bureau Songs, dances and specialty num- » u r t Friday bcra were directed by Mrs. Paul eeklng Judg- Barre tt, who alao acted aa acconv-

p a n ls t I owes the —

the Boper A queen bee,(ometlmes lays as •mes Is the much as her own «elght In eggs

during a tingle dsy.

\ ---------Keep ahead-withOQn*tructI«l_t. _I w t A ' of barns knd other farm Z

' ■'buQdlngJ." by ■■'iufiig -o tjr - J ' RSADV MIXED OONORSTB J — for foundation*, floora, X walls. Have sUunch. sturdy X buildings—hold dom ex- T

■ © T © ! ' ■ penses. too. Our on-the-dot ♦/ deliveries avoid delays, *av* 2

Ume, labor cosU. .. T

S A N P r & G R A Y E L C 0 .~ -^^

snryott-ky-=) FACTS

^ S S S B S S S S S S S ^ ^la i ifmdml m vraJlakMr W aatarloU

what y o a pay , , . and /pin /A* * ' iok~UM»t9~hy ohooBlo^ Uitvnlitt “

c ___ d « n t.-A truck th a ft_ n ^ ti^ lo n g _ _ _lolling.

---------Tak®-*-4oofc-^»U-fo«f-feet9-------------below . . . aad we why you, too.^m

i be money, ahead wilh a Chevrolet b t i u ^ in and we m aboutntt------

h j A _________ 1 M C T N O ^ _b •fflcIaiKr gara nwaay ao law a*pra<latlM Tare fac tory- Record* ibowihalCbevrolei truck* )rload require- traditionally bring more monev a t ny “too mucb resale thsQ any olher m'aka w ucb

eoiti about ths saae aew.


T I M E 3 - N E W S , T W T N73. Ty rm FALLS. IDAHO

------- ) . Visits Listedf'T ’ ' EDEN, May 1 7 -M r- and Wn. L-Ju J . p /p in g a r . Lot Angelat.ara.tUlU

Ing Mr. a n d Mn. Walter Roia. U ra ” ■ . Finger a n d Mr*. Rost are sUitrs. V>

ts happen John H ar t. Idaho'Falla, and Olara al t, What re- Cordoa a a d Frank McKinnon, Ppc«. c] mlsfortwa taUo, w era guesU ot Walter .Rota U toward I t W ednesday. ♦ T

i r g m - M t ------------------------------------------------•«ng Saviour BXaD TtMES-KTWS WANT ADS. RThe power ------------------------------- ---------------------icUvaU our — -i. ■« ■ > ^ ■ m . .

provide an

■ H B mall sunsets P H ^

■u» a s be-A.OTncome . . n A

” -Soakiifrult.be In .' U f ■ V m y n 1— I l f l lram -Get B a m ity P l » i th a P i

I B O H I:ed by Bu- ^ ■

C E M E N Tand fiuala Y eo p | t Q l

^ * p i ^ ^ - C v t n s n t P a l n t tml* MiUer ................ _ , ,HoriaO or- . I | f i | ! ! i 3 i , RedBooratosl

Roaeberry out, protacta

IM Hm rpjay& a — j ^ B M p — -lovely-colon-

the elxOi,let danced V " i.-A -arnev ~ ^

»^ohn»x>; — >— G « t- fe O N D iX - f r o m .Y o ii

e itudent* OK fOK TH6 NAMI O f YO)

^ J s V n T * P H O N I W I5T E R^ A S K FO R “ O PE R

under the ___

alty num- “Mrs. Paul

_____________________± int In egga iiiwi i

itn ic tl9 ti_ t.____r farm Zi g - ' o n r - z -------iORnrE f

floor*, I sturdy X

r. a ii.aa ^

St ■nI8 ^ You are invited \ .

t o s e e . t h e m a n y e m

1 wrf M» t e l e p h o n e sy s te m , w h

a s m a n y c a lU a s w e r e TT

A , • ' f e w y e a r s -a g o .

MT w in F a lls te le p h o n e <

------- — ^ h o s ts - o m - g u id e d - to u i

2 M O N q A y , T U I S D

MAY 19,: 7---- ----------6:30-to-S

olet truck*

fSw- -The-MouflUi

H O __ ______________________________

ited Picnic Held .tr. lnd Mn. g H O B H O H f t M .T l l - f ld iw l

w rf» » » r " “ " a « "S '-Jls. and Olara ahona fall*. Harry D U k i^ w u ta

lc “ t* “iSw rp i^ .WANT ADS. Ralph Luck*.

akingU p

l r a t ^P l» i th e P r o v a d ^ r o t a r t i o n - o f ---------j

iN D iXl A E N T P A I N T

ir Year It O utsalU All O th a r nent P aln tt Com bined

Redeooratas beautlfuUy, aealB moishir* out, protacta and prooervee stucco and . a)] Jdsda ot atuonry waUa. E a jy to I mix—aagy to uae. Your cboioe of 13 I

- lovely oolota-aBd whita.-------------------------- I

5Jb,pijywW»»,nifli*iotoirt .BBo(r..e^™orfH*^Mpofnf. I *

--------(M«.all«hllrM«h«) •. ------------........... ..........

IX ^ f ro m -Y o u r R M U l a t D s o l s j ______ ^

; NAMI or youK nearest d iale*)N I WESTERN U N IO N FOR “ OPERATOR 2 5'*

A Look Behind

^ e t e p k o n e C

fnurted . . .

le many am azing fe a tu re s of the system, w hich now h an d les twice

ills as were m ed« In T w in Falls }ust a ■ago.- r - £ __________________ - ■ _________

> telephone em ployees w ill be your rguided-tour-through-the-build ing .------

X. TUISDAY. WEDNibAY ” MAY 19.20 AND 21 ~r6:30^o-9:BO^MU=----------------

iHlldlni 108 MimIm m StTMt, I n t

o u f l U i n - ^ S t a t e i 4 « l (

l-0ehool n.hald.a at Bho-

n WW ta rranipor* a-0ofatt«

I*- — 'M wh'^ss).-

^ g / T V S ......

_ £ 3 : a s £ c '"»■ “* • “ “T s s r " ” ”

B S a a ;I E m a il) ___


______- _______ j m b b i


hind the Scenes

O p e n ^ .J 4 o

--------- — fd irw W » e » -V -. ~.— —

the • How cab le splicer* Join wice dreds of p a irs o f wires ir

ust a , -The fram a roomi.-whei connected to intricate

:-------- : rrwnt. ■ — ■ r ---------

I _ - ______• How m ore th a n 50.000tiiice calliTare h an d lfd i

— -------- -^ K h - d a y r — 4— —

• The hug« b a tte r ie s and j which in fu r# continuot

____________your voice o v r the w/w

• Many o f t h e new est de , I n t com m unications Induit*

T T e l e p h o n e - A J e l i

~ w im p n » tb .. . . . i - r - —

U E W t o J * ^ ^Yoq ]<w cu't tSctd fe a, ir r in tlo o mtthodi.gti M T lnf L ife tin i A l n C f i ^ l T o b it cott to littlt G t o t n ^ ^ l w lv n tell Dt "out , ^ ^ ^ f l

c u l5 0 % " .. .a D d ,-S ^ g ;®m*n am o u rr 10 «t |

THRn.W AY I C O N O M T ..^ HT. t o v FIRST Cost

1. t E S S l ^


HTNOUI I tn W o S N B ^ H£•*(■ X n*oi^ iikw



e n e S a . . I

J 4 o u 6 e

)l le e r* jo in together tin f j j o f w ir e s i n a t e l e p h o m o *

» m i , - w h e r e th a n ► in t r ic a t e sw itching W

«n 50,000 l««l r m i a d - i H l i t w l K W ®

r— —

te r l M « n d s tand-byc o n t l n u o u i * f M « U 5 .2

■r the w /re * .

n e w e s t ^ e l o p r r x n t * ?

>ns In d u s try .

L ' t c l e ^ ^

Page 17: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

■ I i r tT !» .» » » __________

Ttrh»i» It Wl

S I r „ .* “in When Hanse.

^ ■ a p i T ^ * with his- brotJ■ E y f f i : iit iiln iV ln l»4 .

(U ultd norUiBX nTS -Tenra>r'«

^ ■ S n ^^K B S S s» ~ ^^E rtt0 K ^M eaoatrucUoR.. J

«>ho cime ia 1(X ^ B S L S d Kttler; W

cuhaln iDlO ar c u m in i m ; a! the-hlatorr-o(

^ K f S i S i “niB lower^ B k ^ i n i <tor« space^ K 'r . Ik li v u msde Into

m<t> A Mn. rieU iw

K c ^ f '’'pnerally Uie «<». m»t Uf

^ K . S ’ ^ p i c objcel in Mr>. Qoode-fthe p!art« 1. G<H>de. .hot hir

■ f ) « m rp lA n t ot lt« WM M the reH j , t . ? u V n « l rlnir on he^ B ^ - . wi-h the atiadow of H. »ent swim

' with * friend, w u drowned.

^ B gvT** ' munltjr cliurcliJa the leMt. 1''-* 8>““ ^w.lndow_librighter planet* Qoode. MM. 0

^ E r ^ t h o u t opucal Ild, yearandahn lfulcKope tnd clear. ?■ 8. nounds

^ ■ ^ s n aU this. Ob»em- store and pojitare aulle familiar him, B. S. Bi

of vender and Badle Keith. Iirnm those obUlnlns poatorriee then

of thli dUtant erat Uore comi^ B n i ^ u s rUiK system, (tatlon. Cl^de■ • A K a l e maimlflea. Bally and W. I

as Urge u the it Into a butchIhe unaided eye. Most station around

^ ■ ^ a o c bellev-e this un- Sometime Inin thc tame region O. J. Bellwood

^ ^ K ^ f ^ - i t ^ i i n - b o - s e e n «r floor into-a^ ■ c lUiig (he oublde of the alM ran a resl

»lilie Sntum I* view-' time. Then, in t^ B h the Instninicnt with the 'SOs, 0»ear As^ B f t e a mother surprise Is and rented It^ ________ _____ _____About-thU-Umfl^ K T ) ( | i j ^ a p p e a n as a of the "Old Hot^K jam loousjlobo , sllghUy^ the Ch-erland 1^ ■ V tu ie north and wTOi wan>iiffiea“ l6'

tU tlQtK and encircling wiu no water cMreral rather indl]- and not even a

UwU. These, arranged tcers helped mcUld'south of the equa- rapidly u po.uone somewhat of wide started In the e

^ ^ K 'r ls i ll not a solid d l« Finally W. E^ K ip o sk of countless Indl* (gf

of rock, which because gtjood, rcmode^ K u m ter and distance ap* ^ ^Igh celllt^■omUnuoua structure, mio ,p„rUnenL^ B u r tn f Saturns M54-yew Although It 1

Uie sun the ring!, M- Hawen's populettliUre po,'"ltlons of 111# someUme or

afptcr ylge- » h ,n -ll burnat

H b e r . 1 ^ . P l previous when Bearl ' ^ ^ ■ 'jn f in in o . c& i^cQ untv'i

^ ■ n t i e d by sereral clew ,0 » bloodhou light (een ouUlde the ,,.itwe the satelUt«s, or the name.

^^M irekD ow n . Jay U 4 yeaiDOW due south around training her

^ H u d s i d Ume, To the left nionths old bul ^ ^ K ta d lover—ll the bright not g t^ t trail

Oontlnulng this line they are IB moi ^ ■ t e lcft. Is the r td planet e„eptional puj

mmihs old sh^ ---------- . trallln« her fir^ ^ ■ b t i t jT 'h ra n a f a r a >h Noxon

W ..........."me bloodhou^ of honor ■

Csmpaoy fg^ iueetasfuUy^ ■ = r — r —— r -* *Icia*. . , ..

M-yrwoHtln*,'* IS. Ui M Vbu n b in e d hetibj

B9*Q C. TtadrrTcol U

M E V - S «

00 sidewalks to melt \ f m m « p

■ l u s c i o u s■ t R I E S F A S TH ^ U i u a l l y B M r I . - -

H £ -------

^ ^ ^ B eM K s r ^ ' " ' ' <

^ ---------- “ ■■^ ^ P T T Mall Prle* fK P^^

■ ; 7 ’ 2 L _ -

» W s ? A - ~ n

7 Accurate

/M G IC VAULPerhara It was m tla g for Uie old hrtM h.,iMu. , . . . . 1 Ulaia Uf Hitif y Kail-Tin r ^ K n o , W iu T iu

e«J. found happlneaa and somw-perhnM more th J 1 buildings. .; - uiiuWhen Hansen townsltc was laid out in iKn ih» -HnL lUdlng to l» flnlahod. A Mr. R»« w u the bmider •ebUeh who homesteaded here — th hlS’ brother, G w Froeblleb, tias a pleasant s(■ J W 4 . .............................. him When he reUin« n .- T . E. O alley. who home- “ '"'jl'cl'* hospllal ■adsd n«UiB«»t o f H an a fn inowit.

TWIN PALL3, also helped lr» the »"^«nv«oUons a)nstnicUflru. M n - OUa Sampan,lO-cime in 1008: rtOM, C. Calleo. an ?T ">*'rly setUer; Mr.. Edna Bally, who 'me In iQlO and B . O. Eatnbo. who * ? « .« /“m« W lW 9;a!so helped In tracing t” ' ,

Ihl. . t t , - ™ , . ,h.-v.r.‘i . ls ‘iTie lower floor wa* devoted to cwnmuniiy women jre space and th o upper slory nnicd by many oth LS made Into lIvlnE quarters. The men aulste<:A Mn. Pierce ran th e first b«n 111 oruJstofflco there. A ahort time later rwently. a s r».-Ly)^<K > da-took-t.vy-tba.du^ -^^langj ilm frnm ^

)re manager. U wn* then , about " KlchflctiM. lhat tragedy atruck: flnt by thors. Qoode-f husbond. WlllUm to work tHxle. shot himself In a bom that ‘"™ >“ one d. IS at lhe rear o f thc store: Ajnth later, her son. VIvlert Goode. '® Wchtleic. went swlmmlHB In th e canal They pureth a friend, U o n R«lliead, nnd Wore. JIS drowned. T he Hansen Com- *'jnlty church bears a stained ‘Ufl her.lis wlndoff_ln mcmary_Df. .Vivien -• Bi.Tirr— 7»de. Mfs. aoode died aboul a I'i r and a half ago Amf,-fcsn Amai

storflee then b u t became a gen- i „ - , nutk,.^ ?,>t uore combined with a cream and t^oic^Itlon. Clyde D ennln*. Everellily and W. E. Fenoew sld made opnicnt'of lhe S tInto a butcher shop a n d cream (rrowth of tn amate.non around 1518. . . i„,t February m aJometlme In Uic early twenties, jorcd bi' tiie AmeiJ. Bell»»od converted tlio low- ot Unlm.ity Wmifloor. Into-a-druB-storer-Ramlw cltrbranch, Memi

« ran a rcstnurnnt there for a group ore undenne,-Then, in the laus -SOs or early prdjecta in the highs, Osear Asbury purchased it n icy mttl eveo’ 1d rented It out oa apartments, to 10 pji.. Soon thiout-lhu lima.It-fltttoad-th» name ing Southrm tdahthe "Old Hotel." I n 1031 or ]flJ2. outdoor projects.J Overland Inn, the r eal hotel, ________ « »sTjlimed IS 'tH e ground, ’I'hero’ When lhe hostess

no water or pressure In town odd Fclloits hall ;d not even a hose cart, so volun- day afltmoon fo;;rs helped move th e furniture as Kensliigion meetlnj3ldly u po.ulble. T hn t fire, too, sight met ihelr eyirted In the early m om lng hours, in which a fire h

a, Harry Beara used th e lower covered everythlnj or as a church. Inchcs deep in thiFinally. W. E. Treaner. managing There was even ao for his daughter. Mr*. R«MtU maker. It had ail

rid, remodeled i t by lowering the spoutl ' high ceiungs and m akin i It Memben lenibbe

M apartments. /■ -----------------------Uthough It Is snld th a t half fef. Jla^en's population hns lived there xJ*sometime or other.. It w as emptyn n -ll burnad excapt fo r Trank. —il s U i a a ^ W o 7 .« a iA W ^ I = = :

When Bearl W ard escaped from ^ ( 1 S iimi id a county's JU riiu rw eek rM uii. officials le n t to 'HamOtcn.-.lBnt:.- ~ "r a bloodhound. Ceorfo Talbet mo down with "Jay ," which, de­lta the name. Is n female.Jay U 4 years old. Talbot began IMBlining her wherl * eho was 3 inth< nlfl hut n rd lnarllv he doea .t Start training his dog.n unUl j A V l ' i ey are IB months. B ut Ja y was an ■ ■ ^ ceptlonal pup. W hen, ahe was 7 l l _ , / U 7 onthj old she 1 ia d succeeded In | ailing her first m an . H e waa lo- t] flted In Noxon. M ont. - IThe bloodhound no^, h as jo.niefl-. .. . _ _1 I of honor and „ riiiiiiinaiiilirnr iucetasfuUy compIeUng her mis- A *-f iW, i

S i b o t :h a . j h « e J , l o ^ i m d s .H e ^ys’wcikln* wIlh-'tne-noundB-ls-*'mblned hetiby buslnes*. "


k M m K X M D C C y ..... l ^ F l r ^ ~ ^ ~

- ^ O r y | n = W a t c l i

S e s ra s c o re s a g a in . . . I« tfavmga,^| ■Ttccurate 7 a n d 17-jew el tim e.pieces. F iT tah d a rd -B nd-»hO T lt-resi5 tan lunm iem ei

in a n d g e t a g i f t f o r y o u r g radua te .

V r - " ' ■' \ i ' v s

_________ _______ _ _TlM Ei-]

E i m b e ^ ^

#.— -----------------— R e c e S j

V A L L E V' “ K t ■ Methodlit chmch, b

thap, more .Uian u /ia l. even In ^

in I»7. lhe -houi" was the f irst m o ^ o ? mel^'ooMs the buUdtr. according to J c itp h not the winning oilu a pleasant surprlae awaiting counts, he aaldm When he reUinu home from 8U *“ • “ played,-tnedlcfi hospllal a t JEHOMB. He 'I'® “ »«III find eo acrea of hla farm land ® ^

Id comi«ouons and ditches made. “This work was done last week by band played■■Mniimrtilly m cn-M lh"S9 trnc- rs. The workera and aUotted tasks

»nmunliy women wlUi food do- N^^orene,\lcd by many oUiors. - • ' ~ ~Die men assisted Young because A w o r n a P l \ has been 111 atuJ hospttallied two A f V a l U o I I I '

me.i rwenUy. a skin g ra ft now U wt-* i ' i— K im beri

• In the KichflcW areo. he h a s KIMBERLY. May•en helped by tho largest group of awards assembly wai■rmers'to work together here on at the high schol.ie fnrm In one day. Senior high facuU:Mr-and-Mra Young-and fam tljr aenllng—awanU-weroved to nichtleld last fnll from varsity basketball; Rrame. They purchased Uie farm foolball; Oeorge Pou

le yrnr before. Mrs. Young la a ally basketball; Donember ot the elementary school music; Nadine Eciachliia slaff here this year. Wa>-ne Cole. FPA; a

- » • ♦ — commercial.;________________1:1 .Tlie BiuIIiern Idaho chapter of Mrs. Robert NevinIf Air.f.-ksn Amateur A rt as<:ocla. S'on auiJllarr, P«w has adopted the Snfike River Tliomas with a checmpler ol AAAA u lU name. This ll’e L«8‘on «n l“He will embrace the eljiht south- , _ n Idaho towns represented,Officers .elected for the year w e , SHOSHONE, Mayene Dutktey. ALBION, prealdent. “ ™-Id Ucbe Andenen Zaderouiy. U’" ^ C'^'lwell Tue ECLO, secretary-treasurer, Devel-miciit of the art club Is an o u t- DKlh of »n amateur a rt ahow held • •st February In Burley and spon- QlQ enough ele'red b>' tlie American AasoclaUon ‘*’'1'' afternoon meJJUver.-lty_Wcmen-or-Uw-Trl- entire.-hall,..whlch-

ty branch. Members of this a r t Painted, will requireoup ore undertaking palnUng * *•djects In lhe high school a rt room, l^ s t week CASTticy meet eveo’ Thursday from 7 enls Inspected the■ 10 pjii. Soon Uiey will be pa in t- witnessed work 4org eouthrm Idaho landscapes -ES pils, Bealdes the rlUloor projects. of readln", writln’

______ « ■ «_____________ were gardens with 1When the hostesses arrived a t th e fe3 plants. In lfie~dd FeltoKs hall In BU U h Tuea- parlment there w<ly afternoon for thc Rebekah loiders and stockensliiRton meeting, a discouraging made by members tsht met their eyes. T he furnace Teachcrs presenU.

which a fire had been atarted were Mrv pick I:^ gT nornlng'Kaa-bloim -ttp . BooT 'Ereert iHnkiten. Mivered everything and wa.< 24 rad, Mia. Jim Wailches deep in the furnace room. Bloner, Cnrtls Batuihere was even aoot In the coffee Myrtle Reynold* 1aker. It had ailted In through Beckmao.le spoutl ■ Memben ttnibbed.ctf thg chalra MAD TiMEa-wrw

D o r o t h y G r a y. t o i S u n i B ) e t J i ? ^ a n c e . S i ^ j i J 3 _

--------- WlOOMt- ' -a < ^ t IM (r<- IZOOtiii)

■mm S<mt. Swm« ^ i m Do»q«»t.

J | l HAtMTKXCOlOONICOOlB. . ,WMto Um «ad CoUa Orc&iS CriiweM

I I -filflPJ, I AI JtM^noiodtoowcoouM ' \

V f [ j _ a - . ^ i s r - a ^ ’g = i

l 2 i i ^ = P e i T i n e ^ l i a iPerrine Hotel Coi

A '9 H R 9

f I___ J ^ T o b u t a

f _ a _ l _________ T o w e r P o .

f O I C f l ^ = = = = a s s 'c 5 i p 5 s ;■ ■ ' 8.53 Down.......

r - 9 5 - J % i V 9 S - 7 .0 0 -M n < th . .

:n tfavfnga , i n q u a l i t y I ■

m erp ieces. F i n e s t S w i s s la M a io r . h i ii«

ant-mnvpmfinta Hurry___^ a d u a t e . t o b h i a i M d ^ o

v f r n i i r 4 03 M ain Avinii - p H Q R E a

i.'V S ' f ■■ I _________ ^ .

. t im e^ n e w ^. t w i n f a l l s , m

^ b ^ j J a W r s carefK e c e n ^ ^ B o m a S -B m c m A M F ro n .

- bn—aeTra-year-«ldJMBCtlLV. Brooka wanted no trouble vMoore. p a ilo W n ru ie Flra t Sbe wrote Blnghai

iiodlst church, balfth: O r e ^ d ^ Donald W^Kramer:

0 010.13 of S3 gradiflllerw ed- stand this summert o evening at Uie high Mhool e<J'iaYe.-aHc«nse?V9a>tum. eusan won't ne<r urged the clau to make th e M y o r said.it of Uielr opportunliles. I t la __________'the winning ol Uie game of life

.-Divorce ihe senior* marched down th e .w .- . . . we to Uie stage between row* of -Abwiaonment >* ci

cert band played Uie procession- p o r te r against RIchi»nd recuwlonai.-iir.'--------v— — ’ma~T>irk>n~v«r«• C. Mason, president of Uia board JJ*education, presented Uie dlplo- h S u n dI. InvocaUon and -benedlcUon 5 ~ V0 given by-ths Rev, w . T. Arm - S ^ - v V a u v1 8.- pastor. Kimberly Church o f ^ ^

wards Given to J-jKimbetly^PupHs- — ■UMBERLY. May n - T h e yearly"irds assembly wasjield this week ’

enlor high faculty.members pre* llng-awanU-were Ocorge.KeiL slty basketball; Robert Sherman,Lball; Oeorge Powell, Junior var-

basketball; Donald R. Btrvble.Nadine Eccle*, yearbo^:

>-ne Cole. FFA; and Helen Dietz.imerclal. __1:1 - ___Irs. Robert Nevln. American L e-1 auxJllary, preiented Sandra )mas with a check for her essay he Legion contest.

v is it I n caldw ell _ _ .HOSHONE, May n - M r . a n d 2 ^ C l II. Charlea Shaklee visited re la - | | 1 I W s In Caldwell Tuesday and Wed-

!!___________ SA V nI did enough cleaning to have ,lr afternoon meeUng but th e H om e owrIre.-halL-whlch-had-Just-been- ----------- UP-TOnted, will require redecoraUng, F U E L ^Mt week CASTLEFORD--par- - *s Inspected the schools and W ITI nessed work 4on# by the p u -, Bealdes the many example* ................ — -readln’, writln’ and •rlthmctlc. Phone or '

-----------Iment there were baled haylers and stock trailers, things «le by membera of the class. I > E |'eachcrs p resen t^ the exhibit ^ ^ |

', M rt.'j ira* w * ii^ , O ppoiife th e Iner, CnrtU Banner, VI Warren. rtle Reynold* a n d aarenee kmao. '


— 'i_‘2 i ic r~ '— •— "O (R«.U00ri») I j

im 'cooim ' '

w’ b ^ z ! _________

rePPIraritiacy —— ~r lne Hotel Com er

^ T o b u ta t o rP o i t q b l a

s a ^ c o a p o n ip a r M ■.........

OO-Month . . O a

d lbg»o fc« tfde«H O *kw w _._ ... ............ .... ........ ^an eoa(»arcibtt« OR the n>i9-moeMM”rM fe r te t , eoir :M a lo r . H I ilondard key- Mcd. awrgln atop*,. spoCM*, netf «wtt»r, p o p i n w f l r a a ~

loin A v anu tW ttt ' MORE K M ” “ ; “

' ’• ! ! ^ ' \s '..'V 1 '


Careful" On Galen:

ed no trouble wlUi Ui« law. HAILBY. May 17- e wrote Binghamton's Mayor of eatU s a n d the drlv ildW^Kramer: ju ry wedneaday noc

i thi* summer. Do I hare on rth aide o7 Qalenai'Ye.'a'lIc«nse?’.' ■ Priank Rogue, Jefoiisan won't need on*, the th e catUe to summerir said. ho m e t a c ar eotalng

I to th e sum m it. He pu, - - Hide of th a road to I

hvorce Asked SoSSr.*®'*idonment I* charged in a dl- *«« ®“' jgm p la ln t. filed In districtT W a^^r'M ri.'M ioT ft; Lee p „ t th e truele back' against Rlchart J. Parker,' while Hogue roundedPark#r*‘w»i* matiled-July T ruck, driver and <

Sl, at Ely. Nev. Mrs. Parker cd safely to their des her husband abandoned her

L US]..at.Rogersan..Eei at- .Kew.Ze&l&nd hai :.la.Ouy U Kinney. _ every person.

■ l^ H E A T Ip a y s fl

— i t s e l f




Phone or Write fo r-___ ERE.E_H.EWIii5_____


DETWEILER^Sjippoiite th e Poitoffiea


..Goodlcommon ..sensBi-ti thousands o f dollars yi in farm m ach inery and protected

Volco Blocks give you lc “ lower insurance—fire p

have this p ro tec tion by plornSee o u r p lans cm



ick Overturns tai Galena GradeLSY. May i7 -n fte«n head Je a n d the driver escaped In- W^ e s ^ y nwn ^

aide Qalena summit. ik Rogue, Jefome, was taUnt.tUe to summer paatura when I I Kt a c ar eocnlng up the gndt sum m it. He pulled off 10 the

f th a road to pennlt Uu car sa a s d the truck h it a soft

'" to n .and one-half vthklt N^W SI OTBT. throwing out aU the , ■ " V j r w «

h e ^ ta T JcT ^ S c k ^ ' 1 f f # l l i h F 3 C kHogue rounded up his cattl*. ^ U | | O U JA.' driver and tauie proceed* - ........ ^ . T T :Ely to their desUnaUon. ■ ■ 1

Ze&l&nd hai ITH ih e ^ tor ___ a id Wlperson.

1 \

EATING S o n o to n

p ay s for JH™**itse lf— — th e eai

^ M ark in a a qS o n o to n e p ro Sono tone— t l b e a r in iB ld s l m a t lc n o is e 1 h a s m a n y otl

■ h e a r in g a id {to d a y o r m a ll

140 M ain Av

" " freF ^

...................... .. PhoM 809 ' c tn . . ' ,: " ,

» t = P R O p

3 H W lC ro

- « - — --------— - '

ri..s^B;.telIszifouJh'cO h7«^:_^z:.i dollors you hovt invested inery and onimais must be

give you low cost-protection - nce-fire protection

tection by our easy budget p lans and plan service.



r ' y \ ' ^


lew Silver Anhivcsrsar r iw & n ie l^ ^lid w ith “Self-Control'

n o tone’s Amazing A utom a N oise Suppressor p ro te c ts h e e a r from Sudden N oisekina » quarter<entui7 ot hearing resea otone proudly preeents the Silver Annlver atone—thei first basic elttttonlc advano ring a ids lo a decadel And along irith t h e a de noise nippreasor thb gm t new Sono m any otlier adnnce* that nuke i t t h e fl ring a id Sonotone ever produced. Goni« • ay or ™aH coupon.

SmOTONEHEARING^ERVIG Josephson £ Lloyd Jaweln^ Co*Moin A va. N. Twin FoHi Plione 9


a C T J O M




Hosi NIID n o n e n o N


, J U O M T . . i '


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Automatic H ro te c ts J H I N o ise l— ^ —Bi r ln g r » itf a rc h g ■cr A n n iv e r s a ry d c a d v a n c e I n ., v r i th t h e a n to *n e w S o n o t o n e ................

k e i t t h e f ln e a i . . . H H d . G o m « e ee I f ............

SERVICE------------ Me i n r C o . ___ _ m

P l io n e 5 T 6 4 ~ | H



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Page 18: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

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^ B S A o /'ib o o p p ic e is H/W eNED,'? ALOhJS AT AN OPPOKUJM6 TlW e/J k -m iS POOR CHAP TRlPPEO ■ OVER /AY DOG'S LEASH AWD'tg

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aneouB iricRnt m ore th a n one so I p u t LJ

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------------ EBy WALT DISNEY R

; ■■ ' . , ’ '■ 'H-

I. T W I W F A L l X I D A H O

MS rvou^ 'TDTeK«r’,/Hy 1. . n w r a ^ Focu0 .< b v c je h e a ;

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TTMEO’Y e « ^ ? ^ ^ W J ^ iLY THE n’SSPHINO./SeHflBOY I

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Page 19: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

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W WMl. XO. J«S I.lio Ihl, 'IS MJ.r-

I ll Mk Averages | ixiSfl?;;

™ j ijT IjoT T OM'aIIA. Mir !

i m l a l l s ^ i ; S r S S tocEPrlces Sfe i | | J—— I I I Umbf and r.xilnita|T»lnnini livestock aj>/'ch*i<i" [DTMed by the Twin ■!{»• ’ oti Commlulon com- .horn lUujhtfr <aUU rnuIUOt Uis last lloz< <romi>4r<Ja Hie; BilW 1.00-1.M hll-------HI.M to »3a,40 gi’i '-------IJ5.M W 133.00

Cotten il«oo to iis.oa cULOD to t27.a0. . CHiUGo. Vu

ation Held j § ; i «

mtUUM Wednesdajr >n<j prlm< (#4 •Miler. Installed ibt. i pruldenl; Mrs.tlce president; Mrs. Ind pn . horR,O^B tecrttU}', iiuj Mrs. c«nB.cr«l.l «>-m K^Bnn. treuurer.»nd-Mn. Walter -.SSjr.id'.W,on Itif PTA con- ihmi »»<jy HAnlU CulUIu pUyed -?7r!,-'no iotas. Probate Judge titwr'buik Ms. i lb<mrnnlng luMna >>* <*'l •>><>» J»R^P«t^laJun»and

s t e d e n t iKeceiv

tcbool OLSmiS FE-------- MarUn, PocateI f, at cortunencciJ » c n hventsMra-'ihomiisF- uid children, cesalonal and tlon WM given Dwlght thur Anderwn. . John McTadd

l^Kuke n?""" “*® welcome ai J^HLsu I Chenle Wood,“"‘1 fareweU. Mlu‘‘en *1“ P'lye**rs. Pred Roah. chairman ^v. B- Btewi


M a rk

j « - ! ^ = r i : : s a - f t ' a i i---------------------------- - A ujtrt Whll*. « II* s u ° ” ^ *

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— fTif —«“r«n4«iRi''


t H A T H 18W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

;s and Finaii * * • • * •

L iv e s to c k i G r0006N. M« ®:® (UgDAl-C.„|, lo«M “.Ii ”

« I I 10 I*'**" tiiUM.r •Ilrr •»

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's;..”, s . ' i a , - a ™ , - s ’A . r t s r i « . s s , 5“ 5u!-u.'Wn '1 -

»?’’i"l.*Sl»”u «»T'“ *** J‘I>4 *poRTi.AiiD.” 1?'*j'’brv-{ua[)Ai_ mTV * *

;»0;elw m JJri»rji « d ? i^ bVl 11 V?j‘“ 7,5.

« 1w “S S ’= S e n io r .L is ted

s a . n - r . r e ' . i a ' a ' s . i PAtm. ■„m sl too'^unw “enlors will be hes S S S S S E '"■d VMlm ll.M-M.M. JohnIlm Mitbli <or oMk t.lHi b«tch>n addreM. Invo(atlo

nU «-4o iow«, ,i,u,i,M, to tnuilcal numberb. «' Hamblen and Mi

—— ___ background music3ENVER. M.rMRlrusD*i-c.iU. Qf uatlun exei «p .r^ I.-., , 1 m; en Thurrfay at: cWt* w low prim. IMO gymnasium at B f»V *<TT"h‘»htr: el4le« “ ««l»t« p

PicttWllriinrelvi:rt:.-.!S.-jS7 x s w - iE r l i l - S ' T / F ' i " S "S .loa* <-tanrej 1..1 .!». i.«w:t8 tJie-ciaM"enerai[5l b"ahSlr‘:5.,57Nl’?ii&l?. {?SJS Wbuted by Da . joss.?i,mTVm ibN,?.S*».« board member.-ISO lit, H.M-M.OO; <holcrUMiO Ib. Mcmljcr* of tt!’heip'°omp2?;o I... ,«k-. <u,. ,).„,h. Bin. Llla Bojworl Umbt tUKlr lo U lower: wnnM otlcr. Wsyne BrOwer. & m.‘°n.u°r.“ Coon, Bonnie Hand ird chJic. lOlOt [b w " ,l >1W"' ^0'“n »“T>'SO; etod ind ehoki lUusbKr Hownrd Knbpp. E* ___ rlne Koch. Dinmnt*_____^ Duane LoyelantLIMAIIA. Mi» .17 141—tusDAl-Ciiili Mary Marquess. I

htr: bulil so.i.oo iiiihfr; tuicn firm; Ltola Schneider.«nd.cliol:..h4ll»»m.M.Cll.ujoi__ ------ Tfty antf'wmmrrelAt cow* "Tl.w*25 OT * •

t'r. iY.ii‘. h i : ■“<“ R e u n i iBUHL. May 17

tl 10 vrim* ipiint i»mW it.H-io.io: Buhl attorney, ai '’ 1 - I.HII,';"',? k"!** »1U n n g Uio bell Irn Umb.* u.«cYl.(ig;'iD0d tod master a t the 63irn Jl.u.htfr «wn II.OO-IJ.M. th# Baaln Mhoo!.l.°* STM"l»sTr" o‘ ? Oakley, on June Sk-f an.i' clo.im w «r ]t.]J: cttoki All former pupil I"'’ h« wa.-; teacher t' i( iS'is ?o M their families ore■‘ ■_:__ Picnic lunch wlUCniCAGO H i u c o . ^ ^ ‘ N f t m i n a t f n-s'oo ‘li5h?rKt'' ii°«biC.* Tf . KETCHUM, Mo ‘"| ''’'5i*?"A2‘"“ Vv®" FcUows lod■s.JLTiV Joj.jM'ib 2o.oIA: C>».|‘; comlns year waa■ <00 lu. »n4 b«io» u.M-ii.ij. day evening due 1

Bodej------------ '— ■-'hirtw' nomlnatiorae-htihiT:-TO«i-ii jf-Tg-Tr ifi,.r r Tieic-weermieetli

primo (rd alWra U.OMT.IO; cho< fm S S S m S S S l Ibi. 13-CO.JI.OO: chDlci iicrri’'T‘o*‘ib"1Sd V« 2 Q '

tudentsatQ.F. .Receive DiplomasSLSmiS FERAY. May IT-D. W. ^^VKiU.rUn, Pocatello, vu Ui* tpeaker £3T— *^ Lcommencement exerclKs (or ^snn# Ferry eetUor* Tuesday ere- J’ KRT'K"s. ihoniiisFeeney played the pr»- A ll fg l jn ~ ^ slonal and recessional. laroca- 1] Tl3 wu given by LDS Bishop Ar- fUlvTinr'fllJ ir Anderson. iftvVVf jWoha McTadden, salutatarim, |av» k'\\V/*<y4 welcome and class hlst«7 and k\v< g"y. errle Wood, valedictorian, tha eweU. Mlu Wood and McPad- I also played a piano duet Prank sh. chairman of the boanl of «<lu-

AD'tIMES-NSWS WANT AD6 . rsupiM a rk e ts ] , gives

■ Mo. 1 — ii.iM.iii

- S E E Y 0 IrOIATOBS«*lm B>( QuoUu.

i g ^ E E t . USIN<

: . er1:>ni dnirr IDMHI -

. .100 POOU . ____________ _

? S ? K € " i H a 7 “ '" • '- ttS : M c V E Y

P h o n e 177

•F‘‘------------------------- BISF^ 1 ?

n a n c e^ ^ ^ , Approximately :

- r^- - l j r j - t a n i r = -cjitcAoo. u .y n kdyax.d »na Idaho ore exi

V’*-Ion kno<ki„, .‘wSiid ti-S i conlei-•■•. Tr.dlr, jl.krt up o. o i 1.“ tltfOUgh fl . t SUn t whfM V f l — . ki.k., w This li the f ln tuh-H ; <ors hifW, iil«Hi MU biennial jneetlni

' " • ___ - fnte planning U aCASH riiAiM Dcotoii. certified p'

CHICAGO. M.r ,r cn-No Pocateiio, Any ac

0 .'t.liV ;‘,’' ‘ i;V,-Vbiu ,N«w-orflceri-forn .. i . , m.iM,, Blety of certifiedn.ld ~ r T 7 r t I.W Wia..b8 electe'

S ''':o r ,r^ \kT I'si: — - P u p i i s ^

? - -X" F in a l A? Hi" lill m if§ A t Ha,


c‘ 11? ’ }'?i5 Im E i'?in ■port'sOti» ’* " afternoon a t the c'» -ji;. -IIU .HV, .«n Winners of the e» :iis ' l i i . -ZL «Mond. and .third rs . |!5 :ij '‘ :• 5 F l» t and second

. yard daih—Maryir i'«t« f«a8 ! m S Wlljon, Lols Ann Ep‘ i.*ir. i.wrt i;n 2 i.ij “ Carol WlUon.

— --------- -------- Carla 0 » «ley: tor

Jen io r'E ven ts L is ted a t P au l 3"ir-ESS

PAUL. Mny 17-The Paul-TlT»h Qlauner. Jimmy Bl lool baccalaureate service for M -Darwin Pugmlre, Ilors will be held a t 8 pjn. Sun. Jeffry Olauner; thi y a t the Paul Oongregatlona] Tommy Novak and urch. Danny Dennis uu)rhe Key. John Blms will give the Wynn Condit and ] dress. Invocation and benedlcUon Third and fourth 11 be given hy LD3 Bbhop K, C. y*rt dash— Linda ;nllL -Ihera-also-wlIl-be-Mveral jle.-Qllmore,—MarJ< isical numbers with Robert r»ce — Bharon M •mblen and Marcelyn Hammond Martlndale. Shari -nlshlng the accompaniment and legged rsc»—Shari I ckground music, '3ra ^ b e r ts , PntaySroduatlon exercises wUl be held Dodge. Linda Will'

Thursday a t the Paul Khuol Jorle, Cnin. mnaslum at S p.m. Prof. Leo Bo- Tlilrd and fourth ;e. associate professor of social 7ard dash—Billy WI l‘*!«?,,5tj*’?-W«liQ_Btalft.coUege, Jo iu.JjjhnJilaeti-ia caTclIo, will give the address. The Anderson, Mickey utatory addresa will be given by Prince: three-legj iry MBrquwa and the valedictory Preaton and Clair Max Connor. Charles Zollinger, Wilson and a e r a ld .

nclpal of the school will present Klicr and Tommy rciaM-ena-ai[51om»a“wlin>e’dli'^“ nftH-*Tld-4lxin- buied by Davis Oreen, Paul, yard dash—M ary B) »rd member. borne. Barbara H03Members of the cluss are Led —Alice Bartlett. Bi1. Llla Bosworth, Oary BritUan, Virginia Norwood; t lyne Brower. Max Connor, Nola —Mary Brown and 3n, Bonnie Hammer, Elmer Ham- Kay Jensen and B )n, Rolan H o ^er, Ardell Haynes, Diane Button and ward Knbpp. Elvina Koch. Mau- PUth and sixthe Koch, Darlene Loveland, TMd d o sh-Jack ane Loveland. Robert Ludwig- ffwrfy, BKphea QL ,ry Marquess. Donald MeOregor, —Jack Kuhn, Larr

^ e r H udo^lp iv~H iro i?l!^ r^ K u l^ 'a n J "■CfSr?c )la Schneider, Joanne Thomas Shelby and Don F 1 Norman V an di Venter. 5r.

Reunion Set F r e e B o o l e 6 tlUHL. May 17-CharIes Reevu, A n d R h e u m « hi attorney, announce* that he I ring tho bell again as a school- ” " ster a t the 63rd anniversary of “■ Baaln Mhool, four miles east of P«« fn tlt ed kley, on June 8. ^ « n t ill former pupils of Ilecvee when ** wa.-; teacher a t the schoor and « reveals why d

;lr families ore Invited to attend. five only temi nic lunch wlU be served. ' »»U W remove the

-------------------------- trouble: explains a

l,<t,U l l I i a LIf t n l / f t i a y f tn trfatm ent-w hieh-h:e t c HUM, Moy 17—Nomination cessful for the past Odd Fellows lodge officert for the - Tou Incur no obllnlng year w as postponed Thurs- Ing for this Instn' evening due lo lack of attend- may be the meitns»•------------ '— ------years oPUtiUIfl' tdlh e nomination wUl be held at day to The Ball Cl:

2 0 % Gas SavTHREE-POINT H I!





c a l l y o u r d e a l e r i o j ; a


* Phone 64 • linileyM c V E V S , I N C . W A G N E R ’S

P h o n e 177 • Twin FalU Phone 30 - Go

---- BISflOFS - BUHL-IMPL'__ P h n n t 4fii-Jgm m e_________ Phone 1 » I

\\ \ l \ \ i '\

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T I M E 5-1

i^ccouhtants Set P ari F o r R eso rt June 4

ipproxlmately 9S0 accountants meellrig scheduled at0 rn__MfintAn« AltemooiLcI.jJuntJLxico.-iw tona, .T7t%h. Wyoming the conference open1 Idaho are expectea to attend in »ddiuan to ted

eighth annual Mountain Btates entertainment will Ijounling conferjnce J u n e 4 the form of dandn*ough fl a t Sun Valley. ) « «ho*and flrewoiJUs U m e f ln t Ume In 1« years ML will be rbiennial niMtlngs th a t a session got. U n Jordan ?1 been held In Idaho. Confer- m un* planning u directed by'M . T. r,-«o™m .r Uon. certified public accountant,:atelio. Any accoununt U wei- ne-to-Bttend-the-TOnfBrmce. - if tiS Ir iiW i;iri(.r few -offlceri'for th e Idaho'Bo^ p5 Of certified Public Account- «-wia..be-eTMted a t the annual ^irnl^f ’JSTae

Uon, Salt Lake Citj

'u p i ls A t te n d Ltitute of Account* speak. They are .

F in a l A c t iv i ty SS .'V i'J”.;'J New York; Marquis A I- l-Tr» president. Ban AntiA t X X 3 g C rm d n Morrli «. stand, ch lAQERMAN. 17-^al ac-! their ipSfs event Thursd LOHg TFEVs ™ ‘ iS".'i?„tS*£,« „„t, “»ond. and th ird respectlvely. a re :-Irst and sccond grade girls, 26- * „1md daih—Mary WUllams. Carol ‘fj"* ‘ i?®"'Jon, Lols Ann Btokea; sack race:arol WlUon. M ary Williams, 1rla Owsley: three-legged r a c e - « " • »T3l Wllsuii uiiij Dulllla' ~Pup^ On’thelr return *Winlc Pope and Lols Ann Stokes; lo Fftirbury,Cy Arterbum a n d Carolina iftloui Illness olire. father, B. A. Oreen'Irst and aecond tr a d e boys, J9- ----- '---------- ------- ?'d dash—Danny Dennis, Jeffry uner. Jimmy Stroud: sack race arwln f>ugm]re. Jtm m y Stroud,'ry Olauner; three-legged racfr— imy Novak and Le« Claiborne, J J , ■my Dennis and J e f f r ; Olauner, 1 ■nn Condit and K eith Conklin. v ^ I ■hird and fourth grade girLv 50- ■ ■ I I] dash— Linda Wllllamg, Mar- I I I-Qllmoret—M arjorie—Cain;—eack —! — Bharon McAnulty, Linda•tlndale, Shari Shelby; three- m a j I l i i U j j r ied race—Shari Shelby and San-^ b er ta , Pntsy K uhn and Ann .. .ge. Linda Williams and Mar-IV Cnin............................ , ___Iilrd and fourth grade bo>-s. M-1 dash-B llly Wll.ton, Mike Pres-.j!ll\TLKi!\f.r; Mf.lc rfln trJ lm m T .------lerson, Mickey Woody. Oerald Vice: three-legged race—Mike M H ■Iton and Claims Boyer. Billyson and Oerakl now aril, Johnny:r and Tommy Anderson,ifth-*Tld“ 41Xtn” Br«H “ BitU,“ 7 5 - ---------------------------1 daah—M ary Brown, Jean Clal- yie. Barbara Haycock; aatk race y -lice Bartlett. B arbara Haycock,:lnla Norwood; three-legged race ary Brown and Jean Claiborne, Nw._ j f m f ■ Jenien and B arbara Haycock, W \ f I I ie Button and M arjle Fnilt. I 1 ' / J /i(th and sU th grade boys, 75- \ / J y1 dash— ac k Kuhn. Larry ^LMI

ick Kuhn, Larry Woody, Dar>-1IPy;— tnrfe^i!ltg c a ~ T c c ( g m!lr — '\ \ t ' — --------- ~in a n J C h a rlu KUer. baryi • i ' i l j j J J J B B SIby and Don Preston, Stephen (oner arid Doyle Conklin.______ I - jm r n g g g B

se Book on-A rthritis id Rheum otism -• to Avoid Crippllnv Detefmltlei WD amailng newly enlarged « - .>J book enUtled "Rheumatism- be sent free to anyone who will ••e fo r lt. ... . . ^

reveals why d n if s and medl- ••—- — -9 give only temporary relief and ,to remove~the ca\ises ot the ^ |

ble; explains a proven special- non*«xtryleal. aon-modlcal

H nen t-w hieft-has-proven 'iu e> - . j n „ . ^ ,tui for the post 33 years. 'i - ............lU Incur no obligation tn send- sfor this InstrucUve book. I t ifbe the meitns ef saving you

I ofTIHWia' UliW i’.' w ute "15^ * to Th# Ball Clinic. DepL *S03.WnLj R n r l i^ ^ • F = 5 r = ^ ^

S avingF L Z H T tC It

r ta n n ln f l w tv k V V v V j lr / / / / r ahsad-.Celdip«i l*l

PLUS M A N Y ''ITAGES | 3 | | S



e r ’l f o j i ’a V _ : , S 8 H PRATION »aBii„.do


A G N E R ’S , I N C . “ - j S f’hone 30 - Gooding •* >wa. «iut

IL -IM PL B M E N T_ E h o n e , l ^ ^ h l ______ _

V 'i ' \ \ \ i V '■ t, ■'

T I M E S - N E W S . T W I N F A L L S . ’ I D .

: P a rley Field Trip i une 4 to 6 Held trip Into the Sang scheduled at Sun Valley the forest next August '>wn-Cl.JMntJ..U:>B„ay .btlort ihr inlUiL-mKiiogonferenoe opens. . formed Sawtooth IaddlUon to technical tneeUngi council last week. 'lainment will be fumLnhed in ‘ e ulp wlU be to g arm ol dancing, barbecues, an eouncll an opp< losand fireworks. Ski llfu to »nd become iJsl win be running. '<>«« problemi.r. Len Jordan will welcome the ^ Charles I. Daugh* has presMted severier program speakers include malntenlSceVf S D.vl,, past presld t of ^.ary To?l« 4Sr"e wn“

man. First Security corpora-salt Uke City. .- has given advice nonir otflcers of the American In- sitiered b; the foreit e of Accountants also will his staff and deeliloi . They are John L. Oarey, and annouDcM as » lUvs director. Carmen O. Member* of the c ;h. director of reeearoh, bolh Interests they repr York; Marquis O. Eaton, vice Burgy, recresUon; C lent. Ban Antonio. Tex., and big game; Mtnnlng ll H. Stand, chairman of CPA tlemen; John BreckBook committee, Chicago. men; Verroa Ravei

ong Travel E nds Bonited labor an'd jTCHim, May 17—Stat« Sen.ars. Richard Itnnsom havo re- _ ------- —d after a slx-weefc abserice. T6 Nfline D

*, SHOSHON*, Maj! they vlslled from San Diego to Bovs' BUte willikland, whera they visits his Monday nlihfl Afer. Mra. Pearl lUnsom. meeting at Memorial•their return'Mfty'~l*they”wet*e' Americartlssi awanI lo FRirbury, Nebr., by the uating clau alao wlII ll?ness of Mrs. Ransom's and other biuiness r, B, A. Greenwood.______ summer acUvlUes w

■ j j i p ^ WITH

C 0 1 .D S P


nnlnt wtvk* AWmtlockMMMW* Sml■d->Celdip«i l*» *Wt th* wiad«w—Kk aeiiT iBioU at CeldapM kraatfsiH ol Mlss TbTraraj:----- ffosM ----Rimal. Ill a tk JL ---- 1« Vr' fra •»<

■ $5.00 1; j C c t | S 8 5’ o.odmteiiBi_______________

H F iB Lined C ortons pnOHl

•Pfi9MM,leq*wldtopopw •WlnfIt «l lUo. « iu t . w »

" tl H '\ >v y. ' tU

'A L L S . ' I D A H O

ield Trip Slated - .Juniors toBy Forest Group

:a il s y . Usy 17 — A twoHlay m. Tuesday at the Ooi1 trip Into the Sawtooth naUonal >n„ j t u j , eounei •

due«l by t o . Alberned BawtooUi forest advisory AfOflT'J&nirTi ncll last week. The purpose of Ulp will be to give members o tcouncil an opportunity to ob- M

A f l fharles I. Daugherty, aupenrlsor. # r # i presanted several problems to

councU for advice. They include Antenance ol certain roads by th e A!« service, annual charges fo r / - . i im j«r-hetne-«B d-eom m ercla l-tw -------- r \ J - U U;-permits. Uie forest eominumcm-- —••I system and timber manasem ent . •*■11It iffect* tln iocil'economy:------ ------- | f lluestloru on which the eouncll _ | .given advlce.now ar* beln* con- '4 ' T H

iffd by the foreit supervisor andsUff and declslons^Il^be made D l ITI announce as toon as possible. - L / U 'r lember* of Uie councU and thecrests Uiey represent are Jo« We arety , recresUon; Olen McRoberts, . , , ,game; Msnnlng Pattersbn. c a t . ALL! nen; John Breckenrldge, sheep-V. Verroa Ravenscroft, timber: whldi service ei

imton, mining; Tony O nce, o r-ited labor and D. B. Adamson, AMD OUR Ieru^cr^;-------------------- PHONEPd Name D elegatesHOSHONB, May 17—Delegatee T T TBoy*' State will be ehosen a t I ^ / y*nday &l|hi'i American Legion l / v / i;Ung a t Memorial haU. f F Mmerleanlfln awards for th e trad -- •- ...................Ing clau alao will be discussed

other biuiness regard in j the imer acUvlUes will be ouUlned.



S P O T f lP

^ B P R I

" ^ 1 ' ^

B / ToBvibi

W / , ncwCeld «w fhee(

- ----------Iffnom Ul-------- axpwM i

A ■ CO

^ ; '

Immw« SmlU w llb c sA fid a n c e - Ldew — ««wa «Map*0 *d o«Mf> dre» lakfetH el MMtertoMolta«.Ya<>rMcrM \BRT55}-------ttA^taldaJM ygehaveUySS------- ------- ^

r T T - i - n T-wilii in.Binini.

$5.00 DOW N O N ANY APPI $10.00 D O W N 'O N ANY API

_____________ 2 4 MONTHS


- :x w M rA ix ^

Q H j I ^ P leoM sw dnvnew Coldspol t

PH O N I 286Q

f o r C o ld g p o t H o r n * '**'**--------- ^


• ' P A O B N l

iniorstoMeetJONB, May 17 — Farmers cow, 74ay 17—Kennelmlors will meet at t:IQ p. O o o d lr^ rh u been Upplay at Uie Gome* schooU *» SUrer Ij

« « . 1. S S i ’S 'S , ” '"”y Kra. Albert Olapp and ______—a n rja ie s , instructors. iT U S B T n M S C R iw a^

Announcing.A N E W A D D I T I O N

T Q - O y R - P A M I L Y - t o f - s e r v i

- A - T H E S A M E O L D N A M

★ T H E S A M E O L D F I R I v

- B U T - S O M E T H I N G N E VWe are oow excluslr* M aflo Valley Agent* fi

A L L I E D V A N L I N E S , Inlieh service enables ua to move you anywhere ta t


HONENUMBER, . . . 2 4

Warberg BnM O V IN G -S T O R A G I '

V T N E W W O R K - S A V


J g M J5id0 Down, 9 .00 M on th e n S e a n lo c y Payi

:_______ ___________________________________

W O M I N N O w F s K V I T 1 M n » P R IP A R A T IO N W I t H C O L D S I

itSSTvS^^^M r s . R o lp f i M m n I

I f ■ I WOTkta •» < « . .&IH n ^ m ••v*<ly.l«*i1fcwei

~ --Tlill'iiXb WeiCef t ^ ^___ pay )M ».r»r w rt feed—m .eai

f ImMt eaMnfl—w * e«ve Hum m d t tI fart.Any w e fc io g c«»y*eefc—W

To Bv* be tte r .to spw d Im*I l h a t b Nm I m p i ‘ « f oicre and . e r e ^ ^ . . . IMopU i Z S

»«w Celdspot Fr»M«{ N ew w> <ne M »d be S« RMitine of Am* dolly iob* o t w * ^ p n w )M tt

- I f ln o m «)• d o c k -ie tt 'y e* M ie y »*w « re e * e •x p w M v td n p e e t td M M tp lc M h f l l----------

= A coi«siieiL-FOft:4viRTi

' g g7.4 c*. n . MdjpM M O i .n .M

ea<.t>«re». freeaet aod i- — -------'»t»anTT.;v3


;ABS, kOEBUCK'ANO CO. t HAIN AVE. W. . vm FALLS, IDABO■OM s««id IM spectat n e n * y ^ o v tn « IntonMiRen < >W Coldspol Horn* Fr*«ier. .

r r o t M. -- •_______ ^

V. ' i. '! ,1. '|i V '

E coB tai

r s ^ “s s i ” s•norary aoclety a t th* UnW f Idaho,_________

ng...TION^ f - s e r v l e e s ) — —

D NAMED FIRM »■jG NEW— - Jalley AgenU for

NES, Inc. 1anywhere ta the Halted_______

2468B w S r




ir»Io»yPayiniatM ail

:i TiMriN M nt.— ^H COLDSPOT.*.

l I p f lM M N i* 1

I -Iyj«2 % w l 2 e /

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• * • 1 ---------------------------

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"» tT anT r.-.vH M r - -

• 7 f 4 k e .^ » <n j«

0 $ 2 0 0 . 0 0

R $ 2 0 0 . 0 0


- 1 ■ , '1

h&.A-jf-iK-.A' I lii T i i l M

P A O B N D n m e m r

Page 20: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to


B ^S eiiio r P lan s^H F o r G o o d in g m — hAi’e -R ep o i? ted :OT aOODINO, May 17 — Qoodlng j!J:I Wgh school will Hold grodufttlon \a l t exercises for 61 seniors Tliursd»y ,a tn tha Junior hlgh whool Buditortuin. ]H Biiccalaurcnie services will be held JI B Sunda; at the Junior high school IU n i s pjn. " <■ I The progrsm for Bunda? evening i■ I will Include processlonnl b r Donna :I B AUstra unO ec^ilonivI by M anne •

■ I ^ th e ^ tm b ly of Ood~churoh w in '|W give Iho Invocation. The sermon will ij l i be delivered by Iho Rev. D. L. Bob-i |t l erta and the Rev. Ccdl O. Haiinim I'4 f >111 give the bericUlcUon. . iIft I Mrs. Msrlin Reynolds will pre-;n '— MRlTTiIiino'6Dlo-and-VlTiftn-DttV— ^IRjl enport will ting.IS« The proffnim nt Rraduatlon cxer-liSJl else.i win Include the proces-ilonol :iiJi by Donna Akiiro ond recc.vilonnl^ ■ by Idanne Sehrelbcr. The Rev. A. O .t'.’: Patterson gill pronounce the Invo-

f?'!l the valedictory address and Baxter [ijHi Camp will Blve the .saUitntorj-. Mu- • •i 1 alcal selecUoni will includo a bnrl- l | l tone hnm tolo and a vocnl sclec- l:{)5 tlon. A member of thc LDS church

will give the benediction. j | S OraduiUa a n Bob Acorda. Roy

AnderMB, Chuck Bcck. Robert ■ I Blank, Jim Boyd, Otis Brush. Roy

-Burehi-'Bt>(er-Caropf-Ouaao..CU!-.a l monJ!. Jaclt Copspy, Larry DcThom e. I B Neal Dlxan. Charles Dunham, E lton I n Esllnger. Jr.. Jim Faullcncr.In Omar Friclce. Bill QchrlEt. R ichardI D Ocisford. Larry Qorrcll, Jim Hnll.■ i Claude Hanson, Ellis Howard. Victor■ P Ktancy. Art KoenjR, Hugh Koonce,5 s | Bill Maxwell. Jim McLln, T erry M el-iB ton. Bill.-Ulnk. J u n n Osborn,!fS Dwayne Otborne, Lyle Owen. Boberli f t Royse. Lynn Spencer. Dollle Adams,If'f Eunice Andrews, Wanda Dartlomc>.I{|5 Elaine Btckcr. Ealine B ruram ett,

— eafToU-CheiiayrJaorotigt-aonailM..i ;. Laurene Ooodlng.?']! Clareen Graves. Jeanne Orave*. 'f l j OracJt HclMon. M artha LoIIor. M ary T j McLeod, Barbara Moody, Lois P o t- J ij ter. Pegjy Pyle. Frances Regan.

-----Martha—RhAr-Cftrote—Jtobcr tiOO.I I ] Donna Sovorc, Llic Severe. Prieda I U Sheldon. Joyce Talc, Carol Terrlere.I I — Fiim~TtsierrmTtt /TrowtJiiOBcrBet---M ty Willlard. /

i r Part of Valley Is H TouredT)^upilsI I ' f il e r ; May 17 — ESghty Fileri n eighth gradtra toured p a rt o f MagicI n Valley Friday as a p a rt of th e irI l f fdiool vrorlc. ThB trips a re he ldI l f annually la Khool busc3. and takeI h the place of annual school plcnJca.ffH Expenses for the tr ip wero p&fd by^ ’ the class from lunda eam ed in c lass|M -----prtrJecta-ijasVyfar-Ow-elflhUvgTad*a|.-^.iaad<LiMQ.and-donilUfl.BOjneJunda

, ' '*' to~the7yuQtlr~pTo^ra3n~ln Filer.*On the lour around UiP vaUey

~ . Frlday-Uie cla&s waa accompaniedlyr*.—-br-R ." WrW»lS8in.-prtnelp«il-«f--th»li^ZiTJunlorTiliiJitiaial^rB IinM rC SIH lT. r - belh HoUnd and Mrs.' P ea rt

Buchanan, teachers.Thc pupils visited the Segtf m ilk

p lant aad the Clear l ^ e s f ish

t hatchery In Buhl, the cinder block p lant In Jerom e.and th o T lm es- News plant and the Pepal-Cola p la n t In Twin PallJ. A picnic lunch was ie ld -In .the, Jerome p a rk . . , , ,

“?( Blood S o u g h t• r e R R y —Mny

('[■•' bicxxl prograoi a t Olenna Ferry,4 | annoujjcu th a t.. th e _ B c d _ C ro w ■ I bloodmobUe wUl be a t th e h igh U tchooi gynmMlan from 11 a. m. to H ■ L-t -Pi ■P»<7*»»»^r.-=<P>»-quota;=h—- l u bMn Mt »( 100 dooors.

U l------rEGAL-Ttt>VERTISEMENTS=I I NQTICB TO CRCDITOBBU " c o S r 'r 'S m '-V 'i 'i .W ’V r i ln o r IDAHO.p | - “ „ S S v “5E I5 , “.’■ i S f . g . " ™ O':U ------ jKOWCt.U-^UEaMY.--Giy^-bj_.t^ .B of Jlirrj^ SmHh.^^dfcr«»«l. t« Ul«

BK.-. . .«v— , <1----- Youciien..*iUilit

| | [ *1 Ul* ^li” ' if

U ___F»ni Cwjslr, l?«ll'i*’‘Ui7i"bfln»*'lfci pUm

I I I “d m L J. SILVERS.I iv yubHih. April » . H«y 4, ll*'‘n!"l'» 't?^*

m \ \


-n i# t a t


£ockchuck Poison I „ Lessons Planned I

L U K 8H08H0MB. May IT-A aeries o f 9roclichuclt poison mixing dem on- __ i

12f - A r f stTRUona will be h?ld-ln-U nooliv-«timtrT«ttma»r»wl-Tiie(rtayr-0 *ii«i, C TEIUs of the n sh and wllfllfe service \

Qood n g #nd Fred Kohl, county went, will roKuation be In eharse,

The first demonstration will be t tiditortmn. held from 9:30 a. m. to 10:30 a. m . «I be held Monday at the lUchfifid pump « U - igh school tlon. Prom 11 ». m. to noon th e “

demonslraUon WlU be held a t N ew t 1-,y evening Crawford's ranch in Rlchllald. F rom —’by ^ n n a i p, m. lo I p. m. the demonstration —>y M anne will be presented at the Rorih E nd —

WTWnmr7^tl3in8WTnid-ftora-3;9tyiu F o f i^ n p. m. To 3:3T i ; r i 5r» l- irT .'S o rcn v — ;rrmon will son's ranch In Durmah. iiii). L. Bob- Tuesday's .schedule Is fl a. m lo l i. H annan 9-M a ^ „ White's slore. North 8 ho-

shonr. lO a. m. to 10;45 a. m. W ood will p re- River Center Qransia hall. N orth

rlan-D av— Shoihone; 11 o-m . lo_ll;45 a , m.,Magic Orange hall. North Shoshone: '•» '

tlon cxer- 1;15 p. m. to 2 p. m., Roy Peak '# -B■oceMlonol ranch. Shoshone, anil j;30 p. m . to • “•ece.i.slonnl 3:30 p. m.. phll McClurc's ranch . "*Rev. A. O . Dietrich-. ithe Invo- , ■ tr-

tSrmneiresniBnfralr *== b«"; Russell Lane Held w

• «a* ficJd as 6:20 p. m. Friday at th e «*•srda. Roy school. Mrs. Howard Johnson

R obert prayed the proft«lanai .and reces-rush. Roy .slonal and LDS Elder J. L. W isdom -----jaao„C Jc.. ^aK.tilCjflaicaflaiLS'title LDS E lde r ___DcThome. J. L. Bradford gave the l«hcdlcl!6n ' am, Eicon Sharon Mothcney was vafedic- g r^ cr. torlnn and Darryl Cameron was 7T t. R ichard ealutatorlan. Thomas Holtcr p layed CTTT Jim Hall, « Plmo “ 'o and read the class will, •um .rd. Victor T h ' R®''- Bradford gave th e To" 1 Kooncc commencement addrew, e,” •erry M el- Members of the cla« are R onald ^

O sborn, ^ “rryl Cameron. Phillip =0 rn. R obert <3amlwl.'niomai B olter. PXZ lc A dam s, Bharon Matheney. Betty Morrison, »» HarUomci Morrison. Mtmi Smllh, R e- Jrum m ett. Stocks and CharlotU Wllllan^a. m -Qoimiles.. ___ ■ ------------- ;___

. or™ Car Collides With -SilS? King Hill Tractor■s R egan. KWO HILL, May n -P ra n k Jo n e s ___Jlobortsatv w aped Injury Wednesday when hLi j— re. F rieda tractor Z»£«8m*T5Mn»7£nc!r eCTwTWr — I Terrlere . automobiles on a detour southlOBPTBet-.- c^-g ln f ?»»,--------------- ---------- ---One car tried lo pass him on a — hill OS another s 'u coming ufj the —

hill In the oppoelto dlrecUon. Hav- r l c ing no place M « one of th e ears L plowed Into the com planter Jones “ u' l i n i l C »i-»s-hauHnp.----------------------------- -- t ,

u p i l O The Impact turned the tracUjr — Khty F iler "c t unOi Jones had h a d at o f M agic chance to Jump, Name o t the Wi t of th e ir <lrlv<r or tho car thst hit the p lan ter

a re he ld obtained.and ta k e '— ------ S S

^ol plcnlcj^ -----

r J i t What, be tiM 'w y to ...save • ,_monef?_Br(ngju_your w o m ~

Tnirrmm-ryf »ntl scuffed shoes and jet u i __ jn n s Ferry , repair and renew them for R *J_£:roM . you,

th e h ig h I J I » . i n . t o <3uf «mpelent repairing. > ^ u a ta ,J iy . J __________ Includei every phase of w ork ' "M E K T S - --------------------^


- - [ j

Bonder#* Bid*. —fLVEM. p38. im

O For Your 0W=" - Living Room Suite-On A New One 3

________ ________________ ________________ I

'q s ^ j»w


S S H I P ^ ^ - , ____L g r 9 e _ .!: b e l e c t io n o f

Styles and Colors■ B i P LOWEST PRiCK

IN THE CITY!reo ffb t a t t* m r U to do 6u 1o m wftb-



r , - S FwANTwroriFl wras f j c

™ » ‘ “ ; i iO T

aJd. From ------j j— -,-m - l u o 1 ii.w_ ‘b'” 'inslratlon ------u ----------:»•------ rjo“ T U«_ - - — -orth End ------;e-------- _H E I

r.'Sorc 'nv —

a .m . lo DEADLINES foi Clu*m«l o«UI *|t?rjrth Sho- Ad»^ p. “m. w ood K . : .11. N orth suadj:*-! p. » .45. a...m ., _ miriM-Ut.jUSUo fill., -ta t-.

r ? . ™ ; = | i

5 ? ^ CARD OF THANKSH e l d =encement n«i«libor» •mi r«lit!ve« jot Ih.lr kind. hnlle school ;nT h‘S '= r a o ’’,rf‘hS7b"..“ .‘‘.J ‘t/th'T* fe:;lay a t th e " .n

Johnson lllchird ir.l Sirr.nd reces- _________ ar. .nd Mn. lutw‘ SPECIAL NOTICES

t f i_^va!edlc- Sl.”

icr played cilAUIS founJjlioMl i.rl0D Jrotclass will, .lit..- alrdlf., L.i .11. D~l. n, pho»« tlio. forgave the „ u f kI S

:e R onald Tuliitj^f'slJO »!«. tt Tm JT. Ph in ip y ^ o ,

Mo^lM n) tu h '" !m . mV“tuTmlth, R «- Fit-nit. D.t>ui s.i« utatitorr. 116 '^^7 Wllliama. M.ln . - 1. T-m t.n..------------------ j_ _ j.

I ith DUaocd., 3 " . c « ™ ,

actor-1 Iank J o n e s ------------------------------------------------when hta | If,''

rtw tw tren mauic V A a)n^~ ' " mTTn«ur south INVALID Hour. Ii*l

him on a |_______________J______________I

SSn“ H av ' ---------------PERSONALS i'*rf thc cars u a n wuULU Ukp to cuirnpanj wttb itCr Jones lonwrr* mlj.ll*-i»nl litlr •111' «>«» WK _________- halilU. lk.i.S9.A. Tlmg-Wt-i. - r ^

,e trnctar TRAVEL— RESORTS" / u

• T c H O O L s " s ‘'TRAINi'NG , J g

naTtrr'lCT.'* »m Tlniw-Nr»t. 5»iBEAUTY SHOPS STJ

COUi'LkTC.baAiiu-uiika-b}. lUraaced jrlJW-'JonllintD. d«nu ootk Utt. Mxlilniltu ind uld ...Hl wa<ca, IS.OO. Ilogtr ArU Aridnnr. UAL


LiJr iiunmBi. „

w m m LOST AND FOUNPi S u l H .sfM n Jrrnn'., ^oo . — ^ » 7 T j rh-n. Ron»ld BDli.utti, »C-1, Jtrr-mt. I-----

to save ^uV]j|.H fic Vriiu ’ a Al

----- ?50-RE\\*ARD -J

of w ork I

----------- .................................. - - j = . - sJ 111 BOWSER QONEf J,*'

W h ll* I^*d.ll»^TtaM*-Nrir’ w»nt'''«?*la 1?M £■'

TzA g Ju s t Phone 38

? T < t S lT U A T lbN S- WAHTED— ^f ' P a IJVTINU, lnt.rlc .

KNOX curuln l*ui«lr» lill Ilk ar«ai«C L n.OD. 8»7-n._______________

I WANTED. Custom

Land Planing(Bl«d« Mrria • rirdi)

0 1 J = - - - ’■“ a i C - t . r l i . , . , ------------r r-Suf«breili lUklni

om TO ffi H i S o u pm WAYNE ^ U E R" Phon# 3lM.Rl


ANOrnCR ALIAS 8UUK0N8 ^. . !H-THe-DlSTRlCt_tOU£t.or_TUl|. - i ,


‘ ruiatiir; „4 S I L DALB FATRICK TKACY. D«f*ndtnl.

H g p S - TKB^STATB^Or 10* 10 MRdi

bonili at niitlmonir luw! .~ f a £ 5 'E i i v s ,

L a r o e ^ ui«*iMrtiI»J’'6f uiniitf'* «'i * Jji .------- t~ •‘rw*'"*.—"»” »lr->«»rvla-t«nn*-Tr»fyi ,

: i o n o fC o l o r s |

RicES’ rfiSS 'Ji^ES-SS

f ■ ^ R«Mli.( at T.ln F.H., 14,1 .,

The eggs ot tea hoJfc are hatched—— — — . Ity I ln Tl h'l^ f— 1 J

I ^ c l i T a th i body., ' , • . 1

T '

_____________ T l M E S - N E W a , T W I N F ,

wr m ! S IT U A T IO N S w a n t e d _T E o CURTAINS «.tfBll» Pb...

l.t boo.. no.<h e» KEEP.

^ vaH O’DKLL Noritry 8<hoflL ChW cart cT ifilcnt

anrjlat* mlddl. tawl Kowbwf»r UiiJl

, ■ J ---- Flexible-oiHn4 hmir.. Ptrm.K.nl j«^l. —ll. Citdotr. „.lloi..) on.nIiiUon. No -------LiilH:--- cpll»«tln» or Jnllv«lnf. A tik««lil tn-l -------Itii. nrloD pro(lt«bl« t«r«r •••!« >tru. OPportui IT „Son* tlio. for orom illon. WflU no" lor "Cil „>y,. - ----m AtquilnltJ" in(crvlt» .Bplkillon, A. L. H*«4

1 II. Twin N!;2‘‘YJrk‘ Su“J^ELP WANTEP—MALE~y -----

I. Bi.d. of. kipcflMtBl Irtliitor.'^l’iiont “ 7’ititorr. 115 n .ri.»n. ld«lv).______________

.1- ....... CifiliWASllKK for full tlm« worji Anplr

EXl-W mlsCKl"..'''lr.”u^^ppl» Slor.. 4W

^li^ble^eotlf «i^T.^«lir7. C»r nut required.Appir In p»r»on, ItO North M»ln. morn-

I A^"r«*' Inav^r^. Indudlnt ------,|,prrl,nr.. lo Gr.il !-V. Timbir Co, -----

------------ - f ^ ^ ^ “ r-f''rm»n«at cniDlojirnit. Kim- .ib>ta n k T.ln^ fnr £

INING ~ ..n l^ l t.. r.ll K.n

PJ--- ~ aIirr«|'^W^|*'^ ----

^imilT“ tS -wb

UA'i.KaMAN.Tii-.- S In ;o >«r r,-,np t»ll. h»rdn»rr asd •ppllti!t» ••loi. n»»l

j “ «twnf»au»l- nenL Writ* tod*r. NcNci C^raptnj. W.

JN P^ ' girirnfrrtl.^* til'

*t.i»o Min- EXPERIENCEDrind»t pltMt . . .. . - .____ProJu<« Co, _ANNODNCE3t-COPY WRITER

'------------ -r»pllwnniftdratlil.-• S»wl fnli-i«t»IU-

^ ----------- ~irn''nt^»'“*" ** "** i =

• .__ rP ha.TiS • 4T^wgpT.OTtjn ' I-----------' ------- BOOK-MATCHES ~iZ

I SELL FULL OR PAKT TIMt U II ?n« ‘uHloN'^'LAnElTyjS** Mllthw

" I'.T’ p ' a s . - y - i . s i ; '■> » ; :S “S t : r K s T “ .:i,.“ l!.:S!:~ a

...... - r« l -W « - .V w .rfu.il'.- ioNABcIi;,0 MATCH CO.. D»01. >18. HonUrtr at I—18 Tullr Rd.. 8.H ioti. C*llf. -----

[Rted ~ ' -------1^ . .l i -ei...^ C an .U se



Should Be 13 Or Over In? APPLY AT

TIMES-NEWS OFFICE ‘I-------------r-----------Afteif--BchM:Morid«y— ".r _

IItrro*Inl ■ I __

ER I WE NEED 2 MEN I S ubstan tia l t,—— - M onthly G uarantee - ‘f

m e n t s |

Jt :0 l'—TUE ■■In 1iM1Iitif~aM~atr~eaiidlltunlnl' »r»-

S - l = r = S ' ' « = ■. j-uiMiir; TnSiu"

D.f.nd.nl. HOLLAND uf u r n a c e CO.

i J t —^ ^ n n

;r‘£ -inT S rl . WANTED Wi£uni"^''.Mn An Aggressive Salesman For ku<

kS’H S ^

S/lreFJ^sS'lS^'S "n*><>•«» » year * ll

Sk S ' S -Si-MSftVS.-J”’ S

S ' - f S K S5’» D " J i i ! S j " E . ; r f f ;■ J ol H«r. 1»S1. Ml^t^l for t)il. job »lll •n)o> >'

SlMBk . For furlb*r <l«ulU wrlui ^- - • • 1WPUBLTC — - i

. _ . _ P 0 W R ? ^ M C T A U «^a^Thatched 4«a w ,i ,m.h s,r«t ^

. i, '' I ■ : \ , ■ ‘

■ I

, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO


-------- Men & W o m en , 1 7 - 3 5 phm£ P iutUol Mlark* ISI* moaUi u CLt/^

UORE. lib frmd* Mutation and food HOUKllE T T . ' s , . n t s g

i S S w js m e s s o p p o r t u n i t i e sfe. ld.»l liHjisEjlR l,„mln« mnd Brop«r5~ioT HBt _____ . or ,,kT r ^ . tISSJlALE ^ ^

_ - *^11*? cwru t'^*Mlu.^m^«f^luwM.

. Appll **'itB»f’L^S**tf«kr*»!Ht»il v.B?***?!-! __ Uj

idi--ai»|-- —'cf|lil*«P®i.pTi’tMMUM^-Wahiw »5;.T-W

rnatlllt. r*iVlnf i i .nd*il"ini‘«MrUr».'"lmmis s ; ; ; ; ; iJiSinT un::- J S ? p s . * h*loo!lI V U r f g

Fon SALE—Dw p«rlot .Rd tlub, lixlad-

: i = ;

J§llU°”Sh. I COHMEHCIAl, IIOILDINO | . l i i lori to rr HmI oflln or amBll atore. CampUKIr FORnc«M«r» marirm. ittractirelT d«fof«l»d. !» IL l*r»'R oppor- lroeti«. ISOO Klmbttlr Road. Nor

; r -----------> r g

1- : r s s ^ y » \ s ' - . I ^

c r p i F ___________

.t««l.nu FO R SALE r n S ' Bean and Elevator Company '

n. KJ'toI V,‘rT'V Sd*Wr‘’i 7 ‘“ ' “” ’ { ~iVwlA' - DAYS REAL ESTA TE-------. rc^dred. and INSURANCE-------------- -rj7

Phon.WI R - .J m W / ------- -— 3Ca

'^ntludlnt ------------------------------------------------- tt4^mUr Co, j— ----------------------------------------1 M<l|)INVESTMENT PROPERTY

i^t-^KIm-i «5,tVn’'.l*-%u’*H'4‘ oi*‘-M2lB “ fT^ llcnu lor raoBth.



r., lor^rjj Price Is B igh t I__

jToeil'liln e<• . S 'S FOR SALE 'd.' i'tnnft-

No d<«lmlilp In thxM ailjolnlnt town*• ^ll^*t In.oBtoiT. C*B Im<« «r bur |J «


.......... .........-i>feBirM H 3ir| -


! ^ [fiJid b“ * *St *«l7“n KWUM __

■"T i M v e r H ^ F S 2Ukn •t«TTthlBf. onlr f !».«*♦ dowa.


S M i : _

I FOR-SAXE —Home and G rocer; Stor* ^

YS EiVd.Mui •AriSr'** TES rt« rfc» ln-.Jn[« j.U r ~ . « - f » ^


FIC E P h . . . .* . - . Ii . r — J 7 ™

E N I T E L E V I s l l O N r

TriFYlilon win mon b« In tkU am fte e - Vmi •’

Mrr taw -^°o^ i"L~*hlit.°yi igm Uh- m r w ~ arrtlS-t^- liwn- Lit* *l”»« >'** pl»«««a«°t I,

-------roB dctaiij:—■:----- ---o^, <om* PHONE AFTER » F . M. ONLY


). ■ | _ _ _ _ ________________ J -

y I ^ F U R N IS H E D R O O M S ~ ,

an For ^hono—IfT- BASKK>;MT rooiu for rn*n. Clnns show* c. Rop.n ■« .r, H.oo <4» ind «»«pu. north.• a oetblt LAIu;K .iMglni roob, adiololnir kata.

SSialieM | 7|

S s t : ' . ! ! FURNISHED A PA IST M E N T S BJ IIOOJIS.- prW.U Uth; M ' Icar Nnrtl.. Ption» SOTS.J. JH

ZUN*" Thi HUIILUN <ln.i In. .iMuloiaqadra/A^uitT ' «"l »n)o» I'ton. nil, nr tin.__________ fC

_ i~ok 1 ^ . J.

r«L8 ■ ; | s i i . - a s r s r a " ^ .

I f u r n i s h e d APARTMENTS I h

— — ■■ ' u n f u r HiIiHe p ~

3 5 ^

"•I I ’|lF ia r^ B t Mlur?*b«i.'1""'^™-'*

~NIe« «<• ^ Mln^fkwr of tiodtrn^irtmont btilMln«.s i s s = ! 3 E ? a s s v - S = s .» 5 s s , ; s - s i s ... W.nd.li: l-ho . -________________ -OR Ktl

“ ‘ aS». P*SU. A“ nui'ElV ----

*‘ltiioni!l *-ltUOM »had*. M

lub, IncInd- {J, * ^ ln 'pimpmni Ll oln. I, _ •I'r* '

r-Twfl'hou** n't S o jmfhuori

r «•d. Norih. In olrt El-Rifh MoWl. Klmb.rly --------

♦•■■r.y.!? [? lF U R N 'S H ^ ^ ^ ^ E S i g

- - - - -S-KOOh' m«i.rr! C.nHn Vpot. u l i 1 |»"eV

tiK >.,nn. >Uil. i’hon' 1S4S-H. ImJ’ lJW In,u1r.

.Jig____ houio. .'TlmM-N.-i, ..........................................


. MtlDtllS i» t»;room hom.. No ttlldran. UUDKl'.S : or |.Mr.Dm furnlihod. homa.

Iln “t™ ;

:n o y m o n e y ' t o L O A N0»tr.ad« ! “ •

' I L O A N S -------------------- CompkUa d e n...=l« 6 ^ 1 -


rbra. I ll : I

—' * — -T=r«JlOMB.'tOAN9-T-----CqollAbll Ufa AlaarlBct Soelaty. L**’*Aak IU E«iluUo'w«» about oursUa. I___

n.H. TERRY —finr town*' ^ t i t

: l m oney t o l o a n '2 ;,ra " ■ fc»4

_ . _Uodtm Homes ___ J”'?«■ M H Jir Aeteagts arid F a rm i “

■ LiaEBAWtMYMEHT PrTvILEG ^ I Lem A. Cliapin A sen cy -

P ----------- ----------------------------------------- -------_

T .IC . u n OAU I “

- - ID A B O - . - : S -------------- ----------- U-DBIVS^JaC................ - I (.1

i m flVB POINTS S M V ia rUOKE tMl

_ HOME • |^ R O V E M b ^ T S '~ L

■yV WT^.^Hhon. MIB-m. ^MOU for' Udfctaplnj. Ureuod. iMor^. FrM • t l . roc

Bl>t««. Vmbft'i. PhoBt aa7t-w. w,J N S - ™

S t i a '■= ™ 3 E ? ^ = S g S 1-

ItlMl or OHMS,_________________


-if tS u T ir .l ANDERSON LUMBER CO.trti-anit-TW- ------------ ^ 4 I0 K t- iJ ------------------- ^

If. ONLY Cement Color—AU Colors

3ISTRAlt Klntaliliig TooU

.. - - YOUR*CONCRETC S eed s L _rp rrr* ------- IDAHO MASONRY PROD. _

PKoat KM . UM Hl.hUnd. m .n>-a»»l I- ■_ — I —

u m HOMES PO R SALE■ I. . M flWHERi.KlW S-l»«r«>ai-liom». UIO MtaTlUM^ AddUoa AianiK Eaat. ■ J---- nSKt -Ilk ratlal.. H.OM dowB. C«Uz p ^ tiSz^TZJiz. g'i„,

■■ • • i"i!^. MVa°H;

Fia» Itll. 401 *10 J

" 5 5 3 5 = J 1. J Sa - ' - ' -

I. Kwonibl*. ^iTthl&E lu acnaco. t tJroom kUV. j-""* u,?.* I'l"* '...

■ . ___________ s u :


^ ' v g g a s - ^- r f i & 4

^ ffb rr iin x .i! .’’' [— ■S £ ______P K !“ a ai , ‘. a >~n' i.

S '”™”'^ ,.-.v a e 'rt». l-f*inll7 b(m>.. t batlK.-W. tnncK. (Apatlntol r«M c ti niT b it

°«*^pT « .'hlW*'^Vw'r.«L ';__ _ "f'! bum laU nodil fcoisi with llvlni „

^ p^d: I=3?. ,« Ma.T O ' ---- ' '"‘• ’ 'T

[VlS HOOER.V HOJfS ON ---------------------------___ Juat -ItKIn Citr. aioktr. fonuo mnd 1 ---------tlon. ««ndltloTiar—cmjilt Uamiont. h«rt.

talh Ifrtnem Kfe, kitten' U d

Clll w A Oatrtnd R«ll *LE« 'a. CHA|"n AGENCY®” III";

bllT »<« „ , .«V« ■ - ----'-------------- - , I “ '• «b.rly ----------------------------— --------------- «°«


! & S 5 S ‘i r ’ ‘S___ _ * fUionia, ni«. full bwamint. Iioisoo -

Ilo » ^m «. S bia.m.nt btdrooma, c»rp«t^. -Oil furmct. iniuliUd. lU .S O O ______CECfC. C. JOKES I Up.Ult» D.nk a Trtul Pboa. SOU C(

“ US ■ ■ — -------J

___ 1 l-D«lroom ban.. kaH.oed floorm. full “.*r«loon/ eoner«i« bMmenl. fsraaco ht»t. ron t. "cn«4.

ifld wuiK; tooi renipi—¥75 »••*’»• dllh. - i i t -4^oo,.»ytwi_kflm«;.h»Kl«m<l flivirt,

All kind! of tniur.Dr*0 ..r Woo1." ih ° '

ONE WEEK TO BELLI 0»Mr l> Iraiint thl« wmV. WillT 3 ^ con.ld.r II,W od-n p„ m „, ,.„d « i„

____ lmmr.ll»l« P^imtan, Thf hom. U^l


Ul Mila A.fc SouH phon. JOM 0,

( ° ’? h i w n " ' * l'°'* ta "

** ~«Kblini5M w T.’ on'Vli. ‘o f ' thV “ “—I ■■ » ~

« ." T '^ r ^ G R A V E S & 'S O N ~

' «** LO V E L Y H O M E"" A Ptne Ar?a

............... »'l»t I w Wmi Wll flnliUrf Ut*. ■ •Bi»nt which k» ninm room >nd extra —k rtr< ^ .p~bl. »ii,,fc^ Jlom. „ b. —

----- . iT lm .. ’g - . -

4 IN S U K A ^ C E C O . " j^ 111 Mila A 'noi Cut Pboao UW *«•

exceftiowa^ ^ al^

n u t AttMhld SMwi. S«‘*170’"l«''lB "?

lunltr. Only U.Wt do«n. Prk* lls.tM.• V«ixfaml(ivukit atiUtly Butdarn I b«I* j u■ ■ ” -rtmn hoirrf. -F«rtr«d tack r»rd. • Loxlp-

—) rPfcon* JiU or ll t l Er.nlntB Oa-------------- , - , td”

------- - -NICE l-Udreo. ■wd.ra W a . a«r

F E = a . —Bto«»Uu c«Bfnt,..t>^»M wllb fur«M« lad -----riwifZ » » * 5 V r ~eolsn. ^

i s m _______c . E . A R ^ SrT bw f _ - |ii.rau iO B E __________ v I• - NOTEt Ckia*. In pbon. from 1«W T.

'■■ to IM fot Batur S«rYl«

4'ftOOM'i»». Mir LIkoIi) S«W . pt All hardxoj fkw. .aiomatle sll fnralc*. nrast, p>l t raduead to tl.WO.Co«d w™» aad MMIIOB. __

a.t.ADAlSB 11111 rjiLMOBB 5“

Ntw n>eai Mo. IK for Bniar Smlea ^

■ ° r l | B D Y n q w i Ji______ CH a ima. U,»| » bb-< f»Una. m o • Wor. Ik. ytk« 4m ,- — ..................

' S E E N . A N D E R S O N.7“M.-pi. SIS Jetrerson

or Phone 314-R . ■ — , r o R CHOICE O P f " .

“ Mo'fri ^ TWO NEW O N ES. . .

r T h S : — i------E X C L U SIV E — ^ -

J1 J 2 J . s ' i s . ' n i t . s ' r K M *»S «.n<. atok., h-t, i . r u . . r«nf.

‘"‘'/b.is; d “=rTw!i.

M AGIC V A L L E Y . i r a ! 7 ■‘ m V E S T M E N T - C O R P ^ - - -» j^ " k . Ill Ikakana BL Bo. ^g ^ L - ,: z : - r r r ;

— ^ — 7 -

s ^ ay. ih ^ . ^ K

= r - PK»*

mllM to,„.“"' ••‘1 Ull,

fS=K-. ARTHUR T . W i n ^ B i

S I —

iS ~b*>h. “ '•olllil «■-..renu.

L " °» ,11 n > i M ll

'S «0MS6ncwTB'DEAUTiruL '■ *''"sw” T«rai^

g ln .p

S«*l C O H V E N D D ^lecJ^ft

rS Z

o . A. R o a i r a w i o ^ B

' ■ » | T4, v.,„"“A '; n . * - = ^ ^ p

? i ' ”, Sunday A f te r n n ^ Frwith llolO cka

88C FILER AVE.<Co>n» ol rntt uj

r ULTRA MODEILHBi^K« 20M 0, Snatifillr

' —i MroD&ia ~~ —IH Balka

-lUdla.l M rtJ

w 7 to n«I., will —SriatloiM famllt Ukh

.aUB« -H r- radK.4 pta■- ■ " ■ --—»N ---- ---- FDR A D Dm OK X ir^i^VB< 111 "OB BAI'TU Oil

AmaNoon i i ^ ^ K

--------- , PA U L B. u i a ^ KREAL

I ^

• FARMS FM~ ----- ii 'i'T b iiE S .'itT iS a^S ^^B•TX ^ • 1'^-) p.rmnL iBBidlilar.- i..

•"I ' UUM cT iiiS ^B

• tnt In combls. u i «ka a iM ^^Vquick >il. 00

I^l’.roo': RAY U A } !3 -H> I bad, J U K*rtk L U n l l_ J S ^ B Loa>.lF-

____ E U !V E N -A ® ^ B

.. !d«i'iMtJ^rSSf't»3*<^^B■ - n»ll tootL

a. ..ax . J .B .S O T J ®««« » —

_____.niblxrT —— —— — —


- — I-----------1 CITIZEN’S A C ^ B

B<bMl. ploa. in<

HM aad J__

l i V ' u a d ^ j k S ^ ^ B

Btnie* o ,Z ta a i"S ^M_____ 40 Act.. «1<- y .g * a n ^ B

— I

aU .- ..................... - I N V W l lS f f ^ ™

) N

■K• K “i r 2 » 4 m------------------

! ! : :

"'■7 ■ " . ' ^ ^ 1

Page 21: m iathToll Ljqi jUquor-by-Dr >cgon Vi( KiefccffpJs pmbs to

ilT'— f a r m -

------------; B u V ^ 'CATALOGS^

Chopf c * * - ^ r ; < ^ * 'f « “ V .^w ' - Seed IK i S ' w U . - - . - ... --------.-8or

t s - . ? ? . " h- ' v '>"S ^ r ^ i T r ? s r m : s i s . ■»*>

u .rr«n*i^. Oenwi

B ^ » ^!l!!i,/*nl'tJ^*'*^ b«»»n««» .roTATO

H .7 * Realty A g e n ^ 1 - . - . . _ —B Bealtora ^ -------------------

^ CMIRUOATOB ^ R - r g ’;;n « 7 rw f^ r7 b ^ w*Sj.5“ c»BfclJJ) tlJlY I.■ ^5jT Sr;S I= riS C iv r3S E n; . *'»:''-» DiK

B S r f c ^ '■*■■■ "“ ■ '"'•I A CM EUcU ^crn; U

,1 _L I_________ ^

B ^ ^ m T T i r r o T i = = ^

h a y '^ ------- ------ ■ RKA3

“" " K .a .** **•'■ _n.i«i «ndjhcp|“—’ Sii™-oawEjuL


K S S S S y V r S ----------- !••„'cut ri*« Point*. 0. ***"

^ »E nr,r«fonJ nuiii. * »ouih,JM.OM. Dr. I. N. Jmck. CUI/TTV

^ B i ’n*'"i^ti-»n, I.l.ho. A nra 1 ^ , B4l

^ y j / . r s°""t'ML.or v3 „ f “ f,-------------------------------- ----- »M Chro

— P A U L I■ r c j f - a r « c 'T - i n T . iw - “ - '■ a rw t:L :


^BlnllkUl t»i«oln»Uoii 8«rT. USED. « ? ' / ™ Oil...

B iU M P L E M E N T S

f c ; r ‘’f c 'x r * * S - - ^b ed .k

■■■ ■ ■ - ;;__ U "^" ^

^ ^ oil*CT :^^EiTkM iivd cnifl uwk b*j. Olltft IC

^ _____________JJIBEELPOT■ m e q u i p m e n t B a r g a i n s


f l l O E B A K E S MOUNT.^ E l £ : : : ^ : : _ : : L ~ » a . . ' IM PLE

E Q U IPM E N T SEEDS^ H siki. t.t»oL !SF^EXk'o” Ri

•VtMi U'fiDvniOT Cra<ran AiMcl^ C.III..U., Icr A OTB kkA'g y ilT. r f .

l>ln«,3»«lnud <

g g l : <


« Ot, OOWN. -----------------------------1 H M Owl

^ ■ T USED FO R D^ ■ _ OLOS ection ’ I *■'® I T O W N H A Y, e i

■ W h e r R E A L . '^ B od' b U Y S TOHTtB . Irl.^Mr«l;«. rhoat

.k .^; ,i,h n x s B s r s u r rnw nio r____ TwiR K.lli.

“ «"•« ^M1 ‘‘S iy « i l • ^ m T .— ...— ” ” r e y - m m m

Bs:«"S';’-’‘ i iS i. ......*” « • «.■ lilWiiOib"

" ■ " " ■ ■ - « = “ » . *•* •! Canadi.B i t o . ~ W a W i

t o a c t o r „ „ a nm - ; ; K a^ H > E & IE N T CO. D'BEfe ?iAWoa. I

-------- ---------------- —m-Iwi«4-A»T.I, OutQB mntklt

Niiiw,,. p„ _ n a

^ ■ v 7 .

I t t T « .

- - -F A R M -fM P L E M E N T S -r -------- FOR SA tE

!i:~Lf::f"X’'s5;.r rafjiteTSJn i” *'*17 fi"* *'• .ijj Tii

.w7-"’ - r« i : r f r . 'f r 'y « ____ f o r bali

“ ' I AUo 1 R»rric. atHt7 PllM* ^ . •-» .«.r<-r,ru-l

OhoppM or B»Ie<l «•''• •”Seed PoUla Dippers ...............

------------e o r te r ^ U e r .----------- ----------- D avFIT e.Conyejor*—Tnick Bed« and IN£

Triller m u h e j » »OenerU R«p«lr Work ~

• POTATO EqUlPMDO' C O . ----------------------

---------- ------------------------------------ Xr. uimMMr'

M A G IC CO R R U G A T O R SA (iTm^MH, hirj.botura cornicaU. ^riPan^ i}i to th. wii.r Bttd«l. Cyirantnd. C arter ICORRUOATOB BARS WtEDERa T -li r.iUD«rt. CM •Dd bun o^Hix kol(< tU Mill

A C ™ C H I N E


ill55 ifigfUiHAY LOADERS o.S^*~i'.a.,r.


“tl 'n U ."" ’’’' ' " ' ' ' F u n . »iie b,,.' s;OaWEJUL R l?A 'm VfORK


W mil. ««l of n«plUl -!"«.- «-B»- I on HHI.w»T.«? . ' LAUIKa 5n»'jljln ■ ------------- PHONB-*M-/--------- ------- - ■ miiiai. -nim/tlTV

- •utcmiillr K>l'ib>

CULTTVATOB BAB8 ” dI?!'.?J,“ T-'i‘n'’‘flFOR pitir i^ n t m t.

roR D or FEROUSON i-<vu(i); po..r t.bi.V t.ra t p . B.i.»f, th. WhMU Colli. *“'

^ • ' t U.W "* i'oBblr.ir''-'thn culU.llor U r‘ u n U ffiotimr. tn Ik,

*k.n off .1.-1 Bnn BItdn tnd SUaJ. Of^e uuuu i.d^i. inU put cn lain, lltu E4»r Splrwlrr »u

BIDE DRESSERa 6^t"'*"ouL'’u\7.' VH.l.<l ll .r I->.d.r. “ »"• ‘‘M-3il«l aM Chos»*l H.r EIrr»«ot* r .^ , »w. IM N».

- 'im^LT)mG'’sHOP ' ■ -PAUr., IDAHO yU^SALK gr U.di'


I, p ” Trmetij HTILL pjjjKtan, m

USED BALERS S“ r “'.'Sm'lL*'?.'!IWUmI ilir B.l.r C..r.m.l C.m.rm (

.— .DBED.JlKl.n M O W E R .-- P “ ................... : ■IHC Tr.ll NEW Pl

.............USED PLOWS *•~ Jo}ii^i^w^'niai^y « ^ ....... _.*—nci-»/i6^o.

~^o?i'j;Ti?‘« .S llnr- T ^ T E t ';USED OOMHTNES

C«. A.I ------------------------- j S n & N t r T A ^ " ^ FO R N lTPR E ^g

COOD uiH Norf. »T . | ; r a k j ; r :

ln>a AM KKlilIUAlilt; iilrU.MISCELLANEOUS - u u w " ' ' 1

EQUIPMENT offn-* Ll,“ w Ou'.'l

M O U N TA IN S T A T E S « a £ - £ r : IMPLEMENTCO:-----

Itl tn< A»«. S. Pben* I t l iilU lltS^ruh

SEEDS & PLANTS “ *ir41°5''¥JLf??" r vEXk' o"RB»n wuu».. n x o -r.To°« .V m.II. •t;raw.r. AiW.Utl0.. m W«ll S»rY«t, WaNT u ..tl rour I :aW d7w i PtulM, 4.l»blel<iB>. coNm. V«ll« Aocllon. P bln>,sulnt.4 4ili«.. rlaki, oeUrburr p.m. Pbon. t<!1.U.

ist r .s = iE aZ Sif W»t riTt Polnti._______________ «nc». »(M) KlmhttJt


M.28 0 w i R e ^ n o w .

GLOBE BEED .print'w .iir^ . ^& FEED CO. G O O l>^.,« wMhr

iit"*nfitt:' V '- L7~ ii i r i~ i i i >niKT .-iRi.t.. I^ ttin rUIH »i.r.- H-»lrM»W*uih ..„- _ ia '« .O ia S jf £ 'dloic^^jrerM iiiij^ ki-b.riT. ; ;u ;c i :^ - .i r rb .

jtjk- riWM n il 0»klw « UBED WABHD-

K ? S j S £ * ' - / ? r ? ”S B. F. GOOI

-ryl,. riil'A T ". MtlKl. ►I.. m o . oitiJTC f tA b ltfT i


'■ " 'W A N rtD r t *UV ~ .u iv r a M owib ' l » wMtlSS: OPEKEV

— FOR SAIE O rTR A bE ^P E O A l \

FOR bale or tr a d e .

f ^ ^ M O N T k

" - BROWiDays heaiT ssta te '«i cHKvnoi,rr f

and INSURANCE ,',V‘?°...'"'i“;, ?'rko„~ ---------------------1 KO mi:«, Ridk


U. B. APPROVED I '*1 BUICK Supw «„ llj.uin. Itjbndi rr. i*lj oau’"■ “- S M r ■« ™5k" 'c™ -i

b i .ck 'M S , 'HlOUEC PnpOUCE Jl,*'*''•

_ CARTER IIaA iiEIIY '<« CIIKVHOI.LT KT«la r.ila i'b.si l!t.W >«*Ur. >p«i

— ' “ * '— ■ B R O W N IN GGOOD THINGS TO EAT (w h e re you

•''''■ t »';ii ...........^ “ ‘Cbvrin

«*«nwn.uj.JJHi:u ^Irrrn, 1! »ood. THESE B/

" k e d ’s u s i

. ' , ; a »■",'•^ E L L A N E O U S FOB SA1.E SJ1~^ ^ ^ 5 2 r O E ! ! f

~'” '7 ss '^ ii''.n ';i'r t v ^ ^ 1*' J.'Va'-".----- -------------- 19JJ CHCVBOI.ET .cw fiL’I,Vi

OR^JaLe Vj , ,ood ^WI-V .olW. Din l«*’ '‘"*

20 MORE 0(■ 1,' ii;."' ’ piISl "USED OAns t l

*r^ twIUlnn. I ico f 'l lj WMt’ ^FIl." ~ ---- ~

;« t ; x i r - K s a f e

r j 'l i 'T m , 'l i .~ ’J ' , J ^ ” ;','“ . l . . U s td (^•r^stlrwlrr *uhlnr oi.jWn..

. . . . " r . ~ .« r ^ . wwfilei. .nmiT-Pcw.-rrllnmrj ■ --.-itegn-.- -f -,- atTsUKgr U.4.-W nL,J«|-A rord^cr *»"

7iori» -IMB-LIMCOLK -C»

■!ni.L projKI^n, morU pmjmon. <>ni. IMO MEJlCUnV Clul «r.a, blnurut.n, .cr»ni. IH[m>iJi , and hralrr. or.rdrli• 11 pWoir.pblt iuppllrt llt.1 irlccHgn FORD ii lo

c “Ain'.T'c1'r r!i‘ nia,lKli'. ,„ ,-B oriC E H 1

NEW PLYWOOD ' ' '**“Sp«lil s nl.rlor. lio /oM. l»l« HERCIJRY for< V*—lIci-»/U. ,lOt;.li ^ lii----------- ------ Vmrr r«o4-lr.n>-------------cM!AN«p-<»*------------- - i s i r r a i t iT T O s n

V Bitci, .«• flDOUGLA

------------- ----------------------------- ! M O TO I

'^ , , -Wlthp.^, u .> llr..r . tT-on.»n.M- T W I N FtlillUAllIJ; irlrU.r.ior. cAn.

E Q U IP M EOffer. LI.014 Cu .nd AMllint..


tSrTfiGTioUsE^lMT u i . J.iu>. ji.ooo miia. tnod<i—Ju{-mTTi.«c'iin-Mr-‘R U fr-------- Mw' irr« -;r :rn*ll"^T taih n'ri«. P.U1 tor m t f.rflU *»” MCRCUHY 4h l« . . T^ln ^ali ?hlS

■ ■ • " & » “ «s . . " i c in m i

9ff»t “ mld.rrt Uqola Uu aod AppU- ‘‘f * ' -----------

ElKf^u. ,.c»om r1«r..t^lOI JnJ A t ^ ------- i3S T b..l lid?:lUlT^LiD dlol’of room Mt. T.blt. « 1><( STUDKBAKER cb«lr>. Buffet. Babr M •IU< l«B<r- Radio. h«Ur, figSMfSiS -is sars

ctrflllJi" K% d7.n. Ib.l*llm.nu *’« aull 70U. r»mll8r* Mart MJ H*la Fbom IM t_______


R F j o o 7 R I C H m _ _ _

uAyTEHy-f c im c n h _____ 0 c e m e n t wofli

?■ “ " ‘y 'l ^ i . '" » CLEASEBSkp

aSPOOL aaj'MHW ui>i R j i ^ ^ • COMMEHC/AL 1

I 7 i ! S ™ • FLOOB SM n m tM ^ J J l . .^ F ln .J ! ! a -------------g -A 7Tm i»7- ;M .^ S

u v r a M ow ro m ’n o i


- ma^ K op----------y . . . t . - . T ~ . > ^ . :t t tb« Tna® 8U“'» • M ATTRESS REN

; ' ' ‘ \ ' , \ \ \ \ ' . - a \ :

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T I M E !TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FA LLS, 1

~ y p E ^ r s E R v r c E s ~ A i r r o s r p c^CUSTim drMa alj klaiU «( botIiw, i>m lllHCK Sut»f 1 ^ r r .suopl,. 1.1 . . . AV>n.. wZ. «I1

A U TO S FOR SALE in. la t-w or u?o.v

•»' "■"* 'n»7■p8Rb'“ t<Tlirj.u^-,t,«c«H..i.iTan»oarla'lgB.- t»»».w, 'tohattloft.-tsw Bllaai “ « in t t ; «»!., In lg<> »ord Vj AddUon Av.nu. E.iIs'few.*"'"-


,M SSB R O W N i N G ’S I ■■

"SrSir • hotcMl r.KCVROLET 81>ltlln. «'. Mr. 10,.

VOO mlla. Radio, ht.trr. Mat Ym. our luad Mr* I10 j>ODOB'c«7«n«^"i^w.’ C °° J ° " '

11 B U I« j-d«r.^^IUdii; hHU ,„ ih.ir tr>4ai..

"."'...HM n ilr r '^ul»*ti»:« CIIKVHOI.LT PjpUl"* r-doof, Il.tolIftll ^gi fl

B R O W N IN G A U TO CO. « .(WHERE YOU DEAL WITlf aSap* ---------- !....... T:bVrir>ENCK)

I I tlt PLYMOUTH *.____________________________ lui., Bmdlo. blA b»«utT .1 ___


“R E D ’S U S E D CARS”•U.t pl.0. lo (0 to

H « Clly 11.11 i. Jn t OpiH.ll. u>” • SJ;1:.X " “■ ASHWORTH

>tl NASH liatnni.n. Lik. an . H i j(4la A-Drlv«n eolr U.OM mllt«.

isrT’CTHOjjTir-c^STidS^ oSIT I •

KS CHCVBOI.ET A.rM*<!»n.' Id a . ~• ill.n l <mdlilon. ' .

)»7 PONTIAO 'I". H m '. ■ W A R N ]r.r_,nn 7, _ _ _ j_ 1 - ^


r t o ’b -rb,n.m «.W F ^ i ^ ^ l r l ' n t

1»« TONTIa A .Han ____________________________ •».. r.dlo. h«t

S A F E B U YU aed C a rs ***llt i BUICK BpKltl c

btaur. AMt UT.HI «WICURY c’lub coor... Ridls. tMbtr ---------

Bi'iim’’’ — HUNT KOIt

br«ie".''oiJrt'rl«.. ^Vrtr 1119 PORU K toa'pltT..-ite»n-.^= - ^ - ,--;^-,r ----HW: :i<i»'’alBVJlOLET-Hm I.INCOI.N l ^ f , n.dio. W y , '»<> *'

------------- 'tllO'lli 1 Elt I'l ATI02f^4»-LIHCOLN -CamepollteB -Md.a, ------f«R«d- 14'fon-r:^K.rttCTr.7TTrtrtTCrlMWriiiJlt)t ni|fTCHKVTl017CT-T4- HI piEVHOLET ri.rtlil... Rail.,

M MEJlCUny Clui coup* -IU. ra4to. M IT C H E L Lh».er. o ,.rd rlr.-----------IIIU F O R D

l» FO BD^lon^gltkup.^w p.l» BURL, ID

^l-DOTCE^H Pl«>-<ip. N .- p.^.t ----------------------------

40 BUICK si^lal. ■■ Radio. W m Open •T.nior*

it HERC\JRY fordoT. Radtj. )>~l<r. A _ J j * "- Vmrr r«*ir.n»poH*tloit-....-Mlt ............. L r O O a - 'I» r o itp lajor.' Baiiio. hM'GO f i i ' — :---------U s c d - C

A T BARND O U G L A S -S E L F i« i p o n t ia c cb i

MOTOR CO. S f„ ’S " . —^ IJWroHBVRWUn- B.

T W I N F A L L S >»w

E Q U IP M E N T CO.banllful car foi

USEDCARS '• IIHCHCVEOOTW;r8^i-^B «"E R -L ::d '^n .u '„ ,l* “*• >f>y»A-C - V - .

” o“,S f lM '‘’'„d*lf“ h « it^ " » t’" * »«• CHEVROLET A..;-d Jbi'i- alssiim ' “iih i “ «-“ ><■ —

.7 OLDSMOBILE M Club co,P. Ilkjxrw -hf^drw :!! A * ; ; ; ; „

“ ^ “ ’ 'r^' aod* c n z y ^ i . ^ 1■' llll PONTIAC Sir*.

.1 roRD m toe truek. H«r aietar. ------I.I OOB CARS C

* “ ' “ = -------' “ OOOD anA B" s ; “? , ; s ? u . s - ’n f s »•

, ' ^ . •• UBBD OAKLocaUd oa TJwk Laa< W«t « fo tm X O ^ “*


DIRECTOR’IlCrCLB SALES k SBHVICe t hiONBT TO LOA, ». c r« i^ .- ph. U L U I i a . - K > I.

'.EMENT WORKu -alto. rri« ■UiBat.d.-MttJU. — •-MOTOHCyCLES '

'.LEANBRS k DYERS' • f L t/M B W c V H is s n s T n r i r ? = n s r ••*----------------------------- •—,------- - • RADIO REPMR 6rOMMEHC/AL PRINTINa 6k. 6. J . a i a . B g g i

tr •* •“ *, if

■LOOR SANDING _________ ^~TCTa’7 'T»a-^w nw r-^^-in«

" !*• I r«Bi»ii »i>d «wt}««MDSCAPING______________bay Tr— fcnttfc.yh— WHW.. _ IM.l:i- ,

UTTRESS RENOVATING* “ o o iiu M tw * ta B v

— --------------------------- ^ - - p — tJ— ^

A i r T O r p b i T s M T ~ ^ U T o s ro i.UICK J Sup« mTrria.^Ll^. - . lIll^CHSVBpl.CT.^ iHt-W or UTO.W.------------------- |*M snfDKDAKrU ChITUUEinAKEa eoa<lftlbl«l bliik a r>al b.rtaln, l-hon.'r;d°^7!r’'pi!jni*’«i?»jl‘“ ' **■l°?.M«rlail*ar», itrf ei«»Bf*ViTi r -■ .°YM6trTiT«.U« i4oor. M fT IS DO YOU NEET

^ 'p tiW ir sus5 .— ---------r-oE D sR om s-I^S T T -iT S M T O P D O ] i7dn»t!k^'M ckfn7 '? if ^ r *T.!^ r a n c l e a n c. ' QBlak aaW. lim T Mia##'. Ti«t ___.>.. a id , n r . BUllon. _______ G E T O U R I



T J X ' "a r. jood <.r». H . p r i^ .r. <H Mal. ^o.-A»B

Iilr tr»4»la. -----


■» »nm»AKER c.

PLYMOUTH H toa, I ..P .- pW- O*"'-"ig.,^Gi>«>d tlrm. la <l«a TUXXtX) &tai>d.

■ ■'irPICTAMl'BUB^a[ v«jrAe;x«o o,;u.

\ b»«utT .1 ------------------ HIM ------------------ -I* PACKABD CHpp*-


pTae. lo (0 to aan jou d«u,b- ALMOSTnjuiPPZD w m i H.


Wl M.ig A m lart SCH W A R T Z i

W A R N I N G ! I

a n e w Ir barraln. bafor* rm boj’.

io .o o o ~ m rau A T » n t^ ’F O RlERCURY Woor. lO.DM xtoal

".'iS-ri.“ '*Tru* $76.44 P E RP«r loonlh.’”

■ONTIAd .HanctU. t.ow'inlle Inctudcs T?,';r.'“ ’'Simp7.“ ir “ .."rtaoUd' ‘ nd Rnonce

1UI«C f l ^ i ^ c y ?700.p0 Dubb.; -------------:— .... lll l . Oall 18- HUNT KOR KORD8 - ' For An Ap

til'.. On Yoiir O•ORD K toa plek«p ------- ll» tfllBVJlOLBT-H'W»(tkir» TtlM- — - -- - ' --IIEV ^LET m.u=a ®0B R ENTCTWATIOWAt, m M_»Itk M O'TOR

- m , k \ r

t f lT C H E L L H U N T ---------------------------F O R D S A L E S ', . ____


-------—----------------— -----J .SelectOpen mnlor* *m • for U sed C:

z « M = £ S iAX BABNAKmi ! « B M - t t u d .

ONTIAC Cbi coup.. BaaatlhJ »t »C"t« h t ^ ^ a color. Pullir N A S IHBVIWHjn- B .IA IK ^ iS 5^ ^ ' VtlioST ALL' BXw^

OOTIAC^4^.^^rtoo* Hrtlr^ I'M

HCVEOOT«<#or____ IIIH V " - ^ootiac •-»■• »*d4icii>«r ^ T O M ^ J tS S

PtaJA O .aim m ll»«r-fl»d».. wb*". ^p*. .MJaek flaUh. »««

HEVROLET A«„ BaJaa. B -*fg| marooa-----------------IUMLDSMODII.r. Club Coui>c Loot*

L05MODILE d . door. »-toB. C H E V R C 'oorn,. rubb.n

HEVROLET riMnaitff «.dj^ . « ,” S ' l

j^IIXAO |.door aadi* la r.rr oT coo---- ^Riiir

DB CARS CARRY A -------------IOOD GUARANTEEl -«ko (f»-WM

F O R Di A R N A R D ’ S INI co.u»

UBBD OAK LOT r«dpmall, ii.n.mSU .M. C « ^ jn o b ^

-------- ! ----- »r..»ii4 jtoor. J m d


ORY---------------------------------- */CT T O tOAW im « o o r « d a i .B .dfor boana. uo 1o<im. RoomJ. b^Ut ___

t% IttMwit'O R C rC L £ S ~ -------- ----------- “

P t. Ill, i t l k ^ -X ^ t A N D T H ]M BIN G & H EATlNd ut» ti.i-k t..^ i.i n .i■».bi.ut .a J Hi,. *n : dl0,^l«vS. ^brtr.

R IG E ^ T IO N S E IlV lC E ~ ‘ p ic k u ]

l l^ ^ ^ f H r a a r . I . I ’ p^^'mMU » « aW iW * H ^ l .

t-W RlTERS ------ V

W t Sm tM n m ttT ~ '

1 y \ v

P A L L S , I p A H O

AUTOS FO R S X L I A U T o f FORCIISVBOI.CT. lU.llo and hntn. ■

s Z r » rK r .rC K .” pi°on. o^rrdrlr.. FOR T H E B;^ ^ b ^ ir .‘-::::i!:r;r::^ ii.....i. in u s e d cAr.r.o. Ka.!. phon. 40 tO OhSOH


z r r z w E Z E X i — k - ~ ^TO P D O L L A R ~

ram CLEAN USED CARS b e t t f r 1G E f O U R O F F E R I . -“ ^ i T E R ]

BIG-HEARTED A» ■------B O B ^ E E S E ----------------------E ------------


LOT NO. a ®T,■ H M aloN ^-A crcfron. S.a„______________. H .

--------- - D


STODMAKEB CoiBmaadff C,b T R U C K LiMi KAI.M Bp«;.;'«^

PACCJ RS 0.1UX. S*dan -----Illk MdVIw'""

P*CE*MI'BUBd»rd-5M*»~1IHr UnlPACJtXJJD D»Ju« Club ...... 1»« . <3

BallMT aS ildi* .PACKABD Cllpp« M a* ---- IIH lll l IIUBIOH SiiMr tlMERCURY B*daa _________ IIH * a n llm aad %. iPONTIAC Daloz* B«daa ____ iitt >*U TOK) VI M«p* _

Itlli r o u VI my* ... ttlPPtO w m i HEATER. RADIO. OU>*“ 0»UJI Ml

A m ovznoBtvB im* rou> v«m a mt

CHWARTZ AUTO CO. mo»*JoinCAXD----------------- DTAVOND-T- I ---------------------------t»d A r a r a t n.00. m T W IN P A

~ ' M O T O RI ="«• “

A NEW DODGE ' -«= P A S 3^D O O E .----------------- Q U A L E

176.44 PER MONTH ---------O K -

Includes Heitep U S E D C .and Finance ChnrgB


?700.00 D O W N cREVMLrr wo.- Call 1B70 IM« CHEVtOLET t-do

For An Appralsnl iti i aiEVROLtr S4«On Your Old Citr .#■ ^ . , 7 1111 1,1,1

- - ------------im PORD ««or »4eBO B R E f :S E im pord c; im

M O T O R CO . _ _ — iu» roHD->.fc.r ,r f ., w» l 7 T — H»' t t -pwi i«»TOt ' «««

lit tr< A «. N. PLYMOUTH 4 ^

im STUDE8AISE i-i - ' ' >•” *Ttn)n*«EB M

I IMI PONTIAO i,<Io«r •WILLS MOTOR CO. pontiao cow

S e le c t HIT PONTTAO W o « .Uaed Cara ii» cn«i.Ln.


Mbd'tm'. g n l» A ^ 'C a r ~ t* t_ ]___ Am, bad00 Block—T ruck Lane West iti t roRD iH4*a __

IfM DfTERNATIONAbN A S H . ■ pi=t-p----------

ioST ALL inCvkTSB^ilNtTSI LAME U U OS ta ta im a ^ g ^

Ambaaaator 4-4cior M<Ua. Ob. GLEN G. J E5 5 ? s ,^ ' i ; s a iU . .d " l i ; c h e v r o l•ntam -----------------------_>ltM Op« Miodar tkre a*tapAaiuudor S-doer. Or«rtr|t^ . Opaa Biiiay 1* -»«!«aj ««. T«cltBS«t w a t-ll IH ______________.

»d™b««t*r!'owirliSif Cofltla.n. -0*^ SEE KORISSIDI ll.«« ara.1 » u « --------- IIM* For B«u« Vl

» i» m m o ,aitrti. u i oibM. ------------ »:i»l Om Tl« •{ «u .mI

l» rapaatjKinn wte bt.

CHEVROLET i ! i ‘X i £ " S £ l ' ^ .K ' a t ' s ' . K W t i K. . . .1 . , IU.1-------lllJ „ „ ^ „r . s . " . f c j " d « , u “ : E . w s i . r

OFraa.alli trapcmliFO R D S ^ it^ iS fS ^ 'S

K a . , « r . ; . . a ? _ i i!® | SCinl^^a.b Ccopa. Radio. jy»U “ “


f 7 'S ^ 'a .^ r i i .S ? l . 'S i‘S;tiii?.‘ ***' SKIr j . t ! ! L ! ! ! : i i r L r i " i a m i? { } S ’S n =

Radio .a i H u ft i tS .” UU ..... ............... .........................- im OHEVROlir

AND T H E S E . . Iir“i. 1 5 ^ ^

« .jio .i» .u ili i

, P ick u p U41 amBOLrr-’ ^ a t , d i « * H ^ . o . . d _____im ?iS:

m i CIIEVBOLST tba. 1Ti4*« tad ottora al U>*______ Waw pa.nt. aa» ai

“^ E C E C T n n a 'c iT s iis -------- — *"** “ >»■0»« 8 « 4 a ,. JJaM - •

IIKIB BOTB. VSTO CAB M a .M ‘JJ- H «H ‘ PboB. « « .i 4»«B.fma» t t . l .MORTS SI

WILLS-MOTOR CO . •• 1 a otoooM« Black Track LtM Wm I P b A » Jlt^W ^ .

, ’'^ '\v " ' i . r ' i ' “

. - , ' P A O B T W m

“ p --- ----------1 AUTOS FO t «


' * m »«* KA18ER 4-1« # 0 lUetiiRiycoi^'

--------••■’------------------ -------------- « o w r« u 3JTOS FOR S A U

'OR THE BEST 1 r— =N USED C A R S ________D to ohooM Trtm . executive, Co n s MOTOR OO. IM l DODOl OOR

t t e r BU YSDODOl OOK

_______________________ J ^ a a a s s r s3 • ,


--------- N-------------^D 4M M.I. M. A«a. ft

° N

U C K _ L .A N B . _ . r7 - . .tu i BpMlal «^Mr «IU S E E »nd COMIv ; » ' ' * j = = i = L ! e

--------------por- v a l u

- : z = : “ ‘"EL^ r ^ A t r z z r . " " H s ^

mOH*MOTip llti

V IN P A L L B w*

----- ' Opct «Tfiiad t t i I

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