lv book 2 how to experience new life

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  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    Six BiBle Study leSSonS

    for Group diScipleShip




    EeeneNe Le

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    H EeeneNe Le

    Six BiBle Study leSSonSfor Group diScipleShip

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    How to ExpEriENcE NEw LiE

    cg 2004-2006, 2013 b ev na ps

    fs 2004. S 2013.

    pbs b eVery nAtion productionS

    p.o. B 12229 ogas c, pasg c, ps

    ma: [email protected].

    A gs sv. n a s ba ma b asm

    a m b a mas, maa, g , g,

    a ma sag a va ssm, w mss wg meVery nAtion productionS.

    A S qas, ss ws a,

    a ak m h Bb, nw iaa Vs

    cg 1973, 1978, 1984 iaa Bb S.

    us b mss Zva. A gs sv.

    p rb ps

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    hw us

    s MaaIn Victory, the primary venue for discipleship

    happens in a small group. It is called a Victory group.

    We strongly encourage everyone to be involved since

    these grups are speccall desged t help dscples

    grow spiritually.

    A Victory group meeting has three sections: cnne,

    w, and pe, and ideally lasts from forty to

    sixty minutes.

    coNNEct (5-10 ms)

    Victory group meetings begin with a time to relate with

    one another. Depending on the people who comprise

    the group, this can be done through a variety of ways:

    Fusuch as a cebreaker actvt

    Aswered praerssharg f testes

    and updates Questssuch as thse prvded the

    material, learning each others personal stories,

    ad sharg feedback fr the weekl essage

    Eective Questions During the Connect Portion:

    Are delberatel fredl t rst-ters

    Ask fr p r expereces Requre Bble kwledge

    Have rght r wrg aswer

    Are t ctrversal

    Are preferabl cected t the eetgs tpc

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    word (20-30 ms)

    Teach the truth and relevance of Gods Word for life application. The

    Vctr grup eetg s t prarl a Bble stud. Althugh teachg

    and explanation of Scripture is involved, the goal is to minister, not

    sh a ateral.

    There is no need teach all the points in a material.

    Wth ths sect, we lk at what the Bble sas, ts relevace t us

    today, and its application in our lives.

    wh: What does the Bible say?

    Communicate and impart biblical truth clearly and concisely

    16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,

    correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God

    may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.2 TimoTHy 3:16,17

    Tips for Sharing the Word Eectively

    Let the Bble speak fr tself.

    Use llustrats ad tell stres t expla Bble verses.

    Whe etertag clarcats, be watchful t t allw the

    dscuss t g -taget.

    The prar gal s t ster t the eeds f the peple, t t

    sh a Bble less. Be led b the Sprt whe usg the ateral.

    S wh: What is the relevance of the Word to my life?

    Give participants the opportunity to discuss how the Word impacts

    the way they live.

    Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but betransformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test

    and approve what Gods will ishis good, pleasing and perfect will.

    RomAnS 12:2

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    N wh: How do I apply the Word to my life?

    our prar reas fr sharg the Bble s s that peple wll kw

    wh Gd s ad what He has de. i dg s, the partcpats wll

    begin to discover who they are and what they should do.

    If it is a promise, teach them to claim it. If it is a command or a

    principle, encourage them to put it to action by Gods grace. If it is a

    truth, let them embrace it willingly and not under compulsion. Allow

    Gods grace and love to win them by the way

    you teach Gods Word.

    Ecurage specc, easurable act steps that are csstetwith the life change that the Scripture is bringing about. We do not

    command people, but we spur them on toward love and good deeds.

    Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.

    Do what it says.JAmES 1:22

    Tips for Life-Changing Application yu a chse e f the S What ad nw What quests

    or you may add your own.

    A eectve stadb applcat quest s: What e act

    step are u gg t take as a result f what u heard tda?

    Desgate wh wll be the rst t aswer the quest asked.

    D t allw see t argue r be crtcal f thers.

    Red evere t appl the less t ther w lves, t tsomeone elses.

    Ask Gd fr wsd t kw whe t balace r crrect strage

    or unbiblical applications. Insensitive correction or criticism can

    kll the grup, as ca uchecked heres.

    Red evere that trasfrat s Gds wrk, t urs, ad

    ur bedece s a respse t wh He s ad Hs lve fr us. it s

    Gds grace that eables us t appl ad be Hs Wrd.

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    pray(15-20 ms)

    Praer s the st prtat part f the Vctr grup eetg. make

    sure you have plenty of time left so your prayer time is not rushed. This

    s t a clsg praer, but a te fr evere the grup t take

    specc requests t Gd. Ths s where the act s. The gal s t createa venue where people will see God move on their behalf.

    Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you

    ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.mATTHEW 18:19

    Tips for Powerful Prayer

    Lste t the Hl Sprt carefull durg the Cect ad Wrdsections for things that may need prayer.

    Sped ur te prag fr e ather, t sharg ad

    dscussg praer requests.

    Keep ur praers sple, scere, ad shrt. mst -belevers

    have ever heard a rdar Chrsta just talk t Gd ad wll

    be touched by the sincerity and simplicity of the prayer.

    Pra, dt preach. Pra sple ad shrt seteces, t lgser praers.

    Use cversatal praer, t cplcated r prfud,

    intercessory prayer.

    Expect Gd t aswer ur praers.

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    t nw l .................................... 1

    eg Gs fgvss .... 7

    ra fgvss .............................13

    t B Jss (pArt 1) ...............17

    t B Jss (pArt 2) ...............23

    t G rgsss ..............29








  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life





    t nw l1

    Tell us about one of your earliest

    childhood memories.

    What event or time period in your life

    wuld u lke t lve ver aga? Wh?

    What wuld u d deret the secd

    te arud?

    Where is the farthest you have been from

    he? What was t lke?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    Sne i m n chs, i m ne en.Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the

    old has gone, the new has come!2 CoRinTHiAnS 5:17

    What has changed in your life since you received new

    lfe Chrst?


    17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new

    creation; the old has gone, the new has come!18All this is from God, who reconciled us to

    himself through Christ and gave us the ministry

    of reconciliation:19that God was reconciling

    the world to himself in Christ, not counting

    mens sins against them. And he has committed

    to us the message of reconciliation. 20We are

    therefore Christs ambassadors, as though

    God were making his appeal through us. We

    implore you on Christs behalf: Be reconciled

    to God. 21God made him who had no sin to be

    sin for us, so that in him we might become the

    righteousness of God. 2 CoRinTHiAnS 5:1721

    The moment we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, a

    superatural trasfrat takes place. We bece

    a new creation. We get a new life, a fresh start, a new

    destiny, a new set of priorities. We have a new purpose

    lfe. i ths less, we wll lk at what t eas t be

    in Christ.

    What are some

    of the old

    things that are

    now gone?


    2 hw enw l


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    Sne i m n chs, i m enle Gn He es n un m sns gns me.. . . that God was reconciling the world to himself in

    Christ, not counting mens sins against them. And he has

    committed to us the message of reconciliation.2 CoRinTHiAnS 5:19

    Sne i m n chs, i hve mns enln n i m Hs mbss.18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself

    through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:19that God was reconciling the world to himself in

    Christ, not counting mens sins against them. And he

    has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20We

    are therefore Christs ambassadors, as though God were

    making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christs

    behalf: Be reconciled to God.2 CoRinTHiAnS 5:1820

    What s a ster? Wh shuld be a ster

    f recclat?

    What is an


    Who does an


    represent andspeak for? What is

    our message?

    What is


    Why do we need

    to be reconciled

    to God?



    t nw l 3

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    What is


    Sne i m n chs, i hve beme hegheusness G.God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in

    him we might become the righteousness of God.

    2 CoRinTHiAnS 5:21

    Befre we were Chrst, we were s. nw we are

    ew creats. Because Jesus ded fr ur ss, we are

    now the righteousness of God. In other words, we are

    in right relation with God. We are accepted by God,

    t because f ur w wrks f rghteusess, but

    because of the righteousness of God.


    4 hw enw l

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    So WhAtWh d we eed t bece a ew creat? What was

    wrg wth the ld e?

    Do you believe that God does not hold your sins

    agast u w that u are Chrst? What des theBble sa abut ths?

    Hw ca we be Chrsts abassadrs? Hw d u feel

    abut beg Hs abassadr?

    Thak Gd fr the ew lfe He has gve u.

    Ask Gd t ctue t trasfr u ad ake u

    t the pers He has called u t be.

    Pra that u wuld be a eectve abassadr fChrst. Pra fr specc peple u kw wh are

    t fllwg Chrst et. Ask Gd fr bldess ad

    opportunities to share the gospel with them.


    Now WhAt

    Are u a ew creat Chrst? if t, wuld ulke t fllw Chrst ad receve the ew lfe He s

    erg u tda?

    i tw r three utes, bre share hw Gd has

    chaged ur lfebefre u receved ew lfe

    in Christ, how and when you surrendered your life

    t H, chages ur lfe sce u have bee

    following Christ.Are u prperl represetg Chrst as Hs

    abassadr? Are there areas, habts, prrtes,

    relatshps, r atttudes that eed t chage? What

    ca u d t better represet Chrst?

    Are u fulllg ur callg as a ster f

    recclat? What ca u d ths week t share

    the message of reconciliation to your family andfreds, ad thse u ecuter?

    t nw l 5

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life






    Gs fgvss


    Whats one of the best gifts you have ever

    receved? Tell us wh gave t ad what

    you felt.

    Hw d u respd whe thgs dt

    g as plaed? Recall a specc stace

    explaining this.

    Do you have a hard time admitting your

    stakes? Wh r wh t?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    the bss u gveness s he bl Jesus.This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for

    many for the forgiveness of sins.mATTHEW 26:28

    (SEE ALSo HEBREWS 9:22.)

    God forgives our sin because of what Jesus did for us

    the crss, t because f what we d fr H. Praer,generosity, penance, and other religious activities have

    no power to forgive even the smallest of sins.


    Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been

    forgivenfor she loved much. But he who has

    been forgiven little loves little.LUKE 7:47

    Here, Jesus explas wh se peple see t have

    re lve fr the Lrd tha thers. Whever has bee

    forgiven much loves much. And whoever has been

    forgiven little loves little. The fact is: Anyone who has

    been forgiven at all has been forgiven much. Too many

    Christians do not realize how much they have been

    forgiven. When we wrongly suppose that we had little

    to be forgiven, we end up loving little. In this lesson, we

    wll lk at what the Bble sas abut Gds frgveess

    for us.


    8 hw enw l


    Share about how

    you came to

    understand this

    truth and how

    Jesus sacrice onthe cross changed

    your life.

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    the e eeene gveness s ness u sns G.If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will

    forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

    1 JoHn 1:9

    Confession is an honest admission of our guilt before

    Gd. n excuses. n ratalzg. n blag thers.

    the esul beng gven s eenne.God exalted him to his own right hand as Prince and

    Savior that he might give repentance and forgiveness of

    sins to Israel.ACTS 5:31 (SEE ALSo LUKE 24:47.)

    Repetace s a chage f d that results a chage

    f drect. Repetace s lke a U-tur whe u

    realze ure the wrg sde f a e-wa street, a

    180-degree tur arud.

    Why is

    repentance a

    natural result of




    Why is


    essential for



    eg Gs fgvss 9


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    10 hw enw l

    Does God limit or

    put a condition

    on who can

    believe in Him

    and be forgiven?

    4 onl hse h hve h n chsn be gven.All the prophets testify about him that everyone who

    believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his

    name.ACTS 10:43

    Belevg Chrst s re tha etall acceptg the

    fact that He lved ad ded 2,000 ears ag. Real fath s

    a complete transfer of trust from self to God.

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    So WhAtWh ca we be frgve b Gd? Are there ss ur

    life, past or present, that you are not sure God will

    frgve? Hw des ur uderstadg f frgveess

    der fr what the Bble sas abut t?Why is it hard for someone to confess their sins

    t Gd?

    What s the derece betwee repetace ad

    peace? What des the Bble sa abut these?

    Thak Gd fr Hs frgveess fr all ur ss.

    Ask Gd t reew ur d that u a grw

    ur uderstadg f H ad Hs lve.

    Pra fr thse u kw wh have t et

    expereced Gds frgveess. Ask Gd t reveal

    Hself t the ad t use u t ster Hs lve

    to them.


    Now WhAtHave u put ur trust Chrst ad have receved

    frgveess fr all ur ss? if t, wuld u lke t

    d that tda?

    Are there sins that you have confessed and turned

    away from, yet you are still strongly tempted to

    partcpate ? What are se practcal was u ca

    walk ut ur repetace ths week?D se f ur ss stll haut u? What ca u

    do to hold on to the truth of Gods forgiveness in your

    lfe ever da?

    eg Gs fgvss 11

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life








    Hw d u express ur lve ad

    apprecat fr a pers? Gve exaples.

    When people dont treat you well, how do

    u respd? Recall a specc stace

    explaining this.

    D u have a hard te askg fr

    frgveess? Wh r wh t?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    rel gveness mus me m he he.This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you

    unless you forgive your brother from your heart.

    mATTHEW 18:35

    Sce ese perces the heart, t the head, ur

    forgiveness must come from the heart. Insincere

    forgiveness is not forgiveness at all. If we cant forget,

    there is a good chance we havent really forgiven. If we

    continually bring it up, we have not forgiven it.


    21Then Peter came to Jesus and asked,

    Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother

    when he sins against me? Up to seven times?22Jesus answered, I tell you, not seven times,

    but seventy-seven times.mATTHEW 18:21,22

    i the new Testaet das, t was custar t frgve

    a eder up t three tes. A furth ese was

    unforgivable. Peter thought he was being a spiritual

    gat b erg t frgve t l the furth ese,but up t seve eses. Jesus quckl deated

    hs self-rghteusess b sag that seve was t

    enough. In other words, we should not put a limit on our

    willingness to forgive. God didnt limit our forgiveness

    t the rst seve, r eve the rst sevet-seve. i

    this lesson, we will learn about sharing with others the

    forgiveness we have experienced from God.

    Tell about a

    situation in your

    life that required



    14 hw enw l


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    rel gveness eees eulh-flle e.24Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer,

    believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.25

    And when you stand praying, if you hold anythingagainst anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven

    may forgive you your sins.mARK 11:24,25

    Jesus said that we should forgive others before we

    apprach Gd wth ur praers f fath. Ufrgveess s

    whe we hld athg agast ae. Frgveess s

    when we let it go.

    Ungveness uses beness,n beness efles elnshs.14Make every eort to live in peace with all men and to be

    holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. 15See to

    it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter

    root grows up to cause trouble and dele many.

    HEBREWS 12:14,15

    The wrter f Hebrews exhrts the belevers t lve

    peace with all men. The opposite of living in peace is

    lvg btteress. Ufrgveess causes btteress;

    btteress causes deleet. The l wa t lve peace s t walk frgveess.

    Which is


    forgive or harbor

    bitterness? Why?

    Why is it

    sometimes dicult

    to forgive or let go

    of an oense?


    ra fgvss 15


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    So WhAtWh ca frgveess be s dcult? Wh ust real

    frgveess ce fr the heart?

    Why should we forgive others before we approach

    Gd wth ur praers f fath? Hw des ths derfrom how we normally approach God and deal with

    ur ufrgveess?

    Hw d u value the relatshps Gd has gve

    u? Hw d u feel abut ufrgveess ad

    btteress delg these?

    Frgve thse wh have eded u. Ask Gd fr Hs

    lve t ll u s u ca share ths wth thers.

    Thak Gd fr the relatshps He has gve u.

    Pra fr wsd, lve, ad j t verw

    your relationships.

    Ask Gd t help u frgve easl ad t t let a

    bitter root grow in your heart.



    Now WhAtis there ae u eed t frgve? Are u wllg

    t frgve the fr the heart? What ca u d t

    walk ut ths frgveess?

    Hw shuld u deal wth future eses s that

    the d t tur t btteress? Share se practcal

    things you can there ae fr wh u eed t ask

    frgveess? Whe ad hw wll u d ths?

    16 hw enw l

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life





    4 t B

    Jss (pArt 1)

    If you could buy one thing today without

    any consideration for the budget, what

    wuld u get? Wh?

    What d u d t rest ad relax?

    Hw d u react whe u see bld?

    Recall a stace explag ths.

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    Beuse he bl Jesus,e belng G.. . . you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with

    your body.1 CoRinTHiAnS 6:20

    We were purchased with the blood of Jesus. Therefore,

    we are t ur w. We belg t Gd. He bught us;

    He ws us. Ad because He ws us, He has the rght

    to rule and direct our lives.


    This is my blood of the covenant, which is

    poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

    mATTHEW 26:28

    A c accusat hurled at the rst cetur

    Christians was that they practiced cannibalism. The

    bass f ths charge was a rur that the ate esh

    ad drak bld at ther weekl gathergs. of curse

    the accusers were referring to the sacrament of the

    Lrds Supper. Ths rst cetur cfus shws thatit is impossible to understand Christianity, much less

    become a Christian, without understanding the role of

    the blood of Jesus in redemption. In this lesson, we will

    lk at se f the beets f the shed bld f Chrst

    on the cross.

    What is a purchase?

    How is a

    purchase made?


    18 hw enw l


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    Beuse he bl Jesus,u sns e gven.In him we have redemption through his blood, the

    forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Gods

    grace . . .EPHESiAnS 1:7

    There is nothing we can do to forgive or remove our

    w ss. But because f the bld f Jesus, ur lves

    have been redeemed and our sins forgiven.

    Beuse he bl Jesus,e hve been jusfe.Since we have now been justied by his blood, how much

    more shall we be saved from Gods wrath through him!

    RomAnS 5:9

    Justed eas just-as-f-id ever sed. i ther

    wrds, Gd t l frgves s, He lets us start verwith a clean slate, just as if wed never sinned. This

    new start with a clean slate is not because of our good

    wrks, but because f the bld f Hs S.

    What are some

    ways you

    attempted to be

    justied before you

    were justied by

    His blood?

    Why is it important

    to have our sinsforgiven? What

    happens if our sins

    are not forgiven?



    t B Jss (pa 1) 19

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    20 hw enw l

    What is peace?

    Why are we not

    at peace with

    God? How did

    Jesus make peace

    for us?

    4 Beuse he bl Jesus, e e ee h G.. . . and through him to reconcile to himself all things,

    whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making

    peace through his blood, shed on the cross.CoLoSSiAnS 1:20

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    So WhAtif we belg t Gd, hw des ths aect ur thughts,

    wrds, ad acts? What des t ea t trul belg

    t H?

    Hw s relg as attept t ear Gdsfrgveess? Hw s ths deret fr what Jesus dd

    fr us the crss?

    Wh s justcat ecessar? Hw d peple tr t

    be justed apart fr Chrst?

    Thak Gd fr Hs bld ad what He dd fr u

    the crss. nw that u belg t H, ct t lve

    fr H.

    Pray for the Prince of Peace to rule in your life and for

    the peace of God that surpasses all understanding to

    guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

    Pra fr ur fal ad freds wh dt kw

    Jesus et. Beleve Gd fr ther salvat ad fr

    opportunities to show them Gods love.


    Now WhAtAre there areas in your life that need to be submitted

    t Gds wershp? D u lve as f u belg t

    Gd? What ca u d t full lve fr H ever da?

    Are you at peace with God, or do you have inner

    turl? Wh? What ca u d t experece a

    greater easure f Gds peace ths week?D u kw ae wh at e te was at peace

    wth Gd, but w sees t be rug fr H r

    lvg rebell agast H? Pra fr the t be

    restored to God.

    t B Jss (pa 1) 21

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life





    t B

    Jss (pArt 2)


    Who do you enjoy spending time with or

    beg wth? Wh?

    What s ur st valued pssess? Wh?

    What was the most painful injury you have

    suered? What happeed?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    Beuse he bl Jesus, e e eem he e sn.. . . and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the

    rstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the

    earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins

    by his blood . . .REVELATion 1:5

    nt l are ur ss frgve, but the bld f Jesus

    frees us from the power of sin. Will power, religious

    association, and peer pressure cannot free a person

    fr s. Freed fr s s l avalable thrugh the

    blood of Jesus.

    Beuse he bl Jesus, e hve henfene ne G.But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have

    been brought near through the blood of Christ.

    EPHESiAnS 2:13 (SEE ALSo HEBREWS 10:19,22.)


    This is my blood of the covenant, which is

    poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

    mATTHEW 26:28

    Because f the bld f Jesus, we belg t Gd, ur

    ss are frgve, we have bee justed, ad we are at

    peace wth H. i ths less, we wll ctue t lk

    at what the blood of Jesus has done for us.

    What is freedom?


    24 hw enw l



  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    We can come close to God not because we are worthy,

    but because we are covered by the blood of Jesus.

    Therefore, we can and should have full assurance and

    cdece the presece f Gd. The bld leaves

    room for spiritual insecurity and inferiority. Gods greatdrea s t have Hs peple clse t H. He has ade

    Hs drea a realt b the bld.

    Beuse he bl Jesus, e hve len nsene.How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who

    through the eternal Spirit oered himself unblemished to

    God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death,

    so that we may serve the living God!HEBREWS 9:14

    It is only after we have a clean conscience that we can

    really serve God. Much religious activity is done in

    service to guilty consciences, not in obedience to God.

    After our conscience is cleansed from the guilt of past

    ss, the ur praer te, Bble readg, ad Chrsta

    service can be done in true obedience to God, rather

    than as penance to soothe a guilty conscience.

    Give examples

    of times you

    have had a guilty


    When do you feel

    far from God?

    When do you feel

    close to God?

    t B Jss (pa 2) 25


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    26 hw enw l

    What does

    it mean to

    overcome? How

    can we overcome

    by the blood of

    the Lamb?

    Beuse he bl Jesus,e n veme.They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the

    word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so

    much as to shrink from death.REVELATion 12:11

    The Christian life was not meant to be a life of defeat.

    yes, there are bstacles. But because f the bld, we

    ca verce ever teptat, tral, r trck that Sata

    puts our way. Our victory in life is not dependent on

    how strong we are, but on how powerful the blood is.


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    So WhAtWh d se t have the cdece t apprach

    Gd? Hw des the bld f Chrst gve us

    the cdece?

    Why is there no room for insecurity and inferiority for

    thse wh are cvered b Chrsts bld? Hw d u

    feel abut ths?

    What des a clea cscece lk lke? Hw ca

    u have a clea cscece? Wh s t dagerus

    to perform religious activities because of a

    gult cscece?

    Thak Gd fr Hs bld that was shed the crss

    fr u. Thak Gd fr a clea cscece. Ask Gd t

    ake ths truth re real ur lfe ever da.

    Apprach Gd wth freed ad cdece.

    Ask H t help u verce ever stuat u are

    going through.

    Pra fr thse u kw wh are experecgdcult tes. Pra that because f the bld f the

    Lab, the wuld verce. Fr thse wh dt

    kw Chrst et, ask H t use u t ecurage ad

    minister to them.prA


    Now WhAtAre u lvg freed fr s? Are there ss that

    stll see t ctrl u? What ca u d t walk

    freed ths week?

    Are u lvg freed fr wrr r fear? What

    ca u d t walk peace wth Gd ever da?D u have a clea cscece befre Gd? Wh

    d u perfr relgus actvtes? if u d t

    have a clea cscece, wuld u lke t pra ad

    surreder ur lfe t Chrst tda?

    t B Jss (pa 2) 27

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    t G



    Recall e f ur st erable

    birthday celebrations from your childhood.

    What ade t s erable?

    Who gives some of the best gifts you

    kw? Gve exaples.

    Recall a te whe see pted ut

    ur stake r that u were wrg abut

    sethg. Hw dd u respd?

  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    G s gheus.The LORD is righteous in all his ways and loving toward

    all he has made.PSALm 145: 17 (SEE ALSo PSALm 97:2.)

    Everything God does is simultaneously righteous, just,

    and loving. God, not man, is the standard for what is

    righteous and what is not.


    Not having a righteousness of my own that

    comes from the law, but that which is through

    faith in Christthe righteousness that comes

    from God and is by faith. PHiLiPPiAnS 3:9

    i the ees f the rst cetur Jewsh relgus

    establshet, Pharsee Saul (later kw as Apstle

    Paul) was e f the st rghteus peple f hs

    day, yet he realized that his own righteousness was

    hpelessl adequate. i fact, whle casual bservers

    were impressed with all his religious accomplishments,

    Paul judged hself t be the wrst f sers

    (1 Tth 1:15).

    Hw culd ths a be the st relgus ad the

    wrst ser at the sae te? Because a judges

    the outside and God judges the heart. Paul, when

    judging himself from Gods perspective, was not

    pressed wth hs w rghteusess. He kew he

    needed the righteousness that comes from God through

    faith in Christ. To understand our need for the gift of

    rghteusess, we ust kw that . . .

    What does




    30 hw enw l


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    Mn s n gheus.10There is no one righteous, not even one;11there is no

    one who understands, no one who seeks God. 12All have

    turned away, they have together become worthless; there

    is no one who does good, not even one.RomAnS 3:1012

    When we compare ourselves to one another, we can

    alwas d see wh s re wcked, wh ca

    ake us lk relatvel rghteus befre Gd. But

    when compared to Gods righteous standard, we all fall

    pitifully short.

    Jesus chs s u gheusness.It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who

    has become for us wisdom from Godthat is, our

    righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is

    written: Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.

    1 CoRinTHiAnS 1:30

    For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned

    through that one man, how much more will those who

    receive Gods abundant provision of grace and of the gift

    of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus

    Christ. RomAnS 5:17

    The Bble sas rghteusess s a gft we ca receve

    because of what Jesus Christ did for us. When we stop

    trg t wrk ur wa t rght relatshp wth Gd

    and instead put our faith in what Jesus did for us on

    the cross, Jesus then becomes our righteousness, our

    holiness, and our redemption.

    What happens

    when you compare

    yourself to others?


    t G rgsss 31


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    32 hw enw l

    What is a gift?

    What do you do

    to deserve a gift?

    There are three more points we need to understand and

    remember about this gift of righteousness.


    n m mn G.2For I can testify about them that they are zealous forGod, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. 3Since

    they did not know the righteousness that comes from

    God and sought to establish their own, they did not

    submit to Gods righteousness.RomAnS 10:2,3

    Paul, after trying unsuccessfully to establish hisown righteousness, discovered a righteousness that

    comes from God. Many zealous, but ignorant, reli-

    gious people are still trying to establish their own

    righteousness, rather than humbly submitting to

    Gods righteousness.


    ge ene.For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned

    through that one man, how much more will those who

    receive Gods abundant provision of grace and of the

    gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man,

    Jesus Christ.RomAnS 5:17

    What are some

    of the things you

    did in the past

    in an attempt

    to establish

    your own


  • 7/28/2019 LV Book 2 How to Experience New Life


    What is the

    dierence between

    a gift and a

    wage? Why is

    righteousness not

    a wage?

    Righteousnesscomesbyfaith,n b keeng he L.21But now a righteousness from God, apart from law,

    has been made known, to which the Law and the

    Prophets testify.22

    This righteousness from God comesthrough faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.

    RomAnS 3:21,22

    The rst cetur Jews thught the culd ear

    rghteusess b keepg the law. The were wrg.

    Since righteousness is a gift, it cannot be earned.

    Why is it


    to become


    by obeying

    Gods law?

    t G rgsss 33

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    So WhAtWhe we sa Gd s rghteus, what d u thk ths

    eas? Wh s rghteusess a gft? Wh s Chrst ur

    l rghteusess?

    Reread Ras 3:10-12. Hw des ths der frhw we vew urselves?

    What s the derece betwee self-rghteusess ad

    true rghteusess? Sce rghteusess s a gft, hw

    shuld ths aect the wa u lve?

    Thak Gd fr Hs gft f rghteusess ad that we

    ca be rght stadg wth H because f

    Jesus Christ.

    Pra that as u read Gds Wrd ths week, u

    wuld kw H re ad walk Hs was

    ever da. Ask Gd t help u alwas trust Hs

    righteousness than in trying to gain righteousness onyour own.

    Pra fr thse wh d t kw Chrst et, that the

    wuld trust H rather tha ther w relgus

    actvt r theselves. Beleve Gd fr pprtutes

    to minister the gospel to them.prA


    Now WhAtDo you believe that we can only be righteous before

    Gd because f Jesus Chrst? if t, wuld u

    lke t ake a decs tda t receve Hs gft f

    rghteusess ad frgveess?

    Hw wll the truth f Gds rghteusess aect the

    wa u lve ths week?Do you sometimes try to earn your own

    rghteusess? What ca u d t walk Chrsts

    rghteusess ur lfe ever da?

    34 hw enw l

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    . . . t gs w v b a.roMAnS 1:17

    H Eeene Ne Le s a ss s maas g ss

    sg ss gw a

    a sa wa cs s ss.

    topicS include:

    The New Life

    Experiencing Gods Forgiveness

    Real Forgiveness

    The Blood of Jesus (Parts 1 & 2)

    The Gift of Righteousness