lumbeb!htute agent immigration. cedar...

N iagara Couifi y j. i ImU«I *»-<» I t>/ N. I*. IIAHKFM. vuwwato**/, M4< f *■■ . TkRMi:* $ 1.00 a »«if. *** ' *!• Copy, j c«uu. TKRMS OF ABVKk'l I IN'. "H rAc*.' • |*ch. ,W : in< he*,.. | | Column r.w • w. I 4 »• j lo 71 $l • $» 1 *‘- a **»! f *| • <x- > 7S I i ? V 4 on, f. o i * 7 MM I ' V I 1 00,1% O' I M. I 4 o., alter fn*l n'MIHI U «■**«! » e . nil* u line Lr Y»» * » pi ■ h »ul’iMO(|ii«nl In*/ Mi , £ f T All ftlliotfttx* ("» ii'lve.t. l§rli'>» t4f~t*t»l n 4 verli*e»f • nt •' I. 1 ''• < A'lvem** I'iriiii I,n *! h ll ' ' "I 1 i9 not m tiUri, will I « j/i "I I.M.I I * and ibe charge «»•'*• ...... llnrrl«K‘’ *»**«! D eitli Noli/-/ ■ , f » ft*m« of lta<«*r«*F*it »r»* noll/lhol froi.i /ill pin * of (Im county, Mini 111 ny have nny nnnn /ifll\c*l f In* wrIUir innv wlah, liiil v>*‘ rofiiJri* llu- inn* nniMO ot t h u w r i t e r , n o t »»«•«•«*. -/*r i l y f o r pnl»li<-M: un but for tin- |»rl?mi onvi-tili ui * of th. 1 *litof. (Jomiimiimic nlion** hu piitnh'/ti urn rhoiiM 1 >- N 1 aciauA ( nr.N 1 v Nkwh, Vni NHHiow N, N.V, Knturad nt tho I'nut Oflh ont Youiif/.wfowvi, ^f. Y., tu itMiond clamm ninll limit 1* 1* . Arrlvul nml llrpurlmc ol Hulls, Dully ih/i IIm vln. f .«• w I - t i i i i , hit r.loHcl /it a , : m , /irrlvr«t II a . m . M a ll« vln. f^wknort, dully. l i/ir- 1«* A 1 « Y oiiiikmIowii At 7.30 a . M ; fimvcn uliom r w Poet union op«n from 7 A. M. to h r St.; un dny* ox.KpUd. John VV. Ilnkull. P.M. w'-V * - w«- «-'W N iagara C ountv N i . wh. Youngstown, N. Y„ July 25, IHIH. s/v/ V ' \y s /. - W V I owa in now u |>rolubition h I j IIo, according to tlio law. —Mrn. duo. Ntoiio, an ii. hi ino in mate of tlio poor I ioiiho at Scranton, Pa., aatumtml lier clothing with In r- OHune on 'I'noHihiy night and applied a match. Hho wiih burned to death. —The Emigration ('onuniHsioiutnt at New York havo decided that no inoro niwiHtod pauper emigrants hIiiiII ho permitted to remain in the coun try if objection in made by one mom- her of Ibo board. —A despatch nays ex-po- lico-nmn Michcal Uhlmnn, of Ueddca, who Iiiih boon rnlciiHcd from Insane any!urn, at Utica, after ucoidinr- ment of tltroo months, tells a fright ful iitory of tho crucItioH pruoticcd upon him and other patients. —Wm. Hcholos, a wealthy stock falser of Itittorsville, 0 ., who had just returned from the Has I, found tho /loud body of his child in liis house and liis wife and tho manager of tho furm mining. They probably lock pd tho infant in (he house uml eloped, hiking fTi.OOO of ScJioIu’h money. —A Jxmdon iiewspnpor says Anicr- jcan fresh milk is sold in England, pipori men ts having beeu successfully made in transporting (lie milk across the ocean. This may bo truo; anil on the other hand, il may nut. One pf these days wo slmll lie told tlmt tho Englishman oats American hot rolls for liis break fnsl. —The family of tho Kev. Mr. Me- Cliflsney, who tends a fow Methodist fhoop in the wildernesses of West Amsterdam and Tribes Hill, Mont gomery County, is rejiorled usstarv- itig by reason of tlio neglect and re fusal of tho flocks lo pay I heir pas tpr’s meagre salary. During a recent confinement of Mrs. McEhcsnoy sho |s said to have been obliged to sub sist upon corn-monl mush and milk. —The revision of tho Old Testa* piont is completed and the result will Sbertly be made public. The work prns committed le the earo of twenty* seven scholars. Among them some of tho most learned men uf I’ .nglaud and of the United Status, ll is wor thy of noto that sit lee the work ua pommonced no less that twelve of the revisers lmvo died, ll is stated, hv thoao who know, thatkhu alterations in tho text have been very numerous, porroot as tho now version may be, who will daro prodiet that it will ever luporsodo tho King Janies version, which is so dear to millions of Uug- lish speaking people? — Many of the Now York papers givo amusing descriptions of tho re turn ef John Kelly nnd his braves from thoir “ feast of cold crow” at U|licago. Two train loads of disgus ted und gloomy Tumnuuiyites rolled into Now York ou Sunday morning. The Herald gives tho following list of articles which woro taken from one Of tho trains after the delegates had landod:— Thirty-six boxes of empty beer bot tles. Eight coses of empty champagne bottles. Six boxes of partly filled soda wa ter bottles. Ono empty demijohn. Ouo waslitub smelling of boor. Two empty beer kegs. Ono oiupty cigar box. FUNNY FLIPS. —There is a river in Africa called Ki,-somelong 4 . Every girl iu this couuiry kiiou all about, it, from the source lo llm mouth. —A Boston man boasts of owning a piano mode over too years ago. Whether lie runs a hotel or-keeps a boarding-school is not stated. —A band of Italian brigands cap tured a duke recently and held him for thirty days. Any American heir ess can do Hml, and bold him longer .1 —" 1 would die for you,” she ex claimed, pillowing ber head upon lus shoulder." Ob, no you uecdii I, dar ing,” was tlio reply," I like red hair.” — I never feci comfortable when there’s a man around that smiles all tho time. The only dog tlmi ever ( bit me never stopped waggin* bis ! tail. There are -/fi,000,000 to .’10,000, j 000 hats made annually in this conn -1 | try, and when a mau is llm last to I leave a bampiel lie generally gels the , worst one. j — Women don’t believe iu female j suffrage. They so bate to suifer age tlmt they always call themselves about ten years younger than tbey rcilly arc. Tlio census of Hoston shows is, j 000 more women than men. The name “ Hub” evidently is the father of the wish of tho majority of the residents. Mrs. Hannah Simon, Newark, waltzed Ion minutes at tho celebra tion of her ninety-seventh birthday. That is what is the matter with Han nah. -—A Massachusetts widow wears haugKimidcof her departed husband's hair. What a silent commentary this in upon the way married men grow bald and die. —".Kiss Mo us I Fall Asleep” is tlio title of the latest song. It is in tended, we suppose, us a pointer for young men who take their girls to i church Sunday evenings —An old lady was asked what she would do with all the corn if it could not be mode into whiskey. Hhe re plied: " I would make it iuto starch to stiifcn tho backbone of the tem perance people.” — In tho Salem, Mass., Normal school thero is a class of girls learn ing carpentry. They are determined to lmvo a aunieionl number of closets in their respective houses when they go to housekeeping. —" Is this a singing do ?” asked sho of tho clerk. " Yes, mademois elle.” “ How do you make it sing?” “ Just as you would uuy other young Indy.” “ I low is that?” “ Hy pres sing it,” "Oh.” A Brooklyn woman wauls aili- voi'eo because sho found another wo man's false teeth in her husband’s pocket. A female must love a man dearly when sho will loan him her false teeth to crack nuts with. Somo ono who has no fear of tho future says: “ (I iris aro a (‘out ruction of guerillii, bceiitiHO they lie in wait, set man traps, capture aud slay, or subject to bondage, all who come in their vicinity.” Mario Koao has been photograph ed in one hundred and lifty-eight dif ferent positions. The only person who can heal her for variety of atti tudes is a boy told to sit still ona elmir ill a funeral. A man went to the theat re when Mrs, Blank was advertised to appear iu two pieees. After the play he de manded tho return of his money, for (Im lady had appeared whole in both performances. -—"May wo get married? I'lease wire consent immediately,as cormony will bo performed this evening, any how,” was tho telegram sent by a run away pair of Wisconsin lovers to tbeir anxious parents. A young lady who had ordered home a pair of unusually high-heel ed limit < was Hushed by tho announce ment. of Bridget, fresh from answer ing Uni door hell: " If ve pla/.e, miss, there’s a mun in the hall below wid u pair of slitills for yea.” •• Doctor.” said Mr. Uroanby, look at uiy awful face? Jones hit me in the *yo with a club Saturday night; what shall 1 tuke for it?” And as the medicine man drove swiftly away, buekcuuo the sympathetic answer: “ Take oilence man, take otlenco!” An old lady from the country, who attended opera for the lirst time, entered the Academy of Music just I as the troupe weio all singing togeth er iu chorus: Ah!” she remarked, “ they don't earo now that thev havo our money. See, they are all singing together so that they can get through sooner.” —“ 1 trust your daughter is not one of those tame, spiritless sort of girls t hat sometimes apply to us for j situations and are too bashful to till them,” said a Boston shopkeeper to a father who was seeking employment for ono of his children. “ Sir,” he replied, indignantly, “ my daughter has red hair.” That settled it. —They wore sitting on tho sofa iu tho front parlor and lie was bolding her little baud in his own. Sudden ly a thought seemed to strike her and sho asked sweetly;" Adolphus, aro you a * bolter’?” Just tliou tho old gentleman’s footstep sounded oil tlu 1 top stair and as he wildly grabbed bis hat Adolphus answered: “ Yes, darling -good-by.” I Hire My Binders. aw r/.tfi;* !•. Ij not ft* Iona * I <®,) Mr* Tbvremre on t*ijftiftiuK ^oilrig iiii’ii in uriry mighbor- or ought tu be, wbo will onu or two or threw bind*nt and go round uttiug whoikt by tbo acre, junt u* they keep steum thr<;«hiug ma/ him-N to thre«h grain by the bushel. It I* dumper to hire than to buy. “ J hired two binder* last year, nml hope to do tlu: Name thing thia year All wu tmd to do won to flick up tho Mtieavcfi in *tooka, Jiarreft time i* now about our moot leisure season. 1 thn fdi in the field where the wlu utKiew, w ith a fleam throsher. Mak** tho strnw flack in the field, and diaw the rtraw homo in the winter,’* “ Hut ftuppoito it rainsf’ “ We stop. If wo were draw ing to thu barn we Nhould hove to stop idfo. And we ran draw faster to a marhiue in tho field, than we euu to tho baru at any rate wo f an unload faKtcr, bccaufe the man on the load has merely to throw the fbeavos on t</ tho platform of the nirtdilnc, wheit riN iu the barn, or at a xtnr’k, towards the top, hu him to lift them up above hi* head. “ Onr mowing machines, reapers and bin* deni, nud steam threshers aro all tliat we cau desire with onu exfuptlou; the straw carrier is not long enough. Tb# tnoau fact ure r who w ill double theiungtii of the longest carrier we now have, will receive tbe hearty thanks of every man who han ever hml to take the straw away from on© on the top of the stock. It Is only a question of a fow pounds tnoru coal. In thia section, straw is valua ble ns fodder for sheep and hoists, and wo ail want good, high stacks, Well topped olf cto hIilmI tho rain.”-- JowKrif if akuih in Amer ican Aipivulturist for Auyuat. Tho first man who volunteered in the w/ir of tbo rebellion, ( apt, Hush, of Ix/ck- port say* lie has derived grout benefit from thu “ World’s Healer” for corns, bunions, uud rheumatism. Grading, Crating, anil Ship ping Honey, Tho (Irut grail. kIiouM conalct of only jut foot, white coin Im, mill It in the wrlt«r’*opln- ion thnt, iu mnny initniiovH, Uhto nhould bu only thin od. [{iniluof tumb.honuy. Home bo».|(o«|iera innko a nocMid anidu of imllu- Inliiil aootfoua, but if thu npinry I, rightly nminiKud, thnru will bo but fow of thwo at tbu I'luno or tho ai'UHim, und it in bottor to vx- tract tbo honoy from tbctn, nud hoop tbo combs until iiliothor ooanon. Honoy tlmt Is too durk for tlio Hint grailo. nhould not, ux a ainivriil tlili g, bo Rtnrod lu Ructions, us it in imiully moro profltublo tooxtrnot it. beforo orutlua Boctiohx •hinild bo ucrxpi d clean of propolU. A mimll crato la profurnblo; It In moro canlly biinillcil, nnd lens Itsblo to bo " dumped," wliilo It Koinotiincs onnbleH tho retailor to eoll n whole erute of honoy nt onco. Hectlom Rliould bo plncotl only ono tier iiiglt iu shipping crutox; bucnuno if any ci un bn of tho upper tlor become Injured, tbo honey ill Ipn down nnd soil* thono of tlio low or tlor. Homo bee keeper* make n shallow “ dish” of hcuvy munlllu paper, and plucti it In tho boltoni of tbo cnitii, Hum if combs aro injured tbo " dish” patches tho houoy, anil provont* tho sntllliK of other crutcs. All honoy crntoa should bnru gins* ou nt least onu of thoir sides. Hiuull lots of honoy should bo sent by ex press, and largo onus by freight Kxpross matter is noccssarlly handled ruplilly’ and wlieli t horo is a large lot of honoy to unload, it is npt to bo Jerked olf In a harry. Whon a lnrgo lot of honoy is sent by freight, tbo consignoo should bo notified in advance, so tbat bo may sen to the unbinding Mmull crates should not bu stacked up In a tall, up right | lie, in u car, but built up In the sbnpo of a low pyramid. If access cau be bad to ono end of tbo car, place the houoy thole, ns it will he protected on three sides from tumbling down, nnd upon tho other it cun bo built up liko a flight of stairs, which w ill pretty olTontually prevent any crato from receiving a tumble. Always handle honey with euro. IV Ill Ti'iiiNMiN tn Auutikiii ly; n ii/fio i»f fur .Iiipiuf. KKVKIl HUKK ITTIICI) 1 wa« cured of a very bad fVivr .S’orc. by using ten boxijs of lUuiuniN's t'Ai.irnUNiA Indian CI intmknt. I bad beeu treated by my family physician for nearly u year, bad given many patent medicines a throngb trial, and found roliof only wbeu I commenced using tliis (Uut ment. 1 bad also been troubled with vni i coso veins and this Ointment eradicated that disease also. It Hover fulled curing nny skin disease, for which I recommended It. Wm. H. DkWoi.V, (In-port, N. V. Kor salo by 11. I), l'avis Co. Saving Tho Flag. A ltliMANTlU . AllVKNTt III UK THK FWAMTI- I'UI’SSIAN WAH. [VVHShliiRton Star.) Count I’aul do l.eusMi, whose son umn iod the grainl-daughtor of Marshal Moreau tho other day, Is tho liero of a romantic adven ture in tho KrnucoTi ussinn war. As they advanced on tbo ovening of tbo battle of Worth, driving the French tiraiileures before them, the latter made n desperate stand at the Chateau do Loussn. Tho l’rlix stalls forced their way into tho park, nnd the French fell back oirtlio chittiyiu liself. A young etmssour terribly Wuundeii and badly pursued by the enemy, staggered up lo the old count, who viewed the dismal speetuolo in nnguish from the balcony, and holding out a French llag called out to bun to save it. “ Take it,” said the dying soldier; “ 1 am done for. Keep it. I am willing to ilio if 1 can only save it from those wild beasts." Ho saying ho fell across tbe stops and expired. Tbo couut did not know what to do. The ITussiaus wero thundering nt the gates; iu a fow minutes they would bo swarming all ovor the chateau, which could make m*de- fense, and it was full of tho dead nnd the dy ing. Time passed and tbe count had but a few minutes to make up his mind. Hushing to liis room bo tore tbe flag from it* staff, which he burned, folded it up, ami hid it in n bureau drawer amoug bit linen, remem bering that tho best biding place iu the world is the oue least bidden. Tbe event proved hi* foresight. The lTussiuns search ed every inch of the chateau except tlie top drawer of the count's bureau. Ilut a* it might bo dangerous to leave tbe flag w bore It was, lie bad it tightly packed in a tin box, and with the aid of an old ser vant named lferre buried it ut night uuder a large tijuure stone iu the cellar. The count felt very much relieved, but a scoundrel of an hostler, who hml w atched them, denouuc- ml them, stimulated by the hope of gain, to the 1‘russians. The count bad wade the old servant swear to lot himself be cut in piec | i-s rather than betray tbe biding place of j tbo poor soldier’s legacy. Ho wbeu the I’rus- i sian lieutenant seized bim by th* collar and ! asked him wbere it was he simply answered j “ tbat be did not know." •• You lie,” said tbo officer; “ and a file of fusileers will soon get tbe truth out of you.” | •* 1 do not lie, M I'Otflcer." ” Ye* you do. We took the flag, it was the fortune of war. You and your master stole it. Give it up.” “ Ho what you please with me; I don't : know anything about ft.” “ We will turn this place insido out but wo will have it,” cried tbe ollicer, in a rage, j “ and when we find it God help you.” The old man felt he was lost. The cellar j was a large one. It would take a long time to lift up the whole pavement, but tooner or later the fatal stone must be removed, | nnd tbeu.—” Tbe lTussinn lieutenant became Impatient ns stone after stone was lifted from its place, and discovered nothing but a little muddy water. An idea struck bim. He picked up a w alking stick and tapping tbe stones, or dered every one tbat bad a hollow sound to be marked witb a piece of chalk, tb* others might be left undisturbed. Old Herrs, (lie servant, watched the pro ceedings in silence. Near the stone that bid the Hug was a pile of bagging, lie sat down on tbu pile and noticed tliHt one eud of the bagging (railed over toward the stone, iiy pressing hi* foot gently against tbis and rubbing bi* foot carefully against tbe chalk mark, he succeeded in effacing it. Tbe search was over, tbe llag bad not been dis covered, aud tbu ollicer was furious. A few weeks afterward a young lieuten ant of zouaves, wbo had been wounded anil paroled, was sent; through tbe ITnssiitn j lines to tbe French hcnihpinrter*. He w as weak anil feverish wbeu be arrived at the chateau anil bu bud to stop to liuvu his w ound dressed, lt waa a very severe one; hi* leg bad been shattered by a piece of a shell. When tlie men of the ambulance corps curae to curry bim down stairs Ijis leg appeared to be swathed in unusually hcuvy bandages. Ilutwccn tlio upper und the lower layer was the tri-color or the - th hussars. “ Au rovolr, muMsiuers,” said tho wounded Frenchman, a* be acknowledged tbe Prus sian ofllcurs salute. Tben rulsiuglns kepi to thu count who stood on the balcony to watch Ids departure, liis lips formed the wolds “ Vive la Fiance.” Prevent serious sickness by taking occa sionally one of KmoHY'h Lrrri-K. C athartic iTl-ba, a wonderful appetizer, an absolute preventive and cure of link u-ucss, pleasant to take, sugar coat*I. Ask your druggiat for tbem und take uo other,—15 Cents. —Tbe P ro ad way and Buttery Building Company, of New York, which bas pur chased for $ 1 ,000,000 a plot of ground 2>si by 199 feet ou Broadway, above the Wash ingtou building, proposes to erect thereon two largh ofllce buildings, nine stories iu height, at a aost of $500,000 each. Auoib—Tbe great remedy for mau and animals. Kor rnuu, sure cure for colic, cough, rheumatism and bunions, removing the pain, soreness aod lameness at once. For In rae*, colic, cough or pinkeye galls and tender foot from whatever cause—tbe best application as a pain liniment over used. For sale by ii. I) Havis Co., Youngstown. Sample bot tles free. 10t35 RISLEY’S WITCH HAZEL. Cures h#*fulttrh«-s. burns, spr/iiu*. rut-, wounds, rheumatism, toot liar lie, earache, blisters, Ar. Unequalled in qualitr at half the price, 6 ns. V> cts. 1 *n i t s (16 o i . j fiO <ts. Quai ls tl |»er bot tle W .II.H . H ansom & Son General Merchandise. Pints {itf ol.) ft© cti RISLEY’S EXTRACT OF BUCHU. Valuable lu the cure of ulceration and irrita tion of Ilo kidneys, bladder und euri-llm, strang- uary, gravel, giect, ghoaorrbien, leucoroloi' or whites, dropsy, pain in back, loins, Ac., II per bottle. Sold by all Druggist*. ZIIS3 (J. F. BlSI.EV, 6«CourtUnd St., N. Y. fif T-r~ v V r j WU j'w W* kiw* L*i . Tho Editor. - VVIinl is tliat f Tbis, dear, is that suffering animal, tbe editor. But whnt is the editor 1 lie is the man, durliug, who runs thu pa per. * My I 1 thought the paper run itself I Tliat I* the popular impression. But not correct I. Not cutirely so. 1 thought the talented contributors wrote the stories I They do, And tlmt the funny man built all the jokes ? Hu does. And tbat the dyspeptic genius wrote the poems I Certainly. And tlio poor compositor—I thought lie put tbe thingH into type ? Y ob . And that tho priutor lie worked off the edition ? You are right. Then wliat iu the iiaino of goodness docs tbo editor <Jp 1 He talks. With whom I Willi peoplo who come iu to help him pass away the time. Oh I then tbo editor liaN plenty of time to waste! Lots. Who is the long haired lunatic with thy roll of paper 1 lie is the gifted poet. Whnt docs lie want I He wants to know whnt became of that " Ode to a Withered Violet,” in 47 stanzas, which lie scut in last spring, Wlmt did become of it I lt was filed awuy in tlio stovo. Does the editor sny thnt I Oh, no. W hat docs he say f lie says that he sent it back. My! but isn’t that a twister I Yes, dear. W bat docs the poet say ! lie says thnt he is so sorry, because the t'r a fury offered bun $lii for it. And wliat is tlmt I A lie. And who is Uiat gi utlciuau with the club I lie is the “ Constant Header.” And lie wants- - I To inquire why liis lust communication was not inserted. And why was it n o t! Because it was seven columns long ami only in tlio Interest of ono person. Who was tlintf Himself. And tliat faxbiouablo gentleman sucking his cane! He is the delight of tlie editorial room. Wliat is Ills business I He bus none. Why then does be'come ! Because it is too late for luuchuou nml too early to walk on t lie avenue. But 1 do not understand. Neither does the editor. How long will be stay ! A couple of hours. And tlmt last man, tlie undertaker I ’H-s-li! dear. Tbat is uot an undertaker Who is it, then I The funny uiuu. Obi Wbat does he want! He wauts to read the editor his last joke. Whole did he get itf From a work on the Tombs of tbe Early Egyptian Kings. My I Tbeu tbis is thu way the editor spends bis time! Principally. One long, delightful reception. Yes, dear. Theu the editor has nothing iu tho world to wish for or pray for! Oh, yes- oiio thing. Aud what is that! lb stli! AOIUCULTUllAL DEPARTMENT. U ai . kioii , N. C., June lOtli, 1HS1. To the people of the Northern New England and North Western States. It Is witli deep rugret we leant ol the heavy lo-s you sustained by the frosts and ice Wednesday, Thursday aud Fri day nights, May 28tli, JOtli ami doth. As usual our Htute, North Carolina Es capes. Our tobacco plants ure unhurt uml growing nicely. (4ruin and grass crops arc very Hue. No damage whatever done to most delicate vegetables and ; fruits. We are very desirious of having the j many thousand acres of unoccupied j land settled with und cultivated by Northern farmers, uml wu cay oiler you a climate exempt from late uml curly frosts. North Carolina is within fifteen hours of New York. The vast resources of the State will bo exhibited iu this city ut the Grand Stuto Exposition Oct. 1st to 2stli, 188-1. It Is my duty and pleasure to furnish information to persons seeking homes In tlie Htute. Very Respectfully, JN(). T. PATRICK, Htute Agent Immigration. LUMBEB! Shingles, Lailr aiul Cedar Posts! Wilson Lumber Yard. BILL TIMBER Delivered ut Lewiston at Lowest YVholosuIe rates. DRESSED LUMBER Of every description constantly on hand SA W Y11LL IN CONNECTION. i ‘?~ Ln rubor delivered in Youngstown, on opening of navigation, by vossol. Parties contemplating building will con sult their own it forest by calling on tho un dersigned beforo purchasing. A. J. McBRIER, WILSON, S. V C O N SU M P TIV ES AND RHEUMATICS, Do You Want Relief ? If so, wo rail your Attention to V IN * :ia A \l> . Which hnt Just been entnbliahcd. It is located on tbe hiKhcHt known point iu the celebrat ed pine region of the .South. There is no nrtUria, no fogs, no cause for de bility. Mineral wnter of mro lucdicinM properties. RELIEF ASSURED TO ------ CONSUMPTIVES, RHEUMATICS, And Broken Constitutions. For thu purpose of allowing people to test the merits of w hat w e claim for this climate, rouml trip ticketsare issued at very xrraily reduced rates from every part of the North by applying to the Commissioner of Immigration, ltn- leigh, N.C. A* a further inducement, the nmlersigncil, who has Ju.t completed a commodious building, will furnish to invalids board at lialf rates for the flrst thirty days. H. J. HARDIN. Vineland, Moon. Co., N.C. Keccntly of Brooklyn, N.Y. Even thing Wanted fnr All SeuMin*. >l»ei ialliex in Ail IJiies. Coal, Salt, Agricultural Tools. J-t 1~Highest market prkso for all kind* of grain. Wo solicit a share ot your patronage itausumville, Oct. 24, 1883. Nov. 2 ’82-ly Tenant Farmers Why Pay High Rents? Why Be Subject To Late And Early F rosts ? Which Kill Your Young Plants And Injure Your Crops. KEAI> THE TERMS TO TEN ANT FAR MERS GIVEN IIY NORTH CAROLINA LANII OWNERS. The Immigration Bureau of North Carolina have in charge some improved farm* for relit to Northern tenant far mers on the following conditions, tvldeli arc tlie usual terms of rent charged lit tliis Htute: 1st, GRAIN AND GRASS FARM. —The land-owner furnishes land, houses und pays ull luxes and expenses of im proving houses, stables and buildings.. Tbe tenant funner furnishes horses, tools and labor, and receives TWO- THIRDH OF CROl’H. Tin* tenant far mer is allowed free of rent garden and vegetable patches. He is also allowed to raise stock, hogs and chickens, nud receive all proceeds from tlie sule of them. 2nd, TOBACCO. GRAIN AND GH AHS FA RMS.—Tlie land-owner lur- nislies land, houses and pays all taxes and expenses of improving houses, sta bles and buildings. The tenant farmer furnishes horses, tools and labor, re ceiving Three-Fourth of tlie Tobacco and Two-Thirds of tlie Grain crops. Tho tenant farmer is allowed free of rent as lu the above ilrst meulioliod farm No. 1. 3rd, TOBACCO GRAIN AND G I! ASS 1 A RMS.—Tlio land-owner fur nishes land, houses, horses, feed for hor ses, tools, repairing und keeping in or der of tools and pays all taxes. The teunut farmer furnishes all the umuuiil labor; receiving One-Half of all crops raised. The tenant farmer receives free of rent us in the titst mentioned farm No. 1. 4th, COTTON, GRAIN AND TO BACCO FARMS—.Rented exactly on same terms as tiie above Tobacco, Grain atnl ttruss Farm No. 3; or if tenant far mer furnishes horses and tools, lie re ceives Two-Thirds of the Grain and Three-Fourths of tlio cotton. lilYiijitiiges of l.tHUling in \orllt Ctuoliiiu. CLIMATE.—AVIiile the cold is not so severe, the temperature of mid-summer is not excessive or trying ns further North, t*ur seasons are longer, and therefore our crops are not killed by Into or early frosts. THE BOIL is of a variety of composi tions—clayey, gravelly, lime stone, slate, sandy loam, & .<•■ This great variety of soils uud the mildness and advantages of climate will account for the variety of products. sot IE I Y.—No section in the Union lias better executed laws. Tho bless ings of political, civil and religious liber ty are no where more fully protected than in N. C. IN GEN ERAL.—The great fertility of our lands, the mildness of our climate, free from tlie scorching and withering heat of the South and tlie extreme cold and freezes o f' tlie North go to show tliat North Carolina is surely the most favored agricultural section in America. Nature has not only given us the advan tages of producing, but it has provided us with ,*t uter-power to w ork up w hat tho soil produces for us. I solicit correspondence from tenant farmers in tlie Northern and New Eug- luiid States. I w ill furnish persons low rate round- trip transportation from Boston, New York or Baltimore to North Carolina, so ns to give them an opportunity of seeing the farms that are offered for rent. All farms advertised by us for rent, have dwelling-houses aud out-bbildiugs i ou them. Being a regular employee of the Agri- 1cultural Department of \Krtli Carolina, I make no charge for information given or services rcudered persons seeking homes iu the Stale. 1 w ill be pleased to furnish descriptive lists of lands offered for sale in North | Carolina to all persons who will write me. JOHN T- PA1KICK, Raleigh. N.C. State Immigration Agt. I’ouKhkicpsie (S. A'.) Military iD.titule. num bers Itnnteil. Semi lor circulnrt with t< rn>i, I siie lies, anti References, Hr. C. M. Warrlns. Principal.

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Page 1: LUMBEB!Htute Agent Immigration. Cedar Posts! · Hho wiih burned to death. —The Emigration ('onuniHsioiutnt at

N i a g a r a Couifi y j. iImU«I *»-<» I t>/N. I*. IIAHKFM.

vuwwato**/, M4< f *■■ • . TkRMi:* $1.00 a »«if. ***

' *!• Copy , j c«uu.


"Hr Ac*.'• |*ch.

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i9 not m tiUri, will I « j/i "I I.M.I I * and ibe charge «»•'*•......

llnrrl«K‘’ *»**«! D eitli Noli/-/ ■, f»f t* m « of lta<«*r«*F*it »r»* no l l / lh o l froi.i /ill pin * of

(Im c o u n ty , Mini 111 ny h a v e nny nnnn / ifll\c*l f In* w rIUir innv wlah, liiil v>*‘ rofiiJri* llu- inn* nniMO o t thu w r i te r , n o t »»«•«•«*. -/*r i l y fo r pnl»li<-M: un b u t fo r tin- |» r l?m i • onvi-tili ui * of th . 1 *litof.

(Jomiimiimic nlion** h u pii tnh '/ ti urn rh o i iM 1 >- U»

N 1 a c i a u A ( n r .N 1 v N k w h ,Vni N H H io w N, N.V,

K n t u r a d n t t h o I 'n u t O f lh o n t Youii f/ .wfowvi, ^f. Y., t u it M ion d clamm n in l l l i m i t 1*1*.

Arrlvul nml llrpurlmc ol Hulls,

Dully ih/i IIm vln. f .«• w I-tiiii , h i t r.loHcl / it a , : m , / i r r l v r « t II a .m .

M a ll« vln. f^wknort, dully. l i/ir- 1«* A1 « Y oiiiikmIowii At 7.30 a . M ; fimvcn uliom r w

Poet union op«n from 7 A. M. to h r St. ; un dny* ox.KpUd. John VV. I ln k u ll . P.M.

w'-V * - w «- «-'W

N ia g a r a C o u n t v N i.wh.Youngstown, N. Y„ July 25, I HIH.

s/v / V ' \ y s / . - W VIowa in now u |>rolubition hIjIIo,

according to tlio law.— Mrn. duo. Ntoiio, an ii.hiino in­

mate of tlio poor Iioiiho a t Scranton, Pa., aatumtml lier clothing with In r- OHune on 'I'noHihiy night and applied a match. Hho wiih burned to death.

—The Emigration ('onuniHsioiutnt a t New York havo d e c i d e d that no inoro niwiHtod pauper em igrants hIiiiII ho permitted to remain in the coun­try if objection in made by one mom- her o f Ibo board.

— A despatch nays ex-po- lico-nmn Michcal Uhlmnn, of Ueddca, who Iiiih boon rnlciiHcd from Insane any!urn, at U tica, after ucoidinr- m ent of tltroo months, tells a fright­fu l iitory of tho crucItioH pruoticcd upon him and other patients.

— Wm. Hcholos, a wealthy stock falser of Itittorsville, 0 ., who had just returned from the Has I, found tho /loud body of his child in liis house and liis wife and tho manager of tho furm m ining. They probably lock pd tho infant in (he house uml eloped, hiking fTi.OOO of ScJioIu’h money.

— A Jxmdon iiewspnpor says Anicr- jcan fresh milk is sold in England, pipori men ts having beeu successfully made in transporting (lie milk across the ocean. This may bo truo; anil on the other hand, il may nut. One pf these days wo slmll lie told tlmt tho Englishman oats American hot rolls for liis break fnsl.

—The family of tho Kev. Mr. Me- Cliflsney, who tends a fow M ethodist fhoop in the wildernesses of West Amsterdam and Tribes Hill, M ont­gomery County, is rejiorled usstarv- itig by reason o f tlio neglect and re­fusal o f tho flocks lo pay I heir pas tpr’s meagre salary. During a recent confinement o f Mrs. McEhcsnoy sho |s said to have been obliged to sub­sist upon corn-monl mush and milk.

—The revision of tho Old Testa* piont is completed and the result will Sbertly be made public. The work prns committed le the earo o f twenty* seven scholars. Among them some of tho most learned men uf I’.nglaud and of the United Status, ll is wor­thy of noto that sit lee the work ua pommonced no less that twelve o f the revisers lmvo died, ll is stated, hv thoao who know, thatkhu alterations in tho text have been very numerous, porroot as tho now version may be, who will daro prodiet that it will ever luporsodo tho King Janies version, which is so dear to m illions of Uug- lish speaking people?

— Many o f the Now York papers givo am using descriptions o f tho re­turn ef John Kelly nnd his braves from thoir “ feast o f cold crow” at U|licago. Two train loads o f disgus­ted und gloomy Tumnuuiyites rolled into Now York ou Sunday morning. The Herald gives tho following list of articles which woro taken from one Of tho trains after the delegates had landod:—

Thirty-six boxes o f empty beer bot­tles.

Eight coses o f empty champagne bottles.

Six boxes of partly filled soda wa­ter bottles.

Ono empty demijohn. Ouo waslitub smelling o f boor. Two empty beer kegs. Ono oiupty cigar box.

F U N N Y F L IP S .— There is a river in A frica called

Ki,-somelong4 . Every girl iu this couuiry kiiou all about, it, from the source lo llm mouth.

— A Boston man boasts of owning a piano mode over too years ago. Whether lie runs a hotel or-keeps a boarding-school is not stated.

— A band of Italian brigands cap­tured a duke recently and held him for thirty days. Any American heir­ess can do Hml, and bold him longer. 1

— " 1 would die for you,” she ex ­claimed, pillowing ber head upon lus shoulder." Ob, no you uecdii I, dar­ing,” was tlio reply," I like red hair.”

— I never feci comfortable when there’s a man around that smiles all tho time. The only dog tlmi ever ( bit me never stopped waggin* bis

! tail.There are -/fi,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to .’10,000,

j 0 0 0 hats made annually in this conn -1 | try, and when a mau is llm last to I leave a bampiel lie generally gels the ,

worst one.j — Women don’t believe iu female j suffrage. They so bate to suifer age

tlmt they always call themselves about ten years younger than tbey rcilly arc.

Tlio census of Hoston shows i s , j 0 0 0 more women than men. The name “ Hub” evidently is the father of the wish of tho majority of the residents.

Mrs. Hannah Simon, Newark, waltzed Ion m inutes at tho celebra­tion of her ninety-seventh birthday. That is what is the matter with Han­nah.

-—A Massachusetts widow wears haugKimidcof her departed husband's hair. What a silent commentary this in upon the way married men grow bald and die.

— ".Kiss Mo us I Fall Asleep” is tlio title of the latest song. It is in­tended, we suppose, us a pointer for young men who take their girls to i church Sunday evenings

— An old lady was asked what she would do with all the corn if it could not be mode into whiskey. Hhe re­plied: " I would make it iuto starch to stiifcn tho backbone of the tem ­perance people.”

— In tho Salem, Mass., Normal school thero is a class of girls learn­ing carpentry. They are determined to lmvo a aunieionl number of closets in their respective houses when they go to housekeeping.

— " Is this a singing do ?” askedsho o f tho clerk. " Yes, mademois­elle.” “ How do you make it sing?” “ Just as you would uuy other young Indy.” “ I low is that?” “ Hy pres­sing it,” "O h.”

A Brooklyn woman wauls a ili- voi'eo because sho found another wo­man's false teeth in her husband’s pocket. A female must love a man dearly when sho will loan him her false teeth to crack nuts with.

Somo ono who has no fear of tho future says: “ (I iris aro a (‘out ruction of guerillii, bceiitiHO they lie in wait, set man traps, capture aud slay, or subject to bondage, all who come in their vicinity.”

Mario Koao has been photograph­ed in one hundred and lifty-eight d if­ferent positions. T he only person who can heal her for variety of atti­tudes is a boy told to sit still o n a elmir ill a funeral.

A man went to the theat re when Mrs, Blank was advertised to appear iu two pieees. A fter the play he de­manded tho return of his money, for (Im lady had appeared whole in both performances.

-—"M ay wo get married? I'lease wire consent im m ediately,as cormony will bo performed this evening, any­how,” was tho telegram sent by a run­away pair of W isconsin lovers to tbeir anxious parents.

A young lady who had ordered home a pair of unusually high-heel­ed limit < was Hushed by tho announce­ment. o f Bridget, fresh from answer­ing Uni door hell: " If ve pla/.e, miss, there’s a mun in the hall below wid u pair of slitills for yea.”

•• Doctor.” said Mr. Uroanby, look at uiy awful face? Jones hit me in the *yo with a club Saturday night; what shall 1 tuke for it?” And as the medicine man drove swiftly away, buekcuuo the sympathetic answer:“ Take oilence man, take otlenco!”

An old lady from the country, who attended opera for the lirst time, entered the Academy of Music just I as the troupe weio all singing togeth­er iu chorus: Ah!” she remarked,“ they don't earo now that thev havo our money. See, they are all singing together so that they can get through sooner.”

— “ 1 trust your daughter is not one of those tame, spiritless sort of girls t hat sometimes apply to us for j situations and are too bashful to till them,” said a Boston shopkeeper to a father who was seeking employment for ono of his children. “ Sir,” he replied, indignantly, “ my daughter has red hair.” That settled it.

— They wore sitting on tho sofa iu tho front parlor and lie was bolding her little baud in his own. Sudden­ly a thought seemed to strike her and sho asked sw eetly ;" Adolphus, aro you a * bolter’?” Just tliou tho old gentlem an’s footstep sounded oil tlu1 top stair and as he wildly grabbed bis hat Adolphus answered: “ Yes, darling -good -b y .”

I H ire M y B in d e r s .aw r / . t f i ;* !•. • ’ ■ Ij

not ft* Iona * I <®,) Mr* Tbvremre ont*ijftiftiuK ^oilrig iiii’ii in u r iry mighbor-

or ought tu be, wbo will onu ortwo or threw bind*nt and go round • uttiug whoikt by tbo acre, junt u* they keep steum thr<;«hiug ma/ him-N to thre«h grain by the bushel. It I* dumper to hire than to buy.

“ J hired two binder* last year, nml hope to do tlu: Name thing thia year All wu tmd to do won to flick up tho Mtieavcfi in *tooka, J ia rre ft time i* now about our moot leisure season. 1 thn fdi in the field where the wlu utKiew, w ith a fleam throsher. Mak** tho strnw flack in the field, and diaw the rtraw homo in the w inter,’*

“ Hut ftuppoito it ra in sf’ “ We stop. If wo were draw ing to thu barn we Nhould hove to stop idfo. And we ran draw faster to a marhiue in tho field, than we euu to tho baru at any rate wo f an unload faKtcr, bccaufe the man on the load has merely to throw the fbeavos on t</ tho platform of the nirtdilnc, wheit riN iu the barn, or at a xtnr’k, towards the top, hu him to lift them up above hi* head.

“ Onr mowing machines, reapers and bin* deni, nud steam threshers aro all tliat we cau desire with onu exfuptlou; the straw carrier is not long enough. Tb# tnoau fact ure r who w ill double theiungtii of the longest carrier we now have, will receive tbe hearty thanks of every man who han ever hml to take the straw away from on© on the top of the stock. It Is only a question of a fow pounds tnoru coal. In thia section, straw is valua­ble ns fodder for sheep and hoists, and wo ail want good, high stacks, Well topped olf cto hIilmI tho rain.”-- JowKrif if akuih in Amer­ican Aipivulturist for Auyuat.

Tho first man who volunteered in the w/ir of tbo rebellion, ( apt, Hush, of Ix/ck- port say* lie has derived grout benefit from thu “ World’s Healer” for corns, bunions, uud rheumatism.

G rad in g , C r a tin g , a n il S h ip ­p in g H o n e y ,

Tho (Irut grail. kIiouM conalct of only ju t foot, white coin Im, mill It in the wrlt«r’*opln- ion thnt, iu mnny initniiovH, Uhto nhould bu only thin od. [{iniluof tumb.honuy. Home bo».|(o«|iera innko a nocMid anidu of imllu- Inliiil aootfoua, but if thu npinry I, rightly nminiKud, thnru will bo but fow of thwo at tbu I'luno or tho ai'UHim, und it in bottor to vx- tract tbo honoy from tbctn, nud hoop tbo combs until iiliothor ooanon. Honoy tlmt Is too durk for tlio Hint grailo. nhould not, ux a ainivriil tlili g, bo Rtnrod lu Ructions, us it in imiully moro profltublo tooxtrnot it. beforo orutlua Boctiohx •hinild bo ucrxpi d clean of propolU. A mimll crato la profurnblo; It In moro canlly biinillcil, nnd lens Itsblo to bo " dumped," wliilo It Koinotiincs onnbleH tho retailor to eoll n whole erute of honoy nt onco. Hectlom Rliould bo plncotl only ono tier iiiglt iu shipping crutox; bucnuno if any ci un bn of tho upper tlor become Injured, tbo honey ill Ipn down nnd soil* thono of tlio low or tlor. Homo bee keeper* make n shallow “ dish” of hcuvy munlllu paper, and plucti it In tho boltoni of tbo cnitii, Hum if combs aro injured tbo " dish” patches tho houoy, anil provont* tho sntllliK of other crutcs. All honoy crntoa should bnru gins* ou nt least onu of thoir sides.

Hiuull lots of honoy should bo sent by ex­press, and largo onus by freight Kxpross matter is noccssarlly handled ruplilly’ and wlieli t horo is a large lot of honoy to unload, it is npt to bo Jerked olf In a harry. Whon a lnrgo lot of honoy is sent by freight, tbo consignoo should bo notified in advance, so tbat bo may sen to the unbinding Mmull crates should not bu stacked up In a tall, up­right | lie, in u car, but built up In the sbnpo of a low pyramid. If access cau be bad to ono end of tbo car, place the houoy thole, ns it will he protected on three sides from tumbling down, nnd upon tho other it cun bo built up liko a flight of stairs, which w ill pretty olTontually prevent any crato from receiving a tumble. Always handle honey with euro. IV Ill Ti'iiiNMiN tn Auutikiiily; n ii/fio i»f fur . Iiipiuf.

KKVKIl HUKK ITTIICI) 1 wa« cured of a very bad fVivr .S’orc. by using ten boxijs of lU uiuniN 's t'Ai.irnUNiA Indian CIintmknt. I bad beeu treated by my family physician for nearly u year, bad given many patent medicines a throngb trial, and found roliof only wbeu I commenced using tliis (Uut ment. 1 bad also been troubled with vni i coso veins and this Ointment eradicated that disease also. It Hover fulled curing nny skin disease, for which I recommended It.

Wm. H. DkWoi.V, (In-port, N. V. Kor salo by 11. I), l'avis Co.

S a v in g T h o F la g .A ltliMANTlU . AllVKNTt III UK THK FW AMTI-

I'UI’SSIAN WAH.[VVHShliiRton Star.)

Count I’aul do l.eusMi, whose son um n iod the grainl-daughtor of Marshal Moreau tho other day, Is tho liero of a romantic adven­ture in tho KrnucoTi ussinn war. As they advanced on tbo ovening of tbo battle of Worth, driving the French tiraiileures before them, the latter made n desperate stand at the Chateau do Loussn. Tho l ’rlix stalls forced their way into tho park, nnd the French fell back oirtlio chittiyiu liself. A young etmssour terribly Wuundeii and badly pursued by the enemy, staggered up lo the old count, who viewed the dismal speetuolo in nnguish from the balcony, and holding out a French llag called out to bun to save it.

“ Take it,” said the dying soldier; “ 1 am done for. Keep it. I am willing to ilio if 1 can only save it from those wild beasts." Ho saying ho fell across tbe stops and expired. Tbo couut did not know w hat to do. The ITussiaus wero thundering nt the gates; iu a fow minutes they would bo swarming all ovor the chateau, which could make m*de- fense, and it was full of tho dead nnd the dy­ing. Time passed and tbe count had but a few minutes to make up his mind. Hushing to liis room bo tore tbe flag from it* staff, which he burned, folded it up, ami hid it in n bureau drawer amoug bit linen, rem em­bering that tho best biding place iu the world is the oue least bidden. Tbe event proved hi* foresight. The lTussiuns search­ed every inch of the chateau except tlie top drawer of the count's bureau.

Ilut a* it might bo dangerous to leave tbe flag w bore It was, lie bad it tightly packed in a tin box, and with the aid of an old ser­v a n t named lferre buried it ut night uuder a large tijuure stone iu the cellar. The count

f e l t v e ry m u ch re liev ed , b u t a sc o u n d re l o f an h o stle r, w h o hm l w a tch ed th em , denouuc- ml th em , s tim u la te d by th e hope o f ga in , to th e 1‘russ ian s. T he co u n t b ad w a d e th e old se rv a n t sw e a r to lo t h im self b e c u t in p iec | i-s r a th e r th a n b e tra y tb e b id in g p lace o f j tbo p oor so ld ie r’s legacy . Ho w beu th e I’rus- i sian l ie u te n a n t seized bim by th * c o lla r an d ! asked h im w b ere i t w as he s im p ly an sw ere d j “ tb a t be d id n o t k n o w ."

•• Y ou lie ,” said tb o officer; “ an d a file of fu sileers w ill soon get tb e t r u th o u t o f y o u .” |

•* 1 d o n o t lie, M I'O tflcer."” Ye* y o u do. W e to o k th e flag, i t w as

th e fo rtu n e o f w ar. Y ou a n d y o u r m a s te r sto le it. G ive i t u p .”

“ Ho w h a t y o u please w ith m e ; I d o n 't : know a n y th in g a b o u t ft.”

“ W e w ill tu rn th is place insido o u t b u t wo will hav e i t ,” c r ied tb e o llicer, in a rage , j “ and w hen w e find i t G od help y o u .”

The o ld m an fe lt he w as lo st. T h e ce lla r j was a la rg e one. I t w ould ta k e a long tim e to lif t up th e w hole p a v e m e n t, b u t to o n e r o r la te r th e f a ta l s to n e m u st be rem o v ed , | nnd tb e u .—”

T be lT u ssin n l ie u te n a n t becam e Im p a tie n t ns stone a f te r s to n e w as lif te d from its place, a n d d iscovered n o th in g b u t a l i t t le m uddy w ater. A n id ea s tru c k bim . H e p icked up a w a lk in g stick an d ta p p in g tb e stones, o r ­dered e v e ry one tb a t bad a hollow so u n d to be m ark ed w itb a p iece o f chalk , tb * o th e rs m ig h t be le f t u n d is tu rb ed .

O ld H e r r s , (lie s e rv a n t, w a tch ed th e p ro ­ceed ings in s ilence. N ea r th e s to n e th a t b id th e Hug w as a p ile o f bagg ing , l ie sa t dow n o n tb u p ile a n d n o ticed tliHt one eu d o f th e b agging (ra ile d o v e r to w a rd th e stone , iiy p ress in g hi* fo o t g e n tly a g a in s t tb is a n d ru b b in g bi* fo o t c a re fu lly a g a in s t tb e chalk m a rk , he succeed ed in effacing it. T be se a rc h w as o v e r, tb e llag bad n o t been d is­co v ered , a u d tbu o llice r was fu rio u s .

A few w eeks a f te rw a rd a y o u n g lie u te n ­a n t o f zouaves, w bo h ad been w ounded anil p a ro led , w as s e n t ; th ro u g h tb e ITnssiitn

j lines to tb e F ren ch hcn ihp inrter* . He w as w eak an il fev erish w b eu be a r r iv e d a t th e c h a teau anil bu bud to s to p to liuvu h is w ound dressed , l t waa a v e ry se v ere o n e ; hi* leg bad been sh a tte re d by a piece o f a shell. W hen tlie m en of th e am b u lan ce co rp s curae to c u rry b im d o w n s ta irs Ijis leg ap p e a re d to be sw a th e d in u n u su a lly hcuvy band ag es . Ilu tw ccn tlio u p p e r u n d th e lo w er la y e r w as th e tr i-c o lo r o r th e - th hussars.

“ A u ro v o lr, muMsiuers,” sa id th o w ounded F re n c h m a n , a* be ackn o w led g ed tb e P ru s­sian ofllcurs sa lu te . T b en ru ls iu g ln s kepi to th u c o u n t w ho sto o d on th e b a lco n y to w a tch Ids d e p a r tu re , liis lips fo rm ed th e w o ld s “ V ive la F ia n c e .”

P rev en t se rious sickness by ta k in g o cca ­siona lly one o f KmoHY'h Lrrri-K. C a th a r tic iTl-ba, a w on d erfu l app e tize r, a n abso lu te p re v e n tiv e a n d cu re o f l in k u-ucss, p leasan t to tak e , su g a r co a t* I. A sk y o u r d ru g g ia t fo r tbem u n d tak e uo o th e r ,—15 C ents.

—T b e P ro ad w ay a n d B u tte ry B uild ing C o m p an y , o f N ew Y ork , w h ich b as p u r ­chased fo r $ 1 ,000,000 a p lo t o f g ro u n d 2>si b y 199 feet ou B ro ad w ay , ab o v e th e W ash in g to u b u ild ing , p roposes to e re c t th e re o n tw o largh ofllce bu ild ings, n in e s to r ie s iu h e ig h t, a t a a o s t o f $500,000 each .

A u o ib —T be g re a t rem ed y fo r m au and an im als. Kor rnuu, su re cu re fo r colic, cough, rh eu m atism a n d bunions, rem o v in g th e pain , so reness a o d lam eness a t on ce . F o r In rae*, colic, cough or p inkeye g a lls and te n d e r foo t fro m w h a te v e r cau se —tb e best ap p lica tio n as a pa in lin im e n t over used. F o r sale byii. I) H avis Co., Y oungstow n. S am ple b o t­tle s free . 10t35

RISLEY’S WITCH HAZEL.C u r e s h#*fulttrh«-s. b u r n s , sp r / i iu* . r u t - , w o u n d s ,

r h e u m a t i s m , to o t liar lie, e a r a c h e , b l i s t e r s , Ar.U n e q u a l l e d in q u a l i t r a t h a l f t h e p r i c e , 6 ns.

V> c t s . 1 *n i t s (16 o i . j fiO < ts . Q u a i l s t l |»er b o t ­t l e

W . I I . H . H a n s o m & S o n

G e n e r a l M e r c h a n d is e .

P i n t s {itf o l . ) ft© ct i

RISLEY’S EXTRACT OF BUCHU.V a l u a b l e lu t h e c u r e of u l c e r a t i o n and i r r i t a ­

t i o n of Ilo k i d n e y s , b l a d d e r u n d eur i - l lm , s t r a n g - u a r y , g r a v e l , g ie c t , g h o a o r r b i e n , le u co ro lo i ' o r w h i t e s , d r o p s y , p a i n in b a c k , l o i n s , A c . , I I p e r b o t t l e . S o ld by a l l D r u g g i s t* .ZIIS3 (J. F . B l S I . E V , 6« C o u r t U n d St. , N . Y.

f i f T-r ~ v V r r «j WU j'w W * k iw * L*i w «. *»

T h o E d ito r . -VVIinl is t l i a t fT bis, d e a r , is th a t su ffering an im al, tb e

e d ito r .B u t w h n t is th e e d ito r 1 l i e is th e m an , d u rliu g , w ho ru n s thu p a ­

p e r . *M y I 1 th o u g h t th e p a p e r ru n itse lf I T lia t I* th e p o p u la r im press ion .B u t n o t c o rre c t I.N ot c u tir e ly so.1 th o u g h t th e ta le n te d c o n tr ib u to rs w ro te

th e s to rie s I T h ey do,A nd tlm t th e fu n n y m an b u ilt all th e

jo k es ?H u does.A nd tb a t th e d y sp e p tic g en iu s w ro te th e

poem s I C e rta in ly .A nd tlio p o o r co m p o s ito r—I th o u g h t lie

p u t tb e thingH in to ty p e ?Y ob.A n d th a t th o p r iu to r lie w o rk ed off th e

e d itio n ?Y o u a re r ig h t.T h en w lia t iu th e iia ino o f goodness docs

tbo e d ito r <Jp 1 H e talks.W ith w hom IW illi peop lo w h o co m e iu to he lp h im

pass a w a y th e tim e .O h I th e n tbo e d ito r liaN p le n ty o f tim e to

w as te !L ots.W ho is th e long h a ire d lu n a t ic w ith thy

ro ll o f p ap e r 1l i e is th e g if te d poet.W hnt docs lie w a n t IH e w a n ts to kn o w w h n t b ecam e o f th a t

" O de to a W ith e red V io le t,” in 47 stanzas, w h ich lie sc u t in la s t sp ring ,

W lm t d id becom e of i t I l t w as filed aw u y in tlio stovo.Does th e e d ito r sny th n t I Oh, no.W h a t docs he say fl ie say s th a t he se n t it back.M y! b u t isn ’t th a t a tw is te r I Y es, dear.W b a t docs th e p o e t say ! l ie says th n t he is so so rry , because th e

t 'r a fu ry o ffered b u n $ lii fo r it.A n d w lia t is tlm t I A lie.A n d w h o is U ia t g i u tlc iu a u w ith th e

c lu b Il ie is th e “ C o n s tan t H eader.”A nd lie w an ts- - IT o in q u ire w hy liis lust co m m u n ica tio n

w as n o t in se rted .A n d w hy w as i t n o t !B ecause i t w as se v en co lum ns long am i

on ly in tlio In te re s t o f o n o p erson .W ho w as tlin tf H im self.A n d t l ia t faxb iouab lo g e n tle m a n suck ing

h is can e !H e is th e d e lig h t o f tlie e d ito r ia l room . W lia t is Ills business IH e bus none.W h y th e n does b e 'c o m e !B ecause i t is to o la te fo r luuchuou nm l to o

e a r ly to w alk on t lie a v e n u e .B u t 1 do n o t u n d e rs ta n d .N e ith e r does th e e d ito r .H ow lo n g w ill be s ta y !A co u p le o f h o u rs .A n d tlm t la s t m an , tlie u n d e r ta k e r I ’H-s-li! d e a r . T b a t is u o t a n u n d e r ta k e r W h o is i t , th e n I T h e fu n n y uiuu.O b i Wbat does he w ant!H e w au ts to re a d the editor h is last joke. W ho le d id he get itfF ro m a w o rk on th e T om bs o f tb e E a rly

E g y p tia n K ings.My I T beu tb is is thu w ay th e e d ito r spends

bis tim e!P r in c ip a lly .O ne long, d e lig h tfu l recep tion .Y es, dear.T heu th e e d ito r has n o th in g iu tho w orld

to w ish fo r o r p ra y fo r!O h, y e s - oiio th in g .A u d w h at is th a t! lb s tli!

AOIUCULTUllAL DEPARTMENT. U a i . k i o i i , N. C., June lOtli, 1HS1.

To the people of the Northern New England and North Western States. It Is witli deep rugret we leant ol the heavy lo-s you sustained by the frosts and ice Wednesday, Thursday aud Fri­day nights, May 28tli, JOtli ami doth. As usual our Htute,

N o r th C a ro l in a E s ­capes.

Our tobacco plants ure unhurt uml growing nicely. (4ruin and grass crops arc very Hue. No damage whatever done to most delicate vegetables and

; fruits.We are very desirious of having the

j many thousand acres of unoccupied j land settled with und cultivated by

Northern farmers, uml wu cay oiler you a climate exempt from late uml curly frosts.

North Carolina is within fifteen hours of New York. The vast resources of the State will bo exhibited iu this city ut the Grand Stuto Exposition Oct. 1st to 2stli, 188-1.

It Is my duty and pleasure to furnish information to persons seeking homes In tlie Htute.

Very Respectfully,J N (). T. PATRICK,

Htute Agent Immigration.

L U M B E B !S h i n g l e s , L a i l r a i u l

Cedar P osts! Wilson Lumber Yard.

B I L L T I M B E RD elivered u t L ew iston a t L ow est YVholosuIe

ra tes .

D R E S S E D LUMBEROf every description constantly on hand

S A W Y 1 1 L L


• i ‘?~ Ln rubor delivered in Y o u n g sto w n , on o p en in g o f n av ig a tio n , by vossol.

P a rtie s co n tem p la tin g bu ild ing w ill co n ­su lt th e ir ow n it fo rest by ca lling on tho u n ­d ersigned beforo p u rchasing .

A. J. M c B R I E R ,W ILSON, S . V


Do You Want Relief ?If so, wo rail your Attention to

V I N * : i a A \ l > .

Which hnt Just been entnbliahcd. It is located on tbe hiKhcHt known point iu the celebrat­

ed pine region o f the .South.

There is no n rtU ria , no fogs, no cause for de­bility . M ineral w nter of m ro lucdicinM


R E L I E F A S S U R E D T O ------


And Broken Constitutions.F or thu purpose of allow ing people to test the

m erits of w hat w e claim for th is clim ate, roum l tr ip tick e tsa re issued at very x rra ily reduced rates from every part of the North by applying to the Commissioner of Im m igration, ltn- leigh, N.C.

A* a further inducement, the nmlersigncil, who has Ju .t completed a commodious building, w ill fu rn ish to invalids board a t lialf rates for the flrst th irty days.

H . J . H A R D IN .Vineland, Moon. Co. , N.C.

Keccntly of Brooklyn, N.Y.

E v e n th in g W anted fn r All SeuMin*.

>l»ei ia lliex in Ail IJiies.

C o a l , S a l t , A g r i c u l t u r a l T o o l s .

J-t1~ Highest market prkso for all kind* ofgrain.

Wo solicit a share ot your patronage itausumville, Oct. 24, 1883. Nov. 2 ’82-ly

T enant Farm ers Why Pay High Rents?W h y Be S u b je c t T o

La te A n d E a r ly F ros ts ?

W h ic h Kill Y o u r Y o u n g P la n t s A n d I n j u r e Y o u r C r o p s .



The Immigration Bureau of North Carolina have in charge some improved farm* for relit to Northern tenant far­mers on the following conditions, tvldeli arc tlie u s u a l terms of rent charged lit tliis Htute:

1st, GRAIN AND GRASS FARM. —The land-owner furnishes land, houses und pays ull luxes and expenses of im­proving houses, stables and buildings.. Tbe tenant funner furnishes horses, tools and labor, and receives TWO- THIRDH OF CROl’H. Tin* tenant far­mer is allowed free of rent garden and vegetable patches. He is also allowed to raise stock, hogs and chickens, nud receive all proceeds from tlie sule of them.

2nd, TOBACCO. GRAIN AND GH AHS FA RMS.—Tlie land-owner lur- nislies land, houses and pays all taxes and expenses of improving houses, sta­bles and buildings. The tenant farmer furnishes horses, tools and labor, re­ceiving Three-Fourth of tlie Tobacco and Two-Thirds of tlie Grain crops. Tho tenant farmer is allowed free of rent as lu the above ilrst meulioliod farm No.1.

3rd, TOBACCO GRAIN AND G I! ASS 1 A RMS.—Tlio land-owner fur­nishes land, houses, horses, feed for hor­ses, tools, repairing und keeping in or­der of tools and pays all taxes. The teunut farmer furnishes all the umuuiil labor; receiving One-Half of all crops raised. The tenant farmer receives free of rent us in the titst mentioned farm No. 1.

4th, COTTON, GRAIN AND TO­BACCO FARMS—.Rented exactly on same terms as tiie above Tobacco, Grain atnl ttruss Farm No. 3; or if tenant far­mer furnishes horses and tools, lie re­ceives Two-Thirds of the Grain and Three-Fourths of tlio cotton.

lilYiijitiiges o f l.tHUling in \o r l l t C tuoliiiu.

CLIM ATE.—AVIiile the cold is not so severe, the temperature of mid-summer is not excessive or trying ns further North, t*ur seasons are longer, and therefore our crops are not killed by Into or early frosts.

THE BOIL is of a variety of composi­tions—clayey, gravelly, lime stone, slate, sandy loam, &.<•■ This great variety of soils uud the mildness and advantages of climate will account for the variety of products.

so t IE I Y.—No section in the Union lias better executed laws. Tho bless­ings of political, civil and religious liber­ty are no where more fully protected than in N. C.

IN GEN ERAL.—The great fertility of our lands, the mildness of our climate, free from tlie scorching and withering heat of the South and tlie extreme cold and freezes o f ' tlie North go to show tliat North Carolina is surely the most favored agricultural section in America. Nature has not only given us the advan­tages of producing, but it has provided us with ,*t uter-power to w ork up w hat tho soil produces for us.

I solicit correspondence from tenant farmers in tlie Northern and New Eug- luiid States.

I w ill furnish persons low rate round- trip transportation from Boston, New York or Baltimore to North Carolina, so ns to give them an opportunity of seeing the farms that are offered for rent.

All farms advertised by us for rent, have dwelling-houses aud out-bbildiugs

i ou them.Being a regular employee of the Agri-

1 cultural Department of \Krtli Carolina,I make no charge for information given or services rcudered persons seeking homes iu the Stale.

1 w ill be pleased to furnish descriptive lists of lands offered for sale in North | Carolina to all persons who w ill write me.

JOHN T- PA1KICK,Raleigh. N.C. State Immigration Agt.

I’ouKhkicpsie (S. A'.) Military iD.titule. num­bers Itnnteil. Semi lor circulnrt with t< rn>i, I siielies, anti References, Hr. C. M. Warrlns. Principal.