lungteng english reader 3 lesson 4 are you inventive?

1 Lungteng English Reader 3 Lesson 4 Are You In ventive? Kaohsiung Municipal Hsin Chu ang Senior High School ( 高高高高高高高高 ) Presented by Ling, Yuling ( 高高高 )

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Lungteng English Reader 3 Lesson 4 Are You Inventive?. Kaohsiung Municipal Hsin Chuang Senior High School ( 高雄市立新莊高中 ) Presented by Ling, Yuling ( 凌玉玲 ). Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Lungteng English Reader 3 Lesson 4 Are You Inventive?

Kaohsiung Municipal Hsin Chuang Senior High School

( 高雄市立新莊高中 )

Presented by Ling, Yuling ( 凌玉玲 )

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Graphic Types: Brainstorming Web & Hierarchy Chart

Focus of the Content: Classifying & Describing with Examples

Grammar Focus: Transitional Words

The reading begins with a number of questions to motivate the students. The contrast created between the great inventions and the seemingly small ones well serves as a prelude to its main idea: everyone can be inventive as long as he keeps his mind active. By giving practical examples in the list of possible causes to inventions, the reading not only activates the students’ background knowledge but also proposes many possibilities for future inventions.

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Lesson Plan I. I. BackgroundBackground

II. II. New InformationNew Information

III. III. Practice & PersonalizationPractice & Personalization

IV. IV. Extension Activities & Extension Activities & ApplicationApplication

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I. Background1.1 Read the passages to establish background knowledge of the text.

The safety pin was invented while

WalterHunt was twisting a piece

of wire, trying to think of

something that would help him

pay off a fifteen dollar debt. On

April 10, 1849, the safety pin was

patented. Walter Hunt thought

little of his safety pin as an

invention and soon sold the

patent for four hundred dollars.

The first mechanical alarm clock

Was invented by Levi Hutchins, of

New Hampshire, in the U.S., in

1787. This device he made only

for himself, however, and it only

rang at 4 AM in order to wake him

for his job. The French inventor,

Antoine Redier was the first to

patent an adjustable mechanical

alarm clock, in1847.


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What: Why:When:







1.2 Work out the two graphs based on the established knowledge.

Graph for Passage I:

April 10, 1849

Walter Hunt

Graph for Passage 2:

safety pin To pay off a $15 debt

By twistinga piece of wire

alarm clock

Levi Hutchins

1787 To wake him up for


the U.S.

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II. New Information 2.1 Text Analysis: Answer the modeling questions to analyze the text.

Introduction 1. What are the five questions asked by the author to

initiate the topic?

2. Who are the great inventors that have changed the way people live?

3. What are the two small inventions that have made people’s lives easier?

Main Part4. Which sentence introduces the list of three factors of invention?

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Brainstorming5. What is used as an example to explain that people have

thought of many solutions to solve problems they face

in life?

6. What is the definition of “brainstorming”?

Observation7. Who is suggested as an example of inventing by


8. What are the two examples of common problems

that people might think of new ways to deal with?

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Conclusion11. What does the author suggest in the end?

Inventing with Odds and Ends 9. What are the examples of odds and ends found in a drawer or a box? 10. What is the device that is thought of with the odds and ends?

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5 initiative questions

4 big inventors who have changed the way people live

2 small inventions that have made life easier

Main Part





2.2 Graphic Organizer: Illustrate the text with graphs in order of the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion.

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Introductory Sentence:

Factor 1: Factor 2: Factor 3:


Concluding Sentence:

3 Factors of Invention & Examples

Main Part

Example: Example:

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5 initiative questions

Q1:When you hear the word

“invention,” what comes to mind?

Q3:Do you believe that

inventions can only be thought or created by

famous people?

Q2:Do you think inventions

are new things thatchange how we live?

Q4:Are you inventive?

Q5:Do you think you might

invent something new anduseful some day?

2.2 Individual Graphs with Answers:

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4 big inventors who have changed the way people live

the telephone

the airplane

the modern steam engine

the light bulb

Thomas Edison

James WattAlexander

G. Bell

The Wright Brothers

2 small inventions that have made life easier

the safety pinthe safety razor

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Concluding Sentence:

Main Part

3 Factors of Invention & Examples

Just keep your mind active and let your imagination go. You may be more inventive than you think!

Introductory Sentence: Let’s take a look at

how new inventions come into being.

Brainstorming ObservationInventing with Odds and Ends

the alarm clockJames Watt &

the steam enginethe message

delivery service

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3.1 Some transitions are found in the text: however, for example, at the very least, likewise, and then. Combine the sentences with a proper transition.

1. Lasers are widely applied in medicine. They are common in the treatment of eye diseases.

2. I have always enjoyed going to the beach. I never go there at midday.

Lasers are widely applied in medicine; for example, theyare common in the treatment of eye diseases.

I have always enjoyed going to the beach; however, I nevergo there at midday.

III. Practice and Personalization

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3. San Francisco has a famous strait in the Golden Gate.

Seattle has a famous strait in Puget Sound.

4. The grounds crew mows the course first.

They water it.

5. Helping others is something worth doing.

You feel happy after helping others.

San Francisco has a famous strait in the Golden Gate; likewise, Seattle has a famous strait in Puget Sound.

The grounds crew water the course; then they mows it.

Helping others is something worth doing; at the very least, you feel happy after doing it.

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To show Use the Expressions

Addition in addition, also, besides, furthermore, moreover, what’s more

Similarity in the same way, likewise, similarly

Contrast in contrast, however, instead, on the contrary, on the other hand,

otherwise, nevertheless, still, yet

Emphasis of course, certainly, indeed, in fact, truly, above all

Example for example, for instance, namely

Generality in general, as a rule, on the whole, typically

Cause & Effect

as a result, consequently, hence, therefore, thus, accordingly,

for this reason

Conclusion finally, in conclusion, in short, in summary, in brief, to sum up

Sequence to begin with, first, second, third, then, next, afterwards, finally,

at last, eventually, meanwhile

3.2 Check the table of transitions and then fill in the blanks with proper transitions to complete the paragraph.

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In general, there are several solutions to the worseninggarbage pollution. (1) , littering should alwaysbe prohibited and fined. (2) , people must sort their garbage and recycle such things as old newspapers and tins and glass bottles because they can be reused. (3) , the government should find build enough incineratorsor find sanitary landfills to deal with the increasing amount ofgarbage. (4) , people mustn’t create too much garbage; (5) , the earth will be covered withgarbage. After all, there is only one earth to live on.

Complete the passage by filling in the blanks with proper transitions.

To begin with




Above all


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Television has a great influence on our life. It is regarded as one of the most effective means of communication. To a high school student, it serves three main functions: education, information, and recreation. First of all, watching TV enables us to enlarge our knowledge in all respects. For example, by watching such channels as Discovery, National Geographic, Animal Planet, and the Public TV station, we can realize the importance of the natural environment, understand human history, and learn about new science. Besides, thanks to the all-day news stations and the sports relay network, watching TV keeps us informed of the latest big events happening in the world. What’s best, TV provides us with high quality entertainment without leaving the house or spending a lot of money. When we feel bored, the variety shows on TV can add fun to our life. Also, channels like HBO, Cinemax, AXN, Hollywood, and Star Movie play a wide variety of films for us to choose from.

3.3 Read the passage, create a graph based on its content, and complete the answers.

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A Suggested Graph on the Passage:

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The Graph with Answers:

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Invention: The Credit Card

History: The use of credit card originated in the U.S. during the 1920s. At that time, the individual firms such as oil companies and hotel chains began to issue credit cards to their customers. Those credit cards were used directly between the company and its customers. Until 1938, many companies began to receive each other’s cards. Today people can use credit cards to buy things in countless stores. Some credit cards even allow their owners to borrow cash form the ATM.

Influence: By using the credit card to make purchases, people will not have to carry a lot of money, especially when they are traveling abroad. Credit cards can help people avoid theft, robbery and inconveniences. People can now buy things and pay for it later. Therefore, they can enjoy before really paying the money. On the other hand, some people do not use their card smart and they get into trouble. To sum up, credit cards can be good tools or trouble-makers, it depends on how people use them.

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4.2 Writing: What’s Next? Work in a group, generate a list of possible future invention needs and choose a need to fill by proposing a new invention. Sketch the invention and write an explanation of how it works and whom it will benefit.

An Example of the List of Possible Invention Needs

pollution aging energy sources

transportation health wildlife protection

time travel recreationhuman


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Problems & Needs:

People from modern world are under great pressure from everywhere of life. We can easily be annoyed or irritated by little things. Sometimes when we face difficulties and the result turn out as a disaster, we felt sorry for what we’ve done and the bad thoughts just stay in our mind, keeping us away from all the possibilities to success. Even nightmares can keep our mind in horror and distract from what we’re doing. I wonder if there will ever be a way to solve this kind of problem.

The Invention:

“The HCHS Memory Fixer”– a machine that can fix memories and nightmares, helping you forget what you’ve done so you can embrace the bright future.

How the Invention Works:

First of all, we need a person who suffers from bad dreams or who cannot get rid of the negative thoughts in his mind. We’ll have him wear a specially manufactured helmet and then lay him under the MF. The man will fall into a short period of sleep, during which the machine keeps on casting a kind of purified electrical wave, eliminating the bad thoughts and turning them into positive power. By the time the man comes to, what he will remember is the happiness and the accomplishments he has, which can encourage him to work harder and have a happier life.

An Example of Writing

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A Sketch of the HCHS Memory Fixer


zz z


3 4

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An Advertisement to Promote the HCHS Memory FixerAn Advertisement to Promote the HCHS Memory Fixer

Bad Memories Bothering You?Unforgettable Nightmares?


The HCHS Memory Fixer will take all your

bad memories away.

Just give us a call at (07) 343-3618

Free if the first time.

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I. The text lists three factors of invention. Read the stories and decide what factors are involved in the process of invention.

1. One cold December day in 1873, to protect his ears from freezing while ice skating, 13-year-old Chester Greenwood found a piece of wire, and with his grandmother's help, padded the ends. In the beginning, his friends laughed at him. However, when they realized that he was able to stay outside skating long after they had gone inside freezing, they stopped laughing. Instead, they began to ask Chester to make ear covers for them, too. At age 17 Chester applied for a patent. For the next 60 years, Chester's factory made earmuffs, and earmuffs made Chester rich.

Factors involved include brainstorming & inventing with odds and ends.


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2.The idea of electric lighting was not new, and a number of people had worked on and even developed forms of electric lighting. But up to that time, nothing had been developed that was remotely practical for home use. Edison's eventual achievement was not just an incandescent electric light but also an electric lighting system that contained all the elements necessary to make the incandescent light practical, safe, and economical. After one and a half years of work, success was achieved when an incandescent lamp with a filament of carbonized sewing thread burned for thirteen and a half hours.

Factors involved include

3. At the turn of the century, Mrs. Earl Dickson, an inexperienced cook, often burned and cut herself. Mr. Dickson, a Johnson and Johnson employee, got plenty of practice in hand bandaging. Out of concern for his wife's safety, he began to prepare bandages ahead of time so that his wife could apply them by herself. By combining a piece of surgical tape and a piece of gauze, he fashioned the first crude adhesive strip bandage.

Factors involved include

observation & brainstorming.

brainstorming & observation.

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II. Here are some rules for brainstorming: no criticism, work for quantity, hitchhiking welcome, and freewheeling encouraged. Read each the paragraph and decide which rule it relates to.

(1) Alex Osborn stated that "Quantity breeds quality." People must experience a "brain drain“before innovative, creative ideas can surface;therefore, the more ideas are proposed, the morequality ideas are to be generated.

(2) Outrageous, humorous, and seemingly unimportant ideas should be recorded. It is not uncommon for the most off-the-wall idea to turn out workable and valuable.

work for quantity

freewheeling encouraged

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(3) Neither positive nor negative comments are allowed. Either type inhibits the free flow of thought and requires time which interferes with the next rule. Write each spoken idea down as it is given and move on.

(4) This occurs when one member's ideaproduces a similar idea or an enhanced idea in another member. All ideas should be recorded.

no criticism

